MONDAY MAltCIf in trflnrA ° > f BKVfeX r n I it T > IMIJIf i AI l lrrl rtrwwjl r ti + m l j ji tr i l l rt rT = 1 IrIlljef IbjlJlfSe l i n hITtlndg ItrJt i1t t 1 dtd itNI filarwillifr J titeett nlI I t 111 brrt1rtlc- m r I 1th t J jii pl ne W togs < j the 1t 11 r- c l p Ij i j17 I 1 ri h Morning i I r Wtdf lt6if ifHjJW f t1t1 i nWj t tIWtf l f ltifirl 1 J A lfl I i D AI L CHAITHU t t1Jf0LIllt j adjusted her sold i t e IIJllnll8l1 with nu nlr of dignified jiRKrosslvc nimd Situ hint lived too tenth yiiiinJti the tar emit in Hoiwkuii tllo wns known nrf the Mniiilitrln1 leer puwcro of murcllosa ItiiuiUlttoi HtiKbostrd toriniiitn lung drawn out Tlio commander of line Hlrdnr home 141annl bound from Hbnn lml knew tlm ho WIIH nltout to bo stretched on tin rock when ho took his sent nt the mtloon table 1 1Id It true cnptnln tlmyve are run rilng Into n typhoon tlemdifdcd tier ladyship Trout wbbtif did you fenrii that rn- tit TirttrV Lnptnln Ross inns wary though Hoinowlmt mirprlsed- ltoni Mlns 1eaneaI understood k badL toM her IV 1 1Dldnt you Some ono told ma this niornlnt I couldnt huvo guesMd It could I Mlrts Iris Dearies large blue eyes flunI Ill him with Innocent In 4 adltferenco to strict necuniey Incl dontntty she hail obtained tho Informa tion from her suds n nose tlltetl co quette who extracted ships secrets from n ollthrulIlullrtlnllllltlr VllerI land forgotten explain ed the tactful sailor Is It truer lady Toser was uiiusimlly abrupt today I Hut she wan annoyed by the 1 assumption that tho captain took l a mere girl Into Iila vonlldcuco and passed over the wlfo of the exihlef justice of i I1ou tkongIt In said Captain UOM equal- ly I curt and nllcntly tlmnklns tile fates that her ladyship wits going lame for tho lout time Do tell us chimed In Iris Did you llml out when you squinted at the sunr The captnln smiled You ore hearer thou mnrk than possibly you imagine MIss licnne bo said When wo took our obsttrvntlons yesterday there was n very weird looking halo around the sun Tills morning you may have no ¬ ticed several light squalls and n smooth yen marked occasionally by strong ripples The barometer U falling rap- Idly and I expect that no tlio day wens wo will encounter n heavy swell 1 If the sky looks wild tonight and OH peclally If we observe n heavy bat of cloud approaching from tho northwest you will see tLo crockery dancing about the table at dlllul1r1 nm afraid you arc not n good sailor Lady Tozcr Are you Miss DeanoV ipltall I should Just love to see n real utorm Now promise mo Holeinnly that you will tnko mo up Into tho chart house when this typhoon In simply tearing things to plecex- Oh y dear I 1 hope It will not ho very bail Is there no wuy In which you nut avoid It captain Will It last long Tho politic skipper for once preterred to answer Ijidy Tozcr There Is no cause for uneasiness ho said Of course typhoons In tho China son arc nasty things while they last but n t ship like the Sirdar IH not troubled by them She will drive through tho worst bale slue Is likely to meet hero- In less thou twelve hours Ilcsldes I alter tho course somewhat as soon as I discover our position with regard to Its center Then tho commander hurriedly ex ¬ cased himself and tho passengers saw no more of him tint tiny Her ladyship dismissed tho topic M- ot no present Interest atoll focused Miss Den no through hoer eyeglasses Sir Arthur proposes to coma homo in Juno I understand sho Inquired Iris was n remarkably healthy young woman A lurgo banana momentarily engaged her attention Silo nodded affably t You will stay with relatives until ho arrives pursued LadyJozer- Helatlvcsl 4 Wo havo none none whom wo cpeclally cultivate that is I will stop In town n day or two to Interview my dressmaker quit then go straight to Ilclmdalo our pence in YorkshireSurely you have n chaperone itA chaperon My 1 dear Laity Tozer did my father Impress you an ono who would permit n fussy nnd stout old person to make my life miserable limn acidity of till retort lay In the word stout lint Iris wns not nc ciutonied to cross examination DIJP Ing u thtvo inoiitlm1 itmldcneo on tho Island slot had learned how to nvoil lwly Tozer Hero It was Imposslblo nnd tho outer woman fastened upon hoer asp Iikn Mlsa Iris Deano wan n tooh oiiio morsel for oislJ1 Not yet twen typno tha onjy ilnngMer of n wealthy Baronet who mviieil n lleet of stnt V- Mllipatko Hlrdar among them a girl a who had been mistress of her fathers honDo shore hr rufurii troll Dresden r three years agoyoung beautiful r1 h hero tuna n vomtJnatlmi for while men thanked JuiJlfJous Itogvvnlogo voiiipn sniffed mivfttlsly- jluslnesi I detained Sir Arthur A war cloud ovoniiniionpi J lm two grunt dl rl 1 SOIIH pf tho yellow raro Ho must ivajt to ieo how nmtten dovplopcd hilt would not oxiioao Iris to