- -**• •"•'• w, mmm sat v-rrr, ,7r. =- —a» * • »•• .**-*•• i *"*"•• -, ,_„,"*""" THE KVEWHG POST; NEW TORIUTflUBSPAY. OCTQBRR 13. 1853. IS 1*~~ INSURANCE. REPUBLIC *IKE INSURANCE CO.. It WALL STREET jft*m.B>r of Mutual Fire IasonaM C$.'$ With Cuh C»pit»L _ CHEAPNESS ^.SECURITY. C«4 Capital -~~„ - $15«,m •Ter - - - 113 FINANCIAL. ~ STOUT. CXEWS * JW03J. nVta. a nwasMSi Bed U *— *•*' *• •• . septl ;RBT»*Bd- .li+rse * HWI, ILL PABTIPB raraw *m THI* OOMPAST ^URCU'iTI 3 i.- ptvut waUwet lawru^Mf KAUW DI*_JLJEVS RECEIVE SO PER CENT. OF THE PROFIT* SOBEXT 8, H0V1, Pmident vnCK\ F C t r U T . fas—atari sadUaafcte llfl UfTwn.iia IOIK Cash a*v*ard a. *J5!j£3? 1- ** ***" * —"'"' "^L'^TrSiS asl*^ *•*•**• to stttw st to IMIIMMh FIRE LNSIRANCE COMPANY THE crrr of *EW TOBA O F F I C E ! • • . *M W A L L a T » E E T . OMkONtsai iiio.ooo, rm a. Til f a r I l a w n s Prvs+erty •* al Ma* aaaM lota »r it* Flra. antes o* D/ATAT* -7»'«i R*w W. TV—k A.Tsrva** M Tate ^*E_ El!" JAMES M. DRAKE A CO., 41 Willta*-, s&eet, avtreAaat*' RxxkaAJt, S T , In; an* ten stocks and Bead* oa Oonataoe. Make adv art o t t t a arcarRira, aad ai«« lakna aa depo ribs, oeIUa» JIUCS dV «.REE\LEVF, Bamker^ and Broker-., II*. &• EICHA.1GC PLACE, M.¥. STOCE8 aad BONDS rSovitbt aad deal cs OoaauiaioD. IMPORTERS' AND TRADERS' l>MKA\( E CO.. 1$. IH Will a n Itik $f fell...* loildii?. ! %W~ THTF COMT-\«rT I*BT~.s- All. El«trs8 OF PttOP i RETT. B O C S K Fl ajtrU'RA n u K I S . WARIH01SA5", ' MKECHAHtMMa, M i r * ASI) THI IK C l l C O U IX PORT. VMl a* , aeassaalt—a or tawaxa— by Fire, at ut reduced rata*, ALXuWUI*. THE BROEtAtltl TV TUB LVBCBO •rivHutat, J. riraaawuttl. Jr.. Wav » UMf. rtariaa B. Bl>. H«rj BJBrd., Crrm A L-alrrt. 2a¥, 'B£S aaaoa TCoai, JaaMa W. Scwtoa. Cbaa. T. Bi aim. ift*. w^TGS. e-^ssg^ uv\KI\I. .»»»ii K or J. T. fatal fJ-«€*T, !«•. 4 Broad «MI. aw door fraai Wall. SEW T 0 B « . OCTOBEK V. !«•• nC'.IT DB-\rra. la auj» «« aak. on BCWTOK. CHIC ISO. PHILAI»J."H:V cusvrLaNO. BALTIBWB*. HJLWACBIli. .ui.u prrROir PBTiiB^iL oo.. at !••«» Sfrref. S TERLI50 EXCHASOE BOL'f.HT AND SOLD, »w> fcr •*>». draftr oo ««<•» ft»<-m>d. Oam«» * CJ . \, . V MMt «.- -V * I.'-'. I. :: 1 '•" '' " ' *\** m f •" (%Kka, Baada dr.. Wa*d and rn.it. lahrre* aBojrad «a L>-fH*iU» andCTUTrolateoa.'.u. ' Vjl » w SEWELL, FEBJtIB ft CO., BcnjaaaaUird. Thorn. A, Wlkaart. Ceonr B diaian dtWrSBadwA aJWcal Tii— 1 1 f. Award. US. Laamica. BBIU P MA5LEBBB. Praa^at. NIAGARA FIRE LNSURANCE COMPANY, OT WALL BTBEET. Capital #200.000 00 AK«et*». Aug ». »««••• 321.133 11 Liabilities 13.700 OO TMJ Ciairaai mill - ' ' * v - ' — * ***** mA *^ m a t anal ratan la tha Aaw-41» laatranBar. J0N.1THA9 D. STEEL v •. nrroto, imw. L4»Xf-», »• WALL **TBlEET, 1EW VORK, »al-i» to Tr-aamr »«««• Baok ffctaa, Bl<-haB»r, .*»«ir, •ad W i n r a u add rtiaaillal Ir Bmrl'M-L CoUeettooi oua« ait mi aiitiiiM aa *3 aartaof UM L'oion aad OaaaU. BDHXKT itmaCU. O. H WIH«rO>i. T. H PIPJU& a LKWtH- ~W\ £. SEWtiOfJR, Real Estate Broker aad Auctioneer, a. u ••*•»« tc-Mt, tBoomSa.Sj St* TOLL LOANS NBGOTUTWX tot* n^lK\M» SCRIP. VH C. eiLBUN" * BOH. 1* MKRCHANT* EXCHAViiP, aa> aad aal ta* Betto *f all laa Uataal Mariae Inaaraoc* FINANCIAL. INSTRUCTION. BMEU>D fBM%LK l\-»Tiri IK. •PHE ANNUAL SESSION' OK TUIS POPULAR A analnarv for yt*mt todiea haa cmmwi,-"]. to aidttion tn ikv hla^rrBMflah araacaaa inTthftimto. eivecUl attra ti.o la a , a a u, a»iif francti aad aaiabas. Two room, ,re ' al Bbrrti. aad iu»> b- »rurp.l *i.»ifln« IBI.IKJ' U*I> K> C. f. HAKSriEUD. »»ack. oo tbr Hod».a, Sjw tartL A l i i i v r B E L 1 0 . \ T «V CO., BANKERS, jro. »a fr*«*LL STJBBET, laaj, IMUri of cradhtortranlten. araUaMe la aBaarUof la* Jlraar*. BMaaralld. af Parla. Uoadoa. »adT iaaT a--* ••---•——•- *•••• CLABMCAL tiTtUABILM, No (M Weat 94th Mrarl, L T5PER THE DIRECTION Of REV. !». E. - it'BMWALU A. M-. aadatad ar ricvUrm iracbara, of ton to a liinjtwl uuitlxrr »t Bor» ia tl»« rurtimrnU ot aliher^ rdra Winn aad Yoo&f Ocutlemrn taorc advance! ID Mud], rati drdtraat* cpannaaltlea of raantal ant mnral eukor*. Cfrcalan ai line Scbool Booaaa. aad at Uie prtaoi>al Book- -ffvri V: AT t-ooriBs- T m u i*iin§ No»«ober 11. •!*• prr Tn*. ar;^ liaiiilH R. C PLlCL A. B.. PrtaetoaL •roiavv .wr.vaioe «r co., AMERICAN BANKERS, Fl«v. a •*•« O c L a P m U , Pmrls, G RAHT I.ETTRR8 OP CREDIT FOR MEHC.iN- TIUB PtRPOKB". * L » a CIBCTT^B UrrTBBd OP CREDIT aa aUtka praictoal taa-a» aad crtaa» of WajJKM. BtOOtlTd. ITALT. 6BXAT tUUTAl-J. BPArK. ORRMA5T. IRaXAMD. POBTLSAL. BGSMA. •OLUAJTtL BWITiERLASa BWBWEN. CO-OTAHTINOPLP. ALHASDBIA BETBOVT. JERCSALE1L At, »«•. Oftea is Vtv Tork, «o. I WBU rtrBBt I OM PABiA at aaorv, or M iaw* tacat.toraaw la iaaBUf li.in Cvrt, AS WaU MratM. »BT •OOBS BCBT-iBBB PAPER BoLCUT AT THE UmWI BUREBT BATE. *»I*«*M •ML. ft. A l A M © IPWABOI, OH UNION BAKE. LONDON, ANB ROTAL RANK. IRELAND. Pi^XJLS, FARGO * CO., •an* Ma M BEOADWAT. 6RO. C. ANTM0N1* C LASSICAL, FRENCH AMD ENGLISH vi.cx.1 No. «TJ Bruadaai, corner liMb ttnai, raoacaa *«td«-abar ita. C'rcularawilh full Jetaila. rrferancaa and roll of acaolaia at Baadnlaba Na. «BB Broadwa/; Cartotaraa. No. 7»d Broadwar- and No lS»*d arnaa. and at UM acaoul Tua Ktioot aa* a Brauaaafaaa aadcr a special teacher, aad a arri>ar>lr>r> desartaaent for bon from at* to ewUt reari old. aafCt •»»" ^__^ raOT*tt*TA-JT tJABtMWB •CMOOL. VOtL \ Ol \U L \ D l r > 151 f A B W tRlV«. T HE MISSES DEMMI.ER. DAUGHTERS OF A weB-knova profraaor. h*ve opened. In the iauaaadlata el- ctnn. of Pari*, a aeteel boanliiiaarbt^l for Enftiah and Atner- ican Protealant foanc ladiea. Our -»t the ptnoeipale haaapent two lean In the I'attrd dtataa. They are kindlr allowed to refcr Ui Aaaenea to— CaaLia Ktaa. IX. D.. Prasidect of Oolomaia Ootieaje, New Tort In. Da. McTicxik. Profaaaor at Columbia Colicte, New Toik. Bar. Da H.wis. New Tork. H * libaoa B,»r*»rr. NewTnrk. Hon. A. Bit wan. New Tork. His fcnarM- H. Pt»m.KT>3i, New York. P. U. Dataau. lat. New York. H a r r o b<«.-a>o< A Ou. New York. For cirraUra and further pank-ulan applr *•> BCiia Seenk- herm, 5«. k^-i Tweuueib atreet. New York, or at the oiftce of the treaixt FHMT. amstXD WAiW TUB BJHMMLLlS < OLLKt.1 A Th. \>U PtILY- TKAH.M1 I.\»TITITK. Ua Lrriaorroa 9r„ tamo d u n »»o Bnaara 9m.) UN CClaLECTIONS IN EUROPE. I Of OCR P1RM HAS. DIUNO A RECENT VISIT aa>«. aertotted arraaweeaenu for ihe 0>LLSCTION OP ' the TAHINtt OP TRVTIMONT aad the tranaac I liaa af ALL ElNUt OP LEtiAL BISINK* in all paru of «RBAT BRITAIN aatd the CONTINENT. We are prepared > •a a»awaawa*e aaYraad on the laaaa enndjuoea aa in the Coated THE PALL TERM WILL COMMENCE X MONDAY, the 11th of September next. The Tnutee, claim for tkt, tiutitutjou that It pomeaaaa an- •ratal aiti aaiapaatorthe training of bora of ten reara old and apwarda Ita facahj conalati of ajestlnaea poeaeaaiaa eaperior abitl ties la tbrir prvfeaBon, and a aided or a i.umerooa corp* of cotnpevat Inatrocton. The reutee ha* baes eraeted at a taraa coat, and ererr care >eat a i i a a i i n i i i a i tor the oaaaaort aad GIBBS, WATSON A GIBBS, MBtia 108 lr«d4w»y, Mr. Pia. -LTML TVoat bavins boja la be aducatad ar* reauealed ta examine the ralaloame <>r thb lurthuttoa. pnhliahed annualU. and or ma fall uartkalan aa to ha cowxar of matracikan aad term*. It aaa> W fouol at the loatttata, or at W H. BABCOCK'9, Ma Puit a .ircrt. or by at-pucatioa to eitncr of the under- named Trviste^e: laaac IL Pntldnfham. Piealdem of the Board, (at tue Naa aaaBaDk. BrootdrnJ C. E. Marrin. Jaaaeajlow. U B. W) Cmtienlen, A *k Bantea, . H. R. Wortlunatoaw J. K. Southworto. . Marrtn. A. M. White. & R J. t. 2». Siranahan. Oeo. AJarvia, Jl. G. Harricslon, A. B. Bajha, Joaiah 0. Low , & Land • .. C. a Bailie, aualti! 8ifB.t aad Tiaie BUla aa all tbe Saataera Cities Pr ECU AMD BT Bl'NCA.i, HHER>1 A> ic CO. FRENCH P B B T B a T A n BO VKOIX. 4NB DAV M H U O L PAMI Y U I M UBUU, *Mv SS •* eat t«Mh Street, BAHK >OTE E\«wRA VI \«- AMERICAN BAN K NOTE COMPANY ila* E\rBm»««>, M' NEW TORE TOBX. PinLADELPHIA NKW 0RLKVN9. CTNCIN NATL MONTREAL and CHICAGO. J. H. FRERICHS & CO., 48 EXCaUaaft P U f f . CRaaai. Ewaatt ef DE JERSEY * CO.. Maocheaur. EaaJasA; TBSTJB DRAFTS OB LOBDOB Af S EUT»* 8I4BT ANB AT at BATS' SICBT. •^WrjaatV* oniii or THE PACIFIC •VTUAL INsl KWIK COMPANY, Trinrty Building. Ill Bro»dway NEW TORE. J a n t a r » 1«R BE» Tki fiiEwatoa illiiairal -* thealainad theCawaaeaP to awawBatord at uatpjatall) with the reouirementa af aactioo IS •AM M RS LFVERETT WILL RE-OPE!* HER arbool for the comlna year on WeeaaaaBu... luh. A panctoal attendance of the peeila la particularly reooatteA Mra. LeeoreU >aen to pupils erery adrantage fur a thin majji aad systematic course of Baafaah education Ererr favBtt*. smder the mt*rae*aaa af nauee teachers, is aBordedtorthe aeaoialltoa of the Preach laasoace. and its correct and familiar oar In conversation. Special atteotion wiB he irlren to youaaj children when receired aa member* of ApaBi aaVaa* taay be made to Mr*. U personalty, or by letter, at the abure addreaa. aaaU Jra' RS. WUXIAMES, No. M WEST 39m STREET. Would inform her Mead* that her " PRIVATE CLASS" mill commence the &nt Monday io October ucotine three tanee a week). This Claaa oflpiapecuUar adrsataaeaBo Taoac Ladles who hare left school, aad wish to pursue with aaaaten a us saps of H19T0BT. LITERATVB& LANGUAGES and MUSIC Por the latter accomplish man I tn« most distiatnuaaed talent ta secured. acUItt* A ^A1>EMT OF LANXTUAGES, »SO BROAD- wtr. P MABTINELLL rajanrtu-Instnietioo tlren tn Preoth. ltattaa. Germait, dpaniaa, Laiiu, Greek. Hebrew •nd karbah. Ladiea' clasaii freaa 4 A. a. ta 4 p. a; aaaUe iiirn'i iTsaai i Ii mi ' i a t I" r a Terms In rlsawa tlOper ouarter Por farther Information apply to ryttrodStu P. MABTINELLL CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL. NO. 40 *- Ea<rr nararaaarr—JAMIB WEIR wASON—Term beawn , September Ula. Pers-.nal inMrurs*on by tne Principal, and trmiuaali drtmtu in the Ei> :lu* nrMiches, Ctrcalars aad far ther mtormation alCaanta's Bookatore. iW Broadway, or at the school. sepBalta* F A1RUAVEN SEMINARY.-THOMAS G. SLOAN. Pem-rnu-—A Family BoardhwSrnoot far U boys alioa* the see of la year*. This school has been la toe- resafal aperatN>« for eaabt years. The Px-attot) is heatthr—one saiis east of New Haven. The winter term begins Nor. i Ctrcvilan at ^wpher-t.. No f: Broadway. oc: lw* FRENCH LESSONS. - PROF. D. LAGROIX, A; harkaf rematrd to «9»BROADWAY', continues to im part instraviiou m I.is native laaguace to Uatited ctaaaaaor amatr puuilsupoa sen tovoratue lersas. By hip simple aad eaVteii> aiethod a thomnah prartlcsJ knowlevUe of the iaa- taaar is aaua acsjatretL I adottbted referencas aVraa. ocBlw. J OHN M.vcMULLEN'3 CLASSICAL, FRENCH aad EasBMt SmVont. No. WD Broadway, comer of Alii street, re-oven* on Jd'iNDAT. September i. Miss Sarah Betkrakk (fermerty of Ninth street conducts the Primary Deportaierit with her welt-knowr. ability. Circulars at Crow- en s, •**«, thriatem a Ttt. aad Lockwood's, til Br<u.iw.y rasa made for Boarder* aepl»bsr* IWJCHIIH aaa vsassts] aa PeeSdtav axeasA oa Carta aad Press**torthe Yeyaae. Prwaahaaa aaewtoed e«T aa taraed. war- to. the pertod as above. MBJM J ULIUS A. PAY'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR Ben*. an.:zxami. N. J. - T V winter session win cpea oa IK ftrv MoDiisv in Noreueber Circulars can Se 'btain**il at tab oBare. or of Rev. Prederic G. Clark, 100 Wei tkl street. esmHweod _ RS. BODSTEIN HAS REMOVED TO NO. -il fti.T TwKseT-amttsaa -m.,?. wuer-.*ie aal oasaPlaase toadre asstrwifiim la ftsnu. cosaaneneiaftorthe season on ' ay, the IMa of depteiuber. Application to be mate at sepT^m* M the house. M » rV RS. MACAULAY. No. 44 EAST TVTENTY- Bra* street, betwaea Bro vlway aad Pourth Areoae, will aaa her Preach aad Enxfish Boardlaa aad Day Sch-vol. DAT. Bapa.mtir l«th, auaMno, 1 as* ps* eaar. Vraa Baviasa, etc r inai' - ExpeaMsa. aaad I ef Bee per cent. a. Svmscrlatioa *ata P ARKER AND BERTUETS SCHOOL, NO is Eat* Mat street, earner of Broadway, wifl re-onea Sep Haatier 1A Pupils are araavared toe oallea* ar she eaaating. kaait AB the sauaVra laaswiaaas are lams* by native pr.fisaan. aad ha one dspartmravt Preavch la always spoken. There a a primary department under aa exaerieaced remele teavraer. Cinalar* al Luckw«iod B Ban's bookstore. No. 411 , Tat* Cat! Baa* macks, aad tDrawaa* Interest r af fre BUBB M.a*n tfaLMaM P ROFESSOR G. J. ADLER. A.M -PRIVATE inMrucUon iu German, the t laasica. BeBeaLeures and IlBiaaptT AJslrasal iO» ak-aadway. KlLltiaBl** P ~ BtOTISTANT FRENCH LNSTITCTB FOR Tin w GrtTuatx In New York. No. 44 East lath street, near Media* Park-Boaruiio.- aad Day &^A^*a>m*ctl iisTCiimasiii Isl Tnit Inatitut.on will be reopened oo the 1Kb swaaeaaher. It ansssiia * thorough course ruisuvsctioo m sJ~ aa branches, lacruXiint ttc Spaainn «id 'lcrmanl>«a The Prwacb avthe lanawasvr of the school. C-.mrV>rt - - tar a aetatcd namkIT af pupthv Prospectus whh the name* of my IIUP'JS tnd .f their a pas* toar yeara. Be., to be had. Praf. EUR CHABIJPL Darecto.. aSIi^lla* LEW Id C a A secretary of mate. Neftor?J^Nt^rVemdent of ColtaaWa Corkae; Rer. «V N 7jnSiI»:oi---ta^Wrts, N. T. LmTemt-r^WDr. tV M TTNOI as**. Br. f. MAWRA aB *" ta ..- ^^ns.M-.->.-<-t-drfTr^. , _ w . TTSITItSITY GRAMMAR SCHOOL, ****** r »~ ..ma ,• •-— .»—^^ i - v ^ taruhy. oaeaaVtetemeag ' fc y -Tll*^i^tias-aiaatall**a, oa asm afkxr Taea- JmaftsBm mid year oa Sac tea BIAAC PEARIi E. FEIIEIt'S DANCING ACADEMIES, 59 W. Vnit-axRtA tA, Bow Tork, ltl CLINTO*. tTallT. RBOORLYN. DIVIDENDS. FINANCE AND TttADR A aB— akse,fA aad altar am 1MB SML OFFICE Of FIRKMEK'S INcaURANOE W perotat kaathij Jty be"«laawVared pay" OmcK OFKBGI.K FIRII COMPANY, uial l>. de~l .4 TE» .ir> per rent.. b*. vaus dar beaa ale ** —*• i O^TNTON. -a»c>»t«ST. •r^fi NAIJOBi AL BA5K,XEW YORK. S-:PT. ^^*r* ' •'" •- V.. l'rc+ t~y a= -1 C.;--'^ea of tills JSfi*,lfiT'.Tll IS n,> -t-e'tred aflcWralif THREE and OftB-ttALat PBS CENT •tr, per ceaataa the eapttal aatea. s*>I»*J«' tsve.tatkhspiexa oa aad alter the lakh of O'.tober «e*t T*-«v>ar.esr>bsv''*WTr1 »- rVsed Seat the 1st the 7th Ortoaerii*- eel 3i B> .ra*r of tke Bnard. P. 1> T4PPHN. (HrtW. OFFIfT: SOUTH RIVER INdCRYN<*iS AssyawT. Biw Tiat*. »« OcAoaer. W.JB--A Dl VlfpNT' of f i t EN PaRCttNf. sshaa 'A- capital stock af Lb- -^aie inr, V: tin tix men .^n *.id.nx sxt September U a , Kar-UJaaWV^aaWeaueat. payable; a and ajl-r UaeUthOc ToVTrasaaatrbaokaUl W closed from ta* M until the 10th inrt..n* By ^r't^r, _ orljsr JuHN gBgBBjVL *»ere'arT. ar^t-- DIVIDEND —OFFICE OF THE PHBNIX aVJS Piaa lasrkAar* Onatraat. BaookLT*. Bapte'a'ver Bafa, tra* ~1 U Uuaril af Du-rctors ware this day declar-d a B43II ANNl'aL DIVIDstNB af TBI PER CENT, palrahte en <i maad at t*» j eaaaa. No at Wall stieet New Tork fepitlm PH1LAMOR aHtvr. a-eretary. aSPEClAL NOTICES. PLYMOUTH LECTURES- BROOELYN CEO. W. CDRTI& Bae,. will delirer the second Lectare 1c ttu.course, oo 1 LA-OAT EVENING. October 8ob>ect: " P R E M N T AePTXtT OP THE SLAVERY QUESTION.' Ticket. M cents; cat. be procured af »'. W JJwsjne. N*. lift PuBoa sAi W. W. Roar. No. IS Atlantic St.. Brooklyn, and sAsamsnvceof the JsvafaaeadVa', No. 5 Beeku.ii. St., NY aad Aji-'s Tituta, N. T. Doors opcr. « 7; l^x'ture to coinmenc» a: * c. dork, oelSos KANE MONUMENT ASSOCIATION LRCTIRI^ V) ill embrace a coa.-ae of Tea Lectures, commcnciaa earit i2 Hercnaber ^nd . outinur weekij until aaiahei. T'-e aervkn. of the rood rtsDea! lecturers la the cuntry hare b e n procared, and w'tl be ^taouncrd la a few days. Ticket, for the Caurse. admitting a lady and reutlcman, *5: sir^le tsrkefi for t:« Ctiurst. tC. tinale Lee<ure ticket*. 30 cetda. JOHN H. WHITE, orltlw Chairman Lecture Ootamittee. ~NEW ENtJLAND SOCIETY—PUBLIC Mitanpn - In conformito with a resolution of th* U>anl otOfBcers of the Nev I'.-valaiul Society iu New York, a puhBc niWtina will be held in th- room of the Historical So cirty onTIH.TJ.MiAY LVkNlNt.. Ocv Utorecaive a state nieat from the Rev Dr. Waddinstou- of London, relative to ii.tr stemor »< Oliun-h. and a brief historical addre-w oa lae r -• veuleiornl of Maine, aa contrasted with that at Plymouth. W M. E»*n».Eea.. Vim. C. Soyes. Faa., the Rer. Dr W. Ada.-ua, tLe Rev Dr. A. D Smith, and the Rev. Dr. Sturn. have promised to take part In the proeeedinat. Doors open at naif past seven o'clock. ocU It* f-^iVv- YOITMO MEN'S CHRISTIAN UNION. EKJS. -Reealar mretinsT on PRIHAY EVENING. Ilth Inst , at halt t.a,t leveo o clock, al CUntoa Hall. Aator Place. An .dnrey will be atjrated befor* the Union by Rer. Dr. SAWY'EJL A i^eiieikl attendance is expected. - \VAUKEN. PrenliUnt, Vi/W*sti Hoar. J: RIUH vRD . Secretarv ocVS tf Ef-^-. CITY OF WHEELING, VA.—HOLDERS •VS of the Chy Bntids issued to the Hempdeld Ns -let t»,ud Cir raiaarl. sad Cleveland and Pit.stiurxh Railroad I ^a uan.e.. a*e reenested to meet at the bank'uc hou« of WllteJLOW. I.ANIER ACO.. No 54 Wall atreet. on TUBS. HAY the IHhirwt.. at ONE odock r. a. A full attendance Is ilesirea. a* important questions touclim* their mU-r-eats will NTotissdered. ocU it fav-TSss'slXTH WARD REPUBLICAN A3S0- aaV^STo CI ATION will hold an election at 10D Elm street, in accordance with the call of the Kepubl.can Central Com retiree, to setert Delernles ta the County Senatorial and Assembly Conrmtiona. PRIDAT EVENING. O.tober 14. Poll, opeii from T H to o'clock en. LEWI? M PECE. President. A, orsrr,. P. MSTXP, > g^rrt^ri^ DsauieiHXA. oc!3 If EIGHTH WARD REPUBLICAN ASSO- ctaTio*.—A Special Meetinx of the anore Associa- tion aia be held at SprinxStreet Hall, on PRIDAY EV»:>. I \G. ttctoner 14, Itxs, for thepurpoee of elcctlnx De'.i-xstea to the several Conventloos. The Polls will lie open from TH to » c'.iork By order. ANDREW BLEAKXEY. I'resiJ.-nt. Jo«x J. SB»W. ( ft,__t-ri_, Ttiixiaa P.rrxll»os.l 8 * ^^ " a^l * !, ocl3 M* T.IE FIFTEENTH WAKO REPUBLICAN Asa.si.tios will meet oo PKIDAY EVENING, Ik toher 14tb Instaut. al 7 r. a . at ..Is Broadway An Rleliou wUI be held iiaiaaiiit to the i-aU of the Central Comtn it—, for Deieeates to represent the Wsrd in the County. Senatorial, aad Assembly Conventions. Pots* open from 7V, to 9 p. at. M B. BLAEE. President. T Baiiav. Bscretary oclSJt* f"*--!-^, Six* WARD REPUBLICAN ASSOCIA- saVJrK TO a ,11 meet at No. 4M Pourth avenue, on PRI- DAY EVENING. fVctaher 14th, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of etectinx delecates to the rariou, C.nveutiooa. THOB, B VAN BURKN, Preddent. C. PTuatx. Secretary. ocU It* TO THE REPUBLICAN WARD ASSO- cisriiuw or TM« Crrr or Nxw Yoax.— At a meet mat of the Reput*l*-,';«i Central Committee, on Wednesday eressaax. Octooerith, the followinsj a a. uuanitaously adopted SetHtvad That the several Ward Associations in the city shall meet ai such places mt the Ward Aasociationsahall desut nate. on the evenitHt of PRIDAY. tict-ner 14, at 7^ o'clock, for the purpose of choositig delegates to the County and Ae- •eaibt) CoovenUona. Plve deseeales from each Ward to form a County Conven tion to nomlDate a eatnlidate for a Justice of the Supreme Court for the l.,t Judicial District, in x*^ce of Janies I Koose vert; two caiitUdatee tor Justices of the Superior Court, in place of John Slos-on and lames Moncrtef; one Juilxe of the Oonirooti Pleas, in place of Charles P. Daly: one Justice of the Vianiie Court. In place of Albert A. Thompson; one Supvr- rmor. In place of Peter P. Voorhis—ail of whivse terms of office will expire on the last day of December next. The County Convention to meet to make nomination, st No. tilt Broadway, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, the i«n met., at S o'clock PorxTH SsauToxiit. Doerair-r.—The Reporillciin Associa lions of the 1st. Ud. Hid. I .th, Vth. Vhh. VHth. VTIIth. an 1 XlVth Vtants, couaLtutlnx the IVth Senatorfal District, w-ll elect three delegates for each ward, to form a Senatorial Coo- ventiiaa, which Convention shall meet at Museum Hotel cor- ner of franklin street and West Broadway, on THURSDAY EVENING, the M b of October. Ho*, at « o'clock, to nomi nate a Senator for said district. Pia-ra SBS.TORIH DterraKT.— The Republican Associations of the Nth. Vllh. Xlllth and VVUth WanLs. r.institu tsaatha \th Senatorial District, will elect Are delegates for each Ward, tn form a Senatorial Convention, which Conren- tk,n. shall meet ot Burks Hotel, No. i7-l Grand street, on Till K.-DAY EVENING, the Bxb of October, lsfci, to noini Diite aStnatee for said district. SttTM 9x>Arviaitt DaeraKT.—The Republican Associations of thel.Xlh. XVth. With, and XVIIlh WanU. constituting the Yltii Senatorial District, will elect five delegates for each Ward, to font, a Senatorial Convention, which Convention shall meet at No. -,1s Broadway, oo THURSDAY EVENING, the aVth of October, lsst), at s o'clock, to nominate a Senator for said District. BSVXXTM Sk>ai<-ajjL Dbrratrr. The Republican Assoc Is Oonsof the XJIth. XlXtA XXtK XXIst and XXIld Ward* cor.tUuiiugthe MIt'i Senatorial Wstrirt, will elect Ave del castes fir each W ant. to form aSetiatorUIOouveotiou, which Convention shall meet nt No. Alo Pourth Avenue, on THURS- DAY EVENING, the "nth of Octotier. Is». at 1 o'oleca, to nominate a Sen.tor for said District. The Republican Ward Associations south of 14th street, shall elect one delegate for each Election District In each Ward, whoshall toe^t lutheir respective AssemUy Districts. oi, PRIDAT Et p.NING. the 21st ot October. Isau, at •?„• dock, to oommate a camlidate for Assembly, aa follows: Pirst District —At Pranklin House, College place. Second Itiwrlct-Al No. 53 Pranklin str.et. Third District—At Museum Hotel, corner Pranklin and Went Broadway. fourth District- At No, *• Eat* Broadway. Kiflb Inatrlct-At Bteevker Building. Sixth Di-irict-At Rank's Hotel, No. 371 Grand street. Seventh Dintriot— At Jetferson Market. Eislilh District— At Onderdonk Hall, corner Grand and Cen treat recta Tenth District—Al No. BM Broadway. Twelfth District-At No. U Avenue D. The Republican Ward Associations north of 14th street shall elect eleven delegates for earh.Ward, to form Assembly Oon- ventkins In each District, which Conventions shall meet on PRIDAT EVENING. IheSlst of October, lsaa at •o'clock, to make nominations of caudHates for Assembly from such Di* trirts, satoltawa: Eleventh District—At Lamartine Halt corner *h avenue and Bab street, Nmth Dwrlct— At Chelsea, corner *h avenue and 19th st rtet. Thirteenth District—At BtopeU's, between 47th street and 4eth dreets. in "th ..venue. fourteenth District—At Kircfaner's, corner UHh street and id avenue. fltteenth District—At No. 4th avenue. Pi tteeut h District--Al Dingle,leui's, comer Sikh street and 3d avenue. Seventeenth District—At Headquarters of Republican Asao cistion, coriier3el avenue ami l>th street. The polls of .the Ward Associations for the Elections speei bed aliove shall be opened at 7 s c'clock. r. a., and close at 9 o clock r. at,, and all such election, shall be con incted by the s»B,e tuies ami regnlatioiis as were adopted by tke Central Committee for the November election in isafi. The Ward Associations were recommended to make nomi- nations for Inspector* ind Caavassers of Election. C. A. PEABODY, Chairman. H, T. CLgvgttxn.) Geo, Sr.vMsow. y Secretariea. oc'.Oit OPENING WORTH OR ANTHONY Prairr.—Property ownera la the Mb and ilth Warua, and .ill persons interested in the widening and extea sion of W orth street, are desired to attend a meeting at Room No, 1 Applrtou * Iluilduws, corner ,,f Broadway and Leonsrd dreet. on PRIDAY IPTERNOON at4p. a. ocli M' TO CAPITALISTS AND OTHERS.—A party alreadv established in the Sewing Machine huMneaa. (width is of a profitable nature) la desirous of ex (etMlingtlie same by forming a Stock Company An excel lent Investment guarantied. Direct "Sewing Machine," Box %JU> P. 0.. with fall addreaa and residence. oc!13f "TRANSFER OFFICE OF THE NEW Jxasxv Zixc CoMPtXT, No. ltii Washington street. -NEW Tistx, Octeber 10.1«».-NtiTICE.-Tke Annual Meet tag of the Stockholders of the New Jsr*ey Sac Company wul be held st their office, in Newark. N. J., on TUESDAY, No veniber I, for the purp.ise of electing three Direetors, The polls will be open from 12 a. to I r. *. The transfer books will be closed from the l«th instant to the 1st proximo, both In- clusive, A H. f ARL1V aecretary. oc II lw* LOST.-THE FOLL0WINO CERTIFl rate* of stock In the Delaware A Hudson Canal Company baring been lost In the malt between Philadelphia and ibis city, notice is hereby given that applicstion has been niade to the Company for a renewal of the same, via.: No. lie for forty Ave shares), No. Ire lor dx shares. In the umv of CH A RLES 9. WTRTS. of Phil idelph.a. oc7 of ROBT. LENOX KENNEDY. M Beaver at. "F^STSAJ^—PEWIJOT? IN CALVARY CHI am. to HAWLET A OLOVER, Wall street, or to ADIN. Sexton.*! 4th »venue. scpjl) emltf Apptv JAMIJ" PEW IN THE NEW BRICK CHURCH roe SALS.—One of the best In the Church. Price feUMBcaeh. AddxeasJtoxJBJ^ 0.. New York. sept* tf l*---^ NEW YORK AND SEW HAVEN RAIL- taCS " ansa Coaap»»v.-N»w Yoax. August 14th. 1«B — In coaseauetice ot an injunction, oo payuieut ot'dtvidensis de- clared by this Company will be made until further notice, angle W. BEMENT, Tt taaniwr. •t-^a. A GENTLEMAN WHO IS A PRAC- axU^*3 tical Accountant and Book keeper, and pos- sessed of some legal acquirerrents. dealrea the inveetisjatlon or tnaaagtment of the asuxirs af an estate, or other complex matters, where dtill, combined with experience, is tndispen saada, aad to which he could devote a partial attention from aa early hour iu the day. Address Z.. box No. MtTl Postoffic. N. T ausrS 3m* AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY CONTINUE THEIR 9"H*Hrpo*aefi Facilities FOR SHIPPING GOODS BT THEIR DAILY LIGHTNING TRAINS, fOE THB ENTIRE West and Southwest. TRAINS LEAVE AT J A . a t . It M A BU S P . EU aaT*i a P . 1 . ta*~ PRICES Acaua aad CONTRACTS RAIM. AWMPJ al- tratM aw (rer as ua« oxaaa- War, ORDER YOUR GOODS BY AMERICAN U P E S J 8 . WELLS, BUTTERFIELD & CO. asdT;-*iASl»tJa_ ALEXA\DRIAB WASBLNxaTON A^CEORCETOVVN. THE NEW TORI AND VIRGINIA aWRIW STEAMSHIP OOMPANT. St* I n .-a „atht s*Ms^a^ats* sassxk Pariac MSSCo an «*• Ch BAtiRR . B V Cen RE. c, . si. da hM • MCrMAMViK. B0ABB-OCT0BEE II Mfaesdsne- RE.At* XA* da... S^BWR..: lot sOch 8 A »1 »» »BrMtsOrs»»_- i , WGalBOaae ERJJJ M Aa, MB afo KM do ..... 144) Okie B El. do btd *4X U$ r. IM Ma l«.s »', . 75 K 1 f* ' "*N K"s tsttt" •"*l WiY >d <t-. P1RJT BOAaLD-OCrrOBER U. PeTA MBHj BBJ Raading ER. Mi 1MB toua MaM SAJUO B 40 is •*> 14 >d id IU * ^^ H fa) BTStraM*. Vtrtsruattr*.. de Ematmrilsttrs.. do Ca)Stale 7*a... Mich i>u • p e 1 raSl" Mich! U( . MBHl is- 4MK. M ' MH •4*4' SH 4ASJD Mi h CenepclSt I niBPCq*. »« 4JM0 Mieh So S f be .... Ml ue-LeCAMLGba. l«d Hif« Haa * ax. Jo BE b faif 4* People a Bardt 101 . Metropolitan Bk »fts::: fr.-.r.-dA eff do r. mlP 101 11* afra -«-• ml '4 ?* 4 MM* wM «*... ......... MMlcs OsaaUL.... M as> . - . x ; S do btiak ft da .... -...af» *» Panama RR •-,, I M a*.... .•••.•*• 1 UMSANIGasAk^ do. da ••• 1* ,.sj M IM id in BM 9 I to MM 4. i 111 Ce -i ER MB da... .s Je- IM GaJ * CLi RR . IM do 18 i' do. do. do do do. do . ErlrBE. do S , Beading RE...alt M do... M I do MM M da bM M I dvi, bl» 3S»Y Mi •a. »Mt M «K. 1 100 4»... BM OVr A Tol RR.. MB da aw de auo do ........ MChiABt RR.. ! do do. do.. do aa, a> do ..•!• Advaaced. Virginlar*. M per cent. E»d»*7j ( »R CalT* . Mich C e n a a c la C'osseldg. Pa A Mich Soatnern Do guar'd.. E T Central esdlng lost Central .... Ill Central , Rocklaland... .. rcent wales as* euoeha at It Boston A Me BE. 1* do. sOMCoUF RRR . 14 Vera Mass UK.... id do 1 Bos A WorRR..... t) MtddleaexH RR. . •0 BostAPro ML... 4tl toticord BR....... At Eastern RK lil Port . Sari A for h SeiPUIaAWilRR. . 4 Oary Imp Oa 100 do ti Pttt-iiur* Cop Co . S do blO SO Toiler Min Oo IAa.1 Mesi. d M i n C o b d O fteard Oct, 19. i,.i\ wo i -V IM lt».S M 11 IM UM. M at JM m M ltl if rs H-, M MV a » I »V 1 5. tlO .7 Oinun 67 II5U0 1>4 a Meao'd Mia Co. sM do Central Min Oo.wit) do Rockland MlnCo.. South Side Min Oo. Isle Roy M 0o..bM da bM d*,. .aM Minnesota Bun Co. Maverick Bank... Merchants' Bank . Globe Bank ... .. Mien A Law RR so. Citv naatoo S's '*<. Rutl'd 1st mgeTa. Ruti',1 Ad mar 7's.. ••» ov $ IN u tlW 1IMM lit »4 IMS 41 3 The Hock market It heavy to-dA). theatjrh as a truer*! remark prices do not yield malerlall) from yesderday. The weakness w condued mainly to Reading, Pacittc Mail, and U.sk island. Galen*. New Tork Central and Illinois Central were eiimpantlvel) steadv, declining onlv Up. percent. Panama t- the strong, *t oa the list, commanding IxtH, s,ller IB day*. Michigan Guarantied fell off t . The old stock told at •»• For Hudson River d, was hid, with no axle*. * Krie advanced i per cent., and Toledo wax Arm at yea- te-relav*s price. There waa aa Improved feeling la the Railroad bonds. Michigan Central s per i-enta. are 4 jicr cent higher. State stocks are steady. Csllioruut sevens and Virgial* sixe* are « per cent better. The Money Market t* without change. IX anything, Call loans are etrvie-d with greater Baeilliy aad on rather easier Uniis, The (irincipe] businesa ta within 8 , t > *4 per cent. Insrsjunls at. ss befora, 7 gj 7| per cent,tor" Gilt Edge " paper, having four and aix.asontha to run. We learn, by telegraph root Chicago, that exchange on New York is 1 per cent, premium. The City of Washington, with London and Liverpool datea of the ttSth ultimo, hat Just arrived. Her news It inaiiilj anticipated in Die Indian's tuojuiAry. In many i-xeea where railroad companies are In arrvxr* fur mil rest, the bondholders have found it •lifBcuU. from various tauses, to agree upon the oourae to be taken for securing their rights. In some instance* the hidden of nrst mortgage bomls are also hoiden of second* aad thirds, and when a meeting ef the Aral ta called the- eHhen attend, as a matter of course, and oppose the commencing of proreedings of foreclosure, lest tale of the road should entirely wipe out the second and third mortgages. This difficulty arose In the case of the MUwaukte and llori- con Railroad ; aad such was the diversity of views arhv itig from this diversity of Interest that the matter has been delayed until the eocnpany is largoly in arrears i HI all its bends; the road is greatly out of repair, and there is no hope for the first mortgage bondholder* short of ion-closure and sale. Had the) taken this course long ago there would have been * rail difference in their pusi- tion, inasmuch aa the amount due them would have been leas, the road would have eutne into their poeaoaaion while in a good state of repair, and that autumn's earnings, which are unusually large, would have been applied to the payment of a part of their clxim*. The latest proposition of the company was, that if the hondholde-n would refrain from foreclosing they would pay over at once a small sum of cash, and, monthly, the net earnings, it was urged by the repreaeiitaUve of cer- tain of live flrst mortgage bondholders, that such an ar- rangement would never tie carried out in good faith, and was only proposed to give the Company tune to collect tin Fall earnings; but the other iutereat prevailed, and it was determined to accept It and wait. The result has only proved the folly of trusting men who have already proved recreant to their trusts. The ofBccrs of the road now insist oo an increase of salaries, and reserve the right to augment, ad libitum, the general expense account of the couccm. This leaves but ono course for those whose interest iu the matter lies exclusively in the poaersaion of flrst mortgage bonds, and that course we need uot point out to them. By the action of the last Connecticut legislature, the capital stock of the New Haven County Bank waa reduced to tlov.OUO, by reducing the par value of the shares to t* each, Suberquently power was given to increase the re- duced capital ll'.i'.imd. Tkla increase i« now reaistod by an injunction granted on Tuesday, the petitioner* claim- ing that the sto.-khol.lers Be-xer authorised the petition to the legislatnre. that no notice was given of an intention to make such application, and that the amended charter was never legally accepted by the stockholders. It it claimed that an evmttAble valuation of tin- unproductive sseats of the bank is impossible. The injunction is returnable to the Superior Court at its Dee-ember term. At a meeting of the new board of Erie director*, yester- day, Mr. Samuel Marsh was made President, (ready to give place, it is understood, to Mr. Nathaniel Marsh, when the tatter is relieved of his lteeeivership,i and Mr. Daniel Drew, Vive I'resi.lent. A eommiuee, con sisting of Messrs. Bancroft Davis, Herman Geipcke and William Evans were appointed to further the late plan of reorganisation, which proposes to maintain all the bonds and shares at original par. The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad Com I*ny baa declared a dividend of 4 per real. The receipts of the Michigan Central road the Ant week of October are not yet received. They are expected to show aa increase over the corresponding period of last year, the fain at Detroit and KalamaxoogiviOESgood pas- senger businesa. The Ant week of October on the Michigan Southern g t v e e *4T,!tOO. a decrease of about $x,fsJUoo the same week of last year. The Ant week on the Cleveland and Toledo ia$17,477, against t111,***last year. The Arid week on the Chicago aad Rock Island Is *»-tu,'2W against *'-x.l*2 the same week last year. The statement of earnings of the Buffalo and State Line Railroad for the month of September, ls*s and 1-dtt, Passengers. freight Other sources.. Total Increase In Preiihta , 1*5*. I5i.it I SO . 3AIM1 M . S4T4 17 .*ewAl»4J Decrease in passengers and other sources 11.751 66 Total I>*er*a»* »10,*49 M In •' oilier sources," l-<5rt,toinclinlecl f J.124 IT miscel- laneous receipts for the previous twelve months. T h e following Is the statement of the September earn- ings of the Hannibal and Sw Joseph Railroad: Prom passengers. freights.. Mail and express Operating expenses for the month Net earnings The September earning* of the Macon and Kauroad are : Passengen WAOW *1 Freight. »Aola> 74 Mails. Ac WM Total M7,**! 0* September. I * * , . . . ^ SM«1 IU .MMR- B .. M.1M 74 | .. 3.411 *i | *7t,t»-d i . M.*wM; .»474»olii | Western ' B1.447 IS 01SPAHT, S*PT., 1-0B. ge*naT5TKCft A C Bit H Aktm. X - laMBBIBB tiAJA.T. M. aUCMARIM. vfTMO* ".Jlount ^Vr#^0ll4 ) ,, WILL LEAVE Piaa It, S0RTH River, tar the aha** parts, aa SATURDAY. October lath, at t r. at. (sxcMdmg steam aad staaaraesa) BT M of thai Have are aaw. aad Decreaae aaLTtaoxa aaa onto XAILXOAD Mala Stem. Waalrton. N. W. V. Total Sept. 1*3*.. A*«,4e».l1 » 44,7*7.:>7 B 13.5M.4.S «Mk7>wJI Sept. lap*. . 14ll.77Vt.7Vl 40,P«>.U3 lil.5ea.tS 498,lM5t Keveaue of Septeaxber. l"*A taas^TeAsa Increase for September. 1-J«. AJ4ti,tal Holders of Wheeling city bonds, issued to the Hemp- rlvl.l. Marietta and Cincinnati, aad Cleveland and Pitts- burgh Railroad t'onipaaies, are reutiestod to meet at the lianking house of Wlnslow, Lanier A Co.. No. H Wall street, on Tuesday, the 1-dh instant, at 1 o'clock, p. a. The Hamilton Woollen Company pay a quarterly dlri- dend of four per cenL This Companv has psud divblendt quarterlytortwo or three years. Last year (our dividends of Bve per cenL each ware paid, with an extra dividend of Ave per cent., making twenty-Ave per cent, for one year. The dry goods trade Is moderately active, and the West ta expected to buv considerable goods when the crops shall have aSarded the means. The late demand promises to come up to expectations. The luiltpetfltnt of la-day has the t'ollo * ma report: - There is .till an active business among Uie leading Job- liera, but iniporten are doitur liule. Tlie auction sates are •PJU less- numerous, and moatlv of ribbons. The aim ki isf good* untold in Ant hands are Uife, and coiisiderajik leiU of taacy drcsa g.. si* are left over lor tin- teuton. Sta- ple goods, such as larrraoa, are In great denutrpL with oalv a moderate suppl). black silk goad, are- liriu. Paacy sllks are getting dull of tale, vet they keep arriving week hy week.topm-up mosu warehouses. The season is over forriboona—leaving a large uueotd stock. The clothiers are baying tor their spring trade. " G e n u a clothe are rather drraer, hut cloth, generally ar* duD. I»onie«lif avoeb ar* Was active and less Ann, 'Col- ton staple- are la tn tier sapply, ami can ha bo i«hi oa rather better lerrur. Prrals are rather steady, Dassvhasa are tatartiv e aad lower t haa at oar last report. Paacy taa- itsaere. of good slvh-s are active and Arm; bat all other khtda of wuoUeas are dull aud heavy. •* Pitraw of aaosl good* rule in favor ot the ooosumrr'. aad the decline In prtres has favored the trade of the season materially: bat with sale* much larger than last toll the stork* af goods left a. hand at the dose will be much larger. Trade la the Interim as good— seldom if ever sar- l.sae.1—with Ane jieospex'ts for It. ismtiBuaaee to the end f of taeaiasoa. liar advices are of the moat aaaaagaaatagt • (Aaracter tiota arsnost every teetkaa." The «vae sratrrasvat eaaa ot* the Coauaiasioners of Wash- ington county, Pennsylvania, hat been decided by Judge Oaaaotw against tAw Coraaiaaaniaen, aMrwuag that the Irvyhsg of a tax by the Cosrwilasaoafn as the county, to pay ta* tote rest on the Hetapaaad Rsilruad bonds prior to the 1 taxaatlliia of the road a* Grvmshurg, was illegal The tarry Wat tet aaide. The case aa* been cfrTieJ to the Su- pre me Court on a writ of error. Ta* ftaeitiun direetly ooalraslstt* 1 hat of Judge Crier of the L'arted State* *u- aretse Coatrt. Tneuxlevyef the eoaaty .if St Loads tar 1MB gives a total of tBBy*aaj,MtB, aa larrtaia af taxABBABB aa taw pra- vioii* year, thoarnag how axpidiy the aVourisAitrg city af St, Loaia la aacraaarag m wwajth. WarxxT Paoarr-T iw. YiaaaaiA—A ooasaavsggtve wait aas>wtad Wawsatla f i l l a a i la the state *f TiiRtaia danag th* past qaarter, ettdatg Ssflosahor SB, aad aaate period of three aavswawTkaff year*, thaws that the crop of iy*> it the large* ever a-raara to the ataaa. Ta* EwfBBEEE tar JttTa) axhlbtU the ItxUowlBt retail, a* harreto: Nt^Tork, t-LBW; Becvarity Iasaranee Ostnpaay, Hew Tea*. mjm ; Stwisxgaesd lasaraao*QgsavgaaarMastaaha- setts, WMMB, rVermx Pir* tu.araanr Cdeapaay, •art**rd, Oesaw., talABa: Cat, Flaw luMiraaoe Oasaaaay, Hsrttorl. Ootsa., %±JX»; rva* Kngrlaal InaaraacrCoeaaaay. Hsrl- foed, Coo*x_|(sV»»<>; VaUry af YijfAnl* Itwaraaar Csata- paay.twimX Caaat TOIL*.