Design of High Rate RCM-LDGM Codes by Imanol Granada Tecnun, University of Navarra (2017) Submitted to the Biomedical Engineering and Science Department in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science of Telecommunications Engineering at TECNUN September 2017 Author .............................................................. Biomedical Engineering and Science Department September 29, 2017 Certified by .......................................................... Pedro M. Crespo Full Professor PFG Supervisor

Imanol Granada - dadun.unav.eduImanol Granada Submitted to the Biomedical Engineering and Science Department on September 29, 2017, in partial ful llment of the requirements for the

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Design of High Rate RCM-LDGM Codes


Imanol Granada

Tecnun, University of Navarra (2017)

Submitted to the Biomedical Engineering and Science Departmentin partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science of Telecommunications Engineering



September 2017

Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Biomedical Engineering and Science Department

September 29, 2017

Certified by. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pedro M. Crespo

Full ProfessorPFG Supervisor


Design of High Rate RCM-LDGM Codes


Imanol Granada

Submitted to the Biomedical Engineering and Science Departmenton September 29, 2017, in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree ofMaster of Science of Telecommunications Engineering


This master thesis is studies the design of High Rate RCM-LDGM codes and it isdivided in two parts:

• In the first part, it proposes an EXIT chart analysis and a Bit Error Rate(BER) prediction procedure suitable for implementing high rate codes based onthe parallel concatenation of a Rate Compatible Modulation (RCM) code with aLow Density Generator Matrix (LDGM) code. The decoder of a parallel RCM-LDGM code is based on the iterative Sum-Product algorithm which exchangeinformation between variable nodes (VN) and the corresponding two types ofcheck nodes: RCM-CN and LDGM-CN. To obtain good codes that achieve nearShannon limit performance one is required to obtain BER versus SNR behaviorsfor different families of possible code design parameters. For large input blocklengths, this could take large amount of simulation time. To overcome thisdesign drawback, the proposed EXIT-BER chart procedure predicts in a muchfaster way this BER versus SNR behavior, and consequently speeds up theirdesign procedure.

• In the second part, it studies two different strategies for transmitting sourceswith memory. The first strategy consists on exploiting the source statistics inthe decoding process by attaching the factor graph of the source to the RCM-LDGM one and running the Sum-Product Algorithm to the entire factor graph.On the other hand, the second strategy uses the Burrows-Wheeler Transform toconvert the source with memory into several independent Discrete Memoryless(DMS) binary Sources and encodes them separately.

Thesis Supervisor: Pedro M. CrespoTitle: Full Professor




Es difıcil condensar en unas breves lıneas mis agradecimientos a tantas personas que

me han ayudado en estos anos de carrera. En primer lugar me gustarıa agradecer

a mi familia por todo el apoyo recibido durante toda mi vida y en especial en estos

anos de carrera. Quiero dar las gracias a mis padres Rafael y Antxoni por darme la

oportunidad de estudiar lo que elegı, a mi hermana Isabel por soportar mis tomaduras

de pelo y a los amigos con los que comparto los findes.

Por otro lado me gustarıa dar las gracias a mis companeros de clase, Dani, Unai,

Oier, Andres, Fernando y Pablo... y a mis amigos de la universidad que los ultimos

anos ya no estaban entre nosotros, Mireia, Santi, Doncel, Javier y Mikel... sin ellos

no hubieran sido lo mismo estos anos de universidad.

Por ultimo no puedo dejar de dar las gracias a Pedro Crespo y Xabier Insausti

por introducirme en este apasionante campo y gracias a Tecnun y al CEIT por todo

lo recibido durante estos anos. Gracias al departamento de Ingeniera Biomedica y

Ciencias por esos cafes en los que voy aprendiendo biologıa.





1 Introduction 13

2 Parallel RCM-LDGM Code 17

2.1 System Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.2 RCM encoder block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

2.3 Parallel RCM-LDGM code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2.4 Decoder Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.5 Example of RCM and parallel RCM-LDGM codes . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3 Exit Chart Analysis and BER prediction 25

3.1 Exit Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.1.1 EXIT Curve of VND of the parallel RCM-LDGM code . . . . 27

3.1.2 EXIT Curve of CND of the parallel RCM-LDGM code . . . . 30

3.1.3 Trajectories of Iterative Decoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.1.4 Predicting the BER from the EXIT Chart . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.2 Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.2.1 Bit error rate from the EXIT charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.2.2 Performance of the BER estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4 Strategies for Sources with Memory 39

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

4.1.1 Source Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4.2 Proposed Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42


4.2.1 Strategy 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.2.2 Strategy 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

4.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

4.3.1 BER vs SNR of Strategy 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

4.3.2 Strategy 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

5 Conclusions 57

Appendices 58

A Obtaining κ 59

B Burrows Wheeler Transform (BWT) 63

B.1 Direct transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

B.2 Inverse BWT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64


List of Figures

2-1 Bipartite graph representation of the RCM bit-to-symbol mapping. . 19

2-2 Factor graph representing the parallel RCM-LDGM code . . . . . . . 20

2-3 SNR vs BER behaviour of two RCM and parallel RCM-LDGM codes

obtained by Montecarlo simulations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3-1 Random variable E(vn) models the extrinsic information produced at

the VND when A(vn) is the a priori information arriving at VND. Sim-

ilarly, E(cn) is the extrinsic information produced at the CND when

A(cn) and channel output are the a priori information arriving at the

CND. The Factor Graph of the VND and CND is given in Fig. 2-2. . 26

3-2 EXIT chart and predicted BER at crossing points at SNR= 24dB of

Scenario 1 with a uniform source (p0 = 0.5) and d(v)LDGM = 1, 2. . . . . 34

3-3 EXIT chart and predicted BER at crossing points of Scenario 2 with

a nonuniform source (p0 = 0.8) and d(v)LDGM = 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3-4 Simulated (solid curves) and predicted (dashed-squared curve) BER

versus SNR for the RCM-LDGM codes of the Scenario 2 with d(v)LDGM =

1 for uniform and nonuniform sources (p0 = 0.5, 0.8 and 0.95). . . . . 36

3-5 Simulated (solid curves) and predicted (dashed-squared curve) BER

versus SNR for the RCM-LDGM codes of the Scenario 1 with d(v)LDGM =

1 for uniform and nonuniform sources (p0 = 0.5, 0.8 and 0.95). Vertical

lines correspond to channel openings for the code with the same colour. 37


3-6 Simulated (solid curves) and predicted (dashed-squared curve) BER

versus SNR for the RCM-LDGM codes of the Scenario 1 with d(v)LDGM =

2 for uniform and nonuniform sources (p0 = 0.5, 0.8 and 0.95). Vertical

lines correspond to channel openings for the code with the same colour. 38

4-1 Conventional joint source-channel coding for a P2P communication

system of rate R = K/N (binary symbols per channel symbol). . . . . 39

4-2 BWT communication system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4-3 Example of a Markov Chain of two states. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4-4 Example of a hidden markov model with 3 states and two output sym-

bols ”1” and ”0”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4-5 Factor graph of the parallel RCM-LDGM code with the source’s factor

graph attached. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

4-6 Equivalent BWT communication system of Fig. 4-2. Note that K =∑γ

i=1Ki. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4-7 BER vs SNR for Strategy 1 with the sources of the examples with

H(S) = 0.53 and H(S) = 0.67 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

4-8 Zero probability profile of a source with H(S) = 0.92 characterized by

a Markov Chain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

4-9 PER obtained by Montecarlo simulation for a source with H(S) = 0.92

characterized by a Markov Chain using Strategy 1 and Strategy 2. . . 52

4-10 Zero probability profile of a source with H(S) = 0.57 characterized by

a Markov Chain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

4-11 PER obtained by Montecarlo simulation for a source with H(S) = 0.57

characterized by a Markov Chain using Strategy 1 and Strategy 2. . . 54

A-1 Example of the iterations to find κ for the configuration of the scenario

1 with d(v)LDGM = 1 of the Section 3.2. The obtained histograms, con-

ditioned to U = 1, by Montecarlo simulations are plotted in blue and

the corresponding modeled conditional p.d.f.’s in red. . . . . . . . . . 60


List of Tables

3.1 Predicted BER values of Fig. 3-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.2 Predicted BER values of Fig. 3-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4.1 Design parameters of Strategy 2 used in simulation results for H(S) =

