Ignorance, The Answer to a Question I Forgot

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  • 8/11/2019 Ignorance, The Answer to a Question I Forgot


    Michael MansAcademic DecathlonSpeech Draft 1

    Ignorance, the Answer to a Question I Forgot

    Ignorance! Isnt that what we all really want? To be able to walk down

    the street whether it be rsh hor or " A#M# and not ha$e a care in the

    world not towards the car barreling towards s nor towards the plane abotto take ot the o$erpass# %hy wold anybody li$e their life worrying abot

    the world arond them when they can &st parade like drones? %e sholdnt

    be planning for apocalypses or or ftre we shold be walking o' cli's &st

    to see what happens or heads de$oid of knowledge and reason#

    In (latos allegory of the ca$e he describe people who are forced to

    stare at a wall for their entire e)istence ne$er knowing anything else# *ehind

    them are pppeteers casting magni+cent shadows on the wall before them

    and occasionally letting ot an echo# Say there are for prisoners all they

    know is that dimly lit wall and the hands in front of them# ,ne day one of the

    prisoners is released and shown the pppets whose details are e$en moremagni+cent than their silhoettes# This freeman is then led ot of the ca$e

    and into the snlight where he is o$erwhelmed by the warmth and intensity

    of the light on his $irgin eyes and as he faces reality he adapts to the light#

    -e sees the shadows then the sky then the sn# -e has pity on the other

    three who remain in the ca$e bt when he retrns he is pitied sco'ed# To the

    others he has spoiled his eyes# -e can no longer see these .wondros/

    shadows and once again climbs ot of the ca$e# (lato goes on to state that

    once yo see the trth yo will ne$er be satis+ed with ignorance yo will

    e$en be ridicled by the ignorant#

    ,b$iosly the answer to this is to ne$er lea$e the ca$e ne$er lookbehind yo at the pppeteers# If yo ne$er know anything bt ignorance

    then yo ne$er know what yore missing# %hy face reality when yo can

    fore$er be a pet to those whose carry the brden of knowledge# They ha$e

    their basic needs fl+lled0 food water shelter to hell with the rest of

    Maslows hierarchy! The isse with society is that we are ne$er pleased with

    what we ha$e becase we acknowledge what we dont# Ignorance is always

    the answer! et s be the many sheep to the few shepherds regardless of

    their intentions for s# et them herd s into the slaghter hose for all we

    know2 actally we know nothing so whate$er happens is irrele$ant#

    A spikey3haired mishce$ios si)3year3old with an imaginary tiger once

    said .2 if yo willflly stpid yo dont know any better so yo can keep

    doing whate$er yo like!/ 4al$in knew how the world works# 5rom a yong

    age he knew that ignorance is bliss if yore ignorant then yo ha$e no

    personal accontability and what is personal accontability other than self3

    pnishment and dissatisfaction# At the end of the strip after ha$ing tmbled

    o' a cli' in a red wagon -obbes says .Im not sre I can stand so mch

    bliss#/ 4al$in retorts .4arefl! %e dont want to learn anything from this#/ At

  • 8/11/2019 Ignorance, The Answer to a Question I Forgot


    Michael MansAcademic DecathlonSpeech Draft 1

    sch a yong age 4al$in new how to be happy despite the many in&ries he

    wold in6ict on himself he aims to achie$e what others cannot#

    So let s choose ignorance nay happiness! Allow s to follow the

    giding hand of those who ha$e so foolishly chosen to see the sn# et them

    feed s and clothes s and do with s what we want# If we ha$e toe)pectations or standards based on knowledge we can ne$er be

    disappointed# Ignorance is the only answer#