8 B BUITALO COUWER-EXPRBSS, Sunday, January U. ISM On the Records —————————— ~~— - —• -o- ice Excels In Album of 'Aida' Highlights Opera DEN conducted OM-5798 by VERDI: AIDA : highlights' with BIRGIT NILSSON. GRACE HOFFMAN, LOUIS QUIUCO. LUIGI OTTOLINI: orchestra of the ROYAL ORDER HOUSE. COVENT GAR- JOHN PRITCHARD LONDON OS-25796/ Pmcipal facets of Verdi's classic tragedy, "Aida," are pre- sented with great beauty on this disc by one of the great sopranos of our day, Birgit Nilsson. with a supporting list of singers of unquestioned merit. At this point it should be pointed out that John Pritchard's directioii of orchestra and chorus is faithful to Verdi's idea that vm orchestra has a principal, not a supporting role. The instru- mental sound is fulsome and vigorous but never overwhelming to the singers. After Mme. Nilssoos stirring "Ritoraa Vincitor," she is Joined by Grace Hoffman, the crafty Amneris. in "Fu la aorre deflannl atuoi hmesu" from Act II. Side 1 of the disc is completed by Qui Radames verra," the lovely soliloquy which contains an unforgettable "O patria mia.'* Aida'i lather. Amonasro (Louis QuiUco). and her lover. Ra- dames (Luigi Ottolini). make their appearance with Mme. Nilssoa on Side 2 which contains "Rivedrai le foreste imbalsamate" and the memorable entombment scene, "La fatal pietra sovra mesi ehiuae." WEILL-BRECHT THE THREEPENNY OPERA (soundtrack from German film* with CURT JURGENS. HILDEGARD NEFF JUNE RITCHIE. HILDE HILDEBRAND and GERT FROBE • music directed by PETER SANDLOFF-LONDON M-76004. The saga of the "great unwashed" from time immemorial is spun with telling acidity on this record which represents some of the finest collaborations of Bertold Brecht and Kurt Weill. Based on the tath Century "Beggars Opera," and produced in Germany just before the rise of Hitler, 'Threepenny Opera' bludgeons the immorality of moral society with scorn so subtle that it becomes bitterly amusing. Curt Jurgens as Mack the Knife and Hildegard Neff as Bar- Fly Jenny are admirably cast from the vocal standpoint while the other principals, chorus and orchestra perionn with a seal which is spiced with zest. On the purely instrumental side, Side 2's "Balletic," featuring scampering parts for piccolo and tuba, is well worth the price of the disc. »—-—»—•—i - . . » » . . , . . , » Radio-TV Highlights Specials LAWRENCE WELK: A TRIBUTE TO THE ALL-TIME GREATS with arrangements for orchestra and chorus by PETE KING—DOT DLP-25544/3544. 'Karen' Planned As New Series Joe Connelly and Bob Mosher, who fathered the long-run "Leave It to Beaver" series, have another show called "Karen" on the fire. The producers have described it as being " "Beaver' with girls." In short, the main character is a teen-aged girl trying to grow up in a hurry, and she has a younger sister. Debbie Watson. 14, has the title role. Revue Studios is making the pilot in association with NBC-TV. . 20-21-22 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Here's how to be sure your kit, integrated, or basic componet ampli- fier is giving you the performance it should. F. M. Sound Eqiipmtnt Corp. and Mcintosh Laboratories is sponsoring a FREE Audio Clinic. Bring your amplifier to the Audio Clinic and have it analyzed by factory audio experts, using the finest Hewlett-Packard test equipment. The performance • distortion characteristics of your instrument will be measured, recorded, and pre- sented ft you on an understandable graph. Your graph will give you visual proof of your ampli- fier's performance. YOU CAN WIN ONE OF MANY FREE DOOR PRIZES VALUED UP TO $150.00, INCLUDING A MCINTOSH AMPLIFIER AND KLH AND BOZAK LOUDSPEAKERS •V -Our Business Is .Sound" F. M. SOUND EQUIPMENT CORP. UN ST. at NORTHAMPTON TT 2-6223 Op~ M M . t TIMIM. t m f S*. tM S:30 p.m. Lawrence Welk displays more and more the instinct of a real showman with this admirable disc in which die bubbly format is abandoned temporarily in favor of quietly restrained yet lush tributes to some of the best popular tunes of our times. The Weft orchestra