1 ﺳﻮاﺑﻖ ﺗﺤﺼﯿﻠﯽ دوره رﺷﺘﻪ ﮔﺮاﯾﺶ داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ﻋﻨﻮان ﭘﺎﯾﺎن ﻧﺎﻣﻪ ﺗﺎرﯾﺦ اﺧﺬ ﻣﺪرك ﮐﺎرﺷﻨﺎﺳﯽ ﻣﻬﻨﺪﺳﯽ ﺷﯿﻤﯽ ﺻﻨﺎﯾﻊ ﮔﺎز ﺗﻬﺮان ﺑﺮرﺳ روش ﻫﺎ ي ﺳﻨﺘﺰMDPE 1375 ﮐﺎرﺷﻨﺎﺳﯽ ارﺷﺪ ﻣﻬﻨﺪﺳﯽ ﺷﯿﻤﯽ ﭘﯿﺸﺮﻓﺘﻪ ﺻﻨﻌﺘ اﺻﻔﻬﺎن ط راﺣ و ﺳﺎﺧﺖ رﺋﻮﻣﺘﺮ اﺳﺘﻮاﻧﻪ ﺳ ﻘﻮط ﮐﻨﻨﺪه ﺑﺮا ي ﺗﻌ ﯿﯿ ﻦ ﺧﻮاص رﺋﻮﻟﻮژ ﯿ ﺎﻻت ﻏ ﯿ ﺮ ﻧ ﯿ ﻮﺗﻨ1378 دﮐﺘﺮي ﻣﻬﻨﺪﺳﯽ ﺷﯿﻤﯽ ﻣﻬﻨﺪﺳﯽ ﺷﯿﻤﯽ ﺻﻨﻌﺘ اﺻﻔﻬﺎن ﺑﺮرﺳ ﺗﺠﺮﺑ اﻧﺘﻘﺎل ﺣﺮارت ﻧﺎﻧﻮﺳ ﯿ ﺎل در ﺟﺮ ﺎن آرام داﺧﻞ ﻟﻮﻟﻪ1385 ﻧﺎم ﺳﻌﯿﺪ ﻧﺎم ﺧﺎﻧﻮادﮔﯽ زﯾﻨﺎﻟﯽ ھﺮﯾﺲ رﺷﺘﮫ ﺗﺤﺼﯿﻠﯽ ﻣﮭﻨﺪﺳﯽ ﺷﯿﻤﯽ ﻣﺪرک ﺗﺤﺼﯿﻠﯽ دﮐﺘﺮی ﺗﺨﺼﺼﯽ ﮐﺸﻮر ﻣﺤﻞ اﺧﺬ اﯾﺮان داﻧﺸﮕﺎه و ﺳﺎل ﻣﺤﻞ اﺧﺬ داﻧﺸﮕﺎه ﺻﻨﻌﺘﯽ اﺻﻔﮭﺎن، ١٣٨۵ ﻣﺮﺗﺒﮫ ﻋﻠﻤﯽ داﻧﺸﯿﺎر زﻣﯿﻨﮫ ھﺎی ﺗﺤﻘﯿﻘﺎﺗﯽ ﻧﺎﻧﻮﺳﯿﺎل، رﺋﻮﻟﻮژی و اﻟﮑﺘﺮورﺋﻮﻟﻮ ژ ی، ﺑﮭﯿﻨﮫ ﺳﺎزی ﻣﺼﺮف اﻧﺮزی در ﺻﻨﺎﯾﻊ اﻧﺮزی ھﺎی ﻧﻮ، ﭘﺪﯾﺪه ھﺎی اﻧﺘﻘﺎل، اﻧﺘﻘﺎل ﺣﺮارت و ﺟﺮﯾﺎن در ﮐﺎﻧﺎﻟﮭﺎي ﻣﺪور و ﻏﯿﺮ ﻣﺪور ﻓﺮاﯾﻨﺪھﺎی ﮔﺎز ﻃﺒﯿﻌﯽ ﭘﺴﺖ اﻟﮑﺘﺮوﻧﯿﮏ[email protected] آدرس وب ﺳﺎﯾﺖhttp://zeinali.profcms.um.ac.ir ﺗﻠ ﻔﻦ٠۴١٣٣٣٩٣١۵٨ ﻓﺎﮐﺲ ﺷﻤﺎره اﺗﺎق٨

ﯽﻠﯿﺼﺤﺗ ﻖﺑاﻮﺳ · 4 C.V. Personal information First name: Saeed Last name: Zeinali Heris DOB: 1974 Heris, Azarbyjan Shargi, Iran Address: Faculty of Chemical and

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Page 1: ﯽﻠﯿﺼﺤﺗ ﻖﺑاﻮﺳ · 4 C.V. Personal information First name: Saeed Last name: Zeinali Heris DOB: 1974 Heris, Azarbyjan Shargi, Iran Address: Faculty of Chemical and


سوابق تحصیلی

عنوان پایان نامه دانشگاه گرایش رشته دورهاخذ تاریخ


مهندسی کارشناسی


MDPE 1375سنتز يروش ها یبررس تهران صنایع گاز





یصنعت پیشرفته


قوط کننده و ساخت رئومتر استوانه س یراحط

یوتنیر نیاالت غیس یکین خواص رئولوژییتع يبرا


مهندسی دکتري






ال در یانتقال حرارت نانوس یتجرب یبررس

ان آرام داخل لولهیجر


سعید نام

زینالی ھریس نام خانوادگی

مھندسی شیمی رشتھ تحصیلی

دکتری تخصصی مدرک تحصیلی

ایران کشور محل اخذ

دانشگاه و سال محل ١٣٨۵، صنعتی اصفھاندانشگاه اخذ

دانشیار مرتبھ علمی

زمینھ ھای تحقیقاتی

ی،ژنانوسیال، رئولوژی و الکترورئولو

صنایع بھینھ سازی مصرف انرزی در

پدیده ھای انتقال، ،انرزی ھای نو

انتقال حرارت و جریان در کانالھاي مدور و غیر مدور

فرایندھای گاز طبیعی

[email protected] پست الکترونیک http://zeinali.profcms.um.ac.ir آدرس وب سایت

٠۴١٣٣٣٩٣١۵٨ فنتل فاکس

٨ شماره اتاق

Page 2: ﯽﻠﯿﺼﺤﺗ ﻖﺑاﻮﺳ · 4 C.V. Personal information First name: Saeed Last name: Zeinali Heris DOB: 1974 Heris, Azarbyjan Shargi, Iran Address: Faculty of Chemical and


