HOBSONS LATEST Ho Becomes a Prisoner In the Eddjville Penitentiary ror a Breach of Hoipllilily Hi WM- PimMied Bj Warden Smith rum Tuesdays dally Circuit Clerk II It Ilobaoni lateit fanny itory li on blnuelf He telli It with a relish awl 1 begins by layingI that It may hot ta R11 known I thai he bai bent In the penitentiary Dot lu1IOO he solemnly de clams I was- ills term wee shod however only I r one night and It wee for a breach of r hospitality It happened that he went op on the Illlnoli Oenlril trip to the Kuttawa plcnlo Jut week sad I Instead l pf gettlug oft at t Knttawa with the plcnlcken went through to Eddy Tllle where he knew he could find wivenl old crafty and Indulge In a goal oM talk about fox hunting a tOllo of which he never tlreL lie- u urtfxl by Warden Smith to re main throaghrnt the night end go fox chasing tie following day No replied Cat Hobson I shell hare to lifeline your kind offer fur I have always hal a horror of sleeping within the walls of apcnlten tlary and am too old to hare the ex jcrlcnc now- Warden Smith quietly called a guard orderedhls genteel guest im ¬ moral and In a few momenta be wai in durance vile with no hopo of e u rap And in the penitentiary he had I to slap with the warden coil otheri and found that he got ai good a nit bti rest U if be bad been a free man In the morning be war given a good breakfast and enjoyed nit fife mile chue all the more for the nlghti experience AN ARMLESS WONDER JOHN FOX OK NEW JERSEY HAS a NO ARMS ROT liE CAN FISH SHOOT PLOW AND SAW WOOD New BrnpswIcV N J August IS Joho Fox of Mllltown near this city has reached the conclusion that I a man can get along jOlt ai welt with ¬ out atoll as with them If be will bnt t mike up fall mind to doo Fox lais I the mall carrier at Mllltown a pool lion which he has held duce he loatI t t lab amis in a mill accident thirtytwo years ago lie has a book Ieatene I to the clomp of each arm and with these he can do more than many men who tiara the use of their arms and I hands Fox I U the champion fisherman of I Milliovru He call hall his own bookI and till his line lie OlD reel InI any flsli that Inhabits MlIl4wl1I waters When asked If he had any trouble taking a fish off the hook heI replied that It wee trot trait u mocbI trouble as getting him on Fox cl hoI cultivates a small patch of groans II joking trig house He can drive a lioree t ° the plow holding the plow 1 In position with a rope thrown over bis shoulders cud guiding the rein by the book arms lie Is also an accurate shot being able to bring a bird or rabbit down with a shot gun Ue culaI f Ills own supply of firewood with a liucksaw Fox Is I city an accomplished me chanic He bas constructed without old a largo elder press He out 0111I t every part bored the holes for IbeI bolt alid titled the various pert- gatherwltlmut toI the local difficulty He Is now 73 yeah of geI I r Speaking of bow he get along IheI old mao said Anybody can get along without his arms If be baa ta I Every tune I row lIb or hunt or plow I oral a better way to do It and It continually grows easier to get nlong NO ATTORNEY HAMPSON MUST LEAVE TilE PROSECUTION OF SCHLEY CASE TO OTHERS Washing gnd R Specula lion hen been f Indulged In lately at theI I navy department as la whether Ade 0 miral Sampson will be represented yt t 1 counsel I tu the forthcoming Schley court of Inquiry and whether Judge I Advocate General Lemly will callI upon the government for legal assist t nac la handling the cue I Examina Ion of the law In the premises elicitJ the fact that Admiral Sampson 1 ll not entitled to legal representation at tbec bearing of the court From an official view point Admiral Sampson doesI not figure In the inquiry at all I It Is Improbable also that Captain Lemly judge advocate of the proponed court of Inquiry will ask tire govern mint for assistance la handling the cab SUN STRUCK f MRS O OREIF CALLED TO MAY- FIELD YESTERDAY Mrs O Grelf of the city wu called to MayJeld yesterday by the II serious illness ol her father Mr Joe Cloys who waa prostrated by tart coi Ie wee In a serious rendition but at tail accounts wee believed to be out of ilauger tP a- n 0 I 3f r1S 1 NO CHANGE I From Tnetoaya delay Plttsbnrg Augnst 19There I Is practically no ohaoge la the strike sit uatloo today but the strikers claim that they bare made gala at MoKees port and Wheeling There doe not seem taj any don but that the silken are disappointed 1 and dlsoonnged to some extent at orgolza1tloo needed even at this early stage of theI fight and a direct appeal is made for urlr I association had a large land available for strike Strike benefits an nofdal paid during the month of August The administrative cost of the strike I Is aj 1I parently not large To be haul np at this Initial stage of the fight l Is a weakness xbl thlot was not expected area by the United States Steel Corporation In his ap petal to thus taigas President Shaft suggests that the loot newspapen employed In railing funds by popnUr subscription The secret circular also recommends that every possible meat be ntlltxed to make popular 17mlllllbI for the striker It advises i totem be uteri to discus the subject b11Ibe b11 The decision not to strike by the Amalagmated men at Milwaukee ODd Chicago cause the doped hnmllla lion sad chagrin among tire oldtlmeri atbeulgusetetahere Tire plain rowan the National Tnbo Mill of the National Tube company Is working at MoKeeiport ttbla morn ing li the thrust of removal of the plant from the city It the men desert It The mill la an old and obsolete onus It soon must be remodeled It would be almost as cheap to rebuild elsewhere The workmen feel that l the trait would not hesitate to niche this move If the men stay out Al a mat- ter of tact the tube mills proper will l close soon for lack of raw material The closing down of the ikelp mitts which furnish the material for the making of tubes wilt cause a shut down of the McKeesport tube works within a few iUyt whether there Is a strike or not Thetadloalsentiment in the trust I In taros of dealing unionism hard a blow u possible This sentlt meat world like to we unionism crushed in the Iron steel sad tin 1lorries To follow this policy wont be to open the sheet tin suit hoop plant as nonunion plots even though the men now on strike are ready to return Furthermore it would be required that the Oleo as In dividual would ilgn agreement to not become union men while in the employ of the company The union would pot be recognized In making the sale or la shop discipline The conservative men Insist hat inch hanb testy wilt prolong the strike even though the conservative mem ben of the association try to sad It They say furthermore that map re lentlessly repressive measure are inn to bring their own pnnlihemnt In the wry of Inimical legislation eta The compromlilng element of the associa lion air that if the steel corporation will lAke book n organization inch men in the sheet tin and hoop de partment u are now out the strike will quickly end It I II not believed that the steel combine care very much for the danger of aroused public sentiment ant unfriendly legislation which might follow tem sal harsh repressive measures but tha directors are very anxious to start the will end are more apt to make concarilont than