tho In I 3emu tveachery of a Chliicso spring m wnY i lnfh1ei1 l jo noo personal I kgrcp oC CBpHll H9 + a At t wh point t By LOUIS t f I TRACY i4tt I + t I CoprHdht IJOX t tr i i- teIrd J 1 Clod iji I 11 I tI I l M t1jj1fcifLm i of call the companys riKcntft would bd solicitous for her wulfarO The cables telegraphlu eye Would watch her prog ress un that of autnl unlovely imildnsi Hailing in royal uthtvcli This fair slender well formed girldelightfully Kngllslf hi taco nnd flgufewlth her fresh clear complexion limpid bleu eyes and nhlnlng hair was a personage of sonic ImporthnctV Lady Tozer knew tiles things mind sighed complacently Ah well shoo resumed Parents hind different Views when I wns a girl limit I asHtiuio Hlr Arthur thinks you should become used to being your own mistress In view of your approaching marriage iippronchlhgmarrlagol cried Iris now genuinely amazed Yes In It not true that you arc going to marry Lord Ycittuort A passing steward heard tho point blank qoesthnt It load it curious effect upon him HP gazed with fiercely eager eyes nt Miss Dcntio and so till forgot hlnmelf as to permit a dish of wader Ice to rest against Sir John Tozers bald head IrjM could not help noting ids strange behavior A Hash of humor chased away her first angry resentment at lady TozcrH Interrogatory That may bo my happy rate she unsworn gayly 1 but Lord Ventuor has not asked me Every one says In Hongkong be gar her ladyship Confound you you stupid rascal What are you o oingV shouted Sir John lUll feeble ncrvoH at last conveyed the Information that something moro pro nbilncOd than n sudden draft affcct cal ids scalp the ice was inching hoc Incident amused those passcn gent who sat near enough to observe it Hut the chief steward hovering watch ¬ fool near tho captains table darted for ¬ ward Palo with auger ho hissed Report yourself for duty In the sec ¬ end saloon tonight And he hustled his subordinate away from tho Judges chairMiss Dcune mirthfully radiant rose Please dont punish tho man Mr Jones she said sweetly It was a sheer accident Ho was taken by sur prise In hold place I would havo emp ¬ tied tho wholo dish Tho chief steward smirked He did not know exactly what had happened Nevertheless grunt though Sir John Tozcr might be tho owners daughter was greater Certainly miss certainly he agreed mudding confidentially It Is rather hard on n steward to bo sent aft miss It makes such n difference In theerlobo little gratuities given by the passenger The girl was tactful She smile comprehension at tho olllclnl and bent over Sir John now carefully polishing the back of his skull with a table nap kinI am sure you will forgive him sloe whispered I cant say why but tho poor fellow was looking HO intently at mo tint ho did not see what ho was doing The exchtcf Justice was Instantly mollified Ho did not mind time nppli Iris could not > brit witlnu his utronuo lnhwiur cation of leo In tint wnyrather liked It In fact Probably leo woos suscrptl the to tho llro In Miss Ueinoa eyes KiuMvnly limo passoncera still seated experlpiuoj n prolonged sinking sensa tion JIB If Ibo vessel had been vpurert cd Inca n Klenntlc lift They were pressed hart Into their clinics which preakcd and tried to Hiving around on their pivots 41 tho ship yielded sillily to till sea a whiff of spray dashwJ through mi open port Iliuiol snapped hoer ladyship I know fro tihnuld tan Into u stornu Yel Cnptnln llossj ed lid to believe John take inu to uiy youths nt once Vroio tho promemide I dcpU thtf lion Iws timvup dlgtche4 tlmtt rupIJ nuruw- T r TORN EftTIN RIIUIIK1IIMColuatbud I oftnfnnrmatory In bed for six inoiillw nnd the doctors I chltuRclllneJIclues tIfticrlbell ban the use of 988 My kticoniid elbow ohtls were swollen tembly and nt one pallbut K opened I was so had that I could not move knee or loot I was eMlng discour ¬ aged you nmy be sure when I began 8 S S butt as I MW it wad helping me I con tin Ued it and today I am n sound welt mart and have never had A return of tbc disease 8 8 8 purified my blood amid cared tne of this severe case of Uhcuinatlsm after everything rise had failed 1 have reek commended it to others with good re ¬ cults K u CHAPMAN 1355 lit Penton Ave InftlllllllloUon blood and Uheiuatlim can never he con queued till these are neutralized Pad Til lercd out of the blood and system 8 SS goes directly into the circulation and ata tacks the tllellaeil It purifies and re ¬ stores the blood to a healthy vigorous condition It contains nopnetashalkali or S SS other strong tula erals but is guar an Iced entirely vegetable Write phylelans ¬ without any charge whatever Our book oulUieu mutism sent free The Swift Speclflo Company Atlanta Oa of tho gale There was mburntulspec ulatlon upon tho Sirdars chances of reaching Singapore before the next