\ If l#3| iki&s attir §ms\ i TBURSDAI,ETESBI6, SABCH 14, IS. f, m^OKTAST TO SUBSCR1BEKS. ; '.The EAGJJ: v i a be sent to a!, point** o T.'aittxl States for $_0> per year, or $1 per moot let« period ci-aa six months, Tree of JMUJU , ©T*_t- HVSDA.1 *X_TTON." (The EAGXJ- is now published «*•/•? <. tbp week. Sunday included. Order yonr e»rr J leave It, or » n d yodr' address to this offl^e. I - ..ata. Advertisement* for Sunday Edition re«xi t-_.o_.co Up to 11' o'o'iocit Saturday ev.nio.g. » V 4 U W J 8 0 SOCIAL. L'Allegro Social Will bold their tonth n f-ajB oil to-morrow svaolag, at Nc\ 13* Gale* aven I J —r-^ . PLYMOUTH BTR.,1. COURSE. tThd lectxura before Glass 99, Plymouth -fay School, ia tho oUurots, will be by Rev. r.jm» Sort, I. _>., oa • lateTpretiic-on of She Bible." ___. »__: :— fan. SPAU'MMM;--* ART MCTZBXS. Tni subject of Mr. Spaoldiog'a art lee ; this ^ven^nj} in th* Art-Build*-*, ia Montague s 1. -ariSl be -"Christian Aoti_r.ft-.Sj of Rota.— th* I cb-iUeXij -£>3-_lc_s and Early Christian Art. 1»E COttBOVA'S HinpBOLS LKCTLRK. ; Pq ICordova- will deliver his humorous tnci, eiticled, "Mrs. S_5iib_ Surprise Party," to- ctow.aviniag, >n tiie At-i_a_t__a. ! •I REM, BINDERS. The Scotch Sawyer Family of Bell Kit wili .-..-.> ia 8 a: Jr: A .0 cue •: tift* >ve_-lng ia t h e Ob gf itie CaTistiaa Endeavor, Esscer.. Di.nr.cl. «.—: j J ATHO»B *."«I> A B R O l S * . I Ij . - - Prof.a&sor H. T. Howard will lecture if Thibopiareaao Missioa tfcU evening oa "TaejOlt the New, or Travel* a: Ho'ini ao S ibr-cnV. ffae tur» will ba ll't-stratad'wl:- she stereoptfeoa. j CORPORAL TAS-IK-TS LKtTCBB. I>a .ho Academy of Music oa the eveuk Merjch 28, Corparal .Jame-i Tinner will deliver i turf entitfa-t ' _Ta. Sol Ider %a W*r aud P<jao>." pr->Aee&s will' bo giv*a to th; Honta- cf the < THE P.OMBBR BA5D. .4 pleasaufc entertainment was given !M»railag.ifl tne Cllatoa aveaa > C ingr.^aiio-ia! Ciu: bj lie" Ptooee.- Bajjd. *k l*rge *a lieace >r** ?IM »nd^ tbe proxrasatae. w^Jcli nr^s lanjciiy aad T*J •WM j iaterpryUU -ery »atKfac:or'!y. Tbe #oter m?a$ ososisted of Ulcstratod ballads, tablcaax otb«^r Icterestiag feature. 1 -*^ COXHOX CO I ' S t U . WOUX. 'rihe Assessment Commitiee of the Cortu OruecHfor 1873 bsid ishetr ftmt meeting la^t e-*9c Ta«ie were present Alderajaa >£ar:b* ;Ca»iiii r>W^er, Mcltftrre and Frenca. Tlsbre'wete a aar •*$ ciiaor matter* befors sa^-aa. paac'.pal'y aopScat far iaaceQatiun iaa gaa lainp a*ao«sai£a:*, bat uot o< titerest tr*aspired. T>e Con>oQ:ttee on Prtptinc and Sapp'ie* (So JohL flbjvtnas^) a!so »•:(,' aad 'o*ff»n '.be oornU ••Acx^ot the r«fja3itioa^ Jor stationary for idn vai c it A 'ypartcieoto. ' FIRST WARD DBSOCRATS. Taha yonng Democratii tri.-Jof ;be I'srat Ward bc:d its of toe Fourth J .d a meoclas ta»t evoaiaj \«f> tear of tao iiquor stow at No. *4 FuiJoa ^treet.1 A. 4 Pexaor^t presided aad Mr. H<:arv Lyooat Mteil Sjcro'.ary, A reoolatlort w»# paajod iador tne ^.tadidacy oi' Mr. L. V.o.HarJaabar^ij ;o repre tlie w»rd la tlie Democratic Cl^netaJ Committee Ooawalttee oi thrae, coas;s:.az of Messrs. H. C. n | RioaarJ Harr;(f*a aad P-ster •.V»lt«r, waa «pp. *.! ^^eldC". candidate* for otti.Jr* of ibo *<sociat vttli tasiruciloas Ifo rcp>rt ml >be next moetia?. A tbto SranMction of farther ta-aiporiaa: badlaest aif'ilag »tlJourae<l. ! ! ST. PATRICK SOCIETY OM.IKR. ^ha tw,?nty-r4nth annual dinner of the- I'ttaicil Soc/3ty of Brooi'.ya w»t) take place Hot vc^aing aex; at ta<> A c a d e m y o.' MOJIC. Tao fallow M-fl jtho ofUceri of cue So^-tety. Ta<>«. Kioxefla, Pi d^ai; Artaar Crooia, First Vico President; Ed. Ro .-J>io<w>d V i c e President; P»tnuie J. E«s»n. P.ecorc 3^e4»tiry. Jataee A. Terry, C^rrespoodlaif Secret J«ai»» Dttane. Treasurer. R>e-wards—Colonel T Carjoll, Chief: Tame* H. Ma<ill, Joan Hauley, Een I^xiiy, Dominick Byrne, loan Bolster, Mttiki-ie J. 1 ' barKlfl, -loba Cnrraa, John C. McGuire, Wai. 3ui:i- Joba J. Campbel'. John JB. Byrne and Johv Car Tbci [dinner-will be served a* e^at o'clock. i"he tic are 2v9 dollars. ^ . 1 ~«- 1 . OYSTER THfEVES SR.tT£5CEI>. \^hen Dox.'jee. and Wrigelsworth, the n *cfc'iaed of St<*a!insroysters from JaraaJca Bay, w arrailgned bafore Justice. B.tts yesterday moral they pi jaded, /ailty. Wi !j:e!*'*orth V M aeotea to 6ijre4 months in the KinK*s County Peaitentia ar»d [Doxsoo to sixty days in the County Jail. D »ea a to Old offientler. Ho was driven oat of, E Rociaway for oyster stealing, and was shot at s eral tinges and once bit. When he left Eaat So away hef abandoned bi« own wile an>l children, i toote'wiih him A widow and her, children.'and 1 livei with her alnce. His son was shot oaoe. Jamaloi Bay, and maimed tor life. Wrigeiswo waaja tramp foor years ajjo. Since that time b»ia peea In charjte of the Ola.-i H'»use on the tiea Justj-before' OfSeer "Wllltiasoa arrested theav, tl sunlc *5schooner, with one hundred bushels board. 'When Doxsee Is roieased, another ch* will be preferred against hhn. Wrlgelsworth ra! an ix to WUiiam H Smith, and but for the offl w\-uitf> isave brained hlca. »' DRAMATIC AND HUS1C.1L. TSae >c-w Brooklyn .Tlualc Rail. 'Ehenew BrooklyUMusic Hall.at the janct of Fiatliash avenae-and Fulton »ir«.et, now coaapli la every? particular, with the single exception of the namjeatal portico, whiah may M constmcted at titsxi, will thi» evening be opened to the public- wit concert Worthy of She occasion. The principal feat ofiljlsihe "Hiawatha'* symphony, composed by Ki p. Phblps, -which, "will be played by Tbeotl Tho^nas? orohestra, and will, therefore, receive x<*li.<!ist interpretation. Uentioa of this fnteresl yoiuj>osition has i**>z> mad-< m the EAGI-Z from ticn< tlaii and now for the Srat i m s it will bo jpvea to pabile of Brooklyn. Mr. Phelps timsolf is a Brool ma4, and this- circamstance alone would render yer^ormaaca intereatiag. Thr marked enthusiasm hibiited T>y tho performers over the symphony b<rtol caorii of an annsaai lund. Tae programme incli _»casing the performers Miss Adelaide Pblllipps, ifwrtnaa Kortheaer and a male chorus oi the i ecllla Society. The fall proitramme wi)l be as fotl< P.UtT I. I : • < inawath»"-SympHony, Op. 31 K. C. Ph j t. Adxtr'> Maestvso. Ai- 4. Au<Unt.> Coa i leero MiKtera«o. and Ailearecto I i Andantino. ' k - 3- Aiiwifr-j. i X Allesro Virac^lBi! Pte-V-o. 3. Koiulo—* O Mio l-'era»Sdt»" Doni-, Miss Adoiiide Pbillii>p«. 3 Piuio Solo—"Invitation to the Dance".-. Weber-—T* Mr. Hermana O. C. Korth-iaer. PAKT ii - t. Two Movements of the Sevoatb Symphony ...Beethc ! 1. Int.r.duetlOin—"Poco Soatenuta, Vivace." I 1 AK«artetto. *• i; 'More aad More."; Ma.* WJoros. ( ;3<1 St Cecilia Vooal Society. '>. Plan* Solo—"Roapsodle Kojerois«," No. 9 1 Mr. Hermann O. C KortSeuor. 7. JiouiJ Siyaor**... ... ...\ ., Meyer Ati«» Ad«;*ic(» Phiiiipp*. A • ir»aai{ur»tioa Crand MaTv.-h." Op. V> E. C. Pfi New Park Tlaeatre. Tha aiusicJ extravaganza '•Evanfreline' An/pring enormous audiences at the New Park ' .itri oVery eveaiag-, and numbers of appllcaats fit-id&vig room are aesttned nightly to retire dl poiatedi. The wise m such case* visit the box o bsrire leaving the thoatre and secure tiokeU fc fa tare "occasion. TH« pranks of the Lone Fiahjrr. Z*8Utne, Captain DeitricK, ttan» Wayntr aad the o .' ..--1 -via companions of tne fair :'..:.,''.-..* ksep tl •G<Jienoett in a ooastaat state of merrlmeat, aad pretty faces aad fHrarea of tho ladle* are atrractl enolugh ia themselve* to 3:1 a bigger theatre taaa e Coione* Slan's. t Tiie neXt attraction at the New Park will be not interesting than "Evangeline," for Mrs.'Altca 0 in i her company in English opera bouSe will or ih<M hemse. . ; . •sibto-* Garden. Jlie drama the " Serpent and the Dov oo4- playlag at Niblo"st, Garden, S»w York, Is drai snormoua audi*nee». I-ast erveaing "adle* and gei men- wore standing fconr aad five deep all roaod airojles, and tho applause was hearty and contmai Ths pl*ce Is somewaat aelodramaMc in it* incid« anii affords ample- opporWnltio* for v'goroas act ' of iolon Mr. SamTieioy. Mr. J. P. Heme, Miss On DefPoreot aad oth«4 members of the coalpaDy a themselves. The sttaatloas of the last act, are < sxcDtlag. Thei Ctn*%t !>'0r*ey't revenge upon' Cttpt Btfton to a most .inigeoiwuly wrought erp affair, arising: hi* victtna^with a rope, bo ties htm secarely •5.>ir. Bjfore hi* hiamau target &e arraa^es a com; soabrtvance, by rae-in* of |rhioh, at th* expiration exactly two hours of horrible suspease. both barrsl a g£ra will be explode, killing the Captain tnstas This sltaation i* most dramatically worked; up. th* audleace Is placed upon the rack aattl tAe cUm -runt of the play. £Fhe place la somewhat ta^cy In flrjjt two acta, but iaterest calnainates la the.la** r*p'idly and cleverly. IS I* an American i u y b: American antanr, »p<i Mr.'Gardner deservespsdil Sh<i^ eaoonnigemeutJbe 1* giving to Amerieau autt i, t!:« i-itiag *nd dooatsog of the play. I , f ' Parle Tlaeatre, Xe-tw TorKs l'h& third week: of the ltidioroaa ;come * 'rf uz BacheioTS," it '.be Park Thealre,-flnd» l i e att' aabe still at a maxiavuro Sgure. Messrs. Bobsoa C»aeh«v«; tooad » pl»y worthy of their faoni*** * fofts, and the piee» promise* to ran for as jtodeil: iei'gtb of time. It it more than a eoiucid1*nee SL-rre Mr. Abbey b«am» manager of the Park The* STi>ry_p{eooprod'n«e4 > a* hi* honse has .b«^a a a4aao*d aaocea*. XX^ pristine of hi* theatxa'ha* gx «.|k-tily. att^ W sagacity and sincerity of It* m Kir is dns the fsitt tiaat not one feeble play has ap-p •e4 npon hi*K'.ago fc* tajur* that pr**Ugt. Still J o>' -\:it% aro promised at sn early dat*. j ToeHoiiran Concert. ,* |W» ar* raqoiated by Mr. Gsorge W. 1 jfin ti state that altUongh highly appreciating the k , r-e-ilng of hi* rriend* la tho .Tabsraacle,'& wool ' l^powtbl* tn ,rej>t»t the ooscex^ |iv«B "a'plymc cinr*a oa'CEnesday •venina last, the principal arl v biTiay to "leare town «te»c*t ixaesedSately; tk> fi ; otksr *ngag«inect*. . ; iiiisr sngi Brooltlya j » n i m a r m o n i « . ' ?• 3. I 1'i-j. El for a "Siegfried Idy*,' 1 composed by Wagner at a ser« his xi.'e at the birth of hi* son Sic^fried^It is U tb'st ther'e wllfbe programmes enough to go ronl that the supply will be left roilgiou.i'.y for the_ ] of the house. " "" S»STNO OfSNTNO.—T. LOE8KB & d FnMon strseti, advertise their Sprin« Opeaing lo a«sd if. March X: The new e-onn-its sad nsc* ,!..>-.va on this occasion will not fall to attract the our city., FtFTT P E S CENT. SAVED !—By using ,j orsa' GSRMAM Bacsaav -SOAI". Try.it and aiuu: I t n v « ot the f»ct. :er to lice .1 redjaJ Tim DUXTUP—Correct style of Spring for Mle, la !&<» c-!y, ooiy by Arr« A CO.. 5W Ful prtce J>i. i'- sc<*p- ue.j 0AY7: you tried the Mocna AS a Java Co»-»-ii:. }ars? 'PKRyE3TIOJt Bl-E ' packed In air tigc Sun- n Ab- i;nre ir*ot, Catt- le C- •mor- igers arch i the ! and lec- PARTITW desiring the SCNSAT EAGLI »r trii-ir r««!detic<>s can send their addre«s to sht And it «•<:: on given to the- carrier who ,-•>-. i • •• the K.\ UMirdutocC . lec- T:ie last "3h, 5J t, lea. tsia- and non ^iag. laa), obar :oa« iang n<>et lera- 10US 0U- : ia I Mr. >arg ?-iag seat . A Da- lai- ion, iter che St. iday •in'g •est- ch?. Hag »ry; aoa. larJ "itZ- i-ao, roll kets ten ere ag, ced •ry. ox- ast ev- BS> ^>.d >a» . In rth he oh. ley on rge sed car DIED. BR.VY-In PMl*(lolphla,.on thelSth lost., Jomr formerly ot Brooklyn. In his iatb yoir. Interment at the Co-net«rr of tba Kvorgroecs, Ei or: Frida7< 15th last., about 12 o'clock M. , DEZENOORF—On Tuesday. March IJ. KLIZ wife of Jamea Doxen '.or/, in the 7Sth 7*sr of bor % The relatives aid friends of the family are iui attend the funeral at her lat-'rosidonco^Rahwai, on Krllay. loth iosUtat, at 12 M. Tr.Ua via Penoa [ Railroad at 10 A. M. DONAI.DSON.-In Brooklyn. Mar-h M, Mrs. ! j AM>soj», 'a> the 14tb ynar of h»r ase. Tne irteada of the family are respectfully Invite tend the l-ioora! from She residjno* of her soa Otto Von Horn. 283 Warren »t, on Salorday. ICtn ! tW o'clock. EDWASDH-In Brooklyn. March 13. lV-g" . : •.:.-..•.- -.- of tho i >-.•> Ch .r..j.i C. Edwards, of Philad in the 21rtyear of her aie. Sewlces to-morrow (Prlday) at SM P. M.. at t: dooce of h >r b.->taer In la » A. K. Caihoon. 1.301 D Intirmeat Saturday a/te.-njun, at Laarol Mill. Pb phis. BAKcfAH— At Brooklyn, on Wodn«s1sy, Maroh I MARIT, wi.'e of Gang* Haonan. In tho iilst ye»r j f b rTi»onr».' wt!S take p l i c e from her late realdeacc, t inltst. on Satnrdiy, Marctv 1«. at 1 P. M. "• irtoCOY—Tn "WiiUarnsb-nrgh. on the 13tb Inat.. residence vi her brother in laur. J im*» Nugent, 9A Ninth st, Anx McCOT. a n.tti*e of the Parish of Or Coonty Arntajb. Ireland, In the Sist year of her ig> R«laliv»aand frienda of .h > t.tmlly ar« jesDeetfn vlfed toatteid the funeral from tne Chu-oi of St. V de Pan), on Nortn Sixth »t. on Krlda/. tn<> 15th in»t>. are^alwra sun will be Offered (or tho r-jpoie of n e t incase U> C*aiv»r7 Cemwter/ for ia*rment at two o' RAYMOND-On Tuos<lsy, .".f.ttch 12, Fr.onz:xc I JAM, d a o g h t e r of Uearj- V. and Sarah Raymond, yean aad i motttn. I- anw.-al private. Friday morning, froji the reside no- rareata, 351 gonermerborn »t. [ VAN BT.AROOM—In Fiatbush*, on Ttioiday mo ! ,/tri.fA, daughter of Andrew and tue tate. RacbifT)* Van B!aro</»i. ' Relatrres ar-d frieids »r> invited >o attend the f fr >m her Inos re^irleoce. roroer of Kewkiric. xw) Kl' •- .••>.-.•;•';. .-'/.'../i.-.:. oa '•:•'••' '.r..\ io'staat, ,:: ,-J P. M WIX.SON On Wednsi-Jay. 13'h u-.at.. FUA.IK P. ton of John W. and K. M. Wilsjn. Ii tho 1Kb ye his agci Funeral »trtct!r p-ivato from r^eldt-noo of hi-, pa i-WSkiUmau »t. Friday. Uth Inst . at 2 o'clock. P 3 WTNNTNOTON-Sa1de-dv.Wedae^ay, March 13. (>AB£T &X3JL, -4 year* *a'l 5 months, yoangeit daagl Arth'irand 1.1-./to Wjnalnx'.oo. Faneiai ttrictb private. !»1A>»0.>H;. L WlSfG I S L A N D LODGB HO. 3SS F: M.—Bre-.nr«n yon are reqoestsd to attend the rogular con:m^aii»tion o.i f'ftlDAY KVEN1NG, J IS, IP) at S o'oloek Bo»ine»% of speoli^l Importa eaeli nu^mber w li bo sor^ i open and work First D By order of WILLIAM M. PERRY. W J. C. HehfKMAM. Secretary. . A" ME r\ t. s .a v hoi!) at tin s T - IQBKXirttJS. MRETLNG OF THE MEMBERS LONli ISLAND COLLEGE HOSPITAL w holp at tne fn^tttotion on Hoary tt. tyfttwoen Paeiti Ami'y. onTr^CIWDAY KVKNING. March 21. l » thepurpo e oi aioonnc five Re/ttnts in the place of whose terms of orlioe have oxpired- Polli open from P. M. By order of tUe Board o( Kegoats. W. J. OSBORNB, Secrot S T. ~ PATRICK "SOCIETY -AN A joam«d meeting of the ST. PATRICK 30CI to mass final Arraaxeaients for annual dinner.will b* at Otjoor'. St. oo rSlDAY BVMNtKG. -Stn irs-.. at o'clock. Member* are :ejno5tod to make roporta of ber of t i A o t s da iposfld oi By order THOMAS KiN'SELLA, Presld P. J. KJtOASi, Secretary. ^. PATRICK'S M"~A. A., OF.Ki: COUNTY. BRANCH NO. 21- All mero^rj o above Branch are rentio^tid to attend a soeoial m* onTHOKSwAY KVKNIrtO, March W. la LA PAY* HA LL : buitine** Of import »nc« '<• to be transicted owforof 0HA3. McCUt/LOCGH. Presld PATKICK MAVTM, Keoording Seojet >ry. x T HE C(>MM'TTEB OH WATER i DRAINAGE OF THE COMMON 0OX7NOH meet In the Comraoa Council Chamber, City Ha THURSDAY, ^arcd M. ISli tt 3 o*oiook. Y. M. R.r M. H DUANE, Cbairu T HE COMMITTED OS LAMPS A gas will ni"ot In tho Comnrm Council Cju inilltsDAY EVENING. Maron II. l*T<. at 1'A o' By ntder ot JOHN FRENSH. Cbairn MNANOE-THEFIN'ANCE COMMIT] of tn^) fk>mm.->** (Jo-ino>1 will me.-t in rhi Con cil Chiml^f. ->.r MONDAY. March IS, at 10 o' A M By .-m-r of ROBERT BLACK. Chairm O- H. I>IVISK»" NO. 22—A SPEC -as of the above divlaioo wii!» bo h-j I> r \BRP;I.'S HAW. fanton it^nttyr Myrt on r-';til>AV i-'. V KNI >'(',, M»-ch !>. to makattnal arr auJ' lor S: P»trick'n Dv7. By order of EDWAItO MURRAY, Presidi TRAVIS BcTt-BB, Secretary. A O. H., NO. 14, BROOKLYN—1 * officers snd members are rennested to arte »pa >uU nieet'ne to t>> h e l l at MOOR?.'.-* HALL, oorr T veaty.third »c ind tilth av . oa KttlDAY. Maro »7>. at * o'clock P M. JOSEPH O'CONNER. Pro»ld< Jons RIBDAN. Secretary. "T~6. H..DIVISION NO. 7—THE M >TJL * ben of the above Division are recjnoited to acsnelrhal!, THIS (Tnnrs.lay) EVKNING. at 7 o', sharp a* bnsines* or Imp^rtAoco in to be tran*r.ote-l. JOHS GALLAGHER. Pro*id« Con re A M A NO JAMXS HctiBJta, Secretary O. H., BROOKLYN, A .." 1^ 187 The ofijoers irfd roemborn of tbo abov* orde reone«ted So a*vem3le In fall re«r»li», with th->ir band: baO'ier*. Mt the fountain on Bedford avenue, E. X. a ; ;.VDAT».Mitcl>l8, at 11 o'c'.ook A. M.. topartloloa the .ii •». ceiebsation oc s-. Patrick's '•> -y. in hon Ireland'* Patron Sal it. St. Patrfik,- By order of PHIi-IP CLARE. G. J o r r s MTJJ.DOOJI. G . V . P . , Ror.':rrr T. CANJJI'M/I. G JAJSZS A CKUIO':*, G.S.. PATRffcK SHA.VJ<OJ<. O T. THUXAS KltKOASt C. D. OST-MARCH 14, BETWEEN A^> y re tao .banlj ion >ted or- any h a ;nre Mr. .ore the Utig . to tbe tiya the ex- :-.-:: I ides Mr. St. iw»: e!^s loto :«ttl uaig >vea lOf.l Uert .tolt beer sip* is mo- tor lap- face ir a M171, tb«r ioiz the on* von lese ates owd e, riag itle- the JUS, at*. It'E. sale .-rail tery itt'tv 3e- toa ilex of sof tly. and t>u«- the rery r an i for ,i.-3 ^nd- and «f- that tre, pro- ovia an*. ear- nore lor- ind :•>•. -ata isU. nan tne Soota Brooklyn Savings Bank, with moiey ton ra liair the r-ta", vrtil be suitably rews.tde ! lnif It to tae o^roer atOTDe^raw st. or to Atlaatloav. H A N S I N BROil. L OST—ON SATURDAY LAST, S lr-st.. an Es'inmaax DOG ;/beaTy body, white and yellow patobes on his back^ars small, ears and of head tinged -*itn yellow nnd^6re legs frintted with balr: aoaw^rs to name of Gio. Any person ruturr.n^ dote to l*i Ti»wr«iee st. or giving information of hia w about*, will be handaomsiy rewarded: HORSE8, CAItKlA«'-ES, ^c-^ T'BAY'MARB SIX YEARS OLD. io ^TjLhaa^shigh, «pund, kind and a irood apadst^r for aJsobiy g^:diag. pi n^.ndahlgh, eight, year* old. sount auitable for any busiaes*. Can be seen at private at 230 Adams st. 1 7UNR TEAM BAY MARES F O R S A eheaa or will exchange (or large horse. 18 ham more, »ad stylish for coope; they can show three mlc -.-"'.:••: are about la nands, stylish and tine in Appl7 at No. 308 Faltoa «t. PHELPS Jt'SON. i store. '- H ORSES! HOR-SES!! HORSES!!! JC arrived from the We^t. 3S hor^oa . light drivt: heavy draught, .horsws; for sale or ^xcbanije: some stepping horses at prices to salt tbe times. App CHARi-ES COOPER. SSJ Atlantic a?. H AJVlP,LETONlAN L I V E R Y "A : boardinjr stables,' 1. 3 and 5 Third st, cor. P st, hrst class cosoh»'S. phaeton*, landsn*. Jfcc.. at a'.l h' ho-*es keot t>y the day. wee* or month; borsea and v.ag-ma rx> let at reduced rAte* . first otftSS ataila to 1 :•>••-.•<:; i •••• •.-•r.iii. .1 A M E S C VItRAN,Proprietor. L OOK TO YOUR HORSES I ; '"\ Yon need sot have :'* sore. gaU or braise on horse, no* have a cold or cough of long duration, 1 would oily nae Dr. DBLISSER'S EXTRACT O.F CARBON. It is heictr nsed by e'er'body. all over this countrj in Europe with wondori-al aucceaa. Use It once, yoi nass it always. For sale at all drug and feed stores. Depot i l Sx •t. New York. T INN BROS., CARRIAGE A^D SLEI JL** MAKERS. FACTORY 17. 49. 51 aad J.1 BERl ST REPpSHORY J88 and 230 FLATBCSH AV. Seventh %7, • . Where we keoo on hand an assortmerit ofiC.trnages t dnced ortoes. ' Ooaoei. /O-AT »nd six seat rocka^ay*. ej slon top ohae'oas. jomp seat ^op and no top phaetons, tors' Doaeton3. buggie* and depot waxoas. both ne* >~ :-..;.,:. •."•:. Double and Single Albany and Port Cutters of ong own>naie from <SJO.00 »od upwarils. CITABLE TO LET, HUNT'S LANE, V O tor and gas K. K.SCRAXT.ON. TABLE T O L E T ; A NICE STABLE F two horse* and oarnag"*. with every convent, la Mnmby'a slley. nei' Qigh at. Apply to ROB MCMBY.K Cranberry st TABLE TO LET, CONTAINING" i stalls, water and ga». UrV« bay loft. So. 11 Via, irftbln two blocks of Knltoa Ferry. App.y to W. 1 TKR. or P O.KBSON, EigleofBc*. S TABLE TO LET, OR FORSALE—C< Colnmbla and Vina its—Accommodation for s wght horses; water, gas and apartments lor coach: foit. harness closets to W. M. VAN S 1 la \ Ml': plensy of carriage room. Bay foit, Appiy at 213 Columbia beiicJrjts. V as,. Eagle office. F1>Tl 8Al:E—.TUSCBLtAXEOPS. CM>R SALE—SHOW WINDOW," F/T* ML/ Elecant show window *nd pair of doors; also, f tore truck. Addisa* P. D., Eagle otfioe. _ F OR _ ^ALE COI-NTER5 — T H R eoantcrs. Apply to W. P. DxFOREST, Fiftl cor. Dean >t _ I ^OR SALE—SOFA BED-COS , T 5 7 will be sold for *2C. Caa be Saea at 181 Adelp near Myrtle av. I r*OR SALE—FIXTURES COUNTE bias and shelving of a first class grocery Store, stock. If desired; must be sold :•> close boslneaJ. Ad GROCER. Bagl* office. L^OR sALE-FURS*ITCRE—COMPA: X? '••"J new. for a three stor/ and baaement h at a reaaonable prtc*. Address B. P. E., 1 office. . . F ORSALE—BTSINESS—ORG BNT; 1 business, itw. and houaebold fnrnjtare!of a nery store, eatablished . will be *old obeap: tniais a offer Come and v « . 703 Gates av. near Lewis. F OR SALE—YACHT—STEAM YAC Comet; leagth 55 .'e»s breadth 12 feet, steel tx raachinecy arid hall ln_perfect order; now at Tbirty-ft st. C. H. PAUL. 1*8 Henry .6. LEGAL WWICP. UPBEME COURT, TRIAL DE"sYkEi KINGS COCSTY— John F. Smyth.as Sunerurtei ot she Insaranoe Department of tae Stat* of New '] platntiff. against Adam Haaft and Marearet Han* wife;. William S. Rolin. the Commonwealth- Life I ance Company, Thomas S. Moore. Receiver of the monwoaltb Lit* Insuranoe Company: The New J Mataal life Insuraaorf Company.- Joel Parker. Re« of eh* New .'•-•..- -Mutual Life In*nrsacs Comi Arnold H. W»*n«r. J. Henry Work, Marvin Cross, look Anstln. Jubn. H. Ireland, Joseph Henry, A Gat**, Hfoiry L. Msnoing, Georg* C. Hemingway, llaas W. Hemingway, Walter P. Walsh, Edward I Henry C. Mangels, Meta Eden. Gastav F. Soliurmai till*. MacArthur. defendants. —Summons.—To the J named defendanta: Yon are hereby aammoaed to at Jjj* complaint In this acitoa. and to serve s copy of fSfcwer • n the nlaln-UfT* attorney within tweno days w e aervtce of tht» summons, exclusive of the day. oi vtee. aad in esse of your tailnre to appear, or an lodgment' will pas* again*', yen by default, for th Uef dsraandad in the complaint—Bated November 15 8. W. ROSEN DALE. PljdntltTa Attort Offlcs addres*. ts» State street. Albany N. Y.; Post ( addr-s*. <V St*te street, Albany, N. Y, To tne defendants, Margaret Hanft/ Joseph H Albert. Gates, Gnst&v K. Schurman, L*titi*,MaoArtbi Tbe foregoing •'-.mmons Is s*rvad upon you by public pursnant to an order-et Hon. J. F. Gilbert, a Justice* Supreme Qqun c/f t h e Ststfl of Sett* York, dated the d*y of M t.-.•:-., !#79. a n d n:.-d with th* complaint t office of tbe CWx of the County of Kings, at toe C< Conrt Honse. In the City of Brooklyn.—Dated Albany, Turk. March 12«!f?rA S. w. ROSE^TDALE. PlsintifTs Atton , mhl4 6wTh ' _ S UPREME COURT—TRIAL DESll IN K I^GS COUNTY.-John tt. Smyth, as Sni Undent ot tne Insarsnoe Department of the State of Yor*. plaintiff, against Jane M. Miles and Earl K. S a-r huaband - WilaamS. Rolin. The CommonwealUi I lnsmrasc* Comtyaay. Thoma* ?. Moore, Receiver o ! Commonwealth Life Insnraaoo Compaav. The New swy Mutual Life Insuranc* Compsay. Joel Parkw reive* of th* N*w Jersey-Mutual Ijf* Inaaranee panyy defsadaata aommons—To fie above niame feadist*': Yon are- hereby (aamonsd to aaaw* somplaint In this action, aad to serve * copy or answer oa tae plaintiff** attorney within twenty days the servic* of this samatous. etcloafv* of th* day o vio*. and la oas* of yonr failure to- appear, or an indgment will pas* against yon. by default, for th Usf demanded m the eomplaiat,—J>at*>d Novernb* 18T7. g W. B08ENDABB. PramrHTs. Atton Office adaresa—(9 Stat* street, Albany, N, Y.-_j . Po«t Office aodres*—tftcitata itreet, Albany. N. Y- To tha defendant. WOllam S. Rolin : The fore; summons I* asrvedapvn yon by oobbcaUon. porstu '. o»^Tus an order of Hon. J . a*-. Gilbwrfc. a Justise* of th* Sup Court of tba Stat* of Xew York, dated the 12th d. , M-. .^ I J - . - . A *i1~A -.r,X «^«. M 1-1-., *— *fc- -Ml— - hoped d.Ttad strong y. of "Wed- to be illte of HlG- ryoor- Stat*, oa »t; <D OP : fruit left office. BT.AT. (okiyn! BETH, e ted to N. J., ivanla W AJSTED—OPERATORS. UVE ratorswithor wi'hout their own (W. A. chine*, oa stock aad oustom' shirts. ApDly to C AL'LT, Fulton st, oor. Oxford, npstaira. W ANTED—GTELE FORHOUSEW cooks, washers and ironers. eta, Immedlt PROSSER'S EMPLOYMENT BtTBEAU, 611 F opposite Fiatbush av: pleatv 'of places* ready- la t families. This 1* the largest and bast office iaB the most respectable girls apply here for sltaation W AJSTED^§EWANTS1JF"ALL~! at tbe office managed by ladies; BROC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. No, 29 Concord st,,1 Faltoa aad Wssbtagtoa sts: three blooks below Cl many respectable' women, who have never been at: befor*. apply here for situations. N. B. —Places nurses. Coosi, VTastiers aotf. iroxsers. w ANTED—AS COOK AND L dress, a girl. App'y at 330 Grco.it- av, noa lin. _ W ANTED—A FIRST CLASS C also a chambormald, for a private boardir milst have city references. Apply at 117 Henry st. W A S T E D — A S ~G<JOD C O O K , WA! and Ironer, and general kitchen work, good*reference. Call at 413 Dean at. ta n D*nr« ,r O Piurupu audi *»«aiai'>titosHes. ANTED—AS KURSB. AND C irmald, a competent girl, experienced a fsofiory i'Brooklvn reference rcQulred. Apply at t;linton st, third door from Warron. W AJS'TED—TO ATTEND^ AND,! with a small child, a yonng girl, about 1 oldi Call at 203 Yafes av, near Gates. XX7 ANTED- : TO TAKE CARE" C v » Daby. nn experienced uurse; must be a goo and come well recommended. Apply at 50 Pierre . Dox- to r.t- n law, ist., at ILICE. 