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IIJI Generalitat de Gatalunya Departament de Territori I Sostenlbllitat



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The Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Government of Catalonia, Spain (hereinafter referred to as "DTES"), represented by the Hon. Josep Rull i Andreu, Conseller of Territory and Sustainability, Government of Catalonia, Spain, making use of his powers as set out by virtue of his appointment in Decree 3/2016 of 13 January and duly authorized to sign this Memorandum of Understanding as stated in the Government Agreement (xxx) of (date).

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (hereinafter referred to as "UN­Habitat"), represented by Dr. Joan Clos i Matheu, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN-Habitat, duly authorized to sign this Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as "MoU").


EI Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat de la Generalitat de Catalunya (d'ara endavant MDTES"), representat per l'Hon. Josep Rull i Andreu, conseller de Territori i Sostenibilitat, Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Espanya, en us de les facultats establertes en virtut del seu nomenament pel Decret 3/2016, de 13 de gener, i plenament autoritzat per signar aquest Memorandum d'Entesa tal i com consta a I' Acord de Govern (xxx) de (data).

EI Programa de les Nacions Unides pels Assentaments Humans (d'ara endavant "ONU-Habitat"), representat pel Dr. Joan Clos i Matheu, sotssecretari general i director executiu d'ONU-Habitat, plenament autoritzat per signar aquest Memorandum d'Entesa (d'ara endavant "Memorandum").

Ambdues parts reconeixen mutuament que Both Parties mutually acknowledge that they compten amb prou capacitat legal per hold sufficient legal standing to formalize the formalitzar el present Memorandum i present MoU, and therefore: manifesten:

ATES que ONU-Habitat, establert per WHEREAS UN-Habitat, established by the l'Assemblea General de les Nacions Unides General Assembly of the United Nations by en base a la resoluci6 32/162 del 19 de its resolution 32/162 of 19 December 1977, desembre del 1977, convertit en Programa transformed into a Programme by its per la resoluci6 56/206 del 21 de desembre resolution 56/206 of 21 December 2001, del 2001, amb la seu a Nairobi, Kenia. ONU­having its Headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya. Habitat es, dins el sistema de les Nacions UN-Habitat is the coordinating agency within Unides, l'organisme de coordinaci6 per ales the United Nations System for human activitats d'assentaments humans, el punt settlement activities, the focal point for the focal pel seguiment, l'avaluaci6 i la monitoring, evaluation and implementation implementaci6 de l' Agenda Habitat, aixl com of the Habitat Agenda, as well as the task I'administrador de tasques del capitol manager of the human settlements chapter d'assentaments humans de l'Agenda 21. En of Agenda 21, and, in collaboration with col·laboraci6 amb els governs, tambe es el governments is responsible for promoting responsable de promoure i consoli dar la and consolidating collaboration with all coHaboraci6 entre tots els socis, incloses les partners, including local authorities and autoritats locals i les organitzacions privades private and non-governmental organizations i les no governamentals, en la implementaci6


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in the implementation of the Habitat Agenda, de l'Agenda Habitat i dels Objectius de and the Sustainable Development Goals. Desenvolupament Sostenible.

WHEREAS in its Resolution 66/207 and in line with the bi-decennial cyele (1976, 1996 and 2016), the United Nations General Assembly decided to convene the Habitat III Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development to take place in Quito, Ecuador, from 17-20 October 2016 in order to reinvigorate the global commitment to sustainable urbanization, to focus on the implementation of a New Urban Agenda, building on the Habitat Agenda of Istanbul in 1996.

ATES que ala seva resoluci6 66/207 i en la Ifnia del ciele bidecennal (1976, 1996 i 2016), l'Assemblea General de les Nacions Unides va decidir convocar la Conferi!ncia d'Habitat III sobre Habitatge i Desenvolupament Urba Sostenible que se celebrara a Quito, Equador, del 17 al 20 d'octubre del 2016 amb l'objectiu de refor~ar el compromis global amb la urbanitzaci6 sostenible i per centrar-se en la implementaci6 de la Nova Agenda Urbana, basada en I'Agenda Habitat d'Istanbul del 1996.