they would If the output was not so badly needed PROTOCOL SIGNED FINAL DRAFT AGREED UPON ON CHINA BY ALL OON ¬ CERNED Washington Argun lLThe state department bas received a cablegram from Mr Rocxhlll at Pekln report ¬ tag that the draft of the final port col baa been arced upon A tariff of per cent ad valorem effective will I ie put In force two months after the slgulngof the final protocol except log CD goods shipped within ten days after signing and will continue antic I he conversion to ipeelfio ratee Ices effected by the expert commie ¬ dos The Chinese free I list wilt > la rice foreign a1IJI lr and flour gold and direr bullion awl cola This inclusion of flour In tire trot list II of much Importance particularly to PaolOo coast shippers + ANOTHER CONVENTION i INTERNATIONAL GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION MEETS IN BUFFALO Mayor Lang this niornlng received a notice that the nternatlonal load Roads coo rent Ion wllii i moct at Buffalo N Yran September Id ta I and asks him to appoint dele gates Thegood roads work alt over the untry Dees been very gratifying and about twenty miles of unapt 10Road ilulppl Tenneisee Kentucky and Illinois Mayor Lang has not yuf 1 pointed delegated sal if be does I It will lad merely a formality u no use will probably go I t n ANERICANCLAIMS S Injuries Alleged to Have Been In- flIcted ¬ In South Africa The Brush Commlitlonen Do Not Seem to Be I In Any Humor to Consider Them tKroin Tuiidaya dally I ILondoo Angnit 19At yestcr j Afrlcaoj Crone claimants submitted tho American t claims Dr AF Conroy of Chlcolo a I member of thus Red Crow Society aiki for seven thoniand pounds for base I surgical instruments horses and wagons J Olebener formerly of Calves I IA I Texas now itrandea in Saxony went to South Africa in the capacity ayer and wai deported from Eait London lie assert be li ruined In health and 1 fortune and wants to- ear n I thoniand pounds He rules hit cla botina letter to President McKinley with whom he says bo fought f in the Shenandoah Valley during th- stcirll of Croolyn who wai l warl Blomfouteln requires eight thousand pounds for thus tar of hit grocery and goods Anna Wedoklnd of Brooklyn t claims one hundred and thirtyfont pounds for deportation and lou of emI ployment In the capacity of cook Nine miners claim various inmi for deportation They were accused l of complicity In the plot against LordI j Roberta The chairman Mr Mil 1 I rata old he thought no could be made except for legal claimst something possibly might be given to olden ai an act of grace but the foreign office had laid sown the err q clpte that tht military authorities h- It ° power to expel anyone hostile or In convenient MISSIONARY CAMPAIGN INTERESTING SERVICES AT TilE METHODIST CHURCHES IN DEIIALF OF TilE churches The CAUSEI and Third on yesterday were ordinaryn It wai an able presentation of the great inbjept of Missions by three visiting ministers all young men bill men of power and tore In the Memphis con tutor Rev O A Warterfleld of Lexington Tenu has preached here before and I Is a classical and Anlibed orator brilliant and sparkling I i Rev H O Johnson of Memphis conducted a revival at Third street Method st church some yeas ago and Is preacher of ability and power Rev J J Thorns of Greenfield Tea a I t rotjIho1gblfl1lot cry Instead of one sermon from one speaker ilprlng Iho l hour the sat dept was dlrlded Into three tart 1 A Foreitatement of Mhuions t I Tire Prlnclplei of Mlnfous S A Practical Application of Mluloni and each speaker considered one of tb subjects varying the order at each ser vice It is impossible to give a resume of the sermons for there were nine of them and they were molten In pur ra I If the awaken wen advliing ex pantlon they won practicing cot traction and hail their great subjert j well In hand It was a thongntfnl I forceful and powerful presentation of the cause by young men on fire with enthnilasm The Ida of this cam thusU got Mlssjopary Conference New Orleans last spring 4 11 these mlnlsten were there used they determined to carry the Inspiration received I throughout Ibelr conference Presiding Elder Johntton who ll also chairmen of the board of mission of the Memphis ton ference arranged tot a ten days cam paign throughout ills district with them to preach and sing They bave spoken at various stations and eats roll holding throe services a day and bate peen most hospitably reo ato tending many following hem from piccolo place and bountiful dinnersi being served on the ground The lure services were heard bore with much Interest pleasure and profit The trio are tine singers sad serer has more delightful mnslo been hard here than they furnished There f Is ao doubf but an interest In missions lai been created by their work her and I elsewhere The fact that three prrmotf yopng ministers sushi eav a their pleasant charges to Itbor in heat cud duet for ten days for loin of IboI cause decidedly I Impressed every one They go from here to Massao Lib erty Dardwell Wlckllffe and otberI places flllPINOJUDGE ADVIOB OJVEN TO THEMBY CIV iLOOylSRNDR TkpZ I IAtQ11a I States commission her left Manila on t In IU northern trip Civil Ouvernor Taft hai pddrcued a talks to tbs pew Justice urging that the routs l tie so coudnpted as to curate fI ftr1I t clemencyThe providing tot harbor Improvements has been signed and wolk will begin immediately The cost of the fop roromepp wilt amount o 11100000 I t 1- O u BOB NOAKES Prom Tuwdsrs dally a NOAKES DOES UP Chicago August 19RobeN- oakes one of the star wltueuei nj j the Ooebet trial who gave out a 1 long statement to morning papers from Cnnfordsvllle Ind has not been located hero He old be war guts to wed Miss Wilder of Williamsbur r Ky here today but neither bol- o been located Ills wits got a divorce fact May at Lexington Ky on ac I count of abandonment and he then said that he world bet carter tire In- I Canada STABBING IN GOTHAM New York August ILIn a fight here at toe Otisey Congressman Con roy a Democrat and Aldermen Nor too and Bowen of Boston were stabbed by delegates to the wall paper manufacturer convention who are unknown TALK OF A MUO Owlngirllle August 18Torre I e Is talk of mobbing A Bramble a farm ¬ er who li I charged with attemtplng tot assault thus four year old child of George Sexton of this county A poue ii hunting for him EMPRESS DOWAGERS FUNERAL Potsdam August 13The tone nl 1 of the empress dowager Frederick oc I curred with much pomp and the reo maim were laid to rest beside those of her husband INOTIIEU TRAIN HO13I1KRV ceDenver August I9A Minonri Kanus and Texas train wee held up at Cane 1 T and the baggage and ex ecru can looted ODd the usengen all robbed dDR LACKEYEXSERATEO Frankfort August lBStale In ipector tune has filed bit report ex ¬ onerating Assistant Phyilclna Lackey of the HopktniTllle asylum of th t charges preferred by Dr McOormlok The governor approve toe report by a i written Indorsement- IIUMAN LIFE PROLONGED One fact bronghtont by the Twelfth consul la of more pnctlcal Importance I than oil the rest put together It Is that within the loot ten years the av erage term of life enjoyed by a cltlxen of the United States bat Increased per ceptibly the death nte having de¬ creased one and onehalf per ennui for every lOOj