'Iphia, e resl- j en st. ladel- !. 1878, >r j«e. ! Soai- it tne Notth >ggan. ly ia- noeat vbere soil ; lock. : Lix- :ged 3 ice of •nlng, jaum iTieral 'hnsO clock only ir of oats. MAB- Urof fc A. .next tarch ice to tgree. M. OF 11 ba i and *, for iho«e 3 to 9 w girl, w at 70 0 washer two day W A wo mii)»t b 1 tlla) ft -.:i',» pt Amity ( w Apply « W A wl pl/vce. W' w , ticneral BonscworK. W ANTED-FOR GENERAL HC work a girl; a good cook, washer and IrOLi ply tt 53 Cbjevtir place. 7 A N T E D - F O R ""GENERAL HC work, * girl; must Ij© a (food cooV. waiih-^r ai ©r; coatxl reference r«(itdr*ra. -*!tpi>ly at -Iriu C l a s s o n ;7ANTED- FOR GENERAL HC work in a family of t-,»o, a smart, tidy, trust girl, who can c >mo vvgll recommended: wages $9. at 70 Grange St. ANTED—FOR GENERAL HO ' work, by a small famllv, no chUdrtrn ; goo washer anil ironer-. (ieniian or Swede pre;'err>d. two day* at 10 North Oxford ot. ANTED—FOR GENERAL HO roTk, a girl, to go with a family near I>vnct E mn*t be a good olal > cook, washer and Ironer. 1 tt'j» girl abont H or'lo. to wait on t title. Jte : 1 ant* pro.'erred; must have good reference. . Api Amity st. ANTED-TO DO GENERAL HO work, a servant; must bo well -reoomm Apply at248 Pptnam av. _ _, ASTED-TO DO GENERAL HO ork In a private family, a girl; must be washer aad Iroaer and well recommended from 1 place. Apply at 91 Puloeki street, near Marcy av. A N T E D - T O DO GENERAL HO rork. in a ureal! family, 'a res.peotabl« gir be a good cook, washer, and itonar. ApolyatS22 street. WANTED—TO DO GENERAL HO Y V work and plain cooking, a good- girl. Cult days at 192 A d a m s st. 1 ANTED—TO DO-GENERAL HO worh. a yooag girt; must be willing and ol Call at 271 Pearl st. ._ ANTED—JO" OO THE GENE housework of eight la family, a middle woman : mast be a gcoi cook., washer and ironfj' referonces required; wages $12. Inquire for thre at No. 112 Myrtle av. W ANTED—TO DO GENERAL HO work for a small family, a Protestant girl mast be a good cook washer and Ironer: willing n. and bring roferenco from her last place. Apply at 8 trand »v, oor. St. Marks. W ANTED—TO DO GENERAL HO work, a respectable yonnz woman ; must be class laundress and good plain cook: must give go ro/eren. os f-om last place as to honesty, r»i*t-u can-ibllitv; none but snoh jieed apply. Call at 117 merhorn *t. after 3 P. M. TWTANTED—TO DO GENERAL HO Y V work, a quiet young girl; must thoroughly stand her buslu"ss and be able to give at least twi reference from her last place; wages $13. Addre" Ing where last amoloved, how long there and your I resldeatoo. MILDN ESS. Eagle office. W AMTEB- H El^l?— IW At-aEJJ» "ANTED — A SMALL BOY." DURYBA'S PHOTOGRAPH CALLER' Fulton st. Apply after 6 P. M. ANTED—AGENTS—MALE" AND male, to sell to families something useful It bonsebold . Apply at 92 Middagh st. V\7 ANTED—AGENTS TO SELL" CI vs and white wine vinoxar, to grocers, shlppei plck'.ing ho-i.e*; must b -ve recomraead-.tlons. N «r» need opply. Address VINEGAR, Ka:;le o - rice._ V\7 ANTEI)— AN ACtlVKMAN TO Y T vest 81.<*W and takoe*clu3ivo raifnufaotnie ar of tne h**t liajlng uovelty in the world perfect nioti protect^il liv . four paten** and' trademarks. A RARE CHANGE. Eagle office. ANTED-FIVE GOOD CANVAS? agent* immediately. Apply a! No. 129 street, J W ANTED - SALESMEN - A C T I Catholic salesmen. FULTON NOjVELTY C DeKalb av. \7ST ANTED— 4A.LWSMEN ENERGl IT salesmen for Brooklyn. Wllltamsbur*h and ( roir.t, to sell the Gas Sunlight Appsrttns: S-l to f. day MI bem»de. Ap.ily lo GEORGE WILLIAM. 1 921 f u l t o n »t fr.^m 2 to i P. M. w Fulton w - w W A S T K O—HIT X! A 1 10 fSS— B-' F. M AI. ANTED—SITUATION--TO AS.St^' the work of a p'ain f^mtlv. by a respecttblo American girl. Call this-afternoon and to-morrow Ke-it av • iOtr ANTED—SITUATIONS M.\NA< TT by ladles—BROOKLYN KMPU»YMKNI RJCAU. V Concord st b-tween Fulton ant! Wash! sts. Family help of M kinda. We do not.promise p tio-i, but. try to seleot good woman for domestic so without regard; UJ nationality or religion. N. B. nuraes suopli^dl ED—SITUATION A n d irr>n»*r, by H rtint •AS A O O actable, willing Call f-ir two dayt w w^ Cooks, *Va*r»er« and Ironen. \7i T AN v T vta*''i« obliging rfirl-. good city ralerenods Raymond st. in tu^ rear. W AN rED—SITUATION—AS A CO washer aad ironor bra respectable girl; n joetion to the a-.eo-iea: good reference. Please call Atlantic a7. K ->om 10. ANT B Dr-SITU ATIO N—AS A CO washer and ironer. by a respectnnlo English an. wi'ls- good citv re'erenoes: obj-ictlous to postal i Address for two da/s 242 Bridge sfc J A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — A S COI by a corapete-it per*''n : U a first class laum bes' city references can be gtvnn. Please call at 63U •st, bet. Vanderbllt and Underhill av». "1X7ANTED—SITUATION—AS A C O T r washer and ironer. bva respect-ibis womai objections to the country, ('all at No. 103 Lnquoer floor 1 , back room. , VS7 ANTED -SITU ATION—AS C O C T » washer and troner.br to do general honseworl small Drlvate family, by a respectable middle age man -. has g'»od city reference. Call tor two days Pacific st, near Court. _ ANTED-SIlUATION-AS A CO washer and Ironsr. or would do general I work, by areapaotabte young wom;tn ; has good city encea. Call lor two days at 'MM Bergen st, noar Fri avenue. Y\TANTED—SITUATION—AS A CO v v washer and irorrwr bv a resnectable womat good city reference: thoroughly understands her bui f>.n be *een for two day* at o(j Flee t place, near .' avenue. ANTED—SITUATION—AS A CC washer and ironer, 1>V a respectable girl: or do general homework in a private family; will bo willing and obliging; can furnish Ihe belt city refer Please call for two day* at iC2 Grand av, top tloor, rooms. ANTED—SITUATION—AS AN cedent cook, "baker, washer and Ironer, b spect»bli» woman : Is willing aad obliging and has i •ections to a boarding houae. Please call at lo2 J in tha rear. WANTED-SITUATION-AS A F I TT cI.iss'Iaun<!ross in a/private ftiiillv: has the city references. Call for iwo days at No. 7 Clinton st ANTED—SITUATION—AS FIR c'*A4 cof>lc. by a nrtt^ctable girl: ha*\ fhroo cltr fft r orpnc*>? Call •'or two days at IVo. 107 Putuai opposite Onnonct platfo. ANTED—SITU ATION— AS F I 1 class cook, by a resDeotable woman : has goo referances. Call for two days at 109 Graham »t, neai tie av. w- <Jo sf©n« w.IJins roorxift. w f."p9ctah •octioo-i in tha r city r*f w< city fft 1 oppoflit' A FI a re*p-*< Call foi FfR W ANTED—SITUATION—AS claa* cook, washer and Ironer, by young 'r/"man; hss good city refereoce*. days at 579 Fnlt-.n st. too floor. V|T ANTED—SITUATION—As T T claas laundress in a nioa famdy. where the set of a thorough laundress ar~* required: understani kinds of fluting; two year* and a ball in la»t place at car addrosS lo2 York st.'. \ltr ANTED—SITU ATION- AS A FU TT olass oook, washer aad Irnnor. by a res pec young gir 1 ; l>est city reference Pleate call for two d No.-!71 Sackstt st, bet. Henry and Hicks, secoad front room! W ANTED— SIT'UATION-A3 A~Fll class coo'< ; understands meat.*, game, pa and desserts: excell»mt bread and biscuit maker. C 82 Pierreoo-il St. for referenoe. To be seen at aay ti S7 Colnmbla heigh's near Pjplar et. W AN TED*—SI TU ATION — A S . F I R class cook. w.-<sh»r and Ironer. bv a respec woman; would taU* the entire charge 'A downstairs g-iod breffd and bUculf.. maker: has best city refer Can b* seen at 187 Huntington st, near Coor;, In the W ANTED—SITUATION-A S A FI class cook ; understands her business In a branches: haa no objection to assist with the washlni Ironing, or has no objection to cook, wash and iro small, respectable family: best of city referenc". C 'u -n tor two day* at No. W Atlantic av, between Colt place aad Emmet st. , W AITED—SITUATION—A3 A G* cook, by a respectable woman. Call at 175 ' street. W AN^E I>—SITU ATIO N— AS A G< plain cook, wash-ir snd Ironer br a respei woman . na* grwxl city references. Call for two days Bedford av, noar Flushing. W ANT ED—S ITU ATION —AS." A" ~G( link, washer.and Ironer, by a respectable wo has g~od cltr reference from her last place. Call fo day* at 3M Dograw It, near Smith. W A N TED—SITU ATION"—AS~TG-0 oook, waaner and Ironer. by a resDeotable we haa good city reference. Call for two days at49Di " st, between Concord and Tillary. > W ANTED-SITUATION—AS ~G W plain oook. washer arid ironer, olther in a bo* house or a private family.by a resectable w>msn good oily referenee. "Gall for two days at 29 Dean St. floor, back room-. W ANTED—SITUATION — A S G 6 oook, wssher and ironer, by a respectable Ei girl ;"ls willing and obliging, and not afraid to work good reference: no objection to go a short distance country. Call for two days at 144 Tillary.st', rear ho W ANTED—SITUATION—AS" A G< cook, washer and Ironer In a private famllj reapmstable riri -.' or would do g*neral housework In a family: I* willing and obliging, and has goodrefen Please call Friday and Saturday at 83 Talman st Bridge. ^_ ' ^_ W ANTED— S*~'VATION —AS A~G( cook, br a respectable woman:understands onghly her business, and Is an excellent wa*ber and •r : l f it 1* needed. has no objections to go to the co Can be seen until Saturday morning at 1S3 Saokett *l the candy »tore, bet. Hlcka aad Henry. W ANTED—SITUATIONS-"^*: A! ;ood plain cook, 'washer and Ironer, the otl chambermaid and waitress, by two respectable ; girls; have good city referances. Call for "two days Congress st. W ANTED - —SITUATIONS—ONE A good.cook and lauadress: tea years'refcre the other as chambermaid or aarsa aad searastre Wilcox 4 Gibb'smachlae. by two respectable girls. I call for two days at present employer's, 30X> McDoi street . - ' W ANTED—SITUATIONS—ONE AJ first olass oook, wasner and Ironer, the otbe first elass waitress or to mind children, by two respee Protestant girls: have the best city references. Ploai for two days at-229 Bridge st. second floor; no postal- aaswerad. ,_ t W ANTED SITUATIONS — O N E first alar* laundress, b: derstands her duties thoroug < 1;. erences. city or county: the other as cham Dermalc w.titr..-ss,. by a competent youag girl, the boat of : enoe, city or country. Call at 121 Columbia st, con Harrison. . W A2" TED"~"STTUATT6N^"TO C O ( wash and iron or would do geierai hoasewt a small private, family, by a competent gill-: h as goo ereuce.. Can be seea lor two dsys at 130 Koscius near Nostrand av. ^^ . W ANTED-SITUATION—TO"""I>0 1 eookhur or housework of a small private fami a rsspectabl* girl-. oan be highly recommended fro! last employer. Call at 85 Boad »t. near State. " CkLasaracrmalds. naitreucs, etc. iy a competen t psraot Iv, has the host of oil the W A N T E D - S I T U A T I O N - A S CH A barmaid aad waltreai, by,an English Prote girL Call fo* two day* at WWashiagton «t.__ _. W ANTED —"SITUATI6N-*AS OBi barmaid and wattrss*. in a private family, by speetable vouatt girl -,bas the best of city reference. £ oall at 7< Poplar a*. .. - ' ' ..':•: •:.'•-•'.. ANTED—SITUATION—AS 0 H A bermald and to willing to -do plain sarrine .rexpectabin youis girl; oaa como wall recoawao] Pleaso call for ivro (Says j* No. 33 Prcspeot St. •**Ta^ANTED-^SI±UAT10N— AS art! A w OPE- W.> ma- iEO. W.- ORK, .toly. at alton at, he boat.-. cooklya; a :i"Nbs" )KLYW botween ty.HaU; m otSoa for wet- } A T {. 253 FE~- ioyery DER •s and o oth- yxr7 id sale oo-^ly: ddress UNG rillary V E" O . 503 5TIC l.-een- M I e r ?, No. r IN ymna at 560 iKl") ' Bff. n^t->n nrfe :. r7ice. OK. and , at 78 OK, a ob- at 106 OK, worn- sards. ),K" lrejs: Doan OK, t, toi> IK" c in a d wo- at224 O"KT lonae-, refer-' tnkliu OK; i: has line-**. dyrtle 'OK, would found ances. • front EX- y a re-' io ob- ay st, RST best S"T rear*' n av, a^ST d city • Myr- KS^T rtable r two S T •vloos 1* all Call IHT tabro avs at floor, afST stries all at oae at 3T table ; is a ence. store, RST II its it and a In a an be imbia )0"D Smith )OD .-table at 387 >6D man; rtwo ol> mi an ;' lffield 0"D" rdlnst ; has hrst O D igllsh : ha* ia the use. )QD '. by a small >nces. , near >OD thor- iton- antry. '.. over r"A lor as roung at 7s S A noes -. on 'lesae lough J"~A r as a liable e call cards AS i, un- ry ref- I and refer- ler of )K, >rk ia dref- ko st, THE ly.by a her tM-i 3tant a5a>; a re-' 'lease >M " M- ,by» adod. AUN- r Frank- JOOK ichouse; SHES a girl; HAM-- ad satls- No. 274 PLATf: 4 years )F~ A ,1 newer pont st. >USE- SB Ap- .USE~ I ad Iron- av. >USE- '.worthy Anply USE-" d oook, Gail for USE- *anch: Also a 'rotost- ily at 82 USE-"' oadod, USE-' a good ler last USE : I: must Pacific rjSE- tor two USE^ illzlng. RAL i aged : good « days USE- ; must o-l t>dr r2 N OS- USE" a first od city r*s a n d Scher- USE-" undor- > years ». »taf- irese"" days at w C amaBermolCa w respectAb. Waitress***, et< TED—SITUATION—AS " C H oald and waitress, in a private family . girl: has-.good city references. Calif AUaptlo*v. r bot. Hoytyand Smith.' '-• •'• XN/TED—SITUATION—AS- CHi bermald, or to tako care of children, by an , lean girl: good olty references. Call for two days . Paolno at .(near H lok*. Wo oarda. - . W ANTED—SITUATION— AS A C H bormaid and waitress, or as nurse', by e. roai Call f( 4 CH bla. young woman r" has good city references, days at i Uil Spencer at. ^|7ASTEi^srrrjATios—AS A T T bermaid and waitress, or would dohousewoi small 1 lmlly, by a respectable young girl; city or do good rt t eijenc Please Call for two days at 804 Henr W . LNTED-SITUATION—AS A O H bermaid and waitress, or as chambormai seamsttess, by a respectable young girl; can operat two years* 1 ,-reference- from.last employer. Call at 2 st, In tlpe store. ,. W ANTED—SITUATION— AS \ O H ' bermaid and waitress, or would do goneral work in a' small family, by a'respectable yoaag c woman; has good city reforeaces. Call lor two d w 179 Na -y st. ,V?C7.*.NTEp—SI: !A ION- \S CH bermsid and waiixoss, or as nurse and seam? by arer poet able young girl; is willing and obllgim; good city'reference. Pleaso call for two days at 623 1 st, neai Hudson av. , 'S.NTED-SITUATION—AS C H i re-maid arid setmrtress In a private family, stst wit !i otlier light work : nnderstands all kinds o: ily sewfag; also, Domeitlo ',»nd Wheeler A Wll*n chlnys] has two yosrV city referouco. Call or addn Smith it, over the fancy store. ._ ' W ANTED—SITUATION-AS C H A I bermaid and woitross in a private family, or housevtork in a small family, by a respectablo girl: h obiections to the country for the Summer; best(>i bit erence pom last place. Gall for two days at 988 Atl av. near Grand. _ \^¥NTED—SITUATION-AS A'OHl T T jbermald and waitxesa, or charrlhermaid and n will go to the country for the Summer months; is a sewer: br would do genoral housework in a brnallramfl good city reference for either. Can bo ileen for two d t>5 L a f a i e t t e av. ' - W kNTBD—SITUATION—A3| F 1 R j class chambermaid and waftreis or, wmld rii eral housework in small family by a thoroughly comi girl; gdod city referonoo. Pleaso oall at 492 Adulpbi lAI" TED-SITU ATION--TO DOLIC -honsowork, or chambenvork and waiting, siBa-11 {family, by a yonng American ftghrl. Ploue for twofdaj s at 174 S m i t h st. f W -ANTED—SITU ATION-TO D O LK. ohamberwork and mind growing children, or .plain sewing with reference. 339 Hicks st, botw'ooa P. and Arilty st*. W ANTED—SITU ATION—TO i>6 Lit obamberwo.-K -and plain sowing, by a young Call fpr throe duys at No. 49 J oral testant girl, street. W ANTED—SITUATION -TO DO" chamborwo^k aud waiting, by a yhnng girl: W ANTED—SITU ATION- ! ohambervo-k, by a young Protestant gii class wjaltress, private taroily or Doardiag hous found Milling aad ohllgiug and fon 1 of caildrou ; hui olty references. Please caU at 24 Johnson st. •TO, DO 1 Protestant girl; is t ca higlily irecommendod from her last place. Call fo days atl 29 Dean st, near Court st. W A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N - T O ^ D O " - 1 | light housework and take care of children young fiirl; good reference. 774 Dean st, - \nrr{ANTED-SITUATION-TO ; DO "T Tv I upstairs work and waiting,or to do ch-mber and help to take care of children, bv a respectable }' girl, frim {tie oountry. Please call at 49 Debevolsa p -Is DO W ANTED—SITUATION—TU i stairs work, by a respectable woman. Can bo for two days at Ml vvjokoff St, second house from Nt W ANTED-SITUATION—TO DO " ! stairs work or to mlrid children, by a rejpio young {girl. Call for three dars at 680 Sack otl. at, Tt' hird iv. _ ANTED—SITUATtON—TO "D07' •tnlrs work and wa'ting. by a respectable y girl: thoroughly understands waiting. Call for two at. 183 Saclcett st, in the candy s'ore. w I » ;ljor Sac Wj (suartues ana seamstresses. - TTrrANTED-SITUATION—AS CHIL */ v j nurse or to make herself generally useful, young gir).: is willing and obliging: can furnish exce reference. Please call lor two days at 188 Nineteenth V«r ANTED—SITUATION —AS A." FU T v ! olass wet nurse, by a roaoectable widow: is y ond hrjalthy: has first cla?s rfrferonce Can be seen al week aft 160 Bailor »t, second floor front. \\T A NT ED—SIT V A TION—AS A "Nil I TT and chambermaid, by a respectable, trustwi young girl; Is a giod plain sower; is willing and obli« has good- reference from-last employer: a good hotn:> forred ,o high wiges. Please oall or address 182 Ellei \*TANTED-rrSITU ATION—AS NUR: vv by a respectable girl; understande the oare of dren tlioronghly: ctu t)rfng a baby up on tho botlli willing and obliging: I* a nice sewer i noaobjeotlon to countrj/; boat of city referenda cat be given. Please at 181 Plymouth at, bet Bridge and Jay. ANTED—SITUATION — A S NUE I and soamstrefs, by a Pro"estanl Ameaican ; w go by the day or week; caa out and fit ladioV and dren stresses; can sew on anv maobibei; first olasa erence* from last omployer 847 Fulton st.'oor of Adei [ANTED—SITUATION—AS SEA I stress and ohaiiiberniald by an American has Wilcox and Giljbs machine; first olass refarec No. 51.1 Hicks St. __ Vl 7 f A N T E ' )_SI * i } A TI< > N—AS S E A' TT I stress, by a rearx-eta'il?'girl; oan do nil kin< faiidlyfs»?wirig and a.,si-t In dresKinaking, or would ge by the) week or mon h. Call at No BO Doan st ;7|ANT ED-SITUATION - AS A Wl nursr*. by a respectable young widow; best of •renews. Call at 395 .Warren st. ' A N T E D — S I TU ATION—TO T A ¥ caro of children, or would do upjt-.ir* work, reapentali'e yonni: Priieitait girl: has good city re enct»s.j Call lor t-.vo days vt: 8>a Fulto l of AN'l ED—SI'l U \ i ION- T O !' A I ore or children and ill chamberwork. by a yi> girl; dan sew niooiy, li.aj fouryearj' refere-i o froiu place.I Apply rtt No, "1 S t c k ' - ' t »t, tuar Col i.-idiia. ANTED -SITUATION— T O f "A * car" of children, bv a younz v\i\ 15 y-«r» old willing a-id obliging and fond Ot children': can fur good isfor.^n-e as to ho-iosty and capability, Can be i f.>rtw> days at No. 832 Atlautto av. corder of Van bilt. irlonlhly IVurser*. EXI at 1 ANTED—NURSING—BY AN" rlonoed weekly or monthly ladies' nun-; can sstl-factory refereaej from ladies and doot'rs. Cal 625 Pufltoa St. ^sO ANTED—NURSING—BY AN EXP T V lrten"esd nurse wer-klr or monthly; terms, raodera goo'i reference can be had fro-n her former patients. < or a;lures» at 549 Maroy av, near Grejae and Gates car*. I Cleneral aotweworn. A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N - T O DO GV eral ho-iireworg in s, smill fomlly, by an Amsr Protestant woman. Please call at 558 Greene av. •VXTANTB1>— SITUATION—TO D O GT T Tj eral housework in a amall family, bv a voung < man girl. Inquire for two day* at 13^) Douglass st. A NT K D -SIT U ATION—TO DO Uii 'eral housework, by an American woman. A; 11 Fult-m st. -_ ANTED-SITUATjONi-TO DO GI eral housework, or as a' good oook.-washer irotiej-. by a revpc-iablo young girl; hos good City re enoei Call tor two days at 9oi> Pacific *t. Hf ANTED—SITU ATION —TO D O GB Tv] eral housework, by a Protestant American t has dood city reference. Apply at 1:<7 S c h e n c k st, betK Wllh>ughby and CeKalb avs. <*._ ANTED—SITUATION—TO D O GJE eoal housework, by a respectable young girl: I rid cook, washer and ironer; has go >d olty referen' [or two days at 37 Pacific st, near Hicks. \njr ANTED—SITUATION —TO "pO _ GE T v eral housework, by-a rtjtnectablo young ; •ood plain conk, washer p.nd trormr;"has good mces. Call tor two days at 88 Atlantic av. bets and Ijlenry ijts. ANTED—SITUATION-TO "DO GE oral housework, or ns oook. washer and iro bv * respectable woman : city or country: has good referjencos. Call for two days at 245 Graham_st/ »TrW AN TED -rSl f UATIO N - T O DO GB v T eral housework in a small family, byl a respe ble rtilddle aged woman: has good city re'eronce. for two davs at 171 Sklllman st, near Willoughby av. VWTANfED-SITU ATION- TO DO GE T j eral housework, by tt roipoctablo ymug girl; good cook washer and Ironer: has good city referent Calljfortwodava at489 Warren st. A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N > T O D O G F eral hbusewerk, by a reeprtotableSoung.woman as cOok. washer and ironor; has good city teforencos. I for t|wo days at 316'Sacltett st. J \ ANTED—SITUATION—TO D O G E y Y era l housework or »s chambermaid aud waiti f i ssmall pr'vata family, by a respectable girl. Call two clays at 162 Fulton st. ^ W ANTED—SITUATION—TO D O G E eral housework, by a respsotable yonny worn I* o good cook, washer and Ironor: has -'good city re enois. Gal) for two day J at No. 933 Atlantic avenue, t Grand W ANTED—SITUATION—TO D O GT? eral housework bv a resoeot-ibls' girl; will touUd willing and obliging; lias goud ci y .reference h lasti place. Can be seen for two days at 60 High st, Adams. \i,TANTED—SITUATION—TO DO GE T Y oral housework, by a respectable .voting girl: i goofl plain cook nad laundfeas; has «ood city coferei from last place. Please call for two days at No. 716 My av. firai floor. VST ANTED—SITUATION—TO D O G E ,T« eral housework in ».small private family, by « sp«ifctable English girl: good plain cook; first class wo; and ironer, and has best of city references. Please at the house, 305 Borgen st. _ _____ '_ _ WANTED—SITUATION—TO D6""GE era! honsework or chamberwork In a private fam by i youn ;. girl: can got goo"roference from last emp eraJ Please call for two days at 214 Smith st, bet Ba! ana Butler. __ \ _JANTED*-SrrUAtlON—TO DO GE ]T eral housowo'k. pjaln cooking washing and li lng(. bv a young girl. has good cltv roference from her plnjce. If r«|ul-ed. Pleaso call for two days at 29tJ-To kin* av. tuo soooad door fjom Quiacy st. \ lb-ANTED—SITUATION— TO" B O GE )T oral boUsework, by a young Prot-aJfant girl;• goad plain oook and good washer and ironer; has g city rofnrenno. Please .call at 100 Wyckod* St, bet. Su and Hoyt, third floor back. t b ANTED-SITUATION—TO DO G Tv rral honsowork, by a respeotab'lo youag wo is a good baker and lauudres?; competertt to fill engagements: has good reference. Cau b^ seea for days at_No^I8_N<_rth PortUnd av. W ANTED/^StTUATlON—TO DO- GE era) housework, by a respeotable young woman a good plain cook, washer and ironor: cart furnish 1 city references. . Oall for two dsy at 81 Hicka st, sec flopr. ' •• ______ -^^ANTED-^ITUATIO_-TO DO GE VV eral housework, or would do upstairs work, i private family, by a re speetable yoong gir); has tuo 1 of Jetty reference. Please oall; for two days at 783 Deai near Grand av. '•. _•_ . • A N T E D - i - S I T U A T T O N — T O 1 ) 6 G E eral bousew .rk in a small private family, by a speetable colore! girl; is a good coog, washer and (ror has good oity refereaoes. Call for two days at 680 Atlai arjenue. T f t f T A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — T O DOGE T * eral housework, by a .yonng German girl: to a g cdok aad baker and first class washer and Ironer: Am can family preferred: best ot rofareo'ce* given; also, tb yrfung German girls as chambermaids aad waitress also seroral well reciimmended Irish girls. Apply at RRMAN AGENCY, 188 Atlantic av. ; ANTEb-rSiTUATION—TO DO' GE eral housework, or.would go as chambermaid i waitress, in a smalt private family, by a respeotable g bis good city reforea-os; willing to go to the ooaat OjiH for two days at 851 Atlaatio av. i W ANTED-TSITUATION"— TO DO GE eral housework, in a small private family, bv a speotable yoaug Protestant woman from Holland: goad cook, washer and Ironsr; is willing and obliging. < al 306 Clinton s'.,'Thursday from 4 till 5:30 P. M. and I day from 10 till 12. ring at tho Dasement door. __^ \7_TANTED -SITU ATION—TO D O G E jr T eral housework, by a respectable young worn iN a good cook, washer and Ironer; Is a good .bread i biscuit baker; no objection to city or country; has gi city references. Call for two days at 150 Navy at,noar 1 tie av. in.the rear. •> Tj^ANfED—SITUATION—TO D O G E ft T eral honsowork in a small private famllj, by a speetable you ng girl; Is a good plain cook, and; first o f - and ironer: to willing and obliging; best of ice. Please call for two days at 212 Hoyt st, Baltic and Butler, second geio'r. back rooms. ANTED—siTlfATIONS-TO D O G B eral honsowork, by fonr Swedish (r"irto: also a*: tjlass oook aad chambermaid, by twa Gernunx and narse and to assist in housework, by _ young girl o years; all have tho best city referencr_. Apply at 275 lantic av.