اطالعات شخصیفرم

سیهر ینالید زیسع : نام و نام خانوادگی

92 : شماره شناسنامه

3/8/1353ز یتبر: تاریخ و محل تولد

دانشکده -ز یدانشگاه تبر –ز یتبر :آدرس محل کار یا تحصیل

ونفت یمیش یمهندس

09105006459 :همراه / 04133393158و 05138805108 شماره تماس ثابت

[email protected] [email protected] :آدرس پست الکترونیکی

/http://zeinali.profcms.um.ac.ir :آدرس وب سایت

يان در کانالهایانتقال حرارت و جر( الینانوس :نانو يزمینه تخصصی مرتبط با فناور

)يو الکترو رئولوژ يرئولوژ- ر مدوریمدور و غ

سوابق تحصیلی

عنوان پایان نامه دانشگاه گرایش رشته دوره


فراغت از


یمهندس کارشناسی


MDPE 1375سنتز يروش ها یبررس تهران ع گازیصنا





یصنعت شرفتهیپ


و ساخت رئومتر استوانه سقوط کننده یراحط

یوتنیر نیاالت غیس یکین خواص رئولوژییتع يبرا


یمهندس دکتري


ده یپد

انتقال يها



ال در یانتقال حرارت نانوس یتجرب یبررس

ان آرام داخل لولهیجر


Page 3: ﯽﻠﯿﺼﺤﺗ ﻖﺑاﻮﺳ · 4 C.V. Personal information First name: Saeed Last name: Zeinali Heris DOB: 1974 Heris, Azarbyjan Shargi, Iran Address: Faculty of Chemical and


:سوابق اجرایی دانشگاهی واحد رایانه دانشکده مهندسی دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد مدیر

سرپرست کارآفرینی دانشکده مهندسی دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد

:ليذ و کسب عناوين الينانوس نه يدر زم کيتئورو يتجربانجام کار مستمر

ال ينه نانوسيدر زم فقط به خاطر مقاالت منتشر شده پر استناد Google Scholarدر i10=30و h-index=19شاخص -۱ ال ينه نانوسيفقط به خاطر مقاالت منتشر شده پر استناد در زم Scopusدر h-index=13شاخص -۲

يدر رتبه بند يکشور يتمام رشته ها ۴۴ران و رتبه يکل ا يميش يمهندس ۵رتبه مشهد ، يکسب رتبه اول دانشگاه فردوس -۳

در نهمين جشنواره الينانوس نهيق در زميستاد نانو فقط به خاطر تحق و انتقال حرار ت ي، رئولوژيکيزيخواص ترمو ف ي، بررسيدار سازيد پاينه توليدر زم يد علمييبا تا ثبت اختراع مورد ۴داشتن -۴

الينانوس مشهد يال در انتشارات دانشگاه فردوسيچاپ کتاب با عنوان نانوس -۵ )در مرحله انتشار(ال ينانوس يکيزينه خواص ترموفيدر زم CRC Press يانتشارات يبرا ز دايره المعارفاک فصل ين يتدو - ۶ نه يمقاله مستخرج از رساله دکترا در زم يبرا International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flowن مقاله يکسب پر استناد تر -۷

Google Scholarمورد ارجاع به استناد ۴۳۳و Scopusت ياستناد سابه مورد ارجاع ۳۰۷ باال ينانوس ال ينه نانوسيدر زم Google Scholarمورد ارجاع به استناد ۴۹۴و Scopusتاکنون به استناد مورد ارجاع ۳۵۵انتشار مقاله با -۸

International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer در مجله

ال در مجله ينه نانوسيدر در زم Google Scholarمورد ارجاع به استناد ۱۱۳و Scopusبه استنادرد ارجاع مو ۸۱انتشار مقاله با -۹International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow مشهد يارشد دانشگاه فردوس ياز کار دانشجو

۱۳۸۹-۱۳۹۱-۱۳۹۲-۱۹۳ يمشهد در سالها يدانشگاه فردوس يکسب عنوان پژوهشگر برتر دانشکده مهندس -۱۰

ين جشنواره فردوسينجانب در هفتميا يارشد دانشجو يان نامه کارشناسيپاتوسط کسب رتبه سوم -۱۱

Wileyانتشارات .Nanofluids Science and Technology by: S.K. Das et alعنوان باکتاب ياصل ياز رفرنسها يکي -۱۰ مشهد يدر دانشگاه فردوس ين نوعيد حسيدکتر س يآقا يبا همکار ييگرما يله هاال و لويشگاه نانوسيآزما يراه انداز -۱۱ ال ينانوس يانتقال حرارت جوشش استخر يمطالعه تجرب: ال با عنوانينه نانوسيدر زم يوهشژانجام پروژه پ - ۱۲

الينه نانوسيدر زم ين الملليو ب يداخل يمجالت و کنفرانسها يهاياز داور ياريانجام بس -١٣

وستيال به شرح پيته نانوسيدر زم قايمتعدد دق يو مقاالت کنفرانس يجيترو يمقاله علم ، يپژوهش يعلم ، ISI تمقاال انتشار -۱۴

Page 4: ﯽﻠﯿﺼﺤﺗ ﻖﺑاﻮﺳ · 4 C.V. Personal information First name: Saeed Last name: Zeinali Heris DOB: 1974 Heris, Azarbyjan Shargi, Iran Address: Faculty of Chemical and



Personal information

First name: Saeed Last name: Zeinali Heris DOB: 1974 Heris, Azarbyjan Shargi, Iran Address: Faculty of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran Tel: + (98) (413) 3393158 Fax: + (98) (513) 8816840 E-mail [email protected], [email protected] Home Page: http://zeinali.profcms.um.ac.ir/

Education Sept. 2000 – Jul 2006 PhD (Chem. Eng.) faculty of chemical engineering, Isfahan

University of technology PhD thesis: Experimental Investigation of Nanofluid Laminar Flow Convective Heat

Transfer through Circular Tube under Constant Wall Temperature Sept. 1997 – 1999 M.SC (Chem. Eng.) faculty of chemical engineering, Isfahan

University of technology M.SC Thesis: Mathematical calculation and construction of falling cylinder rheometer Sept. 1992 - 1996 B.S (Chem. Eng.) faculty of Engineering, Tehran university

Work Experience 1- 2015 up now Associate Professor University of Tabriz 2- 2006 up now Associate Professor Ferdowsi University of Mashhad 3- 2014 up to now Manager of IAChE _ North& East Branch (Shomal& Sharg) 4- 2012-21013 Manager of Research Project Preparation of delaying nano-coating

fire retardants for atmospheric surfaces of gas refineries) Iran Gas Company 5- 2009-2010 Final Examiner of Research Project (The improvement of turbo

compressor oil performance with nano-materials) Iran Gas Company- Zone 4 (Transportation)

6- 2009 -2010 Head of Entrepreneurship Center in Engineering Faculty- Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

7- 2007-2009 Head of Computer unit in Engineering Faculty- Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

