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IMPROVING STUDENTS’ PRONUNCIATION SKILL BY USING … · Department of Galuh University Ciamis in the Academic Year of 2013/2014) Name : Didih Faridah ... Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas

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(A Classroom Action Research at the First Grade Students of English

Department of Galuh University Ciamis in the Academic Year of 2013/2014)











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(A Classroom Action Research at the First Grade Students of English

Department of Galuh University Ciamis in the Academic Year of 2013/2014)

Name : Didih Faridah

NIM : S891202012

This thesis has been approved by the advisors to be examined by the board of

Examiners of English Education Department of Graduate School of Teacher

Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University on ……….2016

Consultant I

Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd.

NIP. 19610124 198702 1001

Consultant II

Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd.

NIP. 19621231 198803 1009

Approved by:

The Head of the English Education Department of

Graduate School of Sebelas Maret University

Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd.

NIP. 19621231 198803 1009

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Didih Faridah. S891202012. 2015. IMPROVING STUDENTS’


Classroom Action Research at the First Grade Students of English Department of

Galuh University Ciamis in the Academic Year of 2013/2014). A Thesis.

Advisor1: Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M. Pd., Advisor 2: Dr. Ngadiso, M. Pd.

Surakarta: English Education Department, Graduate School, Teacher Training and

Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University.

The present study investigated the effects of oral peer feedback on students‘

improvements in pronunciation skill and class situation. It is underpinned by a

premise that peer feedback gives students chances to share evaluative comments

with peers to improve pronunciation skill.

The study took place in English Education Program of Galuh University,

involving the subjects of 22 students. A three-cycle CAR study was intended to

discover how oral peer feedback can improve students‘ pronunciation skill. This

problem was then broken down into five more specific sub-questions. To get the

data, achievement tests, classroom observation, interview, and questionnaire were

conducted and administered. Data from achievement test were analyzed

quantitatively by calculating the mean score of each test result. Meanwhile, data

from observation, questionnaire, and interview were analyzed qualitatively by

reducing and transforming the data, displaying the data, and drawing conclusion

and verification.

The results showed that students became more active as the cycle progressed.

They practiced dialogues in pairs, taking turns giving feedback to each other when

mistakes were noticed. Corrective feedback was used to correct the errors made

by their peers. This activity finally led to the improvement in the pronunciation

skills. Oral peer feedback not only gave positive impact, but was also received

positive responses from the pupils. Peer feedback motivated them to have better

pronunciation, and they became more focused on practicing pronunciation

because the teacher did not correct their mistakes directly. Playing a role as

feedback providers made them more critical. Gradual improvements of students‘

achievements were evident especially in the four features. Of the four

pronunciation features taught, minimal pair sound and word stress were the most

easily increased features. Meanwhile, the most difficult ones were linking sound

and intonation. During the provision of oral peer feedback, teacher must play roles

as teacher, controller, and sometimes a feedback provider because some students

felt unsure with their own feedback.

Keywords: peer feedback, collaboration, class situation

Page 5: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ PRONUNCIATION SKILL BY USING … · Department of Galuh University Ciamis in the Academic Year of 2013/2014) Name : Didih Faridah ... Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas

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Didih Faridah. S891202012. 2015. IMPROVING STUDENTS’


Classroom Action Research at the First Grade Students of English Department of

Galuh University Ciamis in the Academic Year of 2013/2014). A Thesis.

Pembimbing 1: Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M. Pd., Pembimbing 2: Dr. Ngadiso, M.

Pd. Surakarta: Prodi Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan

Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta.

Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang pengaruh oral peer feedback terhadap peningkatan

kemampuan cara pelafalan (pronunciation) siswa. Hal ini didasari oleh asumsi

bahwa feedback memberikan siswa kesempatan untuk berbagi komentar untuk

meningkatkan kemampuan pelafalan mereka.

Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 22 orang mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan

Bahasa Inggris Universitas Galuh. Sebuah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) 3

siklus dilakukan untuk menemukan bagaimana oral peer feedback bisa

meningkatkan kemampuan pelafalan siswa. Permasalahan ini kemudian diperluas

ke dalam lima buah pertanyaan yang lebih spesifik. Untuk memperoleh data,

beberapa instrumen digunakan termasuk tes pelafalan, observasi kelas,

wawancara, dan angket. Data dari hasil test dianalisa secara kuantitatif dengan

menghitung nilai rata-rata tiap test. Sementara data dari observasi, kuesioner, dan

wawancara dianalisa dengan mereduksi, dan mentranskripsi data, menampilkan

data, dan merumuskan kesimpulan dan verifikasi.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa secara bertahap menjadi lebih

aktif dalam kegiatan pemberian feedback. Mereka melakukan dialog berpasangan,

dan saling memberi feedback satu sama lain ketika terjadi kesalahan pelafalan.

Corrective feedback mereka gunakan untuk memperbaiki kesalahan pasangan

mereka. Aktivitas ini pada akhirnya membuat peningkatan secara bertahap dalam

kemampuan pelafalan mahasiswa. Pemberian oral peer feedback secara intensif

ternyata tidak hanya berdampak positif tetapi juga mendapatkan respon yang baik

dari mahasiswa. Peer feedback memotivasi mereka untuk menguasai pelafalan

yang benar, dan mereka menjadi lebih terfokus pada mempraktekkan pelafalan

karena dosen tidak memberi feedback secara langsung. Selain itu, menjadi

seorang pemberi feedback juga membuat mereka lebih kritis. Oleh sebab itu,

peningkatan secara bertahap bisa terlihat dalam semua fitur pelafalan yang

diajarkan. Dari keempat fitur yang diajarkan, miminal pair dan word stress adalah

dua fitur yang paling mudah ditingkatkan melalui penerapan oral peer feedback.

Sementara itu, yang paling sulit ditingkatkan adalah fitur linking sound dan

intonation. Selama penerapan oral peer feedback di kelas, dosen juga berperan

sebagai pengontrol, pemberi motivasi, dan juga pemberi feedback ketika

mahasiswa merasa kurang yakin dengan feedback mereka.

Page 6: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ PRONUNCIATION SKILL BY USING … · Department of Galuh University Ciamis in the Academic Year of 2013/2014) Name : Didih Faridah ... Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas

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Kata kunci: umpan balik, kolaborasi, situasi kelas.


This is to declare that I myself write thesis, entitled ―Improving Students‘

Pronunciation Skill by Using Oral Peer Feedback (A Classroom Action Research

at the First Grade Students of English Department of Galuh University Ciamis in

the Academic Year of 2013/2014)‖. It is not plagiarism or made by others.

Anything related to others‘ work is written in quotation and the source of which is

listed on bibliography.

If then this pronouncement proves incorrect, I am ready to accept any

academic punishment incuding the withdrawal or cancellation of my academic


Surakarta, 2016

Didih Faridah

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Ask less, give more, be grateful unconditionally.

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I dedicate this thesis to:

my beloved family,

my beloved parents,

my colleagues,

and all English teachers in the world.

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Praise be to Allah for His blessing and Mercy that I can completely finish

this thesis as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Graduate Degree of

English Education Department of Graduate School of Teacher Training and

Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. I also would like to

express my deepest gratitude to all people who have made this thesis possible to

be finished and published:

1. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret


2. The Head of the English Department of Graduate Program of Sebelas Maret


3. Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M. Pd., the first advisor for his guidance and


4. Dr. Ngadiso, M. Pd., the second advisor for his valuable correction,

suggestion, and guidance.

5. Etika Rachmawati, M. Pd., the Head of English Department of Faculty of

Teacher Training and Education Sciences of Galuh University and all


6. Asep Dudi Kurnia, M. Pd., and Iskhak Said, Drs. M.M., M. Pd. the

collaborator and proofreader in the research.

7. My beloved husband and son for their unconditionally love and support.

8. My parents for their non-stop blessing and prayers.

9. The first grade students 1E of English Department of FKIP Galuh University

academic year 2013/2014.