—The amount reeeiv :• J tor too* ou aB Ike eaaab af the sia'efortne tvrayvh week tf Septemher. lni Lul •TLIM .. tore JUt amount receivedfort»U» *rr the years below dar- lag fourth week ot September, and from the opening of the e*rar» to tVtober 1st, wat: tti. week Sept Ta O c t l IBM. Bfl.1* »Ltto»511 IM* A,.i7 I.l7\;tv4 um 7es»» fSrW. IBM 1«,W L*£.I14 IM* 114.A64 LMRAtt TaAna AT MAM-HX*TXX, Barrranta tL—la water twist of all numbers, wbetlier la warp* or bundle*, and in mote twist and weft below STa. th* auyen aaa sos.p'y Uiemseivea more cheaply by id. to fA per rh thaa U •* could have done Uut day week , not fro** all spinners, bat from one or another. la good* specially prepared for the East, t small concas- sloa would not Induce business. Cloths which have been tn requestforother foretga market*, aad for horns con- snmptioa, seem to hare a little lea* of stiffness In their prices; but that i* all. aad even that it BOX percepUMe in every kind. Single yams aheve SB's, aad twa/folds ia general, do not li* wUhiD th* range of th* deteriorating influence*. The done,-, thervrfore, remain Arm, many of them still harden- lag la ralu*. The latter are steady in the lower counts, aad tarliaing upward in the Aner one*. TWX axirtaa coast TBAD*. [Prota the Mark Lane Express September Hi The rontiauaare of broken weather through the past week has spoiled much of the second out of grass, but has not seriously impeded Add labor. The heavy rain* have rendered the land* eery foul, and perhaps Ita eleareae* may not he so complete aa last year, though with favora- ble weather there t* yet good time to prepareforautumnal, towing. Aceounts continue to vary In different localities respecUng the wheat crop; hat .either the quality nor the )irld gv-iierall) will bear comparison wilu the harrest of IsVi. This Impression gaining ground, with but few for- rign imports, and better prices abroad, appears already to lutve uiflueiH-eil the Kngitah markets, aad wheal oat ad- vaaced, upon aa average, another la. per quarter. In France the Imnriiveraant is still more decided ; the deficiency in the wheat crop throughout that imixirtant country being estimated at from 15 to *> per cent. If thus be really the rate, u is very probable that the lowest prices bare bean past in both countries, though the present atimiltline resulting from the gathering of the harvest— a* well aa the readiness to take improved prices, are cal- culated to check much of an upward movement white atockt remain good. The other near countries, at well as German), show th* tame tendency : the slightest improve- tnenl in London telling Immedtntel) upon the corn trade at Dentzig and other great shipping ports. A new decree from Naples prolongs the free import of corn to the SIKh June. ls*>. ALBANY Lt'alMI MAgktT—rot tn* WXBK IStBISe o*'T0- BIB 1*. The ocxnirreoe-e of the Slate Fair leaded to attract buy. e n from the mnrket during the early part of the week, but for the past three daya there haa been a good attendance ot dealers from abroad and a toir business has been done, though trade has been far less active than noticed during the previous week. The market for the most part has ruled (iretiv steady, but within the last day or two it waa whispered about the mart that tome dealer* had deviated from the agreement made early in the season, which, upon turning out to be true, caused tome leveling. The result of this was a mot-ting, yesterday afternoon, of most, if not ail the leading dealers, and although the resulted their de- liberations will not probably lie promulgated, there is but little doubt that th* agreement will be torn up and each dealer go ia to make uie beat " time table " he can. This wul lead to a spirited contest, and nil will go in to make all the talcs they can upeo the beat terms. The receipts have beeu moderate, and during th* entu- Ing week they will be greatly diminished by breaks on the caaaL Hemlock ia coining in moderately from the north, and prices rule Arm, Of other descriptions of lumber the market is well supplied. Shipments lutve been Urge—-more than three time* the receipts. Veasel* are scarce and much wanted, particu- lar!) fur eastern porta. Freights rule Arm. with an up- ward tendency ; in fact, yesterday, an advance of 12, ass obtained by * vessel taken up for an eastern port. The receipt* hy the Krie end t'bamplain canals from the opening of navigation to Octolver «., in the >e-an namel, were a* follows: Boards and Shinties, Timber. Stave*. Scantling.*. hi C. ft. •*„ IPM Hei.saj4.sD0 tN. IM 31716 lt*\«Aa*4 1*1 m«*i.aB SB.148 lOAiao s7.*w,wo i«si si.tis.i7$ aa,5t» m\x *3.»*ti,*» I'M , 311411187 ai,3«4 l*,i» *l.-MU|s l-*4 Me.a71.Ml 1S.0B7 UTOT 10l.7xl.sDt 1*66 llla.77a.Abl> 4A1M 7.lHa lDa.llit.lim lsBti 170,4AS,S»M XPttaj 10,430 H-K-fi! I>d7 IsAtlf'AM 4K341 105.744 MtBM. 1 Jl 1*6* lUh,7*\4» gs,4S> lOAaat levre.Wtl.rVMt 1-xVs. .W,o&s,7eS 41,664 60.SUI 103.071.501 [Albany Jounml. « W WORM MAKMAVT*. [Reported e tpretslv for the Evening Po*4.1 M'tnitauiA v, October 1$, IW. APHES- Pott and pearls are without change, the demand la fair, sale* st M :r7 S. COfPlE—The market la unite dull; the auction tale an noi.aced for to-day It postponed till next Tuesday. COTTON—The market continues languid-small sal** at HHMUHc for middling upland* and Gulf qualities. PLOUB. At-.—Trie receipts of western canal flour are llbe rsl and the inquiry Is less active. Prices have declined 5c to 10c per bbL and at the clow all descriptions are Inactive, and Uie market Is drooping. Sale, of lh.700 libta st 04 nfkati 68 for superfmr state; M TIM r li M for extra do; 04 701*4 sD for tupei-Ane western . tt slijt Mtorlow trade extra do 1 M 4*ttt* 60for shlaplngextrs Ohio; »64**«T» for trade brands do; ai 4tta750 for extra Bt Louis, and M Son7 for extra Genesee. Canadian flour It quiet and heavy, the supply Is light, in ex- cess of the demand tales of Mo bills at M 35 id 6 36. Southern flour Is aarier. the supply Is not large hut the de- mand I* lew* active—sal,' of 140U tibia at 5 40 dj 5 TO to, super flat Baltimore. Ac, and 4 76 « 7 for the Better hrandt Rye flour It quiet at 3 70 414 Ja. Corn meal is scarce—tale* of MO libit at 4 10 for Jersey, and 4 &6 for Braadywhie. GRAIN—The wheat market it lower, and unite unsettled- the oArtinta are large, and millers are net purchasing sales of 14.000 bus at I 3* for good white ; southern. I 37u*l * for choice amber western, t 08torsfilwaukle club: 1 ttsiidl M for white Kentucky, and western do on private terms. Rye it dull sod lower—small tales at tsctsxj, barley Is quiet but steady at 76w*1c. Oats are more plenty and lower ; sale* of state at 4t4t4»tc, aad western and Canadian at 43<4W 44c. Corn it In active demand, the tupply light and pricet tend upward, though at the close buyers hold off tales of 14.500 tush at tl for old western mixed in store, tt for Jersey veUow, s**Hc for do white, and II for good white southern to arrive toon. Mul.ASSKt- Is moderately active 1 tales of MB bolt New Orleaiit at tOcwttac, as to quality, and 30U lilaU Cubxatxoc. The sales yesterday reaclietl 1050 lihtla Cuba Muacovada at tic taJUe. luduiling Ion common Iu Ivood at a price not trauaplresL N AVAL irrtlRkS-Spirttsturivenlliie In fair request at ate sdy rates 1 tain of saJU bids iiiercnanuble and shipping at l:.*\: *c cash and 15 daya Crude rrmalna dull Common rodn it in light stock and held higher, which tend to limit transactions; tales of too Mils at tl 60 per 310 Its. The low aad medium grade* are a little more active: sales of tovO hblt low grade No Sand No 1 at tl 60*3 per 310 Bain yard. Pair qualities are ecarce. and pale white IsArmer; aatcanf 400 bbla white and pale at *4 604*6 per *0 Be. tar it quiet, but Arm: small tales of Washington st A3 75, In order, delivered in yard. OILS—Unseed Is less anlmaled. but It Infalr request; sales of UVitjigaiit at 57c Orude whale Is in goo.! demand at the East at 50c for prtaie quality. Other kind* telldowly at steady rates. PROVISIONS-Pork la lower and most kinds close heavily; the demand Is light-sales of IsHtt blits al 16 J6**15 50 for mess; 10 76K4U for prime, sad 17 60 for clear. Included lathe sale* are 400 bhla uninspected mesa st 16 to, and MO bblt meat buyers opttou—all the year, at 41650. Beef it In fair demand anil new Is held with more desdlnaas, old ia uaaellltd—sale, of 170 bbls at 14 for country prime, to ig.5Mfor do mra*. toaft 60 for repacked mesa. tlOxdll M for new do, snd 113for extra; prune mess mew) 1* more plenty sales of 100 tea Chicago at till. Beef bams are la fair demand -sales of 150 hhU al I16«*17. Cut meat* are nominal. Lard It less Arm and is quiet—sales of 300 Ivbla ami tc* at llsctlvac. Butter it more plenty-sales of state at 13*a3w. and Ohio at U«,U)c Oheea* I* Arm at »>MW10C. BICE—has hern In Inner request at slightly enhanced rate*, tale, of 460 lihda. al J H<«*>»<-' for fair to prime quality. SUGARS— are quiet out Ann; sales of BM lihas Cul>a at M 6 Ar; refuseil are in fair requtat at full priest. WHISKEY Is better but not active - aal cs of 400 bblt at* t*3oH ceata Shipping Jntclltgcucc. snirs* City of Washington Vriel AJViea, U ammonia axrssrtan......... North Briton.. Europa. Anglo Saxon... Ocean tfueeu.. Kangaroo Persia.. Prince Alla-rt.. Saxonla. rtonissia Teutnnia. ..Southampton.New York.. ..Southampton.New York.. ..Liverpool Ouehec.. . Uverpooi.. .Liverpool. ..Havre, Ac. ..UverpooL. .Liverpool,, .Boston. .Ouehec .New York.. .New York.. .New York.. . Oaiway New York.. ..Southampton.New Tork.. . Southampton New York... Smithaoipton.New York... OAT* Sept. M Sept. 36 Sept, »t Oct, 1 Oct. 4 Oct. 4 Oct, I Oct. A Oct. II . . .Oct. 13 Oet 11 Oct, II Oct, 16 .. .Oct. 1* Nov. 4 D*c 4 Karntk City of Manchester Pulton Trutonia Hungarian Granada Canada Atlantic... ....... North Star Artel Indian Africa Edinburgh. , Bremen.. Hamnwnla Europa Persia Saxonla. UtAVg .New York.. .New York.. .New York.. ..New York.. . Ouehec .New Task. . Button New York.. .New York.. .New York.. .Ouehee .New Tork.. .New York.. .New York.. .New York.. I'..-ton .New York.. .New York.. .Na*sau,N, P. aht .Cjrk. Ac .Havre Haiuburg. ..Liverpool. Havana A NO. ..Liverpool .... Asplnwall AapinwaD .Havre Liverpool .Liverpool .tjHaayow. Hamburg.. .Uverpooi Uverpooi .Hamburg DAV* ..Oct. 14 ..Oct. 15 ..Oct. 15 ..Oct, 15 ..Oct. 15 ..Oct. j* ..Oct, It ..Oct. » . Oct. JO ..Oct. n ..Oct. as ..Oct 16 ..Oct. M ..Oct A* .Nov. 1 .Nov. 1 .Nov. 9 .Nov. 15 PORT OP NKW YORK, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1AM. ifor additional Ship Newt see first Pare 1 Cleared Tc-Dav. Steamship Circassian. Br, Campbell Galaxy—Am Express Co. Steamahlp HantsvlUe, Pott. Savannah—11 B Cromwell A Co. "~~~* Steamship Yorktown, Parrish, Norfolk-Ludlani A Hene- ken. Ship R Jacobs, Henderson, New Orleans-N H Brigham. Bark Carolina, Grlnille. Mnhlle-N H Brigham. Brig Catharine. Br. King. St John—A Smlthem A Co. Bch Caroline. Lunt, Portland G L Hatch A Co. 8chSurf. Shaw. Portlaiid-Q L Hatch ACo. Sch J W.. Paulklln. Boston-Dayton ASprague. Arrived Te-Dav. Ship Ararorde Snow, (of Bath) Harnden, from Marseilles Aug 30, mdte. to Boyd A HUicken, Passed Gibraltar Sept 3. Sept 16,1st r 06, Ion 3* 54 wat Boarded by the first officer of the whalrship Hesper, of taJrhaven, 3H month* out, all well. Oct A. bit 39 JO, Ion «J 04, while Ixylra to In a heavy gale from NNW. was stnick by a hurricane from NW. which blew away close reetVd maintopsall and main spencer. The A 8 lias been within 400 miles of Sandy Hook for toe last 11 daya with heavy NW gale* and calm*. _. Br brig Enchantress, Watt*, from Windsor. NS. 7 days, to C A DeWolfe. , Brig Eatsadtn, Amabory. from Darien. Ga, 13 daya, timber, Brett, sson A Co. _ Brig Eachantreaa tor). Watt*. U 4vay* from Wadtor, with plaster to niaater. _ .,, _ Brit Itasca. Mltchill, 3 dan from Bangor, with lumber to R Sch Atlantic. Wright, 3 dayt from Addison, with laths and apart to J L Snow. hcli Python, Osgood, from Hiiabethport, with coalforSa- vanaah. Sch S Andrews, Putnam, from Cape Hatter** I day*, naval •tore*, to J D Ahrama. ti IIM n Potoanaka, Nye. from New Bedford, with mdse aad patarngers to Joa Allen. Btaamer Oapray. Keaney. from Providence, with mdte to Isaac Odell. [f«r balance of Ship Newt see Second Edition.] Notice ta Maiiavara. Luiar Discotrnxctxv.—TBBASCSV DarAxvairsrr. Ornc* Ui.nt-aot s>. Bt.Aao, Wisammui. October 5, 1H>»»._The 3d section of the act of Coaaveaa. apppived March 3, lab", making appropriation* lor ''liaii-hoaaes, light boats, buoy*. Ac," sothoriitd the Secretary of the Treasury, in hi* discretion, on the recommendation of the I.orhl house Board, to discontinue, from time to time, such tights as may become useless, by res- .on of mutation* of commerce and cuaugrs of channels of harbor*, and other causes. The Lisbt house Board, tt Ba meeting held on the 3*1 latitat, recomineotietl 'hat the fotlewiite light be dkcontinae-L via : Tlie light at New Haven long wharf iCoon). It > therefore ordered and directed that the aforesaid lis*-.! be discontinued on and after the Art* day of November next. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury, R BEMME*. Secretary. ViVHRILD. A4CON-HAWES—ln Stratford. Connectlctil. onWMneaiay, tMotier IS, try the Rev. Benjamin U Swan, francls Baoetv of New York, to Anns, daughter of the late William P- l'uwes. Es* * PaTlT-HlIA—Oa the lllh tnstawt by the R»T. Rttfo* W. Clark. Kdwsrd Petit, of New York, to Caroline ItalielU. daiuthter of John SS. Hill, -if Itruokljn, STilUT-TUTTLF—On the 14th instant, »t Jeffe-aonv lie. New York, at the resideu' e of the bride's father, by the Rev. floyd A. Craaa. John W Stent. Jr.. of Sew York chj>, t* Sarah M.. itatafhter of Joha R TuiUe, Esq. ^^SSLS^S?^^ ALEXANDEBV—At Tamrtown, on Wednesday, Octeber 1R The Irtasvds aad reaatrvat of the taasdgy are invited te attend the funeral earvlcsaal Lis lataresidence. Waaiungton street. TanTtewa. aa Friday BttnrBtaa at M .'dock. The train I'gVh'x niiadinri ttreat a t l O i A. a. will arrive in time H I U i E R - l n Brcayklya. oa Wettaeaday. October IA after a sheet tmtesa, Eatll Hllger, of Leuoep. Genaaay. aged M TieAwatrwl wM t U e place oa Pridw tJiArti«jtmaitwa«e*»eJt. frtwa No. I** Henry dreet. r>rookTyn. * HOWS-On Wednesday. October 11 Heary S Hows, tea of John W. A Howa, aged M year* aad »1 Yfct friends af th* taautj *r« r*vms)ttad la attead the funeral to-morrow (Friday' *«»>* «>**«>. "••'•-i.'* 8 *- CWaiewJ-* CVwrch, Amkx atreet, withoat rati bat hivaalUav * r Wsacas*sa\saa^Myaart,aaiaaaiali of Idow'ofWBalasnUwt^tiavR to EENDAIA-At He 3 II Abigail Si THE PLABT1BG 8KA80I P0B TBEBS axxiaa Aaaivaa, PARSONS A COMPANY •wSr FOR SALE OB TO LET, m WAN WIBKI.I, *k Wl\liv «1"*». 1 Pint Street, Have serrral flrat-clatt hoaxes aad drgtrahle country aei'a xxm larraaforaaJe er exchange. Bxamiae their register b- fart pxtrthaaiaa. tepjltf 25 Three RT.d ftmr Story HoRtet ia Brooklyn fOE BALE CHEAP TO CLOSE A CONCERN altar *ro*a »A.Of>f) la | | | , , M - oaeh at lea* thaa Half of New It arm Prices On Fourth and Seesvnd Places. Hjn'irsron. Woodbutl. B: avrtye*. Attanttr. iHamlnou street. « - X north of UUatoa avenue ) Park avenue and Prxtdeni street. Una from l'J»» f. 1SB f et deep. Fuur of the bul:J:uu h sve a ttore oa first r«*r At! in evellert and mpn i :aineieh*>orliooiU. and at les. pure, ihan tLe COM af ti>e h'vutea. Ree.is ,0 piwraairrt wltt *t.-u-:d frcvni lay to M00, AX free frtca nuisance., and etc'.. 1 ,t aitiaoMlTtet of can. Trrta»-trne-(ourth cash, haiance from oa* la five yean; or >7wv^irt*majnmsj,forttentof yean. _ Or Antdy rroni 11 to at 54 IViliiam street Boom No. 11. P. A—No exchange* can be made, as the) must be told for aaocey and toattftajsa. acMH* m FOR SALE OR EXCHAXtiE FOR RE VI, ES- ECA TATX nx TUI* C m oa Baooxt TSI.-A Brtt-class Re-ldence m liar city of Hartford. Connecticut, built la the most Ban atantial maimer, ai.rhle maatl'*. mahogany doom, rl utile Aoora. plaie glass—with river water aad gas. The 'et It 134 ft!?. < SJ''M'J¥."re**, hy ITS feet ta Spring street. Inquire uf CT»PNf*PT BARNARD. 41 Walt street. Jaoncey oaort. > t ^ a v * wTvarwatl *aj TO IJ^T OR POR SALS— A NEW THREE Jtam etory blah basement brown ttone front house la Ead 41st ftreet, three doors west of Lexington avenue, Crot.vn, a*, furnace and bath. Rent MM per annum till next May. Open all day. Inquire of B M. JOHNSON. No. Ill Eaat iSh ttreet. or of W. M SMITH, Ha. 4 Maiden lane. WUI be tola low aad on easy taraaa, e e l ! It* ffj fOB BALE OR TO LET—TUR BROW* i ttone front bona*, No. 1 Weat xTth ttreet, tecond door froni li. Springt Church , in perfect order, and can be teen week dayt. Possession given immediately. If told most of the purchase money can remain on mortgage. Apply to ... . JOA M. GREENWOOD. No. 3 Front street. OclltaoTl Brooklyn. OFFICES TO LET—IN THE SECOND STO- _ ryof No. IM Brotdway, corner of Cedar *lreet. 40 by » fret, well lighted, with six windows—suitable far insurance or other lattarta. Wo: be divided if required. Apply to M. PORTER 23 Ntjgtau street, or JOHN ItRAINERH.No 3 Pine ttreet, oclltf « A SPLENDID CObKTRYSEAT ON STATEX 1st.ego roi; SALK—The errantry seat of E. Caxet, Esq , foimerlj'kwataajavgit John Auih-n, Esq.. situated ou OaBtt* ton Heights Staten islaud. The place posset**.,Uie advantage, from the heixht of grounrl. of full vit an of the Narrows, Lower Bay. North and Eaat Rjv- era the Kills and Rantan River: of the cities of New York. BrypklrB. Jersey City, Hoboken, Newark, Kluabethtowu, aud of the tnmuudlng country. The house is of brick, recently built, with hollow or double waJK and furnished with all the conveniences of the modern Ant! class city residences, having a g.iod well of water. This place Is foui.d tone as heaithyas any spot iu law world, and being within a mile from the ferry, can be reached in fifty minutes from this city. The grourdt. tbout twelve acre*, are laid oat and adorn e l with great taste, and are well supplied with theeriole-est varie- ties or frultt and forest tree*, all of which must be seen to tie appreciated. A* tLe owner Intends retidingln francr. the place Is offered at a low price, with or without the furniture, which It all well adapted to the hullding. and very complete. For a more particular description and catalogue of ftirnl tare, please call on ABNER L. ELT, Ne 11 Pine street, or oc 111 wis* CALDWKIX A JANES. N". sal Broadway m TO LET.—THE FIRST CLASJS THREK- a S dory and basement brick house xx4 Tboaaptou street, between rtleecker and Amity *.reels. In complete order, with all the moit--tn oonvenieucea—aa* fixture* throughout. Apply to JOHN CUL1ER. 1,1 Thompson ttreeel ?5l , * l __ e FOR SALE-NEAR MADISON SyUARK. the brown-atone front. Eng'.t.h basement house, 43 Ea*t Twenty third ttreet. with the lot on which It stands, uexrly twenty feet front, with or without furniture, whlrm la hand- some and nearly new Apply to NF.ILI. BROS A CO. 50 Exchange Place, or to HOMER MORGAN. No. 1 Pine street. oc*l eodst* m TO I.ET-THE STAULE AND - COTTAGE JB N o . 97 East ltvtl street Apply to s-7 lw* LATHAM A HROS. *3 Beekmantt m COUNTRY SEAT FOR SALE, NEAR KIXUS- taaa. aainca.— The undereigned offers for sale I !s acret af ele- vsttd land, Isle Brown's farm about 15H miles from the Citv HalLlH miles northeast of Klnnhridge, 114 miles northw.-st of VI llllaintl ridge, on the Harirm Railroad, and may be reached In a little over an hour. The vicinity Is called Airy Mount from it* elevated and he.xlUiypodUon, aflonlmg *.ery extended views of land and water w ill be add at a very low brice In one parcel, or divided into parcel* of not lest than ten acret each. Part may remain on mortgage Maps may be obtained of A VV. SPIES. 1«7 Broadway. oo6pteod* at HOUSE N o . SA WEST asd Apply on the premises ortt tf TO LET-THE Street, furnwked. FOR HALE—THE HOUSE AND LEASE OF lot No. 1!*7 Henry ttreet. The houte it three-story, brick. with all the modem iniprovetnent*. aud inflrsirate order. The ground rent is only 1160 per annum, and hat eighteen years unexpired. Will be sold low to close an estate For partlcu ton aprji to CROMWELL A HIKDSALL No lot front 11 : THUS. W HIRUSAI.L. No. 3! Pine tt.. or to EDWARD WOOD, No 160 f u h o n t t tepxtlw* m TO LET.-THE HOUSE 89 LAFAYETTE SWBV place, furnlahed. Apply to tugfctf f. H. DELANO, g Broadway, m FOR SALE-THE FOUR STORY HROVVX aB ttone houte No. 18 FAST Sxp STREET, bdwren Fifth and Madison tvenues—one of the best locations In the city. It hat been thoroughly overhauled, and 1* In tip top order. Haa batlit and closet* on second and third stories, and dl other convenience*. Will be sold cheap and on favoraSde terms. Apply to T. G. CHURCHILL, 7s* Cedar, or 1*0 East lath ttreei_ tort* If J P AVENUE B AND STTB STREET. — FOR atXT sale, nine vdueble lot* southeast corner of Aveu te B and *Tth ttreet. htvinc a front of lnfi feet A Inches ou Avenue A and IM feet on *7tti atreet, being within about *» feet from the last River. Apply to E. H. LUDLOW A CO.. oc* 31 rod' (PI437) No. 14 Pity dreet. |Bj SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE AT ZH- Riverdsle on the Hudaon, Fourteen Mile* from the City HalL—A heautlfhl plot of thirteen acret; ha* extended river views, and It Bnalv wooded.wlth a front of nearly sevaa hutwlred tort on a Park which borders on the river. Tbli property It dtictly guarded attaint! nuisance*, is In a perfectly healthy la- callty. within one hour's rid* of the lower part of the city and Is among the very choicest iu the vicinity of New York. Might be divided into three fine villa ailea, or,fortine. It not sur- passed on the North liver. Pen term*, Ac, apply to HENRY P. SPAIILDING. ocTlwts AX Park Place. JR BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY SEATS AND ^ A - triLtvixa aintt AT iwinoxniKT, oixx.—At a place of residence no locdlty in Uilt country peayaesset more advan- tages and attratiisot than Br.egepori. It it delightfully gituated 00 Long laianil Sound, and la reached from New York in two houn by rail, and tn three hour* by elegant steamers. The drives In the vicinity are charmingly romantic, the climate pleasant and salubrious; lying directly on the salt water It affords great beauty uf scenery, fine sailing, bathing, and aa abundant supply of fish, oysters. and til other delicacies of the sea. The society Is select and agreeable, tntf the numerous tuhurban villas are peculiar- ly recherche. The aulvtcriber ia authorized by various parties in Interest tn offer for sale some of the ni'ist charming Ituilding sites imaginable isoroe on the shady bank* of a take, within a mile ofHridgrportPotlnfhie). Also, two or three stylish real tiences. and several large tract* for country teal*, farms, Ac, dl oti the ruoet reasonable terms. Also, for s a e or to tease, a hotel nearly new : a large httllding for a manufactory, with or without steam engine, and valuable wharf property. Apply by letter or in person to P. T. BARNUM, Bridgeport, Conu.. or HOMER MORGAN, No. 3 Pine street. New York. 058 ardek. _ •fA VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ON TUE HUD- ^A- tux, roe SAL* AT ACCTIOX, »T oanx* or r a t St-. rtxmt Cut XT. -Will he told at auction, to the hlgheat bidder, al the United States Hotel, in Newburgh. Orange county, N. Y.. an SATURDAY. October 16, IMP. at tl o'clock, a., a tract of 317 acres ot land, situate on the Hudaon. In the town of Cornwall, Orange county.near Newburgh. within a mile of Cornwall landing. In tight of Idlewtl,1. and within three hours of New York, by Hudson River Railroad or boat; 174 acres thereof are me.nl. >w aiid pasture, and forty-three acret mountain lot; on the premise* are t wo small new houses, one at the east and one al the weat entrance, and aeveral Ane build tng sites commanding river, mountain and inland views un- surpassed ou the Hudson. A large part of the purchase money may remain on bond and mortgage on the primuses from two to Ave year*, at the option of the purchaser. Inquire of JAMES W. TAYLOR Referee. Newburgh. N. Y. tepM MATh Ktls LEGAL NOTICES. •RxT Y. SUPREME COU R T - C I T T AND COUNTY IN , or Nxw Yoax.—Th* Qehhard fire Insurance Com paay afdiist Itaac Van Ore'. Joseph Going. Joaiah II Burton. William A Butterworth. Augustui N. Den man, Aaaael A Denman. John Van Doioen, Abraham tan Dolaen, Matthias Brakeley. Edward Roberta. Nathan lei Wise, Daniel L Hartatck. Thomas Otla LeRoy. Ed ward LeRoy. Richard II. Taylor, Lyman Taylor, Jr. Benja min H. Burch, LeRoy Clark. Gamaliel 5. Smith. Ge,>rge R. liegeman, lalward ¥. Il-pkius. Hiram JelltrT. Jaha J Purcell. Henchman S, Soule. Thomas Uartleti, Aaron L. Orvlsray, AJri an H. Muller. Pranklin W. Bruce. John C. Cook.t'harlet Bus sea, John BustelL Harry- K Austin. Francis G Young, Aagiay, tut P. Bacon, George C. Newell, Enoch Kuapp. Theotlore D. Rugera, Peter M. Wilson,* llwUrht Speucer. Dauld Martin. Abraham Ayres. Joteph Taylor, Carlo* S Sherman,George B. HoUy. Benjamin f Adams, P Reuisen Chaitwlek, Leicester K. Elv. Chauiicey W. Lettiev. John Clark. Wllllaiu Phelan. Patrick f arreii. Michael Cant, Louit Waetelaer, fertlinstd liuyrter*. Rii-h.trd f. Ryer. Reubeu H. Hine. James W»L*on. Haniuel Rogers, Robtrt P. Blxby.—No. I—In pursuance of a judgment made at a Special Term of the Supreme Court, on the Ilth day or October. 1*69. In this action, 1 will sell at pub lie suction, at the Merchants' kjtch.tnge, in the city of New York, on the Sd of November, la-vii, at 11 o'clock a., by I . H. Ludlow A Co.. auctioneer., the following described pre. mitts, to wit: All that certain lot, piece or parcel of lan.t with the build ing thereon, situate, lying and being In the Tweuty tlrst ward of the city of New York, hounded aad described at follows, to wit: Bediming at apoint on the easterly dde of Fourth avenue, distant forty eight feet one inch northerly from the corner farmed by the intersection of the easterly side ol Fourth are nue with the northerly side of Thirty-fourth street, and run- nii'g tnence easterly, pardlrl wiUi Thirty fourth ttreet, and through the centre of t party wdl, so far at the same extends. ei«h*y feet 1 thence southerly, parallel .with Fourth avenue. twenty three feet and one inch t thence weaterly. parallel with Thirty fourth street, eighty feet, to the easterly side of Fourth avenue; thence northerly, along the easterly title of Fourth avenue, twenty three feet and one inch, tn the point or place of beginning. Dated New York. October lath, 1*W. E. DELAPIKI.il SMITH. Referee FivsTir*. A Tanasos, PUlatlff't Attorney*, m WaU tt., N. Y. oc13 lawn N T. SUPREME OOCAT—CITY AND COCNTT OP • Nxw Toxx.—The Qebhard fire Insurance Company against Itaac Van Cteef, Joteph Going. Joaiah II. Iliirtou, John F. Butterworth, Augustus N. Denman, Asaiiel A Deo man, John Van Dolten, Abraham Van Dolten, Matthias Brakeley. Edward Roberta, Nathaniel Wkve. Daniel L. Hart wick, Thomas Otis LeRoy. Edward LeRoy. Richard H Tax lor, Lyman Taylor, Jr., Benjamin II. Burch, LeRoy Clark, Gamaliel G Smith. George R Hegeman, Edward F. Hopkins. Hu-aiii Jelliff. John J. Purcell. Eeiicliman S, Soule, Thomas Hartett, Aaron L, Ordway. Adrian U. Muller, franklin W Bruce. John C. Cook. Charles BustelL John BaaaelL Harry E. Austin, francls G. Young. Auguetut P. Bacon, George C Newell, Enoch Knapp, Theodore D. Rosters, Peter M. Wilson, Dwlght Spencer, Daniel Martin, Abraham Arret, Joseph Tay• lor, Cariot S. Sherman, George It. Holly. Benjamin F. Adams P. Remten Chadwick, Leicester K. Ely, Ciisuocey W. Lew y, John Clark, William Phelan, Patrick Farren. Michael Carty, Louit Waefdarr. Fervunaiid Ihiysters. Richard F Ryer, Reu ben H. iline. Janies Watson. Samuel Rogers Robert P. bix by—No. L—In pursuance of a judgment aaade at a Special T*rn,of the Supreme Court, on the Ilth day of Octolier. Is3«. In this action, I wUI sell at public auction, at the Merchant*' Exchange, In the city of New York, on tlit 3d day uf Novem- ber, 1*69, at 13 o'clock a„ by A H. Ludlow A Co . auctioneers, the folio* Ing described premises, to »it: All that certain let, piece or parcel of land, with the build- ing thereon, sittitt., lying and britif in the Twenty-first ward ofthe city of New York, pounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the easterly side of fourth avenue, distant sixty eight feet one Inch northerly from the corntr formed by the inierseetioa of the easterly dde of fourth avenue with the northerly side of Thirty fourth atreet. and runningtlience easterly, parallel withThlrty-fourthdreet and through the centre of a party wdl. to far at the same ex tends, eighty feet; thence southerly, paiallvl with fourth ave- nue, twenty feet; thence wederty, parallelwlth Thirty fourth ttreet, so,I through the centre of a party wall, so far aa the same extends, eighty feet to the easterly side of Pourth ave- nue : thence northerly, along the easterly aide of f earth ave- nue, twenty feet to the point or place of beginning. Dated New Yurk, October Ilth. 1«4) E DKl.AKlr ID SMITH. Referee. Fotraa A Tw>a*oa, rndntuTt Attorneys, 69 Wdl street, tCT7~ ocU-awtg OUPRJDAE OOURT-ROCKLAND OOUNTY.-DAvTD D. k? Smith, Tunis Smith and Robert L Getlnev aanvtntt Joteph P. Joaaa.—Samraoat for money demand on contract.—(Com. net aer.l—To the aisive named defendant: You are hereby aurumoned and required- to answer Uie oorupialnt In thi* action, which was thlt day filed la the office of the Clerk of the county of Rockland, at ClarkHewn in sdd county, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said tvrjmalaint on the subscriber*, at their office at llaveratraw. in said county of Rockland, within twenty days after the service of this sum anons on you, exclusive of the day of such service; and If vou fail to answer the *a(tl complaint within the Ume afore said, the plaintiff* will take judgment against yea for the sum at three hundred and twelve dollars, with interest from the dxteemh day of August, one thousand eight hundred and fifty Line, besides the cost* of tola action. Dated October 6th iSat* 'HOFFMAN A HOPPER, PldnliAY Attoraeyt, ocl3!awviw* Haverttraw. Rockland 00., N. T. ^ITKKME COUBT.-LN THE MATTER OP THE APPU i * cation of the Mayor. Aldermen and Comtaoaak, of the city of New York, relative to the opening of 67th ttreet. from the "th avenue to the Hudaon river, In the city of New York, —Ptwwaaat ia statutes hi aaach em* made and provided, the Mayer, Aldermen and Coinmondty of the dty of New Tork hcrdr give notice that -hey Intend to apply to the Supreme S ourt of the state of New York, at a Special Term of add caul, to be held at thechy of New Turk, en Saturday, th* 6th day of November, ltd*, at the opening of the Ooart on that day. or as soon thereafter at count*! eta be heard,forUie ap- POtBltaeat of Caumiasionen of awtlaaate tad Atteaament in the .hove entitled matter; that the nature and extant of the ianp! "lenient hereby Intended lata* opening of Sixty seventh street, from the "th avenue to th* Hudaon river. In the said chy ot New Yerk, a* laid out oa the map or plan of add cbj. ander aid hy virtue of an act of the legislature ef the people of the state of New York, etiUtied " An act relative to Wrx-vrmeiit* tiatchiat the laying out of street* ami roads in the city of New Y nrk. aad for other purpotea," paaaed April Sd, 1>«. Dated New Tork. October 6th. 1MR _____ RICHARD BUSTEED. oelBtaws-j Cowatd ta the Csarporal oa. yaU'PREalR COCET.-UJ TUB M ATTAR OP THE C7* application of the Mayor. AJdarraen and Commonalty of the city of New Tork. relative to the opening of 41st wrest. between the KUhth and Niutb avenues, in the city of New York— Pursuant to ^•Iotas in aaeh case made and prodded, the Mayor. Aldermen and Coraanoaalty of the city of New Yera tawaky Sa noliee that they attend to apply to the Sa prewar Cam d the dale of New York, at a Special Term of add Court, to be held at th* dty of New York. 00 Saturday. the 5th day of N.v ember. leaR at the opening of the Ce—rt ca that day, or aa toon thereafter at cottaad can he heard, tor the ttmomtaaca* of Oottavlaalrvnrn of Estimate aad I taata laetit in the aboveentitled matter; that the nature and ex tent of ta* ttvproveaatal hereby totatydad It the 1 lining of Sixty itrst dreet, betweea the <h tad M avennes. In the mi-1 dty at stow Tats, takdd seat oaths aaa* or plan of add city, ander aad by virtue ef aa a d of the ltddaliire ofthe peoait d the state of N«w Tart andtiaar'Aa ad reiaUvetr, tm tovaeCttrporatioB. ; CMNT. LOWER EL H. EAR, Ma. la W n x t u t Hi ft. j (4MB** Ceay.) Aagtractt, Ac Da. do. da. do. TeedaPoiasatadAh* 3c 9ZmmAtti?V2V'& aeMtt* FIRST EDITION. 'OA«>oxdL_ CITY IKTr.LLIUENCE. 43kp tACBJEASB IK THE ATTKNDAatCB Oaf Uri^UCA-V • aauaaa Toe Republican ward meeting* ia Utit citr t»Te a>—'tr before barn to largely tttendel as dortn% the preeeat ttaata, although the caaipugn it *H vet tarrty opened. Ere. ia lR5t, when the eidt;mer.t of the prewdenual context wit to iot*n»e. the Re- p u b l i c s . Bttttwawatswai eoxtld not boast at many mem- bers a* th«* etc at the present time, aad their meet- ings were not so largely attended. We hear ea- ootirAgiDg report* from nearly all the ward*, aad it it frequently a matter of turpnae to members theta- a*lvet that to —itch interest it manifested. Among Lbs names newly enrolled o. the booki of the ward clubt ctn be tboam those of many who hare here- tofore supported the democratic party, bat who hare been disgusted hy th* misconduct of their leaders. It it evident that the Republican, party baa gained rspid'.y ta thi* city within the last year. The mani- fest improvement in the government of the citr, since the opposition gained aamcient strength at least to prevent gome of th. scheme* of the party heretofore dominant, bar. convinced hundred* of reriectiDg men that it it better to act with them than with a party which finds leaders and efficient sup- porters among bullies and prixe-figbtera. The quiet election* under the new police, when contrasted with the violence snd ruffianism which prevailed under Mayor Wood, have had a happy effect in dtsj ellmg the prejudices of our citizens against the police system established by the Repub- licans, and the cry of " tyranny," " usurpation," Mid " violation of chartered rights," which the de- mocratic politicians raised to fiercely whe,n the Me- tropolitan Police law was enacted, has ceased to eiert any formidable influence. The prediction! which they loudly proclaimed, that the Republicans would strip New V ork of ail her chartered rights, laving so signally failed of fulfilment, the natural reaction damages the false prophet*. The recent action of the Supervisors hat, as we predicted that it would, proved detrimen- tal to the party which expected to profit by it. The bcbenie was too palpably dishonora- ble to meet with favor except among ballot-box stutters aud politicd rowdies. It may result in fraudulent returns and a temporary success to the democratic parly in the orty, but' the eremt will prove tLAt it was uot less impolitic than disboqont- nie. TUB EVERETT nor-iE COMMITTEE Of BESPBCTABLB naaocBATg. The tub Everett-House Committee of respectable democrats have issued the following: "Nxw Yoxx. Tuesday. October 11, IS,"**. '* At meeting of democrats, held at the Everett House on Uie 7th in-.., fur the purptate of tuggeMing an efficient IK-rrtianent organir.atiou in view of ihe great importance of the coming state and city election*, the following reso- lution war unanimously adopted: " Resolved, Thai Wall* Sherman, James Lee, Algernon S. Jurvi*. H. M, Whillock and i'bartu* A. Lamont be con- stituted a oommiitce, with power to add such name* there- to aa they may deem advisable, and with authority to re- quest their democratic fellow-citizens to attend a meeting tor the purutate of consulting together as to the bed inter- ests ot the democratic party. " In actor.:an, <• with thi* rewduUon, the undersigned. fi(*w coniisv-ing litis committee, request you to attend a meeting for the- purposo aforesaid, at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, on Thursday evening next, the lSlh iniL, d S O'clock. " The iii.dcr>h!iit-d feel It to be almost unnecessary for tlit-in to ta] that the sole object tn view is to procure such an organisation of the democratic party of this city a* shall exercise ti conservative Influence, tending noi only to elevate the chancier of the party, but alto, hv securing the nomination of well-known and tried democrat* of respectability and character, to thereby promote the pub- lic interests. " They are com meed that the counsels of a large body of wdl-known democrat* cannot tail to produce valuable result*. " Tbey, therefore, now ask you to co-operate cordially with them, ami with the leaders of the party, believing that much good can thereby be act-otiiplished. ** If. however, by continued indifference at to their re- preaenlative*. the people of New I'ork chooae to allow, without itilerlt•retice, the selection af candidate* who do not lalrly represent either the whole party, the us pavers or the commercial interests of the citv, il must be Inferred that the- acknowledged evils of our party organization, and of our muiiicipej government resulting therefrom, are not yet sufficiently. optrrc**lve to enlist your active co-oper- ation in producing a remedy. " IA atu, Sherman. Eliat S. Hlggin*, J an its* l.oe, Isaac i "•'•* nsen 1. Algernon h. J art is, Stephen .loiinsou, K. M. Whitlot-k, Joel Conklln, (hsrles A. Lamont. Schuyler Linngslon, Joel Wolfe. J. T. Sontter, Samuel I. M. Barlow, Benjamin H. Field, Keuben Withers. Motes Taylor, George J. Forrest, Uoyd Phelp*. M. W. Chater, t. K Album*. Arthur La-ary, M'uliam T. Coleman, George C. Collins, John T. Agnew, Junes OlweU, George Oreer, B. N. Fox, John W. Oulbert, .lohu McKeeson, llenrv Yelverton, Tho*. F. TooBgt. rf Man tJteallat a Bale— Art—at while Running away with II. Thit morning, a little past midnight, Edward MeOowaii, a lad of twenty, residence unknown, in company with some other youths, broke into the establishment of John McDonougb, No. t«0 F o u r t h avenue, known by the lingular appellation of " The Shades." Tbey entered by the cellar, making their way upstairs, took possession ot the safe, in whioh were valuable papers, and about f 1 •" io cash. About half past two officer Prota, of the Seveateenth ward, found Miiiowan ou his beat with the safe on his shoulder. He escorted him to the ttRtioa-house, where Captain lltrtt chronicled the offence as lar- ceny, not knowing the culprit ta one usually " cir- culating" in MackerelvilU. He however caused the prosecution to be commenced for burglary, and is confident that McUowan will soon be keeping company with " Hanta Heeny." tywrlwdllasg by Mesas of a Forged Cheek. On Tuesday morning last two men called at the ttore of Messrs, Hoyt, Bogart A Dillon, SB Fulton atreet, selected $278 -'>" worth of goods, and said they would send for them during the day, with the money. Accordingly, in the afternoon, a messen- ger called for the goods, and presented a check drawn in the name of Robert Craig, Jr., and bear- ing on its face the signature of P. Tallmadge. pay- ing teller oi the East River Bank. The cheek was examined carefully and believed to be genuine, and the goods were delivered. But when the check was sent to the bank, Mr. Tallmadge pronounced hit dgnature a forgery : and it further appeared that no Robert Craig, Jr., had any money in the bank, nor doet the name of that individual appear in the directory. No clue has been obtained to the perpetrators of the fraud. Another firm has recently been swindled out of fSOti in the same way. Obituary. Anthony Dey, one of the oldest members of the bar of this city, died on Sunday, 9th October, in tttnt, at hit residence in the city of Hudson, New Jersey, at the advanced age of nearly eighty three years. He waa born near Paterton, New Jersey. He was admitted to the bar in New York about 17.8, and by hit energy and industry toon secured a large and lucrative practice, io which he was ac- tively engaged Kir more than thirty years. Mr. Dey did not, however, confine hit attention to hit pro- fession He was one of the owners of the land on which a large part of Jersey City it now built, and was a principal party in establishing 4b* ferry to Jersey City. In constructing and maintaining the turnpike over the marshes to Newark, and subse- quently in building the New Jersey Railroad to New Brunswick, he took a very activeinterett. He alto gave much attention to agriculture and to raising fiae horse* and cattle, and for many yean wat eugaged. at great expense, in the enterprise of draining and cultivating the salt meadows between the Hacken- sack and Passaic rivers. When Texas wat opened by the Mexican government for settlement, Mr. Dey wss one of the first to engage, with others. In a pro- ject of extensive oolonixatton ID that country, which occupied him almost exclusively for several years, but proved unsuccessful by reason of the refusal of Mexico to perform her engagements. In mining operations in New Jersey, in North Carolina and in Georgia, he alto took great interest, and expended large sums of money, and Eaat Newark it one of the latest o.' his enterprise*. Mr. Dey waa disttn guished for the earnestness, energy and the unwaver- ing confidence with which he prosecuted every en- terprise in which he engaged. Hit viewt and pro- jects were liberal, and frequently too much in ad- vance of the timet to be immediately remunerative. Those who come after him do and wilt enjoy the benefits ol bis labors. Broadway lalt everuiig presented quite a carnival aspect. The clear moonlight and the mild air brought out thousands of well-dressed strollers, and the crowded theatres at the close of th. per- formances sent their large audiences to swell the crowd. At about half-past ten o'clock, Broadway from Canal street to Tenth street, was aa much crowded as during the busiest part of the day. Citizens and strangers lent their presence to enliven the scene, and French, Italian. German and Eng- lish were the prevailing, but by no meant the only languages heard. MM 1 aw*. 