ATES que ONU-Habitat i el DTES WHEREAS UN-Habitat and the DTES reconeixen que les ciutats s6n el centre de la recognize that cities are the centre of risk reducci6 del risc i de la rehabilitaci6 i reduction and sustainable rehabilitation and recuperaci6 sostenible, contribuint aixi a recovery, hence they contribute to build the augmentar la resiliencia de palsos fragils, resilience of fragile, disaster-prone and propensos als desastres i afectats per conflict-affected countries. conflictes.

WHEREAS UN-Habitat's Urban Risk Reduction Unit provides policy and technical support through the implementation of programmes and projects focusing on reducing risk and building the resilience of cities globally, and has the capacity to develop, monitor and implement specific activities within its mandate through the CRPP office (City Resilience Profiling Programme) in Barcelona, Spain.

WHEREAS the Government of Catalonia's Department of Territory and Sustalnability is the body of the Catalan Government administration that is responsible for the areas that coincide with the majority of UN-Habitat lines of action.

WHEREAS these functions are those related with urban policies, public transport and sustainable mobility in general, environmental sustainability policies, land planning and all those other functions concerned with the management of basic natural resources such as water, air quality and waste management. This Department is


ATES que la Unitat de Reducci6 del Rise Urba d'ONU-Habitat proporciona politiques i suport tecnic a traves de la implementaci6 de programes i projectes que se centren en reduir el risc i a augmentar la resiliencia globalment, i te la capacitat de desenvolupar, supervisar i implementar activitats especffiques en el marc del seu mandat a traves de I'oficina del Programa de Perfils de Ciutats Resilients, situada a Barcelona, Espanya.

ATES que el Departament de Territori i Sostenibilttat de la Generalitat de Catalunya es l'organ de l'Administraci6 de la Generalitat competent en els ambits en els que se situen la majoria de les linies d'actuaci6 d'ONU-Habitat.

ATES que aquestes funcions s6n les que estan relacionades amb polftiques urbanes, transport public i mobilitat sostenible en general, politiques de sostenibilitat ambiental, planificaci6 del sol i totes aquelles altres funcions vinculades a la gesti6 de recursos naturals basics com ara l'aigua, la qualitat de l'aire i la gesti6 de residus. EI

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also responsible for actions against climate change and mitigating its effects on cities, infrastructures and, of course, population.

WHEREAS the DTES includes among its objectives the promotion of development cooperation actions, within the framework of the Development Cooperation Master Plan 2015-2018 of the Catalan Government. These actions, among other lines, focus on promoting sustainable development and the right to the city, understood as essential tools for human development and the fight against inequality.

WHEREAS UN-Habitat and the DTES intend to conclude this MoU with the aim of enhancing impact and increasing synergies and developing their cooperation and effectiveness to achieve common objectives in the field of resilient and sustainable urban development.

WHEREAS the Government of Catalonia, Spain, has approved the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding through the agreement ( ... ).

THEREFORE, UN-Habitat and the DTES (herein collectively referred to as "the Parties" and individually as "Party") have entered into this MoU under the following terms and conditions:


FIRST Objectives and Purposes

1. The main objective of this MoU is the establishment of a framework for cooperation between UN-Habitat and the Department of Territory and Sustainability that enables the two institutions to share knowledge, provide mutual support and define cooperation programmes for carrying out specific


Departament tambe es responsable de les accions contra el canvi climatic i de mitigar els seus efectes a ciutats, infraestructures i a la poblaci6.

ATES que el DTES inclou, entre els seus objectius, la promoclO d'accions de cooperaci6 al desenvolupament, en el marc del PIa director de Cooperaci6 al Desenvolupament 2015-2018 de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Aquestes accions, entre altres aspectes, se centren en promoure el desenvolupament sostenible i el dret a la ciutat, entes com una eina essencial pel desenvolupament huma i per a la lluita contra la desigualtat. ATES que ONU-Habitat i el DTES volen concloure aquest Memorandum amb l'objectiu de potenciar el seu impacte i augmentar les sinergies que en derivin, a mes de desenvolupar la seva cooperaci6 i efectivitat a l'hora d'assolir objectius comuns en l'ambit de la resiliencia del desenvolupament urba sostenible.

ATES que el Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Espanya, ha aprovat la subscripcio del Memorandum d'Entesa mitjan.;ant l'acord de ( .. .).

