mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 'Si* . wwlw 1111,1.11111.. i imi ii,illiiii..rrfasiil.**S*w**00 immwwvH'xmnvmnttn *'!i|!NIMW[J!'":«' .."1 l!f*Ifffi|P*n ,..*«.il,i. I. .»-»• .''*v l: "- ; ^ iV^^i 1 '''. rlif "•'''•",'-s *•:•"•'- .•::.;'^", i V> ; •<••'( «; f --' V -: ' r -' >! -V'• i'' ; ' •'•'. vi'' '•'••"•' V ' V 'f ! • •••' •' ' • ,L f 1 ' w*aMjr TgBaBWgB&iBBS^- «jg|5fIBfgSII yPJWPW/^ ,. 18 .c?-. *:">>, •Dllilllll 11,111 IWHWIU-fl &M*S<^^^l****\faW t '**l*^ * mnrsri&!>:'? r- •oat oar T*lr* MltlM of TwIerJa/, JY TEAJEGKAPH. ttnoiral of the ItosldonVrj Son. UXNX183 O F M R S . FREMONT. rKNtfllAT. SCOTT'S MI8HION. (»ow*ru Os******* *> *• *»•"••« ' OTL I yfiw*i*<nO*t Ivtrnaarr *!.—All tha (.-.part eoU are elo*e4 today, In re«|f>et to th« famll/ th« Frwldent. Thu funeral of Wllllo Lincoln ok place at two o'clock thl* afWor»o, »n<l nt •gel/attended. Tho remain* wets, Interred In .'OrKetown CVifioter/. The Frtslflenl'* joun^r-at ton continue* rrry Tho -wife of General Fremont U »l*o unite 111. \ trernendou* gale ha* prerilled her* ilurlnjt e day. Moch damage ha* occurred, *n<l tho of ol tb» Conjrjreaslonal Library sra* Mown ofT. It U considered doubtful whether the nonilny m of General Scott a* apecUl envoy to Jfetleo II be confirmed bjr the rlenate. Mr. Odell h>* Jo*t received * iMpilch from ;n«r*l W( announcing the srrlral ot Colonel ood, Of the Ilrooklyn Fourteenth, it llraltltnore. >e Colonel will he here to-nl*;ht. ENERAL BURNSIDE AT WORK. ho Town of Winton Dentroyod. tetrettt of the lie be I H to >1fnr- free.Hboro. BAT1LEWITH PRICE IM ARKANSAS. illlcr ,\ttni-k on J\fT, I>i*vl*'« ,\tl- iiiliiWtrittloii. KoK.it.! 1 ,-> Moxiioa, (fctiruir/ i: The whole i ruber of released federal prl*oner* I* about three mitred and ninety. The (tldiniOnd Pffi'itch ul ,-!it'i"li/ h>< th-- "rtir/ot.K, Vx., Ceforairy ;l C'-.p'^ln SlchoU. the l\tCMhnrj< Artlller/, irrlvod her« !hl* \< moon from Winton, wh^ro lie !i wl l> ••••n «t*tl<>n~t Itli'a h-jtler/. On ye4terd*jr ho w n <li.-.ll.-.| on 1 the Vankeee, Th-y hid i-.vn «t«.ini'.r«. ill i>| ilch Had p»««e<l nj. thu river, (.•(iptiln Nkh •!< d home «h</t from under hlin ; two of hi* 'ne'i ;re wounded. Tho town of Winton U In wlie«. ir troop* retired t*> Mnrfroe4lM»r<>." Another de»p»tch, dnteil Norfolk, 'JUt lii«t»»t, "The f»der*l force* v%rtn - endcl tho Chowm -*r ye*t'-r0.iy to Wlnt'>n, with ^evtiri) i^finlK.^t t d !\ liiri^o nntnher of troop*. The Confedor-it*- •. ••tied i he.'ivy ilro uji'm them Tho YinVee. K^ed '"id hnrnt ttie, town, '1'tto *otitheruer» re- ed. f)ur \<>ps U ttAld to he two rniin. .The hum ii Coni£re<«ni in. V. H. Ko-iter, w.i* inion^ th lied Yankee*." A de*p»t<h dftted/Kort Hnitth, vl.i crirkivllle. 'k., and l.'h*ttanoo^.i, Tonn., 4iy*: " (ienenU 1'rlce mil Kerhert iro il>;lilln,; th••• emy lo-d.ijr »t 8n^»r (,'r-xik. In Kenton county, k. The remdt I* not known. Our troop* »ro nfldelit Of dUCce**. " LKTKH.—The enemy lo*t #e'/en hundred men, d our lo^* I* one hundred. We h»ro>(ilnrtd in her ijre:it victory. Xi.nr.nr VKK." The Klchmond WAtf/ of Krld iy hi* i hitter -irtl- > on the Divl* »dinlnUtr*tlon. It »iy* thi'. ''<l n K hy rreult* no f.ir, It U the rni.it I ini-n! ilile lure In hl»tory, »nd »nir,»e*t* to tho reilectln,; I ml th.it the most il^ni! xirylrn which th it < >v II m e r i t can now render to the conritr/i* the v,r ndt-r of tho helm to .idler irid heller l u n l i In ew r>f t h e jimt, the pre*ent in«l pr-.'i iMo (itur.-, ' l><>y'(tr<t {>/ t(rinor,-o<j> h t ',\t'.r in'- '•••'/, m l * lrtcr:iMr.''cornpen*fitlon fur the ruin nf < free (.•••. 0. A child with * hnuhtn mold in in villi i mnfj wife- uro pirtlil lllmtr itlon* '.I I'lodepin Me folly. Tlie Itlchrnond 0"i>-(' h »U liu.lui,; (letter >l •Ice for hi* i^rcnt victory •* innonriced in \ls.-r' ke'* denpfttch. The O r "i^i f .<A corit-iln* the protrrimruo t(,r th i Aiignr-ation cereinottle*; .tl*o i priKd.tcnitlr.no If. f>:*\ 1* nngounclnr/; Krld.ty, tho "J'ith iu*t,, •x d*y r.f fji*tlii^, hiirritllotlon md priyer. There I* nothing In tho p-i[^r+ from Hiv,inn»h The SHrreiidor f»f M.ivinn.ih wu rumored i' chrnond. IK fiKl.KAf.KD UNION CltlrtONKIirt AT IIAl.TIMCIiK. ISH.TIMOIIB, Kehrimry 'J). -Tho reU'-»*«d Union ItOIicrr) hrtVoJlHt irirtrchcd up Italtlinore itreo!. rorlcd hy » detitchnien'of tho k'lfth New Vi.r'. oinviM with their tlrm hand. They wore, onthu Atlcully cheered nlonir tho routo. :ltlVAI,()KTI(KSTKAMKl:(;<>N.-lTITC riON ritoMsiiir I.SI.VSD: ^^S(lr IttrriK, Kohruiry'il • Tho *teuner Con tutlon, from Ship UUnil, I* ottt*lde tho tur. 'The ahoYO Ateorner wtw nrrone*.u,*ly reported I* rnorrilriij M the North ;tUr, from A*plnw.il| ; From Ifrtyti. BMKNt 1 or rHKiuiK.iT dKrrn ino rue IOIIN HKOVV.S *oin(Kii*ri(iv. I'.y an nrrlvftl from Tort in Crltieo t o d i y »•• ve received Ifiytl pnpora to tho •:»! In*tant. rhe court- m»rtl il »pp'>i'ited to try tho Oun il /• i mplrittor* had condeionoit to dettli twelve out the twenty-el^ht »rre*te<| con4p!r*tor*a while •ee wecosentenced tothreeyeir** tinprl*<Mimoiit I el(jht were ,v.(|ultted. lint l're*ldent (Je.irrird. u .ipeclol prOClAin*tlon, rinAcomrrititetl the ^en- ice to lmprl*r.nm<:rit, h«c*«*ef ho *iy*. tho ijrtl.irt ((OYerninont, iccuro In the *ymp»thy »n I votion of the people, ( in afford t»e<hlhtt clem, cy. The proclirnitlon I* worded In i nlinple d dii;nifled rttyle. According to thl* coinrniit*tlon of »enlenci one condemned to (tenth .vlll ho ImprUoued fur e ycorii, ttnd Oeneril l.e^u*. the chief of tho n*plr.tcy, to ten yenr*. The election for »etutor* hid hiken plice In tytl. There were 1,105 birth* Mid 7-VJ de.ilh* In Curt -I'rlnce ditrInK IS*»I. An application h*d been m»d<' hy \fr*. Kll/.il.e.tfi flail, of IJo.iton, to * ffentlern in it 1'ort iu. Ince, for the money collected In Idytl lor the dow* of John llrown »nd M.< «ilherent*, hun; Warper'* Kerry. Mr*. H*ll wl*he* pirt, ol It nt to the widow* of Cook, CopoUnd mil I..- irr. 'io wero h*nfie<I with John llrown, *ntl *re no*- a deolltule conditio", while John Uro vn* dow I* In comparatively oi*y clretini«t*iic< ie committee who hold the fund* will probiMy re One half to >fr». Brown and divide the re*t tonic the other claimant*, CtniHuenlloit of V«*««l* nnd ( «r<oo«, rCTION 3AI.R IN tlUOOKl.tV I C\*K It (OfltT. Tho cargo of the confleoitod hrl/ Sir ih rtt.irr, nal«tlnj( of ro*ln and turpentine, m< nold it ctlon at half-paat twelve o'clock to day, at tho lenlc Yard, foot of HarrUon »trcet, Itrooklyn, ' K, T. ffanel, anctloneor, under the order* of il. Owen and Henry Klllc.lt, United ftUt<*a l/.e Comcnlaaloner*. Tho attendance of toiyer* t* not very large, In consequence of a nilaunder indlng an to IhO time of sale. The amount allied from the sale w»« aa follow*: !,li"? barrel* M pure spirit* of (tirponline w^r* *.M «t«n pnar* prlee of ft 10 por gallon, anil r«aliro-l ia« lum r»f 1/ yi; C3 hirreia of eolorerl iitrtHuitiu*, at .it arAra^e eeot II II p»r jsllen, r'alktvf |;,T»| IV; in Mrr-ls r«.*ln, *.>ld at an averajre prloe *f %< per Karn.1, r«*M«.».| WA JOj it>7 potttitl* of So^awat #.»M at ttn * y - / * f « ^rl.'.* HI pentsper pound ae<l ra*il*««l fus 'i-i, and iiwi t>-»< of orle.1 tiardwara aold for V', >>. Phe total amount realized hy tho <i!o wis ' 5,W«S Id. In the United State* I)l*tr|. I Court In thla -lly ia morning, the case of the aebooner Henry Iddleton wa* heard te-.fore ,ludi;o Hotta, This sacl was captured on the ;i«l or .\ii>;u»t la*' cir a Coast of South Carolina, by tho V and ilia, un r command ol Captain l, - o, after a rh no of ;ht hojr*. She w.<* owned In Charlea'.on, md .a l.tdcn with* vahi»Me c*rj(i> ol aplrlta of tur- ntlne. She * » ftirnuthed with a full a.-.t r,f infederate p*p*'r», and when taken had the rebel H rtyluir; at her peak. Mr. Stewart U Woodford, A*al<tant United ite» District Attorney, opened the came for tho vernment, statlnij that the schooner e'oir-.l ira Charleston Ai">?ii*t '•>, under a *ee.*»lr.ii i.^r. t, lelt her dock on tho I'Jth, and, according to 5 evidence of her steward, lay In the " creek." "old chadnel," until thoWth, when she wen', sen, ucd waa captured tt o nett tUj. The lK.rt IDH under strict Mocka.tn, Mr. Woodford rued that the louif ilclay In the channel el: ,rly >vrd knowledge of mid de*l(r.n U> evade the •ckade. The ctuwo nu «h<irp, iOine ilfty barrel* turpentine being thrown overhoard t<> llfhun 3 schooner, but »ho was hron^ht to by i C n in the Vanilalla. rlclore she was hoarded her muter throw a ckujfe of paper* overboard. Their ch.ri.tc i» evidenced oy an order found In tho eit.ln and w produced In court, directing O'pt'Iil Barclay, case ol Wing aelr.ed, to sink the accompanying te-s, n* they "relate to taking out privateer I>er* for the schooner." The cargo WM la.|«n Chnrlciton, 1* (he product of South or North roll HI. and 1* liahle as such.to condernnatl in. r. Wtrtidford salted deere" of forfeiture on tho otind.*: I, Of Intentlorwl violation of blookatle: That tho reascj Imd heew aeCualty o«'d In aid tho rebellion, having Keen de«lgn»d to ho lilted it prltateer and having been documented M a mfederate vessel; snd n. That the Teasel d car){0 were both owned In Charleston, and •re enemy'* projierty. The evidence "»a pro- aled and no argTimeut t>elng mad* by the comi I for'the elalnaantr, Hie Court took the |»»p^r« d raicrred It* deohjlon. rhe W»0 or the Culled $Mt» tyt. Ttie Urljt t>el(* d Cargo lelog MMed ou, Mr. Woodlord *p- jred ror the government, Mr. Upton for the rtl officer' (eaptoraj, and Meaara. Kdwar4«; rotlf^ *"4 'iTiojopaotofor Ibe sevtral eWmarjU tho feasel »B5 tar**. The plei«ilo«» havto* »D rtad, Mt. Woodford mofed W *Mk« ool all the «n«Wer* that exceeded the s U l e m e n t <rf Mw liua, to4M (^ Hw ajntlatlU hejrond the Mmble jflwtlon M ffioae eTalryia. Mr. WwarAsaaJced »dk>nrn»«rii ol UM» mauler for oeo day. riw elatawnU li«n objectivl to Uw »ppear«oo« of Mr. Upton or any other private eonoecl for the navsl cawora on the trial. The court orderad the bcarlus; of these loca- tion* to lie over tot one day. (kM*!*tt Hen4eraa.» •» X«K«I Teider. Senator Ifenderaon o( Mlaaourl tua iddreeacd tbe lollowlow note to Ibe Union Kxchinge of St. lx>oU, Id referertce Io tb« TrtaJury note bill: -1 on yesterday evening g»T« my rapport to the measure oo it* p»as»ge la the Senate; bat the legal-tender elaose was supported with grot re- luctance and many forebodings as to the future result*. It will be Of great prevent relief, bat the mo*l rigid economy On the jairt of the people, snd a determination to meet the burdens ot pres- ent tatatlon ran atone save tut from the rnlnon* etTrcl* of » depreciated paper currency. "Your* reapectlully, J. B. HKtDKJUOS." Captain rvrter, of ths Oaaboat Xa*ex Tbe following U an ettract Irom a private letter, writ- ten at the request of tho captain by hi* acting aid, dateal Cairo, IH, February 17th: "The eapialn has suffered all that a man could endure since be ws* scslded on the Cth Instant. Bat Dr. Rlc* »»T» he Is getting along welt, and thinks he will be able lo get around In a tow day*." The friend to whom tlila la sddrrastd hi* rea-elved (bar letters from Captain I'orter since his Injury, aud there la no allusion In sny of them to Internal Injury, ransed hy " Inh illng the hot steam." The writer of thei above also «a>s.' " All hands on board will be glad to sr-0 Captain I'o/ler ouce more In active service ss they think Mm too good a man to be sren ly'lng on a sick bed." This U soldier lan- guage, for the best men Inttsl suiferaa well as do )or their country. TIC lC*«ev waa to b« towed to rlt Lonla for r r | * I r«; hut, at the above date, she wi* atlll it (tiro. Thl* delay—caused by the wrrcke.1 condition ol the boat, and tho sickness of her ^alluil ciptalli I* trying tho rcetlcaespirits of the Iware ere* rattier snrervly. The K*so\ Car- rie* remarkably heavy cannon, which haa.ln each rug demerit, l'o'.i| aeverrly upon the enemy's vi.rk* - \l1,i'fl-iphti /uv'.lrrr. CITY l.VTKI.I.HJKNCE. ft* i"f,y>~* llrratifaal ••• tt>« Unleera of the Twelfth I'l.nwrtlcul ltr 4 hiieiil. We ire requested hy the Connecticut State Agent In (hi* city to say thai the breaklaat which It wi* proposed 10 give lo the olllcers of the Twelfth Connecticut regiment to-morrow morn- in,: at the Aator House will be deferred. The re- . elpt of a i|e<i«iti h from Colonel Doming was the i itttc ol the (hinge In the programme. Vire. About one o'clock till* morning a Are lo i. urrvd In 11.o *t itde amj feed store So. '^-V Ktst I'outtecnth alreet, occupied hy Savage A Kane, rnllrely df*tro)log Iho building. l.ossJJOO; In- s'ircd i'i Hie Aator Company. r, vtv itj:rouTs. i si i/o HTXTKI CIRCUIT coucr. nsroHB suiritas, i. D'.ly mi Woollrn (Ji>oJ«. K. A - "'" .,-t. II. J. /.v tjl'tl. -Tho plajnllirailed lo re ,-...tr i.i.-a an »lle«r.| e treat of duly lea led t o i.ae r . i :... h.r up-«i .ii liiu-.irl.ii.ot r.f wrhill^n £oo.tr. made ilttrin : iho ir ir i- - e. Ti.« plaliiiliri«iil»n.le.| that lh- goods l.i , , .II .ii a err •• M*ii*rl«," and Ihsl, iin.ler Iho larlif aetol 1-liJ, wrre .'.l.Je. t l*. a dill) "I iweuty \*t cent, o f rif II.. i'.roiii.M hided that Ihe merchandise Ii «|iir*lk.ti **» " l-iir.l il.illi,'' lint II wja Imported hy Ilie 1 ". t'i-1 w». prf.j-.rlt ile.i;iia!e.| it "tiiauitfacturi.s el ...M.l" in t:.e r irirf i l .-I r-1'J, aii.l thoul.t pay a ihitt i * •i |< r r»m . at ci.tr/-.I In iMa e:n": further,"thai after ll... Tsrirl 'il "I KlS, and ii"l till Iheo, this "duTI •|..|h * a . » c . l ..;. In pie--va of Iho MtllKet utte, and .'.lUr I •• l.l»iike'«." iii io I. r I > 1'iVe idvanlage of Iho Tariff aci, .1. I Hi.I • ell • • « II.- a I In HO. c.l*.-. 1*1 ih. tit ii-ir-.l '•-•• I i. * it...-**.* *ovt*rnl prwmlnent mer rl.anla. who .a ..•• |- ••illrri.i ll.al Ilie SltlclCI In t|<n'*l!or, *, r- kn-.-n in ii.- ir* t.. .. "l.l.nv<-l»" as earlr at l^t . ( h o l ' i r . -•-»•.".. r-i < n-r-lli I In livi.roflhe plalmltT. I r.l-,.1 SIM. . I.-'ii-l All- oi.er K. 1>. ^luilll an.I .\..i. Mnl Kltun Al'.'i l"r (lie <-<eriniiriil; A. W. Urlawohl :' ••• j.'ainllir. ;-.( | - n : | i . | : ( i i C K T KI'ECIAt. TEP.M. |ie.,-(.i;r i-oa.tiiliril, 1. fhe IV •(.,.•, Ii' , Kruioetrka n r I'- /(, V. Van Mof*.—Tho Same «iy'. r.i* .-I art*- it (r inlc.l. ('<>i;UT «V (IKNKHAI. SK*3tt)Na. iiarottR asi oui>r,u IIAKNAKO. VI Ih* a--ai.ln. i.f r..ort thla iiLirnlng Wm. II. Voting. p*.n.let».l <»f <ran.l lal(*>ltr, Wat v-nlenc.'-l to the "lal. ;.r• *•.r> fl.r fo-ir f«*r* an.I el^lil Itt.tlltra*. Wit, J..MI,«.,II, .... i.i.-ie,| (,f aiit.iu|.i ai petit larceny, a,*. ., lite net,I |.i tli« I'.'lilleMll If t h'r IhO V Ul.intha. K,.<aiu>a Ijr.iln. .-nn.i. t.-l nfatlentpt al ••rart.l larceny. a a, *eni* e- *.t i.. the IVt.tif.Mti try for ..tie year. •fw,. ,-,..•, *,(.. irlcd iii.' Ihal o f O . t r K. Ptfjlianl, lii.ll.led fir fit.,- |.r, :. ii.. •• In .•'•! tilling nionej ,u a lawrer, I Ilic i.ll.er HOI l I .l.ii Milton, ludlt-vcl 'or tk-kel ««IIHIIII>/ l.t.t IMOII pfiu.i.ei, a.iffi iltH'h.trged. elllltfr for «.ml I, .1) i. ... ..r ..I. i. —n-.i ..(.1,-r.vtlvt. InJIetiuetit. sinri'iM. i xit: I.I, m I:\CK. ri.*r*t thla A Tiff IUHMI. rO.lt. Sini>.j.' •<-, ll.nl,. I.if. Iota-K K M r/tn k Wil'r. ai..^ M -. a i|*ii..:.l,',tirei..),XtrJenhii'i|i, ttfeuwrv—Wrr'il l i ' i uarfir, a>o. »i yiti'i.-i.io. t .... '.. i i < n ,.o.,t •- u jwt i-t.i A rteuiin*. ii .1/. I.lfrn .<.|-Chaa II \tir,hall.t C". . if.*'*. >lt>ntevlileo sad Bueoos A/tea— Sl.lt. S'l.|..n», V l:„\ Ji I. ..,•/. Itatletl Caifoaii Hark I'i -II if lfia.*ra. IV,tiara*. /*ita-Ytnas* D;l Vall^ » (•.. lull A f t.'.-TIN .r»i. OltrtatotAff not. Nrvporl* Kra—Faneh. Vlalr-ea* * W.i..|t. -tftt o O A'X-n. V"*, rttamh.f.1 Mailer. ,-t, I. Il.i.u*!. Maitli.. rtfahtM. Ilaltlmot-*- tltnlilit A'botl. .-'. h (ifl'tual, D.llti. iiatl.a.ltira-0 KDeWoKe. SOUTHKKW TltAVEL, DIRECT RAILROaAJD ROUTE ur.rwi:r.M ,\r,»V VOIIIi. AM) H'ASUXcVOTO, Via Camdsn and Amboy, and New Jersey Rail- roads, Philadelphia, Wilmington and Bsltitnoro Kallrosd, and Washington Branch Kallroad. TRAIN* MOVINO MitrTII rROM NEWVORK. (,.,. , t . » V t k 7 i «,<r M, t n . l t t r. it. | .,,, 11,111.1.1,1,1. II ;t i «., W.soe K. an.IJ.Wt... L-avs li,i' ... .r,» t VI r ti.txii*. anJUli.*. Arilta at Wt.Mf attin IHlf. K.. 4 I. U. Sad 1.30 a M. TRAIN.* JIOVINd SOUTH VHO.M WASiHNOTOX. ( -tt. w*.>.i|.av,n a lu i. H . It t. a. sn,t J r. tt. I ' M . (till .r« *Vt a. H.I.IUr. M. stiil J.Ctt r. it. 1^.41, rliliaittlfttis Ir **. aji? r. a. an.J 11 alstit. \ftVf- .i ,i w Vitk tr. it ,Ur, * and It.* .. Ntnnnr.« J. I SI. *. M. rW.TOX. Prwldtink r. W. sad B. Saliroad. «m rim, .OKI.IMIIA, »T Title PAMnr.M AMD AMUOr RATUtOAl?. &.»%% Jcd&£ ;*.»C\M01EM ANU A ..HOY KA.I.KOADLiyYtefh.1%- |/-a*ttU « '•' l-.ft- fr.ro .*)(•* ,%•>.>• Noilb lilixr, fOOl Of •: if llftl'l, t»i<,.m*; MOKaMNO (i.Ntt A> •* Vfl.fa A. M., d»!t» OfeaatinM- - [.(-'») ^iN-?« , -«M.hr.,ii;(OM\ltDa'*rwKrOS! CuplaJohn t iumft, iVf Amis A«fk»*.-?, ih*nc«ti by o-u* *mJ Meftrabo.ll» J i-MMftWiK f*f> *>t .Slf Hi"*, »i». ArfttAsnON KXI'UK.fV. L I N K - A l 1 o'clocX r. w.. i%!\r, •t,ir U)n «i"f[,|.-|, 1,1 ,i.- i(.»mr..-*,l KIi)ltA3t>rSfv>OKa ION, it.'pi'lrf »|j»ff.|«»r>Ml, J fttvitbur*. HttfbUtowQ, B-7f,(*-v v.kvn. (lurUncfoa » T I U-trtilf outTa *r.WLa*t *l V hllsAelgh' i |i'M.| i f. M. ftf»i>» i.t-.r-.* Mr,*-. fcM4 r\rtKnmx>y. WAY AVI'OMMODATIOJJ UNB-AI t >-c<or\* m.,ht .t**,m-r HlOUAKtl 8l\rCKY0N, /orSou'-i 4'n.o/;, ii*f»*-^ t*y f>*\r** «i I.W r, M.. stoopla* Al i'l*i| . »» , <»p«, m i l l * %i I'MU Ut^hU »l»bowl*» clock f. M, >%: lM«..n*. »J ft. >l e*»t» j»rOT1,I#HI MI NIMJ- Ilr««lir*katC, tHnaer *aj *Ui?prr, V) C^nlsj •-**->,, R*turn1f *. >*,»**.<*»*) wV\ W»T* t*t.lU*l«tpbU »l*A. **.. »t»i I P. H., fr' m. (•*>% •f Vfavlnirt •*r-f«. AW-OrtMOOATfiSM AfU> VUlORANT LZNKd- Vt I M J .yr'o'-,, r. n. front Hef Mi», I Noil^ UW«r. fool of U«r<*ri i'i .--•:-. * (->*Afit (.in*.. f1r». (fly* Pn>*»«n4«rt II ?. o'ci"--* l.trn.. .t*w>,»l M**f " ,tX tVt-kxt*] ,,h.-A, ylril &+M r*w«iM«r«. « .5 o'cio^* .-UrAM',1 1!UM " || 7$ f\t%j tr*>un<i« t>t* ******* >nlr «Howf<J «4wh 9%MVQ**T. PIL> trni4r« W9 i>r4N*bti*v( ,ffi>fij l*k.n« ru-jtilin*u baMXM*- but ih-fr *««r,n« »i»t>*r*t All b*#«M« ot«r dftj poniiJj lo t*9 •f*U\ r^r ft.r«. T^^ cor«p*r.j Umll ln<*tr r««p4ailbllUy f r -r S«rtf«««' W> f»n* (lolUf »*f p*>«ihl, tod Will nol M r«TX»nj.Vi* for itnp tmouftilVtyoftaMw. *«Mpl b» gp«dftl -vnu vrt. I. BUiW, XttaU WW JKRHXY WJllUlOAD. h ,'OK fllllaADKI.I'UU A.ND TUB SOUTH X asp K m , nt Jiaasr Orrr, N]waas. Xuxaaara, la». *tr, M»* BimtaK a. eaiacvr.ia, TBAirron. ia Arrans-ent^nlof Trslita,('iMnmfmctlia; "fov. 13, l.HfJI. Nicw r<>*K *SI> l'lltl.An«l.ci(Ia.-U*Il led Xspres, >u>»*i»«taf<,» r . t k s i f . n . | l i i . »,L and II* r j b - V a n t»l an.1 at II «,. M,« Jtraar *c«i«iroodau*o— / a r e O »*. Thftiiiah T V . . ' , mhl fnr rutoe, ttUc** Weal sad rieaUi, ai"l iSr\>vjcN N*«t*.a M.~a«-l In ? a. M. and i r. a. Iralc*. NO HSOOAO* »lll i>* riH~>W»d for sar train onkaa tlesV rer«a *o.l .*.v^a*l it rnSvi!**!, a.lratK#of lha time ol leav- ln< set rH>has<*a« «lll Nt ehackisl la or fr«>« sav MsUoo -rjitlt th* »w^*ra ih*r*ot thfra ia*lr tlckaas to IhaBssvsaa- Msr.rr.ri sii.l tiaataaa sot takao br Uta aaoar an Us aiTtvtJ ill F*a ftatV* t o a "r-ara* t&t tu>f a s s . All^aCMla.t.li.Ma IralM horn St« Tork rtop at Jftewark u> tak* no paa^ea**"*, ami, la a-iiitiioa, aha I a. a. lirvs rsopa 1 S*Ka,r, taa 10 t. a. al IM KiliK-lpal tlaalons. Uta U a, tt ill ataUoaa. an I u.a t r. w. al SUaabsrtJti sad Raha-aa oa tltnaL . Tt>» 1 and » r, ». trale, Iro-n K«» Tork earrv "assmaen »>i.lh of M-ta.rk to Uk* Uv, lir»«a* Uiua si Now Brina- wVk. i Tanx ran iaa(-"it-A» Im, Watnnl itrees (Sewin- •*» a«"s»i«if><i*UVm). far* at sit ».loa. tc. Kenalrurton; I r,« . Wait.»iiir~ti l l t r i . , sn.llir.M.. Konshsaoa. u. Oa ft in. la r IS* onlr train tv, CLlLaJalsUa lasts* Srr» Tork a l l r . n . WJKSTJKIIJN TBAYEL. &MMsaEE%egti&&g ( 1KNTRAL KAIf.KOAD OV NEW JEKSET.— > IToie »V)« of OfHutland atrs**.—CV>no<etlga al (lamp inn JutvrUap ahh D»la«ar"i M*ka»«nn* and Western RaJi- roa.», >IKI al Baatoti «UN Lelilah yajlry Ksllresd and Its OOn- r»»ctfoea, formlfis s illrarl llna lo PtTTSllURQ A.ND t i l l W KXT »ltk.vjt (Sana*, of rara ' WIMT«;K AKKAWOMimT, Coa.raefvrria.Vor. «. 1*11, U a i t N,ar Yotk At fcllow*: tlarrUhf.i, K<sr>aa at) t M , for taalota. Resdln*. l»otls- »'ll».llartljr>.ifv. Ma.tehra.ink. WUlIaii).pott. Mall Ttaln at * a. a., for Xaabin, Water Qap, fk-ranton, l..-at R<o.l, rttlMon. W ilkaaKarta, lo. Il «., .Kr/r»,ri train, r., r ftaaton. Msaeh Chaak, Willittaa- V,\. a-aiHi-a. follaalll*. ItariUhurs, Ao. Ir. » . ."rvi-fh Train. Int Kaatua, UathlatiatD, Alleotown n t as a i -- N Cv.Mit. I » r, < , W H T-aln Iht Honiara Ilia, *>>r. a, W^a.»fi. *,^f,*., li.f Vait-xi. AUsntovn, M*aJ ipa. Itarrlar.*/*. t>ttlalxtr si •?..! ts« VIaat. tUeonhu Cars from J-tt-r CHr trtr*..aH tf. t^tuhurrt mimmi TRVIN VOR IIARRIBHUSO. TSfi S t. it. Ktora** Train fowl Nis YorksartTca tlflarrlt li-iil at I f. w., ronna.-iln, ta,t a.i.1 ar**t on rVfintylvaais I'.nlral KalTtna'T, fforlharri (Antral fcaUroad. OOrCa snj •eilK, ,n-l »lltt Olilihailai.J Vsllet Railroad, TIIROl'lill XXrttfX TRAIN rOR T i l l TVCST. An K,;.f».Tralnl»»»»a Now Totk al J.0) r, t. il all J, (Sun '1«lt *traut*.| i ..... liir rle-a* conn*<llon al llarrkahurc with rannarlaania K«lt»a«l with p.* eh ansa of Car* to Piltaourr. t.,.l Mil r..,» |„ | l.^-lnnall and CliU-aso. Tour hour) tlraa M §.r*Ot.l talli.a ll.l.lfalw, rl if.Alt, r,t,o.Kr sun NKW YORK riKRT. l.»ar».Vt. v,.k fr.-ftt Vl-r !K... » North Kltcr. at *.li t. a , it »e. tIS.*.I i>>,. «_ re* hoata »I..O al It.rt-'n Pulnl sn.1 Marln«n' ITarfjor t.-ir l.l,. ,a<S ../. JOHN 0. STKR.Sil. FtuperLDtet>!*Q*. . VKW ro«K AND KIllX RAILR0AD.- I a » , . „ , . „ , Tr.tnal-ara, via ravoota r«rrr and Loos t>o<a. If-wi fo«|,.r t Saatv.it ttraat, a* {..Iowa vU.1 A.\^J" *"«•*» lor llailak. and Jtloclpal laleraxJUt, yS'^'i " V *' 1 - "" l > !")« , «« »»d tr*>no«d5»la sUIJoc*. 1.'"^"""'*'"*""* B « Nl "*^"*-ail>'»»<dsk!wr»«sl , ! « a. is. Milk. J,l)r. »t OU..BU aoj tntetaanUa*, Ma. XiUi^Z?—''"^ M >- to ' twx J< " 1 * **- fnta^"' *" ***+»+ ««-«*a sad Wartaaa I as 1.00 r. »- M l Jf'Of***. ifallr, », r thm^Sx*. BiUTalo. O*. iifltttna tod *rttr>a| tAsllona Th* Jratn ofSlS^. ,., U.,o«aJ to f W K t tiat iloaVJol rit li SJt'lX?"*" J.*, r.a Aaaa~two.lal.oo. Sv f>,okWk ,i»Twlael>al rla- •Wwi. «AR*n. «-*,.^ 0,U9 •*«•». K-.ia*»-r yOBTHJBBM TRAVEL. V X W YORK, IIAKIJtW AJID MjaANy IU1X. '"r^atKoi ~U» a «, *•»•••• Man Traot fraaTwrnty- Twanlr stltit str*«t >s**t 'ofkrUls. O'.nftVo Cl.atl.aa. s o w w « ' W V & V & i r Z t W itak^lS a n d l . s.a. ' , i*-'wir£^,ifr<a- -^W. 11.11 sat. sod JMk AC8,J»i ill ar-lT.(4»j«. fr»wTv*<.i/ altia ttrtal <*»«*.staaphvi stall **'*•*• nrrCRKIXO. WIU. U U T I Wae^'^rss'vra: R:^ ranaarta.'S MtT ssatMast t* all tAatlaa* aoitk *t -tta\tlk»Ms.ii,r>e4l«lrjt.rao<»»to«»l m ^ ' a a ^ l ^ ^ TT ODflOS stlTKB JUIUlOJUfc-.roa AlalUKT XI AH? jnot. *5maa7TT«0 WITS XaUUrS«0«T* ll!ffA.*., aaTl.sea»» H.' tfcutdav, tatJaaV aAaa4Ud.aadfcl.rjr. UCt> WM ba>s,>saw« trr^l H I5J> »*)•*. ts.|« ' "" A. f. ntrrg.fc,atttiia, i,**, EASTEB1V TRAVEL. . LOSt. WlaAXB IlAIUaOAB. g lLaJtOa. OF TKtHWUa-IJtAT*. JAWB Br, I. W *. a. aw ttrsaawas*, fj* ^i.mi*M r^j. lor arfallas aatsfMtaril^ ^ Y » * a > * L U * *i,\iVJ"£J lor rhVaaH,»fcia arVd IN and ».0O r.K. forlleov- TH^. ".-r->—IT »_a.. „ n ruvlvala. Wa» frarst -MIW YOKK AND NKW UAVKN RAILJ.0AD. IS ttrltf-" ~ --•""—— •—' Ownr **•**}«& wxswttr*'"*' tutt$n tutlon In htrW Horn, corner -Ah rrtrtet and lUi ^ A t v / t - A ^ Islw's^RrT - Tor f»«w Hsvvp.tiMl •.?* ». X (Kx^) lfelAa.Slf*»..)>»A C<* (KO. S.W. l*>sail,i.Wr. a._?or Mtlford. Sysjfor^ i . a. /or Worwatk. ».«*}<> *• «.-d •*••*».M» a5tU.*-**> »«, ».«) i l e r. a. for Datlrn and OreenwteKr.W.f.SOl.iti III. ».10, t»«, AS) r, a. for KtsntW t.M. AW (Bj,.) » *. M 1 UI».A» In..) I to, •li'j'a '• *. ,17' PortthMrr ind toifro.».ilsl« Htallons. IML»N a. ra.l ItU 1.10. ito. »ro. rua, AM r. K, r*r roncUssW, and N«w SiitKllr, MO r.». 00!«!«ICTI^O TRAIN", r,r Hoaioo.vU a»rto,|l«la. Ay) - - - (rot ItMtM.yia Bfurra I (as, 11/ )/.»!,((a..) IX (Ki.,15-00 r, a iCtMr.M. ror ifarlftrd an.l Krtoan»a»»V>V."(i^./'ti^»»(^ n«tec,» lllvrr Rsllrosd.to i ootrtat. > CM t^ a. (tt.d , - * Ills ' Kor Kartfnrd, PrevUeoo, »nd rtahklll . TcrNrw Ultra. New I.oct- I.. 13 15. IhsmpU .. ror Nt'itatyk ror Daaborf araa rtorvslk r a. to .Nntlliamtitf., RHlrosa,SWa. t*.''Kt.) ILIA/.M. .... tton anl Slntilnr^on Rallroail *t S,0»s. «.. II II, A*) soil *,0) r. ». Kor Canal Railroad II U r. a. lo Notthsmpioo ror tfoonlonle Railroad (o PUta/liR MO ftatirr ad. IM a a., 1*0 r. M. Kallrosit.T.'iOa H..1.MMI. ComtnoJiotis sltrvtrvrrara sttsehedto S.ODr. tt, trslra. JAUK8 il. UOVT. rtut^rintarJk*.!. BTO.\i:«i.To,*i twuron nonTort VIA OROTO*/. 5TONIN0T0N. FROVIUBNOK, WXWrORT. TAUrtTOK and NRVf BKO. itso.1 Root,.—The afiotleat sp.1 saoi) rollaNa. Itallr (Mo mlafi noeiitfil) at A a'rloek r, a. fpmgiM^k(^^ IVr,lnf,.|a/tsr«f rrdls/a TT>* ComiONWrjiLTIti OsrHsla 8. W. Tfiujaita, on Tuoala/a Ttiilr-.lsrf srxl Batordajs. ITralatitUkrpsttWtiec*IRstet. rorfurlliar InfcrtiiatloB. and for Ticket*, (data Koomtor ii'iili*. srpir on Marti, or al IhsotSeoof th, Oonpaajr, «o. Ill Wras »t.-«*, ooron of Oporlland iw»««, , , a,«Tork. rTovrtoMrJ. IMt JTOB BOBTOJa, Y1A IfKWl'OBT .AT* an. s r r i T . O r l AINK.OI rroal ttmnstl gartlcularrj a.laoK.1 to tho natlsalfon of Loos It. runout, ha tweivKlloo with th« fall Rlvsv aid ( AallroaJ^a ''Vaijej of U miles Bostoa oah>. ftrrSOMowT tc'itrlHa rTrA't 1 *. OapAbt K'a7too,l«aTM New Tork on ifomlajs, Wrahiawitsr* sod Trllara al Ao'olook r. a . touoMoa st ftawport aseti arav. T)i*aioa«Hir METKOHll.lA CJ#i fork on tasadara, Ttmrtalar, isatKawportas-n lamer, an nsreorntl ar* affortl rlrslsl 1 oatoo on lake Ito »rh Rotten ibonl JV a. a, utpuia »rtnm,lf«TMlttii )<i Sftlarttft/*, ftl .t o'clook r. •fa. to*«Mo« •» V*w»ort*«i*J. Th*-** lie»mfr< wi All*Sl wl »/r*n<«nfnlforUi»fs>cu— - , No *r« jitTon.rd br tttU rout* % nunl'i t**\ on bo*vr\L . ,aon thoTolloifinc motnlocor »r t M'l I*.!" th** ACOOrnOsltUon U f t U ftl t% A. M. (•Trt-ry k/r*m**ojfntforl^»ir«KUf1»/ Aodoom/ort oflb«pft**«n- %o */« •ffontrd br Ihlt rout* * ntihl'i r#«, on bo*U\\. ,"»I. on »rrlt*| ti jr4i| alrrr b r o o w owrt-yftmbont Ir-vtn, h*Pi Hwtrtaor) thofolloifiri comm^noot i*»l^ ijoorot And i r#«, on 1 I/" tnornlac or my r«mun ot) AbnM„nmi,i(ftl« tltmcKivlt^fAa.ri ftd»mff, wh*>r(o*tir*« *,n i ti- >«t« thsj r>ft<imi*> i n J ftOO09PftQl«« l h » M i l l loU-1 .(1 Ui-Altoa. A •l**m»T ran* In conntciloti ifffr *n*l ProTWa-etv lUltjr, firUSt lo DotloQl/roTwV 1 bT »n tf -JV* - •fr«*i*tHl Tr*.lnt *«., Ac. Uh IMIIIH* beUCdn F»ll •CA lUltjr, excs-pl 0undftr«. UforvfTdtM through wUhrro*lde«i»Atcla :i'>T»ai rirnno tiaa.ii. for rreUMor p*ft*vu« ippl/ on bo*rd, or x\ lb* o(T3*>4 on K. for lU^fwni »o*< berth* »j>p.7 oa bovda &Okl>XN AifoCTl.-.ndnWe*lirt •or it*lr>ro FOR NKW IIAVHW. ITFKIPKfT. nARTrOKD,8rRIN«MKI.D.NORTHAMI*rOn if>>! tiitfnntnltt« tonpt; f»l»<>, town* on Ih« line of Vettnoi.. r, 4l;rosvl4. /»/« to htw Htren On« P^tUr, No oh*rt*» frr bettht. . ,,JTC'. BTBAMKK9 WIU, l.KAVK VIKit .rtsTiiiliiW^r'.. JO Cast Rlter. 4.11, (Hnnlara e««|it»U si > r. M. Paaiattarra for MeiKleo, lUrU.nl an.l H?rlnsllrl.lctii uveitis train liom New Itarrnalll r. a.,or>etualooQboarJ illlstotolns wiltiotil elitrso. M'rcriap.lita firwanlfd t.r Sew Ilsvrn rtesmrr, and siltllj Ktprraa VrcltM Train llirona*! to tl i^a-lmiellt, Vsrmonl A'..i-rn New Htr'U'Mrr. Nortlie-n New York and CansJa ^tlaartilt'enlto llorllntlott, Oiplotalnttaand Montreal, apt.lalprniHOItlliyilR.Osrwval rrelstil Taat KJt,r. New Yoik. 1 Atont, li'or J IW^KAN01S._ M KTKOVUl.lTAN FIUK IN8UKANCK COM- rt,T.-ll^* Ilro a. I war. earn ft of Fiao itreet.—TlilsOnri- ptiir ronllntir* to ln.nr* bollJlDKS, seiaiinal properlr sot lliflr carttoes on' farorali!^ lernta KNTY.NVRI'MI o i N T p r THR lo pott, anil " n.ll CRNTOr THR KTPKOr.T»l , All> lll.oul ilal.llltr. vtMv*tea5, JAMW LOKIMKIt (lltAIIVK. Preil 1-nL iM rir io II>:A1.XKH. Je,.,ti 11. Vatnu L--".ril Appl'iii. Vi- l-ilrk II. Wolcolt, tVIDtttn K. Slro'ir. (.1 a i l t , i\ KirVI.ml. /sn.ot 0. rlt-fl.l.-i. |I>PI,I I'stUi. (Ji..r*i.,t A. Conorer Mtflln Half,. Jr., Ihi.ller I'. 1'l.Her. Cartlial W. Turner rankllg II. Delano. t-nrr V. Hitler, l»lt P. Vtrnuifl. Jr., aniM l^rlmer (Irauain.. low,-, R. Jtollr.lae. ()i|Vrt I.. Beeeknit-v. Jeljn (', Itettilerton. 1,-trraui rreema-i, >:i«,fil ilteoiiiltei. Wslaon V. Iltae. - i.|ford.Jr» an were clecte.1 l)lre<tori fur *.rio on.ulnt fiainnel (>. B;t (l»oi,e IV. Halt-K RDWAKli l.jiTAMitliCRT, "eeretstv. \ 1 ONTAlIK~. : itTKTNrJlIllAsiik (JOMVANY.— IHorh.