!MnBB8ll ' IM I WMiMHi' ri pr i W . . , f f t V fT 1"v"-'- " "5 &'" ' " " " , .. , "nPfP VM&rm;'''?tyi'K& lliH !. " m IT - j - - n 111 s . i. " I ' v?,"f .'J"r;4"r -- ""Ve g, : .v-v- . ..,.'f ,"" '' t f s, ..' ; "' " " " ifsh i--t rn, -- Fvjft ?''' . . madmimltl1kjit7Snm,mm,ii, i'tW w. i i"JT nnliSHutniiM- i- ilm.ii wMiiwii.imii , , ,j- - tJM--3- f - 'sft " -- . .-. f . .. '" iM:M. si I If q$ ell i 111 Ma IbHII I 1 P 1 I it tn m jLm .upujlim n tj va-- i uvM.ii m ffwjc 'wxiaiv Tic!TxrA:.jyHjUffJOTAJrxxMijiiefi.K ramrjtwu w:Mrr raau a nviw irrewH Vol. XIV. No 21(32. irOtfOUjLU, II. I., FRTDW 13VRSIW, FEBRUAKY 1, 1880. CO OENTS SUBSCRIPTION PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed nud published at the otllco Quuon Htrcot, Honolulu, II. every ifternoon (Sundays excoptcd). Subscription, 50 cents pot Month. Address (ill Communications Daii.t Advertisements, tc ensure insertion, ahould bo handed In before one o'oluek p. u. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Newspaper, Hook mid Job Printing of all kinds done on tuc most fuvoi.iblu ; ins. boll Telephone No. li.'iii Mutual Telephone N o. J5U THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. A.u interesting ivnd comprehen-iv- o pulilicatloo, couUins 3J columns of reading matter on local topics, and n complete resume of lloiiol ilu nd Isl.iml News. It is the best paper oubllilied in the Kingdom to send to filendo abroad. Miil)Mctl)lioii : Island $i 00 year b'oreiun 5 00 " CoiamissLou Moronauts. ir iiVOil-''JL.- Ao C3o., General Commission Agents. 15715 ly llohOl.ULU Q. W. mACEAELAHE & Co. lAlPOUTBHS AND COMMISSION MKKOUANTS, Honolulu. H. I. Oueen street, - - - lCld GONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 9 Beuver lSlocK, Hunolulu BREWER St OOUP4SY, c ,'. (Limited) MKUCASTILB AND C011MI8J'0N AoENTb ubt ov oFifiritMS: i' CloM.a, Jr.... President &Managui J U. Cautku 1'ieusurer ito Secrelari DIUECTOHS: Hon. O. It. Rwaoi'. S. C. Allen, H. VVatkbiioosk. JM ly T. WATERHOUSE, JOHN Importer aud Healer in General Merchandise, tueen t., Honolulu. 1 fl. N. Cabtle.-- J. B. Atliortou-- G. P. Castle ii OOOKE, CASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchant. Impuriera and Dealers in General Merchandise, xSo 60 King at., Honolulu 1 CUue bpreckcu. Wm. G. Irwla. IRWIN S5 OOMPANV, WG. Sugai Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 & CO., WILDER Dealers In Lumber, l'aintw, Oils, Nails, Sal-- , and Building Maiemln of every kind, cor. Fori uuu liuuuu at., Honolulu. ' QRINBAUM Hi GO., MS. Importers of General Mer chandise and Coinmisslou Merchants, U'lUolulu, and Ui. Califomlit street, riuu Frauelseo, Cal. . Lowers, F. J. Lowrey O. M. Cooko. Hi OOOKE, LEWEBS to Lewera & Dickson,) mporters aud in Lumb''r and ai kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu , ' FltA-NJ- K J. KllUGER, Practical WatchmaLor & Repairer iiOv.U-l- i O LUSO UAWAI1ANO. persons who want to communi ALL with the Poitueueso, either (or business, or for procuring woikmen, aorvauts or any oilier helps, will Unci it tho most prolltahlo wuy to advertise in tlio Luso aivaiiano, the new organ ol thu Portuguese colon), which is pub- lished on Hotel stitei, and mly oluigei-reasonabl- e rue for alver iMiiint H. G. CRABBE, DEALER IN HAY and GRAIN, 81 King Btreet, opposite the Old Station llouo. Mutual Xclopliouo No. 4.. 87 tf BEST PAPER ti.ub;irliw THE li tlio "Dally Bulleilu." cents pur month, Pfoiosslonals. JM. MON3ARRAT, at Law & Notary Public 119 Merchant StieU, Honolulu. tf Alfred Maqoon, J ATTORNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly PIOiSJEEK, STEAM GANDY FACTOR! A.JNX P. HORN, Practical Confectioner, l'ttstry Cook, and llaker. 71 Hotel St. "U3?" Telephone 74 Mrs: L. C. Pray, Genuine Massage I Roman Baths 100 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard. dec7.f3 T H. SOPBB.M. D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S V. Corner Si.xtli and MarUi-- l -- trcets, opposite Hawaii Nui .Millihery ISbtali-ii.sliiui.- bun Francisco. 2J HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, ITono 210 Honolulu, H. I. II M. UCNSON. O. W. SMITH. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 & 110 Port Sticet, - Honolulu. Depot for Boericke & Sccclilk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Hick ecker'b Perfumes ami Toilot HeijuiMiis, i2.v WENNER & CO. JluiiufueturliiK J et clloi-M- , NO. OS ITOllT MTlUiliT, Constantly on hand i large nssortmen of every descrlptiunot Jewelry, Watches Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly MRS. M. B. CAMPBELL, DroHsmnlcliiK, o.. ito.. Ha? commenced the business of Dress, making, Cutting and Fitting, at her iesi-deuc- No. 73 Beretania street, opposite the Hotel. The patronage of the ladies is respectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. sept-d.l- y Alex. iJjgT Elohr, Lock & Gunsmith. Belhel st, next to GeneialPost . fllce, Honolulu. All kinds of Safes ASoales repaired. AImo, Hcivlus MacIiineM at renwoH-util- e l'Uicn. Bell Tel. 421. (oct.25-6- ly) P. O. B. 480. Sanders' Baggage Express Co. M. N. SANDERS,) ' prODriciors F. I. CUTTEH, 1 ufflcf, &1 King htn-et- . Telephone No 66 Resilience lelephone No iOi. Gun'l JEarproHHliiK : Jru.yliitr Piano and Furniture moving a tpecinli. W.igont meet all incoming steamers. Inly 25 ly Hustacefe Robertson, JL It L V M. Hi JN . LL ordeig for Curtate promptly at t. lemted to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to the other i 1'inds. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices. Olllce, adjoining E. P. Adums 5s Co.'t-auctio- room ")S2 Iv Mutii'il T- - Icidinnc No. 1. Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukui Jewelry a Specialty. Kiii Str o!, Honolulu, II. I. Next door to the Hnwallnii Tram, way Company's Olllec, tT Patlloulir attentiou paid to all kinds of upulrs. " BEAVER k SALOOH Tho Best Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours The Flnot Bran J of GiEBTB, ,fi Tolacci VlAViiyw on Hand. II. J. XOLTK. Prupi'iotnr. House Waiiral ! King Street Hear Alakea. Itonril 84 5U Vt'V W'H HIiirIu .Menl US i;nili. A flrM.cla" Cnok h.is been cnir g-- il ti. succ.ed the one hcelnfoie emp'jcii The Tables are Mnrbiu top ai d t lean, the Waiters ntteuiive O. CSILX II KK, 2072 3ni I'ropi iclor. T IJ J3 Motropoiitan i Meat Company 81 KING bTHEET, G. J. WALLER. - - Manager Wholesale & Retail Butchers AND NAVY UOXTItACTOItS. 1717 ly Choicest Mutton Beef, Pork, Fiwli, "VoyrotJitIeH, Ase., &. Always on hand at the HONOLULU MARKET (SuccessoiS to Wm. MCandlecs), Xo. O luecn St., : : inh .tXurhct, Honolulu, II. I. CF.imily and Shipping Oidcrscarc. fully attended to. Live block furni-hr- d to vessels at short notice. my 3 JOS. TINKER, hutch i:h. aricet, Nuuanu Street. Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Pork. ALSO Cambridge Po-- Sausages ! Fre-I- i Every Pa. CSytlift noled S.nibiiges arc made by the every b'st niachincn. and all ordeie entrusted to hib care i ill be deliverul with promptness and dippnu h, and hi? prices are as low us nnyuheie in lh niiy. tS" Try his Eologna Sausages "?B3 LK VZSC'IC. Continental and Colouial AGENCY. 36 Rue de Dunkerque, - - Paris, rSi'Cuti-- lad uts tor every f French', . igi.m, ,,,,, hwls, G'Tin hi. tn "'r. hi the best M m.fi tor n l.uuo ' 'rue, I'oininiiflim, I'xn-an- ii Hiilf u urn. All Tiade and li ''I tcuit.tr- iillnwt-- to Cllenis. Origin ti luvoituf wlicn leciutH'Oil. Rciniltaui tb, tlirougli a London ot Paru Banker, payable on deliver of Shipping dociiinciiih; or di tit to tin in uuiger. Tho Akciic H pic oin , B uril stlK, f .i Hum a l i . lonl i F m Pleco 'io ,iln, C ip.lum-io- , ' niiiliiC". Silk,Velvi'ih, Laiir, I'luiitcs, MiiHlin-- , Carpets, Plolhi,, Ml lincry. Luce-- Glnvcs, Frlngi'K, I'auiMilh, Hiibeiilaslu-ry- , (iold and silver l.m c, Flannel". Fe.ithcrK. Pearl.-.- , B intf and Mi"C- -. Qia-s- , "d Oliina-vMii- c Ch cltis W'linhcn. Jewell'), Fiin-- ',011'Ih, Electro-plaie- , Musical lustr jinents Fans, Kn lfsmxtir.il nd Uptleal Goiiilt, Miimrs, To8. Pcrtunieiy. Winn-- , Sir., Oilmun'sMoriH Hiiok Artistic Furniture, Mlaiimiery, Chromos, Machinery, Ac, &o. i sift ' v Tho Intor-Isliiu- tl Sti'iim Navigation Co., Liniilftl, Keep constiintl) on Inn' for ah Bteam Family und Blacbmith Coal and K'ut'inl I'jjsoriint'ni l us. Bar Iron. THIS SPACE Is Reserved For The Millinery louse ! 104 Fort IV. S. SGHS, m gtSevCrJY?4ffet of The Will be 2-- 1 Columns of Street, - - Proprietor. LLETIN PRINTING Weekly Summary," on February 5th. The Best Paper to Send Abroad. off;ioe- - Every Description leek end Genera! Prinlsng Exooutt'u with NeatuoHS and Dispatch. "Dail Bulletin Issued Interesting Norn. " mmmm Royal Insurance Company. Accumulation ol Funds, $20,002,205,00 Fire rlfrks taken at current rates and settlement made In Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. July 20 88-l- rnion I'lrc A Mnrliiu Insurance Company of N, Z, Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability. Fire nud Mnilnc risks, taken nt current rates nnd settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. July lit 88-l- y -- s tj rs- - Insurance Co. of San Francisco, Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freights and Commissions at current rates. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. july 'JC88 ly General Insurance Company. Marine risks o Hulls, CargoeB, Freight and Commissions at current rates. JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent julya0 8S-l- y A. II. IIASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. 13 Kaahumanti street. Up stairs. ocUl-88-l- Honolulu iron Works, Steam engines, sugnr mills, boil- - ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 WALKER & REDWAED, Coutraotoi'H : XtulltlorH. Biiek, Stone and Wooden Iluildings; es- timates given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 King stitct. IJell Tele-phon- o N. 2. P. O. Box, 123. up LUCAS, Contractor and Builder,' Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, hspla nadc, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work ilnish. Turning, Scroll nud Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, .Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attunded to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other solicited T 1 1 PLANING MILL. Alukuit, near Queen St Telephone li!i. Bolster & Rupprecht, House and Fresco Painters At Oij I'ont'N Mioolnc Hhop. No. 81 : ICING STllKKT. M7 2 UellTcl.aJH. Jlutunl Tel. 1011 1'. O. Itox-115- . Office . . 38 Merchant St., Honolulu General, Business Agency. NOTARY PUBLIC. Conveyancing, a Specially Kccords search- ed and abstracts of title furnishid on short notice. Copying, Translating, and engrossing In all languages in use in the King, dom. Custom House brokerage Fire aud Life I Usui anr( receive prompt attention. Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. bought, sold and rented. Seveiiil valuablu properties in und around the city now for sale on epsy terms. Convenient Cottages in desirable healthy locations in and near the city to let or lease at reasonable rates. Employment Wanted by several men and boys, who will iniito themselves we. fill in performing thu various otllees aud chores rvtiulud by private faml-lies- . Full pnrtiuulnrs given on application at thu agency. Orders horn the other Islauds prompt i ly attended to. FIRE, LIFE, an MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Assots, $5,288,000 Commercial Insuraneo Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurnuco Corporation (Fire nnd Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marino Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 Now York Lifo Insuraneo Co. Assets, $85,000,000 C.O.BEEGER HONOLULU. General AgontHaw'n Islands. 1058 ly 32Q CITABLE Society Of tlio Uiiltotl Strtteu. THE LEADING COMPANY. New Business in 1887 - $138,023,105 Applications refused for - 23,729,317 Total Incomo - 23,240,849 Surplus 4 per cent 18,104,255 Gain in Assets during year 8,868,432 Etc., Etc., Etc., In the above nnd most important point the Equitable heads tho lUt of Lifu Companies. A. J. CARTWRIGHT, tienernl Asnt for Hawaiian iHlnndH. June CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire &. Marino Insur'oo Agent. AOENTS FOll The Xow Knirlnnd MUTUAI LIFE INS. C0MP Y, of Boston. The iEtnn Tire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. The Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of Ban Frnnclsco, Cala, 1U1 ly Prussian National Insurance ComD'v B8TA1ILISIIKD 1845, Capital 9,000,000 RelchsmarJcs rpiIE undersigned, having been ap. X pointxd agent of tho above Company for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept ribka, against Fire, on BulldingfJ Furniture.Mcrchandlse, Produce, Sugar' Mills etc., on the most Favorable Titiub Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable Honolulu. H. RIEMENSOHNEIDEH, jly-8- ly at Wilder & Co'i. Pioneer Shirt Factory Of Honolulu, No. 17 Emma SL The undersigned bees to Inform the public of these Islands that ho Is making Slilrtw y MunHiu-omcn- t T Directions for solf.iurasuremcnt will be gicii on application. White Shirts, Oyershirts & Right Gowns A. lit guarantee by making a sample Shirt to every order. Island order solicited Bell Telephone 410 ,101y A. M. 31 F.I.MS. THIN!-- Y .READABLE iu Kiuguom "TUi Dally Bulletin." 6Q cents per month. it 1

iJT tJM--3- f q$ ell Ma IbHII I P it · si I If q$ ell i 111 Ma IbHII I 1 P 1 I it va--i uvM.ii mffwjc 'wxiaivTic!TxrA:.jyHjUffJOTAJrxxMijiiefi.K ramrjtwu w:Mrr raau anviw irrewH

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Is printed nud published at the otllco

Quuon Htrcot, Honolulu, II. every

ifternoon (Sundays excoptcd).

