If > 7T 0 w t- H 3 H vV- i iiif rf w li 5V < lj7 > V y > i1 y > i1 ti f C M CV > V Vt PAGE FOUR rlifl SJtLlu IL hULk1AN Af HIL 18 1108 I r 11 = The Kentuckian Published Every Other Day TUESDAY THURSDAY and SATURDAY MORNINGS BY CHAS M MEAGHAM r t Catered at the 5econClass SUnsCRttTIQNR AT ES Cnafea1nuuun 2 Months i n nn uu 100 Three Monthstlu u uu 50 Single Cgpte1111111 J1 1 e- a 5 mslttj Rates on Application 212 SOUTH MAIN STREET PL ilOVICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Jnder a new Postal law that went Into offset nl the Kentuckian will have to stop oil Derv Apt 1 that are In arrears more than sl months nt that time and In future cannot lend any subscription longer than six mntha after the time expires If you owe be sure to get on o cash basis by April 1 WWATCII THE LABEL ON YOUR PAPER t APRIL 18 1908 r 4The Weather Probably showers and warmer Sat ¬ urdayCAUGHTFOUR Cynthiana Ky April 17A sher- iffs ¬ posse last night located a band of night riders and captured four with their masks on Their names are Will BrownMorit gomery McGhee Will Kenton and Chas Fowler Sheriff Gregg had 16 soldiers with him There were 60 in the gang LEXINGTON RECEIVER Is Still Trying to Get Set ¬ tlement in Kentucky A Lexington paper says In an effort to obtain possession of all the assets of the defunct Southern Mutual Investment com ¬ pany of Kentucky and the Ameri ¬ can Reserve Bond company of Chi ¬ cago James C Rogers of Lexing ¬ ton receiver of the first named con ¬ cern has gone to Chicago accom ¬ panied by hiE attorney Col John R Allen where they will try to get an order of court allowing them to bring the property into Kentucky If successful they say that the affairs of the company which hav been badly involved for some time will be speedily wound up Hopkinsville people lost heavily by the failure of this concern a year ago and its affairs are still in ani unsettled condition NOT SAFE Companys Reply to Request of Clarksville Committee Clarksville Tenn April 17The Dark Tobacco Growers Association held its regular meeting here The district reports showed tobacco plants to be showing up well A number of new members had been secured and good prices were an ¬ nounced for all sales of tobacco made by the Association President Sav ¬ age of the Chamber of Commerce who with W A McFall represent ¬ ing the Association went to New York to confer with officials of the American Tobacco Company with a view of offering inducements to con ¬ tinue their manufacturing business in this city said the company expect ¬ ed to enlarge its twist factory but did not deem it safe to make fur ¬ ther investments in this city hence the removal recently of the Meri wether branch of the factory to Nashville Mr Savage impressed upon the meeting the need of main ¬ taining peace and quiet in order that the company may be assured of pro ¬ tection should they continue their operations here TAKE SALOONS PLACES Closing of Liquor Stores in Bowling Green Will Not Stop Drinking Bowling Green Ky April 15 Several drinking clubs will likely spring up here with the expiration of the saloon licenses on May 1st Fifteen saloons go out of business and there will be no legal way to get drinks save by following the old sys ¬ tem of organizing clubs and having liquor shipped to tho members from outside Kentucky These will not be allowed to sell however OA TO1rxA DearatheThe Kind You Nara Always Bought i3lgaatare z GOV WILLSON Pardons Tandy Martin from Knott County Frankfort Ky April 15Gov Willson late yesterday evening par coupd ¬ ty who was given a tenyear sen tence for killing John J Amburgy State Senator Hilliard H Smith was- o greatly interested in the case and presented all the facts to the Gov- ernor in such a manner that this Governor was convinced it was prop ¬ er to issue the pardon The Govern ¬ ors reasons for pardoning are a follows The case presents strong consider ina dulgence of the Executive in tha the killing for which the said Martin was convicted appears toi have been done in defense of his home and family from an attack made on his home in the night tim by a crowd of armed men This pardon is recommended by thelopinion mendation for a pardon was con- curred ¬ in by Justices T J Nunn I Henry S Barker W E Settle and I Chief Justice Edward 0 Rear of the Court of Appeals The pardon was also recommended by Attorney Gen ¬ eral Hays and his assistant Mr Morris who prosecuted the casein the Court of Appeals and by hun- dreds I of citizens Gold Flowing Back to Europe New York April 16The first en ¬ gagement of gold for shipment to Europe since the financial panic of October last was announced yester ¬ day the National City Bank taking 1000000 for Paris The shipment