and chorus are made up of fine musicians who make the most of Pete King's glossy arrangements in a pro- gram which includes: "Ballerina." "Where the Blue of the Night," "No Other Low," "Nature Boy," "Sonny Boy." "Love Letters in the Sand." "That's My Desire." "Prisoner of Love." "Be My Love," "IH Never Smile Again," "September Song." "When It's Sleepy Time Down South." The music is wonderfully relaxing for those who want to relax and yet those of us who admire the slow, dreamy dances of yesteryear, may find considerable inspiration for rolling back the rug. It's really an all-purpose record. ENZO STUARTI: STUARTI ARRIVES AT CARNEGIE HALL (live performance with orchestra conducted by BOB Mc- MULLIN—JUBILEE JGM2-50S5 (two LPs in illustrated folder). A personable young baritone who has been popular in clubs here and abroad casts a spell of charm over a capacity Carnegie Hall audience which is understandable if the recorded applause and bravos are authentic. The program is long but well varied and paced to please. Stuarti's voice is clear, warm and powerful except on a few occasions where fatigue may have caused him to run slightly out of breath on far-reaching climaxes. The program, mainly in English but with a few excursions into his native Italian and even into Yiddish, follows: "We're Not Strangers," "Yours Is My Heart Atone." "Once in a Lifetime." "Come Prima," "That Wonderful Girl of Mine." "If You Are but a Dream," "You Stepped Out of a Dream," "Gigi." "I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face," "This Is All I Ask," "September Song," "It Never Entered My Mind." "On the Street Where You Live," "Smile." "Al Di La," "The Exodus Song," "The Sound of Music," "And That Reminds Me," "As Long "If Ever I Would Leave You," "You'll Never Walk Atone," "If I Loved You." "Tonight." "Maria," "The House I Live In." "Somewhere." "Sorrento," and "Vesti la Ghibba." FOLK MUSIC: GERMAN CHILDREN'S CHORUS (instrumental accompaniment)—LONDON SW-99293/TW-»12M. It matters not that all the lyrics to these delightful German folk songs and songs of childhood are in the native tongue of the three children's choruses which sing the 24 selections on this disc because a happy spirit rings through any barrier language might erect. Moreover, there is interest enough in the almost fantastic precision of diction displayed by the children, to say nothing of the purity of tone and exactitude of harmony which seem to emerge so effortlessly from the grooves. The record jacket offers little in the way of identification of the singers other than listing the names of the choruses Die Kleinen Singerlein, Kinderchor Erich Bender and BielefeWer Kin- derchor—but this does not inhibit our congratulations to those responsible for training the youngsters for a program which con- tains charm undiminished from start to finish. TERESA DUFFY: NEW SOUNDS IN SCOTTISH MUSIC (vocal with instrumental accompaniment)—LONDON TW-91328. - Teresa Duffy, from County Donegal, will be remembered with affection by her countrymen for two previous albums, "Ireland's Songs of Freedom" and "New Sounds in Irish Music." Because of her delightful voice and native dictional "burr," Tes>s Duffy is able to project vital spirit into a representative collection of Scottish music projected with a restrained, modern beat by instrumental accompanists directed by Earl Guest. Even dyed-in-wool Scots folk music purists are likely to applaud Miss Duffy in this program: "Northern Lights of Old Aberdeen." "The Old House," "West- erly Home," "The Road and the Miles to Dundee," "Granny's Highland Hame," "The Day I Marry Jamie," "Down in the Glen," "Skye Boat King," "The Kirk by the Glenside," "Jeannie and John." "Old Scotch Mother Mine," "Lewis Bridal Song," "Donal M' Darlin'," and "My Ain Folk." . . . C. F. K. Top Twenty Tunes Bobby Vinton's recording of "There, I've Said it Again," remains the No. 1 choice in music among the nation's young folk for the second straight week. Moving into second place in the United Press International survey of the