C I u t U a U- 1tt f CJ1o- f If U 1- JW tofl 4r J 111 If tI r 1 f I 1 r j I j i I t r tJ I i I I q f 1 i J U l LI U U 4 i I ThE TJMESIII3ALD APRIL 12 Jk I > > THE THE TIMESHERALD 00 Publisher OmGtti In Building trout Street n t OBoe PALATKA FIiA APRIL lij1898B- UfWCnmOit RATE One Year 1100 Six Month 09 Oral Three Mentbt X OwW due In advanc Wo return thanks to Senator Darby for ooplos of the dally Journals of both houios of the Legislature Joshua Hopkins Marvll Governor of Delaware wuo died at Laurel in that State Monday night was formerly a partner of Prof T W Ualph of this ity in the real estate and mill bus Harry Cooper Is a good man The appreciation of his services a Clerk of theUouncil was evidenced by the ab- sence of opposition Tuesday night As Is usualTHK TIMESHKIULDS of last week has been fulfilled Chief Truonwn has been reelected Just as we expected Mr Trueman cannot promise any better fulfillment of his duty than last year because Im- provement In this direction Is Impossi- ble TIlE TiMusIlEruLD will defend the assertion however that the dis- cipline will bo as good In the election of S J Kennerly as President of the new Council that or- ganization began Its duties by confer- ring n deserving compliment upon a worthy man Mr Kennedys political career covers n period of many active years and we are safe in the assertion that the splendid systematic condition of Democracy In Putnam County todny Is duo largely to his efforts Indeed this gentleman Is a servant of whom tho party can well be proud for every movement has been for the ad- vancement of Democracy By reference to the published report- of tho proceedings of the County which appears In this issue it will be seen that John W Ilagan Sheriff and Joseph Price Clerk and Auditor cams voluntarily before the board and requested a reduction lii the feus aiid salary of their respective oftlce This unselfish act of these efficient officials is doiorvlne of com- mendation nnd we have ho doubt will be gratefully appreciated by the tax- payers county Grand Jury Presentments IN Cincvir COURT Fiirn JUDICIAL Ciitotiir COUIIT SiiiiNo THRU PAIATLA POTNAM Co April llth 1805 To the Honorable W A- IIocKEit Wo the Grand Jury being duly sworn for the Spring Term of Court for 1805 having finished our duties as jurors beg leave to submit tho follow- ing report and suggestions The time for pur investigations be- ing we can only a It certainly is a commendation of the healthy condition of county taut only one case of grave character was for our con- sideration and wo find on duo exam- ination of the facts of the cifse it does not come under the trial jurhdlctlou of this Court In our report of the condition of the several the county and try books and papers we can only say as far as our observation they are In exceedingly neat and order Clerks office wo fl d that the brick vault is getting to bo too small for the of county flies and records and that they are damaged by dampness call the attention of the County Commissioners to this fact and them to make the proper investigation- On tho It in sanitary condition and are satisfied as to appearance As purchase two blood hounds a male and the value of said bounds not to exceed fifty 5000 dollars These dogs are to be the property of Putnam County In for the use of Sheriff in the discharge of his duties Yo would respectfully call the at- tention of the of thii Criminal Court that we find on the examination of the list furnished us of parties doing business In Putnam county he licence laws that thorn are several putties yhora we know are doing busi- ness county whoso names not appnarun list as having taken out proper license In culmination of tho statement of disbursement of tho County Clerk- w foil th lu m of help to be me of l on the exr- ininse and jw KIlo forced to the conclu- sion that it wftald be a positive saving to the of the county and hotter to ooiwulon or the that twruld own nod a farm for tbe of the deservinz been Tocjm mended Vy two previous Grand Jurists find wo be- token bythe Commissioners in the the purchase of a suit- able farm After dUll consideration we r Record aa established be re- tained atvd that oaf at II TIMEeS iERALD Jt IDA YB- I 0 Pot Ie nse Com- missioners r t Judge luam wo find by a previous Jury wo recommend the County COI1l- mlssoners Sheriff to t he the paupers the tile coo 1 tilt C f that the Court of noW M be to a v J PEJLEL1D flu I I I predic- tion F his I I I r L recommended to authorize S I veta gommodatLou or TIsbas I J j I 5 recom- mend IUa1aMee introduce UothbOuses1thLsgWai4Ke ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + = ± elRlrtbubdred dollars nun and the oonvl tlon tees fixed fit thousand dollars 1000 Jurors and Ui your Honor for courtesies extended the help rendered us by the 8tnto Solicitor we beg to bo excused from further duties v Tiros H KEATINO Foreman 0 L WiiiTOojtnOlerk Resolved tbat the thanks of the jurv tire extended to the State Attorney Hon Sid L Carter for tho and ablb manner In which bo has aided us by his presence and advice To the clerk of the 0 L Whltcornb we our thanks for so faithfully performing the chief labor of ses To our foreman lion T TI we offer bur thanks and con- gratulations for the able and impartial manner lie has over our deliberations Rescued further That these resolu- tions be published in TilE TIMES HERALD BAD COMPLEXIONS Dark yellow oily mothy skin plm plesblaekheadi ronghnns rednee dry thin and falling hair and slmpla baby blemishes prevented and cured by tho celebrated Tile most effective Ala purifying and beautifying soap In the world as well aa purest and sweetest for toilet bath and nursery It It so because It striken at OAtr of most com plezlonal dliflguratlons vlit tho CLOGGED wrUMKD IRRITATED PORE Sold th world FoniK Cnix CORP ol proprIetor Boiton All about Ukt IUlrmaUtd re MINISTER RANSOM BETTER Ill Coudltlon Ketarded as Only Fatlgns From the LongTrip WASHINGTON April 8 Tho dispatch received at the state department from Secretary Butler of our legation to Mexico gives additional assurance re- specting Minister Hansoms health He Is merely fatigued and may suffer from the great altitude of the city Those who know General Ransom his closest friends know that be la of ten unduly apprehensive of his physi cal condition and cxngerates the syrup tomw It Is believed hero that the new minister will be able to take hold of his duties in a day or two WILL BE NO CXTRA SESSION Vales There Is nil Iuipectnil Chance In fnndltloni Saye CltvnlanilV- ASIIIKOTOH April 9 The presi- dent on being asked yesterday after- noon whether In view of the decision of the supreme court pu the income tax law an extra session of congress would be called said that neither he nor the secretary of the treasury saw any ne cessity for such action and that unless there was an unexpected change in conditions he had no idea that congress would meet again before the