1 and Heenan met casually in the ttreet, yesterday afternoon, when th* former addressed the latter in a belligerent manner, slapped him on the shoulder, and offered to tight him in the Park immediately for t-"'S. Heenan replied he had no $200, when Morrissey offered him the luxury gratia, but the Benecia Boy still declined, and Morrissey was taken away by his friends. The affair excited the sporting men greatly. The fl.i MAIM will bold a ttreeting in favor of the Sabbath at the Cooper Institute, on Sunday evening next. Prof. Schaff, of Mercersburgh .Seminary, will deliver an address. Hew Tork Ophthslmic HotoitAl. The quarterly meeting of the board of directors of the New York Ophthalmic Hospital, was held at their rooms. No. 6 Stuyvctaat ttreet. Tuesday evening, Ilth intt. The surgeon*, lira. Stephenson and Oarrish, pre- sented their quarterly report, whereby it appeared that i'4.'i new patients,Buffering with dtaenes of tti. eye, had been treated during the last three months, making 7,1"'.- poor person* afflicted with ophthalmic diseases treated at the hospital gince its foumlation in ISA*. High Living.—One Farrell having proceeded against a woman far assault and battery, the ease was tried in Special Session! this moraitig. During the trial the defendant's counsel stated that Farreil recently got the defendant t father drank, and led him to the top of a five ttory house, and left him on the roof is the rain, all night. CelliaitBL—A oollistoo took place last evening be- tween the Jersey City ferry boat Newark aad the schooner £ lira:nerd. Both Tetania were consider- ably damaged. BROOKLYN. A v Bls«>A« Cddck Rica DttcovtgT.—About . month ago an auctioneer named Wm. Little, doing business at StT Fulton ttreet, ia telling a quantity Of old taxTaUtUft, BOsd BB Old clock tt) A—Other taaC- tioneer, named Townsend, doing ITU. .1 in Myrtle avenue, for fifty cent*. The clock rerndoed in Town send'* gtor* an til aboat a we**k a g o , w b e . he •old itfortea dollars to . a a a w b . rtytyawat ia Ful- ton avenue, who. oa taking R home, dawMrvwred that, a looking glasa whveh waa ta the back of fa* dock waicracked. He took it out with the intenUoo «f starring . aww «a*> pat Mt, w a t ato>aat .M—nIfir- he discovered sot*, of th* Bank of BBa^aBEw behind i t ABBiwinliBg t* about $.,000. It is gaud that the heir, ef the Mtate to wAteh !l»* clock ©rigi«*lly Be- longed intend to corn-tap aa at tat— Mr tad) iw- BwB-waMtaf$a» .—A Qtt—if, boarthtl at No. *S5 Htsxry tsrwat, by ratting hid tbroat, yewtdrday, while MAxttriag an- 4atr afitaf lavaaoity flllWAf oa th* body, aad a vardiot in M tAw ahaW Al- t' < 1 i:<- dock, aad baatg allowed to remain tktt-t. » » . »*>BBr4i*»wtw*w*w^ eat number of carcassed «a tat dock m aay tttse WM thirteen. Hiev remained there two dayt dot-jag a betw dorm, when tat. vtt.tU ooabi aat vwttt.re oat. The Board laid the subject over till next week. Th. A-v*la-laa*ang Vafflw,—Ta. Brooklyn **tdt*a>c—- ticiaes tLe employ—east of Meaert Banks. Hde, O. W. Curtit, Wendell Phillips, "and other* ofthe sam* intellectual tendencies," because "the— is Bcarxyely a doubt that the staple af their harangues will be the horrors ot slavery, aad diaswrtattoot ea the Missouri Compromise. Kansas, and the e'eraal avtjjrer '' The party havwtg pat their foot into thit matter, the EagU it^M not like to be retain led of it. A* lecture committeet are genertily *hrew,l enough t. procure lecturers th»t will " draw " and pay ex- penses, be their subjects what they may, if Gill more Sim—s. General Houston, Senators Douglas and Toombs and Governor Wise would effect as much, they too would be invited. target bmiTtiiB of th. "Brooklyn Daily Tims* Omard''—The " Brooklyn Daiif ttmrn tiuard" have their first annual target cxcursiotj. new Thomas Stewart's, in the Cypres* Hills Macadamized road, on Saturday. October tiath. Thit company it com- K ted af the emptoyaet of the Dmilp Tima, office intel Donevan, the principal clerk of the estab- Ushmenl, it captain. We presume that " shoot- ing tticks" will be displayed to advantage oa tail occasion, arsd that the typos will take good *'im- pressions." Afterwards, th. " matter" which is " dead " will be " disthbuttd" till every *' caae" will be duly tupplied with "torts." Count us in for a paragraph, a secuon. and perhaps a dissection. EvaaxwrnattwEB of Btrtlgat Atnerican Candi-iates John J. Hickt. Republican, hat received the " Straight American" nomination for the Ataenibly in the Sixth, and Robert Justison. Jr., in the Sev- euth Assembly district. William Nodtne has declined the Straight nomi- nation for justice in the Fifth district. The Independent Democracy nominate Assembly- men this afternoon. AeeidsnL to tit* Steamer jTultoA—The steamer Fulton was yesterday making her way to the Mor- gan Iron Work*, for repairs, when the run close by the Williamsburgh shore, at the fern slip at the foot of South Eighth ttreet. The pilot failed to back in time, and there being a strong flood tide, she struck ber broadside on the end ofthe pier, break- ing down a portion of it, and crushing the wheel. The damage done to the pier WM about fl.v« hun- dred dollars. LEGAL RECORD. SUEROGATATS COLTRT. Biroaa xiiwAtP c. wan, SUBBOOATX. Mr. Leapt** WUI. The will of the late Cbaries M. Ltvupp has been Awd in the -iirrogati'.« office, upon an application forpri.ual*. It wa* oxet uted 00 the i4tn of Ot touer. 1857. The aiteettng wtmetaet are Clixrie* E. Southmay.l, Chnrlea K Butler, and J. Kdwar.ls Tracy. William Hopkins Leupp, the brother of deceased. David Wiluauistm Lee and VV illiam M. Kvartt. are natuetl execulon; aad Mrs. Isabella Loe, guardian of the children. The provision* of the docu- ment are few and concisely expressed. To hi* daughter Jane the testator leaves the family Bible, aad Bihlea ot t-uud value to each of hi* other daughters, to be prov idtd by hi*exefulors. He leave* io trust with hit executon, for each daughter. |20.issi, free trout the control of any husband she mitt, hut e. Tlie daughters respectively to re- ceive the income of this $10,0110 Juriag life, the principal, with dl "accumulations" to be tranaferrclat the death uf each to her next of kin, according to the statute of dislri butlons in case ot intestacy of that state. He releases to hit brother. William Hopkins Leupp. all debt* due by laid hr.'i her to himself or hit Anns. He leaves to ala daughter- Laura, Isabella aad Margaret, all hi* printed books, plate. silver and household furniture, equallt share and share alike; and to Mrs, Isabella Lee hi* pictures and engrav- ings. His marble bust* of Bryant and Allston he leaves to tlie New York Galler) of Fine Arts. All the red, residue snd remainder of hi* estate Mr. Leupp gives to and di- vide* among bit three daughter* equally, with the aluiple restriction that the executors are te act tn the manage. ni-itt uf Uie retpeciive share* of the estate till the daugh- ten reapeetively attain the fall age uf twenty-one year*. SUPERIOR COUET—SPECIAL TEEM. HgrOBB BOSWOKTll, J. Wm. A*. TayUir agt. A. A'ovtA.—The defendsnt hss leave to serve a copy of hi* affidavit of the l-.'tli inalanL on plstnlifTs attorney . and Uie motion made by defendant may stand ov er until the — instant, to enable the plaintiff' to Lvreparti, in the' meantime, inch opposing affidavits as he tnav be ad vtoed. Hatbaiay age Tkt .Sun Mutual Iniuranet Com- /•utif.—Case settled. 61'PBEME COURT—CHAMBERS. BEfOBK Sl'TlirSLAKD, J. John IT. Wkilf agt. Samuti Martin.—Motion for at- tachment denied, without coat*, but with liberty to renew upon paper* showing more particulariy the lime 0* the ser- vice ot lite injuction on delt-ndant. and showing that the arrangement he made with the tenant. If any wt* made subsequent to tlie service of such order. Jotkua R. BalmttgL llenry Winbougk.—Motion de- nied, without costs. Elf ha Murtman sgt. Henry W. Ward.- Plaintiff"* default in not proceeding before reteree on the 15th of ssepttmber. I>SB.and Uie referee's order dismissing com- plaint for thai cause, set aside, on payment by plaintiff of 17 (tost* of op|>ostng thlt motion; tne referee's fees for that dsy. and the tees ol the witneeaet of Uie ddendant actu- ally in attendance before referee on that day ; plaintiff to take short notice of truu. Barons isuilnia, j. Samnfl W. Star* tt al. agt J,ii,i, CurH*.—Motion grsuted; cost* to abide event, unless putinliff stipulate* to admit on the irial lliai the defendant did not fulAInu, agree- ment with Adrianoe. If such aiUMUalioo it aervad in Bve dsvt, the motion is denied. Edgar 1'. //*// agt l.ueian Ayor.—Motion granted, unless plaintiff within Ave days procure tire sheriff"* return to be endorsed oa the execution agdnst the property, aad pay ten dollars ooets of mutton, in which case the motion it granted on payment to plaintiff's attorney of (100, ekhirdaat IrSxaaBat tmmrw LiUgatloa Fdoipko Wol/t agt Kmil Goulard.—Thi* is aa appH- ration tor an injunction to real—in Mr. Goulard from using Mr. Wolfe's trade-mark, and from telling any article bear- ing the name of Schiedam schnapps. The defendant claim* thai " History, Geography and Lexlogrtphy, are all combined tn exposing the humbug gory of the piaiaUff"i claim ;" that " rvchudani rtchnappt" were known yean before Mr. Welfe appropriated the name; " plaintiff might as wdl attempt to aptwopriate a* trade marks Uie terms t oguar brandy. London porter, Pokeeiade ale, Genesee flour, Cincinnati pork or East nv er oysten." Ex-Judge Dean, for the defendant argued that Mr. Wolfe eould not be called the inventor of the word. Columbus dlacov ered America, and Wolfe It was cldmed invented gin ; but who was the greatest diaonverer, poa- terity would tell Mr. Wolte could not aak for an iniiinc tton becau— be was the Barn am of the Gin trade. W.dfe had created the name in ls<4«; in that year be dreamed of tsfhnartps. lie slept tvn Scbnappa, Ineubated Sclmap|ts. and in 1851 tie gave birth to the name, and couunenced to use the word. Counsel add that Walk had tewtiled that Uie word Schnapps could not be found in a Dutch dictionary In the English dictionary no such wont* as eock-tail, brandy -smadi. or sherry -cobbler eould be found, though they were wdl understood. As wail might a man take aay of these name* for a trade mark oeoaute they were not in the dictionary. If Wolfe might take the word Schnapps, because il was not in the Dutch diction- ary, and use it aa a trade-tiuirL. The wanes*, itldner, was engaged ia the case and appeared on both tide*. He made t*chnapp* against Wolfe: he made Schnapps sgauist Goulard, aad oidner wa* now making " eye-opener" gin agdnst both of them. The oounsel then in a very witty, logicd and elaborate manner argued on these point* ; and contended that the injunction sought for waa a v lolation of the policy of the law, and wodd lie, if allowed, an cyanide to tbe damage of commeree. Mr. 1 iVonnr for Mr. Wolfe, contended that a man had a perfect right to use a signUlcittion as a trade mark, pro- vided he wa* tbe Arat one who adapted it tn a certain ar tide. He ortrmeed tbe argument* of Jndge Dean as being in sufficient in point 01' law and eqdty, and stated that Mr. W otft- had a right to claim and wa* euli'.led to the protec- tion of the Court Ex-Judge Dean closed the irgumenl this morning. COURT OF APPEALS. Ocmsra lira,—Noa 31, Si. *4, TT. *.(. Ks-Struck off. No. AT—Reserved for the fourth week. No. M—Reserved by default. No. at—Bwety agt LoU. argued, Wm. B. Ackley for appd lain , Ja*. 8, Campbflt for respondent No So—Draper agt Snow, argued. Wm. H. BcoU for anpd lant: H. B. Cowlet for respondent. No. *»—Sandenon agt. Goodrich, argued. John K. Rey noldt for appellant; J. Cok for respondent. No. M—Backet! agt Cayuga and Susquehanna Railroad Company, on argument. John A Collier for appellant; George Sidney Camp for respondeat. CAiaBDAt vox Orvoasa 11—Numbers IS, 4C AH, TS, "4, K. *, 1 J. It.tt,at 4M, ST. t*. 13, », 34, ii. Mr. MoBnot'8 Bi-etting Ntable Consumed A Wile's Heroism. (Prom the Spirit of the Timet. October 15.) We regret to learn that one of our most extensive breeders of blood stock at the North, J. B. Monnot, of Westchester county, New York, hat met with a most serious lost, the burning of hut whole range of stables. It appears that on tbe morning of Tues- day, the 4th instant, Mr. Monnot left home with the intention of going to Albany to attend the State Fair, leaving nit V.) ace in charge of hut wife. Short- ly after noon, while the men wet*, yet at dinner. Mrs. Monnot discovered dens* smoke issuing from the stables; abe was alone with her women—not a man within call—tbe blood horses, worth nearly $HHi,0Ou, were in imminent danger. For a moment she waa paralyzed, bat BOOB recovered her presence of mind to perform what the considered a religious duty—to save her husband's property, even at tbe risk of her own life. Starting her women in vari out direction! in search of assistance, she alone rushed into the stables, from tbe tide, of which the flames were by thit time bursting ia every direc- tion. Logan, the pride and pet of her husband. was the first to be saved ; to unchain and lead htm to tbe door ol hit box was but the work of an in atant, but, terrified at the flames which met his tight, he rushed back to his stall and resisted every attempt to lead him out, until, when nearly exhaust- ed by Iter exertions, Mrs. Monnot succeeded In blindfolding bim with part of ber dress, when he bees—e tractable, and submitted to be led to a place of safety. The foreman and helpere of the farm at last ar- rived, and BOOB had every Ato/ turneM out. Now commenced ascent the wildest snd most appalling eye ever witnessed. The sublet, which were tuah- ciently extdntiv. to accommodate one hundred and fifty horses, and barns containing over one hundred tone of bay, were completely enveloped 10 flames. The horse*, which in the excitement of the moment, without regard to sex or age, were turned into a small enclosure, maddened by fear, commenced fighting furiously, kicking, biting and tearing each other in a fearful manner, making it dangerous and apparently foolhardy in tbe extreme to attempt to separate them. Th. foreman, however, watching his opportunity, succeeded in catching by abe mane one of tbe moat furious, a two-year old* colt, who reared and plunged at such a rate that the man was soon aent flying ander the heels of the other horse*. Mrs. Monnot again exhibited her nerve and courage by entering the enclosure and Mixing the brute by the note; she held him until the man had recovered himself and procured a halur, with which the animal waa secured. Old Syiphide, by Emilias, bred by R. L. Stevens, now owned by Mr. Monnot, was very aear being lost; she was surrounded by tame*, aad had te be taken out through a hoi. cut ia the side .f her sta- ble. Having secured tbe Mock to the best of her judgment, Mrs. Monnot sent an express messenger to convey tbe tidings of tbe calamity to her hus- band, who was intercepted just a* h . WM on the point of embarking for Albany. Oa hearing tbe news, hit-thoughts were not on his loss, but on his wife. His first exclamation was, "MyGod; and that poor woman's all alone." He little thought that ''that poor woman," all aloae. had really saved hi* immense property. a A Hew Tsrk Aaritt ia afcMttmt—Tne. Newton iN. J.i It*rmU haa lav* fblWwiag relative to an opera- tion on th* ear in that place by Dr. LtgatniU, of this city, 87 Bond street: -- Dr. LighthtU, oculist and aaritt, retched this village oa the Rod, Had by invitation wa were pres- ent to witness tke operastidu for the cure of deaf Tbe patieat wa. aa old JJ*"' Isaac WiUattx—, who bras near PappeAatrug axeet- ill Be tdv.nl na; nous*, in this conntv, and trill be seventy-oave yean old (a* he stated to as ; next FatM-tr*. He bad been sBsjtaJ for a long serves of was to deaf that he had not attempted totvald cm venation with aay ****, a a d s t a i d not attar a tcaaad. It was found iinistatry, prrriraat te the oneratooa, to t*tHnmit to paper aay quitsjta or fa-tttmaaacelK— addressed to him. "We talked with Bim atW the op**ta»», and fcnad that he could hear and antaatatand ererr word we said, .Hht-fA we wants d vtry bt tit IlBEsr have dtwte to any one whom wt did to the leeett axteeted wit. deaf •< Jail-Tad ahtp at aaa aa the 14th ult, had aa board a of work* of -rt, Italy t T^ BY TELEGRAPH. SaaTITY OP THI aiTavjIKl CITY. Her Arrival at Norfolk. Notrott, October 18.—The steamship Q.itti r City arrived in Hampton steads at T.W P. n. yeater day, in tow of the kteanter State of Georgia. The tollowiBgia CAPTAIB BSTITVELDT'S STATWWgJ—. The engine was smashed wheat thirty-dig hours out from New York, and thirty-eight miU. S.S.K. of Cape liatteree After her separation from tbe Dumbarton on tbe Ptb, the Quaker City made her way north aad eaat under canvass. At • p. n. of the 9th she was in latitude S6* MJ, longitude 74 xl, one hundred mUet from the first point named. There a steamer bound south pasted without no- ticing oar signals of distress or the firing of our guns, although apparently near enough for both. Al 6:o0 p. a. me schooner King Fisher, of New York, tbe name of a hose captaia i* not known, bore sway for ua, and with the true charitcterltttc. of a aeaman hailed us, and said he would stick by us till the last, wbicli promise be faithfully perform- ed. The brig Heaa, of Alexaadna, alto' answered our signals, and laid by u» uot I aent in search of a steamer. At 7 in the evening a gale from the north- ward, of great force, atiuck the ship, wheu aoc laid with her bead to the eastward, oeUsi tog ad- mirably for forty-eight hours. During this time it became necessary to heave overboard the deck freight. At noon oc the lift, tbe gale having abated. 111 latitude oh Su , loogttud, 74 its 1 ', the ship was taken in tow by the kingasber, and, aided by her own sails, succeeded in sallug twenty miles westward, when, at midnight, the Btate of Georgia ran down, and took as in tow dxty mile* northeast of Cape Henry. Captdn c*hu!eldt desires publicly to thank tbe captains of the Dunbarton, Kingfisher, Sena and State oi Georgia for tbe prompt sod cheerful manner in which they rendered; hist aaajtianee; aad, without inUndlsg 45 fflacriminate, wishes particularly to exw.reia bis gratitude to the captain of the Kin4- haher. He it alto grateful to the passengers for their consideration towards himself, and to the crew for their perfect quiet snd coolness during the accident. (Signed) R. W. 8m,r*Li»T The following are the MDN of the passengers who remained on board tbe Quaker City, and have arrived in Hampton Roads: E. L. Crabbe, lady an I two children, John Chartrand and lady, Miss Chart rand. Alex. Debandry, Jose Diaz, Manuel Beraid. F. R. Diaz, C. M Dot—ate, lady sod daughter, Mr Gabro. lady and son, J. Dezaldo and C. G. Mou- salve. _ ^ BALTIMORE ROWDYISM-TWO MF\ MUR DERKD. BALTIMORE, October 18.—Two me a were shot dead in our street* last night. One was a yo mg Irish man; the other the mate ot one of the Bay c-.ifts lying at Union Dock. No arrests have been made as yet. MEXICAN NEWS Nave OataaKs, October IS.—Tbe latest Mexican advices state that the Juarez government have made important concessions to Consul Coouer tor tbe navigation of tbe Mexican coast from Cuayama* to Acapulco. THE "PRESS " AND PRESIDENT BUCHANAN. PHILAHSLPBIA, October 13.—It is ststed on fool authority that Mr. John W. Forney has received a notification from President Buchanan of his intention to institute a prosecution tor It *d oa ac- count of the article in Hie /*—» on Monday in rela- tion to the death of Mr. Broderick. MAAKRT8. CuaxasTOS, October H.-OoUi.n-8dea to-iay 1AUU bdes, the market closing with a declining tendency. BAVA—UB October 1!.-Cotton—Bales today Mt bales, st un. hanged pricet; middling lOkialORc. PtutaprLmiA. October II -Flour aulet Wheat Arm—ta et sttajbuahelt'. white SI 3tasyl 3S. red II S3. Corn let* active, yellow SAV. Oau advanced Me.* pork Sl'iv*,-,* . hams llywUSic; ddaaWkc; »boaldera 8*. Whiskey tirm st STHeWXc. aa.ttatolgg t sasaal. A Fnsbionable Wedttiag. MABKIACB O P T B I CIBASf SILllOHint tMi V SXgW VOBK BBt.tB—HOTT STBXXT AKII PIPTB AVBNI t I k llKMk.VTI.V PggTCBBall tCBKBS IN THg t'BI'RiH AorrAVION 01 rnx sTBEgT—AN ARCBBISBOP orrui AT1K0—BBCKPTION AT TBI BOt'SS. To-day, according to the announcement given in most of the pspers and to the invitations so pro- fusely scattered around, the nuptial ceremouiet be- tween Don Esteban Santa Cruz de Oriedo and His* Barllett, tbe daughter of Lieutenant Bartlett, took place at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Mott atreet. At unite aa early hour this morning, the doors of the cathedral were besieged by anxious visitor*, chiefly ladies, and as soon as the doors were opened numbers entered. Cards of invitation to be pre- sented at the door were iasued for the benefit of the invited guests, who were provided with cards, which read as follows: tr. ravaica's OA*—XOBAL. Thursday. Octolver 18. at Twelve o'clock. Thi* Card to be presented at tbe main door, Midi street rswala reserved unU! 11, o'clock. The general note of invitation to the wedding was couched in the following terms : Ma. A\n Mas. BASTI FTT request tbe pleasure of your company al the marriage ceremony of their daughter FgABcae AaiLiA. ami Do* ESTXSAS BTA. Cat/a nx OVIKBO, Oo Thursday, the lath of t^tober. —while the invitation te the reception was worded as follows: Mt. A Mas. Baari—rr AT IDS', Thuredav, OcUylter is, from owe unUl three o'clock, M A'eat 14th atreet Half-past eleven waa the time appointed for the ceremony, and ss that boar approached the crowd increased. Pobeemen were stationed at tbe gdea of the Iron railings that surround the Cathedral, to prevent any one from entering the enclosure unpro- vided with tickets. A second inspection of the elect took place at the mdn door of the Cathedral on Mott street, several policemen having all they could do to prevent those whose calling and election waa not tore from getting in surreptitiously. Of course the fair sex were intensely desirous te behold the tpectaclt, and several, who could not get the coveted invita- tion, tried to pass in with blank envelopes hastily shown to the door-keeping policemen. A few of these adventurous females passed tbe outer gate, but the Cerberus at tbe church door wat on his guard, and discovered in most instances the in- genious fraud. In ease of such discovery, tbe dis- appointed female was quietly removed by an assist ant officer. While these scenes were witnessed at the door, the vicinity ofthe cathedral, which stands troaling Mott street, with its south dde on Houston, snd the rear on Mulberry street, waa crowded by a curious and motley multitude. This part of the city cannot be termed aristocratic Tenement a.uscs abound, and the Celtic element prevails in the population. As the marriage took place between parties in an entirely different ttation of life, it would at first be supposed that tbe people near the locality would not be to deeply interested io it—but far from this, the whols of the ward teemed to be in a state of great excitement. Tbe hucksters and corner-grocerymen tutpended business for the time, and every window and door wat occupied by interested if not interesting gaxers. A row of houtet on Mott street, directly opposite the Cathe- dral, waa especially favored—every window exhi- biting illimitable perspective, of innumerable heads, as if tbe Patricks and Bridget* residing therein had invited, to tee the out door part of the wedding, ail their " cousins," even unto the fourth aud n:tli generations. The sidewalks were also dire. Frowsy girls, with sleepy, dirty babies, darted bither and tbitber, with a disregard of their precious burthens to which Uie neglect of Tilly Slowboy was minute and careful attention, while lads of tender ages, shrill voices, and dilapidated pantaloons, rashly impaled themselves upon the pointed iron railing! or clung madly to the street lamps. Through all these, hun- dreds of richly dressed ladies and kidded gentle- men picked their way from their carnages to tke Cathedral entrance. Ahhough the holders of tickets were assured that seats would be reserved for them till half-past eleven, every seat was occupied an hour before that time, and even the aisles were also crowded to suf- focation with standing committees. A tow discon- nected voluntaries on the organ served to bttraila the time. The vast body of people rendered the air warm and dose, and notwithstanding that tbe windows were wide open, the state of the atmos- phere waa almost utsafferable. The erowduag crea ted much good natured complaining from all, and a few ill-natured remarks from irascible gentlemen aad dowagers with red faces Many wished to leave, bat once in, t retrograde ntotioo was almost isspos sibl*. Several ladies were taken out in a fainting condition, and of oat. it was rssnarkad by an indig- nant member of her sex, who stood balancing her- self on tbe top of th* backs of one of the pews. " She ain't fainting. It's all a sham to get out. Don't yon see how red the it." At about twelve o'clock the bridal party appeared in tke chancel, the parents of the bride, with seve- ral ecclesiastical!, leading th* procession, which in- cluded six brideawasid* and groomsmen. The bride, enveloped from head to foot ia a rich white veil, took with her intended a position in the centre, while the others were arranged so aa to form a BJawawatwsw. Arenbitbop Hughe* officiated. Hi* magnificent attire uf embroidered silk and gold waa further en- hanced by the Urge gilded mitre that was upon hi* head, while with his left hssd he held the golden Episcopal crosier. The serrieee, in tbe prescribed form of the Roman Catholic Church, were short, aad the words used inaudible, excepting to those •ear the chtaeel, Aboat one-third of the interior of the church, including, of course, the portion nest—at tbe altar, was predacted By a ratbag, and retaiaed for the use of the relatives and personal friend* of the bride and groom. After tbe tervioe. tbe Arehbtdtop iddreisid a brief but taraed exhortation to the newly mx—ted couple. The bride then received the —I*"'VBIB»U of ber frienda, and the sjuiet dignity with whiek sae conducted herself in thit trying daty .letted ataik commeat. Imsumillly after awls, the bndel partv retired to the vatstry. aad laavrag Vr the rwar door on Mulberry street, took twa-rstsj—t to taw * of the bride's Barsadt to "-mirilh Ml l t d A number of people had gathered aboat the trv-t door of the CsmVadrd, txpeStxaVtoat, .. a J . l t "*?!*—*>*• t a *- r r > *»*y wtn-Jtl ntxsgstaddowa tne middle md* and leave by the were, however, disappointed. dsjor. Tbey ArrittU a>f **s»J*t*t«T •*" Otty ef Wttavawaswaa, 0e*> et abtwt aooa ea Wee- most pet a— - 'av it again bars* Otrt aw—*—, oVjaand b"u*e* m"re were inhabitant* w«*P. taw- raa seeking shelter Arrttsvl The screw Uin Petri*, &*• I*W needay. ik*. t9*» ***-*». •»- %•» •"•_*»•_ •? tbe following day, Thi Arte! was adverts*-! to -nil fro- rJoathA-Ap- toafor New York « Ew. *>th -MMA The Cucard .teamer A f r «,^J~Li, W pcoi at $.50 en the n*rttu»g of tke S%*h a l u m . ,:.,T MRS OT ** rA ^'"'*V _. Coostsntiavrvple journ-tls of the 14th stsse Sa.'SSSvA^awlil frotr. the house* U.napf Wvcd tne **r^— r m%oei with tbe mod rr:^,l|rilr.P.d.tv, "^'rec^ywd time upwards tf M iT**iab>tetir.*i» * ^ r '~ 9 ^ 7 *! (H The tire, was ~esr* order, but or. the ne: and very' neatly one reduced to ssbe* Tt ning bslf uaked tbrsyevj* the d:eetisee*-o*j -"—_j sr./mtre than six itfrdred fam.l.es *•*>.% la *J" tl.ey poe-esatd are sMcaawped on the b«a T*re Sul'ttn ordered t nu-aker of miUUry lento to ne supplied to an-ord tteM temporary thelter. LATSST —rattlOSKCB RT TAB iTTt Of WAAwn»*rTOSI. fBT tdsa—th frahx Loadoa to Wx«»T«>el) LohDOn. SepteriAesfa?, leSP.—Tb* I>iU, Stmt City Artide of Wedri4)sd*y evening say* : " Tbe funds rerr.au witboat aay BBOTIIBBIW I toivortavn—. British l*#ilway ttrcks » « * V _ ~ 2 r f l_ tbe atternoon. Tbere.toa* * moderate »"-*•" ™* rnoney. The best bilh,art; taken at xs» to *H ner C *°Tt.e amount of gMtd taken to the baa* te-day WSdASO.OOO. The aBfafl.'*.' by the "tent e*vr»e to hsmd, but at too late an hour to be dealt witb. A movement is en fistd tsf"!-: the --rebants ia trsd-. with the ftp* at G'>cd Hope bavir.g for IU object the presenUUess) of tn addreaa te Str George Grey, on bis return frett the coloty. l.sst evetneg s meeting wa* held at the Hail Of* "science, to adopt measares fed- the lmirciliat* abo- Ution of ni.c.g'.i!g iu the anuy and navv. Ttte *h»«r was occupied by J C iiurruugU, ex member tor TbsT'fiwic. city »rtit.'..- of Wcltetdsy rrec-ng says s "T** funds have tdrn steady 1hrocc;b«Bt tbe day at the firm ir.ee* of tester-day. •• In tbe discount SAarket lucre tt undiaciotaaved etas.-, tnd oueaaiotia; Bfavatact lona take place at ij$ per cent ,. •' The advices from tbe Continent dewcrtbe a gen- eral absence of tpecniatixe bu*ioe«a. l ^" n »**?j**"k_ ing the aupe rsbuiidsavoe of capitd iu each ot tae markets. At HambAfg Ulc rMc 01 tlucxHiol IB •In tbe rs'l-aj OatW-l 10 vky there has Jbeea a reaction. etpecisTly Ifith* heat ter dock*. Tbe «*. clitie was from !, tojt pf' C**t. A deputstioti fromgfic masons waited on the mat ter builders vetterat*. Tbe interview it said to) have lasted 4ven btdirs, Sid at its close wa* ad turned until this d»y- The retult will hate an important bearing oAtbe strike. , taicn, Septen•l>et5: , .'.—Prince Napcleoa has ar uved here r*eparaA* conferences betweea the French and SardiniaA, and afterwai<d* betweea the Fiench and Auttnaa pleuipoUntiai ie* have Aakoa piece. Tbe Paris Po-,.. a aami-ofBciaijournal,annouaoe* the srntal .1 tLe AtAerican Miutater at Pekia . He aacended one of the branch** of th* Peine. acct.rrp.it it 1! be the member* of Lis iegatioa Tbey were liot allowed to tee anything of tA*e oountiv, and while awaiting an interview with tave Kru|»eror wete requited not to leave the residence assigned to them . PAR:*. :-*tli—lsi.s*a| «-—Continued natae— is ss> ptret t on tbe Hours*, Rentes opened tJTf. f'*c \MS\ us, »ep"ernl>ea -j'.t.—Soate fresh sVtstsi hat— been given in a Pari* journd re»peeting srujeMad expeditioo to China. The fere* ta t e oonsust of lt,- 01 st men, eboten from tbe beet men of .vary It it certain that at) tb* men of a regiment are BOX fitted to endure tbe climate A depot to repair de- bciencie* it to be etlablitbed near Hong Rang ar .'-baarbae. Tbe departure ofthe for*— cannot take place be- fore the first fortnight of November Tbe Dictator of Maydena has given orders far ta* purchase ot }»<.— •» Jiiuit nttes, aad also of tae bones of tbe PiecMaooteae cavalry, which aavt— been reformed. A telegram from Naples announce* that the Ring 1 at left for tbe Rotns« frontiers, for tbe parao.e, it was «e:d, of having aB interview with the Pope. Tbe IhraU txirrea—otdett ssys that Austria aad Piedmont are about making Warlike preparatioaa, and tlsat tbe French army of occupation in Italy is about to receive reinforcements. Tbe renewal of hostilities it apprehended by many The Spanish government it said by the , rfea Uthat* to have declined tbe mediation of awtg- land in the diarmte With Morocco. Tbe semi omoid journal of Madrid denies thd a convention exist* between Fraace and Spain rela- tive to Morocco. Alderman Carter ba* this day been elected Lord Mavor of London for the ensuing year. The Repteteiitttiee of tb. Grand Duke of Tits cany nt Rome, has rf fused to deiivei up the avsn- basay Houte, although threatened with tke conks cation of his prtiryetsty in Tuscanv. It ia said he is imported in nit refusal b* haw Ambassadors of Frajnoe aad Austria. GALWAT, Wednesday Evening.—Tbe Jason.frees New York, ba* arriwed. LIVXBPOOL, Thuredav. — Tbe deamsbin North Briton, from Quebec 17th, arrived at 10.34) t h i s forenoon. I (IMK.V SsTorx tWBANr.g.—IJOXIIOK, Thursday —Closing prices . wBkttol* for money ••">$», and for account •RJlixS****'* Qrat^csTowx, fSesiember e7—The Perthshire. hence to Wilmington, tt davt out, baa pat back with loss of galley avast* aad three men, intat.41.14 n. long. z>.& w. LtiNot.B Patiorrt aBsKBT.—Lownosi, 8ef*>rtuser JB.— Pngsr exreawrvwtjf Bar—the Asw i d * sotd were chiap— Uian yesterday. ' Coffee steady -. to faroely tjSM aag* e-iiunon Mist,,re lutve ween aoid at SB*, ad. to luaa. Tea quiet; eonintoa Congou la *d, eaah ; abeaut ll.SBB pacLsge* for sale to-morrow. Rice tt ead J. Rant Arm. faltpeter quiet; latest sales of H per ewt d Tt, aad *B| daaAwA Tallow tat al MT* •AtAV*. oa the spot, aad BTt, ( BTs. Id. for uctober aad Ue^embeg. LixxartKiL. Thureddy Mot—ing.—The aaaas ef 1 yesterday were bjUOli haie*. indedtng 1AM ea a aitd t,-r export: quotahona were bardy aadata' Flour asid »lte-at ttsjtd). Corn •lecUBliig. dull but stead). Pot Swan Arm d 17a Other article* aa- changed. F1NANC« AND TMAUE. stale* b> Albert H. Htraiai -O—aasrv IS. in Bk of Commonw'A ST *n Am Ex B4, r!»SsS K I nian Bank Pal* »- N.iion.lHani .. M 40 Mtnhattar F In C. XlJsi in Irving Plrr In C... Ill in do Ill 40 ate Ilia 10 Empire Lit) P I C . l i l * to Exeen*—Pin Co , IMk » People. F I Co... .1ST M do 1ST *• Baruiotiy F In Co. M M Home F In Co. IV Park F U Oa. 4r) Wsablngion PI Oa. U do IS A* 144 10 Cdaaatsiam M 1 C . IM 8*SS5*::::.!S» BJ MM 1 1 ito—aria* c*> I j'etenoa P I Co! lot Am Gaano O, . LtoHllCMSpcMiat Mhdt The BSark Marked it easier slnee the Board -Sales ef N e w York Cegrtral al T*4. Oaieaa TSf, Reck Ulead t*4 «ft BM. i -= BALES OT REAL EsyTATE ASrtoaee 13. Eg Adrian B Mailer. House and let IM Bast *J AlBtrftBwl lALM. F. A J Parker aoid M hads of Certrefucd lT**.lRct4blilar tart at liKc—all c told » had* of Certrefucd cotataaa C*sA* at . Texaa de at MtxMS. aad Maada Pwrte Eiea laswk SHIPPING CTTBLLIGENCK. ClaattB Tw-Oav. Rut FJeaa. iBremi Eaaiaaaa, Biiiaaa ivia atiaaaaas lajlrw, »itp Phanmut. lliggias,S*i amnsh-Wettmth A Asas. twig Monti t'lirido. Novtla-sip. Slo Jauieve-O $ Oatt Bch liipaey. Waycott Bt Meawaa. Ich T flolc—l,. (iretiee. Savannah - W B i Pri J W Hughes Howard. Mrwbera-J L t Bch W A FJIi*. Mefataa. Wa*adagton-J Baal Bch E Mayo. Mayo. Bt Oeorge-^ed Prya ,fitr1 lata*. Bcrantea Davai atokAOa. Stoop America, fit—taaaa. Bristol—Master Arrived To-Day Brittrrew steamer City of Wadiiedon Brut tt. via tgueenatr—n M " Pale, (sundav. Mi. al t r. Cape Eact Has ex sxaaaaase. Bch Rescue. Btrsa, y of W tdil*aftoa. SBta, ssdae aad Petri*. LivaraeM at i rx forwarded newa tn new* t. ptriissosd heavy xrceveri y galas the < Ic the stear—l-lp City of Wasthiagtoa. rruas live—*d Mr BraadL Mr Vo—itsia, Aaetaaaaen Kopexnana. Van " *-IL * Eudtw.inlL II E* kora,J Leat. C Uenarll Cburcli. t Hk-kaao, J Murphy. avoche. B Robetto, P Letirdn. Mn W'o>>dhuiry _ MasderaoB aad child, U>. Adaaa*. Mn White aad ' LtU-toe, Wootfrtuj rtf Mist P- Philip, Mr Mitt Rich*rtleon. aad two cbtMren. Mr Harris Cautaia dabaca, Mr Mataa- drew aad family. Mn and two Mist- Wood. B La taw tit, Raw i LUBierita.Mr.4i.ldna.Miai Lt ita C Atwtvod, M r t T . McDow He.uruont M BBMer, Bev Mr < daughter. W A TJroatn sad sea. _. Ewaag. infant and tervaet W Raye. (reortje laaeawa. aar aa Mr. D \ irtae. 1 B vTiadaon. T.Wettgrath, Har- !^!h. X 1 H Behaa. Mr- and ir aid Mrs JacoL J L Howard. Mta'rUmiSst! I inlTlabTtttisiB* AUCTION SALEsS. AliBUX H MILLI.K. AavriAajneat. •tech* ead •salt at Aaawaem, Bwawawswtoi la axe I tote ef twawaat MMto. atoaawawBa, I80S, Ae- nt iN WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER ID, r l l K e'rinck. at the Merrtaatt' Kvchange. J.t,n Laldlaw aad Ptwaxla Baa rxeewt'—1 tttaOSI tutadrttalattra MAM see Tork **&.(»» New York City « a SAQ-S Ohio ta MAM Brootlin Chy S's KM Haaaoti lev aaarea Bawe— Plre Ii LMsharetiBtof Cava aaerce. Ml 1*S .. Serchanta BaiA, SM .. (Batch Mi .. Brtoklya Bauk. IS M .. PeeAVttaiA. M M .. Bk .North Asaerica. M . •» tt.sret New Jerary E R ATrai Jtiort atltat Co. ".'. New fork aad New Ktxiand V ' ? TOCK -ALIO- KVERV VtiOiSgoOAl rX1—lTIP*TBiiti.HT A*fD *»r>LB ATlf " rl'iAKll OSxce, toWaB**—at. HTM) oellto TMOMAR M. PEANELT*. AacCoae— Wale ef »lae (Ml •»-•——rt, pKANKUN 11ROTUEBS L WILL SELL AT AUC- aV— ol XAiaysvtots, fttdi, etc Also, tne entire Farnusa-.. .\m.«vg He Ptctaret It a httte gets. "A Diana after Grtsj**- : " A OniaaAli." very rieh to eeioe, aid aawataaa Tel mt Ctabon AtBiaai CasaVayue* at the eAtce rfreet. — at the Hall to bankthie txStstB. ** the Aadtoaaus 5o. M (HI) ass aeMtt »*** *** MteV Xasrthweat (ersst* af WlttsAea «X T M. H. FMANKLIS WILLSBLL ATPUlvLfO * * astetjtas aa *TaTrJlkra>Ar Octaaasr IStt at Lla'aswee. *t th* Merchants' E x d a x s ^ t W zS^S *?•_.•*fP*. T^. -nd U< ej greuatlJeTOv^to,^ migZZZuSrTiJltxrm** &l?j!!¥2±*~ im ' m ' mt - If—mmtm. tad tsajts at the auetiaaroawa. ttME) *cBto COPAKTNER8HIP8. D lfieJOLLTION. ~ THE *COPARTNs~>aS*PP ..-trS**" 'stoOat vaider the I -wt aaaae «f WC*Ea*B- P R HwsT^ 00-*a»aawa Aaatval ayisatswdli • ts 1 m^ aioae aigalo! tWBrg*Vn*jaJ4atl^ Kew York, frtten. 1BTA ' pOPARTrtTIOrHiT - TH* VTnOtSHWm kvre,^awrTL^*a^^ JsyeDfR 1 Ha— Tots. Oet a*. Bast COAlill COAL I! J rs AI _JjBBt ^sSfitas ! 1 IJZ •? •- Eaaa a a m g m m m m in -_ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

