III. DIRECŢII DE CERCETARE, OBIECTIVE ŞI PRIORITĂŢI III.10. FIZICA APLICATĂ Fizica aplicata este definita prin totalitatea fenomenelor fizice utilizate in sisteme si dispozitive pe baza unor materiale adecvate care sa sustina implementarea in practica a acestora. Fizica aplicata este un domeniu larg si fecund al fizicii contemporane. Ea se dezvoltă mână în mână cu fizica materialelor al cărei vlăstar viguros este fizica nanomaterialelor. O clasificare a fizicii aplicate in subdomenii este foarte greu de facut avand in vedere interpătrunderea fenomenologiilor şi varietatea extrem de bogata a materiei sub multiplele ei forme de existentă Trebuie să avem în vedere faptul că fizica aplicată se referă la toate activităţile direcţionate către multiple tehnologii. Spre deosebire de inginerie în general, fizica aplicată este ancorată în cunoştinţele fundamentale de fizică, pe care le utilizează pentru rezolvarea unor probleme practice, tehnologice. Din acest motiv, fizica aplicată include practic toate domeniile din fizică cu excepţia celor pur teoretice, dar şi cercetările teoretice din fizică au de foarte multe ori în vedere rezolvarea unor probleme tehnologice, deci pot fi cercetări de fizică aplicată. Domeniile fizicii aplicate sunt foarte vaste şi numeroase – Fizica Materiei Condensate, Fizica Laserilor, Fizica Semiconductorilor, Control Nedistructiv, Acustică, Electromagnetism, Fizica Materialelor, Fizica Vidului, Astrofizică, etc. Fizica aplicată nu este numai un domeniu transversal, care acoperă şi reuneşte toate celelalte domenii din fizică, dar se interpătrunde cu multe alte discipline, cum ar fi de exemplu Ingineria Electrică, Ştiinţa Materialelor, Chimia şi Biologia. Pe baza datelor din raportul de la etapa a II-a a proiectului ESFRO se pot selecta direcţiile mari de fizică aplicată , care presupun existenţa unor resurse pe măsură (umane şi infrastructură) şi care au demonstrat şi existenţa unui potenţial mare de a obţine rezultate importante la nivel internaţional. Astfel, cele mai importante date le găsim în capitolele III şi IV ale raportului menţionat. Avem cele 1/119

III - Institutul de Fizica Atomica · Web viewQuinlan, FT; Vidu, R; Predoana, L; et al., Lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) nanocoatings by sol-gel methods, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY

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Page 1: III - Institutul de Fizica Atomica · Web viewQuinlan, FT; Vidu, R; Predoana, L; et al., Lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) nanocoatings by sol-gel methods, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY


III.10. FIZICA APLICATĂ Fizica aplicata este definita prin totalitatea fenomenelor fizice utilizate in sisteme si dispozitive pe baza unor materiale adecvate care sa sustina implementarea in practica a acestora. Fizica aplicata este un domeniu larg si fecund al fizicii contemporane. Ea se dezvoltă mână în mână cu fizica materialelor al cărei vlăstar viguros este fizica nanomaterialelor.O clasificare a fizicii aplicate in subdomenii este foarte greu de facut avand in vedere interpătrunderea fenomenologiilor şi varietatea extrem de bogata a materiei sub multiplele ei forme de existentăTrebuie să avem în vedere faptul că fizica aplicată se referă la toate activităţile direcţionate către multiple tehnologii. Spre deosebire de inginerie în general, fizica aplicată este ancorată în cunoştinţele fundamentale de fizică, pe care le utilizează pentru rezolvarea unor probleme practice, tehnologice. Din acest motiv, fizica aplicată include practic toate domeniile din fizică cu excepţia celor pur teoretice, dar şi cercetările teoretice din fizică au de foarte multe ori în vedere rezolvarea unor probleme tehnologice, deci pot fi cercetări de fizică aplicată.Domeniile fizicii aplicate sunt foarte vaste şi numeroase – Fizica Materiei Condensate, Fizica Laserilor, Fizica Semiconductorilor, Control Nedistructiv, Acustică, Electromagnetism, Fizica Materialelor, Fizica Vidului, Astrofizică, etc. Fizica aplicată nu este numai un domeniu transversal, care acoperă şi reuneşte toate celelalte domenii din fizică, dar se interpătrunde cu multe alte discipline, cum ar fi de exemplu Ingineria Electrică, Ştiinţa Materialelor, Chimia şi Biologia.Pe baza datelor din raportul de la etapa a II-a a proiectului ESFRO se pot selecta direcţiile mari de fizică aplicată, care presupun existenţa unor resurse pe măsură (umane şi infrastructură) şi care au demonstrat şi existenţa unui potenţial mare de a obţine rezultate importante la nivel internaţional. Astfel, cele mai importante date le găsim în capitolele III şi IV ale raportului menţionat. Avem cele opt direcţii mari cu cele mai bune rezultate prezentate în capitolul III (nu mai menţionăm Fizica Aplicată, dat fiind faptul că le include pe toate celelalte), dintre care evidentiem Optica, Fizica Materiei Condensate, Fizica Nucleară, Fizica Particulelor, Fizica Atomică şi Moleculară, Fizica Plasmei. Exista şi o direcţie mare de interpătrundere cu alte discipline (Inginerie Electrică, Ştiinţa Materialelor, Chimie, Biologie, Medicină, etc.) care poate să acopere şi alte domenii mai mici din fizică (în sensul de „cu rezultate anterioare mai puţine”), respectiv Fizica Multidisciplinară.Aceste şapte direcţii mari de fizică aplicată au un potenţial ridicat de cooperare internă şi internaţională, după cum este arătat în raport, şi totodată beneficiază încă de o resursă umană competentă, care le asigură masa critică necesară continuării şi dezvoltării activităţii specifice. În ceea ce priveşte infrastructura, aceasta a fost dezvoltată semnificativ în ultimii ani şi se afla in continuare in plin proces de dezvoltare.Putem să intrăm mai adânc în detalii folosidu-ne de una dintre cele mai utilizate clasificari a fizicii şi anume Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme (PACS). Conform PACS, întreaga Fizică este împărţită în zece domenii sau direcţii mari (detaliile se regăsesc la adresa de internet http://www.aip.org/pacs/pacs2010/individuals/pacs2010_regular_edition/index.html). În PACS există un grad de detaliere mai mare, astfel în fiecare subiect se regăsesc probleme mai detaliate şi


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mai concrete. Putem aşadar să ne folosim de clasificarea PACS pentru a detalia temele şi subiectele, si a evita formularea unor teme şi subiecte care nu se regăsesc în clasificări internaţionale.In ceea ce priveste technologiile si aplicatiile laser intr-un domeniu moderat de energii si pulsuri relative scurte, propunerile se bazeaza pe:a) -existenta unei competente solide in arii conexe: optica, materiale, corp solid, chimie fizica, biofizica, laser, interactie laser-materie;b) -existenta unei infrastructuri laser in modul pulsat si in domenii de fs-ps-ns-µs;c) -existenta unei baze semnificative de rezultate de cercetare in domeniul interactiunii laser-materie;d) -un efort sustinut pe plan international de dezvoltare si implementare a technologiilor laser de inalta precizie.Propunerile au componente atit in aplicatii care tind sa devina astazi (sau intr-un orizont de 5 ani) tehnologii cat si in procese standard. Ele pot fi utilizate in mod singular (tehnici intr-un stadiu de emergenta ce pot constitui o baza pentru procese mai complexe –add-on) sau in relatie cu alte tehnologii. O componenta semnificativa de cercetare fundamentala exista in toate subdomeniile propuse.III.10.1 Teme şi subiecte Tema 1 (AP 1): Straturi subtiri, suprafete, interfete, materiale structurate si nanostructuriState of the art:Tehnologiile de depunere, crestere si procesare au progresat foarte mult in ultimele decenii, datorita in primul rand progreselor tehnologice in domeniul surselor de incalzire, al dispozitivelor de producere a vidului, al surselor de radiatii utilizate in depunere si procesare (lasere, tunuri de electroni, fascicole ionice). Homo si heteroepitaxia straturilor subtiri, studiul suprafetelor si interfetelor reprezinta prioritati pe plan international atat la nivel experimental (tehnici de depunere si caracterizare) cat si predictional (modelare teoretica). Totodata, directii noi de cercetare sunt legate de producerea nano-obiectelor prin diverse metode fizico-chimice, mecanice sau litografice, precum si de dezvoltarea aparaturii specifice pentru caracterizarea si metrologizarea nanomaterialelor si nanostructurilor.Realizari interne si expertiza: Progresele cele mai importante inregistrate la nivel national au fost in materie de depunere si procesare straturi subtiri policristaline si nano-obiecte (prin metode fizico-chimice in special de precipitare din solutie, sputtering si PLD). Achizitiile recente de echipamente de ultima generatie in materie de depunere (printre care MBE, CVD), procesare si caracterizare straturi subtiri, suprafete si interfete deschid perspective noi pentru cercetarea romaneasca in domeniu si abordarea subiectelor noi de cercetare la nivel mondial.AP 1.1: Tehnologii de depunere, crestere, procesare metale, oxizi, semiconductori, nanostructuriMotivatie: Dezvoltare si optimizare tehnologii de depunere, crestere si procesare; Scop: Crestere si procesare de materiale functionale, Finantare necesara: 7.500.000 lei/anAP 1.2: Nucleere straturi subtiri; homo si hetero-epitaxie; structura si forte de legatura, interfete solid-solid, solid-lichidMotivatie: Intelegerea proceselor de nucleere, crestere si formare a interfetelor; Scop: Obtinerea de straturi homo- si hetero-epitaxiale, controlul formarii interfetelor in structuri multistrat si materiale nanostructurate; Finantare necesara: 10.000.000 lei/anAP 1.3: Tehnici de Caracterizare si Computationale


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Motivatie: Caracterizare si modelare straturi subtiri; Scop: optimizare parametrii de depunere, crestere si procesare, Finantare necesara: 7.500.000 lei/anAP1.4: Tehnologii de crestere, inginerie de defecteMotivatie: Intelegerea rolului defectelor si impuritatilor in structura materialelor, a straturilor subtiri si a materialelor nanostructurate asupra proprietatilor fizice de interes aplicativ; Scop: Dezvoltare si optimizare tehnologii de depunere, crestere si procesare, Finantare necesara: 5.000.000 lei/anAP 1.5: Straturi şi multistraturi pentru senzori de gaze si lichideMotivatie: Descoperirea a noi materiale sensibile la lichide si gaze si explicarea fizicii care sta la baza sensibilitatii electronice la interactiunea cu mediul lichid sau gazos.Scop: Crearea de noi senzori functionali, care sa poata determina procentul unui gaz intr-un amestec, cu mare precizie si cu inalta selectivitate. Crearea unor senzori multifunctionali care sa determine mai multe marimi simultan. Obtinerea de senzori biologici.Finantare necesara: 5.000.000 lei/an

Tema 2 (AP 2): Materiale pentru aplicatii in electronica, biologie, medicina, optica, comunicatii, energie, automatizari, mediu, metode de studiuState of the art: O arie de larg interes la nivel international este dezvoltarea de materiale si structuri functionale si multifunctionale cu aplicabilitate directa in electronica, comunicatii, medicina, energie, mediu, etc. Provocarile actuale necesita abordari multidisciplinare care includ si dezvoltarea de noi materiale capabile sa inlocuiasca materiile prime in curs de epuizare, sa creasca eficienta energetica, sa protejeze mediul inconjurator sau sa se interfateze usor cu sistemele vii. De mare viitor sunt materialele complexe de tip nanocompozite, metamateriale, super-retele si heterostructuri care pot dobandi functionalitati noi sau mult imbunatatite fata de cele ale fazelor componente. Cateva exemple: materiale dielectrice low-k si high-k pentru electronica si telecomunicatii; materiale de tip multiferoic artificial pentru memorii cu stari multiple si pentru electronica de spin; materiale nanofunctionalizate utilizate in industria textila, cosmetica sau famaceutica pentru protectia termica, la radiatii UV, etc.; diferite materiale si structuri utilizate in conversia energiilor termice, mecanice, luminoase in energie electrice; materiale pentru stocare de informatie si energie si multe altele. Stiinta biomaterialelor cunoaste o dezvoltare impetuoasa determinata de dorinta de prelungire a vietii si crestere a calitati ei prin mijloace biomedicale si biomateriale avansate. Alaturi de industria farmaceutica si cea de aparatura medicala, prinde contur industria biomaterialelor. Cercetarile sunt predominant orientate spre biomateriale cu proprietati influentabile la nanoscala, fie ele biomateriale metalice, izolatoare, structuri de carbon, polimeri, bionanostructuri, sisteme hibride cu aplicatii in domeniul nanotehnologiilor biomedicale si al toxicologiei.Realizari interne si expertiza: La nivel national au fost obtinute rezultate semnificative in obtinerea si caracterizarea unor materiale si structuri multifunctionale cu aplicabilitate in electronica, energetica, medicina, comunicatii. Au fost dezvoltate si caracterizate o serie de biomateriale suport pentru ingineria tesuturilor, nanoparticole de metal nobil pentru diagnostic si terapie/ nanobiofarmaceutice, materiale feroelectrice/piezoelectrice, dielectrice, semiconductoare atat sub forma de cristal sau ceramica cat si sub forma de straturi subtiri, multistraturi sau compozite, fie policristaline fie amorfe. In ultimul timp au aparut realizari si in domeniul compozitelor de tip organic-inorganic sau in ceea ce priveste electronica cu polimeri. Noile infrastructuri de cercetare


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dezvoltate in ultimul timp vor permite aprofundarea studiilor in domeniul materialelor si structurilor multifunctionale, permitand o corelare mai buna intre analizele structurale, de compozitie si rezultatele investigarii proprietatilor fizice, cu feed-back direct catre tehnicile de preparare. AP 2.1: BiomaterialeMotivatie: Dezvoltarea unor sisteme noi de biomateriale Actualitatea subiectelor abordate si validarea rezultatelor obtinute prin publicarea lor in reviste internationale consacrate.Scop: Mentinerea/intarirea grupurilor de cercetare care si-au castigat vizibilitate internationalaFinantare necesara: 10.000.000 lei/an AP 2.2: Materiale feroelectrice si multiferoiceMotivatie: Dezvoltarea de materiale si metode de investigare pentru intelegerea si controlul proceselor de memorie in dielectrici neliniari si multiferoici. Scop: Obtinerea structurilor cu stari de memorie multiple si/sau alte posibile aplicatii pe baza de materiale feroelectrice si/sau multiferoice; Finantare necesara: 10.000.000 lei/anAP 2.3: Materiale dielectriceMotivatie: Dezvoltarea de materiale dielectrice si aplicatii pentru electronica, comunicatii, mediu, energie; Scop: Obtinerea de materiale dielectrice cu performante ridicate in stocarea de sarcina, operarea la temperaturi, campuri electrice, frecvente mari si sau i campuri de radiatii; Finantare necesara: 10.000.000 lei/anAP 2.4: Cristale lichide, moleculare si polimeriMotivatie: Dezvoltarea unor structuri bazate pe cristale lichide, moleculare sau polimeri, pentru dispozitive fotonice, senzori chimici si biologici. Scop: Identificarea conditiilor in care alinierea moleculara este modificata de prezenta agentilor chimici /biologici precum si a campurilor electromagnetice intense, dezvoltare de aplicatii. Finantare necesara: 10.000.000 lei/anAP 2.5: Nanocomposite, multistraturi, super-reteleMotivatie: Obtinerea de materiale structurate, heterostructuri, nanocompozite si nanostructuri, caracterizare si modelare pentru intelegerea si optimizarea proprietatilor fizice de interes aplicativ; Scop: Obtinerea de materiale cu functionalitati noi sau mai bune decat ale fazelor componente, identificarea si dezvoltarea de aplicatii; Finantare necesara: 10.000.000 lei/anAP 2.6: Materiale semiconductoare Motivatie: Dezvoltare de materiale si structuri pe baza de semiconductori (jonctiuni, MOS, MOSFet, etc.) pentru operarea la temperaturi ridicate, campuri electrice mari si/sau in campuri de radiatii; Scop: Obtinerea de materiale si structuri pentru senzori si detectori, Finantare necesara: 7.500.000 lei/anAP 2.7: Solide in stare amorfa: fenomene si aplicatiiMotivatie: Starea dezordonata a materiei solide, starea amorfa, este un domeniu cu mari perspective aplicative. Electronica si opto-electronica moderna se bazeaza pe materiale precum siliciul amorf si numerosi calcogenici in stare vitroasa. Se utilizeza sticlele oxidice complexe dopate cu elememnte de pamanturi rare pentru inregistrarea informatieiScop: Crearea de medii de memorare tridimensionale, de mare densitate. Obtinerea de memorii cu mai multe trepte (memorii inteligente). Crearea de masini inteligente operand cu algebra nebooleana.


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Finantare necesara: 5.000.000 lei/an

Tema 3 (AP 3): Materiale magnetice: proprietăţi şi aplicaţii în biologie, medicină, IT, comunicaţii, electronică, energie, mediu şi industria autoDezvoltarea de noi materiale magnetice, studiul proprietăţilor acestora şi a fenomenelor ce au loc în astfel de materiale, precum şi realizarea de noi aplicaţii care utilizează astfel de materiale, aplicaţii care au o paletă largă de utilizare în domenii ca biologia, medicina, IT, comunicaţii, electronică, energie, mediu, industria auto, constituie preocupări de vârf la nivel mondial.State of the art. Cercetările realizate recent în cadrul acestei teme (perioada 2008-2011) au rezultat într-un număr semnificativ de articole publicate pe plan mondial în domeniul materialelor şi proprietăţilor magnetice, respectiv peste 40.000 (rezultat al căutării efectuate pe Web of Science după cuvântul cheie „magnetic properties”).Realizări interne şi expertiză. În cadrul temei există un număr de subiecte în care activităţile cercetătorilor din România sunt la nivelul cercetărilor din centre internaţionale consacrate. Aceste subiecte acoperă întreaga gamă începând cu materialele (materiale magnetice cu structuri speciale – amorfe şi nanostructurate; materiale pentru spintronică), proprietăţile şi fenomenele de interes (fenomenele de magnetotransport – magnetorezistenţa şi magnetoimpedanţa gigant; fenomenele de rezonanţă magnetică), şi terminând cu cele mai reprezentative aplicaţii pentru domeniile de utilizare avute în vedere (senzorii şi actuatorii magnetici, inclusiv cei biomedicali). Pentru specialităţile menţionate, indicele Hirsch al articolelor ştiinţifice publicate de autori români are o pondere importantă în indicele Hirsch al articolelor publicate pe plan mondial, acesta fiind cuprins între 20 şi 35% în perioada 2008-2011.

Resurse necesare Necesar 2012-2014 Necesar 2015-2020

Resurse umane (om x an) 309 680Resurse financiare (lei) 20.733.080 41.466.160

AP 3.1: Materiale magnetice cu structuri speciale (inclusiv amorfe şi nanostructurate)Motivaţie: materialele magnetice amorfe şi nanostructurate, inclusiv cele magnetostrictive, sunt materiale versatile, sub formă de benzi, pulberi, fire, microfire, nanofire, materiale masive, straturi subţiri, care oferă suportul necesar studiului unui număr foarte mare de efecte şi fenomene specifice, şi care pot constitui elemente sensibile în numeroşi senzori pentru aplicaţii în domeniile vizate.Scop: dezvoltarea de noi astfel de materiale, studiul caracteristicilor lor structurale şi magnetice şi a corelaţiei dintre acestea din perspectiva aplicabilităţii în domeniile de vârf avute în vedere; dezvoltarea unor aplicaţii biomedicale de mare interes, cum ar fi, de exemplu, implanturile cohleare.AP 3.2: Fenomene de magnetotransportMotivaţie: fenomenele de acest tip prezintă particularităţi care le fac deosebit de utile pentru aplicaţii în senzori foarte sensibili, cu aplicabilitate inclusiv în magneto-cardiografie, o preocupare care a luat o amploare deosebită în ultimii 5 ani.Scop: controlul fenomenelor de magnetotransport în diverse materiale magnetice; mărirea sensibilităţii fenomenelor; găsirea de noi fenomene de magnetotransport; aplicarea directă în domeniile vizate.


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AP 3.3: Senzori şi actuatori magnetici (inclusiv bio)Motivaţie: există o necesitate majoră legată de dezvoltarea unor noi tipuri de senzori foarte sensibili şi rezistenţi, inclusiv cu funcţionalitate multiplă, dar şi realizarea unor reţele de senzori pentru monitorizarea stării de sănătate a oamenilor, pentru monitorizarea unor procese şi sisteme complexe industrie, energie, mediu.Scop: realizarea unor senzori şi reţele de senzori pe bază de materiale magnetice având autonomie ridicată (inclusiv cu componentă de „energy harvesting”) care să asigure determinarea unei stări complexe a unui sistem sau a unei anumite stări umane (oboseală, funcţii vitale, etc.).AP 3.4: Materiale pentru spintronicăMotivaţie: aplicaţiile în spintronică s-au dezvoltat extraordinar de mult în ultima perioadă. Această dezvoltare necesită realizarea de noi materiale cu caracteristici îmbunătăţite pentru astfel de utilizări.Scop: Realizarea de noi materiale care se pot produce mult mai ieftin, cu caracteristici similare sau îmbunătăţite faţă de materialele spintronice existente.AP 3.5: Rezonanţă magneticăMotivaţie: Studiul acestui fenomen permite dezvăluirea unor aspecte specifice materialelor magnetice, aspecte dificil de descoperit prin alte tehnici.Scop: Dezvoltarea unor noi tehnici de caracterizare a materialelor magnetice prin utilizarea rezonanţei magnetice şi dezvoltarea unor noi tipuri de senzori biomedicali pe baza acestui fenomen.

Tema 4 (AP 4): Suprafete micro sau nano structurate de largi dimensiuni State of the art, Realizari interne si expertiza: Aria de aplicatie a laserilor de putere in domeniul procesarilor de materiale cunoaste o dezvoltare accelerata, evolutia fiind dictata de aparitia unor tehnici de precizie si randament. O tendinta de integrare a sistemelor laser in procese industriale poate fi identificata, cu implicatii in prelucrarea suprafetelor pentru modificarea caracteristicilor mecanice, optice, tactile. Aplicatiile se regasesc in domenii industriale esentiale: transport, mecanica (tribologie), cataliza, sanatate si energii alternative. Aplicatiile laser reprezinta un domeniu principal de cercetare in laboratoare romanesti, cu note specifice in ingineria suprafetelor. Analiza WOS indica o expertiza solida atit in numar de publicatii (3-8%) cit si in factor h (10-30%). AP 4.1: Dezvoltare de tehnologii laser de mare precizie pentru prelucrarea/texturarea suprafetelor cu topologii complexe (non-planare)AP 4.2: Interactii de suprafata, activarea laser a suprafetelorAP 4.3: Procese fundamentale de interactie laser cu suprafete si interfete. Metode computationale de analiza a interactiei laser cu materiaAP 4.4: Nanoprocesare de filme subtiri si interfeteAP 4.5: Tehnici standard de prelucrare de materiale cu laser (tratamente termice, decupaje, separare, asamblare de materiale nesimilare, curatare laser, dopaj laser, aplicatii in conservare etc). Dezvoltare de noi procese de productie.AP 4.6: Suport: Tehnologii de monitorizare si diagnostic, Tehnologii de control de fascicol, Tehnologii laser, metrologie, Tehnici de observatie si caracterizare de suprafete

Motivatie, Scop, Finantare necesara: Posibilitatea de a functionaliza suprafete cu topologii complexe cu precizie, pe zone de dimensiuni largi si intr-un mod eficient, compatibil cu un proces industrial, are implicatii profunde in domenii conexe (mecanica, tribologie, energie etc). Asistenta finaciara


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necesara este legata de dezvoltarea infrastructurii laser si promovarea unor studii specifice, conform subiectelor anuntate, de interactie radiatie-suprafata.

Tema 5 (AP 5): Transfer de materie asistat laserState of the art, Realizari interne si expertiza: Fabricarea de materiale noi, straturi subtiri functionale cu aplicatii in optica, biologie, stiinte medicale, microelectronica sau mecanica a cunoscut incepind din anii 80 o dezvoltare accelerata. Implicatiile sint multiple, de la crearea de straturi cu proprietati relevante in optica si aplicatii fotovoltaice pina la heterostructuri in electronica sau straturi cu caracteristici tribologice in domeniul mecanicii. Acest domeniu este bine reprezentat in cercetarea romaneasca in cimpul de aplicatii laser. Zona de interes acopera diverse arii; de la generarea de materiale compozite noi, plasmonica, pina la bio-aplicatii. Infrastructura existenta este adecvata pentru o activitate performanta, bine incadrata in noile tendinte de cercetare la nivel international si asistata de un sistem de colaborari internationale solide si participari la programe europene.AP 5.1: Depuneri de straturi subtiri constituite din materiale complexe. Aplicatii in electronica (senzori, etc), bioaplicatiiAP 5.2: Imprimare prin transfer de materialAP 5.3: Metode de diagnostic, Metode numerice de modelareAP 5.4: Metode de analiza prin ablatie laser (MALDI, LIBS)AP 5.5: Suport: Tehnologii de monitorizare si diagnostic, Tehnologii de control de fascicol, Tehnologii laser, metrologie

Motivatie, Scop, Finantare necesara: Motivatia este legata in primul rind de generarea de materiale si structuri functionale structurate la nivel micro si nano, si potential lor de functionare intr-o gama larga de aplicatii, in special in electronica si bioaplicatii in sinergie cu domeniul nanostiintelor si nanotehnologiilor. Acest scop implica si dezvoltarea de tehnici de caracterizare si profilare laser cu rezolutie micro si sub-micrometrica.

Tema 6 (AP 6): Prelucrari laser in trei dimensiuniState of the art, Realizari interne si expertiza: Un efort considerabil este depus astazi in domeniul opticii integrate pentru aplicatii in telecomunicatii si ingineria informatiei, tehnici analitice (micro-fluidica, lab-on-chip), instrumentatie optica (astrofotonica, procesarea de informatie, etc). In speciale tehnicile de procesare 3D pot deschide aplicatii noi si grade de libertate suplimentare de functionare a dispozitivelor, cu impact socio-economic in special in domeniul IMM-urilor de inalta tehnicitate. De aici deriva o nevoie de dezvoltare de tehnici de procesare 3D ce implica utilizarea radiatiei laser (in mod particular pulsuri de durata scurta), in special pentru aplicatii si functionalizari de materiale unde dimensiunea de structurare are o importanta critica. Primul domeniu de aplicatii este cel al dispozitivelor fotonice integrate cu extensie in zona micro si nano-sistemelor, in care au fost lansate deja actiuni de pionierat vizind metode si dispozitive analitice precum si surse laser si statii de procesare. De asemenea, domeniul de aplicatii laser in manipulare de materie, tehnici de microscopie de super-rezolutie si interactia cu sisteme biologice cunoaste acum o dezvoltare rapida, raspunzind unor necesitati imediate ale societatii. Acesta reprezinta un domeniu emergent cu mari posibilitati de dezvoltare. Cercetarea romaneasca vizeaza atit domeniul de aplicatii optice, optica integrata si procesare laser, cit si aplicatii in biologie, medicina si productia de micro-nanosisteme.


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AP 6.1: Functionalizarea optica a materialelor transparente: Aplicatii fotonice,tehnologia informatiilor, criptajAP 6.2: Asamblare laser 3D, generare de dispozitive complexe (fotopolimerizare, sinteza 3D, etc). Prototipaj rapidAP 6.3: Micro, nano-sisteme, Systeme de analiza optico-chimica, opto-biologicaAP 6.4: Aplicatii in biologie si medicina

-nanochirurgie celulara-manipulari optice-interactii locale asistate de nanoparticule-metode calitative si cantitative de microscopie rapida, analiza dincolo de limita de difractie.

Metode de analiza si reconstructie 3D (OCT, holografie digitala, etc.)AP 6.5: Suport: Tehnologii de monitorizare si diagnostic, Tehnologii de control de fascicol, Tehnologii laser, metrologie

Motivatie, Scop, Finantare necesara: Obiectivele sint legate de dezvoltarea de procedee de interactie si modificare de materiale in 3D pentru aplicatii in optica integrata, tehnici analitice si, mai ales, aplicatii emergente in biologie si tehnologie medicala.

Tema 7 (AP 7): Sinteza si caracterizarea materialelor organice, bio-organice si nanomateriale hibride pentru dispozitive de detectie si aplicatii biomedicaleState of the art: Dispozitivele de senzori care includ in compozitia lor materiale organice au devenit in ultimii ani primordiale pentru detectia de molecule analit in faza de vapori. Studiile recente indica posibilitatea de a adapta si a utiliza acesti senzori pentru detectia de molecule biologice complexe. Dezvoltarea acestei linii de cercetare pentru obtinerea de senzori flexibili si miniaturizati bazati pe electronica organica poate sa aduca beneficii importante in detectia compusilor chimici si biologici. Pe de alta parte, senzorii biologici care includ in compozitia lor molecule biologice asigura identificarea selectiva a compusilor chimici in produse industriale, substante chimice, mediu, sau a moleculelor biologice pentru diagnostic medical. Acest tip de senzori ramane prima alegere pentru dispozitive de detectie miniaturizate datorita amplificarii lor inalte si a selectivitatii. Dezvoltarea tehnologiilor pentru imobilizarea moleculelor biologice ca elemente de recunoastere in biodetectori reprezinta un factor crucial in constructia biosenzorilor. In ultimii ani s-a acordat o atentie speciala optimizarii strategiilor pentru imobilizarea biomoleculelor. Nanomaterialele hibride care includ in compozitia lor atat compusi organici cat si inorganici reprezinta de asemenea o linie de cercetare importanta in ultimii ani atat pentru proiectarea de noi dispozitive de detectie cat si pentru aplicatii terapeutice. Aceste nanomateriale au avantajul ca includ proprietatile individuale ale componentelor organice si inorganice dar ofera si posibilitatea de acordare a caracteristicilor finale. Realizari interne si expertiza: Pe plan national liniile de cercetare cu cele mai importante rezultate publicate in ultimii ani sunt in domeniul polimerilor si biopolimerilor pentru aplicatii medicale, terapeutice si administare controlata de medicamente. Alte linii de cercetare semnificative sunt cele din domeniul biosenzorilor enzimatici si al sistemelor hibride organic-inorganic. AP 7.1: Dispozitive de detectieAP 7.2: Dispozitive de diagnostic medicalAP 7.3: Aplicatii terapeuticeAP 7.4: Administrare controlata de medicamente

Motivatie, Scop, Finantare necesara: Dezvoltarea de structuri organice, bio-organice si hibride care includ in compozitia lor atat compusi organici cat si inorganici, utilizate atat ca elemente de detectie in sisteme de analiza de noua generatie asigurand rezultate reproductibile, cat si pentru aplicatii


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terapeutice. Finantarea trebuie sa includa fonduri pentru achizitionarea infrastructurii performante necesare acestor studii, atat pentru procesele de sinteza cat si cele de caracterizare.