time ap pointed for Its regular session Snppoeed to Have Drowned TITUSVILLE Fla April 8 Much ex- citement is felt here supposed burg Va and Earl Munson who went sailing yesterday The boat was found In the afternoon drifting about with all sails hoisted and Munsons coat and vest In it Parties are out with boats searching for them Ilr Jeftorson Davis InIUchmond RICHMOND Va April Jef- ferson Davis and Miss Winnie Davis will arrive here this afternoon for the purpose of being present at tho reinter ment In the Davis sectlonln Hillywood cemetery of the remains of young Jef- ferson Davis who died in Memphis some years ago of yellow Ileserved for Lieut Home Purposes WASHINGTON April 6 Upon the re- quest of the secretary of the treasury the secretary of the Interior has recom mended to the president that Black Island In St Joseph Bay Via be forllght house purposes youth Carolina Hotel Iurned IlwnorviiLK S C Ajlrll 8 Last night the Phosnbt hotel and the list church nt tills place destroyed by fire the ohurch being by parks from th burntdg hotel Lost 81000a v Editor Btlen Seed Vet Criminal LibeL jl Orth Stjon editor of the Looking Glass a weekly nMi here was arreaUd yesterday orlm- G brings the action l Swte bit fixed at Iroo 00 be and ht tar one Ilnvimz finishad our labors as kll1 Jury Mr the nticura SOAp the OVEBWOI1KED or sacoolsu Dave axe Blo bOlt over tbe drowning of Miss Ella Skill of Ieters 10Mrs 1 were t U6CL Dr W e- y r th 8t pecan rand nB6OLthr Ns t i J- f1 hi- 4 re- served lap AturA ial t sa ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ YOUR MONEY IS Favorite Prescription This fair and out to all women whosuffer from the diseases and peculiar to their sex To weakly woman hood no prize could more secure that to be derived from the of abottlo of this famous Its success Li functional derangements painful dis- orders of womon warrants its makers in guar- anteeing it What this medicine done for thousands of delicate women it will do for you At tho two critical in Womans lifo the change from girlhood to woman change of its an invaluable a soothing nervine which can produce results It cures nervdus prostration insomnia or inability to nervous duo to derangement of tho functions s An invitation to s consumption is a of Catarrh means Dont take tho risk The makers of Doctor Sagos Catarrh Remedy to cure your or theyll pay you 500 cash WEEKS NEWS CONDENSED Vigilance to American Cattle OTTAWA Ont April 6 Tho govern- ment has notified all quarantine officers to exercise the greatest possible vig ilance In examining and quarantining all cattle from southwest portions of the United States This action Is taken- on Information received by the depart ment of agriculture from Pueblo CoL that plcuropnoumonla exists in wes- tern states Seat Fltherlc Interrogation LONDON April 8 Sir George Baden Powell on Tuesday will ask the govern- ment In the commons whether they will refuse to join the conference by tie United States seal lush cries in the North Pacific unless thef conference Is Instructed on the lines suggested by the Paris Tribunal of Ar- bitration to deal with the whole ques- tion Herbert Will Change the Index SrtUm WASHINGTON April Herbert contemplates tho complete rev olution of the Index system of the de- partment involving tho of all the Various Improvements In card records A submitted by a special committee has been referred to the bureau officers for examination and criticisms preparatory to its adoption Strike Among Glut Worn PiTisnuno Pa April 10 Ono hun- dred export glass workers at Atterburys factory struck yesterday on account of the polishing machines used by the firm Tho men claim the work dono by the machines Is Inferior and that the ware damaged Is charged up against their salaries The Sultan Sends Itegnt BERLIN April 8 The Sultan of Tur- key has expressed to Emperor William by his regret that tho condition of the Turkish treasury Is such as to of Turkish to take part In Kiel naval pa- rade attendant upon the opening of North sea and Baltic cnnal Standard Late ranhait NEW YORK April 0 Among proper ty acquired the Standard Oil has secured a large controlling holding In the SUtersvllle W Va oil field through the purchase of the Kanawha company through a subtorporatlon Three thousand acres with 100 wells transferred for 850000 Nicaragua Releases Political Prisoner MANAGUA Nicaragua April 10 All prisoners charged with political crimes have been released and many have been banished The appointment of Jon Reuben Alonzoas Minister of War has created illfeeling among he army officers They Vote to Can a Strike PnoviDBffCK It I April 8 The weavers at tho Atlantic mills in Olney villo held mating yesterday and voted to strike for a restora- tion of tho scalo o wages paid prior to the lastcut down of 29 per cent which was made n year ago MlnUter Terrell Coming Home WASAIKOTOW April 0 Mr Terrell United States to Turkey has been granted leave of absence for the first time hi twoyears and Is expected to spend his vacation in this country returning to his post sometime In LatherS Crokir Inventor Dead EAST BnAmriBk Mass April Luther S Crokor of the conductors ticket punch died here yes- terday aged 66 Ills punch are all the railroads In tha country TJt leaves a wldafr and ttre sqou Voted At loit CousrataUtlOK nUmarck- UaatJjr April 8 Pelnce Arenb rg who represents a Bavarian coastltns- ny In the toff has boots turned Dbf bf the presidency of the Berlin he voW- dGovt Reports c r- t If you receive no benefit from Dr nor the benefit swore lasting than Prescrip- tion life I 8 a pro- posed 8Secretary preventthe the were 8 It UIfUSt > th i d- an q US hDWRo J B8klirg M- t f 1 v i r q cunn war- ships the Oils after- noon cclonill ltgslciteonratulAttagiiiznar k- r JI1i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > i i Current for t e Week Throughout Florida TilE CUBAN AFFAIR AT JACKSONVILLE SummatTyOf th Weeks Froceedlng ot- tk L Ul tnreV Great Itallroad Cue Conclnded Other1 Inter rating State New TAiXRHASg April 0 The legislature has accomplished much preliminary work during the past In the senate elgotysix bills have been Intro duced and In the house the record to date Is nlnetythree In addition the Visual number of joint concurrent and other resolutions have been presented Of the bills thus far introduced there are many that are the same In their object There are two anttpriro fighting bills pend ing nearly half a dozen on subject of elections and taxation while rail toad commission bills are plentiful The committees aro now busily en- gaged separating the wheat from the chaff and within n week or two both branches will have before them only such bills ns are worthy of con- sideration Doth houses have adopted the one session per day system which gives committees more time to devote to measures referred to them for con- sideration Senator Palmers resolution to ad journ May 1Hh Introduced last Friday was referred