of population This decrease li due malady to tbo circumstance that tower people die of typhoid fever consumption scarlet fe rear dlptherla croup troubles of the nervous avitem and diarrhoea com- a ¬ plaints Medical knowledge cf meant for combatting diptherla and croup has Improved to loch an extent that thus mortality from these diseases baa been reduced 1 onehalf On tho other band certain diseases have killed oft a greater Hampe- rs of people In tho lad decade than pro I r vlonsly and among these cancer Brlghts discqse heart disease dropsy and pqenmonla are completions It I e U more thin inspected that the nse of al I cohol has muph to do with the era 1 I tlpllcatlon of troubles of these kinds our national drink bill having aver aged over seventeen and one h1 gal I I loollr capita each vi or since the crn I ins of 1890 Pr George M Relict professor ol f Hygiene In Georgetown Unlvenlty D 0 calla attention to the tart that In three hundred year the average length of bunan life bat been doobled In the sixteenth oratory It was be ¬ tween 18 and 20 years at the close of the eighteenth It was a little over SO yen and today It Is over JO yean Indeed the span of life San been lengthened abopf ill yean ulna J880 thanks to modern seal ta lion and medical dlaconrlftI I Doctor Kober beUeiei that no two I factors Dare contributed so moth to the lengthening of human life as the I Improvement of the air we breathe and of the water we drink Indeed I we have ample evidence that with the Introduction of oxen and public I water supplies the mortality of large I f allies In the last torryyeanl hat been reduced folly aat lraltEChanga CROrSGENrn ALLY DAMAGED I I- I- REPORT OF TilE AGRICULTUR AL BUREAU AT WASH INGTON Iagricullllre I I I spring wheel 608 j oall1381 barley 8B9 i spring rye 8SC buckwheat 011 i potatoes CaS timothy hay i 811 I Tho condition of tobacco durj i j pug July was unfavorable In Ken I lucky It declined twentyfive points I The prospecti for the apple trop are poor while sugar cane I I within a a Ialancocco I l y nay known year Is hat mad by tomatoes which were selling a year ago for twpnlyttre used thirty cents A i I bushel while today they are bringing J 1 a bushel Ilpn e I A MAYlJELD FAIR lea I The Mnrficld Messenger state l bet- a 1 gentleman will be there In a day or I I two to arrange for an Industrial sari U street slay and the prospects are that A ou will barren this tell In the insp tropolliu Graves of i STILL AT LARGE Marshal McNutt Returns From Kuttawa Empty Handed At lilt Account Two Mtn on i Boil Hid Seen the rtrugltlee rom Tuesdays story JooB not yet been captured Marshal McNntt of Mayfleld went to Knttawa Jerk ¬ day with a cine M to Tumbling whereabouts and returned loot even Ing saying that t two young ruin had arrived In Knltawa on a steamboat with the Information to hU place of hiding They said that they were well ao qnalnted with Tnmblln and hail wen him that day 1 They furthermore stated that they knew where he stayed night before loot sad did not think he lad yet left the place A potty of men accompanied the f fn formanti but nothing hai been heard from them M far There are many different kaof afloat about the fugitive and he w nee one time located near Dyctubnrjf The poue could not find hint al though the swamp where he was sup posed to have been were thoroughly searched It la very prohnbla 1 that Tnmblln will not bo takes stirs un I leu caught unaware aa he U nn donbteilly a desperate urea and know what awaits him If raptorm WON IN A WALK rom Monday dally State Senator Mo D Ferguson u nominated by the Democrats at Bard well Saturday night at the sector lad convention to name a candidate t- e orb senator from the counties of McCnck en Marshall Carlisle and Ballard The convention was one of the warm eat ever held In this end of the state and some of those present claim I It woo almost u hot as the mnslo hal convention Senator Ferguson went Into th e convention with only 85 votes ant could not control the organization Attorney Jams B Ray of the city xu elected chairman over Attorney John G Lovett of Bentoa Thli wu a victory for tie antiFerguson force After supper the convention got cows to L ctloae but little head way was mad nntll Attorney Mike Oliver of Denton moved that Sex color Ferguson boaominatetl by accla mation This was a great surprise and meant simply that Shemwell was to be sacrificed In order to elect Fer guson It became evident that neither Bbemwell Dane nor Davis could be nominated and It bad been circulated that thl Sheinwell men hail 1 made 1 I overtures to McGrecry to tOt money to defeat Ferguson and put In an anti Wheeler man and this notion on 1 of tea Marshall county delegation I prlnclpaUI I y could vastly love been given the non I ination but the adherents of the t- I 0 ° candidates played their favot te too strongly and were all pour for ILe man and concluded to give II to Ve gown rather than to an outsider After this determination became evident there was little delay In nom mating Senator Ferguson for reelec tine ha receiving the total voU of IDs convention 82 Daring the organisation then was eau fight two men from Sisals liaving a fisticuff la the ball 1be warp tuts urea to the polls two and fined I 5 and costs eacbI lam of the Marshall county dele gates an saId to have bolted their ln > sfrgttlons la tie rpoballooI I The Fergwoa delegation while l ost out on orgy W tkp defeated IbeI I move to require a tbreefoqrlhi rot to nominate Alter Attorney Olivers motion withdrawing Shemwell the manage n or tie other two candidates Dance and Davis also withdrew 11ss names pf their candidates and Ferguson s twas slated wee nominated by accllma IAQ The fight WM hot ntll the 01I vnentscf Ferguson cow that the were beaten FLOATER FOUND- s YOUNG MAN PICKS UP ONE IN TilE RIVER NEAR OGDENS LANDINg Is Mr Oo Holt of Ogden Landing was In the pity tut qjght sad In formal V ut lAOfIIU bet Bsfnnlav tie I gonad a hater In the river against a lancilngI as wag In an np lie right position his heal hail been crnihed la two pleat and there wai ballet hole In lab cbILe of t Hp appeared to lap shoot tbirtyflv clend ear old pearly six fat tellred hair i dark trousers and nq oat or nilco Nothing bill a pocket knife and a pair of dlpe was frond In late possess be J aullhe remains were burled alter Inqqeit CUBA IS BEING ANNEXED Ib nt Henry Watterson Jrt will married Tbariday morning I of ugust IS at high noon In Philadel to Blgnorlta Blanca Oneanora I CIenf Kos O- abajthL ling ilafiilEfingerand Undertakers r- qg and EmhlMs Store Phone 126 Residence Pbko 153 130 Sa Third St EDITORAL NOTES Gomel and Palma fell onto the hands of the American newspaper re porters and have been busy ever since explaining that they didnt say IL Wlckllffe I Is agog over the prospect oil but It is difficult to conceive of how a sane person could upset to strike anything but ripe water so near CairoI I If the Democrats ever hold another mmslo ball convention they ought to Invito Chairman Joe Potter to pre side lilt rulings on contest are cap cially Ingenious Fergusonlim ODd Qonbellsui ueaof synonymous yet some of the paper that are now holding up Ferguson this tlmelast year were pulling down Poebellsm That ls consistency- Dr McCormick seeing to have got ten the