-ea No. T Court stteel fo»potite (lit. Hall.) Urook- Ijo. anil m WaM aAre' .Nt w York. -OAMI t'Al'lTAI. llatCae, Al an rl'-ellii-i held We.lnra.ltr. Jlli ill, of Krtmtirv Hi), It,, fi.iltwin, senile retr[, J.'lin ). Mii.lwtll. R I. IliflrJ. ( 'rsnel* I) >ta*on, Voi. JI. rhon.,), Johu l>. rrltlce, Jol'0 (I. liert.n, k. II Tinker. Warrrit Htrrnnon I 0. Ii. I'uwrM. John >l. 1'lieli.a. a. 11. Me a ail. ell Rol.Moa, HantiYV. Itittlla li.wln Perr,. Tltomat HatlX fjlwai.l II. While, S\ nt M. Intrati m J lrnr/ IliVT'ioi, Mas. 0, Belts. Ifoaler Pellll, Nathan T, lleert. , J. t>. Wliilehnu John Wlntlow, K. 0. llraloanl. T. A. Nrwinan JclaliT. floill J W. Carapbel joSn IlaVr, k H.'f w».r?r V f i-lwO.Ioo. of l Hioi I*. Hu»htoor«. \l-\ Btudrftrll. K. II. Nir.ioli. Hio'phen Un-n*iton. NoQcni.ih M»wii. J. J, It »/tH')ii'L i?. r. W.illln*. ' A. A l*mr, Jobn VnnlrrbHt. A. H. rotr,«r. A'-rttliam l^ilt, 0. l>. I'ItU.tt, A*tti£ttif Kinbary. EllH-rt II.-Ylllft*, At i i'(t<i*i\unt ">-f*ihi| of the Hoard. JOHN J. STUD ivtl I., kaa . wsstiiiarilRtoualr re-etectvtl l*te.l.teat. KIIW1N ItliKHJ, Rectetsrr. K VV A M8T K It D A MVIKK INSTU11A NCK COM JJBW. J.i r-*. r>r E*lr«rlon (.sf Itjlw Ooirp»i.r. M'l *l \k« ofncti .No. 10 W«i| lilt) fvllOWlli* JtflltlcOK .irfrl.OQ Ih* IA unit, K.r U.f cniulnc i^ajr Ub»rlM tHitfUlaj, A. II. \Vi..,U. f'**ncl*> 31-vi.f, ; .>n VVMtfhfl, 'V f, Ik .rn«, r*»t»if l>jrrf*>, l"'«ui ht>f*h«r, V'.tff KatUlN. ltrr»T| A. Iloriftn, Oft. were chf*«n j^ntM 0. TowrtB, ji-m."* iUirlAVjn. John <*. KohUvxt, John \, htftlun, Sltlitff Ounfll. U'tUlft/n T. Hull, tfiti'ler Piilln, Ntcholup. II iif7.rn»n n )%u)t» fi If. II. Kftt >llchi<) I rnjih r,.vr, Hmmjin II. Itmnjci, lla'avrnra, »lt*nhorti. Ilch&a.) I.r-'nULl. K. (JL I t o r n f r , n*. rrkncli Dolling. •tJfr, lltnify J. \\99n Anv'ro-r H00B.U1,.., John II. Morrfl OM**II P»r»tow, AI'Tihim VooihiL- n\ % MI.-»•-<,uTtl M)<Tih.<rtf iNf. [IcArtl. H A V l D A MAN- Si*fl.s *M'jninliuotuly rWlfl r*r**t(?»?iit. W. II. l»U.-»r.Nl.KRRV.6"Crel»rr. •til Olhlft VKW KNdl.AlNI) .MUTUAL LIFB INS. CO., A-> Its-aio'*. >l»<n."n. V. 8rtCVKNt!l.BccrcUu/. ,VU,I*AK1> |-HllMl*r\l'rr»>i,lfnl, SfAt\j n o >IILI.ION DQLI.ARS WELL IN VESTED lo i>-N t'ti-i to ifMowf, orphiiu t nrliicr* of *M |n«ur«<l Alniort A MILLION In ill*I s^X^Iiai Ot*- holder*. PEVKHTEK.1 ie»r-"of unlfon IWUIniMl & irt.r c«nL IfJaW.OOO). p«Jd \o T.ftmQTUT. f %r# la Us rUk*. »nd pru"If , cil.nT#tlm< , nlj* chart-) \?r\t* It.I* conu'ti'r. Tli# >lu.u«I prluA*lrit4 liuurtm «( ti— I wt.t |in»iU,|f r»u».»n over A-ii-l *hove iho fKfi.ii/ cot ( pl r •: rel*nn#d In IHYM>I«I»I iht- ba«lnrt>i of loo comptnr l-elp/, M It *frt*, rhye-l A?n*rr fir* *e*rm »ntl Iho lurulus fiunl* il|»l'lf*1 j-ro nifti io nil the Insured. Do-fumsjntaof »r. lo>rie«tlr>« rhfrnr.fr, nnd ihowtnc llw henefll-iof tho purtir (, -j'ti-i plr*n oftlfo ic*ur»nf*. foiwtrtlexl «r*il<. br mtll or ih,;«<*]••.upon •prlir-ill«'n »l tit* Hr»nrli Of-k*,to JOHN IH'tTlM, A^enlno-I AttorofvforIh*f>rapuy, M»lri'folH-.n Il*n'- Hulhlln*, \10 nro,vW«*r, UV*. Pino »«. Now York city. VKW YOKK KIKK AND MAKINE [ANUUIC- t> *«« ty.ir4..T.--0nV« No. 71 WaM «tr*el.-Oii'ltO •» 1 .1 ,u'i. -• Vhl.i (*u«ip\n» b\f ptir«uf*J an unlnterroptcnl ou.l* pt»»si f*>r wetitr »|i i^ars, •ml it 111 eonlin..*'*i to Inwire >f-.ttt*| , >*« «;fi.i ti«nt \s*t b^ Arc on >lerehan<n««, (tu lull PICS IfousKho.J f JMIHUI-* an«t Qlh<-r yer>oii*l prooettr, on a« favorAblo («nr.| »i«Jn>lUr..n*UtuUoni. lU»l>f, In a-ldlll-»n \o )t« OApltai. l^rcuftrtilti* i-srurely anil prnfluMjr lnTe«iM,lSfrebr;i«»ir. |i« m \hm aMtirfhl «ood an* preaiptlf ,vl;tit-..«-.l »nd pftia. aiaMirfhl nood and r«tlaM« KCur .thfrebj Mr. All lot.'. JpOff, ot.lL 1 r,p. piat-rmsa, Aoraham 11. Davis, 0. t rtarn O'lter I, . tloorsa lortlL William Porni-er, II Bl]il«nrmr,\ 0. T. Cromwitlt. rtao.tt^U'. Harriot, TTtomafttonilt, M. Ol-lifeller, Wllll.m Heptw, |,aso N. IVvmnitr, Hsm'IN. DoJ«e, John r* Arnlrrw, John Kwen. "oaleltO !«•, William llatlnn. Pfelffor. muel J. Warlo,, J.v.1 llis I. Stewart. H-lrsntis Ilodell, K. >f. Ilucnsnsn, William Hartaol, Ttiomaa l>srer. Ilenrr J HcaiMer, Daniel (IrulerlillU D. ('>[-•,mit. rVcrftsrv. 01.1VKR U. JoNrA Preatilenl. V'ORTH KIVKK IN8UKAN0S COMI'ANY, I ' No,OT(ImaawK-a rVraaar.-OAPtTAi. (j-»0,l><>0. Tlil, (f.iroi'tor liavlns been unlnterrtiatetllr litbualneaa for npaartllof Ihlrly-nlno /esrs, COntlcneatolnwur, ssslnst Los, or Dannie hy Mrs tcao favorabla terms, orascrosa, W. 0. RMtt»l»nJ,r, Jerotnlsh f.smberl, Wm. 01 MnkorboX (le.irro P. Roaera, >(al'w Arntstrorta, J*r I* Aittins Jolmlt, rVhroeliil. Prtrr Msrlin, i P, rVhroeliil. Prtrr Msrtl Piter il I llowrll Hi kil Whli^ Piter II IVsrner Mil J Last see. llowrll lloooock, Aml'w p./.•Ml,kits to-n Caotlwol 1 , 5 levrten Conover, ohn 0, Abr'm Van Nest, Jebn rDossoii. John U, Tucker, I.TTitn Drnl*on, ratwaru Hloaaon, (iini'l Y. Iloltmaa. raek II, Williams, Jona lUofHia. Kseretsrv, Ijwrh l.awronc. l.To lliibiblna, , J isbtl,kl-.Jr„ .Mwsnt Jones, Wil Ism 11. Brsmso. Joshua JonM, tt II. Van Winkle. OollanO. Vorolanok. ,v» imams. iiQiitnu. vert'laoc: I'sTTIU R. WAH,N*R. ProsfJeuA Monwicu yniB INHURANUK OOMI-ANY, la NOKWIOH.CONN. OAHII CAPITAL lOO.tHM) DOLI.AIU* OmiTtllD ttAV, HO 3. II'IIIII or 01**0,0**. Anaiulo, llrevxer. ()llbeft(>*S'K>tl. Lewi, Ilrjs, (^ootnlUallou, IJICIUIW, Carroll, Alfred A. Tintra. t h y i r Uarrtr.1, VVn, W. lUlllnrts, Heoi/ ILTrse/, rranklln Nteools. Tim r V Norton. Qhsrle* Johnaon, A. N. Ramail'lL Aabb.1 Wootlwant, Jooalhso A. Popa A. BARWHTfll. Piettleia. ». I • n a i l s rVerelsrv. J. L, Dastso* Aetnarj. U. P. l.aaas,is Assts'l Rrer.lsrr. (\rvivKTw Tine COMMON WEALTH FIKB V / last-Mat's Co.. 1 Watt, stsasr.-Nsw Toss.(kt>- berlSlh.lMl. At an elexllon foe t>ir»v11T» of Ihli Uoitipinj for loft en»niln* j w r , held oo Ihft |9th da/ of «*plemb*r uHf- n't*. ih# folio-lb^ rn.it..*J irnUcmen v*r« onaiifmovulj elect l^tan. aViall, ^ ft 0. Bnli hoberl f. II Csroertlrn, Jr. Robliisoo, tne/rr. Jr., I l l Csmsri ). P. Robin. r,0 ll.vci Alrd C. 8n ^^^.'raV frsnetsWiiW/. floors. Untile,, fa mi U MllcMll, llesrr rftokes. liu.lWj «, raller. ... fi Klrtltn.l is Chsalberlajn Al a oteetlnr of 111. Dosril of Director,, belt! mbseittentlr, JOatlil HOXlt, t a n , was aiiaolrooo.tr elrcteJ Prtxl.leol (or IS. ,p«ilr« jear. OtO. T. IIAW*. Secrelarr. Ch UK jlsw Rlohsrtl.lrwlQ, J oseph "* leora* . , . . . • - . .. u.. , , imb's. tt rttnsJano. Wm. U, Nichols, " "" Lurs.lO.aesU>. h Btosrt, * T, (V)»b, U, Y. Wsnlwell, 5 lis. Da via. oberl T. WIWo, Henry Le. Norrf*. Wity Jss. ToiW, kltjit'il P. llerrlck, Renb'n HurkhsJter, OwJsr Vi - Wot. I. O rrwK or THE Co.r.at. CITY KIRF. IN8UKANC8 I WaU ilroea, flh klonlb Mb. 1ML- TblsfVinpaor, villi a csah esoltsl of MIHAO so.I s rurploi oflliaXfraX tnrairr, asaln,i lor. or dams*, br Arson favor. sMstertns. PsarsaU Rlclaar. -' " llulltJt r.,. folinlS. Wr'alit, Petes *. Titits, Ilaloh Strati, (Hark, T KI.b*(J P. Osrtnsn, Jsrn, ^ttsrw X Whl rfalksr, "lanulssij .SS^TH n , ^aaj tut, OtOK(li g. POX, Pvoattlsal. Wuliirrt'Cj Whits, Ohar.laTorns. J . b n 4 . Nvslk rYm.ll.Mssy, i.son'tlo ft, ftsnt lobn Profolif, Ilenrr ll. lis i , Va v^witsws, larsi • vj ,'v, afvi-.s as . i r ,.,**•, rrsavua. ta* Kkhard field, Otaftat, 11. Munhlll, Albert A l/AOn'do ft, ft*nr*i. John On fold; mmiM" R.ayaor, *-^ A 5l2lE Atam. Tuwa.iao, fWretsry. QT.NICHOI^SriRKINBUKAiSOECbMI'ANY O -Csah Ca,lial JIMt.ntyi.-Offlcev, M WaU rlros*. and Wh AlllUra Voir. WmUtnJ,|:iial«r, James A. pasTena, JohnC, Dlremk-k, l.rael tlmor, , ifiltll JsrvK (illoerl Oskley, Arenne. enrutr of Itth |t,eet. lnetirefuialnal|oa*or Jatnaa, hy Or,, oo a, fa.orablalartaaaiolh,rrel'jt'lefHrcomoanle, W>L WINHLOW. PrtsUrat. DrSSOTtHtS. (hirle* H. While, Wsrren It, |taa^ JoJe-llth Miller, wiirj.ro Wtrjalow. Amrrsw WsrC Jssso llemlrii. W^neaer 1(111, Jsmea >l,Oay, Kkhajtl Kelly, Mephen Vf, Joneat, William W CirraeH. John A. Ooatraan, Hobertl.cLo<is6lln,Js*. IA, Oskley, Harloloineolllarwo, Charles Knoaao. Ttvoni ,* J. Oolsaasa. ** W U I I A S ' W1H8L0W. PreslJent, Wa. (V saocajv. fAacTrlarv. 1'IIK HOWARD INSUIaANfjK OOMPANY OF A Naw Yoss.-QrBo. No. M Wan ,lr*el.-tj*rt Osoltsl rl*Ui-u,.- tKarVrad lo l(taj._Tt,l, Coap-ny loan ret property ,aa'r.,tk.»aaril«sa,,« l>y*r*, and ihsnita of inland taavl.*. llun and tr,n.>vrlallon oa lb. moat favor able lerro*. Duuvrrua*. ,-aml.T. rJkVlmofs, l\nry H. ReouMfs. Daolol R, tvsiitart, /c•^n ll.rjwlfi, Ohules N. T*lllo^ Thomas ll. rslTST •Viilnni O neb, Jsabel IHanoo, R.tmitnd PenfoM, Jol.aU.Wolt*. tVtnss W. (isl-. H.nry W.T. Mall Slots:. D. Ilfntamln.rtsa.il. Connolly, KlehsrdA Toeker, Tho*. W. Pesrwll. IM.h J. HmrlrV. f>fjeitck W. Alsrir glrVUrb $. U BKlf>MORC rrasMnl. Ilnir A. Oastvv rVtxvaSsry. INSUBANGE. 'CrDtral Park Flw[ tftseraaeft Co. •, or vxn TO»X Ouh' Onplt.%1 1 W.OCMJ--AU paid la. ' - OIBA«.I30BriM*ft»Tmy t ' Iranro* bnfldlD^ morchanill*«,houschold farnl- tpro, and all kind, of i>r«»*m*, property, A«aln«t lot* or datnarja) bj flru, em tlw n»o»t &Tor**>l« terma. A. jtaCHJUSAOHEB, Froritdrint IX BJOUnaiiaUR, VletvPrrjaldrait. B. SotaBcanj), UccrcUryi Fulton Fire Insaranee Company, Wo. 40 WaU Street, KAJTHATTAH BAMC BtTaXDIHOS, »s. tt Moor,, Jams. H. FVesroa, . Awards W. »kk*. htllpft.Crooie, corrnTT. Oobb, ±tiasis: Masproa*. J,hit U Kvcrttl, s. JL Uvrraora, Jss. II. fJaaota, KrsvcU Olsf p. 7j»o. yv, PrKo*. Kdvsnl girOD*. nroskta, f. rJebooant J i . s a M. I l l n n , Beerttary. re-ton?* The Mereliant*.' Insurance Company Of TUB OITT OT KBW TOBIC OrriOB II DIIOAPWAV. Cash Capital Two Hundred Thoaisvnd Dollati, K R BUHJ'LCa. JANUARY I. IML over 0 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 . pisscrosa, ^'silisriUVwrtad, 'jisrTelllt^.Aak,»JeremUii«^hW frrowell Adatns. .IWK, *, ni.n.uv., r..ui*r i,, VsloDlln, Klrty, (lovi W. ilurttham, Ilioi, 8, Tj WVtV, Coockllo, jVlilUm Muttac*. 8 JoMptt H. Barker, Kivsa. Itesdlf^oa, A. lloppoci.'Wsfrsr Vt'ConcStfla. Moses A. I (|0v3.W.Ii WjuTamll .RANpOLPifMTRTIri. KsaidsM Oraan LKVf hth A H , T Y « , V C » JCisiW'. B i n *«> jltria X. ffrr,' Chas. DarUtaltsr. ). L, Docouss, BeeTeUry. yLrcomn'i Trust lruuratico t'ompanj OF BROOKLYN. OAHH CAPITAL 5160,000. (IfrlceiKo. 0 Coort Hiroe'l (ovposlla Clljr Hall), and No. 7 Wall fotrrvtl, AVar Uroarlway, Nr.it York. Orisaltod on lh« principle of psylrul one hslf tho Prplltt sbov. ten per c»nt. lo lb. Widow.' sod Orphsas* rand of lb.' rir, UeputraeDt of lb. Oily of Urookljo. 0 co rss 11,11, Asrcn A. Oesratr, miMrroK*. 1 fwross Clark, Harry MeaaeDrjer, HlRobblns, Id v.K.Mlller. f (WI Daniel Yan Yoorhls, John Boheock, . i,.n. ,,11111-,, yuiin raciracK, NsbsmlshKnlaStt, rrr-l-rlck T. Peel, ....... OUbatl l* Ifslsbl, 8. B, ghlttrodsra. Wsrren D. Oooktt. VsnltrnnHVycioir. Peter Irarjee, I. It. rrollilacliam, Jona rl. Klewsjt, larsrl I). Vslaor, A. A. tow, ) . 8, Tliom. »(. 0. jlol.trl Totd, KlchsrdP. Uuck, (isvfordO. iliTilth. William lltuiL 11-niy D. Peck. Henry It Pluun, JehnJ, Olorer, Msreeltua Msasoy, (Ismsllrl Kits, John 11. Hicks, N K. James. Z. Ih Wskeinan. oseph U. Han. mllh Paoohtr, terll. Anderson, , Wsrren Harden, I. IL. Upoltl .J. Itotfoid. Wm. Watt, Joseph iJVrieH, Valentine (I, If rati. John L Voorhees. suteliol.l Purttlture, Veatalj la port and tlie other properly, saslnl loir, or dsatt,, by An Is sod llbarsl tarmt ss oilier flret clsa* oompl OEOIIOE HAUa PTMUfDl This CompsnyeonllDues tolntar, llalldlnts. Merchsodlso, l>wetllnsa. Iloufeliol.l Purnlture, Veatalj la port and theu Csrio.a snd ol oo as favorable Dlrs. ' ' WM. Ilesastl, "ocretair. J. H. W l t s o r r , J a , Aradrrlsnt Bocrtrlsry. yY.-'TNA IN8UKAN0K COMPANY OF UAKT- XXJ rosn, Ov.-(IAPlTAl, ,1, --. ...... ,..,..*.—Aoaav's Orrto. No. wtij.sra«rr. Nsw Toss.—Tbli Company wssorranlieil In th, irar 1*19, tinder a pfipttiisl charter, and lnsnrei sralnst loraor dams.ebr (lie, Owclllnr, llousrw. Btoroa, Man ti tctnrlris r,lsbut)ini,nU, lloutchold Purnlluro and Mer. c'.aniilae In frnemL on term, a. fsrorsblo as a sound and bratlhycondliton will wsrrsnt. I*»tc, which 11,1. Compsny mar sustain under this AeA'ies al'llnlll -" ' i_. . . .. berslTy siUiuiod by l b , Asenl her,, socordlox to (he ti'sse, of tbe beat fir.- Insuranoo Ooroosrales of tbeoltyol ew York, aodpsld villi >roaiptUud« (n money current si o bank, In thl, oily. K 0- nlPLKY, PrraldcnA ' THOSIAB A. AI.P.XANUKR, VlcaPresldenV. Tno*. K. D« tea. Js., Beorelsry. Drsscrprjt, Thomss K. Ilrace. f imue (Tudor, Walter Keney, Joteoh Clinrch, )teoI. .. Holer, lluel, Wm. If. Ttllllo, Samuel* Ebeneter piower, «. A. Itulkley, ('has. II, llrslnard, Roland SI ilber, JlMwIn (I. RJpley. Ileory T^ Prslt, AulUn Dunham, Oustsvus P. llstta, Drayton llllycr, Thoi. A. Alexsndet, r. .iniio. parnuet". wsra. Appllcstlonsfor Icsursnoo or renevsl of eslttln. Pedicles promptly attended to by JAB. A.ALK.XAXDEB. Aient. Ho. WWallstrooL A KB YOU INHUftKDr-UUTOEltS nilK IN. JV. stisasoa Oo.. of tlio city of New York. Odloo No, Us Chatham Btiusre. corner Molt llreel, Ursnoh Offlco 9 Mer. ehants' I,ehsna,, Wsll meet. Cash Ospllsl. «a»,waj Burplus. IJS.W1 ti. Assets, »)7il,Wl M. Tbl. Oompsi _ pirea llouashold Purnlturei, Merchandise, Bull llnirs, V ruul rKielr Carioes while In t o r i and sit kind, of Personal Pro perty ssaloit lot. or Ilsinsie by rire. Th, rstei chsri easel l JPrt srso.1 Irassei when they s.e sa low ss In any other food CompsDy. ., occurwIUberaulUbtr snd promptly ndjustsd and paid, w sstnnrj*. IBAAO 0. BARK KR. I'rr,liltnl. 0. W. Woodfurd. riVlah r. l-urdyr JOIINW. KFr0IIA?I.Vicj.Prea1deoL 'lerrllt It. Btnlth, J ' -••- ' " • olioAtu. terrlllli.'6.nllh,Jr..John Petll«ro*r, S amuel ftsyoor. 'dm Kol'lniorj, I'himss Wsltace, WUHsm Peel DAMU8 rrRRY, Bunojor, onstijin Purdr, J. ft Vsnderboef, ohn II. HImpsou, scob lliller. -OseplilvhllHeld, Harrison Kail. It llllam Simpson. James L. Btewsrl, lisrlr. D. llslley, aroe. Dsvls, mbroee JV, llsmee, ll. Adams. fdwln A. Hopkins. Joseph Rose, a. I ' l l s r M. OrsarfOril Kllai 8. Illsslns, B. D. McOuvo. t B. rr-LWWB, flecrctsry A HTOR n i l K IN8URAK0K COMPANY, NO. Alt WSI.L sisssr.—At an clecllon held 10th Inal. tho (oh lowlnr. icaOemen WOT, chosen Director, for the neat roar, vl«.i WllllamT.Plnkney. Peler 1). Collins. Wm K Conklln, Petrr 11. Titus, William KrcriltlL Joseph 0. Appt'iby, Win. 0. Arthur. WUhs llroolt, John !.everld*e. ohn B. Dunham, leo. B. Whitfield, ss P. Preebnrn; lenj. W. Merttsiu. ohn 11, Moresu, Abrsm Duryeo, Nash Mosenisn, J. redor.ftVLepelct Ixlward Kwen, William V.. Bird. Bsmuel Tryon, Aumutus BclielJ, Henry BonlT. HrnryrVliubsrt, . Wllllstaa. Jr., Robert Lonsman. 'rtios.1 . William Olote, lisao A. Btorin. And at s meeUnt iubse<iuenlly held, WILLIAM T. riNK- N>.Y. Jfau , ws, unsntmoijaly re elected Ptesldeat of the Company for the eotuloi year. KOBtRT D. HART, Beorelsry. B KEKMAN FJKE IN8UKANCE COMI'ANY, No. 8 WALL arasar, N.w Yoss, January IL lst.l—At sn Klectlonor Hlrector, of this Compsny, held ttili iliy, thj James Morrla-iii, K.lwsril V, 1-rlce, Wilshldlllles. T, A, Howe, ,M. II. Vsn Huren. Hien'er Collamore, Albert journeay.jr Aildliatou ltee.1, Joostjian Kilasr, ectlc , foBowlns sentleuicti wero chosen lor the cnjulnx year: A. 0. Klnsaland. Oeorse J. Hyrd, Psvld Olote, Beely llrown, VYlIltam Vsn Name, Alpheus Uoderhlll, IlssoOilelL Thomaa K Cooper, Alei'tler Dalryniple. James Litton. Joseph W. Horrsrd. I-awrence Titrtmra, Jsmea llaremore, (Hit. A. llaildoulne, V, Vi. Ilulohlna, T. 0, Chardavoynts H'ryH. Van lleuren llavlil Jones, lUm'n ntriteabursli. . J. 1>. Oondlt, jsmr;, N. Orow, ,1. O, Powler, ll. M. ll.ldwln, \Vs«tilo«lon Ysle, llsnlel Htilsiusn, Jleorso W. Todd. John N. KIM (iro. VY. rsinbatn, WlUIsm Adams. llenj. W. Ilenion. And st a Btihsetiiient meetlosof the Board, lleojamln V?. Lemon, K*«l, wasunsoluionaly to elected Prrtltlent. tLIHllA II. C1IMI1IRJ* Becrctary. T)KOAl)Vf'AY 1N8URAN0B COXa'ANY.— J ) Caah Ospltsl raXVArt; Burtilui. P.bru*ry Isi. I 1 *). tlLM -OnicesNoa. AlSllroalwaysoilJ W*ll,lr.ct-Inauressjia1n't !>•* snd I>«nuj,-e by rir. al the Reduced Kates and OQ th i tuoatfsvorsble tertnl. Dtascrrou. Reuben Vi. Howes, (leorse Bchmelsel. John It. Dtcitenaon, Ralph Mead, asron Ainotu, Jonsthan Psltoute, Wui. TYinlow. Ales. Ma.terton.jr., Orowell Hsdden. John Mclean, Ws'hlnstoit Ytle. Andrew V. Blou', n 11. Redmrio OhsrletCurll«a II. JI. Jon* W.av, Beeretsry. II. It. rorrotrr, H llslilesd, Win 11. f k l d m o r e , Y. Vi. P.liiionda Lcwu Doty, F, nj r. Cs amp. Cl.srle, Binlonl. lltrnard Hmllh. llrlmusH Wells Klch'd K. Hllllwrll, James ll. Nelson. Matthew llyid, Albert ft' '/[slrUkle, Jsnies Miller, l)svld8eaiosa. jainea L. Blewart. KORItrsTKKil'realdeul. piaaoroas. Hush Lalnr. John Watson. frit «ii - mTown,end.Jo»eph W. Cor Ilea, iclSvr- ChaileaK. Bwords, Bainuel John Penfold. Juhn Couiplon ll Hetiry Hals 8 . T . NI'colL (leo. llrlswc , jfoaliB. llunL Vlllets, II. wold, Jr. -. Hruc J. Boon Hovil, osss del Vslle A.Y« Lswrt d. feffi renca Turnuro, ryH. I^rertch, lirWrdker. n. J, Brallh. B, L. II, Wsrd, Aire E, Lslna. Robert M. Ilruco, ., .leo.Or ' "- •• - ry HUsrit, Noah 8. Joaeph Lawrence, ThpiiuiBmull, Lri>oar.loB.Busres.J. II. ILanaom, rjila, Biontou, Oeo. A. Towntend, A. R Eno. V. A. Cuahmsn. . KU01I LAINO. Presloonl* Jaxrt B. Aani, Jr.. Beeretsry, Jons lltaar, Surveyor. /-10LlJWl)tA TIRE IN8UKAN0E OOUI'ANY \J orNswYoss, No. 18 Wau. BT.SST, near Broadway,— Caah Capital, »AU0.0-WII1 Iiuuro Bulldlnia. Mnrchtndlte .'id Persons] Propeily atslntl Los. or D i m u t by Vice, st It,a Reduced Rale*. B- njsroln D.Brutb, Albert ATMsaiTn, John (llhney, Moutasnle Ward, Jame, 11. Hossland. Csnlel Ilutferfleid, ft Jsmea Qlwell, Aloaander M. Koss, Kdvard Hslsht, L'hsrlrs Uenlaoa, Jr. Knoch OhsraberUin.RlchardJi. Pair /ohn A.rrcitron*. h. 0. OlstV. James Knsuah. WwarilRallerleo. John la. (Issbronek. isusn. Thorns. P. Wsy, J K, llsrlholomew Jaror"' ,..W. Bralnsrd. faasc N. Bermonr, , IL Van Aoken. thomss P. . iBIrrrrns, ItW.Meeks. " & e Jsmea riteTi JowepjtW.I , J. U. jlurbr. , nrvnels Lelt IchsrdH. Palmer, ^^b?rah. n ' Isoris B. f^alteT^e^ Joater A Hawkins, )svld K. Avery. rheodore Tlrnpsota, lUln 0. Weaver, oyd U. Brltton. NslhaoT. UUl^ TlrooCy 0.0hnr«hril.Wnv"j7Bi«£' TIMOtllY OV OHOROUIXla PrasMrjoi; Jew* 0. Itinc. rkcr.tary. i C OK.V KXOIUNOK IN8URAN0E COMPANY, ctajus or WIUJIM ASD Bsavsa Braaara, New YorP. tUSXVTUS*. , tl^T; &£)£&•. JV.lanllojkeros, Ausuttn, rantrury. II. Tttiipklns, Wpa. J( - - .affisssr ' TiomssT, fknllh, ohojB. Roberts. Jowrph Krtchtut., Arthur 11. Lowrrre, K. W. Punham, WlartfTw'ptleuwT, jlmes p. BennolL if, W. flsmltton. likWv, X. V, r, Uocklsy, nsvldpows. N.T. IfubWd, J. P. llerrlck. > W. Qulleso. Wta. Stiller, John Nash, W. I. Bchenok. i .leisniler B, On, lenry Ptock, AmuetTryon, leo. tti-ovcll,' lenry Bruner. I il. Rote, J. B, Brown, Bdrr. M. Hanks, . .,„ ...... Jos. D.Ysraderroorl Andrew llooi-land. Thl, Compsny continue* lo Insure Madras!loss snd dam**, oy io aiali.il the rUksof Inland r.i ' slUi.lower! rate, ofpremtoai. I.Ysn Bjckel. I R. Llr si roots. I osvUsuoo snd trsm;or. _ AltTlttfH II. IyOWsUl&'vto.'-VresldenL W. n. WIXPSCS. BscreUry, G KBJdANIA FIRB IHBURANOK COMPANY, No. i Wai.r. nsnrv.-OAPITAU (}100,000.—Thin Jompsay continue, to Insure ssaloit Loraor Osms/e by fire, Iwelllnris. Htore, snd other bulldlnis, Blilpi la port. Mer- chandise. Yurnlturo. aud all kinds of personal properly, oo favorsbl, term* Diascrosf, Msutlc, Ill'jer, Mlchs-" A. Ksupe, i If. Abee). John WWIi Richard U. Hoe, 0. r. Dsmbtoann, am II. Bmlth, Peter B. Jlsreh, John r. Bolieprlcr, John Chelwood. l l . O.KIIshemlus. rpHK UN1TKD BTATKfl FlKR IN8URANGB JL covPANT.-prrloii NO..W T^ALV rrriti; t aelLlrnsu, . Henry llardt, dwsrd Ilech. Henry Hsll, II. 0. Kllshendu. Hertntrtn Msrcuse, ", Poppenhusso, llenry Ueoker. 0. Jlrsoaiiur, eo. W. IlenBlnis.»l. 11.0. Dohrnvsnn.ft. 0. ilurlay* alter J. (lUbeil, P,eubeo_VV, Howes, jiuMuesBohTeb, Oodfreyllanlber.Mtlvlnfl, WhUnety, Ortleb Ilsnlow, I emenllleerdt, Oeone J. Itjrd, Osoria P. Thomss. seob R. Behuylev, Robert Biittrrea, WmLarn IlclisIL .1. A. Bchfeleher. Plod. WesUsU. Antbonr BchlelUln, William Loes«hi«k, rrsnrl, Bolllns, Paler Jlurrsy, Mslchlpr PueoVer. MAUBlCm HIIfOER. President. Rppotra Oasnocs, Becretary. G HOOSItS' FIKK IN8UKAN0E COMPANY, No W WALL BTH«KT. CASH CAPITAL trO.OeiO. Alan election held on MONDAY. Pthrusry 3d. IMi the folkrwln, f tclleintn wero elected Directors for thc'eosulrj, '" BAMPSON woonr.. M08I8TAYL0IL CUAl,LK3BimK«JALTBR, JAMIfl K WIIJ30N. OKpitaK HLUKK, hUrllfl ttTORY. ALIXANDKR II. (IRANT. AHA H. POUTKll, (IKOROK 11. QARHAHT, 1\ M. K. rOSTKH. W»f IL TOSYNHKNII. (IKOKOX W. I'OILLON. 0IIAULV8 P. I.KVBKIOII. WILLMT tt WARD. . BUJINKR K. BCONB. Atsiubsequenlrotellnitof InqBonrd BAMPSON MOORP.. I'll., vs. urmnliuoualy re elected President JAME3 0. PLATT. Bscrotary. ' K MCKFJIROCKllK FIKK INBURANOK COM. rtsr gr Nsar Yoss.-0"V«No,M WsUitreet.-OAPI TAL stoMWl.-Orlsliisllr Orisnlsed In I7rr7.-TW, Oompaay kloil Lor* or D .-._ Iisoreiallooi aract the city of Now York an J lis Immodlsto vlclnlly. All contloues to tnauro s* slorl Lor* ur rjamarr, by firs oh lb, aicM f.vorsbte lerms. Its oreikUooi sroconOnad chleflr to .d]iuted and paid with promptness rand liberality. riraK'O?- f wn, Chrudna, rajP. L.vtrlcu, . It. Deso. . ry Klawortb, dearlo lllofSM WllUauTatcier, Oeorrr. Irelsnd, J obsrl lletiaon, choOampbell, Joshua Bruin. Sobt. L Bluait. Jeremiah Brlssa. llenry Oothout, lams 'wlerT. Kins, itapbeq 0. Willi lenry Bsbsd, r^bpT Boris;,, Victor Dursmt Wslter rdwsrds, Andrrrw Howden, IsssoA.Storm. ... UsnilMalre*, Owo. nofrsaoa. IVeervUry. . . T AFAYETrKFIRE 1N8UKAN0K COMPANY \j or IlsoCTiva^QfflOfj No-Jlj Pullon sUeot. Brookl m. Capital VWJHQ, »Bb a l.rta rorrJats, ah >e<a r*i by bonds KOttia*,.lath, elm, .1 Nsw Y.rk aad Brooklya. Tl.la eompsrty bse besat ha bvslna*. Dulnt«rrtt»t4,1ty for ..warda.f thifiy seven rear*, sod paid n o r . than a roluio. ef ilolUr, p*r loaaaei llify cantlon. lo basoi. ssslost loss or lamssaiby Ar. oa IrollJlpt*. iaerchAB<ijs^ vaaacUhi port and their eaniovs, hooseboht lurnhnre. mat*, rsasv*. sod otAra rtwirit propsviy, .a lb* ssos, fsvorsljl* terms, sojlosso, -na-plrj yald. Hasovoa*. Abr.'r. A, OmWrbrrf,A*«. f, BlMtwalt. J.keo^.ra Cssihr.B, J/aa. If, Kastar, weUjSErJlQ, 0*o»«.D.I>al. FlltlamCrimwi., M»rr1s Katebnm, ClaaT. Cromv.p CSaifeaRpMlaod. Bsl.aitU.VllM.nl, -.P«.r^iJr , -.-XI-awA. FUtlamCromwall rB.tarvst). Wlfflaa* "MSJO, »lawn., rittftavv* Vf. rS>»r 'JtiStiVL r/aUroatry It, ScsOf*, isiilrtf* j j ^3imikmm^, Insures property of ,11 Mad* **a ll ff* It— «* daaaaw byfire,on a* favorsbl, teraas M slrnllar tart-tuUoos. T , Tsu, Is J. Bet rea, '' Hlrsnii.aVt.Jobn. X, T. Bachhowa*, Jsmea llsrpcr. Uwka lliinl. John L tspider, Herary J.OullM. Bsmuel Osrruoa, CornellotJ Parser* Jlf Pulton a*r» ?Mak W * ruA loss or dsmai iltutlaus. rverttllLBass. Attasoder HcOura, ilUp B. Crooka. p . 8. Voorhoes, , Maaoroan. Lavetilt IL Bsiv, TAJAflrJAir riBE IN8URAN0E OOMPANY Of Thorcst Clark, Conklln Ilrvsh, (ami. Bmllb. . {unary 0. Morpbr. John rrrjoch, wm. liualtr, JrM Plls* Astdtaio, Jsmea W.aver, JTro.lI.ninU fAjaJKf ToboBcbeaock. nsara, Kfe inutaaU, >'.; n^^Thornr, 5«T* Hanler, wTprt John A. Ct oss. OyruM 1 . SSlb, ^-ardw.!!. Valcnlina. ; Is aaoO smart, BSi:»feabt 1 * ,t Alex. L'DdarMlt, "^"^M/l-ABrnPredlsral. A. J. H**ataa». Becretary. O FFICE OF" THE OEBnARD FIKE UfSUR- i.f^CoairAirr.Mol^PU«^,J.rilytMei<-Ar ib.o An, lenlletneo avert cboi JV. I). Waddll Oompaay held Ihlt day l for l a , eruwln* year I on, Ja*. H. Wadirorth, melius IrulfoU, sBohnt rred'kl dilsaltel Bid Jonea, KdwanTCoopeT. KVonder Wm. it. Qtbhard, Alex. M. Arpte:.. Al lobrKautntBietllny of Ib.Bosrd.JV. . ... *6\f. t">™*™^>'tt};$tWJ: 'becWUvy. Of. ^niue on der Heydt, kiln U. Iletsno, o'l 41. Bectley, . Blrdenhurirh. Joalah Ii. Burton, WADPISQ. O FFICE OF TUEIKVIlaG FIRE INBURANOK OoarAKY, No.» WAU. Brasar-Navr TOM. Ha' Decern- ber. 1M1.-AI (ho Annual Klectlon, held at the OiUoc of Iht OoarAtrr, No.» WAU. Brasar-Navr Yorjt. «h Peoero- . .8*1.-Al tbo Annus! P.leclton, held sttheOIUcriof Ibe Company on MONDAY, l b . Id Inrtant, the following contlo- men vera unanimously ro-electcd PUeclors of the Ootsraof [orlboenaulnryeari.j. '• vsttuiB. Ward, David fltmsora. Msson Tfiotpson, John II. JllUyir. i John Oastire, Ysnd - l.L,llu|lon, BenJirnlnJ. llsrt, John tholweU, Ab'm. JI, filtilnaer, t h e m s , Christy. pbsL Uuikb.ltcr, Willi,tn Radford, John Homer, ' ft\'So1 ,BJ (or lb. eniulni year, DavldB filliam OiliVty," Wrlfht (iOiiea? •jsjlin Nasn, Psvld B, Moaes, Jotua B. Ilebby. John llossnn, Abrshim Praiee, fredeilck Itortiby, Alex, McKrosIe, lasao 'Jtlell, ObailesBllrllor, lieUsfl. fqulre.jr., 'eler P, CoBlns, John VYadeworlti, osepblloceia iipbert A. Pomtn, ohn JV. Perrrsutr, OharleaTliomion. Biepben JVray, . JVlnfletd a l/snlord. of tho Board of Director* held litis dsy. N WM lanrut1mr.isl/_reLcle<l^__PrpaJdeJil tlmously m L. oaowEl-ia Becntsxy. O FFICE OF THE MERCANTILE FIRE IN. nvkaaraQo., M JVaiiBrsssv—Naw J'oss.VeibrusryXIJ. I-.0,—At an election for thirty Director, of Ibis Oompsm It Id ul the i) fftce on the II it Inal., the folio wlnansmod senl'e "- ' art • ,ury, sndsiL snderroort. torn aire duly elected Duoc* Utii, A.lhomiKia. Willi M, Vsnijchllek. fjl'ntondlibett,. B. P. Wheel.ilsht, Jacob HsrK-n, James Buydsm, JiimtsBtokes, Tfirrsnt Putnam, J, II llerrlck. A. It. J an Nest., Aiiddroiien. ftth.Mrar.K , Dkrlaa, John Alalyu. WIT lam ohn At, r . leorso tlerrltt, orophfltiisrl. ohn 0, Marlln, Iisso N.Phelps, William relden, Bamurl Collate, John J. Ptio ps, William llsrtnn, JV*. R. Vermllres: JYIIllam Dojif, orrlaon, Jr., __ward'II. Owen, Blephen I'hllbln. Abbe, Alfred Tobias and llenry Van Bchslck were elr clef Inspectors of Iho no.a.t annual election.. Al sni A, TlTO* rallnxot Ibe Board,held robsennenUy, WILLIAM " resident. JOHN llAKRH, Sccretaiy. 1S0N was re elected Presld /"IFFIOEOFTUE N. Y. KQUITAHI.K IN8UH- V/a»iKCoxra«r, Nsw J'osr, June A, irajl.—At sn elecllor, for Directors ol this Compiny. held on Moods/, Cd Insl.ithr lullowliis srutlemeu wtr. uoanunoualy elected for Ihe cusulor ••••"•• Psul Bpofford. NslhaulH llrlrura. leorse P. Pollen. Tarrant Piiln-id, loovsoCarpenlor, Harvey JVeejI.' y II. liePoresl. Anthony P. Ifsliay, r Ifowfsnd, Hobt. A. Rohertaon, (il.lUtlsnll.Blnd, Alex. M. nroen, Abrs. B. Krasiury. Charles J sirs, (isrdlr.er A. Bsse, (lllhert M. Bpelr. At a tulaeiuent merlins of the Ilor.nl, ItlCllAKI) J THOBNr. Esq., vr*a naanltaottjly re-elected f'reititcnt. JOHN MILLER. Bomliry. Bl eplirrd Knspp, Itkbsr.t " - •Tilna"-'' I J, The ornf, BSS export* KMT. 00TJET.-JONATHAN JT. siJoluaH..- Ibt BopTtri rm<tAn lO **slH4 Jobxt B. M,e ar^l cihus-—In paavaaoeo oca lad*. rat nfofllb, Buprtme Court of th» sUta of fttrr rortc, 1 trdl '- «*!«ooJjij ?lb day.f Msax^-lM^atlla'rAoVic. ^ .MUlsrAKmnelly, All tlM«rt,la lot, pit al U.« ttnrhasls' Kxebat** la the dip of New VsWv, by- r. aoc*!«oe«,i Tt - * e or pirerl of tar " " sld. of Hfiy fourt lutded sill descrl inlc,mrthertylln ., -, , andforiytbrfeft ,l< *«nlrrfoiic,d by the Intmccllpn ef tbo t ilfij-fctkll, strrtl w,ih tbe tieaiirfy line of Broadray. and Jsnws„. ,\l( itid certain lot, stdfilrraonlbeaarrtl iorjlr* at a pedef on tcilicrtXevry'flntJof r7hydooii5 V , '.?_C*J^t%W.T*itT5i??iiri5i*. l l' ,t A?**' ?' , f. rr » a l ot. piece or pjreel of land atlaata, lytoa rtltriy slds of Hfiy four!b slrTrt.la lit* «D^ hourded sal aescrlbod as. follows. nortberly line of , - , . - JI Broadway, snd •ttice northelly pat on a lln, pirallel irtih lb. vrad, on* toodrrd fist and Or. Incbeit thaocs we*- etly ar.doo a lln, parallel vlib the corthetly Ims of rifty- fturlhslrtettwetlf fettj Uitoc. southerly and Inatlr., ps- islicl'vllb Ibe KhrJifU arepu* orae hundred lee' snd lire Incites lo tbe notlberlf Ilneot Plflrfourlh street, and tbeaco etaU-rly alcn* It* slid «ortl,rlr uos of rifty fourtli ,iree* twenty feel lo the stint cr place of brttnnlnrr. PslM few Yotk. rebrn- arrUlkUtTl JAMW LYNOiL Bliarlfl f. B, tsowrttLi, Allorrry, febUlawu CtlTBkMK COI'Rr.-JWKPlI IICWLErT ANP OTIIKBfl. p Kxeiutors. Acu o/ Oliver *, llesleiu drrcosted. aialoat llsao li l'hteknry snd others.—In pnrsaanc. of a ]udrmrnt ol l b , rAiprrm. Oonil of the atsl* ofHev York, I will expose to sale, bo the lltli dsy of March, 1 MfTcbljitV. jtscbans. lo Msrth, \m, al ft o'clock w^ si the clly of New York, by Jams. r. auctioneers: at the M. MUler i WUHsm Kenctllj, _ All thsse two oetulo loir, piece, or wuxeti of land, with lb. laiildloM erected thereon, rlluale, Itlna and I*lot la lb, pJlorteetlb ward of the dly of Near Yarx. oonndcland eoa- Isltln* loirlher as fphowai Beilnnloa si a point oa th. e,slolr line el lb.Third avtDue.d'slsnutreniv feel souibsrly fiom lh| soutbesilerly corner of tte Third avenue mi Piril- eth street, and mnnln* theoco easterly psrsBel with rlftlerUi itieal .id part of the way tUrouib th, ceqtrr of a party vail sixty fe< 11 thence southerly aud psrslltl alia the Third are. nun foi y feit! thence westerly and parallel with fiftieth atieat stair feet to lb* Third aveauet and lurnce north, trly »loo. |he enletlr side of said areoite forty feet I a tbe pl.c«otbtakinh)r. Dated New Yqrlc. jVrhra.rvJ.1.1_<OT. R-ll- BOVXK. Attomry. Piled New York. Prhraarv I JAMW I.YNOH.BIierlir.. febUlawu (bUPBKMK 0OOJ.T.