'Ji, I II Important Notice! Dues for the J-loo'Hoo year ending Sep. tember 9, 1905, became payable at one-ninth of one minute past midnight on September 9th last, Are you paid up for the year Sep. tember 9, 1905? Are you sure? If you are not, you had better send 99 cents. Every man who pays up without waiting to be sent one notice will help that much to offset the expense caused the Order by the man who waits until he is sent three notices. To which class do you belong? Are you an "early bird" sort of man, or are you an "eleventh hour" man? VOL. X. . NASHVILLI, TENN., FEBRUARY, 1905. No. 112 .1. II. BaIRD, Scrivenoter, Bdltor. 1ltiirIauid-LouIi Uo.ker. Laxinglon ftnd Fred MLs. ilniUmoro, Md. MaaeIiuiettu-IL W. DnngInj, 14 KIlby St.., Bo«tor, Mai. Moxtco-(Soutborn I)lKrIct)-L. 1. Parinlnter, No. 4 Callo Coflnoo F.bUbed Monthl7 by the ConcMenMM Order of Moo-Moo, &t Nub . Nuovo, M.xtco, D. F. ville, Tenusia... Mlclilgan-(East.orn DrIcL)-J. J. Comorford, care DeLroIL L.br. Co.. tJoLroIt MiCh. It.C.4 t t. r..w. .t . .I. MIoIdgaui-(\Ve.tor,i DiNtrIct)-W. N. Kelly Trayer*.o City. Mich. MInI.I.,,_lIT,nn. A 1AtIdfn.n. !.f..........I.. MI..h TERMS TO MEMBERS: On. Y.r......................... 99 Ceuta. I Single Coptei ................... P Ceuta Th BULLiTIN 4 Qii only offioal m.dÔ4,n of Conea.na*ed Ord.r of t..-Hoo, nooud b 1h. thipwn. NM., and aUo(f.erpubUw.Sona .rc i.udh.ndc end unatWior.ed. NASHVILLE, TENN., FEIIRUARY, l9Oi. The Supreme Nine, The Houce of AncIents rl..... ,. ,r. Uc..,..-O. U, ROURKIC. R A. JOIIC()C. ChhI, tUI. IIII.I.. w. e. RAKUUH, lUt Mo. OOIIOO:IIflO...J()II$ S. IUIUNNIUII. j UlUli, CbIo.Io, III. J nor., e IUon.IIoo-A C. RUIKY, MI..00t 1 II. IUCCCUWAY, ('oIo,.do Irrt.. Col. lI.00- UIkll. V. I)UCUINYr (I.ojl.. A. A WllI,c,K.o... CIty. M.. Hol..o,,,..-J H. BAUIII),T.00..... . S. A. (ILADDINC, lodI ...... Il., UnA. J on... WoOn-A. II. POTTIt.Or..00. fico. W. ¡.00K,W..tlnko. t... ro.,.o.m,.IU.aTltINocI1 II000ESM. !4Tll,l,Wkl.l,, Il .0.00. h. C., An0000t'oo-W. (r. l,AlDl.tW,C.n.d.. A. Il. WkIII, I,lnoolo, Nob. lIC.,,, ..... OAKI)KII t. JIUNIIII, W. H. CONCIa, 1100.100, T.t... - M0000bo..lto r.,. li. VIKrCIIIY.lt. l'lIl.bott, r., Tile Vlcegoroiits. Al.hom.-(Northorn District)-A. it. Jn000y,Jr.,cRro Jnnnoy t Moiitgolntrry, Alti. M.b.nia-(Soutborn Ol,ti 1014-Mark Lyon. CaTO Southern Supply Co Mobilo, Ahi. Arleono and Suite of Sonora, Meiico-W. U. Mofloliald, I)ouglaotit, Ancona. Arkanp.es-(NorLhonatcrn Di,Lrlct )-H. A. Culver, $edgwlcic, Ark. Ark*i.,es-( WoitLern DietrIcI)-Jemcs IirlzLohllrli, Fori Smith Ark. Arkaneaa-(.Uouthartt l)lerItflU-W. jl'. Murray. l,iliO BRy. Ark. Calltornia-(Mout.Itorn Dlatrlol)-W. H. E. Mete 650 W. 89th $L I.oa Angelo. Cal. VlIfornla- (l'orthorn Dl.triaL)-Henry Tomploman,4DCalifornlaSt., 14a1t Francisco Ciii. Caned.-(Co,ii.ral ñietricL)-D. Royce Sprague, caro D. E, Sprague, Winnipeg, Mua., Canada. Cftnadis-(Eaatern Di.trlct)-D. Forgucon, London, 0lit., Canada. Color.do-U. E. MeAllioter, Houlder, Col. Cuba-D. w. fluiti, I'. O, ¡mx 182 Havana, Cuba. Florld.-(Southern l)itl1ot )-i... E. Tutta, Mamey, Fia. FlnrIda-tEaaiern Dh,trlo)-J. lt Conrad Ulonwood, Fia. Oeorgla-iNortttern DieUict-E. D. Wahi'ti. Bo'ZO2, Atlanta. Ga. 000rirla-(Soutitea.tern Diei.rict)-ileorge O. Wutita, 1105 WhiLakor SL, SaVtitinnli Ga. Ooorgla-(Koittltwe,torn DietrIcO-i. H. Trump, Vaidoeta, Ga. ldiel.o-F. E Glazier, 1513 Stiit. St. Solar, Idailt,, illltsole-(NorLi,orn Dl,trict)-T. iA. McGili,856 flearbori, SL, Chictigo, Illinoic. ifllnole-iCeittrai flielrirt)-A. B. Simoneon, 18H Eae Juckon SL, Springfield, lii. llllnale-(Snlll.i,ern fllet.rioi)-L. M. floili.wiek, NON E. llrondway, Con. tralla. Iii. indl.n Territory-S. 4. SmIth, South MoAllieter, I. T. ladi.n-(NorLitorrt UIoLrici)-W. II. MuUitiRlt, caro The Victoria, Indinnapoilo, Intl. lnlllaflu._rl4oiltilort) Diatrict)-Citaa. Wolilin, EvanilVillo, lad. lowa-iSouthern Dl.Irict)-E. il. Dalbey. Shenandoah, Iowa. ftanRaaiiOifitorfl iJlRtrlct)-llilrnoua L. Luther, 7W nprUCIU utroot, Leavenworth, Kan,aa. Kanaaii-(Weei.ern LIiHtriCL)-J. R. MoLaurin, Eliiworth, ICanana. Kentnoky_(lCaatorn l)ietriot-W. C. Ballard, iii Tobb Building, Louiavlllo, Ky. Kontucky-fwoatorn District)-It. S. Robortaon, lOT? Broadway, Pa ducal,, Kv. l,oubtana-iNortbera Diatrtct)-E. A. Frotit, First National Bau k Bldg., hrovoport, La. Lol,iana._Si uthora IIi.trioi-Edward &hwart; caro Whitucy Supply Coinpiany, Scw Crimine, La. Mle,aurI-laaiorn Ditttriot)-T. A. Mooré, 3751 Llndult Bldg., SL IAttIiN, Mo. Mlont,url-(Woahrrit District)-John F. Bruco,5O5 Keith ,t Perry Bldg., Kanatu. City, Mo. Motttanii-W. \V. Otitike, Butto, Montanti. Nebraeka-Low Wentworih, tilO North Mitt St. Ornaba Nob. New Niexico and l'calienilti, of Toxac-It. li. Gambili, care M. T. Jt)tteIi Lhr. Co. A ,ttttriiio, Toxite. New York-(iCat,tcrn lJItttrIct)-F. E. LungWvIl, Id and Grand Sta.. l-ioh,,kutt N. J. Now York-(4'oottjr,t I)ietrict)-A. J. Cheetnut, 2118 NIagara SL, liulihio N. Y. North Ciirollnti-(Ceiitrai Ditiirict)-R. B. GodwIn, RaleIgh, N. (Y. North Ctiroliuiii-(IOietern iiietrlct-l). W. ltioltardaon, Davor N. C. North Oarolim.-(We,ttortt l)ititrict)-U, F.. Gordon, Aehovllie l'il. C. OlaIo-(Moutht'rn fliatrlct)-G. O. Worlaud, caro K. & I'. Lbr. L'o., (Yin. ciii tinti, OhIo. Ohln-(Contrai Dl,triat)-Lowie Boiter, 1016 flarritton Bldg., Comm. hito, Otilo. OhIo-(Northorn District)-Ilugli W. flogite, Boom MS Beckman Block. Cleveland, Ohio. Oklahoma Ter.-lt A. Myor, Box 807, Oklaitomta City, O. T. Oregoii.-,liiy S. Ilatniiton,citro I'ortinndLb!. Co, Portland, Oro. Penneyl'nia-(We,horn Diatrlct)-R. C. wiimnrtli, RS Filth Ave. Piltohurg, l'ti. South Varollaa-(Northorn fliolrict)-Wm. Otis. Columbia, S. tY. South Diikota-S. M. I'at.oit, cara Cataract ¡bitaI, Sioux Falle, S. D. Tontietsaee-E 'etorn l)i,triot)-W. I-f. Yate, Johmion City, Tenn. T.nae,eee-(Middio Dhittrhot)-J. W. Wahitco, ir., & Broad St,, Nnaitvhlio, Tonn. Texao-(Northorn Ilistrict)-J. It. Dillon, caro (I, C. & S. F. R. R., Fort Worth, Texan. Texas-(Soutitern T)ltitriøt)-C. A. Nownlng, 404 fmi Bldg., Itoucton, Texan. Texat.-(Wopitorti l)iotrlct-Mtnieo of Clilituahun und Coahuila, Mcx- loot-K. A. MctJoiiee, liox 729 Ei l'eco Toxtu.. Chili-A. Macoualg, Mi N. Third t»oet, Sni Lake City, Utah. Vlrghu.ia-(Wi.itierit Dl.triet)-W. E. C. Morrltotin, Narri,we, Va. Vii.lilngton-(Ciitttorii l)iotrict)-wm. R. ltoy, caro The Sawmill Phoenix, MItokilhie. Wnah. VaelllngIon-(Wotiiorn IJiNtrlCt)-W. J. CorOla, Mt .Jackuoo Street, Seattle, Wach. Went Vlrglala-.(Nortliorn Dititriat)-R. J. CiIiTbrd, Hamblelon, W. V.. Want Virglnia.-(h4outhorti l)httrlct)-W. O. Barker, Box 823 CItarlo,- ton W. Virginia. Wleeantsln-(Soutitern Diotrioti-A. E. Aurea., lIli W. Oorham SL, MatlitiotI, WIC. United Kingdom of England & Ountinentof Etirop.-Edw. Haynee, 164 Ait1orgateSL, London loigland. 'l'ho JIll'IM(LICtlOflN, .JurlatlIotltin No. I.-Undt'r tito Stark (Hoorke) tito following etata,: Illinolo, Indiana, Itiw:i, Miiitt000iio, Witicottoin and MIchigan. Juripiciletlen No. -Uittler tilo Senior l-Ino.floo (lionnor) the follow- Ing etoLo, r Texas, Lottilan,, OkiiiItotii Territory, Indian Terri- tory, Moxio, Now Mexico, Colorado, Utah and ArIanna. Jurloilietlon No. 3-Undirr tite JunIor Iba-loo (ltameeyì the follow- ittit States: Mitottitiri, ArktilicitAt, Rance., Neltratik, North Dako. ta and South Dakota. ,Jurlsidltloa No. 4-Under the llounl (Danny) the followIng ataLo,: South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Cuba. Jurleilictlon No. Il-Under tito Horivenotor (licird) the following etateii : Ton tieooeo, Keittucky, Alabama and Mlu.ieippl. Jnrlotii.tli,n No. 6-Uniter the .fabborwock (Potter) the following otate,, r WiinItit,gto,,, Orogoti, C,.o,iioh., noaf.aiia, ritinu Colunthiti and Wyoming. Jtzrlsdictlan No. 7-UntIer tito Cuntociitiati (Hotnoisn) the followin cUiteo: Wetit Virginia, OiiiO, Virginia, l'oaneylvanla, Marylan und Doitiwtiro. Jurledletlon No. 8-Under lito Arcanopor (l.Ridi.w): Dominion of Canada and ItritIch North America. Jurladletion No. 0-Under the Ourdon (ionen) the followIng elate.: New York, New Jeray, Ma!!achtieottr,C.nnnectheut, Rhode jamad Vermont, Maine taud New Hnmpt'hirn.

Important Notice! - hoohoo.org 1905.pdf · 'Ji, I II Important Notice! Dues for the J-loo'Hoo year ending Sep. tember 9, 1905, became payable at one-ninth of one minute past midnight

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Important Notice!

Dues for the J-loo'Hoo year ending Sep.tember 9, 1905, became payable at one-ninthof one minute past midnight on September9th last, Are you paid up for the year Sep.tember 9, 1905? Are you sure? If you arenot, you had better send 99 cents. Everyman who pays up without waiting to be sentone notice will help that much to offset theexpense caused the Order by the man whowaits until he is sent three notices. To whichclass do you belong? Are you an "early bird"sort of man, or are you an "eleventh hour"man?


.1. II. BaIRD, Scrivenoter, Bdltor. 1ltiirIauid-LouIi Uo.ker. Laxinglon ftnd Fred MLs. ilniUmoro, Md.MaaeIiuiettu-IL W. DnngInj, 14 KIlby St.., Bo«tor, Mai.Moxtco-(Soutborn I)lKrIct)-L. 1. Parinlnter, No. 4 Callo Coflnoo

F.bUbed Monthl7 by the ConcMenMMOrder of Moo-Moo, &t Nub . Nuovo, M.xtco, D. F.ville, Tenusia... Mlclilgan-(East.orn DrIcL)-J. J. Comorford, care DeLroIL L.br. Co..

tJoLroIt MiCh.It.C.4 t t. r..w. .t . .I. MIoIdgaui-(\Ve.tor,i DiNtrIct)-W. N. Kelly Trayer*.o City. Mich.MInI.I.,,_lIT,nn. A 1AtIdfn.n. !.f..........I.. MI..h

TERMS TO MEMBERS:On. Y.r......................... 99 Ceuta. I Single Coptei ................... P Ceuta

Th BULLiTIN 4 Qii only offioal m.dÔ4,n of Conea.na*ed Ord.r oft..-Hoo, nooud b 1h. thipwn. NM., and aUo(f.erpubUw.Sona .rci.udh.ndc end unatWior.ed.


The Supreme Nine, The Houce of AncIentsrl.....,. ,r. Uc..,..-O. U, ROURKIC. R A. JOIIC()C. ChhI, tUI.

IIII.I.. w. e. RAKUUH, lUt Mo.OOIIOO:IIflO...J()II$ S. IUIUNNIUII. j UlUli, CbIo.Io, III.

J nor., e IUon.IIoo-A C. RUIKY, MI..00t 1 II. IUCCCUWAY, ('oIo,.do Irrt.. Col.

lI.00- UIkll. V. I)UCUINYr (I.ojl.. A. A WllI,c,K.o... CIty. M..Hol..o,,,..-J H. BAUIII),T.00..... . S. A. (ILADDINC, lodI ...... Il., UnA.

J on...WoOn-A. II. POTTIt.Or..00. fico. W. ¡.00K,W..tlnko. t...ro.,.o.m,.IU.aTltINocI1 II000ESM.!4Tll,l,Wkl.l,, Il .0.00. h. C.,

An0000t'oo-W. (r. l,AlDl.tW,C.n.d.. A. Il. WkIII, I,lnoolo, Nob.lIC.,,, ..... OAKI)KII t. JIUNIIII, W. H. CONCIa, 1100.100, T.t...-

M0000bo..lto r.,. li. VIKrCIIIY.lt. l'lIl.bott, r.,

Tile Vlcegoroiits.

Al.hom.-(Northorn District)-A. it. Jn000y,Jr.,cRro Jnnnoy tMoiitgolntrry, Alti.

M.b.nia-(Soutborn Ol,ti 1014-Mark Lyon. CaTO Southern SupplyCo Mobilo, Ahi.

Arleono and Suite of Sonora, Meiico-W. U. Mofloliald, I)ouglaotit,Ancona.

Arkanp.es-(NorLhonatcrn Di,Lrlct )-H. A. Culver, $edgwlcic, Ark.Ark*i.,es-( WoitLern DietrIcI)-Jemcs IirlzLohllrli, Fori Smith Ark.Arkaneaa-(.Uouthartt l)lerItflU-W. jl'. Murray. l,iliO BRy. Ark.Calltornia-(Mout.Itorn Dlatrlol)-W. H. E. Mete 650 W. 89th $L I.oa

Angelo. Cal.VlIfornla- (l'orthorn Dl.triaL)-Henry Tomploman,4DCalifornlaSt.,

14a1t Francisco Ciii.Caned.-(Co,ii.ral ñietricL)-D. Royce Sprague, caro D. E, Sprague,

Winnipeg, Mua., Canada.Cftnadis-(Eaatern Di.trlct)-D. Forgucon, London, 0lit., Canada.Color.do-U. E. MeAllioter, Houlder, Col.Cuba-D. w. fluiti, I'. O, ¡mx 182 Havana, Cuba.Florld.-(Southern l)itl1ot )-i... E. Tutta, Mamey, Fia.FlnrIda-tEaaiern Dh,trlo)-J. lt Conrad Ulonwood, Fia.Oeorgla-iNortttern DieUict-E. D. Wahi'ti. Bo'ZO2, Atlanta. Ga.000rirla-(Soutitea.tern Diei.rict)-ileorge O. Wutita, 1105 WhiLakor SL,

SaVtitinnli Ga.Ooorgla-(Koittltwe,torn DietrIcO-i. H. Trump, Vaidoeta, Ga.ldiel.o-F. E Glazier, 1513 Stiit. St. Solar, Idailt,,illltsole-(NorLi,orn Dl,trict)-T. iA. McGili,856 flearbori, SL, Chictigo,

Illinoic.ifllnole-iCeittrai flielrirt)-A. B. Simoneon, 18H Eae Juckon SL,

Springfield, lii.llllnale-(Snlll.i,ern fllet.rioi)-L. M. floili.wiek, NON E. llrondway, Con.

tralla. Iii.indl.n Territory-S. 4. SmIth, South MoAllieter, I. T.ladi.n-(NorLitorrt UIoLrici)-W. II. MuUitiRlt, caro The Victoria,

Indinnapoilo, Intl.lnlllaflu._rl4oiltilort) Diatrict)-Citaa. Wolilin, EvanilVillo, lad.lowa-iSouthern Dl.Irict)-E. il. Dalbey. Shenandoah, Iowa.ftanRaaiiOifitorfl iJlRtrlct)-llilrnoua L. Luther, 7W nprUCIU utroot,

Leavenworth, Kan,aa.Kanaaii-(Weei.ern LIiHtriCL)-J. R. MoLaurin, Eliiworth, ICanana.Kentnoky_(lCaatorn l)ietriot-W. C. Ballard, iii Tobb Building,

Louiavlllo, Ky.Kontucky-fwoatorn District)-It. S. Robortaon, lOT? Broadway, Pa

ducal,, Kv.l,oubtana-iNortbera Diatrtct)-E. A. Frotit, First National Bau k

Bldg., hrovoport, La.Lol,iana._Si uthora IIi.trioi-Edward &hwart; caro Whitucy

Supply Coinpiany, Scw Crimine, La.