nation's top 20 tunes was "Louie, Louie" by the Kingsmen. This week's top 20 tunes, followed by position last week and number of weeks in top SO: There, I've Said it Again, Bobby Vinton. Louie, Louie, Kingsmen. SurfuV Bird, Trashmen. Forget Him, Bobby Rydell. Dominique, Singing Nun. Hey, Little Cobra, Rip Chords. Out of Limits, Marketrs. Popsicles and Icicles, Murmaids. Since I FeU for You, Lenny Welch. Nitty Gritty. Shirley Ellis. Drag City, Jan and Dean. Whispering, Nino Tempo and April Stevens. Be True to Your School. Beachboys. Wives and Lovers, Jack Jones. As Usual, Brenda Lee. You Don't Own Me, Lesley Gore. Dumb Head. Ginny Arnell. Quicksand, Martha and the Vandellas. Anyone Who Had a Heart, Dionne Warwick. Wonderful Summer, Robin Ward. MODERATOR—The Most Rev. James A. McNulty, bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Buffalo, will moderate "The Bishop Visits Your Borne" on Ch. 4 Sunday afternoons at 2, start- ing today. Boy, 13, Has Own Robot On TV Slow NEW YORK — The object of Marc Berman's affection stands 4% feet high, weighs 100 pounds, can move in three directions, is shaped something like a turnip on wheels, can take pictures, pour liquids with one hand and grasp articles with the other. Marc Bemoan, age 13, is an in- ventor and what he likes most is —you guessed it—a robot. A Real Feeling "It's funny how you get to feel about a robot you've built your- self," said Marc. "I've developed a real feeling for him. When Wen- dy (Marc's sister) overheated a solenoid and burned his arm, it was like our dog getting hurt—a living thing, you know? "It happened before I perfected the robot's brain." Now the robot—or Mobot II, as Marc has designated hint- stands ready to appear on the first of the new ABC-TV series, "Science AH Stars." 10:»-Ci. 4—UNCLE JERRY Contestants are Brenda Ran- som. Antoinette and Rose Ann D'Addetto, Barbara Skhewski, Paul Guil and Larry Burnet Live local. ll:W-Ch. 4-CHURCH - High Mass from Infant of Prague Church, Cheektowaga. Live, one hour. P.M. 12:IO-€h. 7-CHALLENGE GOLF —A repeat of the Jan. 11 match between the Arnold Palmer- Gary Player and Jack Nick- laus-Mike Souchak teams. l:30~Ch. 7—ISSUES Secretary of State Dean Rusk is inter- viewed on the outlook for peace in 1084. 2:eO-Ch. f—HOCKEY-Montreal Jr. Canadiens-Toronto Marl- boros. 3:04—Ch. I—PRO BOWLING- New Jersey vs. Albany. Phila- delphia vs. Miami. 00 min. 3:00-Ch. 7-BOWLING - Lee Jouglard vs. Dave Soutar. 3:0©-Cb. 11-SPECIAL-United Church Sunday School Rally. 60 min. 4:00-Ch. 2-PRO BOWL-The National Football League Ail- Star Game from Los Angeles. Color. 4:00—Ch. 4 —DEBUT —A new, weekly CBS documentary series is "One of a Kind." "Blrd's- Eye View of America," nar- rated by Harry Reasoner, was filmed from a helicopter. 5:00-Ca. 4—ALUMNI FUN— Baseball star Jackie Robinson, actor Lloyd Bridges and Dr. Vincent Barnett, president of Colgate University, represent UCLA. For Columbia Univer- sity, publisher Bennett Cerf, columnist Marguerite Higgins, and magazine editor Michael Land. Clifton Fadiman Is host 5:00-Ch. 7-SPEOAL—A repeat of the second show hi the aeries. "The Saga of the West- ern Man." "1776" deals with the start of the American Revolution. 5: JO-Ch. 4 - CROSSCURRENTS —"Which Way in Reading In- struction?" 6;40-Ch. 4 - 20th CENTURY - Second half of "The Plots Against Hitler " The climactic assassination attempt of July 20. 1944, In Rastenburg, East Prussia. 3' 7:20—Ch. 2 —WALT mS^EY*- Windup of the two-part adven- ture. "The Ballad of Hector, the Stowaway Dog," concerns the efforts of a sea-going dog to find his sailor master. Color. 7:20—Ch. 7 — McPHEETERS Burgess Meredith in "The Day of the Wizard." A traveling fortune teller predicts that Jaimie will kill his father, uses this threat to get the boy in his power. 8:0t-Chs. 4. t—ED SULLIVAN— Frank Sinatra Jr. sings with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra Others are opera star Roberta Peters and popular singer Alan Gale. e:00-Ch. 4—JUDY GARLAND— Comedian Shelley Berman. Ethel Merman and dancer Peter Gennaro. 10:00-Ch. 2—SPECIAL—A one- hour program, "Birth Control How?" has David Brinkley as reporter. He interviews Dr John Rock, co-developer of the first oral contraceptive. Color. M:J0-Ch. 4—WHAT'S MY LINE? —Robert Preston j o i n s the panel. ON RADIO P.M. 4:00-\\ EBR-FOOTBALL - The Pro Bowl game. 7:15-WYSL-HOCKEY - Buf- falo vs. Cleveland. And UusteCrttj The series will feature more than 60 scientific achievements by teen-age students. Marc, an eighth-grade student in Chicago, doesn't talk like most 13-year-olders. Sample: "I've been working on the effects of ions on living cells. But this robot project has taken a lot of my time. I believe robots are among the greatest technical ad- vances we've made in the fields of general scientific eaperimenta- tion. Remote Control "But by using remote control devices, it's possible to conduct many dangerous experiments. Take Mobot U. "He's controlled by a 10-position telephone - type stepping relay, combined with various other re- lays in the base. The arm that pours the liquid is operated by an electric valve. As the current passes through the solenoid, it pulls the armature; this pulls up a metal bar which la clamped down on a piece of rubier tubing, allowing the liquid to run through the tube. "There's another solenoid la the grasping arm which pulls a lever that in tarn opens the hand." LINING FREE with any purchase of custom draperies 63" long or longer. FABRICS start at 1.44 per yd. Marc's interest in science began in the second grade. What does he want he grows up? An electronics en 1. 2. a. 4. 5. g. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 16 17. 18. 19. 20 ( 1 9) ( 4 10) ( 9 4) ( 3 5) ( 2 10) ( S 4) ( 7 5) ( 5 7) ( 6 12» (13 6) (17 4) < 0 1) (10 9) (11 6» 1 0 1) ( 0 1) l 0 1) (10 2) ( 0 It (19 2i be when Mae West Ap With 'Mister Look for Mae West to appear In a "Mister Ed" episode on CBS. The star has made only one previous video appearance, with Red Skelton several years ago. DIAL TX 2-0500 SHOP-AT-HOME SERVICE n IN STORE SPECIAL! ALL STOCK FABRICS A A r REDUCED FOR CLEARANCE Q Q C yd. Tfl OIE LOW PRICE! t Values to 3.75 yd. FISHER X-lHI 114-WATT Master Control Awplrfit uustcOty THE FISHER 4* 60*W#tt rM-5t4Kfo Multiple)K luisicOtij FISHER f M M-l FM MuMpfcx Tim* FISHER ITRARK SFftGEXMHKR, III Uusic(!it(j FISHER M i l t M-WTT RASTER CONTROL AMPilFIER EXTRA SPECIAL EVENT! CUSTOM SLIPCOVERS Average Sofa 4V Chair Largo selection of fabrics at this prico rapeneA 665 FILLMORE AVE. (At corptt Land) Open Mon., Tuos., Thurs., Fri. to 9 P.M. Open Wednesday * Sat. to 5 P.M. FISHER FM-lte • FR Multiplex Tuner Uasir (litij fc. ''"<i: :; V: : on* OBriea j Miss Cooper A FIRST—Veteran actor Pat O'Brien, in show busi- ness for 43 years, appears in his first western role in "The Fortunes of J. Jimerson Jones," a comedy drama on the 90-minute color series, "The Virginian," Wed- nesday night at 7:30 on Ch. 2. Jeanne Cooper is the i love interest, WANTED 10 ADULTS WITH A SECRET DESIRE TO PLAY AN ORGAN The Hammond Organ Studio of Buffalo takes pride in announcing the appointment of IN SELBY theater organist, radio and supper club entertainer as Director of GROUP QRGAN TEACHING m * *« »!#$) RaV' THE FISHER S i l t 75-Wort FM-Stt*«*-MiHtipl«* UuwjQly The first group of 10 Members will start a 10 Week Course NELSON SELBY WW. Eve. Feb. 12, at 7:30 p.m. at the HAMMOND ORGAN STUDIO of BUFFALO 2651 DELAWARE AVE. - 2 Blocks South of Kenmore You will receive private instruction—by Mr. Selby—instruction ma- terial will be supplied. A beautiful, new Hammond organ will be installed in your home for 10 weeks. Your cost for 10 weeks of musical enjoyment only $50.00, which will be credited to the purchase of die organ. FISHER F R M t - B FR Multiplex Tuntr uusicO'y Wm detail* call the Hammond Organ Studio of Buffalo — 3851 Delaware Ave. 5-4450 Hours: 10 AM. - 6 P.M. Mon 6 Fri. • 9 P.M. TR 5-4450 FISHER REMOTE COHTWL, RK-1 luiS'iefMi) FISHER F R U M FM Multiplex Tvnor lu'S'k'Olij 4 4 t i * Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