-8KLINA KINPRIOttB «L 0 EOROZ LJ Haiilaomexecutor, Ac. cf John Itsrrlsoru'.tccaasd. and otlicia-a-lDjiurrasneeof a Ju,xmenl of the bupre'ne Court of the ataio of Near J'ork. I will •japbo'i s s ^ on the 'lb d,y of Msr.li, 1'cS, st II o'clcck «., st Ih, Mercnant*' Kacrhtnae In Ihecltrof fiiW York, by Jatnc, II. MUler A KtnncUy. sue- lloieerrji . All thai certain dwrl'lo..boa>e snd lotofsTOund rllrlate, l»!rx aSlbe^rurjn tlie Plfib ward of tbcclty of New J'ork, snd pelot oil x l m In ll,, Plf th waid of the city of New J'Or No. 07 (sixty sivrn) Varjck etreet: tleslnnlux st a iie nortiiwralerly ride ol J srick street, dlrtsnl south- oily six feet from Ih. eouihvrttrnlr c-orarr o,' Va- 'airy (treats, at ll.oc«nti,of ihsttiilywsilof tho Known as tic. Vallck street, snd of tbe said hoots •• pto, M Vrulck street, berth, InU-ni'.d lo be rrantod, tjilnj Ihi-nce nortbwettt-rlvslons trie exi ' *ir centre of l b . said anil i' . Lord, slaty two rick am homo known , •ad run: hoaanie direction tri iho'soulhesttlt-Hy aid, or llje trick" ' fit, I*. 1. 0 I _ r rill lrttwcci - Vtvrlck »>reef I Iht-nce co&Unulni ILrouxh tbe centre of mid .aily will to Varies, ttrrctt *>nd lher.ee- notUtctv-l/'fl/ uoni henorlrbwtsterlr ildeof Vuick iUrcet Iwentyiwo fcrt, more o tb* pUce of beflnmnK. Uelnr Ibetunt nrtmlsei ronretu] to mid John lUrri-or. by »iU &r'.Iiia lien dctd Ueailnjt even dite wltb iil«i raort«M«, rrntr will to (b* icur c/ tt.« i»id >if)u»«*. am. IK'.II oootlnuf ri« In the wyup itrectfc ...... lovo nthe fljav! tet >DII or co» I tlifnce co&Unulni ILrouxh tbe centre of r aily will to V a rick i.rret. *>ntl thence no>Uiejk*a>i>x ui wi.ll tttitdbv OD Und now or I Me of Kuf> " 'thi- - ' ------ K {Uv Veiilro of iKo party wall between houaesNta 07 snd at feci Jhroe lntbe,i more or ies"( Uirncesinlhwtsurlyalotis the ' side of l b . aa'd brack wall op a line parallel to ,. Mfeet tweoty-two feel, more or lrssi thence lonib- eagerly alonrts line psrsllelto Vrr'ry itrert until II strike. iout/iesllerly_ ohn llarrTson by ssld Bell - _.en dste with laid mortrcaca. and sane belux liven to secure psrl of th. conrldersllon HSK money therefor. Illb, Ihtt. Ct uPftiu-ixo A Prix, AlPys. Dsled New York, rebrusry JASIE8 laYNOlL Hherlff. febllUwU KMF. OOUBT.-llKNRY BREVOORt ANP JA00I1 -dell saslrut llusb Csasblyand o'n.—In pursuance .. , .-anient ol the Huprcroe Court of Ibe Msle of Now York, Iv.lfl eiposoto sale, on thnllb day o( Marcli. jivij. at l l n'flocklv., st th* Mr reliant.' Kxcbanrte In the city of New Vwl, Id-JimesM, Miller A Kenuelly, suctloncers: All Ihoio threo cerlslp lot, of Isnd. with Ihe balldlfix, Ihi-itoniilluatea ' ._, _ ... - .venue | thence west y(fi|rtb itrcet levenly-dve feet I thence southerly and , elSallh Ihlrdsvenu, one hundred feel AveIncheito Ihe centre lino of Ihe block) thence easterly and psfillrl ttiili'Vifilellistreet seventy-fire (cell snd thence northerly Ii Third svenuo one hundred feet five Inchei em! parlillrl Willi lo Ihe place of berrlnblox. Sim-rlt. Kitrrt, Atl'y. PEOPLE'S FIKE IN8UKANCE CO&H'AN. I or TIIX rnv or Nr.w Yoiix.-Onice, No. CJ Wall atrcel, sr.il corner Osnsl and Tbempton itrcet. > liiaiaTruas. Molll.lar Clark, John W, Ltwls, 'll.fs. JVilllanu, John P, J'elveilon Al-rshsm I.e/Kttl. rtloion Phlnrler, Allied llsmiore. Henry H.Terhsl. Jstnts B, I,ewl3, KilwardI- (llaA, Peter R. Onrlttle, JVlllliitit Molr. Ohrirle, V. Hunter, Hamilcl lllrdisll, ( l e u r i , BVIiMiele+l, IhumaiJ. Ill tuck, Crowrll Atlama. 0,JacktntiHU'ward.Jo.<eph 11, Miller, Atm.lt V.iiNett, J. II, ll'auvelt, Cornelius Btt-iihciis, Haniiu'lRsynor. Albert Mann, riiitninnn llfintu, JVllll.ru Itcrtic). llenry Pari J. I'l.iUliipttrtlwyer, JohnO.Alore. Peler J. Bohulls, (leotK. jVsrner, Malihfssltloo<titoo.l,Johnr. Van Itlper. Pnetnsn Campbell, allphalrt lloolmsn, « liulldlpii. Merclirmdl.e, Household luniltiiro. Marhlnurr. Vend, In Port,their Osriors sr.d Property reoerslly.lnauiCM M current rsles. HATlIi I AH OI.AKK, President. JV. F. L'wliwiiiltt, Becretary. IJllKNIX FIKK 1MHUIIANCE COMI'ANY OP 1 lliiixiSLVN-CPl'IOK IN NKW YOKK No. ttt WAfil, B1U117T, and 111 BKOOKLYtl, JU PULTON HTIIKKT, (oppo ,l CABI| t OAPITiL Sfa\MO POI.I.ARR, JVITH A BUIlPI.Uft Iiiiitici lloitit**,Msnulacloilc*. Unlldlmra. .Mschluery.llooila MucliitHll,e. Chattels and Personal KatSte, Ships, Vo.iel, sml Csrioes (In pott only,) and bhlps llutldlnx, nrraUitt l.o,i utid Dumii. by lire. Policies also Ism,don Trairlporlatloo and InlanilNavlxallon Itlrla, nl their pllko No, til Wajl ilreet, und Piimsie br lire, I'o! ' liilaiufNavlsallonlllrka, nttbelrol Niw York, or through their vsrloui aitrncle, locsted on lln lineof tbe Inland waters anil tramporlalltui routes of the country. piakcroaa. tepl A. V. Hlout, , " ' - toll [cks, •"rotlilrjruirun, lien, K, JVsrilwell, Hsnlel r. Pemald, Jolhsni Weeks, John A. Hell., (Itorxe JV. lleixen, Alealsllr.rii Ut'.ry llansv, tleoris I. B.ojijr( 1M»' rlnxAn Stephen 0. Ororrell, JsmesB. Rockwell, Lor! " -- ' "• John Barouel Hsliled. Bsmuel Itoolh, tlUl.nt Hart's. \vllllkiu A, llndil, . ndrcrrs, , Hlierinan, r^,wln T. Itlce, Altlu C. Brnilley, (lurtsvBchwsb. Moses r Odell. (Irome ll Archer, OlrntrtilB. Parsitu, Kiia Hal.lwln, Jonathan H.WIiliut-y. i fsthsiiT. Ileers, l/ionvd 0, Dialog, tslpli Mead, jr., / Kds.r W. Ciowolh Othua Atkins. Jrl JVlfllain M. Vail, 7 Atiiualiuhtuttwcll.l K'liriiril A. Low, Jeremiah j;,B|i*i|iJ,8»m'l IV. Bitrtls, Pun iKinit Pnitr, Becrctsiy. fltFPliWrjMlltQJVKI.L, Pre a'.lenl, UPOAlt IV. OROWELL, Vlcel're.iil lent. M ECHANICB' AND TltADEKS' KIKE IN8UK- asca Ooaraar-OrPIOi: No. 44 WALL HrilrXr, corner cf William, (Bank ol New York ll.llldlnx.l-OA III CAl'lTAJ.flU'.iCt aud lust- inrplua. Jixs HXItii'-At the Annual >.'ectlon. hrld on "Hi Inrtiol, the foltowlnx leoUetuea weioduly elected Plrcctors Tor the eptulns year t JVslter Cnilcililll, Junes Blokes. Wm. n PycVm-.n. RlchanlM Hoe, M.rrllt Irlnil.le, 'fliomas J. Owun. I. JV. lilrdenluixb, lien) 1. »»»•), llenry II. llarr-jw, JamesL. Jackson. Ttioinss Vloodwitrd. Heory K lAwrencc, Wm. K. Lawrence, K-lw. M, Tonnrtu 1. Abnrr Cblcbcttcr 'i\ HullClsrk. Henry R. Jones. Psnlel P, JVrlrht. John WrWit. John Allen, fflavssyfe or, N. T. Bweaey. JoitpliHUjsra, Ch«s K. Vfcmlnj, Joitplilllljsrd. Ch«s :'_ JohnT. Klots. subseriuent ws, unsnlmoualy hi. 1I0K Vice 1-realdenC johoC. llsrt, AlanrooT. Ilrlssa, Israel I). JVslter, Aumxtu, Tsber, Blephen Cutter, John A. Weeks. Robert It, Wlllet,. JVUIbtra IL Po,ter, Abraham Drnlke, J.inca Plckaon. •Alfred T. Conklln, Ilaulel P. H imotla. Oeorxo J. Prlco. James Prrcr, . 'tlnx'oft'hV Hoard JVALTKR UNDITR. HILL wa, unsnlmoualy re elected President, and ItlUllAUU JAMiaH, LOrr, Secretary. OTl On TUYVE8ANT FIKE IN3UKAN0E OOM. -No. IW Bowery,cor. Orand alreet, underthiidili-n Branch OIHc« No, 11 .J\'allstrrct,-Oipllal.4>ra.0»i. KV. til Bripk, vi *.it:ii u i u . , ».... .. .." ..... ,v^—v. I'tt. n. , til, Compsny Insure, a.slml lowor dsmaxoliy lire, Pwct- lliiit lloure, and Furniture, JV.rchouac.BloresKliil Merchau. dire, Victor Irs, Blilpsin port, Ac .onthoiiioatfsvoiablolerrni. Allloasrs will bo Immediately adjusted and i>roiuptly paid. Vrnlerlck R. l<e, BainurlJVIIIeU, UnillelBinltn, Adam JV. f pier, (!or'nr. L. bverlll, John A. Pevcau, 11,-nty J. llowtn, Demon Peru sail. IUSHTTiilUt. Cbll.J. Podie, Alonto A. Alrord, John K. I'stton, Bsmuel VVeeks, Henry Hhleldi. Acdre Vromenl, Joiepb.l.l. (lodwln, Ilrnlamln JV, Klnyd, A..<lewnrl Black, P. llriinerey, B. Abrahams, M. P., Corti's. U. Tltnpton, John Milliard. John V. Ilallcy, Aaron Hsnliitan, Atlre.1 Moore, Charles (I. Cornell, rRknKRIOK R. I.V.K. Prertdcnl. BAMUKL JULl.hTB, Vlee-Prcs't. IIIMJJ.IK J. PsrrTX,Beeretsry ESTABLISHED 1839. THE GENUINE DfttnJ New Yoik. ye'«ni*\rr 8. XML JAM En 1 LYNtiIf.ffher.fr. ftb?3»wt« Ctri'llFMK CqUUT.-TIIOMAB CRANK «*t. OHANDI.ER D 1>. Imt.coll ftjiJ o*i*-—In punutnoaj of a ludjoneot of t) e Hupfrnie Oouit, t tbetiUte of New VoiV, I will rxpow to * 1c on Ibe itli dk7 of MMC.1. l*ft. »t 13 o'clock u , nt Ihe WrciilhU' Fxchitiico In ihe city of Ntw Yo.k. by J»nicJ M. ).iltcr A Kenitellr, fttict'ontcift Ail tttime cdtAin 1'it J anl farri oHoti. ulltikle, lylnx an'l IM Ir.r Id tl.q Turin., want of the cl.jrnf .N'evr VorValtiC dril )'..ice. of «)iIc)»lr.K>tin<IC(l ai foUf>wi: HnrlunUic at,ttici'O.Dl ff liiKrruUc.i of t),cin!f]i1lc line of the Mock hc-wcei. Nine- Ij ifVCOlli atiil Niiutr-fIr.l.1.1 mieett nith Ibe Kit., or llarirni il.'i, li* hi'il u*o»ii on Hi>nil>lt'« Map No. 10; thence TJO- rln« n^it ili fcli-nc .MO rrotieHiielotlieeiiiUrli blJeof Ihe, II-ITJ AvriiUti ll nice alnpa theravteily ildeof Uie Hecoad *vti.ue'io tl.c iii'tldle of NlhOjr tUlttti iircr-t; th'tio alonf tU* nM'11" r,f Mti'lr iltluli Kretl to the K«ll ur .lUiiom lA<f1. tkllhl th.vfj <in HAIJ innpi llirnci* h'or,^ \h« >. »«t or I'.iI< niilvrr, n? )A>\ tJuitn on sahl innptto tho pluce of t»e KlMilnfi 3hui.<foi,(l turrrl of wLIcli Irtmr-ed ai fullotra: Benin i.fi iftlitlic |i'.IM nf Int^ifff-tlitiof the oriitre ltn« Uttwr n f If < 0 r<\<! Ul Mill Kb.f|) •lUMrU -lH'-l* Willi ttlC VTClJifl) il'Jt (if (l.p Btcimtl ATi-nur t l l i r n c o t t o t . . . i h e a i M c*-tit«*« |ln»* In the u-sJiiIy at(!e of ti,* 1 filial urfbuc, thtttcc nlonitbe »*••'« il>' lit »• ol ihe 'flilril a>i riu lo the reitUr of Micty- t'tlth aUtfl; thence altWvtr,.' middle of Nlmty-rUI«j MMi to ll.o sv.'ilcjljr HOD of the Hecotid JiTenuei th. «.<:-• 'jiloi-K ial»l *ii(itil> line to t)m [dace of he.liii.li.ii. •f'ilillif t-it' iti-vUrt» und ofhtr tl/U'n la aid totlig hn.l- i.,,.<trv*.-r!nfrur.t ufti.nl pre ml e*. lute « New Yo-lt V<b nuaijUK IM,!. JAMI-.5 LYNUfl. HIi-.r1(f. li.aSJtiAN A CtMMl^a.'v AU'>*. fib4Ka>tla. >brRplK COURT,-IIAKNAH fAUniTaxt, WILLIAM d Mclin ajid other*— In pursuance of * t Btipiemo Court of theitatn of tit* York, I HIII enoie'lo nale, on tho 2Sih day of Feb;uair. IM. at 11 o'c'ocklM,* at the MtTclWiaj* Eifhanj,e In Ibe city of New YoV, br Jinei M. Miller A KeancDy, auctloueers: All that certain lot. olec* or iari.il or lann, with the lullillnn therccn tr<rltd, kHuate. lylnc and hrlnr tn the ritr of New York, boumled and deaorlbed u fullows: IWlnnlnir at a point on the wral*?riy tide of Ihe Ktrond «rt*nue. dint ant rliilil j «Icht frot ft. 6 and a quarter Inclx-j Koytheilr from the kuttliMfHulr comer'of Thirtieth ilt'-cl and H.cmid avenue ( runnlna llxnce wt».Utl>, pariklle) with Thlnlrth rtretH and lj-iily tbrt'tifli the centre of a party wall, onehunilrc** feet; lluiice foulbfrly. parallel with the Second avenue, aereo- l-.cn frtt lis Inches; tbenr< rutitilna r i»u-:)y, parallel with Thli lit tint reel end iiarllr tlirounh the centre of v paityw*lt, one hiHtdredicH toihr.wcrUirv ride of tlie Second avenue i and th<r.ce northerly edoni. n..tl avenue aefeiileeii feeiiU Inches [to tbe i.olnl or place of brirlnnlrtr l)*ttn| New YOTV, Fet.ruaiy 6, \m. JAMF.d LYNCH. BherltT. Jiiuut rr, .MuiiH A W'cv>i»iirLU Alt'ra. ftt.JS;iwti (•UrRRMK CO p MtKUIr aid /adjticcstoltliM PAIUHTMU WILLIAM Murdock and othen.—In S UPItKMK COUIIT.-HANNAI Mct.vlly and Murdock and o t h e n . — I n i>urvi> ancecf hlnJiiutr.t of lliti HuorenaC Court of the slate of Nt-w Yoik* t will fkposc to s.ilf. on the i>,ih day of Frbruiry, 19iJ, ht IS or lock M.. at tl.c MeichariU' V.xch*ttfm In the cliycl New Yctik, by J sixes M. Miller A Kenntlly, nuctlf>n<<*rs: AM that certain lot, piece or parrel of land, with iho h nil Ir-Ks tbciton tiectetl. situate, dins; and bebut In the ».|ty of New Yoiki boiind<»t aid drecrltx-d ai follows: Itecinr.lnx it a point on the westerly side of the Hecood .ircnu* 1 . dliAtit aoycnlf feel eleven nnd aouader Inchfc sxilberlr Ufa the loutbwriteily coinor of Thirtieth street nnd the oVrond arc- iiuet thtnee weate.lj parallel with Thirtieth street, and run- nlr-'jaitrj- throuith thrcentroof a party vnll, strly Ore feet litis :i.cn< t)y ll . - -Jf writ,... . . nee fiortl.nljr and nlonjc paid avenue |f K-ftle*-! f*i\ 'I* with tho Hecf .atti'ilv parallc _ otith the centre of a party wa! Iy side of tae Second menu Uitnccaoutl.erly i.aral feet six Inches; thence easterly parallel with Thirtieth, stfe. I llU' seventeen .tl'ifxty ne; And sod luryjlni partly five fell to the writer tience borllerly and a...... InchesW'hc pnlntorplsce of bCKtriiilnir. Dated New York Februtury P, 1^1 JAMRfl hYNOII, Hhrrlir. UKAirtiiY, MiUii A Woonmu, Plff's Att'ys. febiJa-Tta uri'iifMr. COURT-HANAN'AII rAUKirr a*n. SUAU IO Mct/rlly and Haley andotberi.—lnpureu«nc*jof aluiU nurd of tbe Bui ic me Court of lbr> stale of fte* York, I will ex loir hi s*le. MI the Kth day of Feb!nary, I6CI, al ll o'clock M.. at] the Meichvnl*' Kifhtuire la Ihe city of New York, by. Jan.ei'fM. Miller A Kcniittty, nuctloneirs: All ,h*l certain lot. piece or pircel of land, wltli the .•ul'dli.'i thereon trrc'cil, situate, lylnrt and bil'« in the city of New York, bounded and dercrlhed aa fAlo\%$; liivinnln/ •a a H'lrtlon the wtsttrl) side of the Kicond avenue, dlstaui f.H>>Uiircfet-t flvo m.d rne quarter Itirhca southerly rroiuthc sotthwestcrly comer of Tldrtieth atreet and the tW'md ave nup[ itir.rdMrtbriicc westerly psr»llcl with Thirtieth t'rect, and iiunibiK partly through th) centre of aparty wall, sixty five't«t] U sret rrfiutbirly parallel wllh the Second avenue it unite., feet nx Indies; llnnco easterly parallel wllJiThlr- ll'-tbatiett, ard running partly through the cenUe of apart) wall, sixty five feet to the wester Ir Ride of the Beooml avenue ; said avmue seventeen feel six Dated Nfw York. Ihepce ncrthnly alOrur i Iliiiiiii t-BdliRBOlM IN IMi.RKi.8, DALFDARRKtH AWD OAftEU HlilptwU direct, to nnrtlrs onlcrhijj, rrom Kcnlua.y, or liiriifilicl from oOlcoof llio DUllllcrr. 21 OLD Hf.Il', N. Y. Ordci, nliould bo dlrrxlcd Bull. UiniLLiat**,' Jot- forson couoly Ki T AKTARIO AOID—10 0AHK8 I'HIMR nuslllrTnillali, IncrrstaU far isle br llOlllf:rrsU.IN llROH. A OO..l7l)andl7.JVIIUamst. C A8TILE 8OAP-600 B0XE8 11K8T QUAL- ltrManrlllri. roraslabv f f O l l l t i r r i M l l I1BIJH. A 00., 1?0 snd 171 William it. ICOKI OK —160 CASES I.AKCIE STICK PltllTiOfdrslrsblslirsndl. Forisl.br HOIllKrVKUN UROB. A CO., HO snd UJ JVllllsrrjit. T3EARI, 8A00- J. For isle br -800 OASES. BOuiKvrm.iN UROB. A CO.. 1;0 snd i;j William It s ALT AytOAT.-l,000 BACKS LIVKBPOOl fliio i«Jt aJQott, for pale by TAMOOTTi 00.(MBoalh»tarMt LEGAL NOTICES. DUFRKME C0D11T.-DANIKI, DKVMH, OHAMilKIU.AlI, fl of th. cllrand cotuitr of Now York, as Trun,. ol Kim W. (1. rllirrrnan. an Infant asat. Mary Ann Iftalr. widow anil ss sduilnlitrslrU, Ac, of llartlioloKcw lit air, dotcur d, an<) otdf-ts,—Incur,, anco of a Indimratof Ih, Hopremo Court ol tlio r u t . of New Tork, I will expose lo isle on l b . If lb day ol llfembrr, 1841. tt II o'clock a., at th. JlerdtantV Biohatu* lo tbe city of Hew York, br Jarar. M. AlUler, anctlonsert All that ocrtaln lot, olece or parcel of land sltual., Irlnj .nd belD.ontbe easl tide of KwvnaUi avfou* between rort*. t u b and Vortr ilatb Urcrlt, Ul Ibe TwelfUi ward or tbe city ol New J.rk. bour.ilsda. follown Berrlnnuur at a point In lh< rsat ilde of Ibe Klerenlh avenue half- way between rortyBftb ml Knit/slslbitreeia, and thence mnnlnaesatw.rdlr parti 1,-lwltb roily,lath street one hundred feet> tbcncesoulberly f arallrl with Ktevetilh avenue twentr-flve feet one sad one- ourtii Incbr.i thence wertwirdir, parallel with rortr artt itrcet one huudrrxtfest,to apolntJnlbeessi slJeof Klcreaili avenue; Ibeoc, northwardly alonri tbe .ul ilde of Klerentl, avenuo twenty.Ilv* fret one anil on.tiuarlor Inchei to liii place of betlnnlna. Th.lotof landabov.dejcrlUod liktiowr. .ml dlstliigutihetl a* lot number ono bundred and twolvt (lit) on a rrien of land dlvldad balwern Ambrose Spencer s 1 Il.CuUloir,»0(lCh " '* '" , snd flltdln th. Ili. , . ty of New V oik. «ielose4 In a tin e s s . and marked ou tbl r-nil llience tirirtbti.. _ . Inctiti tolhepolntorpllce of beirtnnlnr, Fr'iruirjSlli, IH,* JA.llr) LVNOII. Wiirllf. llaatiisr IIn.uA JVoOniicu.PI'ff'* Alt'y*. frIJiaati (JUl'RKMi: 00 1! HT.-AMIIKOlir. 0. KINO.-II.ANiJ | J nr.it otbt-rr. M eaccntora a c o f Jolin IV. nVlimlJt, di*. fraud, ard Ihe laid Frank 11. (loodrtcb, smlnit rltrah A lihliity soil cthrri, —In pursustice of a ladainest of tlir riiil ii-nie Court of ihe it ale of New J'ork, [ wlllcxrurie lo lair, eti tbe 1Mb dsy of Marcli, IWA st I] o'clocV. v., st tli" MinliSiiis'Kxchanrr. Inlbe city Of New J'ork, by James M. Mlllri* JVIIlliniKennilly, sucllonrrri: Alllliatctitalnkt. tlccoor ii-.rcel of around slltia'e, Irlnir n.illii-lff In Uie cliy of NewVorkjon Hie norllit-rly aid* ot 'J ivrnly.lt uilb llrrrl. between the l.lrl.lli .nil NlnUiavi-QUti. Mid htiintted and drucilbrd si follow., vis.: lltsliiijliir nt ai'O'itlln llienortlirrli line of Tweniyfourtli kircui,,1l,iain tl ne buriflrt-d nnd twenty-five feat .e,t..-rly friui tbn lu'-tr i.i-i'oiinf the w n l t i l v Trio of Ihe Klabtli aveou«»llli tl." i.'itli't'y lino ol Tiffiily fi.urlb rdie.l, and ruining llicii-- iiMil.rtl) and r.arallrl »llh Ilie KlyMh av.-niir niniHr- r'ulit feil ,ir.il line Inchctl llir-nce wr.t.rly and |iar:.Hel tall*, Taenlr-friurlb street twrxly five freti thencs southnlr rui-t I'.-rallil with Ihe Kijhtli svetmo nlurlr tlslil feet nine inrlini aril thence ,-ailetlr slona 1 wi-ntr-fourtli | i r n l taventy llr^ flit lo Ibe point or i.lareof bealnnlrari the front portion of iialil lot drilrtitlftl ny the nuiiitifr ti?0 on mat. of OleruenlO Mu'le. reroriKd In tbo ofllccof Itil lleswter of the clly an I c'.imlyof N«w york. In Ulicr .117 ol OODVOSIK-.-V iat« M*. pin Irwicd by Iho said Ulf rut-nl C. Moore to one Hubert Clay. I.> lr.dri.ture f.f I,aae daled Be|iteiilbtrlllh,l9l0.andlhelerae afierwanUnrrlinril to one Jonathan 0. Dainty. In-lrur leatr hr Id prttnlie.; and tbo remaining- portion of, ,111 .t iltaljrnate i by Ihe riuir.bir rl on llic map of properlr of the lit-ln ol Mar> Clarke, drcjsafd," on file In »ald ICerrliter'rj fiUlro a, man rtinber )1> lu lln c u e . belnri In fee. Dated Ne r J'oik. Ki-h Itiiry ll,l,|VJ. JAUUS I.YNOlr. Hli'rllf. JVtujau O. Krrai i»o, AlHrney. feb'il .awla IJUI11KMK OOURT.-WM.LIAU CKOMWKM, AOAINhT yj Calvin U. llllllnics and other,.—In purmanoe rrf a Judr. tntnt of the Bupretne Court of the ,ut« of New York, f will i-il-oar. to sale, on the llth day of Marcli, IVll, at 1) o'clock II., at the Merchants' Kicl.anse In t b . city of New York, by JamesH.alllli.TA William KecDcUr.auctioneers! All thatcertsln lot, plec. or parcel of land situate, ltlns. <i,u tx In, la lb, Twenty lecoml wsrdof the clly of New York, • r d liounded snd dricrllietl u follows, to wit: llrslnnlns si a l-iliit In tbe northerly lino or tide of Vlftletb street, dlilant Hfotr rly/iorn tbe westerly lino or ilde of the KVIith avinu i ll.rfe hundred snd ilaly i-even feet .nd ilk Inrt.r,; thence mnnlii* northelly .nd parallel to the aald K'shtb av. nui oiiotur.ll red feel and five Inches to tlie centre lino of l b , Mock between lfjflletli and Klfiy-Ont »treels: thenco wcr4. tny on ssld centra line and psralfel to Klfllrtli street nineteen feci and two Inchei: thence aoulherlr on s line parallel lo thi Klilith svenue one hundred feet snd Ave Inches to tit, north- erly line or tide ot fiftieth street, and thence eaaterly an »,M northerly line or side nineteen feet and two Inchi-a to toe point or place of beilnnln.. Dsled New York, February If, IMS. JAJIKa LYNCH. Bhertll Auui'(nunl\8iiorw»i.L, Attorney, feblDaawt, S UPRKMK lietrlt ftancla II. C'uillos »od Charles 0. Kins, mad, by Thomas 11 l.tiillam, andfllctlIn t h . HesUtet'a ofDc, of Ih. city and court ty of New York, enclosed In a Un e s s . and markt ' ecdm. ^^^V.,..(Mob.r M 1 , JOUXB. PlT»U*f, Alt'.?. DOTllttwU I The tale of ths above iiropert/ U postponed Dotll ihe I4h day ot Februiry. IBtf, aJ the tame hour and Dlact*. Dated New York, December IT, iddl. JfJUN K K I i r . UherTtX. decieiawU Tbe sale of the above property U further po*Jpone<3 unit the 16th day of At>rll pexL al tbe u r o , hour and plaoa. Dated NewYortJf«bT^MyIl\166*L . I feblVlanU - JOHM K*aiaY,late abcrlff, .._ OOUKT.-NATIIANIKIA OlIAUNCKY AND . _. Ictta t'btur.cey, surrlvin* executors arid tra<een, Ac . of Ktlhu Cbauncey, deceased, asalnsUsJiirfjA. Kerrt-sna and Kdwsrd f>, James and othera.—In pursuance of a judc. n tntof the Bt-pietne Court of tbo stale of New York. I will export to sate, on the- Hth day of Mvch, twt. at It o'clock «., nt the Mcrcbsnts' Kxchanic, In the city of New York, by JametM. Mlllrr A William KenDellr, aactloneers; All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land situate on the icnihtrly i-lde of Thirty seTenth itrcet, in tho city of New York, and (rounded and d< scribed aa follows * Ileilnntn*r on the southerly slife of Thirty-seventh street, at thedi-unce of oi.i- hundred feet easterly from Kir hth aver.u?; ruanlnx thetici etnlerly along Thirty aeretith atrcet sixteen fret seven lncht-ij tin nee aouthtrly ninety eltht feci nine lochei lo the centre lino of the block [ thence wtnlerlj aJ')D«i thi said centre line cliea; andtntoce _.drty seventhatrtr., ,. Dated Mew York, Ftb.uaty IB, 1^, sixteen fcttaovta Ir.chve; and Ihtoce northerly ninety cUht fret nine Inches to Tlilrty seventh street, at Ihe y l i x o f htfirv H. Y, Covrpart, Attorney. /AaMWIsY.N'Oir. HbeittT. febl9 2awti S UDtKMK OOUItT.- lltnrlHu Obauncey. •NATUANIKL OHAUNOK? AND ,. surrlvl^a ctecutors and trutieea, Aaaof Kllhu Ohaunovy de<xasod, attains I e.1ward I). Janus anil Harsh Ms *lfe, arid other*.—No, I, —In aursuancB of a Jud^uieolef IheHupnmc Coin I of IheKtatcdT New York, I win exyosc to saV, en the t.th diy or slarch. WJU at 1'J city ' will TAJfi>ir*7 iu •dir, fjii »ur- 11 i r J ,1*7 . . . . o'clock M„ at the MMcl.nntt' Kxchanne In ttu ._ , York, by Jamta M. Miller A WMIlaii Ketnelly, auctlonotrii of Ht* All that certain lot of land, a jib tho bid Id In* thereon crt-cte-l, sltinle In iheTwenticth ward of the city of lit " ' 'ItofT . . .few York.oor.- rr<rrlrx*ta pol&t on the atuttierly side of Thirty-seventh httret.iMitant one hundred and sixteen Iceland seven Incurs Csitwaifjlj from the southeaster.! corner of Thirty -seventh Btrrit anj Ibe ElxbOi avenui-, and ruwdn* thenco fattwardly nlocfilhcpoutherly side of Thirty seventh sircclfUteen fe*-t ai.tl sever. Inches; thrnce southwardly on a Hue at rUM an;lea lo Thirty •« vrnih street and tbrouab the centre of a it*wall Dlnity-tliht feet and nloo lnchi-vt thence weit i<3ly on a JIL« paiaJlel with Thirty seventh street tlitero P1H7 wall Dlnity-tliht feet nod nloo lnchi-vi thence weit w.aidly on allLe parallel with Thirty seventh street tliterfi feit and rcjrea lnohrat thtnoe nortliwardiy on a Mno at rlihl roof a CTJTRKUst OOUKT.-JAMES VOOKK THOMAS HOYfOE, yj ex'rI. Ao • against Caroline tt, ReUli.—In puraaance cf a judiiseoiof tho Bopratne Court of the stain of New York.tl wmexpOM to sale, on the I .th tl.y of March, 1W3, at 1J o'dodr. U„ at the Merchants' Hxchance In the city of New York. byJatucaM. UUlerA VYIUlam l.enaelly, auctioneer!! All that "" lofJan(tsltasU,l»io«: sutlbelm, a iwardofthecltyofNew York, fremt- aldaof Thlr* DUIV, and I: flctlnnlcratapolotln the centreline ctrtnlD lot, pleea or pared of J*>nit situate, I1T01 andbelrta: a IntbeMlaiecnthwardofthecltyofNew Yc ' ' uie noitheasUiiy aide of Thirty sixth strt ?nd and Third ovrouiv, and Is bulled and thatbtosay: Heelnnlcrat a Point In the Mid lln IPU on the northeasterly aide of Thirty sixth street, between th* Becond and Third nvr ou. r*. and U hutted ami boundsd as KIp'aBay Ip* .on the, northeuUrly ;rlp of land heretofore known ai rl street, where iUbteTaecJedbythenonbeaUerlyfl&oofTblriy-aUUi between the Second nnd Third avenue*; rnnnlni fellow of n tfl.mu .,_..., .,.*. -..-. . - . . . _,,..*..., ,.,...„„„ tret.ee Dorlhositerlyalons: said centro Hue one hundred and f iltyflve fret six Inches 10 Ike II ne of 1 vnlnowor lately hito nf- r>f toStenh.n Alien and the heirs of Aujtmtus tTr1xht.de- crsiedi thence south easterly at ilahl angles with ssld oeotfe linn of i^stouel street thirty feet Io tho aouthoaiterlr aide of stldHamuel street) trencerouthwesteity aionr tholind now or lalebehinglta: to Wl liau.B. Lawrence, and on the a>ulh- esMerlystde of aald flaroael street, ono hundretl aad Aftr-ode feet clgbilncheato Iho " " * *irret, Ihecco northweitcrly alona the northeasterly it do Of 1 Iilrty 11 ath meei thlilr feet and rout Indus to the place of br ,'nr.lnir. Tb, above drrcrlbed rdeee of land belns a section of fsmuel alreet, and la bean .led nonh.aattrl* br lands of ibe fai^l now orl«to i>f Wllllrirn 11. /.awrencs; •ombweiterly _ ., baantiM nonn.aatcrlr br ibrn Allen and It. Iictrs of Aurnittus JVHslit. dcceaacA) louirrsitetlyby tho lauihetiltr'y ildoot tisninel street s-id BU iliiW.ilJ araa 0, ttowan, J ward H, JenrrTkukwy as. Orolkahsak. imuerJVrt JVyck VijwsrJ Ilarver. TEUrllA J. BaUUU>f. l-naddeo*. JaanaiBL Tatniraqn. Jr.. b«<T»Urr. , ; "TrX IN8URANCB.—TTUi AtANIUTTAN ,»c» OoaraXT-*-OBlo. Bank of OOWUMTO. -treat oiooJto the I'oat OfUoe. Nr -. r^ *c«tai-iil*tloa .over •l^xapooi., rabamej trr)tb.'aaosJ favorsbl, Urma. -.Nf, >rrnrr^Derrr>t^Malra>lrarE*fWC*irllrofM I on b.'sBo*J favoraW, Urma. Pre««e«o* tt tb. Ocoipany, with .revy ln/orwjailoo,caa r>« r»t-Uoii*i- oauinsd al l b . offlca of Ih, Oomsanv " '-" •*--*•"." 'imarsioarA lent. 1 lot tloo,caab*r»taltoi \£fi$ti83fc o'rsQatk r. K •/ j .->••'••.-,• v ,'.,,-. . AiwruUire aranteJ payabU U alt UM prbsefpal dttMor OK t^te4 Bww aii4<e«n^ by Ihlrty alxth street aod northwevterlv oy tbo c-uUo lluebf frfsirtjel street and the land of John 0 Oosler, hotlie uveral 4tlmenrloi:iiaorecrlera. Dated New.York, fehnmy \% |*-JX JAMK15 IAYMCII. Sheriff, liiciiAiap WiXlK, Alt'y, feM^Sawti S UCUKMB COURT.-AlsANflON T. BKAR3 A0A1NST CDrlstophir Dowdcll and Ma»y Uowdell Lla wife.—In pur- suanc« of a Jud/uKnt of the Baprtme Court of tho stiUiOl New Ycrk. I will expeso to aaleoa the Itth day pf ilarob Hfl. at IS o'clock H, at the Merchtn-e 1 Rxchaiueb the CUT n'New York, by Janes it HUler A YVlJUm Kennetly, aoc- Uonexrs: All thai certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate. 1 vine and being In the Nineteenth ward of the city ef New York, on the southwesterly corner of Second avenue ana Vonj -ninth street, and bounded sa follows: Uegipnlcg at aald ao nth westerly corner of Second avenuo. and Yorty-nlntti street; njn nlt'x thence ecutherly arena (ho westerly side of fleont avenue, uventy feet Are laches, thence westerly parKl- lel to Pdiynfirth street twenty ftet i thence no:theiiy F arallcl lo ftecccd avenue, and partly through the centre of be party wallof heme on sa'd premliea and boua*. next al* Joining on i&e weal, reventy feel Ore leches to tlie aontherly sl<*s of Ycrly ninth atreet; ther.ce easterly along the aoather- lythU of r«ty ninth itrcet twenty feet lo l».e point or place of beginning, asbl prrrnlKibMntf the tot nu*nbei* tereMeam (tl) en the map annexed to the hulldlnt contract hetwrvn Jotp.lx»werv and Al,n#on T.Jfaft*Uh& Jnne*;ttl*a natett New Ycnk, F.bru\rySM&W ' • . •• • ^ ^ u u f ^ i w J A M B 3 LYNCU. flherltt N'iTrua A, OaiaVtA Atiorofty. -, w w ^ fa * wt f_ orpiuiMK court-LKwia j.. wairc agt, TrtoMAS a O Brooks and other*,—ID pursuance of a JucUi JkpT*n«' Cowt or the ataU of Mew York. 1 S it , ssfo on the. pdi/ of March, i m , at U o'clock x., at tbe party wall sr ilea to Tldiiyseve&th street ant] through tho centre _. _ I aiiy wall ninety•elkhl fi el nine .M-hrs to the point of begin i Irn. Dated New York, February IP. I**AL jAUfa LYNCH. Kherlft K V. Cownxmr, Atlorney. febiyjawU S UPIoTiTir^imr--rVATfIANIKL CMAU.SOKY AND llenileita Cbauncey. surviving ex'ra, Acu atrt. JClwIn James and harah hi* wife, aod others.—Mo. 1—In puriu- arno ofaludgraenlcftho flupremo Court of the elate of New York. 1 will expose to sile, on the Itth day of .March. l*3l at 13 o'clock u., at tho Merchant** Kiclian^o In the city or New York, by JamriM. >IHIcr A Willi un Kennedy, auction- All that certain lot of Und, with tbe building thereon erect- ed, r.tuale In the Twentieth ward of the city of New York. coMin.er.riD,, st a point nu t)ie aouthrilysldeof TtiutysormUi street, distant one hundred sn.l thirty-three feet two Inch** ekrtoardiy rrom the southeasterly coroer of Thirty -oo veui h atitct and the Klshlb aver.ue: andnrnrdra thence eait*rardty along the ronihf ily side of Thirty seventh street alxtcen feet seven locheai thrnce touihwaidlr on a lint at rigai angina to 'Ihlity-Rcvenut street and ibrbUJth the coolreor tilnety-eliht feet nlna Inches; thence wrslwi f iairLl'el *1lh Thirty revinth street sixteen nrl.ee i thence northwardly en aline alright angles V>11i'iiy tcventh siieit ind ihronru the wtitro of a p*rtr wall ntn-tr* e'sU fovt nine Inches to the point of hr«v.n1i.'. D«l*l N'ew Y f k , Felnusry ly. 1IYJ. JAMK3 LYNOTL MentX, B 1'. CowPr...r, Att'y. frblSSaatu OltVNCK COM- .'liibe Ann Town* s*r.tV and others.—tn puriuaece of a Julvuie.it of the Supreme Cowl of tbe stale ef New York. 1 wl I expose to sr-lr. on the l.th day ef Varch. 1-A1 a*. 