8- 2009 Manager of Research Project (Experimental investigation of nanofluid pool boiling) office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Grant 7938/29.7.1388

9- 2004-2005 Co-worker in accomplishing research project (Reduction of lubricant oil consumption by turbo compressor of Isfahan gas station) Chemical engineering faculty – I.U.T

10- 2002 – 2004 Regal petrochemical company (process engineer)

Page 5: ﯽﻠﯿﺼﺤﺗ ﻖﺑاﻮﺳ · 4 C.V. Personal information First name: Saeed Last name: Zeinali Heris DOB: 1974 Heris, Azarbyjan Shargi, Iran Address: Faculty of Chemical and


11- 2001 6th National Iranian Chem. Eng. Congress (science section) Articles evaluation, lecture programming and article publishing

12- 2000 Manager of student section of IAChE _ Isfahan branch 13- 2000 Head-officer of IAChE – Isfahan branch scientific magazine 14- 1997-1998 Co-worker in accomplishing research project (Industrial pollution

evaluating, decreasing and controlling) Civil Engineering faculty - I.U.T 15- 1996-1997 Sotun-Sagf gas distributing company (piping engineer)

Teaching Experience

1- Oil Industrial University ( Isfahan training center )

- Principles of gas conditioning & processing - Principles of refinery

2- Mohaggeg Ardebili University - Thermodynamic II - Mathematics in Chem. Eng.

3- Jahad daneshgahi training center application - Thermodynamic - Petrochemical processes

4- Shahreza Azad University - Plant Design & Economic - Mathematics application in Chem. Eng. - Unit Operation I

4- Ghuchan Azad University - Mathematics application in Chem. Eng. - Mass transfer - Fundamental of Combustion Engineering - Unit Operation I

5- Ferdowsi University of Mashhad - Gas processing and conditioning - Gas processing I - Gas processing II - Fundamental of Combustion Engineering - Heat transfer II - Multicomponent Distillation - Rheology of food Science (M.S) - Advanced Mass transfer (M.S) - Advanced Heat transfer (M.S) - Transport phenomena (M.S) - Advanced Transport phenomena (M.S) 6- Isfahan University of Technology

- Thermodynamic of textile engineering - Fundamentals of chemical engineering for Textile eng. - Petrochemical processes

Page 6: ﯽﻠﯿﺼﺤﺗ ﻖﺑاﻮﺳ · 4 C.V. Personal information First name: Saeed Last name: Zeinali Heris DOB: 1974 Heris, Azarbyjan Shargi, Iran Address: Faculty of Chemical and



Journal Paper

Foreign (International)

1- Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, Experimental Measurement of Heat Transfer Coefficient

of CuO/Turbine Oil Nanofluid in Circular Tube under Constant Heat Flux Boundary Condition,

Accepted Sanction )ریمیتح(

2- Journal of Molecular Liquids Photocatalytic activity performance of novel cross-linked PEBAX

copolymer nanocomposite on azo dye degradation, Accepted

3- Renewable and Sustainable Energy reviews, The Study on Application of TiO2/water Nanofluid in Plate

Heat Exchanger of Milk Pasteurization Industries, Accepted

4- Numerical Heat Transfer: part A, Hydrodynamic and Thermal Performance Prediction of

Functionalized MWNT Based water Nanofluids under Laminar Flow Regime Using Adaptive Neuro-

Fuzzy Inference System, Accepted

5- Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Experimental investigation of pressure drop and heat

transfer performance of amino acid-functionalized MWCNT in the circular tube, Accepted

6- Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Convective heat transfer and friction factor of aqueous

Fe3O4 nanofluid flow under laminar regime: An experimental investigation, Accepted

7- Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, Heat Transfer Coefficient Prediction of Metal Oxides

Based Water Nanofluids Under Laminar Flow Regime Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System,


8- Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, Synthesis of water-soluble Fe-decorated multi-

walled carbon nanotubes: A study on thermo-physical properties of ferromagnetic nanofluid, Accepted

9- Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, Effect of TiO2 Nanoparticles on Rheological Behavior of

Polyvinyl alcohol Solution , Accepted

10- Heat and Mass Transfer, Heat Transfer Performance of Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon with

Oxidized CNT/Water Nanofluids, 2016, pp. 85-93, Vol. 52, Iss. 1

11- Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Modeling and Optimization of Stability and Thermal

Conductivity of Tin Dioxide Nanofluid. A Comparison between Statistical Method and an Artificial

Neural Network ,Accepted

12- Progress in Organic Coatings, Is MWCNT a good synergistic candidate in APP–PER–MELintumescent

coating for steel structure?, 2016, pp. 252-257, vol. 90.

13- Bulgarian Chemical Communication, Numerical Analysis of Mass and Momentum Transfer in Co-Axial

Cylinders with Rotating Inner Cylinder, 2015, pp. 491-496,Vol.47(2).

Page 7: ﯽﻠﯿﺼﺤﺗ ﻖﺑاﻮﺳ · 4 C.V. Personal information First name: Saeed Last name: Zeinali Heris DOB: 1974 Heris, Azarbyjan Shargi, Iran Address: Faculty of Chemical and


14- Energy Conversion and Management ,Synthesis of aspartic acid-treated multi-walled carbon nanotubes

based water coolant and experimental investigation of thermal and hydrodynamic properties in

circular tube, 2015, pp.1366-1376, vol. 105

15- Micro & Nano Letters, Experimental investigation on thermal conductivity of medical nanofluid based

on functionalized single-wall carbon nanotube and conjugated cisplatin, 2015, pp. 241-247, Vol. 10(5).

16- Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Statistical Analysis of Laminar Convective Heat Transfer

of MWCNT- Deionized Water Nanofluid by Using Response Surface Methodology, 2015, pp. 454-469,

Vol. 68 (4)

17- International Journal of Thermophysics, Experimental Comparison between Thermal Characteristics of

3 Metal Oxide Nanoparticles/ Turbine Oil Based Nanofluids under Laminar Flow Regime, 2015, pp.

760-782, Vol. 36

18- The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Pressure Drop and Thermal Performance of

CuO/Ethylene Glycol (60%)-Water (40%) Nanofluid in Car Radiator, 2015, pp. 609-616, Vol. 32(4)

19- Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Experimental investigation of stability and thermophysical

properties of carbon nanotubes suspension in the presence of different surfactants, 2015, pp. 1193-1201,

Vol. 120 (2)

20- Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, Rheological behavior of zinc-oxide nanolubricants,

2015, pp. 1073-1079, Vol. 36 (8)

21- Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, Heat transfer performance of milk pasteurization plate

heat exchangers using MWCNT/water nanofluid, 2015, pp. 196-204, vol. 36.

22- Heat Transfer Engineering, Thermal performance prediction of two-phase closed thermosyphon using

adaptive neuro-fuzzy interference scheme. 2015, pp. 315-324, Vol. 36 (3).