10. My roommates, Anita, Hywang, and Dewi, for their supports and kindness.

At last, I would like to welcome comments and suggestions for more


Surakarta, Agustus 2016

Didih Faridah

Page 10: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ PRONUNCIATION SKILL BY USING … · Department of Galuh University Ciamis in the Academic Year of 2013/2014) Name : Didih Faridah ... Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas

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COVER ................................................................................................................... 1

LEGITIMASI .......................................................................................................... ii

APPROVAL ........................................................................................................... iii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... iv

ABSTRAK .............................................................................................................. v

PRONOUNCEMENT ............................................................................................ vi

MOTTO ................................................................................................................ vii

DEDICATION ..................................................................................................... viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ x

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................ xv

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................. xvi

LIST OF APPENDICES ..................................................................................... xvii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 1

A. Background of the Study ................................................................. 1

B. Problem Statements ....................................................................... 12

C. Objectives of the Study.................................................................. 12

D. Significance of the Study .............................................................. 13

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................... 13

A. Theoretical Description ................................................................. 13

1. Pronunciation ............................................................................ 13

1) The Definition of Pronunciation ............................................. 13

2)The Features of Pronunciation ................................................. 14

1. Supra segmental features............................................... 15

2. Segmental features ........................................................ 16

3. The Factors Influencing Pronunciation Mastery ........... 18

4. The Importance of Pronunciation in Language Learning

........................................................................................... 19

Page 11: IMPROVING STUDENTS’ PRONUNCIATION SKILL BY USING … · Department of Galuh University Ciamis in the Academic Year of 2013/2014) Name : Didih Faridah ... Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas

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2. Oral Peer Feedback ................................................................... 21

1. The Definition of Feedback .......................................... 21

2. Teaching Steps in Giving Oral Peer Feedback ............. 22

3. The Advantages of Oral Peer Feedback ........................ 22

4. The Disadvantages of Oral Peer Feedback ................... 24

3. Participatory Pedagogy and Classroom Atmosphere ................ 24

4. Classroom Interaction during Peer Feedback Activity ............. 25

B. Review of Relevant Researches .................................................... 26

C. Rationale ........................................................................................ 29

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................ 31

A. Research Setting ............................................................................ 31

1. Research Location ..................................................................... 31

2. Research Timeline ..................................................................... 32

3. Research Subject ....................................................................... 32

B. Research Design ............................................................................ 33

C. Technique of Collecting the Data .................................................. 37

1. Quantitative Data ...................................................................... 37

2. Qualitative Data ........................................................................ 38

a. Interview .............................................................................. 38

b. Observation ......................................................................... 38

c. Questionnaire....................................................................... 38

D. Technique of Analyzing the Data .................................................. 38

1. Quantitative Data ...................................................................... 38

2. Qualitative Data ........................................................................ 39


A. Research Findings .................................................................... 40

1. Prior Situation of the Research ................................................. 40

2. Implementation of the Research in Cycle 1 .............................. 44

a. Planning ............................................................................. 44

b. Implementing ..................................................................... 45

1) Meeting I ........................................................................ 45

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a) Opening ...................................................................... 45

b) Main Activity ............................................................. 46

c) Closing ....................................................................... 48

2) Meeting II ...................................................................... 48

a) Opening ...................................................................... 48

b) Main Activity ............................................................. 49

c) Closing ....................................................................... 50

3) Meeting III ..................................................................... 50

a) Opening ...................................................................... 50

b) Main Activity ............................................................. 51

c) Closing ....................................................................... 52

c. Observing ........................................................................... 52

1) Meeting I ........................................................................ 53

2) Meeting II ...................................................................... 56

3) Meeting III ..................................................................... 58

4) A summary of observation in cycle 1 ............................ 60

d. Reflecting ........................................................................... 63

3. Implementation of the Research in Cycle 2 .............................. 66

a. Replanning ......................................................................... 66

b. Implementing ..................................................................... 66

1) Meeting I ........................................................................ 67

a) Opening ...................................................................... 67

b) Main Activity ............................................................. 67

c) Closing ....................................................................... 69

2) Meeting II ...................................................................... 70

a) Opening ...................................................................... 70

b) Main Activity ............................................................. 70