wont of the deal In the asylum scandal He went up against It good and strong The exoneration of the othen and his own discharge leave him In a bad light A Denver man often himself aa abject to prove or disprove Dr Roods claim that tuberculoses cannot contracted by human beings lhrong4aalmbprorWadaavanit T le I guaranteed his family The family ought to properly appreciate lab not often rf selfeffacement Perhaps the tNt would terminate In allround sat t> isfaction All the Democrats la Paducah and McCracken county want to hold office tecansa they think U wilt be a be nevolent concession to their fellow men They du not care for the salary They want to bold office just for their health Men of otter political parties an pie hunters It Is a great ODd glorious thing to bo able to serve your country gratuitously like the patriotic Democrats There sacra to have been a sudden Increase in the puce of building side ¬ walks The council rejected bids for building two bloke on one street p be cause the lowest bid wa eleven centq a foot mon then a corresponding dis woo on another street a block away where then was muse excavating to do Is it possible that the new unit ante requiring all dnln pIpe to be replaced by the contractor caused such a nlseT IiiIf lag had Its slay M a canuplgn cry ha been UU on the shelf In Alabama I naVlrglala sal Maryland and the oecup1r the gaga stand for a spell declares aIr a Impeder al hypocrisy about the average political 1 campaign and the poly of It all I li that the people know and recognise Ibis yet seem to approve It bream the party Indorses It some of the Democratic nominees l for county office who Imagine they tote a al t mn I 1 In the Democratic party and the Indica tins are that the breach will widen Betide Democrat h tve been known to scratch Ie ticket They get to- I bat fighting each other they forget I there li anyone else to fight but Re Ihele r r ballot paver forget the common ene ¬ my and they will be on the spot In November Coin Harvey neednt worry star I who caused Mr Bryan defeat It I tho people pot Senator Jones The fallacies jiromulgated by Mr Dry and still adhered to by many of r yelpsT td allf man no matter ihQ might hare managed his campaign The people are with the party that successfully every problem that hu cop fronted the nation for the post half century and today stands for all that J essential to good government ondII the peace anal happnei of rear sev enty mUIOR souls Hoa Olla Jamcl who U patiently waiting la succeed Congressman J Wheeler U a man of giant intellect evidenced by the doe of his shoe male a speech In the lUrdwell convention Saturday and In wbooplu np gore tile crowd this evidence 1Do t 1 othes now fit better than Republi Itp bocause the Republican TayIlor was In Indiana A coliI grculoual punster like that ought to a credit to say elite I And a pan so elsvatlngly witty and so grammati cally perfect ought to have met a bet- ter tate It should have tau soil toI Puck or put In the colored mpplement our Sunday papers It I la ainoilug to see how tha lyco phantlo press of the district Is truck to State Senator Ferguson Since POSITIVELY I A THELASTDAY OF THE Bazaar Fire Sale Everything must go prices no object Saturday positively the last day A FEW OF OUR MANY EXTRAORDINARY IHKGAINS Gents proChildrens 5 J3Catlcelll sJx I Infants knit bootees reduced from 25 to 2e pair Ladits pompadour hair rolls reduced from 25 to 5c All our tlre Inlaid fancy hair combs reduced to 5c 150All J 36 t Positively the last day The opportunity of a lifetime e- r BAZAAR FIRE SALE 426 Broadway Opposite Palmer House ha was nominated they are toadying to him with an obsrqloniuesi that Is disgusting A year ago ho was 00 the detettabto I torbel poop Now het I a paragon of stairs uanihlp and a shlnlrK example ol unequalled vtitno If Senator 1Vr frown has Improved any IloCo he wee so actively engaged lu work fur tin gang at Fnnkfort and III It hat n formed In any way there Is no Nv i lens of it II is the same I he we- e then stands for the same sal wonld doabtlea be willing to get up another- a 1100000 reward fund bin Thru rune papers delight to prat olxmt their consistency and ollwr pro pies Inconsistency Aa editor out west who Is aa ob sowing cuss speak of tho din walls laas follows The girl who Indulges In the dlisy waltx will beau with Interest that the heals of Washington ant Nw York society have deoiiiMl that lilting out a welts next winter wilt be lane ash lonaLla than dinclng the only differ rode Is you sit Instead of dauee The mans right arm li I around the glrli wail while his lift head bold bar right Land Her left head la 1 pUeed 1 lovingly on his ihouUler and all you have to do I t to sit and listen to the music Now thats like It It li a nuisance to gallop a mile or two Ai room Lull of people sitting around on sofas bugging to muilo fs I more to our notion We never dace the olds walla because our feet tangle up and we an liable to pie our form we can learn tba new TlulcI trouble and are ready 1 to toke 4 OIHco floors all donNee- FLOOD DAMAGEi BRIDGES ARE PAllTIALLY STROYED AN1J TUG liEI I ARK ROARING TOnI RENTS Prom Tueulaya dally Bristol Too Angnit I It S Six bents of the out sal l of the Sonthem nilrpnd temporsry brblira over Ibi Wstaoga river were washed away hv tire blgh water In that stream TraOlc Is ioiittn leil Yen henry mina lave been falling In upper Eat Tennessee since Fn nlaj and alt stream an iwollen The Virginia and Southwestern railroad Item temporary bridge at Riles bethtown was washed fifteen Inches i out of place It may be saved Water from the Watanga and Doe siren is flooding houses adjacent to the streams at Ellzabethtqwn These two temporsry bridges wen erected after iteel structures haul been washed away by the big May lush Tire then are now about half as high u then TO SIGHT THEM J TEXAS LEGISLATURE WANTS TO SEE WHATS IN Till TREASURY Austin Tex August 11Thel state treasury waa cloned yesterday byI t order of status IcgliUtme and a oem mil 1M Is counting Iho I money In the treasury Thl action I U one ofi tue 101 client caused by the failure of the First National bank of Austin where state fund were on deposit NEW COMMISSIONER N w1DEIINUEIM LAND ASYLUM BOARD Mr Nathan M Url o Louisville hai been appointed commissioner ofi the Lakeland asylum by Governor Beckhain to succeed Mr L W Bern Kelm who resigned Ho has been notified of bu appoltunicnt and her accepted Mr Url It a widely known businessman Holla I candidate for alderman t In Louisville on the DelOl I I ocratlo ticket and formerly resldod In ucahI I It seems to be taking the city coon oil along time to find out whither Fan iI CIIOglhi I lie tiny what a beautiful creatnnl ride Sir I How dire real lie Kxinx me madam t referred 1 edt to the dog Uar usef I Whats the matter with Well rev gee be alien rovrlii up an bells a Ieledl er fortune tolled dune I blm1I I to Uronlug IK I prnMtnt JvurnaL ntl some day IIrurlleularkbl I J I 1 saw I wouldnt part wit dli frr no ronildentlon cept maybe peanut or 2 cent or somelbln datNw York Evening Journal dorcJ U WIet I Do 1Oroll I Indians with Tout Hobble eying him criticallyImr- nkl I you wont do- CrendpaWhy nott Hobble Well you see youv been Icnlhtd l already The present population of Ham burg Is 706000 j

