IMPLEMENTATION - edu.gov.qa · Oum Ayman Sec –Girls 11 16 A1 12 1 A1 ... English Coord., Fr. teacher & students; ... and written production

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2013 - 2015

Figures 2012-2015

7 11 12 11

14 12 10

8 6 4 2 0


Secondary Schools offering Foreign Languages in G11-12

In 2015 11 schools are taking part in the pilot project

Students learning French

442 520 526 594


153 178 160












General Conclusions from this

second year of implementation In the academic year

2015 – 2016, 11 schools offering


3 Girls schools and 8

Boys schools offering

French lessons to 754

students : 160 girls 594 Boys

The number of students in Grade 11

will be slightly lower than the number in

Grade 12 mainly due to

sĐhools’ Đonstraints, i.e. necessity to recruit a

second teacher otherwise

In order to further support authentic

communication, possible solutions like

split classes with

language assistants

could be considered

(similar to language

assistant programs in

other countries)

•Selection of the Pilot Schools :

It has been noticed that many schools are reluctant to join the language project due to a lack of

understanding in the direct link between the project and Qatar National Vision 2030, despite the fact

Foreign Languages are an essential part of meeting future needs in human resources as well as in

promoting the Qatari culture and traditions internationally.

In order to further develop the project in its next phases it seems essential to straighten

communication about it at all levels.

Number of students who have

succeeded to the DELF Exam Examination


Schools Students’






June 2013 Al Kawthar Secondary

School for Girls

11 8 A1

22 Amna Bin Wahhab

Secondary School for Girls 6 Al Wakrah Secondary

School for Boys

March 2014 Amna Bint Wahhab

Secondary School

for Girls

12 15 A1

4 A2

Al Wakrah Secondary

School for Boys

12 8 A1

Omar Bin Alkhattab

Secondary School

for Boys

11 3 A1


Number of students who have

succeeded to the DELF Exam Examination


Schools Students’






May 2015 Ahmed Bin Hanbil Sec – Boys 11 4 A1

Ashahaniya Sec Girls 12 2

11 2

Oum Ayman Sec –Girls 11 16 A1

12 1 A1

Omar Bin Alkhattab

Secondary School

for Boys

12 1 B1

Tariq Bin Ziyad Sec Boys 12 6 A1

Aljmailiya Sec -Girls 12 2 A1

Timeline of Implementation Year 2013-2014


Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-14 Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14 Jul-14

Following up on teachers work, supporting schools during visits

Enabling DELF A1/A2 training at French Insitute

Organinsing students's visit, visit HEI students at French Insitute from 03/12 to 10/12

Meeting with French teachers about DELF Junior, projects, training needs

Designing semester 1 exam

Meeting end of semester with French teachers about final exam, 2nd semester projects

Meetings regarding the Agreement betweenT.B.Z & Lycée Bonaparte 8/01-20/01

Teachers presenting workshops attended in France during summer 2013 at French Insitute 23/01

Entry level program training from 25/02 to 04/06

Jobs & Studies Fair at Al Wakrah School for Boys 12/03

Awards for the poster competition by the Ambassodor in the French Insitute

Presenting Francophonie events in several schools

Organising DELF A1/A2 at Amna Bint Wahab 25/03

Participation of students from O.B.A & Al Wakrah of DELF A1/A2/B2 25/03

Organising Ambassador's visit, visit to Jassim Bin Hamad 08/04

Visiting Annahdha KG, story telling in French 22/04

Attending a Model lesson at Amna Bint Wahab Prep 27/04

Desining final exam

Meeting with French teachers about training and DELF Junior 05/06

DELF Diploma ceremony at "Résidence de France" 15/05

Organising Ambassador's visit, visit to Al Kawthar 28/05

Organising training in Doha in collaboration with "CLA de Besançon" in June

Visiting Annahdha Primary School 10/06

Visiting Al Wakrah Primary School 22/06, meeting French teacher & AVP 22/06

Attenting French classroom observation 25/06

Training "CLA" set up qt the French Institute from 25/06 to 27/06

Assisting schools in teacher's recruitments (Assessing fluency)

Meeting with teachers about training held on june 03/07

Meeting with new teachers (Doha/Mosaab Bin Omair/T.B.Z) 07/07

Final meeting with teachers, planning projects fot next year 09/07

Meeting about French Insitute's PD Plan for next year 10/07

Reviewing project, planning for 2014-2015

Timeline of Implementation Year 2014-2015



Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Fev Mar April May Jun Following up on teachers work, supporting schools during

visits 15th: begenning of French teachers' monthly training given by Mrs. Diana Maciu: preparation for the DELF B1 at French Institute

until May 20th 2016 Working on Unit Plans Teaching methods "Pourquoi Pas! & "Version

originale" Guillaume Cordeaux journalist from Oryx Fm: interviews of AVP, English Coord., Fr. teacher & students; elements broadcasted on radio "La

cité de l'éducation" m Students from Al Kawthar School took part at DELF A1/A2: 11 students passed DELF A1; 4 students passed