0.92. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

4.2 Design parameters of Strategy 2 used in simulation results for H(S) =

0.57. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

B.1 Example of Burrows-Wheeler Transformation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

B.2 Example of inverse Burrows-Wheeler Transformation. . . . . . . . . . 65



Chapter 1


This master thesis considers the transmission of information of a given binary source

over an AWGN channels. From an information theoretical perspective this problem

can be separated into two independent subproblems. First, the actual amount of

information H, called entropy, that the binary source generates is characterized in

bits per source symbol. Using an ideally perfect lossless data compression algorithm,

exploiting the statistical redundancy of the source symbols the same information can

be represented in fewer bits, and the exact amount of bits is given by the entropy

of the source. Second, the maximum number of bits per channel symbol that any

transmitter can accept if these information bits are to be recovered at the receiver

side with low probability of error is characterized by the capacity, C, of the channel,

given by the maximum of the mutual information between the input and output of

the channel, where the maximization is with respect to the input distribution. The

algorithms to achieve near the capacity transmission rates are called channel codes. As

the Separation Theorem states, reliable communication of the information generated

by a source is possible if and only if H < C and it is optimal to solve each of the

subproblems individually. However, when considering practical issues like complexity

and delay, algorithms that treat the source compression and channel coding in a joint

fashion tend to perform better and therefore, are becoming more and more popular.

This family of algorithms are called Joint Source-Channel Codes (JSCC).

In particular, we consider the transmission at high spectral efficiency ρ (bits per


complex dimension) using a special type of JSCC based on the parallel concatenation

of a Rate Compatible Modulation code (RCM) [1], [2] and a Low Density Generator

Matrix (LDGM) code [3], [4]. In what follows we will refer these codes as parallel

RCM-LDGM. An RCM code generates random projections (RP) from weighted linear

combinations. Notice that it is similar to compressed sensing but with the difference

that in an RCM code the input sequence is binary. Due to the fine-grained bit

energy allocation and the resulting dense constellation, RCM codes are able to achieve

smooth rate adaption in a broad dynamic range. However, they present error floor at

high signal to noise (SNR) values. In order to solve this drawback, authors in [5], [6]

suggest using an LDGM code in parallel with an RCM code with the aim of having

lower error floors. Simulation results in [5], [6] show that the parallel RCM-LDGM

code outperforms RCM schemes significantly and that it presents performances close

to the Shannon limit if suitable design parameters are chosen. However, [5] and [6]

follow the brute force approach to search for good design parameters, which leads to

spending a lot of of time in simulations.

To overcome this problem, in the Chapter 3 we propose the use of EXIT charts and

BER predictions in order to speed up the process of finding good design parameters for

RCM codes and parallel RCM-LDGM codes when the information of a memoryless

source is transmitted. EXIT charts were first introduced by Brink to analyze and

design an iterative coding scheme [7]. Later, authors in [8] propose a curve fitting

procedure based on EXIT chart to design an LDPC code valid for modulation and

detection. Due to the iterative decoding nature of RCM and parallel RCM-LDGM

codes, EXIT charts are a good method for visually exploring the iterative exchange

of information that occur in the decoders of those codes. It should be mentioned that

the authors in [9] were the first to use EXIT charts as a designed aide of RCM codes.

However, they only consider uniform binary sources. It should me remark that due

to the concatenation of two different types of codes (RCM and LDGM), the previous

work in EXIT charts can not be directly applied to the current case.

The novel contributions of this chapter are twofold:

1. Design procedure based on EXIT charts for parallel RCM-LDGM codes suitable


for binary memoryless, both uniform and non-uniform.

2. BER prediction for parallel RCM-LDGM code based on EXIT charts.

In Chapter 4, considering the same scenario we study the transmission of sources

with memory. The source are modeled with Markov Models or Hidden Markov Mod-

els and two different strategies to exploit the time dependence are presented and

compared. Strategy 1 uses a standard RCM-LDGM encoder, but exploits the source

statistics in the decoding process by attaching the factor graph of the source [11] to

the code’s one and running the Sum-Product Algorithm to the entire factor graph.

On the other hand, the second strategy uses the Burrows Wheeler Transformation

[13] to eliminate the time dependence of the source and converts the overall problem

into the transmission of several independent DMS [14] binary sources over an AWGN

channel. This allows optimal spectral efficiency and energy allocation to be used by

the encoder before the transmission improving the system performance.

Finally, the conclusions are presented in the Chapter 5.

For the sake of clarity in the exposition, the Chapter 2 begins by providing a

succinct overview of the key concepts of an RCM code before covering parallel RCM-

LDGM codes.



Chapter 2

Parallel RCM-LDGM Code

This chapter presents a brief introduction to RCM and parallel RCM-LDGM codes

and presents some results of previous works on how these two codes perform. First,

we begin by defining the system model.

2.1 System Model

Consider a point-to-point communications system where a binary memoryless source

with distribution (p0; p1) transmits K bits u = (u1, u2, . . . , uK)> ∈ {0, 1}K×1, across

an AWGN channel, to a far end receiver. To that end, the source symbols u are

encoded by a rate R = K/N (bits per real dimension) parallel RCM-LDGM encoder

and QAM modulated before being transmitted. Let

x = (x1 + ix2, x3 + ix4, . . . , xN−1 + ixN)

be the sequence of N/2 complex baseband modulated symbols to be transmitted,

where xi ∈ R denote the coded symbols at the output of the RCM-LDGM encoder.

Assuming independence of the coded symbols {xi}, a set of sufficient statistics to

estimate u is given by the output of an equivalent discrete time AWGN channel


y = (y1, y2, . . . , yN)> ∈ RN×1,

yi = xi + ni, i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , N}

where {ni}Ni=1 are realizations of i.i.d real gaussian random variables, with zero mean

and variance N0/2 (i.e, Ni ∼ N (0, N0/2)). At the receiver side, the decoder estimates

the source symbols u from y.

2.2 RCM encoder block

An RCM code of rate K/M bits per real dimension is characterized1 by an M ×Ksparse generator matrix G. Let D ⊂ N be a multiset2 with d

(c)RCM/2 elements where

N is the set of natural numbers (positive integers). The entries of G belong to ±D,

and we next explain the way as it is constructed with an example.

As an example, if d(c)RCM = 8, and assuming K divisible of by d

(c)RCM , then the

construction of matrix G is given by the following steps:

1. Construct the K/2×K matrix G0 as

G0 =

Π(Dd3) Π(Dd4) Π(Dd1) Π(Dd2)

Π(Dd1) Π(Dd2) Π(Dd3) Π(Dd4)

Π(Dd4) Π(Dd3) Π(Dd2) Π(Dd1)

Π(Dd2) Π(Dd1) Π(Dd4) Π(Dd3)


where Π(·) denotes random column permutations of a matrix, and Ddl is a

K/8×K/4 sparse matrix given by:

Ddl =

dl −dl 0 0 0 0 . . . 0 0

0 0 dl −dl 0 0 . . . 0 0

0 0 0 0 dl −dl . . . 0 0

























0 0 0 0 0 0 0 dl −dl

1without loss of generality, it is assumed that K is an even integer2A multiset is a generalization of the concept of a set that, unlike a set, allows multiple instances

of the multiset’s elements.


with dl ∈ D, for l ∈ {1, . . . , d(c)RCM/2}.

2. Vertically stack as many G0 as needed (and only as many rows as needed from

the last one) until the required M ×K G matrix is obtained.

Observe that d(c)RCM gives the number of nonzero entries of any row of G. Similarly,

we denote by d(vk)RCM ≥ 2 the number of nonzero entries of column k of matrix G, and

by d(v)

RCM its average value, i.e, d(v)

RCM = 1K

∑Kk=1 d

(vk)RCM .

Given the message u, the jth RCM symbol, xj, is obtained as

xj = [Gu]j,1 j ∈ 1, . . . ,M

where [ · ]j,1 is the element at row j of the column 1.