23- Powder Technology, Experimental investigation and characterization of an efficient nanopowder-based

flame retardant coating for atmospheric-metallic substrates, 2015, pp. 22-29, vol. 269.

24- Experimental Heat Transfer, Experimental study of two phase closed thermosyphon using CuO/Water

nanofluid in the presence of electric field, 2015, pp. 328-343, vol. 28

25- Experimental Heat Transfer, Experimental study of CuO/water nanofluid turbulent convective heat

transfer in square cross-section duct, 2015, pp. 282-297, vol. 28.

26- Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Heat transfer and rheological properties of transformer

oil-oxidized MWCNT nanofluid, 2014 pp. 1451-1460, Vol. 118 (3).

27- Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Experimental investigation of pool boiling heat transfer of

Al2O3/ethylene glycol-water (60/40) nanofluids, 2014. pp. 724-734. Vol. 28 (4)

28- Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, Microwave functionalized single-walled carbon

nanotube as nanocarrier for the delivery of anticancer drug cisplatin: in vitroand in vivoevaluation,

2014, pp. 572-578, vol. 24 (6)

29- Heat and Mass Transfer, Experimental Investigation of TiO2/Water Nanofluid Laminar Forced

Convective Heat Transfer Through Helical Coiled Tube , 2014, pp. 1563-1573, vol. 50 (11).

Page 8: ﯽﻠﯿﺼﺤﺗ ﻖﺑاﻮﺳ · 4 C.V. Personal information First name: Saeed Last name: Zeinali Heris DOB: 1974 Heris, Azarbyjan Shargi, Iran Address: Faculty of Chemical and


30- Applied Thermal Engineering, Pool Boiling Heat Transfer of CNT/Water Nanofluids, 2014, pp. 450-459,

vol. 71.

31- International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, First and second laws analysis of a minichannel-based

solar collector using boehmite alumina nanofluids: Effects of nanoparticle shape and tube materials,

2014, pp. 1166-1176, vol. 78.

32- Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A:Applications, Optimization of Thermal Efficiency of a Two-Phase

Closed Thermosyphon using Active Learning on the Human Algorithm Interaction, 2014, pp. 947–962,

vol. 66.

33- Heat Transfer Research, Experimental investigation effect of nanoparticles on heat transfer coefficient

of Herschel Bulkley fluid, 2014, pp. 485-505, vol. 45, Iss. 6.

34- Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, Improvement in Heat Transfer of a Two-Phased Closed

Thermosyphon using Silver-Decorated MWCNT/Water, 2014, pp. 1086-1096, vol. 35

35- Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, Experimental Study of Heat Transfer of a Car Radiator

with CuO/Ethylene Glycol-Water as a coolant, 2014, pp. 677-684, vol. 35.

36- Energy, Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Silica/Water Nanofluid on Photovoltaic Thermal

Units (PV/T), 2014, pp. 264-272, Vol. 66.

37- International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, A comparative experimental study on the natural

convection heat transfer of different metal oxide nanopowders suspended in turbine oil inside an

inclined cavity, 2014, pp. 231-238, Vol. 73.

38- Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering, Modeling and Simulation of Erosion-Corrosion in

Disturbed Two-Phase Flow through Fluid Transport Pipelines, 2014, pp. 1497-1505, Vol. 39, Iss. 32

39- Material Research Bulletin, Effect of electric field on thermal performance of thermosyphon heat pipes

using nanofluids, 2014, pp. 21-27, Vol. 53, Iss. 5.

40- Heat Transfer Engineering, Experimental investigation of Al2O3/water nanofluid through equilateral

triangular duct with constant wall heat flux in laminar flow, 2014, pp. 1173-1182, Vol. 35, Iss. 13

41- Chemical Engineering Communications, Experimental Investigation of Parameters Affecting Nanofluids

Effective Thermal Conductivity, 2014, pp.593-611, Vol. 201, Iss. 5

42- International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Laminar convective heat transfer of Al2O3/water

nanofluid through square cross-sectional duct , 2013, pp. 375-382, Vol. 44, No. 6

43- Heat Transfer-Asian Research, Effects of a Nanofluid and Magnetic Field on the Thermal Efficiency of a

Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon, 2013, pp. 630-650, Vol. 42, No. 7.

44- Modern Applied Science, Experimental Study on Thermal Efficiency of Flat Plate Solar Collector

Using TiO2/Water Nanofluid, 2013, pp. 60-69, Vol. 7, No. 10.

45- Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, MWCNT/Water nanofluid or helical coiling technique,

which of them is more effective? , 2013, pp. 13183-13191, Vol. 52, No. 36

Page 9: ﯽﻠﯿﺼﺤﺗ ﻖﺑاﻮﺳ · 4 C.V. Personal information First name: Saeed Last name: Zeinali Heris DOB: 1974 Heris, Azarbyjan Shargi, Iran Address: Faculty of Chemical and


46- Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: : Fundamentals, Identification of the Key Variables on Thermal

Conductivity of CuO Nanofluid by a Fractional Factorial Design Approach , 2013, pp. 480-495, Vol. 64,


47- Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, Effects of Curvature Ratio and Coil Pitch Spacing on

Heat Transfer Performance of Al2O3/Water Nanofluid Laminar Flow Through Helical Coils, 2013, pp.

1704-1712, Vol. 34, No.1 2

48- Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, Pressure Drop and Performance Characteristics of

Water-Based Al2O3 and CuO Nanofluids in a Triangular Duct, 2013, pp. 1368-1375, Vol. 34, No. 10

49- Heat and Mass Transfer, Nero-fuzzy modelling of the convection heat transfer coefficient for the

nanofluid, 2013, pp. 575–583, Vol. 49

50- Powder Technology, Comparative study between metal oxide nanopowders on thermal characteristics

of nanofluid flow through helical coils, 2013, pp. 82–92, Vol. 246

51- Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Laminar Convective Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of

TiO2/Turbine Oil Nanofluid, 2013, pp. 127-136, Vol. 27 , No. 1

52- Heat and Mass Transfer, Prediction of temperature performance of a two-phase closed thermosyphon

using Artificial Neural Network, 2013, pp. 65-73, Vol. 49

53- Experimental Heat Transfer, The effect of multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT)/water nanofluid on

thermal performance of a two-phase closed thermosyphon, 2013, pp. 26-40, Vol. 26

54- Energy, Analysis of Entropy Generation between Co-rotating Cylinders using Nanofluids, 2012, pp.

438-446, Vol. 44 , No. 1

55- Energy, Thermal optimization of combined heat and power (CHP) systems using nanofluids, 2012, pp.