Subscription, 50 cents pot Month.

Address (ill Communications Daii.t

Advertisements, tc ensure insertion,ahould bo handed In before one o'oluekp. u.WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Hook mid Job Printing ofall kinds done on tuc most fuvoi.iblu; ins.boll Telephone No. li.'iii

Mutual Telephone N o. J5U


Weekly Summary.A.u interesting ivnd comprehen-iv- o

pulilicatloo, couUins 3J columns ofreading matter on local topics, and n

complete resume of lloiiol ilu nd Isl.iml

News. It is the best paper oublliliedin the Kingdom to send to filendo

abroad.Miil)Mctl)lioii :

Island $i 00 yearb'oreiun 5 00 "

CoiamissLou Moronauts.

ir iiVOil-''JL.- Ao C3o.,

General Commission Agents.

15715 ly llohOl.ULU



Honolulu. H. I.Oueen street, - - -lCld


Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants9 Beuver lSlocK, Hunolulu


C011MI8J'0N AoENTb

ubt ov oFifiritMS:

i' CloM.a, Jr.... President &ManaguiJ U. Cautku 1'ieusurer ito Secrelari


Hon. O. It. Rwaoi'. S. C. Allen,H. VVatkbiioosk.

JM ly

T. WATERHOUSE,JOHN Importer aud Healer in GeneralMerchandise, tueen t., Honolulu. 1

fl. N. Cabtle.-- J. B. Atliortou-- G. P. Castle

ii OOOKE,CASTLE Shipping and CommissionMerchant. Impuriera and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, xSo 60 King at.,Honolulu 1

CUue bpreckcu. Wm. G. Irwla.IRWIN S5 OOMPANV,WG.Sugai Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

& CO.,WILDER Dealers In Lumber, l'aintw,Oils, Nails, Sal--

, and Building Maiemlnof every kind, cor. Fori uuu liuuuu at.,Honolulu. '

QRINBAUM Hi GO.,MS. Importers of General Merchandise and Coinmisslou Merchants,U'lUolulu, and

Ui. Califomlit street,riuu Frauelseo, Cal.

. Lowers, F. J. Lowrey O. M. Cooko.

Hi OOOKE,LEWEBS to Lewera & Dickson,)mporters aud in Lumb''r and ai

kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu , '

FltA-NJ- K J. KllUGER,

Practical WatchmaLor & RepaireriiOv.U-l- i


persons who want to communiALL with the Poitueueso, either(or business, or for procuring woikmen,aorvauts or any oilier helps, will Unci ittho most prolltahlo wuy to advertise intlio Luso aivaiiano, the new organ olthu Portuguese colon), which is pub-

lished on Hotel stitei, and mly oluigei-reasonabl- e

rue for alver iMiiint



81 King Btreet, opposite the Old Stationllouo.

Mutual Xclopliouo No. 4..87 tf

BEST PAPER ti.ub;irliwTHE li tlio "Dally Bulleilu."cents pur month,


JM. MON3ARRAT,at Law & Notary Public

119 Merchant StieU, Honolulu. tf

Alfred Maqoon,J ATTORNEY AT LAW.173 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly



P. HORN, Practical Confectioner,l'ttstry Cook, and llaker.

71 Hotel St. "U3?" Telephone 74

Mrs: L. C. Pray,

Genuine Massage I Roman Baths

100 Fort Street. Chinese Church Yard.dec7.f3


Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S V. Corner Si.xtli and MarUi-- l -- trcets,opposite Hawaii Nui .Millihery ISbtali-ii.sliiui.-

bun Francisco. 2J


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fo-- t Street, William's Block, ITono210 Honolulu, H. I.



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 110 Port Sticet, - Honolulu.

Depot for Boericke & Sccclilk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Hick ecker'b Perfumes ami Toilot

HeijuiMiis, i2.v

WENNER & CO.JluiiufueturliiK J et clloi-M- ,

NO. OS ITOllT MTlUiliT,Constantly on hand i large nssortmen

of every descrlptiunot Jewelry, WatchesGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly


DroHsmnlcliiK, o.. ito..Ha? commenced the business of Dress,making, Cutting and Fitting, at her iesi-deuc-

No. 73 Beretania street, oppositethe Hotel. The patronage of the ladiesis respectfully solicited. Satisfactionguaranteed. sept-d.l- y

Alex. iJjgT Elohr,Lock & Gunsmith.

Belhel st, next to GeneialPost. fllce, Honolulu.

All kinds of Safes ASoales repaired.AImo, Hcivlus MacIiineM at renwoH-util- e

l'Uicn.Bell Tel. 421. (oct.25-6- ly) P. O. B. 480.

Sanders' Baggage Express Co.

M. N. SANDERS,) 'prODriciorsF. I. CUTTEH, 1

ufflcf, &1 King htn-et- . Telephone No 66Resilience lelephone No iOi.

Gun'l JEarproHHliiK : Jru.yliitrPiano and Furniture moving a tpecinli.

W.igont meet all incoming steamers.Inly 25 ly

Hustacefe Robertson,

JL It L V M. Hi JN .LL ordeig for Curtate promptly att. lemted to. Particular attention

paid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the other i 1'inds.

Also, Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Olllce, adjoining E. P. Adums 5s Co.'t-auctio-

room")S2 Iv Mutii'il T- - Icidinnc No. 1.

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukui Jewelry a Specialty.

Kiii Stro!, Honolulu, II. I.Next door to the Hnwallnii Tram,

way Company's Olllec,

tT Patlloulir attentiou paid to allkinds of upulrs. "


Tho Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours

The Flnot Bran J of

GiEBTB, ,fi Tolacci

VlAViiyw on Hand.II. J. XOLTK. Prupi'iotnr.

House Waiiral!King Street Hear Alakea.

Itonril 84 5U Vt'V W'HHIiirIu .Menl US i;nili.

A flrM.cla" Cnok h.is been cnir g-- il ti.succ.ed the one hcelnfoie emp'jciiThe Tables are Mnrbiu top ai d t lean,the Waiters ntteuiive

O. CSILX II KK,2072 3ni I'ropi iclor.

T I J J3

Motropoiitan i

Meat Company81 KING bTHEET,

G. J. WALLER. - - ManagerWholesale & Retail Butchers



Choicest Mutton

Beef, Pork,Fiwli, "VoyrotJitIeH, Ase., &.

Always on hand at the

HONOLULU MARKET(SuccessoiS to Wm. MCandlecs),

Xo. O luecn St., : : inh .tXurhct,Honolulu, II. I.

CF.imily and Shipping Oidcrscarc.fully attended to. Live block furni-hr- d

to vessels at short notice. my 3

JOS. TINKER,hutch i:h.

aricet,Nuuanu Street.

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Pork.


Cambridge Po-- Sausages !

Fre-I- i Every Pa.CSytlift noled S.nibiiges arc made by

the every b'st niachincn. and all ordeieentrusted to hib care i ill be deliverulwith promptness and dippnu h, and hi?prices are as low us nnyuheie in lhniiy.

tS" Try his Eologna Sausages "?B3


Continental and ColouialAGENCY.

36 Rue de Dunkerque, - - Paris,

rSi'Cuti-- lad uts tor everyf French', . igi.m, ,,,,,

hwls, G'Tin hi. tn "'r. hithe best M m.fi tor n l.uuo ' 'rue,

I'oininiiflim, I'xn-an- ii Hiilf u urn.All Tiade and li ''I tcuit.tr- iillnwt--

to Cllenis. Origin ti luvoitufwlicn leciutH'Oil.

Rciniltaui tb, tlirougli a London otParu Banker, payable on deliver of

Shipping dociiinciiih; or di tit to tinin uuiger.

Tho Akciic H pic oin , B urilstlK, f .i Hum a l i . lonl i F m

Pleco 'io ,iln, C ip.lum-io- , ' niiiliiC".Silk,Velvi'ih, Laiir, I'luiitcs,MiiHlin-- , Carpets, Plolhi,,Ml lincry. Luce-- Glnvcs,Frlngi'K, I'auiMilh, Hiibeiilaslu-ry- ,

(iold and silver l.m c,Flannel". Fe.ithcrK. Pearl.-.-,

B intf and Mi"C- -. Qia-s- , "dOliina-vMii- c Ch cltis W'linhcn.Jewell'), Fiin-- ',011'Ih,Electro-plaie- , Musical lustr jinentsFans, Kn lfsmxtir.il ndUptleal Goiiilt, Miimrs, To8.Pcrtunieiy. Winn-- , Sir.,Oilmun'sMoriH Hiiok ArtisticFurniture, Mlaiimiery,Chromos, Machinery, Ac, &o.

i sift ' v

Tho Intor-Isliiu- tl Sti'iimNavigation Co., Liniilftl,

Keep constiintl) on Inn' for ah

Bteam Family und Blacbmith Coal

and K'ut'inl I'jjsoriint'ni l

us. Bar Iron.


Is Reserved For The

Millinery louse !

104 Fort


m gtSevCrJY?4ffet



Will be

2-- 1 Columns of


- - Proprietor.



Weekly Summary,"

on February 5th.

The Best Paper to Send Abroad.

off;ioe- -

Every Description

leek end Genera! PrinlsngExooutt'u with NeatuoHS and Dispatch.

"Dail Bulletin


Interesting Norn.



Royal Insurance Company.

Accumulation ol Funds, $20,002,205,00

Fire rlfrks taken at current rates andsettlement made In Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.July 20 88-l-

rnion I'lrc A Mnrliiu

Insurance Company of N, Z,

Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimited Liability.

Fire nud Mnilnc risks, taken nt currentrates nnd settlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.July lit 88-l- y

--s tj rs- -

Insurance Co. of San Francisco,

Marine risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freightsand Commissions at current rates.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.july 'JC88 ly

General Insurance Company.

Marine risks o Hulls, CargoeB, Freightand Commissions at current rates.

JOHN. S. WALKER, Agentjulya0 8S-l- y

A. II. IIASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. 13 Kaahumanti street. Up stairs.ocUl-88-l-

Honolulu iron Works,Steam engines, sugnr mills, boil- -

ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead castings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1


Coutraotoi'H : XtulltlorH.Biiek, Stone and Wooden Iluildings; es-

timates given. Jobbing promptly at-

tended to. 70 King stitct. IJell Tele-phon- o

N. 2. P. O. Box, 123. up


and Builder,'

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, hsplanadc, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work ilnish. Turning, Scroll nud BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, .Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attunded to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other



Alukuit, near Queen StTelephone li!i.

Bolster & Rupprecht,House and Fresco Painters

At Oij I'ont'N Mioolnc Hhop.No. 81 : ICING STllKKT.

M7 2

UellTcl.aJH. Jlutunl Tel. 1011

1'. O. Itox-115- .

Office . . 38 Merchant St., Honolulu

General, Business Agency.


Conveyancing, a Specially Kccords search-ed and abstracts of title furnishid onshort notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing In alllanguages in use in the King,dom.

Custom House brokerage Fire aud LifeI Usui anr( receive prompt attention.Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

bought, sold and rented.Seveiiil valuablu properties in und

around the city now for sale on epsyterms.

Convenient Cottages in desirable healthylocations in and near the city to let orlease at reasonable rates.

Employment Wanted by several men andboys, who will iniito themselves we.fill in performing thu various otlleesaud chores rvtiulud by private faml-lies- .

Full pnrtiuulnrs given on applicationat thu agency.

Orders horn the other Islauds prompti ly attended to.