to the committee on legis- lature expenses A resolution has been adopted in the house requesting the comptroller and state treasurer to furntsbmcnt showing- the financial condltlon of the state THE OFFICIALS WERE PRESENT Slut Did Not Take Active Part In the Cu bau Patriot Meeting JACKSONVILLE Fla April 0 The United States officials who attended the mass meeting hold In this city last night to express sympathy with the Cu ban revolutionists do not seem at all disturbed by the report from Washing- ton that their presence at the meeting Is disapproved of by the federal author- ities United States Attorney Clark and United States Marshal Mc Kay when ahowu the dispatch from Washington stating that Attorney would demand an explana- tion of their presence said did not tbVktfiiU had violated any of the They stated that they at tendfiJ the meeting merely out of Idle curiosity and tool no part in the pro- ceedings whatever They say they did not vote on tjje resolutions that were adopted In reference to tho later statement that Attorney General Olney has Information that the officials did not attend tIm meeting it is necessary to say that If he Oltray has received such information it Is absolutely false THREE RECEIVERS APPOINTED Southrn State Land and Timber Cum at l nsucol Fla- FKHSACOLA Fla April 0 The Southern States Land and Timber company one of the largest concerns doing business hero was placed in the hands of three receivers yesterday by order of Judge Pardee of New Orleans This Is an English company and has offices In Pcnsacola New York and London The receivers are S M Lament and W F McCormick of Louisville Ky and Clarence Caroy0f New YOrk The business will bo con- tinued by the three receivers attending the American business nnd Erhest Noel of London the English business CASE RESTS WITH THE COURT Argument In the flrrat Ilallroad Caie at Jacksonville Have lieen Concluded JACKSONVILLE Fin April 6 Argu- ments in the case brought by the Penn- sylvania company for the insurance of to foreclose the second mort age bonds of the Jacksonville Tampa and Key West railway have been con- cluded and the case now rests with the courts but no decision will be announ- ced until all of the intervenors hove had a chance to be heard The court sot April 16 as the date for hearing all parties at Interest la this suit A Chance to Met Relic JACKSONVILLE Fla April 6 An or- der has been Issued by Judge Call for the sale of the effects of John L Sul livan attached by Viola Armstrong a member of Sullivans company for sal- ary duo when in this city several weeks ago The property consists of and other appurtenances Flashed Her Throat With H Rigor ORLANDO Fla April 10 John Evans attempted to kill Maggie higgins here yesterday and then committed suicide Evans was Infatuated with the woman and begged her to live with him When she refused he slashed her throat with- a razor Inflicting probably a fatal wound A Child Death JACKSONVILLE Fla April 6 At Weir Park yesterday Jesse Palmer the four year daughter of Mr P Walker was burned to death She was playing with the matches and set fire to her clothing Searching for TbeJr Ilodlef TiTpaviiXB Pin April 10 No doubt at to tho drowning of Miss Skill and Mr In Bbod ip seareh of th bodla Meet Peatu On IQe Cnllow- OAijUsvnJJe Fla April 10 Grant Griffin oplorel was hanged at noon today In tbo coti y jail at this place rnnnJ r d a negro over a game of cord ln falL IlUbnoro teenSy Normal TAMP April fl Tho Ilillsboro- Cpttnty w Trfgln the wJU dootlautaj two moat THR UGHTRJiSTt News I II two trunks with Johns clothing Earned to W river of artm r of Mat V f J ir t r t1e District Gen- eral Olnoy re- ceived pta lIed t tan east Pituay1Ilobehig midl and p I td ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < i I V th Stir rt inovceurt A c TilE DECISION Opinion bjr Clilef Juutfc Foller Jmtle l- rteld and White lHnentTbe 6e- ol lou Create Beaiatlbit the Oountrj1 WAsnwQToy April 9 The announce- ment of the decision of the supreme court of the United States la the In- come tax oases yesterday was Wade In the presence of n crowded courtroom the spectators lobby being thronged- to Its utmost capacity The decision was announced by Justice Fuller first stating the exceptions to the law as made by counsel for the I That the act impose a direct tax la re- spect of the real UterentsiMues and profit a veil a of the lucerne and prolM ot personal property sad not being apportioned li In viola- tion ot section two of article one f the conitl- tutlon 2 That the law If not Imposing a direct nevertheless unconstitutional In that Its provisions are not uniform throughout the United States iud do not operate same force and effect upon the subject tax wherever found and In that it provide ex- emptions In favor of IndIviduals and copart Denhlps while denying all exemptions to cor- porations having similar Income derived from like property end values and provides for other exemptions and Inequalities In violation ot section eight of article oh of tho oonstltu tire 3 That the act provlies no exemption c the tax upon Incomes derived from the stocks sad bonds of states of the United States and coun- ties and municipalities therein which stocks sad bonds are not proper subjects for the tax- Ing power of conrrei The Income trout those lecurttle In the United State amounts to over t 000000 per annum on which the total annual Income Ux would be 11800000 Text of the Declilpn The chief Justice then said I am charged with th6 duty of announcing the opinion and Judgment of the court In the ease of Charles Pollock versus the Farmers Loan Trust company etal The conclusions of the court were stated to be as follows I That by the constitutional federal taxa- tion it divided Into two great clones direct tues and duties Imposts and excise S That the Imposition of direct taxes Is gov- erned by the rule of apportionment amonif the several itatoi according to numbers and the Imposition of duties Impost and exolt by the rule of uniformity throughout the United States 8 principle that taxation and rep- resentation go together was Intended to b- and was proscribed In the constitution by the establishment ot the rule of apportionment among tho several states so that such appor- tionment should be according to number In each state 4 That the stiLes surrendered their power- to levy sad to regulate commerce to the general government and gave It the Concu- rrent power to 1977 direct taxes In reliance on the protection afforded by the rules prescribed- and that the compromise of the constitution cannot be disturbed by legislative action R That these conclusions result from the text of Hie constitution and are supported the historical evidence furnished by the cir- cumstances surrounding the framing and adop- tion of that Instrument and the views ot those who framed and ail opted It 8 That the undemanding and expectation at the time of the adoptton of the