Implementing the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) Gizella Marie A. Herrera ASEAN Connectivity Division ASEAN Secretariat High Level Seminar on ASEAN Community Statistical System (ACSS) Strategic Plan (2016-2020) Bogor, Indonesia 17 June 2014

Implementing the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC)

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Implementing the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC). Gizella Marie A. Herrera ASEAN Connectivity Division ASEAN Secretariat High Level Seminar on ASEAN Community Statistical System (ACSS) Strategic Plan (2016-2020) Bogor, Indonesia 17 June 2014. Outline of Presentation. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Implementing the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC)

Implementing theMaster Plan on ASEAN Connectivity


Gizella Marie A. HerreraASEAN Connectivity Division

ASEAN Secretariat

High Level Seminar on ASEAN Community Statistical System (ACSS) Strategic Plan (2016-2020)

Bogor, Indonesia17 June 2014

Page 2: Implementing the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC)

Outline of Presentation

●ASEAN Connectivity Vision & Goals●The Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity

(MPAC)●The MPAC Scorecard●Enhancing ASEAN Connectivity Monitoring &

Evaluation Project●Statistical/Data Requirements

Page 3: Implementing the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC)

ASEAN Connectivity Vision & Goals●ASEAN Leaders’ Statement on ASEAN Connectivity,

15th ASEAN Summit, Cha-am Hua Hin, Thailand, 2009●ASEAN Connectivity Goals:

To enhance integration and cooperation of ASEAN To enhance global competitiveness of ASEAN through stronger production

networks To enhance the well-being and livelihood of ASEAN peoples To enhance rules and good governance for ASEAN To enhance connections to economic centres within the region and within

individual Member States and narrow the development gap

●ASEAN Connectivity ASEAN Community

Page 4: Implementing the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC)

The Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity

Integrated and well-functioning

intermodal transport, ICT

and energy networks in

ASEAN and the wider region

Agreements and instruments to facilitate trade

in goods and services,

appropriate investment

policies, legal frameworks

Life-long learning, human

resource development,

innovation and entrepreneur-ship, cultural

exchange, tourism


Page 5: Implementing the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC)

MPAC Scorecard: Sample Dimension 1ASEAN Connectivity Progress Chart

Measures Due in 2010-2015 and Beyond

Legend: Yet to Startx Not Applicable/Prioritised

No.[1]Ref. No.

[2]Key Strategies & Actions

Expected Output/


Responsible Bodies

Timeline Status Remarks Assessment[3]

1.6.Complete the missing links by 2015:

10a) Myanmar: AH112 (Thaton–Mawlamyine–Lehnya–Khlong Loy, 60 km)

AH112 Missing link constructed

NC/STOM of Myanmar

2015 u

The road section from Thanbyuzayat to Lehnya of AH112 has been upgraded to Class III with the funding from the Central and Local Governments. The entire length of AH112 is planned to upgrade to Class III with the loan from China EXIM Bank.

However, due to the low traffic, there is no plan to upgrade the missing link (extension section of AH112), Lehnya- Khlong Loy to Class III by 2015.


b) Myanmar: AH123 [Dawei (deepseaport)–Maesamepass (Phu Nam Ron) 132km +18 km (150 km)]

AH123 Missing link constructed

NC/STOM of Myanmar

2015 u

Myanmar Government is constructing the missing link with its national budget. Expected completion is in 2015.

In AH123, Dawei –Myittar section is being upgraded to class III standard. Myittar – Phu Nam Ron section is currently planning to overlay the surface layer.

A. Key Strategies to Enhance Physical Connectivity

Completed/Early Achiever

u On Track/On going

Behind Schedule

Strategy 1. Complete the ASEAN Highway Network (AHN)

Page 6: Implementing the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC)

MPAC Scorecard: Sample Dimension 2ASEAN Connectivity Progress Chart

Measures Due in 2010-2015 and Beyond

Legend: Yet to Startx Not Applicable/Prioritised

No.[1]Ref. No.

[2]Key Strategies & Actions

Expected Output/


Responsible Bodies

Timeline Status Remarks Assessment[3]

56 1.1.