Source bits










+ x1

+ x2

+ x3

+ xM

RCM symbols






Figure 2-1: Bipartite graph representation of the RCM bit-to-symbol mapping.

2.3 Parallel RCM-LDGM code

A parallel RCM-LDGM code of rate K/(M +I) bits per real dimension consist of the

parallel concatenation of an RCM code of rate K/M with a high rate binary regular


LDGM code that produces I non-systematic coded binary symbol from its K input

binary symbols (refer to Fig. 2-2). That is, the encoded symbol sequence is given by3

xᵀ =

[(Gu)ᵀ |

(2 · ((Pu mod 2)− 1



where G is the M ×K RCM matrix introduced in Section 2.2) and whose entry at

the j(th) row and the i(th) column is gj,i. P is a I ×K sparse matrix with with binary

entries. The matrix P is characterized by the pair (d(v)LDGM , d

(c)LDGM), denoting the

number of nonzero elements of a column and of a row, respectively. Recall that the

objective of the LDGM code is to reduce the error floor produced by the RCM code

but without degrading the RCM waterfall region.

U1 U2 U3 UK



x1 x2 xM xM+1 xM+2 xN−1 xN

I = N −M coded bits of LDGMM RCM symbols


Figure 2-2: Factor graph representing the parallel RCM-LDGM code

2.4 Decoder Block

At the receiver side, upon receiving y, the decoder approximates a MAP detector by

finding the estimate uk of uk, for k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , K} as

uk = arg maxuk={0,1}

p(uk|y), (2.1)

3Obersve that the last I symbols are encoded using a 2-PAM modulation.


where p(·|·) is the conditional probability mass function of uk given y. To find these

conditional probabilities, the sum-product algorithm (SPA) [10] is applied to the

factor graph that models the overall communications system. This factor graph is

sketched in Fig. 2-2. Let rj,k and qk,j denote the passing log-likelihood ratios (LLR)

messages from the jth check node (CN) to the kth variable node (VN), and from the

kth VN to the jth CN, respectively. In what follows, we denote by n(Uk) \ Tj and

n(Tj) \Uk the set of CN connected to VN Uk without considering CN Tj, and the set

of VN connected to CN Tj without considering VN k, respectively.

At each iteration t, the sum-product algorithm is implemented by the sequential

execution of the following steps:

• STEP 1. q(t)k,i: Message passing from variable nodes {Uk}Kk=1 to RCM

and LDGM check nodes {Ti}M+Ii=1 .

q(t)k,i =


r(t−1)j,k + log



where r(0)j,k = 0 for k ∈ {1, . . . , K} and j ∈ n(Uk) \ Ti and (p1; p0) is the distri-

bution of the memoryless binary source.

• STEP 2. r(t)i,k: Message passing from RCM-LDGM check nodes, {Ti}M+I

i=1 ,

to variable nodes {Uk}Kk=1.

– Computation at RCM check nodes {Ti}Mi=1: Observe that xj =∑

i gj,iui

and define aj,k =∑

i∼k gj,iui. Combining both terms we get xj = aj,k +

gj,kuk for all k ∈ n(Tj), and the received symbol yj = xj +nj. The message

r(t)i,k is calculated as r

(t)i,k =


(∑z P

(t)(aj,k = z) · e−(yj−z−gj,k)2/N0

∑z P

(t)(aj,k = z) · e−(yj−z)2/N0


where the sum in z is over all possible values that the RCM symbols can

take. Notice that P (t)(aj,k = z), the probability of aj,k = z at iteration t, is

calculated in a straightforward manner by convolving terms added, where


the distribution functions of the terms in the summation are obtained

from the received LLR messages q(t)k,i. An efficient way to implement these

convolutions is explained in [1].

– Computation at LDGM check nodes {Ti}M+Ii=M+1: As in standard

LDGM codes, the LLR message transmitted from the ith check node to

the variable node Uk is given by r(t)i,k =




) ∏






where γi =(yi + 1)2 − (yi − 1)2



At the end of the iterations, when t = tmax, an estimate of uk (see 2.1) can be

calculated as

uk =


j∈n(Uk) r(tmax)j,k

)> 0

0, otherwise

2.5 Example of RCM and parallel RCM-LDGM


In this section we show the BER vs SNR behaviour of RCM and parallel RCM-LDGM

codes. To that end, we consider a spectral efficiency of ρ = 7.4 with source blocks

of K = 37000 uniformly distributed bits. Therefore, the RCM code will contain

10000 RCM symbols. For the parallel RCM-LDGM code, I has been chosen to be

200, leading to 9800 RCM symbols in parallel to the 200 LDGM ones. Two different

weight sets are considered, D1 = {1, 2, 4, 4} and D2 = {2, 3, 4, 8}.As it is observed in the Fig. 2-3 the RCM codes suffer from a large error floor

which is corrected when some LDGM symbols are concatenated in parallel. The

substitutions of few RCM symbols for the LDGM ones (maintaining the spectral

efficiency) leads to a worse behavior at low SNR. However, at a given SNR, each


22 23 24 25 26 27 28







RCM 1 2 4 4

RCM-LDGM 1 2 4 4

RCM 2 3 4 8

RCM-LDGM 2 3 4 8

Figure 2-3: SNR vs BER behaviour of two RCM and parallel RCM-LDGM codesobtained by Montecarlo simulations.

parallel code outperforms its RCM counterpart.

Finally, it can be seen that with a good selection of parameters, the RCM-LDGM

codes can perform close to the Shannon limits. The obtaining of the BER vs SNR

curves by montecarlo simulations is computationally expensive, and therefore, the

Chapter 3 develops an alternative way to design good codes based on Exit Charts.



Chapter 3

Exit Chart Analysis and BER


The selection of good design parameters for the codes used in any point-to-point

communications system is crucial to achieve performances close to the Shannon fun-

damental limit. For example, when considering the case of a single RCM code one

has to select a good weight set D. For a given set of design parameters, authors

in [5, 6], perform BER vs. SNR simulations of the overall communications chain.

This procedure was repeated until a good combination of parameters was found. The

drawback of this procedure is that it takes long computational time. To overcome this

problem, the authors in [9] proposed an EXIT chart analysis for a fast performance

prediction of design parameters, shortening in this way the RCM parameter selection

procedure. As already mentioned, this EXIT chart analysis cannot be directly ap-

plied since two different types of check nodes RCM and LDGM are blend together.

This paper extends the analysis to parallel RCM-LDGM codes, considering as well

nonuniform sources. Furthermore, it also presents a BER prediction analysis based

on EXIT charts that was not previously considered in the literature for this type of



3.1 Exit Chart

The model for EXIT chart analysis is composed of two types of decoders (refer to Fig.

3-1): variable node decoder (VND) composed of all variable nodes, and check node

decoder (CND) composed of two different types of check nodes: RCM and LDGM.

The LLR values communicating between the two decoders are modeled as outcomes

of real-valued random variables E (output from either a VND or CND) and A (input

from either a VND or CND).


encodersource π





I(U ;E(cn)) = I(U ;A(vn))

I(U ;A(cn)) = I(U ;E(vn))




Figure 3-1: Random variable E(vn) models the extrinsic information produced at theVND when A(vn) is the a priori information arriving at VND. Similarly, E(cn) is theextrinsic information produced at the CND when A(cn) and channel output are the apriori information arriving at the CND. The Factor Graph of the VND and CND isgiven in Fig. 2-2.

To characterize the behavior of a node decoder, either check or variable, we de-

scribe the mutual information I(E;U) between the decoder’s LLR extrinsic output

E and a binary source symbol U with distribution (p1; p0), as a function of the mu-

tual information I(A;U) between the decoder’s LLR a priori input A and U . These

mutual informations are given by,

I(L;U) = p0

∫ ∞



p0fL(ξ|0) + p1fL(ξ|1))


+ p1

∫ ∞



p0fL(ξ|0) + p1fL(ξ|1))

)dξ (3.1)

where L ∈ {A,E} and fL(ξ|u), for u = 0, 1, is the conditional probability density

function of L given U and should be taken according to the node decoder under

consideration, that is, whether it is a VND or a CND (These conditional p.d.f.s are

developed in Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2). In the sequel, we will denote I(L;U) for a


VND or a CND as IL,VND = I(L(vn);U) or IL,CND = I(L(cn);U), respectively.