constitution was that direct taxes would not be levied by the general government except under tho pres- sure of extraordinary exigency and such has been the practice down to August It 1894 If the power to do so be exercised as an ordinary and usual means of supply that fact furnlshe an additional reason for circumspection In dis- posing of the present ease 7 That Uses on real estate belong to the class of direct tate and that the taxes on the rent or Income of real estate width I the Its ownership belong to the same class 8 That by no previous decision of thl court this question been adjudicated to the con- trary of the conclusionsnow announced That- so much of the let of August a at- tempt to Impose a tax upon the rent or In come of real estate without appointment I In- valid Justices Yield sad White Dissent Justice Field road a dissenting opin- ion in which he stated I am of opinion that the wholo law of 1894 is null and void Justice White also dissented from the opinion aa delivered by the court concluding the decision which had overruled and net aside established precedents and the settled and uniform doctrine of the court down to the present time lie regretted that at this late day this court should thus overthrow and nullify an act of con- gress Attorney General Olney said the gov- ernment would not ask for a rehearing but would accept the as ren dered TO WEAR THE SPANISH OUT Cuban Revolutionist Flaylns at Waiting Game Maceo Dreaded by Officials HATANNA April 10 There are on this Island todiy between 5000 and 0000 rebels who have rifles and car- tridges within reach And the campaign Is to wait The know better than to openly oppose their men against superior forces when climate nnd sickness are relied upon as allies a little later on Why dont the rebels pitch in and do something before all the Hpanlsh reach here is asked The answer Is Let here all she Intends to send and then we will play hideandseek with them until aided by climatic conditions we can combine all our forces and strike a decisive blow at her sick and climate worn forces Ml i Wlckea Qo s on the Stare MEMPHIS Tenn April 10 Miss Lillian youngest daugh ter of the the Pullman Palace Car company made her debut- on the stage last ovenlng at the Lyceum Theater In The Sign of the Cross with the com pany of Wilson Dnrrett 30000 totbVXmerlean University WABmUOTOJf April 6T116 Will Of late Bev Mr lUrch of Kokomo tad 840000 to the American University of this interest his wIdow Ills three children are given lO000each The Father Xow Murderer AraAflfA April J John Barker who was shot by Ms father Thursday In taunpkla county yeater day Tn Is IB j the remit of a tt- ratsf tha wit of a L II 1 nILL- J t J F I with the of the t has 1894 spain fet Flor- ence ot be Th lat t t v M- ttoIETAX i t ha Unont1tobIsaly FDLL EXT Over I tax- is in- cident cii 1es to the T5 PA ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > b n M ar the toeto of irJ i ts gone and alMer wtatlwr bin i a oamuj t 4 impurities J 6r blood and dobllltaMl condition body open the way tar tb t Shed teOteg nervous trouble and Otfcet lib Tin skin mucous membrane sad organs strive vMn to rollevf the til pure current ot They alt WOlc- oaMarsa Nature t unto whe cs most steeds help to parity the Woodjtena cud strengthen the i- iI have taken four bottles of hoods and I have found It bad all over but since I havo taken Hoods coy tire aud neck are tree from Hoods enables m to sleep soundly v QBAHAM Bugar I The Blood Last I suffered with Ursi I took Rood found it to be lust u J J Florida y Second Dividend Has Boss SttuurutffW- ASHWOTOH April fl The troller of the currency has deolarjfl 4 second dividend of fifteen PP PS making percent In all in layer en bank of Brunswick Go- Tlvuriton sal for llonolnltu SAN Thurstou minister it p United States sailed yesterday for Honolulu 110 stated that his return was uncertain i jiv Preparing for the Uoverament Ejhlmti- WAsiimaroiT April 9 ChlitEiccn tire Officer Kemper of the engaged in preparing the for display at the Atlanta GB exposition S v Convention of Mannfoctnrera1 ATLANTA April OiThe manufacturers of Atlanta met yesterday and arranged for a convention of o lay Ono object of Is to prevent hostile LI Hunt Chang Himself SHIHOXOSBKI April 9 The wounddn the face of Li Hung Chang the peace envoy who was shot March 34 a patriot fanatic has completely healed The bandages hays David Stone Laid to Rest NEW Yontf April 6 The funwal of the late David M Stone was held thli afternoon at 3 oclock at tbo Central Congregational church Brooklyn ROT A J F Behrcnds officiated President Cleveland Invited MEMPHIS Tenn April 6 President Cleveland and the members net and the governors of oil the states and their staffs have been invited to Ixi present at the big drill in May Georgia Htptlst Convene SAVAMfAU Ga April 10 Th staU convention of the Baptists yesterday The proceedings rtero of routine eoano- Ur v WOULD NOT GIVE AN OPINION Jastlee illness Prevented Site Mlttlac on the DencbHays Nothing NASHVILLE Tenn April id Su- preme Howell E Jackson whose Illness prevented tho full su- preme bench passing upon the Income law refuses to express opinion upon its constitutionality Justice Jackson is In health and expresses his Intention of his duties on the bench at the October term of court V Exile or Prisoner Which T SAN FKAKCISCO April 9r P iHintlngton comes to California ha will arrest him under dlctment found by the United Stales grand for Issuing an Interstate railroad pass District that the warrant wlllnpt on huntington in the east as the ex pensu of bringing him out hert be too groat Indiana Starch Work Unfneil- Cotuimus Ind April 8 Tho Amw lean staith works with buildings cov- ering ten acres were The plant was being run night and day on account of a rush in bustpesiV In mlnuio from the flames wero discovered tho building was a wreck and 800060 had gone In smqke To Investigate Armenian fiotritjC- ossTAKrwopU Turkey Mr Henry J C J J1- nrday anti was invited to jfcpeeec- Saisoun as independent i- to the oulrjti in Armenia 4 Granted ermlMten to Ort era railway been 16 tIle tnt icin a lIMa tr air of the I life j to a ibis t n t I build ui II Barea arUla blood purIfier that I haro lace ueh araa rl1a Alt 1ff winter area reoomm bd a Pills Ule IIf r41nlNPl1t1oW II I 55 j creditors of the Oglotiiorpe N jt11 FRANcrsoo April OC treasury JJj A il1o t exhibit J 1re be held in AgaIn t t IlL I of Georgia poned at a Jackson Whose j States r lID Would burnecll1 1I t l 111 Mall tt nt had an audJeno with Site r cot i I 10 hat j e eomsnlatlflll for to for sort the transporaie j c Med moisture yeio Lioods H- I I 3pariI1a assist up he nerves beet ever used alpi and Purfies a Hoods 10 the il archite s- educe department actively as- sociation Legisla- tion darsbal Ualdavin 4tQ Attorney Footo 4 7 oi9f- of the Sulrait ii Wmsoyoy ApIt m a 1tt authority s sMa fey kIwt vrrks polss- J- i a ¬ + ¬ ¬ °