Tema 8 (AP 8): Tehnici inovative pentru procesarea si caracterizarea materialelor la scara nanometrica (sub-micrometrica)State of the art: Materialele la scara nanometrica se afla in atentia comunitatii stiintifice datorita proprietatilor specifice care permit dezvoltarea de noi aplicatii in electronica, medicina, mediu si energie, chimie, farmaceutica, biotehnologie. Aceste proprietati pot fi foarte diferite de cele ale materialelor analoage in forma de “bulk” si sunt determinate de morfologia, forma si dimensiunea nanostructurilor. In consecinta, obiectivul principal al cercetarilor il reprezinta dezvoltarea de noi tehnici efective pentru fabricarea de materiale cu o morfologie controlata si astfel cu proprietati acordabile. Prin aceste tehnici si noi metode de caracterizare materialele nanostructurate se afla in centrul cercetarilor in domeniul fizicii aplicate, stiinta materialelor si inginerie. Realizari interne si expertiza: Cercetarea romaneasca in acest in domeniu include in ultimii ani atat dezvoltarea de noi metode de nanostructurare a materialelor, oxizi, metale, materiale polimerice, carbon, materiale hibride organice-inorganice, cat si caracterizarea lor pentru aplicatii medicale, optice, sau in domeniul senzorilor de gaz. Analiza WoS arata prezenta semnificativa a contributiilor romanesti in acest domeniu. AP 8.1: Tehnici de procesare, mecanisme de formare si autoasamblare AP 8.2: Metode de caracterizare

Motivatie, Scop, Finantare necesara:Studiile sunt semnificative atat pentru dezvoltarea de noi metode de nanostructurare is tehnici de caracterizare cat si proiectarea de noi nanodispozitive. Aplicatiile nanostructurilor de inalta performanta includ dispozitive de detectie si monitorizare, dispozitive biomedicale, generare si stocare de energie, electronica si fotonica la scara nanometrica. Resursele financiare ar trebui sa asigure efectuarea acestor studii prin proiecte de cooperare intre institutii cu preocupari in domeniu si sa faciliteze accesul la infrastructura existenta, atat nationala cat si internationala.

III.10.2 Impact Numarul mare de implanturi realizate in scopuri medicale, numarul in continua crestere al ingineriei tesuturilor indica importanta acestora pentru ingrijirea sanatatii si impactul economic al industriei biomaterialor. Functionalizarea suprafetei implanturilor cu biomolecule reprezinta un domeniu de interes atat pentru crearea unor materiale realizarea unor structuri bioactive cat si administrare controlata de medicamente. Pe de alta parte, studiul materialelor organice, bio-organice si hibride vor avea un impact seminficativ pentru viitoare dispozitive de detectie, diagnostic clinic si terapie, industria alimentara, precum si sisteme de analiza si monitorizare de mediu. Având în vedere perspectivele de utilizare deosebit de favorabile pe care materialele magnetice le au în domenii precum tehnologia informaţiilor şi comunicaţiile, industria automobilistică, medicină, energie, bioinginerie şi alte domenii conexe, precum şi rapiditatea transferului rezultatelor din cercetare în această temă, se estimează că în următorii 10-15 ani astfel de preocupări vor avea un impact important asupra creării de noi activităţi economice.Dezvoltarea de noi procese de sinteza si tehnici de caracterizare la scara nanometrica sunt linii de cercetare de interes datorita proprietatilor specifice ale nanomaterialelor care permit utilizarea lor in dispozitive electronice, biomedicale, medicina, mediu, energie, si industria farmaceutica.


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Procesarea suprafetelor si crearea de noi functii mecanice, optice, senzoriale este un domeniu in care implicatiile industriale ale tehnologiilor laser indica un cimp de oportunitati remarcabil. Functionalizarea materiale prin ablatie laser are un potential important pentru dezvoltarea de noi procedee eficiente de productie, la pragul aplicatiilor industriale.Dezvoltarea de materiale noi cu caracteristice performante in forma de straturi si acoperiri are deja un impact semnificativ in aplicatii in tehnici electronice, analitice, mecanice. Performanata dispozitivelor depinde de ingineria materialelor atit pe scara macro cit si in micro si nanotehnologii, unde sistemele laser pot deveni atit instrumente de fabricatie avantajoase cit si instrumente de investigatie analitica.Aplicatiile rezultate din capacitatea de procesare 3D cu flexibilitate si precizie maxima indica un impact considerabil in tehnologii optice directe ce permit dezvoltari in domenii conexe, in special cel al transportului de infomatie si al tehnicilor medicale, raspunzind unor necesitati societale.

III.10.3 Analiză SWOTPUNCTE TARI: - experienta si rezultatele validate international prin publicatii si parteneriate- Existenţa unor echipe multidisciplinare de cercetători cu experienţă în domeniile abordate;- dotarile cu echipamente performante- tineri cercetatori care doresc sa se angajeze in proiecte daca li se asigura conditii financiare decente- Experienţă în participarea la proiecte naţionale şi internaţionale de anvergură;- Existenţa unei infrastructuri moderne de comunicare.PUNCTE SLABE: - Finanţarea deficitară la nivel naţional a activităţilor - intretinerea echipamentelor exclusiv din fonduri obtinute prin contracte- lispa de personal tehnic inalt calificat / manageri de instalatii cu contract permanent si salariu de baza garantat- Îmbătrânirea personalului de cercetare;OPORTUNITITATI: - interesul nou aratat pentru cercetare este perceput ca o circumstante favorabila- entuziasmul cercetatorilor - de toate varstele si, in special, al multor cercetatori tineri- Potenţial ridicat de participare la proiecte din Programele Cadru ale UE;- Potenţial ridicat de creştere a vizibilităţii internaţionale prin publicarea unor articole ştiinţifice de mare interes în reviste ştiinţifice de largă circulaţie.AMENINTARI: - neincrederea tinerilor cercetatori in perspectivele cercetatii in Romania si renuntarea la proiecte acceptate dar finantate cu intarziere.- Fenomenul de „brain-drain”;- Fluctuaţiile în finanţarea la nivel naţional a activităţilor de cercetare datorită schimbărilor dese a priorităţilor politice;- Criza economică.Cercetarea romaneasca joaca un rol vizibil in competitia internationala cu un potential semnificativ de a mari aceasta pondere prin parteneriate stiintifice si economice. Rezultatele obtinute vizeaza in mod dominant fenomenul ablatiei laser, cu o componenta astazi mai modesta in domeniul direct al procesarii de suprafete. Dezvoltarea infrastructurii laser si expertiza existenta in institutiile tehnice de educatie creaza premize bune pentru relansarea unei activitati competitive in domeniu. Se poate remarca un potential de structurare orizontala prin cooperari nationale ce implica industria de profil, in special (auto, mecanica, tribologie, microelectronica, industria energetica) si universitatile tehnice.


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Activitatea locala de cercetare este bine integrata in actualele tendinte atit gratie unei infrastructuri de cercetare de calitate cit si unei serii de colaborari internationale de success, indicand un potential remarcabil de dezvoltare. Existenta unor programe europene in domeniu a permis dezvoltarea unor retele de cooperare in interiorul UE precum si un rol de conducere in domeniul R&D conex.Analiza rezultatelor WOS arata ca, in relatie cu oportunitatile de procesare existente, potentialul de cercetare in laboratore din Romania poate fi crescut semnificativ, precum si masa critica.

III.10.4 Obiective pe termen scurt (2012-2014) şi mediu (2015-2020)- pe termen scurt (2012 – 2014):In general, obiectivele sunt prinse in mai multe contracte de cercetare in derulare. - Realizarea de senzori şi reţele de senzori pe baza magneto-impedanţei gigant;- Realizarea de noi materialele magnetice amorfe şi nanostructurate ce pot fi utilizate ca elemente sensibile în senzori pentru aplicaţii în domeniile vizate.- Realizarea de noi nanomateriale si nanocompusi pentru dispozitive de detectie optica - pe termen mediu (2015-2020):Urmarim sa ramanem in relatii de cooperare cu insitutii prestigioase de cercetare din Europa, dar un numai, sa pastram interesul pentru teme de varf, sa valorificam rezultatele cercetarilor in aplicatii.- Dezvoltarea de noi senzori şi reţele de senzori ultrasensibili şi cu autonomie ridicată pe bază de materiale magnetice, biomolecule, materiale organice;- Utilizarea materialelor magnetostrictive si nanomateriale hibride organice-inorganice pentru dezvoltarea de noi aplicaţii biomedicale, diagnostic medical si terapie;- Dezvoltarea de noi materiale magnetice pentru utilizarea în aplicaţii biomedicale şi în IT şi telecomunicaţii;- Utilizarea rezonanţei feromagnetice pentru caracterizarea materialelor magnetice şi dezvoltarea unor noi senzori biomedicali.Procedeele perfomante de structurare a suprafetelor sint legate de dezvoltarea unei infrastructuri performante de tehnologii laser cu instalatii de observatie si control al lantului tehnologic si continuarea unui efort de intelegere de proces combinat cu implementare aplicativa.Obiectivele transferului de materie asistat laser sint legate de ameliorarea tehnicilor existente si generarea de noi materiale cu proprietati functionale controlate la scara nanometrica pentru aplicatii emergente, dezvoltarea capacitatilor de caracterizare.Se preconizeaza dezvoltarea de metode si aplicatii legate de functionalizare 3D a materialelor pentru crearea de dispozitive optice, analitice, micro si nano-sisteme. Aceste obiective vizeaza si necesitatea dezvoltarii unor tehnici rapide (in timp-real) de analiza si control de fascicol cu potential in generarea unor procedee inteligente de iradiere.

III.10.5 RecomandăriSe recomandată dezvoltarea activităţilor de cercetare pe temele selectate selectate, reprezentative pentru amploarea temei, şi care sunt sugestive atât pentru ariile în care există o expertiză valoroasă în ţară, cât şi pentru ariile emergente, cu grad ridicat de noutate, în care este de aşteptat o explozie a preocupărilor şi rezultatelor semnificative abia pe termen mediu (de exemplu: senzori biomagnetici cu aplicaţii în magneto-cardiografie, implanturi biomedicale). Este recomandabila mai ales organizarea de retele tematice, pentru o mai buna exploatare a infrastructurilor existente, apte


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sa dezvolte aplicatii concrete ale materialelor multifunctionale in domenii de interes pentru economia si societatea romaneasca.Interesul stiintific si tehnologic impune interconexiuni intre unitati de cercetare, de educatie superioara si unitati economice (industria mecanica, automobile, aviatie marcaj/securitate) in structuri parteneriale cu obiective comune. Este recomandata sprijinirea dezvoltarii infrastructurii laser (dezvoltarea unor componente de pulsuri scurte) si favorizarea caracterului interdisciplinar si al interactiei cu potentiali beneficiari de aplicatii laser. Aceasta interactie poate contribui la maturizarea tehnicilor propuse, catre o implementare aplicativa directa.In mod concret, tema dedicata transferului de materie asistat laser ar trebui sprijinita in continuare deoarece coresponde unor activitati de mare vizibilitate internationala si este generatoare de rezultate importante. Aceasta se poate face in paralel cu un efort de structurare si coordonare a subiectelor propuse.Se recomanda si dezvoltarea unor platforme eficiente de studiu si intierea de tematici noi in domeniul prelucrarilor laser in trei dimensiuni. Este necesara dezvoltarea colaborarilor cu grupuri cu experienta in domeniu, precum si o interactie intertematica (e.g. tema optica si fotonica). Prelucrarea 3Dreprezinta un domeniu emergent in care asistenta pentru dezvoltarea si integrarea in continuare a infrastructurii in noile tendinte poate genera un motor de dezvoltare pentru noi serii de aplicatii ce incep sa prinda contur.


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Tema 1 (AP 1): Straturi subtiri, suprafete, interfete, materiale structurate si nanostructuri

Sinteza cautari cuvinte cheie pentru tema AP1 inregistrate in materie de depunere si procesare straturi subtiri si nano-obiecte, perioada 2008-2011

Cuvânt cheie

Total articole în lume2008-2011


Nr. mediu citări/articol

Total articole RO 2008-2011

h-index RO

Nr. mediu de citări/articol RO

Nr. articole RO cu mai mult de 5 citări

crystal growth 19.373 N/A N/A 116 6 1.47 10ceramic synthesis 1837 18 2.03 40 5 1.62 5materials synthesis

10034 N/A N/A 105 7 1.48 10

amourphous materials synthesis

2817 26 3.18 32 6 2.5 6

thin film deposition

14.236 N/A N/A 152 6 1.18 12

materials processing

8437 38 2.14 155 5 0.63 5

epitaxy 9.961 37 2.35 17 3 1.47 1nanowires, synthesis

1384 33 5.69 4 2 3.25 1

nanotubes, synthesis

1881 33 4.63 16 5 3.56 5

nanostructures, synthesis

6.386 47 4.9 45 5 1.89 6

as grown defects 2624 23 2.33 20 3 3.2 3Impurities 9457 45 2.84 102 7 1.58 8nucleation and growth

9785 41 3.05 34 4 1.32 3

self assembling 2328 41 5.26 33 4 1.79 4surface structure 66.690 N/A N/A 452 10 1.44 47surface properties

79.427 N/A N/A 649 11 1.33 58

surface interactions

21.629 N/A N/A 103 7 1.62 14

interface structure

14.236 N/A N/A 81 5 1.19 5

interface 16272 N/A N/A 118 7 1.21 8


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propertiesnanostructured materials, structure

1381 26 3.93 18 4 1.89 4

nanostructured materials, properties

2382 38 5.06 42 4 1.36 4

plasma simulation

4893 26 2.19 18 5 5.06 5

Lucrari reprezentative subiecte tema AP1AP 1.1. Tehnologii de depunere, crestere, procesare metale, oxizi, semiconductori, nanostructuriCrystal Growth

1. Tabernero L, Aricescu AR, Jones EY, et al., FEBS JOURNAL Volume: 275 Issue: 5 Pages: 867-882 Published: MAR 2008

2. Rada S, Culea M, Culea E, JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS Volume: 354 Issue: 52-54 Pages: 5491-5495 Published: DEC 15 2008

3. Marcu A, Yanagida T, Nagashima K, et al., APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 92 Issue: 17 Article Number: 173119 Published: APR 28 2008

4. Rada S, Pascuta P, Culea M, et al., Conference Information: 29th European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, AUG 31-SEP 05, 2008 Opatija, CROATIA, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE Volume: 924-26 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 89-92 Published: APR 30 2009

5. Stelian C, Yeckel A, Derby JJ, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH Volume: 311 Issue: 8 Pages: 2572-2579 Published: APR 1 2009

6. Simon V, Albon C, Simon S, JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS Volume: 354 Issue: 15-16 Pages: 1751-1755 Published: MAR 15 2008

7. Braescu L, Duffar T, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH Volume: 310 Issue: 2 Pages: 484-489 Published: JAN 15 2008

8. Braescu L, JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE Volume: 319 Issue: 1 Pages: 309-315 Published: MAR 1 2008

9. Balint S, Braescu L, Sylla L, et al., Conference Information: 15th International Conference on Crystal Growth, AUG 12-17, 2007 Salt Lake City, UT, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH Volume: 310 Issue: 7-9 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 1564-1570 Published: APR 2008

Ceramic synthesis1. Lupei V, Lupei A, Ikesue A, Conference Information: 6th Israeli-French Workshop on Advances in Optical and Laser Materials - Crystals, Amorphous Materials, Photonic Crystals and Nano-Particles, DEC 11-12, 2006 Jerusalem, ISRAEL, OPTICAL MATERIALS Volume: 30 Issue: 11 Pages: 1781-1786 Published: JUL 2008 2. Berbecaru C, Alexandru HV, Porosnicu C, et al., THIN SOLID FILMS Volume: 516 Issue: 22 Pages: 8210-8214 Published: SEP 30 2008


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3. Lupei A, Lupei V, Gheorghe C, et al., Conference Information: 16th International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids, JUN 17-22, 2007 Segovia, SPAIN, JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE Volume: 128 Issue: 5-6 Pages: 918-920 Published: MAY-JUN 2008 4. Ioachim A, Toacsan MI, Banciu MG, et al., Conference Information: Symposium on Advances in Transparents Electronics held at the European-Materials-Research-Society Meeting, MAY 29-JUN 01, 2006 Nice, FRANCE, THIN SOLID FILMS Volume: 516 Issue: 7 Pages: 1558-1562 Published: FEB 15 2008Material Synthesis1. Pokhrel S, Simion CE, Teodorescu VS, et al., ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS Volume: 19 Issue: 11 Pages: 1767-1774 Published: JUN 9 2009 2. Coman SM, Wuttke S, Vimont A, et al., ADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS Volume: 350 Issue: 16 Pages: 2517-2524 Published: NOV 2008 3. Biris AR, Lupu D, Gruneis A, et al., CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS Volume: 20 Issue: 10 Pages: 3466-3472 Published: MAY 27 2008 4. Crisan D, Dragan N, Crisan M, et al., JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS Volume: 69 Issue: 10 Pages: 2548-2554 Published: OCT 2008 5. Little RB, Biris AR, Lupu D, et al., JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Volume: 320 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 540-547 Published: FEB 2008 6. Osian G, Procopciuc L, Vlad L, JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL AND LIVER DISEASES Volume: 16 Issue: 3 Pages: 251-256 Published: SEP 2007 7. Nistor LC, Mateescu CD, Birjega R, et al., APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING Volume: 92 Issue: 2 Pages: 295-301 Published: AUG 2008 8. Juhasova E, Sofronie R, Bairrao R, ENGINEERING STRUCTURES Volume: 30 Issue: 8 Pages: 2194-2205 Published: AUG 2008 9. Ioachim A, Toacsan MI, Banciu MG, et al., Conference Information: Symposium on Advances in Transparents Electronics held at the European-Materials-Research-Society Meeting, MAY 29-JUN 01, 2006 Nice, FRANCE, THIN SOLID FILMS Volume: 516 Issue: 7 Pages: 1558-1562 Published: FEB 15 2008 10. Pecheva E, Petrov T, Lungu C, et al., CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL Volume: 137 Issue: 1 Pages: 144-153 Published: MAR 15 2008Materials processing1. Fretwurst E, Honniger F, Kramberger G, et al., Conference Information: 6th International Conference on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Materials, Detectors, and Devices, OCT 10-13, 2006 Florence, ITALY, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Volume: 583 Issue: 1 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 58-63 Published: DEC 11 2007 2. Budrugeac P, Segal E, POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY Volume: 93 Issue: 6 Pages: 1073-1080 Published: JUN 2008 4. Ionita ER, Ionita MD, Stancu EC, et al., APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Volume: 255 Issue: 10 Pages: 5448-5452 Published: MAR 1 2009 5. Pecheva E, Petrov T, Lungu C, et al., CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL Volume: 137 Issue: 1 Pages: 144-153 Published: MAR 15 20087. Benson ER, Malone GW, Alphin RL, et al., POULTRY SCIENCE Volume: 87 Issue: 4 Pages: 627-635 Published: APR 2008


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8. Vizureanu P, Samoila C, Cotfas D, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Pages: 301-306 Published: MAR-APR 2009 9. Enea R, Apostol I, Damian V, et al., Conference Information: 17th International Vacuum Congress/13th International Conference on Surface Science/Internatinal Conference on Nanoscience and Technology, JUL 02-06, 2007 Stockholm, SWEDEN, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 17TH INTERNATIONAL VACUUM CONGRESS/13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SURFACE SCIENCE/INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NANOSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Book Series: Journal of Physics Conference Series Volume: 100 Pages: - Published: 2008 10. Minea AA, Manca O, METALURGIA INTERNATIONAL Volume: 14 Issue: 12 Pages: 54-61 Published: 2009Nanoscale materials fabrication1. Kleps I, Miu M, Simion M, et al., JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Pages: 300-309 Published: JUN 2009 2. Anastasescu C, Anastasescu M, Teodorescu VS, et al., Conference Information: 12th International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids (PNCS12), SEP 06-09, 2009 Foz do Iguacu, BRAZIL, JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS Volume: 356 Issue: 44-49 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 2634-2640 Published: OCT 1 2010 3. Crisan AD, Angelakeris M, Simeonidis K, et al., SOLID STATE SCIENCES Volume: 12 Issue: 11 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 1907-1911 Published: NOV 2010 4. Buscaglia MT, Buscaglia V, Curecheriu L, et al., CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS Volume: 22 Issue: 16 Pages: 4740-4748 Published: AUG 24 2010Nano- objects, synthesisnanowires: 1. Al-Said SAF, Hassanien R, Hannant J, et al., ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 11 Issue: 3 Pages: 550-553 Published: MAR 2009 2. Melnig V, Apostu MO, Foca N, JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH Volume: 10 Pages: 171-177 Supplement: Suppl. 1 Published: 2008 3. Matei E, Ion L, Antohe S, et al., NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 21 Issue: 10 Article Number: 105202 Published: MAR 12 2010 4. Antohe VA, Radu A, Matefi-Tempfli M, et al., APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 94 Issue: 7 Article Number: 073118 Published: FEB 16 2009nanotubes: 2. Nechifor G, Voicu SI, Nechifor AC, et al., Conference Information: 3rd Membrane Science and Technology Conference of Visegrad Countries (PERMEA 2007), SEP 02-06, 2007 Siofok, HUNGARY, DESALINATION Volume: 241 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 342-348 Published: MAY 31 2009 3. Dervishi E, Li ZR, Xu Y, et al., PARTICULATE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 27 Issue: 2 Pages: 107-125 Published: 2009 4. Little RB, Biris AR, Lupu D, et al., JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Volume: 320 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 540-547 Published: FEB 2008 5. Vizitiu AE, Diudea MV, STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI CHEMIA Volume: 54 Issue: 1 Pages: 173-180 Published: 2009nanostructures 1. Pokhrel S, Simion CE, Teodorescu VS, et al., ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS Volume: 19 Issue: 11 Pages: 1767-1774 Published: JUN 9 2009


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2. Pol VG, Calderon-Moreno JA, Thiyagarajan P, LANGMUIR Volume: 24 Issue: 23 Pages: 13640-13645 Published: DEC 2 2008 3. Murariu M, Dragan ES, Drochioiu G, BIOMACROMOLECULES Volume: 8 Issue: 12 Pages: 3836-3841 Published: DEC 2007 4. Surdu-Bob C, Vladoiu R, Badulescu M, et al., Conference Information: 18th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrides and Silicon Carbide, SEP 09-14, 2007 Berlin, GERMANY, DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS Volume: 17 Issue: 7-10 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 1625-1628 Published: JUL-OCT 2008 5. Diamandescu L, Vasiliu F, Tarabasanu-Mihaila D, et al., MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS Volume: 112 Issue: 1 Pages: 146-153 Published: NOV 15 2008 6. Vizitiu AE, Diudea MV, STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI CHEMIA Volume: 54 Issue: 1 Pages: 173-180 Published: 2009 7. Fagadar-Cosma E, Enache C, Vlascici D, et al., MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN Volume: 44 Issue: 12 Pages: 2186-2193 Published: DEC 2009 8. Teodor E, Litescu SC, Petcu C, et al., NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS Volume: 4 Issue: 6 Pages: 544-549 Published: JUN 2009 9. Vasylkiv O, Borodianska H, Badica P, et al., JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 9 Issue: 1 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 141-149 Published: JAN 2009 10. Iordache PZ, Somoghi V, Savu I, et al., OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 2 Issue: 8 Pages: 491-497 Published: AUG 2008Nanostructured materialsstructure 1. Pokhrel S, Simion CE, Teodorescu VS, et al., ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS Volume: 19 Issue: 11 Pages: 1767-1774 Published: JUN 9 2009 2. Crisan D, Dragan N, Crisan M, et al., JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS Volume: 69 Issue: 10 Pages: 2548-2554 Published: OCT 2008 3. Kleps I, Miu M, Simion M, et al., JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Pages: 300-309 Published: JUN 2009 4. Pecheva E, Petrov T, Lungu C, et al., CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL Volume: 137 Issue: 1 Pages: 144-153 Published: MAR 15 2008 5. Dumitrescu L, Manciulea I, Conference Information: International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering (BRAMAT 2009), FEB 26-28, 2009 Brasov, ROMANIA, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL Volume: 8 Issue: 4 Pages: 953-956 Published: JUL-AUG 2009 6. Jelea A, Mottet C, Goniakowski J, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 79 Issue: 16 Article Number: 165438 Published: APR 2009properties 1. Pokhrel S, Simion CE, Teodorescu VS, et al., ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS Volume: 19 Issue: 11 Pages: 1767-1774 Published: JUN 9 2009 2. Crisan D, Dragan N, Crisan M, et al., JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS Volume: 69 Issue: 10 Pages: 2548-2554 Published: OCT 2008 3. Biris AR, Lupu D, Dervishi E, et al., PARTICULATE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 26 Issue: 4 Pages: 297-305 Published: 2008


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4. Kleps I, Miu M, Simion M, et al., JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 5 Issue: 3 Pages: 300-309 Published: JUN 2009 5. Popa-Nita V, Kralj S, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 132 Issue: 2 Article Number: 024902 Published: JAN 14 2010 6. Vizireanu S, Stoica SD, Mitu B, et al., APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Volume: 255 Issue: 10 Pages: 5378-5381 Published: MAR 1 2009 7. Eckert J, Calin M, Yu P, et al., Conference Information: 13th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano-Materials (ISMANAM-2006), AUG 27-31, 2006 Warsaw Univ Technol, Fac Mat Sci & Engn, Warsaw, POLAND, REVIEWS ON ADVANCED MATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 18 Issue: 2 Pages: 169-172 Published: JUN 2008 8. Kamanina NV, Emandi A, Kajzar F, et al., Conference Information: 9th International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials, JUL 08-12, 2007 Cracow, POLAND, MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS Volume: 486 Pages: 1043-1053 Published: 2008

AP 1.2: Nucleere straturi subtiri; homo si hetero-epitaxie; structura si forte de legatura, interfete solid-solid, solid-lichidThin film deposition1. Nistor M, Mandache NB, Perriere J, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 41 Issue: 16 Article Number: 165205 Published: AUG 21 2008 2. Surdu-Bob C, Vladoiu R, Badulescu M, et al., Conference Information: 18th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrides and Silicon Carbide, SEP 09-14, 2007 Berlin, GERMANY, DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS Volume: 17 Issue: 7-10 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 1625-1628 Published: JUL-OCT 2008 3. Stan GE, Morosanu CO, Marcov DA, et al., APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Volume: 255 Issue: 22 Pages: 9132-9138 Published: AUG 30 2009 4. Rotaru A, Mietlarek-Kropidlowska A, Constantinescu C, et al., APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Volume: 255 Issue: 15 Pages: 6786-6789 Published: MAY 15 2009 5. Popa M, Preda S, Fruth V, et al., THIN SOLID FILMS Volume: 517 Issue: 8 Pages: 2581-2585 Published: FEB 27 2009 6. Marozau I, Shkabko A, Dinescu G, et al., APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Volume: 255 Issue: 10 Pages: 5252-5255 Published: MAR 1 2009 7. Berbecaru C, Alexandru HV, Ianculescu A, et al., APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Volume: 255 Issue: 10 Pages: 5476-5479 Published: MAR 1 2009Nucleation, Epitaxy1. Ferrando R, Rossi G, Levi AC, et al., JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 130 Issue: 17 Article Number: 174702 Published: MAY 7 2009 2. Sanduijav B, Matei D, Chen G, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 80 Issue: 12 Article Number: 125329 Published: SEP 2009 3. Goniakowski J, Jelea A, Mottet C, et al., JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 130 Issue: 17 Article Number: 174703 Published: MAY 7 2009 4. Dragoman M, Konstantinidis G, Cismaru A, et al., APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 96 Issue: 5 Article Number: 053116 Published: FEB 1 2010 8. Matei D, Sanduijav B, Chen G, et al., JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH Volume: 311 Issue: 7 Pages: 2220-2223 Published: MAR 15 2009


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Surface - structure 1. Seftel EM, Popovici E, Mertens M, et al., MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS Volume: 113 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 296-304 Published: AUG 1 2008 2. Ciubotariu AC, Benea L, Lakatos-Varsanyi M, et al., ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA Volume: 53 Issue: 13 Pages: 4557-4563 Published: MAY 20 2008 3. Wuttke S, Coman SM, Scholz G, et al., CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 14 Issue: 36 Pages: 11488-11499 Published: 2008 4. Gartner M, Osiceanu P, Anastasescu M, et al., THIN SOLID FILMS Volume: 516 Issue: 22 Pages: 8184-8189 Published: SEP 30 2008 5. Papancea A, Valente AJM, Patachia S, et al., LANGMUIR Volume: 24 Issue: 1 Pages: 273-279 Published: JAN 1 2008 6. Rada S, Culea E, Bosca M, et al., Conference Information: 4rd International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS-4), JUN 10-15, 2007 Corfu, GREECE, VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 48 Issue: 2 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 285-288 Published: NOV 20 2008 7. Ferrando R, Rossi G, Levi AC, et al., JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 130 Issue: 17 Article Number: 174702 Published: MAY 7 2009 8. Varvara S, Muresan LM, Rahmouni K, et al., CORROSION SCIENCE Volume: 50 Issue: 9 Pages: 2596-2604 Published: SEP 2008 9. Chiriac H, Ovari TA, Corodeanu S, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 76 Issue: 21 Article Number: 214433 Published: DEC 2007 10. Lefrant S, Baibarac M, Baltog I, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY Volume: 19 Issue: 32 Pages: 5690-5704 Published: 2009- properties 1. Obreja VVN, Conference Information: Symposium on Electron Transport in Low-Dimensional Carbon Structures/Science and Technology of Nanotubes and Nanowires, MAY 28-JUN 01, 2007 Strasbourg, FRANCE, PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES Volume: 40 Issue: 7 Pages: 2596-2605 Published: MAY 2008 2. Mihalache D, Mazilu D, Lederer F, et al., OPTICS LETTERS Volume: 32 Issue: 21 Pages: 3173-3175 Published: NOV 1 2007 3. Sima AV, Stancu CS, Simionescu M, CELL AND TISSUE RESEARCH Volume: 335 Issue: 1 Pages: 191-203 Published: JAN 2009 4. Jakab K, Damon B, Marga F, et al., DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS Volume: 237 Issue: 9 Pages: 2438-2449 Published: SEP 2008 5. Ciubotariu AC, Benea L, Lakatos-Varsanyi M, et al., ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA Volume: 53 Issue: 13 Pages: 4557-4563 Published: MAY 20 2008 6. Popa MV, Demetrescu I, Suh SH, et al., BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY Volume: 71 Issue: 2 Pages: 126-134 Published: NOV 2007 7. Wuttke S, Coman SM, Scholz G, et al., CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 14 Issue: 36 Pages: 11488-11499 Published: 2008 8. Gartner M, Osiceanu P, Anastasescu M, et al., THIN SOLID FILMS Volume: 516 Issue: 22 Pages: 8184-8189 Published: SEP 30 2008


