IMAGE CHANGES For my front cover

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IMAGE CHANGESFor my front cover

For my final product I lightened the skin tone and replaced blemishes for a consistent skin tone. I darkened her eyebrows to match the dark black of the colour scheme and tried to darken the lips to make them stand out. Also, I got rid of the background from the original image and replaced it with a light grey to blend into the picture, allowing it to stand out. I darkened the light bits of the hair that had been effected by the flash of the camera so I edited them to make a consistent colour. Lastly, I enhanced the models’ eyelashes to look fuller.

I firstly cropped the picture to get rid of the date, I then intensified the colour balance to match the darkness of the contents page. I then modified her hair colour to a light brown and cropped around the outline of the model to get rid of the original background. I then used the gradient tool to put a black to white back ground that blended into the image. I then completed the look by altering the eyelashes to look fuller and the eyebrows to look darker. As well as changing the lip colour to a paler colour – to differ from the other two images.

Firstly, I cropped the picture to eliminate the background of the original. I then softened the skin tone of the model, making it slightly darker and got rid of the blemishes on her face. I then made her hair a slightly lighter brown, to match with the hair colour on the front cover and darkened her eyebrows so they didn’t seem to weak for the image. Furthermore, I enhanced the colour of her lips to match the colour on the front cover and help make it a darker red for the colour scheme.