-near Smltlist.^ . > ."• W ANTED-SITU ATI6N-^0 D6 _ T1 general housework, in- a, str__i;, private family; dity roferencex Plea»e callfor Ujo.days at84 Carroll't W ANTED—SIT OAT _ON-TO DO Tl honso.rork of a sm/.n.family, by a resoecti j onns girl: city referaace. „rCall for two days at 686 At 1 lo av. : .... ' _J _il_J L_ W ANTED-SITrjATiON—TO DO Tl housework, by• young, American girt; cam iihe very beat of elty re*ervlao* from b*r last place; wil loand wiltiag aad olilrgW. Call for two dan at 77 I bushar._____ -" -~ - , -'•- -'.-••• |7^ANTEH>--STTUATiON—TO DO 1 -Tl T T . hoqaawo-rlr, by-a respeotable middle aged worn has no objeotlor. to a widower's family; oaa bo well rec 1 acmded. Call at 302 "Water at, first floor. otiCicy I attar Gi yqung also se GERM waitrssi TED-SITUATION—TO D O T l downstairs work,'or would- do housework fc i mtall hrivate family, by ajw>*otabl<> yOung *rrl; bosr *ity rc.fDruaco. Please, call for two day* at ldtDegrai topfji door from Hioa». . ,- CAM-: f. by a for two Alvi> Amor, at .78 TM 7 rppcta- !oor" t w o Z ._ IA'M- >rk la a mr.trv; ry st IAM- Id aad to: has H2 Jay A7W house' jolored lays at AiVF stress, f : has ulton A7W- , or ai- , jffam. in OJ i- :esai43 1 1^> do :ios nb ty ref- .lantlc AM 7 nurse: i. good' ll-/;has lays at rs"T logon- peteut st. UB.T (n a e call GHT to do •aciilc UHT gPro- leinoa THE vill be is best THE u flrat UTI be or two irTE i, by a THE rwork toung jlace. Ujy- ) soan evins. UP- stable near GC tottan willing "tbmakehirhself useful about tho t a oarbful drlTer_oKy ;or oounterj, Ploosooall OT F. R. CAMPBELL, caro of Beeve 4 Gage,. fayottoav. ' . •-. ..... .-- -, - '• - - ' '•'•••:' , Yv respoota lion where honesty and' strict'attentioB to duty v layetteav. . • • ; , • - •••••' l^_r ANTED-SITUATION-A T T man wishes a attaatlon in soma i tion wherehonesty and' strlotattentioB t required: would bo wUllhg to not as porter: to qualnted with the oare of horses aad other caltl o; c io., and make himself genorully useful; would hat jectloa to going a short dfitaaoe in. tho couatry. Ai evening and .to-morrow at^24 Seventeenth at, neai avenue. " i , :' - "• .- 7 -- • • ' > TTAWTJEP—gKOFESSIOWAI,. W ~^Nf ED—DR^SSMAKING--ENG -meats by the dav or week in first olass fai dressmaking or plain sewing, by a young lady. Ca dress 123 Cumberland st. \_ JEfaJl W ANTED—DRESSMAKING AT Dejrraw st.» oorapotent-drbssmnker to gi the day or would take work home; perfect cutl fitter. " ' _ W ANTED—HdUSEK__3PTNG B widow ladv. an Amerioau, a ^ituatloa ai keeper: has a small bov of 6 years; eibnercitT ore thoroughly expore iced. Call or address Mrs. A 177 Princo st, aear Wllloughby. ( 'ANTED^-HOUSEKEEPING — B widow lady, middle aged, a position, as hous with a family of means, or to act as nurse and cor for an old or lb valid lady; best rsforonces furnish ability aad fitness for suoh a poa.tloa: Addrese Eagle office. ______ _ ANTEDr-NURSERY GOVERN I Must be a» Protestaat and have had good ence In the oare of yonng children, and be able t satisfactory references. Address, with full name a HOWELL. Eagle office. OTAIVTiai*—Ma\SCELJLANre«a_s UP- roung i days .D'S by a sl'ent ist. RST iroung .11 the ANTED—LOAN—TO BORROW hundred dollars on .chattel mortgage. J i FRANCES. Eiulo office. W A N T E D — , 3 . 0 0 0 - F O R F I V E YE ouhcn'o and lot on. one of tho best avcune ! city; worth at iirmeat pricos.is5 0.IO; intetiat nut to I 6 per cent Address INVESTMENT. Box 4,492, | P. O. U ANTED—PA RTNER—THE AI) tieor. having a good troda In the grocery a vision busine's, is doairou3 of associating witl one with capiUl. . Address PROVISIONS, Ea flee.•-_ __'•__•""•'•' ANTED—SEWING—A LADY AC tomed- to making ladies'and children's < nndertrarmenta, family setving. etc , at home, or < wnats employment In ' respectable families. Add one week Sh,A MS IRESS, Eagle odico._ ANTED—WASHING-AND IROI —To take- it homo, by a colored woman : Is ln.undress; can give reference. CAII or addrea POPE. 307 Navy st. , \\rANTED—WA S H I N G—B Y~A vv spoctnblc wo mnn: id a gooil waohor aad in go out by the day, or woul 1 do family washing at I bouse. Call for two days at i-4 Tilliiry st. ANTED—WASHING—A " W O S wishes ladles' ami _"n'.lenen'3 washing nil ing; best of cltr referencD if re-iuliori. Ap;.ly at gon street. V S T A N T E D - W A S H I N G — A . C! O M TV teat laundress v/'oiild like to obtain somo washing at her reside ice, or would go 0 it bv tbe da furntoh satisfactory relorenci if roqnlied; tanas re ble. Gall for two days at No. S88 Atlantic aaoauc Grand, W ANTED WOlYK—VV ASHING house-cleaning, by a rospnctaMe woman good referonces. Ai.ply at 102 Wyokiff st, thin MRS. KIEM. W ANTED—WORK—BY A R ESPF7< lilb woman, waahi-ig and ironing lo d >'at h would go r>ut to house clean. Call at or a d d r e s s 131' lla av. second floor. W ANTED—WORK—BY A R E - P able woman, washing and iron'nt at bom?, go out by tie day, or would do house leaning; has tl of olty reference. Please call unfil suited at 804 He W ANTED—WORK-BY A KESP.HX ble Swedish woman, washing to do at In home, or would go,o .t by the dav U> do wp^hing, i or houaecleanlug: can give In i !>r;jr. city re.'oronoes at 388 Atlautto av, second floor. ANTED—WORK—BY A RESP able woman, to eo out oy the day wash houseoleanlng; Is a fiist cla?s w.i-Uer and bo-.seci has good reference. Pliraee call tor two r'a ,* at Main st. , • . W ANTED—HOUSE—WITHIN FlFl min-ites, of Fnlton b'o.ry, auitiblu for two tamlliob. AddreieB, statin;,- rent, STATIC STREET, office. T S 7 AN TE D—H () USE-rTO R E 1»T—FI T T olass stone e«r brick house oa the Hill; rent exceed S6U0. Addr-as <) . ICag.'d efflco. W ANTED-HOUSES-'TO LET-! havirijr appJTcationa for havis'M daily, from tJOOial&o for part** of Upuaas; iio charge until { G. W. VAN DUXtA'H, 177 Atlantic av, AKTJBD— HOUSK-rXO RBN'i emuIl'lUMiSv) vrithiri vialklftg dk.'.an.,,* Of tb Hall, by a pio-npt paying tenant; rent, not lo exce rer uiontli. Addr-as J. K. s.. Box .".2, Brooklyi OfBoo. ANTED"—HOUSE—TO OCCUPY April 1, two 2 story arid basemutit frame, or brown stono' houso*; a 13 ropiv-tn ho en'ort.-iinrr mention roolc Uottoui rent, a n a o.U otlier details. Ac M. Z., Raglo office. ANTED—HOUSE-A and wife lle"ire a small 1 nlshed for housekeeping, conven tst.nti'ig rord wliiol* must be ver: otBoe. ANTED—HOUSES -AND PART? houses to rent, bv SNI)>X' h S\ ITJ.M AN, 1 70 Court at; bornst'contrully looatetl. t,hr doi-.and Is u i.-icraaod for medium and hicni priced houses: c will find it to their aavanUixe rti place their propc our books at ouco. W A N T E D — H O U S E — A T H R E E ST' houijv), unfuirxiljrhed or partly luni's.hod. vrbo owner will tuU^ tb« rent in boned, in too violuity cf I av, hotweeo Cambftrland *-.ud TI#Vi tt-*. with the pr of taktnft other lioardew. Addrea9, for two dayj*. tl Box B, Bajflo offico-j \ JANT>Jn—HOUSE^p Y . A/SM of aOtt'its a house eontjiiniij}* about ten rooi oatlOat botween For tt and ST. and'Raymond et. I'll and DeKftlh R'T*; rent not fco oxcooj $6'10; porieot a|ee,indispensable; roferonces A No. 1. Atidruas K. Kngle olflce. A N T E D - H O U S E — A " S M A L L ""F ily of udnlta would like a house with vie boarding tho owribr and privileift of two or three » mubt b^ centrally dooatid and liave all irupVover •no. th of Atlantic av. preferred. Addrets REPL r BLl Eagle of&co. S— A tfESTLEI II h'i')S^, 01 l>.trt Of lli>U iveuietlt Gs terri'^s. Ad nry 1 iw, J.f II., HOA- 18, WAN ITEO—x?ABtTS OF MOtlSES W ANTED-PART OF HOUSE-^BY American family of three power part of hour two rooms on third floor, in- a (rood location, with c vicinity of lil inson place preferroid. PleaSo a'ldros lug full particulars uudj.oruis, J. pL. B., Box 9, Ea; tice. ; j VrAlVX'sTlD-rBPOITIia. __ _7_7ANTED FpRN IS BE D RffoM T T gotrtlemau wishes a nine fumiihod roim iu vate family; not mor) than ten minutes' walk rom 1 Ferry; house with bathroom preferred: reereuc chaug»d Addreas, stating lerms. 8. BO FEZ 179 1 etrjet. •. _' r ANTEI>—ROOMS— A SOCIAL C , , desire to hire a suite of parlors, firnished c furnished; must be located in the district bound. Bedford av, Fulton' at, Washington aud DuKalb avr erenoes given: Address, with lull particulars, SO CLUB, Eagle office. __ . __ W ANTEI>-6FFIC"E—AFTER MATS in a pleas mt location, not far from City H nloely furnished front Or back parlor, suitable for i tor's office: references exohangod. Addross, by only, DOOTOK, 103 South Oxford st. fSOAKBinn. B OARD—62 LIVINGSTON ST-FR rooms on the second and third floors; extra ball rooms, wlthjwater. B OARD—61 HICKS 8X— HANDSOiM furnished room on second flior for two geulli fivs minutes from, Faltoa Fe rry: ao moving ia May. B OABD—572" PACIFIC ST.—A FR ball room on third floor; location pl6asant; with all modern improvements; table first class; moderate. -_ B OARD—47 CONCORD STREET, W froe use of park adjoining boose-, a pleaaan- room.also largo room to let with first-class table; minutes' walk from Fnlton Ferry: terms moderate. B OARD—ON THE HILL—AT 66 E Ott place, between DeKalb av. and Fuljto square room, suitable for two adults; reforoaoe chaaged. ____ _ . B OArl_>-2..9 CARLTON AV,—RO< to let. furnished or unfurnished, to gontleme wives or single gentlemen: will be let low to p.rm: parties; no moving in May; also, a few table boardei be aooorrimodated : dlnnar at half-past 6. OARD-ON THE HILL—65" GRE" av. a large second sljry front room; location class, with all modern improvements; also hall) 8uilable forgentlomen; *iibst|_itial table; homo coa< best of refetence. given and reiiufreil; dinner 8%. n t li B OARD—TO LET, WITH BOARD large second story front room, handsomely furni hot and co'.d wator aud la rite closets; suitable for g man and wife or two single gentlemen; five minutes Fulton Ferry. 65 Sand* at. . B O A R D - A" YOUNG GENT L E M (Cotholic pre forred) oan obtain very, pleasant a modntinns with or withoutuoard, and homo comfo a respectable Catholic family, by addressing LEO, I Eoglo offloe. ' _ B OARD—396 CARLTON AV—FAMII and aingle gentlotuou ehp rent furnished rconr do well byeng-.glne board in THEODORK'S tirat restaurant table d'aote, turn 5 to 8. Also, one furs room to let. _ B O A R D - 3 8 S C H E R M E R H O R N ST, twe.u Court oad Clinton—Rooms, having i closets, to let., with first class board, la a well dondi boq^e,co'ivoatently aad pleasantly located; terms m ate i-references. . t B OARD—A PARTY OWNING TH own house will rent to a gentleman, with boi handsome hall room on seooud floar; hot and oold w all convenie.ucoa; reference exohange. Apply at 283 st. near Hoyt. ___ __ji_J._-__ . O A R D - 4 1 9 C L I N T O N . ^ T R E E T — 1 .... largo 1 rooms, with ample closet; room:" also r.-.om furntobbd oi«-unfuipolahed; hoiiso ' contains, all ern improvements: lotosrtion first class- and conveal oars and femes'; dining',room on parlor tloor; term! moderate; reference exohangod.: B OARD—ON THE *HILL^-190 SOI Oxford st-^A very desirable aocojAd story room and hall room adjoining.- to let with first olass 1: to gentleman aud wlte or'singlogcntjemAo; house 1 stono;. location oae ot tho/ineat on ths Hill. No movl May- ' . . ' ' / B OARD^ON THE HEIG/ffTS-T" EM a pleasant, lar_o room, nicely furni-bed, on third floor;good board locat-on uuaitrpaaaod, three utes' walk of Pulton Ferry, four dojrrs from Oblu Heights, terms reasonable. Call at if Poplar st, bet. low st and Columbia Heights. 130ARD—32 &LINTON JL» front and baokj room jon the aod,< and oold water;, ba , A LAI ,. d floor, with . sotaely furnished or unfnrnii also front room on ithird floor, fur.ilshed for gentl and wife, or single f&ntlemsn: house! and location - class; terms very modo-ate; no moving in May. B OARD—A GENTLEMAN A N D W can have a alee', largo an famished room with t wladows. on first floor; terms fortwo $9 per week: "a furnished hall room U4_jJ.; breakfast from.6 to 8; d at 6M ;>_o moving in May. Apply at 113.Hoyt st, c Pacific ' __ . . ^ B O A R T ) - A T N O . 103 L A W R E N O E H Handsomely. furnished rooms, 'all improven witn good board, for gentlemen and their wives, t gentlemen or ladies, at low prices -.good quiet home forts. In oar owa house; aear City Hall Call s Week. I B OABD-NO. ,.02 CLINTON ST,' NJ Baltic—A haadsomely furnished: salt of root seooadjfloor: ample closo s, .water, etc.; also a de.l room oa parlor floor, With every convealoocc: loc within ten minutes" walk of Southor WuH st ferries; ence* exchanged. . ' ' • O A R D ^ A FEW~1gENTLEMEN J B' ploi j-LF ladles oan he acoommottatea witn very nicely furnished rooms on second -or third floor; 1 table aad home comforts; half a short block to al routes and twenty minutes to all ferries; terms very Please oall at No. 631Pacific street, just east of Fla r avenue. '...,' ' M OARD-NO. 18l DEGRAW V ST,' Fll house to Henry st—A small private German fa ngapleasant home, oan accommoj__te a few g< men with good hoard and nicely furnished rooms, or i without board.; house has all improvement*; price moderate' references exohanged. . . B OARD—AT 177 SCHERMERHORN between Smith and Hoyt at .—Elegantly fora rooms for gentleman aad.wife or single gentlemen: h table.and location unsurpassed, and where home con can bo oajoyed; alaosiaglo room; noar:City Hail an rios. •' •'•"."• '' _J___L- V> O ARD—-TTP^tlV ATE" F AMU,*. H JT) lasr more room than they rociuire, will let, with substantial board at m-derate prices, a large back i with., elegaat bay window, sattajHa far dentist or pays a largO front alcove room, and one la-go and on. hall oa third floor, .all nowly papered and painted ; no Inglo'Msy; rqomB oaa be>_eeaby calling at No. Grtreae place, near Fultoa ot; cjnjred. 'V _ roforcact-s given oi -^.'-~ BOABB WAJiX-EIP. B OARD WANfED-BY A GENTLEft and wife, ia n private family near ferriea-. ttat eat moathly terms, Box 1,606 N. Y. P. <X T_> OA_RD W^NTiED—BY TWO Y Ol JO ladles .betweeaCl-8_on,aa&Franklinars; alto, floor room for privat* •choal; terjn* mast bo mod Address, stating focation, tertn., Ac. C.________ o i|L»DARD -WANTEDr-IN A PJ&IV- J_> . family oa the Hill,by two yoaag sontlemea, together. Addres., with full particulara, W., Box IS,; _3pARD W^A-^-SD-TQN- .^mS& AOHr . yeuna )uso; i* iddress, _»•• 1a>- WWQ •lerpoal- ouid be »oll Cc-' in milk, vnooly ply this Eighth - AGE- illies at 1 orad- i a - 437 out by •r and T~~A house- H._i» ; OORNISHED ROOMS—TO' LET" JL? .or two furnished-rooms ia A private family. at No. 888 Warariy av, near Greene. fJlUiRNiSHBD HdOMS^TOTLBTi Li . JL 1 • '• room, nicely furnished, to- on - or two gentle a private -amity« also a hall room. Apply at M Wil atrooti! .,.,.,.-.,. -- _ •-..... •"•:'. " .,,, ..;-;•. TTiURNISHED ROOMS—TO LET, I* JL 1 :out board, to gentlemen only, a aiculy fn largo room ; also amall room, comfortable and , in ovqry respect: «-l^hin fourmiouteV walk of tho At 5! Cranberry st. F UMiSH_5Dl_:Ol>MS-TO DET, A Saads »t, two orthieo baadsomoly furn-shed rni; second noor complete for houaokeclplng-, also parlor aud bedroom with' extension, for a doct d-nttofs offloe. Call at 82 Sands- st. oornorofW tou.,--'v '{ .. IO ."X ________________ n CUMBERI rflO I,BT—HOUSE—199 JL, at, opposite the Parkt rent verilow;- Iaquii y A keener panion id as to H.I-., ss — jxperi- i brln? id ago. rwo dd're.i AKS,' iln the exceed N. V. n_.R- ld pro- some ;le of- 5us"-- loih -s, nts do, ess tor ING - gofrd , Mrs. RI? nor, to ar own AN I iion- u Iser- 'am ily . ; can -h(lll»- uoar AND ; with floor, !:CA-~ me or •'rank- _5po> it will eVett ir/ at* IT A- r own o:ii ig Call , _OT- ag or laner: No. 89 KEN, hnudl Eagle RST no I. to AM. WO to mt-1. , *A i City d $20 Post BY brick must dre-« IAN 0 fur- 1 runs. EHBIO Carlton av, J. C_WEMP_J- T O LET—HOUSES — A l "HANDS' cheap house. 804 Monroe »U $28 per mooth; same block, oaryat- $18 per month: all tmpiovomi fine order. Apply to owner, 800-onroo st. ____ T O LET—HOUSE ^ - ORJ LEASE house aad eight lots of cruund: suitable for ruaa. j Latiutt* of MIOHAEL O'CONNOR, noar Buildiaics, Flatbash.- _ _____ rjyo LET—HOUSE-NO. tenaat. st 70-WILLOi by st, a very dostrable loootlon; rent lowlo Apply to POWliLI. 4 R1CH,179 No. Mo 471 OB .And ITH hall tevon! -Li^ i at; i ex- >MS i and neut i can ilNE' firat ooms orU; ! , ' l ~A ihed, intle- 1,-j-i AN cora- ls, in ix27. IBS swiU olass sued t__ BE- cnple oted ider- SIR rd, a itor; itate WO. hall uiod- nt to very TH front- lard, rown -gIn VE" the min- nbia- WU- A5E hot tied; man first -__ •FE ire* atooi nner truer ;fi: orits. ingle 30IU-' 1 the AK is on able itlon cfer- ND sant, .oral car low. bush .ST n»y, ntle-' -oms very >!., ihed >use,- . fort* l.fer- -.V-- _obd arlor ctan, room mov- Fort d re-. A-N. 'lOW- NCJ first rat*. ____' LTE room lag! o owxt two' nrt ' T O LET—HOUSES-IN ALL PART tho city, at moder&to rents; call and oxami list: office opea evenings. N. COOPER, 445 Full cor. Jay. T O LET-HOUSE—AT "NO. 160" Jv_ son st. n^ar Be-dford' av; rent %28 por tnont story and basemeat brick, all irap.-ovoments; pos now. Calf aad see tho owner and premls s from o'clock A. M. .•( fjlO LET—HOUSE —THE 3 'ST< .B. basement and Bubcellar brown atone house 9 rooms and every Improvement in perfect order, jfjlinton st, near llarrison, ot *7_0. cor permits a) X-EONABD MOODY. 215 Montague st. T O' LET-HOUSE—$15 P E R . M C only for the beautiful two story honse, with bai and ce:lar.:l37 Forlioth sc. be". Third and,Four! in per.c-et order cars to all lorries. Apply on Th. -sea, to JOHN A. P11ICB. j T O, LE r-HOUSES-ON THE BllLi- and353 Grand av, near Gates. 2_j story frar extension houses, 19x40. and lot WJ feH d.e'_; provoineols. aud in gool order: lowoat rent. 84w. COOK, 810 Fulton st, opposlto Gates av. rglO LET—HOUSE —THE 3 ST< i! tasentrnt and suboellar brow 1 st'ne house; Carroll et, uerar Clinton : has 13 rootus and every in me:rt and in splendid order; to rout for St'30. For p apply til LEONARD MOODY, No. 21a -Moataguo st rino l-EC—HOUSE—rHE'SPLENDl 3 story browa stone hi:rh stoop dwelling. No 179 ( biahuights. just north of Pierrejiont at: real .1.2.1. ply to WM. tl.. DUNNIS'G. No _0 Nosaau BUoot York. TOILET—HOUSE-. ONX.YvSeOO A Y for the first ol iss 3 slory brown st. _e front Tompkins av, in first class order: «111._prove) near Fuit in ?t. and Cros.-town cars. Apply to JAM Fi.-sHKR, 141a Fnlton st, oppovl.e car .tables. npO LET—HOUSE—155 SCflERA fl. horn at, furnace, baltimore heater, plate gla- dowu, larpe mirrors In parlO:s, gas fixtures, all im aiiviTs. Inquire of or addro.s the owner, S. T. P A . ;S11'ourtlond at, N. Y.. or 2M Clinton av. Brooklyn. r|^0 LE t—_i0USE"-0R FOR SALE,' M. desirable cottage No. 56 Carabridgo place, lie Greene and G'at'tjj a y s : all ia good order and vory c io at. for a small family; price moderato. Addrtss BfXBY'. 072 Lafajotto av.' m o LET—HOUSES—TJURpE 2 S T JBL and French roif brick houses, all improvemi rooms, 15 minute* from South Novo ith ot Ferry, minutes frbur^Falton Ferry. Apply at No. 121 B place. ) >0 LEt-ZHOUSE-THRFE'STORY - basemai* brick hsi_so, ia t'no, vicinity Of Gran 3 ntnam avs ;Vlaas all tho oonveuiences; owner will wiih tenants, paying excess of rent in cash; oocu May 1. Address lor three days A B._. Box 24, Eagle mo" LET-HOUSES-TWO OF TH' JL first olssa villas, with extra lot. very desirable, ated on Lewis av, near Maoon st. Apply to'E. 1> ! KINS, No 282 MoDonongU st, Brooklyn, or JOH WEIGHT, Room2, second floor, N o . 347 Broadway York."' <_• _ rr.O : LET—HOUSE-OR F O R S A 1 M. Tbo large, elegant brown st.ue dwelling, & Union st,-5x6), Ir>t2oxl00: has o.-ery mo lern coavon and olexance. Apply to JOS. M. GitEBNWQOD, 0 No MCourtst, or to RUSSELL & MILES, agenfc Sla Court at.: T O LET-HOUSES—TWO OF TH elegant two story and baseaent stone front"hi corner of Monroe St. and Tompkins av; all theAm menla; Empire heating range in kitchen; Bait heater hi the dining room : rent to suit the times, on the promises, MORRIS A SLOAT. mo LET—HOUSES-ON THE HILT. IF ad eitly 'vners -ty on )RY -i the t-rtle /ilege JJ1K, AUL is; lo- tbush o-.ver- V.K.. VM- v ol hers; *:nti: JAN, AN .and ' srner; i Btat- i le of A apri- ultoa i ox- ulton ^UB dV.by ~I7 ill, a doc- ett9r )NT large _LY men; )NT louse ,0-ms and 119 Elliott place, unear Lrfayette av. 1 and baBor.eat frame dwellingv, each '-'>_x40 feet> ai 1.10 feet* de.ep; 8 rooms ; splendid IgoaCon ; within hi ck of losr routes; lowest rent ^S450 each, J. E. Nl-.LL,r41 Court st mO LET - H O U S E — THE""" E L E G ; R large 3>_ story br»wn stone house.No, 121 Her near PlorretJont, nt a ver/ reasonable rent 16 a go <c 'ir.nl: too Douse lias TT rooms and ovi*r>-Improv.inen in Mrat class order For p-rmits apply to LKOr- MOODY, No. .15 Montague st. mo—LET—HOUSE—THE M A G'N ft cent llsto.-v. basement and sub eellar" brown li viso,ft'o.:_5I ('Iln o.iMt, between Harrisni and D ht_: house oin^alus 18 rooms, and tins every lmi merit: (o rent lor r(j9-tl; h o u s . iii splendid order. BY niits ;:ypiy to LEONARD JlOODV, Ny. 216 Montag MO ' L E 1 —HOUSES—ON VANDEK-H J av. between Park and Flushing; on Grand av, hoi JcKalb and Lafayette; on Hteuboo at, between D< aod Lafayette avs; on Ciasaoa uv.betweeu l>oKslt Willonghby : also, two atory frame house In-Union The above* boose, coiitalii all the modern Improve and In-first class ordor. M. KGHEV I*. ItRI AC Beaverat. New York, or H70 DeKalb uv. Brooklyn. 3 10!LET—HOUSES—DOW&_ TOWN. OAKY & STEVENSON, office Fultop st, I'lneapple ^t. 18 Ubirrty st, '- ".tory hrlo't. IrVoems. all imp 56 Nnasau st, 3 story frame, Hir.om. all imp ,. 6 Willow Bt. 4 atr>ry lirioie, Iti roo.uj. all imp . 142 Willow at, II rooms, -ill imp 16 LET—HOUSE—THAT NICE HO' No. 40 Orroond plaeo, 3 stary anil ortonsi rooms, with dinln-tr xun on osri.r floor, wltli duuibt to kltr.hoa: h a i ; II i n - rovorr.antr rr.nd heated wjrli n botair fumaoe; has burglar alarm All through the h itiswlthln one blodv ol three line* of oars to - and Grand al. ferries; r'int oheao to -giod tenant, tnd soq the house or apply to J O H N D O Y L E , l,ul>9 fc street. ' O L E T - H O U S E S — O N CLASSON"' near DeXalb $f>00 pe Hi-usos on Grand av/near Lafaietle av .'*j5.0 po AIBO houses on Sleubou at, near L-layette av.tjll7"l 1 e And several 2 story anu basement houses at, $ 3 month. The nbovo houses contain all tbe mndorn Improvei and will be put in first olass order. Apply to M. -CG EERIA & 00:j.O Beaver st. N. Y, or 370 D e K a l b av.'_ lyn. . . v T O' LET—HOUSES—TWO 3 STO brick houses, all lmoroyemBnts, 8 rooms, veiy | ant and convenient location^ easily furoish*d. in t lent order, adjoining atom* f. out honse of ovvner; a!a m un part of said »tone house, two hast-monts, twe lors, and thrae rooms, third floor;' balance .ocoupl two adults; reat to riffbt" parties'for each oft $22 per mouth. Apply to owa.r No. 171 Tweaty street Country Property. mO LET—HQUdSE^ORlFOR SALE- 1 Hempattjad, a doubTe honse. 16 rooms; watoi and heater; well situated: only five minutes' walk depot; grounds, six city lots; stable and canla.e h terms acc-immodatiag. . Apply toS. S. HENDEKSC 'South,.,!.. V* _ _ T o LET-HOUSES-BARGAINS-S eral very desirable hou"es. with modern imr ments, near depot; 50 minutes in New Jersey on the . sylvania Rail-mad: 60 daily trains: rents. S200 tu living ohoap: commutation la cents. Apply to J. S LEY FERGUSON, 170 Broadway, New York. TO IiET—__0"USI.S—FIJKITIS-r-l_E|l T <3; LET—HOUSE-FURNISHED— atory brick, nlcoly famished, near Franklin the vlolnity of Dr. Duryea's Churob; if desirable pi owner's family would board with occupant. Ad RENT, Eagle office.^ _ " _ T O/LET—BC6USE->FURNISHED : '— . "3story, basement and BUD collar brick house- w rooms aad all improvemo'ata. sploudidly furnisiied 8-Sch.ermorhorn st, aear Clinton; to rent at $1,00( year. For permits apply to LEONARD MOODY. N Montague at. mo LET—HOUSE—FURNISHED-^T< Jl. family of adu'la. a brown stoao front, withal modern -improvements, first class iocatio i on the must be seen to be appreciated ; or will sell on roaso: terms. Address I* T., Eagle ofBcn. mo LET — HOUSE — FURN1SHKD- JL eluding now piano; locatiol. aad neighborhood class; throe story brown stone, -21x48; in perfect < all modern improvements; will be rented to a deal tenant for jftl.OOO. Apply on the premises. S99 Gran near Fulton it, between the hours of II and 5; intmc possession. . _ T O L E T - H O U S E — F U"RN I S H E I H ~ - . 