PER TANT, ONU-Habitat i el DTES (d'ara endavant referits coHectivament com a "les Parts" i individualment com a "Part") sign en aquest Memorandum en base als segtients termes i condicions:


PRIMERA Objectius i proposits

1. L'objectiu principal d'aquest Memorandum es l'establiment d'un marc de cooperaci6 entre ONU-Habitat i el Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat que permeti a ambdues institucions com partir coneixement, proporcionar suport mutu i definir programes de cooperaci6 per dur a terme projectes especifics.

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2. The cooperation actions and projects carried out must lie within the two institutions' areas of responsibility, with particular focus on Urban Resilience and the implications in the following areas: urban policies, sustainable development, land planning, fight against climate change and adaptation to its effects, management of water and other natural resources, waste management, and urban public transport and sustainable mobility.


1. The tasks to be carried out under this MoU will be determined annually and approved by both Parties.

THIRD General Commitments of the Parties

2. Les accions de cooperacio i els projectes que es duguin a terme han de correspondre ales arees de responsabilitat d'ambdues institucions, i en particular a la resiliEmcia urbana i les implicacions de les segiients arees: po}ftiques urbanes, desenvolupament sostenible, planificacio del sol, lluita contra el canvi climatic i adaptaci6 als seus efectes, gestio de l'aigua i altres recursos naturals, gesti6 de residus, transport public i mobilitat sostenible.


1. Les tasques que es duran a terme en virtut d'aquest Memorandum es concretaran anualment ~ seran aprovades per ambdues Parts.

TERCERA 1. The Parties agree to carry out their Compromlsos generals de les Parts

respective commitments in accordance with the provision of this MoU. The 1. Parties agree to join efforts and to maintain a close working relationship in order to achieve the objectives of this collaboration.

Les Parts acorden complir amb les seves respectives compromisos de conformitat amb les disposicions d'aquest Memorandum. Les Parts acorden unir esfor~os i mantenir una relacio de treball propera per tal d'assolir els objectius que deriven d'aquesta coHaboracio.

2. The Parties shall refrain from any action that may adversely affect the interests of the other Party and shall fulfil their commitments with fullest regard for the terms and conditions of this MoU and the principles of the United Nations and UN­

2. Les Parts s'abstindran de tota accio que pugui afectar negativament els interessos de l'altra Part i hauran


3. The Parties shall establish focal points and a working group with staff appointed by both Parties to, based on the objectives outlined in this MoU, 3. develop specific activities and results.



d'acomplir els setis compromisos amb el maxim respecte pels termes i condicions recollits en el present Memorandum, i als principis de les Nacions Unides i ONU­Habitat.

Les Parts establiran punts focals i un grup de treball amb personal designat per ambdues Parts per, en base als objectius inclosos al present Memorandum, desenvolupar activitats i resultats especffics.

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DTES Commitments

Under this MoU, the DTES's commitments QUARTA are to support UN-Habitat on the following Compromisos del DTES specific aspects:

1. To provide technical expertise and access to learning opportunities, through case studies of Catalonia, in areas related

En virtut d'aquest Memorandum, les compromisos del DTES corresponen a donar suport a ONU-Habitat en els segiients aspectes concrets:

to the City Resilience Profiling 1. Programme by drawing on its professional networks and associated academia in Catalonia;

Proporcionar experiencia tecnica i acces a oportunitats d'aprenentatge a traves de casos d'estudi de Catalunya, en arees relacionades amb el Programa de Perfils de Ciutats Resilients i fent us de les seves xarxes professionals i del mon academic associat a Catalunya; 2. To participate in UN-Habitat events for

the purpose of sharing learning and practices in accordance with the MoU's 2. aims;

Participar en els actes organitzats per ONU-Habitat amb l'objectiu de compartir coneixements i practiques en relacio als objectius del Memorandum; 3. To promote, through its international

links and networks, the experiences, knowledge resources, innovations and 3. learning initiatives implemented through this MoU; and,

Promoure, a traves dels seus vincles xarxes internacionals, les experiencies, recursos de coneixement, les innovacions i les iniciatives d'aprenentatge implementades a traves d'aquest Memorandum; i, 4. To provide financial support to UN­

Habitat for the purpose of developing the objectives of this MoU, as specified in the following clauses and if it is established in specific agreements.