3) Meeting III ..................................................................... 71

1) Opening ...................................................................... 71

2) Main Activity ............................................................. 72

3) Closing ....................................................................... 73

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c. Observing ........................................................................... 73

1) Meeting I ........................................................................ 74

2) Meeting II ...................................................................... 75

3) Meeting III ..................................................................... 77

4) A summary of observation in cycle 2 ............................ 79

d. Reflecting ........................................................................... 83

4. Implementation of the Research in Cycle 3 .............................. 86

a. Replanning ......................................................................... 86

b. Implementing ..................................................................... 86

1) Meeting I ........................................................................ 87

a) Opening ...................................................................... 87

b) Main Activity ............................................................. 87

c) Closing ....................................................................... 90

2) Meeting II ...................................................................... 90

a) Opening ...................................................................... 90

b) Main Activity ............................................................. 91

c) Closing ....................................................................... 93

3. Meeting III .................................................................... 93

a) Opening ...................................................................... 93

b) Main Activity ............................................................. 94

c) Closing ....................................................................... 95

c. Observing ........................................................................... 95

d. Reflecting ......................................................................... 107

B. Discussion .............................................................................. 109


A. Conclusions ................................................................................. 116

B. Implications ................................................................................. 118

C. Suggestions .................................................................................. 119

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 121

APPENDICES .................................................................................................... 126

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Table 1. 1. The Result of Pre-test ............................................................................ 3

Table 3. 1. The Schedule of Research and Research Writing ............................... 32

Table 4. 1. The Result of Pre-Test ........................................................................ 41

Table 4. 2. Students‘ Pronunciation Improvement in Cycle 1 .............................. 62

Table 4. 3. Students‘ Pronunciation Improvement in Cycle 2 .............................. 82

Table 4. 4. Summary of Reflection in Cycle 2 ...................................................... 86

Table 4. 5. The Result of Post Questionnaire...................................................... 101

Table 4. 6. The Improvement of Pronunciation Score in Cycle 3....................... 106

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Figure 1. 1. Result of students‘ interview on the aspects of pronunciation. ........... 8

Figure 1. 2. Result of students‘ interview on the importance of feedback.............. 9

Figure 2. 1. Features of English Pronunciation (Adopted from Burns, 2003) ..... 14

Figure 3. 1. Cyclical Action Research based on Kemmis and Mc.Taggart (1988)35

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Appendix 1. Blue print of Pretest post test ........................................................ 126

Appendix 2. Blue Print of Pre Questionnaire .................................................... 128

Appendix 3. Blue Print of Pre Interview ............................................................ 130

Appendix 4. Pronunciation Pre-test and Post-test .............................................. 131

Appendix 5. Scoring Rubric of Pronunciation ................................................... 132

Appendix 6. Students‘ Feedback Sheet .............................................................. 133

Appendix 7. Pre-Questionnaire .......................................................................... 134

Appendix 8. Result of Pre-Questionnaire .......................................................... 137

Appendix 9. Post Questionnaire ......................................................................... 139

Appendix 10. Percentage of Post-Questionnaire ............................................... 141

Appendix 11. Pre-Interview ............................................................................... 143

Appendix 12. Transcript of students‘ pre interview........................................... 145

Appendix 13. Post-Interview ............................................................................. 153

Appendix 14. Transcript of post-interview ........................................................ 154

Appendix 15. Observation sheet ........................................................................ 156

Appendix 16. Lesson Plan cycle I ...................................................................... 163

Appendix 17. Lesson Plan cycle II .................................................................... 182

Appendix 18. Lesson Plan cycle III ................................................................... 199

Appendix 19. Result of Pre test.......................................................................... 216

Appendix 20. Result of Post Test Cycle 1 ......................................................... 217

Appendix 21. Result of Post Test Cycle 2 ......................................................... 218

Appendix 22. Result of post test cycle 3 ............................................................ 219

Appendix 23. Pictures of Teaching and Learning Pronunciation by using Oral

Peer Feedback ..................................................................................................... 221