Mle,aurI-laaiorn Ditttriot)-T. A. Mooré, 3751 Llndult Bldg., SLIAttIiN, Mo.

Mlont,url-(Woahrrit District)-John F. Bruco,5O5 Keith ,t Perry Bldg.,Kanatu. City, Mo.

Motttanii-W. \V. Otitike, Butto, Montanti.Nebraeka-Low Wentworih, tilO North Mitt St. Ornaba Nob.New Niexico and l'calienilti, of Toxac-It. li. Gambili, care M. T.

Jt)tteIi Lhr. Co. A ,ttttriiio, Toxite.New York-(iCat,tcrn lJItttrIct)-F. E. LungWvIl, Id and Grand Sta..

l-ioh,,kutt N. J.Now York-(4'oottjr,t I)ietrict)-A. J. Cheetnut, 2118 NIagara SL,

liulihio N. Y.North Ciirollnti-(Ceiitrai Ditiirict)-R. B. GodwIn, RaleIgh, N. (Y.North Ctiroliuiii-(IOietern iiietrlct-l). W. ltioltardaon, Davor N. C.North Oarolim.-(We,ttortt l)ititrict)-U, F.. Gordon, Aehovllie l'il. C.OlaIo-(Moutht'rn fliatrlct)-G. O. Worlaud, caro K. & I'. Lbr. L'o., (Yin.

ciii tinti, OhIo.Ohln-(Contrai Dl,triat)-Lowie Boiter, 1016 flarritton Bldg., Comm.

hito, Otilo.OhIo-(Northorn District)-Ilugli W. flogite, Boom MS Beckman

Block. Cleveland, Ohio.Oklahoma Ter.-lt A. Myor, Box 807, Oklaitomta City, O. T.Oregoii.-,liiy S. Ilatniiton,citro I'ortinndLb!. Co, Portland, Oro.

Penneyl'nia-(We,horn Diatrlct)-R. C. wiimnrtli, RS Filth Ave.Piltohurg, l'ti.

South Varollaa-(Northorn fliolrict)-Wm. Otis. Columbia, S. tY.South Diikota-S. M. I'at.oit, cara Cataract ¡bitaI, Sioux Falle, S. D.Tontietsaee-E 'etorn l)i,triot)-W. I-f. Yate, Johmion City, Tenn.T.nae,eee-(Middio Dhittrhot)-J. W. Wahitco, ir., & Broad St,,

Nnaitvhlio, Tonn.Texao-(Northorn Ilistrict)-J. It. Dillon, caro (I, C. & S. F. R. R.,

Fort Worth, Texan.Texas-(Soutitern T)ltitriøt)-C. A. Nownlng, 404 fmi Bldg., Itoucton,

Texan.Texat.-(Wopitorti l)iotrlct-Mtnieo of Clilituahun und Coahuila, Mcx-

loot-K. A. MctJoiiee, liox 729 Ei l'eco Toxtu..Chili-A. Macoualg, Mi N. Third t»oet, Sni Lake City, Utah.Vlrghu.ia-(Wi.itierit Dl.triet)-W. E. C. Morrltotin, Narri,we, Va.Vii.lilngton-(Ciitttorii l)iotrict)-wm. R. ltoy, caro The Sawmill

Phoenix, MItokilhie. Wnah.VaelllngIon-(Wotiiorn IJiNtrlCt)-W. J. CorOla, Mt .Jackuoo Street,

Seattle, Wach.Went Vlrglala-.(Nortliorn Dititriat)-R. J. CiIiTbrd, Hamblelon, W. V..Want Virglnia.-(h4outhorti l)httrlct)-W. O. Barker, Box 823 CItarlo,-

ton W. Virginia.Wleeantsln-(Soutitern Diotrioti-A. E. Aurea., lIli W. Oorham SL,

MatlitiotI, WIC.United Kingdom of England & Ountinentof Etirop.-Edw. Haynee,

164 Ait1orgateSL, London loigland.

'l'ho JIll'IM(LICtlOflN,

.JurlatlIotltin No. I.-Undt'r tito Stark (Hoorke) tito following etata,:Illinolo, Indiana, Itiw:i, Miiitt000iio, Witicottoin and MIchigan.

Juripiciletlen No. -Uittler tilo Senior l-Ino.floo (lionnor) the follow-Ing etoLo, r Texas, Lottilan,, OkiiiItotii Territory, Indian Terri-tory, Moxio, Now Mexico, Colorado, Utah and ArIanna.

Jurloilietlon No. 3-Undirr tite JunIor Iba-loo (ltameeyì the follow-ittit States: Mitottitiri, ArktilicitAt, Rance., Neltratik, North Dako.ta and South Dakota.

,Jurlsidltloa No. 4-Under the llounl (Danny) the followIng ataLo,:South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida and Cuba.

Jurleilictlon No. Il-Under tito Horivenotor (licird) the followingetateii : Ton tieooeo, Keittucky, Alabama and Mlu.ieippl.

Jnrlotii.tli,n No. 6-Uniter the .fabborwock (Potter) the followingotate,, r WiinItit,gto,,, Orogoti, C,.o,iioh., noaf.aiia, ritinuColunthiti and Wyoming.

Jtzrlsdictlan No. 7-UntIer tito Cuntociitiati (Hotnoisn) the followincUiteo: Wetit Virginia, OiiiO, Virginia, l'oaneylvanla, Marylanund Doitiwtiro.

Jurledletlon No. 8-Under lito Arcanopor (l.Ridi.w): Dominion ofCanada and ItritIch North America.

Jurladletion No. 0-Under the Ourdon (ionen) the followIng elate.:New York, New Jeray, Ma!!achtieottr,C.nnnectheut, Rhode jamadVermont, Maine taud New Hnmpt'hirn.


tt it'







. i

i I






[mmets on eoncatenations i

At I'IU..I,urg.

uro. R, C. Wilniarih, Vl(czer(nt for the Western DIcI-I riet. or In, P(!flS tI out t I1( On 13 One (ltat)-poi n ted over L ho Cotieni enatioti %'h I(,h as hehl there ouJan nary 3. 'l'lu I# wuls oouL'IouIeu1 no douutit, by t he fact thai.¡1ro. \VI I uuunil h xpet ed a 1nrgr at t euuluuuue t han vas t lieue.AM I t uci, roui ri eeuu inuit uhu cui sIuovuuI ii u anul were pii II Ii rough tu t lie )u'it. or 4tuutpe. lieti C. Kent or acte(I utu

Snark utuuui IxSuiarh or I lie I ui t ve rue, Eli \11e1 uuietcr, fl'as luiiii roh, or .luinlor. \?lIli hue titni workluig oui the hoy8,

ulopsui I u%'uryu)uu( h now I hut I tiere SitH 8001cl Ii I uig uloluug iiit he guiruleui oui t bu Ieri ? l r. \Vl I uuuart h had tventy-twoetguuuul flhuj)ll(ftt lonH fou lits nippt Ing Cliii uilneteen had letidI ii t hei r inouuey. 'l'ue iii leal lug uuovlups el I I he elLi led to oc-1(11111 I itt nui early dot u, ulieuu_ tuo louulit, lira, \VI Iuuiartli wittJrnlul 111101 lier Heuuslouu I n ¡'It t slutu rg.

(ir,,ui lili,i,tiuu ¡IL I iuullui,un1,.,Iis.

tiro. W. I I. Mat t titas, Vicegercuut. ror I lie Northern 1)l.t riet of I iidtuiuia. Heluwipil Jan nary I i na tue tune forliii; (On (-iii clint ton. no t li to \as t he day of i tic utuinuial sessloilor t luu aHnorlutt Ion of I ruullauualuol Is ret al loro. Au lui t lie caseor all of tiro. Maillitas' luicetluigs. it scuis u bIg suiccess.'l'liere a-jis lui ui-li cui t liiitiuu, ¿us wet I as fi; n. 'l'ue nhiuuihei-hilt lai eut was il Il eco. M r. Mai t li las uuiodesi ly ott rll;ii.esi lic suucuuu4s uir i lue coui(atpnat Ion I o Percy l-1 ibard, of irazt I,luul., onu lt. lt. lticliuuulue, or I ui(llanatuolls. uhu u-oinluTtnieTit-lilly auluts lint tluu, only ihtuig io uuuar lue suicutos of the(0-eli i lug wail t liu atisenec of I he Snark auuul i lie Serlvenot er.

A lug Thun, it (IirI...0 .n, W. Vn.

One Vlregeren t one Fx-Vle-gtui.uu t . a u1fl5paper ( linVet VI ridui ta loculi hers of lloo.l loo 1111(1 t lie I nitlateg all

huye salut I Ituru was ., e litg t tuuic. for I loo.l-loo I n Cluarleston,\v. Vit.. on laut uuutrs- I l, icluun Vliegu.r.ut \V, C. Barker lucidli ¡ii ('Ofliat uiluitlon. nuiul fuouii i lue amount I have recel ved,lii every a;l' ti uuuuuuut lie truie. lui spcal;lng of ihm rccorul-lirpatu lug relirai euiatioii, tiro. Iluirtuer uioy:

"Voti (Prlalniy uhu nile a heils of fun by not belog here,iu((iiiuMe ;tfk'r ',.i' iji shin ccl tlieu'e ,;us 'sounetli t lug doluug'illesi ali I lie i tiuie. \Ve d IiI ou r ui I Obst to gIve tite boys I lieworth of lhclu uuionpy, auil uu to the present we liaveui'ititanI any rouit lutaltit ,. 'io we i li Inh t hey tuilust have ijeeti sat-mAcui. \Ve huit vi i lu uts i wo Ex-V k'egeren t s nocI one rouit-tlniiil Ex-Vlcegi'reu1 outil Suuiureuuur' Cutsioailan The boysal! woritcul haiti i o uiitilte titis u lue best Omet Ing ve ever tinti.l'nrtt(-ulnr tuent ion to eotiuup('i lout %'ltiu hits Is duje to Bro.Lewis, vlin at lila own expense sent oui 1,000 invitations,aout for several ulnys prior to tite uneetluig noelo.Io,i !,tbiuiujncs lo work tiu t he tutee? I tug. 'Pitia la iuiohnhiy (lie lastrdflcatena(ion we will botti lucre for quIte a white, lieratitit,we Iuraut icnhl3- ninutu, a denti svoe;, of uil I t tie el igl hIes intItis section alio haul tite nervi, 'to go against it."

or fluIti (Ofleatetitition the oid cteratu of \VetiL Virginiawrites:

"r attended Bro, Barker's conaitenation at Charlestonon tite 13th luist. It was tite iargrst that lias ever lucenheiul in titis State. There \vero thirty initiates, one of titefinest classes i ever saw, anul one nf tite best attenuied bytite local iloo-i-igo, about thirty-five 01(1 cats being pi'escnLAtuioag (lucio. as yoti vili note, was llio. Colcou-ul, who actedas .Junioi-. ably assisted by uro. Itiici;noison. lt is uselessfor tute to adul ntiytii tug about this as yotu vlli have a fullrei;ort front hun. flarlier, viio f*lti voty much gratifiedItuilceul ovet' t liti assist noce gi veut iii nu uy ai i t ito oid eat sitt lita; se;'tlon, espeltuliy Dro. \Veuis, atiti from tite ttnhuiuiet,Iriiet; lar of lito. Levis, vIiich certaInly d rea' a crowd,

'l'he ban,li'et at t it e iauiativIia lutecia tiri (onitttt,tì t , t lieIttetili stuealts fou' itsu,tt'. i am niall ttig you a l'ouy of titeCliarlest out 1)011er.

'Uro. IJavl(i S. Collins was toastutasier and fuileti tite billexattiv. lIra. Barbet iLitul utili tue Iioo-i-Ioo of ttte easterntutu rit-t. are very liroilil of t ii iii eoui',atcuiai joui. as t hey velll'iitt i,e, and I feel sutri, a li ttie ial tr you WI il lient' of an-nl tier ionI-itt etitul loti front the wesitirtu il lstrit-t of 'est.VI rgi ut ta. i ti lotit; i ng over t t;e I Ist of (itose prescuit you tri Iilint 111 t lieu-e tvere iii '('u, tix-Vit-egu'renis of \Vcst Virginia-lire. Coicord, fl ro. Vri is tu titi uitysel i

E. S7t: tNi; cut l3is;t;rs.


Stutttd:trcl StIli Cotittalllutte l'ottile ''C;uttt Iioui;s''

ii l(hig;iti ( \Viu t t e I 't tt t CeleryCtttsouit nie lti i tisse ''Cien rs i ut '' Ci reti tat' Saictu Totitatoes

S2S l'ian bett \'lt I i e i'ls1iGreu,ui Oiivcs "lint tu('ttsoui,'(i"

"No. One Commr,ui" Potaiotis i)utcbpsti"1100.1 ion Ow t"" Culled" Peas

Fillet. of Ox ''Huit i ciii.''IC. D. Potatoes a la (lielisirac

''Situ nul Vorniy' i hule amI Ceieu'y Salati"Exltort" ¡te Cream 'lione Itry" Cake

ltoqiic'fort Cheese t hut Slutfi' (untiet"Log Tiule Water Crachera

"lìuuli" Cafe Noir"Saw »tust" Cigarettes and Cigaus

At J)nyt,,, (thIn.

As in i tuuiiatiapoils the I too-i-too of Ohio decluleil to cele-lirai r, at. Dayton iii the t into of t lie St tute Ricci ing or i lie re-tatinre. lti'j. Levls Dostet-, Vlcegereni for tite Cettli-aiDIstrict uf Ohta, titis worked uu a great meeting, fluiti ever)'-one rcgrr't unit thoU tie vas itersonlhy cnhiu'ul away before thettiti sigan, Dro. J. lt. Fiotrout, lui tvrtihutg of tite uneoting,iauitotits i itui fait that there veue only tltli-ty.thu-i,o cantil-dates. Titiutit of lututting through tltit-ty-one nuco at onee.;Ion, 5h I t : itg uii,it ut io an ouijoyatuhe iattupui,t t hen catch-lug uit the otuti'iuie two wayward reialhi'ua, svito on aet'oituttof ititsutiess were htu,it front tite i-iou-lion ivahh. They simplyupi it noii fluttI l'citi autothier nuect iutg, lilt ti i ng t Itetut t itroutgti.i ut tihinaht ltg of i lie tuent Ing. Dro. htot rout says:

', %(.ì on hy lu i i iat ed (it i rl y-Ut ree, litt t i t ';tti t ho cleanest.fluiti ttto5i iitgtilfloii coutea(enalon that titis over hehl ; atleast i hifi ti; tite coutneitsuis o i' t tie ciii n on of t unto tt'iioteere hli'('seuÌt.'

Itou. W. li. Matthias, Vicegerent for tite Nortitorn DIs-I riti nf I nillana, gives its tite followluig tuicrosttutg accountof tehiat wgs done titere:

''ibero ntay itavi, usen larger, lti,t never n moro sue-ceesfuti roui rfl t oliai ion t taut tinti. lucid at t tuo A igontuit n I Intel,l)avtott, Oluto, .lauiiunuy 18, tunuler the jitrltitlietIon of Vice-gounuit t)osier,

',lt was uunfortuuiate that l)oster, after wnrltj,' ne bar'.!to itttll;t' this class a success, '.vns, through force of circuini-5iRui,'i, 000tluelitil t;) ite absent, l-iowouer, lie left a coni-mandet' in the liersoul of Tiro. Flotron, who was a"heath" anti a Wofluier. 1-fo scented to be Itere anti (ItereOnu t'vc'rywiuete $, tite same tinte . hut, it. sturo would rioyou good to see huit tvork. The lianqiuet )t'hicit he arrangedfor Ils euuu-ujeitauion was a model, huit of that more anon.


. "The Jitnior work, assisted as it watt by Bro, Ramseyof tite Supreme Nine, was a howling success, tite generaiol)IfliOtt being that. tite work was the liest ever seen, Titerqtallers' oaLh is a "peach," very effective; as also rustito suio' mee.

"After the thirtyone kittens hail their eyes openoui, werepaircii to tite dinIng room, where the. 15fi 1100-1100 sat(iok'n to a feast fit for tite gods. Tite tables were arrangoulin a dainty manner, showIng that Uro. Flotron, with aliItiiu .}iaril commerelahisui, lias a softening toucit, viticit, intito writer's opinion, has leen instilied by tile lovely wile,Tito 110w of wit anti least of thought was stich as can onlyorlgiutate from a gauiioring of this kind. Tiro. F'hotron wasnui ideal toastmaster, niaking one sulggeetton that strin-kme forcttuly, anti i truist will altpeal to ali Brother i-ioo.Hoo.1-in salti: 'We watch the wootiman cut (lown tite tree, weiuu'.w it into variotutt forais, huit do we over give titougiit totito futuirr,, when denuuied anti bare, all tite wonilers of theforest gone, rittitiessly torn irom Mother Earth's grasp,what shall be tito outcome? Then we will cry out, whytitis conditioti of affairs? Butt. Brouter i-too-i-too, weiiavo a uiay, Arbor Day, est apart to lueritottuate our forests.Let une offer title suggestion, that on titat day, lot everyi-leo-Hon now pressnt resolve titat no niai ter whore litt uttay1)0, ile Wihi ite t lie Itteauls or assIst lii t Ito hiifilil 111g or onet ree, knowittg t i,at Ito maui lt ltoWCt il t tie ('nil of tri i t iilnga.\Vlio knows hut t ivat very t reo unity ltn;'ouuie it hiessitig toyour trogeuiy!'

'''i'ltis was rei'elveui with glow Ing alittroitai ouI. I I. S..Aihtutis, Seieiulr) of tito Union Asso'iuttlon of itctaiierut, antil)euivi'r City Snook, uitrec'tor of sniul a'iso-tatiott, liad slgncu!tilt, huIt through a uiiroctors' meotiitg interfering, toutld nothe ti ii titi t; ntil I he luanqutot hou u. I n tite couirtue of li ro.,\ilutnitt' ronuarlus, lue stated that lue was sorry that Ito antif*o. Snook haul been imbuto to tatto tite oiiiigatlon. Wet itn anti there resolveii that after tito huanquiet we woitidhohl anotiter, or. rather tite continuation of tite first con-eatniiatlon to ItUt litent through. Titis was tiene lut proluerstylo. We adjourned in tite wee t'ma' hours of tito mornIng.

'Miiciu credit Is due to Ex-Snark Vietmeier. lires. Kerr,1tiwards and others in so ably assisting Dro, Flotron.

"You may Itet your hoots the ifoosler Trio was (itere,and in the ltarui work, too. Tite l-iooeier 'l'rio is comliosoulof Big Boy Hart, Mt-nasco, of anuitai concatenation faine.attui your ititnthlo servant. Fiats of! io Doster, Fiotroutauiil Ohio! '' \v_ I i. Meriti its.. At AtInti.

Confirming lier reputation for active ouiergy of Atlanta,viten anything is to lie done, tito Atlautia ,louurnal tolls intIi foi!o'.'.'ing words of the concatenation which in to ta!:eplace there at an early dato:

"fliaiiòrate preparatiotis are now being maule for a mani-moult concatenation, which will i)o coniluctoil In Atlantaon tile evening of MardI D by the weint anti unystoriousConcatenated Order of tloo-iloo.