241-247, Vol. 44, No.1

56- World Applied Science Journal, Fermentative Lactic Acid from Deproteinized Whey Using

Lactobacillus bulgaricus in Batch Culture, 2012, pp. 1083-1086, Vol. 17, No. 9

57- Journal of Heat Transfer (ASME) , Effect of Uncertainties in Physical Properties on Entropy Generation

between Two Rotating Cylinders with Nanofluids, 2012, pp. 101704-1-101704-9, Vol. 134

58- Heat Transfer- Asian Research, The study of laminar convective heat transfer of CuO/water nanofluid

through equilateral triangular duct at constant wall heat flux, 2012, pp. 418-429, Vol. 41, No.5

59- The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, High Dispersed MWCNT Decorated with Ag Nanoparticles in

Water and Experimental Investigation of the Thermo-Physical Properties, 2012,pp. 3369−3375,Vol. 116

60- Energy, Exergy and economic analysis of a pyramid-shaped solar water purification system: active

and passive cases, 2012, pp. 31-36, Vol. 38.

61- International Journal of the Physical Science, The effect of magnetic field and nanofluid on thermal

performance of two-phase closed thermosyphon (TPCT) 2012, pp. 534-543, Vol. 7, No.4

62- Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Investigation of Heat Transfer Characterization of EDA-

MWCNT/DI- water Nanofluid in a Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon, 2012, pp. 1423-1428, Vol. 51.

Page 10: ﯽﻠﯿﺼﺤﺗ ﻖﺑاﻮﺳ · 4 C.V. Personal information First name: Saeed Last name: Zeinali Heris DOB: 1974 Heris, Azarbyjan Shargi, Iran Address: Faculty of Chemical and


63- Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, A numerical study on convective heat

transfer of Al2O3/water, CuO/water and Cu/water nanofluids through square cross-section duct in

laminar flow, 2012, pp. 1-14, Vol. 6, No.1

64- International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer, Experimental investigation of pool boiling

characteristics of low- concentrated CuO/ ethylene glycol-water nanofluid, 2011, pp.1470-1473, Vol. 38

65- Applied Surface Science, One-pot, efficient functionalization of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with

diamines by microwave method, , 2011, pp. 10261-10266 , Vol. 257,Iss, 23

66- Nanoscale Research Letters ,Numerical investigation of Al2O3/water nanofluid laminar convective heat

transfer through triangular ducts, 2011, 6:179

67- Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Designing a neural network for closed thermosyphon with

nanofluid using genetic algorithm, 2011, pp. 157-168, Vol. 28, No. 01

68- Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, Experimental study of two-Phase closed thermosyphon with

nanofluid and magnetic field effect, 2011, pp. 261-269, Vol. 18. No .3

69- International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer, , A comparison of experimental heat transfer

characteristics for Al2O3 /water and CuO/water nanofluids in square cross-section duct , 2010, pp. 924-

928, Vol. 37.

70- International Journal of Microscale and Nanoscale Thermal and Fluid Transport Phenomena, Thermal

Behaviour of Two Phase Closed Thermosyphon Using CuO/Water Nanofluid, 2010, pp. 195-209, Vol. 1 , Iss.2.

71- Journal of Nanoparticles Research, , Heat transfer enhancement by application of nano-powder , , 2010,

pp. 2611–2619, Vol. 12

72- International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow , Heat transfer enhancement using Al2O3/Water nanofluid

in a two-phase closed thermosyphon, 2009, pp. 700-705, Vol. 30

73- Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Capillary holdup between vertical spheres, 2009, pp. 695-

704, Vol. 26, No.4.

74- International Sugar Journal, , On-Line Bed Thickness Measurement of Self Clearing Continuous

Centrifuge using laser application, 2009, pp. 738-742, Vol. 111, No. 1332.

75- Experimental Heat Transfer, Convective Heat Transfer of a Cu/Water Nanofluid Flowing Through a

Circular Tube, 2009, pp. 217-227, Vol. 22

76- Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, Numerical Investigation of Nanofluid Laminar

Convective Heat Transfer through Circular Tube, 2007, pp. 1043-1058, Vol. 52.

77- International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Experimental Investigation of Convective Heat Transfer of

Al2O3/water Nanofluid in Circular Tube, 2007, pp. 203-207, Vol. 28.

78- International Communication in Heat and Mass Transfer, Experimental Investigation of Oxide

Nanofluids Laminar Flow Convective Heat Transfer , 2006, pp. 529-535, Vol. 33.

79- Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, CuO/water Nanofluid Laminar Convective Heat Transfer

Investigation through Circular Tube, 2006, pp. 1-11, Vol. 13, Iss. 4.

Page 11: ﯽﻠﯿﺼﺤﺗ ﻖﺑاﻮﺳ · 4 C.V. Personal information First name: Saeed Last name: Zeinali Heris DOB: 1974 Heris, Azarbyjan Shargi, Iran Address: Faculty of Chemical and


Iranian 80- Iranian Journal of IAChE (Chemical Engineering), A Review of Synthesis Methods of Carbon Nanotubes

Yarn in systems, 2015, pp. 80-97, Vol. 14, No. 79,

81- Sharif Mechanichal Journal, Experimental investigation of heat transfer performance of two-phase

closed thermosyphon under electrical field effect and Al2O3/water nanofluid, 2014, pp. 97-105, Vol.

30, No. 2.

82- Journal of Renewable Energy and Environment , Simulation of convective heat transfer and pressure

drop in laminar flow of Al2O3/water and CuO/water Nanofluids through square and triangular cross-

sectional ducts, 2014, pp. 7-20, Vol. 1, No. 2.

83- Journal of Applied and Computational Sciences in Mechanics (Ferdowsi University of Mashhad),

Curvature Ratio and Pitch Spacing Effect of Helical Coiled Tube on Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer

Behavior of TiO2/Water Nanofluid laminar Flow, 2014, pp. 77-94, vol. 25 (1).

84- Iranian Journal of IAChE (Chemical Engineering), The study about the magnetic field applying effects on

heat transfer performance in systems, 2013, pp. 48-59, Vol. 11, No. 65

85- Iranian Journal of IAChE (Chemical Engineering), Lactic acid production from deproteinized whey by

Lactobacillus Bulgaricus using batch culture , 2013, pp. 67-78, Vol. 12 , No. 67

86- Journal of Separation Science and Engineering, Application of permeation models for mathematical

modeling of cyclohexane dehydrogenation in a nanostructure zeolite membrane reactor, 2012, pp. 1-

12, Vol. 4 , No. 1,

87- Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, IACHE, CuO/water nanofluid heat transfer through triangular

ducts, 2012, pp. 23-32, Vol. 9, No.1

88- Iranian Journal of IAChE (Chemical Engineering), The study of the of polymer rheological properties

effects during production of hollow fibre membrane, 2012, pp. 4-12, Vol. 11, No. 61

89- Iranian Journal of IAChE (Chemical Engineering), The evaluation of problems encountered in

radioactive materials calorimetry, 2012, pp. 34-45, Vol. 11, No. 62.