In The End All You Really Have Is Memoriesfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Buffalo NY Courier... · 2013. 7. 23. · Bobby Vinton's recording of "There, I've Said it Again," remains

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Page 1: In The End All You Really Have Is Memoriesfultonhistory.com/Newspapers 21/Buffalo NY Courier... · 2013. 7. 23. · Bobby Vinton's recording of "There, I've Said it Again," remains

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On the Records — — — — — — — — — —

~ ~ — -

— •


ice Excels In Album of 'Aida' Highlights


DEN conducted OM-5798




Pmcipal facets of Verdi's classic tragedy, "Aida," are pre­sented with great beauty on this disc by one of the great sopranos of our day, Birgit Nilsson. with a supporting list of singers of unquestioned merit.

At this point it should be pointed out that John Pritchard's directioii of orchestra and chorus is faithful to Verdi's idea that vm orchestra has a principal, not a supporting role. The instru­mental sound is fulsome and vigorous but never overwhelming to the singers.

After Mme. Nilssoos stirring "Ritoraa Vincitor," she is Joined by Grace Hoffman, the crafty Amneris. in "Fu la aorre deflannl atuoi hmesu" from Act II. Side 1 of the disc is completed by Qui Radames verra," the lovely soliloquy which contains an unforgettable "O patria mia.'*

Aida'i lather. Amonasro (Louis QuiUco). and her lover. Ra­dames (Luigi Ottolini). make their appearance with Mme. Nilssoa on Side 2 which contains "Rivedrai le foreste imbalsamate" and the memorable entombment scene, "La fatal pietra sovra mesi ehiuae."


The saga of the "great unwashed" from time immemorial is spun with telling acidity on this record which represents some of the finest collaborations of Bertold Brecht and Kurt Weill.

Based on the tath Century "Beggars Opera," and produced in Germany just before the rise of Hitler, 'Threepenny Opera'

bludgeons the immorality of moral society with scorn so subtle that it becomes bitterly amusing.

Curt Jurgens as Mack the Knife and Hildegard Neff as Bar-Fly Jenny are admirably cast from the vocal standpoint while the other principals, chorus and orchestra perionn with a seal which is spiced with zest.

On the purely instrumental side, Side 2's "Balletic," featuring scampering parts for piccolo and tuba, is well worth the price of the disc.

» — - — » — • — i - — • . . » • — » . . , . . , • • » • —

Radio-TV Highlights

Specials LAWRENCE WELK: A TRIBUTE TO THE ALL-TIME GREATS with arrangements for orchestra and chorus by PETE KING—DOT DLP-25544/3544.

'Karen' Planned As New Series

Joe Connelly and Bob Mosher, who fathered the long-run "Leave It to Beaver" series, have another show called "Karen" on the fire.

The producers have described it as being " "Beaver' with girls." In short, the main character is a teen-aged girl trying to grow up in a hurry, and she has a younger sister.

Debbie Watson. 14, has the title role. Revue Studios is making the pilot in association with NBC-TV.

. 20-21-22 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.

Here's how to be sure your kit, integrated, or basic componet ampli­fier is g i v i n g you the performance it should.

F. M. Sound Eqiipmtnt Corp. and Mcintosh

Laboratories is sponsoring a FREE Audio Clinic.

Bring your amplifier to the Audio Clinic and

have it analyzed by factory audio experts, using

the finest Hewlett-Packard test equipment. The

performance • distortion characteristics of your

instrument will be measured, recorded, and pre­

sented ft you on an understandable graph. Your

graph will give you visual proof of your ampli­

fier's performance.




-Our Business Is .Sound"



Op~ M M . t TIMIM. t m f S*. tM S:30 p.m.

Lawrence Welk displays more and more the instinct of a real showman with this admirable disc in which die bubbly format is abandoned temporarily in favor of quietly restrained yet lush tributes to some of the best popular tunes of our times.

The Weft orchestra and chorus are made up of fine musicians who make the most of Pete King's glossy arrangements in a pro­gram which includes:

"Ballerina." "Where the Blue of the Night," "No Other Low," "Nature Boy," "Sonny Boy." "Love Letters in the Sand." "That's My Desire." "Prisoner of Love." "Be My Love," "IH Never Smile Again," "September Song." "When It's Sleepy Time Down South."

The music is wonderfully relaxing for those who want to relax and yet those of us who admire the slow, dreamy dances of yesteryear, may find considerable inspiration for rolling back the rug. It's really an all-purpose record.

ENZO STUARTI: STUARTI ARRIVES AT CARNEGIE HALL (live performance with orchestra conducted by BOB Mc-MULLIN—JUBILEE JGM2-50S5 (two LPs in illustrated folder).

A personable young baritone who has been popular in clubs here and abroad casts a spell of charm over a capacity Carnegie Hall audience which is understandable if the recorded applause and bravos are authentic.

The program is long but well varied and paced to please. Stuarti's voice is clear, warm and powerful except on a few occasions where fatigue may have caused him to run slightly out of breath on far-reaching climaxes.

The program, mainly in English but with a few excursions into his native Italian and even into Yiddish, follows:

"We're Not Strangers," "Yours Is My Heart Atone." "Once in a Lifetime." "Come Prima," "That Wonderful Girl of Mine." "If You Are but a Dream," "You Stepped Out of a Dream," "Gigi."

"I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face," "This Is All I Ask," "September Song," "It Never Entered My Mind." "On the Street Where You Live," "Smile." "Al Di La," "The Exodus Song," "The Sound of Music," "And That Reminds Me," "As Long

"If Ever I Would Leave You," "You'll Never Walk Atone," "If I Loved You." "Tonight." "Maria," "The House I Live In." "Somewhere." "Sorrento," and "Vesti la Ghibba."

FOLK MUSIC: GERMAN CHILDREN'S CHORUS (instrumental accompaniment)—LONDON SW-99293/TW-»12M.

It matters not that all the lyrics to these delightful German folk songs and songs of childhood are in the native tongue of the three children's choruses which sing the 24 selections on this disc because a happy spirit rings through any barrier language might erect.

Moreover, there is interest enough in the almost fantastic precision of diction displayed by the children, to say nothing of the purity of tone and exactitude of harmony which seem to emerge so effortlessly from the grooves.

The record jacket offers little in the way of identification of the singers other than listing the names of the choruses — Die Kleinen Singerlein, Kinderchor Erich Bender and BielefeWer Kin-derchor—but this does not inhibit our congratulations to those responsible for training the youngsters for a program which con­tains charm undiminished from start to finish.

TERESA DUFFY: NEW SOUNDS IN SCOTTISH MUSIC (vocal with instrumental accompaniment)—LONDON TW-91328.

- Teresa Duffy, from County Donegal, will be remembered with affection by her countrymen for two previous albums, "Ireland's Songs of Freedom" and "New Sounds in Irish Music."

Because of her delightful voice and native dictional "burr," Tes>s Duffy is able to project vital spirit into a representative collection of Scottish music projected with a restrained, modern beat by instrumental accompanists directed by Earl Guest.

Even dyed-in-wool Scots folk music purists are likely to applaud Miss Duffy in this program:

"Northern Lights of Old Aberdeen." "The Old House," "West­erly Home," "The Road and the Miles to Dundee," "Granny's Highland Hame," "The Day I Marry Jamie," "Down in the Glen," "Skye Boat King," "The Kirk by the Glenside," "Jeannie and John." "Old Scotch Mother Mine," "Lewis Bridal Song," "Donal M' Darlin'," and "My Ain Folk." . . . C. F. K.

Top Twenty Tunes Bobby Vinton's recording of "There, I've Said it Again,"

remains the No. 1 choice in music among the nation's young folk for the second straight week.

Moving into second place in the United Press International survey of the nation's top 20 tunes was "Louie, Louie" by the Kingsmen.

This week's top 20 tunes, followed by position last week and number of weeks in top SO:

There, I've Said it Again, Bobby Vinton. Louie, Louie, Kingsmen. SurfuV Bird, Trashmen. Forget Him, Bobby Rydell. Dominique, Singing Nun. Hey, Little Cobra, Rip Chords. Out of Limits, Marketrs. Popsicles and Icicles, Murmaids. Since I FeU for You, Lenny Welch. Nitty Gritty. Shirley Ellis. Drag City, Jan and Dean. Whispering, Nino Tempo and April Stevens. Be True to Your School. Beachboys. Wives and Lovers, Jack Jones. As Usual, Brenda Lee. You Don't Own Me, Lesley Gore. Dumb Head. Ginny Arnell. Quicksand, Martha and the Vandellas. Anyone Who Had a Heart, Dionne Warwick. Wonderful Summer, Robin Ward.

MODERATOR—The Most Rev. James A. McNulty, bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Buffalo, will moderate "The Bishop Visits Your Borne" on Ch. 4 Sunday afternoons at 2, start­ing today.

Boy, 13, Has Own Robot On TV Slow NEW YORK — The object of

Marc Berman's affection stands 4% feet high, weighs 100 pounds, can move in three directions, is shaped something like a turnip on wheels, can take pictures, pour liquids with one hand and grasp articles with the other.

Marc Bemoan, age 13, is an in­ventor and what he likes most is —you guessed it—a robot. A Real Feeling

"It's funny how you get to feel about a robot you've built your­self," said Marc. "I've developed a real feeling for him. When Wen­dy (Marc's sister) overheated a solenoid and burned his arm, it was like our dog getting hurt—a living thing, you know?

"It happened before I perfected the robot's brain."

Now the robot—or Mobot II, as Marc has designated hint-stands ready to appear on the first of the new ABC-TV series, "Science AH Stars."

10:»-Ci. 4—UNCLE JERRY Contestants are Brenda Ran­som. Antoinette and Rose Ann D'Addetto, Barbara Skhewski, Paul Guil and Larry Burnet Live local.

ll:W-Ch. 4-CHURCH - High Mass from Infant of Prague Church, Cheektowaga. Live, one hour.


—A repeat of the Jan. 11 match between the Arnold Palmer-Gary Player and Jack Nick-laus-Mike Souchak teams.

l:30~Ch. 7—ISSUES — Secretary of State Dean Rusk is inter­viewed on the outlook for peace in 1084.

2:eO-Ch. f—HOCKEY-Montreal Jr. Canadiens-Toronto Marl-boros.

3:04—Ch. I—PRO BOWLING-New Jersey vs. Albany. Phila­delphia vs. Miami. 00 min.

3:00-Ch. 7-BOWLING - Lee Jouglard vs. Dave Soutar.

3:0©-Cb. 11-SPECIAL-United Church Sunday School Rally. 60 min.

4:00-Ch. 2-PRO BOWL-The National Football League Ail-Star Game from Los Angeles. Color.

4:00—Ch. 4 —DEBUT —A new, weekly CBS documentary series is "One of a Kind." "Blrd's-Eye View of America," nar­rated by Harry Reasoner, was filmed from a helicopter.

5:00-Ca. 4—ALUMNI FUN— Baseball star Jackie Robinson, actor Lloyd Bridges and Dr. Vincent Barnett, president of Colgate University, represent UCLA. For Columbia Univer­sity, publisher Bennett Cerf, columnist Marguerite Higgins, and magazine editor Michael Land. Clifton Fadiman Is host

5:00-Ch. 7-SPEOAL—A repeat of the second show hi the aeries. "The Saga of the West­ern Man." "1776" deals with the start of the American Revolution.

5: JO-Ch. 4 - CROSSCURRENTS —"Which Way in Reading In­struction?"

6;40-Ch. 4 - 20th CENTURY -Second half of "The Plots Against Hitler " The climactic assassination attempt of July 20. 1944, In Rastenburg, East Prussia. 3'

7:20—Ch. 2 —WALT mS^EY*-Windup of the two-part adven­ture. "The Ballad of Hector, the Stowaway Dog," concerns the efforts of a sea-going dog to find his sailor master. Color.

7:20—Ch. 7 — McPHEETERS — Burgess Meredith in "The Day of the Wizard." A traveling fortune teller predicts that Jaimie will kill his father, uses this threat to get the boy in his power.