In the course of deriving the EXIT chart for the parallel RCM-LDGM code, we

will need the following parameters:

p(vn)RCM ,

M · d(v)RCMM · d(v)RCM + I · d(v)LDGM

and (3.2)

p(cn)RCM ,


d(c)RCM + d



which they give the average percentage of edge connections arriving to a VN from

a RCM check node, and the percentage of edge connections arriving to RCM check

node from a VN, respectively.

3.1.1 EXIT Curve of VND of the parallel RCM-LDGM code

The EXIT curve of the VND is given by the transfer characteristic between IE,VND =

I(E(vn);U) and IA,VND = I(A(vn);U). Note that the realizations of both r.v.’s are

the passing messages of the sum-product algorithm, {ri,k} and {qk,i}, respectively. In

order to evaluate these mutual informations from (3.1), the conditional p.d.f. of the

a priori A(vn) and the extrinsic E(vn) at a variable node decoder, given U have to be


Note that as opposed to previous works on EXIT charts, in an RCM-LDGM code

one has to consider two types of a priori messages arriving at a VND: first, the

messages arriving from an edge connected to a RCM check node, A(vn)RCM , and second,

the messages arriving from and edge connedted to a LDGM check node, A(vn)LDGM .

In order to simplify calculations, it is assumed in [9] that the conditional p.d.f. of

A(vn)RCM is modeled as the LLR r.v. obtained at the output of a virtual AWGN channel

when its input are uniform1 binary source symbols U , i.e.,

Y = U +N, N ∼ N(0, σ2

). (3.4)

1The a priori probability of the source symbols is already implied in the STEP 1 of the SPA.


Therefore, the LLR a priori message A(vn)RCM at a variable node is

A(vn)RCM = log

(P (u = 1|Y )

P (u = 0|Y )


2U − 1



Having said that, the following assumptions have been made in our case:

A(vn)RCM |U ∼ N

((2u− 1)(σ2

A)/2, (σ2A))


A(vn)LDGM |U ∼ N

((2u− 1)(σ2

B)/2, (σ2B)). (3.6)

In other words, the conditional p.d.f.’s of A(vn)RCM and A

(vn)LDGM are modeled as the LLR

r.v. obtained at the output of two virtual AWGN channels Y1 = U+N1

(N1 ∼ N

(0, 1



and Y2 = U + N2

(N2 ∼ N

(0, 1


)), respectively, when their inputs are the binary

source symbols U .

The EXIT chart for the VND is now defined by the application f

f : R2+ −→ [0, 1]× [0, 1]

(σ2A, σ

2B) −→ (IA,VND, IE,VND)

As it explained latter, given (σ2A, σ

2B) the computation of the mutual informations

IA,VND and IE,VND are based on the conditional p.d.f.’s A(vn)|U in (3.9) and E(vn)|Uin (3.14), respectively, which in turn are derived from distributions (3.5) and (3.6).

The main difference of having two types of CN’s rather than one as in the case of

a standard EXIT chart, is that these mutual informations depend on two variables

σ2A, σ

2B instead of on one, σ2


Observe that if variables σ2A, σ

2B were taken independently, this f would define a

closed surface R in [0, 1] × [0, 1]. However, these two variables are not independent

since their actual values are sequentially obtained at each iteration of the sum product

algorithm. Therefore, for each code, an implicit curve Fσ(σ2A, σ

2B) = 0 in the R2


domain plane will result and consequently its image in f will produce an EXIT


implicit VND curve FI(I(A,U), I(E,U)) = 0 in [0, 1]× [0, 1].

Calculating this exact implicit trajectory is computationally expensive which is

against the objective of any EXIT chart analysis. Simulations have shown that the

implicit curve Fσ = 0 can be linearly approximated Therefore, in order to further

simplify our model, we will assume Fσ(σ2A, σ

2B) = 0 is modeled as σ2

B −σ2A

κ= 0. This


A(vn)RCM |U ∼ N

((2u− 1)


2, (σ2



A(vn)LDGM |U ∼ N

((2u− 1)


2 · κ ,(σ2



). (3.8)

The constant κ scales the variance of the distribution of A(vn)LDGM with respect to

the variance of A(vn)RCM . The steps to compute κ are explained in the Appendix A.

Let us now go back to the computation of the p.d.f. of the a priori messages A(vn)

at a VND. Since we have two types a priori messages, the corresponding conditional

p.d.f of A(vn)|U , is given by the compound conditional p.d.f.:

A(vn)|U ∼ fA(vn)(a|u) =



(a|u)p(vn)RCM + f


(a|u)(1− p(vn)RCM) (3.9)

where the gaussian fA


, fA


are given in (3.7), (3.8) and p(vn)RCM in (3.2).

Once fA(vn)(a|u) is known, the conditional distribution of the extrinsic E(vn) r.v.

at the variable node decoder can be computed. To this end, note that there are

two type of the LLR messages: messages passed on an edge connecting a V N to a

RCM check node (modeled by a r.v. denoted by E(vn)RCM), and messages passed on an

edge connecting a V N to a LDGM check node (model by a r.v. E(vn)LDGM). From the

corresponding connections of factor graph, yields,


E(vn)RCM = (d


RCM − 1)A(vn)RCM + d


(vn)LDGM + log



E(vn)LDGM = d


RCMA(vn)RCM + (d

(v)LDGM − 1)A

(vn)LDGM + log



and the corresponding conditional p.d.f.



(e|u) = N

(2u− 1)



RCM − 1 +d(v)LDGM



2+ log


), σ2



RCM − 1 +d(v)LDGM






(e|u) = N

(2u− 1)



RCM +d(v)LDGM−1



2+ log


), σ2



RCM +d(v)LDGM − 1




Again, since we have two types of extrinsic messages, the overall conditional p.d.f.

of the extrinsic LLR r.v.’s E(vn)|U is given by the compound conditional p.d.f.,

E(vn)|U ∼ fE(vn)(e|u) =



(e|u)p(cn)RCM + f


(e|u)(1− p(cn)RCM) (3.14)

where p(cn)RCM is given in (3.3). From fA(vn)(a|u) and fE(vn)(e|u), the mutual informa-

tions IA,VND and IE,VND are obtained as parametric expressions of σ2A.

3.1.2 EXIT Curve of CND of the parallel RCM-LDGM code

From the fact that the a priori information A(cn) at the check node decoder equals to

the extrinsic information E(vn) at the variable node decoder (refer to Fig. 3-1)), the

distribution f(cn)A (a|u) of A(cn) is given by the p.d.f. in (3.14), interchanging E by A,


that is,

A(cn)|U ∼ fA(cn)(a|u) =



(a|u)p(cn)RCM + f


(a|u)(1− p(cn)RCM) (3.15)

From (3.1) we get IA,CND.

To compute IE,CND, we need to find the the conditional p.d.f. fE(cn)(e|u) of the

extrinsic LLR information E(cn) at the CND. This is done by running Step 2 (Section

2.4) of the sum-product algorithm and setting qk,i = a, where a are realizations of a

random variable A(cn) with conditional p.d.f. (3.15). The empirical conditional p.d.f.

fE(cn)(e|u) is now found by the histogram of the realizations {ri,k}.

3.1.3 Trajectories of Iterative Decoding

To account for the iterative nature of the suboptimal SPA, both the VND and CND

transfer characteristics should be plotted into a single diagram. However, the axis

of the transfer characteristics of the VND are swapped. As long as the SNR is large

enough so that both transfer curves do not intersect, the iterative process will achieve

its maximum mutual information values, that is, (H(p0), H(p0)), and consequently

achieving a low BER. Therefore, the code design problem reduces to find weight sets

D, I and d(v)LDGM that the intersections of the curves first occurs at SNR as close as

possible to the corresponding Shannon limit. For more details on this procedure, we

refer to the simulation results section.

Remark 1 : Note that the EXIT Curve of VND only depends on the values of


RCM and d(v)LDGM . On the other hand, the EXIT Curve of the CND depends on all

the parameters of the code and source, i.e., {D, SNR, d(v)

RCM , d(v)LDGM , d

(c)LDGM , M , I}.