"At titat time fully fifty candidates will lie ushered intotie: Land of Iioo-iloo, making one of tite largest concate.natIons ever .iteiui In tito South. Members of tIto tunIquetuotret order alo anticipating tito occaslolu tvltiu mitch ltioauu.turo anti ni thai time Atlanta will be tue meeting point ofHoe-FLoe front all liortiouis of tite State, 'rho ceremonies Inconnection WiLli tite concatoutatlon vill lie contituctoil in Ihei-on'.'cntfon hail of the Piedmont, beginning promptly atnine minuties to 9 o'ciochi, anti will be followed by an ele-gant hanquiel.

. "The ntembershlp of tile Concatenated Ortior of Hon-Boois composed conciuislVoiy of iuumbermen, nianufactiurors ofand healers in lituntier machinery and general freight agentafor railroads, While the organizatioui exists chiefly forliutsinoss ronflons it serves to bring the members into closerronuact, resttitlng un kind ¡eeltng antI good Tellowsuip. ineimite of organization is the number nino, selected itecauiso of1h13 comnuon suliet'tttition relative to tite nine lives of a eat.Tilo yearly tutes consist of 99 cents,

Emmett D, Walsh, who is Vicegerent Smirk of the Oruiert'or the Northern District of Georgia, vifl, al ai early ulale,cali a meeting nf the Atlanta i-too-Hen, wlunn fiutni arrange-meuits will lic perfected for the coming concatenation,"

Ilbiak Cats nuid Storms.

't'ho weather uueriouusly interfered with tite big concato-nation lilanneti by Vicogorent F. E. Longweli, of New Torti,witielt was ileld at tite Vettilome Hotel in (liai. city on tilt,evening of January 26. Mr. Longwehl writes that a towhours liefore tite tinte set for tito concateutatiout one of theworst rain storms lie lias ever witnesseul came up. Therevns a uireutcitlng fail of water at the time tite ceremonies

oltetioti at tIto hotel. This, of necessIty, prevented a largeflluntitor of louaI menultous of tIte Oruier from attending. Asit was, there tvero about tweutty-litree oitl i-bo-I-bo tilere.Eight catuto (tom Pitiladeipit la aitti many front tile terri-tory about New Yorhu. Bio. Lotugwehl was also iiisalil)ointetilut tito titimber of kittens wiuich alipeareti for tite ceremonies. Tito storm udiI titis numitor tiowut to seven, ttut whenonce In ouit of hie iveatiter tito boys i,iirtieth loose anti a itigtinte followed, Cartiner I. Iones acted as Snaric, J, J. Rum-targor,'leegcrent for tite ltastorn District of Pennsylvania.took tito role of .iultilor, tintI Ex-Vicegeront A. R. Carr acted'-la Senior. 111g ltreltnrailons haui been ntatio for tIlls enuteale-




k1 n,t,,,



'ucKuiJcliKztT F. E. I.c,zowt'.t,u,,or (lit, i'uisteriu Dtsttiei. ut! New York, whose concutto-

tiation of Juinuuuiry 28 is reported In (tris Insito.

nation. A large nituiliter of plates itati lieta ordoreii for titoiiautquet. When noses wore cotituted it was fourni that thettxlieilses rIm abouti $tit) over i ho aliowance. Bro. Ruun.l;argu'r arose to the occasion anti made a neat little talk alitituslied 1er 'ontritjutiontt for this doticieney, starting theroil himtteit' whit a contriitiition of $5. To the pleasantsurprise of Dro. Longwoil the cash donations cohiecioui ati litri I lutte utuit,ii ttted to $65, very matu'riaily cuttting dowuttui, debt. in writing of the COniaten'ttiOtl Hrn. l..ottgwollsays: "I frei assiured that there is enoutgiu good feliowehiparnen the thteHee of Ne York tu na!:c any rnthrprcwitich they itndertako a big sticcess"

l.00klng mr Trttultln mud Got It.

Uro. E. A. Frost, Vicegerent fou- tite Northern Districtof Loulistana, is an accommodating man at ail times, andwiucu h' found four aliiuiicanta, who were disappointed at,


3hreveport on the night of lusLt Immediately to accommodatehow well he did lt.lie concatenation in Shreveport,who failed to get here that night.llar)' 14, and they were ail thereem through that night. Thereobers of the Order present, andthe paths of darkness Into the

r,nl{. All seemed to enjoy them-

a lit UoUport.

have been sweeping over thisn, lieve not spared the floweryIi. 'fhe grip seized VicegerentDistrict of Mississippi, just at

3 first concatenation, and it wauvas too iii when the ceremoniesr, o he conferred the power of

cv F. Coz,stsK,

Miiuils.ulppi, a .itsld and con-who has Ju,t lucid eeoc-

lotion at (JuifporL

roes. Vicegerent for the South-Io had gone lo Gultport to at-ns was ably assisted by Dro.the local membership Harry

uw Orleans and took the roletiMed, and there was fun andport. The boyB of Southern(I a concatenation, and how to

d On. Engilebmiun,

ìiliott Lang, Vicegerent T. A.catenation In St. Louis on theLang, who Is Secretary of theAssociation, and himself an

re that some of the Hoo-Hoo

members at the association meeting wanted a concatene-tion the next evening, If possible. With his usual energyMr. Moore set about to accomplish this. The weather wsaclown to yero that evening, but seventeen old members ceported for work. There were only two to be initiated. Onoof these was an Englishman, who is traveling n thiscountry ucow, and this concatenation adds one more br-eige country to the roll of membership. Bro. Moore actedas Snarlc, Elliott Lang as Senior and J. L. Lane as Junior,l3ro, Moore says that Jim Lane "put tice gentleman fromLpndon, England, through tice paces."

Though the class was small, tice evening was an en-joyable one and the concatenation, in the fullest sense Oftice words, was worth the while,

" L.t No Unnil Man Epiciupe."

fly far one of the most enjoyable and successful .concatenations hoid under the jui'iscliction of lohn J. Rumbarger,Vicegerent Snark for tic., Eastern District of Pennsylvania,took place on Thursday evening, January 12, in PhIa1ei-piule. There was noi one minute of the five hours the catsand kittens spent together in the gardens and on the roottical was not full of ruin. Snaric Rumbarger has the upport of all tice faithful In luis territory accU had it nut bßsflfor another gaticering of lumbermen the same evening theattendance Would Icavo been larger. While but six candi-dates appeared the numbec was great enough to interesttice half icundre(l cats who answered the summons of theS ccc rk

There is never any hitch to the Quaker City concatenations and everything was ready at the appointed hour.Tice gardens were laici out in a spacioucs room near theLumbermen's Exchange in the Bourse Building, and theoccion latcli was set out with considerable care and fore-ticoccglìt, In the words of the song "For didn't they ranble,for didn't iicey ramble," tice purblind kittens had theireyes wide open before they were halt through gamboling,urged on by the catswho wore there to see the fun, Thehalf dozen purring Innocents, "got all that was coming toticeni."

lt was nearly 9 O'clock when the Snark and his fellowoi11cerc had concluded tice ceremonies and the assemblagea(ijourneli to the Bourse restaurant. At one end of thebig rothu was arranged a table for the officers and the hit.tens, the older cate being seated about a dozen smallertal)les. The courses came along quickly and the hunger ofthe merry throng was 50011 appeased, while now and thencame ali outburst of song as the orchestra played somelopcclar ditty of the stage. Henry William Rudolph EmilGuenther was there in his accccstomed place as toastmaster,and with his Paraphrased motto "Lot no good man escape"he put them all to tho test.

One after another they spoke earnestly, lightly or tolda story worth telling, and Dro. Joe Rogers favored thegathering with a violin solo, There was sincerity in the(ocie of one or two who spoke of what Snark Rumbargericas done for the Order in the East, whicic drew forth ahearty "for lie's a jolly good fellow." The last 81p of coffeeand the Inst puff of cigars marked dangerously near themkiniglct hour, and tice parting "one, two, three" broughtthe night's frolic to an end.

Every sIoo.m, Plant e Tr..,

A llfllqlco feature of the concatenation held by Vicege-rent Joe Wallace lic Nashville during tice meeting of theHardwood Manufacturers' Association was the resolutionIntroduced by Lewis Doster, the popular secretary of thatassociation. Mr, Doster's motion was that all Hoo'Hoo on


Arbor Day plant a tree, The motion was carried unani-mously, all joining heartily in luir. Doster's unlqcce idea ofretorestlng the country,

The concatenation was held in tice Odd Fellows' Hall.with Joe Wallace in tice Scarica chair. Henry H. Gibson,of Chicago, acted as Junior and matie an admirable one.Twefre men were Initiated. Ticere were a nccmber of visi.tors from the North whq wtItnl over ccntil the lato trainSO that they could attenti tais concatenation. Consequentlylt was the duty and pleascire of the local members to keepthem busy until their train left. Conseqicenily some of tIcetwelve nion initiated that night will long remecccber soncoof the secrets of Hoo-Hoo. After the concatenation wascompleted a Dutch smoker was given at which wittyspeeches were made by J. B. Stimpson, of indiana; H, H.Gibson, of Illinois; Lewis Doster, of Ohio, anti a ncimbcc'or local men. The evening was a pronounc& eciccess icc

every way,A Hot Time at KalteM city.

As a matter of dews to tice readers of The l3cclietln, I

desire to inform yocc that ticere was lucid Ici Kansas City,

VicicolcexecT JoHN F. Bicoca,

Who held thecorktng big concatenation at RaiceaN City,January 24, wtitcIt in written up iii tuis issuct,,

Mo., on Tuesday evening, Janccary 21, at the Mltiland Hotel,ono of tice hottest concatectations and smokurs whIch hasever occurred in my experience; in fact, things became icewarni as was afterwards remarked that tice hotel was seton fire and what promised to lie a very enjoyable evenIngwa8 brought to a very stcdden and sorrowful close. We hadjust brought the initlatton ceremonies to a close and haillined up and were posing for a flash-light picture, Thewalls au1 celiliug ut tic diclag laaH la the M!flnnuiHotel, where our concatenatiotu was held, was draped withflags and bunting of various kinds, which icresented a verybeautiful appearance, when tice magnesia powder was exploded by. an electric spark, tice flash set fire to some of thedecorations, and in an Incredibly short space of time titefire wast all over the wails and ceiling, with the result that

our very bountiful repast, which had been furnished by tileMidland Hotel Iceolcie. was entirely ruined. We had se'cured tice services of the Railway Club of this city, whowere going to fccrnish us witic a few songs and stories, andwere to crack a few jolies; and Mr. James J, Corbott, ex'champion prize fighter of the world, was also on the program and was to entertain cts in his characteristic way, ailof which, togeticer with ticri music anti luncheon, promisedto furnish n very enjoyable evening. We intended to startthe fun going immediately after the pictures were taken,bcct same resiclioci as above noted. However, we initiatedInto tice Order 56 candidates and everything connected withtice ceremonies Icasseci off very nicely and I can safely aastiro yotc that sonce of tito candidates certainly got theirmoney's worth. . ,ioctN i". Bctecr.,

Vicegcrcci! nark.

Cat Jtiiiiped i'roiic Orli) Tag.

Mound City, Kant ... Innccary 28, 1905-Dear Jim: I

have just retccrneci from Kansas City, whore I attended ticecocic.ttenation and tite "smoker," Say, Jim, ticat was ticencost realistic scicoicor given icy anybody, anti the KansciiCity contingent have certainly von tho prize for furnish'Ing an entertainment fully equal to that advertised On ticeshow bills.

Jim Corhett explained it at the ticcatre. Ho salti ticat icehad heard that tito 1100.1-loo were "warm members" butlie ciicici't ticicck ticoy vouiti set the hoccse on fire, Well, wohad a good timo as weil as a "hot timo" anti came awayhappy,

But tite main object of writing this letter is to teli youthat in tice melee the cat jtcmlced out from my grip tag andlias not come back, and i herewith return it to yoti for repairs, I remember that you cace asked the originals toretord tice detective tags for exchange, but mine seemedto ho all rlgict, so I waited, thinking that nothng btct acataclysm woulti budge it. We have had the cataclysm aOciit budgeti. Yours forever,



'rice annotcncement of the marriage of Miss Lela MayoJohnson, of Norfolk, Va., to Mr. William Chilton Day, Jr.which ucctirtttl ii Jaiutcat'y 5, wIll conio as quite a surpriseto ticoir friends. The ceremony was performed by Rev.William A. Bar, D. D., at 9:30 p. m., at his residence, Nogo, York street, in tice presence of Mr. and Mrs. J. GreyReid, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cherry, of Baltimore; Mr. antiMrs. WillIam J. Atwood and Mr. Lighthall.

Miss Johnson, who was formerly of Raleigh, hut foieseveral months has been lIvIng in Norfolk, is the dacightorof Mrs. Elicabeth Johnson, of Raleigh. Mi'. Dayie Hoo.Hoo No. 7801.

lt was at first intended to keep the ceremony a secretfor only a few days, but owing to the bride's being ill withlar)'ngltls tice announcement was postponed and wee firstmade public January 22 at a supper given al. the Monticelloby Mr. Pay. which was a most enjoyable occasion.

Mr. anti Mrs. Day are at home to their friends at 144Boush street, Norfolk.

Mr. liackbay Smlihers-"Biood counts. One of my ancestors was present at the signing of the Declaration ofIndependence."

Mr. leRne Moseqson-Pc4haw, dat's nodinga. Von ofmy ancestors vas bresent ad de signing of de Ten Corn-manciments." -Smart hot,


Coming eoncatenations.


I)dIiver, Col.

VIeegorll1 I). E. McAiIoster, or 110111(1er. CoI., will holda Lollealo,iaUon at l)enver, Col., February 15, cliirliig the(OflVpjilloii or thii ('oIornln.\vn!flf,lg Ltiml,er Dealcrf A-sociatioti.

Elkinis, W. Y.

Viegrn lt. 1. Cl flor(1 . 01 I tltlflhlt! on, \V, Vit.. hia nowcleciticii on itbriiary 17 as the tiale or his (OIl(UtdflatIonto Ije hielti a t El Id os, \V. Va.

Liiwton, O. T,

Nr. lt. À. Ieyer, \nice(rellL loi Okiahionia i'orrItory,WI i I iiil.l a loiltat eflatioll at LlkVt oli, O. l'.. February .1 1.I tro. I t. I I. i I I er is i n ehiarge of bou arr:jrIg(tll(tIts Thelroln(l ; tre hat I lits vi I I ho one or tIfl largest I000t higo(lULL IIZI$ liir twen 1101(1 ill I hat Part or Oh lahioitut.

Pildorali, Ky.

\hr. R. s. ltot)frteol1, Vicogerent lar \Veolern l)tstrl'tat t urky. ieri tes t lIai. l'ad 11(1111 WI I I 1101(1 h to onuiiiai con-.at 010th 11)11 II tout tile 1111(1(1 le of Iureii. The exact date w Ill

lie 0000IltIrecI lItter.

Po be a N()tlLh)i(i Mcetiiig.. The cont-ti eliOt ion whi Ich .1 . I, httinhhiarger is Worki ngIll) roi- t lie cil-iii ltg or lihareh I , at l'liIladehl)iila hihii tait- tolie one of tue host notat,le in hie Ordero history. it ioI hltely i hat 1lire wi I t never hiave been a conut citation at-Itlitlett tuoI Jart iciJtti ed I n by so ninny of the voterait andr(lIreMzli tat Ive lii nilternien of t lie East. Vieegero,it ltuni-tiarger litio t lie iiyiii liftuy aliti corti ial slilillort of tite ofihersoh t hie lttitttitti Vitoleale Lii ni litt Dealers A000cIat loti,(lii the Vt'llilig of the first day o which organlyahlo11'0 anhuai fliecthtig lite Cofleatetiahion ottlrs . \lr, ltliiitiiargei-(-i 'Ott Ii t I) itiivt- i Iii- net Ive ¡tari ici lIai ion I n tite tilootitig of8111,11 I iltiltIernIet, as Lewj 1)1 i i , of imiti fiore, no %'jte Prost

-tutti or I lie, itocoritit jolt, and h r. Italien (J. LihlIliliCott, tueNest or oh the l'iti ladelithila itinilier i ratio, Tite meeting lo0111100 titeT to begin at 9 : OU p. ni. on t lie evening of itlarciii. At litai tltti ii. io thought. ali the delegares to the meet-I ttg of i lie ttintitntot ii tIosolat Ion will linee arrived, TheCl)iit'aIr'flnhjoti Iii fixed far thc- evetthiig of (lie first tiny oti Ito asoot'httt loti tIled lug, to tue enti that I t may not con.111cl wit h the many IltlHIttc$i 0000iotto to lie in,id. 'l'ue wholeo('raloti-i lie l'ont-ni citai Ion anti tito tlSgorlfltlofl theol hitg-.-Iihii fai t' io IO ¿t ii'Otidorj'ttl cat hering of litniber leolilo. I Ln-ill lie a gl'&,tii bito lo any Itian who lo itnnble to attenti,

StOltewttii, W. Va., lanttnry 9. 19(15--1 noi looltitig for-iYfti'ti wi t it mitt-li Pleasti re to i he itroit000il conentenatiotit hut iti itt I liii i ii ti!et_ iii Charieiiton, \V, Va,, ott t Ito I 31 hlinO ., vhictt I tiltall itave t ito Opport unity io i wiot some iioor

t2i!, r' uy rewarn tot' viiat they dlii ,tntoUte on i Ito 2.ld of mot AprIl, when tite

awful nioutto of t hoÇreat lila-Ic Cat matie ate wlhi tuai I wan at itome,Sitcec-tis to The l3uiletln anti the Great Black Cat.

Fratertiall' Youri,- GeonaK W, BL%lit, Ja, (2C2a-A).

Meet Mo on tite TriLli.Titis i tite motto oh tite ¡'ortiand members icito ,ar even

tints early taltlng active stolto in arranging for the enter-tainment of i-ioo-iioo at the anuitaI meeting next Septeitt-her, Titere itas been formed att 'Executive CommIttee o,NIne," contposed of lito foliowitig good melt and true:

R. D. inman. il. W. Gotidarcl, li. A. Sargent, F. H. Ratt110m, M. C, I3atitlolil, J. S. Haitthlton, \V. 1-i. Wyman, G. M..Cornwall, F'. L. Zimmerman.

A. H. Potter, Stiprerne .Iabberwoek, ex officio.E. II. 1-iabighorst, Sec-rotai-y; 208 Fttillng i3ttllding,,Por.

jattil Oregon.Tito followIng letter from E. ii. Habigitorot indieaLe

tito progress already tonde Ity the dnterl)rlslng Oregoniati:Portland, Ore., January 11, 19O-Mr, J. Ii. BaIrd, Sit

lirottle Scrlvettoter: Ettciosetl ltorowttii fintl cali for 99Cettts, ntahle,l to each l'aelfl Coast itiembor to defray thelirolittilnary exitoli005 of oitr work for the entertainmentof I-itio.iloo dttrittg tite Lewis att(l Clark Ceittonnial. onWhich retiirtis aro coming in now. Calls were eiit to mein-liera in Otogoit, Wasithitgioii, California. Idaho, It.lontthiaauth B t-i t lait Coltittitila,

Contnijtieo on Progratit aliti iti'lntlttg hnve arraitgeti witt,Mrs. Edna .Ioties, ivito will at once cozi&r to Portland tosign tito til'cesiary Papers aliti hegin work, Site has boonaskc',i to, if l)005hi)Ie, soc'itro tito assistance of Mrs. Wothieriil,

Sitlirento Jabberwocli A, t-1. Potter leaves tonight for atoitr takIng in Spokane anti Eastern Washington. limitotutti ¡tiotitaria. roturning by way of Salt t4ke, visiting all'ito Vicegeront Snarics, anti wot-ling in the Interest of Pori..ittnti i-loo-floo Annual, returning to i'ortland by laiiùary 2.