In- I WM- IIn Bazaar Sale JooB and EmhlMs urlr · HOBSONS LATEST Ho Becomes a Prisoner In the Eddjville Penitentiary ror a Breach of Hoipllilily Hi WM-PimMied Bj Warden Smith rum

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Ho Becomes a Prisoner In the

Eddjville Penitentiary

ror a Breach of Hoipllilily Hi WM-

PimMied Bj Warden


rum Tuesdays dally

Circuit Clerk II It Ilobaoni lateit

fanny itory li on blnuelf He telli

It with a relish awl1 begins by laying I

that It may hot ta R11 knownI

thai he bai bent In the penitentiary

Dot lu1IOO he solemnly de

clams I was-

ills term wee shod however onlyI r

one night and It wee for a breach ofr

hospitality It happened that he

went op on the Illlnoli Oenlril tripto the Kuttawa plcnlo Jut week sadI

Insteadl pf gettlug oft att Knttawa with

the plcnlcken went through to Eddy

Tllle where he knew he could find

wivenl old crafty and Indulge In agoal oM talk about fox hunting a

tOllo of which he never tlreL lie-

u urtfxl by Warden Smith to re

main throaghrnt the night end go fox

chasing tie following dayNo replied Cat Hobson I

shell hare to lifeline your kind offer

fur I have always hal a horror ofsleeping within the walls of apcnltentlary and am too old to hare the ex

jcrlcnc now-

Warden Smith quietly called a

guard orderedhls genteel guest im ¬

moral and In a few momenta be waiin durance vile with no hopo of eurap And in the penitentiary he hadI

to slap with the warden coil otheriand found that he got ai good a

nitbti rest U if be bad been a free

manIn the morning be war given a

good breakfast and enjoyed nit fifemile chue all the more for the nlghtiexperience






New BrnpswIcV N J August IS

Joho Fox of Mllltown near this

city has reached the conclusion thatIa man can get along jOlt ai welt with ¬

out atoll as with them If be will bntt

mike up fall mind to doo Fox laisI

the mall carrier at Mllltown a pool

lion which he has held duce he loatItt

lab amis in a mill accident thirtytwoyears ago lie has a book IeateneI

to the clomp of each arm and withthese he can do more than many men

who tiara the use of their arms andI

handsFox IU the champion fisherman ofI

Milliovru He call hall his own bookIand till his line lie OlD reel InIany flsli that Inhabits MlIl4wl1Iwaters When asked If he had anytrouble taking a fish off the hook heIreplied that It wee trot trait u mocbItrouble as getting him on Fox clhoIcultivates a small patch of groans IIjoking trig house He can drive alioree t° the plow holding the plow 1In

position with a rope thrown over bisshoulders cud guiding the rein by thebook arms lie Is also an accurateshot being able to bring a bird orrabbit down with a shot gun Ue culaI

f Ills own supply of firewood with aliucksaw

Fox IsI city an accomplished mechanic He bas constructed withoutold a largo elder press He out 0111It

every part bored the holes for IbeIbolt alid titled the various pert-gatherwltlmut

toIthe local difficulty

He Is now 73 yeah of geII

r Speaking of bow he get along IheIold mao said Anybody can getalong without his arms If be baa ta I

Every tune I row lIb or hunt orplow I oral a better way to do It andIt continually grows easier to getnlong




Washing gndR Specula

lion hen been fIndulged In lately at theIInavy department as la whether Ade

0miral Sampson will be represented ytt1counselI tu the forthcoming Schleycourt of Inquiry and whether Judge

IAdvocate General Lemly will callIupon the government for legal assist

tnac la handling the cue IExaminaIon of the law In the premises elicitJthe fact that Admiral Sampson 1ll notentitled to legal representation at tbecbearing of the court From an official

view point Admiral Sampson doesInot figure In the inquiry at all I

It Is Improbable also that CaptainLemly judge advocate of the proponed

court of Inquiry will ask tire governmint for assistance la handling thecab




Mrs O Grelf of the city wucalled to MayJeld yesterday by the IIserious illness ol her father Mr JoeCloys who waa prostrated by tartcoiIe wee In a serious rendition but attail accounts wee believed to be out ofilauger






r1S 1NO


From Tnetoaya delay

Plttsbnrg Augnst 19There IIs

practically no ohaoge la the strike situatloo today but the strikers claimthat they bare made gala at MoKeesport and Wheeling

There doe not seem taj any donbut that the silken are disappointed1

and dlsoonnged to some extent at

orgolza1tlooneeded even at this early stage of theIfight and a direct appeal is made forurlrI

association had a large land availablefor strike Strike benefits an nofdalpaid during the month of August Theadministrative cost of the strike IIs aj1Iparently not large

To be haul np at this Initialstage of the fight lIs a weakness xbl thlotwas not expected area by the UnitedStates Steel Corporation In his appetal to thus taigas President Shaftsuggests that the loot newspapenemployed In railing funds by popnUrsubscription The secret circular also

recommends that every possible meatbe ntlltxed to make popular

17mlllllbIfor the striker It advises i

totem be uteri to discus the subject


The decision not to strike by theAmalagmated men at Milwaukee ODd

Chicago cause the doped hnmlllalion sad chagrin among tire oldtlmeriatbeulgusetetahere

Tire plain rowan the National TnboMill of the National Tube companyIs working at MoKeeiporttttbla morning li the thrust of removal of theplant from the city It the men desertIt The mill la an old and obsoleteonus It soon must be remodeled Itwould be almost as cheap to rebuildelsewhere The workmen feel that lthetrait would not hesitate to niche thismove If the men stay out Al a mat-

ter of tact the tube mills proper willlclose soon for lack of raw materialThe closing down of the ikelpmitts which furnish the materialfor the making of tubes wilt cause ashut down of the McKeesport tubeworks within a few iUyt whetherthere Is a strike or not

Thetadloalsentiment in the trustI In taros of dealing unionismhard a blow u possible This sentltmeat world like to we unionismcrushed in the Iron steel sad tin

1lorries To follow this policy wontbe to open the sheet tin suit hoopplant as nonunion plots eventhough the men now on strike areready to return Furthermore itwould be required that the Oleo as In

dividual would ilgn agreement tonot become union men while in theemploy of the company The unionwould pot be recognized In makingthe sale or la shop discipline Theconservative men Insist hat inchhanb testy wilt prolong the strikeeven though the conservative memben of the association try to sad ItThey say furthermore that map relentlessly repressive measure are innto bring their own pnnlihemnt In thewry of Inimical legislation eta Thecompromlilng element of the associalion air that if the steel corporationwill lAke book n organization inchmen in the sheet tin and hoop department u are now out the strikewill quickly end It III not believedthat the steel combine care verymuch for the danger of aroused publicsentiment ant unfriendly legislationwhich might follow tem sal harshrepressive measures but tha directorsare very anxious to start the willend are more apt to make concarilontthan they would If the output wasnot so badly needed