evening Iris stood somewhat apart front the other passengers floe wind hind fresh ¬ ellI amid hcrlmt was tied closely over her ears Sho leaned against time tuff rail enjoying tin cool breeze after hours of sultry heat The sky was cloudless yet but there was n queer tinge of burnished copper In the nil pervading sunshine Time sea was cold ¬ ly blue The life had gone out of it It was no longer Inviting and translucent Long sullen undulations swept noise ¬ lessly past tho ship Once after a steady climb up n rolling hill of water the Sirdar quickly pecked at tho suc ¬ ceeding valley rind the propelled gave n couple of angry Haps on thou surface while n tronior ran through tlio stout iron rails on which the girls arms tested To nil Continued lives Health Vigor and Tone Heroine Is n boon for sufferers from nnearala Dy Its use tho blood Is quickly regenerated and tho color becomes normal Tho drooping strength U revived tho languor is diminished Health vigor and tono predominate Now life and happy ac ¬ levity results Mrs Hollo II Shlrel Mlddlcsboro 111 writes I hava been troubled vlth liver complalLl and pobr blood and havo found noth- Ing ¬ to benefit mo like Herblno I hopo never to bo without it I bays wished that I had known of it I lu >u husbands lifetime 50c Sold by DuBois Kolb C Co Paducah Kv Debtors forgot that creditors nev- er forgot Take Care Of Your Heart It is the engine that forces the blood to every part of the body j this blood conveys the nourishment that makes flesh bone nut muscle j it also tar- ries ¬ off the wornout particles- If the heart flutters or palpi totes it is weak and is work ¬ ing imperfectly so that the body does not get this nourish inept j it also fails to throw off the impurities and they re ¬ systemIf probably poor These conditions arc dangerous You can make your heart well and keep it sp with Dr Miles Heart Cure which is a heart medicine and tonic that strengthens the heart nerves and muscles yearstrain I liavo tried nil tho doctors Iflr thin community all loll mo that I hind heart trouilo hilt they at to uponmil l I tho lint bottle did not heneilt mo ha would return the money Hvery doso helped me from the limp I iesan talc ng II and slier awhile my trouble tits gone entlrtly- UUUUBTTH PeKAV Cuba N Y Dr Mlles Hurt Cure It told by the ourdruualst first Vottl who will benefit If It falls its will refund your money Miles Medical Co Elkhart Ind MIN ANI WOMEN VH lllc U Out uaatturt elefIWm111ea1a11 of uiueoui mwbuN- Pus D4 ash tililat I met er polguout hll by prasiela- erRl la rplafar ballOIILUtculer1al > P A MM t t VAtllf Will Itc Itulll l hy Owiiif of tlic Aniili Iltisselh Husscll Inrdnor president of tin linnner Muggy fcohiiany St Ironed and tho ninn who rooentty ntotidcd to ostnlillsh a tirahch factory here In to build n now ynclit His hand Bohio ploitBtira boat the Annie HUB sell lone often been seen and admired At lndticuh The now craft wilt probably bo built In Now Orlonni Mr Gardner who Is nt present cruising about Memphis IB quoted by tho Co minor tint Appeal as Baying I Intend to haVo my now vessel l steel covered BO that It will not burn and BO constructed that It will not bo overturned Safety I In thin chief object to bo attained In the conctructlori of a Vessel for naviga ¬ lion on the Mississippi Tho how yes sot will bo constructed In tho form of n Bengoing yacht Tho oldfash ¬ honed wheels Will bo dlspcncd with and screws will bo used na propcll ors Tho usual placo In which screw propellers are located is in tho rear of the vessel but this manner ol construction will not obtain In boats to bo used on thou Mississippi My new vessel will have twin screws but they will bo tunneled that Is they will bo located In thou center of tho vessel I Have n number of plans before mo for tho now craft but have not yet decided upon any of them Cured Consumption Mrs B W Eyans Charwator Kant writesliMy husband lay sick for pores months Tho doctors said ho had quick consumption Wo pro cured a bottle of Mallards lore hound Syrup and It cured him That was six years ago and slnco then wo havo always kept a bottle In the house Wo cannot do without it For coughs and colds it has no equal 2Cc COc and 1100 Sold by DuDols Kolb Co Paducah Ky ANOTIIKH CHANGE Wilt no Mottle Ily tho Hoard of Ed ¬ ucation ITho board of education which at iVs last mooting changed the time for electing n superintendent from May to March In order to give the Schools better opportunity to canvass the field for tho good material and to give lima superintendent tlmo to h get a new job In case he Is not re Ulected will as soon his possible also chango tho time for electing princi ¬ pals for tho same reason It is al- Ways easy to get good teachers but not always so considering tho sala ¬ ties paid in Paducah in tho case of