imo activities

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  • 7/29/2019 imo activities


    Update onIMO Activities and InitiativesRelevant to WHTI Themes

    Curtis A. RoachRegional Maritime Adviser (Caribbean)

    International Maritime Organization

    The views expressed are those of the Adviser and should not be construed as reflecting the policies or views of the IMO orthe Secretariat

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    Themes and Objectives

    WHTI Technical WG

    Maritime safety, environmental protection andsustainable development

    IMO Safe, secure and efficient shipping on clean


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    IMO Voluntary Audit Scheme andMandatory IMO Instruments

    Maritime Security Update Special Areas

    Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSA)

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    Framework for the Voluntary

    IMO Member State Audit

    Assembly Resolution A.974(24)


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    The objective of the audit is to determineto what extent Member States are

    implementing and enforcing the applicableIMO instruments. In order to achieve this,a number of issues will be observed andassessed.

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    Areas to be covered(1)


    Organization and authority

    Legislation, rules and regulations Promulgation of IMO mandatory

    instruments, rules and regulations

    Enforcement arrangements

    Control, survey, inspection, audit,verification, approval and certificationfunctions

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    Areas to be covered(2)

    Selection, recognition,authorization,empowerment and monitoring of ROs,as appropriate, and of nominatedsurveyors

    Investigations required to be reported to


    Reporting to IMO, other Administrations,and organizations

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    Technical co-operation(1)

    In order to obtain the full benefits of thescheme, consideration of capacity-building

    matters is essential, particularly in respectof human and financial resources. Whereappropriate, Member States will be assistedin order to prepare for the audit, as well asto address audit findings.

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    Technical co-operation(2)

    Capacity-building includes an adequatesupply of suitably trained personnel, withmaritime and audit skills, along with therequired software systems. The need forinfrastructural facilities, defined asincluding workspace, utilities and

    communication systems relevant tomeeting initially the needs of the audit andultimately the aims of the scheme, is alsoto be taken into account.

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    Maritime Training and HumanElement Section


    Audit standard

    Code for the Implementationof Mandatory IMO


    Assembly ResolutionA.973(24)

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    Enhance global maritime safety and

    protection of the marine environment Note -

    An Administration is only bound by theinstruments to which it is Party

    Some Administrations may have a greater roleas coastal or port State than as a flag State butthis does not diminish their duties in each role

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    To meet the objective of the Code there should be astrategy covering:

    Implementation and enforcement of relevantinstruments

    Adherence to international recommendations, asappropriate

    Continuous review and verification of theeffectiveness of the State in respect of meeting itsinternational obligations

    The achievement, maintenance and improvement

    of overall organizational performance and capability

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    Mandatory IMO Instruments

    SOLAS 74 SOLAS 74 + PROT 78 SOLAS 74 + PROT 88 MARPOL 73/78 + PROT 97 STCW 78 LOAD LINES 66

    LOAD LINES 66 + PROT 88 Tonnage 69 COLREG 72 All instruments (Codes etc.) made mandatory

    through these conventions and protocols

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    Government Responsibility

    The Government of a State Party to a

    mandatory IMO instrument must be in aposition to implement and enforce itsprovisions through appropriate nationallegislation and to provide the necessaryimplementation and enforcementinfrastructure.

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    Maritime Security Update

    MSC Circulars 81st session June 2006

    Regional workshops on maritime security

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    MSC Circulars (1)

    Circ.1188 - Guidelines on training andcertification for port facility security officers

    Required by MSC when Circ.1154

    Training forCSOs was approved

    Circ. 1189 - Interim scheme for thecompliance of special purpose ships with thespecial measures to enhance maritime security

    These ships were not previously required tocomply. Scheme is to facilitate smooth compliance

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    MSC Circulars (2)

    Circ.1190 - Guidance on the provision ofinformation for identifying ships whentransmitting ship security alerts

    Inadequate information provided for shipidentification

    Circ.1191 - Further reminder of the obligation

    to notify flag states when exercising controland compliance measures

    Update of Circ.1133 because of continued failure

    to issue the required notifications

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    MSC Circulars (3)

    Circ.1192 - Guidance on voluntary self-assessment bySOLAS contracting governments and by port facilities Replaces Circ.1131 (Dec. 2004) Interim guidance , which

    was revised

    Circ.1193 - Guidance on voluntary self-assessment byadministrations and for ship security

