Immortal Prophecy

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  • 8/13/2019 Immortal Prophecy


  • 8/13/2019 Immortal Prophecy


    Immortal ProphecyBy

    Samantha Adams and Kay Fry

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2011 by Samantha Adams and Kay Fry.

    All rights reserved

    This boo is a wor o! !i"tion. #ames$ "hara"ters$ pla"es and in"idents are either prod%"ts o!

    the a%thor&s imagination or %sed !a"tio%sly. Any resemblan"e to a"t%al events$ lo"ales$ orpersons$ living or dead$ is entirely "oin"idental. All rights reserved. #o part o! this p%bli"ation

    "an be reprod%"ed or transmitted in any !orm or by any means$ ele"troni" or me"hani"al$ witho%t

    permission !rom the a%thor.

    'S(# )e(oo Edition* +,-0///+/0

    Cover esign by 3egina 4amba5aeidesign."om

    6hoto by 5ar"%s 3an%m


  • 8/13/2019 Immortal Prophecy



    Dedicated to Scott

    and my little monkey, Joshua.

  • 8/13/2019 Immortal Prophecy


    Five years earlier

    Two si7teenyearold girls h%ddled together o%tside the billowing sil tent$ beneath a sign

    that read 8Fort%ne Teller.&

    Kathryn$ the yo%ng a%b%rn haired girl$ was nearly b%rsting with "%riosity and anti"ipation.9Come on Ally$ it&s :%st a bit o! !%n.;

    Kathryn giggled and dragged the other girl$ Alessandra "loser to the tent. Alessandra

    hesitated and !lashed Kathryn a wary glan"e.9(esides what&s the worst that "o%ld happen

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  • 8/13/2019 Immortal Prophecy


    here !or a bit o! !%n. 4o%ld it have been too hard to say ni"e things$ and why be "rypti" abo%t it

    all< Kathryn was "learly distressed by what she had been told.

    Ally was :%st abo%t to get %p and tae her !riend o%t o! this pla"e$ when she heard Kathrynm%mble to hersel!$ 9Famo%s last words;

    9Come on Kat. et&s get o%t o! here$; Ally said.

    Kathryn whipped her head aro%nd and stared dire"tly into Ally&s eyes. 9#o$ not yet. 'tDs yo%rt%rn.;

    9Gh' don&t thin so.;

    As she was abo%t to mae another attempt at es"ape$ Ally heard her !riend&s voi"e addressingher with a !irm a%thority. 9Alessandra eCosta> o% are having a reading$ and ' won&t hear

    another word abo%t it.;

    This was another one o! those avalan"he moments. Ally new there was no point in !ighting

    5other #at%re or Kathryn. She "o%ldn&t help b%t smile at her redhaired !riend$ despite hereagerness to leave. Kat "ertainly lived %p to the rep%tation redheads had. She sat ba" down and

    gave in.

    9Alessandra$; 5adame 'sabella began$ the tone o! her voi"e be"oming omino%s and

    !oreboding. Ally !elt a shiver o! dread r%n thro%gh her body. She sho%ld have listened to thoseinstin"ts and gotten o%t o! here$ b%t no

    9o% are a h%nted woman$ Alessandra. Two men are bo%nd to yo% by destiny$ b%t both havevery di!!erent p%rposes. Hames Carlisle has been sent to prote"t yo%. Tr%st him with yo%r li!e$ he

    is yo%r g%ardian and so%l mate. Iin"ent$ the other man$ wants yo% dead; She pa%sed as she

    looed into the "rystal ball$ her eyes widened slightly and her lips parted in s%rprise. 9Someoneyo% love is eeping a se"ret !rom yo% that will shatter yo%r world and "hange yo%r li!e in ways

    yo% "annot imagine. o% are not who yo% thin yo% are$ Alessandra.;

    Ally$ was vag%ely aware o! Kathryn&s arm aro%nd her. The !eeling o! dread had "ompletely

    absorbed her to the point that she was paralyBed with !ear.9Are yo% o$ Ally

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    =n"e o%tside$ Ally !elt lie she "o%ld breathe again. They started waling so !ast it was

    almost a light :og. (oth were eager to get as !ar !rom that pla"e as possible.

    5adame 'sabella wat"hed the girls leave with a pe"%liar loo on her !a"e. 9So the prophe"yis tr%e$; she m%ttered$ shaing her head slightly in disbelie!. 96oor girl$ yo% have no idea what is

    "oming !or yo%.; A tear rolled down her "hee as she t%rned and waled ba" inside.

    9'&m so sorry$ Ally. ' sho%ld never have !or"ed yo% into that.; Kathryn !elt dread!%l !orinsisting that Ally have a reading too.

    9't&s not tr%e$; Ally m%ttered shaing her head. 9't "an&t be.;

    Ally was still waling witho%t a destination in mind$ the only re%irement she had was to be!ar away !rom 5adame 'sabella. Kat was waling with her$ gently g%iding her thro%gh the

    "rowds. She "o%ld tell her !riend was not wat"hing where she was going.

    9#ot a "han"e that was way too biBarre$; Kat said$ trying to be reass%ring. ?owever$ they

    both new that it more than liely was tr%e. 5adame 'sabella seemed to be the real deal.93ight.; Ally smiled trying to per %p. If I dont believe it, then it wont happen, right; she s"olded with a smile. 9Hames is here.;

    Ally !elt the tension wind a not in her stoma"h.9T%rn aro%nd Ally$ he is waiting !or yo%.;

    Alessandra eyed her grandmother on"e and then began to t%rn. As she did$ the "rowd behind

    her parted to reveal the garden that had been trans!ormed into a winter paradise. 'n !ront o! thegarden was a sight that stole the breath !rom her very l%ngs.

    't was him.


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    Chapter Six

    Ally "o%ldn&t breathe$ "o%ldn&t move. The same !eeling she had !ive years ago$ "ons%med her

    again. She wat"hed Hames$ %nable to tae her eyes o! him. ?e was the most "aptivating man she

    had ever laid eyes on. As Hames was leaned on the bal"ony railing looing o%t over the gardenparadise$ Ally admired his "hiselled pro!ile. ?e sti!!ened$ sensing her presen"e$ and slowly

    t%rned aro%nd to loo straight at her. ?is eyes !lared$ and he seemed lost in the same vorte7 that

    she was.The room had grown %nnat%rally %iet$ as i! eagerly wat"hing the two o! them$ wanting to be

    the !irst to see what wo%ld happen between Alessandra and Hames. Ally was s%re her mind was

    playing tri"s$ and i! she&d been able to loo aro%nd$ she wo%ld&ve seen noone was wat"hing

    what was going on.

    Hames p%shed o!! the rail with an ease and elegan"e that didn&t seem h%man. ?e waledtoward Ally$ never taing his eyes o!! her on"e. ?e reminded her o! a lion$ staling its prey with

    a hypnoti"$ %nbreaable determination.Everything "hanged into a slow motion s"ene. She !elt her body gravitating towards him$ and

    witho%t "ons"io%s tho%ght$ she had taen a step. ?e seemed to be "alling to her. She trembled

    !rom the anti"ipation r%nning thro%gh her veins. Ally "o%ldn&t !orm a single "oherent tho%ght.?e drew "loser.

    't was p%re magnetism between them$ p%lling them together by the !or"es o! nat%re.

    ?e looed at her lie a man starving.

    She looed at him lie a woman drowning.As he waled towards her$ Ally !elt something t%gging at her "ons"io%sness. (e!ore she

    "o%ld rea"t$ the world be!ore her was gone$ and she was thrown ba" to last night.Hames was staring with deadly intent at another man. She new him somehow$ b%t her mindwas too !%BBy to mae o%t e7a"tly who he was.

    H%st as %i"ly as she remembered the image$ it was gone$ and she was ba" at the

    5as%erade (all with Hames waling towards her.What the hell was that Ally had to !ightba" a !r%strated groan.

    Hames was %pon her$ there was no more time !or internal hysteri"s. She had to p%t it aside and

    deal with it later. ?e rea"hed down and too her hand bowing ever so slowly. #ever breaingeye "onta"t$ he bestowed a iss on her hand$ as he had done !ive years ago.

    9@ood evening$ Alessandra$; he m%rm%red in that !amiliar warm ri"h voi"e that seemed to

    vibrate thro%gh her.9@ood evening$ Hames$; she said still not entirely in "ontrol o! hersel!.

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    9o% are breathtaing tonight.; The "ompliment almost rendered her spee"hless.

    9Than yo%.; She pa%sed drining him in. 9o% are still looing godlie.; Ally didn&t

    realiBe what she had said %ntil he b%rst into la%ghter.9Than yo%$ Alessandra$; he said still la%ghing.

    5orti!ied$ Ally "overed her mo%th with her hand. 9' "an&t believe ' :%st said that$; she

    m%mbled. She always had a way o! saying things that were in her head be!ore she gave it m%"htho%ght. The habit was one that !re%ently o!!ended others aro%nd her$ or in this "ase$

    embarrassed her. She never meant any harm in what she said$ it was simply a "ase o! !oot in

    mo%th disease a""ording to Adele. ?er grandmother loved Ally&s bl%nders. She believed it waspart o! what made Ally so spe"ial and endearing. Ally hated it.

    Kathryn also seemed to have a spe"ial pla"e in her heart !or Ally&s honesty. 't was one o! her

    best %alities$ and everyone needed a !riend who wo%ld tell yo% the tr%th no matter what the

    "ir"%mstan"es. That was a tr%e !riend$ a""ording to Kat.94o%ld yo% "are to :oin me !or a drin in the garden

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    She looed at him sho"ed. ?e li!ted his hand slowly$ e7tended his inde7 !inger and tra"ed

    her :aw so!tly$ as he said$ 9They are so bea%ti!%l yo% now.;

    She was breathless. 95y eyes

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    9' m%st "on!ess yo% are a most intimidating man.; She pa%sed looing into his eyes again.

    9o% m%st have at least one !law

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    to%"hed her.

    9That&s a rather non"ommittal answer$; she said. 9That leads me to ass%me yo% are a

    bodyg%ard$ either with highly important "lients that re%ire se"re"y$ or perhaps yo% aren&t abodyg%ard at all;

    ?e angled his body towards her. 9o% love to %n"over the tr%th$ so '&m handing yo% a p%BBle

    to solve; leaning even !%rther$ he whispering in her ear. 94hat am '$ Alessandra

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    'n the images$ Hames was di!!erent somehow$ more nat%ral and less "omposed. The mas he

    wore had slipped$ and she was seeing him as he tr%ly was !or the !irst time.

    5ost o! the images seemed per!e"tly normal e7"ept two. ?e was dressed in nobleman&s attire!rom the regen"y period in England in one memory$ and the other one pi"t%red him with a man

    who looed a lot lie 5i"helangelo d%ring the 3enaissan"e in 'taly.

    ?er brain went into overdrive trying to p%t the pie"es together. 4ere they memories !rom a!an"y dress party< Something abo%t it seemed too a%thenti" to be a !an"y dress party. Co%ld it be

    real< ?er mind was ra"ed with possibilities$ one o! whi"h$ was that she was losing her mind.

    She had leaned ba" !rom Hames %n"ons"io%sly when the !irst image e7ploded in her mind.Hames was wat"hing with a "lear !as"ination.