superintendent and principals i Thou Best Cough Syrup S L Apple exProbato Judgo Ot ¬ tawa Co Kansas writes This Is to say that I have used Ballards Horehound Syrup for years and that I 1 do not hesitate to recommend it as tho best cough syrup I have over- used 2Bc COc and 100 Sold by DuDols Kolb Co Paducah Ky detention runners Having sold my Interest In Powell Rogers Co I have purchased an in ¬ terest with E K Bonds corner Sec ¬ ond anti Washington Sts and open ¬ ed In connection with tho produce business a complete line of Imple ¬ monty Farm Machinery and Wagons Machines nnd Binder Twine In fact everything that tho farmer wants Wo also buy your produco nnd pay tho best market price and handle Hold seeds and seed oats Call and sea mo when In tho city I will endeavor to treat you in the fu ¬ lure ns I have dono In tho past Yours truly J T POWELL St t Louis Excursion 100 Special train leaving Paducah un- Ion ¬ depot 8 n m Thursday March 231 1905 running via Cairo TlcUets will bo good going only on special trains anti returning on all 1011111IT No baggage will bo checked on these tickets nor will they bo hon ¬ ored In sleeping cars nor will limit tl l extended under any circumstan ¬ ces For particulars apply to J T DONOVAN Agent Paducah Ky GEO 0 WARFJELD Ticket Agent Union Depot Jon Kiyn lUst Joo Key a Maylleld boy formerly with tho American Express company In Paducah has revolved n goal pro ¬ motion with tho Southern Express company at Bavaniiau On lie has been put at I the head of ono of tho departments in the llahanw Islands ooooooooooooooooo > For Chapped Hands Cracked 0 > hips and Rough Skin try 0 > SLEWT TOUT CREAM < Phones 308 X AO OOp000004QQQV00t Hayes Beechwood EmulsoHypo With Iron Makes Fat Sfreagth Blood Bono end Muscle If you turd tired broken dowel despondesut worn out tmio loslttg flesh have no energy do hot l led l like rising hi the morning for the days work you need ti bottle of this wonderful medicine Do yoU want good rich red blood Do you want the blooni to cornel back to the cheek Am you convnlcstng after having fever pneumonia or measles Then you ought to take a bottle of UMUISCMIY1O Its a medicinal food that reaches every tissue In the body and builds you Up Taken in a little wine Its as pleasant as cough syrup t Read what the editor of the Meridian Star of Mississippi A 0 Davis writes Under late of April 81 My mother took time lmut o Hypo and bill been greatl benefited She Ii In better health than she has been 111 years J W Russell county court clerk of Hlckman county Tcun writes My wife till used several bottles of KtnnlsoHypo with Iron and nee been wonderfully improved 1 can conscletttlnlly recommend it for all lung trouble Rev O T Sullivan presiding elder of tho Memphis district writes under date of Dec i 1903 liMy daughter whose system wart very much run down bas been takene yjar Heechwuod Hmulsollypo with Iron and lose Improved to much with one bottle I have no doubt by continuance she will be fully restored In her nerve forces I am delighted with the results and shall continue her on it Wishing you prosperity t am yours truly 0 Ti SULLIVAN ShoffnrrHayes Medicine Company Incorporated Paducah Kentucky Sold by all DrtgglstsM MOTTS 11 PENNYROYAL PillSThey overcome Weal ¬ irregularity and increase vig ¬ or and banish pains of mcnstrua on Toy are L1FI3 SAV13I18 to gIrls at womanhood aiding development of organs and body No known remedy for women equals them Cannot do harm llfo J becomes a pleasure MIOO Plat BOY 1JY MAIL Sold by drtlBBlstS DIt MOXXS CUUM10AL CO Clovclcnd Ohio BOLU BY bunois WIn A co PADUOAH in JohnstonDenker Coal Co Highest Grade Domestic Coal Office and Yard I4th sad Tennessee Sts Both Phones 201 f4 MoJJi L ALL KIND HEATIN01 AND Sanitary Plumbing No Work Too Large I Repair work a Specialtyt t ED D HANNAN I PHONE 201 132 S 4TH ST = Electric Chandeliers Electric Chandeliers and fixtures large dis- play ¬ f Call and see our new display room 1 Foreman Bros Novelty Co 122124 Broadway INCORPORATEDphone 757 t OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOrOOOO000000000000Paducah Incorporated I Light and Heavy Hauling Phones J U J P De Fitzpatrick Supt aoeoo > oo O> 00o O 0 u ESTABLISHED 1874 R ASHBROOK INSURANCE AGENCYO- ld ard reliable companies Prompt attention to all bukl l near Can place all kinds of Insurance Office 109 Fraternity Building 0 ft h H u CITY TRANSFER CO C L I VAN METER Manager ILL KINDS OF I ittlSFERIN MOVING AND HEAVY HAULING MACHINERY A SPECIAL- TYlIfCPRlvt lrpnlbtlve n Cuit and Washington street Telephone th 49 All order Urge 01 maul wit receive ot auinttottt 1 GfiNEBAL 3LAOKSMI HJNG AND REPAIRING PliT01It Q1a HORSiiIieON peHiHaltyofmbbejrtiref flJfjh grtudespring wugow Wlllwll iprtoy t wages 94 luitaUuieutpajnientt No 3i1 Court St 1 I V GRRIF Manager I