In The End All You Really Have Is Memoriesfultonhistory.com/newspaper 10/New York NY Evening... · •"•'• w, • — mmm sat v-rrr, ,7r.=-—a» — i *"*"•• -, ,_„,"*"""

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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memoriesfultonhistory.com/newspaper 10/New York NY Evening... · •"•'• w, • — mmm sat v-rrr, ,7r.=-—a» — i *"*"•• -, ,_„,"*"""

-- * * •

•"• '• w , • — mmm sat v-rrr, ,7r. = - —a» • * • » • • • .**-*••

— i *"*"•• - , , _ „ , " * " " "



• —



jft*m.B>r of Mutual Fire IasonaM C$.'$ With Cuh C»pit»L _

CHEAPNESS ^.SECURITY. C«4 Capital -~~„ - $15«,m

•Ter - - - 113



nVta. a nwasMSi Bed U *— * • * ' * • • • — .

septl ; R B T » * B d -

.li+rse * H W I ,

ILL PABTIPB raraw * m THI* OOMPAST ^ U R C U ' i T I 3 i.- ptvut waUwet l a w r u ^ M f K A U W


SOBEXT 8, H0V1, Pmident vnCK\ F CtrUT. fas—atari sadUaafcte

llflUfTwn.iia IOIK Cash a*v*ard a . * J 5 ! j £ 3 ? 1 - * * ***" * — " ' " '

" ^ L ' ^ T r S i S a s l * ^ * • * • * * • to stttw st to

I M I I M M h


O F F I C E ! • • . *M W A L L a T » E E T .