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Assots, $5,288,000

Commercial Insuraneo Co.

(Fire and Marine)Assets, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assurnuco Corporation(Fire nnd Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Fire and Marino Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000

Now York Lifo Insuraneo Co.

Assets, $85,000,000


General AgontHaw'n Islands.

1058 ly



Of tlio Uiiltotl Strtteu.


New Business in 1887 - $138,023,105Applications refused for - 23,729,317Total Incomo - 23,240,849Surplus 4 per cent 18,104,255

Gain in Assets during year 8,868,432Etc., Etc., Etc.,

In the above nnd most important pointthe Equitable heads tho lUt of

Lifu Companies.

A. J. CARTWRIGHT,tienernl Asnt for Hawaiian



CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire &. Marino Insur'oo Agent.


The Xow KnirlnndMUTUAI LIFE INS. C0MP Y,

of Boston.

The iEtnn Tire Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.

The Union Fire andMarine Insurance Co.

of Ban Frnnclsco, Cala,1U1 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance ComD'v


Capital 9,000,000 RelchsmarJcs

rpiIE undersigned, having been ap.X pointxd agent of tho above Company

for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept ribka, against Fire, on BulldingfJFurniture.Mcrchandlse, Produce, Sugar'Mills etc., on the most Favorable Titiub

Losses Promptly Adjusted and PayableHonolulu.

H. RIEMENSOHNEIDEH,jly-8- ly at Wilder & Co'i.

Pioneer Shirt FactoryOf Honolulu, No. 17 Emma SL

The undersigned bees to Inform thepublic of these Islands that ho Is makingSlilrtw y MunHiu-omcn- t T

Directions for solf.iurasuremcnt willbe gicii on application.

White Shirts, Oyershirts & Right GownsA. lit guarantee by making a sample

Shirt to every order.Island order solicited Bell Telephone 410

,101y A. M. 31 F.I.MS.THIN!-- Y .READABLE

iu Kiuguom "TUiDally Bulletin." 6Q cents per month.



Page 2: iJT tJM--3- f q$ ell Ma IbHII I P it · si I If q$ ell i 111 Ma IbHII I 1 P 1 I it va--i uvM.ii mffwjc 'wxiaivTic!TxrA:.jyHjUffJOTAJrxxMijiiefi.K ramrjtwu w:Mrr raau anviw irrewH


kVHBf Hf.-it:3t?iBes-




Notice to Pure ! mul (,!iiurdiaiiK iti'!Sclml dilution.

L.A g teen My with the ptovialotis of the

late Leyi dative enactments on the T.subject, tlio Hoard nf Kiluoatiou hasincreased the editcniiunnl facilitiesof this district by tin establishmentof free schools in the English lan-

guage, ivt Knmoilnli, Iviiuluwoln,Kalihi-uk- n and Muan-lu- a.

Those arc in addition to the Royal

or ICahohuna lloy' School, and thel'oliuktiinu tiitU' Hihonl, which arenow iilm free nniler the law. Hutam. pupilK who shall attend theKort-blreC- 't flowrniui'nt SulkotSchool ftotn tltu ijjh'iuuk nf tin- - pic-se-

term on the Mh of .limitaryinst., will he leiiuitvd to pay tuitionfoes, WlTitorT bxoeptiov; and no re-

missions v. ill be uiudo on account oi

the N'UMiir.n nt ehildien that shall beKent by any parent.

By older of the Hoard of Rihier.-tic- n.

W. J AS. SMITH,Hceii'tnry.

Education Oflice, .Inn. .".0, 18S9.

1(51 2t

'I-- i I 10

iffhulu .ui'h?fhili .2J' l

J'lriU'fi! to tiiitirr Sr,' i.iir Parly,IS lit ti,r tin bruffit of all.

FKltA. FKIL 1, 181).


Imutok Ib;i.i.i.Tis: Pres-iii- o ofOther matters has prevented myearlier reference, in your columns,to the matter of tlio conieinplatedmutilation of Palace Square. Whenthat beautiful plaza uas made suchl3" the old resume, cen the worstenemies of the then premier acknow-ledged it as ainonjr what they claim-

ed were his few pub andbeneficial acts. Since then c haveheard nothing but commendation,till wc aic confronted byadvertisements lor tenders to fenceup the squaie.

AVe are theiefoie in face of thefact that it - i)ioposed to destroy.vhat is now the city plaza, on thestock argument that large cities re-

quire parks or breathing-place- s. Wealready have three beautiful publicparks of varying extent, none ofwhich aic eer utilized however, ex-

cept on special occasions and forthese or similar special occasions the'plaza" liausfurmcd to another

."park" ould never lie ot anv use.Moreover, every mail's door yard isa miniature park in Honolulu, andthe stock argument utterly fails.

It - conceded by the "otherside" (vide "AdvertU r" of Millinst.) that Palace Square is a mo-- l

fitting place foi milil.'tiy parades.Hut it says so by the conserse lineof argument in these ords: "Weare quite sure ali-- that the unob-

structed width of King street fromRichard street to Kawaiahao and be-

yond, is all that is required for thedrills and parades of our volunteertroops." Now, while disclaimingand disliking any attempt, from anysource, at what may be called per-sonal journalism, this citation is soapropos of the old 5j"Jack-of-all-trade-

saw that I here invoke itagainst the "Advei User's"

military editor. Kvery re-

cruit knows that there isn't the lirtword of truth in the citation referredto and that any fencing off of thesquare, or any poition ol it, wouldrender it entirely useless for pui-pos- es

of parade or for any drillsmore extensive tlnin that of thesquad. As it is, it is very conve-nient both in formation and location,besides being a stratagetical pointof much value j and 1 believe thatany interference with the presentcondition except for much betterreasons than any yet advanced bythe apologists lor the change can-

not hut he regarded by every Ha-

waiian volunteer as an unfriendlyact of the authorities toward them-selves.

In closing I thank you on behalfof our citizen soldiers, for the iute- -

reht ou have displayed in the mat-ter, through your editorial columns,from the standpoint of Hie volun-teers. Voi.nkv V. Amroitn.


TJccent mails have brought uword of the proposed coining toHonolulu of .Miss Jes0ie V. Acker-roa- u,

a young lady, who hat, forhuveral years trawled and lecturedin the interests of the temperancecause.

She letiirurd las.t bummer from ulengthened stay in Alaska whuie aliolabored with gnat success, both in

" temperance ami evengelistic wmk.At the annual ii eting in A'ew Yoik

! last October ol tiie National Wo- -' man's Christian Temperance Unionof America, she was fcppouilt'd a"round-the-worl- d missionary" tofollow Mrs. Maiy (.'lenient Leailt,(nliose stay of a mutitli hcip fouryears ago many will recall withpleasure), and will stop here for alew ilaye, en routo to JS'ew Zealand

?msyfimfmrvr&mgT'vntflfcW9m0SSS: 5pwJ'fS!,fMBMBB PffinygNflFW 'Wf&.?l'JfP?Wg'fawwww ICftV 1 'V . i TTS t .., .1

X'crccfeis3Hw ,vwtowksiAustralia, wlumco cho cxprcta

proceed to Japan, China, lutlia,

Miss Aukerraati ootues with thehighest recommendation ftom MissTrances K. Willnrd, President of

National AV. C. 'J'. t, and ninnvothers. Below ate some of l'newspaper notices of her lectin en:


Miss Jessie Ackerinan airicdMonday and is the guest of Mrs.

( Hughes. Miss Ackerinan isnational lectin er of the W. V.

I'., and has been travelling sinceOctober last in the interest of thenational work. During last eckshe lectured at various points luNew Mexico and was always greeted as

ofwith large houses. The unionsthrough New Mexico have all been of

strengthened by her work and new-one- s

organized.Miss Ackcrmau has had a wide

experience in the lecture Held, hav-

ing travelled throughout the UnitedStates, through the ropuniic oiMexico, and Alaska. She leaves to-

night for Phenix, thence throughCalifornia to San Francisco, fromwhich point she will make a voyagearound the world as the representa-tive of the National Women's Christ-ian Temperance Union. Here is aheroine worthy ot the cause in whichshe is enlisted. Tucson (Arizona)Star.


Last eveninir the Pandora streetMethodist chinch was well filled tohear the temperance lecturer andorganizer of the W. C T. I., MissJ. A. Ackerinan, of Boston, Mass-achusetts The subject of her ad-

dress was the "Influence of Wo-

man," and it was most ably dealtwith. The speakei is fluent andvery easy and at home in her man-

ner. She gixe.s her auditors theimpression of long study and deepconception of the question withwhich she deals.

Miss Ackerinan is expected bythe Australia nuxt week. Feb. ."ith,

and will remain here ten days, leav-

ing lor New Zealand, Feb. lGth. Ifthe Australia arrives in time, theWoman's Christian TemperanceUnion, and the ISlue liibbon Leaguewill hold a icception lor her thesame evening, Feb. .th, in the Y.M. C. A. Hall, when she will ad-

dress the meeting. All interestedare cordially invited to attend. Atthat time arrangements will be madelor her subsequent lcctmc.

Mauv S. Wnn.M.i.Pros. W, C. T. U.


urc i.riios is iioxrui or Tin: mmDAY ANVlVlUisAin or Till.


His Majesty William C. l.uualilo,who was born January .'!!, lS.'So,

and died Fobruaiy :Sd, 1S7-I- , madehis will, leaving his propeity for thelouudatioii and maintenance ol ahome lor aged and Indigent Hawaiia-

n1-. IlisIIouoi Chief Justice Juddwas the legal adviser of the lateKing. 'The Lmiahlo Home wasopened fur the admission for suchas were entitled under the will, onMai.:tl, 18S3. The tuistees are lion.W. V. Parke, lion. W. O. Smithand Mi-- s Mary fireen. Mr. W. K.II. Ueverill is Siipeiintendent of thehome. There are accommodationsfor lifty, but at the present time thenumber is thirty-nin- e, fourteen wo-

men and twenty-fiv- e men. 'Theoldest is aged ninety-eigh- t, tlioyoungest thirty-si- x years.

The main building is two story,with two long wings, finished by a

square one-sto- ry building at eachend. In the centre is a tower in theNorman style. secnty-fiv- c feet fromthe ground. The tower and mainbuilding are approached by elevenconcrete steps, opening on to a wideveianda about PJ by KUcet. Ivnter-ui- g

the building, to the left ate theotliccn of the siipeiintendeiit, to theright a icception room in which ishung a port mil in oils ot the lateKing l.uualilo. The fust lloor upstairs is occupied by the superin-tendent and his family. Ascendinga winding stair ease from this lloor,the lower is l cached, and a magni-ficent view of the ea and the cityis obtained. Along the whole frontand icar ot the building theie is awide veranda. The rooms of theinmates aie in the two long wings,and are models of ncalnjPfs andcomfort. There are about twenty-thre- ti

rooms in the building. Awayat the rear is an artesian well whichsupplies the institution with water.

Vest itiIiiv iHie '111111 versuiv 0" 1Hiebirth of the founder was celebratedat the home by a public receptionThe weather was beautifully line,and as a const queiico, a huge num-

ber of people accepted the invitationol the uustecs. Driving up tlioavenue leading lo the handi-oin- o

building, tlni well kept and tastilylaid out grounds attracted much at-

tention. Kvery variety of tropicalvegetation is to hu seen. Arrivingat the main enhance the visitorsweio coiilially wulcomed by theI Ions. W. C. Parke and V. O.Smith the trustees, and hhoun allou;r the building. The moms ofthe inmates, the culinaiv depart-ment and the lower were all openfoi inspection. The decoratiousboth iusjdc and outside the buildingweie most beautiful anil a eiedit toMr. Ueveiill, the Stipeiintendentwho personally arranged thorn.From tins tower to the squares ateach end uf Hie wingb were stiingt,of Hugs of all nations, the, HawaiianHag Hying gaily lo the breeze fromthe centre of tlio tower. The en-

trance to the main building wan

DAILY tLETTff'l!--

draped with lings, the whole effectbeing very stnking. lu most ofthe looms in the interior were to beseen, largo bouquets of choice(lowers, polled plants and wreathsof evcrgieens. Mr. and Mrs. Dcver-il- l

were very assiduous in their at-

tendance on Ihe visitors, atiswcringmany questions. roi

The llnval Hawaiian Band occu-pied a position on the lawn in rear Oil

of the building and played appro-priate selections during the after-noon. Ice cream, f i nit ices, coffee,sandwiches. cakes and lemonade wereserved in the reception room, underthe supervision of Mr. JauiesStelnerof the Elite Ice Cream Parlors, and

might have been expected, werethe very best kind. A number

beautiful photographs of thebuilding taken from different posi-tions, by Mr. J. J. Williams, to besent to the Paris exposition, wereon view in the Superintendent'solllee and attracted much notice.The reception was a grand successfrom beginning to end. The verycleanly and tidy appearance of theinterior of Ihe spacious building andthe excellent older in which thegrounds are kept, formed a subjectof much coininendalioti among thevisitors, and lolleots credit on theable Superintendent.