is due to a rise in exchange rates in New York and a decline in Sterling in Paris Germany is reported to be bidding actively for gold in New York and it was expected in Wall street today that gold would go abroad in considerable quanity next week A report was current that Secretary Cortelyou might call on banks for Government deposits if the movements became too heavy Latest in Wedding Music An Atchison Kan brideelect tired to death of the regular wed ¬ ding music and will introduce some ¬ she e singIve party leave the church the choir will burst forthwith Walked Right in and Turned Around and Walked Right Out Again For Sale or Rent Cottage at Herndon J F Ellis J arll heel L Personal m Gossip Capt R S Pool of Cerulean went to Louisville yesterday and will ask for the meeting of the KP A when the executive committee meets to dayv Rev J N Prestridge editor of the Baptist Argus Louisville was in town yesterday yisitingI In rInce on Mrs G W Mitchell has returned from a visit to relatives in Trigg county J SMiss Lou Blakey of Aubuin is visiting the family of Dr T W Bla ¬ key and other relatives T P Allen who moved from tElmo to Empire some time ago and later moved to Hopkinsville has purchased his old home at Elmo and will return to that place to practice wille be heartily welcomed buck to that community Pembroke Journal Mr Kee R McKee of Oklahoma City came to his old home this week to attend the burial of his brother Sam Ml McKee Mrs Mary Ducker of LouTsyilleis visiting Mrs G B Underwood Mrs J RBarr and daughter have returned from St Charles La Mrs Robert J Johnson and child of Middlesboro are visiting Miss Fannie Phelps Miss Lillie Belle Phelps who had been in Middles ¬ boro has returned home Miss Sallie Flanary of Princeton is visiting Mrs H C Moore Miss Lillie Owen has resigned as deputy in the office of Sheriff David SmithT Underwood and W A Wil gus are in Louisville today to ask the Executive Committee of the Kentucky Press Association to bring the meeting of the newspaper men to Cerulean Springs this summer probably early in June Henderson is also after the meeting Mr Un ¬ derwood is a member of the Execu ¬ tive Committee Mrs P M Barker who has been seriously ill for several weeks is not improving Mrs Barker sustained a slight stroke of paralysis a few days since and her condition is still caus ing her family and friends much un ¬ easiness Mrs J B Fisher arrived here Wednesday from Dayton Ohio to join her husband who reached the city two weeks ago- Tomato Plants A limited number of Stone Mag ¬ nus Earliana and Ponderosa tomar to plants for sale while they last at 15 cents a dozen Phone 94 or 1222 you get the you get the a f woman says she was saved from an operation by Lydia E Pinklmms Vegetable Compound- I Lena V Norristown Gat writes to I I suffered untold misery from fo male troubles My doctor said an opera ¬ tion was the only chance I had and I dreaded it almost as much as death I One I read how other women had been cured by Lydia E Pinlchams Vegetable Compound and I decided to 1 try it Before I had taken the first bottle I was better and now I nm en ¬ I tirely cured 11 Every woman suffering with any female trouble should take L dia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound I FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN- I For thirty years Lydia E Pink hams Vegetable Compound made from roots and has been the standard remedy for female and has positively curedthousands 01- women who have been troubled with displacements inflammation ulcera tion fibroid tumors irregularities periodic pains backache that bear ¬ feeling flatulency indi es ¬ tion dizziness or nervous prostratIon- Yhy dont you try it 2 Mrs Pinklmm invites all sick women to write her for advice She has guided thousands to health Address Lynn Mass IN FRONT OF MIRROW Alice Graham Kills Herself For Unknown Reason With Her Own Pistol Paducah Ky April 15For causes unknown Alice Graham killed herself here this morning at the home of Dr Herman Hessig her brotherinlaw She had dressed herself to take a trip in the country and asked for a pistol which she owned + Finding it she walked up to a mirror and pressed the weapon against her heart killing herself instantly She had been here about eighteen months having come from her home in Louisville Wanted Ten heifer calves Will take them at weaning time WALTER KELLY For Rent Splendid stable centrally located Apply to this office 1is81s1d Good Style And Easy Riding JI ICan Buying Uptodate Vehicles t full and complete line a I I J Surreys Carriages Stanhopes I I J Ran = a = boys Buggies Phae = J ai tons 9 and Roadwagons 9 especially invite you to go I through our new Vehicle Repository I siand