DELF A2 Salma Al Tamimi French teacher from Umm Ayman School interviewed by Laxmi Lota from

Oryx Fm Students from Umm Ayman interviewed Ms. Shaikha Al Remaihi Laxmi Lota from Oryx Fm interviewed Ms. Shaikha Al Remaihi about the educational system in Qatar; elements broadcasted on radio "la

cité de l'éducation" ma Finalizing exams (final)

Following up on teachers work, supporting schools during visits

Peer observation organized in grade 11 between Ahmad Bin Hanbal School & Jassim Bin

Hamad Jobs & studies Fair at Al Wakrah School with Gladys Monteiro De Lima responsible of Campus France Presentation about higher education studies in France at Al Kawthar School delivered by Gladys

Monteiro De Lima Delivery of DELF A1/A2 certificats to students of Al Kawthar School

Revising mid-term exams & finalizing leaflet about French language

program Model lesson given by Houda Werghemmi at Al Kawthar School; Bushra Medini English's

Specialist and 3 Fre Certificates delivered to French teachers of Al Kawthar, Umm Ayman & Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab to re "Best Practices Conference" at QNCC: leaflet distribution 10th: School visit of the First Counselor, Mrs. Vanessa Pouget at Umm Ayman

School 16th: French teachers have taken DELF B1/B2

exam 17th: School visit of HE, Eric Chevallier at Tariq Bin Ziyad

school 21st: School visit of the First counselor, Mrs. Vanessa Pouget at Al Shahaniya

School Finalizing final exam for grade 11 & 12 by the French Specialist

Sending leaflets to 14 Boys schools & 18 Girls schools

Collectecting exam's result

Preparation of the new Academic year School calendar Preparation of the new Academic year School calendar Preparation of the overviews grade 11 & 12 with Houda

Werghemmi Preparation of the unit plans 1st semester grade 11 & 12 according to the core

resources Working on PD Plan for 2015-2016 with Diana Maciu & Anne Boiron: workshop in


Timeline of Implementation Year 2015-2016


Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Fev Mar April May Jun 10th: Camille Maestracci journalist from Oryx Fm at Al Kawthar School: interviewed School Principal, French teacher, & students

about back to school 17th: Presentation of DELF B2 program by Mrs. Diana Maciu at the

SEC 1st: Begenning of French teachers' monthly training given by Mrs. Diana Maciu: preparation for the DELF B2 at French Institute until December 10th 2015 4th to 6th: workshop at French Institute given by Mrs. Anouk Pouliquen titled Diversify teachers classroom practices: motivate learners & stimulate oral and written production Following up on teachers work, supporting schools during visits (7

schools) 28th: Final meeeting with teachers: delivery of DELF B1/B2


PD Plan 2014-2015

A training plan is designed for teachers involved in the pilot project. It was designed and proposed by the French Institute of Qatar in collaboration with the

French Curriculum Specialist. It is a specific course to prepare teachers for the award of the DELF B 2.

What is the DELF exam?

Awarded and recognized around the world, the Diploma of French Language Studies is an official diploma from the Ministry of Education in France, valid for

life. Worldwide, more than 300,000 degrees are affected annually.

This modern diploma aims to officially certify the capacity of learners in real situations and covers 4 of the 6 levels of language skills according to the

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), an international reference.

Why take the DELF?

- International recognition of 4 skills in French.

- DELF B2 is the minimum level required to teach French as a foreign language. It is a prerequisite that tracks the various training courses offered by the

French Institute. It will also allow teachers in the pilot schools to prepare their students for the DELF A1 and A 2.

- The development of the secondary path

- A significant enrichment and a real asset to career.

The training:

The course will be held once a month for three hours on Wednesday from 9 to 12 am on 8 sessions. Dates of the training plan were selected taking into

account both the calendar of the French Institute programming than that provided by the SEC.

Cost for 24 hours of training per teacher: 1200 QR / 50 QR per hour

Teachers’ Tasks

Listen Podcast:

- Synthesize elements of

comprehensive and detailed

understanding of listening in a grid.

-Produce a Argumentative Writing

between 200 and 250 words. - Sound out his views in each


Read a newspaper article:

- Indication of the topic of debate and

make the argument in 100 words.

Keep a diary of each session.

Training title Specific course delivered to French teachers involved in independents Schools

Number of hours –


24 hours – once a month during 3hours - Wednesday from 9am to 12pm

Number of teachers 14

General goals Prepare the DELF B2 Enrich teaching tools

Specific goals Designing media for listening

Identify ways to work the cultural aspect in class

Acquire tools for remediation trouble of Arabic-speaking students

Schedule of training

Thematic Content Trainers session Dates

Workshop presentation Development of listening audio visual grid. Development of the structure of a written work to argue a point

of view


Diana Maciu

1 15/10

Public holidays Exchange on existing holidays in their countries (personal culture) Hiba HARB 1 05/11

Phonology Face difficulties in pronunciation of Arabic-speaking students Christine VERDURE 1 10/12

Idioms The most common idioms and other expressions: playing with the


Fake proverbs, riddles, puns and other language games.