OMkONtsai iiio.ooo, rm a. Til f a r I l a w n s Prvs+erty •* a l Ma* a a a M lota »r

i t* Flra. antes o*

D/ATAT* -7»'«i R*w W. TV—k A.Tsrva** M Tate

^ * E _ El!"

JAMES M. DRAKE A CO., 41 Willta*-, s&eet, avtreAaat*' RxxkaAJt, S T ,

I n ; an* ten stocks and Bead* oa Oonataoe . Make adv art o t t ta arcarRira, aad ai«« l a k n a aa depo

ribs, oeIUa»

J I U C S dV « . R E E \ L E V F , Bamker and Broker-.,

II*. &• EICHA.1GC PLACE, M.¥. STOCE8 aad BONDS rSovitbt aad deal c s OoaauiaioD.


1$. IH Will a n Itik $f fell...* loildii?. — !

%W~ THTF COMT-\«rT I*BT~.s- All. El«trs8 OF PttOP i RETT. BOCSK Fl ajtrU'RA n u K I S . WARIH01SA5", ' MKECHAHtMMa, M i r * ASI) THI IK C l l C O U IX PORT. V M l a* , aeassaalt—a or tawaxa— by Fire, at u t reduced rata*, ALXuWUI*. THE BROEtAtlt l TV TUB LVBCBO

• r i v H u t a t , J. riraaawuttl. Jr.. Wav » UMf. rtariaa B. Bl>. H « r j BJBrd., Crrm A L-alrrt.

2a¥, ' B £ S aaaoa

TCoai , JaaMa W. Scwtoa. Cbaa. T. Bi a im.

i f t * . w^TGS. e-^ssg^

u v \ K I \ I . .»»»i i K o r

J. T. f a t a l f J - « € * T , !«•. 4 Broad « M I . a w door fraai Wall .

SEW T0B«. OCTOBEK V. !«•• nC'.IT DB-\rra. la auj» «« aak. on


. u i . u prrROir

PBTiiB^iL o o . . a t ! • •«» Sfrref.

STERLI50 EXCHASOE BOL'f.HT AND SOLD, »w> fcr •*>». draftr oo « « < • » ft»<-m>d. Oam«» * C J . \, — . V MMt «.- -V * I.'-'. I. :: 1 '•" '' " ' *\**m f •"

(%Kka, Baada dr.. Wa*d and rn.it. lahrre* aBojrad «a L>-fH*iU» and CTUTrol ateoa.'.u. ' V j l » w


BcnjaaaaUird. Thorn. A, Wlkaart. Ceonr B diaian dtWrSBadwA aJWcal

Ti i— 1 1 f. Award. US . Laamica.




C a p i t a l # 2 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 AK«et*». Aug ». »««••• 321 .133 11 L i a b i l i t i e s 13.700 OO

TMJ Ciairaai m i l l - ' ' * v - ' — * ***** •mA *^ m a t anal ratan la tha Aaw-41» laatranBar.


v •. nrroto, i m w .


» • W A L L * * T B l E E T , 1 E W V O R K , »al-i» to Tr-aamr »«««• Baok ffctaa, Bl<-haB»r, .*»«ir, •ad Winrau add rtiaaillal Ir Bmrl'M-L CoUeettooi oua«

ait mi aiitiiiM aa *3 aartaof UM L'oion aad OaaaU. BDHXKT itmaCU. O. H WIH«rO>i. T. H PIPJU& a L K W t H -

~W\ £ . SEWtiOfJR,

Real Estate Broker aad Auctioneer, a . u ••*•»« tc-Mt,


n ^ l K \ M » SCRIP. V H C. eiLBUN" * BOH. 1* MKRCHANT* EXCHAViiP,

aa> aad aal ta* Betto *f all laa Uataal Mariae Inaaraoc*


INSTRUCTION. B M E U > D fBM%LK l \ - » T i r i IK.

•PHE ANNUAL SESSION' OK TUIS POPULAR A analnarv for yt*mt todiea haa cmmwi , -" ] . t o aidttion

tn ikv hla^rrBMflah araacaaa i n T t h f t i m t o . eivecUl attra t i . o la a , a a u, a » i i f francti aad aaiabas. Two room, ,re

' al Bbrrti. aad iu»> b- »rurp.l l» *i.»ifln« IBI.IKJ' U*I> K> C. f. HAKSriEUD. »»ack. oo tbr Hod».a, S j w


A l i i i v r B E L 1 0 . \ T «V CO., BANKERS,

jro. »a fr*«*LL STJBBET, laaj, IMUri of cradh tor tranlten. araUaMe la aBaarUof

la* Jlraar*. BMaaralld. af Parla. Uoadoa. »adT iaaT a--* • • - - - • — — • - *••••

CLABMCAL t i T t U A B I L M , No (M Weat 9 4 t h Mrarl,

LT5PER THE DIRECTION Of REV. !». E. - i t 'BMWALU A. M-. aadatad ar ricvUrm iracbara, of

ton to a liinjtwl uuitlxrr »t Bor» ia tl»« rurtimrnU ot a l iher^ rdra Winn aad Yoo&f Ocutlemrn taorc advance! ID Mud], ra t i drdtraat* cpannaaltlea of raantal ant mnral eukor*.

Cfrcalan ai line Scbool Booaaa. aad at Uie prtaoi>al Book-

-ffvri V: A T t-ooriBs-T m u i*iin§ No»«ober 11. • ! * • prr Tn*.

a r ; ^ l iai i i lH R. C P L l C L A. B.. PrtaetoaL

•roiavv .wr.vaioe «r co., AMERICAN BANKERS,

Fl«v. a • * • « O c L a P m U , Pmrls ,




At , »«•. Oftea i s V t v Tork, « o . I W B U rtrBBt

I OM PABiA at aaorv, or M iaw* tacat. tor aaw la iaaBUf

• l i . i n C v r t , AS WaU MratM. »BT •OOBS BCBT-iBBB PAPER BoLCUT AT THE


• M L . ft. A l A M © I P W A B O I , OH U N I O N B A K E . LONDON,

A N B R O T A L R A N K . I R E L A N D .


6 R O . C. ANTM0N1*

C L A S S I C A L , FRENCH AMD ENGLISH vi.cx.1 No. «TJ Bruadaai, corner liMb ttnai, raoacaa

*«td«-abar ita. C'rcularawilh full Jetaila. rrferancaa and roll of acaolaia at Baadnlaba Na. «BB Broadwa/; Cartotaraa. No. 7»d Broadwar- and No lS»*d arnaa. and at UM acaoul Tua Ktioot aa* a Brauaaafaaa aadcr a special teacher, aad a arri>ar>lr>r> desartaaent for bon from at* to ewUt reari old.

aafCt •»»" ^__^

raOT*tt*TA-JT tJABtMWB •CMOOL. VOtL \ Ol \U L \ D l r > 151 f A B W t R l V « .

THE MISSES DEMMI.ER. DAUGHTERS OF A weB-knova profraaor. h*ve opened. In the iauaaadlata el-

ctnn. of Pari*, a aeteel boanliiiaarbt^l for Enftiah and Atner-ican Protealant foanc ladiea. Our -»t the ptnoeipale haaapent two lean In the I'attrd dtataa. They are kindlr allowed to refcr Ui Aaaenea to—

CaaLia Ktaa. IX. D.. Prasidect of Oolomaia Ootieaje, New Tort

I n . Da. McTicxik. Profaaaor at Columbia Colicte, New Toik.

Bar. Da H.wis. New Tork. H * libaoa B,»r*»rr. NewTnrk. Hon. A. Bit wan. New Tork. His fcnarM- H. Pt»m.KT>3i, New York. P. U. Dataau. l a t . New York. Harro b<«.-a>o< A Ou. New York. For cirraUra and further pank-ulan applr *•> BCiia Seenk-

herm, 5«. k -i Tweuueib atreet. New York, or at the oiftce of the treaixt FHMT. amstXD WAiW


Ua Lrriaorroa 9r„ tamo d u n »»o Bnaara 9m.) UN

CClaLECTIONS IN EUROPE. I O f OCR P1RM HAS. D I U N O A RECENT VISIT aa>«. aertotted arraaweeaenu for ihe 0>LLSCTION OP '

the TAHINtt OP TRVTIMONT aad the tranaac I l iaa af ALL E l N U t OP LEtiAL B I S I N K * in all paru of « R B A T BRITAIN aatd the CONTINENT. We are prepared > •a a»awaawa*e aaYraad on the laaaa enndjuoea aa in the Coated

T H E PALL TERM WILL COMMENCE X MONDAY, the 11th of September next. The Tnutee , claim for tkt, tiutitutjou that It pomeaaaa an-

•ratal aiti aaiapaa tor the training of bora of ten reara old and apwarda

Ita facahj conalati of ajestlnaea poeaeaaiaa eaperior abitl ties la tbrir prvfeaBon, and a aided or a i.umerooa corp* of cotnpevat Inatrocton.

The reutee ha* baes eraeted at a taraa coat, and ererr care >eat aiiaaiinii iai tor the oaaaaort aad

GIBBS, WATSON A GIBBS, MBtia 108 lr«d4w»y, Mr. P i a . -LTML

TVoat bavins boja la be aducatad ar* reauealed ta examine the ralaloame <>r thb lurthuttoa. pnhliahed annualU. and o r ma fall uartkalan aa to ha cowxar of matracikan aad term*.

It aaa> W fouol at the loatttata, or at W H. BABCOCK'9, Ma Puit a .ircrt. or by at-pucatioa to eitncr of the under-named Trviste^e: laaac IL Pntldnfham. Piealdem of the Board, (at tue Naa

aaaBaDk. BrootdrnJ C. E. Marrin. Jaaaeajlow. U B. W)

Cmtienlen, A *k Bantea, . H. R. Wortlunatoaw J. K. Southworto.

. Marrtn. A. M. White. & R

J. t . 2». Siranahan. Oeo. AJarvia ,

Jl. G. Harricslon, A. B. Bajha, Joaiah 0. Low

, & Land • .. C. a Bailie,


8ifB.t aad Tiaie BUla aa all tbe Saataera Cities


B l ' N C A . i , HHER>1 A> ic CO.


*Mv SS • * eat t«Mh Street,



B A N K NOTE COMPANY ila* E \ r B m » « « > ,




J. H. FRERICHS & CO., 48 EXCaUaaft P U f f .

C R a a a i . Ewaatt e f D E J E R S E Y * CO.. M a o c h e a u r . E a a J a s A ;


•^Wr jaa tV*

o n i i i or THE


Trinrty Building. Ill Bro»dway

NEW TORE. J a n t a r » 1«R BE» Tki fiiEwatoa illiiairal -* thealainad theCawaaeaP

to awawBatord at uatpjatall) with the reouirementa af aactioo IS • A M

MRS LFVERETT WILL RE-OPE!* HER arbool for the comlna year on WeeaaaaBu...

l u h . A panctoal attendance of the peeila la particularly reooatteA Mra. LeeoreU >aen to pupils erery adrantage fur a thin majji aad systematic course of Baafaah education Ererr favBtt*. smder the mt*rae*aaa af nauee teachers, is aBorded tor the aeaoialltoa of the Preach laasoace. and its correct and familiar oar In conversation. Special atteotion wiB he irlren to youaaj children when receired aa member* of

ApaBi aaVaa* taay be made to Mr*. U personalty, or by letter, at the abure addreaa. aaaU Jra'


Would inform her Mead* that her " PRIVATE CLASS" mill commence the &nt Monday io October ucotine three tanee a week).

This Claaa oflpiapecuUar adrsataaeaBo Taoac Ladles who hare left school, aad wish to pursue with aaaaten a us saps of H19T0BT. LITERATVB& LANGUAGES and MUSIC Por the latter accomplish man I tn« most distiatnuaaed talent ta secured. acUItt*

A^A1>EMT OF LANXTUAGES, »SO BROAD-w t r . P MABTINELLL r a j a n r t u - I n s t n i e t i o o tlren

tn Preoth. ltattaa. Germait, dpaniaa, Laiiu, Greek. Hebrew •nd karbah. Ladiea' clasaii freaa 4 A. a. ta 4 p. a ; aaaUe iiirn'i iTsaai i Ii mi ' i a t I" r a Terms In rlsawa tlOper ouarter Por farther Information apply to

ryttrodStu P. MABTINELLL

CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL. NO. 40 *- Ea<rr nararaaarr—JAMIB WEIR wASON—Term beawn , September Ula. Pers-.nal inMrurs*on by tne Principal, and trmiuaali drtmtu in the Ei> : lu* nrMiches, Ctrcalars aad far ther mtormation alCaanta's Bookatore. iW Broadway, or at the school. sepBalta*

FA1RUAVEN SEMINARY.-THOMAS G. SLOAN. Pem-rnu-—A Family BoardhwSrnoot far U

boys alioa* the see of la year*. This school has been la toe-resafal aperatN>« for eaabt years. The Px-attot) is heatthr—one saiis east of New Haven. The winter term begins Nor. i Ctrcvilan at ^wpher-t . . No f : Broadway. o c : lw*

FRENCH LESSONS. - PROF. D. LAGROIX, A; harkaf rematrd to «9»BROADWAY', continues to im part instraviiou m I.is native laaguace to Uatited ctaaaaaor amatr puuilsupoa s e n tovoratue lersas. By hip simple aad eaVteii> aiethod a thomnah prartlcsJ knowlevUe of the iaa-taaar is aaua acsjatretL I adottbted referencas aVraa.


J OHN M.vcMULLEN'3 CLASSICAL, FRENCH aad EasBMt SmVont. No. WD Broadway, comer of Alii

street, re-oven* on Jd'iNDAT. September i. Miss Sarah Betkrakk (fermerty of Ninth street • conducts the Primary Deportaierit with her welt-knowr. ability. Circulars at Crow-en s, •**«, thriatem a Ttt. aad Lockwood's, t i l Br<u.iw.y

rasa made for Boarder* aepl»bsr*

I W J C H I I H aaa vsassts] a a PeeSdtav axeasA oa Carta aad Press** tor the Yeyaae.

Prwaahaaa aaewtoed e«T aa taraed. war-to. the pertod as above. M B J M •

J ULIUS A. PAY'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR Ben*. an.:zxami. N. J. - T V winter session win cpea oa

IK ftrv MoDiisv in Noreueber Circulars can Se 'btain**il at tab oBare. or of Rev. Prederic G. Clark, 100 Wei tkl street.

esmHweod _

RS. BODSTEIN HAS REMOVED TO NO. -il fti.T TwKseT-amttsaa -m. ,? . wuer-.*ie aal oasaPlaase

toadre asstrwifiim la ftsnu. cosaaneneiaf tor the season on ' ay, the IMa of depteiuber. Application to be mate at


M the house.

M » rV RS. MACAULAY. No. 44 EAST TVTENTY-Bra* street, betwaea Bro vlway aad Pourth Areoae, will

aaa her Preach aad Enxfish Boardlaa aad Day Sch-vol. DAT. Bapa.mtir l«th, auaMno, 1

as* ps* eaar. Vraa Baviasa, etc

r inai ' - ExpeaMsa. aaad I ef Bee per cent. a . Svmscrlatioa


PARKER AND BERTUETS SCHOOL, NO is Eat* Mat street, earner of Broadway, wifl re-onea Sep

Haatier 1A Pupils are araavared toe oallea* ar she eaaating. kaait AB the sauaVra laaswiaaas are lams* by native pr.fisaan. aad ha one dspartmravt Preavch la always spoken. There a a primary department under aa exaerieaced remele teavraer. Cinalar* al Luckw«iod B Ban's bookstore. No. 411

, Tat* Cat! Baa* macks, aad

tDrawaa* Interest

r af fre B U B B



PROFESSOR G. J. ADLER. A.M -PRIVATE inMrucUon iu German, the t laasica. BeBeaLeures and

IlBiaaptT AJslrasal iO» ak-aadway. KlLltiaBl**

P~ BtOTISTANT FRENCH LNSTITCTB FOR Tin w GrtTuatx In New York. No. 44 East lath street,

near Media* Park-Boaruiio.- aad Day &^A^*a>m*ctl iisTCiimasiii Isl Tnit Inatitut.on will be reopened oo the 1Kb swaaeaaher. It ansssiia * thorough course ruisuvsctioo m sJ~ aa branches, lacruXiint ttc Spaainn «id 'lcrmanl>«a

The Prwacb avthe lanawasvr of the school. C-.mrV>rt - - tar a aetatcd namkIT af pupthv Prospectus

whh the name* of my IIUP'JS tnd .f their a pas* toar yeara. Be., to be had.

Praf. EUR CHABIJPL Darecto..

a S I i ^ l l a * LEW Id C a A secretary of mate.

N e f t o r ? J ^ N t ^ r V e m d e n t of ColtaaWa Corkae; Rer. « V N 7 j n S i I » : o i - - - t a ^ W r t s , N. T. LmTemt-r^WDr. tV M TTNOI as**. Br. f. MAWRA a B * " t a

. . - ^ ^ n s . M - . - > . - < - t - d r f T r ^ . , _ w . T T S I T I t S I T Y GRAMMAR SCHOOL,

* * * * * * r » ~ . . m a , • • - — . » — ^ ^ i - v ^ taruhy. oaeaaVtetemeag ' fcy - T l l * ^ i ^ t i a s - a i a a t a l l * * a , oa asm afkxr Taea- JmaftsBm

mid year oa Sac tea BIAAC PEARI i


59 W. Vnit-axRtA tA, Bow Tork, l t l C L I N T O * . t T a l l T . R B O O R L Y N .


A aB— akse,fA aad altar am 1MB SML


W perotat kaathij Jty be"«laawVared pay"


uial l>. de~l .4 TE» .ir> per rent.. b*. vaus dar beaa ale

** — * • i O^TNTON. -a»c>»t«ST. • r ^ f i NAIJOBi AL B A 5 K , X E W YORK. S-:PT. ^ ^ * r * ' •'" •- V.. l'rc+ t~y a= -1 C.;--'^ea of tills JSfi*,lfiT'.TllIS n , > -t-e'tred a f l c W r a l i f THREE and OftB-ttALat P B S CENT •tr, per c e a a t a a the eapttal aatea. s*>I»*J«' tsve.tatkhspiexa oa aad alter the lakh of O'.tober «e*t T*-«v>ar.esr>bsv''*WTr1 » - rVsed Seat the 1st the 7th Ortoaerii*-

e e l 3i B> .ra*r of tke Bnard.

P. 1> T4PPHN. (HrtW. OFFIfT: SOUTH RIVER INdCRYN<*iS AssyawT. Biw Tiat*. »« OcAoaer. W.JB--A Dl

VlfpNT' of f i t EN PaRCttNf. sshaa 'A- capital stock af Lb- -^aie inr, V: tin tix men .^n *.id.nx sxt September Ua, Kar-UJaaWV^aaWeaueat. payable; a and ajl-r UaeUthOc

ToVTrasaaatrbaokaUl W closed from ta* M until the 10th inrt..n* By r't r, _ orljsr JuHN gBgBBjVL *»ere'arT.

a r ^ t - - DIVIDEND —OFFICE OF THE PHBNIX a V J S Piaa lasrkAar* Onatraat. BaookLT*. Bapte'a'ver Bafa, tra* ~1 U Uuaril af Du-rctors ware this day declar-d a B43II ANNl'aL DIVIDstNB af TBI PER CENT, palrahte en <i maad at t*» j eaaaa. No at Wall stieet New Tork

fepitlm PH1LAMOR aHtvr. a-eretary.



CEO. W. CDRTI& Bae,. will delirer the second Lectare 1c

ttu.course, oo 1 LA-OAT EVENING. October l» 8ob>ect:


Ticket. M cents; cat. be procured af »'. W JJwsjne. N*. lift

PuBoa sAi W. W. Roar. No. I S Atlantic St.. Brooklyn, and

sAsamsnvceof the JsvafaaeadVa', No. 5 Beeku.ii. St., N Y

aad Aji- 's Tituta, N. T.

Doors opcr. « 7; l^x'ture to coinmenc» a: * c. dork, oelSos


V) ill embrace a coa.-ae of Tea Lectures, commcnciaa earit

i2 Hercnaber ^nd . outinur weekij until aaiahei.

T'-e aervkn. of the rood rtsDea! lecturers la the cuntry

hare b e n procared, and w'tl be ^taouncrd la a few days.

Ticket, for the Caurse. admitting a lady and reutlcman, *5:

sir^le tsrkefi for t:« Ctiurst. tC. tinale Lee<ure ticket*.

30 cetda. JOHN H. WHITE,

orltlw Chairman Lecture Ootamittee.

~ N E W ENtJLAND SOCIETY—PUBLIC Mitanpn - In conformito with a resolution of th*

U>anl otOfBcers of the Nev I'.-valaiul Society iu New York, a puhBc niWtina will be held in th- room of the Historical So cirty onTIH.TJ.MiAY LVkNlNt.. Ocv Utorecaive a state nieat from the Rev Dr. Waddinstou- of London, relative to ii.tr stemor »< Oliun-h. and a brief historical addre-w oa lae r -• veuleiornl of Maine, aa contrasted with that at Plymouth. W M. E»*n».Eea.. Vim. C. Soyes. Faa., the Rer. Dr W. Ada.-ua, tLe Rev Dr. A. D Smith, and the Rev. Dr. Sturn. have promised to take part In the proeeedinat.

Doors open at naif past seven o'clock. ocU It*

f - ^ i V v - YOITMO MEN'S CHRISTIAN UNION. E K J S . -Reealar mretinsT on PRIHAY EVENING. Ilth Inst , at halt t.a,t leveo o clock, al CUntoa Hall. Aator Place.

An .dnrey will be atjrated befor* the Union by Rer. Dr. SAWY'EJL A i^eiieikl attendance is expected.

- \VAUKEN. PrenliUnt, Vi/W*sti Hoar. J: RIUH vRD

. Secretarv ocVS t f E f - ^ - . CITY OF WHEELING, VA.—HOLDERS • V S of the Chy Bntids issued to the Hempdeld Ns -let t»,ud Cir raiaarl. sad Cleveland and Pit.stiurxh Railroad I a uan.e.. a*e reenested to meet at the bank'uc hou« of WllteJLOW. I.ANIER ACO.. No 54 Wall atreet. on TUBS. HAY the IHhirwt.. at ONE odock r. a. A full attendance Is ilesirea. a* important questions touclim* their mU-r-eats will NTotissdered. ocU it

fav-TSss'slXTH WARD REPUBLICAN A3S0-aaV STo CI ATION will hold an election at 10D Elm street, in accordance with the call of the Kepubl.can Central Com retiree, to setert Delernles ta the County Senatorial and Assembly Conrmtiona. PRIDAT EVENING. O.tober 14. Poll, opeii from T H to i» o'clock e n .

LEWI? M PECE. President. A, orsrr,. P. MSTXP, > g^rrt^ri^ DsauieiHXA. oc!3 I f

EIGHTH WARD REPUBLICAN ASSO-ctaTio*.—A Special Meetinx of the anore Associa­

tion aia be held at SprinxStreet Hall, on PRIDAY EV»:>. I \G. ttctoner 14, Itxs, for thepurpoee of elcctlnx De'.i-xstea to the several Conventloos. The Polls will lie open from TH to » c'.iork By order. ANDREW BLEAKXEY. I'resiJ.-nt.

Jo«x J. SB»W. ( ft,__t-ri_, Ttiixiaa P.rrxll»os.l8*^^"a^l*!,• ocl3 M*


toher 14tb Instaut. al 7 r. a . at ..Is Broadway An Rleliou wUI be held iiaiaaiiit to the i-aU of the Central Comtn it—, for Deieeates to represent the Wsrd in the County. Senatorial, aad Assembly Conventions. Pots* open from 7V, to 9 p. at.

M B. BLAEE. President. T Baiiav. Bscretary oclSJt*

f"*--!-^, Six* W A R D REPUBLICAN ASSOCIA-saVJrK TO .» a ,11 meet at No. 4M Pourth avenue, on PRI­DAY EVENING. fVctaher 14th, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of etectinx delecates to the rariou, C.nveutiooa.

THOB, B VAN BURKN, Preddent. C. PTuatx. Secretary. ocU It*

TO THE REPUBLICAN WARD ASSO-cisriiuw or TM« Crrr or Nxw Yoax.— At a meet

mat of the Reput*l*-,';«i Central Committee, on Wednesday eressaax. Octooerith, the followinsj a a . uuanitaously adopted

SetHtvad That the several Ward Associations in the city shall meet ai such places mt the Ward Aasociationsahall desut nate. on the evenitHt of PRIDAY. tict-ner 14, at 7^ o'clock, for the purpose of choositig delegates to the County and Ae-•eaibt) CoovenUona.

Plve deseeales from each Ward to form a County Conven tion to nomlDate a eatnlidate for a Justice of the Supreme Court for the l.,t Judicial District, in x*^ce of Janies I Koose vert; two caiitUdatee tor Justices of the Superior Court, in place of John Slos-on and lames Moncrtef; one Juilxe of the Oonirooti Pleas, in place of Charles P. Daly: one Justice of the Vianiie Court. In place of Albert A. Thompson; one Supvr-rmor. In place of Peter P. Voorhis—ail of whivse terms of office will expire on the last day of December next.

The County Convention to meet to make nomination, st No. tilt Broadway, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, the i « n met., at S o'clock

PorxTH SsauToxiit. Doerair-r.—The Reporillciin Associa lions of the 1st. Ud. Hid. I . th, Vth. Vhh. VHth. VTIIth. an 1 XlVth Vtants, couaLtutlnx the IVth Senatorfal District, w-ll elect three delegates for each ward, to form a Senatorial Coo-ventiiaa, which Convention shall meet at Museum Hotel cor-ner of franklin street and West Broadway, on THURSDAY EVENING, the M b of October. Ho*, at « o'clock, to nomi nate a Senator for said district.

Pia-ra S B S . T O R I H DterraKT.— The Republican Associations of the Nth. Vllh. X l l l th and VVUth WanLs. r.institu tsaatha \ t h Senatorial District, will elect Are delegates for each Ward, tn form a Senatorial Convention, which Conren-tk,n. shall meet ot Burks Hotel, No. i7-l Grand street, on Ti l l K.-DAY EVENING, the Bxb of October, lsfci, to noini Diite aStnatee for said district.

SttTM 9x>Arviaitt DaeraKT.—The Republican Associations of thel.Xlh. XVth. W i t h , and XVIIlh WanU. constituting the Yltii Senatorial District, will elect five delegates for each Ward, to font, a Senatorial Convention, which Convention shall meet at No. -,1s Broadway, oo THURSDAY EVENING, the aVth of October, lsst), at s o'clock, to nominate a Senator for said District.

BSVXXTM Sk>ai<-ajjL Dbrratrr. — The Republican Assoc Is Oonsof the XJIth. XlXtA XXtK XXIst and XXIld Ward* cor.tUuiiugthe MIt'i Senatorial Wstrirt, will elect Ave del castes fir each W ant. to form aSetiatorUIOouveotiou, which Convention shall meet nt No. Alo Pourth Avenue, on THURS­DAY EVENING, the "nth of Octotier. I s» . at 1 o'oleca, to nominate a Sen.tor for said District.

The Republican Ward Associations south of 14th street, shall elect one delegate for each Election District In each Ward, whoshall toe^t lutheir respective AssemUy Districts. oi, PRIDAT Et p.NING. the 21st ot October. Isau, at •?„• dock, to oommate a camlidate for Assembly, aa follows:

Pirst District —At Pranklin House, College place. Second Itiwrlct-Al No. 53 Pranklin str.et. Third District—At Museum Hotel, corner Pranklin and

Went Broadway. fourth District- At No, *• Eat* Broadway. Kiflb Inatrlct-At Bteevker Building. Sixth Di-irict-At Rank's Hotel, No. 371 Grand street. Seventh Dintriot— At Jetferson Market. Eislilh District— At Onderdonk Hall, corner Grand and Cen

treat recta Tenth District—Al No. BM Broadway. Twelfth District-At No. U Avenue D. The Republican Ward Associations north of 14th street shall

elect eleven delegates for earh.Ward, to form Assembly Oon-ventkins In each District, which Conventions shall meet on PRIDAT EVENING. IheSlst of October, lsaa at •o'clock, to make nominations of caudHates for Assembly from such Di* trirts, satoltawa:

Eleventh District—At Lamartine Halt corner * h avenue and Bab street,

Nmth Dwrlct— At Chelsea, corner * h avenue and 19th st rtet.

Thirteenth District—At BtopeU's, between 47th street and 4eth dreets. in "th ..venue.

fourteenth District—At Kircfaner's, corner UHh street and id avenue.

fltteenth District—At No. A» 4th avenue. Pi tteeut h District--Al Dingle,leui's, comer Sikh street and 3d

avenue. Seventeenth District—At Headquarters of Republican Asao

cistion, coriier3el avenue ami l> th street. The polls of .the Ward Associations for the Elections speei

bed aliove shall be opened at 7 s c'clock. r. a., and close at 9 o clock r. at,, and all such election, shall be con incted by the s»B,e tuies ami regnlatioiis as were adopted by tke Central Committee for the November election in isafi.

The Ward Associations were recommended to make nomi­nations for Inspector* ind Caavassers of Election.

C. A. PEABODY, Chairman. H, T. CLgvgttxn.) Geo, Sr.vMsow. y

Secretariea. oc'.Oit

OPENING WORTH OR ANTHONY Prairr.—Property ownera la the Mb and ilth

Warua, and .ill persons interested in the widening and extea sion of W orth street, are desired to attend a meeting at Room No, 1 Applrtou * Iluilduws, corner ,,f Broadway and Leonsrd dreet. on PRIDAY IPTERNOON at4p . a. oc l i M'

TO CAPITALISTS AND OTHERS.—A party alreadv established in the Sewing Machine

huMneaa. (width is of a profitable nature) la desirous of ex (etMlingtlie same by forming a Stock Company An excel lent Investment guarantied. Direct "Sewing Machine," Box %JU> P. 0.. with fall addreaa and residence. oc!13f

"TRANSFER OFFICE OF THE NEW Jxasxv Zixc CoMPtXT, No. ltii Washington street.

- N E W Tistx, Octeber 10 .1«». -Nt iTICE.-Tke Annual Meet tag of the Stockholders of the New Jsr*ey S a c Company wul be held st their office, in Newark. N. J., on TUESDAY, No veniber I, for the purp.ise of electing three Direetors, The polls will be open from 12 a. to I r. *. The transfer books will be closed from the l«th instant to the 1st proximo, both In­clusive, A H. f ARL1V aecretary.

oc II lw*

LOST.-THE FOLL0WINO CERTIFl rate* of stock In the Delaware A Hudson Canal

Company baring been lost In the malt between Philadelphia and ibis city, notice is hereby given that applicstion has been niade to the Company for a renewal of the same, via.:

No. lie for forty Ave shares), No. Ire lor d x shares.

In the u m v of CH A RLES 9. WTRTS. of Phil idelph.a. oc7 o f ROBT. LENOX KENNEDY. M Beaver at.

" F ^ S T S A J ^ — P E W I J O T ? IN CALVARY CHI am.

to HAWLET A OLOVER, 1» Wall street, or to ADIN. S e x t o n . * ! 4th »venue. scpjl) emltf

Apptv JAMIJ"

PEW IN THE NEW BRICK CHURCH roe SALS.—One of the best In the Church. Price

feUMBcaeh. AddxeasJtoxJBJ^ 0.. New York. sept* tf

l * - - - ^ NEW YORK AND SEW HAVEN RAIL-t a C S " ansa Coaap»»v.-N»w Yoax. August 14th. 1«B — In coaseauetice ot an injunction, oo payuieut ot'dtvidensis de­clared by this Company will be made until further notice,

angle W. BEMENT, Tt taaniwr.