Washington ArgunlLThe statedepartment bas received a cablegramfrom Mr Rocxhlll at Pekln report ¬

tag that the draft of the final portcol baa been arced upon A tariff of

per cent ad valorem effective willI

ie put In force two months after theslgulngof the final protocol exceptlog CD goods shipped within ten daysafter signing and will continue antic I

he conversion to ipeelfio ratee Ices

effected by the expert commie ¬

dos The Chinese free Ilist wilt >larice foreign a1IJIlr and flour

gold and direr bullion awl colaThis inclusion of flour In tire trot listII of much Importance particularlyto PaolOo coast shippers +




Mayor Lang this niornlng received anotice that the nternatlonal loadRoads coo rent Ion wlliii moct atBuffalo N Yran September Id ta

I and asks him to appoint delegates

Thegood roads work alt over theuntry Dees been very gratifying

and about twenty miles of unapt

10Roadilulppl Tenneisee Kentucky andIllinois Mayor Lang has not yuf 1pointed delegated sal if be does IItwill lad merely a formality u no usewill probably go It



Injuries Alleged to Have Been In-



In South Africa

The Brush Commlitlonen Do Not Seem

to Be IIn Any Humor to Consider


tKroin Tuiidaya dallyIILondoo Angnit 19At yestcr

jAfrlcaojCroneclaimants submitted tho American


Dr A F Conroy of Chlcolo aI member of thus Red Crow Society aikifor seven thoniand pounds for base I

surgical instruments horses andwagons

J Olebener formerly of CalvesIIAI Texas now itrandea in Saxonywent to South Africa in the capacity

ayer and wai deported fromEait London lie assert be li ruinedIn health and1 fortune and wants to-


nI thoniand pounds He rules hit cla

botina letter to President McKinleywith whom he says bo fought fin

the Shenandoah Valley during th-

stcirllof Croolyn who wai

lwarl Blomfouteln requireseight thousand pounds for thus tar ofhit grocery and goods

Anna Wedoklnd of Brooklynt

claims one hundred and thirtyfontpounds for deportation and lou of emI

ployment In the capacity of cook

Nine miners claim various inmi fordeportation They were accused l of

complicity In the plot against LordIj

Roberta The chairman Mr Mil1I

rata old he thought nocould be made except for legal claimstsomething possibly might be given t o

olden ai an act of grace but theforeign office had laid sown the errqclpte that tht military authorities h-


power to expel anyone hostile or In





churchesThe CAUSEI

and Third on yesterday wereordinaryn Itwai an able presentation of the greatinbjept of Missions by three visitingministers all young men bill men ofpower and tore In the Memphis con

tutor Rev O A Warterfleld ofLexington Tenu has preached herebefore and IIs a classical and Anlibedorator brilliant and sparklingI i RevH O Johnson of Memphis conducteda revival at Third street Method stchurch some yeas ago and Is

preacher of ability and power RevJ J Thorns of Greenfield Teaa

I trotjIho1gblfl1lotcry Instead of one sermon fromone speaker ilprlng Ihol hour the satdept was dlrlded Into three tart1 A Foreitatement of Mhuions tI

Tire Prlnclplei of Mlnfous S APractical Application of Mluloniand each speaker considered one of tbsubjects varying the order at each service It is impossible to give a resumeof the sermons for there were nine of

them and they were molten In purra IIf the awaken wen advliing ex

pantlon they won practicing cottraction and hail their great subjertjwell In hand It was a thongntfnlI

forceful and powerful presentation ofthe cause by young men on fire withenthnilasm The Ida of this camthusU gotMlssjopary Conference New Orleanslast spring 4 11 these mlnlsten werethere used they determined to carrythe Inspiration received IthroughoutIbelr conference Presiding ElderJohntton who ll also chairmen of theboard of mission of the Memphis tonference arranged tot a ten days cam

paign throughout ills district withthem to preach and sing They bavespoken at various stations and eats

roll holding throe services a dayand bate peen most hospitably reoatotending many following hem frompiccolo place and bountiful dinnersi

being served on the ground Thelure services were heard bore withmuch Interest pleasure and profitThe trio are tine singers sad serer hasmore delightful mnslo been hardhere than they furnished There fIsao doubf but an interest In missions

lai been created by their work herandI elsewhere The fact that threeprrmotf yopng ministers sushi eav a

their pleasant charges to Itbor in heatcud duet for ten days for loin of IboIcause decidedlyI Impressed every one

They go from here to Massao Liberty Dardwell Wlckllffe and otberIplaces



States commission her left Manila on tInIU northern trip

Civil Ouvernor Taft hai pddrcued atalks to tbs pew Justice urging thatthe routs ltie so coudnpted as to curate fIftr1It

clemencyTheproviding tot harbor

Improvements has been signed andwolk will begin immediately Thecost of the fop roromepp wilt amounto 11100000 I t




Prom Tuwdsrs dally aNOAKES DOES UP

Chicago August 19RobeN-oakes one of the star wltueuei njjthe Ooebet trial who gave out a 1longstatement to morning papers fromCnnfordsvllle Ind has not beenlocated hero He old be war gutsto wed Miss Wilder of Williamsbur r

Ky here today but neither bol-o been located Ills wits got a divorce

fact May at Lexington Ky on acI

count of abandonment and he thensaid that he world bet carter tire In-

I Canada


New York August ILIn a fighthere at toe Otisey Congressman Conroy a Democrat and Aldermen Nortoo and Bowen of Boston werestabbed by delegates to the wall papermanufacturer convention who areunknown


Owlngirllle August 18Torre I


talk of mobbing A Bramble a farm ¬

er who liI charged with attemtplng totassault thus four year old child ofGeorge Sexton of this county Apoue ii hunting for him

EMPRESS DOWAGERS FUNERALPotsdam August 13The tonenl1

of the empress dowager Frederick ocIcurred with much pomp and the reo

maim were laid to rest beside those ofher husband


ceDenver August I9A MinonriKanus and Texas train wee held up atCane 1 T and the baggage and ex

ecru can looted ODd the usengenall robbed


Frankfort August lBStale Inipector tune has filed bit report ex ¬

onerating Assistant Phyilclna Lackeyof the HopktniTllle asylum of th tcharges preferred by Dr McOormlok