FIFTH UN-Habitat's Commitments

4. Proporcionar suport financer a ONU­Habitat per tal de desenvolupar els objectius del present Memorandum, tal i com s'especifica als articles que segueixen i si s'estableix en acords especffics.

CINQUENA Under this MoU, the commitments of UN- Compromisos d'ONU-Habitat Habitat are: 1. To link demand from requesting

governments, local authorities and other partners to the supply of expertise, knowledge and learning opportunities available in the DTES;

2. To facilitate access to its field of

En virtut d'aquest Memorandum, les compromisos d'ONU-Habitat son: 1. Vincular la demanda de governs,

autoritats locals i altres actors amb el subministrament d' expertesa, coneixement i oportunitats d'aprenentatge de que disposa el DTES.

experiences, knowledge, and current 2. Facilitar I'acces als seus ambits capacity development and training d'experiencia, de coneixement i ala seva methodologies, by means of the different capacitat de desenvolupament


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meetings established between the two Parties;

metodologies de formaci6 per mitja de les diferents reunions que es duguin a terme entre les dues Parts.

3. To invite the DTES to participate in key events such as Habitat III Conference and 3. other meetings as relevant for the purposes of sharing learning and practices;

Convidar al DTES a participar a actes clau com ara la Conferencia d'Habitat III i altres trobades que siguin rellevants per a l'intercanvi de coneixements practiques.

4. To promote the innovations and new paradigms developed through this MoU 4. in relevant international meetings, conferences and other events; and,

Promoure les innovacions i els nous paradigmes desenvolupats a traves d'aquest Memorandum a trobades internacionals destacades, conferi!Dcies i altres actes, i

5. To receive and administer the Contribution, both financial and in-kind, from the DTES in accordance with the United Nations Financial Regulations and Rules, policies and procedures, and also in accordance with the regulations on subsidies granted by the DTES.

SIXTH Contribution from the Parties

1. Within the remit of areas of cooperation set in Article I, collaboration between DTES and UN-Habitat, upon written agreement of the Parties, may be carried out, as appropriate and on an ad hoc basis, through joint elaboration, fundraising for and implementation of projects on specific issues of common interest.


3. Nothing under this MoU imposes financial or contractual obligations upon either Party. If the Parties mutually agree to allocate specific funds to facilitate an activity undertaken pursuant to this MoU, such an agreement will be reflected in writing and signed by the Parties. In particular, for the implementation of joint activities within the framework of this MoU that might involve payment of funds, a specific separate legal instrument will be entered into force, as


5. Rebre i administrar la contribuci6 del DTES, tant financera com en especie, d'acord amb les regulacions i normes financeres de les Nacions Unides, aixi com amb les polftiques i procediments, i tambe de conformitat amb la normativa de subsidis concedits pel DTES.

SISENA Contribucio de les Parts

1. En el marc competencial de les arees de cooperaci6 establertes a l' Article I, la coJ.laboracio entre el DTES i ONU­Habitat, amb previ acord escrit entre les Parts, s'ha de dur a terme conjuntament, segons cada cas i en una base ad hoc, per mitja de l'elaboraci6, la recaptacio de fons i la implementacio de projectes de temes d'interes cornu.

2. Res en virtut del present Memorandum implica obligacions financeres 0

contractuals per a cap de les Parts. Si les Parts acorden destinar fons espedfics per a facilitar la realitzacio d'una activitat en el marc d'aquest Memorandum, aquest acord s'haura de fer constar per escrit i ambdues parts l'hauran de signar. En particular, per a la implementaci6 d'activitats conjuntes en virtut del present Memorandum que puguin implicar el pagament de fons, caldra establir un instrument legal espedfic i

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appropriate, taking into account those relevant administrative and financial rules and procedures applicable to the Parties.

4. In the event of joint participation in projects funded by third parties, such as European Union projects, or funded by multilateral bodies such as the World Bank, the European Investment Bank or others, it will be necessary to sign a specific collaboration agreement, derived from this MoU, describing the project and providing a budget which specifies both the contributions and the distribution of any revenues that may be obtained.