• t - ^ a . A GENTLEMAN WHO IS A PRAC-axU^*3 tical Accountant and Book keeper, and pos­sessed of some legal acquirerrents. dealrea the inveetisjatlon or tnaaagtment of the asuxirs af an estate, or other complex matters, where dtill, combined with experience, is tndispen saada, aad to which he could devote a partial attention from aa early hour iu the day.

Address Z.. box No. MtTl Postoffic. N. T ausrS 3m*


9"H*Hrpo*aefi Facilities FOR S H I P P I N G GOODS B T T H E I R


West and Southwest. TRAINS LEAVE A T

J A . a t . I t M A B U S P . E U aaT*i a P . 1 . ta*~ PRICES Acaua aad CONTRACTS RAIM. AWMPJ al-

tratM aw (rer as ua« oxaaa- War,






I n .-a

„atht s*Ms^a^ats* sassxk Pariac MSSCo

an «*• Ch BAtiRR . B V Cen RE.

c, . s i . da hM


Mfaesdsne- RE.At* XA* da...

S ^ B W R . . : lot sOch 8 A » 1 »» »BrMtsOrs»»_- i ,

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4ASJD Mi h CenepclSt I niBPCq*. »«

4JM0 Mieh So S f be.... M l ue-LeCAMLGba. l « d Hif« Haa * ax. Jo BE b faif

4* People a Bardt 101 . Metropolitan Bk

»fts::: fr.-.r.-dA

eff do r. mlP

101 11*

afra - « - •

ml '4 ?* 4 MM*

wM «*... . . . . . . . . . MMlcs OsaaUL.... M as> . - .x ; S do btiak ft da.. . . - . . .af»

*» Panama RR • - , , I M a*.... .•••.•*• 1 UMSANIGasAk^

: » do. * » 1» da •••

1* , .sj


i d i n BM 9 I to


4 . i 111 Ce -i ER MB d a . . . .s Je-IM GaJ * CLi RR .

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•a. » M t M «K. * »

1 100 4»... BM OVr A Tol RR.. MB da aw de auo do . . . . . . . . MChiABt RR..


do do. do.. do aa, a> do ..•!•

Advaaced. Virginlar*. M per cent. E»d»*7j(»R CalT* . Mich Cenaac l a C'osseldg. Pa A

Mich Soatnern Do guar'd..

E T Central esdlng lost Central....

Ill Central , Rocklaland... ..


wales as* euoeha at It Boston A Me BE. 1* do. sOMCoUF RRR .

14 Vera Mass UK.... id do 1 Bos A WorRR..... t) MtddleaexH RR. .

•0 BostAPro ML.. . 4tl toticord BR... . . . . At Eastern RK lil Port . Sari A for h SeiPUIaAWilRR. . 4 Oary Imp Oa

100 do ti Pttt-iiur* Cop Co .

S do blO SO Toiler Min Oo

IAa.1 Mesi. dMinCobdO

f teard Oct , 1 9 .

i , . i \ wo i - V IM lt».S M 11 IM UM. M at JM m M

ltl if r s

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Meao'd Mia Co. sM do

Central Min Oo.wit) do

Rockland MlnCo.. South Side Min Oo. Isle Roy M 0o..bM

da bM d*,. .aM

Minnesota Bun Co. Maverick Bank.. . Merchants' Bank . Globe Bank . . . .. Mien A Law RR so. Citv naatoo S's '*<. Rutl'd 1st m g e T a . Ruti',1 Ad mar 7's..

• • »


$ I N

u tlW 1IMM lit

»4 I M S 41 3

The Hock market It heavy to-dA). theatjrh as a truer*! remark prices do not yield malerlall) from yesderday. The weakness w condued mainly to Reading, Pacittc Mail, and U.sk island.

Galen*. N e w Tork Central and Illinois Central were ei impantlvel) steadv, declining onlv U p . percent .

Panama t- the strong, *t oa the list, commanding IxtH, s,ller IB day*.

Michigan Guarantied fell off t . T h e old stock told at •»•

For Hudson River d , was hid, with no axle*. * Krie advanced i per cent., and Toledo wax Arm at yea-

te-relav*s price. There waa aa Improved feeling la the Railroad bonds.

Michigan Central s per i-enta. are 4 jicr c e n t higher. State stocks are steady. Csllioruut sevens and Virgial*

sixe* are « per c e n t better. The Money Market t* without change. IX anything, Call

loans are etrvie-d with greater Baeilliy aad on rather easier Uniis , The (irincipe] businesa ta within 8 , t> *4 per cent. Insrsjunls at. s s befora, 7 g j 7 | per cent, tor " Gilt Edge " paper, having four and aix.asontha to run.

W e learn, by telegraph root Chicago, that exchange on N e w York is 1 per cent, premium.

The City of Washington, with London and Liverpool datea of the ttSth ultimo, hat Just arrived. Her news It inaiiilj anticipated in Die Indian's tuojuiAry.

In many i-xeea where railroad companies are In arrvxr* fur mil rest, the bondholders have found it •lifBcuU. from various tauses, to agree upon the oourae to be taken for securing their rights. In some instance* the hidden of nrst mortgage bomls are also h o i d e n of second* aad thirds, and when a meeting ef the Aral ta called the- eHhen attend, as a matter of course, and oppose the commencing of proreedings of foreclosure, lest • tale of the road should entirely wipe out the second and third mortgages. This difficulty arose In the case of the MUwaukte and llori-con Railroad ; aad such was the diversity of views arhv itig from this diversity of Interest that the matter has been delayed until the eocnpany is largoly in arrears i HI all its bends ; the road is greatly out of repair, and there is n o hope for the first mortgage bondholder* short of ion-closure and sale. Had the) taken this course long ago there would have been * r a i l difference in their pusi-tion, inasmuch aa the amount due them would have been leas, the road would have eutne into their poeaoaaion while in a good state of repair, and that autumn's earnings, which are unusually large, would have been applied to the payment of a part of their clxim*. The latest proposition of the company was, that if the hondholde-n would refrain from foreclosing they would pay over at once a small sum of cash, and, monthly, the net earnings, it was urged by the repreaeiitaUve of cer­tain of live flrst mortgage bondholders, that such an ar­rangement would never tie carried out in good faith, and was only proposed to give the Company tune to collect tin Fall earnings; but the other iutereat prevailed, and it was determined to accept It and wait. T h e result has only proved the folly of trusting men who have already proved recreant to their trusts. The ofBccrs of the road now insist oo an increase of salaries, and reserve the right to augment, ad libitum, the general expense account of the couccm. This leaves but ono course for those whose interest iu the matter lies exclusively in the poaersaion of flrst mortgage bonds, and that course we need uot point out to them.

By the action of the last Connecticut legislature, the capital stock of the New Haven County Bank waa reduced to tlov.OUO, by reducing the par value of the shares to t * each, Suberquently power was g iven to increase the re­duced capital ll'.i'.imd. Tkla increase i« now reaistod by an injunction granted on Tuesday, the petitioner* claim­ing that the sto.-khol.lers Be-xer authorised the petition to the legislatnre. that n o notice was g iven of an intention to make such application, and that the amended charter was never legally accepted by the stockholders. It i t claimed that an evmttAble valuation of tin- unproductive sseats of the bank is impossible. The injunction is returnable to the Superior Court at its Dee-ember term.

At a meeting of the new board of Erie director*, yester­day, Mr. Samuel Marsh was made President, (ready to give place, it is understood, to Mr. Nathaniel Marsh, when the tatter is relieved of his lteeeivership,i and Mr. Daniel Drew, Vive I'resi.lent. A eommiuee , con sisting of Messrs. Bancroft Davis, Herman Geipcke and William Evans were appointed to further the late plan of reorganisation, which proposes to maintain all the bonds and shares at original par.

The Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad Com I*ny baa declared a dividend of 4 per real .

The receipts of the Michigan Central road the Ant week of October are not yet received. They are expected to show aa increase over the corresponding period of last year, the fain at Detroit and KalamaxoogiviOESgood pas­senger businesa.

The Ant week of October on the Michigan Southern gtvee *4T,!tOO. a decrease of about $x,fsJUoo the same week of last year. The Ant week on the Cleveland and Toledo ia$17,477, against t111,***last year. The Arid week on the Chicago aad Rock Island Is *»-tu,'2W against *'-x.l*2 the same week last year.

The statement of earnings of the Buffalo and State Line Railroad for the month of September, l s * s and 1-dtt,

Passengers. freight Other sources..

Total Increase In Preiihta ,

1*5*. I5i . it I SO

. 3AIM1 M

. S4T4 17


Decrease in passengers and other sources 11.751 66

Total I>*er*a»* »10,*49 M In •' oilier sources," l-<5rt, to inclinlecl f J.124 IT miscel­

laneous receipts for the previous twelve months. The following Is the statement of the September earn­

ings of the Hannibal and Sw Joseph Railroad: Prom passengers.

freights.. Mail and express

Operating expenses for the month

Net earnings

The September earning* of the Macon and Kauroad are :

Passengen WAOW *1 Freight. »Aola> 74 Mails. Ac W M

Total M7,**! 0* September. I** , . . .^ SM«1 IU

.MMR- B .. M.1M 74 | .. 3.411 *i |

*7t,t»-d i . M.*wM; .»474»olii |

Western '

B1.447 IS 01SPAHT, S*PT. , 1 -0B.

ge*naT5TKCft A C Bit H Aktm. X -

laMBBIBB t i A J A . T . M. aUCMARIM. vfTMO*

".Jlount ^Vr#^0ll4),,

WILL LEAVE Piaa It, S0RTH River, tar the aha** parts, a a SATURDAY.

October lath, at t r. at. (sxcMdmg steam aad staaaraesa) BT M

of thai Have are aaw. aad


aaLTtaoxa aaa onto XAILXOAD Mala Stem. Waalrton. N. W. V. Total

Sept. 1*3*.. A*«,4e».l1 » 44,7*7.:>7 B 13.5M.4.S «Mk7>wJI Sept. lap*. . 14ll.77Vt.7Vl 40,P«>.U3 lil.5ea.tS 498,lM5t

Keveaue of Septeaxber. l"*A taas TeAsa Increase for September. 1-J«. AJ4ti,tal

Holders of Wheeling city bonds, issued to the Hemp-rlvl.l. Marietta and Cincinnati, aad Cleveland and Pitts­burgh Railroad t'onipaaies, are reutiestod to meet at the lianking house of Wlnslow, Lanier A Co.. No. H Wall street, on Tuesday, the 1-dh instant, at 1 o'clock, p. a.

The Hamilton Woollen Company pay a quarterly dlri-dend of four per cenL This Companv has psud divblendt quarterly tor two or three years. Last year (our dividends of Bve per cenL each ware paid, with an extra dividend of Ave per cent., making twenty-Ave per cent, for one year.

The dry goods trade Is moderately active, and the West ta expected to buv considerable goods when the crops shall have aSarded the means. The late demand promises to come up to expectations. The luiltpetfltnt of la-day has the t'ollo * ma report:

- There is .till an active business among Uie leading Job-liera, but iniporten are doitur liule. Tlie auction sates are •PJU less- numerous, and moatlv of ribbons. The aim ki isf good* untold in Ant hands are Uife, and coiisiderajik leiU of taacy drcsa g.. si* are left over lor tin- teuton. Sta­ple goods, such as larrraoa, are In great denutrpL with oalv a moderate suppl). black silk goad, are- liriu. Paacy sllks are getting dull of tale, vet they keep arriving week hy week.topm-up mosu warehouses. The season is over for riboona— leaving a large uueotd stock. The clothiers are baying tor their spring trade.

" G e n u a clothe are rather drraer, hut cloth, generally ar* duD. I»onie«lif avoeb ar* Was active and less Ann, 'Col-ton staple- are la tn tier sapply, ami can ha bo i«hi oa rather better lerrur. Prrals are rather steady, Dassvhasa are tatartiv e aad lower t haa at oar last report. Paacy taa-itsaere. of good slvh-s are active and Arm; bat all other khtda of wuoUeas are dull aud heavy.

•* Pitraw of aaosl good* rule in favor ot the ooosumrr'. aad the decline In prtres has favored the trade of the season materially: bat with sale* much larger than last toll the stork* af goods left a . hand at the dose will be much larger. Trade la the Interim as good— seldom if ever sar-l.sae.1—with Ane jieospex'ts for It. ismtiBuaaee to the end

f of taeaiasoa. liar advices are of the moat aaaaagaaatagt • (Aaracter tiota arsnost every teetkaa."

The «vae sratrrasvat eaaa ot* the Coauaiasioners of Wash­ington county, Pennsylvania, hat been decided by Judge Oaaaotw against tAw Coraaiaaaniaen, aMrwuag that the Irvyhsg of a tax by the Cosrwilasaoafn as the county, to pay ta* tote rest on the Hetapaaad Rsilruad bonds prior to the 1 taxaatlliia of the road a* Grvmshurg, was illegal The

tarry Wat tet aaide. The case aa* been cfrTieJ to the Su-pre me Court on a writ of error. Ta* ftaeitiun direetly ooalraslstt* 1 hat of Judge Crier of the L'arted State* *u-aretse Coatrt.

T n e u x l e v y e f the eoaaty .if St Loads tar 1MB gives a total of tBBy*aaj,MtB, aa larrtaia af taxABBABB aa taw pra-vioii* year, thoarnag how axpidiy the aVourisAitrg city af St, Loaia la aacraaarag m wwajth.

WarxxT Paoarr-T iw. YiaaaaiA—A ooasaavsggtve wait aas>wtad Wawsatla f i l l a a i la the state *f TiiRtaia danag th* past qaarter, ettdatg Ssflosahor SB, aad aaate period of three aavswawTkaff year*, thaws that the crop of iy*> it the large* ever a-raara to the ataaa. Ta* EwfBBEEE tar JttTa) axhlbtU the ItxUowlBt retail, a* harreto:

Nt^Tork, t-LBW; Becvarity Iasaranee Ostnpaay, Hew T e a * . m j m ; Stwisxgaesd lasaraao*QgsavgaaarMastaaha-setts, WMMB, rVermx Pir* tu.araanr Cdeapaay, •art**rd, Oesaw., talABa: Cat, Flaw luMiraaoe Oasaaaay, Hsrttorl. Ootsa., %±JX»; rva* Kngrlaal InaaraacrCoeaaaay. Hsrl-foed, Coo*x_|(sV»»<>; VaUry af YijfAnl* Itwaraaar Csata-paay.twimX

Caaat TOIL*.—The amount reeeiv :• J tor too* ou aB Ike eaaab af the sia'e for tne tvrayvh week tf Septemher.

lni Lul

•TLIM .. tore

JUt amount received for t»U» *rr the years below dar-lag fourth week ot September, and from the opening of the e*rar» to tVtober 1st, wat:

tti. week Sept Ta O c t l IBM. Bfl.1* »Ltto»511 IM* A,.i7 I.l7\;tv4 um 7es»» fSrW. IBM 1« ,W L*£.I14 IM* 114.A64 LMRAtt

TaAna AT MAM-HX*TXX, Barrranta tL—la water twist of all numbers, wbetlier la warp* or bundle*, and in mote twist and weft below STa. th* auyen aaa sos.p'y Uiemseivea more cheaply by id. to fA per rh thaa U •* could have done Uut day week , not fro** all spinners, bat from one or another.

la good* specially prepared for the East, t small concas-sloa would not Induce business. Cloths which have been tn request for other foretga market*, aad for horns con-snmptioa, seem to hare a little lea* of stiffness In their prices; but that i* all. aad even that it BOX percepUMe in every kind.

Single yams aheve SB's, aad twa/folds ia general, do not li* wUhiD th* range of th* deteriorating influence*. The done,-, thervrfore, remain Arm, many of them still harden-lag la ralu*. The latter are steady in the lower counts, aad tarliaing upward in the Aner one*.

TWX axirtaa coast TBAD*. [Prota the Mark Lane Express September H i

The rontiauaare of broken weather through the past week has spoiled much of the second out of grass, but has not seriously impeded Add labor. The heavy rain* have rendered the land* eery foul, and perhaps Ita eleareae* may not he so complete aa last year, though with favora­ble weather there t* yet good time to prepare for autumnal, towing. Aceounts continue to vary In different localities respecUng the wheat crop; hat .either the quality nor the )irld gv-iierall) will bear comparison wilu the harrest of IsVi. This Impression gaining ground, with but few for-rign imports, and better prices abroad, appears already to lutve uiflueiH-eil the Kngitah markets, aad wheal oat ad­vaaced, upon aa average, another la. per quarter.

In France the Imnriiveraant is still more decided ; the deficiency in the wheat crop throughout that imixirtant country being estimated at from 15 to *> per cent. If thus be really the rate, u is very probable that the lowest prices bare bean past in both countries, though the present atimiltline resulting from the gathering of the harvest— a* well aa the readiness to take improved prices, are cal­culated to check much of an upward movement white atockt remain good. The other near countries, at well as German), show th* tame tendency : the slightest improve-tnenl in London telling Immedtntel) upon the corn trade at Dentzig and other great shipping ports. A new decree from Naples prolongs the free import of corn to the SIKh June. ls*>.

ALBANY L t ' a l M I M A g k t T — r o t t n * WXBK I S t B I S e o*'T0-B I B 1 * .

The ocxnirreoe-e of the Slate Fair leaded to attract buy. e n from the mnrket during the early part of the week, but for the past three daya there haa been a good attendance ot dealers from abroad and a toir business has been done, though trade has been far less active than noticed during the previous week. The market for the most part has ruled (iretiv steady, but within the last day or two it waa whispered about the mart that tome dealer* had deviated from the agreement made early in the season, which, upon turning out to be true, caused tome leveling. The result of this was a mot-ting, yesterday afternoon, of most, if not ail the leading dealers, and although the resulted their de­liberations will not probably lie promulgated, there is but little doubt that th* agreement will be torn up and each dealer go ia to make uie beat " time table " he can. This wul lead to a spirited contest, and nil will go in to make all the talcs they can upeo the beat terms.

The receipts have beeu moderate, and during th* entu-Ing week they will be greatly diminished by breaks on the caaaL Hemlock ia coining in moderately from the north, and prices rule Arm, Of other descriptions of lumber the market is well supplied.

Shipments lutve been Urge—-more than three time* the receipts. Veasel* are scarce and much wanted, particu­lar!) fur eastern porta. Freights rule Arm. with an up­ward tendency ; in fact, yesterday, an advance of 12, ass obtained by * vessel taken up for an eastern port.

The receipt* hy the Krie end t'bamplain canals from the opening of navigation to Octolver «., in the >e-an namel, were a* follows:

Boards and Shinties, Timber. Stave*. Scantling.*. h i C. ft. • * „

IPM Hei.saj4.sD0 tN. IM 31716 lt*\«Aa*4 1*1 m«*i.aB SB.148 lOAiao s7.*w,wo i«si si.tis.i7$ aa,5t» m\x *3.»*ti,*» I'M , 311411187 ai,3«4 l*,i» *l.-MU|s l-*4 Me.a71.Ml 1S.0B7 UTOT 10l.7xl.sDt 1*66 llla.77a.Abl> 4A1M 7.lHa lDa.llit.lim lsBti 170,4AS,S»M XPttaj 10,430 H - K - f i ! I>d7 IsAtlf'AM 4K341 105.744 MtBM. 1 Jl 1*6* lUh,7*\4» gs,4S> lOAaat levre.Wtl.rVMt 1-xVs. .W,o&s,7eS 41,664 60.SUI 103.071.501 —[Albany Jounml.

« W WORM MAKMAVT*. [Reported e tpretslv for the Evening Po*4.1

M'tnitauiA v, October 1$, IW. APHES- Pott and pearls are without change, the demand la

fair, sale* st M :r7 S. COfPlE— The market la unite dull; the auction tale an

noi.aced for to-day It postponed till next Tuesday. COTTON—The market continues languid-small sal** at

HHMUHc for middling upland* and Gulf qualities. PLOUB. At-.—Trie receipts of western canal flour are llbe

rsl and the inquiry Is less active. Prices have declined 5c to 10c per bbL and at the clow all descriptions are Inactive, and Uie market Is drooping.

Sale, of lh.700 libta st 04 nfkati 68 for superfmr state; M TIM rl i M for extra d o ; 04 701*4 sD for tupei-Ane western . t t slijt M tor low trade extra do 1 M 4*ttt* 60for shlaplngextrs Ohio;

»64**«T» for trade brands do; ai 4tta750 for extra Bt Louis, and M Son7 for extra Genesee.

Canadian flour It quiet and heavy, the supply Is light, in ex­cess of the demand tales of Mo bills at M 35 id 6 36.

Southern flour Is aarier. the supply Is not large hut the de­mand I* lew* active—sal,' of 140U tibia at 5 40 dj 5 TO to , super flat Baltimore. Ac , and 4 76 « 7 for the Better hrandt

Rye flour It quiet at 3 70 414 Ja. Corn meal is scarce—tale* of MO libit at 4 10 for Jersey, and

4 &6 for Braadywhie. GRAIN—The wheat market it lower, and unite unsett led-

the oArtinta are large, and millers are net purchasing sales of 14.000 bus at I 3* for good white ; southern. I 37u*l * for choice amber western, t 08 tor sfilwaukle club: 1 tts i idl M for white Kentucky, and western do on private terms.

Rye it dull sod lower—small tales at tsctsxj, barley Is quiet but steady at 76w*1c. Oats are more plenty and lower ; sale* of state at 4t4t4»tc, aad western and Canadian at 43<4W 44c.

Corn it In active demand, the tupply light and pricet tend upward, though at the close buyers hold off tales of 14.500 tush at t l for old western mixed in store, tt for Jersey veUow, s**Hc for do white, and II for good white southern to arrive toon.

Mul.ASSKt- Is moderately active 1 tales of MB bolt New Orleaiit at tOcwttac, as to quality, and 30U lilaU Cubxatxoc. The sales yesterday reaclietl 1050 lihtla Cuba Muacovada at tic taJUe. luduiling Ion common Iu Ivood at a price not trauaplresL

N AVAL irrtlRkS-Spirttsturivenlliie In fair request at ate sdy rates 1 t a i n of saJU bids iiiercnanuble and shipping at l:.*\: *c cash and 15 daya Crude rrmalna dull Common rodn it in light stock and held higher, which tend to limit transactions; tales of too Mils at t l 60 per 310 Its. The low aad medium grade* are a little more active: sales of tovO hblt low grade No Sand No 1 at t l 60*3 per 310 Bain yard. Pair qualities are ecarce. and pale white IsArmer; aatcanf 400 bbla white and pale at *4 604*6 per * 0 Be. tar it quiet, but Arm: small tales of Washington st A3 75, In order, delivered in yard.

OILS—Unseed Is less anlmaled. but It Infalr request; sales of UVitjigaiit at 57c Orude whale Is in goo.! demand at the East at 50c for prtaie quality. Other kind* telldowly at steady rates.

PROVISIONS-Pork la lower and most kinds close heavily; the demand Is l ight-sales of IsHtt blits al 16 J6**15 50 for mess; 10 76K4U for prime, sad 17 60 for clear. Included lathe sale* are 400 bhla uninspected mesa st 16 to, and MO bblt meat

buyers opttou—all the year, at 41650. Beef it In fair demand anil new Is held with more desdlnaas,

old ia uaaellltd—sale, of 170 bbls at 14 for country prime, to ig.5Mfor do mra*. toaft 60 for repacked mesa. tlOxdll M for new do, snd 113for extra; prune mess mew) 1* more plenty — sales of 100 tea Chicago at till. Beef bams are la fair demand - sa l e s of 150 hhU al I16«*17.

Cut meat* are nominal. Lard It less Arm and is quiet—sales of 300 Ivbla ami tc* at llsctlvac. Butter it more plenty-sales of state at 13*a3w. and Ohio at U«,U)c Oheea* I* Arm at »>MW10C.

BICE—has hern In Inner request at slightly enhanced rate*, tale, of 460 lihda. al J H<«*>»<-' for fair to prime quality.

SUGARS— are quiet out Ann; sales of BM lihas Cul>a at M 6 Ar; refuseil are in fair requtat at full priest.

WHISKEY Is better but not active - aal cs of 400 bblt a t * t*3oH ceata

Shipping Jntclltgcucc.

snirs* City of Washington Vriel

AJViea, U ammonia — axrssrtan......... North Briton.. Europa. Anglo Saxon. . . Ocean tfueeu.. Kangaroo Persia.. Prince Alla-rt.. Saxonla. rtonissia Teutnnia.

..Southampton.New York..

..Southampton.New York.. ..Liverpool Ouehec.. . Uverpooi.. .Liverpool. . .Havre, Ac. ..UverpooL. .Liverpool,,

.Boston. .Ouehec .New York.. .New York.. .New York..

. Oaiway New York..

..Southampton.New Tork.. . Southampton New York...

Smithaoipton.New York...

OAT* Sept. M Sept. 36 Sept, »t

Oct, 1 Oct. 4 Oct. 4 Oct, I Oct. A Oct. II

. . .Oct. 13 Oet 11 Oct, II Oct, 16

.. .Oct. 1* Nov. 4 D*c 4

Karntk City of Manchester Pulton Trutonia Hungarian Granada Canada Atlantic. . . . . . . . . . North Star Artel Indian Africa Edinburgh. , Bremen.. Hamnwnla Europa Persia Saxonla.

UtAVg .New York.. .New York.. .New York..

..New York..

. Ouehec .New Task. . Button New York..

.New York.. .New York.. .Ouehee .New Tork.. .New York.. .New York.. .New York.. I'..-ton

.New York.. .New York..

.Na*sau,N, P. aht

. C j r k . A c

.Havre Haiuburg.

..Liverpool. Havana A N O .

..Liverpool . . . . Asplnwall AapinwaD

.Havre Liverpool

.Liverpool .tjHaayow.

Hamburg.. .Uverpooi Uverpooi


DAV* ..Oct. 14 ..Oct. 15 ..Oct. 15 ..Oct, 15 ..Oct. 15 ..Oct. j * ..Oct, It ..Oct. » . Oct. JO ..Oct. n ..Oct. as ..Oct 16 ..Oct. M ..Oct A* .Nov. 1 .Nov. 1 .Nov. 9 .Nov. 15


ifor additional Ship Newt see first Pare 1

Cleared Tc-Dav. Steamship Circassian. Br, Campbell Galaxy—Am Express

Co. Steamahlp HantsvlUe, Pott. Savannah—11 B Cromwell A

Co. "~~~* Steamship Yorktown, Parrish, Norfolk-Ludlani A Hene-

ken. Ship R Jacobs, Henderson, New Orleans-N H Brigham. Bark Carolina, Grlnille. Mnhlle-N H Brigham. Brig Catharine. Br. King. St John—A Smlthem A Co. Bch Caroline. Lunt, Portland G L Hatch A Co. 8chSurf. Shaw. Portlaiid-Q L Hatch ACo. Sch J W.. Paulklln. Boston-Dayton ASprague.

Arrived Te-Dav. Ship Ararorde Snow, (of Bath) Harnden, from Marseilles

Aug 30, mdte. to Boyd A HUicken, Passed Gibraltar Sept 3. Sept 16,1st r 06, Ion 3* 54 wat Boarded by the first officer of the whalrship Hesper, of taJrhaven, 3H month* out, all well. Oct A. bit 39 JO, Ion «J 04, while Ixylra to In a heavy gale from NNW. was stnick by a hurricane from NW. which blew away close reetVd maintopsall and main spencer. The A 8 lias been within 400 miles of Sandy Hook for toe last 11 daya with heavy NW gale* and calm*. _ .

Br brig Enchantress, Watt*, from Windsor. NS. 7 days, to C A DeWolfe. , „

Brig Eatsadtn, Amabory. from Darien. Ga, 13 daya, timber, Brett, sson A Co. _

Brig Eachantreaa tor). Watt*. U 4vay* from Wadtor, with plaster to niaater. _ . , , _

Brit Itasca. Mltchill, 3 dan from Bangor, with lumber to R

Sch Atlantic. Wright, 3 dayt from Addison, with laths and apart to J L Snow.

hcli Python, Osgood, from Hiiabethport, with coal for Sa-vanaah.

Sch S Andrews, Putnam, from Cape Hatter** I day*, naval •tore*, to J D Ahrama.

t i I I M n Potoanaka, Nye. from New Bedford, with mdse aad patarngers to Joa Allen.

Btaamer Oapray. Keaney. from Providence, with mdte to Isaac Odell.

[f«r balance of Ship Newt see Second Edition.]

Notice ta Maiiavara. Luiar Discotrnxctxv.—TBBASCSV DarAxvairsrr. Ornc*

Ui.nt-aot s>. Bt.Aao, Wisammui. October 5, 1H>»»._The 3d section of the act of Coaaveaa. apppived March 3, lab", making appropriation* lor ''liaii-hoaaes, light boats, buoy*. Ac," sothoriitd the Secretary of the Treasury, in hi* discretion, on the recommendation of the I.orhl house Board, to discontinue, from time to time, such tights as may become useless, by res-.on of mutation* of commerce and cuaugrs of channels of harbor*, and other causes.

The Lisbt house Board, tt Ba meeting held on the 3*1 latitat, recomineotietl 'hat the fotlewiite light be dkcontinae-L via :

Tlie light at New Haven long wharf iCoon). It > therefore ordered and directed that the aforesaid lis*-.!

be discontinued on and after the Art* day of November next. By order of the Secretary of the Treasury,

R BEMME*. Secretary.

ViVHRILD. A4CON-HAWES—ln Stratford. Connectlctil. onWMneaiay,

tMotier IS, try the Rev. Benjamin U Swan, francls Baoetv of New York, to Anns, daughter of the late William P-l'uwes. Es* *

PaTlT-HlIA—Oa the lllh tnstawt by the R»T. Rttfo* W. Clark. Kdwsrd Petit, of New York, to Caroline ItalielU. daiuthter of John SS. Hill, -if Itruokljn,

STilUT-TUTTLF—On the 14th instant, »t Jeffe-aonv lie. New York, at the resideu' e of the bride's father, by the Rev. floyd A. Craaa. John W Stent. Jr.. of Sew York chj>, t* Sarah M.. itatafhter of Joha R TuiUe, Esq.


A L E X A N D E B V — A t Tamrtown, on Wednesday, Octeber 1R The Irtasvds aad reaatrvat of the taasdgy are invited te attend

the funeral earvlcsaal Lis lataresidence. Waaiungton street. TanTtewa. aa Friday BttnrBtaa at M . 'dock. The train I'gVh'x ni iadinri ttreat a t l O i A. a. will arrive in time

H I U i E R - l n Brcayklya. oa Wettaeaday. October IA after a sheet tmtesa, Eatll Hllger, of Leuoep. Genaaay. aged M

TieAwatrwl wM t U e place oa Pridw tJiArti«jtmaitwa«e*»eJt. frtwa No. I** Henry dreet. r>rookTyn. *

HOWS-On Wednesday. October 11 Heary S Hows, tea of John W. A Howa, aged M year* aad »1

Yfct friends af th* taautj *r« r*vms)ttad la attead the funeral to-morrow (Friday' *«»>* «>**«>. "••'•-i.'*8*- CWaiewJ-* CVwrch, Amkx atreet, withoat rati bat hivaalUav *

r Wsacas*sa\saa^Myaart,aaiaaaiali of

Idow'ofWBalasnUwt^tiavR to


He3 I I Abigail • S i

THE PLABT1BG 8KA80I P0B TBEBS axxiaa Aaaivaa,





WAN W I B K I . I , *k W l \ l i v «1"*». 1 Pint Street,

Have serrral flrat-clatt hoaxes aad drgtrahle country aei'a xxm larraa for aaJe er exchange. Bxamiae their register b-fart pxtrthaaiaa. tepjltf

25 Three RT.d ftmr Story HoRtet ia Brooklyn

f O E BALE CHEAP TO CLOSE A CONCERN • altar *ro*a »A.Of>f) l a | | | , , M - oaeh at lea* thaa

H a l f of N e w It arm Prices On Fourth and Seesvnd Places. Hjn'irsron. Woodbutl.

B: avrtye*. Attanttr. iHamlnou street. « - X north of UUatoa avenue ) Park avenue and Prxtdeni street. Una from l'J»» f. 1SB f et deep. Fuur of the bul:J:uu h sve a ttore oa first r«*r At! in evellert and mpn i :aineieh*>orliooiU. and at les. pure, ihan tLe COM af ti>e h'vutea. Ree.is ,0 piwraairrt wltt *t.-u-:d frcvni l a y to M00, AX free frtca nuisance., and etc'.. 1 ,t aitiaoMlTtet of can.

Trrta»-trne-(ourth cash, haiance from oa* la five yean; or >7wv^irt*majnmsj,forttentof yean. _

Or Antdy rroni 11 to • at 54 IViliiam street Boom No. 11. P. A—No exchange* can be made, as the) must be told for

aaocey and toattftajsa. acMH*

m FOR SALE OR EXCHAXtiE FOR RE VI, ES-ECA TATX nx TUI* C m oa Baooxt T S I . - A Brtt-class Re-ldence m liar city of Hartford. Connecticut, built la the most Ban atantial maimer, ai.rhle maatl'*. mahogany doom, rl utile Aoora. plaie glass—with river water aad gas. The 'et It 134 ft!?.<SJ''M'J¥."re**, hy ITS feet t a Spring street. Inquire uf CT»PNf*PT BARNARD. 41 Walt street. Jaoncey oaort.

> t ^ a v * wTvarwatl

*aj TO IJ^T OR POR SALS— A NEW THREE Jtam etory blah basement brown ttone front house la Ead 41st ftreet, three doors west of Lexington avenue, Crot.vn, a*, furnace and bath. Rent MM per annum till next May. Open all day. Inquire of B M. JOHNSON. No. Ill Eaat iSh ttreet. or of W. M SMITH, Ha. 4 Maiden lane. WUI be tola low aad on easy taraaa, ee l ! It*

f f j f O B BALE OR TO LET—TUR B R O W * • i ttone front bona*, No. 1 Weat xTth ttreet, tecond door froni l i . Springt Church , in perfect order, and can be teen week dayt. Possession given immediately. If told most of the purchase money can remain on mortgage. Apply to

. . . . JOA M. GREENWOOD. No. 3 Front street. OclltaoTl Brooklyn.