The governor approve toe report by

ai written Indorsement-

IIUMAN LIFE PROLONGEDOne fact bronghtont by the Twelfth

consul la of more pnctlcal Importance I

than oil the rest put together It Is

that within the loot ten years the average term of life enjoyed by a cltlxenof the United States bat Increased perceptibly the death nte having de¬

creased one and onehalf per ennuifor every lOOj of population

This decrease li due malady to tbocircumstance that tower people die oftyphoid fever consumption scarlet ferear dlptherla croup troubles of thenervous avitem and diarrhoea com-

plaints Medical knowledge cf meantfor combatting diptherla and crouphas Improved to loch an extent thatthus mortality from these diseases baabeen reduced1 onehalf

On tho other band certain diseases

have killed oft a greater Hampe-rs

ofpeople In tho lad decade than proIr

vlonsly and among these cancerBrlghts discqse heart disease dropsyand pqenmonla are completions It I


more thin inspected that the nse of alIcohol has muph to do with the era 1I

tlpllcatlon of troubles of these kindsour national drink bill having averaged over seventeen and one h1 galII

loollr capita each vi or since the crnI

ins of 1890

Pr George M Relict professor olfHygiene In Georgetown UnlvenltyD 0 calla attention to the tart thatIn three hundred year the averagelength of bunan life bat been doobled

In the sixteenth oratory It was be ¬

tween 18 and 20 years at the close

of the eighteenth It was a little overSO yen and today It Is over JO

yean Indeed the span of life Sanbeen lengthened abopf ill yeanulna J880 thanks to modern seal talion and medical dlaconrlftII

Doctor Kober beUeiei that no two I

factors Dare contributed so moth tothe lengthening of human life as the I

Improvement of the air we breatheand of the water we drink Indeed I

we have ample evidence that withthe Introduction of oxen and publicI

water supplies the mortality of large Ifallies In the last torryyeanlhat been

reduced folly aat lraltEChanga




IagricullllreI I


spring wheel 608 j oall1381 barley8B9 i spring rye 8SC buckwheat011 i potatoes CaS timothy hay i811I Tho condition of tobacco durjijpug July was unfavorable In Ken I

lucky It declined twentyfive points I

The prospecti for the apple trop arepoor while sugar cane II within a a

Ialancocco Il y

nay known year Is hat mad bytomatoes which were selling a yearago for twpnlyttre used thirty cents A


bushel while today they are bringing J1 a bushel Ilpn

e I


The Mnrficld Messenger state l bet-


gentleman will be there In a day or II

two to arrange for an Industrial sari Ustreet slay and the prospects are that Aou will barren this tell In the insptropolliu Graves of



Marshal McNutt Returns From

Kuttawa Empty Handed

At lilt Account Two Mtn on iBoil Hid Seen the

rtrugltleerom Tuesdays story

JooBnotyet been captured Marshal McNnttof Mayfleld went to Knttawa Jerk ¬

day with a cine M to Tumblingwhereabouts and returned loot evenIng saying thatt two young ruin hadarrived In Knltawa on a steamboatwith the Information to hU place ofhiding

They said that they were well aoqnalnted with Tnmblln and hail wenhim that day1 They furthermorestated that they knew where h e

stayed night before loot sad did notthink he lad yet left the place A

potty of men accompanied the ffn

formanti but nothing hai been heardfrom them M far

There are many different kaofafloat about the fugitive and he w nee

one time located near DyctubnrjfThe poue could not find hint although the swamp where he was supposed to have been were thoroughlysearched It la very prohnbla 1thatTnmblln will not bo takes stirs un

I leu caught unaware aa he U nndonbteilly a desperate urea andknow what awaits him If raptorm


rom Monday dallyState Senator Mo D Fergusonu

nominated by the Democrats at Bardwell Saturday night at the sector lad

convention to name a candidate t-


orbsenator from the counties of McCncken Marshall Carlisle and BallardThe convention was one of the warmeat ever held In this end of the stateand some of those present claim IItwoo almost u hot as the mnslo halconvention

Senator Ferguson went Into the

convention with only 85 votes antcould not control the organization

Attorney Jams B Ray of the cityxu elected chairman over AttorneyJohn G Lovett of Bentoa Thliwu a victory for tie antiFergusonforce After supper the conventiongot cows to L ctloae but little head

way was mad nntll Attorney Mike

Oliver of Denton moved that SexI ¬

color Ferguson boaominatetl by acclamation This was a great surpriseand meant simply that Shemwell was

to be sacrificed In order to elect Ferguson

It became evident that neitherBbemwell Dane nor Davis could be

nominated and It bad been circulatedthat thl Sheinwell men hail1 made1

I overtures to McGrecry to tOt money

to defeat Ferguson and put In an antiWheeler man and this notion on 1

of tea Marshall county delegation I

prlnclpaUII y

could vastly love been given the nonI

ination but the adherents of the t-


candidates played their favot te too

strongly and were all pour for ILe

man and concluded to give II to Ve

gown rather than to an outsiderAfter this determination became

evident there was little delay In nommating Senator Ferguson for reelectine ha receiving the total voU of

IDs convention 82Daring the organisation then was

eau fight two men from Sisalsliaving a fisticuff la the ball 1bewarp tuts urea to the polls twoand fined I 5 and costs eacbI

lam of the Marshall county delegates an saId to have bolted their ln >

sfrgttlons la tie rpoballooII

The Fergwoa delegation while lost out on orgy W tkp defeated IbeII

move to require a tbreefoqrlhi rotto nominate

Alter Attorney Olivers motionwithdrawing Shemwell the manage nor tie other two candidates Dance

and Davis also withdrew 11ss namespf their candidates and Ferguson stwasslated wee nominated by accllma

IAQ The fight WM hot ntll the 01Ivnentscf Ferguson cow that the

were beaten




Mr Oo Holt of Ogden Landingwas In the pity tut qjght sad Informal V ut lAOfIIU bet Bsfnnlav tie I

gonad a hater In the river against a

lancilngI aswag In an nplieright position his heal hail been

crnihed la two pleat and there waiballet hole In lab cbILeoftHp appeared to lap shoot tbirtyflv

clendear old pearly six fat tellred hair i

dark trousers and nq oat ornilcoNothing bill a pocket knife and a

pair of dlpe was frond In late possessbe


aullhe remains were burled alterInqqeit


Ib nt Henry Watterson Jrt willmarried Tbariday morning I of

ugust IS at high noon In Philadelto Blgnorlta Blanca Oneanora I

CIenf Kos O-





qgand EmhlMsStore Phone 126

Residence Pbko 153

130 Sa Third St


Gomel and Palma fell onto thehands of the American newspaper reporters and have been busy ever sinceexplaining that they didnt say IL

Wlckllffe IIs agog over the prospectoil but It is difficult to conceive of

how a sane person could upset tostrike anything but ripe water so near

CairoII If the Democrats ever hold anothermmslo ball convention they ought toInvito Chairman Joe Potter to preside lilt rulings on contest are capcially Ingenious

Fergusonlim ODd Qonbellsui ueaofsynonymous yet some of the paperthat are now holding up Fergusonthis tlmelast year were pulling downPoebellsm That ls consistency-