Our Cholrtnan. lion, R. D. laman, appointeda specialRaiiroa(i PublicIty Committee, viz,: H. W. coddar&G. D.McLeod antI D. C. O'Reilly. ttiso sitcit aUtor cominLttees na't'ere necessary for tite imnietjlato work, or which enclosedyell wIll fitid a list,

Contrhijittiotis to tite irellminary (lind aro cornIig in,ititt i am afraid too ntatly lay the ntattor over as the -amountlit ito small titut lt Is too nt,tcit troitbio to attenti tó It atOltre and titen Is ilahilo (o be forgotten, but those thèt havewritten so iar seeni lo think that we sHould ltavo askedfor a larger amottnt, anti in one caso u check for $5 waseiicit,eii, whit no ceatmonts; others say come again anti wowith lie giati to iioii, again. tloo.Hoo 3446, Harry Johntltlier, or Clteltttljs, Wash., wrote on tile face or itis check:

0. iitiiigling throngs will titi turn palo\'t'itoti niigitty iloo-1-too 'Ithts the trail.'

110th front Washington anti Cailforitia tito reports showtiiat ali Hoo.Iloo of hite coast appreciate tite honor of hayIng mIr Antt,tai meet itero. Vratoi'itally yours, -

E. H. H.tnlottottsT,SecrcterpF. D. Cole says let lier roll. . . -

'l'iieso nro tuo oilier c'omntittees nlolnIoti to unte:Pitt,'i i,-t Pt,iotitoii-A l-i. Potter, -G. M. CornwaTl

13. 1 I. Trittitintil,Oi-'t-'it'i ST,1 iilNctiv-F, i... Zltliiliorttlan, C., M. Corawaii -It) act with tite chinirmati anti aecrotaty.liAitttl,tt, Pt'itt.tt'tt'y-i-f, \, Codilard, G. Il. l',ltLeod.i). C. O'ReillyltiNlM'-L' H. !tiao" .... S. hlanilllji. '

Ai'nt'rii;-1e. h-l. Ransom, i-f. A. Sargent. F. L. Zimmet'-titan.. Wiihie ihe i'nrlfle Coast broilters nro bestirring them:

eivcs, ihero has aiea ieen como action Instititioti on thitsitie of tite great divide. Snark of the Univeso C.Rourke has apjrnlnied a committee on transportatlòu, çc,Ii


slstiiig of himself, .1. I. l)otehaugh, À. C. Rantocy anti .1. 1-1flatrtl, Srti'eiioter. 'tills commit tte will nteot ta Chicagojottrttary 1-t to take t, ttitth pass oit a ttt,zen ot fiore ttOltOst I lotto t htai. he e treit ittacte t ho Order lar ata'tt,tl t initie byt Ito varIous i ratterotiI t nenlnt i I tee. A II t ttce trattasi t hottetritt te gotta titto very rutty and sticht u-t ton tttkcn as isiict'tttt'tl test tiy t hie 'oitittti t tee. I f slvt?rttt it ttntt rc'(t members.ttn gel together t o ittaite time t rip itt Otte or two ¡tari hes. itivi I h reti ainly i,e more emijoyable i liait for evem'yotte i o go hap't,nzartl. 'tite rato i onderbtl by tite 'rrans.Coni i nottt al Patitilgom Assohiit toit front 1 issoti rl rl vet' poi itt s is ¡tse t Itatlimit' ini-O for t lie mounti i rtjt. O eon ree t i. i hiere t a poS

ethihily of etiing a stili lower raie, every effort vtii itt,

etatie to sttt!tt re I I . t'rohuiihy I it Is solio of Tito Bullet hawt hh have laco ¡tri thou liefere tue t'ont mitt t I co nicol it in Citiago, Itti t tite rteuht of I ite meet hug ti il ite hittith shied t a

tite vttrttttms lttlniterhtIiTters.

Iorestt'y IIuiett ion ttt- l'uic.I \Vriiien for titi iltihieliti )

lii' \tt'tii iit C. iti tit..tNtt.

'tite fothowi ltg ari irle ft'oiit t tut toit ttf Art ii tt r C. 11111g-¡lOIti. of Yale Pith i'ershiy, set s t'ori it soitte oxct'oii tttgty i it.

t crest ittg tael s auth vicies t'oiteerttittg forest t'y. a st,itJctns'it holt ithiotthti Ito of great i ittorest t tt every A titoricait et I zeit:

'l'ho coatiii Ioit s'ht c'lt years ttgo i ntlttenteth t itt policiesof i ito itt ropealt mini iotts-ttamoty, i ite itet'est i y of iotlti t tigOtt t toi' a canti itmtanto itt wood silpithies-it-ti itot ititly iii Gem -

ittally aliti l'ratice to tite ittghiy eiattoraio 53'ttttlti of forest,athntintstrattott anti forest managonietit al liresont tlterotmtaiittalnoti. however, it took htttntirotis of yt'ars forsticit u s3'st lOti io i:o ¡teiieot t'ti ai t.ltaiight tes eatly as Citar'hz'lliagnes lino tertitin ertitle tiic'tiiotls of forest ittitttageIttemit. nvcre In exisiettee.

l'o lirovitie for a stiitaithe aitti cRitic-ni forc'ct servIceGeruimaity liait exitentieti large ott mo h n Itrolitat h mtg ftirost t'yelitteatlon. At nino settarate coiheges itteti are lIreliltreti foi'tiuiti i'orhc, anti tito forest niattagi'r lit any of liii' statoforesis itt a teeiittiealiy iraitteti niaim n'iiti n uinivet'tiity etiti'cat ion. 'l'lths ethical tott cotiists not only i ti t Itioret liaIst tidies, bitt ateo In ¡tracttcai iii ii(ltes i ti i Itt' lttrst it selfitntlor i Ito gtm bthaiteo or t'ontpet ont amtd exttorit,tteeti forestlitaitagers.

'flic saute cittuti i iiutts ichticit 'teil iu I lie osi ttij'tjsit tttotit ,,

tIn elaborate syst oui of forest att nl iti lot rat iomt ittiti t'titteat it>itiii Ettl'OltO are gmatlitalhy itringing altottt timo ititiitO rosttlt littItis cotmniry. 'l'lino, too, as in Eltroito, itas lirottglti. aitotittiilti citange. i-iowever, it is Interesiiitg io conshiler tite,

fact that liad titIs cotmntry iteen sotitmi largely ity tiitti'roit,'ii aitti Gerntans intiteati of ity tue Eitgi sii, titoas'ul«lil ltg mit it4lt t havi' conte yeats 500itt'r. i iitleeti i ito t'ait on

for a rad liai change In itolicy migitt itevi-t' ¡tuvo ¡trosetit editself. F'or titis reasoit, tite Engiislt view of tile forest iittitevcr lionti i ite m'onirvath'e one. of tite (lermitalis antiFmeitt-ii. i i was itot because i itey ittitl sut-li tt large stthtlti)' oftiniber oit t itt-i r litt le telantls. far front it . itttt beeattee lucyliad always teilt tielentiemmt lifltiti the forest wealth of oiliercoitntrios. anti coititeqttenily ihey entertaIned tito sameview's when they settieti In Anterlca. Atitieti to thIs Iitdhf.bronce tfle Tact tant the rorest was toottoc upon as altenemy, a ittrking piace of savages, anti a ntonaoe to awn-culture, aitut tite ralnott loIre fon tite tltsapltearaneo of theforest s easily showit. Thtms It is tii Aititalaeltlan Mottn-¡tu its cotttuiit st Ill large cottil liUOtt0 Isities of titititet, tuttIfor the n-Jionlm t Itt.y atTi-reti no si rang in,,-ttt ive for snub-metti, Civilization swept along tite Piedmont. Plateau an I

tiotimi t ito Oli lo Vahicy, icav ing Litt' Appalachiatt forests aslt li imiti of Sartigossa Sea i n t ite white atteint of colini ry.

Sooteotit' itas i iheiteti t Ito al t t ttttie of t ito Anieritan Ioi lie t reo, as t hittt of t ito I risimnian at tite h)onttytiroohi Fai r.,. \Vhttii'vei yott see :t itet(i , li i t I t.'' i-iowever, i t mitot betcmttcnttcrcd tltal i'cry often bottI contllthons-torest firesauth t axat mit-t it ttttttty a caso ti iti liai Icaro t ito oWner anyOt ter citoice.

'l'imo awaitelting i n forest ry i n I lila t'ottimi ry hiegtin aboit t.ihileomi teats ago, aith lit 1898 a system of forestry othtteatlotivtts iflILt gtt rai eth it)' ttte estuiti hshtiiietit. of a soitooi of for-est ly ai Ctttiteih tittvc'rsh1y. Silice timen sohioohs of forestry¡taco iteoli estaiti itti'tt ai ¡hi i titto re, Yttie, i-iarvarti uniitl loti tgatt

i i itt at i Ito Vtthe tJttt'ci'tti i y i ita t otto of t hie most coin-1h11 o itroh('esi(tttah schooi of toted my is etitahihiolteth, wit lollttifers I t i t t; ottit reos t ito t:uitc t'ttil eottiphi'itiOltt of stud lesio it fttttmtti hit tito Ettiolmean st'itctohs, lit so ntimcii as theyttro tuiahti eth i o t itt ectltthj t huis iirovahh I ng t mt thtt cottiti ry.

'liti' tollowilig ext racla froiit a recent sotie of tite catin-bigue of i ito \',tho iort'ot St'htooi shov i litt t iittroiigitliess oft it., t'nt, ritt's, aliti t ito ltrt'h)arat ton affortleth lit miteet tite iiiaiiygioie ott ti etto, ittex Itroithemiis of An,crhc,tii forestry:

'I'hte \'ahe l'octet St'htool n'tts ftttt itilett lit I Itilt) by tito giftof $ h ttt,'it)tt ftottt \ii'. ntttt i IS .. lititletO \V. i'tnolttit unit timeir,t(tits G t ff(ittt h I ttthtol mutti Atuos it. i. PI itcitot. 'h'hte gi ft

¡ttttvtiitit i'tti t tto t'ot;tithtatiittomii of a thopat'I titetmi. In i lttti il t n'eroi t y I ti io htiit)Wn tIlt t tic Yttit' Forest. Stitool for In-ill ttilt ittu miti it'eptt rt't, I ti forest ry. 'i'hte gI ft tutto itrovidesfor a et,iittt,t'i tt'tioot tu forest ry in l'.Iihfttrlh, l'the Cottniy,I 'tt., ut ( ; ray 'l'oweis, i lie est ai e oh' M i'. jmtnies \V. l'hnt!iiot.'l'itt' cmtthov,'mtteiit (If tite sthioth wtttt hticit'attetl in ¡hultt hiy antttiii t t itti,:i i gi ft of 5tt,t)t)(t front 1 r. atiti ,1rs ., ¡tulios 'iV.

l'hn'ttltl , tutti h'i'of. ( itîttrti Pl nt'iiot

iitirehi i h titI is tiseti tts t lie Btltooi Itiit htllmtg, ahtitottgh ulew (ti t ¡te ('ttttrses t'enti ng Uttther otiiem' tiepttrtntonts arogloom, it 01 it(fl' itttthttlngs. i i is etiltl Ilileth s'itlt ioctttrtt rooms,it i t i trttry atiti rratttiig room,,, itotanictti aliti wooth tootIngiahoi'atot'li',t tutti tit'ttft t ttg moitis.

'l'htt h i i-t'i ry tout itlits O%ll five timottsamid i,toits aitti haul-itithit s. i t i itotittto itot ottiy t Itt' I ntporitutt iittttierti wot'k8oti torcal ry in Etigiisim, French and herman, toit also alttt'gtt it r utter of works itt, iii teitech itt i Ite oiguileottl hi ttiiil titecathy ial Ûi I Ito nineteenth conitiries. 'lito Iittrary of titelate i'rofetotor ltoiert i-lartlg, of Mtmnlcit, titis ttt'qiitmetl thor-Ing i itt, hOLSt year. i Ti tile roaiiiitg rooitm aitotit forty pori-jti it-aths ai'e ¡tiitteti . ni. tuo ti101tosni of i hie ttttitheiitii, These¡eriotliahs h n'hiitit' t ito i io mori alit i minuter joti ritals aliti thei colt n ioth fttrosi jomtrtmahs ittiblishteii in i ills country antitihtiomtit.

'h'it bot tti ti-nh hitlorat ors' itt fit i ¡y eqtlilllteti for intitrime.- tioa itt generai heiany and for class worIn anti speclai re-

sot, reit t it forest hattalty.

An ltcritom'ittm, t-ont ai it i utg six timottittuttl mottntetl sheetsof nati',, mutti ('Xotit' trees anii ititrimits, unii the titare Im-poriattt forest ttt'ri:tt, is arrangeti foi' ilmo itso of tittidentsi'ngigcii In rote:arcii. A largo collection of forest treo frullotinti sreths is avtttiaitte for siutiieats of forest botany. - Thet c'li ttoiogicnh lttitomatom'y I-t ettt ilthleli for research aliti in-tttrti,'thon Iii tite ithysical. striictttral onu merlinnical lroP',' i,,,, .-, w,,,_,,ì. Tl jtii ¡lttefll h ;t tk-s RholP a' .idte.,t!ng ma?ltinrs: ¡tlanors, lathes anti saws for siiaplñgtitatertal for it-sting; xyiometers, drying ovens, chIppingfltttt'!&tleM ttnti a dry kiln, as nodi as a large amoitnt atstttallct' tim-h Ittely atol t oohs tsetti I lo tlniiier test ing l'hoItreccil! :ii'raitgeittoiit of t-ooiterative work Willi lite 't'etiimraiBureau of Forestry gives atudents uf forest tecitùöiogy ec-




captional facilities for research In the strength and otherniechankal properties of timber.

A large collection of (lomestic andoxotic woods is avail.able for etudents' use. ThiB collection contaln boards andPlanks of most of the Important economie species. In ad-dition. nearly all the American epecies are reI)resented bysmall hard specimens. Among exotic speie the CentralAinerk.n. West Indian flfl(l Philippine woods are particu-lariy well represei,ted. Extensive additions to the wood col-Iectioii have ticen made from the St. Lotus Exj)osition.Transits. levels, piane labios, compasses, barometers, cali-pere, height measures, chains, tapes anti oilier instrumentsare lwovidod for tite courses in foiesi engineering, forestmeiuiiralIon, forest management, and lil)ricuitnre.

The field work in the fall tenu, atid that of the juniorclui, in the spring, is COfl(lttCtO(i in tite foresiR neat' NewFlaveit. The most important tract devoted to this InirposeIs Maltby l'ark, an area of ai,oitt 400 acres, the use of whichitas been granted to the school ity the New liaven WaterCompany,

In addition to tite plant in New h-haven tito scitool isprovided with a complete eqtiipmont in the field for in-strtictloii and research. Titis is located at Milford, PikeCounty, Penn., where the work of the first term of titejttnior year and tito last term of tito senior year and that01' lIto Biinuner school is con(iuctoci. rho forest experimentstation itt located at the same t)httCO.

A number of Itithldings itave been erected by Mr. Jamesw. Pinchot on his cotint ry estate and idaced at the dis.Posai of the schtool, Those buil(hiIIgs consist or tite StonoCottage, Forest Ilahi, Junior flail, the Club I-louse and theSchool Camp. Titis camp provides for those svIto desireio hive in tents, Tito regular course in the Forest Schoolcovers a period of two years. Tite work is of an advancedand tochnlcttl character and is (lesignoti for collego grad-tintos who already Itavo liad a thorough collegiate trainingIn mathematit's and natural science. The regular twoyears course gives a training for all professional workof forestry. incititiing a prepartition not merely for practicalwork in the wootis, but also for tito broad work of forestorganization In aovornment anti State Service for hand.hog largo tracts of forest land, for consultation work forrailroads, lumbermen, water companies, anti other owners,for the work of public lecttiring anti writing, for teaching,anti for scientific research. SIecial facilities for stutiy areoffered to inett preparing or (JOvernmont service in thePhilippine lslantls, Hawaiian islands or Porto Rfro: andfor students from foreign countries who wish to ,reparethemselves for tite work or organization In regions whereforestry has not yet been thoroughly estahhishe(i,

Excusions and field work form an intitortant part of theinstj-ucUon in forestry. In tito jtinior year three tinys aweek In the fall term, and three days a week in the springterm are devoted to ltraetical work In tito field. The seniorclass devotes between three anti four months of the collegeyear to field work. At Maitby Park the students are giveninstruction and practice in making estimates of timber,collecting tinta for tite Study of tite growih and productionof nativo trees, making forest descrilttions marking treesfor improvement thinnings, preptiring forest working plans.tree planting, etc. A number of Other tracts near NowRaven, Which aro being managed under systematic for.estry. are availal)k for --tu Jy, 1gtihtr cx.curRions aro taken in connection with the course in forestbotany to train the students in the Identification of localSpecies.

After the Thanksgiving recess the seniors are sent intotite lumber woods, whore they are required to spend sevAri

weeks studying methods of lumbering anti the managementof logging operations, TIte lumbot' camita of Maine, NewHampshire, the Adirondacks, Michigan, Pennsylvania,North and South Carolina, Fiorida and Texas have beenvisited and stttdied in this way. The students on their return are required to prepare a full report of the conductof the lumbering.

In tite spring term of the second year the entire workis transferred to tito field at Milfortl Penn. This seniorfield work is designed to supplement that done in NewHaven during tito course anti to complet.e the student'straining in practical work in the woods. Practice is givenin field engineering including the preparation of a topo-graphic map of a specified tract, the preparation of forestmaps, the projection of foreel roads, the location of boondarles and the preparation of working plans. The follow-ing shows the schedtule of courses for the two years:

Coiie or z,itruuon.

Jt;xioit YKAIt.

.S'timv,cr Tcrpt.li'ottnciation of Silviculture; Treatmentof \Voodiands; Forest Mensuration.

Pall Term-Forest Engineering; Forest Botany; Gen-eral Morphoiogy of Plants; Forest Reserves; Physiography,

U'tuticr Term-Forest Botany; General Morphology ofl'lants ; Forest Pityslograpity ; Pitysiograplty ; Drawing antiMap Drawing; Forest Entomology; Forest Hydrography.

Spring Term-Forest Botany ; Plant Piiyaiology ; ForestSeeding anti Planting; Physiography.


Fall Terni-Forest Technology; Forest Management;Methods of Government Field Work; Forests of the UnitedStates; Forest Administration anti Law; Lumbering, threeweeks in the field after Thanksgiving,

Wintet- Term-Forest Technology ; Forest Management;Lumbering; Lumber Tracio and Markets; Lumber Tradeand Transportation ; Road Construction ; Forest Protee.tion ; Diseases of Trees and Preservation of Timber; His-tory of Forestry; Forest Administration Abroad; ForestPoi icy.

Ñpritzg TeruL-Fleld work at Milford, Penn. ; speciallecture couu'ss; Fish Culture and Gamo Preservation;Forest Zoology; Packing and Pack Transportation; ForestEntomology; Forestry in the Philippine Islands.

At tite completion of this two years' course graduatesnf Ute Forest School who httve lireviousiy received bach.chor's degrees from collegiate institutions of high standing,or have had a training, which In the judgment of the cor-poration is equivalent to that obtained in sucht Institutions,tire granteul the degree of Master of Forestry.

That the school is asstimlng a national and even Intei'-national character is shown from Its register, as there aresttitients enrolled from twenty-five different States, andfrom the Philippines, Japan, Hawaii, South Africa, Swedenand Cauiada,

Dues for 19OI.

i1HEN the clock Struck twely. on th.I night of Septemr 9 lut, duesI payable for 190 5 . The Hoo-Hoo year

beging and ends on 9It\'6lI uit your receipts, and If you flud that

Jt.1I You have not paid 1905 due., send 9L_ _ __j cents to the ScrIyenotj- at Once. .Afl3form of remittance whii do exceptstamps that are stuck together Your Indlviduj check willbeli rIghe,


* Notes and Comments

. 7-.'

You vill proluaiily renieutbcr that there appeared in theDecetuiber Bulletin a letter frouui the oui3' utatvc Scotchiuianbelonging to Hoo-Hoo, Uro. Jantes Ligiutbody, of Glasgow,auiti that in comnlcutiitg on it I briefly skctcltecl sonicof tue exploits of the MacGrc-gors, the fiercest of tite High.latid clatis. I nui ulow in receipt of ulunterotis lettcrs froiuiuitcitibers who are of Scotch desceuuL TIte following frouuuuro. E D. Whitesidc (No. 3380), manager of the Long-BellLumber Company, brings oui utore talk:

Columbus, Kan., Jan. 5, 1905-I was very naicli enter-tamed by " Notes und Comments" in last issue of The Bui-letiui I vas surprised to learn you were of the MaeGregors,i)tit of course your tracing of names proves (?) it conclu-sively. Being a good Scot you should know, but I bclicveyou arc mistaken in giving the sex of the soothsayer whowarned Lochici before the battle of Cuhloden You willremember that L,ochiel in answering lutti offered him auuiantic, with the suggestion to-

" Draw, dotard, around thy old wavering sight.This inauutle, to cover the phauitouuis of frighuL"

This language would certainly indicate thuat (lue seer %'asa mau. Besides, tuo Scot would talk that way to a lady.

Siueakiuig of the retainilug wall built to keep the Scotsfrouuu steahiuig ali the sheep frouii . their tueighbors : 'l'li eSaxons useti to patrol along the top of this wall keepilug alookout for any stray batid of Scotti that looked suspicious.Occasionally a Scot would get elosc enoulgul to iuuurl a stoneat a guard and knock hini off. The Saxouis uvero accus-tooted to warn their guards to look out for high halls-hutyou see the connection. Strange how llames and ternas arehanded down through the centuries.

Best wishes, always,E. D. WnuTitsunR.

Bro. \Vluitesicle's point is vcll takeui All dotards areunen ! Of course, There arc other evidences that (lais par-ticular soothsayer was a unan, for further alouig in the aoetuuioclujei says : " False Wiutard, avttuiut ! " Wizard is of themasculine gender, the femiuue being witch. t stand cor-rected, and thank Dro. Wlaiteside for cailiitg me down.

At thc.timc I wrote thearticle I bustI uiot (lie pocuit beforeune and could recall ouuiy the four lines which I quoted, hay-ing forgotten even the name of the poet. I now rccoilectthat " Lochiol " was written by Thomas Campbell, thegatito man who wrote " The Pleasures of Hope," jut whichoccur the well known lines-

't , Tis distance lends euichanttuuent to the view,And robes the mountain ip its azure hua.'

It is funny how coutipleteiy sonic poems drop out of themind and how familiar the lince sound when we read (hein

again. I Itad ulot thought of Lochiel ulor of Thioiiias Camp-bell since I used to go to tite backwoods district scitoel, atwhich seat of learning I caille to know all the poets iliti-mateiy. We liad very few hiooks, the equuipiuielut of tite reatI-ing class being particularly short. A kuiotty-faccd boyuuamcd Archibald Bostick was better fixed iii this respect tuaitthe r'stof its. h-je owned a hook called " Jilasterpiecc's froniGreat Poets." I hati a few loose leaves of tite Gospel accord-ing to St. Job ii, Vlic-n the class iii reach ng %ViiS called Arch

'oulti crack clown oui ouie (if tue iii asterpicccs, c!ta ultiuig it iiia shrill siitg-soiig, an ti viicn my t tini caille I would routierSohle versos frouui ruic Vortl, reziduuug iii a sort of dismalcroak, which I tleeuuicd (lie proper method of iii ton ing titeScriptures. Iii tuis way I developed a love of PoetrY ¡md ofreligious literature which lias llover left tie.

c)h startc(l out to talk abolit soothis;tvers, nia lt a tel Icuitalc,

for uuitloitbtc-tily some of these forecasters of the future%'er_e wouuteul. Iii tile Acts of (lie A postles we reati : ' 'Aiuti

it cauuie to pass lIS we rcuit to ira-er a certain (lauuusel, pos-sessed vitIt a spirit of (hivination, uttet tus, which broughther uulasters lii itch gain by sootiisayiuug. '' 'rho soothsayer

'iio waruuc'ti Juli tus C;esuur vuus a uuuaut, I ii (lue hihutY, Bruutuissays to C;es;ur : ' '\. sootuus:uycr bitis you huee'arc (lie itics ofMarchi," autti C;esar replies : ''Set iiiuuu before uuuc, ict nuesee luis face,''

lt is iuutercsting to stuuuly tite history of tite word (rouitwiticit '' soothsayer '' ticriveti , aiuti to uuote its rise sudfall aiuti huov it gratI sally lo,t it., i01,uitatiou t tutti fell i litotIle unire. Tue oid Saxout 'ord '' sothi '' uuieauut tite truth,suai '' sootlu '' origiuually liad (lic sauuue uuuea u ing. I ii '' Mac-beth " (liceo liuics occutr:

" h f thou speakest false, -

hJ;)oui tile uicxt treo shalt thou hauig aliveTill fauuuiue chug (luce ; if (li)' specchi be soothI care hot if (hotu test for une as unlieb."

Iii Milton's " Coiiitiui" reference is iliade to " 'l'hue sooth.est silc'phierd that o'er 1ui1,ed on pIailla," aiuti iui Scott's'' Lady of (lue Lake " oc read -

°A tiestincti err;unt knight I collIe,Aiuitounced by prophet sooth aiutI obi."

Toil vill see (rotti (luis that the word sooth was iii highfeather. Presently it cuuuuue to puisa that " sooth " V;IS iismiiii the acune iul t'h 'ich we unte '' indeed,'' signifyiuug iii truuth.In the " Merchant of Venice,'' Antonio, suffcriuig (roui aniunaccouututablc attack of tito blues, says : ' In sooth, i ktiownot why I tilli SO sad." Titis reruaark was utiade just beforehis friend, Ilassanio, a misted (Rutie, caIlle alouug anti ituade(lust fauuuouis touch for luuouley enouugh to get luis dress stiltoiut of soak atol for iluuuulerolts other expetuses iticitictit tocourting ii neu vouuaan, o'hose fortune would, uts lue ex-piaiuucd to Atitotuio, enable hiuuu to vear silk iuutulcrwear aiutido the society racket the rest of his life. 'l'ue lonui was, asyou kuuow, utegotiated through a freuuzicti tinauucier by titenatne of Sluylock, anti (roui that titilo Oit uuiutil (lue tuuone'lender deuuuatuded the forfeit of (lic poullud of fieh, Auutouuiouiecdetl not to ask himself why he felt szud. Hç kuucuu'. Butit was tuo llore (liaIt he deserved for tryiuug to help a deadboat to puut up a job on a .ich womati--he ouuglut to llaveloaned the peutuuilcss l):ugo it few dollars to start a ban;ttiastand instead of going secturity for a large suuun borrowedfrom a muti whwo ra'c ha4 t,een n"st foully prraveut'd andwhose desire for veutgeatice was perfectly utatural. For aCaptaitu of Induustry, Auitouiio showed migluty little glutuip-tion.

After ¡u titule the word ' sooth " hogan to fall frouuu grace,and cautle to be used iti tile sense of to flatter, to cajole, tohumor byagreement or 000ccssion. Tui Tetinysen's " Locks-

Iji I

R li i


ley Flail " the jilteti lover draws a (lreactII1 picture of hisrival an (I the aw liii Ii fc t he girl w ill lead w ¡Ui such a boor-ish and i1I-tciti ¡)cre(I 1111 U V liuto he clescri bes as a regularbruie. I le %;i xcs harcastic i ii ilct unu g a see ne of doiiiesl icdiscorl-'' It nia' be that uy lord is weary-that liis l,raiii is over-

wrought.Su,othc uhu uvithi lily huer fancies, touch uhu vithl thu)

lighter thought."

'lIje word ' soother " uuueaut a flatterer eveul in 4luake-lrc' t ¡111e M siioii b) the follow ing frouuu the plut)' ofhldnr) the Fourth

., My God, I cannot latter ; I do defy the tongue of soottiers."

Iii t hie da), wiles uiut,tli uuieauit trui th , i ht rology was called. . the Soot ti o f science.'' a 11(1 a belle f i ii it iva s w i(hespre;I(h.lt P'CCII)S a curious fact t hat astrolog) lost ground alouigw itti tue word with wti cii it was so closely SSOClittC(h, for,. Moot tisaver '' 110W IlIClI Ils a pretender to prophet je l,werslustrad 4,1 00e uhishluiguilshucul for voracious specchi.

At the Iluuic Locluiel lived, 1745 It. 1)., otuly the suupersti-hulls hiel leved i i tile prpticcics of the soothisayeru. 'l'hoseer tu i uuisci f felt called oui to assert a relisoul for lu is ownProfuuuu *1(1 faith lui tIte Ini tt of t tie vision--

"'i. is tite sululset of t i fc gives tue uui)st cal lore,Atuil cuuuuiuig eveuuts Cast their shadows before.''

. Liuchi el secluls to tua ve tuecui a nia n of rcr I ty tu igti 1)1)0.h he belon god to tile Clati Ca luuerouu, and it is sa ill t hua t hue as(tistilIguuistuLd for tus social graces tuo hess ttu;u,, for his litar-titut ;tui,h lul;lguuauluiuuills (ttuouughi uui,,takeii) loyalt) to Chartestile l'reteuuder. 1k was t,ftc,i cat heil '' the gel ut le 1ochiel.''

'n0 M.uc(rcgors claiuuicd <hesecuit frout) G rcgor, or Gro-gentils, tu rd soit of A 11iiii , I'Ciulg of Scots, w ho reiguucd illhue year 7t7. '1h10) were one (if the 111051 ancient clatis iiittue I hg hlauiths, a lId occupi ed at oule honed extensive

ut)s-)4C),S1011s, ivti cIl till.)' iuuuprll(hell t t)' colli j Illl('(h to 1101(1 b)' t tie(Oir i: glace', thuat is, by tue right of lije sword. 'l'beirIleigiubors, in the ullealItiuule. uuuaulaged tu have the lauithswhich were oCcllhlic)h ti3' the MacGregors cngrossed lutilluse charters ivtuichi till')' ea si y oi;(ajuicch fu'ouuu the Cu-owuu,111(1 thus c,llstit)lte)t I legal right in their oivuu fztv,,r ivithi-

alit iii tic h regard to justice. The restii t was thi.it t tue liae-Grgors ivere collti)ll)atly collipetleuh to defend thieuuusehvest)) force. I t CCltlillIy ivuuul III have luce ii tar better i f theyhuh ta ken ¡uroper steps to have tuoi r t itles per fected in alegal iity, belore tiucir ubre civilized ;tunh fox)' uleigliborsgot atuead of thuciti, WhIell they 'ere lui iqulitollsly driveuifrouuu their tossessitti by the other clatis, the I%IicGregorsretuutiated w tu savage cruelty, a liti thouglu tills was Il at ti rateuuouugtu, coutsidertuig the country auch tite time, it was al-ways represciuteti at tile capital as arising fr0111 ll llntalul-titile a uucl i Il nate ferocity, 'h ich 110th lug, it ivits Sa id, colulcirenued)' except Cuuttiuug oil the tribe of MacGregor, root uuidbraluch. lui tile t lulL' of ,ia ry. QuI eeuu o f Scots, u C(uullllljs-Si011 uva s grauuted to tile ullost powerfuut ull,h)t&' .. 'i ud cii lels oftile clatis to illursuue tile Clan Gregor with fire ti 11(1 sword.lui tue )'ciLr l,92 tue chief of the uuauuo. was Ahlaster Mtuc-Gregor, of Gtenstrae, ivhio froto tiuuuc to tiuuuc engaged ill in-lulIllIcrable desperate feuds. The fiercest i,f his hiatulL's WtIStile celebrated cotu tlict at G lcnfrluin, heur I.ochi Louuiouiii_'l'ue light ivas between tile MacGregors oui tile 011e 1julI11aui tttc G rahau, ,,tsl the Coiquuholuuls tEle latter a verypowerful race) oui tite other. The MacGregors had fouirtiti uutlreil iuicuu. The eiueiiuy had twice as ulually. Thue' lootill t hic %'aIlc)' of Glculfrlujul, vhich lulealls tile '' G leu of Sor-rnw" The MacGregurs were soiiuewhat discouraged viit'iithley iaw a force so iuuucij superior to their own, but they

were cheered oui by a seer or secolud-siglited person (asohhl'zLyer). who dt'clareih that he saw the shrouds of the(ttil(t o'rip1iecl aronuill thucir prjilcipl oppoliclits. So theMacGregors charged lucadlong. 'rue struggle was fuirions.'l'ue greater part of tile Colquhotuuu forces consisted of cay-airy, wtuicli- Colul(l zuot act in the boggy grouund, and theyllore coutuplotely rouiteci. The islticGrcgors lost two uiieui.'nie euleiuiy lost thuree hulundred. Of coturse the story ofthe combat %'as carried to the capital aiud reported to KingJa11105 VI in ;t ullauluuer tite most unu favorable to the ChanGrcgor. rlllLt Janies uuuigtut fully liuiderstauid the extent ofthe slauugtuter. tiuc widows of the stain (220 of theui ) in deepluuoluruiiuug, riding ulpouu willIe alfreys and cacti bearilug heriuliStiZllld's 1)100(i)' stuirt oui a spear, aipearccl before theitilig at Stirling Castle and deuivanded 'engeance for thechc;uttu of their hiushauuuis, 'l'ho wj(low's uuuitc in that sort ofshape uuotde a (10cl) ilulpression oui the King and resultedill se'ere puiiuisluuuieuut for hie MacGregors. Those bravelitit l;ti'lcss higiiti'rs s'ero prohibited fr0111 carr)'iilg weapolus,except a pointless kulifo to eat their victuals vitii, aiidliai il of lieht hi i'as prouuouiiiced against a ny of the naineof MacGregor i'hio siuotuld prestiuuie to usseuiuhile iii greateruiiuuiiber tivaii four. The King thonghit folur MacGregors

p'l'miE ZIIAItlliljamifl COAT 0m' AllaIs.

vcre a l)lelltY, even ttuotuii they were nuiaritied autti eat-ing pie with a knife. Notivithstaiudiuig the severitieui oftheir tililiiShiiiieuit at various tiuujes, tite MacGregors remainedloyal always to the Crown. Thelr swords were never turnedagainst their Kjiug. 'rheir bards ascribe this to the inbornrespect of the MacGregors for tite crown of Scotland,wliiciu tiucir allcestors once wore, and appeuti for proof totileir ariuuorial bearings, wluicli display an oak tree crossedsaltlue-wise vitii a lilkeil sword, the poilut of which supportsut crown M)' Owli o1uiuuiOn is that their protuiuuid belief intile divine right of kluigs was of a piece witlu their geuueralhiard-hieadedncss. rhs)' were courageous blut uuilprogressivc,hoidiuig oil to the old ways loue after the (hay was !tat wb'otluouie uuietitods were best, aiuti swimlulingalways against thecurrent ilustead of with it, I souuietiuuues think the)' liadScotch graulitc in tlieirl)eacbiulstould of brains. Their valorand streiugth constjtuutecia raw power whichi was not alwaysturned in tue rigiut chircctioui. But it iras power-glorious,primal force, born of centuries uf wijd freedom and of con-


litillolus wrestling with untowarcl'cotidht i'ius. l'tue streulgtllòf: tile uiiouuuitaiuis was in httir limbs auiui iii their hearts (lie¿olurafo iuu1iired by ragi torl'eilts, tite is'iuud luriekiiuttiroiugti tite f rests. theAtiesg ofst(,riii. - Ouic grows stroiugii)' coiuqtueriiug diiliclultit's, tInt i))' elIjO)'iiug tue ease 'lt'uciucollies afterivirti. Steam-heated rooms hiro(lulce hlaliliylilliscIes. A feci iiu of licrullaulcult safot)' %'e;l keiis t lieuierves. 'l'ue Higiutunders were saviges. But at least theyWere alive all over. -

I forgot to iiueiution at the proper piace iui the above thatthis uroccssioul of the wollten who s'ere widowed by tiloM;icGrcgors at tile tight at Gicnfruiiu origiutatedan expres-sioul, which for twenty-five years was a sort of shibbolethluuuoiug.a eertaiuu class of Alnericaii politicians. I surmisethat iit;tmdrcds of iuueul iii our coluntry have reared mu.p on theirllaster.ns amid ilsuilted the " tmloody stillt " is'hio imever heardof thti allgumiuuary tight of umy ancestor, tId i\lthster Mac-Gregor of Gleulstrae.


Onauióther page appears amt tirticie oui Forestry l(hluca-hifi at Yaie Uuuivcr.ity. 'l'hie simbject of tue conservzlt jouio I 1,,rèuts i,. tille ii'ltiCii it. attract iumg .1 gloat (leal of at tell -t iliul lit rather a late day, it would seeium, as tite i'ntomm de-strimi intl Of t tue timiuiior o f this cotu lt(r)' lutts for 1111ko)' y earsbecii ;mm;uatiimug. 'l'ho rllui(l (leiumichiutg of tilo forests, vithiill) hir)V i ,i()ll mIllie to i ui,,tlre II f11111 re groWth, is ' ,t suiiject totime ilu)juortaum('o .1 iviiiii Auiueric;rius have ticell singularly5101%' to ¿l',%',Lk cui . At hast ouue h lliuiiier iia per tItis for y carsivauuuimmer('ii a %%'a)' ill ¡I ii effort to arouse imuterest ill iV lilLt ititecilIcti li vcry vitti qllestiomm, Omit)' to h referrtd to t,y it.-,lust iuummisiue'il e 'ultemmuhioraries as lL' (iell)i(hatjOlijst.'' 1'iuis5w fit I ivimrii it. ivell calcula eci to um ffrigiu t t lue bravest, t o s:mylie) ill ii g of t hi luit g rows of tiguu res amuul statistics 1iluid istuedt))' tile auiti'ileuu imdatioii ist s proviimg um(iemm iaimly that ti t titehir('seuut rito of clittilug, tite forests of tIlls colummtry will lusttill' jii - J tidgitueuut 1)il)', or uuuaybe louuger, Smut i t does notrequire ultuicii kmmowlcdgo of mmuatlucumuat ics to higimre ou t t hunti f yomm keep cullI um (utIlI)' eilt t ¡11g iiowui i roes aumd mmcvcr plant-iilp any, (tie tuliO mntlst collIe i'heui there will itc ito ubretreet 'l'iiat -titis wholesaie destructiomm of timutber growthims a very disastrotug effect oui cliiuiate i, no bouger doubtedandummany thoimghitftmh Imeohule 111w realize that ;m serioums con-dition 'couifroiits ils. 'Jite rmtceimt f,restry coulvemition at\Vashiimigtomi, attended by libre thami twelve hmiiudred delegates, was a sigmuificault evOuti, tile illItitcIlCe of witich willhim. far ri'achiuig. 'l'iiosc iii uitteuiulnnee, vere tiunrotighmly inearlIest and Itad given the slmbjcct umimuchi carefiul comtsidera-(juil. Time article ontiiuming wimattime Departmmmeuui uf Fores-try at Yale Illliversity is (10111g lU (lue wayuf prlmcticat train-ing was written for 'rite l3tulletin im)' Artituir C. Rimuglauid,who speaks vithu aumthtority tiitd whose statcuilemits I itlll stiroyoli will find iimost interesting.


Office of Houstotu Daily Post, Flotustouu, Texa'i ., Jaiuuiary9, 1905-Dear tIro, Baird : Before proceeding to tite vulgar,degradiumg d isemussiomi of lucre mmuouuey umiatters, hot 111e COIl-

gratulate you aocI thc Order oui the uuiagnhticent itulictin)'011 arc giving us. I was eiitertaimued, immstrmucted auudtickled over )'omur article ;iumd truie'to-life portrait of your-amId imiy-Scotch auucestor. You imlay look omIt for soumietllimugoccasioulaihy in tite l'ost rcgardiulg 1-lon-Hoodoutl.

- Wsi,A. BOW1(N (No. 2(m71.)

1'. S.-Oh, I forgot to say yotm will fluId check imiciosed fordues of 19O5 Distress dtucs filial check later.

The foregotiug letter frouuu Bro. \Vmul, A. Bowen, of theeditorial atisff.of the Houston Post, otte of tile leadiumgnewspapers of tite Southwest, remmiiimds mho of a suggestion

hàve intended'for sonic titile to niake to those membersoT:'tltèOrder'.whohelong o the newspaper fi'aternity-*hicli is that éach and all of timeimi cooperate with libe, to the

exteuit hie deeumis adv isable, ill disseiuuiilatiumg iiuforimiatioiuregardi uu g the fort hicommm ing a um uu mmal imieeti lug at Porttammcl.\Ve wo ut to ut ti ko tu is amu n tua I ummeetiuug the very best oumetiuztt tua s eier hiecit liebt aumy w itere, slId I kilow of noIll igilt icr factor i ii bn mugiuug tIti itgs to pass than tile powerof time press, I bel leve (list the ibewspaper umidi imi Hoo-Hoocall do it great (lettI to lucip increase tilo general interestahituug (li 'Is I itue, ammo! I holte every muieiuutjer ivluo iiolds a posi-tioiu oui ti ulewshta pe w il I froumu tiiuue to t iumue rehirilmt ',timil

CiilItillemIt ouI sudi i teumis iteari big oit tite Portiammd umucctilmgas ills)' huile)) r i li flie Biut let i u or tu iuummuber Papers.

As everyiuue 1< n ow.,, tite ret i ri n g Suuark is emmm itatmited attile allIa nat Ilicet i ng a uud ttm id aivay iii tile Flolise of Auicieuu ts,titere to await tile I ast trutitu p. I ii irrit iltg tu is ofiuco Ex-

uiii rk Vietitteier frcqmueuut I)' s'mgits it iiuisel f '' The Dead()mie.'' 'l'ime foitowiitg letter is froiml a imrotitcr ivlto itas lloverticen Siitmrk iiuut ivito recemitty camilo a great (heal nearer be-imug (lead (tenu hie wanted to

.- -., -n--w¡'miN t'l(rru7mis os' E. C. t'usl m'stia -

Peoria, lii., J;mmuuary 11, 111(15-Bru. Baird : Suole timmie tigoyou Stilli WC tOld a cat ¡mm our tribe tilat is a " Dead fiume.''Now I CaIlle Sit mimar iieimmg a Ileali ouio last week I thmiimk I llaveirait thc tille, .1 was inakitig .t drive last week ulmIl oheimcrossilmg tile track of tile Illinois Centrai at Heihtiower, Ill..the fast ttt:til atril ck lit)' rig, Ititlitig bot it horso tm mid i li tuW j mmg

tiieiuu clemuu timt of sight, teil ile the (Iriver um tud 01)501 f sat ¡1mtile inmggy slilliking timid tile traimm whizzed by our ftmces at a7(i.nu ¡le cl i' \Viiat (lo ylill tu ink ot that for a close call ?\Scll, as for mie I am silirmiring yet, wiuile time teaimlster liadtite nerve to WOCI) becallse it %'iiS his best tCiLlll.

Can )'oll iuitaginc tite cuucloscd p0mm liictlmre tu represemmtu i'iue Deuil Ouie 7" Yoimrs very truly,


Cleburmie, Texas, Jauimuary 2, 19115-TIto Decemmilier imllmml-ber of The liulletili is iiimimlily lilIe. Omm Ilmauiy occaiomusthere have been good reasouus for sayiumg that certain ¡8511esof our beloved }l(io-Hom, Ihuhictin were (lie " best over," andi dollbt not tluesc- cm,nditiolis wilt colitinmlc.

\Vith tile ivisites that l')(J5 mliay be one of Itappilmesum andprosperity toyolmrseif, anti that Ioo'l-loo uimay prosper, I aumi,

Youir frateraa1!',F. V. SI5uuoN$ (No. 3344)

1523 9ttt Ave., \\cst, Seattle, \Vash,, Deceimiber 29. 1904--l''c got tiurce Black Cats-two are thiirty-oume ¡licheslonç, without stretchtimm, ;tuuml are jet black-not a white


feather. The)' arc for sale. Price S9,999.99 each, and ¡lokS4. If )'011 have a 1)ro);I1lc jJlirchascr, I will give 9 lIerceilt tI) Close ¡lie deal and no ¡llore.

SAMUEl. R. LAING (No. 9463).

Patterson, Lit., l)ccctiiber 19, 19(14.-MIlch to my surpriseI II III I1011ie again, but titis isn't I ike Pasadeiia, ¡lot by a(hug hilIstell iIgllt-lllIt it's hohle anti the People are lilyki titi -t lie iiltl Joli,1 I) kelj k i 11(1--tile k iild with the bark(III, lTl,l good ¡111(1 thick. \\9th lllllcll love,

FOild ly you rs,SANi R. GUYTIIER.

lt is ¡lo slilall olalter to be a Vicegcrent, as every mallIvill) ills ever Ilelli tile ofllce aoci done good work can testify.lt ¡ll1lllS tue giviig of considerable time aoci thought tothe Orders interest, for the welfare of Hoo4loo depends toO large degree 1111011 the efforts of its state officers. Inview of tuis, it certainly beseCills tite lay lilelllbers to ¡loalt they cou ti, fllrtller the work of tile Vicegerents, or at11551 II, ¡lo ilOtllillg ill (lie sn) of ililldrOflcc. These reuiarks¡l re tl t jell fort Ii by t lie føllow i ig Colliin ii il ¡CO tion (roui 011ess'le ,. ii l(Illi ¡III Il W (li lllilliy Otllers, lias SII ifered IllIlcil ill-

COlI %'Ill lelIct; il ¡III a 11TlOiIIICC frolli tue itIcoilsiderate actsI f t llI,e w ho sliolliul have leu t their aid to bake the CollCltCllO t jolI li M1ICCCSS:

,, Iii lIly floor work and that of others prior to the con.C.ItIllatioil, we have gone about askitig those who wore noIllIttoll if they wi,IicIl LO joui Hoo-Iloo. Invariably, at all('1)11 VelI t 1(1115, 1 lia ve foilild illaoy oid FIoo-Iioo vitii

Wilolil ISillS lilt personally aC(iIldiiltCd, let ¡ne stand and talk IoIIICIII, 50111e gIjilig as far as to allow 111e to bring theni to tile15)illt (If sigii i 11g lIlI filial ¡IppIiCiltiOlI, ivhen they would gi veii laugh rind SOy that they were old Hoo.Hoo, and think itaIlluge joke, Now .11111, 1 cnj.:.y a joke as well as any otherpersoll ; ill fact, libro so. But toy time atjilcseconvcn(jonsis ¡Il%vays vaillable to me at least, and Hoo-Ijoo is alwaysgis'CII the liest part of iiiy tuile, and I thiilic this practice$11011111 lie elolle away it'itli.

'111e Iloet Says, ' Mini's inhuliianity to loan makes count.less tIlo)lIs ,ill(ls illolirn," but it SCCIIIII to IIIC that a false idea ofwIlilt Culistitultes flln is about as Il101irflful a tliiilg as is pos.,41i1e tu illlagine. 1'hero is iiû real humor in stIch actions asdescritied ill tile forogoiiig, aiiil the loss of tinle, to say noth-ilIR of tue trolitlie of filling out the blanks, is a Illatter ofreluI lll,IneIit to the ollicers in charge. When the cinas ofillitiZlteS ill large, it is titways very late when the evenilig'sprocceililIgs draw to a doso', and Ill Citica it oftefl ¡ LiteCiIS1 hInt lllaiiy CI! those present llave to catch a suburbantraill or an "owl car.''

In tile tirst lllnce, a good Hoo.Hoo shoulici not presenthilliscIf lIt a COIlCOtCIlatioll Witlloilt his button, but we allknow lio;v ca.y it is to leave the hutton on the lapel of the., other coat." Upoit several occasiois the Vicegerellt hasof his OWll initiative and on his own hook, assessed eacht(Lltt((lllesS tlrotllcr '01 cents for the Distress Fund. Tite

Scrircittor ill Ills oflicial capacity, hasno authorityto advocate titi,. llaii, tint as editorof 'l'ite l3illletjn, I shouldlike to know Wilat the IlleInbers think of levying a fine int li is cuti n ectioll.

The hilIldeOlIle geiltlenlan whose features are shown illiii.' tt:;. wit,:,, a y will note, sec tohave 110 trOtlble in looking pleasant in front of tite camera,is Uro. L. M. Bostwick, Viccgcreiit for the Southern Districtof Illilloils uro. llosttvicic lives in Ccntralia, and through.OIit a ver large srope of country is wcIl known as tite tire.ies Illlsticr for tite Fordyce L.umber Company, of Fordyce,

Ark. In fact, Bro. Bostwick is personally acquaintedwith practically every retail lumber dealer in Illinois, hisgenial ilature and cheerful temperament having made hima general favorite wherever he is known.

L. M. llnusTwlcic,

Vicegerent for tile Solithorn District of Ililnoli.

This office keeps Oil file the photograph of each Vice-gerent-that is, when we call procure the photographSome of those to whom requests for photographs are sentare rather careless about attending to the matter, andothers seem to think we are ¡lot really in earnest aboutwailting the picture. As will be seen from Bro. Boatwick'sletter, his alleged past experience has been such as to inducein hiui a degree of modesty which seems to me to have noreal reason for being:

V1Ci1OlCiiiCtt llosTwicu'as CIiiiCiC&itxi, C*ggg.

Centralia, December 27, 1904-My Dear Baird : Yourcircular of the 5th inst. should have had attention sooner,but it got bat, aiid I was not right sure that you really


wanted a picture of my " phizamahogony " as few peoplehave ever wanted one, and no one has ever wanted but one.i had some taken quite a while ago, thinking I would givepleasure to 50111e of friends by presenting them withmy photo, but have really found it quite difficult to jar any.self loose front them.

One of my friends said, " No, thanks, I prefer to think ofyou just as," etc., etc., about after the manner of thosewho refuse to view the remains of the dear departed whomthey wish to think of as in life.

Jim, that was a hard " blough " and if you think it willhave a tendency to hurt your paper please do ¡lot publishthe picture, just leave the space blank, or if you ¡nust printsomething which might stand for your Vicegerent in South-em Illinois, you might get a picture of a nice piece ofFordyce I.umber Company's yellow pine, and when thedear people see it, they will think of me at once.

I-h M. BooTwicic.

Bro. Bostwick encloses a diagram of a checkerboardunder which he writes : " The true plot of nay checkeredcarcér was to have beco worked out above, but I lost thecheckers."

Wichita, Kas., January 20, 1905.

I don't know if I oste,But be that as it may;

We cannot reap when we sowUnless promptly we pay.

(The editorial comnient in The Bulletin is worth the priceof aneinbership, to ole.) Find 99 cents.

Fratcrnally,J. F. BESN1tTT (No. 2827).

The following message, which came by wire, lias beenthe source of much merriment ut this office:

Jacksonville, FIa., January 1, 1905-J. H. BaIrd, Nash.ville, Tenn. : Can you lend me electrotype of O1lF ancestorfor bum's banquet? D. A. CÂMI'iiio.l. (6997).

I do not know know what sort of function a "bum'sbanquet" Is, and I think lt just possible that the telegromwas somehow bulled In transmission. However, I sent Dro.Caniphell the cut which appeared. in December BulletIn andwrote blm that whIle I admit that nay ancestor was aioutlaw, I deny that he was a bum. As I understand it, nbum is a product of cIvIlizatIon, and I can prove an alibifor my anrestor-MacGregor of Glenqtrae wqfl't civilizedat ail!

My Werk.

Let me but do my work from day to day,In field or forest, at tite desk or loom,In roaring market place, or tranquil room;

Let nie bnL find lt In my heart to say,When vagrant wishes beckon me astray-

"This is my work; my biassing, not my doom.Of all who live. I am tito one by whom

This work can best be done, In the right way;"Then shall I see it not too great, nor small,

To suit my spirit and to prove my powers;Then shall I choorful groat tito laboring hours,

And cheerful turn, when the long shadows tall,At eventide, to play and love and rest,Because I know for me my work Is best.

-Henry Van Dyl:c.

"You probably don't remember me," L3gan the self.mademan proudly, "but twenty years ago, when I was a poor,humble boy, you gave me a message to carry-"

"Yes, yes," cried the busy man. "Where's the answer?"-Smart Set


A,Ia,i, M Lliik No. i UtIli,

Dro. Adam M. Link, of 'i'roy, Ohio, died sll(i(ionly at itishome front heart trouble on the esening of January 3. .11lst

the day bcforo ho was attending to some hIlsilless in tilolumber office in Troy, when suddenly strickeit. Ile wascarried to his home, but sanie gradually-tile 01111 1011110g

at 7:30 o'clock the evening following. l-le vlIs tIlIrlell lit.Riverside Cemetery, Troy, Ohio. Mr. lAnk vllS tioril III

New Carlisle, Ohio, December lI, 1847. i-lis fatitor Wa aLutheran minister. Dro. Link's boyhood IlIlys vore 8110111

in Pennsylvania. When a YOtlll man ile nlnvell to 'l'ij)j)Ocanoe City, MiamI County, and in that city married hissMary lillen liooltor in 1875. in 1878 lIe ¡noreil to 'iroy 011(1has resiulod Libre ever shire. l'or thirteen years Ile rep-resented tite Mitchell & Rowlailti Lunitoel Co. tiro. lJl'kjOiflC(l tilo Order at tilo concatenation hehl in Cotilmiols.Ohio, January 22. 1SO4. 1-lo was one of tilo old nIenIliersof tilo Ordor and vas loyal tltrotlgllnut, tall i ng illudi lii-terest in all tito concatenailons 011(1 allvalleing tile Interestsof the Order wllenever ile 00111(1. l-lis nIto and one IlaIlgIl.ter survive him.

Joui, t . (Inhiil No. :100 i.

Uro. lì. A. lIabighoret gIves us i Ile lottowl hg part rutareof the death of D ro. .1. A. G ranI. inuagor of i Ile l'lui fIrSlope Lumber Co., of Portland. Ore.:

"Dro. .1. A, Gram (ile(i Novelnber il, lIfter O ltllgerlllgillness of several montits. Dr. Grani lIas been ldeiltliii'd nbusiness on tile Pacific Coast for lite last eleven years 11101assume,l tito management of tuo l'arille Coast LuilllJer Coabout five years ago.

''i Io was s'el I known among tito sUWIllI Il 111011, hot Il onthe coast 00(1 In the Eusterll States, having IlalIdlell 11111

chinory 01111 haltIng all itis lIto. l-le was an active nIelulIjorof tito Masons, K. of P,, Nuts unii l-Ioolloo. 'rile reilllllllswere shipiteui to ills olti honte ai. hl000llllileo, M loll.. 'iieiefuneral services were condticted by tilo Knight TdnlplarMasons."

Bro. GraIn was initiated Into tilo (iriler of Hooiloo at.the concatenatIon held at Seattle, \\'aslu.. .July 19, 1895,and at the time of ihR death was 18 years of age. A-Ir.

GranI was a nian of rocogllizod Ilusillese abilIties, llavingliegun as n machinist et Nonominer', Miciuiguin, in 155f'. I-l"worked afterwards as an oitgineor and Ill 1887. coi1ipieteIhuis e,Illeatiun ¡II. AllIJiIltuli, \Vis. , ildC(lnlilig li StUlielIt IO Ì,ei.ter fit himself for life's battles. Fie hail alnussod consider.able money at Chicago, before he wollt to tilo \Vost., liewas one of tilo most poitlilar meilihorut or the Order on thePacific Slope.

w. it. Oholson, No. liRI.A.

Dro. Villiam B. 011018011 illod at 11111 11(11110 i Il l'lLIilllUll,Ky., on January 23, from tubecular meningitis. Mr. Giiol.son lIad been dangei'oIlsly III for abolIt 111101 weeks, hilt IiIhealth compelled him to givo up active busIness dut lesabout thirteen months ago. Mr. Gitolson was ibm in Bai.lard County, Ky., and was 88 )'ears of ago, having silentmost of his life in MeCrackln County, Ky. l-le re!ltovl'(i loPuducah several years ago, where 110 ellgaged In i lie t liilbOl'business, I-lo lavs a wife end five si,unll hlI.lron

'rile rolls of tite Order contained no moro loyal memberthan William Gholson, 'Fhe i)ilttolt of white ailil blackand gold always called forth a smile and warnt greetingfrom blm, ami hIs wife, knowing of itis love and his prideIn the Order, placed iho Hoo-FIoo button on tito lapel of hIscoat Wilma lIC hatl 101OScul tu hia last long aicep.


Reports of Concatenations


I I(5.

I :H;n.

I 3((7.

I .(;f;9.

I :;7 i.

I :1173.

I 36m

I 867G.

I 8677.



No. I 07 1 . IIt tdmrg. I'g., .Jiinnary 3, I 1I(IIh

Sflarh-. [ku (j. KIRIOr.Sentor I IooI loo, I. Ii'. ItaiHiPy.J U fl ¡or I lijol fan, Kil I . \'IPI iiijtr.Ilojul ni, RoUIrI '. (oatcs.Srrlvpnolir, .1. I i. I.Iuliberwoplc JI. I. AUhlI'(y.(IuiIorat an, .11)1111 A. i mUIr.A riinojjr. L. U I m

(iii ui!oii, it. m;. (LIlnoII.

iIlfatiì i l{IlÌIOI IIg..',,mr.. !'IttI)Ilrg. l'a.:l'air & Kialor.'ItLrnc( .lo(;IlI I:III(IIII. II I tsliiirg. lait. ;lIIlilijIr (k,.Inni Vjtljs 11Lit. III I4ht rg. la.; aiIinr l'air &

KIII or.lrank buh (arIItllsl, 111Il(O1IjlI Il,1j( ii. : .J. rIm.

¡faII 1gH Littnl:ir (o.. liltahiug. l'a.(:ltirms I rvl n m m rrokl. I 'avtr !:tlU, l'a. : Corn ¡nr-

etui Saah & I loor Co., lit hlbllrg, l'a.laines Nal)olooii liii I (III. J i., ì I ltglony, l'a. ;

¡Áinhller Co.l'rnnlç UI hort Ilion lit Carnegli', Pa. : Mart In &

11111cr, Ingranì, l'a..lafll(aI SItOIP lIlcNaI!gllfr. lii tsliirg l'a.; creIary

I.,. L. Satkr Loialer Co..lanlpH I larrlol) l'al IrOOI I 'I I HlnLrg, la. ; \V. II.

BaIley & Co. (1rallo,i. \V. Va.(;(orgo E,lsall l'a i '()TI, Caraapol k, I n : 1llal1agr

Carnol)ollK I..IIJIllIf'r Co.('ii rl 1H Lanrnocle SIlod;'rnsM 1'! t t ohr g, l'a. :

tory Mad & Slier ('o.(lnvlan,l Al tun Iron i in . I 'I t IHIJu rg l'a. ;

louanger iltCtll & SlPr Co.I lorry 'l'liorue 'l'rolUr I'll laliiirg. l'a.; llol,,rt It.

Sizer & Co.CilatleH Atlani 'I'nrIIl}Io(ir I 'I I MIo: rg Pa. : ninnag"r

I I. .\tiirpliy ill ill & Ll:nI1r ('o.N,,. 1072. N.,i V,,rk, N. Y.. J,In,,Hry 0. IIIIO.

Snark, G. I bu, o.Senior lloolloo, A. lI. Carr.JunIor floe-Hon I. J. ItIlnIllarger.Ilojuni. Frnnl l)'an l{oylan co.S'ricenotor, St. (leorgo ll,,ii,I.lal,1)erwoe}I, C. K. lIo,l. .1 r.CttiIo(a(lttfl, F. lì. longwell.A roanopor TIi',iiiij0 Ill l'y.Gordon, Fro,l1'rl(l .1. CalI I k I n.

.looeph Ilaihy l'aicliogro, L. I., N. Y.: llresl,lenlntl general manager E. llalley & Sono.

\Vllllani AlIrecI IGato, Neo York, N. Y.; secretaryMtflVtflR Eaton Co.

Fralerick 'l 111am F000(l I No. ToTlawanila N. Y.:1111511. Fossell & lGri:s,n, New York. N. Y.

'l'liomas Stevens ì,lllI*r. New Yorh, N. Y.: nianagerHardwood 1)iit . Slovcns.1aton Co.

Mflxlrnllllan Mosson Now York, N. Y. ; secretaryand treasurer M. Moscan Co.

Sninut'l (loodwin Ornlsbc( New York. N. Y. ; parr-nor Wayne I,trmber Co.

1-lernilon Slaer, Now YnrI, N. Y. : Robert R. Sizer& Co.

I :168:1.


I :1685.

I :1681;.




i :11190.

I :1l;9 I.

I 1(19:1.

I :;i;:l

1.1 6 (5.

I ::i;9i;.




I :1700.






No. i 07:3. Jidlii,1,,,lk, I,,,l., Jauii,try I I , i 1OO. . .

Snaric, W. li. Mauhian. ....Senior Hoo-Uoo li. L. IlarI.JunIor iloo.l loo IVIII C. Pulse. .

flojum. LIl(iI!s li. Fuller. . -;

Soci vohloler, V. t'. Il libbarli..Inblierwôck, I I. C. Miiri,iiy.('ristoratjan. lt. lt. ItIcirmi ro.Arcanoi,er .1. T. 1-Inlioway.Glirrion, W. E. Uoelcliena.

Carroll LlI1(Iliy 110,11 Indlannyolis, lfl(l. ; Foster-Manger Co. ;.

Bryan Black, Intllanaiiolls, unI.; McC,owln Llir.. Co.lolrn Theron Coles lnlllanapolls, In,l. ; 'l'ho C. YV.

UolInson Lumber Co., New Orleans, La.Frotlerick William Coon lien ton 1-larhor, 1%1 lehr.;

¡'otero Luinlier unIi ShIngle Co.John F. Drescher Toledo, (lirIo: Eastman Gardiner

& Co.. Laurel, 11Iss. .

'IVI I I lainì .losepli IGekinan, Clirclnnal I, OhIo ; M 13.larrl Luiìilor Co.Itohori I-1 . FessIer, I fl(llO!(tlJOl Is, I rid. ; Tire Udol I

Works,Cliarlls 1-lamlln Fisher, lnllnnnpolIs, 1ml. ; t roas-

Irrer Gonld Sasl & Iloor Co.rI I I lain }1 . GuirI, Clay (1)3. I n,l. ; Irroolilont \V. Il.(JUl11 & Co.

KiIrir iirr,I 3lrornlori Illerrlll, Non PorI , I rr,l. : ownerE. 'I'. MerrIll.

lIaI Ill llotil ton I'eck. (jlevetruil, Oli Io ; Corri rai Coal& Coke Co.

i litt ry Clarence Sldc,:el lir,l Iaiirriol Is, lnl . ; tI(Iell\'orko.

Ilerlln Cox 'ralbe',, Grecnol,urg, Inn., Ilolso & Gro-g:III, flonlo, Mass.

Nilwaril Ferrall TIndolili, ill. OlIs'e, Illso., manager.\arrez1 (1cc Lr ai ter ('n., I flilIì nallol Is, I orI.

Frank \'Inrd 'Itn, l'orIlIlIllI. Intl.; manugel- CIbo& \Vleii.

N,,. I (17.1. I'lll,,,lpll,I,l,,, l'ti,, Piiiti,iry I 2, 1111,5.

Snark. I. J. Ittirirbargir. S

Sr,ior lfoUoo, I-I. 11. ilr,zar,I..11inlor b.'oo.l loo, 1,nnIIl,, I I. Srnit b,.hou! Ifl. biita Is Gooillìiic, .1 r.Scrls-onnlpr, SI . (ror(;( blond.,lahberwo 1, 'lhorrno Il. Ilofl,,,a,,.Crrstoc'at la,,, los. P. I)I!nwoo,Iy.A llaUOlJt.r, E. Fr. (,'l;iuscr.Gririion, C. I. KI,scìi,ier.

.lol,n Colpmnn WlTJIamolart, l'a. : .lo!m Coleman.I b. S.. lclol,I. l'llbla(lell,II In, l'a. ; .1IRI lis 13. Taylor

& Co.s. y. FrederIck. 1-lanleton, l'a.; S. Y. Frederick.\l I ban, R. GarIly, l'libladelpliba, l'a.Jai,ios .losel,I, LIn is, l'lilladilpl, In. Pa, ; A. 1-tairkey

& Co.Charles .1. Selinoler. PhiladelphIa, l'a.

: l'lìbl. V & L.Co., Inc.

N,,. I 1)75. N,,ril,-, I.ie, lhc,,,,I,,r I 4 I SII-I.

Snark, E. A. Frost,Senior 1-boo.bIoo, I. L. Kleiiieyor..li,nior Hoo-l400, J. II. CliIinian.Ilojirni R. S Ayers.Scrivorioler, .1. F. Srlitìlo,Iors,.labherwocl1, A. Il. Mi'Niitt.Cllstoratla,,, F7. I-l. ¡'sylon.Arcannjer, A. C. L'aIrcI.Gurdon, A. S. Mcllvane.

Arthur Ijoan, Noble, La. ; Noble Lumber Co.Clbnlon Morris I-bangor, Morocco, Im!.; Frost.Trbgg

l.iii,ibor Co., St . l.onI, Mo.}vart EzekIel l'biblyaw, Noblo, La. ; Noble Lbr. Co.\'illIai,i Ieaurogar,i Worin,an. Noble. Lo,; NOl,le

L,,nil,er Co.

No. 1070. Ch,,rleot,,I,, W. Va., J,.ni,nry 18, OUr'S.

Snark, W. C. Barker.Senior Hoo'Hoo, O. F. l'aync.Junior Hoo-I loo, E. C. Col"o,',l.

l3ojrrm. David S. Collitis.Serivenoter, D. 18. MaItlievs.Jabberwocic, .l E. ileadows.Cirstocatban, \V. li. \Ve!ls.Arennoper. FI. 'r. Nrin --arrow.Gnrlon. W. L. Savage.

1:1707. Job,11 Coboway Aniberson, A,,zoi, W. T0; S,,lerbor¡(11g. Co.

13708. Edward Lamastres llooga. 131g 011er', \V. Va.; E. L..

Boggo.13709. George liBmor Bruco, CI,arl'o'on, W'. \a.; A,lvance

Lumber Co., Cleveland. 01,10.13710. Dewitt GbeI,nei' Cotiriney. CI,arlpotrn. W. Vit.; D. (1.

Courtney.13711. I-larry "lUtter" Demo, Panther, W. Va.; u,m,erbn-

tendent \V. M. ¡(lIter I,hr. Co., C,,liiinl,,,o, Obb.1:171 2. 1-lonry Clay Dlckbnson, Cliarlcsl,,n, \V. Va.: l)resl'

dent anti marIner Canipbells Creek Lin'. Co.13713. George Henry DnIl,be, liarrinian. 'l'ena.; Grato,,

& Knbght MIg. Co,I :17 I 'I . \'Ill Itroir Palnoer Ferguson. CutI n nat i . Oh Ii, ; K. t\

Kbnsey Co.i :17 1 1. George Pon-y Frankli n, l-b In on. 'A'. Vn. : l'rI re &

Ileald. BaltImore Md.i :17 I 6. ElIo Lorr'r,y.o Frond,, (Ioo'eli,t,l. Oli lo :

ob' I he ltobert 1-i Je r,l,o Co.1 :17 1 7. M lehaol " 'elr rie'' 1Ieroi'hoi', Cirarlist on , 'A'. Va.;

D. G. Courtney.1:1719. RobInson Yeatnoan .lol,nson. Pe'ota, W. 't.; I). G.

Courtney. Charleston, W. Va. -1:I7it.. blm C. KeIth, Roe, W. Vn.; Stabil, liras.13720. FranklIn Pearce Kbthb, 1-IlnIon, W. Va.; Kbtbd &

KIrby.1:1721. 'I'lio,nas lofferson Kbdd. l'coli, \V. Va.; 'l'ho .1. II.

.hums & Bros. Co., Maroslelil, OhIo.

13722. Charles Henry Kirby, Mt. l-loe, W. Va.; Ktdtb &Kirby.

1:1723. WillIs H. Lantlon, CI'a,'lo.slon, W. Va.; l,resb(lenILandon. Levs & Co.

1:1724. Leonard Guy Levy, Charboslo,,, \V. Va.; treasurerLandon. Levy & Co.

1:1725. Contyn 'Excelsior" Leovbs, Cbonrloston, W. Va.;S Coriryn Lewis.

I :1726. Gl'16Sl)y Citar-les LewIs, Moliari. W. Va.; 9'I, OhIo'l'bi,,her Co.. Manollehil. Ohio.

1:1727. (b'nrgo ínmmprs Morris, ('hnrl»ston, Vn : D II.Courtney.

3:1728. Luelhyn D. Niehioiao, Ro., W. Va.; StoltI, 13toi.13729. WIllIam "Boone" Oshoano, Angel. \V. Va.; WIlliam

Ool,orne. . S

1:17:10. OlIver Christian Sl,r'ahler, Cliarhesion, W. Va.;Prick Co., Waymmcohoro. Pa.

l3Hb. Walter "Sissy Smith, Itop, W. Va.; SmIlbi lir«,s.1:17:12. John .lames 'Fl,nyer, Chtarleslon, W. Va. ; seorelam'y

and treasurer Campbehho Creek Lumber Co.I :17:13. vi bilai,, 1,Vi Isor, 'rbtom,,s, ChiarirsI on, 'IV. Va. ; Fruit

Co.. Waynesboro, l'a.187:14. PIll Wlrlteley Tonner, Croedvllle, OhIo; .1. A. Toy

& Egan Co., CincInnati. 01,10.1:17:15. Lynn Boyti Vlnson, Clay. W. Vit.; C. L. 1(111er

Lumuiter Cu.137:16 lose ph "Herscher" \Velirle, Charlcslon, W. Va.

Canrpbeils Creel, Lumber Co.

wo. 1077 Dylu,,. 111.1,,, .h,,,,,iry 18, 1005.

Snark, Ed. M. Vletnioier.SenIor Hoo-l-Ioo. l-I. L. Hort,Junior 1-ioo-Hoo, W. l-I. MatthIas.1loj:m. .1. S. Ilaywood.Scrivonoler. F. J. lieue.Jabberwock, C. H. Holden.

Custocatial,, E. S. E,iwards.Arcanoper, L. M. Clark.Gn,rcbon, D. S. Monasro.

13737. I-tarry Stoo'er Adams, ChillIhotlie. 01,10: 1-1. S.

Adams.1:1738. Elliort Morami Bonner. l'ennoltoro. W. Va.; TIto Col.

lins Co.157:19. Salman MartIn, Bradley, Hhbzahetblon, 'reni,.; \vi,Ii-

Ing 1,ninthmi Coml,ai,y. . S

i :lltt. Norniain i,larsh,all Breeze, CI,u'hi,nnl I, Oli io ; Cl, brago& N. \Veslern Ky.

1 :174 1 . Frauds AlIdon 11i'own, Masslllon . OIt lo ; The IliowinLuniber Company.

1:17-12. Jesse Kersoy Browi,, CInielunall, Olilt,; lt. l-1 ..JenitI ri i,il,er Coi,,paiiy, Clcvolaintb OhIo.

1:17-1:1. Fran,k l-layes Browning. Col,,mh,t:o, Ohio; \V. M.Ri î I or Lu irriter CoIulb,at1y.

1.1744. Lloyd Taylor Briinson, Ki,oxvilhe, 'l'ei,n. ; Logan& Maphtot..

13745. Ciimnrlc's WIllIam Bun,,nehl, Mitoon, OhIo; 'l'Ire l'ritorCo.. CI i,elnnatl. 01,10.

1:1746. Also i-looter Cai,opinoil, l)ayloii, Ohio; Nati. CasI,S Iteg. Co.1:1747. Albert i-lei,ry Cor,lcs. Carihinge (litio: Cordes L,nii,-

her Conipni,y.i :i-i 8. \Vith t er i lorry FI I i, n. CIu,'Ii,n:tI I. OhIo ; mtl clìar,I l-bal'

at ed & Q,, Irk.i :17-Il). I I airy illomuor Freeiitn !i, Coi t, iuiluS. () h In :

(i ran ti 'k'w Lu n,l,er Coi,ivi ny.i :1750. (burgo Vi,,seoit G ni Vt III. Lhnmoit, Oit Io : l'ttl nier,

Fuller &- Co.. Cbt l'ago, ill.i :1751 . Hilas ?iarsl,ail i Ial I, Colli nhnio. OhIo : .1. .1. SnIder.

i :703. V.'! wi n Ei, rl i looser; lt mliii, ((li Ito : A rit latex Ltiinhtcr('o,, 'i'exa,'htaiia, Acht.

1375:1. .loi,n Toldas Hacine, P511)1,00, OhIo; .1. J. ilorine& Son,

1:1754. Itbebrard Wells liorto,,, Dayton. Ohio; YVihIlni,, Itt.t er Limnilier Co.. Cohtii,i1',s. ohIo.

1:1755. Ilarold George lra'bn, Clnbanalh. 01,10; \Vlitorg.Flamnna & Co.

1:1751;. l6tngoioe .losopii Koos. Nownrk, OhIo: secretary itoutreastuicr Newark l,t,nilter Co.

13757. llarry .1ttYerson Lowin, Cb,i'Ii,nall, 0.: partner A.Ill. Tea'in.

1:1758. lohn Wbhllam I',layhew, Columh,t,s, Ohio: W. M.Ritter Lun,l,er Company.

1:1751). Guuuhmiviitt i,ioht,lniis Meyer, Sandusloy, OhIo: Corn.rnbst'iomi Lumhtcr Co.

i :i7t;o. . A Iphions Albert hot Ii. 01 t 0cl ile. Oh lo ; Sein ri h hen &Itou I,.

I 17$; i . b ra l're,Ierich, Sc.hs'ogel, Ci cd nii:,I i, 0h ir, ; \Viscotiein Central fly.

1:1762 Albert MIchael Sucrer, I)ayiom,. Ohio; Si,orer Oros,1:17)1:1. Cl,arlos lohn Sherer, 1)ayton. OhIo; Sherer uros.1:17)14. Robert Emmett Stolti,, Coli'mnbns, Ohio; So,,tl, Slule

Lumber Co.1:17415. Andrew 'Algonquin" SItIes. Talocha. Ohio; 111k

RIver Loimlier Co.1:1766. Denver City Snook. CI,mtbniiatI. OhIo; Tino boric-

lanul Loimiter Co.1:17';7. 1-bury lthloi Stanley, HIver Fulls. Ala, ; l-lo,'si,ttti

Lumber Co. s

13768. Tlte')nlore Bernard Stelnmann, Mlnster, Ohio; '1'. II.Steinrnann.

13769. .Tosepl, Henry Welii'y, Cln2InnaII, 01,10; LittbefortlLumber Co.

?,,. I OH. Nit,,in'lIe, Ttin,ni., .i,ii,o,r7 Oli. IDOS.Snt,rk. .1 \Vallacs. .lr.onlor lIon-I-lao. E. R. Freeman.

JunIor 1-lool-1oo, l-leur)' 1-1. Obhson.lloJmirn, Eiiw. B. Martin.Srrhve,ioler, W. A. libnitley..lrtlilterwoek, J. G. Snrnmitt.(',intoratlan. C. 0. Sumn,iit,Arcanoiuel, C. C. Northern.Gordon. L. Roy Summitt,



l377o Ilinry EIHK Calkins. CentrevI1e. rcnn, H. E Cal-l(lfls.

1:1771. E(lwnrd Enitrinit. Carter, Sparta, Toan.; E. E.Carter.

l:t772. loll 1)lllon lranl. Nashville, Tenu.; Frank &.loiie I IInhl)er Co.

I :t773. NorniaTi I slle I teat on. Col tniljua, Otilo : ll I a .. \l rg.AMt)rlat ou.

t 8774 . \?il jam A relu Itutid 1lcLenTu, New A lhauiy, I ¡idI luiglu \lclA,oi Lumber Co., ButTato, N. Y.

l:t75. blm Newton Means. Nashville. Tenti.; Nashvillel'in. & Nul Supply Co.

l:l77u;. lohn ilard I'a(-o, I<iiuinulns, ienuu.: A . J. l'ace& Son.

1:1777. l)uuiulei \Vesley ltoals. Leeshuurg. Otilo; I). \V. Roads.I :l778. Vl Il inni Vtiheileicl Sm i t h . Nash 'i Ile. reuuru. : Frajik

& Jouies lunuiuer Co.I :1779. Joli n \'ardluuo Snenil , lui usi i le, Tenn. ; F. \V.

Suuuurd & Co.

I :i I towel I 'Cuiriunuluer 1'aylor, Stuuui t on, 'l'en n. Faytoi& itiusluervilio.