OFFICES TO LET—IN THE SECOND STO-_ ryof No. IM Brotdway, corner of Cedar *lreet. 40 by »

fret, well lighted, with six windows—suitable far insurance or other lattarta. Wo: be divided if required. Apply to M. PORTER 23 Ntjgtau street, or JOHN ItRAINERH.No 3 Pine ttreet, oclltf

« A SPLENDID CObKTRYSEAT ON STATEX 1st.ego roi; SALK—The errantry seat of E. Caxet, Esq ,

foimerlj'kwataajavgit John Auih-n, Esq.. situated ou OaBtt* ton Heights Staten islaud.

The place posset**.,Uie advantage, from the heixht of grounrl. of full vit an of the Narrows, Lower Bay. North and Eaat Rjv-era the Kills and Rantan River: of the cities of New York. BrypklrB. Jersey City, Hoboken, Newark, Kluabethtowu, aud of the tnmuudlng country.

The house is of brick, recently built, with hollow or double waJK and furnished with all the conveniences of the modern Ant! class city residences, having a g.iod well of water.

This place Is foui.d tone as heaithyas any spot iu law world, and being within a mile from the ferry, can be reached in fifty minutes from this city.

The grourdt. tbout twelve acre*, are laid oat and adorn e l with great taste, and are well supplied with theeriole-est varie­ties or frultt and forest tree*, all of which must be seen to tie appreciated.

A* tLe owner Intends retidingln francr. the place Is offered at a low price, with or without the furniture, which It all well adapted to the hullding. and very complete.

For a more particular description and catalogue of ftirnl tare, please call on

ABNER L. ELT, Ne 11 Pine street, or oc 111 wis* CALDWKIX A JANES. N". sal Broadway

m TO LET.—THE FIRST C L A S J S THREK-a S dory and basement brick house xx4 Tboaaptou street, between rtleecker and Amity *.reels. In complete order, with all the moit--tn oonvenieucea—aa* fixture* throughout. Apply to JOHN CUL1ER. 1,1 Thompson ttreeel ?5l ,* l__

e FOR S A L E - N E A R MADISON SyUARK. the brown-atone front. Eng'.t.h basement house, 43 Ea*t

Twenty third ttreet. with the lot on which It stands, uexrly twenty feet front, with or without furniture, whlrm la hand-some and nearly new Apply to NF.ILI. BROS A CO. 50 Exchange Place, or to HOMER MORGAN. No. 1 Pine street.

oc*l eodst*

m TO I.ET-THE STAULE AND- COTTAGE J B No. 97 East ltvtl street Apply to

• s-7 lw* L A T H A M A HROS. *3 B e e k m a n t t

m COUNTRY SEAT FOR SALE, NEAR KIXUS-taaa. aainca.— The undereigned offers for sale I !s acret af ele-vsttd land, Isle Brown's farm about 15H miles from the Citv HalLlH miles northeast of Klnnhridge, 114 miles northw.-st of VI llllaintl ridge, on the Harirm Railroad, and may be reached In a little over an hour. The vicinity Is called Airy Mount from it* elevated and he.xlUiypodUon, aflonlmg *.ery extended views of land and water w ill be add at a very low brice In one parcel, or divided into parcel* of not lest than ten acret each. Part may remain on mortgage Maps may be obtained of A VV. SPIES. 1«7 Broadway.



HOUSE No . SA WEST asd Apply on the premises ortt tf

TO LET-THE Street, furnwked.

FOR HALE—THE HOUSE AND LEASE OF lot No. 1!*7 Henry ttreet. The houte it three-story, brick.

with all the modem iniprovetnent*. aud in flrsi rate order. The ground rent is only 1160 per annum, and hat eighteen years unexpired. Will be sold low to close an estate For partlcu ton aprji to CROMWELL A HIKDSALL No lot front 11 : THUS. W HIRUSAI.L. No. 3! Pine tt.. or to EDWARD WOOD, No 160 fuhontt tepxtlw*

m TO L E T . - T H E HOUSE 89 LAFAYETTE SWBV place, furnlahed. Apply to

tugfctf f. H. DELANO, g Broadway,

m FOR SALE-THE FOUR STORY HROVVX a B ttone houte No. 18 FAST Sxp STREET, bdwren Fifth and Madison tvenues—one of the best locations In the city. It hat been thoroughly overhauled, and 1* In tip top order. Haa batlit and closet* on second and third stories, and dl other convenience*. Will be sold cheap and on favoraSde terms. Apply to T. G. CHURCHILL, 7s* Cedar, or 1*0 East lath ttreei_ tort* If

J P AVENUE B AND STTB STREET. — FOR atXT sale, nine vdueble lot* southeast corner of Aveu te B and *Tth ttreet. htvinc a front of lnfi feet A Inches ou Avenue A and IM feet on *7tti atreet, being within about *» feet from the last River. Apply to E. H. LUDLOW A CO..

oc* 31 rod' (PI437) No. 14 Pity dreet.

| B j SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE AT ZH- Riverdsle on the Hudaon, Fourteen Mile* from the City HalL—A heautlfhl plot of thirteen acret; ha* extended river views, and It Bnalv wooded.wlth a front of nearly sevaa hutwlred tort on a Park which borders on the river. Tbli property It dtictly guarded attaint! nuisance*, is In a perfectly healthy la-callty. within one hour's rid* of the lower part of the city and Is among the very choicest iu the vicinity of New York. Might be divided into three fine villa ailea, or, for tine. It not sur­passed on the North liver.

Pen term*, Ac , apply to HENRY P. SPAIILDING. ocTlwts AX Park Place.

J R BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY SEATS AND ^ A - triLtvixa aintt AT iwinoxniKT, oixx.—At a place of residence no locdlty in Uilt country peayaesset more advan­tages and attratiisot than Br.egepori. It it delightfully gituated 00 Long laianil Sound, and la reached from New York in two houn by rail, and tn three hour* by elegant steamers. The drives In the vicinity are charmingly romantic, the climate pleasant and salubrious; lying directly on the salt water It affords great beauty uf scenery, fine sailing, bathing, and aa abundant supply of fish, oysters. and til other delicacies of the sea. The society Is select and agreeable, tntf the numerous tuhurban villas are peculiar­ly recherche. The aulvtcriber ia authorized by various parties in Interest tn offer for sale some of the ni'ist charming Ituilding sites imaginable isoroe on the shady bank* of a take, within a mile ofHridgrportPotlnfhie). Also, two or three stylish real tiences. and several large tract* for country teal*, farms, Ac, d l oti the ruoet reasonable terms. Also, for s a e or to tease, a hotel nearly new : a large httllding for a manufactory, with or without steam engine, and valuable wharf property. Apply by letter or in person to P. T. BARNUM, Bridgeport, Conu.. or HOMER MORGAN, No. 3 Pine street. New York.

058 ardek. _

•fA VALUABLE REAL ESTATE ON TUE HUD-^ A - tux, roe SAL* AT ACCTIOX, »T oanx* or r a t St-. rtxmt Cut XT. -Wil l he told at auction, to the hlgheat bidder, al the United States Hotel, in Newburgh. Orange county, N. Y.. an SATURDAY. October 16, IMP. at t l o'clock, a., a tract of 317 acres ot land, situate on the Hudaon. In the town of Cornwall, Orange county.near Newburgh. within a mile of Cornwall landing. In tight of Idlewtl,1. and within three hours of New York, by Hudson River Railroad or boat; 174 acres thereof are me.nl. >w aiid pasture, and forty-three acret mountain lot; on the premise* are t wo small new houses, one at the east and one al the weat entrance, and aeveral Ane build tng sites commanding river, mountain and inland views un­surpassed ou the Hudson. A large part of the purchase money may remain on bond and mortgage on the primuses from two to Ave year*, at the option of the purchaser.

Inquire of JAMES W. TAYLOR Referee. Newburgh. N. Y. tepM MATh Ktls

LEGAL NOTICES. •RxT Y. S U P R E M E COU RT-CITT AND COUNTY IN , or Nxw Yoax.—Th* Qehhard fire Insurance Com paay afdiist Itaac Van Ore'. Joseph Going. Joaiah II Burton. William A Butterworth. Augustui N. Den man, Aaaael A Denman. John Van Doioen, Abraham tan Dolaen, Matthias Brakeley. Edward Roberta. Nathan lei Wise, Daniel L Hartatck. Thomas Otla LeRoy. Ed ward LeRoy. Richard II. Taylor, Lyman Taylor, Jr. Benja min H. Burch, LeRoy Clark. Gamaliel 5 . Smith. Ge,>rge R. liegeman, lalward ¥. Il-pkius. Hiram JelltrT. Jaha J Purcell. Henchman S, Soule. Thomas Uartleti, Aaron L. Orvlsray, AJri an H. Muller. Pranklin W. Bruce. John C. Cook.t'harlet Bus sea, John BustelL Harry- K Austin. Francis G Young, Aagiay, tut P. Bacon, George C. Newell, Enoch Kuapp. Theotlore D. Rugera, Peter M. Wilson,* llwUrht Speucer. Dauld Martin. Abraham Ayres. Joteph Taylor, Carlo* S Sherman,George B. HoUy. Benjamin f Adams, P Reuisen Chaitwlek, Leicester K. Elv. Chauiicey W. Lettiev. John Clark. Wllllaiu Phelan. Patrick f arreii. Michael Cant, Louit Waetelaer, fertlinstd liuyrter*. Rii-h.trd f. Ryer. Reubeu H. Hine. James W»L*on. Haniuel Rogers, Robtrt P. Blxby.—No. I—In pursuance of a judgment made at a Special Term of the Supreme Court, on the Ilth day or October. 1*69. In this action, 1 will sell at pub lie suction, at the Merchants' kjtch.tnge, in the city of New York, on the Sd of November, la-vii, at 11 o'clock a., by I. H. Ludlow A Co.. auctioneer., the following described pre. mitts, to wit:

All that certain lot, piece or parcel of lan.t with the build ing thereon, situate, lying and being In the Tweuty tlrst ward of the city of New York, hounded aad described at follows, to wit: Bediming at apoint on the easterly dde of Fourth avenue, distant forty eight feet one inch northerly from the corner farmed by the intersection of the easterly side ol Fourth are nue with the northerly side of Thirty-fourth street, and run-nii'g tnence easterly, pardlrl wiUi Thirty fourth ttreet, and through the centre of t party wdl, so far at the same extends. ei«h*y feet 1 thence southerly, parallel .with Fourth avenue. twenty three feet and one inch t thence weaterly. parallel with Thirty fourth street, eighty feet, to the easterly side of Fourth avenue; thence northerly, along the easterly title of Fourth avenue, twenty three feet and one inch, tn the point or place of beginning. Dated New York. October lath, 1*W.

E. DELAPIKI.il SMITH. Referee FivsTir*. A Tanasos, PUlatlff't Attorney*, m WaU tt., N. Y. oc 13 lawn

N T. SUPREME OOCAT—CITY AND COCNTT OP • Nxw Toxx.—The Qebhard fire Insurance Company

against Itaac Van Cteef, Joteph Going. Joaiah II. Iliirtou, John F. Butterworth, Augustus N. Denman, Asaiiel A Deo man, John Van Dolten, Abraham Van Dolten, Matthias Brakeley. Edward Roberta, Nathaniel Wkve. Daniel L. Hart wick, Thomas Otis LeRoy. Edward LeRoy. Richard H Tax lor, Lyman Taylor, Jr., Benjamin II. Burch, LeRoy Clark, Gamaliel G Smith. George R Hegeman, Edward F. Hopkins. Hu-aiii Jelliff. John J. Purcell. Eeiicliman S, Soule, Thomas Hartett, Aaron L, Ordway. Adrian U. Muller, franklin W Bruce. John C. Cook. Charles BustelL John BaaaelL Harry E. Austin, francls G. Young. Auguetut P. Bacon, George C Newell, Enoch Knapp, Theodore D. Rosters, Peter M. Wilson, Dwlght Spencer, Daniel Martin, Abraham Arret, Joseph Tay• lor, Cariot S. Sherman, George It. Holly. Benjamin F. Adams P. Remten Chadwick, Leicester K. Ely, Ciisuocey W. Lew y, John Clark, William Phelan, Patrick Farren. Michael Carty, Louit Waefdarr. Fervunaiid Ihiysters. Richard F Ryer, Reu ben H. iline. Janies Watson. Samuel Rogers Robert P. bix by—No. L— In pursuance of a judgment aaade at a Special T*rn,of the Supreme Court, on the Ilth day of Octolier. Is3«. In this action, I wUI sell at public auction, at the Merchant*' Exchange, In the city of New York, on tlit 3d day uf Novem­ber, 1*69, at 13 o'clock a„ by A H. Ludlow A Co . auctioneers, the folio* Ing described premises, to »it:

All that certain let, piece or parcel of land, with the build­ing thereon, sittitt., lying and britif in the Twenty-first ward ofthe city of New York, pounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the easterly side of fourth avenue, distant sixty eight feet one Inch northerly from the corntr formed by the inierseetioa of the easterly dde of fourth avenue with the northerly side of Thirty fourth atreet. and runningtlience easterly, parallel withThlrty-fourthdreet and through the centre of a party wdl. to far at the same ex tends, eighty feet; thence southerly, paiallvl with fourth ave­nue, twenty feet; thence wederty, parallelwlth Thirty fourth ttreet, so,I through the centre of a party wall, so far aa the same extends, eighty feet to the easterly side of Pourth ave­nue : thence northerly, along the easterly aide of f earth ave­nue, twenty feet to the point or place of beginning. Dated New Yurk, October Ilth. 1«4)

E DKl.AKlr ID SMITH. Referee. Fotraa A Tw>a*oa, rndntuTt Attorneys, 69 Wdl street,

tCT7~ ocU-awtg

OUPRJDAE OOURT-ROCKLAND OOUNTY.-DAvTD D. k? Smith, Tunis Smith and Robert L Getlnev aanvtntt Joteph P. Joaaa.—Samraoat for money demand on contract.—(Com. net aer.l—To the aisive named defendant: You are hereby aurumoned and required- to answer Uie oorupialnt In thi* action, which was thlt day filed la the office of the Clerk of the county of Rockland, at ClarkHewn in sdd county, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said tvrjmalaint on the subscriber*, at their office at llaveratraw. in said county of Rockland, within twenty days after the service of this sum anons on you, exclusive of the day of such service; and If vou fail to answer the *a(tl complaint within the Ume afore said, the plaintiff* will take judgment against yea for the sum at three hundred and twelve dollars, with interest from the dxteemh day of August, one thousand eight hundred and fifty Line, besides the cost* of tola action. Dated October 6th iSat*

'HOFFMAN A HOPPER, PldnliAY Attoraeyt, ocl3!awviw* Haverttraw. Rockland 00., N. T.

^ I T K K M E COUBT.-LN THE MATTER OP THE A P P U i * cation of the Mayor. Aldermen and Comtaoaak, of the city of New York, relative to the opening of 67th ttreet. from the "th avenue to the Hudaon river, In the city of New York, —Ptwwaaat ia statutes hi aaach em* made and provided, the Mayer, Aldermen and Coinmondty of the dty of New Tork h c r d r give notice that -hey Intend to apply to the Supreme

Sourt of the state of New York, at a Special Term of add caul, to be held at thechy of New Turk, en Saturday, th* 6th

day of November, ltd*, at the opening of the Ooart on that day. or as soon thereafter at count*! e t a be heard, for Uie ap-POtBltaeat of Caumiasionen of awtlaaate t a d Atteaament in the .hove entitled matter; that the nature and extant of the ianp! "lenient hereby Intended lata* opening of Sixty seventh street, from the "th avenue to th* Hudaon river. In the said chy ot New Yerk, a* laid out oa the map or plan of add cbj . ander a i d hy virtue of an act of the legislature ef the people of the state of New York, etiUtied " An act relative to Wrx-vrmeiit* tiatchiat the laying out of street* ami roads in the city of New Y nrk. aad for other purpotea," paaaed April Sd, 1>«. Dated New Tork. October 6th. 1MR _ _ _ _ _

RICHARD BUSTEED. oelBtaws-j Cowatd ta the Csarporal oa.

yaU'PREalR COCET.-UJ TUB M ATTAR OP THE C7* application of the Mayor. AJdarraen and Commonalty of the city of New Tork. relative to the opening of 41st wrest. between the KUhth and Niutb avenues, in the city of New York— Pursuant to ^•Iotas in aaeh case made and prodded, the Mayor. Aldermen and Coraanoaalty of the city of New Yera tawaky S a noliee that they attend to apply to the Sa prewar C a m d the da le of New York, at a Special Term of add Court, to be held at th* dty of New York. 00 Saturday. the 5th day of N.v ember. leaR at the opening of the Ce—rt ca that day, or aa toon thereafter at cottaad can he heard, tor the ttmomtaaca* of Oottavlaalrvnrn of Estimate aad I taata laetit in the aboveentitled matter; that the nature and ex tent of ta* ttvproveaatal hereby totatydad It the 1 l in ing of Sixty itrst dreet, betweea the <h tad M avennes. In the mi-1 d ty at stow T a t s , takdd seat o a t h s aaa* or plan of add city, ander aad by virtue ef aa a d of the ltddaliire ofthe peoait d the state of N«w T a r t a n d t i a a r ' A a a d reiaUvetr, tm


; CMNT. L O W E R EL H. EAR, Ma. la W n x t u t Hi f t .

j (4MB** Ceay.) Aagtractt, Ac Da. do. da. do.

TeedaPoiasatadAh* 3c

9ZmmAtti?V2V'& aeMtt*

FIRST EDITION. ' O A « > o x d L _




Toe Republican ward meeting* ia Utit citr t»Te a>—'tr before barn to largely t t tendel as dortn% the preeeat t taa ta , although the caaipugn it * H vet tarrty opened. E r e . ia lR5t, when the e id t ;mer . t of the prewdenual context w i t to iot*n»e. the Re­publ ics . Bttttwawatswai eoxtld not boast at many mem­bers a* th«* e t c at the present time, aad their meet­ings were not so largely attended. We hear ea-ootirAgiDg report* from nearly all the ward*, aad it it frequently a matter of turpnae to members theta-a*lvet that to —itch interest it manifested. Among Lbs names newly enrolled o . the booki of the ward clubt ctn be tboam those of many who hare here­tofore supported the democratic party, bat who hare been disgusted hy th* misconduct of their leaders.

It i t evident that the Republican, party baa gained rspid'.y ta thi* city within the last year. The mani­fest improvement in the government of the citr, since the opposition gained aamcient strength at least to prevent gome of t h . scheme* of the party heretofore dominant, b a r . convinced hundred* of reriectiDg men that it it better to act with them than with a party which finds leaders and efficient sup­porters among bullies and prixe-figbtera.

The quiet election* under the new police, when contrasted with the violence snd ruffianism which prevailed under Mayor Wood, have had a happy effect in dtsj ellmg the prejudices of our citizens against the police system established by the Repub­licans, and the cry of " tyranny," " usurpation," Mid " violation of chartered rights," which the de­mocratic politicians raised to fiercely whe,n the Me­tropolitan Police law was enacted, has ceased to e ier t any formidable influence. The prediction! which they loudly proclaimed, that the Republicans would strip New V ork of ail her chartered rights, lav ing so signally failed of fulfilment, the natural reaction damages the false prophet*.

The recent action of the Supervisors hat, as we predicted that it would, proved detrimen­tal to the party which expected to profit by it. The bcbenie was too palpably dishonora­ble to meet with favor except among ballot-box stutters aud politicd rowdies. It may result in fraudulent returns and a temporary success to the democratic parly in the orty, but' the eremt will prove tLAt it was uot less impolitic than disboqont-nie.


The tub Everett-House Committee of respectable democrats have issued the following:

"Nxw Yoxx. Tuesday. October 11, IS,"**. '* At • meeting of democrats, held at the Everett House

on Uie 7th in-.., fur the purptate of tuggeMing an efficient IK-rrtianent organir.atiou in view of ihe great importance of the coming state and city election*, the following reso­lution war unanimously adopted:

" Resolved, Thai Wall* Sherman, James Lee, Algernon S. Jurvi*. H. M, Whillock and i'bartu* A. Lamont be con­stituted a oommiitce, with power to add such name* there­to aa they may deem advisable, and with authority to re­quest their democratic fellow-citizens to attend a meeting tor the purutate of consulting together as to the bed inter­ests ot the democratic party.

" In actor.:an, <• with thi* rewduUon, the undersigned. fi(*w coniisv-ing litis committee, request you to attend a meeting for the- purposo aforesaid, at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, on Thursday evening next, the lSlh iniL, d S O'c lock .

" The iii.dcr>h!iit-d feel It to be almost unnecessary for tlit-in to ta] that the sole object tn view is to procure such an organisation of the democratic party of this city a* shall exercise ti conservative Influence, tending noi only to elevate the chancier of the party, but alto, hv securing the nomination of well-known and tried democrat* of respectability and character, to thereby promote the pub­lic interests.

" They are com meed that the counsels of a large body of wdl-known democrat* cannot tail to produce valuable result*.

" Tbey, therefore, now ask you to co-operate cordially with them, ami with the leaders of the party, believing that much good can thereby be act-otiiplished.

** If. however, by continued indifference at to their re-preaenlative*. the people of New I'ork chooae to allow, without itilerlt•retice, the selection af candidate* who do not lalrly represent either the whole party, the u s pavers or the commercial interests of the citv, il must be Inferred that the- acknowledged evils of our party organization, and of our muiiicipej government resulting therefrom, are not yet sufficiently. optrrc**lve to enlist your active co-oper­ation in producing a remedy.

" IA atu, Sherman. Eliat S. Hlggin*, J an its* l.oe, Isaac i "•'•* nsen 1. Algernon h. J art is, Stephen .loiinsou, K. M. Whitlot-k, Joel Conklln, (hsrles A. Lamont. Schuyler Linngslon, Joel Wolfe. J. T. Sontter, Samuel I. M. Barlow, Benjamin H. Field, Keuben Withers. Motes Taylor, George J. Forrest, Uoyd Phelp*. M. W. Chater, t. K Album*. Arthur La-ary, M'uliam T. Coleman, George C. Collins, John T. Agnew, Junes OlweU, George Oreer, B. N. Fox, John W. Oulbert, .lohu McKeeson, llenrv Yelverton,

Tho*. F. TooBgt.rf

Man tJteallat a Bale— Art—at while Running away with II.

Thit morning, a little past midnight, Edward MeOowaii, a lad of twenty, residence unknown, in company with some other youths, broke into the establishment of John McDonougb, No. t«0 Fourth avenue, known by the lingular appellation of " The Shades." Tbey entered by the cellar, making their way upstairs, took possession ot the safe, in whioh were valuable papers, and about f 1 •" io cash. About half past two officer Prota, of the Seveateenth ward, found Miiiowan ou his beat with the safe on his shoulder. He escorted him to the ttRtioa-house, where Captain l l trtt chronicled the offence as lar­ceny, not knowing the culprit ta one usually " cir­culating" in MackerelvilU. He however caused the prosecution to be commenced for burglary, and is confident that McUowan will soon be keeping company with " Hanta Heeny."

tywrlwdllasg by Mesas of a Forged Cheek. On Tuesday morning last two men called at the

ttore of Messrs, Hoyt, Bogart A Dillon, SB Fulton atreet, selected $278 -'>" worth of goods, and said they would send for them during the day, with the money. Accordingly, in the afternoon, a messen­ger called for the goods, and presented a check drawn in the name of Robert Craig, Jr., and bear­ing on its face the signature of P. Tallmadge. pay­ing teller o i the East River Bank. The cheek was examined carefully and believed to be genuine, and the goods were delivered. But when the check was sent to the bank, Mr. Tallmadge pronounced hi t dgnature a forgery : and it further appeared that no Robert Craig, Jr., had any money in the bank, nor doet the name of that individual appear in the directory.

No clue has been obtained to the perpetrators of the fraud. Another firm has recently been swindled out of fSOti in the same way.

Obituary. Anthony Dey, one of the oldest members of the

bar of this city, died on Sunday, 9th October, in tttnt , at hit residence in the city of Hudson, New Jersey, at the advanced age of nearly eighty three years. He waa born near Paterton, New Jersey. He was admitted to the bar in New York about 17.8, and by hit energy and industry toon secured a large and lucrative practice, io which he was ac­tively engaged Kir more than thirty years. Mr. Dey did not, however, confine hit attention to hit pro­fession He was one of the owners of the land on which a large part of Jersey City it now built, and was a principal party in establishing 4b* ferry to Jersey City. In constructing and maintaining the turnpike over the marshes to Newark, and subse­quently in building the New Jersey Railroad to New Brunswick, he took a very activeinterett. He alto gave much attention to agriculture and to raising fiae horse* and cattle, and for many y e a n wat eugaged. at great expense, in the enterprise of draining and cultivating the salt meadows between the Hacken-sack and Passaic rivers. When Texas wat opened by the Mexican government for settlement, Mr. Dey wss one of the first to engage, with others. In a pro­ject of extensive oolonixatton ID that country, which occupied him almost exclusively for several years, but proved unsuccessful by reason of the refusal of Mexico to perform her engagements. In mining operations in New Jersey, in North Carolina and in Georgia, he alto took great interest, and expended large sums of money, and Eaat Newark i t one of the latest o.' his enterprise*. Mr. Dey waa disttn guished for the earnestness, energy and the unwaver­ing confidence with which he prosecuted every en­terprise in which he engaged. Hit viewt and pro­jects were liberal, and frequently too much in ad­vance of the timet to be immediately remunerative. Those who come after him do and wilt enjoy the benefits ol bis labors.

Broadway lalt everuiig presented quite a carnival aspect. The clear moonlight and the mild air brought out thousands of well-dressed strollers, and the crowded theatres at the close of t h . per­formances sent their large audiences to swell the crowd. At about half-past ten o'clock, Broadway from Canal street to Tenth street, was aa much crowded as during the busiest part of the day. Citizens and strangers lent their presence to enliven the scene, and French, Italian. German and Eng­lish were the prevailing, but by no meant the only languages heard.

M M 1 aw*. 1 and Heenan met casually in the ttreet, yesterday afternoon, when th* former addressed the latter in a belligerent manner, slapped him on the shoulder, and offered to tight him in the Park immediately for t-"'S. Heenan replied he had no $200, when Morrissey offered him the luxury gratia, but the Benecia Boy still declined, and Morrissey was taken away by his friends. The affair excited the sporting men greatly.

The fl.i MAIM will bold a ttreeting in favor of the Sabbath at the Cooper Institute, on Sunday evening next. Prof. Schaff, of Mercersburgh .Seminary, will deliver an address.

Hew Tork Ophthslmic HotoitAl. The quarterly meeting of the board of directors of the New York Ophthalmic Hospital, was held at their rooms. No. 6 Stuyvctaat ttreet. Tuesday evening, I l th intt. The surgeon*, lira. Stephenson and Oarrish, pre­sented their quarterly report, whereby it appeared that i'4.'i new patients,Buffering with dtaenes of t t i . eye, had been treated during the last three months, making 7,1"'.- poor person* afflicted with ophthalmic diseases treated at the hospital gince its foumlation in ISA*.

High Living.—One Farrell having proceeded against a woman far assault and battery, the ease was tried in Special Sess ion! this moraitig. During the trial the defendant's counsel stated that Farreil recently got the defendant t father drank, and led him to the top of a five ttory house, and left him on the roof i s the rain, all night.

CelliaitBL—A oollistoo took place last evening be­tween the Jersey City ferry boat Newark aad the schooner £ lira:nerd. Both Tetania were consider­ably damaged.

B R O O K L Y N .

A vBls«>A« Cddck Rica DttcovtgT.—About . month ago an auctioneer named W m . Little, doing business at StT Fulton ttreet, ia telling a quantity Of old taxTaUtUft, BOsd BB Old clock tt) A—Other taaC-tioneer, named Townsend, doing ITU. . 1 in Myrtle avenue, for fifty cent*. The clock rerndoed in Town send'* gtor* an til aboat a we**k ago, w b e . he •old it for tea dollars to . a a a w b . rtytyawat ia Ful­ton avenue, who. oa taking R home, dawMrvwred that, a looking glasa whveh waa ta the back of f a * dock waicracked. He took it out with the intenUoo «f starring . aww «a*> pat Mt, w a t a to> aat . M — n I f i r -he discovered so t* , of th* Bank of BBa aBEw behind it ABBiwinliBg t* about $. ,000. I t i s gaud that the heir, ef the M ta te to wAteh !l»* clock ©rigi«*lly Be­longed intend to c o r n - t a p aa at tat— Mr tad) iw-BwB-waMtaf$a»

.—A Qtt—if , boarthtl at No. *S5 Htsxry tsrwat, by ratting hid tbroat, yewtdrday, while MAxttriag an-4atr a fit af lavaaoity fl l lWAf oa th* body, aad a vardiot in

M tAw ahaW Al­

t ' < 1 i:<- dock, aad baatg allowed to remain tktt-t. » » . »*>BBr4i*»wtw*w*w^ eat number of carcassed «a tat dock m aay tttse W M thirteen. Hiev remained there two dayt dot-jag a b e t w d o r m , when tat. v t t . t U ooabi aat vwttt.re oat. The Board laid the subject over till next week.

T h . A-v*la-laa*ang Vafflw,—Ta. Brooklyn **tdt*a>c—-ticiaes tLe employ—east of Meaert Banks. H d e , O. W. Curtit, Wendell Phillips, "and other* o f t h e sam* intellectual tendencies," because "the— is Bcarxyely a doubt that the staple af their harangues will be the horrors ot slavery, aad diaswrtattoot ea the Missouri Compromise. Kansas, and the e'eraal avtjjrer '' The party havwtg pat their foot into thit matter, the EagU it^M not like to be retain led of it. A* lecture committeet are genertily *hrew,l enough t . procure lecturers th»t will " draw " and pay ex­penses, be their subjects what they may, if Gill more Sim—s. General Houston, Senators Douglas and Toombs and Governor Wise would effect as much, they too would be invited.

targe t bmiTt i iB of t h . "Brooklyn Daily Tims* Omard''—The " Brooklyn Daiif ttmrn tiuard" have their first annual target cxcursiotj. n e w Thomas Stewart's, in the Cypres* Hills Macadamized road, on Saturday. October tiath. Thit company it com-

Kted af the emptoyaet of the Dmilp Tima, office intel Donevan, the principal clerk of the estab-

Ushmenl, i t captain. W e presume that " shoot­ing tticks" will be displayed to advantage oa ta i l occasion, arsd that the typos will take good *'im­pressions." Afterwards, t h . " matter" which is " dead " will be " disthbuttd" till every *' caae" will be duly tupplied with "torts ." Count us in for a paragraph, a secuon. and perhaps a dissection.

EvaaxwrnattwEB of Btrtlgat Atnerican Candi-iates John J. Hickt. Republican, hat received the " Straight American" nomination for the Ataenibly in the Sixth, and Robert Justison. Jr., in the Sev-euth Assembly district.

William Nodtne has declined the Straight nomi­nation for justice in the Fifth district.

The Independent Democracy nominate Assembly­men this afternoon.

AeeidsnL to tit* Steamer jTultoA—The steamer Fulton was yesterday making her way to the Mor­gan Iron Work*, for repairs, when the run close by the Williamsburgh shore, at the fern slip at the foot of South Eighth ttreet. The pilot failed to back in time, and there being a strong flood tide, she struck ber broadside on the end ofthe pier, break­ing down a portion of it, and crushing the wheel. The damage done to the pier W M about fl.v« hun­dred dollars.

L E G A L R E C O R D .


Mr. Leapt** WUI. The will of the late Cbaries M. Ltvupp has been Awd in

the -iirrogati'.« office, upon an application forpri.ual*. It wa* oxet uted 00 the i4tn of Ot touer. 1857. The aiteettng wtmetaet are Clixrie* E. Southmay.l, Chnrlea K Butler, and J. Kdwar.ls Tracy. William Hopkins Leupp, the brother of deceased. David Wiluauistm Lee and VV illiam M. Kvartt. are natuetl execulon; aad Mrs. Isabella Loe, guardian of the children. The provision* of the docu­ment are few and concisely expressed. To hi* daughter Jane the testator leaves the family Bible, aad Bihlea ot t-uud value to each of hi* other daughters, to be prov idtd by hi*exefulors. He leave* io trust with hit executon, for each daughter. |20.issi, free trout the control of any husband she mitt, hut e. Tlie daughters respectively to re­ceive the income of this $10,0110 Juriag life, the principal, with dl "accumulations" to be tranaferrclat the death uf each to her next of kin, according to the statute of dislri butlons in case ot intestacy of that state. He releases to hit brother. William Hopkins Leupp. all debt* due by laid hr.'i her to himself or hit Anns. He leaves to ala daughter-Laura, Isabella aad Margaret, all hi* printed books, plate. silver and household furniture, equallt share and share alike; and to Mrs, Isabella Lee hi* pictures and engrav­ings. His marble bust* of Bryant and Allston he leaves to tlie New York Galler) of Fine Arts. All the red, residue snd remainder of hi* estate Mr. Leupp gives to and di­vide* among bit three daughter* equally, with the aluiple restriction that the executors are te act tn the manage. ni-itt uf Uie retpeciive share* of the estate till the daugh-ten reapeetively attain the fall age uf twenty-one year*.


Wm. A*. TayUir agt. A . A'ovtA.—The defendsnt hss leave to serve a copy of hi* affidavit of the l-.'tli inalanL on plstnlifTs attorney . and Uie motion made by defendant may stand ov er until the — instant, to enable the plaintiff' to Lvreparti, in the' meantime, inch opposing affidavits as he tnav be ad vtoed.

Hatbaiay age Tkt .Sun Mutual Iniuranet Com-/•utif.—Case settled.