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OmGtti In Building trout Streetn t OBoe


UfWCnmOit RATE One Year 1100 SixMonth 09 Oral Three Mentbt X OwW

due In advanc

Wo return thanks to Senator Darby

for ooplos of the dally Journals of bothhouios of the Legislature

Joshua Hopkins Marvll Governor ofDelaware wuo died at Laurel in thatState Monday night was formerly apartner of Prof T W Ualph of this

ity in the real estate and mill bus

Harry Cooper Is a good man Theappreciation of his services a Clerk of

theUouncil was evidenced by the ab-

sence of opposition Tuesday night AsIs usualTHK TIMESHKIULDS

of last week has been fulfilled

Chief Truonwn has been reelectedJust as we expected Mr Truemancannot promise any better fulfillmentof his duty than last year because Im-

provement In this direction Is Impossi-

ble TIlE TiMusIlEruLD will defendthe assertion however that the dis-

cipline will bo as good

In the election of S J Kennerly asPresident of the new Council that or-

ganization began Its duties by confer-

ring n deserving compliment upon aworthy man Mr Kennedys politicalcareer covers n period of many activeyears and we are safe in the assertionthat the splendid systematic conditionof Democracy In Putnam County todnyIs duo largely to his efforts Indeedthis gentleman Is a servant of whomtho party can well be proud forevery movement has been for the ad-

vancement of Democracy

By reference to the published report-

of tho proceedings of the Countywhich appears In this issue

it will be seen that John W IlaganSheriff and Joseph Price Clerk andAuditor cams voluntarily before theboard and requested a reduction lii thefeus aiid salary of their respectiveoftlce This unselfish act of theseefficient officials is doiorvlne of com-

mendation nnd we have ho doubt willbe gratefully appreciated by the tax-payers county

Grand Jury Presentments


Ciitotiir COUIIT SiiiiNo THRU

PAIATLA POTNAM CoApril llth 1805

To the Honorable W A-

IIocKEitWo the Grand Jury being duly

sworn for the Spring Term of Courtfor 1805 having finished our duties asjurors beg leave to submit tho follow-

ing report and suggestionsThe time for pur investigations be-

ing we can onlya

It certainly is a commendation of thehealthy condition ofcounty taut only one case of gravecharacter was for our con-

sideration and wo find on duo exam-ination of the facts of the cifse it doesnot come under the trial jurhdlctlou ofthis Court

In our report of the condition of theseveral the county and trybooks and papers we canonly say as far as our observation

they are In exceedingly neatand orderClerks office wo fl d that the brickvault is getting to bo too small for the

of county flies and recordsand that they are damaged bydampness call the attention ofthe County Commissioners to this factand them to make the properinvestigation-

On tho It insanitary condition and are satisfiedas to appearance As

purchase two blood hounds a male andthe value of said bounds not

to exceed fifty 5000 dollars Thesedogs are to be the property of PutnamCounty In for the useof Sheriff in the discharge of hisduties

Yo would respectfully call the at-

tention of the of thii CriminalCourt that we find on the examinationof the list furnished us of parties doingbusiness In Putnam county helicence laws that thorn are severalputties yhora we know are doing busi-ness county whoso names notappnarun list as having taken out

proper licenseIn culmination of tho statement

of disbursement of tho County Clerk-w foil th lu m of help tobe me of l on the exr-ininse and jw KIlo forced to the conclu-sion that it wftald be a positive savingto the of the county andhotter to ooiwulon or thethat twruld own noda farm for tbe of thedeservinz been Tocjmmended Vy two previous GrandJurists find wo be-

token bythe Commissioners inthe the purchase of a suit-able farm

After dUll consideration wer

Record aa established be re-

tained atvd that oaf at




0 Pot





r t



wo find

by a previousJury wo recommend the County COI1l-

mlssoners Sheriff to





tile coo




fthat the Court of


be to a















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gommodatLouor TIsbas




5 recom-mend

IUa1aMee introduceUothbOuses1thLsgWai4Ke





















elRlrtbubdred dollarsnun and the oonvl tlon tees

fixed fit thousand dollars 1000

Jurors and Ui your Honor forcourtesies extended the helprendered us by the 8tnto Solicitor webeg to bo excused from further duties


Foreman0 L WiiiTOojtnOlerk

Resolved tbat the thanks of the jurvtire extended to the State AttorneyHon Sid L Carter for tho andablb manner In which bo has aided usby his presence and advice

To the clerk of the 0 LWhltcornb we ourthanks for so faithfully performing thechief labor of ses

To our foreman lion T TIwe offer bur thanks and con-

gratulations for the able and impartialmanner lie has overour deliberations

Rescued further That these resolu-tions be published in TilE TIMESHERALD

BAD COMPLEXIONSDark yellow oily mothy skin plmplesblaekheadi ronghnns redneedry thin and falling hair and slmplababy blemishes prevented and curedby tho celebrated

Tile most effective Ala purifying andbeautifying soap In the world aswell aa purest and sweetest for toiletbath and nursery It It so becauseIt striken at OAtr of most complezlonal dliflguratlons vlit thoCLOGGED wrUMKD IRRITATED


Sold th world FoniKCnix CORP ol proprIetor Boiton Allabout Ukt IUlrmaUtd re

MINISTER RANSOM BETTERIll Coudltlon Ketarded as Only Fatlgns

From the LongTripWASHINGTON April 8 Tho dispatch

received at the state department fromSecretary Butler of our legation toMexico gives additional assurance re-

specting Minister Hansoms healthHe Is merely fatigued and may sufferfrom the great altitude of the cityThose who know General Ransomhis closest friends know that be la often unduly apprehensive of his physical condition and cxngerates the syruptomw It Is believed hero that the newminister will be able to take hold ofhis duties in a day or two


Vales There Is nil Iuipectnil Chance Infnndltloni Saye CltvnlanilV-

ASIIIKOTOH April 9 The presi-dent on being asked yesterday after-noon whether In view of the decisionof the supreme court pu the income taxlaw an extra session of congress wouldbe called said that neither he nor thesecretary of the treasury saw any necessity for such action and that unlessthere was an unexpected change inconditions he had no idea that congresswould meet again before the time appointed for Its regular session

