ILKKA HALSO Restoration

ILKKA HALSO Restoration - Elisa · 2011. 12. 11. · Untitled (8), 2000 150cm x 305 cm edition 6, triptych 75cm x 152 cm, edition 10, triptych. Restoration 10, 2005 163cm x 300 cm,

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Page 1: ILKKA HALSO Restoration - Elisa · 2011. 12. 11. · Untitled (8), 2000 150cm x 305 cm edition 6, triptych 75cm x 152 cm, edition 10, triptych. Restoration 10, 2005 163cm x 300 cm,

ILKKA HALSO Restoration

Page 2: ILKKA HALSO Restoration - Elisa · 2011. 12. 11. · Untitled (8), 2000 150cm x 305 cm edition 6, triptych 75cm x 152 cm, edition 10, triptych. Restoration 10, 2005 163cm x 300 cm,

Luonto on päässyt, kuten kaikki tietävät, huonoon kuntoon.se pitää kunnostaa! iLkka haLson tiedeLaboratorio on siirtynyt rakennusaLaLLe ja ottanut haasteen vastaan.

Projektissa Restauraatio käsittelen luonnon “korjaamista” teknologian läpitun-keman ihmisen näkökulmasta. Kuvaprojektini sivuaa (itsekin)ironisesti ihmisen luontosuhdetta ja hänen teknologiaan luottavia keinojaan ratkaista omat aiheut-tamansa ongelmat.

Rakennan fiktiivisiä rakennustyömaita. Rakennustelineiden peittämänä onkin ta-lojen, ihmisen tekemien rakenteiden sijasta luonnon objektit. Korjauksen alla ovat puut, kivet, orgaaniset luonnon rakenteet, peltoaukiot, kalliorinteet.

Rakennustelineet maisemassa – modulaarinen kantti kertaa kantti rakentaminen nousee luonnon rönsyilevästä monimuotoisuudesta joskus väkivaltaisenakin. Luontoon syntyy uusia tila-avaruudellisia rajauksia.

Esteettisesti haen kuvamaailmalleni tietoisesti monumentaalista lähestymista-paa. Rakennusteline ja valaistus kehystävät luonto-objekteja ja korostavat ja ir-rottavat kohteensa arkisesta yhteydestään. Restauroitava kohde ja sen ympärille kietoutuva rakennusteline muodostavat jättimäisen veistoksen.

Projekti alkoi keväällä 1999. Rakensin ja kuvasin yhdeksän työmaata Orimattilan Tietävälässä ja Helsingin Vartiosaaressa.

Ilkka Halso

Page 3: ILKKA HALSO Restoration - Elisa · 2011. 12. 11. · Untitled (8), 2000 150cm x 305 cm edition 6, triptych 75cm x 152 cm, edition 10, triptych. Restoration 10, 2005 163cm x 300 cm,

as everybody knows, the nature has gone into bad shape. it must be renovated!iLkka haLso has moved his activities into construction business and has accepted the chaLLenge.

My project approaches the restoration of nature in the means of technology and science. I show Ironic visions of mans relation to nature and his confidence in technology in solving problems caused by his own activities

I builded fictive restoration sites. Scaffoldings are covering objects of nature instead of houses and man-made objects. Trees, boulders, rock faces and fields are under repair.

Scaffoldings in the landscape: Modular “toybricks” come up from chaotic order of nature. A new geometrical space conquers landscape.

I seek consciously monumental approach to my subjects. Scaffoldings and arti-ficial lightning settings highlight and frame nature objects and detach them from everyday life context. The object of nature and construction site that surrounds it form together a colossal installation.