IMIJIf dtdnlI IrIlljef IbjlJlfSe J hITtlndg T r ItrJt rT ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7n5t3g053h/data/0486.pdf · MONDAY MAltCIf in trflnrA >f BKVfeX T r n I it IMIJIf > i AIl lrrl

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Page 1: IMIJIf dtdnlI IrIlljef IbjlJlfSe J hITtlndg T r ItrJt rT ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7n5t3g053h/data/0486.pdf · MONDAY MAltCIf in trflnrA >f BKVfeX T r n I it IMIJIf > i AIl lrrl

MONDAY MAltCIf in trflnrA °>f BKVfeXr n I itT >IMIJIfi AI llrrl rtrwwjl r ti

+ m l jji tr i l l rtrT=1 IrIlljef IbjlJlfSel

i n hITtlndg ItrJt i1tt 1dtditNI filarwillifrJ titeettnlII t 111 brrt1rtlc-m




jiipl ne Wtogs <j the 1t





ij17 I1




lt6if ifHjJWf t1t1i nWjt tIWtf


ltifirl1 J A lfl I iD AI


CHAITHU tt1Jf0LIlltj adjusted her soldit e IIJllnll8l1 with nu

nlr of dignified jiRKrosslvcnimd Situ hint lived too tenth

yiiiinJti the tar emit in Hoiwkuiitllo wns known nrf the Mniiilitrln1leer puwcro of murcllosa ItiiuiUlttoiHtiKbostrd toriniiitn lung drawn outTlio commander of line Hlrdnr home

141annl bound from Hbnn lml knew tlmho WIIH nltout to bo stretched on tinrock when ho took his sent nt themtloon table

11Id It true cnptnln tlmyve are runrilng Into n typhoon tlemdifdcd tierladyship

Trout wbbtifdid you fenrii that rn-tit TirttrV Lnptnln Ross inns warythough Hoinowlmt mirprlsed-

ltoni Mlns 1eaneaI understoodkbadLtoM her

IV11Dldnt you Some ono told ma this

niornlnt I couldnt huvo guesMd Itcould I Mlrts Iris Dearies large blueeyes flunI Ill him with Innocent In

4 adltferenco to strict necuniey Incldontntty she hail obtained tho Information from her suds n nose tlltetl coquette who extracted ships secretsfrom n ollthrulIlullrtlnllllltlr

VllerI land forgotten explained the tactful sailor

Is It truerlady Toser was uiiusimlly abrupt

todayI Hut she wan annoyed by the1 assumption that tho captain tookl a

mere girl Into Iila vonlldcuco and passedover the wlfo of the exihlef justice of

iI1ou tkongIt

In said Captain UOM equal-lyI curt and nllcntly tlmnklns tile fatesthat her ladyship wits going lame fortho lout time

Do tell us chimed In Iris Didyou llml out when you squinted at thesunr

The captnln smiled You ore hearerthou mnrk than possibly you imagineMIss licnne bo said When wo tookour obsttrvntlons yesterday there wasn very weird looking halo around thesun Tills morning you may have no ¬

ticed several light squalls and n smoothyen marked occasionally by strongripples The barometer U falling rap-

Idly and I expect that no tlio daywens wo will encounter n heavy swell

1If the sky looks wild tonight and OH

peclally If we observe n heavy bat ofcloud approaching from tho northwestyou will see tLo crockery dancingabout the table at dlllul1r1 nm afraidyou arc not n good sailor Lady TozcrAre you Miss DeanoV

ipltall I should Just love to see nreal utorm Now promise mo Holeinnly

that you will tnko mo up Into tho charthouse when this typhoon In simplytearing things to plecex-

Ohy dear I1 hope It will not ho verybail Is there no wuy In which younut avoid It captain Will It lastlong

Tho politic skipper for once preterredto answer Ijidy Tozcr There Is nocause for uneasiness ho said Ofcourse typhoons In tho China son arcnasty things while they last but n

t ship like the Sirdar IH not troubled bythem She will drive through thoworst bale slue Is likely to meet hero-

In less thou twelve hours Ilcsldes I

alter tho course somewhat as soon as Idiscover our position with regard toIts center

Then tho commander hurriedly ex ¬

cased himself and tho passengers sawno more of him tint tiny

Her ladyship dismissed tho topic M-

ot no present Interest atoll focused MissDen no through hoer eyeglasses

Sir Arthur proposes to coma homoin Juno I understand sho Inquired

Iris was n remarkably healthy youngwoman A lurgo banana momentarilyengaged her attention Silo noddedaffably

t You will stay with relatives untilho arrives pursued LadyJozer-

Helatlvcsl4 Wo havo none nonewhom wo cpeclally cultivate that isI will stop In town n day or two toInterview my dressmaker quit then gostraight to Ilclmdalo our pence in