Snppoeed to Have DrownedTITUSVILLE Fla April 8 Much ex-

citement is felt here supposed

burg Va and Earl Munson who wentsailing yesterday The boat was foundIn the afternoon drifting about withall sails hoisted and Munsons coat andvest In it Parties are out with boatssearching for them

Ilr Jeftorson Davis InIUchmondRICHMOND Va April Jef-

ferson Davis and Miss Winnie Daviswill arrive here this afternoon for thepurpose of being present at tho reinterment In the Davis sectlonln Hillywoodcemetery of the remains of young Jef-ferson Davis who died in Memphissome years ago of yellow

Ileserved for Lieut Home PurposesWASHINGTON April 6 Upon the re-

quest of the secretary of the treasurythe secretary of the Interior has recommended to the president that BlackIsland In St Joseph Bay Via be

forllght house purposes

youth Carolina Hotel IurnedIlwnorviiLK S C Ajlrll 8 Last

night the Phosnbt hotel and thelist church nt tills place destroyedby fire the ohurch being byparks from th burntdg hotel Lost81000a v

Editor Btlen Seed Vet Criminal LibeL

jl Orth Stjon editorof the Looking Glass a weekly nMihere was arreaUd yesterday orlm-

G brings the action

l Swte bit fixed atIroo 00

be and ht tarone

Ilnvimz finishad our labors as


Jury Mr




OVEBWOI1KED or sacoolsu

Dave axe



over tbedrowning of Miss Ella Skill of Ieters




tU6CL Dr W



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nB6OLthr Ns

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Favorite Prescription Thisfair and outto all women whosuffer from thediseases and peculiarto their sex To weakly womanhood no prize could more secure

that to be derived from theof abottlo of this famous

Its success Lifunctional derangements painful dis-orders ofwomon warrants its makers in guar-anteeing it What this medicine

done for thousands of delicatewomen it will do for you At thotwo critical in Womans lifothe change from girlhood to woman

change ofits an invaluable a

soothing nervine which can produceresults It cures nervdus

prostration insomnia or inability tonervous

duo to derangement of tho functions

s An invitation tos consumption is

aof Catarrh means

Dont take tho risk Themakers of Doctor Sagos

Catarrh Remedy tocure your or theyll

pay you 500 cash


Vigilance to American CattleOTTAWA Ont April 6 Tho govern-

ment has notified all quarantine officersto exercise the greatest possible vigilance In examining and quarantiningall cattle from southwest portions ofthe United States This action Is taken-on Information received by the department of agriculture from Pueblo CoL

that plcuropnoumonla exists in wes-tern states

Seat Fltherlc InterrogationLONDON April 8 Sir George Baden

Powell on Tuesday will ask the govern-ment In the commons whether theywill refuse to join the conference

by tie United States seal lushcries in the North Pacific unless thefconference Is Instructed on the linessuggested by the Paris Tribunal of Ar-

bitration to deal with the whole ques-tion

Herbert Will Change the Index SrtUmWASHINGTON April

Herbert contemplates tho complete revolution of the Index system of the de-partment involving tho of allthe Various Improvements In cardrecords A submitted by a specialcommittee has been referred to thebureau officers for examination andcriticisms preparatory to its adoption

Strike Among Glut WornPiTisnuno Pa April 10 Ono hun-

dred export glass workers atAtterburys factory struck yesterdayon account of the polishing machinesused by the firm Tho men claim thework dono by the machines Is Inferiorand that the ware damaged Is chargedup against their salaries

The Sultan Sends ItegntBERLIN April 8 The Sultan of Tur-

key has expressed to Emperor Williamby his regret that tho conditionof the Turkish treasury Is such as to

of Turkishto take part In Kiel naval pa-

rade attendant upon the opening ofNorth sea and Baltic cnnal

Standard Late ranhaitNEW YORK April 0 Among proper

ty acquired the Standard Oilhas secured a large controlling holdingIn the SUtersvllle W Va oil fieldthrough the purchase of the Kanawhacompany through a subtorporatlonThree thousand acres with 100 wells

transferred for 850000

Nicaragua Releases Political PrisonerMANAGUA Nicaragua April 10 All

prisoners charged with political crimeshave been released and many havebeen banished The appointment ofJon Reuben Alonzoas Minister of Warhas created illfeeling among he armyofficers

They Vote to Can a StrikePnoviDBffCK It I April 8 The

weavers at tho Atlantic mills in Olneyvillo held mating yesterday

and voted to strike for a restora-tion of tho scalo o wages paid prior tothe lastcut down of 29 per cent whichwas made n year ago

MlnUter Terrell Coming HomeWASAIKOTOW April 0 Mr Terrell

United States to Turkey hasbeen granted leave of absence for thefirst time hi twoyears and Is expectedto spend his vacation in this countryreturning to his post sometime In

LatherS Crokir Inventor DeadEAST BnAmriBk Mass April

Luther S Crokor of theconductors ticket punch died here yes-terday aged 66 Ills punch are

all the railroads In tha country TJtleaves a wldafr and ttre sqou

Voted At loit CousrataUtlOK nUmarck-UaatJjr April 8 Pelnce Arenb rg

who represents a Bavarian coastltns-ny In the toff has boots turnedDbf bf the presidency of the Berlin

he voW-

dGovt Reports

c r-


If you receive no benefit from Dr

nor the benefit swore lasting than










were 8








UShDWRo J B8klirg


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war-ships the



cclonillltgslciteonratulAttagiiiznar k-

















i i

Current for t e WeekThroughout Florida


SummatTyOf th Weeks Froceedlng ot-

tk L Ul tnreV Great ItallroadCue Conclnded Other1 Inter

rating State New

TAiXRHASg April 0 The legislaturehas accomplished much preliminarywork during the past In thesenate elgotysix bills have been Introduced and In the house the record todate Is nlnetythree In addition theVisual number of joint concurrentand other resolutions have beenpresented Of the bills thus farintroduced there are many thatare the same In their object Thereare two anttpriro fighting bills pending nearly half a dozen on subjectof elections and taxation while railtoad commission bills are plentiful