SEVENTH Financial Administration

1. The contribution and activities to be

per separat, segons convingui, tenint presents les normes i els procediments administratius i financers que son aplicables a les Parts.

3. En el cas de participacio conjunta en projectes que s6n finan~ats per terceres parts, com ara projectes de la Unio Europea, 0 be per institucions multilaterals com el Banc Mundial, el Banc Europeu d'lnversions 0 altres, sera necessari signar un acord de coHaboracio espedfic, que derivi del present Memorandum d'Entesa, on es descrigui el projecte i s'hi faci constar el pressupost que especifiqui la contribucio i la distribuci6 dels ingressos que se'n puguin obtenir.

SETENA Administracio financera

agreed and subsequently financed as a 1. La contribucio el finan~ament

result of this collaborationshall be d'activitats en virtut d'aquest subject exclusively to the financial, Memorandum estaran subjectes accounting, internal and external exclusivament als procediments auditing procedures provided for in the financers, de comptabilitat i d'auditoria financial regulations, rules and directives interna i externa que es contemplen en of UN-Habitat and United Nations as well les regulacions, normes i directrius as the regulations on subsidies granted financeres d'ONU-Habitat i de les by the OTES and the 'Subsidies General Nacions Unides, aixf com tambe ales Law'. regulacions sobre subvencions

concedides pel OTES i a la "Llei General de Subvencions".

2. These financial rules establish that all original invoices stay at headquarters at the disposal of the United Nations Board of Auditors in charge of the external auditing of the organization every two years, as well for the auditing the DTES may carry out. Should an Audit Report of the Board of Auditors of the United Nations to its governing body contain observations relevant to the Contribution, such information shall be made available to the DTES.


2. Aquestes normatives de finan~ament

estableixen que totes les factures originals han de romandre a la seu i han d'estar a disposici6 de la Junta d'Auditors de les Nacions Unides, que es l'organ responsable de les auditories externes de l' organitzacio cada dos anys, aixf com tambe de les auditories que pugui dur a terme el OTES. Si un informe d'auditoria de la Junta d'Auditors de les Nacions Unides dirigit al seu organ de govern conte observacions rellevants en relaci6 a la contribucio, aquesta informacio es

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posara a disposici6 del DTES.

EIGHTH VUITENA Organizational arrangements Disposicions organitzatives

1. The Parties shall hold bilateral 1. consultations on matters of common interest, whenever deemed appropriate

Les Parts celebraran consultes bilaterals almenys dues vegades l'any sobre assumptes d'interes cornu, quan ambdues Parts ho considerin adient i d'acord amb una agenda acordada previament, tenint per objectiu tambe desenvolupar les seves activitats conjuntes, que inclouran:

by both Parties, at least twice a year, in accordance with an agenda agreed in advance by them, aiming also at the development of their joint activities including: a. The establishment of an annual work

programme. b. Taking stock of the activities carried

out by the programme: review of working progress made by the Parties in implementing the MoU;

c. Technical and operational issues related to furthering the objectives of the MoU; and,.

d. The identification of future actions and commitments to ensure efficient planning for the implementation of the MoU.

2. Both Parties shall identify one overall focal point within their internal organizational structure to coordinate cooperation, monitor joint activities and be informed of progress and exchanges at expert level. In addition, the Parties shall encourage bilateral meetings at desk-to-desk level and set up on an ad hoc basis as deemed necessary by them to address priority matters related to the areas of cooperation under this MoU for the implementation of activities in specific areas, countries and regions and to develop and monitor collaborative actions.

NINTH UN-Habitat Representation


a. L' establiment d'un programa anual de treball.

b. Fer balan~ de les activitats dutes a terme pel programa: revisi6 dels progressos de treball de les Parts a l'hora d'implementar el Memorandum.

c. Aspectes tecnics i operacionals relacionats amb la consecucio dels objectius del Memorandum, i

d. La identificacio d'accions i compromisos futures per assegurar una planificaci6 eficient a l'hora implementar el Memorandum.