90- International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, CuO/water nanofluid laminar convective heat

transfer through square duct under uniform heat flux , 2011, pp. 111-120,, Vol. 7, No. 3

91- Iranian Journal of IAChE (Chemical Engineering), Analysis on the Effects of Nano-Aluminium on Rocket

Propellants, 2011, pp. 65-73, Vol. 10, No. 57.

92- Separation and Transport Phenomena, The comparison of thermal performance on a two-phase closed

thermosyphon using metal oxide nanofluids, 2010, pp. 43-58, Vol. 21, No.1.

93- FARAYANDNO (Nationali Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company), A study on different

theoretical flammability limit prediction models, Oct-Nov. 2010, pp. 77-87, Vol. 28

94- Iranian Journal of IAChE (Chemical Engineering), The rule of nanofluid on improvement the vehicles

radiator and oil systems efficiency and design, 2009, pp. 12-28, Vol. 7, No. 37.

Page 12: ﯽﻠﯿﺼﺤﺗ ﻖﺑاﻮﺳ · 4 C.V. Personal information First name: Saeed Last name: Zeinali Heris DOB: 1974 Heris, Azarbyjan Shargi, Iran Address: Faculty of Chemical and


95- Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering ,The study of nanofluid potential as electronic chips coolants,

2009, pp. 54-60, Vol. 66.

96- Iranian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, The Study of nanofluid potential as a heat transfer media in

nuclear reactor, 2009, pp. 38-46, Vol. 67.

97- Iranian Journal of IAChE (Chemical Engineering), Study the potential of Nanofluid as new kind of heat

transfer fluid, 2005, pp. 23-33, Vol. 4, No. 18.

98- Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, IACHE, Theoretical and Experimental Study of Falling –Cylinder Rheometer, 2004, pp. 19-27, Vol. 1, No. 2.

مس دیاکس/و آب نایآلوم/آب االتیانتقال حرارت نانوس يتجرب جینتا سھیمقا، ریر کبیک امیمکان يمھندس -٩٩

، صفحات ١شماره ۴٧دوره ، ١٣٩۴ره، وایثابت د ياالضالع در شار حرارت يمتساو يدر کانال مثلث٩٩- ٩١

يھاشرفتیاز با پع نفت و گیدر صنا يمریاشتعال مواد پل يھابازدارنده يبررس ،ند نویفرآ -١٠٠ ٣٢- ١۶، صفحات ۴۶شماره ،٩و دوره ١٣٩٣، ينانوفناور

ال یب انتقال حرارت و افت فشار نانوسیضر يتجرب يبررس، ت مدرسیترب کیمکان يمھندسمجلھ -١٠١ ٢۶-١٩، صفحات ١٣، شماره ١۴، دوره ١٣٩٣، ثابت يتحت بار حرارتآب - کربن نانولولھ

الیعملکرد نانوس يتجرب يررسب )يات جھاد دانشگاھانتشار(ران یا يمیش يو مھندس يمیش -١٠٢، ٣، شماره ٣٢، دوره ١٣٩٢، بستھ يدوفاز فونیترموس کی ياستون برراندمان حرارت -دمسیاکس


روغن در مختلف نانوذرات يحجم يحرارت انبساط بیضر آوردن دست بھ، فن کارا -١٠٣ ١٢-٤صفحات ، ٣٣، شماره ١٠دوره ،١٣٩٢،توربوکمپرسور

، ٢٢، دوره، ٩٠، شماره١٣٩٢، اطراف يع دما درون سر انسان و ھوایتوز يبررس، کیمکان يمھندس -١٠٤ ١٣٧٥-١٣٦٨صفحات

، ١٣٩١،روانکار يعملکرد روغن ھا ينھ سازیدر بھ يل نانو فناوریپتانس يبررس ،نانو يایدن -١٠٥ ٤٠- ٣٥، صفحات ٨، دوره ، ٢٩شماره

Conference Paper یبررس-٢٦/٠٦/١٣٩٣-یبھشت دیدانشگاه شھ -تھران- روی، معدن ، نفت و گاز و ن یعمران یدر پروژه ھا HSE یالملل نیب شیھما نیاول .١

نفت و گاز عیصنا یبرا قیمتورم شونده ضد حر یپوششھا یبر عملکرد حرارت ایتانیافزودن نانو ذرات ت لیپتانس

٢. Iran NanoSafety Congress 2014 (INSC 2014),Iran, Tehran University of Medical Science, 30/11/1392, Effect

of nano-TiO2 on anti-oxidation property of traditional intumescent flame retardant coating

٣. Emerging Trends in Energy Conservation – ETEC 2014, Iran, University of Tehran,11/12/1392, Heat transfer

improvement of water as hot stream in plate Heat Exchangers used in dairy industries,

٤. 5th International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICNN2014) – Tehran- Tarbiat Modarres

University- 30/07/1393- Comparison of three different protocols for synthesis of one formulation based on

functionalized single-wall carbon nanotubes and conjugated cisplatin

Page 13: ﯽﻠﯿﺼﺤﺗ ﻖﺑاﻮﺳ · 4 C.V. Personal information First name: Saeed Last name: Zeinali Heris DOB: 1974 Heris, Azarbyjan Shargi, Iran Address: Faculty of Chemical and


٥. 5th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS5) 6-9 March 2014, Kish Island, Iran -

١٥/١٢/١٣٩٢Optimization of Effective Parameters on Heat Transfer Coefficient in Nanofluids Using Genetic

Algorithm Method

٢٠/٠٣/١٣٩٣پژوھشگاه صنعت نفت –تھران – ICHVAC5-4108مطبوع ھیو تھو شیسرما ش،یگرما یالملل نیکنفرانس ب نیپنجم .٦

یسیمغناط الیآرام در لولھ مدور در حضور نانوس انیاصطکاک و انتقال حرارت جر بیضر یبر رو یسیمغناط دانیاثر م یبررس


- ٢٠/٠٣/١٣٩٣پژوھشگاه صنعت نفت –تھران – ICHVAC5-4108مطبوع ھیو تھو شیسرما ،شیگرما یالملل نیکنفرانس ب نیپنجم .٧

یبار حرارت طیآرام در لولھ مدور تحت شرا انیانتقال حرارت جر بیافت فشار و ضر یآب بر رو- یکربن یھا نانولولھ الیاثر نانوس یبررس

ثابت وارهید

Heat transfer enhancement of pasteurization -٠٥/٠٦/١٣٩٣شگاه دان –ایران -رانیا یمعدن یمیکنفرانس ش نیشانزدھم .٨

processes by using nanofluids

افت یشگاھیآزما یبررس-٢٨/٠١/١٣٩٣ - پژوھشگاه صنعت نفت - تھران – یمیو پتروش یمیدر ش نینو یھا یتکنولوژ یمل شیھما نیاول .٩