13o'clock H.. a'.the MrichsnU* Exchange lo the cliy of New York, by Janice M- Miller A William Kernelly, auc*icneers: All tbat certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, hint; una l*t'Prat'tn the aforesaid city of New York, aod boamlel and d.talbed M follows, I hat 1* to say: fleglnnlni at a point on ih,' southerly aide or line of Thirty fifth (fji)i) strret, distant thterhnudredaod forty two (31s) ftet wMterly from Ute cor- i rr formed by tbe Intersection ef the southerly ai Je or line of tl Irly fifth street with the wi-stcily dde or line of Hie Fifth (Mh)areLuet and lunnlnxfroinlheocesourheilyoaallnepar- Meorllnrof the BtUn avenue sereo- rlih cfa ,_. . wu-diy on allnr . fct aud never* CUty-t.HK COORT.-Tlli: IfOJIE IN.lOltVNCK O pany ayalnst Tapprn Townscod and "'--*-- _ 'rl wl'hinld westerly side orllnrof (he Etfi__ . Iy or.* tali thence westerly and parallel with Thirty fifth '•** 'intyonefee enuo afortr . . . sf.nihei Iy aide of Tljuty-flftb strc*t i and thence eafrterly aloag sa'd southerly side of Thirty-fifth a*. re*«t twenty one feet lo tbe petnl or placo of beginning. Also, all Ihal ceru'u lot, piece ir parcel of land iJtuste. lying and of New York, and boundrd and A« .._ nlmratapolnton the avoutherirst-jeof Thlrtyftfth street, dis- tant l bree t nndr rd and twentynpe C3I) feet westerly from the coiner formed by the mlers«cUon Of the •ouiherly line of thirty fifth street wl'h tbe westerly aide or line of the Klflh (ol h> avrnoe t and running f rom toroc* southerly on a line par* alltl with the} westerly aldeor line of Fifth avenueaoventy one tert; thence wcateny and parallel with Thirty-fifth alreet, kforciald twenlyone fetlj thei f -tiftt ahrci-ald twenty-one fee. I ihrnc. northerly an4par*l. 11 with nilb .venue afortralJ aercutr-oua frci, to sail i Ixlnr hi tbe aforr.al'l chy rj de*cillrerj .1 follows: Bealn r.Ue or nee nottherly tni ,arm>U-l Ir*on. feet to raid southerly rldeof tbeoco eas*.erly alon, aald. southerly vllb >Tfih svrtue rsveotrone feet to aald southerly .Id. of llilrlr-ftnh alreet l axnl tbeoce ea**.erty slop* said sonUierly •We of Ililrljrrmh itretl Iwenl/ one feet ta the point or pUee ._ Ilrooks aid othafa.—It! puTiusecs if a Judsroent of the Boarwra. Court of l b . at.la of Mow York. 1 "111 .xpc. to sal. on lb. mi day of, Hueb, l i o , at U a'elock tc, at lb, .illllerA.viilflamKeratiaUy.aoctiooriW ? - : , . , , AD that caataini Irk. piece ., pj^jj ,r jround -siloate, lylo, and bjlqi In Lb. NTpaUeaib war A <>f lit. #\r of flew Vorlc booadeij and tit icalbed as fottow, < Oomaaencb* at a aotnt on the ir-jlherly sld. of J'.rtyeUhl.atre.t. atlvtawt two hundred feet el*btlraclMsareitesly rrom th, •otitbwe.tcrly aoracr or tb, Secowl avttoe sod -rorty t f e e * t * . & t r t t and parallel vit tbmojb tb, cactra or a party wal rtMHcasj} and thelot stxt fett fjrv baeiea to t b , -4 paraUel avemi* and u>t |> tlaravnsl .. i3SgifWr S «,U aod.ruonlii* avtsra, and partly 1 oa lb, lot ber.br _olawf one batavdrad SrvS& t parailtlarlU, the of aparty wall lot neat sraai. T.tt^>TfW*Att-r. totti Jhlrly Uflb street 1 aad •Weoltl.litr-rmhttretl r , _ ofbecliiaLnc. Baled Mew Tork.rebruary i»ih lsra. Pi.«i.r, IlrruaA Paaaow, Att'yr. febUIawt, S UPMUKaOOUET.-OAl.OUrir.O. BIBI10P as*. AUCX. suderKyle, Junior, and oth-Ta.*.In pursuance of a fads- nxnA of th* Saptcme rJostrt of lb, lUU of H*w Tork. I will n POM to sal. on Ih. 11 th day of rebroarr. Ml at Uo'caocr. M . al th, MeJch.nl/JCaxbaa*. b lb. diy of Krir Tork. br Jarre. It. allTler A Kenneth;,aMtloneers: All that certain lot, pl*c« or parcel . f l u i d rrltoate, Irlnr and belli. In l b . rjibteenth ward of tb. tlty of Kew York, snd toonded arid ecmUlnlnr as fallows, to wit 1 Ilesdonlnr al a point oat th* noitherlr aad. of 1 hlrty Brat strrvt. which I* dUlaM two bnsdrtd u>d inrvrmtyn v . fea* weateriy frvrn tb* lcUtMCUon of th* Dortheriy aid, of Thirty Bra* strtaf with lb, vritoly Md* offlnh a vena. 1 UKOO. nuanln* north«rty paralltl vllb lb. nftb avena, rlrjeay-eliht feat and nlraw Jacbcaf tbetwowasttrly and paralUI arllh Thirty Bnrt tarwt tveoly AT. fe«ti Ibene. sonther.y and parall.1 vllh rtfth aver o. a/or era W rahaety^bu IMt and tain* Inch*.; tieooa f sstctly .ten, IM norlberlr M* of Thlrtyflrit •tr.rttjrrsnty. five feet toll*place of UalnnlnrA .Dated Krw Tork, Jama. rtJaJ. lf»». - JAMtS LTTtCOaari-r O.^wparr, A«. r- jtatMAawl* Th.sibj of th* a h o v , >ro*rrrtyUjK>i*r>(rs*d trata t b a l t s t propetir 1*. farther pc*»*cc*J tanlil —/U«t_ at th* Mta* hooraad aUca. * S CTWOfK OOnRT.-inWRJ- BstXTOORI A CI AW AX Anihooy Vowbtsj (tad others.—In tKjrraano, ofa JttfCfJ, ._ AnUtooyWowbta) and ©the nent of the Bwreae 0«rt of expoae to tale on the 11th day at the Werchantaf* lUcban»e Jaroes IL Mllier aad WllrUm All that ceitainlot of land, vrl.h'i sUoaledln therayof K c v York, bentft4.._ followi: B.tlcrli-y atapoint ontLMfomtH. ninth rttfet,dMajitooe hundred aod thirty the westnlysMe of Lexlrueton avenue] ron eilyalemr Tklrty nluth itrtet twenty fetti and parallel with *t*oxlnato*n a venae runety Cine Incbrs to Id" centre Hoe of the blockt tl ., and ca/aJJel wllhTldrty nlMh t*treet Iwettty rtet, and tbevice ct>iUerly and paraUH vita Leaincton avetjus mnety -<Atf*. fret and tlpe laeitti to the place of t^flnnlruri the eartniy and ttareoo. . ialolrst aa „ ie oT THrtj'. r e feet wee* of thence weaiV- westerry walla of the bouse on JJated Kew Tork. ttlmut 17, " hiuvti Bisaa, Attorney, i said lot b-?toit party wait*. JAXK3 hTVOlU fthertff. f t blT Ja wis S OPjrJCMK OOCRT.-WILLIAM O. Mt'RQCKJjC, ^XjltTTJ. tor, A c of JavrncaO. tYard.drceaafd. m l n i t rYathan 0. Jtatl and others la pttrsus f-oe of a ind«raeol of tha *<a;>r<*me Court of the state of ftew York, I will eipote to rile, on the I lib day of March, )8oX at U o'clock w , at |he MrrchavU' KzcLaotte In the city of Hew York, by Ja-ne* M. NlUerA Mliiltiin KeDnelly, aoctlonfcrs: Alt thosAf two certain Iota, i*teoes or parcels ef land, sltnata. triuond btlnrln ll.ehfcond ward of the dty of Kew York, knewn and OUtbrtiW.ed on a msp of the tiroptrtrof Aau ^yhlte, decea«4- tnade br WUbam IL I>ouJrtny. City htu- vryor, pod datrd In December, Ui^no-ron rile In the office of the Rer-sur of the t\ir end county of Ti numbers >)*. (Wind seven.7>, whieb tots tore w York by I be hir are boand- J l»7 lot knawn a the rear by -ITa of Nalhto f -vtiiatrriii, unr i qrhca In lrrrth, nlnxat a polr.I i diylsltn^fnetret ssiilNa.hinC.1 r>ti said map rs Muober fire (J), wrcterly ^ lieaue Alley, and southerly by land and bul __ I Matt, ccLtalnUa: In width fony four fe.t froot and rear, and ore bundled andonefrttar.d nix Inches on lljenorthrtiy side, ard one hundred and one fert on toeninSt-f-rtr sldei and ft I no a imr.li I Ir1|> utid t o n I'm r f lot rutnl^r flvoii; co s*MniO. cotjtalr.'ria one fool lo wttith aod twenty*rlilft fe«t and fire laQxhca In lrrrth, bounded and deerrlbed ai.follows: Dnrin tt on Uie Cirtcrly ftldeof Tl*eatrr AUcy. al tho between the northerly wall of the bu'ldinr of Un C.-rtaH and the aaauharly wall of the «.olu)lojoa theatre Alley asd Jierktnao alreet. now or forarrlr kno«n M pinion Uriel, distant one hundred and Ate:feet and three iDchesioiilhrtly froto the so'.iheastnly cortrr of Beeksrun street and Theatre alleyi ronnuiy thenco tiate.tr alonx the oi,lr>lr,n llnebttaeen said walls trentr tlsift fe*H and Dve leches: Iht-nce rouJbetly and riM-ai'tl wVulhestrr Alley ope feot to lot nurrtrer a<a on sa<d tuspt th* nd yr-'e.lr alone tie boundary tine betw%ensaid lot* buiobe(ed Ove and six tw,jty r!|hl fett and five lnc'uestoTh» , »Ue wleyiandihr»cce northerly alotr TheaueAHer one foot lo he place of be- llnuci*. Dated New York, ytbruary 15 *' J AMI I*awi» IfI'JVT,Attorney. CJfJPElTHE COURT.-KIIILfrUKRT H. MIL'S AtiD ._ CaUbBroithtVoodbuJI art. Uakemao Ifill, OfPrert tt-lU- Y*n and otters.—In rurauarjee nf a ludacoerf- of li*efcupreras Oouit of liit stale of New York. I will rrpofelosale, oo th« ti o'rtock in., at th* Mrr- -... _..<cw York,by Jamc*M.MU. . .. Kenntlly, aoctloficers t Ad Hiat car tain lot, plec*'. or parcel 0' lan^, with the build- KIU dar of February. Ihn, diarjU* Kichfinjrt lo the ci'.y of Ne ltr-A y N-w York, ar.d bound, d ar.d described as fallows : Ueirlnnlnf kt a point en the souihesly aide of llilrtletli street, distsnl eivhfy-t«o fed six li.rhes westerly from ihe s-vutawerteriy miner of Thirtieth rlreet snd the freond javennei runnin* lib the Fecond fcVeooe atvl partly Iftcuce i out her Iy t<sralUl eof a psrty wall eltl.ly rial quarter Inches; thenre weiderly parallel with Thirtieth atreel throiirhthercnlreof apsrty wallelil iftliVft five arnl on* •verdeeij fet t six Inches i tlienre north'Hy and parallel «»1th tlie- t'ecord a<enue eUbty els Id fret five and ooequartor llirhratotht routherti sldb or Thirtieth L\i"*eL anl thm^e e*>Met))'aioni ssld street severjterT. fett ilx lncbfe to the P'.'nt er place of beslnnloa, Uated New "e.rk. frbruary *, >». JAMI8 I.YNOIL BherttT. IlMMiT.Mrili'A WiMimnu Atl'ys. ftbllavti CriJ.rMK(*OUItT.--HANNAH PAIlVltf ajrt. tYILMAM O MrKvllysnd Htrfhtnion and olh-kn In parauanoa of a Judjrmul of the supreme Oourt of nt**% »t*fe of Nrw ik, I \*tllex;>t>je lo rale, on the Ztthdajfof IVb.-uir), tH<jl, ... , .•„ . - - . j . »t I'i o'clcett M., at tbo Mfrchante* Kicti^rye In the dty of N.» lork. by Jatr.t-s al. Miller A Ke;.r;rllr aurttonterst ,\ll that ceilaln lot* piece or;*arrtl of M.d, with the build li i r therccn erected, ritual*. !>,:>< anrl \y\bt in th> city r>f N<-;r York- bfMirdt'O srxl df»ci|ped ns f t / l ' ^ s : U«-»ftrinltif at a I n Int on the wentMly ri>le of the Hecond evrrnif, ilbtant one i):ndied and five feet tlt»<n and a r,uat||r IricL*"* southerly frr rr*. tl e ftciittmrsb rty coiner of lh1ttletl,{;Jr<et *r.J the He- rn.d i,vi-L'je; rui.rjlr.ir thenre we rrlerly parallel with Thirtieth il-rt., and runr.lnr partly thronyh the ctr*Sr of a pa»Hy walL otehucdr'd ftet; tiirccc southerlyi>araltj | with tlie K»con«l aier.u* Kvcrdcen u*.I six Irrl* i; tr.tnc,|e*#.i,rlyand parab 111 with iLlrlttlhlltett ol e hundred feel |o Ui" wralerlf side of the PeCond avenue, and the arc notthefly alonf raid a.e- riiif f.rvrnl-'in feet »1x Inches to th" point er ilacc of betVo- plisy. Dated Kew York, February a, I s * l | JAMK.1 LYKOH, Bhetlfl. UHMIJY, MIIXH A U'oot>nchU Alt'y a, j febSSawti. L Ul'ltLMrCOntT.-KTIIstLRKUTa Ml Li*" ANDOtf.V'Il l , I'll, th Y.0' dhliil K<\. H'saVftl.hn Hull. Andrew J. Ilutrh (rnvori anl others.—-In punt'ianr* of a Jud««n(iit of the ru- pn mt (Jourl rd ih* sta'c of New York. 1 TT til e*tp*>ee t o a i l e . or- i h e > l l i d a y of February*, IK/, al If o'c'i c. M . at tho Wer* rI.i*i is' Lxcbanyeilr. the city of t.tw Yuik*p| JAIIKI M. *I)I!cr A It* t r..Il)'. MII .li'Mci.: All that certain lot.pfer.* or parcel of land, wlUithelmltdlntw thincn erc.te.l, sltuatn. Ijl"/ aud b-li.e in th* city ot N<rvr Yotk. anil bounded aod described ai folf.ua: MecUiiuurat a ('(•Ii.! on tli«i M-iilherly side of Tblrtlfto irtreet. di.'a/rt slaty* five feel wiitrrly from the southwesUtlf corner of Thirtieth stir* I snd the iVcond avenu*), run nine ihcnr.e soulhTl r and [-i-'.lltl with tlio Hccond avmue clrhtrleirh. (*> f**et five ».n I one quarter Incbe*; thr-nre weMetiy and piratM with lllrtlelh street seventeen feet six lnel*rsi thrnce runninc noill eily.parallel with theHecond avr-nub and partlyU>ro;urii thu ceiilie ofa party wall, ebjbtjr.tlshljfeet flve and one- quarter Inches to the said souther!-- side of Tldrt'.eth atre-H i and thrnce easterly and aliwir said street sfrentern fert six Itirhca to the pfAinl or place of btabmlna. Oat-^d Nrw York, yi binary & lffi. JAM lit LYNCH, Hherlff. Jirtat'i.i r, MIUH A VYoODHrix, Att'yi. j feW3awU n * February, In the city In stale cur rtliij, hx'r, Ar., strt. Kdmund J. i'ctisr and pursuance of a loflfmcrjt of the Bupreme Oeurt ol nf New York, I will expose to rale on the .eUhdayof ¥t\ lwr* at 18 o'clock it., at the Merchanta* Jti _" of New York, by James M, Miller A Ketinel'y.auctlonrfrs: All those three certain lots, plcres orrarcelsof land, with tl.c hulldlnas lhei'on,a.tuate, Ijlnic and brlnf In the Twelfth Wardof the city of New York, and known on a certain msp niade by Oharba Olhtton. of said city, aiu-vryor. and dated liter rrdiCr, Ir--JL ulilrh ini\>\* now on file In tlir offlce of the Re sister of Ibe city and counly of New York, ai lota number- t i l t ' j eff.ur littr.ilrttl and s'-atj two.) *'*/ (four huvlr.'l aod sixty three) ar.tl i f ,\ ih tir buii'lr<d and »1ity four.) Ijinr be- t'tfnlourth hi"1 lliih aveiiuivarid between Ninety first arid Nlntly second strcits biurided and dta^rllrd ai follows; It.Klnu.ft: at a poltt on tbe northerly side i*f Ninety first ilrcti, diktant two bur.dii d ard fifty fi* e feel six Inchei and two-thirdsr>f an Inch eaatwardly JFroni the tsOttheastwardly ce-rnrr of the Flfllia.rnue sr.l Ninety fir at slr«-rt; and mrj- nh.f therreiionhwardlf on a line baralM with the Fifth m f line < lie l.uridred fett elidil Inch'i nnd one half of an lrtrh to the ci hire lit- e of tbe block between Ninety-Oral s*wl Ninety. ler-or.d rticti*! and thence raftwitfdJy ator.s »*ld cenire line t e v rdy nix ft it rlfhl Inches 'o l< f r.uinbir t'>l ('our hundred and rlxty.fl.c) on unit msi<; th- nro fontht* \rdly on a line pi.ralle-1 wllh the llfth ft.txur tine hi odrcl V rt el/Jii Inr'jr* anl onehr.il of an inch to Ninety f.rat airiet; art.) thence wr*i'.v*ftr'llj ftlor i Nil «-t> llr/tsteriI r-vrenty .1* f«-et e'lht Ul- rb*-*. totl.e plscc of beflnnhtr. I>^t*>-t New York. K/brnary e, 16*1 JAMI-1 LYNCH. Hherlff. WatKtltA!. A I.STTf.fO. Att'jS. ftM-SWtl Wnmt COOItT.--SAMI'IL V. lIOKFM^N^JrtrAN- \\ lUrnand olhtrr.—lu tinrwinoe of a Judgment of il.'. r!ut>rtrLcCf>ur1 of Ihe dste ot New York, I will etpofie to sale, on the i-th day of Kebnisry*. 1**K*JL at 11 o'clock • . , at ll r Mi-rclianle 1 Ki<*,anjre In Ihe clly of New York, by Jsji.ee W Miller A Kcnrrllv, auctioneers! AH that (tttabt li.dei.turc of kaa*-,beariiirj d»ij« on the first d. > of Matrb, lo'l, wh«rebv (.lortlna K. Jloriman and the SJJII i-fiii,u. I V. Iffiilmsn dlddi rnlue, lease an J io '.rm Ictimto lht"_i1ii Ardrtw \\ limn, and to Us executors, a'.mlriUtralort ami arslanp, the prniilsrs therein ar.d hereinafij-r ib-fy-rlbtd, aith the aipurtcuancer. f«>r and durliif at»d uoll(the full end ar.dlciiii of twenty o.'.c year a from the tint ilav pf May, lry^, fcr the ) early re r.i of t\\ ehundrr 1 dollars, an lit, whk*i teas* wrs c o M a l p e d e e r t a ' n er. v i u a n l s as to the rnscwal thereof ar.d ihe buUdlt.K Ibtieon t>% by i«fer(,ncelhi retojwllt asyeiri arid which i<tttu\ft are det*-rli-e#5 in aald leas? al follows i All tl t*t ct itain lot ct Urvd situate. IjUf ar»d belnsln the Nine- l"Vh v .rd of the ( Hy of New Y>'rk, betrx oart lof the land of ihe raid pi<rtier of tht? first part, and ilrserit«fd and con- tialiiMlaa folio* a; Coii'itirrcli.x on the westA.rly side of the y.lfhavcnue ill*',«f,t fitly let and five Inches soiilberly frofii tl i Lvtitthweateil) eonierof th* Mflli avenue ai*4 forty third a* Met; iuni,lns ilnny routhi-rlyalonathe we»teiiyaVtt: of Uie fifth avenue, twenty five fret, ther.ee *eirler.y parallel wltli l'Kitj -third itretl one hundred and twofe,-ti IherJ-e northerly parallel with the llfth aaCnnc twenty five fectt and thence eptlei > paiiallilwIiL Foil; third .trret one hundred ..nd two fn.l In the vraK rly s'de of the Fifth avenue, thi* plan of be- air r.liiTl ror.inlnluK In whin, In front and rear i*< nty flvc fit t, a ml In dt-pth on each t*1<1e or ** hundred and t*o f" t; 'o f ather with all and s!r<irular the « Iif.o<". t»r lr.l*-a»i and ai-j.ur- rr sr.r. sthrieui.to Ix-i'.inelrir:: and alio all covenants of re ri' wal In «M't lease contain, d snd benefit* iherco* I)*tcl New York. February r.th, l^i. JAMKS LYNCH, BherltT. K I*. Fim nt a, Alt'y. IcM3swt< C-UFRKMK COl'HT.-ltOIiKItT li. V. D t YEN PORT **rt. t ^ Illcb«r«i i'elt'n nnd o'lnrs.—In pursuance Of a J'-ITK OJI rit of tht FuprfiT, Court ol the s'.ile of New York. I wUl t>tt.-e to salr, on theVrth day of lebiuary. Irjvl. at ixoe'-ock H , j.1 the Merciur.'r txch-iuxe In t'ie caj of New York, by Jit' r* M. Hirer A Keiinelly. aucllonerrs: All thai certain lot of land s'.taatc. Ijlnx and brlnr In the »,il s u t l if tiiccK) of N>w York i btju'idM and deT/ritH-i aa P s k v s : Stecli.nlnf at a po*r;l "U the wratrrly line or side of tl.i Ninth *,»• mii-, d'tif-M c'eMy fi-t four Inchesuotthrris frt in ihe tifilh-ie rlerl) cor rati of the Ninth ave&ucaod Forty fi mihs'iert; iiiniiirii' lln nco wcsli ily en a line t>ar*lM with Feit; fourth »tr»tl eUlity fret, liieoce nortbeifi- on a Hoc pit rill! with PI hi Nfr.ihaifmiMsVrt.ty fett our Inchf thence er-stirlyon a line (.araittl w'lli raid Forty fuunb street and si' r.stiecfrdrelmcol the block tiahty feet lothr westeili ai• : *- ni 11 e Ninth avenue; ar.d 1 hence aouiotrly anil alont the raM ae»i»il> a'.tle f.f the Ninth avenue tpeniy f*et one loch in the place of bftc'iirilctr; t'£'.''her with all an I almutar the lei.etner.t*-. hriedltainef.taand at>i<urtenane*fa therennto be Irr fv'tiir or In tn>vlic appirtilninif. farti the leveraloo and n-HTfloi a, reOaiilni'i r and r< mniudeta, ri r<ti. l-:uei and pro- t\\r thereof. Dated New Yoik, Fi i.rn-ty»i, |*V.l. JAMfcCi LYNOIL flherllT. C. J. A y. Dr VVIIT, Att'js, fcbOxawU el m.u KaeUnie lu tho city of $?* York, by Junes M J.Jtl'ei A Ktiitielfy, auctlcnieis: All that ci rta'n loL piece or parcel of land, with the build bi.'s the-ietn, situat*-, 1>Inw and helnf In tbo Nlneie-»ntb ward fl ihe r".t o! New Yotk, on lie northerly side of rorUrth stieel. I cts-trii Ft'tirtii aveine and bcxln«lonavenur, l>ound- ed aiul ccr.tatr.lrirr I.J follows: Jlrrlnnlriar al a polot on north- ii.yltoonf koitlftli ttreeI. distant one hundred and five frrt w nriwaiiMy fiom the wtr* crly line of I,** r Inst on avenue, and icinlnc thence weatwardly alomt said northerly line of For* tk'h alreet twtnty feet j ther.ee nOrttiWardlyoa atlof parallel w!'h Lexlnxlon avet.u" nloely tlxht fret and nine Inches to the rentro of Ibe Mock between Fortieth and Forty flrrt slice's) thence eaatwaritlr along the ceairo of said block, and on a line parallel with Fortieth atr-.-i, twenty feet i ana tin ncr routhwardly on a lino parallel with l^ilnjrion avenue, and d'Slani one hundred and five feel westwardli Uierefroin, nliirly tlrht fett and nine lucl fi to said northerly Hoe of For* lie', he! reel, at the place of bfrlr.Mnc Haled New York, Feb- »u-ryUh,iMa JAM Eh* LYNCH, Hbtnff. E. It.'Fawcnuu Atlorney. feWUwts QUPHAMK OOORT.-WII.LIAM T. HORN, EXKOUTOR, P Ac. plaintiff, airt. Krolty V. Kirk and Vt lUlarn M. Kirk, her histhaut], anl Reuben Merchant, defendaola.— In purauanoe of a ludKUte nt ol lh« buprnne COUJ t of U*e a Uie of New York. 1 will expoeetoaale, on the fit h day of Febiunr/, l»»5i. at 11 chants'Eichanae ID the city of New York. o'clock v., at the Mtsrcl . *..- b| Jarats U, MUler A Kerim Hy, auotlooeciai All those six certain lots, plocee or parcels of land situate, lyirs and U-Inf In the Twelfth wardof the city of Now York, known andwdUtlnsulabcd upon a c*rti In tnxp entitled ** Map of valuable; property situated In the Twelfth wardof the city of New York/' dated New Yoik. AurneMKV' o.afe br KfHert L. Vlele, Oily Hoi veyor. at,«J loiendcd lo be file-1 In the offlc*. of Ihe Realm r of the chy and county of New York, by the ntLihf is )V-> (one hundred aod It Irty nine), 1(0 (one hnndrrd and forty). 141 (or>n hundred and forty one), m (one hundred and for'y-lwo), 1W (one liundrod aod foriy-lhice), and lit (one hundred snd fcrlr-tour), and which trtVrn Ifsilher arc iKjtmdrd anddi'scrlbcd as fol'owa, thai Is to rsy: Herlnnlnc at the corner formed tj the Interred Ion of the easterly line of the Fourth a vena* vllh the northerly line of Ninety seventh street, and runnin** thence thi /Tfe. _ , ...... , Fourth .avenueone hundre<l feet and eleven Inches: to the erateily sjotif the northerly line of Nlnuty-se.iftth street one hurdreil arnl fifty fr.t, thenco iiorthtrGr and parallel with centre line of the block between Ninety seventh and Ninety, clsiith strtetsi thence wtMcny alonf said centre line and psrallel with Ninety seventh s'reet one hundred and fifty fret to the easterly line of the Fourth a?enue [ and th- n-re SOUUA. ciiy alonrtt'O essterty line of the Fourth avenue one hundred fe«l and eleven Inches to the place of beffnnlnsL And als» all the rVht, title and Interest In anil lo one-half of Ninety, seventh street and the Fourth avenue ID front of ao1 a.lja- rrnltothc above described lots or parcels of land. Dated New York, February 6,1W2. JAMES LYNOIL flhcrtrt J. H. Liwarac-x. Att'y. feboSawU UUPRKMK 00URT.-l.LI7.AhKW IL UNDERHIIX* O afalmt Jacob LRUo and othera.—In pursuance of a Judar- ui:*tolthe Buoretoe Oourt of the *Ute of New York. I wtQ expose to sale, on thellthday of March, l>njt al !> o'clock. H., at the Mr,chants' Exchsnte Io the city of New York, by Jrn.ts>L UUlerA William Ketuiellr. auc^^e^rai A certain indenture of lease l>eartnf date the 1UL day of Ftbiuary. IKiLiuadeby Cori.ellus Tlebout Wllllarni toHvn- uel 11, Htirxlrsfoi the term of Ihlity ie an from tkefirrtday of Mar. UCL of the foltowlnc described prnalaea with the ap. purtcnacces. Ihal Is to say : AU llrat reitaJn lot of land stw- alN I) 1 M and helniln Iho Klfotcenth (formerlyTwelfth) ward of Iheclty of N o * 1 ork. beirlnnlnf al a point on the sootlt- carterty line of Union Place, dlstaot one hundred and fire* ft el ncitbeaslirly from the easterly corner of union 1'Jace and Mxleeiihilree.t; thence runnlny aouthMateriy ona line t»sr- allel wlthMxteer.th street "tie hundred and twent* rtre fe-rl j ther.co notthcasierly en a tine parallel with laid Lnlon f*iac« twenty six feet, il-eiK-* northwesterly on a Ma* parallel with Hbteiotii ftreet ore hundred and twenty Dve feet to the louthtarteily liteol Union 1*1 acei and theoco sotithwewteriy shirt Iho fkine Iwcrtyslx feet lo the place of bextnolnf. f'onlrlrilnf and to conialn In bresdth In front and rear lw*n- tyatxfreLaLdlolenfth on rack aide one hundred anl twetv ly-irveffet| toartter with tho renewal and renewals, cove- nants and eyre* merits In said lease contained, which lease xssduly recorded in the ofhrc of P.es;l-trr of the city and county of New Yoik on the firs* day or April 1531. In liber III of Conveyances, rare II. Dated New York. February li, If*l JAMES LYNCH, rthertff Ai ram Kni, Attorney. febUlivta UC1'R**MK COURT.-DAMkL IX)RD AND OTH-SHil, fj TrusUca, Ar., of Benjamin De Fores* 1 * dc*&ea*od, aat. Wil- liam If. Kneepfrf and othera.-In purrAuanot of ja iQdfwieejl of tbe J-upretxe Court of theaU.4 of New Yortc, I**tiUaxt>oae In *>•!* ran tVi • ill. A a V nf U*ar«-Vi H-*"i* a. t O ClO*"k K-. SA to sale, on Ibe ,Ui day of March. 1W1 at the Merchants' Kxch-anrs In the oily aors In u«a otty of Itew York, by Jamrs M. MlilT A Kennelly. aewUcoeees: j.Ilthat ccitsin lot. piece or parcel of land, with the b-illd- Inss thei con err ct eel, situate, .Tint, and beln» In the *tt,dji*e**n-h ward of tbe city of New Ycrk, and bounded and de^e^Ved as followr, hat Is to rayr Ite«inblof at a p"lnt to the s-JuUjerty line of Fifteenth street, dlatanl serenty• one feet waslerly froau tin corier formed by Ibe IntafraecJton or the said a-uth- crly lire of Flfuerdh Mrrrt with tbo werterty line of lite 1 list aver ue, acd ruonlrx thence aonthertj and para'l*) with ue one honoi !ne of U»e Ihe bock trty ar.d parall, | w.tt,iK« satii His* arenite a n i l sh the centre of a ceilaln party wall one.mi.nflred aOd red and three feet and three Inches thesavi ,. , . . . _ ; tbaneo rrrthrily ar.d paralt.t with the said His* avenue and partly the lln* avenue one hoi .... . to the centre line of Uie block| thenc*" weaterlr rJonr c'r.tre line ol the b'ock (weniy feet a»d rbrhl Inchest tb»n< Ibreo feet and three Inchei to the said sonthetly line of Ftf- eiith etreelj and ibeucc eart.-rly alonf the s i l l southerly * rt«iy feet arid rtjrbt Ine^et, W>J*e _ . party w, _ . imiiJnrthronib the rentreof ealrt.part/ p'ict or placet be lire be Irf a p llreof HflciT.lb street K.*, v .-- --.-.-„ of betlnnlfif j ihe wrsvrty will of said dwrtHea party watb and Ihe went* rir sM» line of said lot lb the rentreof aald party wall Paie4 New Yerki Fetmarr Itth. IhtL JAV>^ LYNCll. Shwrltf. rVrisnl TJaFoaairr, Att'js. fe*df)*awu S UFREMK COUaT.-ADkL DKNIBON ACAIN6Y FBAK els Anthony Arlols and others.—In purrjance of a Judf iwni oftheHopretneCooilof thestaiaof New York, I will ex- pose to aaJr, on the Uh day of March, lo>L at It o'clock M.( at tbe Mercharts* Kicliaofo In the rity of New York, by Jsn ea M. Mlllrr * Kennelly, anctlooeera: Alllhatcaertalti lot, piece or parcel of latvL aod the dweJl* Ir* houie Uiereon erected, altua-ed on the northerly ride of Thirty third atreet, between Madison avenue and the Vowtb aveiiue In the clly of New York. botinelecL rl^fcrtbe-liacdooO' tain Ins- as follows, to wilt IX flnninx at a point on the north- erly sideef Tbiily-lMrdstrceLwUunlonfl hundred and forty- three fert and/line inch's easterly from Uie corner formed by the eastrrty side of Madlaon av«iu»axdlhe northerrty side of Tblriy third streett and lunr.Jnfiherw^norUierty atd parallel with Xledlscn avenue to, alonf and In ecmllnnauonpt Ibe centre tine of the party wall now t4an4tnf nbetyeVil feet and nine tr.cb-rs to Ihe middle Hoe of the Mock i ihcace east. ftlv aloof the releidle tine of the block eaAVe*m foet Aad nine ircJeaj tlxncesCraUierly aivdnaraJl*Hwl^kij^ii*« ave»o*to, alorsrand in c<.r.tlnuaUon of the c-coiraJinaof toeparty vu row standLci ninety slxM foel and nine bvene^ to Ttdrt/jt-bsni street, ard thence westerly aiot>*r.tba ivorthertrsi third street edifateer* feet and nine laehee to the alnnlnf i the easterly and wewUrty ,r*a%Mjssi4 da betof party walla. I>atc4 New York. J^*^**^)' . Auaxi) IL Coesn.a, Attorney. O UFRIaflt C0URtL-t3LA- jSSiJSL acL aiLBJtfiT IF, D telth arid Clara hi* wife, and others.—In peirsasioc-s of a Ju4arn«*t of U*o ^opremi Court of tie aUU pf ^ " ' wB£ atela fn of "'fjAiv« f ataaWiie/.- A stnqvnrs DALK or \kw+ta.* nor JX .rxkrsVB.il vll! rtu al paUk aaMtbo. at U gtecra ~ liiTtm tUlIM rUr ' VltnSi InX at U o'clock at sxwra. (.%. U. 'laUlrw, auc iWsj^l.Uma sriVh II. - ; .-^fatjlar. UsLatia »5cis5SaJ_i5 is* 1 "*** «f t«so.'r. *ffr .Ic^aaTaatl offtlIW .... . , ... . , .A, Icrawwa a* BtTObrr 'U»l>rt>s4»ar,"sri botrntit'rl SA)rita<TlH4s*la*1..ll HrrrJt,ol». st s ».lr* rvneri br li, farrmMtitk, if lb. west- salr lias of ItooaAwar wnl, tka smtbertr bo. of OMtar siitaai ratitlr.iUiirc«r.ort*«r|.|JcfaUrtiali}w«t«t, fin. nTltioa.. war Aft,.* (rr* a*vrnMl) n*v o» lalrlr a^Uavrtti* I* If. •"M- *fi!" a> >!{»•», <ls<;«*ws41 lUrtca vsaaertj al»« IU sjaaiirrlr tin. o f l l . MAtrnpftir wf t S . « a u of Joraa At*. Kor. Arcrafw*. IM ft** i i l i m nottaarlr aaaaa thi rvar lia. of lb. twotaxtr of It,. Mid Mr Kor wtai. ilatM-i jr.**, a*4 fir. Ir***. j |UM< wratar!r alfM siooMlr new ar liWrla. focadrv, to lis strut, or psoCl A, I)sai,Tl»c»a»wl. Bftr. lour fret faarlorl,,. 1. Lb. sasljrrtrUa. *t T«.r>ll rtrvrt i lh«r>c.K*'J.rTlralot|U>a,art*rl/Ui|,of J>*a*lriSr-r<tUrt/. U.M. fsrt lo lb. aorlLolj; lln. of 0«*Ur strvMi it r s a ' r i t / . l . T X t M B o r l b r r t j I t o s o f OccUr rr*rr«< oo« ' srd ftf Mm. frat to tl.. rtacf of buraailu, b. cliurr.rlr r.f morr or lf,«. AorJslaosO lit ruu. ttu. a*4 la* Itnrl wliitl.ll.,lii-*Ur,>Mrl.aaai*tnKOI**kl lloffct.' bat tlirarfa or leer etc, nri-Icr or br rirturol. srrlaJo r-iiht U s i l c i <J»i* on Unialrl rirstfarcf Ms,. IrJAI, aaa rr- c^rdrdlo t b e o a c o f tb, ArsUcr ot tl^ clrr aot courrtr of t i c trri.aplrr* u r u of t»ml|*-»f irari'rom lbs 1st da, nf Mar. in*, si rrrsttA 1* aad br a rsttala to-l^vut, ol Iras, t-r arlr r dale on l b . 11*11 dir sfs-rb.orar.laJi. road, b-r sad txtvrui Mil/ Ana II, JJflab Slid l l f n /otiDr-oo. ll.rsarrt (iln-on «.d Jol rj f>. (JlSMcn, Qatb*rl*(Jtorrow, and .OM.1I ll. rrvwr of tb. fl ul oarb ar.d lJorac. Aald. of Lb, ar e n d r rib of.In aid loil.r un-llildrd tvitr. afi-wntb -.ul, of all Ibat cartaln tirr.r or (.am I 01 l*r<l il'.tiala.l.lnf -Mid Winr *o llf isld 1,1 ward of lbs Hlr of Ksar Tork. bounds^ aod da- ctll*d ai Mil*!; brrlonlnr on lb. wraUrlrsld, of ftroad wajr al a point dlrtsnl fmif.ii fr«l nortbijl/ from tbr nortliwrvl rllj c*.ui, r o( Orlar rarr-rt and fjroarl.sr. Mlsrad fornrr-tr of lb.rir, Wairoi riim.lrr, ibrnt. wcaLcrlj aloo* aald Ian* <f florae. JI aldo on. liitnitfod fci two lncbf-*! I'UMK* r.Mlbc,'; axd |,lal>t, c-r i.rirlr so. arltb Urvld.aj, and ab-rr ssld lu.<l of lforac. .Isldoilstrsn frvt icr^a Inr-br, to Tl llir.ra va,ttrl). atlll alfOf laid land cf Mora;. corlitri ILrnca wa.ierl>, at r.railr rata IF r fret .. o. ai>4 llirnct eaat^rlr llonr said 1st! a r t t b i . f d I,r-.fi. snd rtaraltn. or n^srlr so. wlib Orilar »t,f it or.rbur.rlrrd scd iml.tl tlx lotkrs U Brbsowar. and IbftLCS l o u l b n l r alms ttroadwar iwrotr fir, IrH tbrr. tVa'rlo, arM parallf), or r.rartr .o, .I'hf.'