Diana Maciu 1 21/01

Vocabulary Feelings and emotions Hiba Harb 1 11/02

Introductory verbs of reported speech Diana Maciu 1 11/03

Argument Develop arguments Diana MACIU 1 22/04

Use logical connectors Last meeting: - Assessment of the course and training evaluation

1 20/05

French Teachers DELF’s Certificate obtained

Schools Level




in 2015-2016

Teachers name DELF exam in

May 2015

DELF exam

In Dec. 2015



In May.


Schools for


Al Kawthar 11/12 11/12 Houda Werghemmi B2 obtained

in 2013

/ C1

Ashahaniya 11/12 12 Chaymaa Barakat B1 B2 C1

Umm Ayman 11/12 11/12 Salma Al Tamimi B2 obtained

in 2014

/ C1

Schools for


Al Wakrah 11 11/12 Amer Anwar B1 B2 C1

Ahmad Bin


11/12 11/12 Ashraf Sobhi - B2 C1

Mohammad Bin

Abdul Wahab

11/12 11/12 Nabil Mousa Shady B1 B2 C1

Omar Bin Al


11/12 11/12 Samer Salem B2 obtained

in 2013

/ C1

Tariq Bin Ziyad 11/12 11/12 Islam Lasheen B2 B2 (retake) C1

Jassim bin


11/12 11/12 Mohammad

Abderazek Youssef

B1 B2 C1

Doha Boys


11 12 Mustafa Nassar B1 B2 C1

Mosaab Bin


/ 11 Hamza El-Khal B2 / C1

PD Plan 2015 -2016

1 . W o rkshop given by M rs. A nouk Pouliquen : th is workshop is for free

Schedule: 3 days/18 hours

Tim e: 10:00 am to 12:00 p m ; 1:00 pm to 5:30 pm

Dates: O ctober 4 th to October 6 th

Wo r k shop title: diversify its classroo m practices:

o m otivate learners

o stimulate oral and written production


2 . M onthly train ing given by M rs. D iana M aciu :

Specific course delivered to French teachers invo lved in independents Schools

M ain goal: prepare the D ELF B2 exa m

N um ber of trainees : between 11+1 teach er fro m A mn a Bint W a hhab Prep. and

Frequency : twice a m onth - 3hours/day - Thursday fr o m 9 a m to 12pm

D ELF B2 train ing schedule 1 st sem ester:

18 hours of train ing fro m O ctober 1 st 2015 to Decem ber 10 th 2015

D ecem ber 3 rd: a m ock exa m for the writing skills

D ecem ber 10 th: a m ock exam for the speaking skills; Teachers wh o w ish can be filmed during the

speaking m ock exam ; an analysis o f the video w ill be done later.

Train ing contents :

D ELF B2 exam : D ecem ber 12 th 2015

- Podcast listening; the them es w ill be im posed by the instructor ; learners will

answ er questions o f reason ed m a nner.

- a read ing articles w hose subjects will be impo sed by the trainer w ith a

questionnaire (read ing co m prehension .)

- w ritten production given to the trainer every 2 w eeks.

All productions will be assessed.

October 2015 November 2015 December 2015

1/10 5/11 3/12

15/10 12/11 10/12

1. Train in g sch ed u le for teach ers w h o h ave to retake DELF B 2 – 2nd sem ester:

30 h ou rs of train in g fro m Janu ary 7 th 2016 to M ay 12 th 2016

May 5 th: a m ock exa m for the w riting skills. May 12 th: a m ock exa m for the speaking skills; Teachers w h o wish can be filmed during the

speaking mock exam; an analysis of the video w ill be done later; assessment of the training.

Prop osed d ate for the DELF exam s 2n d sem ester : May 21 st2015 (need to be confirm ed by the

French institute)


1. M onthly train ing :

It concerns na m ely 4 teachers w ho have pass the DELF B2: A trainer m ust be selected by the

French Institute.

Houda Mansur Werghem m i

Salm a Sultan Al Tam im i

Samer Salem Hamza El Khal

it w ill also affect teachers w h o w ill pass the DELF B2 in December 12 th 2015.

DALF C1 train in g sch ed u le 2nd sem ester:

Train in g fees am ou n t :

January 2016 February 2016 March 2016 April 2016 May 2016

7/01 11/02 10/03 7/04 5/05

21/01 25/02 24/03 21/04 12/05

January 2016 February 2016 March 2016 April 2016 May 2016

7/01 11/02 10/03 7/04 5/05

21/01 25/02 24/03 21/04 12/05

Hours dedicated to DELF B2 18 hours

Hours dedicated to DALF C1 30 hours

Total hours 48 hours

Total fees 1600 QR