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9. Dervishi E, Li ZR, Watanabe F, et al., JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY Volume: 19 Issue: 19 Pages: 3004-3012 Published: 2009 10. Carja G, Kameshima Y, Okada K, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS Volume: 115 Issue: 3 Pages: 541-547 Published: NOV 1 2008Interface - structure 1. Gurlui S, Agop M, Nica P, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 78 Issue: 2 Article Number: 026405 Part: Part 2 Published: AUG 2008 2. Ferrando R, Rossi G, Nita F, et al., ACS NANO Volume: 2 Issue: 9 Pages: 1849-1856 Published: SEP 2008 3. Breitkreutz D, Mirancea N, Nischt R, HISTOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY Volume: 132 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-10 Published: JUL 2009 4. Barbu V, Grujic Z, Lasiecka I, et al., INDIANA UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS JOURNAL Volume: 57 Issue: 3 Pages: 1173-1207 Published: 2008 5. Almeida R, Mosoarca C, Chirita M, et al., ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY Volume: 378 Issue: 1 Pages: 43-52 Published: JUL 1 2008 6. Goniakowski J, Jelea A, Mottet C, et al., JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 130 Issue: 17 Article Number: 174703 Published: MAY 7 2009 7. Macedo WAA, Sahoo B, Eisenmenger J, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 78 Issue: 22 Article Number: 224401 Published: DEC 2008- properties 1. van der Schoot P, Popa-Nita V, Kralj S, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B Volume: 112 Issue: 15 Pages: 4512-4518 Published: APR 17 2008 2. Popa MV, Demetrescu I, Suh SH, et al., BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY Volume: 71 Issue: 2 Pages: 126-134 Published: NOV 2007 3. Marcu A, Yanagida T, Nagashima K, et al., APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 92 Issue: 17 Article Number: 173119 Published: APR 28 2008 4. Ferrando R, Rossi G, Nita F, et al., ACS NANO Volume: 2 Issue: 9 Pages: 1849-1856 Published: SEP 20085. Breitkreutz D, Mirancea N, Nischt R, HISTOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY Volume: 132 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-10 Published: JUL 2009 6. Dinca V, Ranella A, Farsari M, et al., BIOMEDICAL MICRODEVICES Volume: 10 Issue: 5 Pages: 719-725 Published: OCT 2008 7. Vladuta C, Andronic L, Visa M, et al., Conference Information: Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society, MAY 28-JUN 01, 2007 Strasbourg, FRANCE, SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY Volume: 202 Issue: 11 Pages: 2448-2452 Published: FEB 25 2008 8. Biris AR, Lupu D, Dervishi E, et al., PARTICULATE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 26 Issue: 4 Pages: 297-305 Published: 2008 9. Zaharescu M, Predoana L, Barau A, et al., CORROSION SCIENCE Volume: 51 Issue: 9 Pages: 1998-2005 Published: SEP 2009 10. Dumitrascu N, Borcia C, Borcia G, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART B-APPLIED BIOMATERIALS Volume: 87B Issue: 2 Pages: 364-373 Published: NOV 2008

AP 1.3: Tehnici de Caracterizare si Computationale


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1. Jelea A, Mottet C, Goniakowski J, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 79 Issue: 16 Article Number: 165438 Published: APR 2009 2Rada S, Ristoiu T, Rada M, et al., MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN Volume: 45 Issue: 1 Pages: 69-73 Published: JAN 2010 3. Dervishi E, Li ZR, Watanabe F, et al., JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY Volume: 19 Issue: 19 Pages: 3004-3012 Published: 2009 4. Rotaru A, Constantinescu C, Rotaru P, et al., Conference Information: 8th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, SEP 25-29, 2007 Palermo, ITALY, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY Volume: 92 Issue: 1 Pages: 279-284 Published: APR 2008 5. Chioncel L, Leonov I, Allmaier H, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 83 Issue: 3 Article Number: 035307 Published: JAN 13 2011 6. Khandelwal R, Singh AP, Kapoor A, et al., OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY Volume: 41 Issue: 1 Pages: 89-93 Published: FEB 2009 7. Budrugeac P, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY Volume: 97 Issue: 2 Pages: 443-451 Published: AUG 2009 8. Krivokapic I, Enachescu C, Bronisz R, et al., CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 455 Issue: 4-6 Pages: 192-196 Published: APR 10 2008 9. Mourad D, Czycholl G, Kruse C, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 82 Issue: 16 Article Number: 165204 Published: OCT 19 2010 10. Diamandescu L, Vasiliu F, Tarabasanu-Mihaila D, et al., MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS Volume: 112 Issue: 1 Pages: 146-153 Published: NOV 15 200811. Popa M, Diamandescu L, Vasiliu F, et al., JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 44 Issue: 2 Pages: 358-364 Published: JAN 200912. Parvulescu AN, Mores D, Stavitski E, et al., JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 132 Issue: 30 Pages: 10429-10439 Published: AUG 4 201013. Aamodt K, Quintana AA, Achenbach R, et al., JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION Volume: 3 Article Number: S08002 Published: AUG 2008 14. Gurlui S, Agop M, Nica P, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 78 Issue: 2 Article Number: 026405 Part: Part 2 Published: AUG 2008 15. Mailyan B, Munteanu C, Haaland S, ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE Volume: 26 Issue: 8 Pages: 2383-2394 Published: 2008 16. Colotin M, Pompilian GO, Nica P, et al., ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A Volume: 116 Issue: 2 Pages: 157-164 Published: AUG 2009 17. Horvath G, Skalny JD, Mason NJ, et al., Conference Information: 19th European Sectional Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases, JUL 15-19, 2008 Granada, SPAIN, PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Volume: 18 Issue: 3 Article Number: 034016 Published: AUG 2009

AP 1.4: Tehnologii de crestere, inginerie de defecteImpurities1. Mikheenko P, Sarkar A, Dang VS, et al., PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 469 Issue: 14 Pages: 798-804 Published: JUL 15 2009


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2. Li ZR, Kandel HR, Dervishi E, et al., LANGMUIR Volume: 24 Issue: 6 Pages: 2655-2662 Published: MAR 18 2008 3. Niculescu EC, Burileanu LM, Radu A, SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES Volume: 44 Issue: 2 Pages: 173-182 Published: AUG 2008 4. Radu A, Niculescu E, Cristea M, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Volume: 10 Issue: 10 Pages: 2555-2563 Published: OCT 2008 5. Brik MG, Avram NM, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER Volume: 21 Issue: 15 Article Number: 155502 Published: APR 15 2009 6. Eseanu N, Niculescu EC, Burileanu LM, PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES Volume: 41 Issue: 8 Pages: 1386-1392 Published: AUG 2009 7. Nistor SV, Stefan M, Nistor LC, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 81 Issue: 3 Article Number: 035336 Published: JAN 15 2010 8. Nicoara I, Stef M, Pruna A, Conference Information: 15th International Conference on Crystal Growth, AUG 12-17, 2007 Salt Lake City, UT, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH Volume: 310 Issue: 7-9 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 1470-1475 Published: APR 2008 9. Crisan M, Sanchez D, Lopez R, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 79 Issue: 12 Article Number: 125319 Published: MAR 2009 10. Sorescu M, Diamandescu L, Teodorescu VS, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER Volume: 403 Issue: 19-20 Pages: 3838-3845 Published: OCT 1 2008 11.Enculescu M, OPTICAL MATERIALS Volume: 32 Issue: 2 Pages: 281-285 Published: DEC 2009As grown defects 1. Chen Y, Wei L, Wang B, et al., ACS NANO Volume: 1 Issue: 4 Pages: 327-336 Published: NOV 2007 2. Nicoara I, Stef M, Pruna A, Conference Information: 15th International Conference on Crystal Growth, AUG 12-17, 2007 Salt Lake City, UT, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH Volume: 310 Issue: 7-9 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 1470-1475 Published: APR 2008 3. Mikheenko P, Sarkar A, Dang VS, et al., PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 469 Issue: 14 Pages: 798-804 Published: JUL 15 2009 4. Nistor M, Gherendi F, Mandache NB, et al., JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 106 Issue: 10 Article Number: 103710 Published: NOV 15 2009 5. Crisan A, Kechik MMA, Mikheenko P, et al., SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Volume: 22 Issue: 4 Article Number: 045014 Published: APR 2009 6. Baltog I, Baibarac M, Lefrant S, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER Volume: 21 Issue: 2 Article Number: 025507 Published: JAN 14 2009 7. Stanculescu A, Mihut L, Stanculescu F, et al., Conference Information: 15th International Conference on Crystal Growth, AUG 12-17, 2007 Salt Lake City, UT, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH Volume: 310 Issue: 7-9 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 1765-1771 Published: APR 2008 8. Nicoara T, Munteanu M, Preda E, et al., Conference Information: 15th International Conference on Crystal Growth, AUG 12-17, 2007 Salt Lake City, UT, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH Volume: 310 Issue: 7-9 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 2020-2025 Published: APR 2008 9. Crisan A, Sarkar A, Mikheenko P, et al., JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM Volume: 22 Issue: 7 Pages: 631-636 Published: OCT 2009 10. Augieri A, Galluzzi V, Celentano G, et al., IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY Volume: 19 Issue: 3 3399-3402 Part: Part 3 JUN 2009


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AP 1.5: Straturi şi multistraturi pentru senzori de gaze si lichide1. Popescu, M; Sava, F; Lorinczi, A, Socol G, Mihailescu IN, Tomescu A, Conference Information: 10th International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials (NCM 10), Date: SEP 18-22, 2006 Prague CZECH REPUBLIC, JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS Volume: 353 Issue: 18-21 Pages: 1865-1869 (2007)2. Simandan, ID; Popescu, M; Lorinczi, Velea A, Fagadar-Cosma E, DIGEST JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS AND BIOSTRUCTURES Volume: 5, Issue: 4 Pages: 1029-1033 Published: 20103. Simandan, ID; Sava, F; Velea, A, OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 4 Issue: 8 Pages: 1178-1181 Published: 20104. Lorinczi, A; Sava, F; Tomescu, A, Simion C, Socol G, Mihailescu IN, Popescu M, 1st International Workshop on Optoelectronic Techniques for Environmental Monitoring and Risk Assessment, Date: MAY 21-24, 2007 Bucharest ROMANIA, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Volume: 9 Issue: 11 Pages: 3489-3492 Published: 20075. Popescu, M; Lorinczi, A; Sava, F, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, Volume: 9 Issue: 12 Pages: 3954-3956 Published: 2007


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Tema 2 (AP 2): Materiale pentru aplicatii in electronica, biologie, medicina, optica, comunicatii, energie, automatizari, mediu, metode de studiu

Sinteza cautari cuvinte cheie pentru tema AP2 inregistrate in materie de depunere si procesare straturi subtiri si nano-obiecte, perioada 2008-2011

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Total articole în lume2008-2011


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Nr. articole RO cu mai mult de 5 citări

biomaterials 6.664 44 3.72 141 6 1.46 10biocompatibility 6885 44 3.65 155 7 1.26 11organic materials 16.500 N/A N/A 185 7 1.37 12oxides 28.071 N/A N/A 582 9 1.17 41ceramics 21.237 N/A N/A 254 9 1.75 36glasses 13.760 N/A N/A 274 12 2.22 41chalcogenides 1.326 20 2.73 16 2 1.88 1ferromagnetic 15.231 N/A N/A 155 8 1.47 44ferroelectric 9.408 39 2.6 60 7 1.8 9multiferroic 381 18 5.13 5 2 1.60 1sensors 52.553 N/A N/A 453 10 1.21 26magnetic sensor 2.827 26 1.98 34 3 1.18 3spintronics 1946 39 4.51 10 3 8.5 2liquid crystals 8.083 40 2.96 112 6 1.79 14molecular crystals 6.993 42 3.65 43 5 2.12 6polymers 58.340 N/A N/A 716 13 1.68 71nanocomposite 11.311 N/A N/A 137 7 1.15 13multilayers 5.614 39 3.3 58 5 1.03 6

semiconductors 20.010 N/A N/A 118 6 1.9212

AP 2.1: BiomaterialeBiomaterials1. Mareci D, Ungureanu G, Aelenei DM, et al., MATERIALS AND CORROSION-WERKSTOFFE UND KORROSION Volume: 58 Issue: 11 Pages: 848-856 NOV 2007 2. Capuccini C, Torricelli P, Sima F, et al., ACTA BIOMATERIALIA Volume: 4 Issue: 6 Pages: 1885-1893 Published: NOV 2008 3. Popa MV, Demetrescu I, Suh SH, et al., BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY Volume: 71 Issue: 2 Pages: 126-134 Published: NOV 2007 4. Ficai A, Andronescu E, Ghitulica C, et al., MATERIALE PLASTICE Volume: 46 Issue: 1 Pages: 11-15 Published: 2009


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5. Popa MV, Vasilescu E, Drob P, et al., JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE Volume: 19 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-9 Published: JAN 2008 6. Lungu A, Albu M, Trandafir V, MATERIALE PLASTICE Volume: 44 Issue: 4 Pages: 273-277 Published: 2007 7. Macocinschi D, Filip D, Butnaru M, et al., JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE Volume: 20 Issue: 3 Pages: 775-783 Published: MAR 2009 8. Simon V, Albon C, Simon S, JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS Volume: 354 Issue: 15-16 Pages: 1751-1755 Published: MAR 15 2008 9. Gaidau C, Niculescu M, Stepan E, et al., REVISTA DE CHIMIE Volume: 60 Issue: 5 Pages: 501-507 Published: MAY 2009 10. Buruiana EC, Kowalczuk M, Adamus G, et al., JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY Volume: 46 Issue: 12 Pages: 4103-4111 JUN 15 2008Biocompatibility1. Negroiu G, Piticescu RM, Chitanu GC, et al., Conference Information: 21st European Conference on Biomaterials, SEP 09-13, 2007 Brighton, ENGLAND, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE Volume: 19 Issue: 4 Pages: 1537-1544 Published: APR 2008 2. Papaphilippou P, Loizou L, Popa NC, et al., BIOMACROMOLECULES Volume: 10 Issue: 9 Pages: 2662-2671 Published: SEP 2009 3. Predoi D, Barsan M, Andronescu E, et al., JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Volume: 9 Issue: 11 Pages: 3609-3613 NOV 2007 4. Popa MV, Raducanu D, Vasilescu E, et al., MATERIALS AND CORROSION-WERKSTOFFE UND KORROSION Volume: 59 Issue: 12 Pages: 919-928 DEC 2008 5. Gordin DM, Delvat E, Chelariu R, et al., ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS Volume: 10 Issue: 8 Pages: 714-719 Published: AUG 2008 6. Mareci D, Chelariu R, Gordin DM, et al., ACTA BIOMATERIALIA Volume: 5 Issue: 9 Pages: 3625-3639 Published: NOV 2009 7. Craciunescu O, Lungu M, Zarnescu O, et al., MATERIALE PLASTICE Volume: 45 Issue: 2 Pages: 163-166 Published: JUN 2008 8. Man I, Pirvu C, Demetrescu I, REVISTA DE CHIMIE Volume: 59 Issue: 6 Pages: 615-617 Published: JUN 2008 9. Lungu A, Albu M, Trandafir V, MATERIALE PLASTICE Volume: 44 Issue: 4 Pages: 273-277 Published: 2007 10. Predoi D, Vatasescu-Balcan RA, Pasuk I, et al., JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Volume: 10 Issue: 8 Pages: 2151-2155 AUG 2008

AP 2.2: Materiale feroelectrice si multiferoiceFerroelectric1. Scarisoreanu N, Craciun F, Ion V, et al., Conference Information: Symposium on Laser Synthesis and Processing of Advanced Materials held at the E-MRS 2007 Spring Meeting, 2007 Strasbourg, FRANCE, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Volume: 254 Issue: 4 Pages: 1292-1297 Published: DEC 15 2007 2. Pintilie L, Dragoi C, Chu YH, et al., APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 94 Issue: 23 Article Number: 232902 Published: JUN 8 2009


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3. Pintilie L, Boldyreva K, Alexe M, et al., JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 103 Issue: 2 Article Number: 024101 Published: JAN 15 2008 4. Cernea M, Andronescu E, Radu R, et al., JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume: 490 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 690-694 Published: FEB 4 2010 5. Berbecaru C, Alexandru HV, Porosnicu C, et al., THIN SOLID FILMS Volume: 516 Issue: 22 Pages: 8210-8214 Published: SEP 30 2008 6. Pintilie L, Vrejoiu I, Hesse D, et al., JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 104 Issue: 11 Article Number: 114101 Published: DEC 1 2008 7. Pintilie L, Boldyreva K, Alexe M, et al., NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS Volume: 10 Article Number: 013003 Published: JAN 14 2008 8. Tufescu FM, Curecheriu L, Ianculescu A, et al., Conference Information: International Workshop on Exotic States in Materials with Strongly Correlated Electrons, SEP 07-10, 2007 Sinaia, ROMANIA, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Volume: 10 Issue: 7 Pages: 1894-1897 Published: JUL 2008 9. Popa M, Preda S, Fruth V, et al., THIN SOLID FILMS Volume: 517 Issue: 8 Pages: 2581-2585 Published: FEB 27 2009 10. Circu V, Manaila-Maximean D, Rosu C, et al., LIQUID CRYSTALS Volume: 36 Issue: 2 Pages: 123-132 Published: 2009Ferromagnetic1. Madalan AM, Avarvari N, Fourmigue M, et al., INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 47 Issue: 3 Pages: 940-950 Published: FEB 4 2008 2. Branzea DG, Sorace L, Maxim C, et al., INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 47 Issue: 15 Pages: 6590-6592 Published: AUG 4 2008 3. Branzea DG, Guerri A, Fabelo O, et al., CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Pages: 941-949 Published: MAR 2008 4. Xu Y, Mahmood M, Li ZR, et al., NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 19 Issue: 43 Article Number: 435102 Published: OCT 29 2008 5. Madalan AM, Bernot K, Pointillart F, et al., EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Issue: 35 Pages: 5533-5540 Published: DEC 2007 6. Ebels U, Houssameddine D, Firastrau I, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 78 Issue: 2 Article Number: 024436 Published: JUL 2008 7. Chiriac H, Ovari TA, Corodeanu S, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 76 Issue: 21 Article Number: 214433 Published: DEC 2007 8. Tudor V, Marin G, Lloret F, et al., INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA Volume: 361 Issue: 12-13 Pages: 3446-3452 Published: SEP 1 2008 9. Novak RL, Sinnecker JP, Chiriac H, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 41 Issue: 9 Article Number: 095005 Published: MAY 7 2008 10. Little RB, Biris AR, Lupu D, et al., JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Volume: 320 Issue: 3-4 Pages: 540-547 Published: FEB 2008

AP 2.3: Materiale dielectriceOxides 1. Obreja VVN, Conference Information: Symposium on Electron Transport in Low-Dimensional Carbon Structures/Science and Technology of Nanotubes and Nanowires, MAY 28-JUN 01, 2007


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Strasbourg, FRANCE, PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES Volume: 40 Issue: 7 Pages: 2596-2605 MAY 2008 2. Bica I, Choi HJ, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B Volume: 22 Issue: 29 Pages: 5041-5064 Published: NOV 20 2008 3. Popa MV, Demetrescu I, Suh SH, et al., BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY Volume: 71 Issue: 2 Pages: 126-134 Published: NOV 2007 4. Wuttke S, Coman SM, Scholz G, et al., CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL Volume: 14 Issue: 36 Pages: 11488-11499 Published: 2008 5. Cojocariu AM, Mutin PH, Dumitriu E, et al., CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS Issue: 42 Pages: 5357-5359 Published: 2008 6. Marcu A, Yanagida T, Nagashima K, et al., APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 92 Issue: 17 Article Number: 173119 Published: APR 28 2008 7. Ianos R, Lazau I, Pacurariu C, et al., MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN Volume: 43 Issue: 12 Pages: 3408-3415 Published: DEC 1 2008 8. Carja G, Kameshima Y, Okada K, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS Volume: 115 Issue: 3 Pages: 541-547 Published: NOV 1 2008 9. Ferrando R, Rossi G, Nita F, et al., ACS NANO Volume: 2 Issue: 9 Pages: 1849-1856 Published: SEP 2008 10. Girtan M, Rusu GG, Dabos-Seignon S, et al., APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Volume: 254 Issue: 13 Pages: 4179-4185 Published: APR 30 2008Ceramics1. Pascuta P, Pop L, Rada S, et al., Conference Information: 4rd International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS-4), JUN 10-15, 2007 Corfu, GREECE, VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 48 Issue: 2 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 281-284 Published: NOV 20 2008 2. Lupei V, Lupei A, Ikesue A, Conference Information: 6th Israeli-French Workshop on Advances in Optical and Laser Materials - Crystals, Amorphous Materials, Photonic Crystals and Nano-Particles, DEC 11-12, 2006 Jerusalem, ISRAEL, OPTICAL MATERIALS Volume: 30 Issue: 11 Pages: 1781-1786 Published: JUL 2008 3. Rada S, Culea E, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE Volume: 929 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 141-148 Published: JUL 16 2009 4. Rada S, Culea E, Bosca M, et al., Conference Information: 4rd International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS-4), JUN 10-15, 2007 Corfu, GREECE, VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY Volume: 48 Issue: 2 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 285-288 Published: NOV 20 2008 5. Rada S, Culea E, Culea M, Conference Information: 7th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology, NOV 11-14, 2007 Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE Volume: 43 Issue: 19 Pages: 6480-6485 Published: OCT 2008 6. Scarisoreanu N, Craciun F, Ion V, et al., Conference Information: Symposium on Laser Synthesis and Processing of Advanced Materials held at the E-MRS 2007 Spring Meeting, 2007 Strasbourg, FRANCE, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Volume: 254 Issue: 4 Pages: 1292-1297 Published: DEC 15 2007 7. Ianos R, Lazau I, Pacurariu C, et al., MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN Volume: 43 Issue: 12 Pages: 3408-3415 Published: DEC 1 2008


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8. Ianos R, Lazau I, Pacurariu C, et al., Conference Information: Symposium on Chemistry and Processes for the Design of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles held at the 2007 EMRS Fall Meeting, SEP 17-21, 2007 Warsaw, POLAND, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Issue: 6 Pages: 931-938 Published: FEB 2008 9. Veljovic D, Jokic B, Petrovic R, et al., CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL Volume: 35 Issue: 4 Pages: 1407-1413 Published: MAY 2009 10. Curtu I, Motoc DL, MATERIALE PLASTICE Volume: 45 Issue: 4 Pages: 366-371 Published: DEC 2008

AP 2.4: Cristale lichide, moleculare si polimeriLiquid Crystals1. van der Schoot P, Popa-Nita V, Kralj S, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B Volume: 112 Issue: 15 Pages: 4512-4518 Published: APR 17 2008 2. Cruz C, Figueirinhas JL, Filip D, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 78 Issue: 5 Article Number: 051702 Part: Part 1 Published: NOV 2008 3. Rotaru A, Constantinescu C, Rotaru P, et al., Conference Information: 8th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, SEP 25-29, 2007 Palermo, ITALY, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY Volume: 92 Issue: 1 Pages: 279-284 Published: APR 2008 4. Frunza L, Frunza S, Kosslick H, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 78 Issue: 5 Article Number: 051701 Part: Part 1 Published: NOV 2008 5. Rotaru A, Kropidlowska A, Moanta A, et al., Conference Information: 8th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, SEP 25-29, 2007 Palermo, ITALY, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY Volume: 92 Issue: 1 Pages: 233-238 Published: APR 2008 6. Stelian C, Yeckel A, Derby JJ, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH Volume: 311 Issue: 8 Pages: 2572-2579 Published: APR 1 2009 7. Marin L, Destri S, Porzio W, et al., LIQUID CRYSTALS Volume: 36 Issue: 1 Pages: 21-32 Published: 2009 8. Tenchiu AC, Ilis M, Dumitrascu F, et al., POLYHEDRON Volume: 27 Issue: 18 Pages: 3537-3544 Published: DEC 12 2008 9. Braescu L, JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE Volume: 319 Issue: 1 Pages: 309-315 Published: MAR 1 2008 10. Circu V, Horton PN, Hursthouse MB, et al., LIQUID CRYSTALS Volume: 34 Issue: 12 Pages: 1463-1472 Published: 2007Molecular Crystals1. Cruz C, Figueirinhas JL, Filip D, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 78 Issue: 5 Article Number: 051702 Part: Part 1 Published: NOV 2008 2. Dumitru F, Legrand YM, Van der Lee A, et al., CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS Issue: 19 Pages: 2667-2669 Published: 2009 3. Frunza L, Frunza S, Kosslick H, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 78 Issue: 5 Article Number: 051701 Part: Part 1 Published: NOV 2008 4. Tenchiu AC, Ilis M, Dumitrascu F, et al., POLYHEDRON Volume: 27 Issue: 18 Pages: 3537-3544 Published: DEC 12 2008


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5. Circu V, Horton PN, Hursthouse MB, et al., LIQUID CRYSTALS Volume: 34 Issue: 12 Pages: 1463-1472 Published: 2007 6. Stamatoiu O, Bubnov A, Tarcomnicu I, et al., JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE Volume: 886 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 187-196 Published: AUG 27 2008 7. Circu V, Manaila-Maximean D, Rosu C, et al., LIQUID CRYSTALS Volume: 36 Issue: 2 Pages: 123-132 Published: 2009 8. Cheung DL, Anton L, Allen MP, et al., Conference Information: Conference on Computational Physics, SEP 05-08, 2007 Brussels, BELGIUM, COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 179 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 61-65 Published: JUL 2008 9. Rotar A, Varga RA, Jurkschat K, et al., JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 694 Issue: 9-10 Pages: 1385-1392 Published: APR 15 2009 10. Stanculescu A, Mihut L, Stanculescu F, et al., Conference Information: 15th International Conference on Crystal Growth, AUG 12-17, 2007 Salt Lake City, UT, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH Volume: 310 Issue: 7-9 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 1765-1771 Published: APR 2008Polymers1. Obreja VVN, Conference Information: Symposium on Electron Transport in Low-Dimensional Carbon Structures/Science and Technology of Nanotubes and Nanowires, MAY 28-JUN 01, 2007 Strasbourg, FRANCE, PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES Volume: 40 Issue: 7 Pages: 2596-2605 : MAY 2008 2. Andruh M, Costes JP, Diaz C, et al., INORGANIC CHEMISTRY Volume: 48 Issue: 8 Pages: 3342-3359 Published: APR 20 2009 3. Li ZR, Kandel HR, Dervishi E, et al., LANGMUIR Volume: 24 Issue: 6 Pages: 2655-2662 Published: MAR 18 2008 4. Bica I, Choi HJ, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B Volume: 22 Issue: 29 Pages: 5041-5064 Published: NOV 20 2008 5. van der Schoot P, Popa-Nita V, Kralj S, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B Volume: 112 Issue: 15 Pages: 4512-4518 Published: APR 17 2008 6. Dinu MV, Dragan ES, REACTIVE & FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS Volume: 68 Issue: 9 Pages: 1346-1354 Published: SEP 2008 7. Fundueanu G, Constantin M, Ascenzi P, BIOMATERIALS Volume: 29 Issue: 18 Pages: 2767-2775 Published: JUN 2008 8. Li ZR, Kunets VP, Saini V, et al., ACS NANO Volume: 3 Issue: 6 Pages: 1407-1414 Published: JUN 2009 9. Cruz C, Figueirinhas JL, Filip D, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW E Volume: 78 Issue: 5 Article Number: 051702 Part: Part 1 Published: NOV 2008 10. Ene CD, Tuna F, Fabelo O, et al., POLYHEDRON Volume: 27 Issue: 2 Pages: 574-582 Published: FEB 6 2008

AP 2.5: Nanocomposite, multistraturi, super-reteleNanocomposites1. Bobu M, Yediler A, Siminiceanu I, et al., APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL Volume: 83 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 15-23 Published: SEP 1 2008 2. Ciubotariu AC, Benea L, Lakatos-Varsanyi M, et al., ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA Volume: 53 Issue: 13 Pages: 4557-4563 Published: MAY 20 2008


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3. Negroiu G, Piticescu RM, Chitanu GC, et al., Conference Information: 21st European Conference on Biomaterials, SEP 09-13, 2007 Brighton, ENGLAND, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE Volume: 19 Issue: 4 Pages: 1537-1544 Published: APR 2008 4. Iurascu B, Siminiceanu I, Vione D, et al., WATER RESEARCH Volume: 43 Issue: 5 Pages: 1313-1322 Published: MAR 2009 5. Arvinte A, Sesay AM, Virtanen V, et al., ELECTROANALYSIS Volume: 20 Issue: 21 Pages: 2355-2362 Published: NOV 2008 6. Saini V, Li ZR, Bourdo S, et al., JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Volume: 113 Issue: 19 Pages: 8023-8029 Published: MAY 14 2009 7. Sulca NM, Lungu A, Popescu R, et al., MATERIALE PLASTICE Volume: 46 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-10 Published: 2009 8. Petrea CM, Garea SA, Iovu H, MATERIALE PLASTICE Volume: 45 Issue: 1 Pages: 34-37 Published: MAR 2008 9. Vladescu A, Kiss A, Popescu A, et al., Conference Information: International Workshop on Nanostructured Materials (ANAOMAT 2006), JUN 21-23, 2006 Antalya, TURKEY, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Pages: 717-721 Published: FEB 2008 10. Garea SA, Iovu H, Nicolescu A, et al., POLYMER TESTING Volume: 28 Issue: 3 Pages: 338-347 Published: MAY 2009Multilayers1. Simon F, Dragan ES, Bucatariu F, REACTIVE & FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS Volume: 68 Issue: 7 Pages: 1178-1184 Published: JUL 2008 2. Pintilie L, Boldyreva K, Alexe M, et al., NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS Volume: 10 Article Number: 013003 Published: JAN 14 2008 3. Vladescu A, Kiss A, Popescu A, et al., Conference Information: International Workshop on Nanostructured Materials (ANAOMAT 2006), JUN 21-23, 2006 Antalya, TURKEY, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Pages: 717-721 Published: FEB 2008 4. Ficai A, Andronescu E, Voicu G, et al., MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS Volume: 29 Issue: 7 Pages: 2217-2220 Published: AUG 31 2009 5. Kechik MMA, Mikheenko P, Sarkar A, et al., Conference Information: International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism, AUG 25-29, 2008 Side, TURKEY, SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Volume: 22 Issue: 3 Article Number: 034020 Published: MAR 2009 6. Kuncser V, Valeanu M, Schinteie G, et al., Conference Information: 8th Latin American Workshop on Magnetism, Magnetic Materials and Their Applications, AUG 12-16, 2007 Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL, JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS Volume: 320 Issue: 14 Pages: E226-E230 Published: JUL 2008 7. Dragan ES, Bucatariu F, MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 31 Issue: 3 Pages: 317-322 Published: FEB 2 2010 8. Dragan ES, Bucatariu F, Hitruc G, BIOMACROMOLECULES Volume: 11 Issue: 3 Pages: 787-796 Published: MAR 2010 9. Volmer M, Neamtu J, Conference Information: 6th International Symposium on Hysteresis and Modeling Micromagnetics, JUN 04-06, 2007 Naples, ITALY, PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER Volume: 403 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 350-353 Published: FEB 1 2008


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10. Sarkar A, Mikheenko P, Dang VS, et al., Conference Information: 21st International Symposium on Superconductivity, OCT 27-29, 2008 Tsukuba, JAPAN, PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS Volume: 469 Issue: 15-20 Pages: 1550-1553 Published: AUG-OCT 2009

AP 2.6: Materiale semiconductoare 1. Aad G, Abat E, Abdallah J, et al., JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION Volume: 3 Article

Number: S08003 Published: AUG 2008 2. Chatrchyan S, Hmayakyan G, Khachatryan V, et al., JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION

Volume: 3 Article Number: S08004 Published: AUG 2008 3. Dragoman M, Dragoman D, PROGRESS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS Volume: 32 Issue: 1

Pages: 1-41 Published: 2008 4. Mardare D, Iftimie N, Luca D, Conference Information: 4th Functional and Nanostructured

Materials Conference, SEP 01-06, 2007 Gdansk, POLAND, JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS Volume: 354 Issue: 35-39 Pages: 4396-4400 Published: OCT 1 2008

5. Valentini F, Biagiotti V, Lete C, et al., SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 128 Issue: 1 Pages: 326-333 Published: DEC 12 2007

6. Pokhrel S, Simion CE, Teodorescu VS, et al., ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS Volume: 19 Issue: 11 Pages: 1767-1774 Published: JUN 9 2009

7. Puscasu G, Codres B, Stancu A, et al., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEURAL SYSTEMS Volume: 19 Issue: 2 Pages: 115-125 Published: APR 2009

8. Khandelwal R, Singh AP, Kapoor A, et al., OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY Volume: 41 Issue: 1 Pages: 89-93 Published: FEB 2009

9. Lefrant S, Baibarac M, Baltog I, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY Volume: 19 Issue: 32 Pages: 5690-5704 Published: 2009

10. Lupu S, Lete C, Marin M, et al., Conference Information: 6th Spring Meeting of the International Society-of-Electrochemistry, MAR 16-19, 2008 Foz do Lguacu, BRAZIL, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA Volume: 54 Issue: 7 Pages: 1932-1938 Published: FEB 28 2009

11. D. Biro, P. B. Barna, L. Szekely, O. Geszti, T. Hattori and A. Devenyi, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 590 (1-3), 99-106 (2008).