2. Ambdues Parts hauran d'identificar un interlocutor dins la seva estructura organitzativa interna que s'encarregui de coordinar la cooperacio, de fer un seguiment de les activitats conjuntes i que sigui informat del progres i dels intercanvis a nivell d' expert. Les Parts tambe promouran reunions bilaterals cas per cas que s' establiran en una base ad hoc quan les Parts ho creguin necessari. Les reunions serviran per abordar assumptes prioritaris relacionats amb les arees de col·laboracio establertes en aquest MoU per a la implementaci6 d'activitats en zones, paisos i regions especffics, i per desenvolupar i fer un seguiment de les accions conjuntes.

NOVENA Representacio d'ONU-Habitat

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1. DTES acknowledges that it is familiar with UN-Habitat's ideals and objectives and recognizes that its name and emblem may not be associated with any political or sectarian cause or otherwise used in a manner inconsistent with the status, reputation and neutrality of UN­Habitat.

2. Any other use of the UN-Habitat's name or emblem, and any other form of recognition or acknowledgement of the Contribution of the DTES, is subject to consultations between the Parties, and the prior written agreement with UN­Habitat.

TENTH Confidentiality of the information and Copyright

Confidentiality of the information:

1. Each Party will protect all the internal documents and information received from the other Party by virtue of this MoU, pursuant to applicable national legislation, regulations and administrative practices.


2. The Parties expressly agree in this MoU that neither Party may use the other Party's full name, brand, distinctive name, images or logos on any manner of promotional or advertising material, without the prior express authorization of the owner of the above-stated elements.

3. All copyrights, patents, trade secrets, methodologies, trademarks or other intellectual property owned by one of the Parties will continue to be the Party's property, and signature or performance of this MoU will not be construed as an assignment of these rights.

1. EI DTES confirma que esta familiaritzat amb els ideals i els objectius d'ONU­Habitat. Aixf mateix, reconeix que el seu nom i logotip no es poden associar amb cap causa politica 0 secrnria. Tampoc es podran utilitzar de forma incompatible amb l'estatus, la reputaci6 i la neutralitat d'ONU-Habitat.

2. Qualsevol altre us del nom 0 l'emblema d'ONU-Habitat, i qualsevol altra forma de reconeixement de la contribuci6 del DTES, esta subjecte ala consulta entre les Parts i a previ acord escrit amb ONU­Habitat.

DESENA Confidencialitat de la informaci6 i drets d'autor

Confidencialitat de la informaci6:

1. Cada Part protegira tota la documentaci6 interna i la informaci6 rebuda de l'altra Part en virtut del present Memorandum, i de conformitat amb la legislaci6 nacional, els reglaments i les practiques administratives aplicables.

Drets d'autor:

2. Les Parts acorden de forma expressa a traves d'aquest Memorandum que cap de les Parts utilitzara el nom complet de l'aItra Part, la marca, el distintiu, la imatge 0 el logotip en material promocional 0 publicitari sense l'autoritzaci6 previa i expressa del propietari dels citats elements.

3. Tots els drets d'autor, patents, secrets comercials, metodologies, marques registrades 0 altres propietats intel·lectuals que siguin propietat d'una de les Parts continuara sent de la seva propietat, i la signatura 0 execuci6 d'aquest Memorandum no sera interpretada com la seva cessi6.


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ELEVENTH Consultations between the Parties



The Parties shall maintain regular close consultations to monitor the progress of the implementation of the MoU.

The Parties shall share with each other all relevant information and documents including reports and any other information related to the activities, outputs and impact of this MoU.

TWELFTH Settlement of Disputes

1. The Parties shall use their best efforts to settle amicably any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of, or relating to, this MoU, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof.

Where the Parties cannot settle amicably any dispute arising out of this MOU, it shall be referred to their respective executive heads

ONZENA Consultes entre les Parts

1. Les Parts hauran de mantenir consultes regulars per fer el seguiment del progres de la implementaci6 del Memorandum.

2. Les Parts compartiran tota la informaci6 documents rellevants, incloent-hi

informes i qualsevol altra informaci6 relacionada amb les activitats, els resultats i l'impacte d'aquest Memorandum.

DOTZENA Resoluci6 de controversies

1. Les Parts faran tot el possible per resoldre amistosament qualsevol disputa, controversia 0 reclamaci6 que sorgeixi arran de 0 en relaci6 a aquest Memorandum, del seu incompliment, rescissi6 0 invalidesa.

for final resolution. TRETZENA

THIRTEENTH Modification of the MoU and Omissions

Modificaci6 del Memorandum i omissions

1. Aquest Memorandum nomes es modificara per escrit en virtut de l'autoritzaci6 per escrit d'ONU-Habitat i del OTES, i qualsevol modificaci6 es considerara part integral del present Memorandum.