Expedite the ratification of the Agreements so as to enable their operationalisation in the region.

Agreements ratified.


Pending Ratifications: AFAFGIT Protocol 1 (Designation of Transit Transport Routes and Facilities): Malaysia, Myanmar, and Singapore;AFAFGIT Protocol 6 (Railways Border and Interchange Stations): Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Philippines, and Singapore;

Note: Myanmar ratified Protocol 6 on 3 February 2014. ASEAN Secretariat briefed TFWG on legal opinion regarding the requirement of ratification of Protocol 6 for ASEAN Member States which do not have railway connections with their neighboring countries. The 27th TFWG Meeting in April 2014 noted that instruments of ratifications of all ASEAN Member States are required for the AFAFGIT Protocol 6 for its entry into force.

AFAFGIT Protocol 9 (Dangerous Goods): Malaysia and Thailand;

AFAFIST: Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Singapore

AFAMT: Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Singapore.

Strategy 1. Fully operationalise the three Framework Agreements on transport facilitation, i.e., ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Goods in Transit (AFAFGIT), ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Inter-State Transport (AFAFIST) and ASEAN Framework Agreement on Multimodal Transport (AFAMT)

B. Key Strategies to Enhance Institutional Connectivity

Completed/Early Achiever

u On Track/On going

Behind Schedule

Page 7: Implementing the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC)

MPAC Scorecard: Sample Dimension 3ASEAN Connectivity Progress Chart

Measures Due in 2010-2015 and Beyond

Legend: Yet to Startx Not Applicable/Prioritised

No.[1]Ref. No.

[2]Key Strategies & Actions

Expected Output/


Responsible Bodies

Timeline Status Remarks Assessment[3]

107 1.2.

Encourage the establishment of curricular offerings or education modules on ASEAN and on the ASEAN countries, where appropriate.

ASEAN curriculum developed and being used in schools.

Senior Officials Meeting on Education (SOM-ED)


Two projects completed: (a) Developing ASEAN Curriculum Sourcebook (for primary and secondary schools) (SOM-ED);(b) Development of ASEAN Studies Course for Undergraduate Students (AUN).

121 2.6.

Encourage more intra-ASEAN movement of skilled labour through the development of further MRAs by 2012 and the full implementation of all completed MRAs by 2015.

Increased intra-ASEAN movement of skilled labour.


2015 u

There are seven (7) signed MRAs under the Coordinating Committee on Services (CCS). Five (5) are being implemented by the respective coordinating committees (Engineering, Architect, Nursing, Medical and Dental Practitioners), while the other 2 (Accountancy & Land Surveying) are in the form of Framework MRA to facilitate the actual MRAs in 2+X formula. MRA on Tourism Professionals was adopted in January 2009 covering 32 job titles under six (6) divisions, namely: housekeeping, front office, food and beverage services, food production, travel agency and tour operator and 52 qualifications on Tourism and Hospitality listed in common ASEAN Tourism Curriculum.

C. Key Strategies to Enhance People-to-People Connectivity

Strategy 1. Promote deeper intra-ASEAN social and cultural understanding

Strategy 2. Encourage greater intra-ASEAN people mobility

Completed/Early Achiever

u On Track/On going

Behind Schedule

Page 8: Implementing the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC)

The World Bank Project: Enhancing ASEAN Connectivity M&E

●Establish qualitative and quantitative indicators to assess the progress and impact of implementation of MPAC key measures.

●Add qualitative variable “perceived” risk of non-completion (RNC) and overall performance assessment

●Add quantitative indicators of impact, outcome, output per key measure

Page 9: Implementing the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC)

Proposed Connectivity Indicators*Table 7: Outcome and impact indicators for the Physical Connectivity Dimension in the ACIM


1 Complete the ASEAN Highway Network

Change in freight transport time —FTT— within the ASEAN region after implementation of strategy 1

Structural change in intraregional trade trend.

Structural change in trade trend to/from the region from/to the rest of the world.

Structural change in regional GDP trend after implementation of dimension 1.

