Implsive Force Pd1

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  • 7/28/2019 Implsive Force Pd1


    1. Diagram 5.1 and 5.2 show two watermelons fall off a table and drop on to surface A and surface B respectively.

    (a). What is meant by impulse?

    .. [1 mark]

    (b) With reference to Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2,

    (i) Compare the force on the watermelons that strike on Surface A and Surface B.

    . [1 mark]

    (ii) Compare the time of impact of the watermelons on Surface A and Surface B.


    ...................................................................................................................................................................................... [1 mark]

    (iii) State the relationship between the force produced in a collision and the time of impact.

    .. [1 mark]

    (c) Mark with a ( ) for the correct statement about the change of momentum of the watermelons in both situations above.

    The change of momentum of the watermelon in Diagram 5.1 is greater than that of the watermelon in Diagram 5.2.

    The change of momentum of the watermelon in Diagram 5.2 is greater than that of the watermelon in Diagram 5.1.

    The change of momentum of the watermelon in Diagram 5.1 is equal to that of the watermelon in Diagram 5.2.

    (d) Suggest a suitable material for surface B.

    . [1 mark]


    By referring to the Diagram 5.3, explain how the driver is able to avoid serious injuries when the car stopped suddenly.

    .. [2 marks]

    2. Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2 show two eggs released from the same height and drop on to Surface A and Surface Brespectively.


    Surface A


    Surface B


    BreaksDoes not

  • 7/28/2019 Implsive Force Pd1


    (a) What is meant by impulse?

    ......... [1 mark]

    (b) With reference to Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2;

    (i) Compare the force on the eggs that strike Surface A and Surface B.


    .................................................................................................................................................................... [1 mark]

    (ii) Compare the time of impact of the eggs on Surface A and Surface B......................

    ... [1 mark]

    (iii) Compare the change in momentum of the eggs in both situations.


    .. [1 mark]

    (iv) State the relationship between the force produced in a collision and the time of impact.


    .. [1 mark]

    (v) Suggest a suitable material for Surface A.

    ....................... [1 mark]

    (c) Diagram 5.3 shows a pile hammer used in driving a pile into the ground at a construction site.

    DIAGRAM 5.3

    Explain how a large force is produced by the pile hammer in driving the pile into the ground.


    .. [2 marks]

    3. Diagram 2 shows a boy jumping from a high position

    Diagram 2

    a) i) What will the boy do before reaching the floor?

    ..( 1 mark )

    ii) Give a reason for (a)(i).

    ... ( 2 marks )

    b) The mass of the boy is 60 kg . His velocity upon reaching the floor is 5 ms1

    and he stops in 0.3 s.

    Calculate the impulsive force exerted on the boy.

    (3 marks)

    Pile hammer


  • 7/28/2019 Implsive Force Pd1


    4. Diagram 7.1(a) shows Ali kicking a football and diagram 7.1(b) shows Ali kicking a rock.

    Diagram 7.1

    (i) Define impulsive force... *1 mark+

    (ii) The ball in diagram 7.1(a) has a mass of 1.5 kg. When Ali kicks the ball, it moves from rest to 20 ms -1. Calculate theimpulsive force that Ali exerted on the ball.

    [2 marks]

    (iii) The rock diagram 7.1(b) has the same mass with the ball 1.5 kg. When Ali kicks the rock, it moves from rest to thesame velocity as the ball 20 ms

    -1. However due to the rigidity of the rock, the time which Alis foot is in contact with

    the rock is only 0.02 s. Calculate the impulsive force that Ali exerted on the rock.

    [2 marks]

    (iv) Compare the time of impact in diagram 7.1(a) with diagram 7.1(b).

    . *1 mark+

    (v) Compare the impulsive force in diagram 7.1(a) with diagram 7.1(b).

    . *1 mark+

    (vi) Compare the pain experience by Ali in diagram 7.1(a) with diagram 7.1(b).

    . . [1 mark]

    (vii)Based on your answers in (d), (e) and (f), state the relationship between time of impact, impulsive force and painexperienced by Ali.

    .. *1 mark+

    (viii)Suggest one way how Ali could reduce his pain in diagram 7.1(b)... . [1 mark]