Among those present were: TheirMajesties the King and Queen, at-

tended by Mr. J. W. Uobertson,Acting and Vice. Chamberlain, II.lt.II. Princess Liliuokalani, II. !t. II.Piincess Kaiulaui, Hon. John O.Doininis, Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, II.II. Prince Kawanaiiakoa, Hon. A. a

F. Judd, Chancellor of the King-dom and Mis. Judd, His Ex. Jouo.Austin, Minister of Foreign Affairs;His Kvccllenoy the Attorney-Gener-

and Mrs. Ashford; His Kxcel-lenc- y

Geo. W. Merrill, U. S. Minis-ter i'esident: .Mr. Justice and Mrs.L. MeCullv; Mr. Justice and Mrs.S. 15. Dole; Capt. J. G. Gieen, U.S. S. Alert ; Capt. Acland, 11. B.M. S. Hyacinth; Capt. J. T. Nicoll,II. B. M. S. Cormorant; Rev. Dr.Lowell Smith, Mrs. B. F. Dilling-ham, Itev. Dr. E. G. Bcckwilh, Mrs.J. M. Damon, Mrs. F. W. Damon,Dr. N. B. and Mrs. Emerson; ltev.W. C. and" Mrs. Merrill; Mr. A.1). Bissell, Hev. S. E. and Mrs.Bishop ; Dr. C. 15. Wood, Lieut,and Mrs. Moore; Miss Snow, Mrs.J. O. Carter, Mrs. A. S. Ilartwell,Mrs. C. M. Cooke, Mr. T. G. andMis. Giibble; Mi. II. W. ami Mrs.Schmidt; Mr. H. W. and Mrs.Hall; Mis. J. P.. Alherloii, Mr. C.A. and Mrs. LSiov n . Air. A. F. andAlls. Cooke and uuiuv others.


Father You cannot marry Mr.Smith ; he squints.

Daughter True, but he madeMM), 000 in Wall street last week.

Father Ah, well, take him, butit's a pity lie doesn't lisp and maketj!10,000 'more.


Had aetoi(in ristauiant) Waiterwhat do you mean by bringing suchefib'r They aie absolutely rotten.

Waiter (who had seen tiie actorperforin the night before) Ithought th.it was the hintl you al-

ways got, bir.

The loof cats of eoaehes onFilth avenue, New Yoik, are sup-plied with rugs to wrap about theknees ot who care tobrave the cold for the shake of theview.

The Czar thinks he can raise cot-

ton in Eastern Asia, and his.1. L. Scott of Marion, S.

C, to o teach his people how toplant, pick and gin.


rj',IIIi legiibn ti.ontMi iiiieliiij; of thuL lioiii lulu Aiiim v ill laki- - place

TI)..Mtll!T, tiliuii wliieh alllllt'lilbris Hie li ijni. leil In iitti'i.tl.

If. I'ODBYX,Wi iSiei clary.


J.M a Yoniig Cmii nu (,'irl to do gen.rif.l ImiirinMii k. App'j or net of

AluKi-i- i aiiit Mi'ieluiiil No. 51).

l'l',' tl


A SMALL Mlver Walcli (Williy. j the U'iter "A. M. C." en.

taivsiu anveil on laul; ol cum1;, havinga Hinall vllu;i uliuiu niul cliuim iiltacheiJ.Fiiul&r will ! iVwniiU'il nu iclurningmine 10 tills clllfir. 102 If

Boiit ut :i i::iiy;iin.

17" ",,l' "" l!"llllt "f "' HyuI J cintirMlepiitui.', a Furey LlltlR

oiKl 18 tr long, oppei f',i..i.e 1, withbun- - loWln ls mul lllliliiis thi'iiiL'.li ml;1 niiih, uiiil sunl boom lb ."U )nllieiiiiile Use in

.1. .. IJUWJ'.K,Hliip'iiuliliiig Viinl, in nr Fitli 1a1ket.

ll) 1 lit


AT 11 Hireling ho'd for the pnipnse,llm lollowiiig peivoiM were elected

ofllct'iK of ill" Onliu Hiiilviay & LandCtimpau.i :

W. It Oiu-ll- l'lt'blilciit,.1. I. lJii'Silt l"l Vioe.rio-idin- l,

V. O. WililM-...2iu- l Vieu.l'retid. nt,M. P. Hublnum ..Tiensuicr,Uo',0. Willliinis Seurclary,W. F, Allen Auditor,S O. Allen, jItobt LllMCIF, . Directors,T. H. Wulknr,

GKO. O. WILLIAMS,Briu clary.

Honolulu, .Inn Ul, Ih80. KU-l- t

POSITION in. Poitu-.'iics- Luna orJ any inher kind of work, by a miniof uxpirh-iicu- , Apply to

J. Jl, V1VAH,157 lw 42 Merclmnt street,


Auction Sales by Lewis J, Levey.

s Sale of Safe !

order of .Tunics Ciuu boll, I willBY a Public uciln",iitniyiil .

ms. on Q'lccn iied,THURSDAY, the 'ill day of Feb-

ruary, 1889,

At rj o'clock noun ol' Hint tinyThe fi II"" Ini; proit-i'- ilistinliieil lorrent irom ill on t.t A. M. Huwtll.The ptoperiy distrained being

ONE L.vncsKileal k 111 Safe !

LEWIS .J. liEVEY,Auctioned.

Honolulu. Jan. l'l, lt-9- '. lot td


??kA A S1X-KOO- Cottage onvV&fiS '''mllm street, opposite

Jiininu Appi to.!. M. VIVAS,

113 tf 42 Murclmnt Mirut.


A UOTTAOK lately oceu.phd hv Mr. IJiiuu'V Or.

iletisti'iu, Mtint'e on Einmiistieel, helwien the nniii-Joii- s ot llont-- .

0. H. bishop, .billies ('maplis-l- l mill S. IiDole, near Kinmii Sijiniu-- . No pi mowiuiH' I, no dust, nn turn nit'-hes- . Only

tow minutes walk to tliu new site tintho Ueiitml Unlnn ('liumli. No liainwuyoars waiitfil. Apply to

K. S. CL'N'tlA,113 tf I'niim nlooii.

Viiliitiblo Lol For S:iU,

rCUAT Lot i' it tl"UU .'.&W'L I j lulu. r Ml .... I ..v .

"Sfe:3tailV. ih'iie, on I'ni.tn si:tci. m no- -

M"' ,l"' ,i"u '' t'v'1'' '"ll"liJji.- I ,n: r.ven U ll 1)1 li In :

den Lntiii, unil is ihn !

nes purl uf i In e.',' ii li ' ,'"oflli e. IrtO i!

FOK rs.iF..THKIM-- ; will he toll ut

3&ilf3 U' I"1", ' tin: live i

h$c$ '"'" "' ''"' ''"' " "' ' li0il"'W"',!i' mm, .leei'ii-ii'- ; 1 Iluilili ni

.x&xs.- Lni,kim! is u " i". arJm n

Lot," Mill i'ciI at ICilinliii, Maul. S'iIi;will lake hi ilii' Cii-tn- m ltou'e. inICnhuIui, tit 12 o'clock noon, F'jhni.iiv7, ISS'.t. tit


f ANTIU) by an i .pniencid Huott.l.i'cni'i' a positio'i in iiny iinui)

1 ill ii i, nr on u pliintntion mi anyisland ' Hie Hawaiian !.'t(piip. Ailv.'i-liio- r

is, i. Kid peiiiuiiii mil .veil pn'tmlin peiii'iu! laistncf. Addict- -. 'M "Iiei.i.iniN Ollioe. 1M if

A. M. KEWETT,Sliipping Clerk,

Sugars received and chipped ; ves elbenirius pusvul and ineial

si ippiiu work. All niilei lelt at Iliis.tncu iV Iiobinson's uflic , Queen sumwill riei-iv- a.teiition and nn.fnciion u.irantecd 1.12 1m

Orreat Trained AnimalAND

Novelty Show 1

Lite of P. T.Ii.1 run id's (licit Show, New

Icil's BMJsrl SimUiitli'i' tiie ;i'auil Wati'i

Tent,Will Exhibit for a Short Season Only.

Commencing January 2!5th, andeontinuing

Every Evening

Saturday MatineeOeaei-J- l Admision. nocKetervcd Kiau 51 noMaliucc .SI niul r,o

107 lw

CmMo Opera Co

The First Operatic Concert

Of tin) above Co npany will takeplucu in fie

Hawaiian Opera House

Thursday, Feb. 7th,AT M U'CliOCIt 1'. .11.

I'IiiIoh'h Ulinriiilin; Oim'I'h In FourAelh

"MART ??

Or, The Mart of Richmond.


C3?"liclwi'cn each Act, Phwio Itenltnlby M. (Illeit, and Violin tSnlo by HerrTheodore fc'climiilt.

t3S" beaou TickeU of 0 nilili, nafollowj'

H7.UO, HC.OO iV Sl.OONow on Bale, at tho olllcu ot J, K, Itiowuit Co., 28 Merchant utitct. 157 Ul


Ant lien Sales by James ?. Morgan,


lb oxb r f Mi- - Tiu-tc- nf

His Kojestj '6 Estate,mi

Leases of the Following Landsvon a

TERM OF FIFTEEN YEARS,Will be sold at mv Salesroom,

Oil HAY, Fell, 4, 1,AT VJt O'CLOCK XOO.V.

OJllVt1 House and Lot nn Fort street, near

head nf Kukiii M,rcet; nrca .

2 I'reniNei ailjolnluj: the KiiwulnhaoSeiiilierj, l.nonti as the ''Oullek lluincHleidj" aiea lM.UKin iici-- .

3 but at l'tinaliou, opposite OnliuCollege; niea .a l,r- - OOacies; water laidon.

4 Let" Nils. ;ti(i and !,7S at ICiiluokiililia I'liiliin, Wiltli-- r nveillic; gl BlU1,105,74 1 Miuiiii) bull m-- .

5 To Tnro I'.itchus at KlokupuKuniMlilli, about J.j acre, Ii. O. A. WM.

6 Sen I'isliiiry of Mituiialun, wilhsnip ol bund ; 10 feel long const; uptctprice Iflt) per uniiiim.

7 Puto nn.i I asturu Land at Kalae-pii-

Iv.ililu; 10 GS.1G0 ncrep, gl292l.

& Kul i L mil at Kalilii, remnant ofKaiviiiliulo, iiiijoinini; ilco planliiliirn,on iiim.ka lde; it !M(I i.cies.

9 L mil nl I'alikei, K.ilihi;H iipamiB,i.. u. a. i in.

Lot 1, Ci'iitainincriMpmre fulliflUB.Lo' 'i, o iiiliiiiitngtlS ripiiue fallinnis.I.ut :', fDiiluiniiij; 7.Utpiuie fullioms.

10 T.uo LjihU at 1C ililii.wiU'lia; 4j.iie.e.-- :

l.i't 1 Lt !.ii' 0, ciii tiiniiiL' 'H ncics.I.i.t a . Ivni Hum, iMa.lOUi.eii!-- .

I ol :;, at 1' ili.ikulaiMii.i, It

uen--- .

Loi 1, ap.ina i nl 1! P. 2 417.

11 llnnsc Lots and Tiuo Lninis atICap.iMt, Koobiuloii , 4 npinn-- :

Lot 1. nuani 1 ol Ii. V. O.Vil, ;l LoiB,8M1000 .eie

Lot 2, a iiiiu 3 or U. T. li'ilil, HouseL n, J.j iiciii

Lot .!, i. an i 1 or lt. I. Mt3, tt Lois,0 acre.

Lot 4, ipami 2 ul K. P, 1442, HouboL'l. JC acie,

1 2 Tj'h il u' Wiilmiumlo, Kooluupoko;J piLiies, L. U. A. 20 IS:

Lot 1, "ii I.ols, containing 2 0

ncieL ii ', lloubu Lot, containilig G'.'O.

1001 acie.

13 Too Lunl a' d l'astuic ul Ka-lian-

K h.I nilo.i (7 Lijim and Kula); ltV lfilli, 'iO'-U- ucies.

31AU1:14 Lot ul rakaht, Lnhaina, L. C. A.

310, cniiiiihiing 1 acre, 2T p.

15 Claimed by Campbell Ss Iscn-bcif- ;;

nprtiiiiB, 4 acie.--, !!1 p.

16 aino piice as o. 4 acres,

17 Claimed by Ciimiibcil ,fc Iftn.bci; 2 iipuniis, l acre, a r., 21 p.

18 House Lot at Waioknmii, La.liiuti i ; alalia 2 of L. C. A. 2.V , cuntain.in.; '20 p.

20 L'iml nt Kaliuahule, Pauwela,limn lUunlor.; (i acicj.

21 Two L'lhd and Houtc Lnt at Ka-in- ,

i. UailiiUu. I. C. A. 3i;., containingO'JIOO n ri i.'.

22-Li'- iul "hi W'nicli, Hnnn; 12

Aptimt 1, nil of L U. A. 07C4, 12Jacie-i-

Apnim 8, ijj inleiertt lt. P. 2801,act e.

23 Land at KiUiipuhnla, Himn, lt. P.32015, containing 21) 1 10 acres.

24 Undivided half of tl.e Aliupunaof Nun, Kaupo; L. O. A. HMO, 0

acres; upsut price $20).

25 I'listuri) Land i.t O.iniopio, Kulii;gt 1U03, 1711 acrcHj upseupiicc $i0.


26- - -- Land HonokiiliRunui, NorthKou.i, L. C. 1)230, contidniiiK 3 2.10acroj.