.dlr rlrrrtc-n - } * ^ar.tel kxiaahi the Brosnway. aJ» _ ft elrot !ncli«t/> erU.er la rr-'ily cf laid Ilciare Waldo, and Ih-rnre easterly rjooi »l la IIU, •IJtl . n i a i i r i , br i nil) *-';, w. t u a r-j»i r<l-rrv V to lar.oc.ow cr late of ihe estate «f L>ar,tel It. JJaahi thenco prrtKeify paisUVI, cr nearly rrxwit'i Brosnway. sJ»Di iu. tart TMitl-ned land eLU feet eVui net ei u» other lan-1 for. imfifi to tl.r place of tHiriorjlnc, t«f the f.Vf Mrr-al fj IDS en slf ni Mt rt* or Ira*; loirrthrr with the saldi i susd condltlooa tn the id all adiania*j« and r-e-n^fll ndenlore ' salefln. . DS li-ere or Irai; loartLrr with the aat and all the rtsuMS, r-ovenanii and ooodHWoe tn th d* t,iurr of b sir (chialrxd. and all adianiact aot wM rf tt.-OO,payable ejaar- tuly. )l.e said ItU d>*ierrtl-e*a preniiifs are known by the rtrrrt LUDil-er of 127 I'road way, and s-'d leaa4 Is r*cornVel lo Ihr e.riiee **>( the tteciitrr o| the city and countr of Kew York. In Uber U.f e-f Ccnujsnfa virt '.(• I)audf(ew York. Ulh rKANCia >r. WAU>O. A*-»'r.ie«*of Horace Waldo. -^b,^.. COt'KT.-DAYII) II. OARY AKD AKO •»1.r*»t Bkbaid I'rlion snd o'ra.—In purv<ianc« of aludi QlTRlhSr. O *ra'i-.»t Ckt.ain I'clton snd o'ra.—In purv«ianc« of a Judy- rr.icl ef the frrupitrn" Court of Ihe state of Hew York. J wfll rapcoe to rale on tbe 4ib day of *.lareh. \>M. at II u , al Ibe klerrbant*.' l a o i s n e e In the city of hew'York, by t II. Ludlow A Co., aur<u».-rcw-r.: All that certain lot, p'ece or parcrt of land -staato, lylnt sr>d l»rtr a In tb**Mi>*lerrth ward of ibe rity of .New Vors, turd boundrd ai-d drrtcrtt-rd a> fjlloai: Il**»rtnr(in| al a Irulr.l In Ibe easterly I'ne of third avenue, wbkh li d t»l sol fortjc>nf ftet and a*-ven loch*** rotitli* e-tiy from the sa.uibrajteriy iorn*T of Tultd avri.ue ar>d Klhy second ilrcrt, acd ruoolns; thenre oaMotiy paratlei w|li lift) M-eontt street slit) four le*H ar<d im Ir.rijana. (part of the dials nee iLrr/uyh a party wall); ihenre s'niihirtr r*ar- a.bl wlih Third avmue ulnete-eo fs-rt and rUrtit iftcbt«( therxe werteiiy parallrt with )inyfar-oof,., atreet eJalj lour I wlih Third avrnoe olrnt-^Ti ree werteilr parallel with llfiy tu-i and ten li-cbra, (part of the dlatarve Ihrouyti a Party /all) lo the n • '" ..--.*>.. rottlii r1> aloni inli al : said < 14 t Kitrrly ^.. rlsMtncbe I)al-^J^ew Y o r k . y . U u a i r L IMl CIIAKDA rt van ynF jrn A. f a u n a . AU'y for 1*1'fl*. f+tyy Istan t tjl TUi.t tlte or aide r>f third avenue a.:nil aide er Hoe of T)*lr>t asemuei"and lh*>ne# we of v. : plf.il.rn trH snd^tlbt tpclrfOtO tAr prtol or plaoa of b*V.O le4f nhiK. DhVKT. H>fire-5 ftbMawu QirnKMl; C0IJHT.-P1IILIP Y. hMITII aat. TIIIX)UfpHK 0 C'l.rljttan and r-lhrrs —In punuance tf a jodk-rwnt of U*€ fcui'ievae Court «*f the si ale of (tew Yoik. 1 wiflrspoae to sal* 1 !, on ll.e 4U dsy ot »,*i. li. | i , at ll v.. at l'.e Mrrchsr.-s' Kirhai re In tt.e dly cf New York, by L. II. I>udtow A Co.. aurtWaf.ics: / li Ibuwr c*rtaln four Iota nf rround I/Iof anl Wine In the *Jd ward ef t|ie> illy of New York, ••••un-!.'! a/vl *>ciA*biH as a* t»liiws, vlr.: 0>rnT,rnrli.s* at a point on* bundrfd f»*il es»t fie m r.t'rtl.ri it roit*rr of Tartfth avmue aad Yorty. risl-th slrrrti tbt-t-r*i nnidr.r rsuVriy alot»« f,n\f r-'^uih stfai te.r.el uu'lr.-.] ft»t; tlu r tr twwibcriy pBra'lH withTwelfUi f vcr.ue on* 1 .ut.dr-d Urt Are Ir «lii*s to Ui* c-*nUe line of ilj« lent : lb«-tr# wntfrl/ one hundred fr-«ti U.^r.*'*' soulVrly rre hutOrtd feel fire (nthrt t o t t e pokst or olAvJ-eot* be«1o- r.fi,iti Ift'lliir tsUls all and alnaular tbe e>liAota l-uliellnta, rtrb r.ir.tmlM-ia. tr1rllrs«-s anrt si'P<Artri.arJf4< t'x^ednio W lor rb /ft Ir. *M*lir- aipr*ub.1:»r and also alt tl*** ntau, i!*->!, t.'lf, Ir i n * rt.trrm cf ye*.n ytt t" mme sod u'.eiplr-vd, pKcnty. i-f*t*ra,V-n. r l s l o ard oVenand •"hatrrtr. at wril In law i*r In ciuttj. ol thraald Theodore Cbrlrtlan, il. 1'ianl in III'JIHJ'I inemltr*. atM creryrart sni parcel iterecf. with the at | urte-Paoeer, ii'der a e**italo IndrrAttre of lr»»e of 1 lit i kid pie-ndrre ly-t* ije-'i'.t^d. War Ira dal** tJir fir;t i*»y of May. l-VC. worreiiy ftrad lab Johnson ei.ti,V<T. Ifarr-d ird-'O T-rni b*. to Ibe »\11 T6*»> rtor-" ('br!*vtlan and tc Lis e irruwra a4a.1otstrai.rri and artlrT s all arid i!r-rn]»r the a^o.r e*e-sertt*rd f*r»vriU.a. with tVe'r si purl ensure a, for and d-jrins and until tt a full f-t*l aid tern of ftp.year* fr^tr the first day rf M«r. l»-»0, ylrMlnr aiel r h> Ir/ theref*" ui.to ili^ ra'd Itradlib Jotat.son aod to h.i r> ro>torr, adiiilnl* ratois or »' 'n>>. the revily rrol or mm of .thn tf Imndred sml twrr.tr doUara. ano »*fery dauar, artU an<1 rcneVltloo In (It* said ir.d^.lore of l**a>» r i p r r a c s - d con's lend. Hated New York.Vtljniarr JtbjlWf. JOHN T. itOKFUaK. R'f«wee. T. W. (iMK-j»tiiiiarjL Jr« i^abAUTs Attorney, febTlaats UirW:MIuOpUIiY.-AMKLlAY.IU0nAUaf»4. ANDEKIY 17 v\'Ila*->n a n d o t h e r s . — I n p u r v u a n c * ot a judgment of the ftuprertie Court of the stale of h>w York. I will ei|>ote los*.1e on the Ulh day of Harrh, 1*0. all) o'clock v . al the H T chardB' Ksrhamre in the rity of New York, by James M. AlU- ler A KeraneUy, aoclcnr-rra: All Uiat certain lot, piece ©r parol of landsUnatc. lylor ar.d lT.r-1 In tl»e NlneUe-nth ward oflhecily of .Sew York, and l-ovjiiflcl as rollowi ; iwirtonir.e at a p"li.t In U.e a*vjt!i' a 'l)' line of forty seventh alreet, distant two bun Ore*J aid aeven fe*1 and twolnel»*rt wrttrarrtlr frovtihes/uihwralerlycornr-r of forty Mvcnth stre*rt and Kuth aie'.ur.ari rj ntnotttc thrnce southwardly parallel wlthfifih a\e'iue ooejiindr«*ei fe<*i f1»e Incl.ee to ll.e reclre line of the block i lboi.ee wrrtwar.lly aloi-aaald centre Hoe I w r n l y - o n e fe*rt ft * t inche*fi llir-nce rHutliwardlr parall*-! wlih llfth avenue out Imn-lf. «1 f-* .-t five !r*cne* to tli** pontoprly line of f o r t ) s e v e n t h rtrert. and tLenee eartwsr dly aloe s Ihf same, twrnty ona fee I Are 1nr!.*»s to Ibe point **/r flare of bmaoloa [ 11** eaaterfy an] wc*:erty walls el the house on aald lolbrir* A. II. Uriiiur. IlslDtlffs Atfy, rttfle laud l 'lT r "- bOOCHT, R-'**rte. fcb!61awts TV'I-W YOBK HDrREMECOUKT.-V.IM.UM 0. litrm X.y arilr.il 7| orrsi 0'l'l f> and (•tbi-m —|n peireuanoe «/f refer n ade in title e^ an order n adr In Ibis cauae. will t>* nold uoder tb* rtbrvnloe) of the wibrcrltKv, i«fenee,al pubetc aur*.J'-n. at Uie Mfr«^.a/AiaT* Kid., i ,f, 1 :• lire clt| of lie w York, on Ibe first day of March. Ifv«( at li o'c'o<l. at noon <>/ that da), all tH.t rrrla^a lot, pier* or patrrt of 1ai**t, alfunle, lyinc anl t>rln« In liw He l e t i 111 waid of tl.feiiyof I»ew York, lir*ln*inpa> koowti *-J r.umber rrjj Yront »tre«t. and bewndod aa f"llows, .ir.: Itvslrirdr.* at aoolnl on tbe n'-rtbfrjy *'*d* ofYf^^tatrresLd-i tai.i ihire bnodn-d aid forty tine fert f«iur ir.rt.es rilvfoet < Urliesj weale-rly frosn a ooiDe/ f«rrJ»»d Irytbe Lort**eHr side of rrotit rteeet snd ibe wirtr-tlr aide of Walnut p',r<et| thenre riinnlris wcet#r1y alot«s tin- cortbrrty sld* «»f *'ror,t atreet sixteen feit elsbt luchra elC f-^e-l h lnCaV-s>j th•«*<*" nottherly In a llr.* at rliM arutlcs lo front at/ert a-1. (it| l*-rt } 7(). lti<*Lrr e artrjfy In a llo* paxallil to front slr"-l rlt'/rn i I elrlit IneJiea (1€ fr«-t r> inches): and ihe-ve s?utherlr In a rlraJihl line to tbe plat* of trrlnilrr. Ittdrvil r*e w York. ffb.it. IK-*. MOsSsti 11, SlAOLAY. Rrfirr*. W. O. IliTTH, AU'y In perron. fcl^ -ta»ts OUPR1ME OoijKT.-JEANSrTYK C. BRA M l SO KK axL p John Kennedy. John C. I*»ic-", D a n i e l H S e p h e t d and Mar; IL bis wife, I'et**r Lynch. 1 term an n Bomiao, fUiward li/ooV rick andJohp V. bn»drrlrV. In purroan<*e erf a loinurnt of ihehuprr-rne CounofUte i-taXet </r>ew York, mad* alaf*|H-rt»J TeTio th<T*H»f. before the Hon. Willi am II. Is*-jnarc.. on Ihf "r->l day of Yehruary. A. Ir. I K i 1 will eapoa* lo sale oo the Irrti da* of Mareh. A. U. lf>rj. at 13 o'clock a., atthe Meccbanu 1 krcbar.re In the d « of New York, by James M. Miller A Kennel'r, aurtlor»er«s: Alltl at certain lot, piece or parrel of land rtlaele. lytrue an4 l«ii rln the city of New Ycrk.boonO'd and d**-aU>vyl tvafob I.,* •: Conunriictnx at apoirif In the northerly llr.« of forty- aetenlh atre*H, dirtaril lt)re* hundred M.d a'.s-'y fr'rt ran/iiy df thr rarterty l!r>r* of the r**vr*T)tli a v e o o e i r u n o l n a tb**tn-» nr-filrrly snd parallel w,vh (he PricntH avetiae one fitindrrd fe»t flic Iwliij lhrr,e*a eaa'rrty and paralM with foi^y. ae.ctith r-trrrt twenty frrt; thn.re soulberty atd parallel with I lie is Tft>th aw nu* on'* |it,nar*c) fr«t fir* inrh«« to Uie nortbetly line of forty**, vrntii airtrti !b**r.cf w r « i t r alone tbr same twenty feet to ihe (dace of Ireainoloi Ibe eaririii ard wiatr-ily waili l-e'.r-r parti wa'U ; b*>1nr i L ' am,e pr*rn.»cs rrtiveyed to fracrti Hntif by llenry I*. Il«r*klry and Ko«lna his w|fr,bt deid eaU-d the first <Jay cf OV^Ut-r o n * U,o-OiAr,d rial.I hundrrd and Lfly a**ren. aod rfC'orJM In tb* ofTlc-* of Ko'iie-i of Ihe rlt> ar»d eriunty of New York. In liber H o. Til ot i.'oo\ryanc«a. rare KA. Kovesati-r 4. IJaVt, at thlili mb>utee part Iwo o'clock In ll-r-arlrrn'-on, artd befnr ir.esunic pffinU*, ror,,r)»d by Uie ssld franrii Ii/rn«.' aud wl'cto the said Jolin K*r.tvo'y. I y dred daie*t th^yiddaf of A turn .L |K*it*, and jr. rou'fd ir. t|,r r.'hc*' of Ih* ll/nlrtrr of t h e rtl) a*,«l o u n t y of tit w York.lnlllr«r of Corneraarea, p-r*^ , on the W day of rVrtin.bii. In Ibe ) c a r l w, Urt/d N« w York, frt-maij HwArtZ RioiiAitn h. KMMi:r. it^frrr*-. U'CibrwiK A WiiAist, Il'fls' Att*}a.- feblSVawit JUPRKMKCOURT-CITY AND COUNTY OP OKU YORK. Daniel liedrtl aat. TOtirnaa R'».>a'« and M'-eir-Ir, pur- auitr.rc t t a Ju*larreut of thr Hopretre C'-utt erf l h « »ta'e of Ne* Yrrk.rnadc- In the aVjve*tiUUe-l'actlon,eJfcU-I tholllh day of frbiuary, A. t). |a«*j, | will * xf"»f* tot air a* pwt.Il-ia.iie. tlor.. at tbr M'irbaM's ^acbar.te In Ibe r'.ly of New York, o a tir ',..,<!h- of Mareb, A. I». !••*"*. at I'J o'clock ».. by J ai nee M. MII'T, aijtli'_nfrr, t',r f..!',owlr t-4tn"M» pntmlaee: AH tlat rrrialn lot, plrr*« or p*»rO-*1 of land ••ttnt«\ lylni and Wins: in Ibe tI#l.t.*-nlh ward of th* rtij of Nrw Yort, and *b1en Is known ar»d dluinrtil*Seil upon a rrrialn m^p In- scribed tui»r*-me C<mU In Equity, Jamci idd ,r »ar vs Mary fi Urt* n andotbrrs. !>. r i r e J MI nary 'Jf., 1*C.:. Mac of M l and wadr rlyhU .Hutted In the Klh a: d I si. wardiof Ibe rity of .New Yoik, b<lor.jr*ni l o l i e ertal/- Of T-iOtOM II. Nulih. de ctfttrd. ar( J ro'd urider the a'-ov* djp/vee, lleruianu /iruen, esecutnr of ILornaa If. Kenilb. IS Cwnhrrl*~nit. i* frree. Ar.. Heri.rjcd JVbniarj, ]»-.**C, by it »/,!•! )>M». Cilj Hurt* y or.on file In thr efbre af tbr ft,e>.*'er of Ik* city and c u e t i of Nf w Yoik as lot nun,brr«d it*!! two )uiu<li«d and eUbt) l«o, he* Ycrk, rilrtoarj IZ.WX II. L E I f l N O W E b L k V f . r r * . C.J. A C I » w » n . n ' g ' e A U * > a _ : I*bisSawte NOTICE. Kale o f t h e Terr*- llante Alton and Kt. LOHIS. !Ullroa<l T3Y VIRTU. O f A DECREE Of TilC CIRCUIT COURT J>..f l be Uallrd m i i i fee tbe JV-t.tJ.efri Iristrtrt of UJlrvla ins cause In Cbanrrry th**rels drprnOlnir, wtaa-rrin A* art ah 0, n a n s r d Others SJ* comp.arnarrta, and i b e T r r r e Haul-*.. Allon and N Loull JUtlroso Coapany art defrrj'lanU. And purruaLl toalT, suiiiluy drcree ol U.r Ctr*~u!i Court of tbe UliHrd fvtatea for U.a iJMibioi !ivtiaoa. In a c m j i r <!' :•*:> 1 lox In Chaorcry In tbe saifl O^urt, wbrre.rj U»* aaio* parties areco.np!ali}ariU and defa*danU rr*pecllre«y l ajln tbe rauae first abeve menlkmed t 71,* uiidnstrnrd. Aisrtsh C. flsalf.tht rrarrtM |n trust, and truiUeoi lb* rnortaate cr deed of inirt p*al*btU*e Yrrre Ilaote ar*d Alton Railroad Conpanr, and Jobn Wilkin- son, tbe rrart*e In lru*e, and truit*-e of tt*e m o t i f w e or d<*ed of Iiu»1 made bi tbr iMllrviIlc and llilr.' tstown Railroad S 'ltLpany, u t ^ n w b l c b n*ortca*r«*s or deadi of urutft t b * s*-M uices are fo tine eel, in thrtr said eat>artty as UUAU »•». rf- aprctlvcly, and also as ac^claJ n-a-nrr cooimlaal-'nins of the S l as apertal n-a-nrr cooim'*«w»Wnin« Ot tab! Courts rrtpcrtiirty. duly appointed ty the aaldf>/ort-i rr#^rctl*ely for that purpose,wbI a*tl) at pabfi/. aurtlon, atthe OH; Hsll. In thr rity of AIUTV, In the stale of llllooU. U ibe bl-tbr»t bidder, on the twrritr firs ider, wa the twrpty-ftrst dar erf March. A. V. 0015 ,o*and rtsrhl hundred aod rJaty two, l*r(»»>en Ibe b*^j " cV . . ..'^irs of ten oVlr»tk a. X, and four q'tlocr t,u. of the a*b3 day, u.e foiltiwlrrdrvcilbrej prexert/.to wil: Ibe rai'rcsd of ibeeald Terr* Haute, Alton arvd fit Ixruls RaMioadCoirpanv, < it< t.4 &i from Terre llante In Ihe stale of Inulana, lo Kwt Ht Loult, or |illt'A»v.-n In the siais of Illinois, snd froto Illlnoiatowa to Lylevlll*. and frvm the JunrtiriploAMon.intJ^frtal'of UHpOta. b^Vidir of way therefor, the read_l*d thereof, an*) all IL* I and a, real IrAcVidirx the ri*M •... ii.- I'MU nas vi'.. r-of. a/) 1 ) aJ] IU* l*nd», raal **tt»t«', rsliaaja. rt»bij of way and Ian4 orr*.{iied tbcreky, va It In Ihe aujK-rwlnirturee and tracks 0/ all aorts Uiervon, llf wa'rr and other aiatl^n-botasra andahopa, and ti»e lands pounds cotiiecte4 ILcrcwHb. ar.d aJl rail* SJ.'I «tt>*-r p. rtsU utt-d thereon, or prorurtd tijertfor, a*d all the toils Imilrrnrntsured. cr provided to be ua^d tiirrr on, a»i s?nic*Inf sn-l jj j.iirir t care and marh'ivTy lor said r.-ial**. aod •id In con- 4 rwd. or tfnictlni arx.repi.lriM r*n a/nl mai-limi-Ty for sale] rovo, or br trark an SM.uperrtnKlmes aff*rraa:eL aJl the Urtr-inmu, read, re*. ylaCuote. cvilvrrta, frne*«, drpvi cro-ioaLa, r^at|nc*a,euUon bouses. turn*Ui4*e and dtvota. and a!! other bulldlrss, and other fixture sand s-xueturea of whatever na**»*e or nature, axd U e lands and trour>4j e^r>*yi*d U,*Yww1tii, n»*-r1, rr provided to be used, le M>rral«if the said roael, axd wbrrevr sltualn, and aJl cara. rntfr***. I'-fy.nvt-'rra, te-ric'era. tcot*. ltnplrn.rt.ta. materlala*- ruiraUirry. marhtne rbtpa, trl'srarba, roulrart*. snd all olbw pera-maJ ppn-r-rtf, rti 11 ibrrtio, or Intirrwl Oirrcla Meulred hy tbe said oofa- pane : lorethrr with ibe lolls, r m l a , r r r n m u la*uf-#L t r o Q U , artd locotna of li.e aald mortraredIptOpenr. a/id all l.nda, he-re diiarornta, arid ferry rtrhts i-rter>rlni to the *>iddootnpa. T.y, and all the supvUee of limber, lumber. Iron, furt, and evrry e>tb»-r lbl*>s prortded hy Ih* said r»wnparij. a n l by t h e oetrlnal " "' ' * Haul*, Alien and H. 1*OD-S Railroad O m p a n r . .j 01 eratlrir the said rosd. Also, all tb* foUoarln4 df-v r11>--d I r a H s e.f roal tsndi own*M by th* aai4 Trrr* Haute, to l>c n e e d AlUnacd hi Louis Railroad Company. |-«W s>root 00* Ibon- aar>dand Any srrrs •ttustrd 1" H, Clair^ of IlllnoU, aca di~t-cill>rd as follows, via. j r foui.ty. hi the state OfJS fll I'be'rV.uth half of sidloD t» ree (lb towneblp on*rt)north, ranie Line W) weal, conlalnlnx ttrif hundred and twenly a/T* a. Ibeeart half of the northwett «itiart*T of e**rtton ten f|(n, tow mAAp one U) north, ranxe tin* (i) wesA* coolalalc**; rtrlily acres The* eart half of aect^on ten flO. town on* fl) north, ranee nine <V) we*t, e^nUlnlnr three burdroet ai>d Iweotya Tb* 0*rth half of a*k-rC1oa *4*r*o <Ub lownahlp north, ranre nine (*) weet, e>emU*jMnff thr«e hundred a*-.4 And also all oU.r/" lands, and ailfrrry rlrhu. franchtare and prii llrsea owned by tbe eaJd rompf'-y. and all U»«rtedttao4 tiitrirat Leld ar*d owoed by U»e said c*otnpany, or 10 whlek they are eajtltl-d lo any ferry rUbia. fra^^eiiW-j or prltrHetea. trsitbrr wWi sll ferry boats. appa/eL, flxtarr*. cr other Uitr.*? copteeVd. u*wd with or ar^mritnaol 10 any inch fe^ry, fran- cbl**r, ilrbt, or irlvtlrya. Acd all other real and peraonal f rovettr mrntlcned and descrtbed In the aald ay>rte"a«e* er r*r*«;s of trtu*l,e>r any of them, whlca are rrfe^T**. to in t' aald decree*. * brrreM-,rrrr s.Ust*4, by tb* aan.* \ltla \ri «rk are rrferrr**) to In the , . the aaaie uii* by wk-ck tbe ran.* are boltirn by the s*W company, and by lh>- aaJi ? irtainsl ronty*aale>, aevrrally. u^eibrr with ail trtrtlrfr*a, rar cbltea. eaaen.e'ttta, rlrbrt and mterrau whaifo-rrrr 1 an*{ all oorpotat* Irar- bU/s of the aald O>J crtslnal cotcpaolea. rcvmJly, Inc'ra] cMsea cf ' rratxned reiulre a depo»rit tol>* iaa*V by a iy bidder •A aal*j, not ttxa**4it>Jt Jh«_ jaurn erf Ibre^^hun all corpora** frai»« blsricf the aald o^npanr. a/tf of th* aald ' Jln< " -v U aaU oU d'rr'd Uroo-iuifl doUais'lB caah. or flv* lvBi*-ir#-J i h o n a a n d ** Farylnflrat Mort*ra«e B>»r>dj of tb* Terr* llaut-rand Alt f^ltrraad Oorapary, or of ti^ beQsrIOe ar.d Jbbiolitown li .the rtfU **>4 fran tb* s a i d a t v r r a l r<*rDpan1e«. U Wana art a r a cor- poraUoniof. I r x i o c r c*Mao«»ti'.£AC l b * s a i d p r o p e r t y , . / ) b e a j l d ai an rallrrt, The undi Or btoi'rs at ease dol ASar rca/t Cctcpsoy.a* srrutiiy few U.e payment of the W4. lu the pre pert- sbculd 11 rtnu V (-0* t o t b e a*U*l p r T a o o o v p c r i Andtb«a-»idelri»''-allsbrJ|l^ sJ*aa-lut«ly f o i f r u ^ J l o U.a ua* of the pftr>«tyahe)ul4b*jrtru<-k off to the aald p*r»->ot*r pcta^trs, Andib«a-»Welri»''*ilsb*j|l^ sJ-v-lutfly foifru*«Jlo U.a ua* of lb* Irertiln tb* liands of the u&Orriicr.rd. If ibe ndd anrrr.-* ful b i d d e n r-l»aJ) f a b l e p a r or arcourrt tofUie pttrrt»a*w' rwon^y to the aalVafartioa of tbe aald Cnrtrjll O/Urt r*f t h e U**H*d fcu u a for tbe fkfi'thern Dlrtrtct of ll tin' Is, ou the final dlaui- builr.n of lbs fai.ds andatrpATTyralof tab* aale. T»r« raid •Vrteeaptov.di'i.aat Ihe pircba«-*Tor roixhaaafrt, upen HieeyrnfiioaaUon of the sal*? sod full oympibkr,*"* with the cx«elltlor* thereof, and tbe ord» ri of tl-* Court, ravl* or to be mad* brreln. joochlny tbr paimerA of lb* p*irrt.a«* monry. shall rr-Uiled to tak* and held, and th* earn* aaaln lo r*X or erthr-nrtM dlstxv»e of at pleaaure. all of U*e monry. shall be rr-Uiled to lak« and Loll, and tl.« aauve aaaln lo r*X or othrnrtae dlstxvre of at pleaaure. all of U»* •aid prop%wy,nrfda,frai*<hW*ajr»d tb* a»inift*nanc*w tb**r»- erf.rofar as aforesaid otdercdlo be aotd. »»y tba sara* title by whleb the Mia* are er were al any time bttyn -»*A »**•, owpeA.. (UlroeeL err hefd by the aa*d Tearre Hauc*. Attoa, »n<I I«l_ Ixuis Kallrosd *Cot»p*ny. and by each and all of the rarlrroal Kanroad CernapaAteJ wbleh en dated Ir.toU>*raid Terre Haul*, Attoa and Hi _ xoad Cptcpapy.fre* and i.Ucha*ye-d fro«a the Ilea I ail of the jBfrrtrfaea Ip the sale) daer**-i i*v4*tlo& atade-l.f tbe f said ortslcal cotnL or rtaltna. raoor, . an? a*f thru*. ah4ft-onvlb' rlajr-iof all r-ets-w.* /wr or on Sa*v**vuiri of rapvtsl stark rw>w bald or clalanadlo any of tb* aald roeapar*i-eM, hot subject, r.evrrtheUM, to U.« lien. If any sorb n U u , U UksJI of any rr&ellpr. or fc-ttcfr erwn/f tb«r*-/. upon any •b eak. lor tb* a sjriiia ie ear , irr* ana o>*xija'ye« i'-r«-a *--« i»*v» w" rwi n»r>rtr»s*a* In Die said d*acr**-i ov*^OaUo,4**a, fald CeaateSUeJatasI Ceenpatiy. aeiA by the rrpanlr-i severally: and fct* and disrtia*rod ftcro alt IlabUIty for any tJrt* er daV*s,ckalaa or ctalt- of»h8.U0evrri»sn»ornaiwrt,lnl«balfofa«eyaridsJU aralast ssld ooMOlldaWd and otIsJOaJ coo pantaf*, or aai of any *«*n-4or. or ft aUiohctulueAw 'al *>tsutoie> h« ir.rlu.wtd In wurh eal*. lor tbe |*»rrt>*vM tnemey f taid real erte-a. not </h*rwtse provU+d be paid by tie " rrrreasnd of (h* trrc*c*»M* of s-*voat aale t bwt tbr; real of saM drcrre «~ .... »-. .«. „.„,„ „—™, • •—•. cbar* r r.r purchisrrf at ssUsa'ssiaJI not l&rvr any p*r»ooaJ llsMlltlrf for any llal.Uky of tl*e aaid coapaotrs or any of ,W,.i..>.!e«. JSMMJliW- TruiKfa. axd Maalrr 0«tuala.l'«m aa aferaalA, Hemes. a Tlrtu, U a tKJtt of t l . Ctrl 1 let Ua 8c*ai*rn DaaVk, *< lidaaAa^la leu tm tiarrlo rjrtaaullr.t. vl/rrla Asarlalk p, IJaas ar. fJOfalAuD.ala.aM Ui. Terr. UsatSa, JtaUiri*a Oempssr ar. aaCtoalaatA, ABA rxrsaaM Jo an amiaarr Sera, of tb. ClroiM tl lax E Dn*^rUr4ssf(wlUp<k^s<Ia<S^l»aosoa«aft>a^vr, (Aanrrrr la UxaaM Cesut, abawrla tw ,a»a .irtlr, ar, Of (UirKjarAirMr«rtlTrJr aal»Ov,t*J,M IVat wrt'&y*te^fr»«° N°?ittr fctar r Oa. lla*- I all-salr," l« yiruo f jsinari A reartav. Att'is rar l**l>. I f»np Itrtri**. tt« utralMJat K**r V*r*. lor i»f r a r r n * i« MM i>,j»»al*irrva. 3VEW YORK OANALS. ATEW.rpJut tn-Ag.oAXtAuv; U m lirrrlr.fiw,*! •tjCSi^SW'i O.rli . savri Urn* U fAsll dSnr*, Ufi for rlUSaa art lb. jDnuai. OOUKT^-IK nu ***t-j-. 1 r»U'**f lb. Main-, AitWfw.ro aav* *»»• or TIIK AJTW- 3 c*ll.*flf tb. M.ror, AraVrftsra aad *>»»if»ooaHr »f lb. .. U< MimlnfJ Ot*va.W««rs faf W i r a a U raojl At- nwillU lb. a l * , « MarJIrdroailn.LiwfAir air. naUor tb. owner m ovasra. ocr-i**M *r oefairau. of *ti .bosaw. kr>a. a i ^ lrnraorf*! or aalaaprvrM land,^sffcctVid lb**-o- • aw* I ra^-va, . " • * • ,rri|.,ii w*a, ayw| vsa.i^M-' *. - - -w » — --—-- — - t>t. aod 10 ail Mbon vMra H aaaj fxaaMrv. lo art"., It al Mi, yrnom vb. •>*• conrJrtr, IbtavMl,r. •orlfT** I.j ,,14 LaJnala a s * A w u M n l <rtB tt l.tard In OflKadtUn lo lb. Ma ,. bafor, aa, at l b . <n»k. of l b , p«r*araaillo<K*a, ftn. W Iluaua t*na< U IU, rUr. *a lb. M da. Of Marrt.. I*>1. si 11 . t U r . M. of U.U r?sr. and .1 lb, ,.co, boor of .srfa i,r at. to ,r..l InrlaiUi tb. Hit dar of M.rCri, HOliKaTT Us UKAOrO*,^. Ooswjaaktae«e*ra, f*|ra,,, d rIca.7^C frJ4*lBlfcjl ormKni. cot*IIT.-IN Tlir: MATTI:E or THK U T M - D carton eaftb* Mayor, AlOwmra and Ooe-jmooalt/ of tti* ityof h t v l a r t rrtaUr* to ib* f b m b or tA* ujT^jmw Vl'lt **••»,«* »* U.I ItudasAS. k).4-t, It t>,« <- ' •• Vf a, lb* ajjvl»TT»liT»*«a, C<>rriu Ai*r*k^*Awi c*f ronae leib* lludysjes Uvft, la th* rjiy «f K«« f o--i. -.• auvt*rai*rw*4. e^.rrui.U*i*oe*Aws of frUmatc **t4 As *H»-Msrnt In U»* aL*vr eotlilrd maltre, berrbr ssv* jiretiVoe to t*b* owper or ew**»ria, *#qm»*m or e^ort.paols of atj I*»IA*-M aad lota. aL*luApt«>iMS or uUsapeent iatidi aC*-..t<d U.r**bi',sj*4 to all eHl.m when) H ta a j cxaneti it, to wit j Jyist.-Tbat ww l>av* ron>r<tee'>*i estrr ewtlmat* 0«r4 a>*v*-«* ftrob atet I t a l a l l i**rv?i>* who** b.t-*r*«ts a**e afje-ieed t**r*- b;, * nd » ho n.af be oppe t+4 lo the 11 offfrtUoriaVrtUoi tlulr veriflrel to >"*..•.( out rl*abman, at Ike office cf lb* Ooawml .. l>«Sf.r a'.rrrt. iu this city, on or brtoietlit l.lL day af rrbre- pjn nd.— that the ehwtrart of tl** aa*d rwflmai* and aa****- rortt. toartbri wltbostr map*, and ake all lb* athdartU. *Mi- ansfes ae-el other eVoe-umrtjU wht-b wrr* u**«4 by eu) In inakiot oorrnw-rt. l-a\r bren depoaUrd In Uie i^-Urr. 0<j»iii*a.,*>n*'r*s e.._.Cr of (be city ar*d roueArof Itew 1 orV, Ihrr* t* rnnata ttr.ill tVctf ar. the l^b day of M a i r k Ifw«x IMrd -Ihal tl.e lln>lu«mUicrd b; thr Lsaoa*sm--ol af.-r* iHare as foliews. t*> wit; All thosetdrce*of land Iyb*« and " ' ' *' -'• ' •' .,.,•.-!,.*.. —lU<> unel Jewwenia4or>er», fti>. Vfl belt on ijlatyfirlli **lr*rt. lr!-ftn U^ |,1(bih avrn< ' *• -7 Tork. snd * a trad I m on t half the dlalaucr t o t h e HuCaot. Wvrr, In the city of V w esr). ail* of raid Klity ftflh atrrrt n*tKt wic-rt Ibrrrto. And ysvurth.-Tbal our rn-ort h>rr1n will w prr**olrA totl*e fspicerie Court of tb* .talr erf f*tm Tork. a', a t*r»*>ctal T v f f l therrot. to be l*-*l<l at tir* (My Hal' It. l b * rtty of hrw YorV. ort yuterday. U>e Hen day of March. IKO at Uj* opealns of the eveiyi on that day, Sbod that ibrri aod liver*,«« aa ar-on liier* aflvr as <-oii, anl car. t*t ).* a'd tht i ion. a IJ,OU<^J will l* m»d« thai Uir sal't f«y*'ft \f £Oi^7wj4, Corninla»r 1 ot.rTs. lUsUtaaarttf Ktw Yortt, January y«-tatrrt v* ronr.rr.>**o, WiuXU* M. T*i:rn. } ioi.r.RT, ii hKAirt-jki).) JtanoafylLlNul, il IL MAMJUIAL"* flALt-»r VI ETC I Or A WRIT of VvWMtwmi rsponaato sue eSU*fU*a and d»-'i«orM. il rXlsOfi; aortiosv will *rtl ai pelitlc 11 e'rbxk al tx-*5*v al i Of Vt •rbf-or.rr PoTKla loa, r*ri UA* 1st da; of WarrV, l-Vl, at tbr OtAon yJVorw*. I b o o k t y e . t b * r a r f o N. It. r«* futlbrt p»rUe-*alara apply la I'.oU ii Murray. U A. WairlaL B . i ) . > . V „ Ka. 4l aturra. «Uc-*V t»al*-d /rtiewary U K MabriiAL-r Mi.r.-ai TIETUE o r A WhiT or . ,fiMlm»l *,potts, to mf dlit,.a*d ajiddrllrm^l. 1 li il al |.aM* M. o ill ci. SI l^l-n. 1ar)lr, l|-r li*! l.i 111U* Mx-llob, tin llr .d dar of Mai,li. IfTJl, al II n. aai l*rud lri.l,'-f. tb. a- l*io,.f-r AIM'.n. her 1.0 f.in.li'J', Al»o Ilia ra.Koladfnt.ilboard lli»riof .III.. I'llf-r. K»m Bi'-Hrn. l i r a b a , , , o n » l l l f . s l lli» llr.lor, rMi^ra, llffMiVlrn IVr |.aitlrailar,allo rarjtf, ai i.l| to KOfiKKI MI'MAV, ru, I". K Ma ll.al. Kn. II CI.an.Wr, Slice*, ^l « J oia. tlll.ll Ifl.. II. IHO KObAAT alUARAT. CnlU'trlalfi M.r,.a). |»I!K NAW I, 1 Hi* illliof Mi i.l GjiVKRNMKXT APVRRTISEMKNTS. |ltO\-( l,*.l> KTrlAMKItK N»VT Psr* arses a r. I tV A fiiiauTr-Si Prbtuary tfj. !»• i \ NAW IJKI'AKTMKKT WH.L, I'NTIL 1, r.* at. rr-c^ti<*i'ioj*o*,tU>r,ifv*i lb* o-u- |le|e nutu'il-rfj ain) t *,ult m< nt cf Ironclad \ #•*•*• U tut ill ( 1, 1 A I I -f f I l.U *< H\ all !< li< II..** v e j f r t - , r i l b 11,*• * sirptlnn of Ihot* f«-r t h e Mlaat* »1ppl rlier and li» tr*t attar lea. will !•* proprtlrd t.y acrras: tJ.isf tr Ivr Uir MWlav-lpp] r..n ai.<t IJlbulaHTlei n.a) l>r M<..|.rt led by | addl* aberti li.r b.Jle will be rttbn wljolll «»t Iron (%»bi. b wauld l,e ( nfrryrdior of U<»nand woMroie.blnt-1, aa .be i ro,*« tots P>M roeia d*** more ruttabi* f<»i t<,r nii,r.-t i^ro- I Ktiit *1, but Hit Ir i"tr* t%.£ ilerki tfit-t be- pexitfCt* d willi an ii.t arnattjir iA,n.ri«-r,t to i*»Wl lt.*> lirfc*i« rt tl-^i and al*<-Ila. T)'( v.e*<ts lor H,« Mloa1**l|*f>l l i t e r a"d lis leilnilait-* air to"! i. dtaw ri-'ir* lltftt.a.1 tn-i - • ' < ! w lien fulli *aiuibp«.-1 attd arpdrd.sat wbbli draft Ihry are t o 1 * able to maintain a pee. I..a I rot Speed c*l I I**.* t cote pir bo ll bt rt'.ll w at#r. a i nl a*ry irtf'ri-t mallr. Ib* kvUrn U>r r'« daia ilrem'lr at tbat 11»If arei.amrnl wlJlronattt of uoiUai ihatirlar rv.'.i rwi.s, * »»r-v Ii for bait•. r ("ef«rif-t ar* no! to draw mere Hiao lff!i([ii! ViVfi when fu.ly «',utp; rd and ante 1, at wl,., li draft Or) sr riot>« uH* if tntlnia n a peienar.«-t}| *•;,?« J <f t< n lrvi*|'spr*' boir in amooth water, and *.'.ny ritli<'rt,i .,.a1 lu the Oupkrr* fo* aneri «1aji cUaudt-r al t h a i air«-*d IV'lr IHMi.1 will too I'll of notb.'S llialifi<,.i;lt«-, lof'-ur ilfiir. lifl »-"• T|r*** r ll'JM.' 1,1 «lll I W i l l l.f{. S*il.». Tb* *e*r*ls f^r rr, •art d./rrrr sr* not to draw mor* than li fret worry wben fu'ij * .inlp-.M txr.d armed, at whlrli oiiJt (l.i j ai* to l»« at-lr t" inal plain a prrnianrnt ti-rr* r.f f.Pe<r, lie la per hour at era. and r>.ivy eu(li« lent roal in tb* Irutlarrs fur twelve days *t« an.ins al tl,r*t rpe*d, Ti.rlr artna- irifpt •-11 roeesStof on* rr two rift**., ot tw.nty lnrtt r«n.» 1%' funs Of tl.«* .r*M'i foi bait "f arid r o s e ! rte.eiir* at<- lo tiafn tn a'l pololaof lb*-<oii)para *-itbeiit charts;* lo the IN Ml I l.-rlLlin TT t- ptr>|/s«1lloriS tnut! stat' tb* puenl-rt of r****.s, »uU,i>1 to t)i* «iex<lone*f U.* Ilrpartrneri. *bWi I*.* party ptOpi.-M« t-y fi f.ii.b erwji.Ut*-In ert-ry leyprrt. embou-tny areiior plat III, Kf atu ft t . I.U.ri J aid f qtllpILt I.t* of all ktf**ls, ( ••*! 1) lot *" tflf r, txtt r-tliif <rril| t h r o r d n a n r r a n d uidfiartC** *\'>1** aJ.4 I rfi.lri-tf.si the pecy-otHloi. r>t*»al l*r a e " " r r "-r-trd I.; d*wrlp. ib.Oa. r|e(lfl*"tllt.'t-f, dra*-lr.># r rr* ritodrls of aiirti . Lata* i*v UiSl tl r ami rotiM b* e > e r g t « d fr,»r*i O . t t n IJr r»'ii.fi,fi!iifjiiiii.a<i , i^',; Ihetlmr witl.ti, Wlibh tb» i r » ; i l <,r »fv»r li arr to !»*• r v t i i . ' . r t . ' l , and *!»-. tb*- ty'.al rrttr lo l r | a'd '« r n r t . . 1( v l l l t i o s i l i ' U l a U e i l r . l b * r o t t r a r t t b a t r,r>r ftfib l',» b-lal srttyunlw.il lHt><ii|i<l by thr r'lUfMnt'M ttl.Vj *•»l? dafi aftdr lb* icxeidlon f.f the vera* I, In Older to «Ui Ualnabtt-r 1 rteyalntoapaytA<rs*v*belt r mad, with d«* r-raid u, the ahaUdlrfe l«r «,Mrlb frorKvaW ar «n*a-( tr. t b . i wm$ f«r four raod tvasblrd, i Mrtlin rslacd,rir*. ' • r t , couc«rA< KAArruuf nmsiOK. r*orlr«d « lb, Coaal Alb.oj. onllllt oMo« JO*k alTof M*"***/. ^ji!3*fa? A ^ha lor LoHrto. r lo aArsriM of I'i,-,I Bill io Muiwiilt,, ,w« Wl«HiJ«llt« ' tow | * 1 * v.lla. nirrMiii. rtotiltw, lor-As. mda. V r » a « . baalaa, stdfaama. aaarai- HFIII, (iilifrtitw, .airs, cnokcbaa- bOHKOtXIL , , I alalr KOW .r>d firrtlUorf. ,»<5|«lc,brv*V.»ra, •W| 1 !«-, all c-WTiyXrie, t«Oi I loca larr^as. H I ; I oU canes r- T. M Ic-ct Uddr r , « ; ft lr< r*tamr*er«. *ri U i t lo<-* Ptler. tjf|*4 lorV b«**»f>; lloctt rak*«, »J Ht 4 to* c»il»*ls sx i rvW« spaces. IK ; i Ic* books, ai; i ctorvse and pipe la lewVilitMUe tlf, Total f*C» IA. bl I-f.KlNT»:,M>KNT f*K<,TIei*X-No. «. KRIK CAN Af*-a/or •i« andtwctlll ' * IK*, fllllrllllll friii and two Hint if*.r> fit<i*i tiefltTt* i-oc eairr-eti frow the fool of 1/OcV, h l*rk ho. a tcarrtl-rr villi the p7k* | n suwT* Oe«ka n*w*-1 rt l.i* of liitoi., iu r*f4*r at Jiilcm. tl*e4am. l>aj.t( aowe- <i tb* fltit «f May next r rutd p<. - of l*oeV h«- ft tf and lortudiiia* =* Pyke In St«wH*f Oroesk. iwear tka t'*t*li #, *V.