3storV, high stoop, brick house': No. 302 Unli noar Court, wih modern imorovements; the nousji furniture are in excellent condition and will be rentec reasonable to a good and roapo__iblo party for a tor years if desired. 'Apply,on the premises; TO L£T-PABTS OUT HO.."ks. m o LET—PART ^OF HOUSE—OVf^ JB. has second floor, five rooms: all improvements 1 luck to curs, Fultm and Grand st. forr.**: g.aod loco reat mod irate.. 631 Willo-_hby av. near Marcy. m o LEI'—PART OF HOUSES—G JL- teol apartments of four -rooms in -houses 28 a Carlton av; rent $7, $•) aid tfi.J por month. Apply to O'NElL. Jaaitresa, 28 Carlton ay, first floor. T O LET—PART OF HOUSE—DWE i Ing part of 84 Fulton,st; well adapted for a bi lng bouse; reat low to a good tenant. Inquire ia store. _. mo" LET—PART OF H6USE-^0N 1 JL Hill, from May 1; lower part of first olass Phil phia brick house; all improvements; ssparato llii and gas meter: rent low to right party: to be seen fl to 8 P, M. Apply to owner, 118 North Oxford st. Myrtle sv. .' T O" LET—PART OF HOUSE—UPI part of .68 Carlton av. -between Fulton *t. an. lantioav.'to a gentlyman And wife oaly. of quiet h and refinement; house has all Improvement* sad : good order; rent moderate; references required mO LET—PARTS OF HOUSES JL Gates, Held and DeKalb avs; French flat, six re afllmprorvements. $12 to SIS; floors of fivo to six rooir tolBlO; ai»Ttmonts of thre3 to four rootn*. $5 to >*tH: h o u s e s , s t o r e s , <fcc. Apply to CHAMBERS,, No. 723 < avenue. _ >_ . 3 no LET-PARTS OF HOUSES—PAI L -of elegant brown stone house: large lower ps rooms, or la sections ot 4 to 8 rooms on parlor and 1 . m e n t floor, or fiat of 8 rooms; alio, floor of 6 room* nished or a o t 93 Secoad placo. between Court aad ton sts. Also, floor of live rooms 92 Borgen st. TO JLJBX—A-PA-EtTTME-C-rs. - O LBT-^teOOMS—IJrNFtrRNISHEI Tory pleasant second atory front rooms to two ad house is largo, contains tho modern improvemoats a In walking distance to the ferry; occupied by a i family. Apply at 360 S t a t e _____ T . TO LET-STO«•_.<_. O LET—STORE— ANT) BASEMEN 276 Smltb st. near Sackott; suitable for any bash lorly dry goods; pood totality to right man; also - o rooms. Apply on Dromlses. xuh ^ i " -•- - N form floor. T O LET—STOR tloa aod a good b rent low to. tho right p street. • GOOD COS iess location; f*o" Foltoi Iunuin, at Ko. 84 Fi T O st: ^ LET—STORES—THE THREE N _ stores under Brooklyn Music Hall, jviuctioa of toast.andFlij.buah av; storqii will bo hasted by st aad are first cflaas la erer^'ro-_*ec_ Apply on the p i_U-3. ' *" - ' 's - T O"XM T -^TORE§ : ^ON <3ATES AND Kalb avs; batohorstore*, tools and fixtures comp alee store fitted up with conn tors aad shelving, ring rooms; good place for shoemaker, tinsmith, 1 goocS. cigar* or any light business_sei-tsl6wi_too, ho apartments, Ac. Apply to CHAMBERS, No. 728 Gate none. mOLBT—STORE^VALUABLE /STO I property—The magnificent store on the corno Ormoad place* and Fulton st, having three large t glass windows, two entraaues; now occaplod by a d gist doing tbo best trade on the Hill; the store ba* occupied as a dru- -*-— ***-1 7 »-.-*— at'**- -»--*K_.^ ular*a street. lied as a drug store for 17 year*. For farther apply to LEONAlRP MOODY, No. 215 Mont TOtfcT-jOa BUSINESS JP-P-SPOS mo LET—ROOMS^WITH STEAM PC JL er. Apply cor. Front and _Pearl^_Brookhra Iat204 and206East Tweoty-thlrd st. Now Yor*. WM. I ;X>ON. . rv\> OrDBT—OOAl. YARD-THE BUSIN1 ofMoldestaBUshed coal yard and oarri«_r*f ry, tools and stock for sale. Inqnlr* of POWERS Fulton st _ ; ' * mO LKT—LODGE ROOM—BEAUTIFI JL lyffnrnto-ied ta Armory Hall, Ciormont.aT, bet. tioTaBd Wllloughby avs.with all thoneoessaryantefero AcJ Apply to U H . BULK-LEY. «aec*«*or fo.H. W. ZEI-L, 887 Myrtle av, naar.Vandorb.lt.- __ ; (__ T O LET— HALL-^CrOT-JIC HALLTN t4»and 151 Adams at, Brooklyn, 60x100: two sto l^eo used ns a ball room and »rprd_ Uo Baeetlcg*. A to H. WJU__OK, 173 Thcaaptoa «t, N*w York, from 8 A.M. __^ ' j LET-^HA_LIiS-^X>U--T>ND STA icenpiod by th* Cpasoxr Daaciag Academy, toe ether 3 HO L w vera' T AND ratory of r with too Mtuic tctomafoi tiitioa aad living opart-Ben?!*; good light and vet 0a« flight of stairn only: csifbo _uui tato one h r'c _Ti iK & COR»a_-g_4<3o-t-t gfc 'i~ O LET— OFFICES•••.IN . . H E L C Island Saviacs Btak Buildias. con ar of Fed to _B>er-_n place—in -tha secoad, third ir .fourth «< Bi-iKly or io suites, to accomraodato totiant li alaoono ! room ia tbo b_.ameat, oa Booruci placo; roomsi-apr oadrdnt. reduced. Apply ia tho ha-tkia; room, to li fp^.V^-r^-BdW-tr'-.- :-;-.^>r,| - ,.^:-':.' 1 L E T — T H R E E F L O O R S OF BUM tne TTn.11 Virus nt-_w.. fi/wvr. «___) __• abOUt- ONE Apply SGE n«_f;to JU-Tflby ITH- nlshed easaat 'orrios. _T"35 room* i back ir** or i-hfng- AND i at 242 >ME7 JSOOB _t3; la T O LET—FLA-^S^nElEADTIFUIi 1 la 427 Flatbosh cr; oaly two fatnfiies in horn yard, and ueirchborbood frr.t claas; only two bioci Prospect Park. Apply on promlsa... T'S T O LET-FLATSr-J?rg§T, ?25 >SEC o-D: thcio flat, contain 7 rooms, «JI Improve iBgoodordor;, only two tonaatclu each houso; pos at onco_ no rent for balance ot month-, Appl BOrVIJ-. IfiK Fulton st. or33 At-AoUo ar. ; f|\0 LET-FLATS-BESTIN BROOK JL iff the Coatro Buildings, corner Fiatbush avou Sto-lint'place, ontranco to Prospect Park, or in th< vesont BuildiiW. on President at, between Fifth aai av*. Promlsos are eatlxe flats, not storo* oo first seven Soontsin each flat; janitor on promto-a; erui high toned; worth investd-ration; rents 320 aad i month. ttOBERr 8. EUSSLNG, St. Montague * tinental Bufldtag. ... . . .' , FO-St S A l - E - I g O C S I - S . O R S A L E - - H O U S E S - - O R E X C H A N three storos. three story browa stones; first Itoa st, north aide; this to a great chaace. ROWN,J83MootagjBO*t. -7 •.. F OR! SALE—HOUSE—OR T O L B first class residenoe. suble and 3 lots, CS8 Willc av; prioo S14,000; terms easy owner, next door. L_u.uiro.oi JAMES LC S fiDR SALE-HOUSE—54,000—88 DC 1 lass at, aear Smith", a two story- brick bonso, 9 i improvements; houso in good ordor; tort__ easy. | to H. BOIVIE, 1.092 Fnlton st, or S3 Atl_ati__i_____ tgood, itaguo E OR SALE—HOUSE—91 CAMBR1 placo, between Gates av. and Faltoa st, two ment aad attic brick house; ia thorough orde quire on ibe promises, or of HERBERT C. SMl'I Montague st. OR S^E^_-COTJSE._^WXsB_[i^ riv, 4 brown stone houses, all improvomenta, fo ow. Apply on the promlsos. now buildings. Wash! iv, hot. Myrtle oad Wllloughby avs. ' Pricoi to ee times. •__ OK F OR SALE-HOUSE-AT sacrifice, a 2 otory baaemeat and 1RY, with no .i8 ply to NTH smeit I avs; prem- -347 if and ill Im- R.B. •RY," ,'o. 009 prove- n-mi ts y~l -lum- Ap- New BAR iOUSC. louts ; :m A. 'HE •YIOll uven- W. C. pop p. stable )RY ats:9 er 30 orum 5JD ' 1 aud. oard ,, -nnor j • Bee. )SG" : situ- AW- * H. Now rE— l ). 281 eaco rner, No. | >S"E uses, rovo- ra-iro ».ppiy J -37 atory 1 lots all a ?OR- NT; ry at, lea- arid ARD FI- tone draw rove- -por- le bt. 1LT *oen Kalb an 1 lace. l.MtH. »., -0' ' BY near IftrWO . 760 . (KX1 . 9*) 'SB •', 11 altar Cold mae: alton Oall - illon SvT year year, ><*afi per. leSb tEaft roOlt- :., ( RYy- leas- teel- .tho pnr- rd by lose: r.aird AT gas. from use; s.n 3V- rove- onn- B350; 'AN- A GR _ sabccllar hoase, 9 rooms, all improvemoats, 20x36x10., ia Hu ton at, near Court at. For fnrthor particulars an LEONARD MOODY, 215 Montague st: F OR SALE—HOUSES—AN IMME sacrifice, a two story and basement frame bou a two story a.id basomont brick bouse in the rear, wi lots of ground, for sale for 84,500, oa easy tends. I. on the premises, 38i and 384 Warren st. HTIOR SALE—HOUSE—MUST" B E S' JL 1 within a wook—Tbreo story store house and ft in best condition; see it and you will bay-it; price f lo.v: Inquire of owner on tao premises. No. 249 HU BtreeL . _ j____ T'OR SALE—HOUSES—ON GRAND" __ betwneU' DeKalb and Wlllougbbv avs, somr tbreo sUiry and .basement browu stone hou.es; 10 rooms and bath room, 13 closets, all improvement _nle:o; will be sold low this month; immediate po»*e terms to suit; sums of those houses lo lot. Apply U er, P. WiLMAMS, 231 Ryerson st. _jlORSALE-HOUSE—ONE M6RE"L J? of those be ;utiful now 2 stiry, basomont and fratuo house, 8 rooms, iaaludiug t vo aloovo rooms; i peovemouts; line location ; prico .3.60). Apply o premises, Maroy av, bet. Mvrtle and Wllloughby. 8 l'EDEN, J-t-owaer. SALE—HOUSES — THE B f< built housoi la tbe choicest locality—Fonr 1 arone'i story h/rises corner Bedford or, and llerklm 30minuies from Fultoa Irorry by Fulto'i st. cara; i *»,_>. to S10.000. Apply to E. G. BLACKFORD. 80 I Market, N. Y.,or on tho premises. "BTIOR SALE--HOUSE-A"GOOD"CHAl I 1 for an Investment; oa tho lliil: a new brown house, loosed for two years to a nrsl olass tenant, a' pe airjum; pri.e, 9T.2K0; terms to a-jlt. For partic apply to RALPH L. OOOK, late Cand*e A Cook, N 1- ulton At. O R S A L E — H O U S E - V E R Y CHEA The valuablo two story frame tenement propart hie. 294X296, Hudson av, aud 11 and 13 Fleet place: of 88 foot on eaob stroet, actual reot* *S4_4 por at KNOWLTON'S, 930 Fultoa at, or owaor. No. 30 1 place. F OR SALE—"HOUSE—A NEW " BK store and flats on Hicka st, not far from Faltoi ry: size,37x63: lot, lo-i feet; four stories and aubc splendid location for letting; will be sold very che*, on easy term*; it must be sold Apply to I i E ! ouilder. 151 State st. 1 7K>R SALE—HOOSES—A T W O ~ S T ( basenioat collar frame house; a'l Improvem l,0r!3,I afayelte av, also, 2 siory, 9.1 Palmetto at, and 2 extension house, Rochester av. No. 2.; one 3 »torr 1 house, all improvement*: tnero houses to bo sold c oa easy tor.-ns. inquire 616 Kosciusko st, cor. Bros PHELLIPS, owner. _ SALE-HOUSE—VERY CHF Amity st. near Olintoa. 16feet. 8 Inches it; all modern Improvemeat*; terms easy u inutes' walk from South Ferry; gas fixtures go wit nou*e. Apply to K. IL DAY, builder, 151 State »t, Clinton. F O R S A L E — H O U S E - A BARGAIN the owner to determiuod to sell; a good two and brick basemeut fra ne house, tilled In ; barn, shoe with 100 suuaro teot of ground on Chauncey at.oomme, 121 leet from the sO jtheast corner of Held av; terms Inquire 197 Madison at. TTlOR .SALE—HOUSE-ON HENRY JL between <7oa'orr.on and St.ts; 3 story, basoi a .boellar. aad extjusi-m. 21x5'.xl00: newly p_lni«d ireacoed; al- improvement*; mu-it bo soo i to bo a elated : will b> eo.'d low for cash and mortgage. An A. B. C , Box 19, Eagle office. 'L.OK S A L E — H O U S E - 8 2 , 8 0 0 , 2 STC I and extension lra;ne and b:ick houso. V rooms, 1 10ij;contr.i(is water, aewer, water oloutti aad Bait heater; if you want a comfortable home, call and a 197 Skillmau St. bet. DeKalb and Wilip'ignby -v..; easy. 151 OR S A L E — H O U S E S - C H E A P — N O . Ji Madison St. now 2 story, French roof, brown » with all improvements ; also No. 232. 2 story, _0i-l2; at Mnnriie st: ted room*, all imDrovemsuts, Jpl.&H); lo them ; aome nice house* to let. Apply to T. W. U\V: _8:' Putnam av. .. t T^OR SALE—HOUSE—OR T O L E T , . JT brick beuso with large elegant store. 1,0,3 F st, In which th>* last twelve year* the,stove and h nisi iiitiiiug buainesj h _s beea cairied on auooeasively ; amiable lor any other bnalneas. Apply to the own the iiroin;j.:s OK SALE—HOUSES-OR"EXCHA_> —Several new brown atono imd brick houses, re with furnace, ranzu, marhle mantels and all modor.i lipivoiuuiita ; well loca-e.d : wojldoxnhaftigo for groc dr.- good"i millinory, olotliing, hardware or any me-- dlsw suited to country store, or lor N.rni on l_oiig 1- K. F. SEARS, 112 Wall st, Now York. OOR SALE—HOUSE—CHEAP—83,. SL possesaiou April 1. if required, two story baser Hart st. near Marcy av* thirty minutes to ferries: a! provements; bay wlid.nr; bewt of' n-h_hborhot»d; t easy; also one to rent -it $30 per month. I-'or mit Inquire of J/ BERRy, No. ?03 DeKalb av. Marcy^ noR SALE—HOUSE^THR 3 STC and basement br*-wn stone house. No. .tin Dev;r. ousa. _0x4u: loc. LUxIOO; tfto house Is in thorough re has idl the modern Improve nents, and will be sold great bargain: 1.4,000 of the purchase money losytei on bond and mortgage. Call on JOHN S, LO >MIS Baltic and Nevias _t>. _^ _ , F OB, SALE— -lOUS-iS—_ L-<lFr 'Cii' block of new 2 story a-id baiwineat bro-.vn i bouses, conceded to be tbe bod. nrran/e.] i i t i e mai .2 inch walls: furnace la the oo'.l.r, a-id all •.li>-r.i mprovements; closets a specialty; t»rm» and ntle uit. Inoulre on the pren-_.es, j-"rankliu av. ami P: "st, or o. tho owaor, JOHN S. FROST. 1.097 Pi street. rrroR ki JF 143 Amlt W 100 leet; a F Mou P ( -oheaoost now first ol*ss browa stoae. houses ii city, built In tho most substantial mxn-ior ana ol the material; have all improve meats co-pplite. Apply oi premises Dean street, botwoen Franklia aud Betilord nues: the most healthy location In the oity. JOHN GILL1GAN builder. ¥ vfai: r'__ 3 HE till No. per .. 216 > A the liU; able IN- first *der, able- I av, lis to HE II St, and very 1 of ER one ion; - ist _N- dso; Mrs. ' »rd- -the HE del-"- idry im _ aear. ER At- ibita i in ;»N ims, '.$9 ilso, ates TS -tof asc- fur- .lln- £ OR SALE - HOUSES HANDSO two story, basement and sabcollar. bTown i ids, beautifully located on ths south side of Moon east of Noa'rand av; have all the modora improvem elevated oven rang?, hcadsome fireplace heater, ca finished marble top bullet, marble' top wash to-sins terms to suit. Apply to H. SEARCH. Jr., oa the i toes. - . j ; F OR SALE—HOUSES-THREE STC aid basement, high stoop, browa atone front h 20.4x12. lot, 100, with gas fixtures, pier gloss aad con parlor and hall carpets, also curt-ln-i aad -h*d<_ ; I nearly new, aad in perfect order; pries, $9^10.; S6.00' remain on bOnd and rr.ort,-.„c ; parties-.vislunr t-- first clas* house should loo . at this one liolori puri ing. No. 154 Penn st, between Bedford and Leo Nineteenth Ward. •__ ' « __ l| a TIOR SALE-HOUSES—CHl-AP, A; ' on easy term*—Some of those elegant brown < houses in Lafayette and Urand ava, Sixth sv. and Sar ,. st, close to Park entrance: these locations are most c able "and accessible; '.5 minutes by DeKalb and '. nv. dars from Fulton. South, Wall *t. or Hamilton fei houses vary in size'and mices; must be sold this mi immediate, possosaIon: might exchaugo In part foi well located and free of incumbrance Inquire or promtooa; or of THOMAS FAGAN. No. 26» Orani nuo. 1 70R SALE—HOUSES PARTIES 1 siring to pnrohase a new first class brown stone h cheap, aud on easy terms, will do well to call am those, before buying, on Vanderbilt av, between Gr- and Gates; also, on tirevoort place, opooslte lite Brer Mansion, between Bedford and Franklin ava. Take ton st oars. The chei>pest houses in tbe city. From tj to #10,600. T. .B. JACKSON, buildtrr, on preu Terms to suit the purchas*.. Also, a large house ground* oa St. Mark- avenue, first olass and chaa exchange. F OR SALE—HOUSE-AT A SLAUC terlng sacrifice—A 3 storr. corner, brown stone, stoop hon o.[all improvement*. 31x10, ,lot _.X8 :.uioi fixtures andi mirrors; parlor* nicely decorated : al Philadelph-al bftck staole. all improvements. 20x40. Io 110, and a vacant lot 20x113: this protieity .or.as the s of an L, ha* a front on three strcota. one block froo Atlaotlaav. Rapid Transit depot, and will bo.only tv rolnuce. from th. leery: will wsll house, stahis'and .a lot for $12,250; terms ens;. Address owner for pern see tb* place, Box 7, Ea,;le offico. 1 T.OR SALE—HOUSES—THE H A N . somo 2 sto.y. basemont and cellar frame hoi north side of DeKalb av, near Reld : Is minutes to fer three line-, of cars: ten rooms; all Improvement*; j v.ry low; term> easy. Also, tUo substaat—al '_ *:ory basement broiyn stone houses on Second «t between I and Slx-.h. avs; splendidly located: 18 to".5rannti four ferriea, and tureo blo.ks to Prospect Parjk, a hai and easy terms; also, ti tine store for gr.ioer. e«r Rel and Madison st. Apply on premis.s of either, or t M U L U - p V , owner, 570 Qulncy st. . ; F ORiSALE-HOiJSE-PRIQjE Sj,2 .13 , modern, 3 story, Jiiyh stoop. Jjfowa ; stooe 1 , ment ana subcallnr; Philadelphia _i«k h o u s e , 11 .rev excollent aeijcaborh-od;delightful location; No. 146.' suit «t, bet? Hfcks and Henry sts. half a block from an a line with First place; the most beautiful sf reel in Bi lyn; only five minutes' walk from ferry; no carfares improvements; furnace, range, oa'.h. two water e'o wasbtubs, ga* fixtures,, Ac.: ju*t-rep»pored and., par throughout, and all compieto-aud in y.-r.ect order- a ( bargain, aside from tho choice'; coavenio*it and heal! location ; Immediate possession j nesr'y whole price remain on mortgage. Apply oa premises, from 11 to to O. J. WELLS, first floor, 8_'N**ssn st, N Y. _^ FOB EXCHANGE. F OR E X C H A N G E L A HOUSE WI all modern Improvement" and laJtood order. In I ark, N J., bo exchangu for house in Brooklyn. Appl G. P. MIBNE, 225 Fulton »t_ _ _OB SAJ-E-ttiEAJ- ESJT A B"i_. Fl ries,l: St-c 4 I^OR HALE- JTIOR SALE—FACTORY—OR TO V First class business aad faotory property, near the es,ln Brooklyn, E.G.; four lot* of grosn d and three I bulieting*; easy term. ; possession immediately. laq -ERS, South Fifth aud Secoad sts. 2 lit*-. dls mall r— first t DI- st; I t o n -FACTORY—OR LEASE 8 story factory. 33x65, one story *xt*nslon,2S__2Q, steam cower: good light, yard, room, water and gas: low; also vacaac lots lor factory purposes. REVNOi 183Ninth st, WllUamsburgh._ •< OR ~SALE-FACT6RY-THE THR story brick facjtory, 26T: 863 and 271 Wyckoff. i Nevlna st, will be -Old at a. (M-rgala, sad on >asy ter this property is admirably located, being rlgfit ia heart of the city, and suitable for any mannlaccu bnsiness; terms easy. DRAKE 4 CO., 8 Boerum pi near City Hal-T lOR SALl^-lldOTS—25X106-AT ?. eaoh—On Hawthorne and Wfnthrop sts. near I -b av. and Prospect Park, just beyond city line; low taxes; first cla*s neighborhood; only 40 rain. tea f Fulton Ferry; desirable for homes or Investment A to KOBERi' S. WALKER, No. 490 Broadway, York. F f, 1 bosh. 5W ! Ful- L am, •am- ; DI_; ate; two moy sea, iav- etE* of ate •ug- _ou rtlc- «u* zs. w- and UR- iss cto- >6» _-?' iyr- II-S- RO. )st | fE and ii if NG ry—; irgo vod OB S OK SALE—REAL ESTATE—SPECI notico—Owners of property or parties wlibln or rent houses ia tb* vicinity of Prospect Park, find it to their Interest to oall at the office of FLl.TCi: ft BANKS, 276 Fiatbush av, corner of Prospect pi they have very chclco property for sal* aad to let at pricea_. , F OR SAJC.E—REAL ESTATE-AT BAI JL L. a.plot of Iand2l0__», next tb* AtlanUp He within a fow taluntes' waUt of ths Bath Hotel, all leading boarding hoeuos, bath pier aad tho beach: train* a day of th* Brooklyh, Bath and Coaey ul Railroad stop dlresctly ta froat, making it a most desir, , looaUoa for a hotel, lirstols.** boarding house or cott* 1 For furthet partio-lars apply to WLLLlAM W. SWAX | 216 Fultoa st. . . * -' TnOR SALE-BUlLDINGr-OR TO LJE. JP The Long Island Savings Bank Billdmg feyr sal. the bawldbg -boms and vault to let, situated oa tbo ooi of Fulton st. and Boerum place: tho best .oca-Sou Brooklyu.orbanklag. insurance or mercaatlie burin opposite.--- Court Hous* aad City Hall, andonthe of travel of our best business Deopto; the build.a strictly flrst class, aad aeariy new, fonr *_>r-ea, _*»*n and ceUar, 51x80 feet; the banking room. *>x60.l ._r_wt rooia.4-xI8; vault. 12*14: th* rooms would b* dividoc accommodate rood tenant*, Apply In the b*nk_g rc to AL C. OODEN. Vice Presidoat. , Country Property. F Otl SALE-FARM-ON LONGISL A? of 84 acres;9- zullesfrom City' Hal!, good b-iildl stream of water running through It aad fronts on tha will sell cheap and on easy tcrcar.- T H O M A S WE WOOD,J8 WUloughby st. "lniOifc SALE-FARM—ON HEMPSTE. _ and Ja-aaica TarnpJk*. about ninety acre*. ; houso barn and other buUdingr.fn.lt trees, Ac.; tot iear railroad depot. ln_a and land oil in good order; near railroad depot. Macular, -ddr-s* WILSON GODFREY, te^rVal' New York^_ _ /-, •••-.:: ... .. _.'__ -,- -.. -, . OR SALE—REAL. Mi ATE—FLORT! land-l,«00*ci-e*on a, tribaUnr, at tlwrApalaohl six mile* north of Apsltcbicola _30 acres aadcr ver, tivatlon: ISO ora: prioo, »6J500; ao .. frn property. E. i trees,.coming lntofeartngtbts s*a ___arti *xch*ng* fc< Br TO Broadway,, JtOU SAL.E-,PIAN09* dtc. XiHOR SAI-al-T^l^-NOil-OHIOK B B I •_. :X -dano at* ccssit, s»rrrl-_r»-, atoo, *._a* aevea oeti roMwood; npi-g-_t tiUao: to rent a t W per a-ootti: j>_ aad Estoy organs to mat from S"i aad up wara: f™a»«_l -aenta tut month prartou* to wmotal. .XSUt LPS*-* 808 Fnlton rt, oppqirtt* _0-UUOTL________'_______ i-^fB ict* _aM ioW moats; »Msioo< y toH. EYNT as aad > Stuy- 1 Sixth tloor; TtM-Y. !2> po* t, Oon- v E^GI/E OFFICE, HAHCH 14, 1 MONEY MAEKI GE— elaasr W. S.- )UG- room*. Apply DGB Btory, r Ia- H. 183 TOl? r salo, iugton it the The Blink of llagland Unclaang^ed.\_ NSE ie> and th two aquiro OLD" ill lot, earful rckton Av; now large i oom- ssl-in ; ) OWU- EFT" cellar ill im- n the AM'L IST •rovrn ur «t, .He.* 'altoo s T CE stone S7-0 :u!ar_ o. 810 P - y aad front mum. Irving 1CK i fer- ellar; D end DAY, >RY outs; atory 'ram* heap, dway. ;AP, by 50, ; ten h the near -AS stor; I and aclug easy. f- I ST., uont, and ppre- »!y to )RY -t i 5x imore ei it, terms 254 tone, id -88 ik at IMM, 'HE ulton > fur- store er on (GE pleto fin- eries, nrian- land .00," aent, I Im- eruiB per- nuar : )RY iw at. I Pair, j at * , aim cor. ! ~A i ton* j •kat: I dr-rn ies to | loific to'ifio I HE j a the | best 3 the ! MA- I ME 1-0-1* I >u St. I BUts, blnot I Ac: I ireia- I ».RY : ouse, I l-.-CS, touse ! lea a luy a I :ha». art, ! FD j toao I rkett I lesir- Filta Tie*; I >nlh; I • Iota I i the j I ave i )E-" | ouse ! ] se-o I ecue 1 MOTt I Ful- 18.000 tla-s. ' aad ! P. or | m- j high i : ga. j so, a t20x I Hape i l the roiTO I oant' I lit to ' D^>| i*es, j rio*: I >ric * I and I !tfth I is to acain J av. :o P. Cotrdltlon of the Reserve—Consols S and-Goads Lower in London—Pro** for Farther fJnancIal Lealslatlo: Conarretls—Stockr IctiTe—The NeW lars. ' Waxj. STREET. Marc. Tho Bank of EagUnd rate of discount reman cbaagod'at 2 p«r cent. Tho b*nk has been * losing bullion during the week, and tho propon reserve to liabilities is very low. U_t theTe :« not ne*a eaoagh to Justify an advance in the rate o count and it u now likely that it'wi.l romaiu sut uoles* the poluioal oomplexioa of affairs changi eiislly. Tn* early cables report consols a fi stronger compared with yesterday, aad United bond* active and % aad 7-10 lower, theJlaUeT foi j Our bond market was -toady at tho flrst call at I the closing quotations of yesterday, b u t t h e i j fell off at the second calL] Gala sold at 101 1-I6al01%'*ln the early trac j dropped to 101 before noon. There is moro of a ><i-ion to boll tb* market than there was a l e I ago. The prospects for early shipments o f g< now regarded as good, *nj_ when the moveaien mences it will probably nbt bo Interrupted, for occur at a lime when very little exchange is j made, and coose_uently gold will have to t*l place of sterling. TUo Washington oorre*_>ondcnt of tho Jour, Cotnvrjtret says there to a coatest between Mr. tit of the Committee on Coloage, aad Mr. Kaappas t -hall first get a bill up for tho issue of silver I certificates. Mr. Kaapp ha* had a iacuu>ure ft object referred to th* Committee on Banking aat rency, which cap be called up at least a week i than caa the bill now iacubatiug by the Coinage' mittee. -lie correspondent considers it probable that providing for full legal tender silver bullion _ catcs will pass the Honne by a large majority, bv it will not receive a two-thirds vote of the House. It trill be received by the Senate remains to be Dr. Lladcrnrsn has been aiding tbe Coinage Co tee In preparing the details of the bill under coni tion. The certificates are malfe a legal tender debts including dutloe, aad aro to bo issned at th Of one dollar for every 41_x grains of silver. A few »pecimeo* of tho new stiver dollar havo sent her* from Philadelphia, aad about $100,000 v received at th* »ub-Troaj*ary to-morrow, where will be exchanged for gold. The (joins are umsll.j tbe trades aad do not compare £*voraWy u t o < with tho dollar of 183«, which had the flying The bird on the now t»in stands with oat-rtr. wings la tho act of screaming, "In God we T which legend is dlreotly above his head. The hs Liberty on the reverse'resemble* that of a very p French bonne or child's aursc. The stock market was aotivc and strong in the trade, when 4ho Nortbwest.ras snd St. Pauls advi sharply, but Pacific Mall was weak. At the flrst the Wisconsin shares fell off. u__BC.tl.ng the whol but Pacific Mall recovered. Erie sold at lO^alOJi ; R^ck island at 101 ^; Central al 10.,_-107>£ ; Ohio at 8 _a8-. ; Wabash Del. aad Hudson st 47^ ; Central New Jersey 14. _ ; and Mlohlgin Central at 63a62*,. Padflc i opened at 21, fell to 20 and reacted to 20jtf. Lake start.d at 63f_, moved up to a» and dowu to X. Northwest opened at 40J^, went to 41 and decllr 40«f- The pred.rred startod at 69. sold at o_\,_i up to 69»f and down lo 69>£. Weatora Cnion o at "9X. » ol<1 "t % and fell to %. 8t. Psul'start 39ft, advanced to J. and declined to *i. The prel opened at 72^i ond dropped to 71 v* Unlojn 1 (started at 70 V a o<t inovod up to 71 %. Del. Lack, k Western opened at 47 '{, fell to v reacted to %. Morris k Ensex sole! at ~u 1 ', an.l <3. C. C. 4c Indlani.polis started a< 09 _ and djr to 29, tstocu. f:xcti-i-5_-c >.t lOWo'clook A. M r WOO li S U-K.I r 1U.\ 10000 U S «*..! c 100^ •JOU).) 0' b3 1(16! -11000 0 S 5-.il r *ii n.. 101: V 101 li.'i. 2_>i 761.1 36 . __ j 23'.: ?>*, 2. . <3H 45OC0 17 S i">--0 r tj/' f-l liW IJ-.HW V 8fi-'AIr M 10*<\ lOOOo U Si'B 10-40r IM't: 3000 G S Va l.i-U c... VA _ 1000 U S 4>. regd IBO", be ICO'. KH) V « 4-s Small co,i 101 v/ 1MU U SVa ril r 104-. frijyO do 11M-* HH50 do h c IO-:'., loooon C sft'*si o *3 104 fr.-OO do IW 1 , WOO C « 4'. coo-891.. I <i c lei. )i IUJ .'clock A M. 1 imy o v, s i-*j •• «a..b.s IM 10000 V !So-2tictr7.... b3 K^i' &jflj U b i-_o r 67.. ,b o UW 1 , 20000 0 SS's IMoe 104', ITOtl U S i's 10-40 r..t> o 104 . K00H C b 81 r U', ICOOOO V S 4'<: reg 1891 . IO?',. 1 1D.-D0 do bS-lO--*.. li;<130 d> 1021* 85iKW 0 S '.% c o u p PJ*I. 102 I »»_] U S 4* regd 13Ji 1_1 lUnll'l C M 4's coup 19J7. lln-'JO (J S I'.'S G»r 90(0 N 0 6s nrw A *o; SOOT OlstOolumo S-t&s fiOe do. *caa-l WO" do be 1000 Tennessee 6* now b c c lOOoCbesa « Ohio Isi oouoon on 2000 do 1000 do loo. eio l(;i;'ju Am Dock A Imp Co. 7a lOOOMItwk A St l-a'ui. conSF 9f»>; lOOir do 93^ liK. C i N IV conoa i cold Donas f*.'.i Wr*i do 9«.-„ 4000 Albany 4 Suso 20 »i ' 4000 do , 97;i! 2J00 Del A h rog bd (34 I c :.. 9»a 10000 Long DOCK bonds 110 6000 Lk Sh 2d con rog c 97 3<x«/N V Central 0*83 luis.! 2(100Ohio a Miss con. 97S 4C0;' We.-orn P~.*bd.. '"•'•' tiion Union Paoltto UK ist m 1 C00-Ur f*c tilnltg Ko 4000 N Jer Cen coavt. DC 160O0 P*« K Mo 2d.. .Ox, Col C & I no Cut ftuM! Tel ft W 1st bi i- Div .... V X matured coup. SOW TftW con coo n ;1000 w»«i<*ni fin 'lei coun 1900 SParkBk 96'i •S do 95 I 100 Canton Oo b e 15).! 21 Del ft Hud Canai 0 c .' " 475.1 lot) do *S 47J.I W Atlantic ft P Tee _ besft tV-i' llXr do IxW l*Si) Sou W e s t e r n L'nTei. oc : 20U do .... .-... WO do 400 do ion si>: 10 do c 403 do ' 'HOO do BoO J'acuic M'l St. Cp be... . 200 do ft 10 do 4n« do Ofsi do 411 « Y > tl 4 U tt. 103* lOlUil 95 | 91 j U1V/ 71' .'. !«*»—I Vj-W SOON t, I'O 4.3 "ir*. Y->ft i. iVllf:. C*3 .. do .oil Krie Kali 100 dr. 2<>l Ho I"- M uli Cu- ll e 31*0 ,100 ino » do ... do do do Hour Mtrjh a H n wav.-bi 1-3 «. eral H- _.iA' Lai a> Mb ft M .Ho IH00 lfO-l MfJ lOi Ml.. 10 L":i o c 100 10" 2O0 100 1"0 HoO I0u 5 una 700Chi 0 2800 10. 2!O0 .00 100 100 300 241 MOCb be 100' 70H --. too 400 13 *J 1U0 »fl iW 800 2"0 900 li- 10U tdii 10) Co * lo0 100 100" lt*< ICO 2n0 101) lo lo IrO ho...... do »_ *i |ou Pacta. K. oo do do do do do 0o do do cajjo A lo Oo do do.. .. «s N \^' K do do M 1 4 N \N prfd-. do do do do .... do do do .... OO.... ao.... Jo.,.. do do ol c 0- do ..... s- lOui-i -C do „b< do do.. . do do no -.. »s s. 108 If 79«-_l gj 7»,'i 7»!_ 79«.. 7SH4I 20'JI 2-lJ.l ao, ! ;i _; 20-S- 234 Olov ft Pitta «tut bo - •!. do Ki Central K o. -< J J>c .'. 10 do 20u Chicago A It I I'- ll.- 100 de. ol l_e0 Chi Mil 4 b: P it DC POu do .... ti- ai. do 40) . co 0»i do l«; Chi Mil ft St P pf 0 <: EOu on tJ. HO do si 7W»I do.,- tO. Del Lack ft •» It he . . . ' SOri Ci luo Morns a *«-_! be 300 do 401 do U0 New J .South'n R he I t (111) Bor * «,'-in K b c '/p'K 100O ft M'MSif UMK b c c 100 oo ; A >-4a- >m»; Inuv d on ook-. ; all sets. nted rreat hful may 4. or TH j few- i y to r- fer- irick : uir* j ^A I with ! rent : J)S, , REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. B-oadwsr,'rt.e a, 45 ft n w Lawton st. 45x200 x i« "o l_»wtos st. x « w lOOx n w. 4-x •; lOOto the begin ning. r.ire-losnre. FredericW L. Monlthrop to Alexander Buderus t Kiratst n s 172-10 ft e r*«venth av. I00xl'_), John S. Kldd t.i Albeit E. Hardwlok, -inrt -.2H 400 1 Hicks St. No. 154. l-.l'.a* H. Day t^ K-Uabetb P. Millet*, contract ' Don-JUa**t,ss 273.6 It w KUrhth av. 0.x.00. fore- clo»t-re.A!l)ert Dagjiett to William Buhler .... .. Oirord si, w s 21..»tt a Atlantic av. 22x110 Cbariee Wait* lo Harsh, wife of Joseph l,evy ideed *ay* 21&.S westertv from av i inort «.<WC. t a x e s 1877-I87X.. I Tbird st and Boud it and Cowanu* Canal sor<*. Lafaye'.te Ku. lusuraac* »>>mpauy^ BroolcJjn. to Corne.lus J. Her.en, <jc. :v_:-_-- _;•-•.- Interior lot. 746 . ft « Kl*:buih ar. and tfi ft s rVnl. more st,'rons » 43xe JU.10 x n 43.U wSO.W,.Ma«ada, wife of TUeodor* Maynard. to Sophia C/ox. -l»t bush, -."V _r* .5" "L* Hoop*rs1,s6,W6 ftw H+IQ»OI av. 2-x_-.«. li-«!» Ta_ri:art to Jo*ep I Moors Qoi.lcy-t.-n ». 17i ft • Yate. av, «>x2M. Barauel Shaw, exr W II Prjast to John Mct_c*»o_, taxes 1877 "ft'e North Beveuth at, 25x100, KB I •ear j oi; ) the ' ring, j aoe. , J(30 ' -nat- i very j rom ', poly New . AL : g to : will I IKK j ace; low i %.\ itol. th*. IXMT I aad , sbl* j fife'. I r, OT -aer in «<M; Un* - I* j lent | •or*' I I to 1 cm, 1 rD, a.',' hay; Li-.. £5 •ood llld, FotT' ttt. v_ SA oola cul- son ; -4*. I»4rW UC*** Second *t. W S . hft.1, Henry Metoter to Norton Park Co_lia .^ Columbia*.:>•• ». 100 ft n Ijaouard st, 75x100 ; Colum- bia st, e s. 69Tt n Ix-'ins.-Ss;. 18~3xUox--ix»9.8-_.3. lorecloauro, Albert Dagjrett to Joaa a* C_m- Livfnest.n st.' s' w" »','_6-' ift'-i'w Ne-rins«t. SOxlOO 9. hftl, Lra N Stanley to Edward D Whit* cds:. all liens •• *••• - - •_;.., ..... -- •-•game property, Edward D White to Ann. wlfa Ira N btauloy. all lien*, cftg --.•-- Lee av. s w oor Heyward st. 90x80. foreolo*uro. o«r- ardM Steven* toCliarlos K Lawrence Irving place, w * 120 tt n Putnam *v, JOxlOl. nftL Catnanae. L Bahobek. trus-a-, to VtiUiam T ' Gregg, mortgage .14 JOO -'__••••_ _. Bn-voort place, s s. 40 ft« Pranklln av. -Oxit., S*rah. H WiUlnion, widow, Brookhavea. L I, to Ann-* E.wlfe Krnst F Schellhass, inort gajfo »-___ Tweiftn st. n e t. 84. ft n w Tt.ij*d av. I0.8xlyo. fortv olosar*. Albert D>«gett _o Jid*_a_-i W Gay .... Same property. lCd^erd W E>-. to Sarah, wil*. J am es Bark*... _i • • itf __"„_•",_ " Wan*n St. s s. 317^t w Nv£_* si. 9i-»xlu0. T«;l>*a, wife Patrick f)orabi-»n to Tlioxpas Stephens, > T, Flusbln-: av. n s, 64 It Wtlltoiaaburgu ro*d---»J-»; Fhtoh-ng iv.'n a, ft-fl * WiUlaauiburKh rD*_,ta_-C lbo Johanna VerafAOxz to James S ' RoekweU... Mrrtl* av, n *.-»> ft |r To_n)kl__*av. -Dxl0t.px__»-_-_. William Ds Viguesto Sarah H Hif-bi*. martcae* M.tle av "ii «. »*i) ft * T-mjicias av. -i^tOO-, par- tliion. Will-am De£Vlgne to Sarah H. Hictato Hoyt st, e s, 20 ft a p-wraw «t, -0i-0. partiMoa*. WU- liim Oe Vigae K> ,?ar*h M, wlfa .W**. W Hlj- bio.mort 82,400. .$...,...'. , UndertUll av. *U«U aDean rt,-SxlS2-_a8-J->.. Michael Fanrali td Peter Riley Same property. Pet4r. R-isy to Mary, irlf* Michael Karrell ..1 , * _ ..... Fifty-nfth st. n • s. »-0 ft n w Third, aV. 60x300 to Fifty-fourth st. Mky _W7. Arm. wif* Asa Y Lewi* to Edward P DayJ mart * _ » J , Ac.., 1 Sam* prop*rrtx. Bit ward P Day lo Julia I, jsit**, Jsme* S Hiimtvopr-r. Syrac-S* 1 Graham st. o •, 2JCloft s Park av, r»xl~-.-, forectcsv ure, Albert DaapK* to Abraham Gudr.-_.i_, -iec- utorALJyrdan.t-., •••«•-. fi-;-__-- . Everarosn a*,-i_irti-*riy <»roer Palmetto st, _&.3x_-.» 11x25x79.2, Dorothea Market to Adam Bayer. Now Lot", _ c , Atlantic av. easterly comer rort Greene placo. 4.-..9x73-3x7- 8 t o Port Greco* place X48.4. erxor-ta thto; Ninth *v_ weslarly corner Tw«ntl«th*t, 117.8X—xl;4.8toTwoatlethst xlOj; TwcntV-soooad st. s w s. 89 ft s Fonrta ar. SoxlUO-. Oc_sxi a v. a e *, 175It ae Grove av. li;'__.j_'. lo Lafayot-r av xllOx 310: also property 43. Pearl st. New York City. Jam**-*- Maloa* tp e__vd!a A Maioae. l>7 part Hr.nzh-jrx it, n e «, 2j It n w Troutma* tt, S-ctlXI. JoaniBacJcesto Jrt__a.c? Jeuldrai. mort *3n Fifth si, * s, 62 ft a **.•_•): Toird rt. -___S5, S a r a h :. and Laalsa Ferry. N Y. and Edwin Kerry. Oroag*. N J . t o A4a> C, wife _..-._cr Farry.H part, e*g, ; ........ "•:.. : ---J.-. Same oroperty. Litlher Ferry to Charlef* B Mooa*. Sam*'i>rop.rty,"C_--i-Vs"B"__os-* to'ida 0 Fsrry. cftg oar. •'%t isT rtrt __in* rt, s a. S2S V. e Marcy- a*. 80x100, J a o o b H /ajuRsssd. NY, tojowph Bel*. N ¥ ..... ........ Htsb «t, a s. 7. fc - Cold it, -8-f76, h*l. Cbarr** A , Brtnra to Ann-* Cooke. aJUb_os. --.__,»•.-•-,— •,•- • C r r a h a m r t o a 138.7 ft aP-£k*v. J-x-5. hftlt also i. ail trHet. *«_> oo r»«*35«10. Haoaah, wife of 8yivaat-*e»d«U, Rett BJMk. N J, so. John B At- Usoa. S*«Thi»d,«t.._ i ..7:. Same preparty. Jarnea w i-fcDcm-.c.'. to H___nah Bodett. B-xi Baak.N J,_for_lo*ar*„,.. ... Third st. « • (. 78.4 ft • w Graut -st 5JxS.I-2x2Ix-i.e. J o t a G Alllsoa to Hannah 8*1«-1. Bed Bank, N J. 5^Gr-i«mrt_t_iOr-csgo 9j2-i(« ...... ^ta* my-* «. _J*< f* oMarcy »v, 18SW00. forsv —. J-jaes W Pcrrj-to Caroliac. wi.'* Haxxi- .. *r?i'n\'iinw'ii&&m'i*imti"<&n^& D sad Cat-rlrsC. aad Fred K t o n : and « «* rude C Itarway. Bay-id*. L 3, to WU-lamPtok- b * r t i t , *t* Y » » '..., .... _••'*• Flushing av, s *. lit ftw feroidway. auxlUl. h*L Marr awla, widow, t. Ci-rutlaa i r jkon» Parkav.a* -_6 ft • CuaJb-rriaad st. _8x87x__Ax_-. •Sarah B S a U h . sridow to Hoary Raiss, mor-trsgo, ..._^*J_**»9V«,»-*•»•• *r-*. t«. -.Waw* »»••_*-•• ****** *•»•»» a •y___f( , __,_ . ' UoDoaough st.ns,-_3fl w.Stayv***at av, tcv.j.v. |T_w» Jtlutoali-tfe las Go K V. to Msjry E, W._, _ f J ohaWTy lor. eftg 73. ?ad/ N A SHARP TEIC£. Aoxr twa -ft»_<«vn_ar Bofi BobtMd.'a Grand ^•ot B»lt«r. The double robbery t?f * gold watch and chain, aad th* cos tent* of a taoa^f drawer «•*___._ ifpg to upwi-rd of t_0, by two yodng ^liev**, yesterday, •temp tho operators _jt expert* at thc.»'.n6f»i.oai c*U- T iatC. It wa* done in this wise: Mr. pharle^ p- EchucVdcr, th* viclia., ba* a battery ai No, tlS Grajid tlrtc-t. Ono of the youthk «atered hi* plica cc-traUnc j and whoa asked the reisoa, amid a boy oaUide had tried to txi-c his money, from blot. Tae lad -*dc«4 for at^T I too eents' worth of cake, for which kcr.zyo * q&Mter od* I I dollar io payment. Wh«n the eh£age'waa haod-MX him, tbe boy requested the bsker to placr It In a small _(od_et Just below tho back of his Jacket ieollsr. wttd-ti, t-_. dcm-i with stye** difflculty Vy Mir. rjchhelder. After t-ie boy had left another* entered th*ctore bcar- PCt_l i '"'*'* , J ,1 'f rlc * 1 a 10 - 11 * o n hl » tuce ~ Tb **« baker'* query, j "What di> you want T the youth quietly replied witta bJ I the (..r.stion, "Didn't 70a hare a -Which and chain on a 00], j minute-Hjo 1 At that .' KB. fcCnNXIDHB l t I fdiabloa about his pockets, appar&at-y" »ncert_.a ,____ j vrht-ther _re_i--d worn hi* Ud»e piece or »ot. To maker adily * lJre o n t h *' P 0 * 15 ' °* ** ko< * Ju * wlfe ' wbo *•• ,n <am back room, and wa* told thai h* had. Then said Uro boy, 'That jbang feBosr -fBb J a « left took jroor j'_^ i watoh. T Hopiogrto catob tha tttlal, both 8cht>etd«r and his wifo ran o_t acd a short <T*t«nc« away from thd store, Tb* fugitive waa not In a-jbt and they ratornad feeling badly over the low. - v . .-. ( , s < j What waa their eons ..-matloo maybe imagined wfaert j^,.,, I they ai_-3ov*red that, whil* absent, the yonng ac-rorfv bout 1 w n 0 ,1 * <, *'-° ,T informed on the other lad, bad _,_.,._ ! robbed the money drawer. Their oou.laa.on that the - two boys were operat-Bf together and _r* adept* - b , n ! probably JusHfled by their oxponsnee. ' A* there _._-_. no better prospect of secoriog the -eoc-kt. thief than ___._ the first, aad fearing still ftirt-KT depredaOon* if they _ ar0 again left tho premises, Mr. Schneider ma9 his wita __ JU. i re-Trained from again going forth In qt_**t of-the ptnn- ; will ' AtT * n - A very Imperfect dencriptlon of the operator* wing j b " b ** n l tirn-shea tho polio* ritli slight hop.1 of ftu» i tho Won h_pro*peet. , , SPORTS AND PAsnaaa. U H/ : fens . j Hand Ben, I WD I CABET VB. COGBTNKT—AN 1 . EICITINO Cm- , lllon j _-_•___—Phil Casey's court, in Dcngles* street, waa ihia j crowded yesterday afternoon oa the occasion of ah ta- Cur- I teresting trial of skill between the champion and L, 1 young Courtney, in a match of bee. "three oat of flv» j frame*, in which the "old man" gave 'the "youngster** ;___.- j the odds of live aces on *ach game. Recently be gerai Courtney tbe odds of ten acce, bnt was badly ]_,_• whipped. This time be deducted one half erf the odds, " . i and again sustained defeat. The fact is. Courtney U uu " ! getting to be posted In all Phil's old . trick* and point* that ; in tbe game, sad oan give th* champion aid the wort How I he wants to beat him tn an «von banded '• .cratch. Tba icen I con - te » t began ahortly before 2 P. M., and apt at "oom I o'clock •harp," a* annouooed. Caaey lad off and m * t " opened with three aoe* to nothing In the fits* lnnlnor, lera- tbe call being S to 3 as Courtney went is to serve, ths ir all 1 ° 66 ' °f flvo *<* sa being counted (n th* op-dintr inninn . j of each game. At the close of tha fourth Inning tbe EWI j score stood 11 to 6 in favor of Courtney -. th.a tha ] veteran began to poll up in tbe aoore, he getting 1, „ icen I and S ia tha next three inning*, while Courtney wa* j kg j disposed of for blanks, tbe scot, ai tbe end of tha seventh inning standing at 14 to 11 In favor ot Casoy. >aey 1 _•_,. _.__„- cozitiaued to improve his position up to th* than , tenth inning, when he ran tho game out, le_vt-i_ tba sign i score a* follows : tglo. j I I t 4 JL S 7 8 9 ' Iff— Goartoey. ..6 8 I I 0 0 0 1 2 3D of btui nary ina- ction 1st. j _- I The second game proved to be a tough -cutest j marked by aome of (be finest hand ball plavlog on -both i( ty side* seen st the court this season. Phil put oa the I pace with the youngster, but Courtney answared-be __.•_ I call placklly. and it wa* not long before the pers{M-r»- -j bon poured from tho champion. Courtney took'th* 1003 1 lead at tbe start Irrespective of tbo odds grveo, an*aft iard the close of the sixth lontng he stood in the van by 12 list, ! ti 4 with an apparently sure victory in hand. Bet no 1 fitmres warrant a sure' thing In a match with Rr.ch * ! "doduer" and '•po-uf player a* PbU to, b* has so many ' • • resources that It ts dlffloull to get him id a tight bo* 15; 1 and hold him th*r*. After the a-xthinning Phil begaai . 15a I to P u " up handsomely, and- from this Hme'up to tB» ;. ; fifteenth inning he dtd not allow Courtney to score a "**" j single aoe. He, b_mscl_, had difficulty in adding to hi* horo , BC .re. but ho m_naged to end the fifteenth toning wit* I tbe totals at 17 to 14 in his favor. Then it wa* that tha d to I' "hoy" went in for a winning rally, and at tbe etos* ot 1 the twentieth tuning ho-had "whitewashed" PbU In ftva rroa 1 ,,_-_»,„.,,ve lunlajs, and had pulled up bis own score ta- jned I the rc]ui«ltc 21. The score was as follow* ;. 1 at rred citlc <30OHTKKy. 8 0 ^ 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 2 2~_1 caszr. 0 1 1 1 e l t___^_- 0 1_9 '4 0^ 0 0 0 0 IT and I Koc*iuragi!d by this Quoly won game, Courtoey 0\. ' Wl * n t in ai.d fought desperately for the second 1 , gatr-.o, ttds proving to be* the raont e*xcltln_ o f t h e '• rn-rlen, it being a nip apd tiiok affair toward the fln- j l«h. At the 1 loso of tho fourth Itiulug It was 9 t o I I*, thon Courtney went to the frout, and at tha i close of the thirteenth inning the sooro stood at 18 * - , to 16 in his favor. Thou Phil pulled up even again. „. nr.d when Courtney wont In t o acirve the ball In t h e „0 nineteenth Innlae the aaore stood al 21} to 80. B y a n!'. pretty return shot the "boy" pot In tho wjnnlng 1 'i ac*. and now stood at 2 to I iu wotigames. Ta* It's B e o r e wa*r as follows: , ° :! ' ' Courtney 8 01031100201101 IJO I--SI g;^ ' - « y 3 0 0 6 0 1 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 0 1 0—2* fill In tho ls,Ht garni- Courtuoy took a wlnuinj; load at 82 » 1 the «t.art, the thlr I lnnttie ourl lug In his favor by 15 S3.. f 1 Then Phillip raJllod In lirilllant stjle, he add- '"* log ten ares to his sr ore lu four suijcessive Innings. (w ! t!i«r-by cloning tho eighth inning with the totals n;i] 1' Kitol.. In the tooth lanlug I'hll -got th.* lead, •it's Lilt :n the oleventh, Courtooy scored five ace. aad *B*v . w<.n by tbe appendld tcoro: K-t'l (lonrtiey - 4 3 (I 0 0 I 0 0 0 5--gl * t (:*«•>• S .1)11311 3U I It 70 Tne score of aoes by seirv'.c. and returns w«a ua 7uV j folio war '"A I Aces by Aces by ,;! I Ssrvlco. S*r»i:« Total. il.. ;0.ut*ney 31 46 7T £. Casey « «. Tfc «_ i -V • 1 Vacating:. 40 ,. i THE BBOOKLTN YACHT CLtrrj.—Tbo regular _j>_ j monthly mee^ug of this club was be IJ at their rooms, 4i"_ , coruer of Court and Moctague streeto, and after the 4l_ j ur-ual preliminary businees had beer* cranaaoted quite *''' • ' ao interesting discussion arose lu regard to th* adep- *^y j tion of the report of tho Rogatta Coi-jmlttee, in which __*£ ; it was stated that they had under consideration a <_••* change in the aeason'n programme inggested by Yioe ; Comrnodor* Hall, which was to th* ] e-fleet that the re- 69 . ga'.ta for tba flag officer's prizes should take place dur- J*_Jt , lug the Summer course and not as tho local olub oouraa 22 in New York Bay. This proposition was opposed by ft? Mr. Huntley and Dr. Johnson, and after beinc __ _ : argued pro aad 00a tbe matter waa left for future coa- 6-»li j sidc-ratloD. It is not likely to be aloptel, ss ths major- t»*4 lty of tbe club will no doubt side with Mr. Huntley, *|£ i who is certainly ri«ht la his oppoaition to any regular £,.,',' regatta races on the annual .cruise. When the club r ,.^ I| yacht* start out for tbe Summer crnjise they prepare ta «__ take things easy. Their yschU are fitted up for p'.oas- S-.'X ; tire parties and for safety aad comfort, aad not a* they .1 Wfj [ arc when prepared to try their speed in race*. Bnoh "-^ little triads of railing a* aro loddeut to a Btunmor ,"<)?" i cruise are very different affrtrs from tb* regular rs- _/ I gatta contests. Th* cruise matches *re gotten u p f o r 29'-i. , the fno of the thing, and the yachts arc sailed Just as 29*-' - they are aad due -llotvaac • is made for tbe absence of • : racing crew* and rltolog fittings , In rigging aad sails. -•,,5 ; The object of the annual ca-ulse* of yacht club* la _„ 1 solely for leisurely enjoyment, and this is out of the question if the yachts are t o g o prepared for the hard 70 I work of-« recratta. •0 _ j The Regatta Committee reported that last year's ,o 1 arrsngemsms for the disposal of. tickets for the an- 14). " u;il !"(Vs>U bad worked so satisfactorily that it would I be again adopted this season. ni'/t Among tho new members of tbe Club elected was' 01 Mr. Frodorick S. Aymar, tho SOD of on* of Hew York'* ! oldest and most respected shipping merchants. A ;V,* '; committee of thrco was appointed to draft suitable _jtj r<*«oluirons.la relation to the loss the Club had *us- {. _ { taiued in tho death of Rear Comniodor* John B. Nor- ls*J j ris. Hereafter the Prealdeat of tbe Club la to wear the •>m. uniform as the other civil officers of the Club. The meeting wa* then adjourned to the ICCOD__Y. adncs- day in April. _ Base Ball. •' v . I THE PI-ATING Hvtxa OF BASE EbzA.—Ia. .__, view of .the futile efforts ot a certain We*te_ra bouse U. OA. copyright the L*agu* playing rule* of th* game, a fear , -1 _ remarks on tbe eubject will not be out of place at th* present time. First as to the facts of tic cao. The IX playjngrulcs of base ball were first given (o the public . '; l.y ths SatlOual Aasoclation of Base Ball I ;<y«r» throuelx '- ! t..e free u.b.ic.uoffief, their rule* in ISC'. Proa, tliat. gt{ ti::ii* forth they became public property, and up to th* , H'[ cl'.c of ..thct orgaaixatlon 10 l^anhesy remained «t». Fi om 1880 up to 1875 tbe playing rqles of tbe game were . : annually _4rv.s*d and amended by tho several existing I Nations. Aseodatio&s of the period lat, qnsstloa, and ) almost eattfely In accordsnee with Bag;;.stioa* mad* . j by Mr. rhuiwick. eitber wh Ir'hti war',acting as CStala- 1 man of tbe Committee of Rule* of tl_e National Aseor* .806 I cisUoo, or lo his capacity of base ball editor of tha Aet* l r ork Clipper. Up ty the tj-oe- of ths estabiisb- . m. nt of the CoAgoic AsiKKaatloa, white many baee oaJX . __ _ ; b-xika were issued year after y__r, all having copy- - righted title*, such *• ij_*dlf-'* "Dime Book of Base ,000 B*_v**_n*t issued in I860,; M £Taa«r_* Book oCB^fsv- | enoe :" Chadwlok's "Msnt-S*. o i / B a s * BatL** nub- ,.. I llahed in Bo«too in 1B70_; Mta-toto '•Amertcao dvoe * . of U-.sc Bail ;•" OeWittvi "-Baa* Ball Guid*," ' flrst puUlshad tn 1KJ ; aod lastly Monro's ora j "Our Boys' Basra BaU lValcr.7 all of th«*e. brtne. I edited by Mr. Chad wick, not aniffort waa mads by any' I publisher to copyright th* playing role* of th* game, _,. 1 tbey having originally becom* public property. In re- - gard toths run-s of the prcfees-onsl ss*cxnatia_,of wh-Ctk. iOO the League aod* is bot a, varied oopy, it oaly cceds ta be stated that at tba Coaven_on of the Ptof«at0-ttl Ae- ' sociatlon hhld in Cleve-ud ia 1872, th* code of playing cs - rules thetf ti-d there adapted as the 1 prcl_^sl0a_l coda ,._. ' of rules, ***» prepared <-x< lu*iveiy by Mr. Chsdvno--. I 10 the spi^Bded report of the proo»*dt-.«* at that Oom- j vent-on t_^» following paregraph app***. : - : Mr. Ev4ua, Cnai-Taaa of the Committee on Bates. subuiitted rules for the gsrvemtteat of the AssocUtioa , wbich b*$ been prepared, by Mr. H*pry Cftadwaok. ^o . aod, as ameadod. wet. adopted. I A . far as the playing dpde of the rules of base ball .000 are coooerned, th*r_forev»ay on* Caa print acd pab- I lish them, whether the;-, be the code of the L**«n*, la- •A* 9 , tni-nat-Qaal, Amateor o» any other, base bslicasoda. I tion. ; M0 j _xoii_ni GA-IZ AT TIIX FA-K.—Should tba ! weact-er be fine on Haturday next there will be another 800 ; lot .r*«-lng match At Prospect Pack, la whioh proqun- i oat profeartonals now in the oity will take part. Bides - 00 will b* c_,&kca tt 3; P. M. by Capuoak -Fefgtuda sad _», Chapman, from «__oa_ tbe proTr*asionsl*pr**cat at tae hour Darned. Trro otub mans __r* from out of town. who *re visiting the dty to seloct playsrs. will ha pre- sent to watch th* playing. 000 700 Tax Bijsz BAT-C, Rxjrjm.—The Ada-ns Broth- e_-s—BeadI* k Co.—have puhUahed th«lr aaat__.«dlttea of tb* "Dim* Base BaU Beak for 187&" the feature of -wbich to th* extended record of ths model game* played by the amateur cl^be _u. well as pcoftartoaaL club*. It also contains the past aeasoa's averages and the new role* of play fOK 1878. Tn* boos, e-ntalcsa eighty-four page* of interesting aad lastnMUve tmatU ing matter connected with base ball, lnc!MiiBg the -re- 1 ports of the coaventioas held thto. year and all the M>.. I ohampMnahip recorda. poo j ITtvc Trtgc'tr. ,000 I TkE Bsoo-a-w Gtrx CLCB.—•The Bcooklfn I Club had a lively day'* sport at Dexterf, yesterday, t£» „-. ' occasion being Uw doubts rtrd match, coati-ucd front ~ J/ \ the tost mexruat-. Ca this tatter occa/iioa sixteen ooa> I petitors enteted the list aad ahot at Cive pairs ot birds 70* : each. Y«*UrJay the beat seven erf thto crowd entered ' for the finishing shooting and tbt>tr»nlt wa* Some vety ' pr»tty work _nde*d. Ttsre wcrt* sy^safc of the be*: 1 uur shots of th* Island preaeta. **_d though the wi ; e: w*. not-s pleasant a*tt mist* t bare been, th* 1 I wer* good aud th* shooting ot t/-* very b**t kind** ' appended score shows. Dr. Tf/nn wa* la fine trim fi. oaa ; hi* wurk *nd be buce off th* honor* of tbe day despite . tbo fact that he . aUowod hit .riecd Eddy to otuaboei - •*' . him in the doubt* bird contest, for though they u*c. 1 on the kboot off the aealor aliot won th* trophy. In clw ' irwoepstak^i, however, tho Doctor took a decided Uad wu . ..".>.r-_cd 1* th* stnnaoafy : •'"• * l0B D-arnat Paax. C-_r__r_s _C__ts. U », Mardb 13,-t ': Regular monthly taeetrog of the Brooklyn Goa Clahi 108 contest/or champion trophy at double rise*, huaSzcJt> ^^ 1 <::-.__?>. iw> yards -Cicndary ; T pairs eich; postponed •t" j from ITebruary mty'ting. * * ' ' * . * * ? ' " * •'''""•' i gddy—a 111110 a u » 01 »11 n i Wynn,....|a 11 II 00 11 11 10 11 II 10 10 «_„ Ata-os.. 5 .. la U 11 11 11 01 00 w - ( v7ost....m U U 10 Cl 10 11 03 -_, , G'«!«-»v**.. y, eo 10 1111 11 00 to WB ; WlsKs-r.^.u 00 10 10 11 11 1C 10 1 hVwmr^.J UJ U 10 M 19 U 10 t0 -. ' : ,m ] .NVrk—Tbe flrst flv* ptirs wtta tkot at th* r«bra-jry aev__B,.3 - ;. j_r„ s ., ' ___. 7 /-as*-: DAT.—Regultr ooatest tat tb* sbaaiptoa trtt- } r_;;. ahot for at io btrd* each, from S traps.' baadl- i capped rt**, 60 yard* boaodarj ; n« shot off at 3 iiirla """''•-• rtKm 121 «|ti 111 1 1 ;_*•! a W .iiu-flt 111 itii fi _|-T 0 1 lt-1.1 1111 • . -.'.-T»_f: f: Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

If l#3| iki&s attir W T W TProspecS t Park. Apply on promlsa Yv 7/Brooklyn NY Daily...\ If l#3| iki&s attir ms\ i TBURSDAI,ETESBI6, SABCH 14, IS. f, m^OKTAST TO SUBSCR1BEKS.; '.Th

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    f , m^OKTAST TO SUBSCR1BEKS. ; '.The EAGJJ: v i a be sent to a!, point** o T.'aittxl States for $_0> per year, or $1 per moot let« period ci-aa six months, Tree of J M U J U

    , ©T*_t- HVSDA.1 *X_TTON."

    (The E A G X J - i s n o w p u b l i s h e d «*•/•? n tiie At-i_a_t__a.

    ! •I REM, BINDERS. T h e Scotch Sawyer Family of Bell Kit

    w i l i .-..-.> i a 8 a : Jr: A .0 cue •: t ift* >ve_-lng i a t h e Ob gf itie CaTistiaa Endeavor, Esscer. . Di.nr.cl .

    « . — : j J A T H O » B *."«I> A B R O l S * .

    I I j . - -Prof.a&sor H. T. Howard will lecture if

    Thibopiareaao Missioa tfcU evening oa "TaejOlt the New, or Travel* a: Ho'ini ao S ibr-cnV. ffae tur» will ba ll't-stratad'wl:- she stereoptfeoa.


    I>a .ho Academy of Music oa the eveuk Merjch 28, Corparal .Jame-i T i n n e r wi l l del iver i t u r f entitfa-t ' _Ta. Sol Ider %a W*r aud P." pr->Aee&s will' bo giv*a to t h ; Honta- cf the <

    THE P.OMBBR B A 5 D .

    .4 pleasaufc entertainment was given !M»railag.ifl tne Cllatoa aveaa > C ingr.^aiio-ia! Ciu: b j lie" Ptooee.- Bajjd. *k l*rge *a lieace >r** ? I M »nd^ tbe proxrasatae. w^Jcli nr̂ s lanjciiy aad T*J •WM j iaterpryUU -ery »atKfac:or'!y. Tbe #oter m?a$ ososisted of Ulcstratod ballads, tablcaax otb« r̂ Icterestiag feature.

    1 - * ^ —

    C O X H O X CO I ' S t U . WOUX.

    'rihe Assessment Commitiee of the Cortu OruecHfor 1873 bsid ishetr ftmt meeting la^t e-*9c Ta«ie were present Alderajaa >£ar:b* ;Ca»iiii r>W êr, Mcltftrre and Frenca. Tlsbre'wete a aar •*$ ciiaor matter* befors sa -̂aa. paac'.pal'y aopScat far iaaceQatiun iaa gaa lainp a*ao«sai£a:*, bat uot o< titerest tr*aspired.

    T>e Con>oQ:ttee on Prtptinc and Sapp'ie* (So JohL flbjvtnas^) a!so »•:(,' aad 'o*ff»n '.be oornU ••Acx^ot the r«fja3itioa^ Jor stationary for idn vai c it A 'ypartcieoto.


    Taha yonng Democratii tri.-Jof ;be I'srat Ward bc:d

    i ts of toe Fourth J .d a meoclas ta»t e v o a i a j

    \«f> tear of t a o i iquor s t o w at No. *4 FuiJoa ^treet.1 A. 4 P e x a o r ^ t presided aad Mr. H.

    \^hen Dox.'jee. and Wrigelsworth, the n *cfc'iaed of St isave brained hlca. »'


    TSae >c -w B r o o k l y n .Tlualc R a i l .

    'Ehenew BrooklyUMusic Hall.at the janct of Fiatliash avenae-and Fulton »ir«.et, now coaapli l a every? particular, with the single exception of the namjeatal portico, whiah may M constmcted at titsxi, will thi» evening be opened to the public- wit concert Worthy of She occasion. The principal feat of i l j l s ihe "Hiawatha'* symphony, composed by Ki p. Phblps, -which, "will be played by Tbeotl Tho^nas? orohestra, and will, therefore, receive xz> mad-< m the EAGI-Z from ticn< t l a i i and now for the Srat i m s it will bo jpvea to pabile of Brooklyn. Mr. Phelps timsolf is a Brool ma4, and this- circamstance alone would render yer^ormaaca intereatiag. Thr marked enthusiasm hibiited T>y tho performers over the symphony bp«.

    3 P iu io Solo—"Invitation to the Dance".-. Weber-—T* Mr. Hermana O. C. Korth-iaer.

    P A K T i i -t. Two Movements of the Sevoatb Symphony ...Beethc

    ! 1. Int.r.duetlOin—"Poco Soatenuta, Vivace." I 1 AK«artetto.

    *• i ; 'More aad More."; Ma.* WJoros. ( ;3'0r*ey't revenge upon' Cttpt Btfton to a most .inigeoiwuly wrought erp affair, arising: hi* victtna^with a rope, bo ties htm secarely •5.>ir. Bjfore hi* hiamau target &e arraa^es a com; soabrtvance, by rae-in* of |rhioh, at th* expiration exactly two hours of horrible suspease. both barrsl a g£ra will be e x p l o d e , killing the Captain tnstas This sltaation i* most dramatically worked; up. th* audleace Is placed upon the rack aattl tAe cUm -runt of the play. £Fhe place la somewhat ta^cy In flrjjt two acta, but iaterest calnainates la the.la** • r*p'idly and cleverly. IS I* an American i u y b: American antanr, »parg ?-iag seat . A

    Da-l a i -i o n , i t e r


    St. iday •in'g •est-ch?. Hag »ry; aoa. larJ "itZ-i-ao, roll kets

    ten ere ag, ced •ry. ox-a s t ev-BS> >̂.d

    >a» . In rth he

    oh. l e y on

    rge sed car

    D I E D .

    B R . V Y - I n PMl*(lolphla,.on the lS th lost., J o m r formerly ot Brooklyn. In h i s iatb yoir.

    Interment at the Co-net«rr of tba Kvorgroecs, Ei or: Frida7< 15th last. , about 12 o'clock M. ,

    DEZENOORF—On Tuesday. March IJ. KLIZ wife of Jamea Doxen '.or/, in the 7Sth 7*sr of bor %

    T h e relatives a i d friends of the family are iui attend the funeral at her lat-'rosidonco^Rahwai, on Krllay. loth iosUtat, at 12 M. Tr.Ua via Penoa

    [ Railroad at 10 A. M.

    D O N A I . D S O N . - I n Brooklyn. Mar-h M, Mrs. ! j AM>soj», 'a> the 14tb ynar of h»r ase.

    Tne irteada of the family are respectfully Invite tend the l-ioora! from She residjno* of her soa Otto Von Horn. 283 Warren »t, on Salorday. ICtn ! tW o'clock.

    E D W A S D H - I n Brooklyn. March 13. lV-g" . : •.:.-..•.- -.- of tho i >-.•> Ch .r..j.i C. Edwards, of Philad i n the 21 rt year of her a i e .

    Sewlces to-morrow (Prlday) at SM P. M.. at t: dooce of h >r b.->taer In la » A. K. Caihoon. 1.301 D Intirmeat Saturday a/te.-njun, at Laarol Mill. Pb phis.

    BAKcfAH— At Brooklyn, on Wodn«s1sy, Maroh I MARIT, wi.'e of G a n g * Haonan. In tho iilst ye»r j f b

    rTi»onr».' wt!S take p l i ce from her late realdeacc, t inl tst . on Satnrdiy, Marctv 1«. at 1 P. M.

    "• irtoCOY—Tn "WiiUarnsb-nrgh. on the 13tb Inat.. residence vi her brother in laur. J im*» Nugent , 9A Ninth st, A n x McCOT. a n.tti*e of the Parish of Or Coonty Arntajb. Ireland, In the Sist year of her ig>

    R«laliv»aand frienda of .h > t.tmlly ar« jesDeetfn vlfed t o a t t e i d the funeral from tne C h u - o i of St. V de Pan), on Nortn Sixth »t. on Krlda/. tn 15th in»t>. are^alwra s u n will be Offered (or tho r-jpoie of n e t incase U> C*aiv»r7 Cemwter/ for i a * r m e n t at two o'

    R A Y M O N D - O n TuosMM'TTEB OH WATER i D R A I N A G E OF T H E COMMON 0OX7NOH meet In the Comraoa Council Chamber, City Ha T H U R S D A Y , ^ a r c d M. ISli tt 3 o*oiook. Y. M. R.r

    M. H D U A N E , Cbairu

    TH E C O M M I T T E D O S L A M P S A gas will ni"ot In tho Comnrm Council C j u i n i l l t s D A Y E V E N I N G . Maron II. l*T I V I S K » " N O . 2 2 — A S P E C -as of the above divlaioo wii!» bo h-j

    I> r \BRP;I. 'S H A W . f a n t o n it^nttyr Myrt on r-';til>AV i-'. V KNI >'(',, M»-ch !>. to makattnal arr a u J ' lor S: P»trick'n Dv7. By order of

    E D W A I t O M U R R A Y , Presidi T R A V I S BcTt-BB, Secretary.

    A O. H. , N O . 1 4 , B R O O K L Y N — 1 * officers snd members are rennested to arte »pa >uU nieet'ne to t>> h e l l at MOOR?.'.-* HALL, oorr T veaty.third »c i n d t i l t h av . oa Ktt lDAY. Maro »7>. at * o'clock P M.

    J O S E P H O'CONNER. Pro»ld< J o n s R I B D A N . Secretary.

    " T ~ 6 . H . . D I V I S I O N N O . 7 — T H E M >TJL * b e n of the above Division are recjnoited to acsnelrhal! , T H I S (Tnnrs.lay) EVKNING. at 7 o', sharp a* bnsines* or Imp^rtAoco in to be tran*r.ote-l.

    J O H S GALLAGHER. Pro*id«

    Con re A M

    A NO

    J A M X S Hct iBJta , Secre tary

    O. H. , B R O O K L Y N , A .." 1^ 187 The ofijoers irfd roemborn of tbo abov* orde reone«ted So a*vem3le In fall re«r»li», with th->ir band: baO'ier*. Mt the fountain on Bedford avenue, E. X. a ; ; .VDAT».Mitc l> l8 , at 11 o'c'.ook A. M.. topart lo loa the . i i •». ceiebsation oc s-. Patrick's '•> -y. in hon Ireland'* Patron Sal it. St. Patrfik,- By order of

    P H I i - I P C L A R E . G. Jorrs MTJJ.DOOJI. G.V.P. , Ror.':rrr T. CANJJI'M/I. G J A J S Z S A CKUIO':*, G.S.. PATRffcK SHA.VJted or-

    any h a ;nre Mr. .ore the

    Utig . to tbe

    t iya the ex-

    :-.-:: I ides Mr. St.


    e!^s loto




    lOf. l


    . tolt



    is mo-tor

    lap-face ir a M 1 7 1 , tb«r ioiz the on* von

    lese ates owd

    e, r iag itle-the

    J U S ,


    It'E. sale .-rail tery itt'tv 3e-

    toa i lex

    of s o f t ly . and t>u«-the

    rery r an i f o r , i . - 3

    ^nd-and «f-

    that tre, pro-ovia an*. ear-nore


    : • > • .

    -ata isU.


    tne Soota Brooklyn Savings Bank, with m o i e y ton r a liair the r-ta", vrtil be suitably rews.tde ! lnif It to tae o^roer a t OT De^raw st . or to At laat loav . H AN SIN B R O i l .

    LO S T — O N S A T U R D A Y L A S T , S lr-st.. an Es'inmaax DOG ;/beaTy body, white and yellow patobes on his b a c k ^ a r s small, ears and of head tinged -*itn yellow nnd^6re legs frintted with balr: aoaw^rs to name of Gio. Any person ruturr.n^ dote to l*i Ti»wr«iee st. or giving information of hia w about*, will be handaomsiy rewarded:

    H O R S E 8 , C A I t K l A « ' - E S , ^ c - ^

    T ' B A Y ' M A R B SIX YEARS OLD. i o ^TjLhaa^shigh, «pund, kind and a irood apadst^r for aJsobiy g^:diag. pi n^.ndahlgh, eight, year* old. sount auitable for any busiaes*. Can be seen at private at 230 Adams st.

    17 U N R T E A M B A Y M A R E S F O R S A eheaa or will exchange (or large horse. 18 ham more, »ad stylish for coope; they can show three mlc -.-"'.:••: are about la nands, stylish and tine i n Appl7 at No. 308 Faltoa «t. P H E L P S Jt'SON. i store. '-

    HO R S E S ! HOR-SES!! H O R S E S ! ! ! JC arrived from the We^t. 3S hor^oa . l ight drivt: heavy draught, .horsws; for sale or ^xcbanije: some stepping horses at prices to salt tbe times. App C H A R i - E S COOPER. SSJ Atlantic a?.

    HAJVlP,LETONlAN L I V E R Y "A : boardinjr stables,' 1. 3 and 5 Third st , cor. P st, hrst class cosoh»'S. phaeton*, landsn*. Jfcc.. at a'.l h' ho-*es keot t>y the day. wee* or month; borsea and v.ag-ma rx> let at reduced rAte* . first otftSS ataila to 1 :•>••-.•~ :-..;.,:. •."•:. Double and Single Albany and Port Cutters of ong own>naie from Tl 8 A l : E — . T U S C B L t A X E O P S .

    C M > R S A L E — S H O W W I N D O W , " F/T* ML/ Elecant show window *nd pair of doors; also, f tore truck. Addisa* P. D . , Eagle otfioe. _

    FO R _ ^ A L E — C O I - N T E R 5 — T H R eoantcrs. Apply to W. P. D x F O R E S T , Fiftl cor. Dean >t _

    I ^ O R S A L E — S O F A B E D - C O S , T 5 7 will be sold for *2C. Caa be Saea at 181 Adelp near Myrtle av.

    Ir*OR SALE—FIXTURES — COUNTE bias and shelving of a first class grocery Store, stock. If desired; m u s t be sold :•> c lose boslneaJ. Ad GROCER. Bagl* office.

    L^OR sALE-FURS*ITCRE—COMPA: X ? '••"J new. for a three stor/ and baaement h at a reaaonable prtc*. Address B . P. E., 1 office. . .

    FO R S A L E — B T S I N E S S — O R G B N T ; 1 business, i t w . and houaebold fnrnjtare!of a nery store, eatablished . will be *old o b e a p : tniais a offer Come and v « . 703 Gates av. near Lewis.

    FO R S A L E — Y A C H T — S T E A M YAC Comet; leagth 55 .'e»s breadth 12 feet, steel tx raachinecy arid hall ln_perfect order; now at Tbirty-ft st. C. H. PAUL. 1*8 Henry .6.

    L E G A L W W I C P .

    U P B E M E COURT, T R I A L DE"sYkEi K I N G S COCSTY— J o h n F. Smyth.as Sunerurtei

    ot she Insaranoe Department of tae Stat* of New '] platntiff. against A d a m Haaft and Marearet Han* wife;. William S. Rolin. the Commonwealth- Life I ance Company, Thomas S. Moore. Receiver of the monwoaltb Lit* Insuranoe Company: The New J Mataal l i f e Insuraaorf Company.- Joel Parker. Re« of eh* New .'•-• . . - -Mutual Life In*nrsacs Comi Arnold H. W»*n«r. J. Henry Work, Marvin Cross, look Anstln. Jubn. H. Ireland, Joseph Henry, A Gat**, Hfoiry L. Msnoing, Georg* C. Hemingway, llaas W. Hemingway, Walter P. Walsh, Edward I Henry C. Mangels, Meta Eden. Gastav F. Soliurmai till*. MacArthur. defendants. —Summons.—To the J named defendanta: Yon are hereby aammoaed to at Jjj* complaint In this acitoa. and to serve s copy of fSfcwer • n the nlaln-UfT* attorney within t w e n o days w e aervtce of tht» summons, exclusive of the day. oi vtee. aad in e s s e of your tailnre to appear, or an lodgment' will pas* again*', yen by default, for th Uef dsraandad in the complaint—Bated November 15

    8. W. ROSEN DALE. PljdntltTa Attort Offlcs addres*. ts» State street. Albany N. Y . ; Post (

    addr-s*. r j«e. ! Soai-

    i t tne Notth >ggan.

    ly ia-noeat vbere so i l ; lock. : Lix-:ged 3

    ice of

    •nlng, jaum

    iTieral 'hnsO clock

    only ir of

    oats .

    M A B -U r o f

    fc A. .next tarch ice to tgree. M.

    O F 11 ba i and *, for iho«e 3 to 9

    w girl, w at 70 0

    washer two day

    W A w o mii)»t b 1 tlla) ft -.:i',» pt A m i t y (

    w A p p l y «

    WAwl pl/vce.


    w ,

    t i c n e r a l B o n s c w o r K .

    WA N T E D - F O R G E N E R A L HC work a girl; a good cook, washer and IrOLi ply t t 53 Cbjevtir place.

    7 A N T E D - F O R " " G E N E R A L HC work, * g i r l ; m u s t Ij© a (food cooV. waiih-^r ai

    ©r; coatxl r e f e r e n c e r«(itdr*ra. -*!tpi>ly a t -Iriu C l a s s o n

    ; 7 A N T E D - F O R G E N E R A L H C work in a fami ly of t-,»o, a s m a r t , t idy, trust

    g ir l , w h o c a n c >mo vvgll r e c o m m e n d e d : w a g e s $9 . a t 70 G r a n g e St.

    A N T E D — F O R G E N E R A L H O ' work, by a small famllv, no chUdrtrn ; goo

    washer anil ironer-. ( ieniian or Swede pre;'err>d. two day* at 10 North Oxford ot.

    A N T E D — F O R G E N E R A L H O roTk, a girl, to go with a family near I>vnct E

    mn*t be a good olal > cook, washer and Ironer. 1 tt'j» girl abont H or'lo. to wait on t title. Jte : 1 ant* pro.'erred; must have good reference. . Api Amity st.

    A N T E D - T O D O G E N E R A L H O work, a servant; must bo well -reoomm

    Apply at248 Pptnam av. _ _, A S T E D - T O D O G E N E R A L H O

    ork In a private family, a girl; must be washer aad Iroaer and well recommended from 1 place. Apply at 91 Puloeki street, near Marcy av.

    A N T E D - T O D O G E N E R A L H O rork. in a ureal! family, 'a res.peotabl« gir

    be a good cook, washer, and itonar. ApolyatS22 street.

    W A N T E D — T O D O G E N E R A L H O Y V work and plain cooking, a good- girl. Cult

    days at 192 Adams st.

    1 A N T E D — T O D O - G E N E R A L H O worh. a yooag girt; must be willing and ol

    Call at 271 Pearl st. ._

    A N T E D — J O " O O T H E G E N E housework of eight la family, a middle

    woman : mast be a g c o i cook., washer and ironfj' referonces required; wages $12. Inquire for thre at No. 112 Myrtle av.

    W A N T E D — T O D O G E N E R A L H O work for a small family, a Protestant girl mast be a good cook washer and Ironer: willing n. and bring roferenco from her last place. Apply at 8 trand »v, oor. St. Marks. •

    WA N T E D — T O D O G E N E R A L H O work, a respectable yonnz woman ; must be class laundress and good plain cook: must give go ro/eren. os f-om last place as to honesty, r»i*t-u can-ibllitv; none but snoh j ieed apply. Call at 117 merhorn *t. after 3 P. M.

    TWTANTED—TO DO GENERAL HO Y V work, a quiet young girl; must thoroughly

    stand her buslu"ss and be able to give at least twi reference from her last place; wages $13. Addre" Ing where last amoloved, how long there and your I resldeatoo. M I L D N ESS. Eagle office.

    W A M T E B - H E l ^ l ? — IW At-aEJJ»

    " A N T E D — A S M A L L B O Y . " D U R Y B A ' S P H O T O G R A P H CALLER'

    Fulton st. Apply after 6 P. M.

    A N T E D — A G E N T S — M A L E " A N D male, to sell to families something useful It

    bonsebold . Apply at 92 Middagh st.

    V \ 7 A N T E D — A G E N T S T O S E L L " CI v s and white wine vinoxar, to grocers, shlppei

    plck'.ing ho-i.e*; must b -ve recomraead-.tlons. N «r» need opply. Address VINEGAR, Ka:;le o-rice._

    V \ 7 ANTEI)— AN A C t l V K M A N TO Y T vest 81.n»*r, by H rtint

    • A S A O O a c t a b l e , w i l l i n g Call f-ir two dayt


    C o o k s , *Va*r»er« a n d I r o n e n .

    \ 7 i T A N v T vta*''i«

    obliging rfirl-. good city ralerenods Raymond st. in tu^ rear.

    WAN rED—SITUATION—AS A CO washer aad ironor b r a respectable girl; n joetion to the a-.eo-iea: good reference. Please call Atlantic a7. K ->om 10.

    ANT B Dr-SITU ATIO N—AS A CO washer and ironer. by a respectnnlo English

    an. wi'ls- good citv re'erenoes: obj-ictlous to postal i Address for two d a / s 242 Bridge sfc

    J A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — A S C O I by a corapete-it per*''n : U a first class laum

    bes ' city references can be gtvnn. Please call at 63U •st, bet. Vanderbllt and Underhill av».

    " 1 X 7 A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — A S A C O T r washer and ironer. b v a respect-ibis womai

    objections to the country, ('all at No. 103 Lnquoer • floor1, back room.

    , V S 7 A N T E D - S I T U A T I O N — A S C O C T » washer and troner.br to do general honseworl

    small Drlvate family, by a respectable middle age man -. has g'»od city reference. Call tor two days Pacific st, near Court. _

    A N T E D - S I l U A T I O N - A S A CO washer and Ironsr. or would do general I

    work, by areapaotabte young wom;tn ; has good city encea. Call lor two days at 'MM Bergen st, noar Fri avenue. Y \ T A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — A S A CO

    v v washer and irorrwr bv a resnectable womat good city reference: thoroughly understands her bui f>.n be *een for two day* at o(j Flee t place, near .' avenue.

    A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — A S A CC washer and ironer, 1>V a respectable g ir l : or

    do general homework in a private family; will bo willing and obl ig ing; can furnish Ihe be l t city refer Please call for two day* at iC2 Grand av, top tloor, rooms.

    A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — A S A N cedent cook, "baker, washer and Ironer, b

    spect»bli» woman : Is willing aad obliging and has i •ections to a boarding houae. Please call at lo2 J in tha rear.

    W A N T E D - S I T U A T I O N - A S A F I T T cI.iss'Iaun

    city references. Call for iwo days at No. 7 Clinton st

    A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — A S F I R c'*A4 cof>lc. by a nrtt^ctable girl: ha*\ fhroo

    cltr fftrorpnc*>? Call •'or two days at IVo. 107 Putuai opposite Onnonct platfo.

    A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — A S F I 1 class cook, by a resDeotable woman : has goo

    referances. Call for two days at 109 Graham »t, neai tie av.

    w- McDoi s t ree t • . - '

    WA N T E D — S I T U A T I O N S — O N E AJ first olass oook, wasner and Ironer, the otbe first elass waitress or to mind children, by two respee Protestant girls: have the best city references. Ploai for two days at-229 Bridge st. second floor; no postal-aaswerad. ,_ t

    WA N T E D — S I T U A T I O N S — O N E first alar* laundress, b: derstands her duties thoroug < 1;. erences. city or county: the other as cham Dermalc w.titr..-ss,. by a competent youag girl, the boat of : enoe, city or country. Call at 121 Columbia st, c o n Harrison. .

    WA2" T E D " ~ " S T T U A T T 6 N ^ " T O C O ( wash and iron or would do g e i e r a i hoasewt a small private, family, by a competent gill-: h as goo ereuce.. Can be seea lor two dsys at 130 Koscius near Nostrand av. ^ ^ . •

    WA N T E D - S I T U A T I O N — T O " " " I > 0 1 eookhur or housework of a small private fami a rsspectabl* girl-. oan be highly recommended fro! last employer. Call at 85 Boad »t. near State. "

    C k L a s a r a c r m a l d s . n a i t r e u c s , e t c .

    iy a competen t psraot Iv, has the host of oil the

    WA N T E D - S I T U A T I O N - A S C H A barmaid aad waltreai, by,an English Prote girL Call fo* two day* at WWashiagton «t.__ _.

    WANTED — " S I T U A T I 6 N - * A S OBi barmaid and wattrss*. in a private family, by speetable vouatt girl -,bas the best of city reference. £ oall at 7< Poplar a*. . . - ' ' . . ' : • : •: . '•-•' . .

    A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — A S 0 H A bermald and to willing to -do plain sarrine

    .rexpectabin youis girl; oaa como wall recoawao] Pleaso call for ivro (Says j * No. 33 Prcspeot St.

    •**Ta^ANTED-^SI±UAT10N— AS a r t ! A


    O P E -W.> m a -i E O . W.-

    O R K , .toly. a t alton at, he boat.-. cooklya; a

    :i"Nbs" )KLYW botween ty.HaU; m otSoa for wet-


    A T {. 253


    D E R •s and o oth-

    • y x r 7 id sale oo-^ly: ddress

    U N G rillary

    V E" O . 503

    5TIC l.-een-M I e r ?, No.

    r IN ymna at 560

    iKl") ' Bff. n^t->n nrfe :. r7ice.

    O K . and

    , at 78

    O K , a ob-at 106

    O K , worn-


    ) ,K" lrejs : Doan

    O K ,

    t, toi>

    I K " c in a d wo-at224

    O"KT lonae-, refer-' tnkliu

    OK; i: has line-**. dyrtle

    'OK, would found ances. • front

    E X -y a re-' io ob-ay st,

    R S T best

    S"T rear*' n av,

    a^ST d city • Myr-

    KS^T rtable r two

    S T •vloos 1* all

    Cal l

    IHT tabro avs at floor,

    afST stries all at oae at

    3 T table ; is a ence. store,

    R S T II its it and a In a an be imbia

    )0"D Smith

    ) O D .-table at 387

    > 6 D man; r t w o

    ol> mi an ;' lffield

    0"D" rdlnst ; has hrst

    O D igllsh : ha*

    ia the use.

    ) Q D '. by a small >nces. , near

    > O D thor-iton-

    antry. '.. over

    r"A lor as roung

    at 7s

    S A noes -. *» on 'lesae lough

    J"~A r as a liable e call cards

    A S i, un-ry ref-I and refer-ler of

    ) K , >rk ia dref-ko st,

    THE ly .by a her

    t M - i 3tant

    a5a>; a re-'

    'lease >M "

    M -, b y » adod.

    A U N -r F r a n k -

    J O O K ichouse;

    S H E S a gir l ;

    H A M - -ad satls-• No. 274

    PLATf: 4 years

    ) F ~ A ,1 newer pont st.

    >USE-SB A p -

    .USE~ I ad Iron-av.



    USE-" d oook, Gail for

    U S E -* a n c h :

    Also a 'rotost-ily at 82

    USE-"' oadod,

    USE-' a good ler last

    U S E : I: must Pacific

    rjSE-tor two

    U S E ^ illzlng.

    R A L i aged : good

    « days

    U S E -; must o-l t>dr

    r2 N OS-

    USE" a first

    od city r*s and Scher-USE-" undor-> years ». »taf-irese""

    days at


    C a m a B e r m o l C a

    w respectAb.

    Waitress***, et<

    TED—SITUATION—AS " C H oald and waitress, in a private family

    . g ir l : has-.good city references. Ca l i f AUaptlo*v.rbot. Hoytyand Smith.' '-• •'•

    X N / T E D — S I T U A T I O N — A S - C H i bermald, or to tako care of children, by an ,

    lean girl: good olty references. Call for two days . Paolno at .(near H lok*. Wo oarda. - .

    WA N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — A S A C H bormaid and waitress, or as nurse', by e. roai Call f(

    4 C H

    bla. young woman r" has good city references, days at i Uil Spencer at.

    ^|7ASTEi^srrrjATios—AS A T T bermaid and waitress, or would dohousewoi

    small 1 lmlly, by a respectable young girl; city or do good rt t eijenc • Please Call for two days at 804 Henr

    W . L N T E D - S I T U A T I O N — A S A O H bermaid and waitress, or as chambormai seamsttess, by a respectable young girl; can operat two years*1,-reference- from.last employer. Call at 2 st, In tlpe store. , .

    WA N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — A S \ O H ' bermaid and waitress, or would do goneral work in a' small family, by a'respectable yoaag c woman; has good city reforeaces. Call lor two d


    179 Na -y st .

    ,V?C7.*.NTEp—SI: !A ION- \ S C H bermsid and waiixoss, or as nurse and seam?

    by arer poet able young girl; is willing and obllgim; good city'reference. Pleaso call for two days at 623 1 st, neai Hudson av. ,

    'S .NTED-SITUATION—AS C H i re-maid arid setmrtress In a private family,

    stst wit !i otlier light work : nnderstands all kinds o: ily sewfag; also, Domeit lo ',»nd Wheeler A Wll*n chlnys] has two yosrV city referouco. Call or addn Smith it, over the fancy store. ._ '

    WA N T E D — S I T U A T I O N - A S C H A I bermaid and woitross in a private family, or housevtork in a small family, by a respectablo girl: h obiections to the country for the Summer; best(>i bit erence p o m last place. Gall for two days at 988 Atl av. near Grand. _ •

    \ ^ ¥ N T E D — S I T U A T I O N - A S A'OHl T T jbermald and waitxesa, or charrlhermaid and n

    will go to the country for the Summer months; is a sewer: br would do genoral housework in a brnallramfl good city reference for either. Can bo ileen for two d t>5 Lafaiette av. • ' -

    W kNTBD—SITUATION—A3| F 1 R j class chambermaid and waftreis or, w m l d rii eral housework in small family by a thoroughly comi girl; gdod city referonoo. Pleaso oall at 492 Adulpbi

    lAI" T E D - S I T U ATION--TO DOLIC -honsowork, or chambenvork and waiting,

    siBa-11 {family, by a yonng American ftghrl. P l o u e for twofdaj s at 174 Smith st. f

    W - A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N - T O D O LK. ohamberwork and mind growing children, or .plain sewing with reference. 339 Hicks st, botw'ooa P. and Arilty st*.

    WANTED—SITU ATION—TO i>6 L i t obamberwo.-K -and plain sowing, by a young Call fpr throe duys at No. 49 J oral testant girl,


    WANTED—SITUATION -TO DO" chamborwo^k aud waiting, by a yhnng girl:

    W A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N -! ohambervo-k, by a young Protestant gii class wjaltress, private taroily or Doardiag hous

    found Milling aad ohllgiug and fon 1 of caildrou ; hui olty references. Please caU at 24 Johnson st.

    • T O , D O 1 Protestant girl; is t

    ca higlily irecommendod from her last place. Call fo days atl 29 Dean st, near Court st.

    WA N T E D — S I T U A T I O N - T O ^ D O " - 1 | light housework and take care of children young fiirl; good reference. 774 Dean st, -

    \nrr{ANTED-SITUATION-TO ; DO "T T v I upstairs work and wait ing,or to do ch-mber

    and help to take care of children, bv a respectable }' girl, frim {tie oountry. Please call at 49 Debevolsa p

    -Is DO WA N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — T U i stairs work, by a respectable woman. Can bo for two days at Ml vvjokoff St, second house from Nt

    WA N T E D - S I T U A T I O N — T O D O " ! stairs work or to mlrid children, by a rejpio young {girl. Call for three dars at 680 Sack otl. at, Tt' hird iv . _

    ANTED—SITUATtON—TO " D 0 7 ' •tnlrs work and wa'ting. by a respectable y

    girl: thoroughly understands waiting. Call for two at. 183 Saclcett st, in the candy s'ore.

    w I » ;ljor Sac


    (suartues a n a s e a m s t r e s s e s . -

    T T r r A N T E D - S I T U A T I O N — A S CHIL */ v j nurse or to make herself generally useful,

    young gir).: is willing and obliging: can furnish exce reference. Please call lor two days at 188 Nineteenth V « r ANTED—SITUATION —AS A." F U

    T v ! olass wet nurse, by a roaoectable widow: is y ond hrjalthy: has first cla?s rfrferonce Can be seen al week aft 160 Bai lor »t, second floor front.

    \\T A NT ED—SIT V A TION—AS A "Nil I T T and chambermaid, by a respectable, trustwi

    young girl; Is a g i o d plain sower; is willing and obli« has good- reference from-last employer: a good hotn:> forred ,o high wiges . Please oall or address 182 Ellei

    \ * T A N T E D - r r S I T U ATION—AS NUR: v v by a respectable g ir l ; understande the oare of

    dren tlioronghly: c tu t)rfng a baby up on tho botlli willing and obliging: I* a nice sewer i noaobjeotlon to countrj/; boat of city referenda c a t be given. Please at 181 Plymouth at, b e t Bridge and Jay.

    A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — A S N U E I and soamstrefs, by a Pro"estanl Ameaican ; w

    go by the day or week; caa out and fit ladioV and dren s t r e s s e s ; can sew on anv maobibei; first olasa erence* from last omployer 847 Fulton st.'oor of Adei

    [ A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — A S S E A I stress and ohaiiiberniald by an American

    has Wilcox and Giljbs machine; first olass refarec No. 51.1 Hicks St. __

    Vl7fA N T E ' ) _ S I * i} A TI< > N—AS S E A' T T I stress, by a rearx-eta'il?'girl; oan do nil kin<

    faiidlyfs»?wirig and a.,si-t In dresKinaking, or would ge by the) week or mon h. Call at No BO Doan st

    ;7|ANT E D - S I T U A T I O N - AS A Wl nursr*. by a respectable young widow; best of

    •renews. Call at 395 .Warren st. ' A N T E D — SI T U A T I O N — T O T A ¥

    caro of children, or would do upjt-.ir* work, reapentali'e yonni: P r i i e i t a i t girl: has good city re enct»s.j Call lor t-.vo days vt: 8>a Fulto l of

    A N ' l E D — S I ' l U \ i I O N - T O !' A I o r e or children and i l l chamberwork. by a yi>

    girl; dan sew niooiy, li.aj fouryearj' refere-i o froiu place.I Apply rtt No, "1 Stck'-'t »t, tuar Col i.-idiia.

    A N T E D - S I T U A T I O N — T O f "A * car" of children, bv a younz v\i\ 15 y-«r» old

    willing a-id obliging and fond Ot children': can fur good isfor.^n-e as to ho-iosty and capability, Can be i f.>rtw> days at No. 832 Atlautto av. corder of Van bilt.

    i r l o n l h l y IVurser*.

    E X I

    at 1

    A N T E D — N U R S I N G — B Y AN" rlonoed weekly or monthly ladies' n u n - ; can

    sstl-factory refereaej from ladies and doot'rs. Cal 625 Pufltoa St.

    ^ s O ANTED—NURSING—BY AN E X P T V lrten"esd nurse wer-klr or monthly; terms, raodera

    goo'i reference can be had fro-n her former patients. < or a;lures» at 549 Maroy av, near Grejae and Gates car*. I

    C l e n e r a l a o t w e w o r n .

    A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N - T O D O GV eral ho-iireworg in s, s m i l l fomlly, by an Amsr

    Protestant woman. Please call at 558 Greene av. •VXTANTB1>— S I T U A T I O N — T O D O GT

    T Tj eral housework in a amall family, bv a voung < man girl. Inquire for two day* at 13̂ ) Douglass st.

    A NT K D - S I T U ATION—TO D O Uii 'eral housework, by an American woman. A;

    11 Fult-m st. -_

    A N T E D - S I T U A T j O N i - T O DO GI eral housework, or as a' good oook.-washer

    irotiej-. by a revpc-iablo young girl; hos good City re e n o e i Call tor two days at 9oi> Pacific *t.

    H f ANTED—SITU ATION —TO D O GB T v ] eral housework, by a Protestant American t

    has dood city reference. Apply at 1:ughby and CeKalb avs. d olty referen' [or two days at 37 Pacific st, near Hicks.

    \njr ANTED—SITUATION —TO "pO_GE T v eral housework, b y - a rtjtnectablo young ;

    •ood plain conk, washer p.nd trormr;"has good mces. Call tor two days at 88 Atlantic av. b e t s

    and Ijlenry ijts.

    A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N - T O " D O G E oral housework, or ns oook. washer and iro

    bv * respectable woman : city or country: has good referjencos. Call for two days at 245 Graham_st/

    »TrW AN TED -rSl f UATIO N - T O DO GB v T eral housework in a small family, byl a respe

    ble rtilddle aged woman: has good city re'eronce. for two davs at 171 Sklllman st, near Willoughby av.

    V W T A N f E D - S I T U A T I O N - TO DO GE T j eral housework, by tt roipoctablo y m u g girl;

    good cook washer and Ironer: has good city referent Calljfortwodava at489 Warren st.

    A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N > T O D O G F eral hbusewerk, by a reeprtotableSoung.woman

    as cOok. washer and ironor; has good city teforencos. I for t|wo days at 316'Sacltett st. J \

    A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — T O D O G E y Y e r a l housework or »s chambermaid aud waiti

    f i s s m a l l pr'vata family, by a respectable girl. Call two clays at 162 Fulton st. ^

    W A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — T O D O G E eral housework, by a respsotable yonny worn I* o good cook, washer and Ironor: has -'good city re eno i s . Gal) for two day J at No. 933 Atlantic avenue, t Grand •

    WA N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — T O D O GT? eral housework bv a resoeot-ibls' girl; will touUd willing and obliging; lias goud ci y .reference h lasti place. Can be seen • for two days at 60 High st, Adams.

    \ i ,TANTED—SITUATION—TO DO GE T Y oral housework, by a respectable .voting gir l : i

    goofl plain cook nad laundfeas; has «ood city coferei from last place. Please call for two days at No. 716 My av. firai floor.

    V S T A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — T O D O G E , T « eral housework in » . smal l private family, by «

    sp«ifctable English girl: good plain cook; first class wo; and ironer, and has best of city references. Please at the house, 305 Borgen st. _ _____ '_ _

    W A N T E D — S I T U A T I O N — T O D 6 " " G E era! honsework or chamberwork In a private fam

    by i youn; .girl: can got goo"roference from last emp eraJ Please call for two days at 214 Smith st, b e t Ba! ana Butler. __ •

    \_ J A N T E D * - S r r U A t l O N — T O DO GE ]T eral housowo'k. pjaln cooking washing and li

    lng(. bv a young girl . has good cltv roference from her plnjce. If r« |ul -ed. Pleaso call for two days at 29tJ-To kin* av. tuo soooad door fjom Quiacy st.


    )T oral boUsework, by a young Prot-aJfant girl;• goad plain oook and good washer and ironer; has g city rofnrenno. Please .call at 100 Wyckod* St, bet. Su and Hoyt, third floor back.

    t b A N T E D - S I T U A T I O N — T O DO G T v rral honsowork, by a respeotab'lo youag wo

    is a good baker and lauudres?; competertt to fill engagements: has good reference. Cau b^ seea for days at_No^I8_N ."•

    W A N T E D - S I T U A T I 6 N - ^ 0 — D 6 _ T 1 general housework, in- a, str__i;, private family; dity roferencex Plea»e callfor Ujo.days at84 Carroll't

    WANTED—SIT OAT _ O N - T O DO Tl honso.rork of a sm/.n.family, by a resoecti j onns girl: city referaace. „rCall for two days at 686 At 1 lo av. : .... ' _ J _il_J L_

    WA N T E D - S I T r j A T i O N — T O D O Tl housework, b y • young, American girt; cam iihe very beat of elty re*ervlao* from b*r last place; wil loand wiltiag aad olilrgW. Call for two dan at 77 I bushar._____ -" -~ - , -'•- - ' . - • • •

    | 7 ^ A N T E H > - - S T T U A T i O N — T O D O 1 -Tl T T . hoqaawo-rlr, by-a respeotable middle aged worn

    has no objeotlor. to a widower's family; oaa bo well rec 1 acmded. Call at 302 "Water at, first floor. •

    otiCicy I attar Gi

    yqung also se GERM


    T E D - S I T U A T I O N — T O D O Tl downstairs work,'or would- do housework fc

    i mtall hrivate family, by ajw>*otabl yOung *rrl; bosr *ity rc.fDruaco. Please, call for two day* at ldtDegrai topfj i door from Hioa». . ,- •

    C A M - : f. by a for two

    Alvi> Amor, at .78

    TM 7 rppcta-!oor" two

    Z ._

    IA'M->rk la a mr.trv; ry s t I A M -Id a a d to: has H2 Jay

    A7W house'

    jolored lays at

    AiVF stress,

    f : has ulton A7W-, or a i - , j f fam. in OJ i-:esai43

    11̂ > do :ios nb ty ref-.lantlc

    A M 7 nurse: i. good' ll-/;has lays at

    rs"T logon-peteut st.

    UB.T (n a

    e call

    G H T to do


    U H T gPro-leinoa

    T H E vill be is best

    T H E u flrat UTI be or two

    irTE i, by a

    T H E rwork toung jlace.

    U j y -) soan evins.

    U P -stable


    GC tottan

    willing "tbmakehirhself useful about tho t a oarbful drlTer_oKy ;or oounterj, Ploosooall OT F . R. CAMPBELL, caro of Beeve 4 Gage , . fayottoav. ' . •-. ..... .-- -, - '• - - ' '•'•••:' ,

    Yv respoota

    l ion where honesty a n d ' strict'attentioB t o duty v

    l a y e t t e a v . . • • ; , • - •••••' l ^ _ r A N T E D - S I T U A T I O N - A

    T T man wishes a attaatlon in soma i tion wherehonesty and' strlotattentioB t required: would bo wUllhg to not as porter: to qualnted with the oare of horses aad other caltl o; c io., and make himself genorully useful; would hat jectloa to going a short dfitaaoe in. tho couatry. Ai

    • evening and .to-morrow at^24 Seventeenth at, neai avenue. " i , :' - "• .- 7 -- • • ' >

    T T A W T J E P — g K O F E S S I O W A I , .

    W~ ^ N f ED—DR^SSMAKING--ENG -meats by the dav or week in first olass fai dressmaking or plain sewing, by a young lady. Ca dress 123 Cumberland st. \_ JEfaJl

    WANTED—DRESSMAKING — AT Dejrraw s t . » oorapotent-drbssmnker to gi the day or would take work home; perfect cutl fitter. " ' _

    WANTED—HdUSEK__3PTNG — B widow ladv. an Amerioau, a ^ituatloa ai keeper: has a small bov of 6 years; eibnercitT o r e thoroughly expore iced. Call or address Mrs. A 177 Princo st, aear Wllloughby. (

    ' A N T E D ^ - H O U S E K E E P I N G — B widow lady, middle aged, a position, a s hous

    with a family of means, or to act as nurse and cor for an old or lb valid lady; best rsforonces furnish ability aad fitness for suoh a poa.tloa: Addrese Eagle office. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    ANTEDr-NURSERY GOVERN I Must be a» Protestaat and have had good

    ence In the oare of yonng children, and be able t satisfactory references. Address, with full name a HOWELL. Eagle office.


    U P -roung i days

    . D ' S by a

    sl'ent i s t .

    R S T iroung .11 the

    A N T E D — L O A N — T O B O R R O W hundred dollars on .chattel mortgage. J

    i F R A N C E S . Eiu lo office.

    W A N T E D — , 3 . 0 0 0 - F O R F I V E Y E o u h c n ' o and lot on. one of tho best avcune ! city; worth at iirmeat pricos.is5 0.IO; intetiat nut to I 6 per c e n t Address I N V E S T M E N T . Box 4,492, | P . O.

    U A N T E D — P A R T N E R — T H E A I ) tieor. having a good troda In the grocery a

    vision busine's, is doairou3 of associating witl one with capiUl. . Address P R O V I S I O N S , Ea flee.•-_ __'•__•""• ' • '

    A N T E D — S E W I N G — A L A D Y A C tomed- to making ladies 'and children's <

    nndertrarmenta, family setving. etc , at home, or < wnats employment In ' respectable families. Add one week Sh,A MS I R E S S , Eagle o d i c o . _ •

    A N T E D — W A S H I N G - A N D I R O I —To take- it homo, by a colored woman : Is

    ln.undress; can give reference. CAII or addrea P O P E . 307 Navy st. ,

    \\rANTED—WA S H I N G—B Y ~ A v v spoctnblc wo mnn: id a gooil waohor aad in

    go out by the day, or woul 1 do family washing at I bouse. Call for two days at i-4 Tilliiry st.

    A N T E D — W A S H I N G — A " W O S wishes ladles' ami _"n'.lenen'3 washing nil

    ing; best of cltr referencD if re-iuliori. Ap;.ly at gon street.

    V S T A N T E D - W A S H I N G — A . C! O M T V teat laundress v/'oiild like to obtain somo

    washing at her reside ice , or would go 0 it bv tbe da furntoh satisfactory relorenci if roqnlied; tanas re ble. Gall for two days at No. S88 Atlantic aaoauc Grand,

    WA N T E D — WOlYK—VV ASHING house-cleaning, by a rospnctaMe woman good referonces. Ai.ply at 102 Wyokiff st, thin MRS. KIEM.

    WANTED—WORK—BY A R ESPF7< lilb woman, waahi-ig and ironing lo d >'at h would go r>ut to house clean. Call at or address 131' lla av. second floor.

    W A N T E D — W O R K — B Y A R E - P able woman, washing and iron'nt at bom?, go out by t i e day, or would do house leaning; has tl of olty reference. Please call unfil suited at 804 He

    W A N T E D — W O R K - B Y A KESP.HX ble Swedish woman, washing to do at In home, or would go,o .t by the dav U> do wp^hing, i or houaecleanlug: can give In i !>r;jr. city re.'oronoes at 388 Atlautto av, second floor.

    A N T E D — W O R K — B Y A R E S P able woman, to eo out oy the day wash

    houseoleanlng; Is a fiist cla?s w.i-Uer and bo-.seci has good reference. Pliraee call tor two r'a ,* at

    Main st. , • .

    WANTED—HOUSE—WITHIN F l F l min-ites, of Fnlton b'o.ry, auitiblu for two tamlliob. AddreieB, statin;,- rent, STATIC STREET, office.

    T S 7 AN TE D—H () USE-rTO RE 1»T—FI T T olass stone e«r brick house oa the Hill; rent

    exceed S6U0. Addr-as X' h S \ ITJ.M AN, 1

    70 Court at; bornst'contrully looatetl. t,hr doi-.and Is u i.-icraaod for medium and hicni priced houses: c will find it to their aavanUixe rti place their propc our books at ouco.

    WA N T E D — H O U S E — A T H R E E ST' houijv), unfuirxiljrhed or partly luni's.hod. vrbo owner will tuU^ tb« rent in boned, in too violuity cf I av, hotweeo Cambftrland *-.ud TI#Vi tt-*. with the pr of taktnft other lioardew. Addrea9, for two dayj*. t l Box B, Bajflo offico-j \

    J A N T > J n — H O U S E ^ p Y . A / S M of aOtt'its a house eontjiiniij}* about ten rooi

    oatlOat botween For tt and ST. and'Raymond et. I'll and DeKftlh R'T*; rent not fco oxcooj $6'10; porieot a|ee,indispensable; roferonces A No. 1. Atidruas K. Kngle olflce.

    A N T E D - H O U S E — A " S M A L L ""F ily of udnlta would l ike a house with vie

    boarding tho owribr and privileift of two or three » mubt b^ centrally dooatid and liave all irupVover •no. th of Atlantic av. preferred. Addrets REPL rBLl Eagle of&co.

    S— A t fESTLEI II h'i')S^, 01 l>.trt Of lli>U iveuietlt Gs terri'^s. Ad nry 1 iw, J.f I I . , HOA- 18,

    W A N ITEO—x?ABtTS O F M O t l S E S

    WA N T E D - P A R T O F H O U S E - ^ B Y American family of three power part of hour two rooms on third floor, in- a (rood location, with c vicinity of lil inson place preferroid. PleaSo a'ldros lug full particulars uudj.oruis, J . pL. B., Box 9, Ea; tice. ;

    j V r A l V X ' s T l D - r B P O I T I i a . _ _

    _7_7 ANTED — FpRN IS BE D RffoM T T gotrtlemau wishes a nine fumi ihod r o i m iu

    vate family; not mor) than ten minutes' walk rom 1 Ferry; house with bathroom preferred: r e e r e u c chaug»d Addreas, stating lerms. 8. BO FEZ 179 1 etrjet. •. _'

    rANTEI>—ROOMS— A SOCIAL C , , desire to hire a suite of parlors, f irnished c

    furnished; must be located in the district bound. Bedford av, Fulton' at, Washington aud DuKalb avr erenoes given: Address, with lull particulars, SO CLUB, Eagle office. __ • . __

    WANTEI>-6FFIC"E—AFTER MATS in a pleas mt location, not far from City H nloely furnished front Or back parlor, suitable for i tor's office: references exohangod. Addross, by only, DOOTOK, 103 South Oxford s t .

    f S O A K B i n n .

    BO A R D — 6 2 L I V I N G S T O N S T - F R rooms on the second and third floors; extra ball rooms, wlthjwater.

    BOARD—61 HICKS 8X— HANDSOiM furnished room on second flior for two geulli fivs minutes from, Faltoa Fe rry: ao moving ia May.

    BO A B D — 5 7 2 " P A C I F I C S T . — A F R ball room on third floor; location pl6asant; with all modern improvements; table first c lass; moderate. -_

    BO A R D — 4 7 C O N C O R D S T R E E T , W froe use of park adjoining boose-, a pleaaan-room.also largo room to let with first-class table; minutes' walk from Fnlton Ferry: terms moderate.

    BO A R D — O N T H E H I L L — A T 6 6 E Ott place, between DeKalb av. and Fuljto square room, suitable for two adults; reforoaoe chaaged. ____ _ .

    BOArl_>-2. .9 CARLTON AV,—RO< to let. furnished or unfurnished, to gontleme wives or single gentlemen: will be let low to p.rm: parties; no moving in May; also, a few table boardei be aooorrimodated : dlnnar at half-past 6.

    O A R D - O N T H E H I L L — 6 5 " G R E " av. a large second sljry front room; location

    class, with all modern improvements; also hal l ) 8uilable forgent lomen; *iibst|_itial table; homo coa< best of refetence . given and reiiufreil; dinner 8%. nt li

    BO A R D — T O L E T , W I T H B O A R D large second story front room, handsomely furni hot and co'.d wator aud la rite closets; suitable for g man and wife or two single gent lemen; five minutes Fulton Ferry. 65 Sand* at. .

    BO A R D - A" Y O U N G G E N T L E M (Cotholic pre forred) oan obtain very, pleasant a modntinns with or withoutuoard, and homo comfo a respectable Catholic family, by addressing LEO, I Eoglo offloe. ' _ •

    BO A R D — 3 9 6 C A R L T O N A V — F A M I I and aingle gentlotuou ehp rent furnished rconr do well byeng- .glne board in THEODORK'S tirat restaurant table d'aote, turn 5 to 8. Also, one furs room to let. _

    BO A R D - 3 8 S C H E R M E R H O R N S T , twe .u Court oad Clinton—Rooms, having i closets, to let., with first class board, la a well dondi boq^e,co'ivoatently a a d pleasantly located; terms m ate i-references. . t

    BO A R D — A P A R T Y O W N I N G T H own house will rent to a gentleman, with boi handsome hall room on seooud floar; hot and oold w all convenie.ucoa; reference exohange. Apply at 283 st. near Hoyt. ___ __ji_J._-__ .

    O A R D - 4 1 9 C L I N T O N . ^ T R E E T — 1 . . . . largo1 rooms, with ample closet; room:" also

    r.-.om furntobbd oi«-unfuipolahed; hoiiso ' contains, all ern improvements: lotosrtion first class- and conveal oars and femes'; dining',room on parlor tloor; term! moderate; reference exohangod.:

    BO A R D — O N T H E * H I L L ^ - 1 9 0 S O I Oxford st-^A very desirable aocojAd story room and hall room adjoining.- to let with first olass 1: to gentleman aud wlte or's inglogcntjemAo; house 1 stono;. location oae ot tho/ineat on ths Hil l . No movl May- ' . . ' ' /

    BO A R D ^ O N THE HEIG/ffTS-T" EM a pleasant, lar_o room, nicely furni-bed, on third floor;good board locat-on uuaitrpaaaod, three utes' walk of Pulton Ferry, four dojrrs from Oblu Heights , terms reasonable. Call at if Poplar st, bet. low s t and Columbia Heights.

    1 3 0 A R D — 3 2 & L I N T O N J L » front and baokj room jon the aod,< and oold water;, ba

    , A L A I ,. d floor, with

    . sotaely furnished or unfnrnii also front room on ithird floor, fur.ilshed for g e n t l and wife, or single f&ntlemsn: house! and location

    - c lass ; terms very modo-ate; no moving in May.

    BO A R D — A G E N T L E M A N A N D W can have a alee', largo an famished room with t wladows. on first floor; terms fortwo $9 per week:

    "a furnished hall room U4_jJ.; breakfast from.6 to 8; d at 6M ;>_o moving in May. Apply at 113.Hoyt st , c Paci f ic ' __ . . ^

    BO A R T ) - A T N O . 1 0 3 L A W R E N O E H Handsomely. furnished rooms, 'all improven witn good board, for gentlemen and their wives, t gentlemen or ladies, at low prices -.good quiet home forts. In oar owa house; aear City H a l l Call s Week. I

    BO A B D - N O . , . 0 2 C L I N T O N ST,' N J Baltic—A haadsomely furnished: salt of root seooadjfloor: ample closo s, .water, etc.; also a de.l room oa parlor floor, With every convealoocc: loc within ten minutes" walk of Southor WuH st ferries; ence* exchanged. . • ' '

    • O A R D ^ A FEW~1gENTLEMEN J B' ploi j-LF ladles oan he acoommottatea witn very nicely furnished rooms on second -or third floor; 1 table aad home comforts; half a short block to al routes and twenty minutes to all ferries; terms very Please oall at No. 631Pacific street, just eas t of Fla

    r avenue. ' . . . , ' '

    MO A R D - N O . 1 8 l DEGRAWVST,' Fll house to Henry st—A small private German fa ngapleasant home, oan accommoj__te a few g< men with good hoard and nicely furnished rooms, or i without board.; house has all improvement*; price moderate' references exohanged. . .

    BO A R D — A T 1 7 7 S C H E R M E R H O R N between Smith and Hoyt at .—Elegantly fora rooms for gentleman aad.wife or single gentlemen: h table.and location unsurpassed, and where home con can bo oajoyed; alaosiaglo room; noar:City Hail an r ios . •' •'•"."• ' ' _J___L-V > O ARD—-TTP^tlV A T E " F AMU,*. H J T ) lasr more room than they rociuire, will let, with substantial board at m-derate prices, a large back i with., elegaat bay window, sattajHa far dentist or pays a largO front alcove room, and one la-go and on. hall oa third floor, .all nowly papered and painted ; no Inglo'Msy; rqomB oaa be>_eeaby calling at No. Grtreae place, near Fultoa ot; cjnjred. 'V _

    roforcact-s given oi

    • -^.'-~ • B O A B B WAJiX-EIP .

    BO A R D W A N f E D - B Y A GENTLEft and wife, ia n private family near ferriea-. ttat eat moathly terms, Box 1,606 N . Y. P. OA_RD W^NTiED—BY TWO Y Ol J O ladles .betweeaCl-8_on,aa&Franklinars; alto, floor room for privat* •choal; terjn* m a s t bo mod Address, s tat ing focation, tertn., A c . C . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o

    i |L»DARD - W A N T E D r - I N A PJ&IV-J _ > . family oa the Hi l l ,by two yoaag sont lemea, together. Addres . , with full particulara, W., Box IS,;

    _ 3 p A R D W ^ A - ^ - S D - T Q N - . ^ m S &

    AOHr . yeuna )uso; i* iddress, _»•• 1a>-

    WWQ •lerpoal-ouid be »oll Cc-' in milk, v n o o l y ply this Eighth -

    A G E -illies at 1 orad-i a -

    437 out by •r and

    T~~A house-H._i»

    ; O O R N I S H E D R O O M S — T O ' L E T " JL? .or two furnished-rooms ia A private family. at No. 888 Warariy av, near Greene.

    fJlUiRNiSHBD HdOMS^TOTLBTi Li . JL1 • '• room, nicely furnished, to- on - or two gentle a private -amity« also a hall room. Apply at M Wil

    • atrooti! .,.,.,.-.,. -- _ •-..... •"•:'. " . , , , ..;-;•.

    TTiURNISHED ROOMS—TO LET, I * JL1 :out board, to gentlemen only, a aiculy fn largo room ; also amall room, comfortable and , in ovqry respect: «-l^hin fourmiouteV walk of tho At 5! Cranberry st.

    FU M i S H _ 5 D l _ : O l > M S - T O DET, A Saads »t, two o r t h i e o baadsomoly furn-shed rni; second noor complete for houaokeclplng-, also parlor aud bedroom with' extension, for a doct d-nttofs offloe. Call at 82 Sands- st. oornorofW tou.,--'v '{ ..

    I O ."X _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n CUMBERI r f l O I,BT—HOUSE—199

    JL, at, opposite the Parkt rent verilow;- Iaquii

    y A keener panion id as to H.I-.,

    ss — jxperi-i brln? id ago.

    rwo dd're.i AKS,' iln the exceed N. V.

    n_.R-ld pro-

    some ;le of-

    5us"--loih -s, nts do, ess tor

    I N G - gofrd , Mrs.

    R I ? nor, to ar o w n

    A N I i ion-u Iser-

    'am ily . ; can



    A N D ; with floor,

    !:CA-~ m e or •'rank-

    _5po> i t will eVett ir/ at* IT A-r o w n o:ii ig

    Cal l ,

    _OT-ag or laner: No. 89

    KEN, hnudl Eagle

    R S T no I. t o

    A M . WO t o mt-1.

    , * A i C i ty d $20


    B Y brick must dre-«

    I A N 0 fur-1 runs. E H B I O

    Carlton av, J . C _ W E M P _ J -

    TO LET—HOUSES — A l "HANDS' cheap house. 804 Monroe »U $28 per mooth; same block, oaryat- $18 per month: all tmpiovomi fine order. Apply to owner, 800-onroo st. ____

    TO L E T — H O U S E ^ - ORJ L E A S E house aad eight lots of cruund: suitable for ruaa. j Latiutt* of MIOHAEL O'CONNOR, noar Buildiaics, Flatbash.- _ _____

    rjyo LET—HOUSE-NO. tenaat. s t

    70-WILLOi by st, a very dostrable loootlon; rent lowlo

    Apply to POWliLI. 4 R1CH,179 No. Mo


    OB .And

    ITH hall


    -Li^ i a t ; i ex-

    > M S i and neut i can

    ilNE' firat

    ooms orU; ! , ' l

    ~ A ihed, intle-1,-j-i

    A N cora-ls, in ix27.

    I B S swiU olass sued t _ _

    B E -cnple oted ider-

    S I R rd, a itor; itate

    WO. hall

    uiod-nt to very

    T H front-lard, rown - g I n

    VE" the


    A5E hot

    t i ed ; man first -__

    • F E ire* atooi nner truer

    ; f i : orits. ingle 30IU-' 1 the

    A K is on a b l e itlon cfer-

    N D sant, .oral

    car low. bush

    . S T n»y, ntle-' -oms very

    >! . , ihed >use,- . fort* l.fer-

    -.V--_obd arlor ctan, room mov-Fort d re-.

    A-N. 'lOW-

    NCJ first rat*. ____' LTE room lag! o

    owxt t w o ' nrt '

    TO L E T — H O U S E S - I N A L L P A R T tho city, at moder&to rents; call and oxami list: office opea evenings. N. COOPER, 445 Full cor. Jay. •

    TO L E T - H O U S E — A T "NO. 160" Jv_ son st. n^ar Be-dford' av; rent %28 por tnont story and basemeat brick, all irap.-ovoments; pos now. Calf aad see tho owner and premls s from o'clock A. M. .•(

    f j l O LET—HOUSE — T H E 3 'ST< .B. basement and Bubcellar brown atone house

    9 rooms and every Improvement in perfect order, jfjlinton st, near llarrison, ot *7_0. cor permits a) X-EONABD MOODY. 215 Montague st.

    TO' L E T - H O U S E — $ 1 5 P E R . M C only for the beautiful two story honse, with bai and ce:lar.:l37 Forlioth sc. be". Third and,Four! in per.c-et order • cars to all lorries. Apply on Th. -sea, to JOHN A. P11ICB. j

    TO, LE r - H O U S E S - O N THE BllLi-and353 Grand av, near Gates. 2_j story frar extension houses, 19x40. and lot WJ feH d.e'_; provoineols. aud i n g o o l order: lowoat rent. 84w. COOK, 810 Fulton st, opposlto Gates av.

    r g l O LET—HOUSE — T H E 3 ST< i! tasentrnt and suboellar brow 1 s t ' n e house;

    Carroll et, uerar Clinton : has 13 rootus and every in me:rt and in splendid order; to rout for St'30. For p apply til L E O N A R D MOODY, No. 21a -Moataguo st

    r i n o l - E C — H O U S E — r H E ' S P L E N D l 3 story browa stone hi:rh stoop dwelling. N o 179 (

    biahuights. just north of Pierrejiont at: real .1.2.1. ply to WM. tl.. DUNNIS'G. No _0 Nosaau BUoot York.

    TOILET—HOUSE-. ONX.YvSeOO A Y for the first ol iss 3 slory brown st. _e front

    Tompkins av, in first class order: «111._prove) near Fuit in ?t. and Cros.-town cars. Apply to JAM Fi.-sHKR, 141a Fnlton st, oppovl.e car .tables.

    n p O LET—HOUSE—155 SCflERA fl. horn at, furnace, baltimore heater, plate gla-

    dowu, larpe mirrors In parlO:s, gas fixtures, all im aiiviTs. Inquire of or addro.s the owner, S. T. P A . ;S11'ourtlond at, N. Y.. or 2M Clinton av. Brooklyn.

    r | ^ 0 LE t — _ i 0 U S E " - 0 R FOR S A L E , ' M. desirable cottage No. 56 Carabridgo place, lie

    Greene and G'at'tjj ays: all ia good order and vory c io at. for a small family; price moderato. Addrtss BfXBY'. 072 Lafajotto av.'

    m o L E T — H O U S E S — T J U R p E 2 S T JBL and French roif brick houses, all improvemi

    rooms, 15 minute* from South Novo ith ot Ferry, minutes frbur^Falton Ferry. Apply at No. 121 B place. • )

    > 0 L E t - Z H O U S E - T H R F E ' S T O R Y -basemai* brick hsi_so, ia t'no, vicinity Of Gran

    3ntnam avs ;Vlaas all tho oonveuiences; owner will wiih tenants, paying excess of rent in cash; oocu May 1. Address lor three days A B._. Box 24, Eagle

    m o " L E T - H O U S E S - T W O OF TH' JL first olssa villas, with extra lot. very desirable,

    ated on Lewis av, near Maoon st. Apply to 'E . 1> ! KINS, No 282 MoDonongU st, Brooklyn, or JOH WEIGHT, Room2, second floor, No . 347 Broadway York."' t2oxl00: has o.-ery mo lern coavon and olexance. Apply to JOS. M. G i t E B N W Q O D , 0 No MCourts t , or to R U S S E L L & MILES, agenfc Sla Court at.:

    TO L E T - H O U S E S — T W O O F T H elegant two story and baseaent stone front"hi corner of Monroe St. and Tompkins av; all theAm menla; Empire heating range in kitchen; Bait heater hi the dining room : rent to suit the times, on the promises, MORRIS A SLOAT.

    m o L E T — H O U S E S - O N THE HILT.