27 Thu Alitipunn of ICaloko, NorthKomi, por'ion miikai of tne upper Gov-ernment Hoatl, by il Ilia.

28 Lund at Okou 1, South Kona:

Lot 1, npanii 1 of P. P. 1577, 81

llOlO'i.Lot 2, apaiin 2 of It. P. 157C, 01

acres.Lot .'i, npautt 1 of L. O. A. 11030, 6


29- - -- Lund 111 Paw ill:Lot 1, Tt. P. 1029, containing 18 57.

110 IICICSLot 2, upaiia 1 nf It. P. 19C0, contain.

iiiirau 70.10) iiuiea.Lota, It. I'. 1031, coutainlng 18 37.

100 acres.

JAS. P. MOIJGAN,lOtr Aiiciloneer.

NOTICE.N ttiid after Februnry

- I0. 1HB . the strainerLlkelikc" will ihscouilnue

iuIIIiik nt Kuunaltnk'il. 'o1olclli.159 lw WILDElt S. S. CO.


THK Learn anil Ituildlut;as the "Yobcinitu

il HkatuiK Itiuk," Hituated onQueen street near ltichard btrcet. For1 111 titer paillculars upply to154 tf Taos. B. WALL.

fgy tcmndi. a wi-

S CsJ C frl ts" ! M ft


--KSAT FSSHEi-'S-l- -

rOll ONE



Our $2.0 Parasols for $1.2;.Our S5J.50 TsirasolH lor SB.OO.

Our $1.50 Parasols for .Sa.7o.Our .SG.oO Parasols for $S.0.

soiwe; week .oivj-- tt a

Similar Reductions in Ladies' Hats, Embroideries and Laces,


PricGS we parafto

CHAS. J.jQii-19-8- 3 Tho LoadhiK Milliuury House.

ProaramniG of Races



5 vSiTO IIS lir.l.u

March 16th, 1889

Kapiolani Park

Mo. 1 Ktuminir Ilnee. jy mi'e dnsli.l'nz Ki'i' l!a lii-iM I ieilli ' s -- , ) j cuts i, lit, to i a ij MBpimii 1.

No. 2 Hunning Kane, I mile ibish,Ptiic Fur IliiWiilinn Im--

horse up to 0 jcii's old, to carry15 pounds.

No. 3. Trotting and 1' ii'injr Hi'ec, 1

inilu dn-l- i, 1'ii" Fo 11.i.wiii inn bri-- b ) ems old,to harness and rnks

No. 1. Kuiminp IJ'ii e Tj mile dashP.I7C F ii II iwai'itin bledlinibcs undci 7)iai- - old, cileliweigh id.

No. ii Timtiii!! Unci 1 units unilpeat, Pili teams.Fiee to .ill.

No. C. Itimiibiff It n-- I4 mils dnsh,P.le-- - I'.n HawniiHii budllOI-C- 'J eais old, ai(iWi'IgillS.

No. 7. IJIeyde Hne, mile i'ndi,Pnze Ki i 10 -- 11.

No. 8. Ihinnlng H'ice, V, mile iln'li,Pr'zj Fur lluwai an budll'ilHM", 4 J I'll!' old, catchweights.

No. O.Tiotling lb.ee lo Kind Out. 1

UlllulWll. 1171! l"o- II -

waiian bred l.o H's. Fiee lo till.

No. 10. Kiuming Hue 1 nine dish,Prize in. Ha.iaiuiii ineilllOIrl')-- , ) l to- - IL. I, in n 115p ilUll.S,

No. 11. TrotdiiE Itace, 1 mile dieh,l'rizo For all horcg thatnever brat !t minutes.

No. 12- - -- l'ony Hare, 1 mi'e dnsh, PiloFor llnwai an bred

ponU')1, (I M'nr, old, 'int ovet 14Ji.iiiiIm high.

No IK. -- 'I rotting Iluc.D to Koad Cait, 1

inilu diisti, Pri7o Fiee toul.

No. M. UunuiiiK Pace, 1J mile diifli,I'ri.u Free to all.

All prizes will be paid 10 llidcr orDrivel -- . Cup to owner. Xo l'lofes-Biona- l

Jockeys allowed,

Lntriestobe m ule befo'C Ha'urdiiy,Match 0, 18?!), at 4 v. m.

EST S11I j it to chnni;i."i.

J. A. CUMMINS.Ilouolli'u.Jiuran lo, 144

NOTICE.A II SING acts loi me under full1. power ol attorney in all matte IB

of bUhii.eP. LER l'AU.Honolulu, .bin. 15, 1.7 2w

NOTICE.--V.VING lo Hid intnidiil depailnreJ fioni lliu Kingdoin ol 11. F. Willi-niiin- ,

e nnk that niliiinounus due our llrm ho sullied onor bcloio the lB'li of r'eb'ii ny next.

OOMI'.S it W1CILMAN.Honolulu, .Ian. !i I. 1WJ. 155 lOt

THEO. P. SEVERIN,Pliotograplier ,

Has taken iho Studio fornieily occupiedby A. A. .Montauo, coiner of King

and Fort Btreets, mul u piu- -jiaicd to take


I'rintiiiK Oonu lop AuiateurM,

Cabinets $6 a Doz. Work Guaranteed.

tQf Entraiieu on Fort Htieet. -- a122 tf

pie rtfjjff.1), f v't j IAM9

ti II I


KOlt ONK '121- -

for On Week only !

Hawaii Tramways Co.,




Eastward Cats. Vcstwaid Cars.

't--a 1

. M . A. M.

n.ro 0.05 fi.20r,.:;:i I'.fO

.!! ) (i r.u 7 00 7.yo7.10 7.:-- 7.r.o 7.10 7.S0 7.G0r:in 7.50 S00 8.20H.10 s.:to s.r.o 8.10 8.H0 8.50S.30 s.riti 0.00 0.20!).10 0 ::o 0 fiO J.10 il.S'O 8.00'..: (I !'.! u 10.ro 10.20

10.10 lO.Iill io.r.o 10.10 10 no 10.50' 0 no ki "1" 11.00 n.c;o11.10 11.K0 n. to 11.10 11.30 11.50

11.ai 11.51

r. m. 1'. M. I'. M. 1'. IT.

la.ui 12.no 12.50 lii.K) 19.30 12.50l2.:;o 12..-1-

O12.50 1.10

1.10 1.1(0 i .no 1.10 1.00 1.202.10 '2 'Mi 2..-I-0 u.10 1.30 1.50:i.io :i.:io :(.:() 3.10 2.K0 2.50y.iio H.r.o :i.3l) 3.504.1 0 4 :;o 4.00 4.204.10 4.:io 4 .50 4.10 4.30 4.50t.i'.o 4. nu 131 4.51n.nr) 5.2.') 5.05 5.-J-

r,:.r, 5.13 G.35 5.550.05 C.25

IJ.15 .:;r. o.nr. fi.ir, G..r. K.55(i.:J.-- r,,x, 7.05 7.257.1 ; 7.:i5 7.r..i 7.lr. 7.35 7.557.:i5 7.r..- -i

f.05 8.25S.l.ri S.J'ri B.fi5 S.lo 8,35 8.555.:!5 0.05 0.25o.l.--

. fi.ti) !l.fi,-- il.l.-- i 9.35 9.55lo.o.--

.lO.'.T. 10.05 10.25 10.15

Fates Irom Palama to Punaliou St. 5c.Waikikl : 10c.

piihBengcrii must travelon ihe llirough cars or they will have tochange cars at the ltillc Hangc and takea fresh ticket.

Special Totic.An elra car service will commence

lo.dii and will lie (imtinucil until fur.tber initice. n follow: From the ItifleHange tit 11.31 a. in.. 12 50 and 4.31p. in.; and ftinii I'abuua at 12.00 noon,1.00 and 5.05 p. m.

Tho traveling public are respectfullyinformed that lliu cars used for theWaikikl Hiivioo aie minted ULUB.

It is paitlciil.u ly requested that in theevciu nf any incivility on the part ofthe Cnmpunj'H serviinis u eoniplaint bepromptly lodired at the Conlrnl Office,eiviiiK thu niimbcr ot the car. tlio diroc.tion in which it was tiuvelin(.', and thutime of day at which Ihe occurrencelook place. 158 tf

The Best Company

-- a-IIlS MUTUAL- -

-- Oir- I'J0V VORK.-

Richard A. McCnrdy, President.

Tho Largest Company in Iho WorldThe Oldest Company in tho U. S.

It Gives the Most Liberal Policies

andPays the Larqest Dividends.

Claims paid to policy holdcrB In theHawaiian Islands, during the

past ten yearB,

Over : & 1 OO.OOO OO.

gy For rates, upply to

H. II. ltOSK,Go terul Agent, Honolulu, Hawaiian

Isluuds. oct.0-88.l-



Page 3: iJT tJM--3- f q$ ell Ma IbHII I P it · si I If q$ ell i 111 Ma IbHII I 1 P 1 I it va--i uvM.ii mffwjc 'wxiaivTic!TxrA:.jyHjUffJOTAJrxxMijiiefi.K ramrjtwu w:Mrr raau anviw irrewH






TftOTMHMItUi IMlllllMii w ,

" ) &

CrwfvWMfMim-Fnrtwei- w !" raneTwi?rj''?i--'"!ei.i-"- J ijjjj-j.ji- jj

HONOLULU CARRIAGE 10.Hack t,t ul id: .Mciohatil aid Foil

street. Telephones, iWo.inch

T II 10

ttWtiytt! mi

fifta'th uTTefiu

FRIDAY, FEU. 1. 1 !).


billing liirk Xuilli.ru lightSehr Ku Mulfiuiu Hawaii

DEi'AStlUllES.Feb 1

.Stinr V G Hall tor Maalicn,Kona. tCa i mid the Volcano ul 10o'clock a in

Stinr U U llisbop for Walanac, Wahdtiaand Koolau at I) n in

Sehr liccla lor Walahia


For Hawaii and wnv ports per stinrWQ Hall, reb 1: Volcano -- t;apt DoCourey, IT nN, Lieut Ward, U n ,JV Stcbe.'Mr krot.son null wife. TAliet-gci-

Ml-- s K Mlhiin. Mrs O Helau, T W

llrown, G W West, and A U Case. Torwnv ports: Hon Kietl H llayscldcn,wife and children, Hon John Kichaid-so- n,

D Spcekinnun, I W Smith, J WKnlua, S F chtllinjiworth, .1 Todd and75 deck.

Snip?!?!- - U1TES.

The Am whaling schooner Jane Grayarrived lust evening, '20 days fioiu S.mKrunclsen. She call's in for stores andrepairs to her store.



Tbe Hawaiian Opera House wascrowded last evening with an audi-

ence assembled to n itness tbe secondperfonnancc of Patience ly localamateurs, and another brilliant suc-

cess was scored. The performanceif anything excelled that of lues-da- y

evening. The librelto is excel-

lent, containing a great many ex-

tremely amusing situations and ex-

pressions, and the most was madeof it. The music is a fine effort of

Arthur Sullivan's anil very catching.The performance being given entirelyiy amateur t.ilent ot the city washighly creditable and showed thatthere had been been very carefuldrilling. Space does not permit usto enter into an extensive criticismof each artists' woik. Miss Rose"Makeo.as Patience, and LieutenantTears, It. N. as Buntborne, deserveespecial praise for their very finework. Miss Malice's singing on

ihis occasion was delightful and shewas compelled to respond to an en-

thusiastic encore after rendering"Love is a plaintive song" a ballad

al much merit. Lieut. Pears' act-

ing was very finished, and his pro-

nunciation of difllctilt lines so clearthat he was heard all over tbe bouse.Mrs. Hastings, as Lady Jane, wasadmirable, and the same may beBaid of Lieut. St. John as Gros-veno- r,

Messrs. Atkinson, May andBishop as otllcers of the dragoonguards. The three latter were sim-

ply immense, in fact, ''too utterly"bo, in the trio where they try to be


aesthetic. Mr. Walker as liun-Ibora- 's

solicitor looked every inch a

"lawyer," although it is tbe firstoccasion on which we remember alawyer being afraid of soldiers.

One important feature of theevening was the excellent manner in

svhich Miss Marie von Holt sustainedthe part of Lady Angela, in placeof Miss Rhodes who was quite ill athome. Miss von Holt had only afew hours notice given her, but herperformance throughout, both sing-ing and acting, was really superb.Much credit is due her. The chorusof maidens and dragoons was prettywell balanced. The ladies lookedas pretty as possible, and the gen-

tlemen tried to. The large audienceleft the building thoroughly satisfiedwith the entire performance.

' The opera will again be repeatedon Saturday evening, and the sale ofseats this morning indicates anotherfull house.


The legislative session of 1888 en-

acted a law "to provide for and re-

gulate the internal nolice of thekingdom," of which the first partof section eight reads as follows:"The Marshal shall, with the ap-

proval of Hie Attorney-Genera- l, ap-

point and coininissiiin not more thantwo Deputies Marshal, for whosonets and defaults the Marshal shallbe responsible upon his otllcial bondEach Deputy Marshal so appointedshall be authorized to do or performany act or thing required by law tobe done or peilorinud by the Mar-

shal." Under this law Mr. Charle3Creigbton has been appointed a De-

puty Marshal. The new appoint-ment is not a displacement of thegentleman hitheito holding the posi-

tion of Deputy Marshal, but simplya raising ot llie number of DeputiesMarshal to Hie full complement per-

mitted and authoi ized by law. Mr.C. L. Hopkins, hitherto the only De-

puty, retains Ids deputyship aschief of the Honolulu police, whileMr. Creigbton, the new appointee,will discharge the duty of CiownProsecutor.