Remark 2 : The EXIT chart for a RCM code can be calculated as a particular

case of the parallel LDGM-RCM where p(vn)RCM = 1 and p

(cn)RCM = 1.


3.1.4 Predicting the BER from the EXIT Chart

The EXIT chart can be used to obtain an estimate on the BER after an arbitrary

number of iterations. Following the sum-product algorithm, the LLR value of the

decision variable, sk, of the variable node k at the end of a set of iterations, is obtained

as the sum of all LLR messages ri,k that were passed over a single edge connecting a

CN, i, with the corresponding VN, k, that is, sk =∑

i ri,k for i ∈ n(Uk). From the

previous assumptions, and for the sake of deriving a simple formula on the bit error

probability Pb, ri,k can be considered to be a realization of independent Gaussian

random variables A(vn)RCM and A

(vn)LDGM . Its conditional p.d.f. given U is

S|U ∼ N(µS(u), σ2



with σ2S = d


RCM · σ2A +


κ· σ2

A, and µS(u) = (2u − 1)σ2S

2+ log


). The BER

performance is now obtained as

Pb = p0P (S > 0|U = 0) + p1P (S ≤ 0|U = 1) . (3.16)

Observe that

P (S > 0|U = 0) = 1−Q(µS(0)



P (S ≤ 0|U = 1) = Q




where Q(ξ) is the Q function

Q(ξ) =1√2π

∫ ∞



2 dy.

Remark 3 : The BER for a RCM code can be estimated as a particular case of the

parallel LDGM-RCM with d(v)LDGM = 0.


3.2 Simulation Results

In this section, we apply the EXIT chart analysis and BER prediction method pro-

posed in Section 3.1 for finding good RCM-LDGM codes in order to reduce their

design simulation time. The considered scenarios are the following:

1. A spectral efficiency of ρ = 7.4 with source blocks of K = 37000 bits and coded

as M = 9800 RCM and I = 200 LDGM symbols.

2. A spectral efficiency of ρ = 4 with source blocks of K = 25000 and coded as

M = 11350 RCM and I = 135 LDGM symbols.

We consider six different weight sets: D1 = {1, 2, 4, 4}, D2 = {2, 3, 4, 8} and

D3 = {2, 3, 7, 10} and a P matrix with two different values of d(v)LDGM = 1 and

d(v)LDGM = 2 for the Scenario 1 and D4 = {1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2}, D5 = {1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4} and

D6 = {2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4} and a P matrix with d(v)LDGM = 1 for the Scenario 2.

Therefore, nine different codes are analyzed. Furthermore, in each scenario three

different sources will be considered, one uniform p0 = 0.5, and two nonuniform with

p0 = 0.8 and 0.95. We begin by analyzing the EXIT chart.

3.2.1 Bit error rate from the EXIT charts

As explained in the section 3.1.4, an estimated BER can be assigned to each point of

the Variable Node (VN) curve of the Exit chart. Therefore, the BER of a particular

code at a given SNR is obtained from the value of the VN point where both curves

intersect. This is illustrated in Figs. 3-2 and 3-3 where EXIT charts of both scenarios

are plotted and the corresponding BER values of the VN at the intersection points are

shown. The EXIT chart of Fig. 3-2 corresponds to Scenario 1 with a uniform source

and d(v)LDGM = 1 and 2. On the other hand, Fig. 3-3 corresponds to the Scenario 2 for

a nonuniform source with entropy H(0.2) = 0.72 where only the case of d(v)LDGM = 1

is considered. The predicted BER points of these two examples are summarized in

tables 3.1 and 3.2.


Note that when there is no crossing point in the EXIT chart (i.e., there is an open

channel between curves), the LDGM part is supposed to correct all errors and in this

case a low BER is supposed (refer to Section 3.2.2). An example of an open channel

is D2 of Fig. 3-2 for both d(v)LDGM = 1 and 2.

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1







0.58 0.59 0.6 0.61




0.62 0.64 0.66






7.0e-02 6.7e-02

Figure 3-2: EXIT chart and predicted BER at crossing points at SNR= 24dB ofScenario 1 with a uniform source (p0 = 0.5) and d

(v)LDGM = 1, 2.

Recall that the VN curve of the EXIT chart depends on M , I, d(v)LDGM and d

(c)RCM ,

whereas the CND curve depends also on the actual values of D and the SNR. There-

fore, it is only possible to compare codes with different weights and/or SNR in a

single diagram. An example of how the EXIT chart depends on d(v)LDGM is illustrated

in Fig 3-2.

As it can be observed from Fig. 3-3, increasing the SNR moves the CND curve

upwards, postponing the crossing point between curves and therefore, predicting a

lower BER.

The parameter κ of our Gaussian assumption (3.8) was obtained using the steps

3.1.1 for each Scenario and d(v)LDGM . For the first Scenario the value obtained for κ


Code Predicted BER

D1 d(v)LDGM = 1 9e− 2

D1 d(v)LDGM = 2 8.7e− 2

D2 d(v)LDGM = 1 Open channel

D2 d(v)LDGM = 2 Open channel

D3 d(v)LDGM = 1 7e− 2

D3 d(v)LDGM = 2 6.78e− 2

Table 3.1: Predicted BER values of Fig. 3-2

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8







0.56 0.58 0.6 0.62 0.64 0.66


2.4 e-04

4.3 e-023.0 e-03

2.3 e-02

1.6 e-02

1.1 e-02

Figure 3-3: EXIT chart and predicted BER at crossing points of Scenario 2 with anonuniform source (p0 = 0.8) and d

(v)LDGM = 1.

was approximately 30 and 110 for d(v)LDGM = 1 and d

(v)LDGM = 2, respectively. For the

second Scenario the value of κ obtained is 2.3.

It should be mentioned that the EXIT curves always end at (H(p0), H(p0)), where

H(p0) is the entropy of the source. This can be seen for the nonuniform source in

Fig. 3-3 (H = 0.72).


Code Predicted BERD4@10dB 1.6e− 2D4@12dB 2.4e− 4D5@10dB 2.3e− 2D5@12dB 3e− 3D6@10dB 1.1e− 2D6@12dB 4.2e− 4

Table 3.2: Predicted BER values of Fig. 3-3

3.2.2 Performance of the BER estimation

Next, we analyze the performance of our estimation for the parallel RCM-LDGM

codes. To that end, we compare the BER obtained by Monte-Carlo simulation with

those obtained from the EXIT chart analysis.

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16








p0 = 0.8p0 = 0.95 p0 = 0.5

Figure 3-4: Simulated (solid curves) and predicted (dashed-squared curve) BER ver-

sus SNR for the RCM-LDGM codes of the Scenario 2 with d(v)LDGM = 1 for uniform

and nonuniform sources (p0 = 0.5, 0.8 and 0.95).

Note that when the SNR is such that there is no crossing point between EXIT

curves, the channel is open and for these cases the actual BER will be very small


10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26







p0 = 0.8 p0 = 0.5p0 = 0.95

Figure 3-5: Simulated (solid curves) and predicted (dashed-squared curve) BER ver-

sus SNR for the RCM-LDGM codes of the Scenario 1 with d(v)LDGM = 1 for uniform

and nonuniform sources (p0 = 0.5, 0.8 and 0.95). Vertical lines correspond to channelopenings for the code with the same colour.

but difficult to predict. This is shown as vertical lines in the figures with the colour

of the code that opens at that SNR. For example, for the code with weight set

D2 = {2, 3, 4, 8}(colour red) shown in Fig. 3-5, and for the case of a uniform source

the channel opens at SNR 24dB.

As it can be seen in Figs. 3-4, 3-5 and 3-6, for those SNR that make the EXIT

curves intersect (i.e., in the high BER region), our BER prediction is accurate in

both scenarios. On the other hand, for those SNRs where there is an open channel

(i.e., low BER region), the BER is set to zero since no other prediction is possible.