12. M. Braic, V. Braic, M. Balaceanu, C. N. Zoita, A. Vladescu and E. Grigore, Surface & Coatings Technology 204 (12-13), 2010-2014 (2010).

13. E. Budianu, R. Muller, M. Purica, L. Eftime, R. Skarvelakis and G. Kiriakidis, Thin Solid Films 518 (4), 1057-1059 (2009).

14. E. Budianu, M. Purica, F. Iacomi, C. Baban, P. Prepelita and E. Manea, Thin Solid Films 516 (7), 1629-1633 (2008).

15. M. Cernea, L. Trupina, C. Plapcianu, R. Trusca and C. Galassi, Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications 3 (9), 947-950 (2009).

16. J. M. Chappe, A. C. Fernandes, L. Cunha, C. Moura, F. Vaz, N. Martin, D. Munteanu and B. Borcea, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 10 (4), 900-903 (2008).

17. L. Cunha, C. Moura, F. Vaz, J. M. Chappe, C. Olteanu, D. Munteanu and A. Munteanu, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 11 (7), 976-980 (2009).

18. N. Ekem, S. Korkmaz, S. Pat, M. Z. Balbag, N. E. Cetin, M. Ozmumcu, R. Vladoiu and G. Musa, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 10 (12), 3279-3282 (2008).


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19. M. Flori, B. Gruzza, L. Bideux, G. Monier and C. Robert-Goumet, Applied Surface Science 254 (15), 4738-4743 (2008).

20. R. Gavrila, A. Dinescu and D. Mardare, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology 10 (3), 291-300 (2007).

21. F. I. Ilie and C. M. Tita, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy Series a-Mathematics Physics Technical Sciences Information Science 8 (3), 207-211 (2007).

22. T. V. Kononenko, I. A. Nagovitsyn, G. K. Chudinova and I. N. Mihailescu, Applied Surface Science 256 (9), 2803-2808 (2010).

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25. E. Manea, L. Staicu, A. Popescu, A. C. Obreja, A. Dinescu, V. Schiopu, M. Purica and Ieee, in Cas: 2009 International Semiconductor Conference, Vols 1 and 2, Proceedings (2009), pp. 163-166.

26. D. Marconi, I. Matei, S. Manolache, C. Lung and A. V. Pop, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 10 (4), 926-928 (2008).

27. D. Mardare, A. Manole, A. Yildiz and D. Luca, Chemical Engineering Communications 198 (4), 530-540 (2011).

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30. A. Muller, G. Konstantinidis, M. Dragoman, D. Neculoiu, A. Kostopoulos, M. Androulidaki, M. Kayambaki and D. Vasilache, Applied Optics 47 (10), 1453-1456 (2008).

31. J. Neamtu, M. Volmer and R. V. Medianu, Magnetotransport Properties and Tunnel Effect of Thin Film Nano-Structures. (2008).

32. C. C. Negrila, C. Cotirlan, F. Ungureanu, C. Logofatu and R. Lazarescu, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 10 (6), 1379-1383 (2008).

33. M. Nicolescu, M. Anastasescu, S. Preda, J. M. Calderon-Moreno, P. Osiceanu, M. Gartner, V. S. Teodorescu, A. V. Maraloiu, V. Kampylafka, E. Aperathitis and M. Modreanu, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 12 (5), 1045-1051 (2010).

34. C. Olteanu, A. Munteanu, D. Munteanu, B. Borcea, F. Vaz and L. Cunha, Metalurgia International 14, 129-132 (2009).

35. C. Olteanu, D. Munteanu, C. Ionescu, A. Munteanu, J. M. Chappe, L. Cunha and F. Vaz, International Journal of Materials & Product Technology 39 (1-2), 186-194 (2010).

36. A. V. Pop, in Proceedings of the Physics Conference Tim-08, edited by M. Bunoiu and I. Malaescu (2009), Vol. 1131, pp. 106-111.

37. A. V. Pop, C. Lung, D. Radulescu and V. Pop, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 10 (7), 1869-1871 (2008).

38. A. V. Pop, S. Manolache, R. Coldea and M. Pop, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 10 (4), 919-921 (2008).

39. P. Prepelita, R. Medianu, F. Garoi, A. Moldovan and A. M. Vlaicu, in Romopto 2009: Ninth Conference on Optics: Micro- to Nanophotonics Ii, edited by V. I. Vlad (2010), Vol. 7469.


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40. P. Prepelita, R. Medianu, B. Sbarcea, F. Garoi and M. Filipescu, Applied Surface Science 256 (6), 1807-1811 (2010).

41. M. D. Stamate, I. Lazar and G. Lazar, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 354 (1), 61-64 (2008).42. M. Stamate, G. Lazar and I. Lazar, Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Electronics 20 (2),

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46. M. Suchea, S. Christoulakis, I. V. Tudose, D. Vernardou, M. I. Lygeraki, S. H. Anastasiadis, T. Kitsopoulos and G. Kiriakidis, Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology 144 (1-3), 54-59 (2007).

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AP 2.7: Solide in stare amorfa: fenomene si aplicatii1. M. Popescu, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 7(4), 2189 – 2210

(2005).2. M. Popescu, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 6(4), 1147-1152 (2004).3. M. Popescu, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 5(5), 1059-1068 (2003).4. M. Popescu, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, vol. 352(9-20), 887-891 (2006).5. M. Popescu, F. Sava, A. Anghel, A. Lorinczi, I. Kaban, W. Hoyer, Journal of Optoelectronics

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249-254 (2001).7. M. Popescu, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 3(2), 279-286 (2001). 8. Stoica, TF; Stoica, TA; Zaharescu, M, Popescu M, Sava F, Popescu-Pogrion N, Frunza L,

Conference Information: Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials (ROCAM 2000), Date: OCT 23-25, 2000 BUCHAREST ROMANIA, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol 2(5), 684-688 2000.

9. Popescu, M; Sava, F; Lorinczi, A, Mihailescu IN, Socol G, Axente E, Kaban I, Hoyer W, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 6(1), 163-167 (2004).


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10. Popescu, M; Leonovici, M., Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Vol. 8(5), 1831-1837 (2006).

11. Popescu, M; Sava, F; Lorinczi, A, Savastru D, Miclos S, Savastru R, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 7(2), 1103-1106 (2005).

12. Shpotyuk, O; Kovalskiy, A; Kavetskyy, T, Golovchak R, Popescu M., Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 5(5), 1181-1185, (2003)

13. Popescu, M; Iovu, M; Hoyer, W, Shpotyuk O, Sava F, Lorinczi A, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 3(2), 303-306 (2001).

14. Popescu, M; Hoyer, W, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, vol. 4(4), 867-873 (2002)

15. M. Popescu, A. Velea, F. Sava, A. Lorinczi, A. Tomescu, C. Simion, E. Matei, G. Socol, I. N. Mihailescu, A. Andonie, I. Stamatin, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, 207(3) , p. 516-520, 2010

16. I.Bibicu, A. Lorinczi, A. Velea, F. Sava, M. Popescu, OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS, 4(10), p. 1568-1571, 2010

17. M. Popescu, A. Velea, C. Mihai, S. Tivadar, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 5(3), p. 629-633, 2010

18. M. Popescu, A. Velea, A. Lorinczi, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 5(4), p. 1035-1040, 2010

19. M. Popescu, A. Velea, A. Lorinczi, M. Zamfirescu, F. Jipa, S. Miclos, A. Popescu, M. Ciobanu, D. Savastru, Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures, 5(4), p. 1101-1105, 2010

20. Lorinczi, A. Velea, E. Matei, I.-D. Simandan, M. Popescu, Chalcogenide Letters, 7(11), p. 609-612, 2010

21. S. Georgescu, A. M. Voiculescu, S. Salamu, H. Niciu, D. Niciu, M. Popescu, A. Lorinczi, A. Velea, D. Simandan, Chalcogenide Letters, 7(11), p. 621-624 , 2010

22. H. Niciu, M. Popescu, A. Velea, A. Lorinczi, A. Manea, D. Niciu, M. Lazarescu, Chalcogenide Letters, 7(11), p. 625-629 , 2010


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Tema 3 (AP 3): Materiale magnetice: proprietăţi şi aplicaţii în biologie, medicină, IT, comunicaţii, electronică, energie, mediu şi industria auto

Numele principalelor instituţii cu contribuţii/activităţi în această tematică: Institutul Naţional de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Fizică Tehnică – IFT Iaşi; Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica Materialelor - INCDFM Bucureşti; Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi; Universitatea Tehnică “Gheorghe Asachi” Iaşi; Universitatea Babeş – Bolyai Cluj Napoca; Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara; Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca; Universitatea Politehnică din Timişoara; Universitatea Transilvania din Braşov; Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Inginerie Electrică ICPE-CA Bucureşti; Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Microtehnologii – IMT Bucureşti; Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie Cluj-Napoca; Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie din Iaşi; Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi.

AP 3.1: Materiale magnetice cu structuri speciale (inclusiv amorfe şi nanostructurate)1. M. Angelakeris, O. Crisan, E. Papaioannou, N. Vouroutzis, I. Tsiaoussis, E. Pavlidou, A. D.

Crisan, I. Kostic, N. Sobal, M. Giersig and N. K. Flevaris, Materials Science & Engineering C-Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems 23 (6-8), 873-878 (2003).

2. G. Carja, A. Nakajima, C. Dranca and K. Okada, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 12 (8), 3049-3056 (2010).

3. H. Chiriac and C. Hison, Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 304, 1066-1068 (2001).

4. H. Chiriac, M. Lostun and T. A. Ovari, Journal of Applied Physics 109 (7) (2011).5. H. Chiriac and N. Lupu, Physica B 299 (3-4), 293-301 (2001).6. H. Chiriac and N. Lupu, Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties

Microstructure and Processing 304, 727-730 (2001).7. H. Chiriac and N. Lupu, Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties

Microstructure and Processing 375, 255-259 (2004).8. H. Chiriac and N. Lupu, Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 41 (10), 3289-3291 (2005).9. H. Chiriac, N. Lupu and K. V. Rao, Scripta Materialia 44 (8-9), 1379-1382 (2001).10. H. Chiriac and T. A. Ovari, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 249 (1-2), 46-54

(2002).11. H. Chiriac, T. A. Ovari, S. Corodeanu and G. Ababei, Physical Review B 76 (21) (2007).12. H. Chiriac, M. Urse and M. Grigoras, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (20),

E944-E948 (2008).13. D. Cimpoesu, L. Spinu and A. Stancu, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8 (6),

2731-2744 (2008).14. D. Cimpoesu, L. Stoleriu, A. Stancu, N. Lupu and H. Chiriac, Ieee Transactions on Magnetics

40 (4), 2730-2732 (2004).15. O. Crisan, M. Angelakeris, N. Vouroutzis, A. D. Crisan, E. Pavlidou, I. Kostic, N. Sobal, M.

Giersig and N. K. Flevaris, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272, E1285-E1287 (2004).

16. O. Crisan, A. D. Crisan, N. Randrianantoandro, R. Nicula and E. Burkel, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 440 (1-2), L3-L7 (2007).


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17. O. Crisan, J. M. Le Breton, A. D. Crisan and G. Filoti, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 422 (1-2), 194-202 (2006).

18. O. Crisan, J. M. Le Breton, A. D. Crisan and G. Filoti, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 422 (1-2), 194-202 (2006).

19. E. Culea and I. Bratu, Acta Materialia 49 (1), 123-125 (2001).20. M. Dobromir, M. Neagu, G. Popa, H. Chiriac, V. Pohoata and C. Hison, Journal of Magnetism

and Magnetic Materials 316 (2), E904-E907 (2007).21. C. Duhamel, K. G. Georgarakis, A. LeMoulec, A. R. Yavari, G. Vaughan, A. Baron and N. Lupu,

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 483 (1-2), 243-246 (2009).22. A. Dumitru, A. Morozan, C. Mirea, D. Mihaiescu, C. Panaiotu, V. Ciupina and I. Stamatin,

Composites Science and Technology 65 (5), 713-717 (2005).23. A. Lancok, P. Bezdicka, M. Klementova, K. Zaveta and C. Savii, Acta Physica Polonica A 113

(1), 577-581 (2008).24. J. M. Le Breton and O. Crisan, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 351 (1-2), 59-64 (2003).25. N. Lupu, H. Chiriac, A. Takeuchi and A. Inoue, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

272, E1137-E1139 (2004).26. N. Lupu, M. Grigoras, M. Lostun and H. Chiriac, Journal of Applied Physics 105 (7) (2009).27. N. Lupu and A. Inoue, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 290, 1412-1418 (2005).28. N. Lupu, T. A. Ovari, S. Corodeanu and H. Chiriac, Journal of Applied Physics 103 (7) (2008).29. N. Lupu, P. Pascariu, C. Gherasim and H. Chiriac, Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 44 (11),

3005-3008 (2008).30. M. Marinescu, H. Chiriac and M. Grigoras, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

290, 1267-1269 (2005).31. M. Neagu, H. Chiriac and C. Hison, Sensors and Actuators a-Physical 115 (2-3), 490-493

(2004).32. B. V. Neamtu, O. Isnard, I. Chicinas and V. Pop, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (8),

3632-3637 (2011).33. R. Nicula, V. D. Cojocaru, J. Bednarcik, M. Stir and E. Burkel, Zeitschrift Fur Kristallographie,

345-350 (2007).34. R. Nicula, V. D. Cojocaru, M. Stir, J. Hennicke and E. Burkel, Journal of Alloys and Compounds

434, 362-366 (2007).35. R. Piccin, P. Tiberto, H. Chiriac and M. Baricco, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

320 (20), E806-E809 (2008).36. V. Pop, O. Isnard and I. Chicinas, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 361 (1-2), 144-152 (2003).37. M. Popovici, M. Gich, A. Roig, L. Casas, E. Molins, C. Savii, D. Becherescu, J. Sort, S. Surinach,

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42. M. Sorescu, A. Grabias and A. Valeanu, Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 39 (5), 2959-2961 (2003).

43. G. Stoian and H. Chiriac, Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 46 (2), 495-497 (2010).44. L. Stoleriu, D. Cimpoesu, A. Stancu, N. Lupu and H. Chiriac, Journal of Magnetism and

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AP 3.2: Fenomene de magnetotransport1. W. R. Branford, S. K. Clowes, M. H. Syed, Y. V. Bugoslavsky, S. Gardelis, J. Androulakis, J.

Giapintzakis, C. E. A. Grigorescu, A. V. Berenov, S. B. Roy and L. F. Cohen, Applied Physics Letters 84 (13), 2358-2360 (2004).

2. L. Brunetti, P. Tiberto, F. Vinai and H. Chiriac, Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 304, 961-964 (2001).

3. E. Burzo, I. Balasz, S. Constantinescu and I. G. Deac, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 316 (2), E741-E744 (2007).

4. E. Burzo, I. Balasz, M. Valeanu and I. G. Pop, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (1), 105-113 (2011).

5. Chiriac, O. G. Dragos, M. Grigoras, G. Ababei and N. Lupu, Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 45 (10), 4077-4080 (2009).

6. H. Chiriac, V. Goian and S. Corodeanu, Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 42 (10), 3359-3361 (2006).

7. H. Chiriac, M. Lozovan and M. Neagu, Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 304, 1023-1025 (2001).

8. H. Chiriac, M. Lozovan, M. Neagu, C. Hison and N. Lupu, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 13 (1-4), 317-321 (2001).

9. H. Chiriac, M. Lozovan, M. Neagu, C. Hison and N. Lupu, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 13 (1-4), 317-321 (2001).

10. H. Chiriac, I. Murgulescu and N. Lupu, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 272, 1860-1861 (2004).

11. H. Chiriac and T. A. Ovari, Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 38 (5), 3057-3062 (2002).12. H. Chiriac, M. Urse and M. Grigoras, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (20),

E944-E948 (2008).13. M. L. Craus, N. Cornei, L. Berdan, C. Mita and M. N. Palamaru, Ceramics International 30 (3),

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14. G. Deac, L. Giurgiu, A. Darabont, R. V. Tetean, M. Miron and E. Burzo, International Journal of Modern Physics B 19 (31), 4637-4644 (2005).

15. G. Deac, R. V. Tetean, M. Miron and E. Burzo, Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics 243 (1), 120-123 (2006).

16. G. Deac, R. Tetean, D. Andreica and E. Burzo, Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 44 (11), 2922-2925 (2008).

17. G. Deac, R. Tetean and E. Burzo, Physica B-Condensed Matter 403 (5-9), 1622-1624 (2008).18. G. Deac, A. Vladescu, I. Balasz, A. Tunyagi and R. Tetean, International Journal of Modern

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Thirion, J. P. Michel, L. Prejbeanu-Buda, M. C. Cyrille, O. Redon and B. Dieny, Nature Materials 6 (6), 447-453 (2007).

20. S. N. Kane, F. Alves, Z. Gercsi, F. Mazaleyrat, S. Gupte, H. Chiriac and M. Vazquez, Sensors and Actuators a-Physical 129 (1-2), 216-219 (2006).

21. V. Kuncser, I. Mustata, C. P. Lungu, A. M. Lungu, V. Zaroschi, W. Keune, B. Sahoo, F. Stromberg, M. Walterfang, L. Ion and G. Filoti, Surface & Coatings Technology 200 (1-4), 980-983 (2005).

22. M. Lozovan, H. Chiriac and M. Neagu, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 9 (4), 848-851 (2007).

23. P. Moca, B. L. Sheu, N. Samarth, P. Schiffer, B. Janko and G. Zarand, Physical Review Letters 102 (13) (2009).

24. J. Neamtu and M. Volmer, Surface Science 482, 1010-1014 (2001).25. S. Olariu, L. Stoleriu and A. Stancu, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 316 (2),

E302-E305 (2007).26. T. A. Ovari, H. Chiriac, C. S. Marinescu, F. J. Castano, M. Vazquez and A. Hernando, Sensors

and Actuators a-Physical 91 (1-2), 207-209 (2001).27. T. A. Ovari, M. Grigoras and H. Chiriac, Journal of Applied Physics 107 (9) (2010).28. Rezlescu, C. Doroftei, P. D. Popa and N. Rezlescu, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic

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Nanomaterials (2009).30. V. Sandu, S. Popa, C. Plapcianu, E. Sandu, N. Hurduc and I. Nor, in Multi-Functional Materials

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32. R. Tetean, I. G. Deac, E. Burzo and A. Bezergheanu, in Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2008), Vol. 320, pp. E179-E182.

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37. Y. Yamato, M. Matsukawa, S. Nimori, R. Suryanarayanan, Y. Murano, Y. Nakanishi, M. Apostu, A. Revcolevschi, K. Koyama and N. Kobayashi, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 21 (48) (2009).

38. Zarand, C. P. Moca and B. Janko, Physical Review Letters 94 (24) (2005).

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electric resistive ferrites. (2000).9. G. Caruntu, O. Dragomirescu and B. Imt, The non-linearity of magnetic sensors. (2001).10. C. Chiriac and H. Chiriac, Sensors and Actuators a-Physical 106 (1-3), 172-173 (2003).11. H. Chiriac and D. D. Herea, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics

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(1), 425-428 (2007).13. H. Chiriac, M. Tibu, A. E. Moga and D. D. Herea, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic

Materials 293 (1), 671-676 (2005).14. C. Fosalau, C. Sarmasanu and M. Cretu, New technologies in sensors construction. (2005).15. C. Hison, V. Iannotti, G. Ausanio, C. Luponio and L. Lanotte, Sensors and Actuators a-Physical

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Magnetic Materials 272, 2367-2369 (2004).17. F. Jie, N. Ning, W. Ji, H. Chiriac and X. P. Li, Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 45 (10), 4451-

4454 (2009).18. D. Nicolaescu, V. Filip and J. Itoh, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1-Regular Papers

Short Notes & Review Papers 40 (4A), 2173-2177 (2001).19. N. Ning, J. Fan, J. Wu, H. Chiriac and X. P. Li, Surface Review and Letters 17 (3), 369-373

(2010).20. R. Olaru and D. D. Dragoi, Sensors and Actuators a-Physical 120 (2), 424-428 (2005).21. C. Panait, G. Caruntu and Ieee, Transducers with magnetic microsensors. (2007).22. C. Panait, G. C. Runtu and Ieee, The stability and the NEMI of Hall magnetic microsensors.

(2001).23. M. I. Piso, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 201, 380-384 (1999).


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24. N. C. Popa, A. Siblini and C. Nader, Magnetic sensors network controlled by computer. Influence of the sensors reply time. (2004).

25. N. C. Popa, A. Siblini, J. J. Rousseau and M. F. Blanc-Mignon, Sensor Letters 5 (1), 138-141 (2007).

26. M. Tibu and H. Chiriac, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (20), E939-E943 (2008).

27. F. M. Tufescu and H. Chiriac, Sensors and Actuators a-Physical 119 (2), 305-308 (2005).28. M. Volmer and M. Avram, Reviews on Advanced Materials Science 15 (3), 220-224 (2007).29. M. Volmer and M. Avram, Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 9 (6), 1808-

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1634 (2010).34. S. A. Wilson, R. P. J. Jourdain, Q. Zhang, R. A. Dorey, C. R. Bowen, M. Willander, Q. U. Wahab,

M. A. H. Safaa, O. Nur, E. Quandt, C. Johansson, E. Pagounis, M. Kohl, J. Matovic, B. Samel, W. van der Wijngaart, E. W. H. Jager, D. Carlsson, Z. Djinovic, M. Wegener, C. Moldovan, R. Iosub, E. Abad, M. Wendlandt, C. Rusu and K. Persson, Materials Science & Engineering R-Reports 56 (1-6), 1-129 (2007).

AP 3.4: Materiale pentru spintronică1. R. Apetrei, C. Negrila, D. Macovei, V. Dascaleanu, C. M. Teodorescu, D. Mardare and D. Luca,

Fabrication and characterization of nano-structured ferromagnetic Ti(1-x)Fe(x)O(2) thin films. (2009).

2. W. R. Branford, S. K. Clowes, Y. V. Bugoslavsky, S. Gardelis, J. Androulakis, J. Giapintzakis, C. E. A. Grigorescu, S. A. Manea, R. S. Freitas, S. B. Roy and L. F. Cohen, Physical Review B 69 (20) (2004).

3. L. Chioncel, E. Arrigoni, M. I. Katsnelson and A. I. Lichtenstein, Physical Review B 79 (12) (2009).

4. L. Chioncel, P. Mavropoulos, M. Lezaic, S. Bluegel, E. Arrigoni, M. I. Katsnelson and A. I. Lichtenstein, Physical Review Letters 96 (19) (2006).

5. H. C. H. Chiriac, S. Corodeanu, M. Lostun, G. Stoian, G. Ababei and T. A. Ovari, Journal of Applied Physics 109 (6) (2011).

6. H. Chiriac, T. A. O. Ovari and M. Tibu, Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 44 (11), 3931-3933 (2008).

7. H. Chiriac, T. A. Ovari and M. Tibu, Journal of Applied Physics 105 (7) (2009).8. S. K. Clowes, Y. Miyoshi, Y. Bugoslavsky, W. R. Branford, C. Grigorescu, S. A. Manea, O.

Monnereau and L. F. Cohen, Physical Review B 69 (21) (2004).9. M. Crisan, D. Sanchez, R. Lopez, L. Serra and I. Grosu, Physical Review B 79 (12) (2009).10. M. Dimian, A. Gindulescu and C. Acholo, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering 9

(1), 3-7 (2009).


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11. D. Dragoman, Physica B-Condensed Matter 367 (1-4), 92-100 (2005).12. S. Gangopadhyay, A. E. Masunov, E. Poalelungi and M. N. Leuenberger, Journal of Chemical

Physics 132 (24) (2010).13. M. I. Katsnelson, V. Y. Irkhin, L. Chioncel, A. I. Lichtenstein and R. A. de Groot, Reviews of

Modern Physics 80 (2), 315-378 (2008).14. L. Mitoseriu, Boletin De La Sociedad Espanola De Ceramica Y Vidrio 44 (3), 177-184 (2005).15. Y. Miyoshi, Y. Bugoslavsky, M. H. Syed, T. Robinson, L. F. Cohen, L. J. Singh, Z. H. Barber, C. E.

A. Grigorescu, S. Gardelis, J. Giapintzakis and W. Van Roy, Applied Physics Letters 88 (14) (2006).

16. C. Morari, I. Rungger, A. R. Rocha, S. Sanvito, S. Melinte and G. M. Rignanese, Acs Nano 3 (12), 4137-4143 (2009).

17. D. Stanoi, G. Socol, C. Grigorescu, F. Guinneton, O. Monnereau, L. Tortet, T. Zhang and I. N. Mihailescu, Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology 118 (1-3), 74-78 (2005).

18. D. Stanoi, G. Socol, C. Ristoscu, I. N. Mihailescu, B. Bastide, O. Monnereau and L. Tortet, in 12th International School on Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications, edited by P. A. Atanasov, A. A. Serafetinides and I. N. Kolev (2002), Vol. 5226, pp. 352-356.

AP 3.5: Rezonanţă magnetică1. C. Caizer, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (6), 1056-1062 (2008).2. H. Chiriac, A. M. Fecioru and T. A. Ovari, Sensors and Actuators a-Physical 106 (1-3), 251-254

(2003).3. H. Chiriac, M. Lostun, G. Ababei and T. A. Ovari, Journal of Applied Physics 109 (7) (2011).4. H. Chiriac, M. Lostun, G. Ababei and T. A. Ovari, Journal of Applied Physics 109 (7) (2011).5. H. Chiriac, N. Lupu, A. M. Fecioru and T. A. Ovari, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic

Materials 290, 857-860 (2005).6. D. Cimpoesu, A. Stancu and L. Spinu, Journal of Applied Physics 102 (1) (2007).7. I. C. Covaliu, J. Neamtu, G. Georgescu, T. Malaeru, C. Cristea and I. Jitaru, Digest Journal of

Nanomaterials and Biostructures 6 (1), 245-252 (2011).8. I. Dragutan, V. Dragutan, A. Caragheorgheopol, A. K. Zarkadis, H. Fischer and H. Hoffmann,

Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 183, 767-776 (2001).9. I. Dumitru, F. Li, J. B. Wiley, D. Cimpoesu, A. Stancu and L. Spinu, Ieee Transactions on

Magnetics 41 (10), 3361-3363 (2005).10. I. Dumitru, F. Li, J. B. Wiley, D. Cimpoesu, A. Stancu and L. Spinu, Ieee Transactions on

Magnetics 42 (10), 3225-3227 (2006).11. I. Dumitru and D. D. Sandu, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 265 (1), 54-59

(2003).12. I. Dumitru, D. D. Sandu and C. G. Verdes, Physical Review B 66 (10) (2002).13. I. Dumitru and A. Stancu, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 316 (2), E323-E326

(2007).14. I. Dumitru, A. Stancu, D. Cimpoesu and L. Spinu, Journal of Applied Physics 97 (10) (2005).15. U. Ebels, D. Houssameddine, I. Firastrau, D. Gusakova, C. Thirion, B. Dieny and L. D. Buda-

Prejbeanu, Physical Review B 78 (2) (2008).


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16. P. C. Fannin and C. N. Marin, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 299 (2), 425-429 (2006).

17. P. C. Fannin, C. N. Marin and C. Couper, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 323 (10), 1242-1245 (2011).

18. P. C. Fannin, C. N. Marin and C. Couper, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 323 (10), 1242-1245 (2011).

19. P. C. Fannin, C. N. Marin and I. Malaescu, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 15 (27), 4739-4750 (2003).