take our word for it there is not ° another in the STATE its equal BEST ITbls IIenrylof IN OREGON j Women Organize to Oppose i Female Suffrage- A I woman suffrage amendment tho constitution of Oregon is to be again submitted to the voters atthe approaching election in June The Oregon Association Opposed to the Extension of Suffrage to Women hai flied an argument against the amend ment which will be mailed to every voter in the state under the provi ¬ slons of the new law The argument cites the following ten reasons against the amendment Because suffrage is to be regarded not as a privilege to be enjoyed but as a duty to be performed Because hitherto the women of this state have enjoyed exemption from this burdensome duty and no adequate reason has been assigned for depriving them of this immunity Because conferring suffrage upon the women who claim it would im ¬ pose suffrage upon the many women who neither desire it as a privilege nor regard it their duty to seek it Because the need of America is not an increased quantity but an improv ¬ ed quality of the vote and there is no adequate reason to believe that womans suffrage by doubling the vote will improve its quality Because the household not the in ¬ dividual is the unit of the state and the vast majority of women are rep ¬ resented by household suffrage Because the women not so repre ¬ sented suffer no practical injustice which giving the suffrage will rem equality in character does not imply similarity in function and the duties and life of men and wom ¬ en are divinely ordered to be differ ¬ ent in the state and in the home Because the energies of women are engrossed by their present du ¬ ties and interests from which men cannot relieve them and it is better for the community that they devote their energies to the more efficient performance of their present work th n divert them to new fields of ac ¬ tivity Because political equality will de ¬ rive women of special privileges hitherto accorded them by the law Because suffrage logically involves the holding of public office includ ¬ ing jury duty and office holding is inconsistent with the duties of most women Mules aod Have some nice driving horses and lot of good mules for LEAVELL Ky INCONVORATED M aai + y1 r wrj HERE AND THERE I Drat Oldhani Osteopaths 705 Sf Cluy StM Hopkirisvine fKy The Methodi is of Cadi will spend 3000 in remodeling their church Ltoi vnurreatetatBf 1 sale with J P y The Ayor Lord Tie Co has bl sued for 2000 damages for ie- drowning of Robt Roberts JO ri = ton Negligence is charged V mule 49 years old Old mellow and ¬ possesses every essential of a genuinely fine Kentucky liquor why 1 W HARPER whis key is the most popular Sold by W R Long Hopkinsville Ky Col J H Hamilton of Roaring Spring continues in very feeble healthand is seldom able tb leave his room He has been suffering with dropsy for some time and has almost lost his eyesight He will be eightysix years ofage the 17th of next August but still enjoys the company of old friends arid likes very much to have them come to see him = Record New supply of ham sacks 1 two sizes just received at this office a Free to Our Subscribers We will be glad to have every reader of our paper take advantage of the following offer If you will send your name and address to the Pineule Medicine Co 389 La Salle Ave Chicago Ill they will prompt- ly ¬ mail you postpaid a full weeks trial of their most excellent prepa rattan Pineules The preparation is put up in little gelatin lobulesJ1I easy and pleasant to take are truly remarkable in their quick ofr fects on all Back Ache Lame Back Rheumatism and all Kidney andCo Bladder affections In writing them it will be necessary to mentionthis paper Please do so We hope any ofour readers who are suffering from any such complaints will take advantage of this offer at once as we know the preparation is most < highly recommended NO LOCAL OPTION Paducah Ky April 16No local option election will be held in Me Cracken county in June County Judge Lightfoot struck out 252 names from the petition because the signers were not legal votersre ducing the signatures below the number necessary to authorize an election f 1 9e9d ld i a dal ad 41l9 R1 I1 13s 1 f fabf Z 9l lI N ile 11 fe9 41 1d 1St0de fg 1o1 1 f Best Be Had by One of Our New and ii A of We thats rGadiz RELIABLE AT RELIABLE PRIGS > If ItS1 ijWhen COLUMBUS ifBUGGY ION WHEELS iiit riiii SUFFRAGE dyBecause Horses ForSale saleLAYNE Hopkinsville 1- fOPf4SVGGE XY aiM3i f1nlrr 1fln1Tf11n ELLta9w pCumbo COl1gtyTenn thcirougHJYJr- natuedit GOODS WA hallo boon D NNAA ALr c J 7 sonable prices and can s itII anybodys pocketbook If N M M 1 rrrtiffjt ttJI to do tit oa t EIi 1E ntaV ii