YorkshireSurely you have n chaperoneitA chaperon My1 dear Laity Tozer

did my father Impress you an ono whowould permit n fussy nnd stout oldperson to make my life miserable

limn acidity of till retort lay In theword stout lint Iris wns not ncciutonied to cross examination DIJPIng u thtvo inoiitlm1 itmldcneo on thoIsland slot had learned how to nvoillwly Tozer Hero It was Imposslblonnd tho outer woman fastened upon hoerasp Iikn Mlsa Iris Deano wan n toohoiiio morsel for oislJ1 Not yet twen

typno tha onjy ilnngMer of n wealthyBaronet who mviieil n lleet of stnt V-

Mllipatko Hlrdar among them a girla who had been mistress of her fathers

honDo shore hr rufurii troll Dresdenr three years agoyoung beautiful r1 h

hero tuna n vomtJnatlmi for whilemen thanked JuiJlfJous Itogvvnlogovoiiipn sniffed mivfttlsly-


detained Sir Arthur A warcloud ovoniiniionpi Jlm two grunt dl

rl1 SOIIH pf tho yellow raro Ho mustivajt to ieo how nmtten dovplopcd hilt

would not oxiioao Iris to tho InI

3emu tveachery of a Chliicso springm wnY ilnfh1ei1l jo noo personal

Ikgrcp oC CBpHll H9 + a At twh point


By LOUIS tt f I

TRACY i4ttI+ t I

CoprHdht IJOX ttr ii-

teIrd J1 Clod ijiI 11 I

tI Il Mt1jj1fcifLm i

of call the companys riKcntft would bdsolicitous for her wulfarO The cablestelegraphlu eye Would watch her progress un that of autnl unlovely imildnsiHailing in royal uthtvcli This fairslender well formed girldelightfullyKngllslf hi taco nnd flgufewlth herfresh clear complexion limpid bleueyes and nhlnlng hair was a personageof sonic ImporthnctV

Lady Tozer knew tiles things mindsighed complacently

Ah well shoo resumed Parentshind different Views when I wns a girllimit I asHtiuio Hlr Arthur thinks youshould become used to being your ownmistress In view of your approachingmarriage

iippronchlhgmarrlagol criedIris now genuinely amazed

Yes In It not true that you arcgoing to marry Lord Ycittuort

A passing steward heard tho pointblank qoesthnt

It load it curious effect upon him HPgazed with fiercely eager eyes nt MissDcntio and so till forgot hlnmelf as topermit a dish of wader Ice to restagainst Sir John Tozers bald head

IrjM could not help noting ids strangebehavior A Hash of humor chasedaway her first angry resentment atlady TozcrH Interrogatory

That may bo my happy rate sheunsworn gayly1 but Lord Ventuor hasnot asked me

Every one says In Hongkong begar her ladyship

Confound you you stupid rascalWhat are you o oingV shouted Sir JohnlUll feeble ncrvoH at last conveyed theInformation that something moro pronbilncOd than n sudden draft affcctcal ids scalp the ice was inching

hoc Incident amused those passcngent who sat near enough to observe itHut the chief steward hovering watch ¬

fool near tho captains table darted for ¬

ward Palo with auger ho hissedReport yourself for duty In the sec¬

end saloon tonight And he hustledhis subordinate away from tho JudgeschairMiss

Dcune mirthfully radiant rosePlease dont punish tho man Mr

Jones she said sweetly It was asheer accident Ho was taken by surprise In hold place I would havo emp¬

tied tho wholo dishTho chief steward smirked He did

not know exactly what had happenedNevertheless grunt though Sir John

Tozcr might be tho owners daughterwas greater

Certainly miss certainly heagreed mudding confidentially It Is

rather hard on n steward to bo sentaft miss It makes such n differenceIn theerlobo little gratuities givenby the passenger

The girl was tactful She smilecomprehension at tho olllclnl and bentover Sir John now carefully polishingthe back of his skull with a table nap

kinI am sure you will forgive himsloe whispered I cant say why buttho poor fellow was looking HO intentlyat mo tint ho did not see what ho wasdoing

The exchtcf Justice was Instantlymollified Ho did not mind time nppli

Iris could not >brit witlnu his utronuolnhwiur

cation of leo In tint wnyrather likedIt In fact Probably leo woos suscrptlthe to tho llro In Miss Ueinoa eyes

KiuMvnly limo passoncera still seatedexperlpiuoj n prolonged sinking sensation JIB If Ibo vessel had been vpurertcd Inca n Klenntlc lift They werepressed hart Into their clinics whichpreakcd and tried to Hiving around ontheir pivots 41 tho ship yielded sillilyto till sea a whiff of spray dashwJthrough mi open port

Iliuiol snapped hoer ladyship I

know fro tihnuld tan Into u stornu YelCnptnln llossj ed lid to believe Johntake inu to uiy youths nt once

Vroio tho promemide IdcpU thtf lion

Iws timvup dlgtche4 tlmtt rupIJ nuruw-T




oftnfnnrmatoryIn bed for six inoiillw nnd the doctors IchltuRclllneJIcluestIfticrlbellban the use of 988 My kticoniid elbowohtls were swollen tembly and nt onepallbutK

opened I was so had that I could notmove knee or loot I was eMlng discour ¬

aged you nmy be sure when I began 8 SS butt as I MW it wad helping me I con tinUed it and today I am n sound welt martand have never had A return of tbc disease8 8 8 purified my blood amid cared tneof this severe case of Uhcuinatlsm aftereverything rise had failed 1 have reekcommended it to others with good re¬

cults K u CHAPMAN1355 lit Penton Ave

InftlllllllloUonblood and Uheiuatlim can never he conqueued till these are neutralized Pad Tillercd out of the blood and system 8 S Sgoes directly into the circulation and atatacks the tllellaeil It purifies and re¬

stores the blood to a healthy vigorouscondition It contains nopnetashalkali or

SSSother strong tulaerals but is guaran Iced entirelyvegetable Write

phylelans ¬

without anycharge whateverOur book oulUieumutism sent free

The Swift Speclflo Company Atlanta Oa

of tho gale There was mburntulspeculatlon upon tho Sirdars chances ofreaching Singapore before the nextevening