20. P. C. Fannin, C. N. Marin, I. Malaescu and A. T. Giannitsis, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 289, 78-80 (2005).

21. P. C. Fannin, C. N. Marin, V. Socoliuc and G. M. Istratuca, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 284, 104-112 (2004).

22. P. C. Fannin, C. N. Marin, V. Socoliuc, G. M. Istratuca and A. T. Giannitsis, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 36 (11), 1227-1235 (2003).

23. I. Malaescu, N. Stefu and L. Gabor, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 234 (2), 299-305 (2001).

24. C. N. Marin, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 250 (1-3), 197-202 (2002).25. C. N. Marin, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 300 (2), 397-406 (2006).26. B. P. Rao, O. Caltun, I. Dumitru and L. Spinu, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

304 (2), E752-E754 (2006).27. K. D. Sossmeier, F. Bohn, H. Chiriac and M. Carara, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 40

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Materials 296 (1), 1-8 (2006).29. L. Szilagyi and Z. Benyo, Acta Physiologica Hungarica 97 (3), 267-280 (2010).30. O. C. Trusca, D. Cimpoesu, J. H. Lim, X. Zhang, J. B. Wiley, A. Diaconu, I. Dumitru, A. Stancu

and L. Spinu, Ieee Transactions on Magnetics 44 (11), 2730-2733 (2008).31. F. M. Tufescu, H. Chiriac, T. A. Ovari and A. Stancu, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic

Materials 242, 254-256 (2002).32. C. G. Verdes, B. Ruiz-Diaz, S. M. Thompson, R. W. Chantrell and A. Stancu, Journal of Applied

Physics 89 (11), 7475-7477 (2001).

Tabel informaţii impactNr. crt.

Subiect (cod)

Tip cercetare Impact CA Impact CF

1 AP3.1 CA (90%) şi CF (10%) 1) Materiale;2) Sănătate;3) Transport;4) Comunicaţii;5) Energie.

Noi fenomene şi/sau efecte specifice evidenţiate în materiale magnetice cu structuri speciale.

2 AP3.2 CA (80%) şi CF (20%) 1) Sănătate;2) Transport;3) Comunicaţii;4) Energie;

Noi fenomene de magneto-transport;

Noi aspecte ale fenomenelor de magneto-transport


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5) Mediu. cunoscute.3 AP3.3 CA (90%) şi CF (10%) 1) Sănătate;

2) Comunicaţii;3) Industria auto;4) Transport;5) Energie;6) Mediu;7) Materiale.

Noi metode de investigare experimentală/măsură pentru Magnetism/Fizica Corpului Solid.

4 AP3.4 CA (90%) şi CF (10%) 1) Materiale;2) Comunicaţii;3) Transport;4) Sănătate;5) Energie.

Noi fenomene/aspecte şi/sau caracteristici în materiale spintronice.

5 AP3.5 CA (80%) şi CF (20%) 1) Sănătate;2) Materiale;3) Comunicaţii;4) Mediu.

Noi metode de caracterizare a materialelor;

Noi aspecte/fenomene în materiale magnetice.

Resurse necesare Necesar 2012-2014 Necesar 2015-2020

Resurse umane (om x an) 309 680Resurse financiare (lei) 20.733.080 41.466.160


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Tema 4 (AP 4): Suprafete micro sau nano structurate de largi dimensiuni

AP 4.1: Dezvoltare de tehnologii laser de mare precizie pentru prelucrarea/texturarea suprafetelor cu topologii complexe (non-planare)

1. Stoian, R; Boyle, M; Thoss, A; et al., Laser ablation of dielectrics with temporally shaped femtosecond pulses, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 80 (3): 353-355 JAN 21 2002

2. Dascalu, T; Acosta-Ortiz, SE; Ortiz-Morales, M; et al., Removal of the indigo color by laser beam-denim interaction, OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING, 34 (3): 179-189 SEP 2000




6. Zamfirescu, M; Ulmeanu, M; Jipa, F; et al., Application of ultrashort lasers pulses in micro- and nano-technologies, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 12 (11): 2179-2184 NOV 2010

7. Narayan, RJ; Jin, CM; Doraiswamy, A; et al., Laser processing of advanced bioceramics Source: ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS, 7 (12): 1083-1098 DEC 2005

8. Ignat, S; Sallamand, P; Nichici, A; et al., MoSi2 laser cladding - elaboration, characterisation and addition of non-stabilized ZrO2 powder particles, INTERMETALLICS, 11 (9): 931-938 SEP 2003

9. Stafe, M; Negutu, C; Popescu, IM, Real-time determination and controlof the laser-drilled holes depth, SHOCK WAVES, 14 (1-2): 123-126 JUN 2005 Conference Information: 24th International Symposium on Shock Waves, JUL 11-16, 2004 Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA

10. Rusu, MI; Zamfir, R; Ristici, E; et al., Structural changes of austenitic steel obtained by 532 nm and 1064 nm Nd : YAG laser radiation, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 8 (1): 230-234 FEB 2006 Conference Information: 6th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, JUL 05-07, 2005 Constanta, ROMANIA

11. Gutu, I; Petre, C; Mihailescu, IN; et al., Surface treatment with linearly polarized laser beam at oblique incidence, OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY, 34 (5): 381-388 JUL 2002

12. Iordachescu, M; Iordachescu, D; Scutelnicu, E; et al., Influence of heating source position and dilution rate in achieving overmatched dissimilar welded joints, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF WELDING AND JOINING, 15 (5): 378-385 JUL 2010

13. Han, A; Gubencu, D; Pillon, G, A generalized structure based on systemic principles of the characteristic variables of material laser processing, OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY, 37 (7): 577-581 OCT 2005

14. Sava, V; Ilie, C; Popa, M; et al., Optimisation of processing with excimer laser mask technique, OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS, 5 (1-2): 99-102 JAN 2011

15. Axinte, E, Glasses as engineering materials: A review, MATERIALS & DESIGN, 32 (4): 1717-1732 APR 2011


17. Loan, C; Donciu, O; Septimiu, P, Laser based displacement measurements using image processing, 2007 30TH INTERNATIONAL SPRING SEMINAR ON ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY Book series title: International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology ISSE : 372-376 2007 Conference Information: 30th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, MAY 09-13, 2007 Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA


Page 45: III - Institutul de Fizica Atomica · Web viewQuinlan, FT; Vidu, R; Predoana, L; et al., Lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) nanocoatings by sol-gel methods, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY

18. Fenic, C; Blanaru, C; Pacala, O; et al., Processing of synthetic and natural diamond dies with AO Q-switched Nd : YAG laser - art. no. 660617 Advanced Laser Technologies 2006 Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 6606: 60617-60617 2007 Conference Information: 14th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies, SEP 08-12, 2006 Brasov, ROMANIA

19. Blanaru, C; Apostol, D; Damian, V; et al., Errors investigation in dimensional measurement by laser beam scanning, ROMOPTO 2000: SIXTH CONFERENCE ON OPTICS Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 4430: 846-851 2000 Conference Information: 6th Conference on Optics (ROMOPTO 2000), SEP 04-07, 2000 BUCHAREST, ROMANIA

20. Gomez, D; Goenaga, I; Johander, P; et al., Femtosecond laser micromachining of LTCC ceramics. Fabrication of microhotplates for a carbon monoxide sensor, BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO, 46 (4): 191-196 JUL-AUG 2007

AP 4.2: Interactii de suprafata, activarea laser a suprafetelor1. Ene, R; Hurduc, N; Apostol, I; et al., The capacity of nucleobases containing azo-polysiloxanes

to generate a surface relief grating, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 10 (3): 541-544 MAR 2008

2. Simion, M; Ruta, L; Mihailescu, C; et al., Porous silicon used as support for protein microarray, SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES, 46 (1-2): 69-76 JUL-AUG 2009 Conference Information: 2nd International Conference on Nano-structures Self-Assembling (NanoSeA2008), JUL 07-10, 2008 Rome, ITALY Univ Rome Tor Vergata

3. Gingu, O; Benga, G; Olei, A; et al., Wear behaviour of ceramic biocomposites based on hydroxiapatite nanopowders, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART E-JOURNAL OF PROCESS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 225 (E1): 62-71 2011

4. Taca, M; Vasile, E; Boroica, L; et al., Bioactive ceramic glasses "in situ" synthesized by laser melting, XVII INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON GAS FLOW, CHEMICAL LASERS, AND HIGH-POWER LASERS Book series title: Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering , 7131: Art. No. 71311Q 2009 Conference Information: 17th International Symposium on Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers, and High-Power Lasers, SEP 15-19, 2008 Lisboa, PORTUGAL

5. Han, A; Pillon, G; Nichici, A; et al., Study of polymer laser grooving using a complete factorial experiment, LASERS IN ENGINEERING, 15 (3-4): 215-231 2005

6. Demian, G; Taca, M; Gutu, I; et al., Effect of laser process parameters on the surface absorbtivity, CROSS-DISCIPLINARY APPLIED RESEARCH IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Book series title: MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM , 480: 207-211 2005 Conference Information: 1st International Meeting on Applied Physics, OCT 13-18, 2003 Badajoz, SPAIN

7. Apostol, I; Apostol, D; Damian, V; et al., UV radiation induced surface modulation time evolution in polymeric materials, EMERGING TRENDS AND NOVEL MATERIALS IN PHOTONICS Book series title: AIP Conference Proceedings , 1288: 162-169 2010 Conference Information: International Commission for Optics Topical Meeting, OCT 07-09, 2009 Delphi, GREECE European Cultural Ctr


9. Sava, I; Sacarescu, L; Stoica, I; et al., Photochromic properties of polyimide and polysiloxane azopolymers, POLYMER INTERNATIONAL, 58 (2): 163-170 FEB 2009


Page 46: III - Institutul de Fizica Atomica · Web viewQuinlan, FT; Vidu, R; Predoana, L; et al., Lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) nanocoatings by sol-gel methods, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY

10. Buruiana, EC; Hahui, L; Buruiana, T; et al., New polyacrylates with photosensitive triazene groups designed for laser ablation Synthesis, structure and properties, JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY, 195 (2-3): 337-345 APR 15 2008

11. Pecheva, E; Petrov, T; Lungu, C; et al., Stimulated in vitro bone-like apatite formation by a novel laser processing technique, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 137 (1): 144-153 MAR 15 2008

12. Doraiswmy, A; Narayan, RJ; Cristescu, R; et al., Laser processing of natural mussel adhesive protein thin films, MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-BIOMIMETIC AND SUPRAMOLECULAR SYSTEMS, 27 (3): 409-413 Sp. Iss. SI APR 2007 Conference Information: Symposium on Next Generation Biomaterals, SEP 25-28, 2005 Pittsburgh, PA

13. Choi HW, Johnson JK, Nam J, et al, Structuring electrospun polycaprolactone nanofiber tissue scaffolds by femtosecond laser ablation, JOURNAL OF LASER APPLICATIONS Volume: 19 Issue: 4 Pages: 225-231 Published: NOV 2007

14. Kalogeras, IM; Neagu, ER; Vassilikou-Dova, A; et al., Physical and chemical effects on the dynamics of the beta-relaxation of PMMA in Rhodamine 6G+PMMA+SiO2 matrices, MATERIALS RESEARCH INNOVATIONS, 6 (4): 198-205 OCT 2002

15. Vrinceanu N, Coman D, Grigoriu A, et al, HYDROPHILIC SURFACE PATTERNING OF POLYAMIDE TEXTILE MATERIALS, USING EXCIMER UV LASER TREATMENT, ITC&DC: 4TH INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE CLOTHING & DESIGN CONFERENCE, BOOK OF PROCEEDINGS - MAGIC WORLD OF TEXTILES Pages: 482-486 Published: 2008 Conference Information: 4th International Textile Clothing and Design Conference, OCT 05-08, 2008 Dubrovnik, CROATIA

16. Jipa, S; Zaharescu, T; Oros, C; et al., LDPE degradation by IR-laser irradiation, POLYMER TESTING, 24 (6): 805-809 SEP 2005

AP 4.3: Procese fundamentale de interactie laser cu suprafete si interfete. Metode computationale de analiza a interactiei laser cu materia

1. Stoian, R; Rosenfeld, A; Ashkenasi, D; et al., Surface charging and impulsive ion ejection during ultrashort pulsed laser ablation, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 88 (9): Art. No. 097603 MAR 4 2002

2. Stoian R, Ashkenasi D, Rosenfeld A, et al., Coulomb explosion in ultrashort pulsed laser ablation of Al2O3, PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 62 Issue: 19 Pages: 13167-13173 Published: NOV 15 2000

3. Bulgakova NM, Stoian R, Rosenfeld A, et al., Electronic transport and consequences for material removal in ultrafast pulsed laser ablation of materials, PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 69 Issue: 5 Article Number: 054102 Published: FEB 2004

4. Oane, M; Apostol, I; Timcu, A, Temperature field modeling in laser heated metals for laser cleaning of surfaces, ADVANCED TOPICS IN OPTOELECTRONICS, MICROELECTRONICS, AND NANOTECHNOLOGIES Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 5227: 323-328 2002 Conference Information: Conference on Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies, NOV 21-23, 2002 BUCHAREST, ROMANIA

5. Spyridaki, M; Koudoumas, E; Tzanetakis, P; et al., Temporal pulse manipulation and ion generation in ultrafast laser ablation of silicon, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 83 (7): 1474-1476 AUG 18 2003

6. Oane, M; Oproiu, C; Nemtanu, M, The Fourier Heat Equation Applied to Beam-Water Phantom Interaction, LASERS IN ENGINEERING, 20 (5-6): 311-317 2010

7. Bejan, D; Raseev, G, Desorption induced by femtosecond laser: nonlinear regime through indirect coupling, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 8 (4): 1331-1340 AUG 2006


Page 47: III - Institutul de Fizica Atomica · Web viewQuinlan, FT; Vidu, R; Predoana, L; et al., Lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) nanocoatings by sol-gel methods, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY

8. Dobrica, MB; Fillon, M; Pascovici, MD; et al., Optimizing surface texture for hydrodynamic lubricated contacts using a mass-conserving numerical approach, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART J-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRIBOLOGY, 224 (J8): 737-750 2010

9. Muller, A; Dinescu, A; Konstantinidis, G; et al., Wide band gap semiconductor SAW type devices for GHz applications, manufactured using nano-lithographic techniques, CAS 2007 INTERNATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CONFERENCE, VOLS 1 AND 2, PROCEEDINGS: 255-258 2007 Conference Information: International Semiconductor Conference, OCT 15-17, 2007 Sinaia, ROMANIA

10. Neculoiu, D; Vasilache, D; Konstantinidis, G; et al., Membrane supported ALN FBAR structures obtained by micromachining of high resistivity silicon, CAS 2007 INTERNATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CONFERENCE, VOLS 1 AND 2, PROCEEDINGS: 293-296 2007 Conference Information: International Semiconductor Conference, OCT 15-17, 2007 Sinaia, ROMANIA

11. Muller, A; Konstantinidis, G; Kostopoulos, A; et al., GaN membrane MSM ultraviolet photodetectors - art. no. 641509 Micro- and Nanotechnology: Materials, Processes, Packaging, and Systems III Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 6415: 41509-41509 2007 Conference Information: Conference on Micro- and Nanotechnology - Materials, Processes, Packaging, and System III, DEC 11-13, 2006 Adelaide, AUSTRALIA

12. Gurlui, S; Agop, M; Nica, P; et al., Experimental and theoretical investigations of a laser-produced aluminum plasma, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 78 (2): Art. No. 026405 Part 2 AUG 2008

13. Semmar, N; Tebib, M; Tesar, J; et al., Direct observation of phase transitions by time-resolved pyro/reflectometry of KrF laser-irradiated metal oxides and metals, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 255 (10): 5549-5552 MAR 1 2009

14. Pearsica, M; Baluta, S; Constantinescu, C; et al., A numerical method to analyse the thermal phenomena involved in phase transformations nit baser beam irradiation, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 10 (8): 2174-2180 AUG 2008

15. Ristoscu, C; Mihailescu, IN; Velegrakis, M; et al., Optical emission spectroscopy and time-of-flight investigations of plasmas generated from AlN targets in cases of pulsed laser deposition with sub-ps and ns ultraviolet laser pulses, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 93 (4): 2244-2250 FEB 15 2003

16. Axente, E; Noel, S; Hermann, J; et al., Subpicosecond laser ablation of copper and fused silica: Initiation threshold and plasma expansion, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 255 (24): 9734-9737 SEP 30 2009 Conference Information: 6th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, SEP 09-12, 2008 Sapporo, JAPAN

17. Noel, S; Axente, E; Hermann, J, Investigation of plumes produced by material ablation with two time-delayed femtosecond laser pulses, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 255 (24): 9738-9741 SEP 30 2009 Conference Information: 6th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, SEP 09-12, 2008 Sapporo, JAPAN

18. Hermann, J; Mercadier, L; Mothe, E; et al., On the stoichiometry of mass transfer from solid to plasma during pulsed laser ablation of brass, SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 65 (8): 636-641 Sp. Iss. SI AUG 2010 Conference Information: 5th Euro-Mediterranean Sympsoium on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, SEP 28-OCT 01, 2009 Rome, ITALY

19. Oane, M, Three-dimensional temperature distribution in laser heated solids, ROMOPTO 2003: SEVENTH CONFERENCE ON OPTICS Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 5581: 502-508 2004 Conference Information: 7th Conference on Optics (ROMOPTO 2003), SEP 08-11, 2003 Constanta, ROMANIA


Page 48: III - Institutul de Fizica Atomica · Web viewQuinlan, FT; Vidu, R; Predoana, L; et al., Lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) nanocoatings by sol-gel methods, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY

20. Miroiu, F; Mihailescu, IN; Hermann, J; et al., Spectroscopic analyses during femtosecond laser ablation of hydroxyapatite, ROMOPTO 2003: SEVENTH CONFERENCE ON OPTICS Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 5581: 479-485 2004 Conference Information: 7th Conference on Optics (ROMOPTO 2003), SEP 08-11, 2003 Constanta, ROMANIA

21. Oane, M; Scarlat, F; Mihailescu, IN, The semi-analytical solution of the Fourier heat equation in beam - 3D inhomogeneous media interaction, INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY, 51 (4): 344-347 MAR 2008

22. Smarandache, A; Trelles, M; Pascu, ML, Measurement of the modifications of Polidocanol absorption spectra after exposure to NIR laser radiation, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 12 (9): 1942-1945 SEP 2010

23. Ilie, M; Kneip, JC; Mattei, S; et al., Through-transmission laser welding of polymers - temperature field modeling and infrared investigation, INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY, 51 (1): 73-79 JUL 2007

AP 4.4: Nanoprocesare de filme subtiri si interfete1. Hermann, J; Benfarah, M; Bruneau, S; et al., Comparative investigation of solar cell thin film

processing using nanosecond and femtosecond lasers, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, 39 (3): 453-460 FEB 7 2006

2. Ulieru, D; Apostol, I, New processing possibilities of materials by micro and nano precision laser machining for microelectronics applications, Advanced Laser Technologies 2004 Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 5850: 308-319 2005 Conference Information: 12th Advanced Laser Technoloies 2004 Conference, SEP 10-15, 2004 Rome, ITALY Univ la Sapienza

3. Zamfirescu, M; Ulmeanu, M; Jipa, F; et al., Femtosecond Laser Induced Periodic Surface Structures on ZnO Thin Films, JOURNAL OF LASER MICRO NANOENGINEERING, 4 (1): 7-10 APR 2009

4. Cristescu, R; Mihailescu, IN, Functionalized thin films and structures obtained by novel laser processing issues, Functional Properties of Nanostructured Materials Book series title: NATO SCIENCE SERIES, SERIES II: MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY , 223: 211-226 2006 Conference Information: Conference of the NATO-Advanced-Study-Institute on Functional Properties of Nanostructured Materials, JUN 03-15, 2005 Sozopol, BULGARIA

5. Chitu, L; Cernat, R; Bucatica, I; et al., Improved technologies for marking of different materials, LASER PHYSICS, 13 (8): 1108-1111 AUG 2003

6. Zamfirescu, M; Ulmeanu, M; Jipa, F; et al., Application of ultrashort lasers pulses in micro- and nano-technologies, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 12 (11): 2179-2184 NOV 2010

7. Van Overschelde, O; Dinu, S; Guisbiers, G; et al., Excimer laser ablation of thin titanium oxide films on glass, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 252 (13): 4722-4727 APR 30 2006 Conference Information: Symposium on Advances in Laser and Lamp Processing of Functional Materials, MAY 31-JUN 03, 2005 Strasbourg, FRANCE

8. Ulieru, D; Matei, A; Ulieru, E; et al., Laser high efficiency processing of solar cells innovative fabrication, 4M/ICOMM 2009 - THE GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON MICRO MANUFACTURE: 99-102 2009 Conference Information: International Conference on Mult-Material Micro Manufacture/ International Conference on Micro Manufacting, SEP, 2009 Karlsruhe, GERMANY

9. Ulieru, D; Matei, A; Ulieru, E; et al., NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR MICROELECTRONICS DEVICES PROCESSING BY LASER LOCALLY STRUCTURAL MODIFICATIONS, CAS: 2008 INTERNATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CONFERENCE, PROCEEDINGS: 343-346 2008 Conference Information: 31st International Semiconductor Conference 2008, OCT 13-15, 2008 Sinaia, ROMANIA


Page 49: III - Institutul de Fizica Atomica · Web viewQuinlan, FT; Vidu, R; Predoana, L; et al., Lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) nanocoatings by sol-gel methods, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY

10. Oane, M; Morjan, I; Medianu, R, The role of surface absorption coefficient in the thermal field of the laser-thin film interaction, OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY, 36 (8): 677-679 NOV 2004

11. Petris, A; Pettazzi, F; Fazio, E; et al., Electronic and thermal nonlinear refractive indices of SOI and nanopatterned SOI measured by Z-scan method - art. no. 67850P ROMOPTO 2006: Eighth Conference on Optics Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 6785: P7850-P7850 2007 Conference Information: 8th Conference on Optics, SEP 04-07, 2006 Sibiu, ROMANIA

12. Zamfirescu M, Rusen L, et al., Structuring by field enhancement of glass, Ag, Au, and Co thin films using short pulse laser ablation, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 106 Issue: 11 Article Number: 114908 Published: DEC 1 2009

13. Damian V, Apostol I, Hurduc N., Interferometric patterning of the azo-polymers surface, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: 146-151 Published: JAN 2010

14. Ionel L, Cristescu CP, Jipa F, et al., Nano and micro-morphology modifications of Si (100) substrate induced by femtosecond laser pulse irradiations in air, water, CCl4 and C2Cl3F3, OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Pages: 1920-1924 Published: NOV 2010

15. Sorescu, M; Diamandescu, L; Grabias, A, Laser ablated Fe100-xPdx and Fe100-xMnx thin films (x=20 and 50), INTERMETALLICS, 14 (7): 780-783 JUN 2006

AP 4.5: Tehnici standard de prelucrare de materiale cu laser (tratamente termice, decupaje, separare, asamblare de materiale nesimilare, curatare laser, dopaj laser, aplicatii in conservare etc). Dezvoltare de noi procese de productie.

1. Pearsica, M; Ratiu, IG; Carstea, CG; et al., Electromagnetic Processes at Laser Beam Processing Assisted by an Active Gas Jet, MATHEMATICAL METHODS, COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES, NON-LINEAR SYSTEMS, INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Book series title: Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering : 187-192 2008 Conference Information: 10th WSEAS Int Conf on Math Methods, Computat Tech and Intelligent Syst/7th WSEAS Int Conference on Non-Linear Anal, Non-Linear Syst and Chaos/8th WSEAS Int Conf Wavelet Anal and Multirate Syst, OCT 26-28, 2008 Corfu, GREECE

2. Berce, P; Pacurar, R; Balc, N, Virtual Engineering for Rapid Product Development, NEW ASPECTS OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Book series title: Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering : 195-200 2008 Conference Information: WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, Structures, and Engineering Geology, JUL 22-24, 2008 Heraklion, GREECE

3. Fenic, C; Stratan, A; Mihailescu, IN; et al., Ablation study with a Nd : YAG laser in enhanced free running regime, ROMOPTO 2000: SIXTH CONFERENCE ON OPTICS Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 4430: 229-240 2000 Conference Information: 6th Conference on Optics (ROMOPTO 2000), SEP 04-07, 2000 BUCHAREST, ROMANIA

4. Petris, A; Popa, C; Popa, D; et al., Visualisation and study of heat diffusion in glass by a compact schlieren system, ROMOPTO 2000: SIXTH CONFERENCE ON OPTICS Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 4430: 548-553 2000 Conference Information: 6th Conference on Optics (ROMOPTO 2000), SEP 04-07, 2000 BUCHAREST, ROMANIA

5. Iordachescu, M; Iordachescu, D; Scutelnicu, E; et al., Influence of heating source position and dilution rate in achieving overmatched dissimilar welded joints, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF WELDING AND JOINING, 15 (5): 378-385 JUL 2010


Page 50: III - Institutul de Fizica Atomica · Web viewQuinlan, FT; Vidu, R; Predoana, L; et al., Lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) nanocoatings by sol-gel methods, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY

6. Dobroiu, A; Nascov, V; Apostol, D; et al., Experimental evidence of the phase behavior at the waist of a gaussian laser beam, ROMOPTO 2000: SIXTH CONFERENCE ON OPTICS Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 4430: 823-828 2000 Conference Information: 6th Conference on Optics (ROMOPTO 2000), SEP 04-07, 2000 BUCHAREST, ROMANIA


8. Pacurar, R; Balc, N; Ros, O, OPTIMUM SCALING OF THE SLS METAL PARTS USING FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, MODTECH 2010: NEW FACE OF TMCR, PROCEEDINGS Book series title: Proceedings of the International Conference ModTech : 439-442 2010 Conference Information: 14th International Conference on Modern Technologies, Quality and Innovation (ModTech 2010), MAY 20-22, 2010 Slanic-Moldova, ROMANIA

9. Pearsica, M; Baluta, S; Constantinescu, C; et al., A mathematical model to compute the thermally affected zone at laser beam processing, OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS, 4 (1): 4-10 JAN 2010


11. Boiciuc, S; Levcovici, S; Levcovici, DT; et al., Characterisation of hard coatings obtained by laser cladding process, METALURGIA INTERNATIONAL, 13 (9): 32-39 2008

12. Olah, A, Research regarding the influence of laser beat treatment upon nitrocarburated diffusion layers, METALURGIA INTERNATIONAL, 13 (9): 43-47 2008

13. Bitay, E, Ceramic particle dispersion analysis in LASER surface alloying, SOLIDIFICATION AND GRAVITY IV Book series title: Materials Science Forum , 508: 295-300 2006 Conference Information: 4th International Conference on Solidification and Gravity, SEP 06-09, 2004 Miskolc Lillafured, HUNGARY

14. Levcovici, DT; Munteanu, V; Paraschiv, MM; et al., Laser surface alloying of steel with tungsten and cobalt, MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES, 17 (1): 23-36 2002

15. Pearsica, M; Baluta, S; Constantinescu, C; et al., A method to obtain the pulse operation of a power CO2 laser working in continuous regime, OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS, 3 (12): 1264-1268 DEC 2009

16. Apostol, I; Apostol, D; Damian, V; et al., Laser removal of thin layers for surface cleaning - art. no. 700701 INDLAS 2007: INDUSTRIAL LASER APPLICATIONS Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 7007: 701-701 2008 Conference Information: Conference on Industrial Laser Applications (INDLAS 2007), MAY 23-25, 2007 Bran, ROMANIA


18. Sandu, CS; Teodorescu, VS; Ghica, C; et al., Densification and crystallization of SnO2 : Sb sol-gel films using excimer laser annealing, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 208: 382-387 MAR 15 2003 Conference Information: Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Advanced Laser Materials Processing, JUN 18-21, 2002 STRASBOURG, FRANCE

19. Dontu, O; Ganatios, S; Besnea, D, Laser heat treatment applied to a duplex stainless steel for the improving of the corrosion resistance, REVISTA DE CHIMIE, 56 (4): 446-447 APR 2005

20. Cohal, V; Gidinceanu, C, LASER WELDING OF ALUMINUM, MODTECH 2010: NEW FACE OF TMCR, PROCEEDINGS Book series title: Proceedings of the International Conference ModTech : 227-230 2010 Conference Information: 14th International Conference on Modern Technologies, Quality and Innovation (ModTech 2010), MAY 20-22, 2010 Slanic-Moldova, ROMANIA


Page 51: III - Institutul de Fizica Atomica · Web viewQuinlan, FT; Vidu, R; Predoana, L; et al., Lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) nanocoatings by sol-gel methods, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY

21. Apostol, I; Apostol, D; Victor, D; et al., Laser cleaning of the metallic thin films from silicon wafer surface with UV laser radiation, ROMOPTO 2003: SEVENTH CONFERENCE ON OPTICS Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 5581: 443-446 2004 Conference Information: 7th Conference on Optics (ROMOPTO 2003), SEP 08-11, 2003 Constanta, ROMANIA

22. Pouli, P; Paun, IA; Bounos, G; et al., The potential of UV femtosecond laser ablation for varnish removal in the restoration of painted works of art, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 254 (21): 6875-6879 AUG 30 2008

23. Apostol I, Damian V, Garoi F, et al., Laser cleaning of paintings: From preliminary investigations to a laser cleaning station, ADVANCED TOPICS IN OPTOELECTRONICS, MICROELECTRONICS, AND NANOTECHNOLOGIES V Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering Volume: 7821 Pages: - Published: 2010 Conference Information: 7th Conference on Optics (ROMOPTO 2003), SEP 08-11, 2003 Constanta, ROMANIA

24. Vrinceanu, N; Coman, D; Grigoriu, AM; et al., Spectroscopic studies on the wool surface modifications induced by UV excimer laser irradiation, INDUSTRIA TEXTILA, 61 (5): 218-222 2010



Page 52: III - Institutul de Fizica Atomica · Web viewQuinlan, FT; Vidu, R; Predoana, L; et al., Lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) nanocoatings by sol-gel methods, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY

Tema 5 (AP 5): Transfer de materie asistat laser

AP 5.1: Depuneri de straturi subtiri constituite din materiale complexe. Aplicatii in electronica (senzori, etc), bioaplicatii

1. Lippert, T; Chrisey, DB; Purice, A; et al., Laser processing of soft materials, ROMANIAN REPORTS IN PHYSICS, 59 (2): 483-498 2007

2. Brodoceanu, D; Manousaki, A; Zergioti, I; et al., Growth of polycrystalline La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 films by femtosecond pulsed laser deposition, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 79 (4-6): 911-914 SEP 2004

3. Perriere, J; Millon, E; Seiler, W; et al., Comparison between ZnO films grown by femtosecond and nanosecond laser ablation, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 91 (2): 690-696 JAN 15 2002

4. Bigi, A; Bracci, B; Cuisinier, F; et al., Human osteoblast response to pulsed laser deposited calcium phosphate coatings, BIOMATERIALS, 26 (15): 2381-2389 MAY 2005

5. Nelea, V; Morosanu, C; Iliescu, M; et al., Hydroxyapatite thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition and radio-frequency magnetron sputtering: comparative study, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 228 (1-4): 346-356 APR 30 2004

6. Nelea, V; Ristoscu, C; Chiritescu, C; et al., Pulsed laser deposition of hydroxyapatite thin films on Ti-5A1-2.5Fe substrates with and without buffer layers, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 168 (1-4): 127-131 DEC 15 2000 Conference Information: Spring Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society, MAY 30-JUN 02, 2000 STRASBOURG, FRANCE

7. Nelea, V; Morosanu, C; Iliescu, M; et al., Microstructure and mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite thin films grown by RF magnetron sputtering, SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, 173 (2-3): 315-322 AUG 22 2003

8. Doraiswamy, A; Narayan, RJ; Lippert, T; et al., Excimer laser forward transfer of mammalian cells using a novel triazene absorbing layer, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 252 (13): 4743-4747 APR 30 2006 Conference Information: Symposium on Advances in Laser and Lamp Processing of Functional Materials, MAY 31-JUN 03, 2005 Strasbourg, FRANCE

9. Leontie, L; Caraman, M; Visinoiu, A; et al., On the optical properties of bismuth oxide thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition, THIN SOLID FILMS, 473 (2): 230-235 FEB 14 2005

10. Gyorgy, E; Socol, G; Axente, E; et al., Anatase phase TiO2 thin films obtained by pulsed laser deposition for gas sensing applications, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 247 (1-4): 429-433 JUL 15 2005 Conference Information: Spring Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society, MAY 24-28, 2004 Strasbourg, FRANCE

11. Giapintzakis, J; Grigorescu, C; Klini, A; et al., Low-temperature growth of NiMnSb thin films by pulsed-laser deposition, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 80 (15): 2716-2718 APR 15 2002

12. Socol, G; Torricelli, P; Bracci, B; et al., Biocompatible nanocrystalline octacalcium phosphate thin films obtained by pulsed laser deposition, BIOMATERIALS, 25 (13): 2539-2545 JUN 2004

13. Capuccini, C; Torricelli, P; Sima, F; et al., Strontium-substituted hydroxyapatite coatings synthesized by pulsed-laser deposition: In vitro osteoblast and osteoclast response, ACTA BIOMATERIALIA, 4 (6): 1885-1893 NOV 2008

14. Musa, G; Mustata, I; Ciupina, V; et al., Diamond-like nanostructured carbon film deposition using thermionic vacuum arc, DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, 13 (4-8): 1398-1401 APR-AUG 2004 Conference Information: 14th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrides and Silicon Carbide, SEP 08-12, 2003 Salzburg, AUSTRIA

15. Craciun, V; Craciun, D, Pulsed laser deposition of crystalline LaB6 thin films, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 247 (1-4): 384-389 JUL 15 2005, Conference Information: Spring Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society, MAY 24-28, 2004 Strasbourg, FRANCE


Page 53: III - Institutul de Fizica Atomica · Web viewQuinlan, FT; Vidu, R; Predoana, L; et al., Lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) nanocoatings by sol-gel methods, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY

16. Craciun, V; Singh, RK, Ultraviolet-assisted pulsed laser deposition of thin oxide films, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 168 (1-4): 239-243 DEC 15 2000 Conference Information: Spring Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society, MAY 30-JUN 02, 2000 STRASBOURG, FRANCE

17. Marcu, A; Yanagida, T; Nagashima, K; et al., Effect of ablated particle flux on MgO nanowire growth by pulsed laser deposition, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 102 (1): Art. No. 016102 JUL 1 2007

18. Gyorgy, E; Nelea, V; Mihailescu, IN; et al., Correlation between hardness and structure of carbon-nitride thin films obtained by reactive pulsed laser deposition, THIN SOLID FILMS, 388 (1-2): 93-100 JUN 1 2001

19. Filipescu, M; Scarisoreanu, N; Craciun, V; et al., High-k dielectric oxides obtained by PLD as solution for gates dielectric in MOS devices, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 253 (19): 8184-8191 JUL 31 2007 Conference Information: Symposium on Photon-Assisted Synthesis and Processing of Functional Materials held at the 2006 EMRS Spring Meeting, MAY 29-JUN 02, 2006 Nice, FRANCE

20. Scarisoreanu, N; Dinescu, M; Craciun, F; et al., Pulsed laser deposition of perovskite relaxor ferroelectric thin films, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 252 (13): 4553-4557 APR 30 2006 Conference Information: Symposium on Advances in Laser and Lamp Processing of Functional Materials, MAY 31-JUN 03, 2005 Strasbourg, FRANCE

21. Galluzzi, V; Augieri, A; Ciontea, L; et al., YBa2Cu3O7-delta films with BaZrO3 inclusions for strong-pinning in superconducting films on single crystal substrate, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, 17 (2): 3628-3631 Part 3 JUN 2007 Conference Information: Applied Superconductivity Conference 2006, AUG 27-SEP 01, 2006 Seattle, WA

22. Guinneton, F; Monnereau, O; Argeme, L; et al., PLD thin films obtained from CrO3 and Cr8O21 targets, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 247 (1-4): 139-144 JUL 15 2005 Conference Information: Spring Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society, MAY 24-28, 2004 Strasbourg, FRANCE

23. Craciun, V; Craciun, D; Chen, Z; et al., Room temperature growth of indium tin oxide thin films by ultraviolet-assisted pulsed laser deposition, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 168 (1-4): 118-122 DEC 15 2000 Conference Information: Spring Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society, MAY 30-JUN 02, 2000 STRASBOURG, FRANCE

24. Nistor, LC; Ghica, C; Matei, D; et al., Growth and characterization of a-axis textured ZnO thin films, JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, 277 (1-4): 26-31 APR 15 2005

25. Purice, A; Schou, J; Kingshott, P; et al., Production of active lysozyme films by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation at 355 nm, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 435 (4-6): 350-353 FEB 19 2007

26. Nistor, M; Gherendi, F; Magureanu, M; et al., (Zr, Sn)TiO4 thin films for application in electronics, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 247 (1-4): 169-174 JUL 15 2005 Conference Information: Spring Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society, MAY 24-28, 2004 Strasbourg, FRANCE

27. Sava, I; Resmerita, AM; Lisa, G; et al., Synthesis and photochromic behavior of new polyimides containing azobenzene side groups, POLYMER, 49 (6): 1475-1482 MAR 17 2008

28. Buruiana, EC; Niculescu, V; Buruiana, T, Synthesis and properties of new polyurethane ionomers. I. Photosensitive cationomers with triazene units, JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, 88 (5): 1203-1210 MAY 2 2003

29. Gyorgy, E; Mihailescu, IN; Kompitsas, M; et al., Particulates-free Ta thin films obtained by pulsed laser deposition: the role of a second laser in the laser-induced plasma heating, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 195 (1-4): 270-276 JUL 15 2002

30. Mardare, D; Iacomi, F; Luca, D, Substrate and Fe-doping effects on the hydrophilic properties of TiO2 thin films, THIN SOLID FILMS, 515 (16): 6474-6478 JUN 4 2007 Conference Information: Symposium on Synthesis, Processing and Characterization of Nanoscale


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Functional Oxide Films held at the EMRS 2006 Conference, MAY 29-JUN 02, 2006 Nice, FRANCE

31. Stamatin, L; Cristescu, R; Socol, G; et al., Laser deposition of fibrinogen blood proteins thin films by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 248 (1-4): 422-427 JUL 30 2005 Conference Information: 4th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, SEP 05-09, 2004 Lecce, ITALY

32. Yanagida T, Marcu A, Matsui H, et al., Enhancement of Oxide VLS Growth by Carbon on Substrate Surface, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C Volume: 112 Issue: 48 Pages: 18923-18926 Published: DEC 4 2008

33. Purice, A; Dinescu, G; Scarisoreanu, N; et al., Ferroelectric thin films obtained by pulsed laser deposition, JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 26 (14): 2937-2943 2006 Conference Information: COST 525 Meeting on Grain Boundary Engineering of Electronic Ceramics, JUN, 2005 Portoroz, SLOVENIA

34. Sava I, Resmerita AM, Lisa G, et al., Synthesis and photochromic behavior of new polyimides containing azobenzene side groups, POLYMER Volume: 49 Issue: 6 Pages: 1475-1482 Published: MAR 17 2008

35. Scarisoreanu N, Craciun F, Ion V, et al., Structural and electrical characterization of lead-free ferroelectric Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3-BaTiO3 thin films obtained by PLD and RF-PLD, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE Volume: 254 Issue: 4 Pages: 1292-1297 Published: DEC 15 2007 Conference Information: Symposium on Laser Synthesis and Processing of Advanced Materials held at the E-MRS 2007 Spring Meeting, 2007 Strasbourg, FRANCE

36. Nistor M, Mandache NB, Perriere J, Pulsed electron beam deposition of oxide thin films, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 41 Issue: 16 Article Number: 165205 Publish AUG 21 2008

37. Yanagida, T; Marcu, A; Matsui, H; et al., Enhancement of Oxide VLS Growth by Carbon on Substrate Surface, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 112 (48): 18923-18926 DEC 4 2008

38. Stanoi, D; Socol, G; Grigorescu, C; et al., Chromium oxides thin films prepared and coated in situ with gold by pulsed laser deposition, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-SOLID STATE MATERIALS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY, 118 (1-3): 74-78 APR 25 2005 Conference Information: Symposium on Functional Oxides for Advanced Semiconductor Technologies, MAY 24-28, 2004 Strasbourg, FRANCE

39. Lazar, G; Clin, M; Charvet, S; et al., Effect of the RF power and deposition temperature on the electrical and vibrational properties of carbon nitride films, DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, 12 (2): 201-207 FEB 2003 Conference Information: 4th Specialist Meeting on Amorphous Carbon (SMAC 2002), SEP 05-06, 2002 BARCELONA, SPAIN UNIV BARCELONA, DEPT APPL PHYS & OPT

40. Mazingue, T; Escoubas, L; Spalluto, L; et al., Nanostructured ZnO coatings grown by pulsed laser deposition for optical gas sensing of butane, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 98 (7): Art. No. 074312 OCT 1 2005

41. Nistor, M; Gherendi, F; Magureanu, M; et al., (Zr, Sn)TiO4 thin films for application in electronics, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 247 (1-4): 169-174 JUL 15 2005 Conference Information: Spring Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society, MAY 24-28, 2004 Strasbourg, FRANCE

42. Gyorgy, E; Socol, G; Mihailescu, IN; et al., Structural and optical characterization of WO3 thin films for gas sensor applications, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 97 (9): Art. No. 093527 MAY 1 2005

43. Nelea, V; Pelletier, H; Muller, D; et al., Mechanical properties improvement of pulsed laser-deposited hydroxyapatite thin films by high energy ion-beam implantation, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 186 (1-4): 483-489 JAN 28 2002 Conference Information: Spring Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society, JUN 05-08, 2001 STRASBOURG, FRANCE


Page 55: III - Institutul de Fizica Atomica · Web viewQuinlan, FT; Vidu, R; Predoana, L; et al., Lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) nanocoatings by sol-gel methods, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY

44. Koch, CF; Johnson, S; Kumar, D; et al., Pulsed laser deposition of hydroxyapatite thin films, MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-BIOMIMETIC AND SUPRAMOLECULAR SYSTEMS, 27 (3): 484-494 Sp. Iss. SI APR 2007 Conference Information: Symposium on Next Generation Biomaterals, SEP 25-28, 2005 Pittsburgh, PA

45. Mihailescu, IN; Torricelli, P; Bigi, A; et al., Calcium phosphate thin films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition: Physico-chemical characterization and in vitro cell response, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 248 (1-4): 344-348 JUL 30 2005 Conference Information: 4th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, SEP 05-09, 2004 Lecce, ITALY

46. Branford, WR; Clowes, SK; Syed, MH; et al., Large positive magnetoresistance in nonstoichiometric NiMnSb thin films on silicon, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 84 (13): 2358-2360 MAR 29 2004

47. Pintilie, L; Dragoi, C; Chu, YH; et al., Orientation-dependent potential barriers in case of epitaxial Pt-BiFeO3-SrRuO3 capacitors, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 94 (23): Art. No. 232902 JUN 8 2009

48. Houser, EJ; Chrisey, DB; Bercu, M; et al., Functionalized polysiloxane thin films deposited by matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation for advanced chemical sensor applications, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 252 (13): 4871-4876 APR 30 2006 Conference Information: Symposium on Advances in Laser and Lamp Processing of Functional Materials, MAY 31-JUN 03, 2005 Strasbourg, FRANCE

49. Stamatin, L; Cristescu, R; Socol, G; et al., Laser deposition of fibrinogen blood proteins thin films by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 248 (1-4): 422-427 JUL 30 2005 Conference Information: 4th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, SEP 05-09, 2004 Lecce, ITALY

50. Jacquot, A; Lenoir, B; Dauscher, A; et al., Optical and thermal characterization of AlN thin films deposited by pulsed laser deposition, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 186 (1-4): 507-512 JAN 28 2002 Conference Information: Spring Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society, JUN 05-08, 2001 STRASBOURG, FRANCE

51. Craciun, V; Howard, JM; Bassim, ND; et al., Low-temperature growth of high-k thin films by ultraviolet-assisted pulsed laser deposition, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 168 (1-4): 123-126 DEC 15 2000 Conference Information: Spring Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society, MAY 29-JUN 02, 2000 STRASBOURG, FRANCE

52. Scarisoreanu, N; Craciun, F; Ion, V; et al., Structural and electrical characterization of lead-free ferroelectric Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3-BaTiO3 thin films obtained by PLD and RF-PLD, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 254 (4): 1292-1297 DEC 15 2007 Conference Information: Symposium on Laser Synthesis and Processing of Advanced Materials held at the E-MRS 2007 Spring Meeting, 2007 Strasbourg, FRANCE

53. Gyorgy, E; Grigorescu, S; Socoi, G; et al., Bioactive glass and hydroxyapatite thin films obtained by pulsed laser deposition, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 253 (19): 7981-7986 JUL 31 2007 Conference Information: Symposium on Photon-Assisted Synthesis and Processing of Functional Materials held at the 2006 EMRS Spring Meeting, MAY 29-JUN 02, 2006 Nice, FRANCE

54. Boldyreva, K; Pintilie, L; Lotnyk, A; et al., Thickness-driven antiferroelectric-to-ferroelectric phase transition of thin PbZrO3 layers in epitaxial PbZrO3/Pb(Zr0.8Ti0.2)O-3 multilayers, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 91 (12): Art. No. 122915 SEP 17 2007

55. Pereira, A; Cultrera, L; Dima, A; et al., Pulsed laser deposition and characterization of textured Pd-doped-SnO2 thin films for gas sensing applications, THIN SOLID FILMS, 497 (1-2): 142-148 FEB 21 2006

56. Lorinczi, A, Pulsed laser deposition of selenium-sulfur doped by paraffins, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 5 (5): 1081-1084 2003


Page 56: III - Institutul de Fizica Atomica · Web viewQuinlan, FT; Vidu, R; Predoana, L; et al., Lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) nanocoatings by sol-gel methods, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY

57. Bilkova, P; Mitu, B; Marotta, V; et al., Reactive pulsed laser deposition of zinc oxide thin films, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 79 (4-6): 1061-1065 SEP 2004

58. Braic, M; Balaceanu, M; Vladescu, A; et al., Preparation and characterization of titanium oxy-nitride thin films, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 253 (19): 8210-8214 JUL 31 2007 Conference Information: Symposium on Photon-Assisted Synthesis and Processing of Functional Materials held at the 2006 EMRS Spring Meeting, MAY 29-JUN 02, 2006 Nice, FRANCE

59. Canulescu, S; Dinescu, G; Epurescu, G; et al., Properties of BaTiO3 thin films deposited by radiofrequency beam discharge assisted pulsed laser deposition, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-SOLID STATE MATERIALS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY, 109 (1-3): 160-166 JUN 15 2004 Conference Information: Symposium on Functional Metal Oxides - Semiconductor Structures held at the E-MRS 2003 Meeting, JUN 10-13, 2003 Strasbourg, FRANCE

60. Craciun, V; Craciun, D; Wang, X; et al., Transparent and conducting indium tin oxide thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition at low temperatures, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 5 (2): 401-408 JUN 2003

61. Tanaskovic, D; Jokic, B; Socol, G; et al., Synthesis of functionally graded bioactive glass-apatite multistructures on Ti substrates by pulsed laser deposition, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 254 (4): 1279-1282 DEC 15 2007 Conference Information: Symposium on Laser Synthesis and Processing of Advanced Materials held at the E-MRS 2007 Spring Meeting, 2007 Strasbourg, FRANCE

62. Viespe, C; Nicolae, L; Sima, C; et al., ITO thin films deposited by advanced pulsed laser deposition, THIN SOLID FILMS, 515 (24): 8771-8775 OCT 15 2007 Conference Information: 1st International Symposium on Transparent Conducting Oxides, OCT 23-25, 2006 Crete, GREECE

63. Socol, G; Axente, E; Oane, M; et al., Nanoscopic photodeposited structures analyzed by an evanescent optical method, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 253 (15): 6535-6538 Sp. Iss. SI MAY 30 2007 Conference Information: 5th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, SEP, 2006 Charlotteville, VA

64. Braic, M; Balaceanu, M; Vladescu, A; et al., TiN/ZrN heterostructures deposition and characterization, SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, 200 (22-23): 6505-6510 JUN 20 2006 Conference Information: Symposium on Protective Coatings and Thin Films held at the E-MRS Spring Meeting, MAY 31, 2004-JUN 03, 2005 Strasbourg, FRANCE

65. Bakalova, S; Szekeres, A; Grigorescu, S; et al., Optical properties of aluminium nitride films obtained by pulsed laser deposition: an ellipsometric study, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 85 (1): 99-102 OCT 2006

66. Valerio, E; Grigorescu, C; Manea, SA; et al., Pulsed laser deposition of thin films of various full Heusler alloys CO2MnX (X = Si, Ga, Ge, Sn, SbSn) at moderate temperature, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 247 (1-4): 151-156 JUL 15 2005 Conference Information: Spring Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society, MAY 24-28, 2004 Strasbourg, FRANCE

67. Caltun, OF, Pulsed laser deposition of Ni-Zn ferrite thin films, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 7 (2): 739-744 APR 2005 Conference Information: 7th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials, JUN 10-12, 2004 Iasi, ROMANIA

68. Vrejoiu, I; Pedarnig, JD; Bauerle, D; et al., Giant dielectric permittivity and electromechanical strain in thin film materials produced by pulsed-laser deposition, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 83 (11): 2130-2132 SEP 15 2003

69. Craciun, F; Verardi, P; Brodoceanu, D; et al., Pulsed laser deposition of PMN thin films, MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING, 5 (2-3): 227-232 APR-JUN 2002 Conference Information: Symposium on Advanced Materials for Microelectronics held at the Spring Meeting of the E-MRS, JUN 18-21, 2002 STRASBOURG, FRANCE


Page 57: III - Institutul de Fizica Atomica · Web viewQuinlan, FT; Vidu, R; Predoana, L; et al., Lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) nanocoatings by sol-gel methods, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY

70. Epurescu, G; Dinescu, G; Moldovan, A; et al., P-type ZnO thin films grown by RF plasma beam assisted Pulsed Laser Deposition, SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES, 42 (1-6): 79-84 JUL-DEC 2007 Conference Information: Symposium on ZnO and Related Materials held at the 2006 EMRS Spring Meeting, MAY 29-JUN 02, 2006 Nice, FRANCE

71. Filipescu, M; Orlando, S; Russo, V; et al., Morphological and structural studies of WOx thin films deposited by laser ablation, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 253 (19): 8258-8262 JUL 31 2007 Conference Information: Symposium on Photon-Assisted Synthesis and Processing of Functional Materials held at the 2006 EMRS Spring Meeting, MAY 29-JUN 02, 2006 Nice, FRANCE

72. Prepelita, P; Baban, C; Iacomi, F, The study of the influence of Al and Sn doping on the optical and electrical properties of ZnO thin films, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 9 (7): 2166-2169 JUL 2007,

73. Craciun, F; Dinescu, M; Verardi, P; et al., Processing and characterization of ferroelectric thin films obtained by pulsed laser deposition, JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, 25 (12): 2299-2303 2005 Conference Information: 9th Electroceramics Congress, MAY 31-JUN 06, 2004 Cherbourg, FRANCE

74. Luca, D, Preparation of TiOx thin films by reactive pulsed-laser ablation, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 7 (2): 625-630 APR 2005 Conference Information: 7th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials, JUN 10-12, 2004 Iasi, ROMANIA

75. Celentano, G; Galluzzi, V; Mancini, A; et al., YBCO films and CeO2/YSZ/CeO2 buffer layers grown on Ni-Cr-W RABiTS with a Pd seed layer, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, 15 (2): 2691-2694 Part 3 JUN 2005 Conference Information: 2004 Applied Superconductivity Conference, OCT 03-08, 2004 Jacksonville, FL

76. Verardi, P; Craciun, F; Dinescu, M; et al., Properties of La and Nb-modified PZT thin films grown by radio frequency assisted pulsed laser deposition, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-SOLID STATE MATERIALS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY, 118 (1-3): 39-43 APR 25 2005 Conference Information: Symposium on Functional Oxides for Advanced Semiconductor Technologies, MAY 24-28, 2004 Strasbourg, FRANCE

77. Caminat, P; Valerio, E; Autric, M; et al., Double beam pulse laser deposition of NiMnSb thin films at ambient temperature, THIN SOLID FILMS, 453: 269-272 Sp. Iss. SI APR 1 2004 Conference Information: EMRS 2003 Spring Conference, JUN 10-11, 2003 Strasbourg, FRANCE

78. Popescu, M; Sava, F; Lorinczi, A; et al., Amorphous thin films based on paraffin doped chalcogenides, prepared by pulsed laser deposition, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 6 (1): 163-167 MAR 2004

79. Essary, C; Howard, JM; Craciun, V; et al., Kinetics of interfacial layer formation during deposition of HfO2 on silicon, THIN SOLID FILMS, 450 (1): 111-113 FEB 22 2004 Conference Information: Symposium on Optical and X-Ray Metrology for Advanced Device Materials Characterization, JUN 10-13, 2003 Strasbourg, FRANCE

80. Koleva, ME; Zotova, S; Atanasov, PA; et al., Sr-ferrite thin films grown on sapphire by pulsed laser deposition, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 168 (1-4): 108-113 DEC 15 2000 Conference Information: Spring Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society, MAY 30-JUN 02, 2000 STRASBOURG, FRANCE

81. Nistor, M; Gherendi, F; Mandache, NB; et al., Metal-semiconductor transition in epitaxial ZnO thin films, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 106 (10): Art. No. 103710 NOV 15 2009

82. Bigi, A; Boanini, E; Capuccini, C; et al., Biofunctional alendronate-Hydroxyapatite thin films deposited by Matrix Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation, BIOMATERIALS, 30 (31): 6168-6177 NOV 2009


Page 58: III - Institutul de Fizica Atomica · Web viewQuinlan, FT; Vidu, R; Predoana, L; et al., Lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) nanocoatings by sol-gel methods, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY

83. Marozau, I; Shkabko, A; Dinescu, G; et al., Pulsed laser deposition and characterization of nitrogen-substituted SrTiO3 thin films, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 255 (10): 5252-5255 MAR 1 2009

84. Pivin, JC; Socol, G; Mihailescu, I; et al., Structure and magnetic properties of ZnO films doped with Co, Ni or Mn synthesized by pulsed laser deposition under low and high oxygen partial pressures, THIN SOLID FILMS, 517 (2): 916-922 NOV 28 2008

85. Tomozeiu, N, Effects of UV photon irradiation on SiOx (0 < x < 2) structural properties, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 253 (1): 376-380 OCT 31 2006 Conference Information: Symposium P of the Spring Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society entitled Curent Trends in Optical and X-ray Meterology of Advanced Materials for Nanoscale Devices, MAY 31-JUN 03, 2005 Strasbourg, FRANCE

86. Lisca, M; Pintilie, L; Alexe, M; et al., Thickness effect in Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O-3 ferroelectric thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 252 (13): 4549-4552 APR 30 2006 Conference Information: Symposium on Advances in Laser and Lamp Processing of Functional Materials, MAY 31-JUN 03, 2005 Strasbourg, FRANCE

87. Ghica, C; Ristoscu, C; Socol, G; et al., Growth and characterization of beta-SiC films obtained by fs laser ablation, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 252 (13): 4672-4677 APR 30 2006 Conference Information: Symposium on Advances in Laser and Lamp Processing of Functional Materials, MAY 31-JUN 03, 2005 Strasbourg, FRANCE

88. Woo, AJ; Bourne, G; Craciun, V; et al., Mechanical properties of ZrC thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 8 (1): 20-23 FEB 2006 Conference Information: 6th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, JUL 05-07, 2005 Constanta, ROMANIA

89. Dinescu, M; Craciun, F; Scarisoreanu, N; et al., Ferroelectric (Na1/2Bi1/2)TiO3-BaTiO3 thin films obtained by pulsed laser deposition, JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV, 128: 77-80 SEP 2005 Conference Information: Meeting on Electro-Active Materials and Sustainable Growth, MAY 23-25, 2005 Abbey les Vaux de Cernay, FRANCE

90. Mihesan, C; Gurlui, S; Ziskind, M; et al., Photo-excited desorption of multi-component systems: Application to chalcogenide glasses, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 248 (1-4): 224-230 JUL 30 2005 Conference Information: 4th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, SEP 05-09, 2004 Lecce, ITALY

91. Filipescu, M; Scarisoreanu, N; Matei, DG; et al., Properties of zirconium silicate thin films prepared by laser ablation, MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING, 7 (4-6): 209-214 AUG-DEC 2004 Conference Information: Symposium on New Materials in Future Silicon Technology Held at the E-MAR 2004 Spring Meeting, 2004 Strasbourg, FRANCE

92. Caltun, OF, Pulsed laser deposition of NiFe2O4 thin films, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 6 (3): 935-938 SEP 2004 Conference Information: 4th International Workshop on Materials for Electrotechnics, MAY 26-28, 2004 Bucharest, ROMANIA

93. Dauscher, A; Puyet, M; Lenoir, B; et al., Microstructural investigation of CaxCo4Sb12 films prepared by pulsed laser deposition, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 79 (4-6): 1465-1468 SEP 2004

94. Gyorgy, E; Mihallescu, IN; Baleva, A; et al., Correlation between the chemical bonding and the physical properties of the CNx films obtained by pulsed laser deposition from C targets in low-pressure N-2, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-SOLID STATE MATERIALS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY, 97 (3): 251-257 FEB 15 2003

95. Mikheenko, P; Tanner, JL; Bowen, J; et al., Nanodots induced columnar growth of YBa2Cu3Ox films, PHYSICA C-SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, 470: S234-S236 Sp. Iss. SI Suppl. 1 DEC 2010 Conference Information: 9th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity, SEP 07-12, 2009 Tokyo, JAPAN


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96. Nistor, M; Perriere, J; Hebert, C; et al., Nanocomposite indium tin oxide thin films: formation induced by a large oxygen deficiency and properties, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 22 (4): Art. No. 045006 FEB 3 2010

97. Filipescu, M; Ossi, PM; Santo, N; et al., Radio-frequency assisted pulsed laser deposition of nanostructured WOx films, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 255 (24): 9699-9702 SEP 30 2009 Conference Information: 6th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, SEP 09-12, 2008 Sapporo, JAPAN

98. Goniakowski, J; Jelea, A; Mottet, C; et al., Structures of metal nanoparticles adsorbed on MgO(001). II. Pt and Pd, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 130 (17): Art. No. 174703 MAY 7 2009

99. Berbecaru, C; Alexandru, HV; Ianculescu, A; et al., Bioglass thin films for biomimetic implants, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 255 (10): 5476-5479 MAR 1 2009

100. Suchea, M; Christoulakis, S; Tibeica, C; et al., Structural and morphological properties of thin ZnO films grown by pulsed laser deposition, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 254 (17): 5475-5480 JUN 30 2008

101. Constantinescu, C; Scarisoreanu, N; Moldovan, A; et al., Thin films of NdFeB deposited by PLD technique, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 253 (19): 8192-8196 JUL 31 2007 Conference Information: Symposium on Photon-Assisted Synthesis and Processing of Functional Materials held at the 2006 EMRS Spring Meeting, MAY 29-JUN 02, 2006 Nice, FRANCE

102. Branescu, M; Vailionis, A; Ward, I; et al., In situ grown epitaxial YBa2Cu3O7-x thin films by pulsed laser deposition under reduced oxygen pressure during cool-down time, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 252 (13): 4573-4577 APR 30 2006 Conference Information: Symposium on Advances in Laser and Lamp Processing of Functional Materials, MAY 31-JUN 03, 2005 Strasbourg, FRANCE

103. Craciun, V; Woo, J; Craciun, D; et al., Epitaxial ZrC thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 252 (13): 4615-4618 APR 30 2006 Conference Information: Symposium on Advances in Laser and Lamp Processing of Functional Materials, MAY 31-JUN 03, 2005 Strasbourg, FRANCE

104. Cultrera, L; Pereira, A; Ristoscu, C; et al., Pulsed laser deposition of Mg thin films on Cu substrates for photocathode applications, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 248 (1-4): 397-401 JUL 30 2005 Conference Information: 4th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, SEP 05-09, 2004 Lecce, ITALY

105. Verardi, P; Craciun, F; Scarisoreanu, N; et al., Synthesis and characterization of PLZT thin films obtained by pulsed laser deposition, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 79 (4-6): 1283-1285 SEP 2004

106. Quinlan, FT; Vidu, R; Predoana, L; et al., Lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) nanocoatings by sol-gel methods, INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH, 43 (10): 2468-2477 MAY 12 2004

107. Verardi, P; Craciun, F; Scarisoreanu, N; et al., Ferroelectric relaxor thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition, FERROELECTRICS, 293: 189-199 2003 Conference Information: 6th European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics (ECAPD), SEP 02-05, 2002 AVEIRO, PORTUGAL

108. Grigorescu, CEA; Manea, SA; Mitrea, M; et al., Surface particularities in pulsed laser ablation/deposition of the ferromagnetic alloy NiMnSb, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 212: 78-84 MAY 15 2003 Conference Information: 11th International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces (ICSFE-11), JUL 08-12, 2002 MARSEILLE, FRANCE