If 5V H vV- 7T t- i CV V Vtnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7tx921dm2f/data/0384.pdf · If > 7T 0 w t-H 3 H vV- i iiif rf w li 5V < lj7 > V y > i1 y > i1 tif C M CV > V Vt PAGE

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Page 1: If 5V H vV- 7T t- i CV V Vtnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7tx921dm2f/data/0384.pdf · If > 7T 0 w t-H 3 H vV- i iiif rf w li 5V < lj7 > V y > i1 y > i1 tif C M CV > V Vt PAGE

If > 7T0



3 H vV-


iiif rf w li 5V < lj7 > V y > i1 y > i1 ti f CM CV > V Vt

PAGE FOUR rlifl SJtLlu ILhULk1AN Af HIL 18 1108 Ir 11=The Kentuckian

Published Every Other DayTUESDAY THURSDAY and SATURDAY



Catered at the5econClassSUnsCRttTIQNR AT ES

Cnafea1nuuun 2Months i n n n uu 100

Three Monthstlu u uu 50Single Cgpte1111111 J1 1



mslttj Rates on Application




Jnder a new Postal law that went Into offset

nl the Kentuckian will have to stop oil

Derv Apt 1 that are In arrears more than slmonths nt that time and In future cannot lendany subscription longer than six mntha after thetime expires If you owe be sure to get on o

cash basis by April 1


tAPRIL 18 1908


4The WeatherProbably showers and warmer Sat ¬


Cynthiana Ky April 17A sher-


posse last night located a bandof night riders and captured fourwith their masks on

Their names are Will BrownMoritgomery McGhee Will Kenton andChas Fowler Sheriff Gregg had 16soldiers with him There were 60in the gang


Is Still Trying to Get Set¬

tlement in KentuckyA Lexington paper says

In an effort to obtain possessionof all the assets of the defunctSouthern Mutual Investment com ¬

pany of Kentucky and the Ameri¬

can Reserve Bond company of Chi ¬

cago James C Rogers of Lexing¬

ton receiver of the first named con ¬

cern has gone to Chicago accom ¬

panied by hiE attorney Col John RAllen where they will try to get anorder of court allowing them tobring the property into KentuckyIf successful they say that theaffairs of the company which havbeen badly involved for some timewill be speedily wound up

Hopkinsville people lost heavily bythe failure of this concern a yearago and its affairs are still in aniunsettled condition


Companys Reply to Requestof Clarksville CommitteeClarksville Tenn April 17The

Dark Tobacco Growers Associationheld its regular meeting here Thedistrict reports showed tobaccoplants to be showing up well Anumber of new members had beensecured and good prices were an ¬

nounced for all sales of tobacco madeby the Association President Sav ¬

age of the Chamber of Commercewho with W A McFall represent ¬

ing the Association went to NewYork to confer with officials of theAmerican Tobacco Company with aview of offering inducements to con ¬

tinue their manufacturing businessin this city said the company expect ¬

ed to enlarge its twist factory butdid not deem it safe to make fur ¬

ther investments in this city hencethe removal recently of the Meriwether branch of the factory toNashville Mr Savage impressedupon the meeting the need of main¬

taining peace and quiet in order thatthe company may be assured of pro ¬

tection should they continue theiroperations here


Closing of Liquor Stores inBowling Green Will Not

Stop DrinkingBowling Green Ky April 15

Several drinking clubs will likelyspring up here with the expirationof the saloon licenses on May 1st

Fifteen saloons go out of businessand there will be no legal way to getdrinks save by following the old sys¬

tem of organizing clubs and havingliquor shipped to tho members fromoutside Kentucky These will notbe allowed to sell however

OA TO1rxADearatheThe Kind You Nara Always Bought




Pardons Tandy Martin fromKnott County

Frankfort Ky April 15GovWillson late yesterday evening parcoupd ¬

ty who was given a tenyear sentence for killing John J AmburgyState Senator Hilliard H Smith was-

o greatly interested in the case andpresented all the facts to the Gov-

ernor in such a manner that thisGovernor was convinced it was prop ¬

er to issue the pardon The Govern ¬

ors reasons for pardoning are afollows

The case presents strong considerinadulgence of the Executive in thathe killing for which the saidMartin was convicted appears toihave been done in defense of hishome and family from an attackmade on his home in the night timby a crowd of armed men