The committees aro now busily en-

gaged separating the wheat fromthe chaff and within n week or twoboth branches will have before themonly such bills ns are worthy of con-

sideration Doth houses have adoptedthe one session per day system whichgives committees more time to devoteto measures referred to them for con-

siderationSenator Palmers resolution to ad

journ May 1Hh Introduced last Fridaywas referred to the committee on legis-lature expenses

A resolution has been adopted in thehouse requesting the comptroller andstate treasurer to furntsbmcnt showing-the financial condltlon of the state


Slut Did Not Take Active Part In the Cubau Patriot Meeting

JACKSONVILLE Fla April 0 TheUnited States officials who attendedthe mass meeting hold In this city lastnight to express sympathy with the Cuban revolutionists do not seem at alldisturbed by the report from Washing-ton that their presence at the meetingIs disapproved of by the federal author-ities United States AttorneyClark and United States Marshal McKay when ahowu the dispatch fromWashington stating that Attorney

would demand an explana-tion of their presence said did nottbVktfiiU had violated any of the

They stated that they attendfiJ the meeting merely out of Idlecuriosity and tool no part in the pro-ceedings whatever They say they didnot vote on tjje resolutions that wereadopted

In reference to tho later statementthat Attorney General Olney has

Information that the officials didnot attend tIm meeting it is necessaryto say that If he Oltray has receivedsuch information it Is absolutely false


Southrn State Land and Timber Cumat l nsucol Fla-

FKHSACOLA Fla April 0 TheSouthern States Land and Timbercompany one of the largest concernsdoing business hero was placed in thehands of three receivers yesterday byorder of Judge Pardee of New OrleansThis Is an English company and hasoffices In Pcnsacola New York andLondon The receivers are S MLament and W F McCormick ofLouisville Ky and Clarence Caroy0fNew YOrk The business will bo con-tinued by the three receivers attendingthe American business nnd ErhestNoel of London the English business


Argument In the flrrat Ilallroad Caie atJacksonville Have lieen Concluded

JACKSONVILLE Fin April 6 Argu-ments in the case brought by the Penn-sylvania company for the insurance of

to foreclose the second mortage bonds of the Jacksonville Tampa

and Key West railway have been con-cluded and the case now rests with thecourts but no decision will be announ-ced until all of the intervenors hovehad a chance to be heard The courtsot April 16 as the date for hearing allparties at Interest la this suit

A Chance to Met RelicJACKSONVILLE Fla April 6 An or-

der has been Issued by Judge Call forthe sale of the effects of John L Sullivan attached by Viola Armstrong amember of Sullivans company for sal-ary duo when in this city severalweeks ago The property consists of

and other appurtenances

Flashed Her Throat With H RigorORLANDO Fla April 10 John Evans

attempted to kill Maggie higgins hereyesterday and then committed suicideEvans was Infatuated with the womanand begged her to live with him Whenshe refused he slashed her throat with-a razor Inflicting probably a fatalwound

A Child DeathJACKSONVILLE Fla April 6 At

Weir Park yesterday Jesse Palmerthe four year daughter of MrP Walker was burned to death Shewas playing with the matches and setfire to her clothing

Searching for TbeJr IlodlefTiTpaviiXB Pin April 10 No doubt

at to tho drowning ofMiss Skill and Mr In

Bbod ip seareh of th bodla

Meet Peatu On IQe Cnllow-

OAijUsvnJJe Fla April 10 GrantGriffin oplorel was hanged at noontoday In tbo coti y jail at this place

rnnnJ r d a negro over a gameof cord ln falL

IlUbnoro teenSy NormalTAMP April fl Tho Ilillsboro-

Cpttnty w Trfgln thewJU dootlautaj

two moat





two trunks with Johns clothing

Earned to


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I V th Stir rt inovceurt


Opinion bjr Clilef Juutfc Foller Jmtle l-

rteld and White lHnentTbe 6e-

ol lou Create Beaiatlbitthe Oountrj1

WAsnwQToy April 9 The announce-ment of the decision of the supremecourt of the United States la the In-

come tax oases yesterday was Wade In

the presence of n crowded courtroomthe spectators lobby being thronged-to Its utmost capacity The decisionwas announced by Justice Fullerfirst stating the exceptions to the lawas made by counsel for the

I That the act impose a direct tax la re-

spect of the real UterentsiMues and profita veil a of the lucerne and prolM ot personalproperty sad not being apportioned li In viola-tion ot section two of article one f the conitl-tutlon

2 That the law If not Imposing a directnevertheless unconstitutional In that Its

provisions are not uniform throughout theUnited States iud do not operatesame force and effect upon the subjecttax wherever found and In that it provide ex-

emptions In favor of IndIviduals and copartDenhlps while denying all exemptions to cor-

porations having similar Income derived fromlike property end values and provides for otherexemptions and Inequalities In violation otsection eight of article oh of tho oonstltutire

3 That the act provlies no exemption c thetax upon Incomes derived from the stocks sadbonds of states of the United States and coun-ties and municipalities therein which stockssad bonds are not proper subjects for the tax-Ing power of conrrei The Income trout thoselecurttle In the United State amounts toover t 000000 per annum on which the totalannual Income Ux would be 11800000

Text of the DeclilpnThe chief Justice then saidI am charged with th6 duty of announcing

the opinion and Judgment of the court In theease of Charles Pollock versus the FarmersLoan Trust company etal The conclusionsof the court were stated to be as follows

I That by the constitutional federal taxa-tion it divided Into two great clones directtues and duties Imposts and excise

S That the Imposition of direct taxes Is gov-

erned by the rule of apportionment amonif theseveral itatoi according to numbers and theImposition of duties Impost and exolt bythe rule of uniformity throughout the UnitedStates

8 principle that taxation and rep-resentation go together was Intended to b-

and was proscribed In the constitution by theestablishment ot the rule of apportionmentamong tho several states so that such appor-tionment should be according to number Ineach state

4 That the stiLes surrendered their power-to levy sad to regulate commerce tothe general government and gave It the Concu-rrent power to 1977 direct taxes In reliance onthe protection afforded by the rules prescribed-and that the compromise of the constitutioncannot be disturbed by legislative action

R That these conclusions result from thetext of Hie constitution and are supportedthe historical evidence furnished by the cir-cumstances surrounding the framing and adop-tion of that Instrument and the views ot thosewho framed and ail opted It