John IT. Wkilf agt. Samuti Martin.—Motion for at­tachment denied, without coat*, but with liberty to renew upon paper* showing more particulariy the lime 0* the ser­vice ot lite injuction on delt-ndant. and showing that the arrangement he made with the tenant. If any wt* made subsequent to tlie service of such order.

Jotkua R. BalmttgL llenry Winbougk.—Motion de­nied, without costs.

Elf ha Murtman sgt. Henry W. Ward.- Plaintiff"* default in not proceeding before reteree on the 15th of ssepttmber. I>SB.and Uie referee's order dismissing com­plaint for thai cause, set aside, on payment by plaintiff of 17 (tost* of op|>ostng thlt motion; tne referee's fees for that dsy. and the tees ol the witneeaet of Uie ddendant actu­ally in attendance before referee on that day ; plaintiff to take short notice of truu.

Barons i s u i l n i a , j . Samnfl W. Star* tt al. agt J,ii,i, CurH*.—Motion

grsuted; cost* to abide event, unless putinliff stipulate* to admit on the irial lliai the defendant did not fulAInu, agree­ment with Adrianoe. If such aiUMUalioo it aervad in Bve dsvt, the motion is denied.

Edgar 1'. / /*/ / agt l.ueian Ayor.—Motion granted, unless plaintiff within Ave days procure tire sheriff"* return to be endorsed oa the execution agdnst the property, aad pay • ten dollars ooets of mutton, in which case the motion it granted on payment to plaintiff's attorney of (100,

ekhirdaat IrSxaaBat tmmrw LiUgatloa Fdoipko Wol/t agt Kmil Goulard.—Thi* is aa appH-

ration tor an injunction to real—in Mr. Goulard from using Mr. Wolfe's trade-mark, and from telling any article bear­ing the name of Schiedam schnapps.

The defendant claim* thai " History, Geography and Lexlogrtphy, are all combined tn exposing the humbug gory of the piaiaUff"i claim ;" that " rvchudani rtchnappt" were known yean before Mr. Welfe appropriated the name; " plaintiff might as wdl attempt to aptwopriate a* trade marks Uie terms t oguar brandy. London porter, Pokeeiade ale, Genesee flour, Cincinnati pork or East nv er oysten."

Ex-Judge Dean, for the defendant argued that Mr. Wolfe eould not be called the inventor of the word. Columbus dlacov ered America, and Wolfe It was cldmed invented gin ; but who was the greatest diaonverer, poa-terity would tell Mr. Wolte could not aak for an iniiinc tton becau— be was the Barn am of the Gin trade. W.dfe had created the name in ls<4«; in that year be dreamed of tsfhnartps. lie slept tvn Scbnappa, Ineubated Sclmap|ts. and in 1851 tie gave birth to the name, and couunenced to use the word. Counsel add that Walk had tewtiled that Uie word Schnapps could not be found in a Dutch dictionary In the English dictionary no such wont* as eock-tail, brandy -smadi. or sherry -cobbler eould be found, though they were wdl understood. As wail might a man take aay of these name* for a trade mark oeoaute they were not in the dictionary. If Wolfe might take the word Schnapps, because il was not in the Dutch diction­ary, and use it aa a trade-tiuirL. The wanes*, itldner, was engaged ia the case and appeared on both tide*. He made t*chnapp* against Wolfe: he made Schnapps sgauist Goulard, aad oidner wa* now making " eye-opener" gin agdnst both of them. The oounsel then in a very witty, logicd and elaborate manner argued on these point* ; and contended that the injunction sought for waa a v lolation of the policy of the law, and wodd lie, if allowed, an cyanide to tbe damage of commeree.

Mr. 1 iVonnr for Mr. Wolfe, contended that a man had a perfect right to use a signUlcittion as a trade mark, pro­vided he wa* tbe Arat one who adapted it tn a certain ar tide. He ortrmeed tbe argument* of Jndge Dean as being in sufficient in point 01' law and eqdty, and stated that Mr. W otft- had a right to claim and wa* euli'.led to the protec­tion of the Court

Ex-Judge Dean closed the irgumenl this morning.

COURT OF APPEALS. Ocmsra lira,—Noa 31, Si. *4, TT. *.(. Ks-Struck off. No. AT—Reserved for the fourth week. No. M—Reserved by default. No. at—Bwety agt LoU. argued, Wm. B. Ackley for appd

lain , Ja*. 8, Campbflt for respondent No So—Draper agt Snow, argued. Wm. H. BcoU for anpd

lant: H. B. Cowlet for respondent. No. *»—Sandenon agt. Goodrich, argued. John K. Rey

noldt for appellant; J. Cok for respondent. No. M—Backet! agt Cayuga and Susquehanna Railroad

Company, on argument. John A Collier for appellant; George Sidney Camp for respondeat.

CAiaBDAt vox Orvoasa 11—Numbers IS, 4C AH, TS, "4, K. *, 1 J. It. tt, a t 4M, ST. t*. 13, » , 34, ii.

M r . M o B n o t ' 8 B i - e t t i n g N t a b l e C o n s u m e d A W i l e ' s H e r o i s m .

(Prom the Spirit of the Timet. October 15.) W e regret to learn that one of our most extensive

breeders of blood stock at the North, J. B. Monnot, of Westchester county, New York, ha t met with a most serious lost, the burning of hut whole range of stables. It appears that on tbe morning of Tues­day, the 4th instant, Mr. Monnot left home with the intention of going to Albany to attend the State Fair, leaving nit V.) ace in charge of hut wife. Short­ly after noon, while the men wet*, yet at dinner. Mrs. Monnot discovered dens* smoke issuing from the stables; abe was alone with her women—not a man within call—tbe blood horses, worth nearly $HHi,0Ou, were in imminent danger. For a moment she waa paralyzed, bat BOOB recovered her presence of mind to perform what the considered a religious duty—to save her husband's property, even at tbe risk of her own life. Starting her women in vari out direction! in search of assistance, she alone rushed into the stables, from tbe t ide , of which the flames were by thit time bursting ia every direc­tion. Logan, the pride and pet of her husband. was the first to be saved ; to unchain and lead htm to tbe door ol hit box was but the work of an in atant, but, terrified at the flames which met his tight, he rushed back to his stall and resisted every attempt to lead him out, until, when nearly exhaust­ed by Iter exertions, Mrs. Monnot succeeded In blindfolding bim with part of ber dress, when he bees—e tractable, and submitted to be led to a place of safety.

The foreman and helpere of the farm at last ar­rived, and BOOB had every Ato / turneM out. Now commenced a s c e n t the wildest snd most appalling eye ever witnessed. The s u b l e t , which were tuah-ciently extdntiv . to accommodate one hundred and fifty horses, and barns containing over one hundred tone of bay, were completely enveloped 10 flames. The horse*, which in the excitement of the moment, without regard to sex or age, were turned into a small enclosure, maddened by fear, commenced fighting furiously, kicking, biting and tearing each other in a fearful manner, making it dangerous and apparently foolhardy in tbe extreme to attempt to separate them. T h . foreman, however, watching his opportunity, succeeded in catching by abe mane one of tbe moat furious, a two-year old* colt, who reared and plunged at such a rate that the man was soon aent flying ander the heels of the other horse*. Mrs. Monnot again exhibited her nerve and courage by entering the enclosure and Mixing the brute by the note; she held him until the man had recovered himself and procured a halur , with which the animal waa secured.

Old Syiphide, by Emilias, bred by R. L. Stevens, now owned by Mr. Monnot, was very aear being los t ; she was surrounded by tame*, aad had te be taken out through a ho i . cut ia the side . f her sta­ble. Having secured tbe Mock to the best of her judgment, Mrs. Monnot sent an express messenger to convey tbe tidings of tbe calamity to her hus­band, who was intercepted just a* h . W M on the point of embarking for Albany. Oa hearing tbe news, hit-thoughts were not on his loss, but on his wife. His first exclamation was, " M y G o d ; and that poor woman's all alone." He little thought that ''that poor woman," all aloae. had really saved hi* immense property. a

A Hew Tsrk Aaritt ia afcMttmt—Tne. Newton iN. J.i It*rmU haa lav* fblWwiag relative to an opera­tion on th* ear in that place by Dr. LtgatniU, of this city, 87 Bond street:

-- Dr. LighthtU, oculist and aaritt, retched this village oa the Rod, Had by invitation wa were pres­ent to witness tke operastidu for the cure of deaf

Tbe patieat w a . aa old JJ*"' Isaac WiUattx—, who bras near PappeAatrug axeet-

ill Be tdv.nl na; nous*, in this conntv, and trill be seventy-oave y e a n old (a* he stated to a s ; next FatM-tr*. He bad been sBsjtaJ for a long serves of was to deaf that he had not attempted totvald c m venation with aay ****, aad staid not attar a tcaaad. It was found iinistatry, prrriraat te the oneratooa, to t*tHnmit to paper aay quitsj ta or fa-tttmaaacelK— addressed to him.

" W e talked with Bim a t W the op**ta»», and fcnad that he could hear and antaatatand ererr word we said, . H h t - f A we wants d vtry bt tit IlBEsr

have dtwte to any one whom wt did to the leeett axteeted w i t . deaf

•< J a i l - T a d ahtp at aaa aa the 14th u l t , had aa board a

of work* of -rt, Italy

t T^



H e r A r r i v a l a t N o r f o l k .

N o t r o t t , October 18.—The steamship Q.itti r City arrived in Hampton steads at T.W P. n. yeater day, in tow of the kteanter State of Georgia. The tollowiBgia

CAPTAIB BSTITVELDT'S STATWWgJ—. The engine was smashed wheat thirty-dig hours

out from New York, and thirty-eight m i U . S.S.K. of Cape liatteree

After her separation from tbe Dumbarton on tbe Ptb, the Quaker City made her way north aad eaat under canvass. At • p. n. of the 9th she w a s in latitude S6* MJ, longitude 74 x l , one hundred mUet from the first point named.

There a steamer bound south pasted without no­ticing oar signals of distress or the firing of our guns, although apparently near enough for both.

A l 6:o0 p. a. m e schooner King Fisher, of New York, tbe name of a hose captaia i* not known, bore sway for ua, and with the true charitcterltttc. of a aeaman hailed us, and said he would stick by us till the last, wbicli promise be faithfully perform­ed. The brig Heaa, of Alexaadna, alto' answered our signals, and laid by u» uot I aent in search of a steamer. At 7 in the evening a gale from the north­ward, of great force, atiuck the ship, wheu aoc laid with her bead to the eastward, oeUsi tog ad­mirably for forty-eight hours.

During this time it became necessary to heave overboard the deck freight. At noon oc the l i f t , tbe gale having abated. 111 latitude oh Su , loogttud, 74 its1', the ship was taken in tow by the kingasber, and, aided by her own sails, succeeded in sa l lug twenty miles westward, when, at midnight, the Btate of Georgia ran down, and took as in tow d x t y mile* northeast of Cape Henry. Captdn c*hu!eldt desires publicly to thank tbe captains of the Dunbarton, Kingfisher, Sena and State oi Georgia for tbe prompt sod cheerful manner in which they rendered; hist aaajtianee; aad, without inUndlsg 45 fflacriminate, wishes particularly to exw.reia bis gratitude to the captain of the Kin4-haher. He it alto grateful to the passengers for their consideration towards himself, and to the crew for their perfect quiet snd coolness during the accident. (Signed) R. W. 8m,r*Li»T

The following are the M D N of the passengers who remained on board tbe Quaker City, and have arrived in Hampton Roads: E. L. Crabbe, lady an I two children, John Chartrand and lady, Miss Chart rand. Alex. Debandry, Jose Diaz, Manuel Beraid. F. R. Diaz, C. M Dot—ate, lady sod daughter, Mr Gabro. lady and son, J. Dezaldo and C. G. Mou-salve. _ ^


BALTIMORE, October 18.—Two me a were shot dead in our street* last night. One was a yo mg Irish man; the other the mate ot one of the Bay c-.ifts ly ing at Union Dock. No arrests have been made as yet.

MEXICAN NEWS Nave OataaKs, October IS.—Tbe latest Mexican

advices state that the Juarez government have made important concessions to Consul Coouer tor tbe navigation of tbe Mexican coast from Cuayama* to Acapulco.

THE " P R E S S " AND PRESIDENT BUCHANAN. PHILAHSLPBIA, October 13.—It is ststed on f o o l

authority that Mr. John W. Forney has received a notification from President Buchanan of his intention to institute a prosecution tor It *d oa ac­count of the article in Hie /*—» on Monday in rela­tion to the death of Mr. Broderick.

MAAKRT8. CuaxasTOS, October H.-OoUi.n-8dea to-iay 1AUU bdes,

the market closing with a declining tendency. BAVA—UB October 1!.-Cotton—Bales today Mt bales, st

un. hanged pricet; middling lOkialORc. PtutaprLmiA. October II -Flour aulet Wheat Arm—ta et

sttajbuahelt'. white SI 3tasyl 3S. red II S3. Corn let* active, yellow SAV. Oau advanced Me.* pork Sl'iv*,-,* . hams llywUSic; ddaaWkc; »boaldera 8*.

Whiskey tirm st STHeWXc.

a a . t t a t o l g g t sasaal.

A Fnsbionable Wedtt iag. MABKIACB O P T B I CIBASf S I L l l O H i n t t M i V SXgW

VOBK B B t . t B — H O T T STBXXT AKII P I P T B AVBNI t I k llKMk.VTI.V P g g T C B B a l l tCBKBS IN T H g t ' B I ' R i H — AorrAVION 01 rnx sTBEgT—AN ARCBBISBOP o r r u i AT1K0—BBCKPTION AT TBI BOt'SS. To-day, according to the announcement given in

most of the pspers and to the invitations so pro­fusely scattered around, the nuptial ceremouiet be­tween Don Esteban Santa Cruz de Oriedo and His* Barllett, tbe daughter of Lieutenant Bartlett, took place at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Mott atreet.

At unite aa early hour this morning, the doors of the cathedral were besieged by anxious visitor*, chiefly ladies, and as soon as the doors were opened numbers entered. Cards of invitation to be pre­sented at the door were iasued for the benefit of the invited guests, who were provided with cards, which read as follows:

tr. ravaica's OA*— XOBAL. Thursday. Octolver 18. at Twelve o'clock.

Thi* Card to be presented at tbe main door, Midi street rswala reserved unU! 11, o'clock.

The general note of invitation to the wedding was couched in the following terms :

Ma. A\n Mas. BASTI FTT request tbe pleasure of your company al the marriage

ceremony of their daughter FgABcae AaiLiA. a m i Do* ESTXSAS BTA. Cat/a nx


Oo Thursday, the lath of t^tober. —while the invitation te the reception was worded as follows:

Mt. A Mas. Baari—rr AT I D S ' ,

Thuredav, OcUylter i s , from owe unUl three o'clock, M A'eat 14th atreet

Half-past eleven waa the time appointed for the ceremony, and s s that boar approached the crowd increased. Pobeemen were stationed at tbe g d e a of the Iron railings that surround the Cathedral, to prevent any one from entering the enclosure unpro­vided with tickets. A second inspection of the elect took place at the m d n door of the Cathedral on Mott street, several policemen having all they could do to prevent those whose calling and election waa not tore from getting in surreptitiously. Of course the fair sex were intensely desirous te behold the tpectaclt , and several, who could not get the coveted invita­tion, tried to pass in with blank envelopes hastily shown to the door-keeping policemen. A few of these adventurous females passed tbe outer gate, but the Cerberus at tbe church door wat on his guard, and discovered in most instances the in­genious fraud. In ease of such discovery, tbe dis­appointed female was quietly removed by an assist ant officer.

While these scenes were witnessed at the door, the vicinity o f the cathedral, which stands troaling Mott street, with its south d d e on Houston, snd the rear on Mulberry street, waa crowded by a curious and motley multitude. This part of the city cannot be termed aristocratic Tenement a .uscs abound, and the Celtic element prevails in the population. As the marriage took place between parties in an entirely different ttation of life, it would at first be supposed that tbe people near the locality would not be to deeply interested io it—but far from this, the whols of the ward teemed to be in a state of great excitement. Tbe hucksters and corner-grocerymen tutpended business for the time, and every window and door wat occupied by interested if not interesting gaxers. A row of houtet on Mott street, directly opposite the Cathe­dral, waa especially favored—every window exhi­biting illimitable perspective, of innumerable heads, as if tbe Patricks and Bridget* residing therein had invited, to tee the out door part of the wedding, ail their " cousins," even unto the fourth aud n:tli generations.

The sidewalks were also d i re . Frowsy girls, with sleepy, dirty babies, darted bither and tbitber, with a disregard of their precious burthens to which Uie neglect of Tilly Slowboy was minute and careful attention, while lads of tender ages, shrill voices, and dilapidated pantaloons, rashly impaled themselves upon the pointed iron railing! or clung madly to the street lamps. Through all these, hun­dreds of richly dressed ladies and kidded gentle­men picked their way from their carnages to tke Cathedral entrance.

Ahhough the holders of tickets were assured that seats would be reserved for them till half-past eleven, every seat was occupied an hour before that time, and even the aisles were also crowded to suf­focation with standing committees. A tow discon­nected voluntaries on the organ served to bttraila the time. The vast body of people rendered the air warm and d o s e , and notwithstanding that tbe windows were wide open, the state of the atmos­phere waa almost utsafferable. The erowduag crea ted much good natured complaining from all, and a few ill-natured remarks from irascible gentlemen aad dowagers with red faces Many wished to leave, bat once in , t retrograde ntotioo was almost isspos sibl*. Several ladies were taken out in a fainting condition, and of oat. i t was rssnarkad by an indig­nant member of her sex, who stood balancing her­self on tbe top of th* backs of one of the pews. " She ain't fainting. It's all a sham to get out. Don't yon see how red the i t ."

At about twelve o'clock the bridal party appeared in tke chancel, the parents of the bride, with seve­ral ecclesiastical!, leading th* procession, which in­cluded six brideawasid* and groomsmen. The bride, enveloped from head to foot ia a rich white veil, took with her intended a position in the centre, while the others were arranged so aa to form a BJawawatwsw.

Arenbitbop Hughe* officiated. Hi* magnificent attire uf embroidered silk and gold waa further en­hanced by the Urge gilded mitre that was upon hi* head, while with his left h s s d he held the golden Episcopal crosier. The serrieee, in tbe prescribed form of the Roman Catholic Church, were short, aad the words used inaudible, excepting to those •ear the chtaeel , Aboat one-third o f the interior of the church, including, of course, the portion nest—at tbe altar, was predacted By a ratbag, and retaiaed for the use of the relatives and personal friend* of the bride and groom.

After tbe tervioe. tbe Arehbtdtop iddre i s id a brief but t a r a e d exhortation to the newly mx—ted couple. The bride then received the — I * " ' V B I B » U of ber frienda, and the sjuiet dignity with whiek sae conducted herself in thit trying daty . l e t t e d ataik commeat. I m s u m i l l l y after awls, the bndel partv retired to the vatstry. aad laavrag Vr the rwar door on Mulberry street, took twa-rstsj—t to taw


of the bride's Barsadt to " - m i r i l h Ml l t d A number of people had gathered aboat the trv-t door of the CsmVadrd, txpeStxaVtoat, . . a J . l t "*?!*—*>*• t*»a*-rr>*»*y wtn-Jtl ntxsgstaddowa tne middle md* and leave by the were, however, disappointed.

dsjor. Tbey

A r r i t t U a>f **s»J*t*t«T •*" Otty e f Wttavawaswaa, 0e*>

et abtwt aooa ea Wee-

most pet a— -'av it again bars* Otrt aw—*—, oVjaand b"u*e* m"re were

inhabitant* w«*P. taw- raa seeking shelter

Arrt t sv l

The screw Uin Petri*, & * • I*W needay. ik*. t9*» ***-*». • » - %•» • " • _ * » • _ •? tbe following day,

Thi Arte! was adverts*-! to -nil fro- rJoathA-Ap-toafor New York « Ew. *>th - M M A

The Cucard .teamer A f r « , ^ J ~ L i , W

pcoi at $.50 en the n*rttu»g of tke S%*h alum.

, : . , T MRS S» OT**rA^'"'*V _ . Coostsntiavrvple journ-tls of the 14th stsse

S a . ' S S S v A ^ a w l i l frotr. the house* U . n a p f Wvcd tne **r^—r

m%oei with tbe m o d rr:^, l |r i lr .P.d.tv, " ^ ' r e c ^ y w d time upwards t f M iT**iab>tetir.*i» * ^ r ' ~ 9 ^ 7 * ! ( H

The tire, was ~esr* order, but or. the ne: and very' neatly one reduced to ssbe* Tt ning bslf uaked tbrsyevj* the d:eet i see*-o*j - " — _ j s r . / m t r e than s ix itfrdred fam.l.es *•*>.% l a *J" tl.ey poe-esatd are sMcaawped on the b«a T*re Sul'ttn ordered t nu-aker of miUUry lento to ne supplied to an-ord t teM temporary thelter. LATSST —rattlOSKCB RT TAB iTTt Of WAAwn»*rTOSI.

fBT tdsa—th frahx Loadoa to Wx«»T«>el)

LohDOn. SepteriAesfa?, leSP.—Tb* I>iU, Stmt

City Art ide of Wedri4)sd*y evening say* : " Tbe funds rerr.au witboat aay BBOTIIBBIW I

toivortavn—. British l*#ilway t trcks » « * V _ ~ 2 rf l _

tbe atternoon. Tbere.toa* * moderate » " - * • " ™* rnoney. The best bilh,art; taken at xs» to * H ner C *°Tt.e amount of gMtd taken to the baa* te-day WSdASO.OOO. The aBfafl.'*.' by the "tent e*vr»e to hsmd, but at too late an hour to be dealt witb.

A movement is en fistd t s f " ! - : the - - r e b a n t s ia trsd-. with the f t p * at G'>cd Hope bavir.g for IU object the presenUUess) of t n addreaa te Str George Grey, on bis return frett the coloty .

l.sst evetneg s meeting wa* held at the Hail Of* "science, to adopt measares fed- the lmirciliat* abo-Ution of ni.c.g'.i!g iu the anuy and navv. Ttte *h»«r was occupied by J C i iurruugU, ex member tor

TbsT'fiwic. city »rtit.'..- of W c l t e t d s y rrec-ng says s

" T * * funds have tdrn steady 1hrocc;b«Bt tbe day at the firm ir .ee* of tester-day.

•• In tbe discount SAarket lucre tt undiaciotaaved etas.-, tnd oueaaiotia; Bfavatact lona take place at i j $ per cent ,.

•' The advices from tbe Continent dewcrtbe a gen­eral absence of tpecniatixe bu*ioe«a. l^"n»**?j**"k_ ing the aupe rsbuiidsavoe of capitd iu each ot tae markets. At HambAfg Ulc rMc 01 tlucxHiol I B

• I n tbe r s ' l - a j OatW-l 10 vky there has Jbeea a reaction. etpecisTly Ifith* heat ter dock*. Tbe «*. clitie was from ! , t o j t p f ' C**t.

A deputstioti fromgfic masons waited on the mat ter builders vetterat* . Tbe interview it said to) have lasted 4 v e n btdirs, S id at its close wa* ad t u r n e d until this d»y- The retult will hate an important bearing oAtbe strike.

, t a i c n , Septen•l>et5:,.'.—Prince Napcleoa has ar uved here r*eparaA* conferences betweea the French and SardiniaA, and afterwai<d* betweea the Fiench and Auttnaa pleuipoUntiai ie* have Aakoa piece.

Tbe Paris Po-,.. a aami-ofBciaijournal,annouaoe* the srntal .1 tLe AtAerican Miutater at Pekia .

He aacended one of the branch** of th* Pe ine . acct.rrp.it it 1! be the member* of Lis iegatioa

Tbey were liot allowed to tee anything of tA*e oountiv, and while awaiting an interview with tave Kru|»eror wete requited not to leave the residence assigned to them .

PAR:* . :-*tli—lsi.s*a| «-—Continued natae— is ss> ptret t on tbe Hours*, Rentes opened tJTf. f'*c

\MS\ us , »ep"ernl>ea -j'.t.—Soate fresh sVtstsi hat— been given in a Pari* journd re»peeting srujeMad expeditioo to China. The fere* ta te oonsust of l t , -01 st men, eboten from tbe beet men of . v a r y

It it certain that at) tb* men of a regiment are BOX fitted to endure tbe climate A depot to repair de-bciencie* it to be etlablitbed near Hong Rang ar .'-baarbae.

Tbe departure o f the for*— cannot take place be­fore the first fortnight of November

Tbe Dictator of Maydena has given orders far t a * purchase ot }»<.— •» Jiiuit nttes, aad also of tae b o n e s of tbe PiecMaooteae cavalry, which aavt— been reformed.

A telegram from Naples announce* that the Ring 1 at left for tbe Rotns« frontiers, for tbe parao.e , it was «e:d, of having aB interview with the Pope.

Tbe IhraU txirrea—otdett s sys that Austria aad Piedmont are about making Warlike preparatioaa, and tlsat tbe French army of occupation in Italy i s about to receive reinforcements. Tbe renewal of hostilities it apprehended by many

The Spanish government it said by the , rfea Uthat* to have declined tbe mediation of awtg-land in the diarmte With Morocco.

Tbe semi omoid journal of Madrid denies t h d a convention exist* between Fraace and Spain rela­tive to Morocco.

Alderman Carter ba* this day been elected Lord Mavor of London for the ensuing year.

The Reptetei ittt iee of t b . Grand Duke of Tits cany nt Rome, has rf fused to deiivei up the avsn-basay Houte, although threatened with tke conks cation of his prtiryetsty in Tuscanv.

It ia said he is i m p o r t e d in nit refusal b * haw Ambassadors of Frajnoe aad Austria.

G A L W A T , Wednesday Evening.—Tbe Jason.frees New York, ba* arriwed.

LIVXBPOOL, Thuredav. — Tbe deamsbin North Briton, from Quebec 17th, arrived at 10.34) th is forenoon.

I (IMK.V SsTorx tWBANr.g.—IJOXIIOK, Thursday —Closing prices . wBkttol* for money ••">$», and for account •RJlixS****'*

Qrat^csTowx, fSesiember e 7 — T h e Perthshire. hence to Wilmington, tt davt out, baa pat back with loss of galley avast* aad three men, in tat. 41.14 n. long. z>.& w. •

LtiNot.B Patiorrt aBsKBT.—Lownosi, 8ef*>rtuser JB.— Pngsr exreawrvwtjf Bar—the Asw id* sotd were chiap— Uian yesterday. ' Coffee steady -. to faroely tjSM aag* e-iiunon Mist,,re lutve ween aoid at SB*, ad. to luaa.

Tea quiet; eonintoa Congou l a *d, eaah ; abeaut ll.SBB pacLsge* for sale to-morrow. Rice tt ead J. Rant Arm.

faltpeter quiet; latest sales of H per ewt d Tt, aad *B| daaAwA

Tallow tat al MT* •AtAV*. oa the spot, aad BTt, ( BTs. Id. for uctober aad Ue^embeg.

LixxartKiL. Thureddy Mot—ing.—The aaaas ef 1 yesterday were bjUOli haie*. indedtng 1AM ea a aitd t,-r export: quotahona were bardy aadata'

Flour asid »lte-at ttsjtd). Corn •lecUBliig. dull but stead). Pot Swan Arm d 17a Other article* aa-changed.

F 1 N A N C « A N D T M A U E .

stale* b> Albert H. Htraiai -O—aasrv I S . in Bk of Commonw'A ST *n Am Ex B4, r!»SsS K I nian Bank Pal* »- N.iion.lHani .. M 40 Mtnhattar F In C. XlJsi in Irving Plrr In C... Ill in do Ill 40 ate I l ia 10 Empire Lit) P I C . l i l * to Exeen*—Pin Co , IMk » People. F I Co... .1ST M do 1ST *• Baruiotiy F In Co. M M Home F In Co.

IV Park F U Oa. 4r) Wsablngion PI Oa. U do IS A* 144 10 Cdaaatsiam M 1 C . IM



1 ito—aria* c*> I j ' e t enoa P I Co!

lot Am Gaano O, . LtoHl lCMSpcMiat M h d t

The BSark Marked it easier slnee the Board -Sales ef N e w York Cegrtral al T*4. Oaieaa TSf, Reck Ulead t*4 «ft BM.

—i -= BALES OT R E A L EsyTATE ASrtoaee 13 .

Eg Adrian B Mailer. House and let IM Bast *J

AlBtrftBwl l A L M . F. A J Parker aoid M hads of Certrefucd

lT**.lRct4blilar tart at liKc—all c

• told » had* of Certrefucd cotataaa C*sA* at . Texaa de at MtxMS. aad Maada Pwrte Eiea laswk


ClaattB Tw-Oav. Rut FJeaa. iBremi Eaaiaaaa, Biiiaaa ivia atiaaaaas

lajlrw, »itp Phanmut. lliggias,S*i amnsh-Wettmth A Asas. twig Monti t'lirido. Novtla-sip. Slo Jauieve-O $ Oatt Bch liipaey. Waycott Bt Meawaa. Ich T flolc—l,. (iretiee. Savannah - W B i Pri J W Hughes Howard. Mrwbera-J L t Bch W A FJIi*. Mefataa. Wa*adagton-J Baal Bch E Mayo. Mayo. Bt Oeorge-^ed Prya

, fitr 1 lata*.

Bcrantea Davai atokAOa.

Stoop America, fit—taaaa. Bristol—Master Arrived To-Day

Brittrrew steamer City of Wadiiedon Brut tt. via tgueenatr—n M " Pale, (sundav. Mi. al t r. Cape Eact Has ex sxaaaaase.

Bch Rescue. Btrsa,

y of W tdil*aftoa. SBta, ssdae aad

Petri*. LivaraeM

at i r x forwarded newa tn new* t . ptriissosd heavy xrceveri y galas the <

Ic the stear—l-lp City of Wasthiagtoa. rruas live—*d Mr BraadL Mr Vo—itsia, Aaetaaaaen Kopexnana. Van "

*-IL * Eudtw.inlL I I E* kora,J Leat. C Uenarll Cburcli. t Hk-kaao, J Murphy. avoche. B Robetto, P Letirdn. Mn W'o>>dhuiry _ MasderaoB aad child, U>. Adaaa*. Mn White aad

' LtU-toe, Wootfrtuj rtf

Mist P- Philip, Mr Mitt Rich*rtleon. aad two cbtMren. Mr Harris Cautaia dabaca, Mr Mataa-drew aad family. Mn and two Mist- Wood. B La taw tit, Raw

iLUBierita.Mr.4i.ldna.Miai Lt ita C Atwtvod, MrtT. McDow

He.uruont M BBMer, Bev Mr < daughter. W A TJroatn sad sea. _ . Ewaag. infant and tervaet W Raye. (reortje laaeawa. aar aa Mr. D \ irtae. 1 B vTiadaon. T.Wettgrath, Har-

! ^ ! h . X 1 H Behaa. Mr- and

ir aid Mrs JacoL J L Howard. M t a ' r U m i S s t ! I inlTlabTtttisiB*


• tech* ead • s a l t at Aaawaem, Bwawawswtoi la axe I tote ef twawaat MMto. atoaawawBa,

I80S, Ae­nt

iN WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER ID, r l lK e'rinck. at the Merrtaatt' Kvchange. J.t,n Laldlaw aad Ptwaxla Baa rxeewt'—1 tttaOSI tutadrttalattra MAM s e e Tork **&.(»» New York City « a SAQ-S Ohio t a MAM Brootlin Chy S's K M Haaaoti

lev aaarea Bawe— Plre Ii LMsharetiBtof Cava aaerce. M l 1*S .. Serchanta BaiA, SM .. (Batch Mi .. Brtoklya Bauk. IS M .. PeeAVttaiA. M M .. Bk .North Asaerica. M .

•» tt.sret New Jerary E R ATrai Jtiort atltat Co.

".'. New fork aad New Ktxiand V '

?TOCK -ALIO- KVERV VtiOiSgoOAl rX1—lTIP*TBiiti.HT A*fD *»r>LB

ATlf " r l ' i A K l l

OSxce, toWaB**—at. HTM) oellto

TMOMAR M. PEANELT*. AacCoae— Wale ef » l a e (Ml •»-•——rt, pKANKUN 11ROTUEBSL WILL SELL AT AUC-

aV— ol XAiaysvtots, fttdi, etc Also, tne entire Farnusa-.. .\m.«vg He Ptctaret It a httte gets. "A Diana after

Grtsj**- : " A OniaaAli." very rieh to eeioe, aid aawataaa Tel mt Ctabon AtBiaai CasaVayue* at the eAtce

rfreet. — at the H a l l to bankthie txStstB.

** the Aadtoaaus 5o. M (HI) ass aeMtt

»*** *** MteV Xasrthweat (ersst* af WlttsAea

« X T M . H. FMANKLIS W I L L S B L L ATPUlvLfO * * astetjtas aa *TaTrJlkra>Ar Octaaasr IStt at Lla'aswee.

*t th* Merchants' Exdaxs^tW zS^S *?•_.•*fP*.T^. -nd U< ej greuatlJeTOv^to,^migZZZuSrTiJltxrm**

&l?j!!¥2±*~im'm'mt- If—mmtm. tad tsajts at the auetiaaroawa. ttME) *cBto


DlfieJOLLTION. ~ THE *COPARTNs~>aS*PP ..-trS**" 'stoOat vaider the I -wt aaaae «f WC*Ea*B-

P R HwsT^ 00-*a»aawa Aaatval ayisatswdli • ts 1m^

aioae aigalo! tWBrg*Vn*jaJ4atl^ —

Kew York, frtten. 1BTA '

p O P A R T r t T I O r H i T - T H * VTnOtSHWm

k v r e , ^ a w r T L ^ * a ^ ^ JsyeDfR 1

Ha— Tots. Oet a*. Bast

C O A l i l l C O A L I ! J

rs AI _J jBBt ^sSfitas






Eaaa a a m g m m m m in - _

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