Observe that, in these cases, our prediction of the waterfall region is always better

than the actual simulated BER. A possible explanation is that, given a rate, the

EXIT chart only depends on the ratio between RCM and LDGM symbols and not

on the particular length of the blocks that can be assumed to be infinite length. On


10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26







p0 = 0.8 p0 = 0.5p0 = 0.95

Figure 3-6: Simulated (solid curves) and predicted (dashed-squared curve) BER ver-

sus SNR for the RCM-LDGM codes of the Scenario 1 with d(v)LDGM = 2 for uniform

and nonuniform sources (p0 = 0.5, 0.8 and 0.95). Vertical lines correspond to channelopenings for the code with the same colour.

the other hand, simulations are performed with finite blocks lengths of 37.000 bits.

In addition, observe that the codes with d(v)LDGM = 2 present a wider gap between our

prediction and the actual BER curve. A possible reason is that when d(v)LDGM = 2,

cycles are more likely to appear in the factor graph when compared to codes with

d(v)LDGM = 1.

In either case, the proposed technique allows to find good codes without extensive

simulations: In order to obtain a BER value around 5·10−5 by Montecarlo techniques,

at least 2 ·106 bits (i.e, 54 blocks of 37000 bits) have to be simulated in order to count

100 errors. The simulation of each block requires many iterations (between 50-75) of

the steps in 2.4. On the contrary, our proposed technique only requires one iteration

per σ2A (where σ2

A takes a few equally spaced values in some appropriated interval),

resulting in a speed up of around two orders of magnitude.


Chapter 4

Strategies for Sources with


4.1 Introduction

We consider the transmission of a block of K binary symbols, U = {Uk}Kk=1, generated

by a time correlated binary source S, over an AWGN channel, with a noise Z, to a

destination. For that, we assume that the source S follows a Markov Chain (MC)

with γ states or a Hidden Markov Model. We denote H (S) its entropy rate. For the

transmission of U = {Uk}Kk=1, we use a Joint Source Channel Code (JSCC) composed

of an encoder E and a decoder D with rate R = K/N . This is represented in Fig. 4-1.








Figure 4-1: Conventional joint source-channel coding for a P2P communication sys-tem of rate R = K/N (binary symbols per channel symbol).


We would like to compare the performance of two different communications sys-

tems, namely, the standard point to point (P2P) communications system shown in

Fig. 4-1 with that of Fig 4-2, where the Burrows Wheeler Transform (BWT) is ap-

plied to U = {Uk}Kk=1 before its encoding step.






Figure 4-2: BWT communication system.

First of all, we begin by defining both types of sources.

4.1.1 Source Characterization

We statistically characterize the sequence u = {uk}Kk=1 by the probability mass distri-

bution (p.m.d.), P (u1, . . . , uK), of the source. Without loss of generality, P (u1, . . . , uK)

can be approximated by a time invariant Markov Chain (MC) or a Hidden Markov

Model (HMM) with a sufficient number of states.

Markov Chain

A discrete stochastic process {Sk}∞k=1 is a Markov Chain (MC) with Sk as the state

at instant k if

PSk|Sk−1...S1 (sk|sk−1, . . . s1) =PSk|Sk−1(sk|sk−1) , (4.1)

for k ∈ {1, . . . ,∞}. Furthermore, the MC is time invariant if (4.1) does not depend on

k. A time invariant MC is characterized by the set of parameters λMC , {Sλ, A,Γ},where

• Sλ is the number of states in the chain. That is, Sk ∈ {1, 2, . . . Sλ}, ∀k.


• A is a Sλ×Sλ state transition probability matrix with entries ai,j, where ai,j ,

PSk|Sk−1(j|i), for i, j ∈ {1, . . . , Sλ}, satisfying

∑Sλj=1 ai,j = 1, ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , Sλ}.

• Γ is a Sλ × 1 initial state probability vector with components PS1(i), i ∈{1, . . . , Sλ}. For a stationary MC, Γ equals to the stationary distribution of

the chain, i.e., Γ = AΓ.


a1;1 a2;2




PS1(1) PS1


Figure 4-3: Example of a Markov Chain of two states.

Hidden Markov Model

A very useful generalization of the MC model is the Hidden Markov Model [11], [12].

In this case the mapping between the states and source symbols is probabilistic rather

than deterministic. Therefore, an HMM model is defined by the set of parameters

λHMM , {Sλ, A,B,Γ}, where

• Sλ, A and Γ are defined as for the MC case.

• B is a Sλ × |U| output distribution probability matrix with entries bi,j ,

PUk|Sk(j|i), for j ∈ U and i ∈ {1, . . . Sλ}. Notice that U is the alphabet of

the source.



a1;1 a2;2




PS1(1) PS1







a3;1Hidden states

Visible source symbols

1 0

b1;1 b2;1b1;3 b2;3b1;2 b2;2

Figure 4-4: Example of a hidden markov model with 3 states and two output symbols”1” and ”0”.

Since we are going to work with bits, we will consider Markov Chains with two

states or HMM with any number of hidden states but U = {0, 1} (|U| = 2).

4.2 Proposed Strategies

In this section we explain two novel strategies when the joint RCM-LDGM code is

used to transmit binary symbols of a source with memory.

4.2.1 Strategy 1

In Strategy 1, we encode the correlated source symbols using the encoder block in-

troduced in Section 2.2 but we modify the decoder block introduced in Section 2.4 to

exploit the correlation of the source. More precisely, we propose attaching the factor

graph that models the source to the factor graph that represents the code and the


Uk−1 UkU1 UK

Sk−1Sk−2 Sk

... ...

... ...

Tk−1 TkTk−2 Tk+1

qk;k rk;k

T1 T2 TM TM+1 TM+I... ...

x1 x2 xM xM+1 xM+I

RCM symbols LDGM symbols





Figure 4-5: Factor graph of the parallel RCM-LDGM code with the source’s factorgraph attached.

AWGN channel, and run the sum product algorithm to the whole factor graph. This

is represented in Fig. 4-5 and an iteration of the SPA of this factor graph consists of

the sequential execution of the following steps:

• STEP 1: Message passing from variable nodes {Uk}Kk=1 to function

nodes of RCM and LDGM, {Ti}Ni=K+1. This step is exactly the as STEP 1

of Section 2.4.

• STEP 2: Message passing from function nodes of RCM and LDGM,

{Ti}Ni=K+1, to variable nodes {Uk}Kk=1. This step is exactly the as STEP 2 of

Section 2.4.

• STEP 3: Message passing from variable nodes {Uk}Kk=1 to function

nodes of HMM, {Tk}Kk=1.

qk,k =∑



• STEP 4: Message passing from function nodes of HMM, {Tk}Kk=0, to

variable nodes {Uk}Kk=1. We first need to compute the forward and backward


recursions (α (sk) , β (sk−1)). That is,

α(sk) =∑


Tk(sk−1, sk, uk)qk,kα(sk) (4.2)

β(sk−1) =∑


Tk(sk−1, sk, uk)qk,kβ(sk), (4.3)

where Tk (sk−1, sk, uk), for k = 0, 1, . . . , K, is the kth factor node of HMM, which

is given by

Tk (sk−1, sk, uk) =

f(sk) for k = 0

f(xk|sk−1) for k = K

f(sk|sk−1)f(xk|sk−1) else

Taking into account (4.2) and (4.3), we have that

P (uk = 0) =∑


Tk(sk−1, sk, uk = 0)α(sk−1)β(sk)

P (uk = 1) =∑


Tk(sk−1, sk, uk = 1)α(sk−1)β(sk).


rk,k = log

(P (uk = 1)

P (uk = 0)


4.2.2 Strategy 2

Strategy 2 proposes applying the Burrows Wheeler Transform (BWT), explained in

Section 4.2.2, to the correlated symbols before and after the encoding and decoding

steps respectively. This is shown in Fig. 4-2.

Before explaining Strategy 2, we first introduce the key concepts of the BWT.


Burrows Wheeler Transform (BWT)

Let T = {Tk}Kk=1, Tk ∈ {0, 1} denote the output sequence of the BWT of {Uk}Kk=1.