109. Craciun, V; Howard, JM; Craciun, D; et al., Oxygen trapping during pulsed laser deposition of oxide films, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 208: 507-511 MAR 15 2003


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Conference Information: Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Advanced Laser Materials Processing, JUN 18-21, 2002 STRASBOURG, FRANCE

110. Craciun, V; Lambers, E; Bassim, ND; et al., Growth of dense SiC films on Si at medium temperatures by pulsed laser deposition, JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A-VACUUM SURFACES AND FILMS, 19 (5): 2691-2694 SEP-OCT 2001

111. Crisan, A; Sarkar, A; Mikheenko, P; et al., Improvement of Pinning Force and Critical Current Density in Thick YBa (2) Cu (3) O (7-delta) Films Grown on SrTiO (3) Substrates Decorated with LaNiO (3) Nanodots, JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM, 22 (7): 631-636 OCT 2009

112. Smausz, T; Megyeri, G; Kekesi, R; et al., Comparative study on Pulsed Laser Deposition and Matrix Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation of urease thin films, THIN SOLID FILMS, 517 (15): 4299-4302 JUN 1 2009

113. Crisan, A; Kechik, MMA; Mikheenko, P; et al., Critical current density and pinning potential in YBa2Cu3O7-delta thick films ablated from a BaZrO3-doped nanocrystalline target, SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 22 (4): Art. No. 045014 APR 2009

114. Epurescu, G; Vlad, A; Bodea, MA; et al., Pulsed-laser deposition of smooth thin films of Er, Pr and Nd doped glasses, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 255 (10): 5295-5298 MAR 1 2009

115. Ramani, K; Singh, RK; Craciun, V, Hf-O-N and HfO2 barrier layers for Hf-Ti-O gate dielectric thin films, MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, 85 (8): 1758-1761 AUG 2008

116. Rusu, GG; Rambu, AP; Rusu, M, On the optical properties of heat-treated multilayered Zn/In thin films, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 10 (2): 339-343 FEB 2008 Conference Information: 8th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, JUL 05-07, 2007 Constanta, ROMANIA

117. Mancini, A; Celentano, G; Galluzzi, V; et al., Pd layer on cube-textured substrates for MOD-TFA and PLD YBCO coated conductors, SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 21 (1): Art. No. 015003 JAN 2008

AP 5.2: Imprimare prin transfer de material1. Kononenko, TV; Nagovitsyn, IA; Chudinova, GK; et al., Clean, cold, and liquid-free laser

transfer of biomaterials, LASER PHYSICS, 21 (4): 823-829 APR 2011 2. Palla-Papavlu, A; Dinca, V; Luculescu, C; et al., Laser induced forward transfer of soft

materials, JOURNAL OF OPTICS, 12 (12): Art. No. 124014 DEC 2010 3. Papadopoulou, EL; Axente, E; Magoulakis, E; et al., Laser induced forward transfer of metal

oxides using femtosecond double pulses, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 257 (2): 508-511 NOV 1 2010

4. Dinca, V; Farsari, M; Kafetzopoulos, D; et al., Patterning parameters for biomolecules microarrays constructed with nanosecond and femtosecond UV lasers, THIN SOLID FILMS, 516 (18): 6504-6511 JUL 31 2008

5. Dinca, V; Kasotakis, E; Catherine, J; et al., Development of peptide-based patterns by laser transfer, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 254 (4): 1160-1163 DEC 15 2007 Conference Information: Symposium on Laser Synthesis and Processing of Advanced Materials held at the E-MRS 2007 Spring Meeting, 2007 Strasbourg, FRANCE

6. Dinca, V; Ranella, A; Farsari, M; et al., Quantification of the activity of biomolecules in microarrays obtained by direct laser transfer, BIOMEDICAL MICRODEVICES, 10 (5): 719-725 OCT 2008

7. Klini, A; Mourka, A; Dinca, V; et al., ZnO nanorod micropatterning via laser-induced forward transfer, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 87 (1): 17-22 APR 2007

8. Dinca, V; Fardel, R; Shaw-Stewart, J; et al., Laser-Induced Forward Transfer: An Approach to Single-Step Polymer Microsensor Fabrication, SENSOR LETTERS, 8 (3): 436-440 Sp. Iss. SI JUN


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2010 Conference Information: Spring Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society, JUN 08-12, 2009 Strasbourg, FRANCE

9. Dinca, V; Ranella, A; Popescu, A; et al., Parameters optimization for biological molecules patterning using 248-nm ultrafast lasers, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 254 (4): 1164-1168 DEC 15 2007 Conference Information: Symposium on Laser Synthesis and Processing of Advanced Materials held at the E-MRS 2007 Spring Meeting, 2007 Strasbourg, FRANCE

10. Kononenko TV, Nagovitsyn IA, Chudinova GK, et al., Application of clean laser transfer for porphyrin micropatterning, Applied Surface Science Volume: 256 Issue: 9 Pages: 2803-2808 Published: FEB 15 2010

11. Palla-Papavlu, A; Dinca, V; Paraico, I; et al., Microfabrication of polystyrene microbead arrays by laser induced forward transfer, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 108 (3): Art. No. 033111 AUG 1 2010

12. Dinca, V; Palla-Papavlu, A; Dinescu, M; et al., Polymer pixel enhancement by laser-induced forward transfer for sensor applications, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 101 (3): 559-565 Sp. Iss. SI NOV 2010

13. Dorcioman, G; Alloncle, P; Uteza, O; et al., LIFT investigation in nanosecond regime using high speed visualization, 13th International School on Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and Applications Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 5830: 276-280 2005 Conference Information: 13th International School on Quantum Electronics, SEP 20-24, 2004 Bourgas, BULGARIA

14. Dinca, V; Palla-Papavlu, A; Paraico, I; et al., 2D spatially controlled polymer micro patterning for cellular behavior studies, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 257 (12): 5250-5254 APR 1 2011

15. Duocastella, M; Patrascioiu, A; Dinca, V; et al., Study of liquid deposition during laser printing of liquids, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 257 (12): 5255-5258 APR 1 2011

16. Palla-Papavlu, A; Paraico, I; Shaw-Stewart, J; et al., Liposome micropatterning based on laser-induced forward transfer, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 102 (3): 651-659 MAR 2011

AP 5.3: Metode de diagnostic, Metode numerice de modelare1. Craciun, V; Bassim, N; Singh, RK; et al., Laser-induced explosive boiling during nanosecond

laser ablation of silicon, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 186 (1-4): 288-292 JAN 28 2002 Conference Information: Spring Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society, JUN 05-08, 2001 STRASBOURG, FRANCE

2. Gurlui, S; Agop, M; Nica, P; et al., Experimental and theoretical investigations of a laser-produced aluminum plasma, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 78 (2): Art. No. 026405 Part 2 AUG 2008

3. Nica P, Vizureanu P, Agop M, et al., Experimental and Theoretical Aspects of Aluminum Expanding Laser Plasma, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 48 Issue: 6 Article Number: 066001 Part: Part 1 Published: JUN 2009

4. Ursu C, Gurlui S, Focsa C, et al., Space- and time-resolved optical diagnosis for the study of laser ablation plasma dynamics, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS Volume: 267 Issue: 2 Pages: 446-450 Published: JAN 2009 Conference Information: 4th Conference on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems, JUN 18-20, 2008 Clu Napoca, ROMANIA

5. Rotaru A, Constantinescu C, Rotaru P, et al, Thermal analysis and thin films deposition by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation of a 4CN type azomonoether, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY Volume: 92 Issue: 1 Pages: 279-284 Published: APR 2008 Conference Information: 8th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, SEP 25-29, 2007 Palermo, ITALY


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6. Axente E, Noel S, Hermann J, et al., Correlation between plasma expansion and damage threshold by femtosecond laser ablation of fused silica, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 41 Issue: 10 Article Number: 105216 Published: MAY 21 2008

7. Axente, E; Noel, S; Hermann, J; et al., Subpicosecond laser ablation of copper and fused silica: Initiation threshold and plasma expansion, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 255 (24): 9734-9737 SEP 30 2009 Conference Information: 6th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, SEP 09-12, 2008 Sapporo, JAPAN

8. Noel, S; Axente, E; Hermann, J, Investigation of plumes produced by material ablation with two time-delayed femtosecond laser pulses, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 255 (24): 9738-9741 SEP 30 2009 Conference Information: 6th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, SEP 09-12, 2008 Sapporo, JAPAN

9. Gyorgy, E; Ristoscu, C; Mihailescu, IN; et al., Role of laser pulse duration and gas pressure in deposition of AlN thin films, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 90 (1): 456-461 JUL 1 2001

10. Gyorgy, E; Nelea, V; Mihailescu, IN; et al., Correlation between hardness and structure of carbon-nitride thin films obtained by reactive pulsed laser deposition, THIN SOLID FILMS, 388 (1-2): 93-100 JUN 1 2001

11. Lazar, G, Influence of the substrate-electrode applied bias voltage on the properties of sputtered a-C : H thin films, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, 13 (13): 3011-3021 APR 2 2001

12. Stafe, M; Negutu, C; Popescu, IA, Theoretical determination of the ablation rate of metals in multiple-nano second laser pulses irradiation regime, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 253 (15): 6353-6358 Sp. Iss. SI MAY 30 2007 Conference Information: 5th International Conference on Photo-Excited Processes and Applications, SEP, 2006 Charlotteville, VA

13. Khandelwal, R; Singh, AP; Kapoor, A; et al., Effects of deposition temperature on the structural and morphological properties of SnO2 films fabricated by pulsed laser deposition Source: OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY, 41 (1): 89-93 FEB 2009

14. Rotaru, A; Constantinescu, C; Rotaru, P; et al., Thermal analysis and thin films deposition by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation of a 4CN type azomonoether, JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY, 92 (1): 279-284 APR 2008 Conference Information: 8th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, SEP 25-29, 2007 Palermo, ITALY

15. Major, L; Morgiel, J; Major, B; et al., Crystallographic aspects related to advanced tribological multilayers of Cr/CrN and Ti/TiN types produced by pulsed laser deposition (PLD), SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY, 200 (22-23): 6190-6195 JUN 20 2006 Conference Information: Symposium on Protective Coatings and Thin Films held at the E-MRS Spring Meeting, MAY 31, 2004-JUN 03, 2005 Strasbourg, FRANCE

16. Stan, GE; Morosanu, CO; Marcov, DA; et al., Effect of annealing upon the structure and adhesion properties of sputtered bio-glass/titanium coatings, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 255 (22): 9132-9138 AUG 30 2009

17. Ristoscu, C; Mihailescu, IN; Velegrakis, M; et al., Optical emission spectroscopy and time-of-flight investigations of plasmas generated from AlN targets in cases of pulsed laser deposition with sub-ps and ns ultraviolet laser pulses, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 93 (4): 2244-2250 FEB 15 2003

AP 5.4: Metode de analiza prin ablatie laser (MALDI, LIBS)1. Vlaicu, G; Popescu, IV; Parsan, F; et al., CONTROL OF Ca IN STEELS USING SPARK DATA

TECHNIQUE, ROMANIAN REPORTS IN PHYSICS, 62 (2): 350-359 2010 2. Vasilescu, J; Belegante, L; Sliwinski, C; et al., USING ACTIVE REMOTE SENSING TO ASSESS THE



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3. Cristescu, R; Mihaiescu, D; Socol, G; et al., Deposition of biopolymer thin films by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation, APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, 79 (4-6): 1023-1026 SEP 2004

4. Stingu, CS; Rodloff, AC; Jentsch, H; et al., Rapid identification of oral anaerobic bacteria cultivated from subgingival biofilm by MALDI-TOF-MS, ORAL MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY, 23 (5): 372-376 OCT 2008

5. Tirsoaga, A; El Hamidi, A; Perry, MB; et al., A rapid, small-scale procedure for the structural characterization of lipid A applied to Citrobacter and Bordetella strains: discovery of a new structural element, JOURNAL OF LIPID RESEARCH, 48 (11): 2419-2427 NOV 2007

6. Iojoiu, C; Cade, D; Fessi, H; et al., Synthesis of oligocaprolactone vinyl ether macromonomers and their use for indomethacin encapsulation in polymer nanoparticles based on polycaprolactone macromonomer-maleic anhydride-N-vinyl pyrrolidone terpolymers, POLYMER INTERNATIONAL, 55 (2): 222-228 FEB 2006

7. Grosu, I; Bogdan, E; Ple, G; et al., Synthesis and structure of new macrocycles including spiro-1,3-dioxane units, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, (16): 3153-3161 AUG 11 2003

8. Drochioiu, G; Murariu, M; Petre, AB; et al., Synthesis and characterization of a nonapeptides with specific properties for Cu binding, REVISTA DE CHIMIE, 58 (3): 311-315 MAR 2007

9. Araoz, R; Guerineau, V; Rippka, R; et al., MALDI-TOF-MS detection of the low molecular weight neurotoxins anatoxin-a and homoanatoxin-a on lyophilized and fresh filaments of axenic Oscillatoria strains, TOXICON, 51 (7): 1308-1315 JUN 1 2008

10. Purice, A; Schou, J; Kingshottc, P; et al., High fluence deposition of polyethylene glycol films at 1064 nm by matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation (MAPLE), APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 253 (19): 7952-7956 JUL 31 2007 Conference Information: Symposium on Photon-Assisted Synthesis and Processing of Functional Materials held at the 2006 EMRS Spring Meeting, MAY 29-JUN 02, 2006 Nice, FRANCE

11. Sisu, E; Flangea, C; Serb, A; et al., Modern developments in mass spectrometry of chondroitin and dermatan sulfate glycosaminoglycans, AMINO ACIDS, 41 (2): 235-256 JUL 2011

12. Munteanu, FD; Dinca, N; Cavaco-Paulo, A, MALDI-TOF MASS SPECTROMETRY IN TEXTILE INDUSTRY, APPLICATIONS OF MASS SPECTROMETRY IN LIFE SAFETY Book series title: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A-Chemistry and Biology : 193-203 2008 Conference Information: NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Applications of Mass Spectrometry in Life Safety, SEP 24-27, 2007 Arad, ROMANIA


14. Dima, A; Carlsson, A; Broo, K; et al., Advanced substrates in sol-gel technology for MALDI mass spectrometry, 2004 International Semiconductor Conference, Vols 1and 2, Proceedings: 81-84 2004 Conference Information: 27th International Semiconductor Conference (CAS), OCT 04-06, 2004 Sinaia, ROMANIA

15. Caneve, L; Colao, F; Fabbri, F; et al., Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy analysis of asbestos, SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 60 (7-8): 1115-1120 AUG 31 2005 Conference Information: 3rd International Conference on Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy and Applications, SEP 28-OCT 01, 2004 Torremolinos, SPAIN

16. Pecheva, E; Petrov, T; Lungu, C; et al., Stimulated in vitro bone-like apatite formation by a novel laser processing technique, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 137 (1): 144-153 MAR 15 2008

17. Orha, C; Manea, F; Pop, A; et al., Obtaining and characterization of zeolitic materials with antibacterial properties, REVISTA DE CHIMIE, 59 (2): 173-177 FEB 2008


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18. Hermann, J; Mercadier, L; Mothe, E; et al., On the stoichiometry of mass transfer from solid to plasma during pulsed laser ablation of brass, SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY, 65 (8): 636-641 Sp. Iss. SI AUG 2010 Conference Information: 5th Euro-Mediterranean Sympsoium on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, SEP 28-OCT 01, 2009 Rome, ITALY

19. Orha, C; Manea, F; Ratiu, C; et al., Obtaining and characterization of romanian zeolite supporting silver ions, ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, 6 (6): 541-544 NOV-DEC 2007 Conference Information: 4th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management, SEP 12-15, 2007 Iasi, ROMANIA Tech Univ Iasi

20. Apostol, I; Damian, V; Garoi, F; et al., Laser cleaning of paintings: From preliminary investigations to a laser cleaning station, ADVANCED TOPICS IN OPTOELECTRONICS, MICROELECTRONICS, AND NANOTECHNOLOGIES V Book series title: Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering , 7821: Art. No. 78212E 2010 Conference Information: Conference on Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotechnologies V, AUG 26-29, 2010 Constanta, ROMANIA


22. Striber, J; Radvan, R; Angheluta, LM, Laser spectroscopy methods for an 18(th) century grisaille painting investigation, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 11 (11): 1815-1820 NOV 2009

23. Simileanu, M; Maracineanu, W; Deciu, C; et al., A complex portable optoelectronic setup for on site interventions - Case studies - art. no. 63450U Seventh International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques: Advances and Applications Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 6345: U3450-U3450 2006 Conference Information: 7th International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques, JUN 19-22, 2006 Ancona, ITALY

24. Lupei, V; Lupei, A; Gheorghe, C; et al., Sensitized Yb3+ emission in, (Nd, Yb):Y3Al5O12 transparent ceramics, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 108 (12): Art. No. 123112 DEC 15 2010

25. Jelinek, M; Kocourek, T; Remsa, J; et al., MAPLE applications in studying organic thin films, LASER PHYSICS, 17 (2): 66-70 FEB 2007

26. Cristescu, R; Dorcioman, G; Ristoscu, C; et al., Matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation processing of triacetate-pullulan polysaccharide thin films for drug delivery systems, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 252 (13): 4647-4651 APR 30 2006 Conference Information: Symposium on Advances in Laser and Lamp Processing of Functional Materials, MAY 31-JUN 03, 2005 Strasbourg, FRANCE

27. Socol, G; Mihailescu, IN; Albu, AM; et al., MAPLE prepared polymeric thin films for non-linear optic applications, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 255 (10): 5611-5614 MAR 1 2009


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Tema 6 (AP 6): Prelucrari laser in trei dimensiuni

AP 6.1 Functionalizare optica a materialelor transparente: Aplicatii fotonice, tehnologia informatiilor, criptaj

1. Popescu, ST; Petris, A; Vlad, VI; et al., Arrays of soliton waveguides in lithium niobate for parallel coupling, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 12 (1): 19-23 JAN 2010

2. Zamfirescu M, Sajin G, Bunea A, et al., Layout for millimeter wave Composite Right/Left Handed devices obtained by femtosecond laser ablation, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Volume: 12 Issue: 3 Pages: 686-691 Published: MAR 2010

3. Popescu, ST; Petris, A; Vlad, VI; et al., Fast writing of soliton waveguides in lithium niobate with a low power blue-violet laser, ROMOPTO 2009: NINTH CONFERENCE ON OPTICS: MICRO- TO NANOPHOTONICS II Book series title: Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering , 7469: Art. No. 74690I 2010 Conference Information: 9th Conference on Optics - Micro- to Nanophotonics II, AUG 31-SEP 03, 2009 Sibiu, ROMANIA

4. Petris, A; Pettazzi, F; Fazio, E; et al., Electronic and thermal nonlinear refractive indices of SOI and nanopatterned SOI measured by Z-scan method - art. no. 67850P ROMOPTO 2006: Eighth Conference on Optics Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 6785: P7850-P7850 2007 Conference Information: 8th Conference on Optics, SEP 04-07, 2006 Sibiu, ROMANIA

5. Petris, A; Pettazzi, F; Fazio, E; et al., Strongly enhanced third order nonlinear response of periodically nano-structured silicon-on-insulator (SOI) measured by reflection Z-scan with femtosecond pulses, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 8 (4): 1377-1380 AUG 2006

6. Popescu, M; Sava, F; Lorinczi, A; et al., Optical recording in sulfur-selenium layers, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 6 (3): 883-886 SEP 2004


8. Ionita, I, Femtonics and Medical Applications, PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHYSICS CONFERENCE TIM-08 Book series title: AIP Conference Proceedings , 1131: 149-153 2009 Conference Information: Physics Conference 2008 (TIM-08), NOV 28-29, 2008 Timisoara, ROMANIA

9. Ulieru, D; Apostol, I, New processing possibilities of materials by micro and nano precision laser machining for microelectronics applications, Advanced Laser Technologies 2004 Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 5850: 308-319 2005 Conference Information: 12th Advanced Laser Technoloies 2004 Conference, SEP 10-15, 2004 Rome, ITALY Univ la Sapienza


11. Borangiu, T; Dogar, A; Dumitrache, A, Modeling and simulation of short range 3D triangulation-based laser scanning system, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL, 3: 190-195 Suppl. S 2008

12. Dabu, R; Zamfirescu, M; Dumitru, M; et al., Femtosecond lasers - potential tools for manufacturing high-frequency negative refractive materials - art. no. 70220L ADVANCED LASER TECHNOLOGIES 2007 Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 7022: L220-L220 2008 Conference Information: Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies, SEP 03-07, 2007 Levi, FINLAND

13. Sinescu, C; Negrutiu, M; Faur, N; et al., Dental scanning in CAD/CAM technologies: Laser beams - art. no. 68430E LASERS IN DENTISTRY XIV Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE


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SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 6843: E8430-E8430 2008 Conference Information: Conference on Lasers in Dentistry XIV, JAN 20, 2008 San Jose, CA

14. Sterian, P; Mocanu, E, Acquisition and applications of 3D images - art. no. 678525 ROMOPTO 2006: Eighth Conference on Optics Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 6785: 78525-78525 2007 Conference Information: 8th Conference on Optics, SEP 04-07, 2006 Sibiu, ROMANIA

15. Cojocaru, E, Quarter-wave discrete wavelet design of dichroic highly reflecting-transmitting mirrors for ultrafast solid-state lasers, APPLIED OPTICS, 43 (6): 1261-1265 FEB 20 2004

16. Cojocaru, E, Second and third order dispersion of broadband thin-film antireflection coatings for ultrafast lasers, OPTICA APPLICATA, 34 (1): 25-29 2004

17. Ninulescu, V; Sterian, I; Sterian, AR, Switching effect in dense media, ALT'01 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED LASER TECHNOLOGIES Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 4762: 227-234 2002 Conference Information: 9th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies (ALT 01), SEP 11-14, 2001 CONSTANTA, ROMANIA

18. Popescu, M, Disordered chalcogenide optoelectronic materials: Phenomena and applications, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 7 (4): 2189-2210 AUG 2005

AP 6.2 Asamblare laser 3D, generare de dispozitive complexe (fotopolimerizare, sinteza 3D, etc). Prototipaj rapid

1. Matei, A; Zamfirescu, M; Jipa, F; et al., Two Photon Polymerization of Ormosils, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HIGH POWER LASER ABLATION 2010 Book series title: AIP Conference Proceedings , 1278: 843-851 2010 Conference Information: International Symposium on High Power Laser Ablation 2010, APR 18-22, 2010 Santa Fe, NM


3. Zamfirescu, M; Ulmeanu, M; Jipa, F; et al., Application of ultrashort lasers pulses in micro- and nano-technologies, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 12 (11): 2179-2184 NOV 2010

4. Doraiswamy, A; Patz, T; Narayan, RJ; et al., Two-dimensional differential adherence of neuroblasts in laser micromachined CAD/CAM agarose channels, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 252 (13): 4748-4753 APR 30 2006 Conference Information: Symposium on Advances in Laser and Lamp Processing of Functional Materials, MAY 31-JUN 03, 2005 Strasbourg, FRANCE

5. Petrescu, V; Isarie, C; Bibu, M; et al., RAPID MANUFACTURING BY HIGH ENERGY SINTERING, MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGES, VOL 1: 687-690 2009 Conference Information: 6th International Conference on the Management of Technological Changes, SEP 03-05, 2009 Alexandroupolis, GREECE

6. Oprisan, RV; Matei, AV; Zara, A; et al., RAPID PROTOTYPING TECHNIQUES, MODTECH 2010: NEW FACE OF TMCR, PROCEEDINGS Book series title: Proceedings of the International Conference ModTech : 435-438 2010 Conference Information: 14th International Conference on Modern Technologies, Quality and Innovation (ModTech 2010), MAY 20-22, 2010 Slanic-Moldova, ROMANIA

7. Pacurar, R; Balc, N; Ros, O, OPTIMUM SCALING OF THE SLS METAL PARTS USING FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS, MODTECH 2010: NEW FACE OF TMCR, PROCEEDINGS Book series title: Proceedings of the International Conference ModTech : 439-442 2010 Conference Information: 14th International Conference on Modern Technologies, Quality and Innovation (ModTech 2010), MAY 20-22, 2010 Slanic-Moldova, ROMANIA


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8. Gavrila-Florescu, L; Sandu, I; Soare, I; et al., About in-situ functionalization of carbon nanopowder synthesized by laser-induced pyrolysis - art. no. 70220Z ADVANCED LASER TECHNOLOGIES 2007 Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 7022: Z220-Z220 2008 Conference Information: Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies, SEP 03-07, 2007 Levi, FINLAND

9. Iliescu, M; Nutu, E; Georgescu, L, Finite Element Method Simulation and Rapid Prototyping Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 8TH WSEAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS, HIGH VOLTAGES, ELECTRIC MACHINES Book series title: Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering : 257-262 2008 Conference Information: 8th WSEAS International Conference on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric Machines, NOV 21-23, 2008 Venice, ITALY

10. Berce, P; Pacurar, R; Balc, N, Virtual Engineering for Rapid Product Development, NEW ASPECTS OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS, STRUCTURES, ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Book series title: Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering : 195-200 2008 Conference Information: WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Mechanics, Structures, and Engineering Geology, JUL 22-24, 2008 Heraklion, GREECE

11. Dragulescu, D; Stanciu, A; Ungureanu, L; et al., Custom designed facial implants made using an original rapid prototyping tool, 28TH INTERNATIONAL SPRING SEMINAR ON ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY Book series title: International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology ISSE : 305-310 2005 Conference Information: 28th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, MAY 19-22, 2005 Vienna Neustadt, AUSTRIA

12. Dinca, V; Kasotakis, E; Catherine, J; et al., Development of peptide-based patterns by laser transfer, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 254 (4): 1160-1163 DEC 15 2007 Conference Information: Symposium on Laser Synthesis and Processing of Advanced Materials held at the E-MRS 2007 Spring Meeting, 2007 Strasbourg, FRANCE

13. Crisan, A; Tanner, JL; Mikheenko, P; et al., All-self-assembled MgO nanorods and nanowires grown on Au-decorated MgO substrates by pulsed laser deposition, OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS, 3 (3): 231-235 MAR 2009

14. Mitu, B; Somacescu, S; Osiceanu, P; et al., RF assisted pulsed laser deposition of electrodes for YSZ based SOFCs, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 12 (3): 723-730 MAR 2010

15. Morjan, I; Voicu, I; Dumitrache, F; et al., Carbon nanopowders from the continuous-wave CO2 laser-induced pyrolysis of ethylene, CARBON, 41 (15): 2913-2921 2003

16. Alexandrescu, R; Dumitrache, F; Morjan, I; et al., TiO2 nanosized powders by TiCl4 laser pyrolysis, NANOTECHNOLOGY, 15 (5): 537-545 MAY 2004

17. Dumitrache, F; Morjan, I; Alexandrescu, R; et al., Nearly monodispersed carbon coated iron nanoparticles for the catalytic growth of nanotubes/nanofibres, DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS, 13 (2): 362-370 FEB 2004 Conference Information: Symposium on Carbon Materials for Active Electronics held at the Spring Meeting of the European-Materials-Research-Society, JUN 10-13, 2003 Strasbourg, FRANCE

18. Alexandrescu, R; Crunteanu, A; Morjan, RE; et al., Synthesis of carbon nanotubes by CO2-laser-assisted chemical vapour deposition, INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY, 44 (1): 43-50 FEB 2003

19. Rohmund, F; Morjan, RE; Ledoux, G; et al., Carbon nanotube films grown by laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition, JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B, 20 (3): 802-811 MAY-JUN 2002

20. Morjan, I; Voicu, I; Alexandrescu, R; et al., Gas composition in laser pyrolysis of hydrocarbon-based mixtures: Influence on soot morphology, CARBON, 42 (7): 1269-1273 2004 Conference Information: Carbon 2003 Conference, JUL 06-10, 2003 Oviedo, SPAIN


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AP 6.3 Micro, nano-sisteme, Systeme de analiza optico-chimica, opto-biologica1. Narayan, RJ; Jin, CM; Doraiswamy, A; et al., Laser processing of advanced bioceramics,

ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS, 7 (12): 1083-1098 DEC 2005 2. Ulieru, D; Apostol, I, New processing possibilities of materials by micro and nano precision

laser machining for microelectronics applications, Advanced Laser Technologies 2004 Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 5850: 308-319 2005 Conference Information: 12th Advanced Laser Technoloies 2004 Conference, SEP 10-15, 2004 Rome, ITALY Univ la Sapienza


4. Sava, V; Ilie, C; Popa, M; et al., Optimisation of processing with excimer laser mask technique, OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS, 5 (1-2): 99-102 JAN 2011

5. Sava, V; Ilie, C; Popa, M; et al., Excimer laser micro-machining optimization using beam homogenizers based optical system, ROMOPTO 2009: NINTH CONFERENCE ON OPTICS: MICRO- TO NANOPHOTONICS II Book series title: Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering , 7469: Art. No. 74690U 2010 Conference Information: 9th Conference on Optics - Micro- to Nanophotonics II, AUG 31-SEP 03, 2009 Sibiu, ROMANIA

6. Ulieru, D; Matei, A; Ulieru, E; et al., Laser high efficiency processing of solar cells innovative fabrication, 4M/ICOMM 2009 - THE GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON MICRO MANUFACTURE: 99-102 2009 Conference Information: International Conference on Mult-Material Micro Manufacture/ International Conference on Micro Manufacting, SEP, 2009 Karlsruhe, GERMANY

7. Moagar-Poladian, G; Illyefalvi-Vitez, Z; Balogh, B; et al., Laser applications in the field of MEMS - art. no. 70070K INDLAS 2007: INDUSTRIAL LASER APPLICATIONS Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 7007: K70-K70 2008 Conference Information: Conference on Industrial Laser Applications (INDLAS 2007), MAY 23-25, 2007 Bran, ROMANIA

8. Moagar-Poladian, G, Sub-wavelength resolution laser lithography in the field of MEMS - art. no. 70070L INDLAS 2007: INDUSTRIAL LASER APPLICATIONS Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 7007: L70-L70 2008 Conference Information: Conference on Industrial Laser Applications (INDLAS 2007), MAY 23-25, 2007 Bran, ROMANIA

9. Moagar-Poladian, G; Ulieru, D; Sandu, C; et al., Microengraving of a potassium dihydrogen phosphate crystal by laser ablation technique, MEMS, MOEMS, AND MICROMACHINING Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 5455: 375-380 2004 Conference Information: Conference on MEMS, MOEMS and Micromachining, APR 29-30, 2004 Strasbourg, FRANCE

10. Ulieru, DG, The comparative analysis of silicon wafers micromachining versus nonconventional technology, MICROMACHINING AND MICROFABRICATION PROCESS TECHNOLOGY VII Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 4557: 371-377 2001 Conference Information: Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology VII Conference, OCT 22-24, 2001 SAN FRANCISCO, CA