Iris stood somewhat apart front theother passengers floe wind hind fresh ¬

ellI amid hcrlmt was tied closely overher ears Sho leaned against time tuffrail enjoying tin cool breeze afterhours of sultry heat The sky wascloudless yet but there was n queertinge of burnished copper In the nilpervading sunshine Time sea was cold ¬

ly blue The life had gone out of it Itwas no longer Inviting and translucent

Long sullen undulations swept noise ¬

lessly past tho ship Once after asteady climb up n rolling hill of waterthe Sirdar quickly pecked at tho suc ¬

ceeding valley rind the propelled gaven couple of angry Haps on thou surfacewhile n tronior ran through tlio stoutiron rails on which the girls armstested

To nil Continued

lives Health Vigor and ToneHeroine Is n boon for sufferers

from nnearala Dy Its use tho bloodIs quickly regenerated and tho colorbecomes normal Tho droopingstrength U revived tho languor isdiminished Health vigor and tonopredominate Now life and happy ac ¬

levity results Mrs Hollo II ShlrelMlddlcsboro 111 writes I havabeen troubled vlth liver complalLland pobr blood and havo found noth-Ing


to benefit mo like Herblno Ihopo never to bo without it I bayswished that I had known of it Ilu >uhusbands lifetime 50c Sold byDuBois Kolb C Co Paducah Kv

Debtors forgot that creditors nev-

er forgot


Of Your HeartIt is the engine that forces

the blood to every part of thebody j this blood conveys thenourishment that makes fleshbone nut muscle j it also tar-ries


off the wornout particles-If the heart flutters or palpi

totes it is weak and is work¬

ing imperfectly so that thebody does not get this nourishinept j it also fails to throw offthe impurities and they re ¬

systemIfprobablypoor These conditions arcdangerous You can makeyour heart well and keep itsp with Dr Miles Heart Curewhich is a heart medicine andtonic that strengthens theheart nerves and musclesyearstrainI liavo tried nil tho doctors Iflr thincommunity all loll mo that Ihind heart trouilo hilt they at touponmill


tho lint bottle did not heneilt mo hawould return the money Hvery dosohelped me from the limp I iesan talcng II and slier awhile my trouble

tits gone entlrtly-UUUUBTTH PeKAV Cuba N YDr Mlles Hurt Cure It told by


first Vottlwhowill benefit If It falls

its will refund your money

Miles Medical Co Elkhart Ind

MIN ANI WOMENVH lllc U Out uaatturt

elefIWm111ea1a11of uiueoui mwbuN-Pus D 4 ash tililat

I met er polguouthll by prasiela-

erRl la rplafarballOIILUtculer1al


P A MMt t VAtllf

Will Itc Itulll lhy Owiiif of tlic AniiliIltisselh

Husscll Inrdnor president of tinlinnner Muggy fcohiiany St Ironedand tho ninn who rooentty ntotidcdto ostnlillsh a tirahch factory hereIn to build n now ynclit His handBohio ploitBtira boat the Annie HUB

sell lone often been seen and admiredAt lndticuh

The now craft wilt probably bobuilt In Now Orlonni Mr Gardnerwho Is nt present cruising aboutMemphis IIB quoted by tho Co minortint Appeal as Baying

I Intend to haVo my now vessellsteel covered BO that It will notburn and BO constructed that It willnot bo overturned Safety IIn thin

chief object to bo attained In theconctructlori of a Vessel for naviga ¬

lion on the Mississippi Tho how yessot will bo constructed In tho formof n Bengoing yacht Tho oldfash ¬

honed wheels Will bo dlspcncd withand screws will bo used na propcllors Tho usual placo In which screwpropellers are located is in tho rearof the vessel but this manner olconstruction will not obtain In boatsto bo used on thou Mississippi My

new vessel will have twin screwsbut they will bo tunneled that Isthey will bo located In thou center oftho vessel I Have n number of plansbefore mo for tho now craft but havenot yet decided upon any of them

Cured ConsumptionMrs B W Eyans Charwator

Kant writesliMy husband lay sickfor pores months Tho doctors saidho had quick consumption Wo procured a bottle of Mallards lorehound Syrup and It cured him Thatwas six years ago and slnco then wo

havo always kept a bottle In thehouse Wo cannot do without itFor coughs and colds it has noequal 2Cc COc and 1100 Soldby DuDols Kolb Co Paducah Ky