Authors in [14] show that the probability distribution of T = {Tk}Kk=1, QT (t), is

approximately piecewise memoryless, i.e.,

QT (t) =






where wi ∈ N and w0 = 1 and wM = K+1. Notice that for a source characterized by

a Markov chain, Sλ defines the number of piecewise memoryless intervals Li defined

as, Li = [wi−1 − wi). Each of these intervals has a length of Ki = |Li| bits, where

K =∑Sλ

i=1Ki, and is characterized by a first order probability distribution:

Pi(tk) ,

p0i if tk = 0

p1i if tk = 1

where k ∈ Li. Furthermore, the ratios Ki/K do not depend on K.

Therefore, we can consider that the output sequence of the BWT has been gen-

erated by S1,S2 . . . ,SSλ independent DMS binary sources, each with an entropy of

Hi = −p0i log p0i − (1− p0i ) log(1− p0i ), i = 1, 2, . . . , Sλ.

Observe that by the independence of the sources and their symbols, the entropy rate

of the original source can be expressed as

H (S) =




KHi. (4.4)

That is, each source Si generates Ti = {Tk}wi−1k=wi−1binary symbols of length Ki, such

that T = {T1,T2, . . . ,TSλ}.


Source Splitting Scheme

Based on this source splitting scheme and on time division multiplexing, Strategy 2

converts the conventional JSCC-P2P-AWGN(N0/2) scheme of rateR = C(SNR)/H(S)

for the transmission of the binary symbols generated by a memory source S(H(S))

into Sλ parallel JSCC-P2P-AWGN(N0/2) of rates Ri = C(SNRi)/Hi each driven by

a memoryless source Si(Hi) and some SNRi. This is shown in Fig. 4-6. This is shown

in Fig. 4-6. The following proposition finds the minimum average SNR over the Sλ

parallel channels under the restriction that∑Sλ

i=1Ri = R.

S1 H1 C




K1 T1

S2 H2 C




K2 T2

Sλ Hλ C












Figure 4-6: Equivalent BWT communication system of Fig. 4-2. Note that K =∑γi=1Ki.

Theorem 1. For any given rate R = K/N , the optimal signal to noise ratio allocation

of each parallel JSCC represented in Fig. 4-6 equals to the signal to noise ratio of the

standard P2P communications system shown in Fig. 4-1. For that, each partial rate


of each parallel JSCC code of Fig. 4-6 equals to Ri = RH(S)Hi


Proof. Given a set of signal-to-noise ratios {SNRi}γi=1, the rates for the JSCC encoders

in Fig. 4-6 are given by the Shannon’s separation theorem as:

Ri =Ki




, i = 1, . . . , γ

where in our case K =∑γ


We sought to minimize the overall signal to noise ratio of the γ parallel AWGN

channels, i.e.,





SNRi =







under the constrain that the total rate equal to the rate of conventional system, that


R =K





Therefore, the constrain reduces to

N =



Nj =





Using the Lagrange multipliers method, we define F as

F =∑





C (SNRi)+ λ




C (SNRi)−N


We search for an extreme of F , i.e.,



= 0





= KiHi

( C(SNRi)N

− λ+SNRi2 log(2)(1+SNRi)

C (SNRi)2

)= 0

the set of {SNR∗i }γi=1 that minimize F is given given by solving this equation

C(SNR∗i )


λ+ SNR∗i2 log(2)(1 + SNR∗i )


From expression (4.6) we arrive to the conclusion that the optimal SNR∗i are all

equal to some SNR∗. Using the constraint that the total rate equals the rate of the

conventional system, expressed in (4.5), we arrive to

N =∑


Ni =∑



C (SNR∗)=

KH (S)

C (SNR∗)

Therefore, we arrive thatK


H (S)

Since KN

= C(SNR)H(S) , we conclude that SNR∗i = SNR∗ = SNR, where SNR = 2


1 is the signal-to-noise ratio used by the conventional system of Fig. 4-1 to achieve

the given rate KN


Finally, the optimal coding rate for each parallel JSCC in Fig. 4-6 is given by

Ri =Ki




=RH (S)



4.3 Results

In this section we evaluate the performance of Strategy 1 and Strategy 2. We fix ρ7.4

bits per two dimensions and input block lengths of 37000.


4.3.1 BER vs SNR of Strategy 1

We will begin by showing BER vs SNR results, obtained by Montecarlo simulations,

for two Hidden Markov Models, one with a higher time-correlated source than the


Example 1. Consider a source with H(S) = 0.53 that is characterized with a Hidden

Markov Model with the following parameters:

• Sλ = 2

• Transition probabilities: a1,1 = 0.9, a2,2 = 0.5.

• Output probabilities: a1,1 = 0.95, a2,2 = 0.5.

After performing numerous simulations of different design parameters of the joint

RCM-LDGM codes, the combination of weight set D = {2, 3, 4, 8} with M = 9800

RCM, I = 200 LDGM symbols and d(v)LDGM = 1 turned out to be the best combination.

The result is shown in the Fig. 4-7 plotted in blue.

Example 2. Consider another source with H(S) = 0.67 that is characterized with a

Hidden Markov Model with the following parameters:

• Sλ = 2

• Transition probabilities: a1,1 = 0.9, a2,2 = 0.6.

• Output probabilities: a1,1 = 0.95, a2,2 = 0.8.

Again, after performing numerous simulations the combination of weight set D =

{2, 3, 4, 8} with M = 9800 RCM, I = 200 LDGM symbols and d(v)LDGM = 1 was

selected. The result is shown in the Fig. 4-7 plotted in red.

As it can be observed in the Fig. 4-7 using the information of the source in the

decoder improves the BER vs SNR behavior, however, the distance to the Shannon

limit is increased. The vertical lines represent the Shannon limits when transmitting

sources with H(S) = 0.53 (blue), H(S) = 0.67 (red) and H(0.5) = 1 (dark). The

dark curve represents the BER vs SNR behaviour when no source information is used

in the decoder, i.e. it is assumed to be uniformly distributed.


10 15 20 25













Figure 4-7: BER vs SNR for Strategy 1 with the sources of the examples withH(S) =0.53 and H(S) = 0.67

4.3.2 Strategy 2

It has been shown in 4.3.1 that using the source information in the decoder improves

the BER vs SNR curve, but it is inefficient in respect to the Shannon limit. Contrary

to the Strategy 1, the Strategy 2 exploits the information of the source to optimize

the encoder. Here we will show the performance of the Strategy 2 and compare with

Strategy 1. In order to test the strategies, two different Markov Models will be used.

Due to the nature of the BWT (refer to Appendix B for more information) one

single error in the transmission chain before performing the inverse BWT leads to an

arbitrary number of errors. Therefore, we will measure the Packet Error Rate (PER)

instead of the BER.

Example 3. Consider a source with H(S) = 0.92 that is characterized with a Markov

Chain with the following parameters:


• Sλ = 2

• Transition probabilities: a1,1 = 0.6, a2,2 = 0.7.

For a source block of 37000 bits, the zero probability profile after applying the BWT is

depicted in the Fig. 4-8. Notice that we can distinguish Sλ = 2 intervals, one with a

priori probability p0 = 0.4 and the other with a priori probability p0 = 0.7. Using 4.4

we can approximate the 37000 source symbols generated by the source with memory

H(S) = 0.92 to K1 = 16444 source symbols generated by a memoryless source with

H(S1) = 0.97 and K2 = 20556 source symbols generated by a another memoryless

source with H(S2) = 0.88

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

K 104










o P



y P



Figure 4-8: Zero probability profile of a source with H(S) = 0.92 characterized by aMarkov Chain.

The PER vs SNR results for this source are shown in the Fig. 4-9. For the

Strategy 1, after performing many simulations the joint RCM-LDGM code with the


weight set D2 = {2, 3, 4, 8} with M = 9900 RCM and I = 100 LDGM symbols with

d(v)LDGM = 3 turned out to be the best configuration. As for the Strategy 2, following

the Theorem 1 two encoders of ρ1 = 7.02 and ρ2 = 7.74 have to be used. Using

the EXIT chart analysis method of the Chapter 3 we arrive to the following design


Weight set M I d(v)LDGM

K1 = 16444 {2, 3, 4, 8} 4596 90 1K2 = 20556 {2, 3, 4, 8} 5204 110 1

Table 4.1: Design parameters of Strategy 2 used in simulation results for H(S) = 0.92.