"police gduhl


Fkhmv, Feb. 1st.Ku and A. K. Kuiiuiakea had

each to pay the usual amount fordrunkenness.

A ease of assault and battery byPortuguese wai continued.

..Cf-ft- & QKSKRH HEWS.

Tub dredge is being rep.Mr-- d.

A GbrmaX giil walito n situation.

Tin: Kimui is duo morn

Tun Auetiuliu will bo dm on Tues-day.

. .'1 hi; Plant. t's Muiitfdj mi Janu-

ary is out.

Tin: boys nioon tho sticoto.

whistling l'ntiunco

A r.iNt'Y ;ig boat ie advertised forsale by Mr. Dower. Hum ir it bui-gai- n.

Ki.uvns jinssongors left on thesteamer V. G Llall for the Volcanothis morning.

A siLVF.it watch has been lost, forwhich a rewind is otlerod for its le-tu-

to this olllcc.

Tukui: will be a leinporance meet-ing for men only in Hiewer's blnck,Satuiday evcinug, at 7:110 o'clock.

A l'KRI'OllMANCG will be given tills-

evening by HuslineH's Ir.iineiland variety hhow at eigiit o'clock.

A .vuMin:r. of the hand boys wontout to Waikiki on tile tiatn caih thivmoining. They sang native airs alllb j wnv.

Mil. J. .1. Williams eelebiatcd theChinese Xew Year by having theout.-iil- c of bis photographic gallery

- .

Tin; Honolulu lion Woiks shippeda niaceration mill on the steamer W.G. Hull this morning for the l'ahalaplantation.

II. It. II. PitiNCKPS Liliuokalaniwill ride to Waikiki on the tramcaisthis afternoon leaving herat four o'clock.

Sri:ciAij notices appear at the endof the Tramways Company's lime ta-

ble in another column, which ourleaders should peruse.

The King went on board the yachtCasco this afternoon at 1 o'clock at-

tended by J. W. Uobeithon, Actingand Vice Cluimbeil.iiu.

Ubaii in another column the gieati (luccincnt oflcied by Mr. Chas. J.I'i'-hc- l for the next week. Such achance does not often occur.

Xi;xt Sunday, the iiwt of themonth, an English teinion will bedelivered at the 7 a. in. mass, at theRoman Catholic Cathedral.

At the opening of the Police Courtthis inuining, Mr. Chas. Creigblnn,Deputy Marshal, was intioduced toPolice' Justice Foster by DeputyM.uMial Hopkins.

A match game of baseball will bnplayed at the MakikiRecreation grounds, between theMystic baseball club and a nine fromthe U. S. S. Alert, commencing at2:30 p. m.

A iionsi: attached to a hack wasfrigiiteud by firo cracker.- - last eve-

ning on King htiect, and inn into acrowd of people, knocking down scv-ci-

who weio rather badly hurt indiil'erent parts of the body.

Ik the .Supreme Court yesterdaytho following catu was entered on thecalendar for the prc.-e-nt term mid towajve jury, allowed: C. It. Bishopand other Trustees of KamchamehaSchools vs. Chas. T. Gulick. Tax Col-

lector. Assumpsit for $2,000. A. S.Hartwell for plaintiffs; Attorney- -

General C. W. Ahhford for defendant.

Mil. Seaborn Liic wine and spiritMei chant, is open again at hisold stand, Mei chant street, with avery lino assorted btoek of every-

thing in his line, and is piepared totill all orders with prompt dispatch.He has a fey,' of those empty Cruin-kee- n

whitkey jugs to give away toladies, for pointing purposes.


Tin: King has icoeived an auto.-grap-h

letter from His Majesty theKing of Italy, announcing tho mar-riage of His Royal Highness thoPrince- Amadous Feidinand Maria ofSavoy, bi other, to Her ImperialHighness tho Pi meets Maria LetitiaEugenia Catharina Adelaide, daugh-ter of His Imperial Highness thePrince Hieronynnis Napoleon.



Drill Co. D Honolulu Rifles, at7:30.

Uusine-- 3 meeting Honolulu ArionSociety, at 7 :30 p. in.

Performance by Hushnell's trainedanimals, at 8 o'clock, at Nicol'sblock.

Services at St. Andrew's Cathe-

dral at 7.Hawaiian Council No. 089 A. L.

of II. at 7:30.Hawaiian Tribe No. 1, I. O. It.

M. at 7:30.

EVENTSBaseball match Myotics and U.

S. S, Alert nine at Makiki at 2 :30p. in.

Buslineira vaticty show at 8 p. in.Performance of "Patience" at the

Hawaiian Opein House, at 8 p. in.

oahuIailwaTcompany.Following are the olllcers of the

Oaliu Railway and Land Company,elected at a meeting held January31st:President Hon. AV. It. Castle1st Vicc-Picsidc-

, , Hon. J. I. Dowsett2d Vice-Preside-

Hon, W. C. WilderTieasurer.....Hon. 11. P. RobinsonSicr. taiy. .. .Mr. Geo. O. WilliamsAuditor Hon. W, F. Allen

Directors: Messro. S. O. Allen,ltobert Lcwura ami T. It. Walker,

H Si lf 1A8&"

E. 0no

. fllil4lMtewlu

To Pearl Haiaor ii!.d BkcK In tiaSteimer "Ewa."

Tho Unique and Lagoon

Harbor of Pea-- I Riv.ir LVscrilved Tht Trip r.d tiio iocn- -

cry 1 bo l.oi'b;lrii iftho Region is Ha--

sources, Prospaots,C!im:dc, Etc.

Continued fiotii y 8'fJiy'u i o.

Tin: wi:sr i.ocn.Our small steamer, the Ewa, lias

now entered this magnificent sheetof water, which opens as we proceed,and spi cads before tH a eh cular pano-rama of tropical beauty unequalledin any part of the world, except Riodc Ja'neiio. The loch or lagoon isof a circular form, with here andthere a small inlet, or hay thatbreaks, but does not deciease thebeauty of the general outline. Atthe head of this basin, which isabout a mile in diameter, is theplantation and estate of Mark Rob-

inson, Esq., a perlect mass of tiopi-ca- lvegetation around a large por-

tion of the shore which U here un-

broken and ciescent shaped. Thewater inshore at tlii- - point is said tobe shallow, and the Ewa came toanchor iu the ofllng 30 yaid-- j fiomthe lauding. As we stood on thesteamer's deck and viewed the surroundings, the mind was lilted withcontemnlation of the magiiillceiiilandscape and the olthis unique stietcb of laud andflood. Away beyond Hie nearplantations nt banana, brcadl'UU,cocoanut, and other tiopicid ver-

dure, were the slopes of the Wai-siua- c

range, heuvil) grasped mid bssrugged than the lauge.We watched the cloud shad iWs Hitfrom slope to slope, appealing tothe eye like moving clumps of tim-

ber. We noted the bright colors ofthe mountrin vegetation and soil be-

neath the mid-da- y sun yillow andsombre, and blue and red and green.Noble to the uopieaivegetation of the nearer view andthe sparkling waters at our feet Ilia:flashed the golden and siKery shim-mer of the sun's rays.

The Waianao range is evidently

Tin: watuushui)of the western portion of the Pearl Ri-

ver region, mid from that mountainsouice tho artesian reservoirs aroundthe West Loch receive their watersupply. From this point the laudhas a gentle descent to the middleloch, which is probably the meetingpoint of the subterranean watersfrom the east and west. Whereverwe turned our gaze there seemed tolie no lack of water for inigatingpurposes, and under its influence allcultivated vegetation was green,sturdy and massive.

Belore taking leave of ti.e WistLoch we may ic-ee- a wish oltenexpressed, viz. : that a Pearl Riverhotel will soon be conUrueted neartho waters of this harbor, with asufficiency of boats for fishing andbunting purposes. The lack of such

is at present a greatdrawback to this favored region;and that such a hotel would bepatronized to its utmost capacity, atall seasons of the year, there can beno reasonable doubt. There arefive or six kind" of llsh that frequentthese lagoons; and all kinds, exceptmullet, can lie caught with bailedbooks. With tho tinny tribes theseloelu are literally alive; and, usthese stretches of water are so ex-

tensive and varied in character, thenumber of fishes must be so largeas to be beyond estimation. Thesportsman, when ho tires of fishing,may vary his pastime wilh the gun

plover and wild duck abound onthe lochs and channel-.- , mid on theWaianae slopes, two or three milesdistant, theie are phcii-ant- s, wildturkeys and other winged game.

We now return by the same chan-nels that we entered, as far as Dow-sett- 's

fence pieviously mentionedThere ia a stiff Ifona or south windblowing in from the aen, mid thesteamer makes slow headway againstit; but in due time we turn moundthe point of a plateau of guizingIn ml mid enter the east channelwhere there is a unifoim diptli ot 7

fathoms until we arrive atI'OHlS ISLAM),

so called from having once been theproperly of the late Dr. F.'id. Thisisland is an insularcovered with algcroba trees, grass,and brush. It U at present Used asa cattle pasture, and water cm beobtained by digging down a fewfeel. The' height of the island isnearly uniform ; about 20 nr 30 feethigh,' and about 300 acres iu extent.The position of 'Fold's Island w

very and iu tnuo mustbecome valuable.We kept to the left of this island,passing Middle Loch on our leu,and enter the

kast loch ;

the largest, deepest, and most eligi-

ble of all tho loihs or lugooiiB ofthis region. Thisbasin of seawnter is about two milesacross, on the average ; bounded byFord'b Island on the south, a penin-sula between it and Middle Loch ontho west, Aid's plantation on thenorth, and Haluwa plantation andthe slopes of Leilouo hill and an oldcrater on tho east. The depth olwater in the channeU and centralportions of this line liusin is liomI to 7 fuihoius, shoaling towards Hieshore iu places, and" haying fairdepth lu others closo up to the land

, JT , , , )W.-- v '" . ,' " " HWf!'-wt'?TSTIBpi?









:.vv t ..' iq..1. !e tho o'lier br'-oi;- '' r id "lia'i'.cl-- !

.. . Lo.li i' lulTof i'h, and itI irrest soppy ol fre-- h

iilut Hint enieis Peml lltvcr. Theitisl side of this lagoon Is about 8miles from Honolulu by road; andtho projected steam railroad willprobably skill this portion of PearlFiver, or touch near it. and have ay. it. on closf to this pail of the

-- a'tbu day 13 n dw Uelijjitntiiy cool

on the water, the sun is enshioudcdh a thin gauze of cloud, and thewind ii just strong tnotigh to be

Oui stunner is appioaching theuorlli side of East Loch, and in afew minutes we will come alongsideof Aki's wharf, where the passen-gers will land to stietch their limbsand ramble over the country for anhour.

A small schooner lies at this wharfas we come alongside, and oursteamer makes fast to the schoonerso that the passengers can land.This is a narrow wharf and road-

way of about 50 ymds in length toa nee mill, and a line of rails is laidthe whole distance. A ficsi-wato- r

cicck Hows into llie Last Loch here,but the tide the estuary asfar a- - the mill where there is a dam,indeed two dams of considerablesize. Over the mill, and about 20ieet above the dain, is alluinc whichconducts artesian water to the wheeland supplies the motive power.Theie me about a score of buildingsmound the mill and on the adjoin-

ing plantation, most of which are in-

habit! d by Chinamen and nativeIliiwaiians. The plantation, as seen(mm the loch, ii very favorablysituated; and, from the luxuriantgiowth of the cultivated vegetationevei.v where the soil mustbo very rich. Fringing the lagoonfor some distance along the shorearc i.oavy giowths of tulles, and im-

mediately inside of these the ba-

nana, hi cadi roil, and cocoanut cultivation begins. These trees are allot large giowth here, us aic alsothe uncultivated plants of all kinds.One of the largest growths of cactusseen on the is situated justoutside the plantation by the side ofthe main road. The water hoe isclear and pure, and iu great abund-ance.