11. Ulieru, D; Apostol, I, New processing possibilities of materials by micro and nano precision laser machining for microelectronics applications, Advanced Laser Technologies 2004 Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 5850: 308-319 2005 Conference Information: 12th Advanced Laser Technoloies 2004 Conference, SEP 10-15, 2004 Rome, ITALY Univ la Sapienza


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12. Zamfir, AD, Recent advances in sheathless interfacing of capillary electrophoresis and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry, JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A, 1159 (1-2): 2-13 AUG 3 2007

13. De Bellis, G; Caramenti, G; Ilie, M; et al., Application of microtechnology in biotechnology. Microarray analytical systems - An overview, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 5 (1): 89-96 MAR 2003

AP 6.4: Aplicatii in biologie si medicina-nanochirurgie celulara, fototerapie-manipulari optice-interactii locale asistate de nanoparticule-metode calitative si cantitative de microscopie rapida, analiza dincolo de limita de

difractie. Metode de analiza si reconstructie 3D (OCT, holografie digitala, etc.)1. Brujan, EA; Vogel, A, Stress wave emission and cavitation bubble dynamics by nanosecond

optical breakdown in a tissue phantom, JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, 558: 281-308 JUL 10 2006

2. Dindelegan, G; Liden, H; Kurlberg, G; et al., Laser-doppler flowmetry is reliable for early diagnosis of small-bowel acute rejection in the mouse, MICROSURGERY, 23 (3): 233-238 2003

3. Calin, MA; Parasca, SV, Photodynamic therapy in oncology, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 8 (3): 1173-1179 JUN 2006

4. Brujan, EA, Dynamics of shock waves and cavitation bubbles in bilinear elastic-plastic media, and the implications to short-pulsed laser surgery, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-APPLIED PHYSICS, 29 (1): 115-123 JAN 2005

5. Predoi, D; Badiu, C; Alexandrescu, D; et al., Assessment of compressive optic neuropathy in long standing pituitary macroadenomas, ACTA ENDOCRINOLOGICA-BUCHAREST, 4 (1): 11-22 JAN-MAR 2008

6. Babighian, GG; Albu, S, Failures in stapedotomy for otosclerosis, OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD AND NECK SURGERY, 141 (3): 395-400 SEP 2009

7. Bach, T; Geavlete, B; Herrmann, TW; et al., Retrograde Blind Endoureterotomy for Subtotal Ureteral Strictures: A New Technique, JOURNAL OF ENDOUROLOGY, 22 (11): 2565-2570 NOV 2008

8. Sterian, AR; Popescu, CL; Piscureanu, MC, Programmable power supply for a CO2 laser used in the tissue ablation, 12TH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON QUANTUM ELECTRONICS: LASER PHYSICS AND APPLICATIONS Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 5226: 94-98 2002 Conference Information: 12th International School on Quantum Electronics, SEP 23-27, 2002 VARNA, BULGARIA

9. Saftoiu, A, State-of-the-art imaging techniques in endoscopic ultrasound, WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY, 17 (6): 691-696 FEB 14 2011


11. Chirila, M; Muresan, R; Cosgarea, M; et al., Surgical management of Gerhardt syndrome, CHIRURGIA, 105 (3): 327-330 MAY-JUN 2010

12. Kretschmer, WB; Baciut, G; Dinu, C; et al., The influence of expansion on intraoperative bone blood flow in multisegmental maxillary osteotomies: an experimental study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY, 39 (3): 282-286 MAR 2010

13. Pascu, ML; Carstocea, B; Staicu, A; et al., Spectroscopic studies of drugs used in the treatment of malignant tumors in ophthalmology, LASER FLORENCE 2000: A WINDOW ON


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THE LASER MEDICINE WORLD Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 2 (35): 52-60 2001 Conference Information: Annual Laser Florence 2000 Meeting, OCT 18-22, 2000 FLORENCE, ITALY

14. Antipa, C; Pascu, ML; Pascu, RA; et al., Objective methods in evaluating low level laser therapy results, LASER FLORENCE 2000: A WINDOW ON THE LASER MEDICINE WORLD Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 2 (35): 138-143 2001 Conference Information: Annual Laser Florence 2000 Meeting, OCT 18-22, 2000 FLORENCE, ITALY

15. Ciuchita, T; Antipa, C; Stanescu, C; et al., Some experimental aspects concerning the laser action on the living tissue, ROMOPTO 2000: SIXTH CONFERENCE ON OPTICS Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 4430: 691-696 2000 Conference Information: 6th Conference on Optics (ROMOPTO 2000), SEP 04-07, 2000 BUCHAREST, ROMANIA

16. Constantinoiu, S; Hanna, A; Birla, R; et al., Principles of treatment in advanced esophageal squamous cancer, CHIRURGIA, 105 (1): 7-14 JAN-FEB 2010

17. Ionita, I, Femtonics and Medical Applications, PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHYSICS CONFERENCE TIM-08 Book series title: AIP Conference Proceedings , 1131: 149-153 2009 Conference Information: Physics Conference 2008 (TIM-08), NOV 28-29, 2008 Timisoara, ROMANIA

18. Brujan, EA, Cardiovascular cavitation, MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS, 31 (7): 742-751 SEP 2009

19. Kretschmer, WB; Baciut, G; Baciut, M; et al., Changes in bone blood flow in segmental LeFort I osteotomies, ORAL SURGERY ORAL MEDICINE ORAL PATHOLOGY ORAL RADIOLOGY AND ENDODONTOLOGY, 108 (2): 178-183 AUG 2009

20. Gheorghe, C; Iacob, R; Dumbrava, M; et al., Confocal laser endomicroscopy and ultrasound endoscopy during the same endoscopic session for diagnosis and staging of gastric neoplastic lesions, CHIRURGIA, 104 (1): 17-24 JAN-FEB 2009

21. Bach, T; Geavlete, B; Herrmann, TRW; et al., "Homemade" TUR-Simulator for Less Than $40 US? The "Tupper (TM)" Experience, JOURNAL OF ENDOUROLOGY, 23 (3): 509-513 MAR 2009

22. Baciut, M; Baciut, G; Crisan, B; et al., Laser treatment of vascular lesions in maxillofacial surgery, Proceedings of the XVIII Congress of the European Association for Cranio-Maxillo Facial Surgery: 131-134 2006 Conference Information: 18th Congress of the European-Association-for-Cranio-Maxillo-Facial-Surgery, SEP 12-15, 2006 Barcelona, SPAIN

23. Ion, RM; Brezoi, DV; Neagu, M; et al., Laser effect in photodynamic therapy of tumors - art. no. 66061G Advanced Laser Technologies 2006 Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 6606: G6061-G6061 2007 Conference Information: 14th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies, SEP 08-12, 2006 Brasov, ROMANIA

24. Cernat, R; Matei, CE; Teanu, L; et al., Acousto-optic compensation of tremor for use in a handheld laser microsurgical instrument, 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vols 1-15: 4834-4836 2006 Conference Information: 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society, AUG 30-SEP 03, 2006 New York, NY

25. Calin, MA; Gruia, MI; Herascu, N; et al., Photodynamic therapy of walker tumors by multiple laser irradiation, PHOTOMEDICINE AND LASER SURGERY, 23 (4): 405-409 AUG 2005

26. Brezeanu, M; Gazdaru, DM; Voicu, L; et al., Enhancing of methotrexate activity during optical beam irradiation in photodynamic therapy of cancer and non-cancer diseases, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 6 (4): 1305-1310 DEC 2004

27. Cernat, R; Matel, CE; Olteanu, L; et al., Acousto-optic laser beam deflection for compensation of hand tremor - art. no. 66061M Advanced Laser Technologies 2006 Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION


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ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 6606: M6061-M6061 2007 Conference Information: 14th International Conference on Advanced Laser Technologies, SEP 08-12, 2006 Brasov, ROMANIA

28. Sterian, P; Mocanu, E, Acquisition and applications of 3D images - art. no. 678525 ROMOPTO 2006: Eighth Conference on Optics Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 6785: 78525-78525 2007 Conference Information: 8th Conference on Optics, SEP 04-07, 2006 Sibiu, ROMANIA

29. Digulescu, P; Carstocea, B; Sterian, L, Excimer laser absorption on PMMA plate and on cornea - A practical approach using volume luminance, 11TH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL ON QUANTUM ELECTRONICS: LASER PHYSICS AND APPLICATIONS Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 4397: 376-379 2001 Conference Information: 11th International School on Quantum Electronics, SEP 18-22, 2000 VARNA, BULGARIA

30. Nelea, V; Ristoscu, C; Ghica, C; et al., Hydroxyapatite thin films growth by pulsed laser deposition: effects of the Ti alloys substrate passivation on the film properties by the insertion of a TiN buffer layer, ROMOPTO 2000: SIXTH CONFERENCE ON OPTICS Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 4430: 247-252 2000 Conference Information: 6th Conference on Optics (ROMOPTO 2000), SEP 04-07, 2000 BUCHAREST, ROMANIA

31. Cojoc, D; Di Fabrizio, E; Businaro, L; et al., Design and fabrication of diffractive optical elements for optical tweezer arrays by means of e-beam lithography, MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, 61-2: 963-969 JUL 2002 Conference Information: 27th International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Engineering, SEP 16-19, 2001 GRENOBLE, SPAIN

32. Cojoc, D; Garbin, V; Ferrari, E; et al., Laser trapping and micro-manipulation using optical vortices, MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, 78-79: 125-131 Sp. Iss. SI MAR 2005 Conference Information: 30th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering, SEP 19-22, 2004 Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS

33. Ferrari, E; Emiliani, V; Cojoc, D; et al., Biological samples micro-manipulation by means of optical tweezers, MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, 78-79: 575-581 Sp. Iss. SI MAR 2005 Conference Information: 30th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering, SEP 19-22, 2004 Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS

34. Nadasan, M; Kulkarni, R; Iancu, O, Nanometer movements detection by back focal plane interference in laser tweezers - art. no. 62540B Seventh International Conference on Correlation Optics Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 6254: B2540-B2540 2006 Conference Information: 7th International Conference on Correlation Optics, SEP 06-09, 2005 Chernivtsi, UKRAINE

35. Garbin, V; Cojoc, D; Ferrari, E; et al., Optical micro-manipulation using Laguerre-Gaussian beams, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, 44 (7B): 5773-5776 Part 1 Sp. Iss. SI JUL 2005 Conference Information: 17th International Micorprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference, OCT 26-29, 2004 Osaka, JAPAN

36. Cojoc, D; Cabrini, S; Ferrari, E; et al., Dynamic multiple optical trapping by means of diffractive optical elements, MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, 73-4: 927-932 Sp. Iss. SI JUN 2004 Conference Information: 29th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE 2003), SEP 22-25, 2003 Cambridge, ENGLAND

37. Papagiakoumou, E; Pietreanu, D; Makropoulou, MI; et al., Evaluation of trapping efficiency of optical tweezers by dielectrophoresis, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS, 11 (1): Art. No. 014035 JAN-FEB 2006

38. Scarlat, EI; Mihailescu, M; Sobetkii, A, Spatial frequency and fractal complexity in single-to-triple beam holograms, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 12 (1): 105-109 JAN 2010


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39. Nadasan, M; Manea, A; Cristea, I; et al., Multiple trapping and micro manipulation of dielectric particles with optical tweezers - art. no. 67851A ROMOPTO 2006: EIGHTH CONFERENCE ON OPTICS Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 6785: A7851-A7851 2007 Conference Information: 8th Conference on Optics, SEP 04-07, 2006 Sibiu, ROMANIA

40. Sinescu, C; Negrutiu, ML; Todea, C; et al., Quality assessment of dental treatments using en-face optical coherence tomography, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS, 13 (5): Art. No. 054065 SEP-OCT 2008

41. Sato, M; Nagata, T; Niizuma, T; et al., Quadrature fringes wide-field optical coherence tomography and its applications to biological tissues, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 271 (2): 573-580 MAR 15 2007

42. Hrebesh, MS; Dabu, R; Sato, M, In vivo imaging of dynamic biological specimen by real-time single-shot full-field optical coherence tomography, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 282 (4): 674-683 FEB 15 2009

43. Todea, C; Balabuc, C; Sinescu, C; et al., En face optical coherence tomography investigation of apical microleakage after laser-assisted endodontic treatment, LASERS IN MEDICAL SCIENCE, 25 (5): 629-639 SEP 2010

44. Sinescu, C; Hughes, M; Bradu, A; et al., Implant bone interface investigated with a non-invasive method: optical coherence tomography - art. no. 69911L BIOPHOTONICS: PHOTONIC SOLUTIONS FOR BETTER HEALTH CARE Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 6991: L9911-L9911 2008 Conference Information: Conference on Biophotonics - Photonic Solution for Better Health Care, APR 08-10, 2008 Strasbourg, FRANCE

45. Dumitras, DC; Dutu, DC; Matei, C; et al., Measurements of ethylene concentration by laser photoacoustic techniques with applications at breath analysis, ROMANIAN REPORTS IN PHYSICS, 60 (3): 593-602 2008

46. Dumitras, DC; Giubileo, G; Puiu, A, Investigation of human biomarkers in exhaled breath by laser photoacoustic spectroscopy, Advanced Laser Technologies 2004 Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 5850: 111-121 2005 Conference Information: 12th Advanced Laser Technoloies 2004 Conference, SEP 10-15, 2004 Rome, ITALY Univ la Sapienza

47. Negrutiu, ML; Sinescu, C; Todea, C; et al., Complete denture analyzed by optical coherence tomography - art. no. 68430R LASERS IN DENTISTRY XIV Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 6843: R8430-R8430 2008 Conference Information: Conference on Lasers in Dentistry XIV, JAN 20, 2008 San Jose, CA

48. Cernat, R; Podoleanu, A; Gnewuch, H, Avalanche photodiode based optical coherence tomography, OPTICAL SENSING Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 5459: 185-191 2004 Conference Information: Conference on Optical Sensing, APR 27-29, 2004 Strasbourg, FRANCE

49. Osiac, E; Saftoiu, A; Gheonea, DI; et al., Optical coherence tomography and Doppler optical coherence tomography in the gastrointestinal tract, WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY, 17 (1): 15-20 JAN 7 2011

50. Marcauteanu, C; Negrutiu, M; Sinescu, C; et al., Early detection of tooth wear by en-face optical coherence tomography, LASERS IN DENTISTRY XV Book series title: Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering , 7162: Art. No. 716205 2009 Conference Information: Conference on Lasers in Dentistry XV, JAN 24, 2009 San Jose, CA

51. Antonie, S; Sinescu, C; Negrutiu, M; et al., Investigation of Implant bone interface with non-invasive methods: numerical simulation, strain gauges and optical coherence tomography, ADVANCES IN STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Book series title: KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS ,


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399: 193-198 2009 Conference Information: International Conference on Strength of Materials Laboratory at 85 Years, NOV 21-22, 2008 Timisoara, ROMANIA

52. Negrutiu, ML; Sinescu, C; Hughes, M; et al., Root canal filling evaluation using optical coherence tomography - art. no. 69911T BIOPHOTONICS: PHOTONIC SOLUTIONS FOR BETTER HEALTH CARE Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 6991: T9911-T9911 2008 Conference Information: Conference on Biophotonics - Photonic Solution for Better Health Care, APR 08-10, 2008 Strasbourg, FRANCE

53. Enescu, M; Sinescu, C; Negrutiu, M; et al., Amalgam and Composite Resin Interface Investigation by Opical Coherence Tomography, ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATIONS, COMPUTERS, SYSTEMS, CIRCUITS AND DEVICES Book series title: European Conference of Systems-Proceedings : 316-322 2010 Conference Information: European Conference of Systems/European Conference of Circuits Technology and Devices/European Conference of Communications/European Conference of Computer Science, NOV 30-DEC 02, 2010 Puerto De La Cruz, SPAIN

54. Soicu, A; Sinescu, C; Negrutiu, M; et al., Technological Aspects, Numerical Simulation and Noninvasive Imagistic Approach on Resin Bonded Fixed Partial Prosthesis, ADVANCES IN COMMUNICATIONS, COMPUTERS, SYSTEMS, CIRCUITS AND DEVICES Book series title: European Conference of Systems-Proceedings : 323-327 2010 Conference Information: European Conference of Systems/European Conference of Circuits Technology and Devices/European Conference of Communications/European Conference of Computer Science, NOV 30-DEC 02, 2010 Puerto De La Cruz, SPAIN


56. Carstea, EM; Ghervase, L; Pavelescu, G; et al., Combined optical techniques for skin lesion diagnosis: short communication, OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS-RAPID COMMUNICATIONS, 4 (12): 1960-1963 DEC 2010

57. Marcauteanu, C; Demjan, E; Sinescu, C; et al., Preliminary optical coherence tomography investigation of the temporo-mandibular joint disc, OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY AND COHERENCE DOMAIN OPTICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICINE XIV Book series title: Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering , 7554: Art. No. 75542G 2010 Conference Information: Conference on Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XIV, JAN 25-27, 2010 San Francisco, CA

58. Duma, VF; Nicolov, M, Numerical and experimental study of the characteristic functions of polygon scanners, MODELING ASPECTS IN OPTICAL METROLOGY II Book series title: Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering , 7390: Art. No. 739015 2009 Conference Information: Conference on Modeling Aspects in Optical Metrology II, JUN 15-16, 2009 Munich, GERMANY

59. Rominu, M; Sinescu, C; Negrutiu, ML; et al., Adhesive Improvement in Optical Coherence Tomography Combined with Confocal Microscopy for Class V Cavities Investigations, MEDICAL IMAGING 2010: BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS IN MOLECULAR, STRUCTURAL, AND FUNCTIONAL IMAGING Book series title: Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering , 7626: Art. No. 76260Y 2010 Conference Information: Conference on Medical Imaging 2010 - Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging, FEB 14-16, 2010 San Diego, CA

60. Sinescu, C; Negrutiu, ML; Ionita, C; et al., Morphological Characterization of Dental Prostheses Interfaces using Optical Coherence Tomograpy, MEDICAL IMAGING 2010: BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS IN MOLECULAR, STRUCTURAL, AND FUNCTIONAL IMAGING Book series title: Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering , 7626: Art. No. 76261P 2010 Conference Information: Conference on Medical Imaging 2010 -


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Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging, FEB 14-16, 2010 San Diego, CA

61. Gheonea, DI; Saftoiu, A; Ciurea, T; et al., Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy of the Colon, JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL AND LIVER DISEASES, 19 (2): 207-211 JUN 2010

62. Calin, MA; Botea, S, In Vivo Comparison of Simple and Double-Fractionated Low-Level Laser Irradiation Schemes on the Healing of Rat Skin Lesions, PHOTOMEDICINE AND LASER SURGERY, 28 (2): 245-250 APR 2010

63. Herascu, N; Velciu, B; Calin, M; et al., Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) efficacy in post-operative wounds, PHOTOMEDICINE AND LASER SURGERY, 23 (1): 70-73 FEB 2005

64. Calin, MA; Parasca, SV, Photodynamic therapy in oncology, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 8 (3): 1173-1179 JUN 2006

65. Iancu, C; Mocan, L; Bele, C; et al., Enhanced laser thermal ablation for the in vitro treatment of liver cancer by specific delivery of multiwalled carbon nanotubes functionalized with human serum albumin, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE, 6: 129-141 2011

66. Stanciu, SG; Stanciu, GA; Coltuc, D, Automated Compensation of Light Attenuation in Confocal Microscopy by Exact Histogram Specification, MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE, 73 (3): 165-175 MAR 2010

67. Negrutiu, ML; Sinescu, C; Topala, F; et al., Root canal filling evaluation using optical coherence tomography, BIOPHOTONICS: PHOTONIC SOLUTIONS FOR BETTER HEALTH CARE II Book series title: Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering , 7715: Art. No. 77151T 2010 Conference Information: Conference on Biophotonics - Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care II, APR 12-16, 2010 Brussels, BELGIUM

68. Ionita, I; Toma, O, Biotissue structure investigation using ultra-short pulsed laser polarimetry, BIOPHOTONICS: PHOTONIC SOLUTIONS FOR BETTER HEALTH CARE II Book series title: Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering , 7715: Art. No. 771530 2010 Conference Information: Conference on Biophotonics - Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care II, APR 12-16, 2010 Brussels, BELGIUM

69. Sinescu, C; Negrutiu, M; Tatar, R; et al., Investigation of osteoconductive bone substitute by particles analysis, numerical simulation and optical coherence tomography, LASERS IN DENTISTRY XV Book series title: Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering , 7162: Art. No. 716207 2009 Conference Information: Conference on Lasers in Dentistry XV, JAN 24, 2009 San Jose, CA

70. Demjan, E; Marcauteanu, C; Bratu, D; et al., Analysis of dental abfractions by optical coherence tomography, LASERS IN DENTISTRY XVI Book series title: Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering , 7549: Art. No. 754903 2010 Conference Information: Conference on Lasers in Dentistry XVI, JAN 24-25, 2010 San Francisco, CA

71. Duma, VF, Optimal scanning function of a galvanometer scanner for an increased duty cycle, OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 49 (10): Art. No. 103001 OCT 2010

72. Talu, S; Balta, F; Talu, SD; et al., Fourier Domain - Optical Coherence Tomography in Diagnosing and Monitoring of Retinal Diseases, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCEMENTS OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH CARE THROUGH TECHNOLOGY Book series title: IFMBE Proceedings , 26: 261-266 2009 Conference Information: International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care Through Technology, SEP 23-26, 2009 Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA

73. Rominu, M; Sinescu, C; Negrutiu, M; et al., A Qualitative Approach on Marginal Adaptation of Conditioned Dental Infrastructures Using Optical Coherence Tomography, ADVANCES IN MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING, QUALITY AND PRODUCTION SYSTEMS, VOL I Book series title: Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering : 255-259 2009 Conference Information: 1st International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Quality and Production Systems, SEP 24-26, 2009 Brasov, ROMANIA Transilvania Univ Brasov


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74. Sinescu, C; Negrutiu, M; Birtea, NM; et al., Time Domain and Spectral Optical Coherence Tomography Investigations of Integral Ceramic Fixed Partial Dentures, MN'09: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MARITIME AND NAVAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Book series title: Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering : 77-81 2009 Conference Information: 2nd International Conference on Maritime and Naval Science and Engineering (MN '09), SEP 24-26, 2009 Brasov, ROMANIA Transilvania Univ Brasov



77. Sinescu, C; Negrutiu, M; Hughes, M; et al., An optical coherence tomography investigation of materials defects in ceramic fixed partial dental prostheses - art. no. 69910O BIOPHOTONICS: PHOTONIC SOLUTIONS FOR BETTER HEALTH CARE Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 6991: O9910-O9910 2008 Conference Information: Conference on Biophotonics - Photonic Solution for Better Health Care, APR 08-10, 2008 Strasbourg, FRANCE

78. Negrutiu, ML; Sinescu, C; Hughes, M; et al., Fibres reinforced dentures investigated with en-face optical coherence tomography - art. no. 69911U BIOPHOTONICS: PHOTONIC SOLUTIONS FOR BETTER HEALTH CARE Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 6991: U9911-U9911 2008 Conference Information: Conference on Biophotonics - Photonic Solution for Better Health Care, APR 08-10, 2008 Strasbourg, FRANCE

79. Sinescu, C; Negrutiu, M; Todea, C; et al., Fixed partial dentures investigated by optical coherent tomography - art. no. 684707 COHERENCE DOMAIN OPTICAL METHODS AND OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY IN BIOMEDICINE XII Book series title: PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF PHOTO-OPTICAL INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERS (SPIE) , 6847: 84707-84707 2008 Conference Information: Conference on Coherence Domain Optical Methods and Optical Coherence Tomography in Biomedicine XII, JAN 21-23, 2008 San Jose, CA

80. Mihailescu, M; Preda, L; Preda, A; et al., Holographic images of a spark channel generated on the optical wedge surfaces, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 10 (3): 623-627 MAR 2008 Conference Information: 8th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, JUL 05-07, 2007 Constanta, ROMANIA

81. Scarlat EI, Mihailescu M, Sobetkii A, Spatial frequency and fractal complexity in single-to-triple beam holograms, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Pages: 105-109 Published: JAN 2010

82. Logofatu, PC; Garoi, F; Sima, A; et al., Classical holography experiments in digital terms, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 12 (1): 85-93 JAN 2010

83. Dinca, MP; Leca, A; Apostol, D; et al., Transmission THz time domain system for biomolecules spectroscopy, JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 12 (1): 110-114 JAN 2010

84. Dobroiu, A; Apostol, D; Nascov, V; et al., Tilt-compensating algorithm for phase-shift interferometry, APPLIED OPTICS, 41 (13): 2435-2439 MAY 1 2002


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Tema 7 (AP 7): Sinteza si caracterizarea materialelor organice, bio-organice si nanomateriale hibride pentru dispozitive de detectie si aplicatii biomedicale

AP 7.1: Dispozitive de detectie1. ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA Volume: 464 Issue: 2 Pages: 171-180 Published: 20022. BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS Volume: 18 Issue: 2-3 Pages: 303-310 Published: 2003 3. BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS Volume: 20 Issue: 2 Pages: 217-225 Published: 2004 4. ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA Volume: 519 Issue: 1 Pages: 93-101 Published: 2004 5. JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY Volume: 9 Issue: 5 Pages: 354-362

Published: 2005 6. ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA Volume: 562 Issue: 1 Pages: 115-121 Published: 2006 7. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 113 Issue: 2 Pages: 749-754 Published:

2006 8. ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA Volume: 578 Issue: 2 Pages: 162-169 Published: 2006 9. ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS Volume: 8 Issue: 10 Pages: 1665-1670

Published: 200610. ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 388 Issue: 3 Pages: 565-578


Volume: 30 Issue: 6 Pages: 817-821 Published: 201012. BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS Volume: 26 Issue: 8 Pages: 3692-3695 Published: 2011

AP 7.2: Dispozitive de diagnostic medical1. MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL Volume: 68 Issue: 1 Pages: 13-19 Published: 2001 2. ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA Volume: 458 Issue: 1 Pages: 215-222 Published: 2002 3. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 74 Issue: 13 Pages: 3142-3150 Published: 2002 4. ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA Volume: 485 Issue: 1 Pages: 111-120 Published: 2003 5. TALANTA Volume: 65 Issue: 2 Pages: 306-312 Published: 2005 6. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL Volume: 113 Issue: 2 Pages: 749-754 Published:


1335-1339 Published: 2008 8. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH Volume: 89A Issue: 1 Pages: 186-191


Volume: 30 Issue: 4 Pages: 537-541 Published: 201011. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART A Volume: 96A Issue: 2 Pages:

384-394 Published: 2011

AP 7.3: Aplicatii terapeutice1. JOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE Volume: 83 Issue: 1 Pages: 41-51 Published: 2002 2. BIORHEOLOGY Volume: 41 Issue: 5 Pages: 599-612 Published: 2004 3. ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS Volume: 7 Issue: 12 Pages: 1083-1098 Published:

2005 4. JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE Volume: 267 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 58-67 Published: 2005 5. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume: 434 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI Pages: 830-

832 Published: 2007 6. NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 19 Issue: 43 Article Number: 435102 Published: 2008


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7. JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 9 Issue: 8 Pages: 5073-5090 Published: 2009

8. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE Volume: 20 Issue: 11 Pages: 2305-2316 Published: 2009

9. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 648 Issue: 2 Pages: 111-118 Published: 2010

10. THIN SOLID FILMS Volume: 518 Issue: 21 Pages: 5955-5964 Published: 2010

AP 7.4: Administrare controlata de medicamente1. JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE Volume: 6 Issue: 4 Pages: 465-474

Published: OCT-DEC 2002 2. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 125 Issue: 17 Pages: 5086-

5094 Published: APR 30 2003 3. BIOMATERIALS Volume: 25 Issue: 1 Pages: 159-170 Published: JAN 2004 4. PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH Volume: 22 Issue: 2 Pages: 209-219 Published: FEB 2005 5. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY Volume: 16 Issue: 34 Pages: 3439-3443 Published:

2006 6. LASER PHYSICS Volume: 17 Issue: 2 Pages: 66-70 Published: FEB 2007 7. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE Volume: 18 Issue: 8 Pages:

1643-1647 Published: 20078. BIOMATERIALS Volume: 29 Issue: 18 Pages: 2767-2775 Published: JUN 2008 9. BIOMEDICAL CHROMATOGRAPHY Volume: 22 Issue: 3 Pages: 289-297 Published: MAR

2008 10. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 106 Issue: 11 Article Number: 114702 Published:



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Tema 8 (AP 8): Tehnici inovative pentru procesarea si caracterizarea materialelor la scara nanometrica (sub-micrometrica)

AP 8.1: Tehnici de procesare, mecanisme de formare si autoasamblare 1. JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS Volume: 204 Issue: 2 Pages: 364-371 Published: DEC 10 2001 2. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY Volume: 12 Issue: 5 Pages: 1401-1407 Published:

2002 3. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B Volume: 107 Issue: 24 Pages: 5723-5727

Published: JUN 19 2003 4. NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 15 Issue: 5 Pages: 537-545 Published: MAY 2004 5. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE Volume: 277 Issue: 1 Pages: 104-110

Published: SEP 1 2004 6. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B Volume: 110 Issue: 47 Pages: 23982-23986

Published: NOV 30 2006 7. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 128 Issue: 41 Pages: 13376-

13377 Published: OCT 18 2006 8. NANOTECHNOLOGY Volume: 18 Issue: 25 Article Number: 255702 Published: JUN 27

2007 9. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY Volume: 19 Issue: 19 Pages: 3004-3012 Published:


Issue: 1-3 Pages: 93-101 Published: APR 15 2009

AP 8.2: Metode de caracterizare1. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS Volume: 91 Issue: 10 Pages: 8715-8717 Part: Part 3

Published: MAY 15 2002 2. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Volume: 124 Issue: 31 Pages: 9048-

9049 Published: AUG 7 2002 3. JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS Volume: 220 Issue: 1 Pages: 74-83 Published: NOV 15 2003 4. DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS Volume: 14 Issue: 3-7 Special Issue: Sp. Iss. SI

Pages: 867-872 Published: MAR-JUL 2005 5. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 88 Issue: 14 Article Number: 143121 Published: APR 3

2006 6. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS Volume: 422 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 127-132 Published: APR 28

2006 7. JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A Volume: 1159 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 2-13 Published:

AUG 3 2007 8. PHYSICAL REVIEW B Volume: 76 Issue: 7 Article Number: 075310 Published: AUG 2007 9. ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA Volume: 53 Issue: 13 Pages: 4557-4563 Published: MAY 20 2008 10. PLASMONICS Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Pages: 407-412 Published: JUN 201111. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS Volume: 13 Issue: 20 Pages: 9134-9136

Published: 2011