20 20.5 21 21.5 22 22.5 23 23.5 24 24.5








Strategy 2Strategy 1Shannon limit

Figure 4-9: PER obtained by Montecarlo simulation for a source with H(S) = 0.92characterized by a Markov Chain using Strategy 1 and Strategy 2.

Example 4. Consider another source with H(S) = 0.57 that is characterized with a

Markov Chain with the following parameters:


• Sλ = 2

• Transition probabilities: a1,1 = 0.7, a2,2 = 0.9.

For a source block of 37000 bits, the zero probability profile after applying the BWT is

depicted in the Fig. 4-10. Notice that we can distinguish Sλ = 2 intervals, one with a

priori probability p0 = 0.3 and the other with a priori probability p0 = 0.9. Using 4.4

we can approximate the 37000 source symbols generated by the source with memory

H(S) = 0.57 to K1 = 9024 source symbols generated by a memoryless source with

H(S1) = 0.88 and K2 = 27976 source symbols generated by a another memoryless

source with H(S2) = 0.47

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

K 104











o P



y P



Figure 4-10: Zero probability profile of a source with H(S) = 0.57 characterized bya Markov Chain.

The PER vs SNR results for this source are shown in the Fig. 4-11. For the

Strategy 1, after performing many simulations the joint RCM-LDGM code with the


weight set D2 = {1, 1, 2, 2} with M = 9900 RCM and I = 100 LDGM symbols with

d(v)LDGM = 3 turned out to be the best configuration. As for the Strategy 2, following

the Theorem 1 two encoders of ρ1 = 4.79 and ρ2 = 8.97 have to be used. Using

the EXIT chart analysis method of the Chapter 3 we arrive to the following design


Weight set M I d(v)LDGM

K1 = 9024 {1, 1, 2, 2} 3736 30 3K2 = 27976 {1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2} 6184 50 3

Table 4.2: Design parameters of Strategy 2 used in simulation results for H(S) = 0.57.

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22








Strategy 2Strategy 1Shannon limit

Figure 4-11: PER obtained by Montecarlo simulation for a source with H(S) = 0.57characterized by a Markov Chain using Strategy 1 and Strategy 2.

As it can be observed in the Fig. 4-9 and Fig. 4-11 the Strategy 2 that uses

the source information to optimize the encoding process outperforms the Strategy 1.

When the source correlation is low, i.e. the Example 3, both strategies perform in


a similar manner for SNR = 24.5dB. However, if the source correlation is high, i.e.

the Example 4, the Strategy 2 outperforms the Strategy 1.



Chapter 5


The conclusions are twofold:

• An EXIT chart analysis for RCM-LDGM codes has been developed. This type

of codes are very well suited for high-throughput transmission of uniform and

non-uniform binary memoryless sources. However, when long block lengths

are considered, the search of good design parameters using a brute force ap-

proach is time consuming. The proposed EXIT analysis allows to reduce the

computational complexity by around two orders of magnitude, while the BER

predictions are very close to the results obtained through simulations, especially

at relatively high values of the BER.

• Two different strategies for transmitting time correlated symbols using the

RCM-LDGM family of codes have been analyzed. Strategy 1 takes into ac-

count the source correlation only in the receiver by applying the SPA to the

factor graph composed of the code’s factor graph and the source’s factor graph

attached. On the other hand, the Strategy 2 applies the BWT before the codifi-

cation step to transform the source with memory into non uniformly distributed

memoryless symbols and optimizes their encoding. The Strategy 2 outperform

the Strategy 1, specially when the time correlation is high, since it takes advan-

tage of the source information in the encoder.




Appendix A

Obtaining κ

The constant κ is computed by Monte Carlo simulation through the following iterative


1. Start with an initial value of κ in (3.8), say κ0 = 1, and choose a σ2A such that

the corresponding value of the mutual information computed by the p.d.f. in

(3.7) is in the range (0.5,0.9). For the given σ2A, generate the extrinsic messages

passed from the VN to the LDGM and RCM check nodes according to (3.11)

and (3.10) respectively.

2. Run one iteration of the sum product algorithm to obtain the extrinsic LLR

messages passed from of each LDGM and RCM check nodes to VN, and obtain

their empirical conditional p.d.f.

3. Define κ1 as the ratio between the variances of the empirical conditional distri-

butions of RCM and LDGM obtained in step 2.

4. Starting with κ0 = κ1, repeat the previous 3 steps until κ0 ≈ κ1.

5. Set κ = κ1 in the distribution (3.8).

It has been found that in all simulated cases done that the number of iterations before

convergency is around three.


-20 0 20 40 600


0.04Empirical p.d.f.Modeled p.d.f.

-10 0 10 20 300


0.4Empirical p.d.f.Modeled p.d.f.

-20 0 20 40 600


0.04Empirical p.d.f.Modeled p.d.f.

-10 0 10 20 300


0.4Empirical p.d.f.Modeled p.d.f.

-20 0 20 40 600


0.04Empirical p.d.f.Modeled p.d.f.

-10 0 10 20 300


0.4Empirical p.d.f.Modeled p.d.f.

Figure A-1: Example of the iterations to find κ for the configuration of the scenario1 with d

(v)LDGM = 1 of the Section 3.2. The obtained histograms, conditioned to

U = 1, by Montecarlo simulations are plotted in blue and the corresponding modeledconditional p.d.f.’s in red.

Fig. A-1 shows a graphical example of the steps followed to find κ for a particular

example. The initial obtained empirical conditional p.d.f.’s plotted in blue (i.e., when

κ = 1) are shown in the first row of the image. Note that since κ = 1 the approximated

conditional p.d.f.’s of (3.7), (3.8) plotted in red are the same. As it can be observed

none of the LLR messages is appropriately modeled at this point since the κ = 1 was

arbitrarily chosen.

Following step 3 results in κ = 43, and by repeating the above procedure the

corresponding empirical conditional distributions, shown in the second row of the

figure, are obtained. Observe, that for this value of κ = 43, the messages are better

modeled by (3.7), (3.8), however, there is still room for improvement. The second

iteration results in κ = 26. The corresponding empirical conditional distributions are

shown in the third row of the image. If we perform an additional iteration, it will


result in a κ close to 26 showing that the procedure has concluded.



Appendix B

Burrows Wheeler Transform


The Burrow-Wheeler transform is a reversible algorithm that rearranges a character

string into runs of similar characters. It can be applied to any character string and is

usually used to prepare data for use of data compression techniques. We will explain

the algorithm through an example of the bit string ”110100”.

B.1 Direct transformation

First of all, an ’End of File’ (?) pointer has to be added to the string resulting in the

new string ”110100?” of length 8. The transform is done by sorting all rotation of

the string in lexicographical order and taking the last column.


Input All Rotations Sorted Strings Output

110100? 00?1101

?110100 0100?11

0?11010 0?11010

110100? 00?1101 100?110 11001?0

100?110 10100?1

0100?11 110100?

10100?1 ?110100

Table B.1: Example of Burrows-Wheeler Transformation.

And finally the output bit string is ”110010”. Note that the algorithm to be

reversible, the position of the EOF (?), needs to be known. This could be done by

adding extra bits with the position of the EOF (?) in the sequence. Let N be the

length of the sequence, the spectral efficiency of the transmission will be affected

by a factor ofN

N + log2(N)and therefore, it will not taken into account for large


B.2 Inverse BWT

The first step of the inverse transform is to take the last bits that represent the EOF

(?) character and place it correctly. Imagine that you have the sorted strings table

of the BWT transformation and erase everything but the last column. Given only

this information, you can easily reconstruct the first column. The last column tells

you all the characters (bits in the example) in the text, so just sort these characters

alphabetically to get the first column. Then, the first and last columns (of each row)

together give you all pairs of successive characters in the document, where pairs are

taken cyclically so that the last and first character form a pair. Sorting the list of pairs

gives the first and second columns. Continuing in this manner, you can reconstruct

the entire list. Then, the row with the EOF (?) character at the end is the original



Start Sort1 Add2 Sort2 Add3 Sort3 Sort8 Output




















































Table B.2: Example of inverse Burrows-Wheeler Transformation.




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