Ilkka Halso

Page 4: ILKKA HALSO Restoration - Elisa · 2011. 12. 11. · Untitled (8), 2000 150cm x 305 cm edition 6, triptych 75cm x 152 cm, edition 10, triptych. Restoration 10, 2005 163cm x 300 cm,

Untitled (1), 2000132,5cm x 100 cm, edition 668cm x 52 cm, edition 10

Page 5: ILKKA HALSO Restoration - Elisa · 2011. 12. 11. · Untitled (8), 2000 150cm x 305 cm edition 6, triptych 75cm x 152 cm, edition 10, triptych. Restoration 10, 2005 163cm x 300 cm,

Untitled (2), 2000100cm x 136 cm edition 650cm x 68 cm, edition 10

Page 6: ILKKA HALSO Restoration - Elisa · 2011. 12. 11. · Untitled (8), 2000 150cm x 305 cm edition 6, triptych 75cm x 152 cm, edition 10, triptych. Restoration 10, 2005 163cm x 300 cm,

Untitled (3), 2000100cm x 136 cm edition 650cm x 68 cm, edition 10

Page 7: ILKKA HALSO Restoration - Elisa · 2011. 12. 11. · Untitled (8), 2000 150cm x 305 cm edition 6, triptych 75cm x 152 cm, edition 10, triptych. Restoration 10, 2005 163cm x 300 cm,

Untitled (4), 2000100cm x 136 cm edition 650cm x 68 cm, edition 10

Page 8: ILKKA HALSO Restoration - Elisa · 2011. 12. 11. · Untitled (8), 2000 150cm x 305 cm edition 6, triptych 75cm x 152 cm, edition 10, triptych. Restoration 10, 2005 163cm x 300 cm,

Untitled (5), 2000100cm x 136 cm edition 650cm x 68 cm, edition 10

Page 9: ILKKA HALSO Restoration - Elisa · 2011. 12. 11. · Untitled (8), 2000 150cm x 305 cm edition 6, triptych 75cm x 152 cm, edition 10, triptych. Restoration 10, 2005 163cm x 300 cm,

Untitled (6), 2000100cm x 136 cm edition 650cm x 68 cm, edition 10

Page 10: ILKKA HALSO Restoration - Elisa · 2011. 12. 11. · Untitled (8), 2000 150cm x 305 cm edition 6, triptych 75cm x 152 cm, edition 10, triptych. Restoration 10, 2005 163cm x 300 cm,

Restoration 6 – Inside forest, 2005100cm x 135 cm edition 650cm x 68 cm, edition 10

Page 11: ILKKA HALSO Restoration - Elisa · 2011. 12. 11. · Untitled (8), 2000 150cm x 305 cm edition 6, triptych 75cm x 152 cm, edition 10, triptych. Restoration 10, 2005 163cm x 300 cm,

Untitled (7), 2000125cm x 171 cm edition 650cm x 68 cm, edition 10

Page 12: ILKKA HALSO Restoration - Elisa · 2011. 12. 11. · Untitled (8), 2000 150cm x 305 cm edition 6, triptych 75cm x 152 cm, edition 10, triptych. Restoration 10, 2005 163cm x 300 cm,

Untitled (8), 2000150cm x 305 cm edition 6, triptych75cm x 152 cm, edition 10, triptych

Page 13: ILKKA HALSO Restoration - Elisa · 2011. 12. 11. · Untitled (8), 2000 150cm x 305 cm edition 6, triptych 75cm x 152 cm, edition 10, triptych. Restoration 10, 2005 163cm x 300 cm,

Restoration 10, 2005163cm x 300 cm, triptych, edition 6

82cm x 150 cm, one piece, edition 10

Page 14: ILKKA HALSO Restoration - Elisa · 2011. 12. 11. · Untitled (8), 2000 150cm x 305 cm edition 6, triptych 75cm x 152 cm, edition 10, triptych. Restoration 10, 2005 163cm x 300 cm,

Restoration 11, 2005100cm x 130 cm, edition 650cm x 65 cm, edition 10

Page 15: ILKKA HALSO Restoration - Elisa · 2011. 12. 11. · Untitled (8), 2000 150cm x 305 cm edition 6, triptych 75cm x 152 cm, edition 10, triptych. Restoration 10, 2005 163cm x 300 cm,

Restoration 12, 2005100cm x 130 cm, edition 650cm x 65 cm, edition 10

Page 16: ILKKA HALSO Restoration - Elisa · 2011. 12. 11. · Untitled (8), 2000 150cm x 305 cm edition 6, triptych 75cm x 152 cm, edition 10, triptych. Restoration 10, 2005 163cm x 300 cm,

Ilkka Halso

[email protected]