Walking up the pathway, hemmediu on both sides by the cultivationsand improvements, we loach themain toad to Honolulu; mid, cross-ing that, we ascend one of the high-

est elevations to bn seeti near by.From this hill we have a command-ing view of tbe loch and country formany miles around, and sec to tbleft of us stretohes of


covering 1j0 acres of the rich flatsadjoining the great lagoon. Manyhundreds of acres of similar landuncultivated lies stretched before usto the easl, and a much larger quan-tity is undoubtedly to the west,but we are unable to see it owingto dense arboral cover. Above tbewet land, and skirting the risingslopes, large stretches of laud suit-able for the growth of sugar canewere visible ; but these areas arostill in a state of nature, overgiownwilh weeds and useless vegetablegrowths. For miles around us onthe elevated plateaus Hie soil is de-

cayed scoriared, friable, and fieofrom rock apparently to great depth.These uplands produce good grasswithout cultivation, and would besuitable for many kinds of ft nittrees were these planted and earedfor until properly rooted. Therewas no appeal anco ot sterility eitherin the plants that grew there spon-

taneously or in lack of moisture inthe iron colored mold. These areasare and always always have been de-

voted to stock, but tho3' aro worthbetter and more profitable treatmentwhen communications with Hono-lulu arc easier and cheaper. At thispoint we are about half way betweenthe great mountain ranges of Koo-laupii-

mid Waianae, and at thesouthern edge of ihp great interven-ing pl'iiu. This leads its to a com-

parison of

riir. CLIMATK,

which is doubtless more dry thanNiiiianu valley, or the district ofKou.i, iu tho intervals betweenrain-.- ; but the lichen-covere- d rocksthat crop out of the soil, inplaces, bear amplo testimony tothe laet that enough rain fallsthioughoul the Pearl River regionfor all pinctical -, Tho districtis inoie exposed to wind than thatof Koua ; but on the score of healththis is an advantage. There is notthat heavy and "muggy" weatherthat one often feels iu Honolulu,The sweep of the plains causes acontinuous current of air that coolsthe utuiosphere and brings its re-

freshing and invigorating Influences.Nor nre strong gales any more pre-

valent here Hum at Honolulu, other-wise the timber would show the(train which Is not the oabu. As wostand upon this cxpoi-e- eminence agentle and cooling breeze fans ourchecks, a frei dom from dampnessiu thu atiuospheie revives our en-

ergy, and u varied landscape of rarecombinations of ' land and water,plain and mountain, fills our mindwith satisfaction. This is essen-tially the climate for the consump-tive and the nsmutic; theie areneither sudden nor extreme changesof temperature, no heaviness noroppressive heat. When the tradewinds blow In sumiiicr they lnmuch of their moisture before reach-ing Peail River; mid, as they blowacross the several channels, theyloriu a leading wind for schoonersoutward or inward bound. Com- -


iiprcl illy ppnl:'.iit; this it an iirport-a- m

niftier, and leuli .is to coniidert..e


which are very great, in tho near f u.lure. Among the natuial resourceof Pearl Harbor and the adjoininglands, are lime and coittl-ttoti- e

blocks, unlimili-- supplies of llsh forcuring, and Miitablo laud in largoquantities lor the growth of sugar,rice, bananas, cocoanuts, citrusfruits, grapes, olives, and other va-

luable vegetable productions. Inaddition to these the climate issuitable for sanitariums, and thefacilities for yachting, boating, fish-

ing and shooting will be certain toestablish near the water-fron- t a classof hotels that will assist in further-ing the interests of the district. Itgoes without saying that with suchvaried natuial resources, includingnn- - amount of eligible town sites,that factories for the manufacture ofmuch of the rnw produce raised willin the near future, be establishedon portions of the extensive waterfront. Of course the communica-tions arc not complete ; but we havefaith in Mr. Dillingham being ableto give the district railway commu-nication with Honolulu ; and, whenthat great woik is finished, therewill be a big boom at Pearl River.Were that great harbor in Italy an-

other Venice would arise upon itsshores, and were it on any continentof the world it could not fail in at-

tracting an immense population.But hark! the steamer whistles

and we must hasten on board tonr.ruiiN homi;.

The passengers are emerging fromtheir several retreats beneath theshady breadfruit, or the cocoanut-grov- e,

from amid the clustering bana-nas or from an upland walk, and we allmeet again on board the littlosteamer and exchange the hour'sexperiences. Once more wc arounder weigh, and pass lo the east-wai- d

of Ford's island thus makingits entire circuit in deep water thewhole way. As we get toward theocean wc find the breeze still strong ;

but in time wc get over the bar andhead for Honolulu. The steamerplunges and rolls just enough tomake things lively ; but soon wepass the abode of Bill Williams andcome up to Bi ewer's wharf at 5 p.m. very much the belter for our out-

ing, and feci like eating a largersupper than we have done for weekspreviously. cosclcii:i.J


A'odVoj iimlcr thin head art charged 10 emitper hue-fo- tlietrtt tmertton, and O cent per lituevery ntulittonul imertutru




A. GONSALVES & CO..Hotel street, have just received

a new lot of Tips of every shade, aail toBell from 50 to IT) cents a bunch. Alsoa few Silk Umbrellas and l'tmisnl?, theInner being samples, will be sold verylow. A. lot ot Hurid.mudi! Hinbroidcr.vwill be sold at cusl to close a consign.incut ifi'i v.


ALL parties owing to W. S. Luce .iehereby nquuMid Ui niuke itaine.

diitfl pajinent to Mr Frank Itrown,Merchant street, (formerly A. M He.wett's), who is authorized to receipt forall moneys paid to him


Absigncc of S. Luce.Honolulu, Jan :tl, 139. 101 lm

Special Notice.rpiIK innnngciiicnt of the Opera "Pu.L tienre," to be performed at the

Opera limine on Thumluy lilst ini.t ,

an on Saturday, the 2nd pros., desireto ninko known iluil, with the view ofiifTiirdiiiu fncilitic- - lo a greater number,n limit will be llxul ui tea tickets forcardi pe fnrniiinre for any one peison,mill in no case "ill names be taken ntihe box i illce piiur to the lime nn.nouncetl fur the fiiIu of tiekeis

lt9 if





SATURDAY, February 2nd,

ENCE"Bunthorne's C. ida I




.KMIiollr OiH'rn lJ IV. M. (Jilbiitunit Arthur Kiillivnn.

Complete with Full Chorusand Orchestra.

DDor Open at 7:30 'teuearCommcnce at 8

imoxji-- t ai on UA-r.,- .

llox.olllce lor Tiiurnlay evcniiie willopen at J K. llrown Ai.Un.'s on Wedncs.day, Jan. iiOlh, at 'J A. M.

Jstf-Th- u number of tickets for anyonu pureliuiJir, is limited to ten.

Crtyltonk of Wind of Hie Opera willbe bo d iu Ihe l'hcuuv at IU cents copy.

I fill til

TF YOU LOSE 'aTTyTHING,JL advortluo it in the Daily Bulletin,



Dec-1-8- 8







French Kid ShoesFor Wadies', Misses' & Children.

L Goods tlio Lowest Bedrock Prices

Genuine Diamond Dye Ladies Black Hose !

Warranted Fact.


Boys Fine Jersey Suits at $3.50 !

Boys Waists, New Assortment !

Ladies Knitted Underwear,AT A CHEAT REDUCTION- -



-- FOR THE- -

for the elahoruto announcement ol' Newcoining-- .



foi P. .t Co.'h A-- W. S. Jc



-- iMi'oicrmis

American & European Drugs & Chemicals.MiUoriulN,

Perfumery Toilet ArticlesAgents Lorillaid Kimball

Tobacco and Cigarettes.Waiter Works

I11KC) leav.- - to In faun my finudn nndu , thai 1 intent leaving the

mi the !Uh I'YI rainy, lo beabsent uutil (c h r, mi t ihnl I willeloe my ollicu mi ihe Bill of Fobruiiry.

M. K. (iUO&SMAN, Dentist.lit 1 1M No. IIS Holi 1 tit.

English and German


I IMS 1IOLTE 'has opened a selectl'l EnglUb and (ienniui School fory'ouug children, hlie will also give It

stiucilon In Ceriiimi ami Flench, Inelates, or hi pi halo Icun.

on 'he K.it lde of MaklM streetopnojlie tbe 11a41.-b.1l-l OioumU.


xcsif f jririvr'-Y-


gjST Superior Qualitv.


Corner Hotel 5fc Fort Streets.


iii:ai.i:iis in- -

rMiol Offi-niilii- c


Aeratedinch-21-8- 7


ltel-ilenc- o



T.i Hotel Street.

GEO. A. AMSDEN,Piano and Organ Tuner and Repairer.

Order left at Hawaiian News Co.'sStore promptly attended lo. Jlotli Tele,phones No, 110. Ifit Iw

Miss S. R. Patch,

Kawaiahao Female Seminary.

Teacher of Voice k Piano,Is prepared to receive pupils.

Refer, by pcnoU'Iou in lending pro.fcssois of miHic in CnlHoruia, and

experience in leeching in tiiAiritate. Address as above. HO 2n


Page 4: iJT tJM--3- f q$ ell Ma IbHII I P it · si I If q$ ell i 111 Ma IbHII I 1 P 1 I it va--i uvM.ii mffwjc 'wxiaivTic!TxrA:.jyHjUffJOTAJrxxMijiiefi.K ramrjtwu w:Mrr raau anviw irrewH

MMmmmammmammmmmmaaasaMJAL, ""i, ""Wi' i '"W"'li;"KJlHfy"'

Hfe' MllMWTtlMHricliil(MinHfrrW',MileWf8iaw


3' '


& H



Groceries, Provisions and Feed,bT CORNER FOKT AND KINO STRKKTS.

Now Goods celved by every racket from tlio Eastern Status mid EuropeFroMi California I'loduco y every Steamer. All outers faithfully attended toand Goods dclicn'd to any part ol the city freu of chnrgc. IMaud orders poll,cited. Sitlsfactlon guaranteed. Post Oillce Box 145. Telephone No. S3 nur.4 85

Tolepl. uo21U.- - -- tao:2r

1 JffpT"""





Frozen Oysters and r csh Calitornia Fruits, Fbh, Games and Vegetables on iCt b) eachstcamor ol the 0. S. S. Co A complete line ol Crosse & Blackwcll's and

J. T. Morton's Lnjiish Canned Goods always on hand.

res rv is w c o o jl &s-i-- -sai

Hnlt-o- Infant Food, Fnneli Muhrooun in glass, Gllunrdclll In tln, GroundClmcnlHii-- , I'rriH-- r ,t Bliihwi Fr h Fiuit .lams in glas", Stulled Oliver inf iihs, W.dnu'f. Almor.i's, Filbert, l'cicun it llrnzil Nut1, Foiled Sausage,

Cal. Mild Cream Chccso, r.astern Choose, Oregon Cream Cheese, Young American Cheese,Swiss Cheese. Hdam Chccso, Topo Can Ctoamcry Duttcr in 31b tins,

KfgxHiTiii'im il t Pickle, IVtuluiua lablo Fruits In glass jir, Finest DehesaTable liu-in- , OjM'il Wine Ma kcrel in 511) tins, Kegs Simerkrnul, AmcilcauOrnnburr) Sauce, Cape Codt Cuitibciiii'-- , 2I1 Blocks Codll-h- , Atnletson Cele-brated Mince .Meat in ulus jn, .lucob Hold's Butlalo Hams, U hittakcrs StarIlam, Old Helrihle I mill it , tit-l- i tit Gulden Seed", Cioily Lemons,Apples, Yellow turnips, l'lfniji-- , New Potatoes & Onions, CiI. Roll flutter,

etc, rrc. i:rc, liv., etc, inv i;tu.ap-1- 0 IkIsmicI Orders SolicitecS.


- " o


' Kit .Salmon lllock CotllMi, hinokeil Het'f, Hulfalo HamiSim.n. Ilni's Siiiukcd Iluiiiii, Titib Norwi'jiitin Salt Ileiring,.Milil Cal. Clieisi'. Aimort". Mince 3li:il, Green Tttitle Soup,'IVrrnpin Soup. siiu;nr linisiiij. Ciiruuits, "Wnlmit-'- . AlmotuK,Drii-i- l I'o.u'Ir-x-. l'r(ino, Dates, Honey, Cereoline Flakes,

Tomato Kutcliiip. Cases Suuar Corn, Csisfs Sugar l'cas, JerseyHIui' I'otitoi'x. liiita Habits Turnips California Onions, Cr.nckerb,all liiinN: Choice I etis, Fiesli Apple-.- , Saloon Pilot and MediumMnad. Wlu.it Kh.ui, Httlter, l'lurn l'uddtn, etc., etc., etc.

And a General Assortment of Canned Meats, Fruits and Other Groceries.

iih-'J- J i&T" Leave your oiders,

Telephones, No. 175.

. t f -- rxzT'rr"

J01 ITT, Ho. 8

& :"V


taSS-i"- ?



tf''K- -.



Civil and

Fort Sine-- ,. . Honolulu.



Xmas or Now Year's Present

BportHiiU'i'i A' fiition' WehiiM .1

Coini Me Lino of

:tSni Tin. "U0

White & New Homo Sewing Machines.

dcc-8-J Kort Street. I ltS8



P. O. UoxS'JT.


or ring up 119. --ia 80

nfCor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.


, yzzzzr

MANUEL NUNES,Xii. I Hotel Sti'fft.

diiiilai'M V String IiiHti imu'iitsOf all kind-- . Made A. Kepnired

&&" Inhild Work, mid Initi.uini; inWood a specialty 2070 Km

whale Boats'

IN answei to hcmmiiI cii'iullicsAVh.ile lloil Fruiui'n, wo

hac now in I'dtiiM' of constnielloii,.1 Whale Hunt Funic 74 feet by 112 feettuiir. Thcxit fiaiuih aie bent in onepu re of o.ik, and held to shape, tlm-- ,fiiiili injr little tact to set them up and

build. Tlie full Ir.uiie for such bo.ilx,including c.intH. I.-

-, sections in number,sold at !!; with huge stems on keel,

and leady to plank ij to. Tliey aienotintended to be elinkei built. 1101 as theft. ill iiiipuited whale boats pioper. butate lntcnih d foi lougli use and dittabi-l- it

. i lljiln 1O1h.1l. for uMilug amitudlng puipoi-cs- , We iac ('.'.portedthese fumes ami intend tlom so, andmake till? offei to aniateiiin and otliei.sde-ini- iis of ti.lng tlielr liauil, with)leut. of IoNiiic and small cash to make

a l)iiincs. Will lieti'l fume- - to auyglM'ii model finm ." to 2.1 tons. Also 011

liatid for sale Surf and I'leasiue Doats,Steins, h'uees and Timbers. .MutualTelephone No 5125,

POWKH & SON.70 tf JJoat Uulldere.

f--- tyi&.'Aj1 1 5 A

Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,House Keeping Goods,



Engineer Surveyor,




Sportmsn's Outfits.y




' ...i..n.n .iW " jma- - ".r' ." pgralPfpft T-- P MPSJJHr

iJwW55pW,nirT ,rli?fPf?rs bw?9p$i


DA1LT JiUlXETms ilOtfOltjLU, II. I., ITSfilHfcYBr 1, lSSOiemjMrt.irp. qrwiiiiiii w ittatggjcaaeaMww

The Hawaiian Tramway Com'py3,1 ml tea.