Wilt no Mottle Ily tho Hoard of Ed¬


ITho board of education which atiVs last mooting changed the time forelecting n superintendent from Mayto March In order to give theSchools better opportunity to canvassthe field for tho good material andto give lima superintendent tlmo tohget a new job In case he Is not reUlected will as soon his possible alsochango tho time for electing princi ¬

pals for tho same reason It is al-

Ways easy to get good teachers butnot always so considering tho sala ¬

ties paid in Paducah in tho case ofsuperintendent and principals


Thou Best Cough SyrupS L Apple exProbato Judgo Ot¬

tawa Co Kansas writes This Isto say that I have used BallardsHorehound Syrup for years and thatI1 do not hesitate to recommend it astho best cough syrup I have over-used 2Bc COc and 100 Sold byDuDols Kolb Co Paducah Ky

detention runnersHaving sold my Interest In Powell

Rogers Co I have purchased an in ¬

terest with E K Bonds corner Sec¬

ond anti Washington Sts and open ¬

ed In connection with tho producebusiness a complete line of Imple ¬

monty Farm Machinery and WagonsMachines nnd Binder Twine In facteverything that tho farmer wants

Wo also buy your produco nnd paytho best market price and handleHold seeds and seed oats

Call and sea mo when In tho city Iwill endeavor to treat you in the fu ¬

lure ns I have dono In tho pastYours truly


Stt Louis Excursion 100Special train leaving Paducah un-


depot 8 n m Thursday March231 1905 running via Cairo

TlcUets will bo good going only onspecial trains anti returning on all

1011111ITNo baggage will bo checked on

these tickets nor will they bo hon ¬

ored In sleeping cars nor will limittll extended under any circumstan ¬

ces For particulars apply toJ T DONOVAN Agent Paducah

KyGEO 0 WARFJELD Ticket Agent

Union Depot

Jon Kiyn lUstJoo Key a Maylleld boy formerly

with tho American Express companyIn Paducah has revolved n goal pro ¬

motion with tho Southern Expresscompany at Bavaniiau On lie hasbeen put atI the head of ono of thodepartments in the llahanw Islands

ooooooooooooooooo> For Chapped Hands Cracked 0> hips and Rough Skin try 0

> SLEWT TOUT CREAM< Phones 308 X



Hayes Beechwood EmulsoHypo With IronMakes Fat Sfreagth Blood Bono end Muscle

If you turd tired broken dowel despondesut worn out tmio loslttgflesh have no energy do hot lledl like rising hi the morning for thedays work you need ti bottle of this wonderful medicine Do yoUwant good rich red blood Do you want the blooni to cornel back tothe cheek Am you convnlcstng after having fever pneumonia ormeasles Then you ought to take a bottle of UMUISCMIY1O Itsa medicinal food that reaches every tissue In the body and builds youUp Taken in a little wine Its as pleasant as cough syrup

t Read what the editor of the Meridian Star of Mississippi A 0Davis writes Under late of April81My mother took time lmut o Hypo and bill been greatl benefited She IiIn better health than she has been 111 years

J W Russell county court clerk of Hlckman county Tcunwrites

My wife till used several bottles of KtnnlsoHypo with Iron and nee beenwonderfully improved 1 can conscletttlnlly recommend it for all lung trouble

Rev O T Sullivan presiding elder of tho Memphis districtwrites under date of Dec i 1903

liMy daughter whose system wart very much run down bas been takeneyjar Heechwuod Hmulsollypo with Iron and lose Improved to much with onebottle I have no doubt by continuance she will be fully restored In her nerveforces I am delighted with the results and shall continue her on it Wishingyou prosperity t am yours truly 0 Ti SULLIVAN

ShoffnrrHayes Medicine CompanyIncorporated

Paducah KentuckySold by all DrtgglstsMMOTTS


overcome Weal ¬

irregularity andincrease vig ¬

or and banish painsof mcnstrua on Toy are L1FI3 SAV13I18 to gIrls atwomanhood aiding development of organs and body Noknown remedy for women equals them Cannot do harm llfo J

becomes a pleasure MIOO Plat BOY 1JY MAIL Soldby drtlBBlstS DIt MOXXS CUUM10AL CO Clovclcnd Ohio

BOLU BY bunois WIn A co PADUOAH in

JohnstonDenker Coal CoHighest Grade Domestic Coal

Office and Yard I4th sad Tennessee Sts Both Phones 201





Sanitary PlumbingNo Work Too Large I

Repair work a Specialtytt



Electric ChandeliersElectric Chandeliers and fixtures large dis-



Call and see our new display room1

Foreman Bros Novelty Co122124 Broadway INCORPORATEDphone 757





Light and Heavy HaulingPhones JUJ P De Fitzpatrick Supt

aoeoo> ooO>00oO0 u



ld ard reliable companies Prompt attention to all bukll

near Can place all kinds of Insurance

Office 109 Fraternity Building 0 ft

hH u




TYlIfCPRlvt lrpnlbtlve n Cuit and Washington street Telephone th49 All order Urge 01 maul wit receive ot auinttottt 1


PliT01It Q1a HORSiiIieONpeHiHaltyofmbbejrtiref flJfjh grtudespring wugow Wlllwll iprtoy

twages 94 luitaUuieutpajnientt

No 3i1 Court St 1I V GRRIF ManagerI