This pardon is recommended by

thelopinionmendation for a pardon was con-


in by Justices T J NunnI

Henry S Barker W E Settle and I

Chief Justice Edward 0 Rear of theCourt of Appeals The pardon wasalso recommended by Attorney Gen ¬

eral Hays and his assistant MrMorris who prosecuted the caseinthe Court of Appeals and by hun-



of citizens

Gold Flowing Back to EuropeNew York April 16The first en ¬

gagement of gold for shipment toEurope since the financial panic ofOctober last was announced yester ¬

day the National City Bank taking1000000 for Paris The shipment

is due to a rise in exchange rates inNew York and a decline in Sterlingin Paris Germany is reported to bebidding actively for gold in NewYork and it was expected in Wallstreet today that gold would goabroad in considerable quanity nextweek A report was current thatSecretary Cortelyou might call onbanks for Government deposits ifthe movements became too heavy

Latest in Wedding MusicAn Atchison Kan brideelect

tired to death of the regular wed ¬

ding music and will introduce some ¬sheesingIveparty leave the church the choir willburst forthwith Walked Right inand Turned Around and WalkedRight Out Again

For Sale or RentCottage at Herndon J F Ellis J



Capt R S Pool of Cerulean wentto Louisville yesterday and will askfor the meeting of the KP A whenthe executive committee meets todayv

Rev J N Prestridge editor ofthe Baptist Argus Louisville was intown yesterdayyisitingIIn rInce on

Mrs G W Mitchell has returnedfrom a visit to relatives in Triggcounty J

SMiss Lou Blakey of Aubuin isvisiting the family of Dr T W Bla ¬

key and other relativesT P Allen who moved from

tElmo to Empire some time ago andlater moved to Hopkinsville haspurchased his old home at Elmo andwill return to that place to practicewillebe heartily welcomed buck to thatcommunity Pembroke Journal

Mr Kee R McKee of OklahomaCity came to his old home this weekto attend the burial of his brotherSam Ml McKee

Mrs Mary Ducker of LouTsyilleisvisiting Mrs G B Underwood

Mrs J RBarr and daughter havereturned from St Charles La

Mrs Robert J Johnson and childof Middlesboro are visiting MissFannie Phelps Miss Lillie BellePhelps who had been in Middles ¬

boro has returned homeMiss Sallie Flanary of Princeton

is visiting Mrs H C MooreMiss Lillie Owen has resigned as

deputy in the office of Sheriff David

SmithTUnderwood and W A Wil

gus are in Louisville today to askthe Executive Committee of theKentucky Press Association to bringthe meeting of the newspaper mento Cerulean Springs this summerprobably early in June Hendersonis also after the meeting Mr Un ¬

derwood is a member of the Execu¬

tive CommitteeMrs P M Barker who has been

seriously ill for several weeks is notimproving Mrs Barker sustained aslight stroke of paralysis a few dayssince and her condition is still causing her family and friends much un ¬

easinessMrs J B Fisher arrived here

Wednesday from Dayton Ohio tojoin her husband who reached thecity two weeks ago-

Tomato PlantsA limited number of Stone Mag¬

nus Earliana and Ponderosa tomarto plants for sale while they last at15 cents a dozen Phone 94 or 1222

you get the

you get the


woman says she was savedfrom an operation by Lydia EPinklmms Vegetable Compound-

I LenaV Norristown Gatwrites to

I I suffered untold misery from fomale troubles My doctor said an opera ¬

tion was the only chance I had and Idreaded it almost as much as death

I One I read how other womenhad been cured by Lydia E PinlchamsVegetable Compound and I decided to

1 try it Before I had taken the firstbottle I was better and now I nm en ¬

I tirely cured11 Every woman suffering with any

female trouble should take L dia EPinkhams Vegetable Compound


FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN-I For thirty years Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound madefrom roots and has been thestandard remedy for femaleand has positively curedthousands 01-

women who have been troubled withdisplacements inflammation ulceration fibroid tumors irregularitiesperiodic pains backache that bear ¬

feeling flatulency indi es ¬

tion dizziness or nervous prostratIon-Yhy dont you try it 2

Mrs Pinklmm invites all sickwomen to write her for adviceShe has guided thousands tohealth Address Lynn Mass


Alice Graham Kills HerselfFor Unknown Reason With

Her Own Pistol

Paducah Ky April 15Forcauses unknown Alice Graham killedherself here this morning at thehome of Dr Herman Hessig herbrotherinlaw

She had dressed herself to take atrip in the country and asked for apistol which she owned

+Finding it she walked up to amirror and pressed the weaponagainst her heart killing herselfinstantly She had been here abouteighteen months having come fromher home in Louisville