Dr McCormick seeing to have gotten the wont of the deal In the asylumscandal He went up against It goodand strong The exoneration of theothen and his own discharge leavehim In a bad light

A Denver man often himself aaabject to prove or disprove DrRoods claim that tuberculoses cannot

contracted by human beings

lhrong4aalmbprorWadaavanit T

leI guaranteed his family The familyought to properly appreciate lab notoften rf selfeffacement Perhaps thetNt would terminate In allround satt>isfaction

All the Democrats la Paducah andMcCracken county want to hold officetecansa they think U wilt be a benevolent concession to their fellowmen They du not care for the salaryThey want to bold office just for theirhealth Men of otter political partiesan pie hunters It Is a great ODd

glorious thing to bo able to serve yourcountry gratuitously like the patrioticDemocrats

There sacra to have been a suddenIncrease in the puce of building side ¬

walks The council rejected bids forbuilding two bloke on one street pbecause the lowest bid wa eleven centqa foot mon then a corresponding diswoo on another street a block awaywhere then was muse excavating todo Is it possible that the new unitante requiring all dnln pIpe to bereplaced by the contractor caused

such a nlseTIiiIflag had Its slay M a canuplgn cry habeen UU on the shelf In AlabamaI

naVlrglala sal Maryland and theoecup1rthe gaga stand for a spell declaresaIr aImpeder alhypocrisy about the average political1

campaign and the poly of It all Ilithat the people know and recogniseIbis yet seem to approve It breamthe party Indorses It

some of the Democratic nomineeslfor county office who Imagine theytote a

altmnI 1Inthe Democratic party and the Indicatins are that the breach will widenBetide Democrat h tve been knownto scratch Ie ticket They get to-

I bat fighting each other they forgetIthere li anyone else to fight but ReIhele rr

ballot paver forget the common ene ¬

my and they will be on the spot In

NovemberCoin Harvey neednt worry star I

who caused Mr Bryan defeat ItItho people pot Senator Jones

The fallacies jiromulgated by Mr Dry

and still adhered to by many ofryelpsT tdallf man no matter ihQ might haremanaged his campaign The people

are with the party that successfullyevery problem that hu cop

fronted the nation for the post halfcentury and today stands for all that J

essential to good government ondII

the peace anal happnei of rear sev

enty mUIOR souls

Hoa Olla Jamcl who U patientlywaiting la succeed Congressman J

Wheeler U a man of giant intellectevidenced by the doe of his shoe

male a speech In the lUrdwellconvention Saturday and In wbooplu

np gore tile crowd this evidence1Dot1

othes now fit better than RepubliItp bocause the Republican

TayIlor was In Indiana A coliIgrculoual punster like that ought to

a credit to say eliteI And a pan soelsvatlngly witty and so grammatically perfect ought to have met a bet-

ter tate It should have tau soil toIPuck or put In the colored mpplement

our Sunday papers

It Ila ainoilug to see how tha lycophantlo press of the district Is truck

to State Senator Ferguson Since



Bazaar Fire SaleEverything must go prices no object

Saturday positively the last dayA FEW OF OUR MANY EXTRAORDINARY IHKGAINS

GentsproChildrens 5J3CatlcelllsJxI

Infants knit bootees reduced from 25 to 2e pairLadits pompadour hair rolls reduced from 25 to 5cAll our tlre Inlaid fancy hair combs reduced to 5c150AllJ


Positively the last dayThe opportunity of a lifetime


BAZAAR FIRE SALE426 Broadway Opposite Palmer House

ha was nominated they are toadyingto him with an obsrqloniuesi that Is

disgusting A year ago ho was 00the detettabtoI torbel poop

Now hetI a paragon of stairsuanihlp and a shlnlrK example olunequalled vtitno If Senator 1Vr

frown has Improved any IloCo he wee

so actively engaged lu work fur tingang at Fnnkfort and IIIIIt hat nformed In any way there Is no Nv i

lens of it II is the same Ihe we-e then stands for the same sal wonld

doabtlea be willing to get up another-a 1100000 reward fund bin Thru

rune papers delight to prat olxmt

their consistency and ollwr propies Inconsistency

Aa editor out west who Is aa obsowing cuss speak of tho din walls

laas followsThe girl who Indulges In the dlisy

waltx will beau with Interest that theheals of Washington ant Nw Yorksociety have deoiiiMl that lilting outa welts next winter wilt be lane ashlonaLla than dinclng the only differrode Is you sit Instead of dauee Themans right arm liI around the glrliwail while his lift head bold barright Land Her left head la 1pUeed1

lovingly on his ihouUler and all youhave to do It to sit and listen to themusic Now thats like It It li anuisance to gallop a mile or two Airoom Lull of people sitting around onsofas bugging to muilo fsI more to ournotion We never dace the oldswalla because our feet tangle up andwe an liable to pie our formwe can learn tba new

TlulcItrouble and are ready1 to toke 4OIHco floors all donNee-




Prom Tueulaya dallyBristol Too Angnit IItS Six

bents of the out sall of the Sonthemnilrpnd temporsry brblira over IbiWstaoga river were washed away hvtire blgh water In that stream TraOlcIs ioiittn leil

Yen henry mina lave been fallingIn upper Eat Tennessee since Fn nlajand alt stream an iwollen TheVirginia and Southwestern railroadItem temporary bridge at Rilesbethtown was washed fifteen Inches i

out of place It may be saved Water

from the Watanga and Doe siren isflooding houses adjacent to the streamsat Ellzabethtqwn

These two temporsry bridges wenerected after iteel structures haul beenwashed away by the big May lushTire then are now about half as highu then




Austin Tex August 11Thelstate treasury waa cloned yesterday byI t

order of status IcgliUtme and a oem

mil 1M Is counting IhoI money In thetreasury Thl action IU one ofitue 101

client caused by the failure of theFirst National bank of Austin wherestate fund were on deposit




Mr Nathan M Url o Louisvillehai been appointed commissioner ofithe Lakeland asylum by GovernorBeckhain to succeed Mr L W BernKelm who resigned Ho has beennotified of bu appoltunicnt and heraccepted Mr Url It a widely knownbusinessman HollaI candidate foralderman tIn Louisville on the DelOl II

ocratlo ticket and formerly resldod InucahII

It seems to be taking the city coon

oil along time to find out whither Fan iI


lie tiny what a beautiful creatnnlride SirI How dire reallie Kxinx me madam t referred 1edt to the dog

Uar usefI

Whats the matter withWell rev gee be alien

rovrlii up an bells a Ieledler fortune tolled dune Iblm1IItoUronlug

IKI prnMtntJvurnaL


some day


J I1

saw I wouldnt part wit dlifrr no ronildentlon cept maybepeanut or 2 cent or somelblndatNw York Evening JournaldorcJ

U WIetI Do

1OrollIIndians with Tout

Hobble eying him criticallyImr-nklI you wont do-

CrendpaWhy nottHobble Well you see youv been

Icnlhtdl already

The present population of Hamburg Is 706000 j