ریش عیصنا یصفحھ ا یدر مبدل حرارت TiO2/آب الیفشار نانوس

راکتور بروثر م يپارامترھا يبررس ,بندرعباس HESD2014 30/11/1392 داریو توسعھ پا ستیز طیسالمت، مح يمل شیھما نیسوم .١٠

آب و پساب ھیدر تصف يستیفوتوکاتال يھا ندیفرآ

١١. The 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition IChEC 2014 2014/02/24) Kish

Island, The effects of natural convection and radiation heat transfer in metal-foam- fin (Aluminum)

١٢. 15th Conference On Fluid Dynamics, fd2013, December, 18-20 The University of Hormozgan, Bandar




- Emerging Trends in Energy Conservation) ،«يدر نگھداشت انرژ نینو يکردھایرو« يالملل -نیکنفرانس ب نیدوم .١٣

ETEC) 2013/03/02 University of Tehran, heat transfer enhancement in helical coiled tubes using

Al2O3/water nanofluid

- Emerging Trends in Energy Conservation) ،«يدر نگھداشت انرژ نینو يکردھایرو« يالملل -نیکنفرانس ب نیدوم .١٤

ETEC) 2013/03/02 University of Tehran, The effect of nanofluid containing functionilized carbon

nanostructures on Heat Recovery of a Two-Phase Closed Thermosyphon

١٥. 2nd International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES2012 2012/11/17 Singapore ,

Computer Modelling and Experimental Validation of a Photovoltaic Thermal (PV/T) Water Based Collector


ارت حر انتقال يتجرب يبررس 08/07/1391 , يراز يالملل نیب يشھایمرکز ھما کنفرانس لولھ و خطوط انتقال نفت و گاز نیچھارم .١٦

يمربع چھیدر کیدر ومیتانیت دیاکس يد/ روغن توربوکوپرسور يھا الیآزاد نانوس یيجابجا

UFشده ھیتصف شیپ ریاز آب پن کیالکت دیاس ھیتھ) تھران 21/07/1390 (وگازیو ب وماسیب( رانیا يوانرژیب شیھما نیدوم .١٧

انتقال حرارت يبررس23/03/1391 تھران کیھتل المپ مطبوع ھیو تھو شیسرما ش،یگرما يمللال نیکنفرانس ب نیچھارم .١٨

يکانال مربع کیآزاد روغن توربوکمپرسور در یيجابجا

١٩. International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICNN2012) university of Kashan 2012/09/08, Measurement of Volumetric Thermal Expansion Coefficient of CuO/ Turbine Oil Nanofluids

Page 14: ﯽﻠﯿﺼﺤﺗ ﻖﺑاﻮﺳ · 4 C.V. Personal information First name: Saeed Last name: Zeinali Heris DOB: 1974 Heris, Azarbyjan Shargi, Iran Address: Faculty of Chemical and


٢٠. International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICNN2012) university of Kashan 2012/09/08, Experimental investigation of natural convection heat transfer of Al2O3/Turbine oil nanofluids

in a square enclosure

٢١. International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICNN2012) university of Kashan 2012/09/08, Experimental Study of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of a Car Radiator with CuO/Ethylene

Glycol-Water as a Coolant

اثر کاھش مقاومت يبررس , تھران کیھتل المپ 23/03/1391 مطبوع ھیو تھو شیسرما ش،یگرما يالملل نیکنفرانس ب نیچھارم .٢٢

اصالح شده بھ آب يکربن يھا با افزودن نانولولھ يبستھ دو فاز فونیترموس یيگرما

23. Iran-Belarus International Conference on Modern Applications of Nanotechnology (IBCN12 علوم يآکادم

Experimental investigation of natural convection heat transfer of CuO/Turbine oil, 2012/06/27 بالروس

nanofluids in square enclosure

24. First International conference on nanostructures and nonmaterial Science and Applications

(ICNNSA2012) Masjed-Soleyman, 2012-02-07, Effect of rheological properties change on heat transfer

coefficient of Non Newtonian fluid

25. First International conference on nanostructures and nonmaterial Science and Applications

(ICNNSA2012) Masjed-Soleyman, 2012-02-07, The Investigation of Nusselt Number using Carbon

Nanotube-Ethylene Diamine Suspension in a Two Phase Closed Thermosyphon

26. 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exihibition (IChec 2011) Kish Island, 2011-11-21,

Kinetic modeling of supercritical antisolvent crystallization (Phenanthrene-Toluene-CO2)

27. 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exihibition (IChec 2011) Kish Island, 2011-11-21,

Experimental investigation of thermosyphon under electrical field using nano-fluid

28. 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exihibition (IChec 2011) Kish Island, 2011-11-21,

Experimental study of TiO2/Turbine oil nanofluid convective heat transfer

29. The 3rd National Conferences in chemical and Oil Industries, Iran University of Science and Technology,

18 May 2011, CFD Analysis of Erosion-Corrosion Phenomena through Fluid Transport Pipelines

30. 2nd conferences on Applications of Nanotechnology in Science, Engineering and Medicine (NTC2011 ,



31. 6th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition-IChEC 2009 Kish Island , 2009-11-16 ،

Effect of magnetic field on the Copper oxide/water nanofluid heat transfer enhancement in two-phase

closed thermosyphon ,

32. 6th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition-IChEC 2009 Kish Island, 2009-11-16

Experimental investigation of two-phase closed thermosyphon under magnetic field using nano-

Silver/water nanofluid

33. 6th International Chemical Engineering Congress &Exhibition-IChEC 2009 Kish Island , 2009-11-16 ,

Thermo-physical properties of nanoparticles/fluid suspension

34. 6th International Chemical Engineering Congress &Exhibition-IChEC 2009 Kish Island , 2009-11-16 ,

CuO/water nanofluid heat transfer through triangular ducts

Page 15: ﯽﻠﯿﺼﺤﺗ ﻖﺑاﻮﺳ · 4 C.V. Personal information First name: Saeed Last name: Zeinali Heris DOB: 1974 Heris, Azarbyjan Shargi, Iran Address: Faculty of Chemical and


35. 17th. Annual (International) Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2009 May, 2009, University

of Tehran, Iran, Heat transfer properties of nanodiamond-engine oil nanofluid in laminar flow

36. International Conference on Emerging Research and Advances in Mechanical Engineering, ERA

2009,Velammal Engineering College, Chennai – 600 066, Tamil Nadu, India, Hydrodynamic and Pressure

drop Characteristics Nanodiamond-Engine Oil flow through Plain and Microfin pipes under Constant

Heat Flux

37. 2nd International congress on nanoscience & nanotechnology 28-30 Oct. 2008, University of Tabriz,