    ?is words "ame ba" to ha%nt her. 94hat am '$ Ally

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    Ally grinned despite her annoyan"e at being interr%pted. She new that something important

    m%st have "ome %p !or her gran to bother them.

    9's everything alright

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    9' "an tae "are o! mysel!$; Ally said indignantly.

    Adele smired. 9=! "o%rse yo% "an sweetheart.;

    Hames got to his !eet in one !l%id motion. ?e t%rned ba" to Ally and held his hand o%t tohelp her %p. She too it$ amaBed that a man with "hivalry still e7isted in this day and age. That$

    in itsel!$ was eno%gh to mae a girl swoon. Chivalry "ombined with everything else he was$

    "o%ld be"ome lethal to a girl&s heart.9eave it with me Adele. 't will be taen "are o! by the nightDs end.;

    Adele nodded and le!t them alone to say their goodbyes.

    Hames and Ally t%rned to ea"h other. ?e drew her into his arms again$ and she !elt her neesstart to b%"le. 9'&m so sorry Ally. ' really wish ' "o%ld stay and spend the rest o! the night

    getting to now yo% better.;

    She sighed. 9' wish yo% "o%ld too.;

    9'&ll mae it %p to yo%$; he said$ as he t%"ed a stray pie"e o! hair behind her ear. 9'promise.;

    She beamed at him. 9o% want to see me again

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    Chapter Seven

    9Adele$ where are yo%; Adele replied with s%"h "onvi"tion$ Hames had no "hoi"e b%t tobelieve her. 9' now yo%$ Hames Carlisle$ and ' wo%ldn&t p%t Alessandra&s li!e in the hands o! :%st

    anyone. 6rophe"y be damned>; She threw her hands in the air. 9'! it had been anyone b%t yo%$ '

    wo%ld&ve told them to go to hell and taen her into hiding.;9Than yo% Adele.; Hames smiled$ h%mbled and hono%red that Adele tho%ght so highly o!


    She "ame over and gave him a h%g. 9o% big oa!$ go o%t there and save o%r girl.;

    ?e "olle"ted himsel! and !o%nd o%t the ne"essary in!ormation he needed be!ore setting o%t onhis :o%rney to !ind Iin"ent and send him on his way. 't was only a stalling ta"ti"$ b%t he needed

    time M more than he new he wo%ld get. Ally wasn&t ready yet. ?is love didn&t even now who

    or whatshe was.hings are going to get very bad, very fast& $od help us all when we tell )lly what is going

    on. ?e rolled his eyes at the tho%ght and !elt a heada"he taing hold. 3%bbing his !orehead$ he

    staled o%t to his bla" 5er"edes and got in.Hames had dropped all h%man preten"e. #o one was aro%nd to see him waling !aster and

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    with more gra"e than any normal h%man "o%ld. ?is !oot hit the a""elerator$ and he !loored it.

    Adele had in!ormation that Iin"ent had been seen loitering aro%nd the andenong 3anges

    #ational 6ar$ abo%t twenty min%tes !rom Ally&s ho%se. Far too "lose !or "om!ort.Speeding thro%gh the winding roads$ he was overtaing anyone who was in !ront o! him. 't

    was no time !or a leis%rely drive. ?e had to !ind Iin"ent and stop him. Ally&s li!e depended on it.

    Hames p%lled into the dar$ deserted "ar par$ stopped the "ar and got o%t. ?e stood tall$throwing his senses o%t trying to lo"ate Iin"ent and any potential traps or de"oys.

    Something wasn&t right$ b%t Hames didn&t now what. 94hy wo%ld he l%re me o%t here

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    Hames t%rned red with rage$ as he realiBed he&d been tri"ed. 9And yo%&re the distra"tion.;

    9Clever boy.; #atalia smired wi"edly$ thoro%ghly en:oying the game.9o% won&t get her>; he s"reamed$ wanting to tear her apart.

    't was so obvio%s. 4hat the hell was wrong with him that he "o%ldn&t see what was staring

    him in the !a"e @et Ally inside now>; he e7"laimed.

    Adele slammed the phone down on the ben"h and started r%nning.

    Hames p%t his !oot to the !loor there was no time to waste. ?e "o%ld be ba" at Adele&s ho%se

    in ten min%tes$ b%t that was !ar too long. ?e sho%ld&ve nown better?ow "o%ld he be sost%pid

    I should never have lost my temper, but $od help me, she would drive a saint to crack$ he

    tho%ght as he stormed o!!.Ally was st%nned into silen"e at Hames& o%tb%rst. She new she was being temperamental

    abo%t the whole matter$ b%t her entire li!e had been t%rned inside o%t. A m%rdero%s rage "ame

    over her as the sho" o! his words wore o!!.'ow dare he> She tho%ght. I have every damn reason to be acting like this& James has no

    idea what this feels like& 'e has known who and what he was since the day he was born.

    Adele rea"hed o%t to her$ and Ally "ame ba" to reality. 9on&t worry abo%t Hames$ sweetie.?e&s :%st terri!ied that Iin"ent will !ind yo%.;

    9' %nderstand that$ b%t this news is a h%ge amo%nt to absorb$ and ' need more time$; Ally

    pa%sed. 9' believe what yo% have told me$ b%t;

    9' now$ sweetie. ' now. ' sho%ld&ve told yo% a long time ago$; Adele sighed.94hy didn&t 5%m and ad tell me

    94ell$ he was there to "laim yo% as his so%l mate.; The words h%ng in the air. 95adame

    'sabella was right abo%t that$ too. 4e all have one so%l mate$ the man yo% are destined to lovelie no other.Jamesis that man !or yo%.;

    She !elt "ompletely o%t o! "ontrol o! her li!e at this moment. 9So ' never had a "hoi"e in this


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    Ally was am%sed by her grandmother&s "omment. 94hether he is a "at"h or not is beside the

    point. ' now nothing o! his nat%re or "hara"ter and what ' have seen so !ar does nothing !or me$

    gorgeo%s loos aside o! "o%rse.;9=h$ Ally$ '&ve nown Hames !or a long time$ and he is a wonder!%l man. o% tr%ly are a

    per!e"t pair. ' will admit yo% are seeing the worst o! him right now$ b%t he is rea"ting o%t o!


    9?ave ' ever misled yo% darling

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    oh my $od, what am I thinking; she snapped.

    9That&s not tr%e. o% now that we&re so%l mates. Anything that "on"erns yo% is my "on"ern


    9o% really are a "aveman$ aren&t yo%

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    new that yo% were my so%l mate$ b%t it wasn&t appropriate !or me to approa"h yo% %ntil yo% had

    rea"hed a "ertain age. Then a!ter yo%r parents died$ ' "ontin%ed prote"ting yo% and wat"hing over

    yo% %ntil the time was right.; Hames smiled and the emotions swimming in his eyes "hanged towhat she imagined love looed lie.

    ?er heart sipped another beat$ the moment she be"ame aware o! how m%"h love this man

    !elt !or her. 6revio%sly$ it had been all abo%t so%l mates and "onne"tions$ b%t it had only beenwords that were bandied abo%t to her.

    For some reason$ Ally hadn&t been able to %nderstand the depth and reality o! the emotions

    that Hames !elt !or her$ %ntil now. She was "aptivated by the moment and "o%ldn&t have p%lledher eyes away !rom the love she !elt po%ring o%t to her$ i! her very li!e had depended on it.

    Hames was the !irst to spea. 94e sho%ld be landing soon. Thin abo%t everything yo% have

    been told. '! yo% listen to yo%r heart$ it will all mae sense.;

    Still "a%ght in his gaBe$ Ally so!tly said$ 9ie ' "o%ld thin abo%t anything else.;espite !inally %nderstanding the depths o! emotion and love that Hames !elt !or her$ she

    wasn&t ready to leap into a relationship or the so%l mate e%ivalent :%st yet. Ally needed some

    time to pro"ess things and de"ide what she wanted and how she wanted to do this.

    estiny was playing a ma:or role in her li!e$ that "o%ldn&t be denied. ?owever$ she !elt liethere was still some "ontrol that she "o%ld tae ba". Knowing that it wo%ld be di!!i"%lt to hold

    Hames ba" !or a while$ she de"ided that it was essential !or her to get some spa"e !rom him.Which is going to be hard, considering Im staying at his house $ she tho%ght to hersel!.

    #evertheless$ Ally was always one who new what she needed. A !ew days o! normality

    were at the top o! her list$ !ollowed by getting to now Hames$ slowly.espite everything$ she still !elt h%rt that he didnDt move heaven and earth to be with her.

    A""ording to him$ it wasn&t possible$ b%t she didn&t believe that. Slowly$ she began to !eel the

    irritation rise within her at his words$ b%t o%twardly she wore a mas o! "almness and what she

    hoped passed !or serene. =n"e they had gotten o!! the plane$ then Ally "o%ld start p%tting somespa"e between them$ :%st %ntil she had taen things in and made some sort o! sense o! it all.

    At that moment$ Adele "ame wandering ba" to her seat. She sat down and looed !rom Ally

    to Hames and smiled at them with happiness.9$ive her time, James& It appears )lly is coming around.;

    Hames looed over to Adele and sighed internally at the dilemma he new was "oming. Ally

    needed time$ b%t that was something they had in limited s%pply. 9I can give her anything butthat& We have already wasted too much time as it is.;

    Adele sighed %ietly$ with !r%stration and resignation. She new that his words were tr%e$ b%t

    that didn&t mean she had to lie it.

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    Chapter Thirteen

    3elie! !looded thro%gh Hames& body as he stepped o!! the plane into the light rain. S"otland

    was a wel"ome sight. ?e&d been away !rom his home !or too long.

    @rey "lo%ds were gathering !or"e in the sy. 't looed "alm eno%gh$ b%t Hames new theywo%ld soon be taing "over !rom a severe storm. The weather was hard and !ast in S"otland$

    m%"h lie the terrain. 't was a wild %ntamed "o%ntry that he "alled home. ?eavy rain !ell !or

    m%"h o! the year$ and the snow in winter made this pla"e o! bea%ty seem magi"al. S"otland had atran%illity that he !elt in his very so%l. #o other pla"e on this earth was lie it$ and it s%ited him


    ?e t%rned aro%nd and saw Adele stepping o!! the plane$ !ollowed by Alessandra with Co"o in

    her arms.

    Ally sighed with delight$ !orgetting !or a moment the irritation that was brewing inside o!her. She stood still and looed aro%nd at vast wild snow"apped mo%ntains as !ar as the eye

    "o%ld see. 9't&s bea%ti!%l$; she said with a mi7t%re o! awe and wonder.Ally new !rom this day !orwards things wo%ld be di!!i"%lt$ so she de"ided to savo%r this one

    bliss!%l moment.

    93%!!$; Co"o bared and looed aro%nd$ her doe eyes sparling.9't&s magi"al isn&t it$ Co"o

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    9That so%nds delight!%l$; Adele said.

    Hames t%rned to the p%ppy en"ased in Ally&s arms and s"rat"hed her behind the ears. 9And

    this spe"ial poo"h here is Co"o$ Alessandra&s p%ppy and dear !riend.;93%!!$; Co"o bared to ?enry.

    94ell ni"e to meet yo% Co"o.; ?enry held o%t his hand !or her to sni!!$ and Co"o ret%rned

    the gest%re with a li" o! approval on his "hee.9=oh$ now aren&t yo% a sweet lass Co"o.; ?enry gaBed at her already "harmed. 9' shall get

    my wi!e to mae yo% some spe"ial "ooies too.;

    93%!!$; Co"o bared again.9Shall we get yo% all home Hames

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    She groaned. 9And yo%&re impossible.;

    9=h$ Alessandra$ yo%&ll "ome aro%nd$; he said with a "on!iden"e that bordered on arrogan"e.

    Ally groaned again.She was am%sing$ !%ll o! spirit and delighted Hames in a way he had not e7pe"ted. ?ow he

    longed !or her in ways she "o%ldn&t %nderstand. Ally was still only hal! immortal. 4hen the

    "onversion too pla"e$ she wo%ld %nderstand what he was s%!!ering !or her. Hames "o%ld :%sttae what was right!%lly his$ b%t she deserved better than that.

    Hames wanted her to want him and to love him$ to "ome to him o! her own !ree will be"a%se

    she "o%ldn&t bear to be witho%t him. ?e wasn&t above p%shing things to his advantage$ b%t%ltimately$ the "hoi"e wo%ld always be hers.

    At least$ Ally was sa!e !rom Iin"ent in his homeland$ !or the time being. ?e wo%ld "ome$

    b%t it wo%ld not be !or some time yet.

    The "ar p%lled to a stop o%t !ront o! the grand marble steps leading to the ho%se.9Come inside. '&ll introd%"e yo% to Sophie then she "an show yo% to yo%r rooms. '&m s%re

    yo% "o%ld both %se some time to yo%rselves a!ter o%r !light$; Hames said.

    9That is a good idea Hames. Than yo%$; Adele replied warmly.

    Ally t%rned and smired at Hames. 9eah$ ' agree. ' "o%ld %se some Hames!ree time.;Hames p%t a hand to his heart$ mo"ing Ally. 9ass$ yo% wo%nd me.;

    At this$ ?enry b%rst o%t with a wonder!%l hearty la%gh$ whi"h earned him a glare !romAlessandra&s dire"tion. They h%stled %p the steps$ and in the !ront door as Sophie "ame r%nning

    towards them.

    9Hames$ yo%&re home.; She threw her arms aro%nd him in a loving embra"e.9?ello Sophie.; ?e smiled warmly and began the introd%"tions. 9Alessandra$ Adele$ please

    allow me to introd%"e Sophie.;

    Ally looed at Sophie. She was an older woman well into her si7ties with graying hair that

    was p%lled ba" in a loose not. espite her age$ she was a bea%ti!%l woman and wo%ld havebeen %ite the st%nner when she was yo%nger. ?er demeanor was ind$ gentle and open.

    Ally instantly lied her b%t didn&t want to.

    The gro%p began waling !rom the entran"e hall$ and into the lo%nge room to re"%perate !romthe long !light and partae in a!ternoon tea with the 5%ir&s and Hames$ be!ore being shown to

    their g%est bedrooms.

    Everyone too a seat on the "om!ortable "ream so!as and mat"hing "hairs aro%nd thespa"io%s elegant room. ooing aro%nd the e7%isite lo%nge$ Ally noti"ed the dining room o!! to

    the le!t whi"h was e%ally glamoro%s.

    Fo"%sing on the bla" grand piano in the "orner$ she be"ame lost in her own tho%ghts !or a

    moment. So m%"h !or hating the "o%ntry$ the ho%se and the servants$ Ally sighed inwardly. Shebe"ame intensely aware o! the !a"t that she loved this wild$ magi"al "o%ntry. The ho%se was

    in"redible$ Sophie and ?enry seemed very ni"e and worst o! all$ the attra"tion she !elt towards

    Hames was in"reasing by the min%te.S%ddenly Ally realiBed that Sophie was speaing to her$ b%t she only hal! heard what was

    said. Hames was wat"hing her$ his emerald eyes sparling$ his !a"e intent b%t so!t$ with a little

    "on"ern thrown in.(h why couldnt he have been horrible5 6verything is a mess$ she tho%ght.

    9)lly it only feels that way& Im honored that you love my house, friends and country.;

    94hat the hell

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    real> She tho%ght sar"asti"ally.

    96erhaps this is a dis"%ssion !or another time$; he said %ietly to Ally.

    9@et o%t o! my head Hames>; she said %ietly$ !eeling !r%strated.'t was an invasion o! priva"y that Ally was not happy abo%t and wanted to mae that very

    "lear to Hames. ?owever$ she didn&t want to "a%se a s"ene in !ront o! his !riends. Ally :%st needed

    an ho%r o! normal"y. ?er li!e had been thrown into "haos$ and too m%"h in!ormation wasr%nning aro%nd in her head.

    Gn!ort%nately$ Sophie was a rather per"eptive woman$ and noti"ed the %iet tension between

    the two. ooing in the dire"tion o! the "o%ple to be$ Sophie heard what Ally had tried to "onvey%ietly and %nderstood what had transpired.

    Sophie appeared to be a mother !ig%re to Hames$ whi"h be"ame more apparent when she

    began to s"old him the way a mother wo%ld. ovingly$ b%t !irmly she said$ 9Hames$ leave the

    poor girl alone. She obvio%sly has a lot to pro"ess$ and i! ' now yo% at all$ it wo%ldn&t have beenp%t deli"ately.; Sophie dire"ted the ne7t %estion to Ally$ 9Am ' right in ass%ming that yo%

    weren&t given a "hoi"e in "oming here; she "alled o%t$ breathless.4hen she didn&t hear a response$ Ally de"ided to do something "raBy. She attempted to

    throw him a mental "ommand to stop. Ally had no idea e7a"tly how to do it or i! it wo%ld wor$

    b%t she had to try. She t%rned the "orner and there he was$ looing bem%sed and relieved.9Ally$ what did yo% :%st do

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    9o% don&t have to apologise$ Ally. ' realiBe how m%"h ' have ased yo% to tae on !aith and

    that this has t%rned yo%r li!e %pside down again.; ?e rea"hed o%t and tilted her "hin %p to loo

    him in the eyes. 9Ally$ never !eel lie yo% "an&t say what yo%&re thining to me. ' want %s to behonest with ea"h other abo%t everything.;

    Again$ Ally was str%" by his eyes. 4as he doing that$ or was it something between them;

    9?%rrah>; they all "ried and s%rged !orward behind the leader. =ne h%ndred 'mmortalwarriors had answered the "all !or help that the leader had sent o%t.

    ate at night as the moon was sitting high in the sy$ the vampire army had taen the !orm o!

    a light grey !og$ des"ending %pon the land o! the immortals to begin their sla%ghter.9Damian, come *uickly& We cannot defeat them+ Something has happened to make them our

    e*ual in strength& here are too many$; Hames "omm%ni"ated to his brother amian with

    %rgen"y and "on!%sion.

    9What has happened brother5 It7s not possible that they are as strong as us.;

    9I dont know but its true%our only chance of survival is with an army of immortal men buteven then I dont know if we can defeat them%they have already taken half the village.;

    9We are coming from the south and will be there in five minutes& Do what you can littlebrother.;

    4hat has happened< amian wondered.

    Five min%tes later they emerged into the "haos. The s"ene be!ore him sent a "hill thro%gh hisvery so%l. (lood was spilled everywhere. The li!eless "orpses o! men$ women and "hildren were

    s"attered on the gro%nd. The earth was "rying o%t in pain. ?e "o%ld !eel it.

    I must warn her to take cover where she is$ amian tho%ght.I couldnt bear it if she was

    destroyed too.?e sent her the news via the way o! their ind. 9=%r village is %nder atta" !rom the

    vampires. o% m%st stay where yo% are. Tae "over and let no one !ind yo%. ' "o%ld not bear it i!' lost yo% my love.;?is so%l mate replied$ 9I will my love, please come back to me when you can.;

    9I promise you that I will come back$; amian promised then broe the "onne"tion. She

    "%rled into a ball beside the !ire that he had b%ilt !or her in their ho%se be!ore leaving.'t lay within the mo%ntains and was well "on"ealed !rom the world. She wo%ld be sa!e$ b%t

    she "o%ldn&t shae the !eeling her warrior wo%ld not "ome ba" to her$ as promised.

    (a" in the midst o! the "haos$ amian s"reamed to his men$ 9Atta">;

    ?is heart was breaing at the loss he !elt. ?e wo%ld mae the vampires pay !or this.

    amian steered his tr%sty steed into the throng and began beheading as many vampires as he

    "o%ld. They "o%ld b%rn the "orpses later. This wo%ld be eno%gh to stop them$ !or the time being.There were so many o! them$ and Hames was right. They were stronger than %s%al. 't wasn&t

    maing sense$ something very bad had happened.

    The immortals had taen it !or granted they "o%ld eep the vampires %nder "ontrol$ and hadgrown "ompla"ent. #ow the evil ones t%rned it against them.

    ?e s%rged !orward when he "a%ght sight o! his brother in the middle o! a vampire "ir"le. ?e

    was s%rro%nded with no way o%t. amian blo"ed o%t the s"reams o! terror !rom the immortals$the so%nd o! metal "langing against metal and the la%ghter o! p%re evil and vi"tory !rom the

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    vampires. Hames was the only person in his !o"%s.

    ?e held his sword high in the air as he galloped !orward and too o%t one o! the vampires to

    mae a hole in the "ir"le$ then threw his other sword towards Hames at a speed that the vampires"o%ldn&t even see. 'n less than a se"ond Hames had "a%ght the sword and sli"ed a vampire&s head

    o!!. Together they !o%ght o!! every vampire in the "ir"le. They had always made a great team on

    and o!! the battle!ield.The air was !illed with the smell o! evil and death. 't st%ng his nose to breathe the tainted

    s"ent. ?e needed !resh "lean air$ b%t he had to help his men.

    amian too in the sight be!ore him again. ?is men had illed all b%t a !ew remainingvampires$ b%t as with any battle$ a !ew good men o! his own had been lost$ b%t at least they had

    died with honor$ prote"ting their people.

    amian had been blessed with an analyti"al mind that made him a brilliant leader. ?e "o%ld

    mae battle plans in a se"ond and revise them :%st as %i"ly. ?is nat%ral "harm and "harismaalso inspired his men.

    94hat the hell happened tonight< 4hy are they as strong as %s and how did they get into the

    village %nnoti"ed

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    96erhaps we will have need !or the prophe"y girl a!ter all$; Hames said re!le"tively. 9' never

    really %nderstood what the prophe"y was abo%t %ntil tonight.;

    9(e!ore tonight we wo%ldn&t have needed her. #ow ' only pray that we "an !ind her whenshe is born$; amian said with "onvi"tion. They both new it wo%ld be lie !inding a needle in a

    haysta"$ b%t he also new that i! the prophe"y had been written$ somehow they wo%ld !ind her.

    94e sho%ld have been prepared !or s%"h an atta"$ and p%t in pla"e meas%res against thisind o! thing happening$; Hames said angrily.

    9?indsight little brother$ hindsight.;

    4ith heavy hearts$ they started to see to their respe"tive tass.

    Alessandra awoe !rom her sleep$ and stret"hed o%t lie a "at$ on the warm "om!ortable day

    bed. The rain was belting against the "over s%rro%nding the terra"e$ and she "o%ld hear th%nder$

    in the distan"e. The sy was an omino%s dar grey with !lashing lightning bolts that lit %p thesy. She "o%ldn&t help b%t be in awe o! the power o! the storm. 5other #at%re was a !or"e to be

    re"oned with. espite the severity o! the weather$ it somehow rela7ed her. She p%lled the %ilt

    ba" %p to her sho%lders and wat"hed the display overhead. 't wasn&t long be!ore she dri!ted

    ba" into another sleep$ !%ll o! more dreams.

    amian needed some time alone to re!le"t on what had happened. ?e wo%ld be o! little %se toanyone i! he didn&t get his head straight. ?e waled along a path in the !orest that was a !ew

    meters !rom the edge o! the village. ?e was s%rro%nded by trees that seemed as tall as the sy.

    The path was well worn !rom years o! people waling along it. A "learing was %p ahead. ?estopped and leaned against a tree looing o%t to the mo%ntains that en"ir"led his homeland. 't

    was a pla"e o! %nspoiled bea%ty.

    The stream to his le!t was tri"ling along its "o%rse. The so%nd o! r%nning water and the

    s%rro%nding bea%ty revived him. amian t%rned to go ba" when he "a%ght the smell o! evil.4hirling aro%nd$ he "ame !a"e to !a"e with Iin"ent.

    9So ni"e o! yo% to stop by and say hello$ amian$; he said$ his lips smiring with vi"tory.

    9So ni"e o! yo% to stop by and ill hal! my people$; amian shot ba".amian tried to eep his "ool. '! Iin"ent had dr%n an 'mmortal&s blood tonight$ he wo%ld

    be almost %nstoppable.

    95y pleas%re amian$; he drawled. 9o% see ' :%st "o%ldn&t help mysel!o% immortalsthin yo%&re so %nde!eatable. 't was too hard to resist showing yo% all that yo%aren&t$; he said


    amian had heard eno%gh. ?e !lew into a rage and threw a !ireball straight at Iin"ent&s

    heart$ b%t the evil "reat%re moved at the last se"ond$ and it hit his arm.93eally

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    9et&s go. 4e got what we "ame !or$; Iin"ent said to his minions.

    The two vampires pi"ed %p amian&s limp body and ran !aster than a bl%r. 't was only a

    matter o! time be!ore help showed %p !or the !allen warrior$ and they needed to get !ar awaybe!ore that happened.

    5ere moments a!ter the trio o! vampires departed$ Hames arrived in the "learing. ?e new it

    was too late. There was noone to be seen !or miles.An eerie voi"e !loated on the breeBe towards him.

    94oure too late James& 4our beloved brother is dead%at my hands.;

    Hames !ell to his nees and s"reamed with hearta"he and devastation at the loss o! his belovedbrother. Tonight had been di!!i"%lt !or anyone to handle b%t this as well was :%st too m%"h to

    bear. ?e !elt lie his world had shattered into a tho%sand tiny pie"es$ and he wo%ld never be

    whole again.

    9Damian>Damian, answer me damn it+ /lease tell me he is lying;There was no answer o! "o%rse. '! amian was alive$ he wo%ld&ve answered. Hames stayed

    there on his nees$ "ons%med with grie!$ wondering how this "o%ld have happened.

    Alessandra awoe again.'ow long have I been asleep< She wondered.The rain was still pelting down$ the th%nder still roaring and the lightning still p%tting on a

    daBBling show$ b%t it appeared "loser than be!ore and it was a whole lot darer now.Someone had been in while Ally was sleeping and lit "andles all aro%nd her$ "reating a so!t

    warm glow$ so she wo%ldn&t awae in darness. Feeling lie there was something important that

    she needed to remember$ Ally too a moment to "lear her mind that was !oggy !rom sleep.94hat was it

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    95mmm that maes sense in a ro%ndabo%t way$; Hames said looing slightly bewildered.

    94omen$; ?enry snorted. 94e "an&t live with them and "an&t live witho%t them.;

    95aybe ' really am a "aveman

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    be!ore her. amian was obvio%sly very pre"io%s to her @ran. 4hat was he to yo%$ @ran< Ally


    9' now he was Hames& older brother$ b%t that sadness ' see in yo%r eyes maes me thin hewas something more to yo%.;

    Adele let o%t a so!t miserable la%gh and rested her hands on her lap.

    9es$ he was.; She pa%sed$ remembering a time long ago. Then she snapped ba" to thepresent day and said$ 9Tell me abo%t yo%r dream.;

    Ally told her everything she "o%ld remember.

    Adele was lost in another world again while Ally re"alled her dreams$ almost as i! her @ranwas reliving them as she spoe. ?er e7pression was mostly sad b%t there was :oy in her eyes

    when Ally re"alled the "onversation he had with a !emale.

    Ally let o%t a %iet gasp as she "ame to a startling realiBation. 9o% were the girl he was

    "omm%ni"ating with.;Adele smiled. 9es$ that was me.;

    94ere yo% his girl!riend< 4hat happened

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    The Carlisle name is a strong an"ient bloodline among the immortals. Everyone looed to them

    !or g%idan"e and dire"tion. As a people$ we have never had an o!!i"ial r%ler among %s. There

    hadn&t been a need !or it b%t i! there had been$ the Carlisle&s wo%ld have r%led.;Ally leaned "loser. 94hat happened to his parents

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    power lies in the earth still$ and they are aware o! what goes on here. They new this day was

    "oming so they have waited and wat"hed !or yo%$ and now the messages begin.;

    94ell not begin e7a"tly$; Ally said shyly. She had never told anyone abo%t her dreamsbe!ore they hadn&t seemed important at the time$ b%t maybe they were a!ter all.

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    Chapter Fi#teen

    Adele "o"ed her head to the side. 94hat do yo% mean Dwell not e7a"tly&

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    o%t o! the lo%nge and o!! to !ind Hames$ thining the st%dy wo%ld be the best pla"e to start.

    4aling thro%gh the mansion to !ind him$ she "o%ldn&t help b%t revel in the bea%ty o! this

    ho%se. =n any other ho%se$ the ne%tral might seem bland b%t this ho%se b%rned with emotion andlove. She !elt it "alling to her.

    9's there anything in this "o%ntry that doesn&t "all to me

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    9Hames>; she "ried in !r%stration.

    95y apologies$ tell me abo%t yo%r dream.; ?e raised the glass to his mo%th.

    9't was abo%t amian$; she began.?is glass stopped :%st be!ore it rea"hed his lips.

    ?e sat there looing at her lie she had two heads. 4hat was it abo%t this amian g%y who

    seemed to get s%"h a rea"tion she wondered< Hames appeared to be sho"ed into silen"e$something that she didn&t thin wo%ld ever have been possible$ so she de"ided to tae advantage

    and "ontin%ed. 9@ran had m%"h the same rea"tion as yo%. She told me he was yo%r brother.;

    9es he is or rather$ was$ my brother. ?e was lost to %s !i!ty years ago.; Hames eyes wereswollen with %nshed tears and sorrow as her grans had been.

    ost in his own memories$ she let him have a moment. And in doing so she gave hersel! a

    moment to st%dy him and soa him %p witho%t him noti"ing.

    ?e really was something else. She !elt the instant need to "ower away !rom him to go ba" toher "om!ortable pla"e and hide$ pretend that none o! this was happening$ b%t she "o%ldn&t$ and

    she new that now. ?owever$ admitting that to hersel! was one thing$ admitting it to Hames was


    Ally needed time to absorb the immense amo%nt o! in!ormation she had been given and the!a"t that her li!e had been irrevo"ably "hanged by the events o! the last "o%ple o! days.

    She la%ghed so!tly at the tho%ght. 't seemed so distant lie it had all happened a million yearsago.

    ?er so!t la%gh had bro%ght him ba" to reality$ and he was staring at her as i! he "o%ld see

    into her very so%l. Those sparling emerald eyes were drawing her in. Ally !elt the drowningsensation begin as she !o%nd hersel! "a%ght in those eyes. Everything abo%t him was so intense$

    right down to his gaBe.

    ?ow will ' ever s%rvive this< She wondered.

    9' "ame here to dis"%ss my dream so stop looing at me lie that. 't&s distra"ting$; she "hidedhim gently.

    9' was :%st admiring the most bea%ti!%l "reat%re ' ever beheld. o% "an&t blame a man !or

    that$; Hames said with a devastating smile.94hat am ' s%pposed to say to that

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    9es$ yo%&re right. '&m sorry. #ow the dream "on"erning amian$ tell me abo%t it.; Hames

    appeared to be open$ and she had his !%ll attention ba" onto the dream$ so she relayed the

    in!ormation to him.The same thing happened again as it did with her @randmother. Ally "o%ld see he was lost in

    tho%ght$ sadness and a sense o! pride that she hadn&t seen in Adele$ b%t ea"h person wo%ld have a

    di!!erent way o! seeing things.9So what do yo% thin

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    tomorrow. The mo%ntain range is spe"ta"%lar and there are some r%ins not !ar !rom here that '

    thin yo% will !ind interesting. ' tho%ght it might be a ni"e way to !orget abo%t all the hard st%!!

    !or a day and :%st en:oy o%rselves.;She was astonished. 't so%nded wonder!%l>

    9' wo%ld love that. This pla"e is in"redible. 't wo%ld be lovely to see more o! it.;

    9@ood. ' will organiBe a l%n"h to be pa"ed !or %s too.; ?e beamed a smile so bright at her$she tho%ght she might go blind. 9There is :%st something ' need to organiBe !irst$ a present o!

    sorts be!ore we go.;

    ?er eyes widened lie a "hild on Christmas morning.I must remember to thank 'enry again$ he tho%ght."omance seemed to be *uite the charm.

    9A present< 4hat is it

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    be"a%se she new that&s what amian wo%ld have wanted her to do. ?owever$ i! Ally "o%ld do

    all this$ then she had a real "han"e o! de!eating Iin"ent. She was destined to !ight Iin"ent that

    wo%ld happen no matter what$ b%t the o%t"ome$ that was %p to !ate.Ally was the !irst to p%ll ba"$ realiBing that she needed to get o%t o! here whilst she "o%ld.

    Standing %p$ she looed down at Hames. 9'&m really looing !orward to o%r o%ting$ Hames.;

    95e too$; he answered staring dreamily at her. 9@o get some rest$ Ally. ' have some b%sinessto tae "are o! tonight$ b%t '&ll see yo% in the morning.;

    Ally smiled again and le!t the room !eeling lie she was on "lo%d nine.

    I hope this lasts

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    Chapter Sixteen

    =ver a s"r%mptio%s roast bee! dinner that night$ Ally got to now Sophie and ?enry more.

    She learned they had two "hildren$ ogan and 5a"enBie. She hadn&t met either one yet. ogan

    had gone o%t with Hames$ and 5a"enBie wo%ld be ret%rning !rom a wee in ondon tomorrow.istening to Sophie and ?enry speaing o! their "hildren she "o%ld tell they were devoted

    parents who loved their ids dearly. 't made her heart "ry o%t !or her own beloved parents$ b%t at

    least she had Adele. Ally honestly didn&t now what she wo%ld have done witho%t her.A!ter m%"h "onversation$ good !ood and e7%isite red wine$ the dinner "ame to an end$ and

    Ally !o%nd hersel! "om!ortably sit%ated in a large "ream arm"hair$ reading a novel$ in the lo%nge

    room$ whilst a light rain pitterpattered against the windows o! the Fren"h doors that lead o%t

    into the terra"e.

    A bright !lash o! lightning$ !ollowed %i"ly by a very lo%d "ra" o! th%nder "a%ght herattention. 6%lling her nose o%t o! the boo$ she looed %p at the "lo" and saw that it was almost

    midnight.Gpon realiBing how late it was$ she de"ided it was time she went %p to bed. Gnaware o! how

    tired she !elt %ntil a!ter she got %p$ Ally stood at the bottom o! the stairs wondering i! she had the

    energy to "limb the two levels to her room.4ith a sigh o! resignation$ she "limbed the steps one by one %ntil she !o%nd hersel! in the

    hallway leading to her room. =n"e inside she "hanged into her sleeping attire and "rawled deep

    %nder the "overs. ?er last "oherent tho%ght be!ore sleep "laimed her was o! Hames$ and all she

    had learned abo%t him sin"e waing %p on the plane this morning.

    The !ollowing morning Ally woe %p in the big !l%!!y ing siBe g%est bed. She washopelessly in love with this room. The bedroom itsel! was large and spa"io%s$ with an open!irepla"e in the wall and an elaborate gold mirror above it. She !o%nd the "o%"h and mat"hing

    ottoman were as deli"io%sly "om!ortable as the bed. She got %p and wrapped her "ream satin

    gown aro%nd her$ noti"ing the !irepla"e had already been lit$ maing the room toasty warm.Ally looed towards the bal"ony opposite the !irepla"e$ as something "a%ght her eye$ she

    went over to investigate. =pening the white Fren"h doors leading onto her private bal"ony$ she

    !elt a "hill r%n thro%gh her as she stepped o%tside. Hames hadn&t been :oing when he had lienedthe "limate to Antar"ti"a$ b%t it was astonishingly invigorating. Ally was s%rprised to !ind that

    the "old didn&t bother her that m%"h.

    The s"ene be!ore her was breathtaing she drew in a breath and looed aro%nd at the

    magni!i"en"e be!ore her. The p%re white snow %pon the mo%ntains that lay be!ore her eyes$appeared to be melting$ maing way !or the spring. The s%n was peeping its golden head !rom

    behind them$ and throwing rays o! s%nshine a"ross the land. The lo"h$ she wasn&t s%re how !ar

    away it was$ was "at"hing the golden rays giving the appearan"e o! diamonds !loating on thes%r!a"e. Any tension that had remained in her body !rom the !ew days be!ore seemed to !low

    straight o%t o! her at the sight.

    Ally was b%sy s%rveying the s"ene and taing in the bea%ty o! nat%re$ when she heard awhinny. ?er head t%rned$ and she realiBed there was a stable on the gro%nds at Carlisle 5anor.

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    She tho%ght that she might e7plode !rom e7"itement. Ally loved horses$ and it had been a dream

    o! hers to own a horse !or as long as she "o%ld remember.

    She "o%ldn&t see any$ so she ass%med that the noise had "ome !rom a horse within the stable.As she was abo%t to t%rn aro%nd and go ba" inside$ she heard it again. =nly this time she

    heard the a""ompanying hoo! beats.

    9That&s not the so%nd o! a horse in a stable$; she m%rm%red$ whilst looing aro%nd. 4ithinanother moment$ Hames "ame !lying aro%nd the "orner on a magni!i"ent bla" Arabian.

    The "oat o! the beast shone and its tail was !lying along behind it. The white sto"ings were a

    bea%ti!%l "ontrast to the bla". She looed on in awe as rider and beast !lew past her in per!e"tharmony.

    't was a bea%ti!%l sight to behold. Hames was heading straight !or a !en"e that divided the

    property and the wild %ntamed nat%re that daBBled be!ore her. She held her breath %n"ons"io%sly

    as it appeared that he wo%ldn&t have time to stop be!ore hitting the !en"e$ in !a"t$ they seemed tobe going %i"er and %i"er. Ally was abo%t to yell o%t and tell him to stop. She new it wo%ld

    be in vain$ b%t she "o%ldn&t :%st stand by wat"hing and say nothing. (e!ore she "o%ld do anything

    the bla" bea%ty and Hames li!ted o!! the gro%nd and !lew over the !en"e in a "lear :%mp. ?er

    breath !lew o%t o! her body in relie! and amaBement.Hames was obvio%sly an a""omplished rider. ?e appeared to be a nat%ral horseman. The rider

    and his horse were getting !%rther away !rom the property when s%ddenly they whipped ba"aro%nd and headed !or the !en"e. This time$ she rela7ed and :%st wat"hed leaning against the

    railing. She %n"ons"io%sly !elt the need to be as "lose as possible. She was in another world$ the

    room behind her had melted away$ all she was aware o! was Hames and his horse. They rode!aster and !aster towards the !en"e and "leared it again$ with seemingly little e!!ort !rom either o!


    As Hames got "loser she "o%ld see the e7hilaration written all over his !a"e. The rela7ed

    demeanor seemed to !low o%t o! him$ and his smile was wide and nat%ral. Hames started to slowas they approa"hed the ho%se$ he leaned down and patted his horse on the ne" it ret%rned the

    gest%re with a head toss and a whinny then began pran"ing aro%nd. The horse appeared to be one

    o! per!e"t lineage$ i! its behavior$ stan"e and bea%ty were anything to go by.Ally stood ba" admiring the man and horse$ and when he looed %p$ he seemed s%rprised to

    see her. She waved shyly$ and he waved ba" then started moving over towards her bal"ony.

    9?ow 3omeo and H%liet$; she la%ghed to hersel!.She "o%ldn&t p%ll her eyes !rom him. This was another side o! Hames that she de!initely !o%nd

    very appealing. ?ope!%lly$ she&d !ind more today that she !o%nd e%ally enti"ing. ?e rea"hed her

    %i"ly$ and appeared to be e7"ited to see her.

    ?e p%lled %p his horse and looed %p at her. 9@ood morning$ Alessandra.;She smiled at the !ormality. 9@ood morning$ Hames.;

    9' didn&t e7pe"t yo% %p !or a while yet.;

    9' "o%ld say the same !or yo%$; she said with a wi"ed gleam in her eye. 9' remember yo%telling me that yo% don&t lie getting %p early.;

    9o% were listening.; ?e "o%ldn&t help smile at the bea%ti!%l woman be!ore him.

    9o yo% do this every morning< ' had no idea what a good rider yo% were.;?e pra"ti"ally beamed$ simply be"a%se she had "omplimented him. 9' admit to having a love

    a!!air with horses. ' hope that doesn&t t%rn yo% !%rther against me

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    ?e smiled ba" at her wi"edly. 9' shall %se that to my !%ll advantage then.;

    9' wo%ld e7pe"t nothing less$; she said dryly. ?is eyes sparled !rom the ride$ and se"retly

    she hoped !rom seeing her.9id yo% miss me last night

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    9't was ni"e to meet yo% 5a"enBie$; Ally "alled a!ter her.

    9o% too$ Ally.; 4ith that she slipped o%t o! the room and "losed the door.

    Ally sat down to have her brea!ast$ whi"h to her s%rprised delight "onsisted o! Eggs(enedi"t and a strong "o!!ee. Ally almost s%ealed with e7"itement. =ne o! her !avorite dishes

    was Eggs (enedi"t and to have it delivered to her room with a "o!!ee was a wonder!%l novelty.

    She eagerly ate her brea!ast and m%rm%red a !ew mmms.Someone has done their homework: I wonder if that was my present$ she tho%ght. '! it was$

    then Hames was !ast be"oming the per!e"t man.

    A!ter !inishing her brea!ast and "o!!ee$ Ally wandered over to the "loset.94hat am ' going to wear

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    9Thans.; his day .ust keeps getting better and better$ she tho%ght.

    9#ow to get to the stables$ yo% head o%t that door onto the terra"e$ t%rn le!t and !ollow the

    gravel path. o% will see them on"e yo% t%rn the "orner a !ew meters down the path.;Ally memoriBed the instr%"tions$ said her thans$ and headed towards the terra"e doors.

    9En:oy yo%rsel!$ Ally. ' believe he has a present !or yo%$; she said giving the impression she

    new what it was.Ally stopped and t%rned aro%nd. 9o yo% now what it is She

    !o%nd hersel! spee"hless !or a moment. 9The horse

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    ?e la%ghed at her e7"itement. 9es$ ' did. ' now yo% are !ond o! them.; ?e patted the horse.

    9This is the reason ' went o%t last night.;

    She stared at him !or a moment then threw her arms aro%nd him with p%re delight. 9Thanyo%$ Hames> She is bea%ti!%l.;

    ?e p%t his arms aro%nd her and en:oyed holding her !or a moment.

    She slowly p%lled hersel! away and smiled %p at him. ?er eyes and !a"e were lit %p with thee7"itement. She t%rned to meet her horse.

    9oes she have a name

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    9Ah here is my horse$ Cooper and ogan.;

    9?ere yo% are Hames$ all saddled and ready to go$; ogan said as he handed the reigns over.

    9Than yo%. ogan$ this is Ally.;94el"ome to S"otland$ Ally. 't&s a pleas%re to meet yo% a!ter hearing so m%"h abo%t yo%$; he

    said with a n%dge to Hames.

    Ally giggled as Hames s%irmed. 9't&s ni"e to meet yo% too$ ogan. ' met yo%r sister$5a"enBie this morning.;

    9Seems yo% have met the entire "lan then$; he said with a win.

    Hames wanted to move. ?e didn&t lie other men aro%nd Ally. 't was "raBy he new that b%timmortals o!ten !elt stronger emotions abo%t things than most h%mans. ogan sensed the vibe

    and went ba" to tending the horses in the stables.

    Hames t%rned to Ally. 9Are yo% ready

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    Chapter Seventeen

    Ally and Hames rode o%t together along the S"ottish highlands in a "ompanionable silen"e !or

    the !irst hal! ho%r. She was so "a%ght %p in the mysti!ying bea%ties o! the highlands that she

    hadn&t noti"ed the %iet.The lo"h they "ame %pon was still and pea"e!%l with the grassy bans s%rro%nding it. Ally

    still seated %pon estiny$ looed aro%nd in awe. Hames "ame to a stop :%st behind her and sat

    ba" on his horse to wat"h her %ng%arded !or a moment.She !elt Hames& gaBe %pon her$ and her eyes so%ght his. A wave o! g%ilt mingled with desire

    ran thro%gh her. The p%ll !or this man was %ndeniably strong it too all her e!!ort not to throw

    hersel! at his !eet and beg him to tae her$ b%t she resisted. She new she had to !or both their

    saes. ?e wo%ld never be happy with anything less$ than everything that she was$ and she

    wo%ldn&t be able to give him that$ %ntil she sorted o%t this mess o! in!ormation and emotionswirling aro%nd her head.

    Ally de"ided to %se this time alone to get to now him better and to get some %estionsanswered. 4here to begin; Hames th%ndered.

    9' don&t thin yo% will have to$; she said with sadness.

    94hat abo%t Kat

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    94e don&t even now where they are$ or i! she is alive and what abo%t yo%r promise that yo%

    wo%ldn&t go looing !or the vampires$; Hames said$ trying to reason with her.

    9That was be!ore$; Ally stated de!iantly.9' !orbid it>; Hames said with !inality.

    Ally glared at him. 9o% !orbid it< o%&re not my lord and master Hames.;

    9' bloody well am>; Hames said indignantly.9#o yo%&re not> 5y best !riend needs me. This is my li!e$ and it&s my "hoi"e. '! yo% thin

    yo% "an stop me$ then yo% are going to be disappointed.;

    Hames looed lie she had slapped him in the !a"e$ she didn&t want to h%rt him$ b%t shewo%ldn&t let him stop her. 9#ow yo% either help me$ or yo% "ontin%e being st%bborn and ' will

    most "ertainly perish.;

    ?e looed at Ally with de!eat in his eyes. 94hat "hoi"e do ' have She wo%ld do the same !or me.;

    Adele smiled sadly at her. 9?e will "ome to see that$ :%st give him a bit o! time.;

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    9A !ew ho%rs ago it was Hames giving me time.; Ally did not miss the irony o! the sit%ation

    be!ore her. Hames was normally the p%shy one$ now it was her.

    9The world aro%nd %s "an "hange in the blin o! an eye$ and we have to adapt or perish$;Adele said.

    Ally looed at her grandmother and then !o%nd her eyes p%lled towards Hames. ?e was

    leaning against the terra"e railing. She "o%ldn&t see his !a"e$ b%t she new he !elt helpless.Adele spoe again and "a%ght her attention. 9There is something else yo% m%st now.;

    Ally waited !or more bad news.

    9Kat has gone thro%gh the "onversion. She is now an 'mmortal.;94hat< ' don&t %nderstand. ?ow is that possible

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    Adele&s voi"e trembled as she spoe the aw!%l tr%th. 9Then she m%st die.;

    Ally gasped. 9#o$ there has to be another way>;

    Adele shoo her head sadly. 9'! yo% ever have the %n!ort%nate l%" to meet #atalia$ yo% will%nderstand why. She was an immortal too$ b%t all tra"e o! h%manity is gone. She is insane and

    evil$ not a good "ombination.;

    9(%t s%rely every person is di!!erent

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    in"redible emotion that he had never e7perien"ed !%lly %ntil she waled into the it"hen that

    morning$ b%t there was so m%"h more to it than that. ?e respe"ted her$ "herished her and val%ed

    her as Alessandra$ not :%st as his so%l mate or the prophe"y girl$ "hosen by the powers that be.She was "o%rageo%s and held hersel! in a way that was almost regal.

    Hames was so grate!%l to have !o%nd her.

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    Chapter "ineteen

    4hen Ally waled ba" inside she !o%nd all !o%r members o! the 5%ir !amily gathered

    aro%nd the it"hen table. She was met with loos o! gen%ine sadness and horror. They had been

    with Hames !or a long time b%t had never en"o%ntered a vampire be!ore.Adele motioned her !orward and drew her into the gro%p.

    ?enry spoe$ 9'&m sorry abo%t yo%r !riend$ lass.;

    Ally smiled grate!%lly as everyone nodded.94e will get her ba"$; Ally said with a !eigned "on!iden"e.

    9Chase sho%ld be here soon$; Adele said with a trembling voi"e. 9o% are all wel"ome to

    stay and hear what he has to say$ b%t noone will thin any less o! yo% i! yo% "hoose to leave.;

    Ally looed aro%nd at the !a"es that were !orlorn$ "on!%sed and lost. These people needed a

    leader.Taing a deep breath to "alm hersel! and get her tho%ghts together %i"ly$ she began to

    address the gro%p. 9This is not something that any o! %s wants to now or wants to deal with$ b%tit is a reality. 4hether we are h%man$ immortal or in my "ase a bit o! both$ this involves %s all. 't

    to%"hes o%r lives$ whether we lie it or not. 4e all need to :oin together and !ight this evil that

    has the a%da"ity to enter o%r lives "reating destr%"tion and hearta"he. As @ran said we won&tthin any less o! yo%$ b%t ' personally believe it is vital !or everyone to listen to what Chase has

    to say !or their own nowledge.;

    Gnbenownst to Ally$ Hames had %ietly entered the room and had listened to her

    impassioned spee"h with pride. This was the woman who "o%ld lead them to vi"tory. ?e !elth%mbled and honored to be her so%l mate on"e more.

    Every person in the room appeared to be m%lling over what she had said.Hames remained %iet in his "orner. 't was imperative that she be able to "onvin"e them thatshe was in "harge. 't was her !irst tr%e test as a leader$ and he new that he wo%ld need to stand

    behind her in this. ?e wo%ld g%ide$ s%pport and stand by her no matter the "ost$ b%t %ltimately$ it

    was %p to her and noone else.Sophie was the !irst to spea. 9' agree with Ally. ' thin we sho%ld all stay and listen. She is

    right this a!!e"ts %s all$ and ' thin ' spea !or everyone here when ' say that we love Hames and

    wo%ld do anything !or him.; She looed toward Hames as she spoe.Ally !ollowed her line o! sight and noti"ed Hames had "ome ba" in and was leaning "as%ally

    against the wall$ wat"hing her pro%dly. ?e smiled warmly as she met his gaBe$ and she !elt the

    heat begin to rise again.0ot now$ she tho%ght.

    Hames looed at her nowingly and smiled. ?e was listening in to her tho%ghts again.She sent him a speaing loo and t%rned ba" towards the "rowd.

    ?enry spoe %p ne7t. 9Sophie is right. 4e have never !a"ed this be!ore$ b%t we all love yo%

    Hames$ and Ally even tho%gh ' have only nown yo% a short time ' thin o! yo% as part o! o%r!amily. 4e wo%ld do anything !or yo% as well.;

    Ally !elt loved and "herished. 't was a ni"e !eeling that she wanted to hold onto. As she

    looed aro%nd at the !a"es be!ore her$ she !elt their love$ a""eptan"e and "on!iden"e in her abilityto lead them thro%gh this.

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    't sp%rred her !orward. She had their !aith and respe"t it was all the en"o%ragement she


    Hames "ame %p behind her to tae his pla"e ne7t to Ally.She looed %p at the man beside her$ then addressed the gro%p again. 9Together we "an

    de!eat them. 4e :%st need to have !aith and "o%rage.; She looed to her @ran and "o%ld !eel the

    pride !lowing !rom her.Hames rested his hand on the small o! her ba". 't !elt so right !or him to be beside her$ she

    "o%ld never imagine anyone else being there.

    'n o%r darest ho%r o! need$ the people who stand by %s are the ones we need to hold ontoand "herish$ that is tr%e loyalty and !riendship. 't appeared that she had :%st inherited !o%r people

    that wo%ld stand by her no matter what.

    The doorbell rang$ and ?enry went to open the door sin"e it was his role as (%tler. ?e le!t

    the room %i"ly nowing it wo%ld be Chase.96oor Chase$; 5a"enBie said %ietly.

    Sophie gave her da%ghter a h%g. 9' now$ lass b%t everything will wor o%t$ yo%&ll see.;

    5a"enBie nodded into her mother&s sho%lder.

    Ally and Hames too a moment to step ba" !rom the gro%p be!ore Chase entered$ and the taleo! terror was told to the gro%p. Hames was worried abo%t how she wo%ld handle listening to the

    story o! Kathryn being abd%"ted$ b%t she had proven hersel! to be a strong woman already.9'&m very pro%d o! yo% Ally. o% spoe lie a tr%e leader.;

    9Than yo%$ ' don&t now where it "ame !rom$ b%t it :%st !elt right. o% are %ite stealth

    aren&t yo%$; she la%ghed. 9' didn&t hear a so%nd when yo% "ame in.;?e smired. 9=ne o! the pers.;

    9'! yo%&re going to eep that %p '&ll have to atta"h a "at bell to yo%$ so yo% don&t s"are me

    hal! to death every !ive min%tes.;

    ?e "h%"led so!tly and issed her !orehead. 9Ah my little spit!ireyo% mae me la%gh.;Chase entered the room with ?enry hot on his heels.

    9@lad to see someone "an !ind some en:oyment today$; he said with a deathly tone.

    Ally was taen aba" this was not the ind$ so!t Chase that she had en"o%ntered a wee ago.This version o! Chase was seething$ terri!ied almost to the point o! insanity. Ally !elt a pang o!

    sadness !or him$ she new that this was all be"a%se he was terri!ied !or Kathryn. 't wasn&t his

    !a%lt b%t there was no need !or him to be nasty to the people that wo%ld help him. #oone had!or"ed him to bring Kat to S"otland he "hose to do that$ and somehow they ended %p as the bad

    g%ys. Something in Ally snapped$ and she waled straight %p to Chase and slapped him.

    She wasn&t s%re who was more s%rprised$ Chase$ Hames$ hersel! or everyone else in the room.

    Adele wat"hing !rom the sidelines said with a %iet seething anger$ 9' told yo% that yo%wo%ld answer to me i! something happened to that girl$ b%t it appears that yo% will be answering

    to my grandda%ghter.;

    Ally !elt a m%rdero%s rage "oming over her. She hadn&t !elt lie this %ntil he had entered theroom. What is wrong with me< She tho%ght.

    Chase didn&t say anything !or a moment$ he was sho"ed into silen"e then he spoe$ 94hat

    the hell was that !or

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    thin ' !eel abo%t my best !riend missing< ' have nown her all my li!e. o%&ve nown her !or

    !ive min%tes. '! yo%&re going to be angry at someone$ then yo% "an damn well be angry at

    yo%rsel!>; She poed him hard in the "hest.Chase was angry. Hames "o%ld see it and was abo%t to step in be!ore Ally got h%rt in a

    moment o! rage$ b%t be!ore he moved a m%s"le$ Chase had ba"ed down.

    9o%&re right$; he said as he sl%mped down on one o! the "hairs behind him$ looingdistra%ght. Ally neeled down in !ront o! him.

    94e all want her ba" Chase$; she said. 9o% :%st need to lose the attit%de.;

    She was !irm b%t a !air leader who obvio%sly wasn&t a!raid to p%ll someone ba" into linewhen they needed it. This was not the time !or loose "annons and Chase was shaping %p to be

    one hell o! a ti"ing time bomb>

    9'&m sorry$; he said as he h%ng his head in his hands.

    She laid a "om!orting hand on his sho%lder. Hames had to !ight ba" the :ealo%sly that wasgrowing within him. This wasn&t abo%t him. She was "om!orting someone who needed it. Ally

    was the gro%p leader$ and she was a"ting the part very well.

    9Tell %s what happened. 4e need to now everything$ so we "an !orm a plan to get her

    ba"$; Ally said gently.Chase looed %p and s%rveyed everyone in the room$ and he !elt the sympathy that was being

    sent his way. ?e !elt it most !rom 5a"enBie. She had always been s%"h a sweet girl.9The night we le!t the 5as%erade ball$ ' too her home to her ho%se. =n the way home '

    told her o! the immortals and the prophe"y. ' e7plained that we were so%l mates and she said that

    she !elt it too.; he smiled at the memory. 9' said that ' wanted to go to S"otland to help and thather pla"e was with me. She agreed and said that she wanted to help$ too. ' e7plained the dangers$

    b%t to be honest$ ' don&t thin either o! %s ever really tho%ght we wo%ld be in tro%ble. 4e were

    so "a%ght %p in the moment and the roman"e o! it all$ we :%st !ig%red tr%e love wo%ld save the

    day$ and that wo%ld be that.; ?e shoo his head as i! realiBing what a st%pid tho%ght pro"ess theyhad shared.

    9@o on$; Ally %rged %ietly beside him.

    9She pa"ed her things$ "alled her parents to tell them she was going to S"otland with Ally$and then we went ba" to my ho%se$ so ' "o%ld gather my things !or the trip as well. ' was going

    to tae her that night and only be a !ew ho%rs behind yo% and Hames$ b%t we de"ided that perhaps

    we wo%ld stay in 5elbo%rne !or the night and leave in the morning. So ' arranged !lights o%t o!the "o%ntry in a private :et$ and we le!t yesterday morning. ' started the "onversion on the plane$

    and she was an 'mmortal by the time we landed.;

    ?e stopped and gathered his "o%rage to "ontin%e telling the story. The night be!ore had been

    glorio%s$ today$ however$ had been nothing short o! a nightmare !or him.94hen we arrived at the airstrip$ :%st near my home we were amb%shed; he trailed o!!

    remembering the event.

    Everyone waited in silen"e !or him to "ontin%e.9#atalia$; he said with a sadisti" la%gh$ 9was waiting with a greeting "ommittee. There were

    ten o! the bastards. 4e didn&t stand a "han"e. As we got o!! the plane$ ' heard #atalia&s shrill

    voi"e and new instantly that we were doomed. She ta%nted me$ and ' let my g%ard down !or amoment believing that she was ba" and wanted to be good not evil$ b%t ' was dead wrong. She

    grabbed Kat be!ore ' had a "han"e to breathe and said that she wo%ld ill her that instant i! '

    didn&t reveal the lo"ation o! yo% and Ally. 4hat "o%ld ' do< ' "o%ldn&t :%st stand there and wat"h

    my own sister ill my so%l mate.; Chase was "learly grie! and g%ilt stri"en by the sit%ation. #o

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    one in the room wo%ld have blamed him !or what he did. 6erhaps they werenDt as "are!%l as they

    o%ght to have been b%t who wo%ld have seen it "oming. #atalia sho%ldn&t have nown where

    they wo%ld be.Chase looed at Hames with a heavy heart. 94hat wo%ld yo% have done in my position


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    o! yo% three$; she motioned to Hames$ Adele and Chase$ 9to "onta"t every single immortal yo%

    now. See i! they now anything abo%t where we "o%ld !ind #atalia or anything to do with the

    vampires. And ' thin one o! %s sho%ld stay behind in "ase the vampires de"ide to pay a visit toCarlisle 5anor. 4e "an&t leave the 5%ir&s %ng%arded.;

    Adele made a de"ision. 9' will stay behind and prote"t them. o% need Chase and Hames with

    yo% Ally.;9Thans @ran$ b%t are yo% s%re

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    have it "overed !or now$ b%t "ome ba" on"e yo% have made the room %p !or Chase. '&ll need

    help then.;

    She st%died her da%ghter !or a moment. 9Are yo% alright$ sweetheart

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    heard his name and stopped instin"tively. Chase listened intently to the "onversation. 5a"enBie

    had been so worried abo%t him that it to%"hed him to the very so%l$ b%t he also dis"overed she

    was in love with him. That he didnDt see "oming.ooing ba"$ the signs had been there over the years$ b%t he hadn&t noti"ed. Chase always

    tho%ght she was bea%ti!%l and sweet$ and there had been a spar i! he was honest with himsel!$

    and still was. ?e had tho%ght o! her as a "hild %ntil he saw her again tonight. ast time he laideyes on her$ she wo%ld have been !i!teen. That was almost !o%r years ago. ?e had been away

    seeing the world while 5a"enBie had mat%red$ now it seemed that something more s%bstantial

    was brewing between them. ?owever$ Kathryn was his so%l mate. S%ddenly$ Chase !elt so"on!%sed abo%t what he was !eeling. Kathryn was lost somewhere o%t there$ and here he was

    thining abo%t another woman. Some so%l mate he was t%rning o%t to be> Something was wrong$

    Chase tho%ght distra%ght to his very so%l. ?e sho%ldn&t even be noti"ing another woman.

    6erhaps he sho%ld spea with Hames abo%t it later$ b%t the priority was getting Kathryn homesa!ely. ?e wandered ba" %pstairs to the lo%nge room lost in his tho%ghts abo%t the two women

    who had s%ddenly o""%pied his heart and so%l$ ea"h in their own ways.

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    Chapter Twenty

    Sophie "ame ba" %p the stairs to anno%n"e that dinner was ready. 5a"enBie had "ome ba"

    down to help Sophie serve %p the !east !or everyone. They all moved to the dining room o!! to

    the side o! the lo%nge and sat down to eat. 't appeared everyone was lost in their own tho%ghtstonight$ whi"h was to be e7pe"ted %nder the "ir"%mstan"es.

    Hames noti"ed Chase sneaing loos toward 5a"enBie. She seemed oblivio%s as was

    everyone else b%t something was very wrong. Chase&s so%l mate was o%t there somewhere at themer"y o! #atalia$ and he was slyly looing at the ho%seeeperDs da%ghter.

    I knew he was trouble, but no one would listen to me of course$ Hames tho%ght to himsel!.

    Chase "a%ght his gaBe !or a moment$ and then looed away with a de"idedly g%ilty

    e7pression. Hames wo%ld need to get to the bottom o! this be!ore anything happened. ?e had

    noti"ed that 5a"enBie appeared to have a so!t spot !or Chase$ b%t he had tho%ght it was p%relyone sided. A!ter tonight he wasn&t so s%re.

    Hames de"ided that he needed to spea with Chase when the "han"e presented itsel!$ in themeantime he wo%ld be eeping a "lose eye on them both.

    Ally looed %p !rom her tho%ghts. Hames !elt her gaBe %pon him and %i"ly held it be!ore

    she wored o%t what he was looing at. She wo%ld wor it o%t be!ore long on her own i! thisept %p witho%t him tipping her o!!. ?e had a !eeling it wo%ld be di!!i"%lt to eep anything !rom

    her on"e she "a%ght a sni!! o! it.

    She had a gleam in her eye that he was beginning to re"ogniBe as tro%ble. 94hat&s "a%ght

    yo%r attention 4hy did he have to sti" his nose in$ they "o%ld have been rela7ed andgetting to now ea"h other witho%t the drama that was %n!olding be!ore his eyes$ whi"h only

    seemed to worsen by the min%te$ he tho%ght as he noti"ed yet another sly loo in 5a"enBie&s

    dire"tion !rom Chase.

    To his "redit$ the man did loo torn and lie something was serio%sly dist%rbing him.Ally n%dged him. 9o yo% thin Chase is doing o< ?e seems even worse sin"e dinner


    9?e&ll be !ine. The man is :%st s"ared and worried abo%t hissoul mate.; ?e p%t emphasis onthe last word nowing that Chase "o%ld hear him. 't seemed to do the tri" !or the g%ilt$ and

    shame was written all over his !a"e.

    Ally shr%gged and went ba" into her own little world that involved any n%mber o! plots ands"hemes to get Kathryn ba". She was trying to !eel hope!%l that they wo%ld get her ba" b%t

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    despite trying as hard as she might$ Ally :%st !elt sad.

    9inner was deli"io%s Sophie$; Adele said. 9Than yo%.;

    Sophie lit %p at the "ompliment.9=%r Sophie has %ite a talent in the it"hen$; ?enry said$ his voi"e !%ll o! pride in his wi!e.

    She smiled widely at him yo% "o%ld !eel the love between them. They were the h%man version

    o! so%l mates$ tr%e love.Adele looed at the three immortals be!ore her. 9o%&ve all got an early start$ and we don&t

    now what tomorrow will bring$ so ' thin yo% sho%ld all get some rest.;

    Chase agreed and thaned Sophie !or the meal. ?e needed some time alone to pro"ess things.E7"%sing himsel!$ he got %p !rom the table and headed !or the third !loor to his bedroom.

    Adele$ Ally$ and 5a"enBie o""%pied the se"ond !loor$ with Hames in the master on the !irst

    and Sophie and ?enry in the servant&s room on the lower gro%nd !loor. Sophie and ?enry&s room

    was a !ar "ry !rom the traditional servant&s room$ having every l%7%ry nown to man in there.Hames tho%ght and treated them as !amily$ so they were a""ommodated as s%"h. ogan normally

    slept in the stable master&s "ottage that was deta"hed !rom the ho%se$ b%t given the sit%ation they

    !o%nd themselves in$ he was "%rrently staying in the room opposite Chase on the top !loor.

    As he was waling %p the stairs$ Chase heard 5a"enBie "all o%t his name. ?e stopped andt%rned aro%nd.

    She really is a vision$ he tho%ght.9o yo% need anything else be!ore yo% go %p to bed ' have a so%l mate in the hands o! vampires$ and '&m ha%nted

    by tho%ghts and !eelings !or another woman.;

    Hames was "on"erned. ?is initial !eeling had been right. Something was de!initely wrong he:%st didn&t now what it was. e"iding to leave it alone !or tonight he said$ 9@et some sleep

    Chase$ we "an tal abo%t it tomorrow$ things might be "learer then.;

    Chase !elt grate!%l. ?e new Hames had never !orgiven him !or the pran$ b%t he was a good

    man and despite his !eelings towards Chase$ he was being !air and reasonable$ maybe even

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    willing to help.

    9Than yo%.; 4ith that he t%rned again and de"ided he wo%ldn&t stop %ntil he rea"hed the

    bedroom$ he was done taling !or one night. ?e needed a strong drin and a warm so!t bed.Hames wat"hed him "limb the stairs and t%rn the "orner. ?e had never witnessed this be!ore.

    ?e didn&t now what to thin abo%t it$ maybe Kathryn wasn&t his so%l mate and they had made a

    mistae.'t was something that needed to be dealt with$ b%t !irst he had b%siness o! his own to handle.

    Ally was waiting !or him in the lo%nge room. ?e !o%nd that he was b%rsting with e7"itement at

    the tho%ght o! spending some time alone with her$ even i! it wasn&t e7a"tly the alone time he hadin mind.

    ?e waled into the room %ietly and saw her sitting at the bla" grand piano she was

    r%nning her hands lightly$ almost reverently over the ivory eys$ as tho%gh they were pre"io%s

    and a thing o! bea%ty.She gingerly to%"hed one and hearing the so!t ping she smiled so!tly to hersel!. ?er post%re

    straightened$ and her hands hovered above the eys. Ally appeared lost to this world.

    Hames was s%rprised that he hadn&t nown she "o%ld play. ?e had noti"ed a eyboard at her

    ho%se on"e b%t ass%med it was Adele&s. Standing per!e"tly still and not maing a so%nd$ hehovered in the doorway anti"ipating the per!orman"e she wo%ld %nnowingly give him. Hames

    was rewarded a moment later when Ally positioned her !ingers and began to play the ha%nting"lassi"$!oonlight Sonataby (eethoven. ?e !elt goose b%mps r%n over his sin.

    Ally played with a bea%ty and sill that he hadn&t seen !or a long time. She was a nat%ral. ?e

    wat"hed her with an intense gaBe !rom :%st o%tside the room. She played the !irst movement andthen smiled as she !inished and ran her hands over the eys on"e more.

    Ally looed %p to !ind that Hames was wat"hing her. 9?ow long have yo% been there

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    9That&s an interesting way o! looing at things$; he said$ as he "o"ed his head to the side.

    9't&s tr%e. '! we were per!e"t$ then we wo%ld never learn anything or e7perien"e sit%ations

    that "hallenge %s. ' thin it&s the sit%ations in li!e where we have to strive and a"hieve things$ inspite o! o%r !laws$ that b%ilds "hara"ter and then in t%rn shapes %s into the people we are.;

    ?e was blown away by the woman sitting in !ront o! him> She was wise beyond her years

    and looed at the world in a di!!erent way to most people.9That&s very wise Ally. ' believe that too. ' thin most people wandering the earth "o%ld

    learn a lot !rom yo%.;

    She bl%shed again. @reat %ality in a leader Ally$ she "hided hersel!.?e too her hand and helped her %p. 9So yo% wanted to tal.;

    She nodded.

    9Then "ome with me$; he said with a gleam in his eye.

    4hat are yo% %p to< she wondered.?e led her o%t o! the lo%nge room and %p the "ir"%lar stair"ase that led to the !irst !loor.

    This !loor o! the ho%se was his alone. The masterbedroom s%ite and st%dy were all that

    o""%pied it.

    ?e led Ally to the door o! his room and opened it. She saw where he had taen her$ and shes%ddenly !elt very %n"om!ortable.

    94hy are we going into yo%r bedroom

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    She sighed.

    ?e waled over and pi"ed %p two glasses and the de"anter o! whisy on the sideboard. ?e

    gest%red to Ally with an empty glass.94hisey

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    94ow$; she m%ttered alo%d. 9' tho%ght maybe a h%ndred.;

    ?e la%ghed so!tly. 9A!raid not.;

    She tho%ght abo%t the !a"t that he was three h%ndred and de"ided that he was an 'mmortal soit was nat%ral !or him to be a lot older than e7pe"ted. 't was %ite a sho"$ b%t she "ame to the

    "on"l%sion that it didn&t bother her as m%"h as she !irst tho%ght. 't was :%st the s%rprise that had

    made her rea"t that way. Hames looed very "on"erned$ he obvio%sly new that it wasn&tsomething she had been e7pe"ting b%t going with the new theme o! things$ she :%st too it in her


    9=ld man$; she :oed.The relie! that ran thro%gh him was visible. 9So yo%&re not !aBed

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    She will bear the mark of a lunar eclipse&

    Immortals will spread far and wide,She will bring them back,

    0o more reason to hide,

    Destiny has chosen this one,8ut out of fear,

    She will try to run&

    he chosen one must have faith,

    (r all will be lost,

    he Dark (ne will rule the land&

    She can win this battle,8ut only by her hand&

    he 6lder -ouncil will rise once more,

    (ne by one,Si3 will heed the call&

    0othing like you would e3pect,hese are yours to revere and protect&

    (ne who knows what she is not told,

    (ne to fight the battles foretold,(ne to feel what is not hers,

    (ne from the world which we protect,

    (ne from the enemies which we chase,)nd the -hosen (ne,

    Who they will embrace&

    When the council has risen,

    It is time to strike,

    $ather your army,)nd go to the fight&

    -ourage will win the day,

    8ut only if she has chosen to stay.

    Ally !inished reading and let her hands drop to her lap with the s"roll in them. She sat there

    !or a moment taing it all in. 9't&s very "rypti"$; she said with a smile. 9?ow do we !ind these

    "o%n"il members when we don&t even now who or what they are e7a"tly

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    Hames nodded. 9' thin so$ yes.;

    9=$ so ne7t we have$ 8=ne to !eel what is not hers.&; Ally sat pondering that one !or a

    se"ond$ then her !a"e lit %p as she remembered something Adele had told her. 9An empath> Thathas to be an empath right

    9And 8=ne !rom the world whi"h we prote"t.& = well that&s a h%man.;

    9es. The ne7t one.;9o% now all this already$ don&t yo%

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    ?e lied her enth%siasm !or the potential plan$ b%t he wasn&t s%re i! it was a good one or not.

    She was right tho%gh$ they needed to now i! she had any de!enses.

    9'&m not s%re that this will wor$ b%t it&s the best idea ' have right now. 4e "an try a !ewdi!!erent things and see what yo% "an do. 4e will start with something easy$ so ' "an ga%ge

    where yo% are at.;

    9'&m ready$; she said eager to start.?e looed at her !or a moment. 9o% are going to have to tr%st me Ally.; ?e pa%sed$ 9o

    yo% tr%st me

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    Chapter Twenty One

    9'&m going to test yo%r ability to read my mind !irst$; he e7plained. 9This is a very handy

    ability when !ighting a vampire. '! yo% "an get inside their head$ then yo% "an now what their

    ne7t move will be be!ore they have made it. 't will give yo% the advantage every time. Theproblem we "%rrently !a"e is they "an now do the same b%t regardless it&s a good talent to


    She nodded$ taing in all the in!ormation.9' want yo% "lose to yo%r eyes and blo" o%t everything. o%r mind needs to be blan. Can

    yo% do that; she said$ astonished.

    9Aye$ little one$ yo% did.;

    9' "an&t believe it> ' didn&t thin '&d be able to.;

    9?ave more !aith in yo%rsel!$; he said simply.'e believes in me. The simple !a"t that he believed in her sent warm !%BBy !eelings

    thro%gho%t her body.

    94hat&s ne7t

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    vital in any battle. o% need to thin on yo%r !eet$ rea"t %i"ly and "hange yo%r plan at a

    se"ond&s noti"e. 3emember this isn&t :%st any enemy. A vampire "an move !aster than the blin

    o! an eye$ as "an immortals. ?owever$ yo% are at a disadvantage at the present moment$ so yo%need to be able to do something that will throw them o!! balan"e and give yo% a "han"e to r%n or

    stay and !ight. ' wo%ld pre!er r%nning$ b%t ' now that yo% won&t do that$ so ' need to mae s%re

    yo% have as m%"h in!ormation at yo%r !ingertips as possible.;She smiled at his "omment. ?e new her well eno%gh to now that she wo%ldn&t r%n !rom a


    9o% have to pi" yo%r !ights well. Even ' will t%rn tail i! ' thin '&m o%t manoe%vred$ %nlessit&s vital that ' stay and !ight. This a!ternoon was a per!e"t e7ample o! being at a disadvantage

    and t%rning.;

    94o%ld yo% have done that i! ' wasn&t there

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    dissolved into nothing. Hames stared blanly at what he had :%st seen$ his mo%th was hanging

    open slightly and his mind was ra"ing with %estions.

    9?ow did yo% do that; She pra"ti"ally

    spat the last word at him.

    Ally wat"hed as his eyes widened into sa%"ers. The s%rprise %pon his !a"e was "on!%sing her$

    %ntil she "a%ght sight o! a !li"ering !lame and looed down at her hand. To her great s%rpriseand astonishment$ there was a !ireball !loating above her hand. She stared blanly !or a moment

    then realiBed her hand "o%ld be on !ire. She threw it$ witho%t thining abo%t whi"h dire"tion it

    wo%ld go. 't went straight !or Hames. ?e :%mped o%t o! the way so !ast she barely saw him move.?er hands !lew %p to her mo%th$ and then she stared wideeyed at the open window where the

    !ireball had e7ited the room.

    She looed ba" to Hames with horror in her eyes. 9'&m so sorry.;?e looed at her$ then the window in his bedroom$ and la%ghter started to b%bble o%t o! his

    throat and spilled into the room.

    9' "o%ld have illed yo%$ and yo%&re la%ghing$; she said horri!ied.

    9'&m sorry$ Ally$ b%t the loo on yo%r !a"e was too m%"h.; ?e "olle"ted himsel! and

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    "ontin%ed$ 9?ow did yo% do that

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    whi"h ran in an shape aro%nd the room$ and what appeared to be a threeperson shower with

    the most in"redible shower head she had seen in her li!e. 't was a silver plate in the "eiling o! the

    shower. She imagined it wo%ld !eel lie showering in the rain$ and being someone who loved therain$ it looed amaBing. She de!initely wanted this room$ and i! she was honest$ she wanted the

    man who owned it too.

    Hames silently "ame %p behind her.She t%rned aro%nd startled. 93emember what ' said abo%t a "at bell

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    had been ha%nted by !or !ive long years.

    'ow did I survive without him for this long< 4hat she !elt !or him all those years ago was

    nothing "ompared to what she !elt !or him right now. 6art o! her new that li!e wo%ld never everbe the same again$ now that he was with her again$ and she didn&t "are. i!e witho%t him

    wo%ldn&t be a li!e at all. (%t she wasn&t ready to tell him all this yet.

    Hames had been trying so hard to hold himsel! ba"$ and she saw the h%rt that it "a%sed him.(%t he wo%ld have her %ndying gratit%de !orever be"a%se he had respe"ted and loved her eno%gh

    to give her the time she needed to "ome to terms with things.

    9Ally$; he whispered. 9' want this to be something spe"ial that yo% remember !orever.;9't will be$; she answered breathlessly in between isses.

    9Corre"t me i! '&m wrong b%t yo% are; he trailed o!! trying to !ind the right word.

    She p%lled ba" and looed at him. 9'nno"ent

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    Chapter Twenty Two

    Ally hadn&t intended !alling asleep in bed with Hames$ b%t she "o%ldn&t eep her eyes open

    !or another se"ond. She hadn&t nown how tired she had been$ and it hit her lie a ton o! bri"s.

    As she was dri!ting o!! to sleep Ally heard a man&s voi"e "alling her name. She didn&t re"ogniBethe voi"e b%t she it so%nded vag%ely !amiliar to her

    A terri!ied a%b%rn haired girl was d%mped into what appeared to be something lie ad%ngeon o! sorts. ooing aro%nd her s%rro%ndings$ the girl dis"overed that the !loor was

    "ompa"ted dirt and a man$ %nnown to her$ was lying on the maeshi!t bed in the "orner. ?e

    looed worn and wea$ b%t she didn&t now i! he was a threat or not. ?e didn&t appear to be$ b%t

    appearan"es "o%ld be e7tremely de"eptive as she had already dis"overed. #atalia had not been

    what she appeared to be that night in 5elbo%rne.The vampire that had "arried her in and dropped her %n"eremonio%sly on the gro%nd was

    t%rning aro%nd to leave. She wat"hed him with horror and "on!%sion as he waled away. The"reat%re stopped and t%rned aro%nd to loo ba" at her. Kathryn gasped at the "rimson red eyes

    glowing at her in the darness. Seeing her terror$ the evil "reat%re smired be!ore speaing with a

    raspy voi"e !illed with evil intent$ 9#atalia will "ome !or yo% soon.;The words weren&t e7a"tly threatening b%t the sentiment behind them however$ terri!ied her


    Cold$ star !ear s"rat"hed its way %p her body. A single "andle against the wall$ "ast a wea

    light and "reated n%mero%s shadows a"ross the room. Kathryn "o%ldn&t see any windows ordoors in the dingy d%ngeon$ with the e7"eption o! the one that led to the stairs. 3ealiBing her

    predi"ament$ she new t