WantedTen heifer calves Will take them

at weaning time WALTER KELLY

For RentSplendid stable centrally located

Apply to this office


Good Style And Easy Riding JI

ICan Buying Uptodate Vehiclest full and complete line

a I



Surreys Carriages StanhopesI



Ran=a=boys Buggies Phae =


ai tons9

and Roadwagons9

especially invite you to goI through our new Vehicle Repository


siand take our word for it there is not° another in the STATE its equal





j Women Organize to Opposei Female Suffrage-

AI woman suffrage amendmenttho constitution of Oregon is to beagain submitted to the voters attheapproaching election in June TheOregon Association Opposed to theExtension of Suffrage to Women haiflied an argument against the amendment which will be mailed to everyvoter in the state under the provi ¬

slons of the new law The argumentcites the following ten reasonsagainst the amendment

Because suffrage is to be regardednot as a privilege to be enjoyed butas a duty to be performed

Because hitherto the women ofthis state have enjoyed exemptionfrom this burdensome duty and noadequate reason has been assignedfor depriving them of this immunity

Because conferring suffrage uponthe women who claim it would im ¬

pose suffrage upon the many womenwho neither desire it as a privilegenor regard it their duty to seek it

Because the need of America is notan increased quantity but an improv ¬

ed quality of the vote and there isno adequate reason to believe thatwomans suffrage by doubling thevote will improve its quality

Because the household not the in¬

dividual is the unit of the state andthe vast majority of women are rep ¬

resented by household suffrageBecause the women not so repre¬

sented suffer no practical injusticewhich giving the suffrage will rem

equality in character doesnot imply similarity in function andthe duties and life of men and wom ¬

en are divinely ordered to be differ ¬

ent in the state and in the homeBecause the energies of women

are engrossed by their present du ¬

ties and interests from which mencannot relieve them and it is betterfor the community that they devotetheir energies to the more efficientperformance of their present workth n divert them to new fields of ac ¬

tivityBecause political equality will de ¬

rive women of special privilegeshitherto accorded them by the law

Because suffrage logically involvesthe holding of public office includ ¬

ing jury duty and office holding isinconsistent with the duties of mostwomen

Mules aod

Have some nice drivinghorses and lot of good mulesfor



M aai

+ y1 rwrj


Drat Oldhani Osteopaths 705 SfCluy StM Hopkirisvine fKy

The Methodi is of Cadi will spend3000 in remodeling their churchLtoi vnurreatetatBf 1sale with

J Py

The Ayor Lord Tie Co has blsued for 2000 damages for ie-drowning of Robt Roberts JO ri=ton Negligence is charged V

mule 49 years oldOld mellow and ¬

possesses every essentialof a genuinely fine Kentucky liquor

why 1 W HARPER whiskey is the most popular

Sold byW R Long Hopkinsville Ky

Col J H Hamilton of RoaringSpring continues in very feeblehealthand is seldom able tb leavehis room He has been sufferingwith dropsy for some time and hasalmost lost his eyesight He willbe eightysix years ofage the 17thof next August but still enjoys thecompany of old friends arid likesvery much to have them come to seehim = Record

New supply of ham sacks 1twosizes just received at this office


Free to Our SubscribersWe will be glad to have every

reader of our paper take advantageof the following offer If you willsend your name and address to thePineule Medicine Co 389 La SalleAve Chicago Ill they will prompt-ly


mail you postpaid a full weekstrial of their most excellent preparattan

Pineules The preparationis put up in little gelatin lobulesJ1Ieasy and pleasant to take aretruly remarkable in their quick ofrfects on all Back Ache Lame BackRheumatism and all Kidney andCoBladder affections In writing themit will be necessary to mentionthispaper Please do so We hope anyofour readers who are sufferingfrom any such complaints will takeadvantage of this offer at once aswe know the preparation is most <

highly recommended

NO LOCAL OPTIONPaducah Ky April 16No local

option election will be held in MeCracken county in June CountyJudge Lightfoot struck out 252names from the petition becausethe signers were not legal votersreducing the signatures below thenumber necessary to authorize anelection

f 1 9e9d ld i a dal ad 41l9 R1 I1 13s 1 f fabfZ 9l lI N ile 11 fe9 41 1d 1St0de fg1o1


f Best Be Had by One of Our New and iiA of







iiit riiii








fOPf4SVGGE XYaiM3if1nlrr 1fln1Tf11n





WA hallo boon D NNAA ALr c

J 7sonable prices and can s itII

anybodys pocketbook IfN M M1rrrtiffjt ttJI

to do tit


EIi 1E ntaV ii