ON and f cr Mondn, tho Hih.lnnu.tiry. tin- - All FAiiKS wld lie col-lu"i- d

bj Tickets onh, which will liesold ilther slii);lv, or in curds of live lortont.llvo cents, ty tlie conductor.

C Tho Tickots must be plnccd by thoPassenpor In tho FARE EOX

provldod on tho Car,

To facilitate iho making of chnngct epubnciiie res) ei Hull) rtquestcd to)ii I'liust. Hie 2," ciit eiiids uhiru

Co b ctor G. Tniele will call toutilnt tho prill. I, al storts with TicKc s lorsnlc on Fiiiiay uliil S.tunduy, iliu Uthan I l'th Jtinuuiy. 114 tf

of Gooart

llawaiian Transibr Co.

rpHE undersigned having piirclinscdJL the btisiiuss of .). Oiccn and thu

American Express Company, have con.solidnlid under the linn name of the

Hawaiian TraiiHier Co.,and are prepircd to carry on tlie Dray,ine; and Express business of all kinds.

Telephone Oillce at No 7ri King s treat,uct door to iiobt. Morc's.


tSTAIl kinds of caitinK fnlthfullyand piomptly attended to; lurniturc lemoved and caiefully handled, alwajsonhand nu arrival ot tteanui'.

If jou want a wagon or dray jou willlliul it to your advantage to ring upeither of our telephones.

.1. W. MoGUIKE,U.O lin J. MuQUKEN.


AT the iinnuii) nieiting ofj i. holdei" of the Iluw.dinn Agilcul-ti-

al Co luld till day, the followingper-on- s were tlecttd n ottleers for theeurient year:

llou. U. It. Uishop President,Mr. S. C. Alien Vice President,Mr. 1. C. .lones Treasurer,Mr. J O. Carter Secretary,.Mi. Tom May Auditor,Hon. V. R. Uisl'op, S. C, Allen and1'. C. .lones Directors.

.1. O. CARTER,Secretary, H. A. Co.

Honolulu, .Jan. 17, IShO. 1 1!) lm


Hawaiian Bell Telephone Company.

a meeting f tho stockholders ofAT theaboc( uiipany held .Innuaiy12th, 1889, the following olllceis wereelected lor the en-m- yeai :

I PresidentGodfrey l'row &

(Tiensurcr,Cecil Hrowti.1 F. Hi o n Secretary,h T. Valintine Auditor,.1. Cafsidv..Geneial Supeiintendent,Jas Campbell W O. Smith, J. F.Urow it Directors.

J. F. BKOAVX,148 lm Secretary.

DAVID KAAII1UECoral Hock, Hlark 'tone, BlackHAS bile Sand and Soil, for sale

in any quantity. Apply nl tho oillce otW. C Aclii, Kiinhtinvinu street. 110 Hm

To Stand this Season, Jan, 1, '89

Ai ."Uokulcla Klocu Farm,The Imported Morgan Stallion

Glory' 4'G,ory'Terms) t I :. for jlnoli 3Iiire.

Mures bred to "GLOIIY" can remainon the farm at a pasturage at $12 perannum. Lvny e n- - til.en but no res-

ponsibility iuc mud.CSrMures not proving i foal may be

returned ne.w season free of cliarge. if I

still own the Horse. ,1. JAY.2120 20t-ta-

STJtAYEDItOM II. HackfeldF ifc Co.'s yard a

DiitU Biown .Mare, allK fut while ami righteir "pill. A reward

will be ghin to tm one ) turning Biimeto II. HACKFELD it CO.

151 tt

STRAYEDN the WnodlawnO1 Daiiy Ranch

!.,.,,, !., CO 'P..vtaP'Jjv Uoirus not branded.

rf5S Uwner can havo sameby piovlug pioperiy nod paying e..peiitc-.- . Jl the above animnlH are notrcleemed within in dan fiom dale theright of owncr-hl- p wi'l c forfeited.

.1 GRACE,M'ui tgi v dlawn Dairy.

Honolulu, . I in. II inU. 1 10 101

J.rlopp&ilo74 King st, W $ 74 Klnfi st.


Im oneis of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos &. FurnitureMovid with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid,

C0RNICEP0LES,Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.-

CHAIRS TO RENT.apr.10 88

0C OfrWJ


I uaasaaassa



I F3, fr- 1

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S p5 a


riOSTIC lardwFOU'L1 WrXfcliJK'r,

Co., L'd,

tT BARGAINS -- g Now Line of fiQT UAROAINS -- 8

Lamps, Chandeliers & Lanterns,Al Lower l'rirc9 than ever before. New invoice of


Just Received- -

NovoIMok tind FaucyGoods, InLarKe Vnrlety.nuir.:'8H

deBi.Eh era-- OK-


Toys &: Iolls,IilCxisical --Alliim.s,

aLOVE & HANDKERCHIEF BOXESAnd a few Choice Carved Ornaments.


In future, Mrs. E. Small will bo prepared to doCutting and Fitting.

1751 IV


GrttllGl'Ul AijcntHExpert Accountants and- - Collectors, Real Estate, Hro & Lifo Insurnnoo

Agents, Custom-Hous- o, Loan and Exchange Brokers.

Departments of Business:Books taa Accounts accuiateh kept and properly adjusted.OollotlOljS will receive spicial attention and returns promptly mirte.Conveyancing a Specialty. Ricords searched and correct Ab-tiac- of Title

furnished.Legal Documents nnd Papers of every description careful I j diawn and hand

s nneh engic s ed.Copying and Translating in all languages in general wc n this Kingdom.Real Estate- bought and sold. Taxes imid and 1'ioperty safely insmedHouses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land leased and rented, and tents collected,Firo and Lifo Insurance oUcctod in first-clas- s Insurance Companies,Custom-Hous- o Business transacted with accuracy am', dlspaU-U- .

Loans negotiated at favorable ratos.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers.Any Article pm chased or sold on most favorable terms..nter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention.

2T All Business cntiustcu to our caro will lecelvo prompt and lallliful attontionatmoderate charges.

Having had an extensive businiBs experience for over twenty-fiv- e yenrp'lnNew Voik City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of anintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and diecietlon, and respectfullysolicit atrial.

Bell Telephone No. 274. Xla-waiii- Business AjsTfticy.ian. 7.88

Australian Malt Serrae

FOK SAN FKANCISCO,Tlie new and line Al uteel steamship

kk ariposa,Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, wil

be due at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

February 9, '89And will leave for the above port withmaib and passengers on or about thatdate.

Tor freight 01 passage, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

toWE Q. IRWIN & CO., Agents

For Sydney and Auckland,

Tho new and lino Al steel steamship

"Alameda,"Of the Oceanic Steam-hi- p fomp my, will

be due at Honolulu fiom SanKranciico on or about

February 16, '89.And will have prompt dispatch withmails and passengers for (lie above ports

For fieight or passage, having SUI'ERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, applyto37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO.. Aijonta

H Merchant St., Honolulu, II. I.


Conveyancers & General Agents


HoloAscnts for the Burlington RouteAct oss America, and to the Azores.

Sole A'.'cnH for Pitt it tcnu'6 FoielgnP ireelo Uxpiess i: General ShippingAgency

H lo Agent for Sunny South AeratedWaters,

Sole Agents for Mascflcld Bros 'NewZual.iud Mullet and Canned Goods.

Special Agents for I ending New Zcaland and Aus ml ian Mercantile Fin11- -

Special Agents for tltcOilifornla LandAssociation

fipo'dal Agents for tho Honolulu ISusl.hops Directory.AIhu, Other Special AccncicH.

fjSy Customs' Lutries 1'itFBcd. Pro.peitie Minnged. Assignees and Audi,torn' Work done promptly. HouseLeased and Rents Collected.

New Business SolicitedBoll Tele. No. 1 72 Mutual Tele. No. 3G0.Dcc-3-J Pojt Olfleo Box 460. 88-- lj



& Oo.'s Stock



tandard Typewriter,

Tho Fastest Maohino in tho World

Legal & Commercial Work

Result of Special Conlcils lor 1080;Cincinnati, July 25th .Hcmingtou 07

words per minute.NkwYouk, Auuu-- t IA "emington

won ltt, 2nd, llrd and lth l'i i?.- s.Touonto, August i:ith I!einitmton

won (championshii) of ihe woild; Coldand Silver Medals for highest speed everrecorded 09 words per minute, exclud-ing eirors.

LAKKGLOitan.N.Y. McGun in brokethe lecord, wiiting on Ihe Remington108 3 5 words pei minute, excludingenois; writing blindfold 107 words perminute.

tS'-T-o bo had with or without Cabi.

nets ofW. 21. GIFFARD,

Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands.

N. II. Letters addressed to the Agentc.o W. (i. Irwin & Co. will have promptattention. dee 20 88


FOR SALETho Knllre Plant of tho


Is oilcrcd For S ile. Tho Machinery1b in perfect working order

and cousUt of

One 26x48 Mill with Engine,Trash-carrie- r, Etc., complete,1 Pair ol Boilers 6x20,1 Double Meet G and 7 leet Pans,I Vacuum Pan G (cot with Blako Pump,3 Weston Centrifugals and Englno,

Togethci with the usual assortment of

Clariflers, Clean'g PanSj Coolers

And other Michlnery usually foundIn a well appointed mill.

AlsO, a number of

California & lal Has,Cane Carts & Gen'l Plantation


Dollvery will bo given after nex croplias been harvested, say about July 1,

CSTFor further particulars apply to

JOHN HIND,Manager Star Mill, Kohala, Hawaii.


For Whooping Cough

Let any person give

Dr. Loser's Cherry Cordial

Atrial, and the most violent coldwill, In a short lime bo


LISTER & CO.,115', Agents. 2tn

New Zealand Mullet(Star Brand.)


in 4 doz. Cases of 1 lb. Tins.Fresh Supplies by each New Zea-

land Steamer. For Sale by

J. E. Brown & Co.,1S7 Sole Agents. ftf

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY

Slioeing Forge,70 A. HI Kins Ktreet.

Shoeing, from Sl.SO.

Horses and Cattle Treated foiall Diseases.

Residence: Chamberlain House, ncaiKawaiahno Church.

P. O. BOX 4U8.Bell Telephone llf1P;38J- -

I 353.


J list received a small consignment ofChoice French Clarets,From iho well-know- n films of .Duboa

unit I aniibse & Pancol,Uorde'iux, France:

Jti'rtoc Sloimiiolo,O'ltutt-iii- i L.il rowe,

CliMteuu JLoovllleJl:iit JJrion,Cluuoau Xinllto,

Aleo, fiom the cellars of Romans & Co.London :

Koch Fils Champagne, 1880;(In Quarts & Magnums)

Cluiuitici'lJn, 1S01 :Clinmliortln,Chateau J'Yqutiu, 1H5N; ",Dry Ciii'ucoii, H, Vcnrn Old:Ulintvuu aiurgaux, 1S77;

'Grande Fine Champagne Brandy, 1811.

ffiTThe above comprises the ChoicestBiands of Wines and Liquois ever

to this market.-- FOK HAliK BY--

rviAOFARLANE & Co,nov.lOSS



'roof Safes !


& LDCi CO!

Of Canton, Ohio, U.S. A.

Having estuhlifchcil nn Agency in tliimCity for the fiiIc of their manu- -

facture, which are

Surpassed by None1In their line in thy world, an opportn.nity is offered to al' requiring protec-tion of their Valuables lrom Fire andTheft to supply thenifclves on terms,which defy competition.

C2T For particulars inquire at -- aCulick's Agency,

No. 33 Merchant st., Honolulu, II. I.sept.24 88

Honolulu LibraryAND

Reading Room Association.

Cor. Hotel & Alulit'u Street,Open every Day and Evening.

The Library consists at the presenttime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

I'ho Reading Room Is supplied withabout fifty of tho leading newspapersand periodic ils,

A Parlor Is provided for conversationiiid games.

Terms of membership, fifty cents aJiontli, payablo qnartorly in advance.No formality requited In joining exceptsigning tho roll.

Strangers from foreign countries nndvisitors ft om the other Islands are wol-eom-

tlioioomsat all times as guests.Tills Association having no legular

means of sunpett except the dues ofnieinbeis, it is expected that residentsof Honolulu who deslro to avail them-selves of Its pilvlleges, nnd all who feolan Intei est In maintaining an Institutionof tliis Kind, villi put down their namesand become regular contributors.

A. J. OARTWRIGHT, Pres.,M. M. SCOTT, Vice-Preside- nt,

II. A. PABMKLEE, Secretory,A. L. SMITH. Tieasurer.O. T. RODDERS, M.D.

Cbirnifm Hi and Library Committee,

,J .

'S WJjA?Wmi$i.&-- v..J-- S $$& JtJhr.,''-- TT Cijii." ,..-