    IF ad

    e i t ly 'vners -ty on

    ) R Y -i the t-rtle /ilege JJ1K,

    AUL is ; lo-tbush o-.ver-V.K..

    V M -v ol hers; *:nti: JAN,

    A N . a n d ' srner; i Btat- i

    le of

    — A apri-ultoa i ox-ulton

    ^ U B


    ~I7 ill, a doc-


    ) N T large

    _LY men;

    )NT louse ,0-ms

    and 119 Elliott place, unear Lrfayette av. 1 and baBor.eat frame dwellingv, each '-'>_x40 feet> ai 1.10 feet* de.ep; 8 rooms ; splendid IgoaCon ; within h i ck of l o s r routes; lowest rent Ŝ450 each, J . E. Nl-.LL,r41 Court st

    m O LET - HOUSE — THE""" E L E G ; R large 3>_ story br»wn stone house.No, 121 Her

    near PlorretJont, nt a ver/ reasonable rent 16 a go ON. .

    rv\> OrDBT—OOAl. Y A R D - T H E BUSIN1 ofMoldes taBUshed coal yard and oarri«_r*f ry, tools and stock for sale. Inqnlr* of POWERS Fulton s t • _ ; ' * m O LKT—LODGE ROOM—BEAUTIFI JL lyffnrnto-ied ta Armory Hall, Ciormont.aT, bet.

    tioTaBd Wllloughby avs.with all thoneoessaryantefero AcJ Apply t o U H . BULK-LEY. «aec*«*or fo.H. W. ZEI-L, 887 Myrtle av, naar.Vandorb.lt.- __ ; (__

    TO LET— HALL-^CrOT-JIC H A L L T N t4»and 151 Adams at, Brooklyn, 60x100: two sto l ^ e o used ns a ball room and »rprd_ Uo Baeetlcg*. A to H. WJU__OK, 173 Thcaaptoa «t , N*w York, from 8 A . M . __̂ ' • j

    LET-^HA_LIiS-^X>U--T>ND STA icenpiod by th* Cpasoxr

    Daaciag Academy, toe ether 3HO L w vera' T A N D ratory of r with too Mtuic tctomafoi tiitioa aad living opart-Ben?!*; good light and vet 0a« flight of stairn only: csifbo _ u u i tato one h

    r'c _Ti iK & COR»a_-g_4 r , | - , .^:-': . ' 1 L E T — T H R E E F L O O R S OF B U M

    t n e TTn.11 Virus n t - _ w . . fi/wvr. «___) _ _ • abOUt-

    O N E Apply

    S G E n«_f;to JU-Tflby

    I T H -nlshed easaat 'orrios.

    _T"35 room* i back ir** or i-hfng-

    A N D i a t 242

    >ME7 JSOOB _t3; la

    TO LET—FLA-^S^nElEADTIFUIi 1 la 427 Flatbosh cr; oaly two fatnfiies in horn yard, and ueirchborbood frr.t claas; only two b i o c i Prospect Park. Apply on promlsa.. . T'S TO LET-FLATSr-J?rg§T, ?25 >SEC o-D: thcio flat, contain 7 rooms, «JI Improve iBgoodordor;, only t w o tonaatclu each houso; pos at onco_ no rent for balance ot month-, Appl BOrVIJ-. IfiK Fulton st. or33 At-AoUo ar. ;

    f | \ 0 L E T - F L A T S - B E S T I N B R O O K JL iff the Coatro Buildings, corner Fiatbush avou

    Sto-lint'place, ontranco to Prospect Park, or in th< vesont BuildiiW. on President at, between Fifth aai av*. Promlsos are eatlxe flats, not storo* oo first seven Soontsin each flat; janitor on promto-a; erui high toned; worth investd-ration; rents 320 aad i month. ttOBERr 8. EUSSLNG, St. Montague * tinental Bufldtag. ... . . .' ,

    FO-St S A l - E - I g O C S I - S .

    O R S A L E - - H O U S E S - - O R E X C H A N three storos. three story browa stones; first

    Itoa st, north aide; this to a great chaace. ROWN,J83MootagjBO*t. -7 •..

    FOR! S A L E — H O U S E — O R T O L B first class residenoe. suble and 3 lots, CS8 Willc av; prioo S14,000; terms easy owner, next door. L_u.uiro.oi J A M E S LC

    SfiDR S A L E - H O U S E — 5 4 , 0 0 0 — 8 8 DC 1 lass at, aear Smith", a two story- brick bonso, 9 i improvements; houso in good ordor; tort__ easy. | to H. B O I V I E , 1.092 Fnlton st, or S3 Atl_ati__i_____

    t g o o d , itaguo EO R S A L E — H O U S E — 9 1 C A M B R 1 placo, between Gates av. and Faltoa st, two ment aad attic brick house; ia thorough orde

    quire on ibe promises, or of HERBERT C. SMl'I Montague st.

    OR S^E^_-COTJSE._^WXsB_[ i^ riv, 4 brown stone houses, all improvomenta, fo

    ow. Apply on t h e promlsos. now buildings. Wash! iv, hot. Myrtle oad Wllloughby avs. ' Pricoi to ee

    t i m e s . •__

    O K FO R S A L E - H O U S E - A T sacrifice, a 2 otory baaemeat and 1RY,

    with no . i8 ply to

    N T H s m e i t I avs; prem-

    -347 if a n d ill Im-R.B.

    •RY," ,'o. 009 prove-n-mi ts

    y~l -lum-


    BAR iOUSC. louts ; :m A.

    ' H E •YIOll uven-W. C.


    p. stable

    ) R Y a t s : 9 er 30 orum

    5JD ' 1 aud. oard , , -nnor j • Bee. •

    )SG" : situ-AW-* H . • Now

    rE— l ). 281 eaco rner,

    No. |

    >S"E uses, rovo-ra-iro

    ».ppiy J

    - 3 7 atory 1 lots all a ?OR-NT; ry at,



    F I -tone draw rove--por-le bt.

    1LT *oen Kalb an 1

    lace. l.MtH. »., -0' '

    B Y near

    IftrWO . 760 . (KX1 . 9*)

    ' S B •', 11 altar Cold mae: alton Oall -

    i l lon

    SvT year year, >R S A L E — H O O S E S — A T W O ~ S T ( basenioat collar frame house; a'l Improvem l,0r!3,I afayelte av, also, 2 siory, 9.1 Palmetto at, and 2 extension house, Rochester av. No. 2 . ; one 3 »torr 1 house, all improvement*: tnero houses to bo sold c oa easy tor.-ns. inquire 616 Kosciusko st, cor. Bros PHELLIPS, owner. _

    S A L E - H O U S E — V E R Y C H F Amity st. near Olintoa. 16feet. 8 Inches

    it; all modern Improvemeat*; terms easy u inutes' walk from South Ferry; gas fixtures go wit nou*e. Apply to K. IL D A Y , builder, 151 State »t, Clinton.

    FO R S A L E — H O U S E - A B A R G A I N the owner to determiuod to se l l ; a good two and brick basemeut fra ne house, tilled In ; barn, shoe with 100 suuaro teot of ground on Chauncey at.oomme, 121 leet from the sO j theast corner of Held av; terms Inquire 197 Madison at.

    TTlOR . S A L E — H O U S E - O N H E N R Y JL between eo.'d low for cash and mortgage. An A. B. C , Box 19, Eagle office.

    ' L . O K S A L E — H O U S E - 8 2 , 8 0 0 , 2 STC I and extension lra;ne and b:ick houso. V rooms, 1

    10ij;contr.i(is water, aewer, water oloutti aad Bait heater; if you want a comfortable home, call and a 197 Skillmau St. bet. DeKalb and Wilip'ignby - v . . ; easy.

    151 O R S A L E — H O U S E S - C H E A P — N O . Ji Madison St. now 2 story, French roof, brown » with all improvements ; also No . 232. 2 story, _0i-l2; at Mnnriie s t : ted room*, all imDrovemsuts, Jpl.&H); lo them ; aome nice house* to let. Apply to T. W. U\V: _8:' Putnam av. .. t

    T ^ O R S A L E — H O U S E — O R T O L E T , . J T brick beuso with large elegant store. 1,0,3 F st, In which th>* last twelve year* the,stove and h nisi iiitiiiug buainesj h _s beea cairied on auooeasively ; amiable lor any other bnalneas. Apply to the own the iiroin;j.:s

    O K S A L E — H O U S E S - O R " E X C H A _ > —Several new brown atono imd brick houses, re

    with furnace, ranzu, marhle mantels and all modor.i lipivoiuuiita ; well loca-e.d : wojldoxnhaftigo for groc dr.- good"i millinory, olotliing, hardware or any me--dlsw suited to country store, or lor N.rni on l_oiig 1-K. F. S E A R S , 112 Wall st, Now York.

    OOR SALE—HOUSE— CHEAP—83,. SL possesaiou April 1. if required, two story baser Hart st. near Marcy av* thirty minutes to ferries: a! provements; bay wlid.nr; bewt of' n-h_hborhot»d; t easy; also one to rent -it $30 per month. I-'or mit Inquire of J / B E R R y , No. ?03 DeKalb av. Marcy^

    n o R S A L E — H O U S E ^ T H R 3 STC and basement br*-wn stone house. No. .tin Dev;r.

    ousa. _0x4u: loc. LUxIOO; tfto house Is in thorough re has idl the modern Improve nents, and will be sold great bargain: 1.4,000 of the purchase money lo sy te i on bond and mortgage. Call on J O H N S, LO >MIS Baltic and Nevias _t>. _ ^ _ ,

    FOB, SALE— -lOUS-iS—_ L- A the

    l iU; able

    I N -first *der, able-I av, l i s to

    H E II St, and very 1 of

    E R one ion; - ist

    _N-dso; Mrs. '


    H E del-"-idry im _ aear.

    E R At-

    ibita i in

    ;»N ims, ' . $ 9 ilso, ates

    TS - t o f asc-fur-.lln-

    £O R S A L E - H O U S E S — H A N D S O two story, basement and sabcollar. bTown i ids, beautifully located on ths south side of Moon east of Noa'rand av ; have all the modora improvem elevated oven rang?, hcadsome fireplace heater, ca finished marble top bullet, marble' top wash to-sins terms to suit. Apply to H. S E A R C H . Jr., oa the i toes. - . j ;

    FO R S A L E — H O U S E S - T H R E E S T C a i d basement, high stoop, browa atone front h 20.4x12. lot, 100, with gas fixtures, pier gloss aad c o n parlor and hall carpets, also curt-ln-i aad -h*dpest houses in tbe city. From tj to #10,600. T. .B. JACKSON, buildtrr, on preu Terms to suit the purchas*.. Also, a large house ground* oa St. Mark- avenue, first olass and chaa exchange.

    FO R S A L E — H O U S E - A T A S L A U C terlng sacrifice—A 3 storr. corner, brown stone, stoop hon o.[all improvement*. 31x10, ,lot _.X8 :.uioi fixtures andi mirrors; parlor* nicely decorated : al Philadelph-al bftck staole. all improvements. 20x40. Io 110, and a vacant lot 20x113: this protieity .or.as the s of an L, ha* a front on three strcota. one block froo At laot laav. Rapid Transit depot, and will bo.only tv rolnuce. from t h . leery: will wsll house, stahis'and .a lot for $12,250; terms ens; . Address owner for pern see tb* place, Box 7, Ea,;le offico.

    1T.OR S A L E — H O U S E S — T H E H A N . somo 2 sto.y. basemont and cellar frame hoi north side of DeKalb av, near Reld : Is minutes to fer three line-, of cars: ten rooms; all Improvement*; j v.ry low; term> easy. Also, tUo substaat—al '_ *:ory basement broiyn stone houses on Second «t between I and Slx-.h. avs; splendidly located: 18 to".5 ra nnti four ferriea, and tureo blo.ks to Prospect Parjk, a hai and easy terms; also, ti tine store for gr.ioer. e«r Rel and Madison st. Apply on premis.s of either, or t M U L U - p V , owner, 570 Qulncy st. • . ;

    FO R i S A L E - H O i J S E - P R I Q j E Sj ,2 .13 , modern, 3 story, Jiiyh stoop. Jjfowa ; stooe 1 , ment ana subcallnr; Philadelphia _ i « k house, 11 .rev

    excollent aeijcaborh-od;delightful location; No. 146.' suit «t, bet? Hfcks and Henry s t s . half a block from an a line with First place; the most beautiful sf reel in Bi lyn; only five minutes' walk from ferry; no carfares improvements; furnace, range, oa'.h. two water e'o wasbtubs, ga* fixtures,, Ac . : ju*t-rep»pored and., par throughout, and all compieto-aud in y.-r.ect order- a ( bargain, aside from tho choice'; coavenio*it and heal! location ; Immediate possession j nesr'y whole price remain on mortgage. Apply o a premises, from 11 to to O. J. WELLS, first floor, 8_'N**ssn st, N Y.

    _̂ F O B E X C H A N G E .

    FO R E X C H A N G E L A H O U S E W I all modern Improvement" and laJtood order. In I ark, N J., bo exchangu for house in Brooklyn. Appl G. P. MIBNE, 225 Fulton »t_ _

    _ O B S A J - E - t t i E A J - ESJT A B"i_.

    Fl ries,l:

    St-c4 I ^ O R H A L E -

    JTIOR S A L E — F A C T O R Y — O R T O V First class business aad faotory property, near the es,ln Brooklyn, E . G . ; four lot* of grosn d and three I

    bulieting*; easy t e r m . ; possession immediately. l aq -ERS, South Fifth aud Secoad sts.

    2 lit*-. d l s mall

    r— first


    DI-s t ;

    I t o n

    - F A C T O R Y — O R L E A S E 8 story factory. 33x65, one story *xt*nslon,2S__2Q,

    steam cower: good light, yard, room, water and g a s : low; also vacaac lots lor factory purposes. R E V N O i 183Ninth st, WllUamsburgh._ •<

    OR ~ S A L E - F A C T 6 R Y - T H E THR story brick facjtory, 26T: 863 and 271 Wyckoff. i

    Nevlna st, will be -Old at a. (M-rgala, sad on >asy ter this property is admirably located, being rlgfit ia heart of the city, and suitable for any mannlaccu bnsiness; terms easy. D R A K E 4 CO., 8 Boerum pi near City H a l - T

    lOR SALl^- l ldOTS—25X106-AT ?. eaoh—On Hawthorne and Wfnthrop sts . near I

    - b av. and Prospect Park, just beyond city l ine ; low taxes ; first cla*s neighborhood; only 40 rain. tea f Fulton Ferry; desirable for homes or Investment A to K O B E R i ' S. WALKER, No. 490 Broadway, York.


    f,1 bosh.

    5W ! Ful- L a m , •

    •am- ;

    DI_; ate; two moy sea , iav-

    etE* of

    ate •ug-_ou rtlc-« u *

    zs. w-and UR-

    iss cto->6»

    _-?' iyr-II-S-RO.



    fE and %£ i i if

    N G

    ry—; irgo vod


    SO K S A L E — R E A L E S T A T E — S P E C I notico—Owners of property or parties wl ibln or rent houses ia tb* vicinity of Prospect Park, find i t to their Interest t o oall at the office of FLl.TCi: ft B A N K S , 276 Fiatbush av, corner of Prospect pi they have very chclco property for sal* aad to let at pricea_. ,

    FO R SAJC.E—REAL E S T A T E - A T B A I JL L. a.plot of Iand2l0__», next tb* AtlanUp He within a fow taluntes' waUt of ths Bath Hotel, all leading boarding hoeuos, bath pier aad tho beach: • train* a day of th* Brooklyh, Bath and Coaey u l Railroad stop dlresctly ta froat, making it a most desir,

    , looaUoa for a hotel, lirstols.** boarding house or cott* 1 For furthet partio-lars apply to WLLLlAM W. SWAX | 216 Fultoa s t . . • . * -'

    T n O R S A L E - B U l L D I N G r - O R TO LJE. J P T h e Long Island Savings Bank B i l l d m g feyr sal. the bawldbg -boms and vault to let, situated oa tbo ooi of Fulton st. and Boerum place: tho best .oca-Sou Brooklyu.orbanklag . insurance or mercaatlie burin opposi te . - - - Court Hous* aad City Hall , a n d o n t h e of travel of our best business Deopto; the build.a strictly flrst class, aad aeariy new, fonr *_>r-ea, _*»*n and ceUar, 51x80 feet; the banking room. *>x60.l ._r_wt rooia.4-xI8; vault. 12*14: th* rooms would b* dividoc accommodate rood tenant*, Apply In the b * n k _ g rc to AL C. O O D E N . Vice Presidoat. ,

    C o u n t r y P r o p e r t y .

    FOtl S A L E - F A R M - O N L O N G I S L A? of 84 acres;9- zullesfrom City' Hal!, good b-iildl stream of water running through It aad fronts on tha will sel l cheap and on easy tcrcar.- T H O M A S WE WOOD,J8 WUloughby st.

    "lniOifc S A L E - F A R M — O N H E M P S T E . _ and Ja-aaica TarnpJk*. about ninety acre*. ;

    houso barn and other buUdingr.fn.lt trees, Ac.; tot iear railroad depot. ln_a and land oil in good order; near railroad depot.

    Macular , -ddr-s* WILSON GODFREY, te^rVal' New York^_ _ / - , •••-.:: ... .. _ . ' _ _ -,- -.. -, .

    OR SALE—REAL. Mi ATE—FLORT! land-l,«00*ci-e*on a, tribaUnr, at tlwrApalaohl six mile* north of Apsltcbicola _30 acres aadcr ver,

    tivatlon: ISO ora: prioo, »6J500; ao .. frn property. E.

    i trees,.coming lntofeartngtbts s*a _ _ _ a r t i *xch*ng* fc< Br

    TO Broadway,,

    JtOU S A L . E - , P I A N 0 9 * dtc. XiHOR SAI-al-T^l^-NOil-OHIOK B B I •_.

    : X -dano a t * ccssit, s»rrrl-_r»-, atoo, * . _ a * aevea oeti roMwood; npi-g-_t t iUao: t o rent a t W per a-ootti: j>_ aad Estoy organs to m a t from S"i aad up wara: f™a»«_l -aenta t u t month prartou* t o w m o t a l . .XSUt L P S * - * 808 Fnlton rt, oppqirtt* _ 0 - U U O T L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    i-̂ fB i c t * _ a M

    ioW moats; »Msioo< y toH.

    EYNT as aad > Stuy-1 S ix th

    tloor; TtM-Y. !2> po* t, Oon-

    v E^GI/E OFFICE, HAHCH 14, 1


    G E — elaasr W. S.-

    ) U G -room*. Apply

    D G B Btory, r Ia-H. 183

    TOl? r salo, iugton i t the

    The Blink of llagland Unclaang^ed.\_

    N S E ie> and th two aquiro

    OLD" ill lot, earful rckton

    Av; • now large

    i oom-ssl-in ; ) OWU-

    EFT" cellar ill im-n the AM'L

    I S T •rovrn ur «t, .He.* 'altoo

    sTCE stone

    S7-0 :u!ar_ o. 810

    P -y aad front

    mum. Irving

    1CK i f er -ellar; D end DAY,

    >RY outs ; atory

    'ram* heap, dway.

    ;AP, by 50, ; ten h the near

    - A S stor; I and aclug easy.

    f - I S T . , uont,

    and ppre-»!y to

    ) R Y -t i 5x imore e i it, terms

    254 tone, id -88 ik at IMM,

    ' H E ulton > fur-store er on

    ( G E pleto

    fin-eries, nrian-land

    .00," aent, I Im-eruiB • per-nuar :

    ) R Y iw at. I Pair, j at * , a i m cor. !

    ~ A i ton* j •kat: I dr-rn ies to | loific to'ifio I

    HE j a the |

    best 3 the !

    MA- I

    M E 1-0-1* I >u St. I BUts, b lnot I Ac: I

    ireia- I

    ».RY : ouse, I l-.-CS, touse ! lea a luy a I :ha».

    art, !

    F D j t o a o I rkett I lesir-Filta Tie*; I >nlh; I • Iota I i the j I ave i

    )E-" | ouse ! ] se-o I ecue 1 MOTt I Ful-

    18.000 tla-s. ' aad ! P. or |

    m- j high i : g a . j so, a t20x I Hape i l the roiTO I oant' I lit to '

    D ^ > | i*es , j r io*: I >ric * I a n d I !tfth I is to acain J av. :o P.

    Cotrdltlon of the Reserve—Consols S and-Goads Lower in London—Pro** for Farther fJnancIal Lealslatlo: Conarretls—Stockr IctiTe—The NeW lars. '

    Waxj. S T R E E T . Marc. Tho Bank of E a g U n d rate of d iscount r e m a n

    cbaagod'at 2 p«r cent . Tho b*nk has been * los ing bull ion d u r i n g the week, and tho propon reserve to liabilities is very low. U_t theTe :« not ne*a e a o a g h to Justify an advance in the rate o c o u n t and it u n o w likely that i t 'wi . l romaiu s u t u o l e s * the poluioal o o m p l e x i o a of affairs changi e i i s l l y . Tn* early cables report consols a fi

    s t ronger compared with yesterday, a a d United bond* active and % aad 7-10 lower, theJlaUeT foi

    j Our bond market was -toady at tho flrst call at I t h e c los ing quotat ions of yesterday, b u t t h e i j fell off at the second calL]

    Gala sold at 101 1-I6al01%'*ln the early trac j dropped to 101 before noon . There is moro of a

    >ondcnt of tho Jour, Cotnvrjtret says there to a coatest between Mr. tit of the Committee on Coloage, aad Mr. K a a p p a s t -hall first get a bill up for tho issue of silver I certificates. Mr. K a a p p ha* had a iacuu>ure ft object referred to th* Committee on Banking aa t rency, which cap be called up at least a week i than caa the bill now iacubat iug by the Coinage' mittee.

    - l i e correspondent considers it probable that provid ing for full legal tender silver bullion _ catcs will pass the Honne by a large majority , bv it will not receive a two-thirds vote of the House . It trill be received by the Senate remains to be Dr. Lladcrnrsn has been aiding tbe Coinage Co tee In preparing the detai ls of the bill u n d e r c o n i t ion. The certificates are malfe a legal tender debts inc luding dutloe, aad aro to bo i s sned at th Of one dollar for every 4 1 _ x gra ins of si lver.

    A few »pec imeo* of tho n e w stiver dollar havo sent her* from Philadelphia, aad about $100,000 v received at th* »ub-Troaj*ary to-morrow, where will be exchanged for gold. The (joins are umsl l . j tbe trades a a d do not compare £*voraWy u to < with tho dollar of 183«, which had the flying The bird on the now t » i n stands wi th oat-rtr. wings la tho act of screaming, " I n God we T which legend is dlreotly above his head. The hs Liberty on the reverse'resemble* that of a very p French bonne or child's aursc .

    The stock market was aotivc and strong in the trade, when 4ho N o r t b w e s t . r a s s n d St. Pauls advi sharply, but Pacific Mall was weak. At the flrst the Wisconsin shares fell off. u__BC.tl.ng the whol but Pacific Mall recovered.

    Erie sold at lO^alOJi ; R^ck is land at 101 ^ ; Central al 10.,_-107>£ ; Ohio at 8 _a8- . ; Wabash Del . a a d Hudson s t 4 7 ^ ; Central New Jersey 14. _ ; and Mlohlg in Central at 63a62*,. Padflc

    i opened at 21, fell to 20 and reacted to 20jtf. Lake s tar t .d at 63f_, moved u p to a» and d o w u to X.

    Northwest opened at 40J^, went to 41 and decllr 40«f- The pred.rred startod at 69. sold at o _ \ , _ i u p to 69»f and down l o 69>£. Weatora Cnion o at "9X. »o l < 1 "t % and fell to %. 8t . Psul'start 39ft, advanced to J. and decl ined to *i. The prel opened at 72^i ond dropped to 71 v * Unlojn 1 (started at 70 V ao*, 2 . .

    x2M. Barauel Shaw, exr W II Prjast to John Mct_c*»o_, taxes 1877

    "ft'e North Beveuth at, 25x100,

    K B I •ear j o i ; ) the '

    ring, j aoe. ,

    J(30 ' -nat- i very j rom ', poly • New .

    A L : g to : will I

    IKK j ace; low i

    % . \ itol. th*.

    IXMT I aad , sbl* j

    fife'. I

    r, OT -aer

    in «•• ». 100 ft n Ijaouard st, 75x100 ; Colum-bia st, e s. 69Tt n Ix-'ins.-Ss;. 18~3xUox--ix»9.8-_.3. lorecloauro, Albert Dagjrett to Joaa a* C_m-

    Livfnest.n st.' s' w" »','_6-' ift'-i'w Ne-rins«t. SOxlOO 9. hftl, Lra N Stanley to Edward D Whit* cds:. all liens •• *••• - - • _ ; . . , . . . . . - - • •-• •

    game property, Edward D White to Ann. wlfa Ira N btauloy. all lien*, cftg --.•-- •

    Lee av. s w oor Heyward st. 90x80. foreolo*uro. o«r-a r d M Steven* toCliarlos K Lawrence

    Irving place, w * 120 tt n Putnam *v, JOxlOl. nftL Catnanae. L Bahobek. trus-a-, to VtiUiam T

    ' Gregg, mortgage .14 JOO -'__••••_ _. Bn-voort place, s s. 40 f t « Pranklln av. -Oxit., S*rah.

    H WiUlnion , widow, Brookhavea. L I, to Ann-* E.wlfe Krnst F Schellhass, inort gajfo »-___

    Tweiftn st. n e t. 84. ft n w Tt.ij*d av. I0.8xlyo. fortv olosar*. Albert D>«gett _o Jid*_a_-i W G a y . . . . „

    S a m e property. lCd^erd W E>-. to Sarah, wil*. J am es Bark*. . . _i • • • • i t f __"„_•",_ "

    W a n * n St. s s. 3 1 7 ^ t w N v £ _ * s i . 9i-»xlu0. T«;l>*a, wife Patrick f)orabi-»n to Tlioxpas Stephens, > T ,

    Flusbln-: av. n s, 64 It • Wtlltoiaaburgu ro*d---»J-»; Fhtoh-ng iv. 'n a, ft-fl * WiUlaauiburKh rD*_,ta_-C lbo Johanna VerafAOxz to James S ' RoekweU. . .

    Mrrtl* av, n *.-»> ft |r To_n)kl__*av. -Dxl0t.px__»-_-_. William Ds Viguesto Sarah H Hif-bi*. martcae*

    M . t l e av "ii «. »*i) ft * T-mjic ias av. -i^tOO-, par-tli ion. Will-am De£Vlgne to Sarah H. Hictato

    Hoyt st, e s, 20 ft a p-wraw «t, -0 i -0 . partiMoa*. WU-l i im Oe Vigae K> ,?ar*h M, wlfa . W * * . W H l j -bio .mort 82,400. .$. . . , . . . ' . ,

    UndertUll av. • * U « U a D e a n rt,-SxlS2-_a8-J->.. Michael Fanrali td Peter Riley

    Same property. Pet4r. R-isy to Mary, irlf* Michael Karrell ..1 , * _ . . . . . „

    Fifty-nfth st. n • s . »-0 ft n w Third, aV. 60x300 to Fifty-fourth st. Mky _W7. Arm. wif* Asa Y Lewi* to Edward P DayJ mart * _ » J , A c . . , 1

    Sam* prop*rrtx. Bit ward P Day lo Julia I, jsit**, J s m e * S Hiimtvopr-r. Syrac-S* 1

    Graham st. o •, 2JCloft s Park av, r»xl~-.-, forectcsv ure, Albert DaapK* to Abraham Gudr.-_.i_, - i e c -u t o r A L J y r d a n . t - . , •••«•-. f i - ; - _ _ - - .

    Everarosn a*,-i_irti-*riy etd«r and his wifo ran o_t acd a short _ j monthly m e e ^ u g of this c lub was be IJ at their rooms, 4i"_ , coruer of Court and M o c t a g u e streeto, and after t h e 4l_ j ur-ual prel iminary businees had beer* cranaaoted q u i t e *''' • ' ao interest ing d iscuss ion arose lu regard to th* adep-*^y j t ion of the report of tho Rogatta Coi-jmlttee, in w h i c h __*£ ; it was stated that they had under considerat ion a U bad worked so satisfactori ly that it w o u l d

    I be again adopted th i s season. ni'/t A m o n g tho n e w m e m b e r s o f tbe Club elected was ' 01 Mr. Frodorick S. Aymar, tho SOD of on* of Hew York'*

    ! o ldest a n d most respected sh ipp ing merchants . A ;V,* '; committee of thrco was appointed to draft su i tab le _jtj r m . uniform as the other civil officers of the Club. The meet ing wa* t h e n a d j o u r n e d to the ICCOD__Y. a d n c s -day in April . _

    B a s e B a l l .

    •'v. I T H E PI-ATING Hvtxa OF B A S E EbzA.—Ia. .__, view of .the futile efforts ot a certain We*te_ra bouse U. OA. copyright the L*agu* playing rule* of th* game, a fear , -1 _ remarks on tbe eubject will not be out of place at th*

    present time. First as to the facts of t i c c a o . The IX playjngrulcs of base ball were first given (o the public .

    '; l.y ths SatlOual Aasoclation of Base Ball I ;.r-_cd 1* th* stnnaoafy : •'"• *

    l0B D-arnat Paax. C-_r__r_s _C__ts. U » , Mardb 13,-t ': Regular monthly taeetrog of the Brooklyn Goa Clahi

    108 contest/or champion trophy at double rise*, huaSzcJt> ^ ^ 1 . iw> yards -Cicndary ; T pairs e i ch ; postponed •t" j from ITebruary mty'ting.

    * • * ' ' * . * * • ? • ' " * • ' ' ' " " • '

    i gddy—a 111110 a u » 01 »11 n i Wynn,....|a 11 II 00 11 11 10 11 II 10 10

    «_„ Ata-os..5.. la U 11 11 l» 11 01 00 • w - ( v7ost....m U U 10 Cl 10 11 03 -_, , G'«!«-»v**.. y, eo 10 1111 11 00 to •WB ; W l s K s - r . ^ . u 00 10 10 11 11 1C 10

    1 hVwmr^.J UJ U 10 M 19 U 10 t0 -. ' : ,m ] .NVrk—Tbe flrst flv* ptirs wtta tkot at th* r«bra-jry

    aev__B,.3 - ;. j_r„ s., ' ___. 7 /-as*-: DAT.— Regultr ooatest tat tb* sbaaiptoa trtt-

    } r_;; . ahot for at io btrd* each, from S traps.' baadl-i capped rt**, 60 yard* boaodarj ; n« shot off at 3 iiirla

    """''•-• rtKm 1 2 1 « | t i 1 1 1 1 1 ;_*•! a W r £ . i i u - f l t 111 i t i i fi _ | - T 0 1 l t - 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 • . - . ' . - T » _ f : f :

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