    Circ.1194 - Effective implementation of SOLASchapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code Gives Guidance on basic elements of national oversight

    programmes for SOLAS XI-2 and the ISPS Code

    Reasons for MSC Circular 1194

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    Reasons for MSC Circular 1194 Available information suggested that:

    some port facilities appeared to fail to comply with theirobligations under SOLAS chapter XI-2 and the ISPS Code

    and in some instances ships had no alternative but toimplement their own additional protective securitymeasures;

    despite the provisions of the ISPS Code and thepromulgation of MSC/Circ. 1112 on Shore leave and access

    to ships under the ISPS Code, seafarers continued toencounter difficulties with certain SOLAS ContractingGovernments in relation to shore leave and access to ships;

    despite the provisions of the ISPS Code and thepromulgation of MSC/Circ. 1156 on Guidance on the accessof public authorities, emergency response services andpilots onboard ships, Government officials continued toignore the security measures on board ships and conductthemselves in a manner which was not conducive to theaim and objectives of SOLAS chapter XI-2 and the ISPSCode;

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    despite the promulgation of MSC/Circ.1133 onReminder of the obligation to notify flag States whenexercising control and compliance measures, a

    number of SOLAS Contracting Governments continueto fail to notify the Administrations concerned and theOrganization, when taking control measures or stepsagainst ships pursuant to the provisions of SOLASregulation XI-2/9 on Control and compliance

    measures; and the information posted by SOLAS Contracting

    Governments on the Maritime Security module of theIMO Global Integrated Shipping Information System,which contains the information communicated to the

    Organization pursuant to the provisions of SOLASregulation XI-2/13 on Communication of information,are incomplete, outdated or in some cases inaccurate.

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    Recent TC activities (1)

    Regional seminar on maritime security, VeraCruz, Mxico, 24 to 28 October 2005

    ObjectivesAssessment of the status of implementation of

    maritime security measures in the region;identification of specific needs for technical co-operation; issues of long-term compliance; andpromotion of regional & Interagencycommunication, co-ordination & co-operation

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    Recent TC activities (2)

    Caribbean Seminar on maritime security, piracy andarmed robbery against ships - Trinidad and Tobago -

    April 2006 update participating States on recent maritime security

    developments assess the levels of compliance with SOLAS chapter XI-2 and

    the ISPS Code among participating States

    identify and promulgate best practices in the region,

    particularly those pertaining to the security of cruise ships formulate appropriate regional action plans for combating

    terrorism, enhancing maritime security, countering piracyand armed robbery against ships, and combating drugsmuggling

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    MARPOL Special Areas (1)

    A sea area where for recognised technicalreasons in relation to its oceanographical andecological condition and to the particular

    character of its traffic, the adoption of specialmandatory methods for the prevention of seapollution is required.

    provided with a higher level of protection than

    other areas of the sea Identified in MARPOL Annexes

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    MARPOL Special Areas (2)

    Oil MARPOL Annex I

    Noxious Liquid Substances (NLS) Annex II


    Annex V Sulphur oxide (SOx) Emission Control Areas Annex VI

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    Wider Caribbean Region SpecialArea Annex V

    Adequate reception facilities not reported

    MEPC Circular 470 Waste reception facilityreporting requirements

    Global Integrated Shipping Information System(GISIS) Port reception facility database

    Consider WCR Special Area for Oil and NLS also

    Adopted Date of Entryinto Force

    In Effect From

    4 July 1991 4 April 1993 Not in effect

    Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas

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    Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas(PSSAs)

    An area that needs special protection through action by IMObecause of its significance for recognized ecological or socio-economic or scientific reasons and which may be vulnerable todamage by international maritime activities

    An application for PSSA designation should contain a proposalfor an associated protective measure or measures aimed atpreventing, reducing or eliminating the threat or identifiedvulnerability

    When an area is approved as a particularly sensitive sea area,

    specific measures can be used to control the maritimeactivities in that area, such as routeing measures, strictapplication of MARPOL discharge and equipment requirementsfor ships, such as oil tankers; and installation of Vessel TrafficServices (VTS).

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    A.982(24) Revised guidelines for theidentification and designation of PSSAs

    include criteria to allow areas to be designated a PSSA ifthey fulfil a number of criteria, including: ecological criteria,such as unique or rare ecosystem, diversity of theecosystem or vulnerability to degradation by natural eventsor human activities; social, cultural and economic criteria,

    such as significance of the area for recreation or tourism;and scientific and educational criteria, such as biologicalresearch or historical value.

    provide advice to IMO Member Governments in theformulation and submission of applications for the

    designation of PSSAs to ensure that in the process, allinterests - those of the coastal State, flag State, and theenvironmental and shipping communities - are thoroughlyconsidered on the basis of relevant scientific, technical,economic, and environmental information regarding the areaat risk of damage from international shipping activities

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    MEPC Circular 510 Guidance document for submission of PSSA proposals

    to IMO Provides guidance for the development, drafting and

    submission of proposals to IMO for the designation of aPSSA

    Sets forth the issues that should be included in such aproposal to facilitate its assessment and approval by MEPC

    The assessment and determination of whether aPSSA should be designated are ultimately controlledby whether the proposal meets the provisions of


    The Guidelines and Guidance document are


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    imoadviser@mail tt