8 That the undemanding and expectationat the time of the adoptton of the constitutionwas that direct taxes would not be levied bythe general government except under tho pres-sure of extraordinary exigency and such hasbeen the practice down to August It 1894 Ifthe power to do so be exercised as an ordinaryand usual means of supply that fact furnlshean additional reason for circumspection In dis-posing of the present ease

7 That Uses on real estate belong to theclass of direct tate and that the taxes on therent or Income of real estate width I the

Its ownership belong to the sameclass

8 That by no previous decision of thl courtthis question been adjudicated to the con-

trary of the conclusionsnow announced That-so much of the let of August a at-tempt to Impose a tax upon the rent or Income of real estate without appointment I In-

validJustices Yield sad White Dissent

Justice Field road a dissenting opin-ion in which he stated I am ofopinion that the wholo law of 1894 isnull and void

Justice White also dissented from theopinion aa delivered by the courtconcluding the decision which hadoverruled and net aside establishedprecedents and the settled and uniformdoctrine of the court down tothe present time lie regretted that atthis late day this court should thusoverthrow and nullify an act of con-gress

Attorney General Olney said the gov-ernment would not ask for a rehearingbut would accept the as rendered


Cuban Revolutionist Flaylns at WaitingGame Maceo Dreaded by Officials

HATANNA April 10 There are onthis Island todiy between 5000 and0000 rebels who have rifles and car-tridges within reach And thecampaign Is to wait The knowbetter than to openly oppose their menagainst superior forces when climatennd sickness are relied upon as alliesa little later on Why dont the rebelspitch in and do something before allthe Hpanlsh reach here isasked The answer Is Lethere all she Intends to send and thenwe will play hideandseek with themuntil aided by climatic conditions wecan combine all our forces and strike adecisive blow at her sick and climateworn forces

Ml i Wlckea Qo s on the StareMEMPHIS Tenn April 10 Miss

Lillian youngest daughter of the the PullmanPalace Car company made her debut-on the stage last ovenlngat the Lyceum Theater In

The Sign of the Cross with the company of Wilson Dnrrett

30000 totbVXmerlean UniversityWABmUOTOJf April 6T116 Will Of

late Bev Mr lUrch of Kokomotad 840000 to the AmericanUniversity of this

interest his wIdow Ills threechildren are given lO000each

The Father Xow MurdererAraAflfA April J John Barker

who was shot by Ms father ThursdayIn taunpkla county yeaterday Tn Is IB j

the remit of a tt-ratsf tha wit of a L

II 1



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b n M ar the toeto of irJ its gone and alMer wtatlwr bin i

a oamuj t 4 impurities J 6rblood and dobllltaMl conditionbody open the way tar tb t Shed teOtegnervous trouble and Otfcet lib Tinskin mucous membrane sadorgans strive vMn to rollevf the tilpure current ot They alt WOlc-


Nature t unto whe csmost steeds help to parity the Woodjtenacud strengthen the


iI have taken four bottles of hoodsand I have found It

bad all overbut since I havo taken Hoods coy tire audneck are tree from Hoods

enables m to sleep soundly vQBAHAM Bugar I

The BloodLast I suffered with Ursi

I took Roodfound it to be lust uJ J Florida y

Second Dividend Has Boss SttuurutffW-ASHWOTOH April fl The

troller of the currency has deolarjfl 4second dividend of fifteen PP PSmaking percent In all in layer enbank of Brunswick Go-

Tlvuriton sal for llonolnltuSAN

Thurstou minister it pUnited States sailed yesterday forHonolulu 110 stated thathis return was uncertain i jiv

Preparing for the Uoverament Ejhlmti-

WAsiimaroiT April 9 ChlitEiccntire Officer Kemper of the

engaged in preparing thefor display at the Atlanta GB

exposition S v

Convention of Mannfoctnrera1ATLANTA April OiThe manufacturers

of Atlanta met yesterday and arrangedfor a convention of o

lay Ono object ofIs to prevent hostile

LI Hunt Chang HimselfSHIHOXOSBKI April 9 The wounddn

the face of Li Hung Chang thepeace envoy who was shot March 34a patriot fanatic has completely healedThe bandages hays

David Stone Laid to RestNEW Yontf April 6 The funwal of

the late David M Stone was held thliafternoon at 3 oclock at tbo CentralCongregational church Brooklyn ROTA J F Behrcnds officiated

President Cleveland InvitedMEMPHIS Tenn April 6 President

Cleveland and the membersnet and the governors of oil the statesand their staffs have been invited to Ixipresent at the big drill in May

Georgia Htptlst ConveneSAVAMfAU Ga April 10 Th staU

convention of the Baptistsyesterday The

proceedings rtero of routine eoano-Ur v

WOULD NOT GIVE AN OPINIONJastlee illness Prevented

Site Mlttlac on the DencbHays NothingNASHVILLE Tenn April id Su-

preme Howell E Jacksonwhose Illness prevented tho full su-

preme bench passing upon the Incomelaw refuses to express opinionupon its constitutionality JusticeJackson is In healthand expresses his Intention ofhis duties on the bench at the Octoberterm of court V

Exile or Prisoner Which T


P iHintlngton comes to California hawill arrest him underdlctment found by the United Stalesgrand for Issuing an Interstaterailroad pass District

that the warrant wlllnpton huntington in the east as the expensu of bringing him out hertbe too groat

Indiana Starch Work Unfneil-Cotuimus Ind April 8 Tho Amw

lean staith works with buildings cov-ering ten acres wereThe plant was being run night andday on account of a rush in bustpesiVIn mlnuio from theflames wero discovered tho buildingwas a wreck and 800060 had goneIn smqke

To Investigate Armenian fiotritjC-ossTAKrwopU Turkey

Mr Henry J CJ J1-

nrday anti was invited to jfcpeeec-Saisoun as independent i-

to the oulrjti inArmenia 4

Granted ermlMten to Ort

era railway been16 tIle tnt

icina lIMa tr





to a ibis

tn t Ibuild ui

IIBarea arUlablood purIfier that I haro


ueharaa rl1a



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Pills Ule IIf r41nlNPl1t1oW


55 jcreditors of the Oglotiiorpe N jt11

FRANcrsoo April OC

treasury JJj

A il1o texhibit

J1rebe held in





of Georgiaponed at


Jackson Whose



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Lioods H-

I I 3pariI1aassist

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the il

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educe department actively

as-sociation Legisla-


darsbal Ualdavin 4tQ

Attorney Footo

47 oi9f-

of the



Wmsoyoy ApIt ma 1tt

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