8:0t-Chs. 4. t—ED SULLIVAN— Frank Sinatra Jr. sings with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra Others are opera star Roberta Peters and popular singer Alan Gale.

e:00-Ch. 4—JUDY GARLAND— Comedian Shelley B e r m a n . Ethel Merman and dancer Peter Gennaro.

10:00-Ch. 2—SPECIAL—A one-hour program, "Birth Control How?" has David Brinkley as reporter. He interviews Dr John Rock, co-developer of the first oral contraceptive. Color.

M:J0-Ch. 4—WHAT'S MY LINE? —Robert Preston j o i n s the panel.


Pro Bowl game. 7:15-WYSL-HOCKEY - Buf­

falo vs. Cleveland.



The series will feature more than 60 scientific achievements by teen-age students.

Marc, an eighth-grade student in Chicago, doesn't talk like most 13-year-olders.

Sample: "I've been working on the

effects of ions on living cells. But this robot project has taken a lot of my time. I believe robots are among the greatest technical ad­vances we've made in the fields of general scientific eaperimenta-tion.

Remote Control "But by using remote control

devices, it's possible to conduct m a n y dangerous experiments. Take Mobot U.

"He's controlled by a 10-position telephone - type stepping relay, combined with various other re­lays in the base. The arm that pours the liquid is operated by an electric valve. As the current passes through the solenoid, it pulls the armature; this pulls up a metal bar which la clamped down on a piece of rubier tubing, allowing the liquid to run through the tube.

"There's another solenoid la the grasping arm which pulls a lever that in tarn opens the hand."

LINING FREE with any purchase

of custom draperies 6 3 " long or longer.

FABRICS start at

1.44 per yd.

Marc's interest in science began in the second grade.

What does he want he grows up?

An electronics en

1. 2.

a. 4. 5. g. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 16 17. 18. 19. 20

( 1 9) ( 4 10) ( 9 4) ( 3 5) ( 2 10) ( S 4) ( 7 5) ( 5 7) ( 6 12» (13 6) (17 4) < 0 1) (10 9) (11 6» 1 0 1) ( 0 1) l 0 1) (10 2) ( 0 It (19 2i

be when

Mae West Ap With 'Mister

Look for Mae West to appear In a "Mister Ed" episode on CBS.

The star has made only one previous video appearance, with Red Skelton several years ago.

DIAL TX 2-0500






Tfl OIE LOW PRICE! t Values to 3.75 yd .

FISHER X-lHI 114-WATT Master Control Awplrfit


THE FISHER 4 * 60*W#tt rM-5t4Kfo Multiple)K


FISHER f M M- l FM MuMpfcx Tim*






Largo selection of fabrics at this prico

rapeneA 665 FILLMORE AVE. (At corptt Land)

Open Mon., Tuos., Thurs., Fri. to 9 P .M.

Open Wednesday * Sat. to 5 P . M .

FISHER FM-lte • FR Multiplex Tuner

Uasir (litij

fc. ''"<i::;V::


OBriea j Miss Cooper

A FIRST—Veteran actor Pat O'Brien, in show busi­ness for 43 years, appears in his first western role in "The Fortunes of J. Jimerson Jones," a comedy drama on the 90-minute color series, "The Virginian," Wed­nesday night at 7:30 on Ch. 2. Jeanne Cooper is the

i love interest,



The Hammond Organ Studio of Buffalo

takes pride in announcing the appointment of

IN SELBY theater organist, radio and

supper club entertainer as Director of


m * *« »!#$) R a V '

THE FISHER S i l t 75-Wort FM-Stt*«*-MiHtipl«*


The first group of 10 Members will start a 10 Week Course NELSON SELBY

WW. Eve. Feb. 12, at 7:30 p.m. at the

HAMMOND ORGAN STUDIO of BUFFALO 2651 DELAWARE AVE. - 2 Blocks South of Kenmore

You will receive private instruction—by Mr. Selby—instruction ma­terial will be supplied. A beautiful, new Hammond organ will be installed in your home for 10 weeks. Your cost for 10 weeks of musical enjoyment only $50.00, which will be credited to the purchase of die organ.

FISHER FRMt-B FR Multiplex Tuntr


Wm detail* call the Hammond Organ Studio of Buffalo — 3851 Delaware Ave. 5-4450 Hours: 10 AM. - 6 P.M. Mon 6 Fri. • 9 P.M. TR 5-4450



FISHER F R U M FM Multiplex Tvnor


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