2 Complete the implementation of SKRL project

Change in Freight Volume using Rail Roads —FVRR—

3 Establish an integrated inland waterways network

Change in Freight Volume using Inland Waterways —FVIW—

4 Accomplish an integrated maritime transport system —IMTS—

Change in Liner shipping connectivity index —LSCI— trend

5 Establish an integrated multimodal transport system

Only output indicators (see annex)

6 Accelerate the development of ICT Infrastructure and services

Change in Broadband Penetration —BP— and Internet Users —IU— trends within the ASEAN region

7 Prioritize the processes to resolve institutional issues in energy infrastructure projects

Only output indicators (see annex)

* Note that the impact indicators measure the impact of the various Key Actions, simultaneously as a whole package, on trade and GDP.

*with compliments to World Bank

Page 10: Implementing the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC)

Proposed Connectivity Output Indicators*

Page 11: Implementing the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC)

Data Requirements *

Connectivity Dimension

Strategy Name Key

Action Required Information

Physical 1 Complete the ASEAN Highway Network


• Kilometers of BC3Rs to be upgraded in 2010 • Kilometers of BC3Rs upgraded in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 • Average speed on AHN for trucks in 2010 • Average speed on AHN for trucks in 2014

2 • Kilometers of TTRs to implement common road signs in 2010 • Kilometers of TTRs implementing common road signs in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014

3 • Kilometers of class 2&3 roads to be upgraded in 2010 • Kilometers of class 2&3 roads to be upgraded in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014


• Kilometers of road to be upgraded in 2010 from Ha Noi via northern Lao PDR through Myanmar to the border with India • Kilometers of road upgraded in 2014 from Ha Noi via northern Lao PDR through Myanmar to the border with India


• Kilometers of missing links to be completed in 2010 • Kilometers of missing links completed in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 • Road map of ASEAN (shape file) • Shape file of missing links of roads from 2010 to 2014

Page 12: Implementing the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC)

Data Requirements *

Connectivity Dimension

Strategy Name Key

Action Required Information

Physical 2 Complete the implementation of SKRL project 1

• Kilometers of missing rail sections to be built in 2010 • Kilometers of missing rail sections completed in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 • Rail network map of ASEAN (shape file) • Shape file of missing rail sections from 2010 to 2014

Physical 3 Establish an integrated inland waterways network 1 • ASEAN Inland waterway freight volume in 2010

• ASEAN Inland waterway freight volume in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014

Physical 4 Accomplish an integrated maritime transport system —IMTS—

1 • Annual Port Throughput —APT— in ASEAN region from 2010 to 2014 • Liner shipping connectivity index —LSCI— from 2000 by ASEAN country

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Data Requirements *

Physical 5 Establish an integrated multimodal transport system

2 • Cargo flows coming in and out of Yangon and Da Nang Ports from 2010 to 2014

3 • Kilometers of MIEC road and bridges needed 2010 • Kilometers of MIEC road and bridges constructed from 2011 to 2014 • Number of truck per day by country (optional) from 2010 to 2014

4 • Shape file of the network of ASEAN dry ports

Physical 6 Accelerate the development of ICT Infrastructure and services

1 • Broadband subscribers per 100 inhabitants by ASEAN country from 2000 (or before) to 2014

2 • Internet Users per 100 inhabitants by ASEAN country from 2000 (or before) to 2014

Physical 7 Prioritise the processes to resolve institutional issues in energy infrastructure projects

1 • To be defined

2 • To be defined

Page 14: Implementing the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC)

Data Requirements *

Institutional 3 Develop the ASEAN Single Aviation Market —SAM— 1 • Air cargo flows within the ASEAN region by country from 2000 to 2014

Institutional 5 Accelerate the free flow of goods within ASEAN region 1 • Land use maps for each of the ASEAN countries

• Delivery times for strategic production within the ASEAN region

Institutional 7 Improve trade facilitation in the region 1 • Time series on customs times by ASEAN country from 2000 to 2014

Institutional 8 Enhance border management capabilities 1 • Time series on border crossing times by ASEAN country from 2000 to 2014

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