187S1. .Joluuu lliokuirnti \'lioloy, Nashville, 'rotin. ; Souillera

?in. 11)711. Si. I.i;i. Mo, Januairy Z, liJl)O

Shark, 'I. A. Muori.iIi or I tuoi iou). Elliot t I tuig.

luuiulor tioot loo. _l. L. luiiìo.liuijuuuii. A. C. lust.Siii vi-noter, I i arry t t . ltuideiu..Talutuuruvuulu, i uui-1 lis l. l'uillir.(tistuuutluuuu, UI t vor (J. ungut.A iouuuuopii. .lui I t ii Sitilet.(-; rt«iuu, E t 't'nylnr.

I 7S2. 'I I t tui iii Cii rile l)a vi i, i outoti , idiiglatou ; \Vriglu t(ratuuuuiu & Co.

t :t:t. I voluoluI Suuuigenfest '- :'let li tuuty. st . Lou Is, ilo. ; L.lot tutuuly.

No, I (ISO. (iIllrl,.rL. M I,oi, .Jitiiiiuir$ 2 , I 1)00.

Stuarli, Manic Lyons.Suuìlor ltooi loo. I unrry S. \Vtlltnnis..1 union t 11)0.1 fou)..l. I'. \\'ititer.haut nu, (luoutis I . 1yatu, J r.Si-it euuoIou, l4%' Is I I oint ii..ltìliherwou,lu . \V. B. lt Ils.('ulatocuul lutti. .1 . u u . liiitieutv.A ouiuinper, 'IV , r. u not et n.(;uindouu, li'. L. l'liti t s.

I 17111 Inni l'i ts)' liozoiiiaiu. (;i I ruuont . M las. Iteeves.I'i,vetl (ci., Lt i.. New ( trIpous, La.

t :t7ui. Franlu I evl I lu rius. G il fuori . M ss.. (liii Lostliuiuu1uei' (o.

I :;7d. .iu,iuii l'iitiiiuIìii Casey. (liii ru)ort . iltss.I t7S7. Charles \Vl uhu ni Coni tort lu . Nashvl Ile, 'rottu., Sou t li.

enti ¡uuiuuticrriuutiit:l7ss. Chiale 1'itg'iuo Ciilliitatit', lhilfponl, liss. : I ungo

lorelteiinuu', New Orleans, La.Lt7uC). lInus ''Singluug' Fuuler, thttrtiont, tltss.; 1-lugo Fon-

'lui'lnien, Nui' Onlenuis, u

u:t7o. llenn' Paule Foote, -Ir.: Gutittiort, Miss.: I-I. K.l)r'uuty.

t :l791 . Fn('t('rlu'lc l)uui' loon ( it i'Iuoll, G ii t (port , ii tas. ; (ui Ir.ulort 1)Pt'eloiuiuent Co.

u :1792. 1 lot I Is Taylor u ry. (hi) fpont , ul tes. ; L. N. l)ant z.ter Liunutier Co.

t:17!t:I_ Saituuuel Sunuulitttug I lr'iiny, .1 t-., (.tilfport, iltuus. : S. S.ll.uuny, In,

t:7ti. \.lII 'lutti' Mcl)ouialu, lilt) St . Louis, 1iltss.I :;7t5, Julio .IiIiiO'M Mu' i n I osh , 1doss I 'ol lit , nu Isa. : lite I ti toslu

Luinubor Co.u :tu;. Nornuan ìilu'l,eojI \u o I n ti Is, GuI fluort, iliss, : litilidors

Siuttily Cii.I (797. Stiliuu'y Kiiwarul Naylon, Gui luinnt . M ss. : Sii t hei-

Inuit. I nais Cii., Chat hiani, Ont .. Canada.L;71i, Jolt!1 laiiies Steyciut. Molilgoinery, Ala. ; Southern

It, lt.

No. 1081. Kn,qis City, Mu , .JIiwir) 2-1, 11)1)0.

Snark, lohn F. hiruco.Senior Hoo-Hoo, R, L, Oliver.Junior Hoo-}loo. Joseph lt. Anson.

. l3ojttm, R. E. l3rown.Scrivenoter. Homer P. AlIen.Jntuberwou!k, George 13. Maegty.Custocatian, O. E. Ronfro.Arcanoper, W A. Anulereoli.Giurdon, lames McClanahan.

1:1799. FrederIck William Mired, Neodeslia. Kane.; A. L.1-IiI I.

i:tsoo. WillIam Wynkoop l3laker, Lacygne, Kas.; B. F.itlaluer & Co.

13S01. I-harry Franklin Brigge, Luden, Olcia.; H. F. Bilggs.I:;802. henry Davis Breasen, Kansas City, Mo.; Llbbey-

Flilton Co.l:Io8. llnrny Ilonilerson Buis, Kansas City, Mo.; Dierks

& Sons Luimiter Co.1:1811.1 . ViIIiant Benson Chanilionlln. Osawal oto le, Kans.

hlarrttt-Anulereoii Lumhier Co.1:1805. Ralph Alonzo CornicI. Kansas City, Mo. ; Bowman

I-licks Lumber Co.1:1806. SValtor Simeon Cooper, Parsons. Kans.; The S. M.

Cooper Luniluer Co.l;lS'u17. Prank Jalma Crotcher, lIolsington, Kane. ; Creicher

Litnituer Co.13808. E(iwlii Mortinier Crossati, Bothatty, Mo. : Mituor &

Frees.13809. S. I). Crozior. flock lslanul, III.; R. I. Sosti & Door

Works.i:tsto. \Villtani Earl Ewart, Topeka, Katie. ; Ewart Luiuu-

lier Co.1:1811. ("rank 1-henry Froihofer, Rockporl, Mo.; Frelliofer

. Luinibor Co.C1812. Martin Gatildin, Kansas CIty, Mo.; Kansas City

Snuitliorn Land & Imniigration Co.13S13. Charles Henry Grace, Kalisas City, Mo. ; D. G. Saun-

itere Litinlior Co.1:1814. Snowden 'l'homas Green, LaHartue, Kane.; D. F.

Blalier & Co.i:tsI5. Claro Milo liarnis, Osawatomle, Kans.; I-larrls.Aii.

dertion Luiniber Co.CRu;. George Stockton l-laye, Oklahoma City, O. T.; Long.

hell Liinihor Co., Kansas City, Mo.1:1817. Ittissehi Simpson Ililibs, Fontana, Kans.; lì. F.

Blauer & Co.1:1818. Arthur Lloyd Hill, Neodesiia. Kas.; A. L. 11lit.1381h). .loltii Auitonsliave }toelzol, Kansas City, No.; 110cl-

zi'i Lumber Co.1:1120. .Johtn Frank Hoclzei, Kansas City, Mo. ; Floelzel

ldiIIuI)er Co.1:1821. Sain l3olubaugii l-luil,banil, Ottawa, Kane,; Dolt).

Iiaiigii & Co.Fl122. Francis PatrIck 1-hinter, Kaiisa City, Mo,; Burg.

nor.11ownian Lumber Co.¡3823. FrederIck Jacob i-luttiez. Kansas City, Mo. ; \Veetern

S. & D. Co.u:1s24. bun Ferguson Janiison, Kansas City. Mo.; Cresent

Lumber Co.l:I825. Ralph Louis Jardon, Kansas City, Mo. ; Penroil

Walnut Corporation.1:182);. ("red W. Kienzlc, Kansas City, rulo.; Roacli.Klenzcl

Saslu & Door Co.1:1827. Froulerlck Lyman Lee, Kansas City. Mo, : Loe &

Lyniaii.u:I2S. i'hillip Peter Lewis, Kansas City, Mo.; Long'Boli

Lunitier Co.13829. Clare Harry Luilden. Waterloo, Iowa: Fasley &

Loetcher Mfg. Co., Duhuique, Iowa.1:uS30. Philip lIetI Moore, Kansas City, Mo. ; D. G. Saunders1;l8'Jl. Joel Tiionias Moitis, Sparta, 1'4o.; Morris Lumber

Conupaity.1:18:12. Gai'i'y C. Niekerson, Topeka, Kane. ; CiiIi.sgo Luni.

her Company.


13833. 'WIlliam Stonewall Pettit, Neodeslia, Kane. ; W. N.Certain.

13834. Keith Stanley Pollitt, Kansas CIty Mo. ; WilliamBuchanan.

13S;3. Ernest Tilden Prickett, Pleasanton, Kane.; B. F.Blaker & Co.

13836. WIlliam Henry Rockwood, Parker, Kane. ; B. F.Blaker & Co.

13S37. Calvin Cassius Roop, Leoaardville, Kane. ; Alex-ander Lumber Co.

13838. Clarence Morgan Rork, Beaumont, Texas; indus'trial Lumber Co.

13839. Fred William Scbley, Kansas City, Mo, ; J. W. Mer-rBI.

13840. Robert Sharp Scott, Orlando, O. T. ; Orianda Lum-ber Company.

13841. George Edgar Shaw, Seymour, la. ; White & Shaw.13842. John Darius Seward, Sarcoxie, Me.; Larnssehl

Lumber Co.13843. Carroll Milton Stanwood, Kansas City, Mo. ; Roach

& Kienzel S. & D. Co.13844. John Clyde Stoller, Kansas City, Ido. ; Dierks &

Sons Lumber Co.13845. George Albert Talbert, Conway Springs, Kans.;

Badger Lumber & }Iardwood Co.13846. Charlie Duncan Terrell, Attica, Kane.; A Terrell

& Sons.l'J847. Claudius \V. Thornton, Kansas City, Mo. ; Long-

Bell Lumber Co.13548. William Watson Truby, Euglewood, Kans. ; W. W.

Truby & Co.13849. James Ernest Turner, Kansas City, Mo. ; Saunders-

'runner Lumber Co.13850. Edward Clarence Ward, Kansas City, Mo. ; Badger

Lumber Co.13851. Henry E. \Veatmacolt, Burton, Kane.; Edwards &

Westmacott.138&2. Alvah Horace Whit,marsh, Texarkana, Ark. ; Viii-

11am Buehannan.13853. J. E. Wiles, Webb City, Mo.; I3urgnor-I3ownlafl

I,umber Company.13854. John William Willis, Jr., Moberly, Mo. ; Wills Lum.

ber Company.

The Practical Side.

Vi m.a whole Eoo.Eoo eime. appear in the notices below &?.out of work and wint employment. Tilla ii Intended us perm&flefltdep&rtm.nt of Tue BuLarriN, through which to make these isolaanown. It 1., or should be, read by severa! thoueand bucineus msawbo smploy isbor io msey varied formi, &nd lt can be made of greatvslS iii giving practical application to Hoo-Hoo'e oentrsl tbsins ofb.lpingonesnother. lt Ii hoped ill. department will receive veryeazefUl sttntlofl each lune.

WANTED-BY an experienced lumbormuin a liohltlon as book-keeper. Can glee jood references aiid accept ei olino. Clins. A.i'lvcber, Weleelkn, IndIan rerritory.

WANTED-A position in the yellow ptne bulnews ne Inpcc-

tor, uiltynoan, siiii)l)lflgclerk or uialoeznan with soma llruii in or neiir

Now Orleans. Azul competent In every itas sud can furnish refer'oncee. Addriuie L. W. Warner, 4)7 Royal St., New (triaRaN, Lu.

WANTED-i'oKIttOfl by an experienced iumberbookkeepe'r. Agedthirty-two. iSlngte. Beat of references, epeiik Germuli and preferlocation on or fleur (Juif Celait. Address "t421" care .1. H. Baird,ttorivenoter, Naulivlile, rene.

WANTED-FO'4t)0)i Willi ome lumber company na manager ofretail yard. Okieliomnor Indien Territory i,refarred. SIX yeeru'ex-penionco nod good reference". Addreiis R tu. OdOti, HIgginevilte, Mo,

WANTED-Poettlon as et,enogrnpher, lavotee clerk, cetimator, ini-

aidant bookkeeper or shipping clerk. by a man. Three years' expo-riencein n0 lumber be.iiuo.-iùw j$ii. tnuLzrcThrcncr. .d-dress "C. F." careL R. hum!, Itcrtv000ter, Nashville, renii.

WANTED-A puidtlon us inocbanlcal or electrical engineer; umttfyearaoid,marrted. flavo liad 20 yoers'exporlancO. Can give A-1references. Address " J. B J.," care J. U. Baird, ttcrlv000t4ir, lueb-yuta, reno.

LOST-Oeirhn (lntatk lapel button No. 5066. Reward. AddressC, M J., Iba 71, Norfolk, Vs.

wAN'rEo-poetttnil ai) eu1iertiitonuloflt. of coiietruct)oli of newmtltv. itemoitelliiti old mIllS R vpcelitlty. l'atoliteo of the best mdelienpest wood tice rotta min the market. iteiiablo iii every partie))-lar. Addrciis " it. E. M ..," Jaekvoui, Ainiidoro County, Ciii.

WANTEI)-l'i)NtttOii by experienced yard mamliager or travelinguiuircliniar; 211 years of ligo, iimarrteci iuìd atrlctty sober; can gIve beni.of reforeneen ululi ChulO ut nec. At prevali). ommiptoyad. Addresii "In-epoctor," eureJ. 11. Uaird, bcrtVoiii)ter, Nimstivlite,Toimn.

WA.N'l'KD-A posltton by iii up-to-date simleimniumn live years' ex-iorioiicii iwultiuui yettoW iliis unii white pino, or wouid umicea position

lis reLu)) yiiril ininiilgor. ¡test of rsfereiices. 28 yearn oid and murriad.Address K. C. ti.. caro .1. Ii. Itiitril, .Mcrivonoter, r4animvllle, Tomin.

WANTED-Position 5H traveling simleemnu or inspector for goodmiti, liiivliig tied nevenuil yearn' exporlemice iii botti saw und piamilugini It, imtau i.rmiveltiig aiitoiimiiiili liii, lut two yell)')). Muye gooti cominee-tInti In 'l'axial, Oktimtiolna iiimd limiitima turritorteum. Address " W. J."eure J. II. Hutril, ScrivenOter. Nmmstivttio, 'ronzi.

WAt4'I'ED-l'onttlOui by mum ez1,erteimced yard niamm mmii eimlpptlmgclerk ptiio or l,imr'lW,ii)(l. ['limo preferred. Cimim fi,ruiteii good ree,mnm-mendiitt,iimii. Address " 1). .1. l'. lt.," eure j. ii. ltatrd, zdertvunotor,Naslivtite, 'reiz.

WA N'lEI)- i'osttlon by un iitt.roumnit tumimbermuimli utter J une I

Etgti L years' exlierieiieo fri,imi Ntiitmiii i.e emir. »Limit in timber muid Lilo-lier tuiiii,i, ¿mini) huye com,etdoraiitu exj,orienca an traveling enleelfluln.Aduircuis " Hustter No. i," cuire J. H. Builid, Scriveuiotor, Naniivttte,Toan.

LO.t'i'-lioi,-1luiui button No, ClOt. If foutid uduireaul T. L. hackett,Box 725, Ei l'uSo, 'l'exila.

WAN'l'Nl)-l'uuuitti,uii aim zzionagor uf idi.. i,outui or ICaiiaau City calosotilen for a yettow ptlme molti. huyo iuuid 12 years' oxpr'rlenco in toezimuiuuufumetllre mmliii suits of yetluuie iul no. Address " Mtnsoiirt,'' cuire J.it. l)imtrd, Hertycuiotiir, Nuuuluvttte, I'euuii.

\VAN'I'ED-i'Olitiuii uia coziiuuilisury eterk or tog scaler. lIeht ofrofereuices. Stute simtary. Aduirens ii. C., Da(ueen, Ark

wAN'riGllespouvlbte l,osttton with rolluibloyeitOw pizue concern.llave tuttI, ottIco azud rouit ux1iorluiice, and cumui give A-1 reforoilces.Addrcuse, " Id. 11. C." carol. lt. Itiitrul, idorivonuter, NumiilivIllo, 'l'emmii.

wANrNi,-iosttiuui. wiLli goisi yellow-pine or iiardwuuod muflo-fumcturtuig euuuiciirn Willi ti liti tu, exteimli Its triole in Cuilluidui, puirticuitarlylui Wc'Li,ruu uuutumntu. W lit zumuillo ouli micetton aRtier on salary or por.eciutuigo balitu'. i kmiuuW hua truidu, buivtmmmc boomm tuflig coimzmealod wILlium tug M,uimtreult eouucormu. 'l'luere iv um bIg deid liera for boLli hardwoodsmad yeltoW hule Crolli the CulLed ni000s. Address No. 7:147, cuire of

J, H. ltuimd,utcrlvemmoter, I4auiluvllle. 'l'ozio.

WANTE1)-l'oslLiOml mmc luookkooluer, Inivelimig euilesmmtmm or mill-round ollice uuulmu WILli suumo wluiilt'iiiile lumber ilrmmu (i'lltnbUrg, l'a.,lunerorred). luise liad tice (tu) yomir'ui oxperlommee lii planing mill undlumber bustuiess, aluut mou give guioul roforommco ululi batid lt required.Ago 24 yours (stuuiile). Address J. W. i' luk (No. 14H-A), 1(lU9 l'onneyi'vumila ACt'., I'ItteIuimrg, Pii.

WANtED-A Weil )uoumted Nuurtberzm Luzmitwr )tuileuimnmiii wants tocoiimmeet luifllHiìtf Willi S011iC yellow uulne lirin lo represent thom iii lilt.hots or mmzhJuiuusuit territory or suino poulltloim lii timo South, Porfeetlyreliable Address "lows" eure J. U. Baird, Scniveuiotor, Nmiaimville,Tenu.

WANTED-A men of experience and larga aod favorable aoqualn-tance with niele mili lind planing miti operators throughout MIss-lasippi, Alabanza and Unorgumi tim opon for min euugmigomont to sell ma-olutiiary und iiilii supplies in tImm. territory, Itaferonces from thepeOlulu tvluo buy time goods. Aildroan " II, " care J. 11. Baird, Scrivo-outer, aauitiviile,'reumi.

WANTlD-.& ..i),ua).l,,ti l,y um man of long experIence lii the lumberbusiness, mitiul ut large azul fiivorabto acullmmilllulmicO with the mmli mnozmlii MiilNlH5tl)lii, Ainbumina ajid LouIsiana, Lo huy lumber und representa good liria tui tIlla territory, either In time doinustlo or export Loide.Address " It," care Tue Ilulliuttii, Nashville, Tezun.

WANrND-I'OsltiOfl mie bookkeeluor with a largo lumnluer cocear)).llave boon wiLli that sort lit cuimeorim for several yammrs. AIn familiarwith tuiintueroXl'Oi't bu,tneisi In alt Its ulct,.atIs. I caul makt'gooui wIthlilly colicorui Tuo mutter what time volimizis of husmase le. Ciiu furnishteatliiiuulitultv to convinco yoiu. Wsimt um job aiid Wuimit It quick. Ad-dress " Nuluort," dire J, li. ilumird, Scrivon',ter, Nashville, l'anzi.

Bro. Hugo Sache, No. 520, Galveston, Texas, is managerof the idiectric Novelty Co., of that place, and tilo lateetnovelty he has got out is distinctly' a Hoo-HoO novelty.

It is a black cat scarf pin, connected by a very small In-sulated couliez' wire, with a pockct size dry battery.

You carry the dry battery in your waistcoat pocket, andwhen you desire to illuminate your scarf pin, you merely

pugh tun buttuil, BI' iry bnttcry done the rest. it ma!osthe cat's eyes gleam and fire Issue from her nostrils. Thelittle novelty la for sale at a price of $1.75 each, prepaid;extra batteries, 30 cents each.

Have you paid your !9l dave?