Impact of World War 1 on Germany

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  • 8/13/2019 Impact of World War 1 on Germany


    The war started in 1939

    World war 2 was caused when France and Britain declared war onGermany following Germany invasion of Poland.

    How World War 1 did affected Germany

    Borders were withdrawn cause them to lose territory to some

    countries to France. E.g.(Alsace-Lorraine)

    Reich empire dissolve and Kaiser eliminated.

    They were blamed for the war and was forced to play reparationsto others countries for their expense

    Restrictions on military build up were made

    New government was built on a shaky foundations(Weimar


    Impact of World War 1 on Germanys economy

    Many persons were left unemployed

    Infrastructure was demolished by bombs

    Couldnt pay allies force in sighning the treaty of versallies

  • 8/13/2019 Impact of World War 1 on Germany


    Food shortage

    Hunger stalked the civilian populations of all the combatant nations. Agriculture and

    food distribution suffered from strains imposed by the war and naval blockades

    reduced food imports. Some countries met this threat more successfully than others.

    The war took men and horses away from farm work. Imports of nitrate fertilizers were

    hit. Reduced agricultural output forced up prices and encouraged hoarding.

    Governments responded by putting price controls on staple foodstuffs

    Germany introduced numerous government controls on food production and sale, but

    these proved to be badly thought out and worsened the effects of the British naval

    blockade. Substitute foodstuffs were produced from a variety of unappetisingingredients, but their nutritional value was negligible and Germans became

    increasingly malnourished from 1916 onwards

    Germanys campaign of unrestricted submarine warfare was intended to expose

    France, Italy and, especially, Britain to the same food crisis. These countries relied

    heavily upon imported grain and viewed the submarine campaign as a deadly threat.

    They attempted to increase their own food production, but their main success was in

    introducing successful systems of rationing. Britain introduced rationing in London

    early in 1918 and extended it nationwide by the summer. British civilians defied

    German expectations by accepting this state intrusion into their daily lives.

    British women keep cheerful while waiting in a long bread line during food rationing.

    Below: Germans wait patiently in their food line. The ongoing Allied naval blockade kept

    out the food imports that Germany had come to rely upon in the prewar years to feed its

    burgeoning population of 70 million. Shortages included butter, margarine, cooking fat,

    sugar, potatoes, coffee, tea, fruit, and meat due to the lack of sufficient cattle feed. All

    homegrown foodstuffs went first to Germany's soldiers. The remainder was rationed to

    the civilian population utilizing coupons allowing the purchase of a particular item on its

    designated day. This caused food lines as everyone lined up by dawn at the nearby shop

    to get their ration before the shop ran out. The food situation worsened year-by-year,

    becoming critical in early 1917 after the entire potato crop failed. Ultimately the food

    shortage weakened German soldiers fighting on the Western Front, expected to exist on a

    fraction of the calories, compared to their well-fed enemies.

  • 8/13/2019 Impact of World War 1 on Germany


  • 8/13/2019 Impact of World War 1 on Germany


    Reich empire (Deutsches Reich)

  • 8/13/2019 Impact of World War 1 on Germany


  • 8/13/2019 Impact of World War 1 on Germany


  • 8/13/2019 Impact of World War 1 on Germany


  • 8/13/2019 Impact of World War 1 on Germany