« wi Mr wrlrs doct.|w<,hulkt**ads and two ler-icn al J/i'i* Falls, alsva, la> «»t 'dlr» all is.* l*a-.ksu.d towpatna, waUa, psvraveuta, do*rk v*>«li4«ks a«etirdorts. dams, pooita, brl'brra. * cvna, »uajd baj.ka. (.rdria i<*r»\ oira, cylterta, lia. orrelt cbarn****, d i i c W Ic-A aud watcb heosee. ar.d tvrry ctbrr. stiuatAjr* or thlrr. of whatever nasac u#- de aii t allot*, ronnactr d Ibn ewtth. r-ouvtnuiaic, I etstesrr>w.tlt<i 1 W bie*ker. tlW, 1 lock fta aa«* flr.- luiea Cajti-plri*. ailt i ln*w WW raU* near " " 1 s«llaekl« H«-kiar,d ll iti.tll Hi 100 Pf IC " • r -1 p l i - r . e r t 1 I, kr* if* •JL VA*. r *T "-.f 4 * w^ee^bhtlm. '.rr»(w(H-J> OAT T«{ ft* ley *4aw»«ra ks elrc«D). fiCi \9 Ir* e^rtaet«Q^ WrrT ironla.H* block*, tic. TMtalfore Ik a* >il.<* ai.d roallia, for liioaji* fr*i HrfvirtiUii * a r d pi«.ftr*>* *-f Hi* w«nt» ; ibecootrart alw*>'o:l race fti Ml uie* f*,! lallui* lo j eifoi 'ifird rin the r.'V.llwtai i|-r| f.rd, Tbr Mds muetb* aryy.rripanV-) bvtbi law ; . ihtt, If a contract awaidrei. tl i),f ^^:a^araly rr^ju'-n-d by . . Jl will hf pr'Hitp'.ly rir *d : *l.d t'.e lian.n r,f lli» | aitlr* who arr l«. brrom* H.r lurSUra to tb* *m< ulil of lit*, tare of the CJOI.IIact will at* i IH Hair.], 1|.» Iirp*ttw*nt will r'r.i-Mrr ar) oilur ptt-poalilnns that TT af !•* pn-M-nttdln whirl. U.e draught of w a t r i *a .r, %* o-uurd ll ri'-t »>« r r d i d . Tl t iHpartntrnt will b«- al liberty '•> accept oi ieject ,»riy li- r rail ,].'! Ir.'.l •r alii*. r*iAi:>«]w IVji'traua, I »ar Meirta. > . I'ttman, IWIJ AIIMT hVVl'tMW. Oin'i "r Akwi Ci/'iMta-i aan K-yf Ci'taia <>r I'avws #M Um JS*.* TOP a, |v*ib »'e.bn»an. . ... C^ALKI) rKOI'OaSAl-rj AKI. JNVlU'l) AM) t^ will l>r ris-a>l»rd at this «fflc* UUUl IS o'e<'<rk «m It'IM'AY.th" Sit. Marrb i i i i L v l . m ll.«» will b* put.Uc-r or* f.id. ft r fiiir/iti*i>• bjcoetrart. tli* f*4lvwtnj Arwj ISip. ,.11.:- atd irLtt ttalK*trtlv#iaUr atO.r drp-jt of Arini CloUiirw, atf) l-.uljair. In thla illy, Corner Ol Jlroome and tie* eite r;r*«i»: X V*> isrda lilaik p'.lrria*. Mlnrhew wide, be A ciiafltji. ) *,r ili tl *".u11"- tNrtlttiKi ltr.« i.. . ... , ... rrtan-li Ht Vow re Cap C-'irrs'ilan-li '«<• plrrri fv-rlon-d 1U-.1 purV ttlitdloj |f llf I'Uirt! trail (^ f,'. I. t , to* et.Ui nrapi for Caps. . i i - • leVit' tin ('anl.«i K WUI. ix.il atopt'TK, 1 tintss t" w«';ii 11*4 ounrrt wllbuultl,* •toi'i-rr.io I** cu« rrcd * lib rtutli *f'j-e Mi ll Mf'llfTil.liUlti |»<adr oflbr;,,, s(rt"( Asr Hanoi, t. !<•* hickory. ),»«• plum ItraCr. batUi. ,. ) it ( 1 inn.. Head*, eoarn. J in s<e»e f I'IU'UKM'II (It Hcfpltai Tri.u a p.,I yi'.ri Tl.r Tci.U t o If* It frrt lour. U f. l *ldr, ll |>.| bill., •rifle a well 4 •; frrt and bartm <"i f.n* i i.d a l a i ^ r t . **> ** to a.1iull «•( t w o or more Irtila br'.iif lohjrd and l).ri'»n li'to on*.* wilb a rr>nlle.0rrin I'ovrilnj oi K.fif; to U marl* ol dtwk, .ffi lncl.ee wlrt.. a/»d wrtjrblnji yiW IF |rr,atd. The Tj ibrllfrnll b.ri.f * tonr. and ltfrr-1 wi.J. ; u U n.kd» Of ducA.a^ltV'iifl wide, aod wcltidue US *ii i »r jareJ. M- ati* llorrlUl T< ot l*olra, fitie ln-apHslTnd llos. latri. li ,<•<- l l o « p . i a 1 I'M Mits. art utl. MCKccnltMV T.-l Halilarrt A'* tbr ahov* Mv*ntloord art.' •*• roued •^titorvu trt rvrey r." *;*• I loth* a* a'«d *iai,d*fd prtirtn* In tbtl onV*.wh«*re Ihry ii ai t * r> aii.lt.rd and *J.tlt.o:*a1 lnfi>r*i'atloii utcrtve-d oou MiiJnttli«Ts. Ti-» a*llrtr« mint l*r %J eV*rrvea(lc f a t t r t r a t t o o i 144s fr"i/. rr.anufirturrti and r*i utar dralria w]il l-r pr*Mr«-d, wt.Uh r,t|r' \rr rrrd* f*«r and rooforra to itirti an.,-1, 'iilr. In ..uati ly # l.d di rrelptlon, aJ arr f r*4o'r<rl l.y ej.r a.d» < niai iniri! and tr e »art p'.e* lit this ofJirrb Initooptreut* w,.H># »-i*r.l(-'. lo U<* luwr»i lr*pv^afi-al*. bbtdrr who r'n-l furnltvli aaiUfartor) rr,*j t.lj-r f*>r ll.* ta.U.ful 1-rrfwr.oaiar* Uwuvof. Ti e inti.eifarturrrr eirtabllrt.tDrnt ot d* i1r-T**p'arrof Initd ii<t** i V u r t b e d U O r c t l y riat^r-d In il.r piopcaal ivf.DnT will. i!,e ramea. ai'dreta and rr»i**'n»t*dilly of tw<? pcr*wni pro pef*d *r a*irre|rf 11,* Hirrllr* will r*iaraf,t* llit>t a rontrart »betll-f etilrrrdlpl*, WlUdu t-:i da}iuftn 'Jit if« rptaoi r of aaV, bid or prri't*al, s>r.<iHial# will l^e rrcrlveJ for any one of the e.U<b#a*t*e ral« 'j, sr.df</r si.y tortb-o of < ar|.. 11 * i-tlvllrs* rrixrted 1 and for lb* CnllM hlatea of I* Jrir-lri an» itri.portals that losj b«' dr*tr.«-t e i l r a l ajrai.t. Al- 0»e sjurfes sr.osi \* drill.erd wlU.lott»r*ntj .inji aH*T Ibeaco plane* of ihei'ir^osals o c . p i i b * Trota. arid Tent I'i I'i axd Km, of wbtcli one o-jartrr cf tb* ouanlitr ron- liwied for rouH lard«U»errd In Iwroty days, and the re ixali'Jer ii, f.fi> days fn.-u dale ol SbCcrptaiK*. oi soou<-r, if praniraldr. At! article* **,tl l-e au1r!i*ct lo lr*>M<tli>n by aeoert Inapec tora, apt-o1r*l4-e) by null r.ri! j of tb* Ul H*-*l N its-a It 1* to lrf dl*lla'*ly uiifiiri "'•*•) that Coeitr-vrt* »rr i»o4 tra***irral/* wjuioui tb* c<-r**/1 of ib*- pror.**r auUrorrly, and ll*e' any salr. aa*trrim<-fj| *n Uar.»f,*r, wlilc.ui rurti rtm»*f,t hatbr bren i*btalr**4 trar-jt under pn-.,. of law*, will |ar I'tb'i'fi] a> an al ar.de :i'f,« il bf lb* rot,lr»#-l 4 mid U»* e-a»t;ir»c-er>r and hi* or U rir *«*cuetib * * 111 1- l.rtd ir*>r-mi«'blr f. | * 1 b aa «| dari.as* to tbr t'l.'.wd M*>1*-| wtiU*j t:.a> aila** IJ.iw, !t"*x. I'f*)tx.ecu will be mad* CD e*esb drllwry al.ould t>rnt*'fws bat* tvtA* an appioperation ic ir,«r1 Ut< rr, or aa S*KMI llntr- . fut eu an attHrprtadon t'.»I| tr made for I'.ai pini-.r-f T*a ifr <»n'. w lb* amouui of ra*!, or U.f j p i n b-t r-<aJnr.| iir.U II * f'f.'i.tt I'.bll i- lotrpUen, wl.Ub will )•« I«HtrHad In \\,t l'i.l'e.1 Mates lb <*** of dvlaloalioa on tb* pan of UA* ct-n'raner, s^riiiit of prOp^araU and rvi-rat.tr will 1-* fiiriilalirvl up->n apyllralion lo la-a rfTie.*, aiid uw*r will l>* coi*•*>«!trr J that do a<J| Cr.pfoiV) Ibrrrto. I'li-i^acjtta w-lf Iff^jAoru6 " rropoaab) fer rurolshlnr Afwiy hue I lie a." andb* addrr-raa-d lAcni.-o-i ii. ii. vixroM, I>n;ulj tJuaitv-TiDai<*r rtrne-ral, U. Jt A.rur, f<l,l.-lfisi< I*J> i*\*i iVrtofJI.e, OmtT or tHa A, A. tl. tL. ; TOST I.*r A,»•,«». h' V. II , I r U . u j I?, !*'•»( CKAI.KI) rJtOI'OfiALSVVJU* »K HKCKIVKO O at this CraW «LUI 11 o*rtf>rk >e. o o t l * ^d day of March. Irrf, for suppliUis lb* trt-erp* rtatlt-rn-d at lb',* po**t with (r^tu \rf*L erf a rood and wholrwrtne *,«alfty. In c<..ial pr^oitlons of |indanofoi**su»rtet*,<r*-vrii and sba/tla io l-t rsrtudvM.t foe U.e balar-e* of U>* rurre-Al Jf". Tb* bids w j l W rv.*t*r.l at t)J* tfRr* at llH o*rt'-ck r. ae„ prr-rtra.^/ AM Wddm Lay* tbr pr1»Ur«* of betrifl p r r w n l a; Ir.* ope-r.ir^ vf tr, r.ii. I*«IW»~«*^$M.,A. wooib ftbl.IOt* ! " " ' "' •-'--•• ' ' •' '' 1st Ural. 'Ai Ic'ai 1 '}. A. A. 6. r. t5biaDiiiva--WAiaTEU roil 'TJ.K~ONITKI. a^*A .. . . w-nlirr I1MKI1I Vll 1.1 '. I n ti.i ».. 1 . liTt-i*. JI-JI4», sod IfC-I*, «-a.1 ta-tCi St. i c * licks Jlroob »iv. *c - , v-^- ,™. WTfX 4 l*i a* IrvrrMwei-d) H, * Urk Jie*tt. *>; 1 pair ah*Te. t*Mc*. < 1 p s t r *4,*ji iiHiss, U i 11 look, rak**, •Ut H loce loci i obi. r.;, li fork laddrrs. < U t 10 Viroarne lamr- i . e - J J iiJfr oU r#t.a. t t i t t lock lamr ••***>*«. IWi 1) lama ftllrrs ») Mi Hpadt< Mki. *>; 1 tal.t*. I M • *t IH-IM b***, *] M] | aacVlsaar riai*,Af. S l d 1 water pall, IU. ToUl 91.UU t*e\ kiiniM.i: OIVIMOW. f*ie.i<bM<s will b* ncrtsrd al U.« Canal C^nirD,*«on*r*i OrtK-. Irr t b * c.i> of . s |lae^»*«'. until \ O csOch, r. ie of Iu.-*' dry, ibe Irrti de-y of alwil, i.rat. f>r the m ..ira of I fikt ClrtMCMJ CANab AM» l>Ki*KK for four and lbl\* -.uaitei yiail feom thr fiiat da» of Anllr.ol; Ihe coo.- travl will Irrtude all Ibr baiAl aj.d Iwo pallia, walli, par«- m, i.tr. derktns. lo* k*. wrbjrh locks, aqi.fd**, \.\ d»-i,t. ponda, l-i'dfia |r»*lr>s. rtdr rut*, yuafd bar.ka, fredera. ro*"volra, culvert*, we-atr w.ba. • r« rk-<t<aj ne Is, dilrhra, locV and waid, ....'.it**,*i*il etiijt'd.if ftvorturr or tlaVtu.of wha'ercr r.aii.i oi dcslavoailon. cxmurrt*d Ihtrrwlih. ertVptlnt only the rrbulMirif of srj l o c l s wbW'i In lb* opinion of Jivard of Carta) Con i"1a*W>pi ra may rexjutrr to br uHru'H b*fot« th* 1st iaitwary, try.,, aavel re -luMdlir * III U due.t uuikr a s*(>atale cor.tr set. hOiiKori r. Kt *k l.sk »-tir. fraimd. •:<»J: S l t o n PtvAdK |< VI.IT. II 1 ! M»pl...-oU. «l (OI Tralrrj!*.»«! % vrlal*. «l. M i 10 Iron I.ie.e 1 Idecka ** , d a l e at* p* a i d I e a **\, ft 30; h rat# kOena. elk v \ It cUn t<»a ird*. •: \l\ 1<< Warn l-racr, (in n<di, %\ Ri K' Iron level it dr. W; Ifi ar cboi I rots %', f>*: 'H tate l«lir. f.v i-M st padeb levers ttpc-.ie.lj It't f paddl* Ir-vere <\.rcJi«f«i ISI.o*l|*e.s «u}'aiv.4ll| IV don paddle tralvrr*, aVj;i • \ Jatt e<'ic*r-it!i 11a.cdy« bamtivna, s>51 ;. rsnt lWok.a, K ; Ur<u wrei-'lr-r. •< :ti 1 n."i *«> « . . ,,.(, »t ',£; li*a.v:kle b*;.,M| li'.r |rol*. Hi U Wl.rrhairowa t)0 ; | pile Art. *vf. «>v| I i*.drr fii.i rx.avat-. . #li.>i vu Urwe loci. b*ea ••• wMtXfer! P. W.brei,|orl led I.-*.<«>,; «c ; l,(iO0fre*t Ihal jine lock brarr*. tmi ei.m. te-i ti M. hmaloce Uraber at.o I'ai.l.sil tej *.*.''ft, I It M oak lienor* for lork ralre. ft-, iv. t;;->fr*l 11 M pin* llmW.ITe •**: t.SIC f.rlh. M otk t'la.Ui.rinn'd fevrlort */rt/«, |-l St : Ik I>. l a n c e bra'lfUL t/Ki 1 Tut*! fur (l,«,.,.!... CanaJ, H.vlO «. for iiioajru **l aiaas In forder, 111; J) al tflbrrrcw* t'.t; I rrpall rri^w. SVVO; OOC frrt 11 M ovJk pin.I tT Wi I »ha.-»,e har.wl Total foi feeder, aiu 60, T- •'*> f.>r Cl.r..i.!.r *'*nal ar.d Feflrr. 11,4*9 4a MirtlMi.NI IM PKCTIO.N fvo. I. 0e4y>'K0O OANAL -lor f. t i and Iwe) thlicii. )<-•» fTO»i the fti>l day of Mar •t*at: said a-riilif, r><*cdi from Ha ,ui,o.lor> with the luir Caj M ai t-irac**r* Id ll* puv'lf-i. wlih (Le Cnrld* Rlvrr at 1I,'«« p!»«j f*oli;l,1nrtei.l:o« |*j* able certs, *ali sMps. Ac^ at Pailt a ai <t I.lvi rtoot tl* Krr.rca HI.** to* Ins pa'bi also, la- rl'KlU/ all tlifl.'.if.f and |c.a paths, walla, p».rmfllti. dock- b *. lr,ka. a e tab l'*rk». at.t-.tvh.tt*. dau.s. pondi. brtdyra, bas'.r >. sl**< rtiia, att*.id banl a. (r,<lria. M**ivolra. rfilr*tta. raat* will*, rerrk rliAtonrla etltrhc*, lock and wal-'h lottva, at d *»« 11 i tl.i r stnirturet ol tbliait, of wbatejr*! tiku, o. de- I ' l i . i i i ' f . , roi.kQfVt<*4 ll nrwltb. PCMKDt'l-K. S wrvodt-i bo> puin|*. eft; r>»tovea aW; S r Ind si ones, 44 : H,«-l h n p i a-M U. rtuvrla. » V . i i I « »K' un. |\J; t Uck.1* II-f. »r.^ 101*. #V<'i I" wheel barro*- a, #i* i 1 Ir* br*arer, t'.'A i I »• « w . *f,V<«( I wltit bm.n l..-tHiit-*, S-'I'I; I i:rap(r ahovet, : i f .!.**>,» ev : r,f»vj U<A U M. hemtock, l u t e ; l.lttfoet I- M...:l fisiiiad.t.'-. ,t ; U.llf.it |i M.e-ak.tUQlS. Total. tl.UIV." htry'i IKtl '.MIKM MCTIO.N No. a, e»\Vi;uo OASAl*- f* i fi ur arid l l u r * «.u*>Jtri ) N r . from the flirt da> of April i-it; raid t<* tt.,n e M« i,d» (jorn tlie ell) of O»we*o toll.* bit Hi'.M.tOttldaai.d rtaae-f,, Ulvi-ea, li.rtndli.*6.i*ida River lii.pi. x ei,.»-(.t,el,» cbsiaf* <•! tie I'ulk II. nit an d tVatrr Kvr* »lty*w*rev; *'»•>, lc« lu< II-K all Ihe haul, and tow-palbs, walla. paveort.'a. drvrk I' v, UH Vt, wrtshtovk*, aounturta daau, I- int*. 1 il4*<*. t.j-a>n», fid* "it*, fuard-bara.*, f«rd*-«^ r*-rr. Xflrt,« ulvrrtr. watttr wrlir, crc<\ cbanM-la. ditches,loci anl » au) boiiar*. ati<1 e i n y other rtiurturr ew thl-.ir.of vrt.aleT».-r i.iti- • ci t'» >1> (.alb!., i <i titr't*! therewith. DCIIKDl-'I.R, II SUSHIS. T.-| 4 la.kb lilcvrLa l ^ i S »-'>aM boats, f l ; I ciowbat*. #t . i" lairp*. tl>; t pstrnl pa-bile £itt«\ Mi; % r'.rne for ...'..llr,* It rl iralr*. tftfii V rloVfa. t\* ; JO w h e r t b a r . f.-wr. lUi , sar kin* {in Lie*, i',; 1 \\a, •> : 1 jarl p M W. S» | I winch**. # x i 3 Mnr. f,.e ia.-i.lrt »Ui 1 Jiaasr Hoe, »je( bt Irr I Pi. frl. o a k f..r Irn t r»U», (II; *>tX Um. rtj; f. »3t I IH, wlircli-anow fitIIK a l l ; i < Irot. Iirl.ljrr- eUn-ia'da. *}\i 1 I s-v w. fUK i a block* attf (it.,I for t)*>k eln !tar»i drawtrrtdtte. I!) I I low |.-ri* fiarr.e.1. *,'.•. i fj oak r ,.e» ffamed. t i l : lot of lion IV paVdir boara |lec*l of In.I l.oar-a and paddle |.C||*r, A.V ff i lot *"•( u v s p ' i , i'tn ar.d bai^wocd lurobCTillS. 'j mftlKV *.;.. vVr>Tl.tiN DIVISION, ^ala vtU be r*-"r'.i«.l ai thr Qaoal Oomm1vaMn*«V e,u . . in U.e ii-* of HufTalr.. t.i.tH Iklodoc*. v. of .VconcaJay, el r HI Ca» ed Marrb i . o t , foi l b * tr t *•,> «f MTUilMIMdM bPA!llOM ^.^ ll Kill*. OAh'At.-ror PHI a '.d tin** (.oartH Mars fiotu ll.e fsul day cf April ne»t j »*irt it, ilnp . ati-ods froui th* wrat e n d t>f ConMru.^na Ser t'lirNt *Ai lolli* weet tlor of rtrteam rouiity, liicluJlon aA ihr l.ftfiks and pow-petla, whllr. e avruir-nla* diKklnic. wrtrb- I'-t 11 at.ceriii.ir,«)»iri a.t«iidft.lHld#r^|,aalna, M.l*ruU.K\iArd- bai.V*. frrdua KMMti'.ti, fu'verts, waj-tr wrlra, crrrli ,-lian- l,i It.ii.trl,**, leek and wat,», bonves. apd every Othr-r rtruc- lute or (bios', c-f wb*t*v*r name or <\M tjfnaU't.t ronti*.H*.I ll.n« «Hb,e i, rirtt.s 'be rrpabto* cf tli* irtmtl break Id the old <tt.aJ at lit lb ), a# mriittunro brrekiaftcr. ' •ciiKiiru; IsvAwatnowrt Alblran). a*«*t)| s k< breaVrrsfone at Hindi. I t;»* *i.l tbr oil., j at N i iMn a», ttiU ; 1 l lit (al Albion), |i. : ^ VAr.i t l i r wt«n. bra. #" ',i -Tr-taJ, t:Sl U. "ILt ulu'Mii'.s ibejl nt-i rrfftltlnrl if sanj andsl)I/Kki on U.e CKt I.H1I.S Oairal ki.d l'**pdei i O.r rrbolfdlr.t* of thr Hahoha- i i iini inn, orN'ii'iiNo ;., I<*<J , '' , » 1 ' abothe repale- if.j ottb* Lu al row lii tl.roMtA.naJ atlioairy, will be m e r r e t f >i ti, il,* i*..«. i.l* o»ti«ct«. for ta.ld sc*cilou*, but Hi* repair r»t,n« u i* will l.r ie*.ubrd lo i<yi> eacb rrajKCtlve I crt li. a< it! rrpali nrjl'l a.if!) (.m* as the work f ul.HUclf *, . ti r*ild ItorV mast have bi< o c*o»- imixitl. ai.rt afirr each lock, Ihr, Dam al Hcl.obarte r thr Iii.*, at IIc'Uj, r',ait p aiii ir*j?e» tivrty be I'm iiijlit Lnlo u»**, la^'l lepal In 11 I lite. n.t.tra''ic*if *b1 be rCajuirrd te i In U f « tidlllopb il . i into be in wl.au a* I icioo,'*,aiid W IU »I fair _aiilh-.iT!... ahall rhaoir* tb* ,f «!'».«r A i at..-* *:,ld I*<Hka.|l»ain or the break at Mo;4ry dwell a th* lift ,-f th* rvMrartr.sAirl repair cootrecUra daft. wltli ai lb* » ",a| br iryu.'fd I pt't of tlit Cat,air Il will I i airtrtly n-.u'.rtd ll.fj (|>t.J loj * . | | f l f ' i * I a. J /•-Oi .. I' / *ftt t T,.ft., f) It M dll .. Iniepi ii Uie n m e In repair, aL any other alrurture f sli Urpft'r Oonlrsrtor* that i-j ,;...it.'.r h>ck not te** Oiaa hi all lime A of da) and nl/lil, t 11 11 VIUMHI .,[ ra.lfMliX,. fi/v, r>i ll.e/..or aliall be t»r«. i.l ai.d iii duty j „i, ea 1 1 otbrr local al jlrart on* half of the abov. M«a w- 111 Ir n.jti'.i.'i *x>'.pt on tl.c l«tl.-ial CenaU, >l.»rt s sufl:,'l«nt Alinilirr Of Ix^k IrndM-ahall I)* *niu1oyr*i to fa<*,!ltai«-ihr>t>usa|rr of l«>»is wldiout any delay or olvliuc- t'oi, A loir* »iiit.rt< t.t tin tb* opUlor, «•! the CooviaWoner In c o n «r will also M r«**,ulr*f*l cbewhere to facilitate uavixa- tton aid lift rt ll r ptililU propi-ly, Coi^rartor* al* Mtjulrtd (and'All b-rrb) rrpr atr*l so as te leave i o icu>, r«.r dlrrutr.) to lak* the w.>rk embraced la tl elr M»pit in A- , cnUact*. IP ih* condlttor, it otav be In wb*» li.tbet II ul rontracls laae 4n*rt, j hi it, as wrll as*rr/» ff. Inji| Mr. Tlie k . M p.it"i> or p< rn. v;n ir ir\tiit.KJ it> ei * |H-.I-I.II in.nirgisiery ili< i a aid. In rai* tt.i r a u b a to wbotn oonb n sy Ir swjaid'd al.all In all thloii failf comply the l«in* r/ tils nollrar, and of tli* propo»tl and s.vt'1 tc whom cither of the. <v>btrarU for i w i-ik may I* aw aid* J, will be required todtvciarorlKiiioen out to lb--crtjtnal baar or uottoii) line and wMil. of u l m . cr tc t-vw-Jt vlln i Uo* aa rr.ay Ka» t km MIU...UH.U, ieiab'.t*Vcub> tbe Uablature and stat * antbort. iWa* te.* |oeiI(>n ol t'ai.al lortuurd under their rt^x-cUve lOKtiettr; fcWsani and aJ) sucb ns vis aid* w^ter coooe*rt*-d wUh i art. rrei-ecilv* aefji'ori at-ove nejrafi Ilv A, aa may lie with- in Ihe " U u i lie-*." at tur Ii tir <» anO aa often a* may be rt- oedirij 1 | Un Coo nlt-sionc-r In char**, Tl.r |'< n o i l tir | < / v - i j ir. « l.ota rorrt*a-*ltv foi any of the al ov« ilii.j'k.l»iil f a) l-e aw aided, will b* rr..u'.i.-,i at or l-rfcie airnteia lb* «or.tra«t lo nay In casli tbe arc'irale f in.-iii | ,f il * ii,e.Ui !il». \«.*'. v I ool* M.G tHlarr tr.pu enmli it 'f.nl In ll.r |i,itf. lu* >rite<lu**a S* l*r!dC|dr^r to aocb ae*C- lions r< awarded, and ul It;, raid maUtlaUs Ac. will l>* d<- IUii..\ iv tl** (-•iiriiAt'ttia wil.,U) t - i ...j •' «) « i! i n raf*,i r. or tl* it'.- «f in.), aiiltlw ,„d thus . Ir Ilv m* will l*c refund* 4 I ) tl « Ccn ii.lt*-ittt-T al llr **ur* of ll.* ftirt con'rirt reontb. AM 11, i **>)• f-i i M h a nd e v t r y »e.*rllea inui>* W arrutii. li.f.I.ii 1 ) a tt«illf..'»U of d r p e n l i n S«l».e l**nklr,r Inw'.tU' llrt. li r. r.i r..d(t nlttWi this rtair. crrtll|ln« thai th- • uiA. .f )t., » liifie-sSu 1 M.I A »-• I* t"*n_ had 1-r-co de- 1 'al'i- li, rtitl li a*ltmlru << t b r t dn of ,*v. H. lier ton. Audl- ipr, ai tl ell tu* li r*itirwai<» rxci pt ib* one rr-.e.-h e-el frwew lb* i-.iit) «n taiUea tc wbcm a roiitrapt may Ir avaid- ed, v.il i* irtu!.:**. b) il« proooi<-is tnvn\rdmrty aflcr ^rvtrarte . . wtth . >nd of the propoitl and coo- u a ' i I ' . t ' t l h tl.< in,rt.*M),*l It c *apw ation o.f H-r aforraald rontrvi-t. tl« Cot'*i.1v/rt,ir In rbarsrc ahadl irlVe lo said oar- I'll I'i tlialtc.li the Aad U ci t^.r lie s«iw« uf nionry drpoaltr*! a* a*' »» rtsiedi but. in r>*r of Jailorr by t l i * s l i d |*e^poser<T or rr nl t ,Mimi, In >r JI ejf ll.r tmn* afoe i aalet, tb* money eie- piattidrl atlbr ft iMud to the Ma'*, and W d r d u r t c d froew 111 i n ' 'iinl tij t^r MOicrial on U-c bond of lb* de.'autUns; roLttrartor, i.vr ry i*iot<0*a1 must b< acvompatiird by an a*Rdavll e-n- dtii.a d i( rteot., ol « a* L v-r'»"-n tinH'ruj la *oc« pn'j-o*al, that l.i W t.tyt r l i r c t i y <i ltK.l;«*rtiy Inlttcwtrd In ant enb«r pro- boaal :,.i 0 e i»ir * w t r'a oi n*>iertst# *H S L T part of UJ* SJbirrt I ilatb* has io aar-'etortit or ut.dnalat.AA.nv with any ou.rr pr-nonoi I-. i t_r i^^, (,, 11 t r r i f i < d In any other proposal or r.,,,it»fi f.ir ll r a*u.e wo.k or ii.»!iiial*. i-e an* part **»**»• if, si.d that ro <dl.fr HIA-'II than such as shall IA* nam*4 In Ui* ui'*| «-*•*! li Inli n tried |r, thr »amr or has any aerr*«*i*eot Of ur diniauc'i » l* bac.-i. r ItUreatad tu any rootrart list ma_J W mad* tn iiiini.i.« of iti.-J. j.f. i-f-t-al, Kvi-ry i.M-|**#-al mitat 1 <• arrx^panle-d with a bond to 11.* tte-t'r rf Ib.i stale, In ll.r penalty of not leas li.aa twci.iy |,i c.-tit of liar sii'Bi aer.ouid of th* prot-oaaj for the l.fi,i vt year* s4>ote rprrl&*d. nor io ay.y ca*e 1**4 11.af. S l u e |-4pa l Li, ai,d whU-b bond shall be »ljrt*rd bj tl,* t/'M| t n a l tr.*r avie b i'fti-o<*a3 and two or m o r e rr*f<O0- alt li M.I;I'.», v.|,'.rl. tiirwtfrs ihall JiuUfy tn aunvs *»juaJ In tl * aarreyate. (without c^onatdiwtuAe the Juatlfiratloa of rtiliff i>T,# \A a*id wiir-tln M of any value bryond the aim -tint of aald i-rnaltyj lotwbw tbe ain*imut Of audi t^oallj, *r>d e-ald U>oei h-uat b* acooaik-aii^d br the certificate of the rt'M'rtH* of tbr lo*n or waM, and the Oounty Ol*rV or the (an i,i) J.,.',:t t-f lb* rr'ufitj In »)*lcb s*iei aiircOal.aU r«*a4d*, o* any (w-v uf U.i m. a* to Ot* r*»rvnir!i*()li. of tale aiiretl'** ll.r t-t,wc teoulrr that ail bor<l* anel proiK^al*. lorrther villi, ll.r ii'knowlrd|ru*riit#. crrVlAraU-a, affldiriu, A c , ar- iiau i ao)lr.i U-< **m* aXaU be ewenv rv> lu every r*woe<t be- fr>r* l-rttis t««*iv«*_i at*d ot-inrad * '' tott 1-rtt.s ifrrtved atMl opined by U*rw>. a n d ijl tbat ar* not itui rorniilrti will l^> rt.erudi any aitorallona or oorrec- lion mrrt b* ifjted b*for« *,ndr.f i aaid DOieor riplaoa'loa ir.iiid br full and -?p]«l. ard rnuat b* aljfr.r.1 by the ofrVer takl; f tl.r a<i nG*,r-lnnei.<l ; U mutt aUoataJe tbat said roe- rrriJrr.i " »r/« inad* Iirfor*. sWtilos.'* or If U t > r irutTi(rj«. •*w«tc irsde wttL u»« full knewiedae an' psrrti » *«rnb r s a i d lbAvU-urnetrt," lb* pt Cjutrrd b; i IM rl r>| (a 0fJM<l and CxbQAJ*-fH of ad I Lhtj lb* t-H*on U wl.t.ui th* wf-ri may be awarded will kx rr- ili* f3oiiuaeHJiAf lloanl to ylvr the hood Ur tl*e par- «..* •»•>«>* A • ,*...(,a^ l.a J.alJn. « ' i ..* 1 V.- I . — . O r i I ,Tis*n<r..Tlllir-r." or,DM: . l i , - , * , . l ^ 11 '. < 'f DWV ' V* ,, SSb' an. ,1 i.ai r^cmltlM I»'^.I.MII. J. (ibatbar* Mr* -I.K.W Tewa ri' B. W. M'JtOLJt 1st Ur«V eHh IrTfahW, W. *\L, t*\4 If K-.-rWs.ii4f 6**>a* twel'n thraerrt of It *r-d H yra/a. AUo. *0 stout bet* fv« btiaktss Tarftova 111 1*110 Hf avaewrUs, with board, dothlt>| ax^ sne-JtraJ aU*tft4aBCa._ T*rvx of aawtaCt r f*a*», boesbtr at lb r U V W •.»• »**• I"! as—-.t*.^ - . a - , try., v alle-r.o*r.r* T*rm of s-Hrar* f *r l eaptraauoei of *»J!*lmrerV Applr at I AUo, 40 stout Kb boare rar* f ft Andy at tb* t>rtiv< **A.N*f Te>t)i ealy II'M ll« COPAKTNERSHIPS. 1>UDMC KOTICK IH IIEKEUY OIVKN THAT Jl ll.e unArrs-s7i*r>d b a r * f o r n * 4 a i;i»lud_j.artr.v-t*1.1r. un dt» ai.ti Ir. piiriruaj^* of l b * fiirt A, *|part . . . . ., . »fU*< Dr*t Aitlrl* of Tfile 1 of e.'i.eaptrr of Ue[b«oi*d f*ait of ll* H*ii**4 Naiui** of lb* siau of r'w Tori t that t*v>* stay or nrai ooder wblrfa aorl, parut . l s u u U fosrdurtArt) is A M IIOn f A IIA 1*4* i J.w lb* •*«. * rsJ r-alur* of i b e bts*»hr*M lrdrnA#«i t« b* traj**aJ*vvct*-<] by Men to tn hip la that tA Ui«tVm.«.*wJcdr7 »vo*i| c*ter»la-r,or, I'-u-f. | tlat U>»p-bmri rrf all tb* fenet .iei. |-arti.*r»Up art OK A h M / h • isrtotnblpls that *A U_«t_ta?rj.«.»wJcdr7 mr<Af extern)a**.or, I'saldrOiCf if ti** c*ly of ftew l o r i . .. _ ,4a*o* ofrre" * D at id . o a r t r i r r i in.«r*rr**l***t in wLoe* ('la-?* of re^lerrjc* U ai*o U.s c4ty cf hrw T_>r1t f a n d ' <br f_jM_nai partr,*r| nr1a««s and aarars of all (br fJPffAtf P** 1 **'*-!-! .- ni.Lv ib Uonlbi svt^jtoiiKHT vv, wafi»*oi<, iL* l-'.a<' cf re*aMrr,r* of all of wI*oas Is the dty of port eier.rr. lo lb* st*Uee^kho<U Iriand, tlat ti* aw-'mni ofca.pl. t^focUtbutaM l^yearWaw s*»r*c*.a) % artoe-ev U (*•• ev>ta sni-ti i<*rk o f r w h y artrirrsbli). aod whlct, bae U-ao a*-UaJi» 14 In caah jU asMJews. naemrly t Tbr *»id ardlc rood fait TitwtfP &*<kwWs,iab«e*vm of tvrvpiy rlrr tiicwfand efoUarsf lb* (•*!-; Karl »- Ma*aor*_ t..* sum of firLy 0.<«i**r.*i d M i a / s i U.e of fifty toottaaj*4 Aottara, at,d as foUews. naemriy i Tb* (Sy* Uiowaend coil ' 0*xrt>aand rlr*41sa-/a j U.J af twt tb* aaiei }U\r\ T. U won. v..* laldTullr l>, Itow*o thaisu ti.* aald Kobrrt K. walaon, the mm af twr*olr fir* taV'uaao*. ;bat t h * l-rrtr-d at wbUvk *M >aM y>art*^**wb1s U U lb* flrwt el** of JantufT. In thei y**ar oo* ihoea- tbdrrd aad yisly two, arvd lb* Htto4 at wiloa j| fi the tbt/ly.flrwt dar of D«^«*nl>*r, it, th* r*ai HUD _ jure, e I.* aald Moi-rt n. WalAvvn, tbe dollars I and tbat t b * i-rrtr-fl aA - to ry>WjD>rT>rr Is tb* trA dar of Jan ssr-fl rirlrt burvdrrd aad yisty-twn, wnMntolnaU li the lirlrly.first Aa. ma*. U.i*xi*a/)fj rttll hasA/r-ll »Mjl>tyja1i, J-atodNew ro/V. jsjMiaVjyi.iwa. $%$]$# BIAHL f Juotl im W. WAirfi.t, M It, BOLOMON T. CAB WELL IIAJJ THIfl darrrtlrawl froaa over firm. >ew Tort, yebruary 1st, Irra. JOIIS OAJIVTKU. A OO. M' It. BOUIMON T. CA8WKIX WIU, USE l.r tiara, oTU^ Bra la l b . MtbsoM«tf *4 t b , baabavM of tl. (,l^ f*r.rrrn. Mil lu H'JIE C0VAKTKKK8IIU' lUCKETOrOHK KX. 1 IMlrar nn*rr tb. Araa of McCKKAbr, AIOTT * OO U iX* r G~ " 1, " , *artr.«r wUl _ .. „ , , ^ . M UU»O.'K\AKL h|v Tort, rtlroarr lal, WA. "HAVE. THI8 DAT C«*-*ru.arri,l» on**, lb. Ana of !t. I. Mc « = » A Ul t( <^sA_wl)l raarUno. liTba^ooaV iiritJZit l».'., <ar dl*»ol,j4 br ,'rr. tb, turo, of tb, lira. nplUt UNDEKUIONKU J (Man*. »C<- (.-r.raliv A t o.i r^rifioctf <1 br McCrttAr. alctt A (K rt/I. r,*r Tort, rrlnarr lr<.!«-. *&mm fabllr. D ISSOLUTION.—THR l^r».*for. rababas tu>A,r tb. Bra bfttrTlltaA la IKW As. clWolrol bl b r . Vsak. rtbrtaarr It, ltd COPAnTNEKAHir of TK,V»IIT<>J« BypVjeTfttATO^' pOI'Al.TNER8IIII'.—THE UNDKIWIONED —y«»}*t;t.},mio<on r<c*Wta4 br r«I.V««roS halOA. at Ko.ra w,hr*»K. m •ri, rabrasrj »li. Jf>tra_ Wrtlisffiff KTOK. TJHE UNDEKwoNEo vkvKTnmvKr m u z cx)i'>URTyjut8_ur " S ^ a ^ ^ w ^ I Irrlw «wbjr !__.•_____, *~! «<_-*_ y _ ^ J _ I ^ T ? _ ! _ " _ ^E ! ^ v, Tis t TOrSr ? »|*-r TarfcrttwawaryJ. -*»____ Pint; tTaaPa^«^wro'i*-Ava' THIS OAT fOTffiJgiMr^lfs borrrt* ware* ss rrctoirr-5 by citautcri.i. of the laws f*orit.iarts o» any i r t n ert In 1he *am« shall not 1-* lAj'-cnr*! '? anyi-r-ifoncr prraont without th* wittten coiiariit of the t ana. r.}iiitii'.»»Siflrt ia The fJonsUA^ioores will rrserre II pi«r r*ol, cf the* awvowot v* r*rlj rrttllr* uxrllil) e>**UtO%teofwor% deyqeanel pjatTiala o«4li**ri]la*«vrrnrU) to lb* HaU for thl *><rtexw>arice of tbe c*Mrtrart. and at rt,* *aplra<ton of the third rnoeiih \m rarb yi ar. tl,* }| t -r-r r*M. Utui r*taln*d eturlns tir* 8>re- vl<p«» v*ar, rbalt be pahi to tb* rriitractor, provbllr.r tho prortaluna tf lb* contrart ahill bar* lr*n fully comj>alr4 wiu,, Iu reac tb* Iroaid a-taliu of opinion tlat It* {irex^ails are In <-i,-rib4>v.tHi,r* of atijr cc-mllnailon or t4hevw^*a, *%<**• r*"*! cr e*Wadv snUrrOui tr lb* tri*t*t Ihry ruvy etecHne all rt»t raid prove",*!* and aOvrrtler anew for U* work and mate- rial*. Tb* i-*no!.i to wbom 0>* worV may I** awarded wttl be r<- onlird tc retire lr.it e**otrart for Hit t rrtonnacct of thr woe-k *-iti.li! tm dars aitrr th* asm* *l.ail have br*M awarded to th.m, al rttr plar* ar.d upoo lb* Ureas pr.ecrtWd by Ihe Ooo- Uiftl/i no* ret ho bid wil) lb* rrrrtvrd fro« any K-*** or v-eraoria wtaoae S ot.1r«rt for Canal KrOalis ishall lav* beon drciared abao- oi.(d1|i ll.e Cii.trsctlr.i Iloaj-tlon ivC^ountof Incowio*' .. Inct'y. lb' a Hat*. ITT^HW*1I will oot U reertj e«J frosa any |brr>c*ri or coewpaay cow br-M.ibf any e>>n<*art with the t*tat« lor Canal Repabti aorwUl .more than out conU s-ct b* awarded to s>nyor>«tei>oa orroiopaiiy. Tb* r»a»* or naan** o< the o*r»on or p*rwon*i Pe^porlnf seurt I* wilitrn out In full, with their pUootof rtrtdeix* a*d lOrt* if-«* adona*. Tl< »ia*<ir>ceaiJofw, foimi of e*M*dr»A-c<, not'.ree and aH ether MeEtrHrsiy stassert, with which woroetrrs trtll be reeuWd te rpsxply will Urta«yfor*»ar»*doatW ar^ tbe b!aa\ prot>o*- al» aod J-anels ntayjbe prootji**! at f^et Br^ne^r** »mo* U wfUttu Bneen daye . „. on lb* Dlrtsfocoes lilorelod. ho r t(-r,-ii wnx aa cvoyupaarn r*>iL*jwi is avaKT cv>«- p-t-Mivt wrrw TMI» v*nic%. Dated Albaxy. >"eU-ua/y mfe. 1K*J. JJ, J cJIiTWrR r Ji ALitleKiiKirt*) 7- P- TA Vl*fl)U fcUl* Kearloeer A Horrrror. K. K liltftTOla. Auditor, febll dltnchl* iiof *i.*n any *uri( perao* or t<era^oc*s le lnWTe^'ed" d.iecrt/ or Irvdlrrct'y, In ar.y rr-titroct for Canal Rs-j-aira oa the Oa&als of »» »r^A !<v»<*a nary __•_* rToooreo at toe fiiunnrarr t Albany. Pyisri-use and l*uiTaJo, at any u-n# vrtlhtn On* wipe ic Use tlave ISciHrd for the kill** on th* Dlv WbKb roeli off re li lcx-a%tr-d . Cans- <>>nimlatA<«*ea. OITT NOTICES. ATOTICETOTAXI'AyEKtJ.-OrKICEOKl'HK A a C>«>iarH.,«j u T i l u aauJliva.ia.rrTisK". MC«i«- rjas.^r haw Voaa, J u u n )J. iwi --NtTTIOilH IllUtKpr <1|J AN.U..HW, AwanKnlMclbcf K««J nilI'rKsonal U Ul, ef t b . aJ<r of Kanr Vert. f..r ll.r w IMl, ar. saw cm for |*lUl< lr.*|-r<iloc. srir] frill i-or.tlnu, of^n antll <laj of Ajwtl oral, Isriorlrr. All Uiiariq sr. < rt«a«liri t, .all .r>4 ..aaaln, lb, »ruM,iaor4*r Mrs*, in tb. a a i , , » , f a a , a>a> la roractrd. ll JJ a I a»r«avll» . arlbataar AUo. ail .aw- II.U. Ic rraiur*.,^ t< mat. *a/t- : la^rlooi U> tbr oiorlf, .* tb, roll, on Ml* tub its 'ollfi.lrir *«rViB of ll.r Art of /rati It. I W , br raob- lorib,Infarwiailwiof Isa irsirj,t. ... Kara io* It l».rtt* l*» tlm. It., tool, pballb, ooon U> *ab. a.t£*i. s, hrr«4«t'^f-7 m i M H . s»iJl<nJofi lav b. MM! Valiailr-n oTlil. "•*! rw i-vaoa-1 «*i \trjz^&$ sSssg fr 1 -riTo, lb, rrova? of ob>frtlo_ tb«.ao, 1,11 r s r u n l o , lot. A saaavasowit tl cava.!»-'»»«to l* oonorarA. If •*/<*. I , iftarlori u tb. tmtmt* ,sluaJI»riof taa; |lw«l ^*ll \- aaajobii^ aixler fath br tl , rs v bo lisJl b. aaitbort.**! to a* wrlobrWr ,.(ll*wii ^lt%bv,o,U.«lrlwl«w>»et.t rofM^oa, tb.7 stall OSUM tli. SUM t o b . lb. uwau of «*Kb a a * « H a r l aa t - . r a ru.rl d»<lv« Ibtir <*rM°» IVr-oo wto. Mosaml , n aval or poraoool wt*.* astra It Aarl -pr*>«, «rvt*r aosbl. OoanacW»a*ra of ft* a a l l »«astasrl Ko. tSW&.ftZ&SZVfc [tr-taWa*! toltosaM ef W-M^Qm*4m1tm+. rtosatwiMl iair •^rvTaTliii, HJUtoWfJa. '/ K.- * 1k -.« tkftiA. . _„_~~._. .. ' iirn'1 JJaLa^trwaslfaiiaawliiavial-a^ 988 ^mm^m Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

In The End All You Really Have Is Memories 10/New York NY... · mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 'Si* . wwlw 1111,1.11111.. i imi ii,illiiii..rrfasiil.**S*w**00 immwwvH'xmnvmnttn *'!i|!NIMW[J!'":«

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  • mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 'Si*

    . w w l w 1111,1.11111.. i imi ii,illiiii..rrfasiil.**S*w**00

    immwwvH'xmnvmnttn *'!i|!NIMW[J!'":«' .."1 l!f*Ifffi|P*n

    , . . * « . i l , i . I . . » - » •

    . ' ' * v l : " - ; ^ i V ^ ^ i 1 ' ' ' . rlif "•' ' ' •", ' -s *•:•"•'-.•::.;'^",iV>; • !-V'• i'';' •'•'. vi ' '

    ' • ' • • " • ' V ' V ' f ! • • • • ' • ' • ' • , L f1 '

    w * a M j r

    TgBaBWgB&iBBŜ - « jg | 5 f IBfgSI I yPJWPW/^ ,.18.c?-.

    * : " > > ,

    •Dll i l l l l l 11,111 IWHWIU-fl &M*S Moxiioa, (fctiruir/ i: The whole

    i ruber of released federal prl*oner* I* about three

    mitred and ninety.

    The (tldiniOnd Pffi'itch ul ,-!it'i"li/ h>< th--

    "rtir/ot.K, Vx., Ceforairy ;l C'-.p'^ln SlchoU. the l\tCMhnrj< Artlller/, irrlvod her« !hl* \<

    moon from Winton, wh^ro lie !i wl l>••••n «t*tln~t Itli'a h-jtler/. On ye4terd*jr ho w n o n the D i v l * » d i n l n U t r * t l o n . It » iy* t h i ' .