1. This MoU shall only be modified in writing pursuant to written approval 2. of UN-Habitat and the OTES, and any such correspondences shall be considered an integral part of this MoU herein.

Qualsevol aspecte no contemplat en el present document sera concretat de mutu acord entre ONU·Habitat i el OTES, i ambdues Parts tindran en compte les propostes presentades.

2. Any matters not incorporated herein shall be determined by the mutual agreement between UN-Habitat and the OTES, and either Party shall take into account submitted proposals.


CATORZENA Aplicacl6 del Memorandum


1. Aquest Memorandum sera aplicable l'endema de ser signat per totes les Parts i sera valid durant quatre anys. Es renovara tacitament i per peri odes iguals

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Applicability of the MoU

1. This MoU shall become applicable on

a un any si no es que una de les Parts notifica a l'altra sobre la seva intencio de no renovar-Io, tal i com s'estableix a continuacio.

the day after it is signed by all the Parties and its validity is four years. It 2. will be tacitly renewed for equal one­year periods, unless either Party should notify the other Party of its intention to not renew, as provided in

EI Memorandum expirara al final del seu perfode de validesa, per acord mutu de les Parts, per incompliment greu i reiterat dels seus articles 0 be per qualsevol altra causa considerada per la llei. the article hereof.

2. The MoU expires upon expiry of its 3. term, by mutual agreement of the parties, serious and repeated breach of

Qualsevol de les Parts podra rescindir aquest Memorandum notificant-ho per escrit a l'altra Part seixanta (60) dies abans de la data de rescissio. En cas de rescissio, les Parts adoptaran totes les mesures necessaries per finalitzar d'una manera rapida i ordenada les activitats que s'hagin iniciat en el marc d'aquest Memorandum.


its articles, and any other causes referred to as such by the law.

This MoU may be terminated by either Party giving the other Party a written notice of sixty (60) days prior to its intention to terminate. In the event of termination, the Parties will take the appropriate steps to bring activities under this MoU to a prompt and orderly conclusion.

FIFTEENTH Privileges and immunities of United Nations

Nothing in or relating to this MoU shall be deemed a waiver, express or implied, of any of the privileges and immunities of the United Nations, including UN-Habitat.

SIXTEENTH Communications between the Parties

All notices and communications to each Party required under or related to this MoU shall be forwarded to the respective addresses of each Party, as follows:

Mr. Dan Lewis, Chief, Urban Risk Reduction Unit, Head, City Resilience Profiling Programme C/ de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167

QUINZENA Privilegis i immunitats de les Nacions Unides

Res en relacio amb el present Memorandum es considerara com a renuncia, expressa 0

implicita, dels privilegis i immunitats de les Nacions Unides, incloent-hi ONU-Habitat.

SETZENA Comunicacio entre les Parts

Tota notificacio i comunicacio requerida per qualsevol de les Parts en el marc del present Memorandum s'adrec;ara ales adreces respectives de cada Part, tal i com consta a continuacio:


Sr. Ferran Falco i Isern Secretari general de Territori i Sostenibilitat, Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya Av. de Josep Tarradellas, 2-6

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08025 Barcelona 08029 Barcelona


This document is not legally binding and Aquest document no es juridicament shall be governed by recognized vinculant. principles of international law.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties, duly authorized representatives of the DTES and UN-Habitat, have signed three originals of this MoU in the placets) and on the date(s) herein below i . icated.

Dr. oan Clos-i~theu, ~n~~8&retary-General and E~etutive Director of UN-Habitat

Place and date: 9 !! ~J d.1) I b N~.

PER TOT AIXO, els Parts, representants degudament autoritzats d'ONU-Habitat i del DTES, signen els tres originals d'aquest Memorandum, en el lloc(s) i data(es) que s'indiquen a continuaci6.

Hon. Josep Rull i Andreu, Conseller de Territori i Sostenibilitat Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya (Regne d'Espanya) LIoc i data: