Immunology of Eclampsia

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  • 7/27/2019 Immunology of Eclampsia


    Immunology of Pre-EclampsiaChristopher W. G. Redman, Ian L. Sargent

    Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Oxford, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK


    Pre-eclampsia is relatively common, affecting about

    3% of pregnancies. It originates in the placenta and

    causes variable maternal and fetal problems. At its

    worst, it may threaten maternal and perinatal

    survival. It is defined as a syndrome (a pattern of

    clinical features) and is probably heterogeneous in

    origin as it is in presentation.

    Placentation, the Uteroplacental Circulation and

    Staging of Pre-Eclampsia

    Pre-eclampsia results from imbalance between

    factors produced by the placenta and maternal

    adaptation to them. There are two broad classes of

    pre-eclampsia: maternal and placental, although

    many cases are a mix of the two.1 Placental

    pre-eclampsia is the outcome of poor placentation in

    early pregnancy (weeks 818). It comprises failure to

    remodel spiral arteries supplying the uteroplacental

    circulation. Normal placentation requires that cyto-

    trophoblast invade the placental bed where they

    come into contact with maternal tissues. The distal

    ends of the spiral arteries are then transformed into

    widely dilated, structureless conduits. Spontaneous

    miscarriage, especially if recurrent, is also associated

    with poor placentation2 and is the extreme end of a

    spectrum of compromise (Fig. 1).

    Pre-eclampsia has pre-clinical (symptomless) and

    clinical stages;1 until recently, only the final phase

    could be detected by clinical screening. The latter is

    the outcome of placental dysfunction secondary to

    oxidative stress and a maternal inflammatory reac-

    tion to its presence.3 Poor placentation is probably

    not the primary cause of pre-eclampsia. Changes in

    circulating trophoblastderived factors associated

    with an increased risk of pre-eclampsia can be


    HLA-C, immunoregulation, indoleamine 2,3-

    dioxygenase, NK cells, placentation, regulatory

    T cells, systemic inflammatory response


    CWG Redman, Nuffield Department of

    Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of

    Oxford, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford OX39DU, UK.

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Submitted February 1, 2010;

    accepted February 1, 2010.


    Redman CWG, Sargent IL. Immunology of

    Pre-eclampsia. Am J Reprod Immunol 2010;

    63: 534543


    Pre-eclampsia develops in stages, only the last being the clinical illness.

    This is generated by a non-specific, systemic (vascular), inflammatory

    response, secondary to placental oxidative stress and not by reactivity

    to fetal alloantigens. However, maternal adaptation to fetal (paternal

    alloantigens) is crucial in the earlier stages. A pre-conceptual phase

    involves maternal tolerization to paternal antigens by seminal plasma.

    After conception, regulatory T cells, interacting with indoleamine 2,3-di-

    oxygenase, together with decidual NK cell recognition of fetal HLA-C onextravillous trophoblast may facilitate placental growth by immunoregu-

    lation. Complete failure of this mechanism would cause miscarriage,

    while partial failure would cause poor placentation and dysfunctional

    uteroplacental perfusion. The first pregnancy preponderance and partner

    specificity of pre-eclampsia can be explained by this model. For the first

    time, the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia can be related to defined

    immune mechanisms that are appropriate to the fetomaternal frontier.

    Now, the challenge is to prove the detail.


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    detected before placentation is completed.4 It is

    probable that pre-eclampsia results from abnormal

    trophoblast growth and differentiation, at any time

    after the earliest stages of implantation.4 The pri-

    mary dysfunction may be immunologic leading to

    the concept of a three-stage disease.5

    This review is mainly focused on placental pre-

    eclampsia. The central issue is whether maternal

    immune responses to trophoblast generate normal or

    abnormal placentation?

    Throughout, we emphasize that, in overt pre-

    eclampsia, non-specific inflammatory responses

    contribute to pathogenesis. Placentation in early

    pregnancy appears to involve specific maternal

    immune responses to fetal alloantigens, which

    generate partner specificity.

    Clinical and Epidemiological considerations

    Pre-eclampsia occurs mainly in first pregnancies.

    This has been explained by invoking immune mech-

    anisms linked to the belief that a genetically foreign

    fetus challenges the maternal immune system.6 Thehypothesis is that the maternal immune system

    learns to accommodate the fetus. Such adaptation

    may be relatively defective in a first pregnancy but

    less so in subsequent pregnancies. Furthermore,

    there may be partner specificity,7 which strengthens

    the argument that pre-eclampsia results from a rela-

    tive failure to induce maternal tolerance of paternal


    Partners, Coitus, Sperm, and Semen

    A change of partner seems to restore the risk of pre-

    eclampsia to that of primiparity in multigravid

    women, for example Zhang and Patel 2007.9 But, a

    change of partner is also associated with a long

    inter-pregnancy interval.9,10 After correction for the

    latter, the association with the former disappears.11

    However, a short interval between first coitus and

    conception (coital interval) with the same partner

    also increases the risk of pre-eclampsia.12,13 In this

    context, there is clear evidence for partner specific-

    ity. These features suggest that exposure to paternal

    sperm or seminal plasma or both tolerizes the

    mother to fetopaternal alloantigens and failure of

    this immunoregulation increases the risk of pre-

    eclampsia (Stage 0 of pre-eclampsia).

    Immune priming, by coitus, has been demon-strated in mice.14 Seminal plasma appears to be

    more important than sperm. It contains paternal

    type I and type II MHC antigens and high concentra-

    tions of transforming growth factor-b (TGFb). TGFb

    induces regulatory T cells (T(reg)) or, in a more pro-

    inflammatory environment, Th17 cells.15 In mice,

    exposure to seminal fluid at mating induces toler-

    ance to paternal alloantigens and an accumulation

    of T(reg) in the uterine draining lymph nodes, which

    may facilitate implantation.16

    Pregnancy itself confers further protection to pre-

    eclampsia in later pregnancies by the same partner.

    This is probably true even after an abortion,

    although the evidence is inconsistent.17 Both forms

    of protection (before or after conception) appear to

    be relatively short lived, explaining the increased

    risk of pre-eclampsia after a long inter-pregnancy


    The importance of pre-conceptual exposure to

    semen can explain why artificial insemination with

    donor sperm, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, or

    barrier methods of contraception, summarized by

    Dekker (2002),18 are all associated with increased

    risks of pre-eclampsia (Fig. 2).

    Natures Transplant and MaternalPlacental


    Reproductive immunology has focused on the con-

    cept of the semi-allogeneic fetus and its possible

    rejection by classical T-cell responses to alloantigens.

    But, the placenta not the fetus comprises the trans-

    plant. The placental cell of interest is trophoblast.

    Fig. 1 Establishing the intervillous circulation. Before 8 weeks, the

    spiral arteries are plugged by cytotrophoblast and there is no inter-

    villous perfusion. During the next 4 weeks, the arteries progressively

    unplug. With inadequate trophoblast invasion of the placenta bed, this

    happens prematurely. Then either miscarriage ensues or pregnancy

    continues with dysfunctional placental perfusion which leads on topre-eclampsia. Adapted from Burton and Jauniaux (2004).2


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    Maternal immune cells are confronted by different

    trophoblast subtypes at multiple maternalplacental

    interfaces depending on gestational age and ana-

    tomic location (Table I). The interfaces may be in

    maternal tissues (decidua) or maternal blood (inter-villous space). The earliest comprises syncytiotropho-

    blast of the implanting embryo (Interface I), the

    only time that syncytiotrophoblast lies at a tissue

    interface. The intervillous circulation is established

    after 8 weeks. Before then, chorionic villi are bathed

    in uterine gland secretions histiotrophic nutrition

    to the first-trimester fetus.19 By the end of the first

    trimester, Interface I is replaced by three others:

    formed by invasive cytotrophoblast in the placentalbed (Interface II), with the chorion leave (Interface

    III), and by syncytiotrophoblast bathed by maternal

    blood in the intervillous space (Interface IV). These

    concepts extend our earlier proposals.20 In the first

    half of pregnancy, Interfaces I and II dominate.

    Interface II diminishes after 16 weeks,21 while Inter-

    face IV is activated with onset of the uteroplacental

    circulation at 89 weeks5 and enlarges with placental

    growth to become the dominant interface after

    20 weeks. The early interfaces are concerned with

    implantation, placentation, and stages 1 and 2 of

    placental pre-eclampsia. Interface IV is largest and,

    at the end of pregnancy, generates the final stage 3

    of the disorder.

    Immune Mechanisms and Causes of Pre-eclampsia:

    Where, When, and How?

    If immune mechanisms are relevant, there must be

    maternal immune recognition of trophoblast, which

    regulates implantation, placental growth, and

    placentation. It needs to be partner specific and to

    generate immune memory. It should be consistent

    with the structure of the immune maternalfetal

    interfaces, with the types of maternal immune cellspositioned at the interfaces and the antigens

    expressed by trophoblast. Partner specificity requires

    trophoblast expression of paternal alloantigens and

    their recognition by maternal immune cells.

    Fig. 2 Maternal tolerance to fetal alloantigens. A longer pre-concep-

    tion duration of coitus reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia by promotingmaternal tolerance to paternal antigens. The tolerizing mechanism is

    not activated with some forms of assisted conception. Pregnancy itself

    enhances this tolerance which is slowly lost after delivery. Whether a

    change of partner increases the risk of pre-eclampsia depends on the

    coital interval with the new partner, not the duration of time since the

    last pregnancy. *IVF: in-vitro fertilisation; ICSI: intracytoplasmic sperm


    Table I The four maternal-fetal immune interfaces and preeclampsia

    Alloantigen specific recognition of paternal antigens.

    Increasing maternal systemic inflammatory response secondary to placental factors.aWeeks are calculated from last normal menstruation. Conception is assumed at the start of week 3.


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    Immunoregulation implies a mechanism, which

    may partially fail to cause deficient placentation or,

    by extension, fail completely to cause spontaneous

    abortion. Memory points to T-cell involvement.

    HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen) Expression by

    Human Trophoblast

    Human trophoblast has limited expression of strong

    transplantation antigens (Fig. 3). These include non-

    polymorphic HLA-E, F, and G which cannot signal

    paternal specificity whereas HLA-C, on extravillous

    (invasive) cytotrophoblast in Interface II, can. But

    this interface regresses in the second half of preg-

    nancy.22 Stage 3, the clinical stage of pre-eclampsia,

    occurs when interface IV, the villous syncytium, is

    dominant. This is devoid of HLA expression.

    Immune mechanisms are of interest in the first and

    second stages of pre-eclampsia. The clinical third

    phase is generated by a maternal systemic inflamma-

    tory response, which is unlikely to be alloantigen


    Stage 1 Pre-Eclampsia: Peri-implantation and the

    Histiotrophic Placenta

    At this stage, specific immune mechanisms in the

    placental bed are almost inaccessible to study. If

    immunoregulatory mechanisms fail completely,

    spontaneous abortion would ensue whereas partialfailure might lead to continuing pregnancy with a

    small placenta. This creates a continuum between

    abortion and pre-eclampsia.2,23

    Indoleamine dioxygenase 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO),

    an enzyme involved in the catabolism of tryptophan,

    is an important immune regulator. It is activated inantigen-presenting cells by various inflammatory

    stimuli including interferon-c. Tryptophan is an

    essential amino acid. Its depletion by catabolism

    starves T cells in the tissue micro-environment.

    This promotes their differentiation into regulatory T

    cells [T(reg)].24 IDO acts as a switch: in its presence,

    T(reg) are promoted; in its absence, T(reg) are repro-

    grammed to acquire a Th17 phenotype, with more

    pro-inflammatory activity.25 T(reg) modulate

    immune responses in an antigen-specific way, hence

    their importance for allogeneic pregnancy, for which

    they are essential (see elsewhere in this issue). Preg-

    nant mice treated with IDO inhibitor (4.5 days post

    conception) reject allogeneic but tolerate syngeneic

    fetuses.26 If the inhibitor is given later (6.5 days post

    conception), allogeneic pregnancies continue but sig-

    nificant systolic hypertension develops compared to

    mice with syngeneic pregnancies.27 Proteinuria is

    inconsistently present but, in this report, the mice

    were killed relatively early (16.5 days) and the full

    evolution of the pregnancies was not defined. Hence

    in a mouse model, antigen- and stage-specific

    immune mechanisms are highly important. Early

    dysfunction leads to pregnancy loss; but dysfunction

    at a slightly later stage is associated with one featureof pre-eclampsia (hypertension) toward the end of a

    continuing pregnancy.

    Expression of IDO in human endometrium begins

    in the luteal phase in the glandular epithelium and

    stromal leukocytes. This pattern regresses during the

    second trimester when expression begins in tropho-

    blast,28 particularly strongly in invasive cytotropho-

    blast,29 where it might be expected to modulate

    interactions with decidual immune cells. In short, its

    position at Interfaces I and II is highly relevant to

    potential immune mechanisms in stages 1 and 2 of


    In summary, together with TGF-b, the compo-

    nents of an alloantigen-specific immunoregulatory

    mechanism [IDO and T(reg)] are located at interface

    I, are primed by pre-conceptual exposure to part-

    ners semen and, if dysregulated, could explain why

    primiparity and primipaternity are risk features for


    However, there is little evidence available at the

    moment for two reasons. Interface I can only beFig. 3 HLA expression by subsets of human trophoblast. Adapted

    from van Maurik et al. (2009).21


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    studied before the outcome of pregnancy can be

    known. If the pregnancy is continuing, then the inter-

    face is accessible only to indirect measurements. Sec-

    ondly, there is doubt about how best to identify and

    measure T(reg) during human pregnancy.30

    No mea-surements have been reported in stages 1 and 2 of

    pre-eclampsia where they would be most likely to

    influence allogeneic responses at interface II. Whether

    measures in peripheral blood are a good indicator of

    decidual activity is not known. Many authors look for

    concurrent expression of CD4 and CD25 or CD25bright

    to identify T(reg) and most find that their proportions

    are increased in normal pregnancy, for example Som-

    erset et al. (2004).31 However, the data are inconsis-

    tent, as are the methods used. T(reg) themselves are

    phenotypically and functionally heterogeneous32 so

    the relevant subset to study is not known.

    Recognition of HLA-C in the Early Human Decidua

    HLA-C is a key trophoblast molecule in relation to

    pre-eclampsia in stages 1 and 2. Both decidual T cells

    and the more abundant decidual NK cells can recog-

    nize paternal HLA-C. The importance of decidual NK

    cells is described elsewhere in this issue. They

    express killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR)

    for which HLA-C is the dominant ligand. HLA-C has

    more than 100 alleles. Its KIR receptors are them-

    selves extremely polymorphic. There are up to 17

    different human KIR genes each with its own poly-morphisms, some that activate, others that inhibit.

    The number of KIR genes in different genotypes var-

    ies. One genotype may itself be variably expressed

    by differential expression of KIR genes, fixed by

    methylation with the phenotype passed to daughter

    cells.33 In other words, maternalfetal immune rec-

    ognition at the site of placentation appears to be

    highly individualized by two polymorphic gene sys-

    tems, maternal KIRs and fetal HLA-C molecules.

    KIR haplotypes fall into two groups, A and B, the

    latter distinguished by additional activating recep-

    tors. Uterine NK cells make chemokines and angio-

    genic cytokines, which promote trophoblast

    invasion. Their secretion is enhanced by ligation of a

    stimulatory KIR receptor (haplotype B) and reduced

    by ligation of haplotype A receptor as is summarized

    by Moffett and Hiby (2007).34 The former combina-

    tion, in vivo, would be predicted to protect from pre-

    eclampsia. Possible maternal KIR genotypes could be

    AA (no activating KIR) or ABBB (presence of one

    or more activating KIRs).

    HLA-C haplotypes can also be grouped as C1 and

    C2, depending on a single amino acid dimorphism in

    the alpha-1 domain. HLA-C2 interacts with KIRs

    more strongly than HLA-C135 so that maternal HLA-

    C2 with fetal KIR BB could be the best combinationfor promoting adequate placentation and avoiding

    pre-eclampsia. This is what is observed. In a con-

    verse manner, Kir AA mothers confronted with

    HLA-C2 fetuses are the most susceptible to pre-

    eclampsia.36 Similar patterns occur in recurrent mis-

    carriages which, as already mentioned, may share

    the same causation with pre-eclampsia, at the most

    extreme end of the spectrum.37

    Although this form of maternalfetal immune

    recognition can explain the partner specificity for pre-

    eclampsia, it does not readily explain protection con-

    ferred by a previous pregnancy by the same partner.

    Pre-eclampsia and Immunologic Memory

    Protection from pre-eclampsia has relatively short-

    term partner specificity. This could imply involve-

    ment of T cells and T-cell memory. The evidence is

    that paternal HLA-C is recognized by decidual

    T(reg), which can down regulate anti-paternal

    responses.38,39 The stability of T(reg) memory is still

    being determined. Natural T(reg) seem to be stable

    whereas those that are inducible probably are not.40

    It is therefore likely that decidual T(reg) bestow, at

    least, short-term memory which could protect frompre-eclampsia in a second pregnancy with a short

    inter-pregnancy interval but this needs further

    investigation. The specific involvement of T(reg) in

    the genesis of pre-eclampsia is difficult to investigate;

    there are no data at the moment.

    Recently, it has become evident that NK cells them-

    selves can sustain memory and mount the equivalent

    of a secondary immune response.41 Indeed, macro-

    phages can generate a form of memory by epigenetic

    modification of specific TLR genes.42 Thus, an

    immune explanation for the primiparity and primipa-

    ternity effects of pre-eclampsia has become more

    plausible but awaits further investigation.

    The Third Stage of Pre-eclampsia and Maternal

    Systemic Inflammation

    Poor placentation leads to small muscular spiral

    arteries which supply high pressure pulsatile flow to

    the intervillous space. Damage from rapid changes in

    oxygenation and hydrostatic stress ensues.43 The


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    arteries retain responsiveness to vasoconstrictors,

    which can exacerbate oxidative stress further.

    Oxidative and ER stress are both features of the

    pre-eclampsia placenta.44 They are also powerfully

    pro-inflammatory. We propose that the inflamma-tory drive of pre-eclampsia results from the three-

    way interactions between these two stresses and

    inflammatory responses3,45,46 in the placenta

    (Fig. 4). We further suggest that the third stage of

    pre-eclampsia is not caused by rejection of an allo-

    geneic placenta but by a global maternal inflamma-

    tory response to a damaged placenta.

    This is superimposed on a background of systemic

    inflammatory response common to all normal preg-

    nancies, which starts in the luteal phase of the men-

    strual cycle,47 when an allogeneic fetus cannot be

    implicated. The normal response intensifies with

    advancing gestational maturity.48 We have empha-

    sized the diverse and widespread nature of this sort

    of response (Fig. 5), which can explain the complex

    clinical presentations of severe pre-eclampsia, includ-

    ing endothelial, metabolic, coagulation, and comple-

    ment abnormalities.49 We previously highlighted

    that pre-eclampsia is not an intrinsically different

    state from normal pregnancy but the extreme end of

    a continuous spectrum of responses that are a fea-

    ture of pregnancy itself. Many physiological

    changes of normal pregnancy itself are simply less

    severe manifestations of the same changes in pre-


    Trophoblast Derived Factors and Pre-eclampsia

    Elsewhere we summarize the several possible tro-

    phoblast-derived factors that potentially contribute

    to maternal systemic inflammation.3 These include

    growth factors, activin-A, corticotrophin-releasing

    hormone, and leptin, all of which have documented

    pro-inflammatory actions. Another pro-inflamma-

    tory placental factor has been recently described,namely free heme, which is strongly pro-oxidant

    and pro-inflammatory.50 It is ectopically synthesised

    in the placenta and placental bed in pre-eclampsia.

    A final candidate factor comprises placental micro-


    Activated cells release microvesicles (200500 nm)

    by blebbing of the cell membrane. Apoptotic cells

    release larger microvesicles or apoptotic bodies.

    Cells can also secrete nanovesicles or exosomes

    (40100 nm). Microvesicles are shed from cell sur-

    faces after activation, while nanovesicles are stored

    in multivesicular bodies and secreted constitutively.

    Microvesicles are normally detectable in blood from

    healthy individuals and are increased where there

    is vascular or inflammatory stress. They are derived

    from various intravascular sources (platelets, leuko-

    cytes, endothelial cells, and so on) and can be

    identified by the specific markers they express.

    There is increasing awareness of their potential as

    markers for arterial, inflammatory, and malignant


    Fig. 4 Three stages of pre-eclampsia. Stages 1 and 2 lead to dysfunc-

    tional uteroplacental perfusion and placental oxidative stress. This and

    the associated inflammatory and endoplasmic reticulum stresses lead

    to abnormal placentalmaternal signalling and overt pre-eclampsia.

    Fig. 5 The systemic inflammatory network has metabolic components

    as well as involving the intravascular coagulation and complement

    systems. The main players are inflammatory leukocytes and endothe-lium. All are activated in pregnancy relative to non-pregnancy and

    further activated in pre-eclampsia relative to normal pregnancy.3


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    Micro- and nanovesicles are of interest in

    pre-eclampsia because they can be markers of

    inflammatory and endothelial dysfunction, are

    immunoregulatory, and because there is a preg-

    nancy-specific component derived from trophoblast.Syncytiotrophoblast microvesicles and nanovesicles

    are shed in normal pregnancy and in significantly

    increased amounts in pre-eclampsia.5254 They have

    an anti-endothelial effect52 and are also pro-inflam-

    matory in vitro.53

    Microvesicular shedding from the syncytial surface

    would be expected to increase in two situations. The

    first is with increased placental size. Pre-eclampsia is

    predominantly a disorder of the third trimester when

    the placenta reaches its greatest size. Multiple

    pregnancies are associated with a higher risk of pre-

    eclampsia and also larger placentas. The second

    situation would be associated with placental oxida-

    tive stress in the most severe pre-eclampsia, typically

    of early onset. The placentas are usually abnormally

    small but may generate microvesicles with a more

    intense inflammatory stimulus, for example, by an

    increased content of peroxidized lipids.55 Whether

    these microvesicles are a cause or consequence of

    systemic vascular stress is not known.

    Immunoregulation in Stage 3 Pre-eclampsia

    Only two aspects will be covered in detail: T(reg)

    and the role of IDO.Elsewhere in this issue, the concept of the Th2

    bias of normal pregnancy and the need to update

    the Th1Th2 paradigm in terms of Th17 and regula-

    tory T cells [T(reg)] is discussed. Pre-eclampsia is

    associated with a Th1 bias; but this extends beyond

    Th cells to a type I bias of NK cells.56 However, in

    normal pregnancy, there may also be a bias away

    from IL-17 producing cells, which is not found in

    pre-eclampsia.57 Th17 stimulates autoimmunity and

    coordinates the inflammatory response to infection.

    Its potential to harm pregnancy is not yet defined.

    The increase in circulating T(reg) found by some

    authors in normal pregnancy appears to be lost in

    pre-eclampsia (several authors, for example Sasaki

    et al. (2007).58 However, the available data are

    inconsistent. T(reg) are heterogeneous without spe-

    cific markers59 so that their identification, for exam-

    ple by flow cytometry, is problematic. In addition,

    they function in tissues so that measures in periph-

    eral blood are not easy to interpret. That Stage 3

    pre-eclampsia is caused by loss of immune regulation

    to an allogeneic fetus owing to T(reg) dysfunction is

    inconsistent with the evidence that the end-stage of

    the disease is a non-specific inflammatory response

    to a damaged placenta. A simpler interpretation is

    that a Th1 environment tends to suppress the gener-ation of T(reg).60 The interactions between IDO and

    T(reg) have already been mentioned, T(reg) differen-

    tiation being stimulated by IDO. Indirect measures

    suggest that IDO is less active in stage 3 pre-eclamp-

    sia.61 Given that 3rd stage pre-eclampsia involves

    maternal systemic inflammation, it would be pre-

    dicted that IDO would be activated. So this observa-

    tion is unexplained. However, there is two way

    interaction between T(reg)62 and IDO such that

    underactive T(reg) responses could cause less IDO

    activity. The full detail awaits further analysis.

    Pre-eclampsia and Autoantibodies

    Certain function perturbing autoantibodies can

    increase the risk of pre-eclampsia most notably anti-

    phospholipid and anti-angiotensin II type I receptor

    antibodies.63,64 It is difficult to argue that these are

    the specific cause of the syndrome even though the

    latter autoantibodies can generate a pre-eclampsia-

    like disorder after administration to pregnant mice.65

    In a casecontrol study, we found that such antibod-

    ies were relatively common in normal pregnancy

    controls and not present in a substantial minority of


    Cross-reactivity with parvovirus B19 VP2protein was demonstrated although serological evi-

    dence of previous parvovirus infection was not more

    common in pre-eclampsia cases. Th17 activity pre-

    disposes to autoimmunity.67 If the possible Th17 bias

    of pre-eclampsia is confirmed, this might amplify the

    induction of these antibodies in at least some cases,

    which might contribute to the pathology.


    Different immune mechanisms operate at different

    interfaces during the three stages of pre-eclampsia.

    The diversity of the changes in the final stage is well

    explained by a maternal systemic inflammatory

    response secondary to oxidative placental damage.

    Now, for the first time, there is the potential to

    explain the early phases of pre-eclampsia in terms of

    immune mechanisms that are appropriate and

    located at Interfaces I and II and account for the first

    pregnancy preponderance of pre-eclampsia. The

    challenge is to turn potential into reality. A


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    provisional scheme of the immune mechanisms of

    pre-eclampsia is in Fig. 6.


    We acknowledge support from the Wellcome Trust

    Grant Ref GR079862MA. Our work is also supported

    by the Oxford Partnership Comprehensive Biomedi-

    cal Research Centre with funding from the Depart-

    ment of Healths NIHR Biomedical Research Centres

    funding scheme. The views expressed in this publica-

    tion are those of the authors and not necessarily

    those of the Department of Health.


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