Iran,The study of nanofluids rheological propertites

38. The First Nanotechnology Student Conference, 19-21 Feb., 2007, Tehran, Nanofluid heat transfer

through circular tube

39. 14th Annual (International) Conference of Mechanical Engineering May 16-18, 2006, Isfahan, Iran, Heat

transfer enhancement of nanofluid laminar flow

40. 4th International Nanotechnology Symposium November 29 – 30, 2005, Dresden, Experimental

investigation of metal oxide nanofluid convection heat transfer

41. 4th International Nanotechnology Symposium November 29 – 30, 2005, Dresden, Nanofluid laminar

convection heat transfer

42. 10th National Iranian Chem. Eng. Congress, Nov 15-17, 2005, Zahedan, Forced convection heat transfer

by nanofluid in laminar flow regime

43. 6th World Congress of Chem. Eng., Melbourne 2001, Experimental Study of the Rheological Behavior

of Non-Newtonian Fluids Using Falling Cylinder Rheometer

44. 3rd European Congress of Chemical Engineering _ 26-28 June 2001 _ Nuremberg, Study of the

Rheological behavior of Non-Newtonian Fluids Using F.C.R Rheometer

45. 6th National fluid dynamics conferences, Feb 22-24, 2000, Tehran, Determination of F.C.R Rheometer

relation for Non- Newtonian fluids,

٤٦. 5th National Iranian Chem. Eng. Congress, May 10-15, 2000, Shiraz, Design and Construction of

F.C.R Rheometer for determination of rheological properties of Non-Newtonian fluids.

,تهران-دانشگاه علم و صتعت ايران در صنايع شيميايي و نفت CFD سومين کنفرانس ملي کاربرد , .٤٧ , پالريزاسيون غلظتي در يک غشاء متخلخل غير متقارن CFD مدلسازي2011-05-18

, تهران-دانشگاه علم و صتعت ايران در صنايع شيميايي و نفت CFD ربردسومين کنفرانس ملي کا .٤٨مدل سازي و شبيه سازي فرآيند خشک کردن در دوحالت انتقال جرم و حرارت همزمان و 2011-05-18

, انتقال حرارت تنها

-2011 , ,تهران-دانشگاه علم و صتعت ايران در صنايع شيميايي و نفت CFD ن کنفرانس ملي کاربردسومي .٤٩در CFDبا استفاده از روش Al2O3/شبيه سازي عددي جريان و انتقال حرارت نانو سيال آب 05-18

, کانالهاي با سطح مقطع مربعي با شرط مرزي دما ثابت ديواره

Page 16: ﯽﻠﯿﺼﺤﺗ ﻖﺑاﻮﺳ · 4 C.V. Personal information First name: Saeed Last name: Zeinali Heris DOB: 1974 Heris, Azarbyjan Shargi, Iran Address: Faculty of Chemical and


-2011 , تهران-دانشگاه علم و صتعت ايران در صنايع شيميايي و نفت CFD سومين کنفرانس ملي کاربرد .٥٠در کانالهاي با سطح مقطع مثلثي در جريان CuO/و جريان نانو سيال آب مطالعه انتقال حرارت , 05-18

, درهم

-2011 , تهران-دانشگاه علم و صتعت ايران در صنايع شيميايي و نفت CFD سومين کنفرانس ملي کاربرد .٥١آلومينا درون کانال مربعي و مثلثي به / مطالعه عددي انتقال حرارت جابجايي اجباري نانوسيال آب ,05-18

کمک نرم افزار فلوئنت

نفت و شيمي مهندسي اي منطقه المللي بين كنفرانس اولينسيزدهمين كنگره ملي مهندسي شيمي ايران .٥٢

IChEC13 25-28 Oct. 2010, Kermanshah, ترموسيفون يك حرارتي عملكرد جربيت بررسي آب/دمسيال اکسياز نانوس استفاده اثر در بسته دوفازي

بازده آزمايشگاهي بررسي -يزد-١٣٨٩بهمن ٢٩الي ٢٧ -نانو يعلوم و فناور ين کنفرانس ملياول .٥٣ دو فازي بسته ترموسيفون يك در كربني نانولوله سوسپانسيون حرارتي

يبررس، ١٣٨٨اسفند ١٣-١١واحد اسالمشهر، يانشگاه آزاد اسالمد ، يميش يمهندس يش مليهما .٥٤ کي آنها يخواص رئولوژ يرياندازه گ يک مخلوطها و محلولها ساکارز و ارائه مدلهايخواص رئولوژ

ييانتقال حرارت جابجا يعدد يبررس، کرمان، 10-11-2009, يوفناورينانو و ب ين کنفرانس ملياول .٥٥ , ان آراميدر جر يبا سطح مقطع مربع يال در کانالهاينانوس

ييانتقال حرارت جابجا يحل عدد، ، کرمان 10-11-2009, يوفناورينانو و ب ين کنفرانس ملياول .٥٦ وارهيثابت د يبا دما يدر کانال مثلث AL2O3ال آب ينانوس ياجبار

25-06-2009, ينفت يع فرآوردهاين ، نگهداشت، انتقال و توزين تامينو يراهکارها يش ملين هماياول .٥٧ اياز در ينفت يهايآلودگ يحذف و پاکساز, يجمع آور يروشها يبررستهران،

-06-2009 ينفت يع فرآوردهاين ، نگهداشت، انتقال و توزين تامينو يراهکارها يش ملين هماياول .٥٨

شرفته انتقال نفت خام يپ يروشها يبررس تهران، , 25

مهندسي نوشيرواني بابل، دانشکده يدانشگاه صنعت ١٣٨٨خرداد ها، ن کنفرانس ديناميک شارهيدوازدهم .٥٩ک ي يال عامل در بهبود راندمان حرارتيآب به عنوان س -ومينيد آلوميال اکسياثر نانوس ،مکانيک

بسته يفون دوفازيترموس

,رانيا يميمر و پتروشيپژوهشگاه پل ١٣٨٧بهشت ماه يارد ٢٥-٢٤ يعيل گاز طبيتبد يش ملين همايدوم .٦٠بررسي فرآيند هاي مختلف توليد متانول با استفاده از گاز سنتز حاصل ازگازطبيعي وتحليل اثر دما و فشار

برروي ميزان متانول توليدي

کاربرد امواج مافوق صوت در , مشهد ماه بهمن ٢٤و ٢٣ يفرنگ گوجه يد و فرآوريتول يفناور ين کنگره مليولا .٦١ يگوجه فرنگ يليبدع تيصنا

مصرف سوخت ينه سازيبه- مشهد مقدس ١٣٨٦رماه يت ٢١-٢٠ يمصرف انرژ ينه سازينس بهن کنفراياول .٦٢ اتور آنهايد در رادياالت جديونها با کاربرد سيکام