    II merit can n o w render to the c o n r i t r / i * the v , r

    ndt-r of tho h e l m t o .idler irid h e l l e r l u n l i In

    ew r>f the j imt , t h e pre*ent in«l pr-.'i iMo (itur.-,

    ' l>y'(tr/ t(rinor,-o h t ',\t'.r in'- '•••'/, m l *

    lrtcr:iMr.''cornpen*fitlon fur the ruin nf < free (.•••.

    0. A child with * hnuhtn m o l d in in villi i

    mnfj wife- uro pirtlil lllmtr itlon* '.I I'lodepin

    Me folly.

    Tlie Itlchrnond 0"i>-(' h »U liu.lui,; (letter >l •Ice for hi* i^rcnt victory •* innonriced in \ls.-r' ke'* denpfttch. The Or"i^if.:*\ 1* nngounclnr/; Krld.ty, tho "J'ith iu*t,, •x d*y r.f fji*tlii^, hiirritllotlon md priyer.

    There I* nothing In tho p-i[^r+ from Hiv,inn»h The SHrreiidor f»f M.ivinn.ih w u rumored i' chrnond.

    IK fiKl.KAf.KD UNION CltlrtONKIirt AT


    ISH.TIMOIIB, Kehrimry 'J). -Tho reU'-»*«d Union

    ItOIicrr) hrtVoJlHt irirtrchcd up Italtlinore itreo!.

    rorlcd hy » detitchnien'of tho k'lfth New Vi.r'.

    oinviM with their tlrm hand. They wore, onthu

    Atlcully cheered nlonir tho routo.

    :ltlVAI,()KTI(KSTKAMKl:(;N.-lTITC riON

    ritoMsiiir I.SI.VSD: ^^S( lr IttrriK, K o h r u i r y ' i l • T h o * t e u n e r Con

    t u t l o n , from S h i p U U n i l , I* ottt*lde tho tur.

    ' T h e ahoYO Ateorner wtw nrrone*.u,*ly reported

    I* rnorrilriij M the N o r t h ; tUr, from A*plnw. i l | ;

    F r o m I f r t y t i .

    BMKNt 1 or rHKiuiK.iT dKrrn i n o rue IOIIN HKOVV.S *oin(Kii*ri(iv.

    I'.y an nrrlvftl from Tort in Crltieo t o d i y »••

    ve received Ifiytl pnpora to tho •:»! In*tant.

    rhe court- m»rtl il »pp'>i'ited to try tho Oun il /• i

    mplrittor* had condeionoit to dettli twelve out

    the twenty-el^ht »rre*te>.

    Phe total amount realized hy tho , under a *ee.*»lr.ii i.^r. t, lelt her dock on tho I'Jth, and, according to 5 evidence of her steward, lay In the " creek." "old chadnel," until thoWth, when she wen', sen, ucd waa captured tt o net t tUj. The lK.rt

    IDH under strict Mocka.tn, Mr. Woodford rued that the louif ilclay In the channel el: ,rly >vrd knowledge of mid de*l(r.n U> evade the •ckade. The ctuwo n u «helng mad* by the comi I for'the elalnaantr, Hie Court took the |»»p^r« d raicrred It* deohjlon.

    rhe W»0 or the Culled $Mt» tyt. Ttie Urljt t>el(* d Cargo l e l o g MMed ou, Mr. Woodlord *p-jred ror the government, Mr. Upton for the rtl officer' (eaptoraj, and Meaara. Kdwar4«; rotlf^ *"4 'iTiojopaotofor Ibe sevtral eWmarjU tho feasel » B 5 tar**. The plei«ilo«» havto* »D rtad, Mt. Woodford mofed W *Mk« o o l all the «n«Wer* that exceeded the sUlement nrn»«rii o l UM» mauler for oeo day. riw elatawnU li«n objectivl to Uw »ppear«oo«

    of Mr. Upton or any other private eonoecl for the navsl cawora on the trial.

    The court orderad the bcarlus; of these loca-tion* to lie over tot one day.

    (kM*!*tt Hen4eraa.» • » X«K«I T e i d e r .

    Senator Ifenderaon o( Mlaaourl tua iddreeacd

    tbe lollowlow note to Ibe Union Kxchinge of St.

    lx>oU, Id referertce Io tb« TrtaJury note bi l l : -1 on yesterday evening g»T« m y rapport to

    the measure oo it* p»as»ge la the Senate; bat the legal-tender elaose was supported with g r o t re-luctance and many forebodings as to the future result*. It will be Of great prevent relief, bat the mo*l rigid economy On the jairt of the people, snd a determination to meet the burdens ot pres-ent tatatlon ran atone save tut from the rnlnon* etTrcl* of » depreciated paper currency.

    "Your* reapectlully, J. B. HKtDKJUOS."

    Captain rvrter, of ths Oaaboat Xa*ex — Tbe following U an ettract Irom a private letter, writ-ten at the request of tho captain by hi* acting aid, dateal Cairo, IH, February 17th: "The eapialn has suffered all that a man could endure since be ws* scslded on the Cth Instant. Bat Dr. Rlc* »»T» he Is getting along welt, and thinks he will be able lo get around In a tow day*." The friend to whom tlila la sddrrastd hi* rea-elved (bar letters from Captain I'orter since his Injury, aud there la no allusion In sny of them to Internal Injury, ransed hy " Inh illng the hot steam." The writer of thei above also «a>s.' " All hands on board will be glad to sr-0 Captain I'o/ler ouce more In active service ss they think Mm too good a man to be sren ly'lng on a sick bed." This U soldier lan-guage, for the best men Inttsl suiferaa well as do )or their country. TIC lC*«ev waa to b« towed to rlt Lonla for r r | * I r«; hut, at the above date, she wi* atlll it ( t iro . Thl* delay—caused by the wrrcke.1 condition ol the boat, and tho sickness of her ^alluil ciptalli I* trying tho rcetlcaespirits of the Iware ere* rattier snrervly. The K*so\ Car-rie* remarkably heavy cannon, which haa.ln each rug demerit, l'o'.i| aeverrly upon the enemy's vi.rk* - \l1,i'fl-iphti /uv'.lrrr.

    C I T Y l . V T K I . I . H J K N C E .

    ft* i"f,y>~* llrratifaal ••• tt>« Unleera of the Twelfth I ' l . n w r t l c u l l t r 4 h i i e i i l .

    We ire requested hy the Connecticut State

    Agent In (hi* city to say thai the breaklaat which

    It wi* proposed 10 give lo the olllcers of the

    Twelfth Connecticut regiment to-morrow morn-

    in,: at the Aator House will be deferred. The re-

    . elpt of a i|eoJ«.

    K. A-"'" .,-t. II. J. /.v tjl'tl. -Tho plajnllirailed lo re ,-...tr i.i.-a an »lle«r.| e treat of duly lea led to i.ae r . i :... h.r up-«i .ii liiu-.irl.ii.ot r.f wrhill^n £oo.tr. made ilttrin : iho ir ir i - -e. Ti.« plaliiiliri«iil»n.le.| that lh- goods l.i , , .II .ii a err •• M*ii*rl«," and Ihsl, iin.ler Iho larlif aetol

    1-liJ, wrre .'.l.Je. t l*. a dill) "I iweuty \*t cent, o f rif

    II. . i ' . r o i i i . M h i d e d that Ihe merchandise Ii «|iir*lk.ti **» " l-iir.l il.illi,'' l int II wja Imported hy Ilie 1 ". t'i-1 w». prf.j-.rlt ile.i;iia!e.| i t "tiiauitfacturi.s el ...M.l" in t:.e r irirf i l .-I r-1'J, aii.l thoul.t pay a ihitt i * •i |< r r»m . at ci.tr/-.I In iMa e:n": further,"thai after

    ll... Tsrirl 'il "I KlS, and ii"l till Iheo, this "duTI • | . . | h * a .» c . l ..;. In pie--va of Iho Mtl lKet u t te , a n d .'.lUr I •• l.l»iike'«." iii io I. r I > 1'iVe idvanlage of Iho Tariff aci, . 1 . I Hi . I • ell • • « II . - a I In HO. c.l*.-.

    1*1 ih. tit ii-ir-.l '•-•• I i . * it...-**.* *ovt*rnl prwmlnent mer r l . an la . w h o . a ..•• | - ••illrri.i l l .a l Ilie Slt lclCI In t|.i|.av,n a lu i. H . It t. a. sn,t J r. tt. I ' M . (till .r« *Vt a. H.I . IUr. M. stiil J.Ctt r. it. 1^.41, rliliaittlfttis Ir **. aji? r. a. an.J 11 alstit. \ftVf- .i , i N» w Vitk t r . it , U r , * and I t . * . . Ntnnnr.« J. I SI. *. M. rW.TOX. Prwldtink

    r. W. sad B. Saliroad.

    « m r i m , . O K I . I M I I A , »T Title PAMnr.M AMD AMUOr RATUtOAl?.

    &.»%% Jcd&£ ;*.»C\M01EM ANU A ..HOY KA.I.KOADLiyYtefh.1%-

    |/-a*ttU « '•' l-.ft- fr.ro .*)(•* ,%•>.>• Noilb lilixr, fOOl Of B « •: i f l l f t l ' l , *« t»i •* Vfl .fa A. M., d»!t» OfeaatinM-- [.(-'») ^iN-?« ,-«M.hr.,ii;(OM\ltDa'*rwKrOS ! CuplaJohn t iumft, iVf Amis A«fk»*.-?, ih*nc«ti by o-u* *mJ Meftrabo.ll» J i-MMftWiK f*f> *>t .Slf Hi"*, » i » .

    ArfttAsnON KXI'UK.fV. LINK-Al 1 o'clocX r. w.. i%!\r, •t,ir U ) n « i " f [ , | . - | , 1,1 , i . - i( .»mr..-*,l KIi)ltA3t>rSfv>OKa ION, i t . 'p i ' l r f »|j»ff.|«»r>Ml, J fttvitbur*. HttfbUtowQ, B-7f,(*-v v.kvn. ( lurUncfoa » T I U-trt i l f outTa *r.WLa*t * l V hllsAelgh' i | i 'M. | i f. M.

    ftf»i>» i.t-.r-.* Mr,*-. fcM4 r\rtKnmx>y. W A Y AVI'OMMODATIOJJ U N B - A I t

    >-c*\r** «i I.W r, M.. stoopla* Al i ' l * i |

    . »»,% •f Vfavlnirt •*r-f«.

    AW-OrtMOOATfiSM AfU> VUlORANT LZNKd- Vt I M J .yr'o'-,, r. n. front Hef Mi», I Noil^ UW«r. fool of U«r l ' l l t l .An«l .c i ( Ia . -U*I l l ed Xspres, >u>»*i»«taf!")«,«« »»d tr*>no«d5»la sUIJoc*. 1 . ' " ^ " " " ' * ' " * " " * B « N l " * ^ " * - a i l > ' » » < d s k ! w r » « s l

    , ! « a. is. Milk. J,l)r. » t OU..BU aoj tntetaanUa*, Ma.

    XiUi^Z?—''"^ M>-to'twx J a | tAsl lona Th* Jratn o f S l S ^ . , . , U . , o « a J to f W K t tiat i l oaVJo l r i t l i SJt'lX?"*" J.*, r .a Aaaa~two.lal.oo. Sv f>,okWk ,i»Twlael>al rla-

    • W w i . «AR*n. «-* , .^ 0 , U 9 •*«•». K-.ia*»-r



    ' " r ^ a t K o i ~ U » a «, *•»•••• Man Traot fraaTwrnty-

    Twanlr stltit str*«t >s**t 'ofkrUls.

    O'.nftVo Cl.atl.aa. s o w w «

    ' W V & V & i r Z t W itak^lS a n d l . s.a.

    ' ,i*-'wir£^,ifre4l«lrjt.rao W M ba>s,>saw«

    t r r ^ l H , »

    I5J> »*)•*. ts.|«

    ' "" A. f. ntrrg. fc, atttiia, i,**,


    glLaJtOa. OF T K t H W U a - I J t A T * . JAWB Br, I. W *. a. aw ttrsaawas*, fj* ^i.mi*M r^j. lor arfallas aatsfMtaril^ ^ Y » * a > * L U * *i,\iVJ"£J

    lor rhVaaH,»fcia arVd I N and ».0O r.K. forlleov-T H ^ . ".-r->—IT »_a.. „ n ruvlvala. Wa» frarst

    - M I W YOKK AND NKW UAVKN RAILJ.0AD. I S ttrltf-" ~ - - • " " — — • — '

    Ownr **•**}«& wxswttr*'"*' tutt$n tutlon In htrW Horn, corner -Ah rrtrtet and lUi ^ A t v / t - A ^ Islw's^RrT -

    Tor f»«w Hsvvp.tiMl •.?* ». X (Kx )̂ lfelAa.Slf*»..)>»A

    Csail,i.Wr. a._?or Mtlford. Sysjfor^

    i. a. /or Worwatk. ».«*} *• «.-d •*••*».M» a5tU.*-**> »«, ».«) i l e r. a. for Datlrn and OreenwteKr.W.f.SOl.iti III . ».10, t»«, AS) r, a. for K t s n t W t.M. AW (Bj,.) » *. M 1 UI».A» In. . ) I to, t » • l i ' j ' a '• *. ,17' PortthMrr ind toifro.».ilsl« Htallons. IML»N a. ra.l ItU 1.10. ito. »ro. rua, AM r. K, r*r roncUssW, and N«w SiitKllr, MO r.».

    00!«!«ICTI^O TRAIN", r,r Hoaioo.vU a»rto,|l«la. Ay) - - • -(rot ItMtM.yia Bfurra I (as, 11/

    )/.»!,((a..) IX (Ki.,15-00 r, a iCtMr.M. ror ifarlftrd an.l

    Krtoan»a»»V>V."( i^ . / ' t i^»»(^ n«tec,» lllvrr Rsllrosd.to i ootrtat. > CM t̂ a. ( t t .d , - * I l ls

    ' Kor Kartfnrd, PrevUeoo, »nd rtahklll . TcrNrw Ul tra . New I.oct-

    I.. 13 15. IhsmpU

    .. ror Nt'itatyk ror Daaborf araa rtorvslk

    r a. to .Nntlliamtitf., RHlrosa,SWa. t*.''Kt.) ILIA/.M. . . . . tton anl Slntilnr^on Rallroail *t S,0»s. «.. II II, A*) soil *,0) r. ». Kor Canal Railroad II U r. a. lo Notthsmpioo ror tfoonlonle Railroad (o PUta/liR MO ftatirr ad. I M a a., 1*0 r. M. Kallrosit.T.'iOa H..1.MMI.

    ComtnoJiotis sltrvtrvrrara sttsehedto S.ODr. tt, trslra. JAUK8 i l . UOVT. rtut^rintarJk*.!.

    BTO.\i:«i.To,*i twuron nonTort VIA OROTO*/. 5TONIN0T0N. FROVIUBNOK, WXWrORT. TAUrtTOK and NRVf BKO.

    itso.1 Root,.—The afiotleat sp.1 saoi) rollaNa. Itallr (Mo mlafi noeiitfil) at A a'rloek r, a.

    f p m g i M ^ k ( ^ ^ IVr,lnf,.|a/tsr«f rrdls/a

    TT>* ComiONWrjiLTIti OsrHsla 8. W. Tfiujaita, on Tuoala/a Ttiilr-.lsrf srxl Batordajs.

    ITralatitUkrpsttWtiec*IRstet. rorfurlliar InfcrtiiatloB. and for Ticket*, (data Koomtor

    ii'iili*. srpir on Marti, or al IhsotSeoof th , Oonpaajr, «o. Ill Wras »t.-«*, ooron of Oporlland iw»««, , ,

    a , « T o r k . rTovrtoMrJ. IMt S » JTOB BOBTOJa, Y 1 A I fKWl 'OBT

    .AT* an. s r r i T . O r l AINK.OI rroal ttmnstl gartlcularrj a.laoK.1 to tho natlsalfon of Loos It. runout, ha tweivKlloo with th« fall Rlvsv aid ( AallroaJ^a ''Vaijej of U miles U» Bostoa oah>.

    ftrrSOMowT tc'itrlHa rTrA't1*. OapAbt K'a7too,l«aTM New Tork on ifomlajs, Wrahiawitsr* sod Trllara al Ao'olook r. a . touoMoa st ftawport aseti arav.

    T)i*aioa«Hir METKOHll.lA CJ#i fork on tasadara, Ttmrtalar,

    isatKawportas-n lamer, an nsreorntl ar* affortl r lrs ls l 1 oatoo on lake Ito

    • »rh Rotten ibonl JV a. a,

    utpuia »rtnm,lf«TMlttii )r(o*tir*« *,n i ti- >«t« thsj r>ft i n J ftOO09PftQl«« lh» M i l l loU-1 . ( 1 Ui-Altoa.

    A •l**m»T ran* In conntciloti i f f fr *n*l ProTWa-etv lUltjr,

    firUSt lo DotloQl/roTwV1 bT »n tf - J V * - •fr«*i*tHl Tr*.lnt *«., Ac.

    Uh IMIIIH* beUCdn F»ll •CA lUltjr, excs-pl 0undftr«. UforvfTdtM through wUhrro*lde«i»Atcla

    :i'>T»ai r i r n n o t i a a . i i . for rreUMor p*ft*vu« ippl/ on bo*rd, or x\ lb* o(T3*>4 on

    K. for l U ^ f w n i »o*< berth* »j>p.7 oa bovda

    &Okl>XN AifoCTl.-.ndnWe*lirt

    •or it*lr>ro

    FOR NKW IIAVHW. ITFKIPKfT. nARTrOKD,8rRIN«MKI.D.NORTHAMI*rOn if>>! tiitfnntnltt« tonpt; f»l», town* on Ih« line of Vettnoi.. r,4l;rosvl4. /» /« to htw Htren On« P^tUr,

    No oh*rt*» frr bettht. . , , J T C ' . B T B A M K K 9 W I U , l . K A V K VIKit

    .rtsTiiiliiW^r'.. JO Cast Rlter. 4.11, (Hnnlara e«« | i t»U si > r. M. Paaiattarra for MeiKleo, lUrU.nl an.l H?rlnsllrl.lctii uve i t i s train liom New I tarrnal l l r. a.,or>etualooQboarJ illlstotolns wiltiotil elitrso.

    M'rcriap.lita firwanlfd t.r Sew Ilsvrn rtesmrr, and s i l t l l j Ktprraa VrcltM Train llirona*! to tl i^a-lmiellt, Vsrmonl A'..i-rn New Htr'U'Mrr. Nortlie-n New York and CansJa ^tlaartilt'enlto llorllntlott, Oiplotalnttaand Montreal,

    apt. lalprniHOItl l iyi lR.Osrwval rrelstil Taat KJt,r. New Yoik.

    1 Atont, li'or J

    IW^KAN01S._ M K T K O V U l . l T A N F I U K I N 8 U K A N C K COM-rt,T.-ll^* Ilro a. I war. earn ft of Fiao itreet.—TlilsOnri-ptiir ronllntir* to ln.nr* bollJlDKS, seiaiinal properlr so t

    lliflr carttoes on' farorali!^ lernta KNTY.NVRI'MI o i N T p r THR

    lo pott, anil " n . l l CRNTOr THR KTPKOr.T»l ,All>

    lll.oul ilal.llltr. vtMv*tea5,

    JAMW LOKIMKIt (lltAIIVK. Preil 1-nL

    iM rir i o II>:A1.XKH.

    Je, . , t i 11. Vatnu L - - " . r i l A p p l ' i i i . Vi - l - i l rk II. Wolco l t , tVIDtttn K. Slro ' ir . (.1 a i l t , i \ KirVI .ml . / s n . o t 0 . rlt-fl.l .-i . | I > P I , I I ' s t U i . ( J i . . r * i . , t A. C o n o r e r M t f l l n Half , . Jr., Ihi.ller I'. 1'l.Her. Cartlial W. Turner

    rankl lg II. De lano . t-nrr V. Hitler,

    l»lt P. Vtrnuifl. Jr., aniM l^rlmer (Irauain..

    low,-, R. Jtollr.lae. ()i|Vrt I.. Beeeknit-v. Jeljn (', Itettilerton. 1,-trraui rreema-i, > : i « , f i l i l t e o i i i l t e i . Wslaon V. Iltae.

    - i.|ford.Jr»

    an were clecte.1 l)lre. B;t (l»oi,e IV. Halt-K

    RDWAKli l.jiTAMitliCRT, "eeretstv.

    \ 1 ONTAlIK~.:itTKTNrJlIllAsiik (JOMVANY.— IHorh.-ea No. T Court stteel fo»potite (lit. Hall.) Urook-Ijo. anil m WaM aAre' .Nt w York. -OAMI t'Al'lTAI. llatCae, Al an rl'-ellii-i held We.lnra.ltr. Jlli i l l , of Krtmtirv Hi) , It,, fi.iltwin, senile r e t r [ , J. ' l in ) . Mi i . lwt l l . R I . I l i f l r J .

    ('rsnel* I) >ta*on, Voi. JI. r h o n . , ) , J o h u l>. rr l t lce , Jol '0 (I. l i e r t . n , k. II T i n k e r . Warrrit Htrrnnon I 0 . Ii. I'uwrM. John >l. 1'lieli.a. a. 11. Me a a i l . ell Rol.Moa, HantiYV. Itittlla l i . w l n P e r r , .

    T l tomat H a t l X f j l w a i . l II. Whi le , S\ nt M. Intrati m

    J l r n r / IliVT'ioi, Mas. 0, Belts. Ifoaler Pellll, N a t h a n T, l leert.

    , J. t>. Wli i lehnu J o h n Wlnt low, K. 0 . l l r a l o a n l . T. A. N r w i n a n J c l a l i T . floill

    J W. Carapbel j o S n I l a V r ,


    H.'f w».r?r Vfi-lwO.Ioo. of l

    Hioi I*. Hu»htoor«. \ l - \ Btudrftrll. K. II. Nir.ioli. Hio'phen Un-n*iton. NoQcni.ih M»wii. J. J, It »/tH')ii'L

    i?. r . W.i l l ln* . ' A. A l*mr, J o b n VnnlrrbHt . A. H. rotr,«r. A'-rttliam l^ilt,

    0 . l>. I'ItU.tt, A*tti£ttif Kinbary. EllH-rt II .-Yll lft*,

    At i i ' ( t< i* i \unt ">-f*ihi| of the Hoard. JOHN J. STUD i v t l I., kaa . wsstiiiarilRtoualr re-etectvtl l*te.l.teat.

    KIIW1N ItliKHJ, Rectetsrr.

    K VV A M 8 T K It DA M V I K K INSTU11A NCK COM • JJBW. J . i r-*. r>r E*lr«rlon (.sf Itjlw Ooirp»i.r. M ' l *l \k« ofncti .No. 10 W«i|

    lilt) fvllOWlli* JtflltlcOK . irfr l .OQ Ih* IA unit, K.r U.f c n i u l n c i^ajr

    Ub»rlM tHitfUlaj, A. II. \Vi . . ,U . f'**ncl*> 31-vi.f, ; .>n VVMtfhfl, 'V f, Ik .rn«, r*»t»if l>jrrf*>, l"'«ui ht>f*h«r, V'.tff KatUlN. ltrr»T| A. I lor i f tn ,

    Oft. were chf*«n

    j ^ n t M 0 . TowrtB, ji-m."* iUirlAVjn. J o h n l lch il»f. Ilucnsnsn, William Hartaol, Ttiomaa l>srer. Ilenrr J HcaiMer, Daniel (IrulerlillU

    D. ('>[-•,mit. rVcrftsrv. 01.1VKR U. JoNrA Preatilenl.

    V'ORTH KIVKK IN8UKAN0S COMI'ANY, I ' No, OT (ImaawK-a rVraaar.-OAPtTAi. (j-»0,l>0. Tlil, (f.iroi'tor liavlns been unlnterrtiatetllr litbualneaa for

    npaartllof Ihlrly-nlno /esrs, COntlcneatolnwur, ssslnst Los, or Dannie hy Mrs tcao favorabla terms,

    orascrosa, W. 0. RMtt»l»nJ,r, Jerotnlsh f.smberl, Wm. 01 MnkorboX (le.irro P. Roaera, >(al'w Arntstrorta, J*r I* Aittins Jolmlt, rVhroeliil. Prtrr Msrlin, i P, rVhroeliil. Prtrr Msrtl

    Piter il I llowrll Hi

    kil Whli^ Piter II IVsrner M i l J Last see. llowrll lloooock, Aml'w p./.•Ml,kits to -n Caotlwol1,

    5levrten Conover, ohn 0, Abr'm Van Nest, Jebn rDossoii. John U, Tucker, I.TTitn Drnl*on, ratwaru Hloaaon, (iini'l Y. Iloltmaa. raek II, Williams,

    Jona lUofHia. Kseretsrv,

    Ijwrh l.awronc. l.To lliibiblna,

    , J i sb t l ,k l - . Jr„ .Mwsnt Jones, Wil Ism 11. Brsmso. Joshua JonM, tt II. Van Winkle. OollanO. Vorolanok. ,v» imams. iiQiitnu. vert'laoc:

    I'sTTIU R. WAH,N*R. ProsfJeuA


    OAHII CAPITAL lOO.tHM) DOLI.AIU* O m i T t l l D t t A V , H O 3.

    II'IIIII or 01**0,0**. Anaiulo, llrevxer. ()llbeft(>*S'K>tl. Lewi, I lrjs , (^ootnlUallou, IJICIUIW, Carroll, Alfred A. Tintra. t h y i r Uarrtr.1, VVn, W. lUlllnrts, Heoi/ ILTrse/, rranklln Nteools. Tim r V Norton. Qhsrle* Johnaon, A. N. Ramail'lL Aabb.1 Wootlwant, Jooalhso A. Popa

    A. BARWHTfll. Piettleia. ». I • n a i l s rVerelsrv. J. L, Dastso* Aetnarj. U. P. l .aaas,is Assts'l Rrer.lsrr.

    (\rvivKTw Tine COMMON WEALTH FIKB V / last-Mat's Co.. N« 1 Watt, s t s a s r . - N s w Toss.(kt>-berlSlh. lMl. — At an elexllon foe t>ir»v11T» of Ihli Uoitipinj for loft en»niln* j w r , held oo Ihft |9th da/ of «*plemb*r uHf-n't*. ih# folio-lb^ rn.it..*J irnUcmen v*r« onaiifmovulj elect

    l^tan. aViall, ^ ft 0. Bnli

    hoberl f. II

    Csroertlrn, Jr. Robliisoo,

    tne/rr. Jr.,

    I l l Csmsri ) . P. Robin. r , 0 l l .vci Alrd C. 8 n ^ ^ ^ . ' r a V frsnetsWiiW/.

    floors. Untile,, fa mi U MllcMll, llesrr rftokes. liu.lWj «, raller.

    ... fi Klrtltn.l i s Chsa lber la jn

    Al a oteetlnr of 111. Dosril of Director,, belt! mbseittentlr, J O a t l i l HOXlt, t a n , was aiiaolrooo.tr elrcteJ Prtxl.leol (or IS. ,p«ilr« jear. OtO. T. IIAW*. Secrelarr.


    UK jlsw

    Rlohsrt l . lrwlQ,

    J oseph "* leora* . , . . . •- . .. u.. , , imb's. tt rttnsJano. Wm. U, Nichols,

    • " "" Lurs.lO.aesU>.

    h Btosrt, * T, (V)»b,

    U, Y. Wsnlwell,

    5l is . Da via. oberl T. WIWo, Henry Le. Norrf*. Wity Jss. ToiW, kltjit'il P. llerrlck, Renb'n HurkhsJter, OwJsr Vi -Wot. I .

    O rrwK or THE C o . r . a t . CITY KIRF. IN8UKANC8 I WaU ilroea, flh klonlb Mb. 1ML-TblsfVinpaor, villi a csah esoltsl of MIHAO so.I s rurploi oflliaXfraX tnrairr, asaln,i lor. or dams*, br Arson favor. sMstertns.

    PsarsaU Rlclaar. - ' " llulltJt

    r.,. folinlS. Wr'alit, Petes *. Titits, Ilaloh Strati,



    KI.b*(J P. Osrtnsn, Jsrn,

    ^ttsrw X Whl rfalksr, " l a n u l s s i j . S S ^ T H n , ^ a a j t u t ,

    OtOK(l i g. POX, Pvoattlsal.

    Wuliirrt'Cj Whits, Ohar.laTorns. J . b n 4 . Nvslk

    rYm.ll.Mssy, i.son'tlo ft, ftsnt lobn Profolif, Ilenrr ll. lis

    i , Va v̂ witsws, larsi • v j , ' v , a fv i - . s as . i r , . , * * • , rrsavua. ta* K k h a r d f i e l d , Otaftat, 11. M u n h l l l , Albert A

    l/AOn'do ft, ft*nr*i. J o h n O n fold; mmiM" R.ayaor,

    *-^A5l2lE A t a m . Tuwa.iao, fWretsry.

    QT.NICHOI^SriRKINBUKAiSOECbMI'ANY O -Csah Ca,lial JIMt.ntyi.-Offlcev, M WaU rlros*. and Wh

    All lUra V o i r . W m U t n J , | : i i a l « r , J a m e s A. pasTena, J o h n C , Dlremk-k, l.rael tlmor, , i f i l t l l JsrvK (illoerl Oskley,

    Arenne. enrutr of Itth |t,eet. — lnetirefuialnal|oa*or Jatnaa, hy Or,, oo a, fa.orablalartaaaiolh,rrel'jt'lefHrcomoanle,

    W>L WINHLOW. PrtsUrat. DrSSOTtHtS.

    (hirle* H. While, Wsrren It, |taa^ JoJe-llth Miller, wiirj.ro Wtrjalow. Amrrsw WsrC Jssso llemlrii.

    W^neaer 1(111, Jsmea >l,Oay, Kkhajtl Kelly, Mephen Vf, Joneat, William W CirraeH. John A. Ooatraan, Hobertl.cLo

    j l tr ia X. ffrr,' Chas. DarUtaltsr.

    ) . L, Docouss , BeeTeUry.

    yLrcomn'i Trust lruuratico t'ompanj OF BROOKLYN.

    OAHH CAPITAL 5160,000.

    (IfrlceiKo. 0 Coort Hiroe'l (ovposlla Clljr Hall), and No. 7 Wall fotrrvtl, AVar Uroarlway, Nr.it York.

    Orisaltod on lh« principle of psylrul one hslf tho Prplltt sbov. ten per c»nt. lo lb. Widow.' sod Orphsas* rand of lb.' rir, UeputraeDt of lb. Oily of Urookljo.

    0 co rss 11,11, Asrcn A. Oesratr,


    1 fwross Clark, Harry MeaaeDrjer,

    HlRobblns, Id v.K.Mlller. f (WI

    Daniel Yan Yoorhls, John Boheock, . i , . n . ,,11111-,, yui in raciracK,

    NsbsmlshKnlaStt, rrr-l-rlck T. Peel, . . . . . . . OUbatl l* Ifslsbl, 8. B, ghlttrodsra.

    Wsrren D. Oooktt. VsnltrnnHVycioir. Peter Irarjee, I. It. rrollilacliam, Jona rl. Klewsjt, larsrl I). Vslaor, A. A. tow, ) . 8, Tliom. »(. 0. jlol.trl Totd, KlchsrdP. Uuck, ( isvfordO. iliTilth. William lltuiL 11-niy D. Peck. Henry It P l u u n , JehnJ, Olorer, Msreeltua Msasoy, (Ismsllrl Kits, John 11. Hicks, N K. James. Z. Ih Wskeinan.

    oseph U. Han. mllh Paoohtr,

    terll . Anderson, , Wsrren Harden, I. IL. Upoltl .J . Itotfoid.

    Wm. Watt, Joseph iJVrieH, Valentine (I, If rati. John L Voorhees.

    suteliol.l Purttlture, Veatalj la port and tlie other properly, saslnl loir, or d s a t t , , by An Is sod llbarsl tarmt ss oilier flret clsa* oompl


    This CompsnyeonllDues tolntar, llalldlnts. Merchsodlso, l>wetllnsa. Iloufeliol.l Purnlture, Veatalj la port and theu Csrio.a snd ol oo as favorable Dlrs. ' '

    WM. Ilesastl, "ocretair. J. H. Wltsorr , J a , Aradrrlsnt Bocrtrlsry.

    yY.-'TNA IN8UKAN0K COMPANY OF UAKT-XXJ rosn, Ov.-(IAPlTAl, ,1, - - . . . . . . . ,..,..*.—Aoaav's Orrto. No.

    wtij.sra«rr. Nsw Toss.—Tbli Company wssorranlieil In th, irar 1*19, tinder a pfipttiisl charter, and lnsnrei sralnst loraor dams.ebr (lie, Owclllnr, llousrw. Btoroa, Man ti tctnrlris r,lsbut)ini,nU, lloutchold Purnlluro and Mer. c'.aniilae In frnemL on term, a. fsrorsblo as a sound and bratlhycondliton will wsrrsnt.

    I*»tc, which 11,1. Compsny mar sustain under this AeA'ies a l ' l ln l l l - " ' i_ . . . . . berslTy siUiuiod by l b , Asenl her,, socordlox to (he ti'sse, of tbe beat fir.- Insuranoo Ooroosrales of tbeoltyol

    ew York, aodpsld villi >roaiptUud« (n money current si o bank, In thl, oily.

    K 0- nlPLKY, PrraldcnA ' THOSIAB A. AI.P.XANUKR, VlcaPresldenV.

    Tno*. K. D« tea. Js . , Beorelsry. Drsscrprjt,

    Thomss K. Ilrace. f imue (Tudor, Walter Keney, Joteoh Clinrch, )teoI. . . Holer, lluel, Wm. If. Ttllllo, Samuel*

    Ebeneter piower, «. A. Itulkley, ('has. II, llrslnard, Roland SI ilber, JlMwIn (I. RJpley.

    Ileory T̂ Prslt, AulUn Dunham, Oustsvus P. llstta, Drayton llllycr, Thoi. A. Alexsndet,

    r. .iniio. parnuet". wsra. Appllcstlonsfor Icsursnoo or renevsl of eslttln. Pedicles

    promptly attended to by JAB. A.ALK.XAXDEB. Aient. Ho. WWallstrooL

    A KB YOU INHUftKDr-UUTOEltS n i l K IN. JV. stisasoa Oo.. of tlio city of New York. Odloo No, Us Chatham Btiusre. corner Molt llreel, Ursnoh Offlco 9 Mer. ehants' I , ehsna , , Wsll meet. Cash Ospllsl. «a»,waj Burplus. IJS.W1 t i . Assets, »)7il,Wl M. Tbl. Oompsi _ pirea llouashold Purnlturei, Merchandise, Bull llnirs, V ruul rKielr Carioes while In t o r i and sit kind, of Personal Pro perty ssaloit l o t . or Ilsinsie by rire. Th, rstei chsri

    easel l JPrt srso.1

    Irassei when they s.e sa low ss In any other food CompsDy. „ . , occurwIUberaulUbtr snd promptly ndjustsd and paid,

    w sstnnrj*. IBAAO 0 . BARK KR. I'rr,liltnl.

    0. W. Woodfurd. riVlah r. l-urdyr

    JOIINW. KFr0IIA?I.Vicj.Prea1deoL 'lerrllt It. Btnlth, J ' -••- ' " • olioAtu. terrlllli.'6.nllh,Jr..John Petll«ro*r,

    Samuel ftsyoor. 'dm Kol'lniorj, I'himss Wsltace, WUHsm Peel

    DAMU8 rrRRY, Bunojor,

    onstijin Purdr, J. ft Vsnderboef, ohn II. HImpsou, scob lliller.

    -OseplilvhllHeld, Harrison Kail. It llllam Simpson. James L. Btewsrl,

    lisrlr. D. llslley, aroe. Dsvls, mbroee JV, llsmee,

    ll. Adams. fdwln A. Hopkins. Joseph Rose, a. I' l lsr M. OrsarfOril Kllai 8. Illsslns, B. D. McOuvo.

    t B. rr-LWWB, flecrctsry

    A HTOR n i l K IN8URAK0K COMPANY, NO. A l t WSI.L sisssr.—At an clecllon held 10th Inal. tho (oh lowlnr. icaOemen WOT, chosen Director, for the neat roar, vl«.i WllllamT.Plnkney. Peler 1). Collins. Wm K Conklln, Petrr 11. Titus, William KrcriltlL Joseph 0. Appt'iby, Win. 0. Arthur. WUhs llroolt, John !.everld*e.

    ohn B. Dunham, leo. B. Whitfield, s s P. Preebnrn; lenj. W. Merttsiu. ohn 11, Moresu,

    Abrsm Duryeo, Nash Mosenisn,

    J. redor.ftVLepelct Ixlward Kwen, William V.. Bird. Bsmuel Tryon, Aumutus BclielJ, Henry BonlT. HrnryrVliubsrt,

    . Wllllstaa. Jr., Robert Lonsman. 'rtios.1 . William Olote, l isao A. Btorin.

    And at s meeUnt iubse.Y. Jfau , ws , unsntmoijaly re elected Ptesldeat of the Company for the eotuloi year.

    KOBtRT D. HART, Beorelsry.

    BK E K M A N F J K E I N 8 U K A N C E C O M I ' A N Y , No. 8 WALL arasar, N.w Yoss, January IL lst.l—At sn Klectlonor Hlrector, of this Compsny, held ttili iliy, thj

    James Morrla-iii, K.lwsril V, 1-rlce, Wilshldlllles. T, A, Howe, ,M. II. Vsn Huren. Hien'er Collamore, Albert journeay.jr Aildliatou ltee.1, Joostjian Kilasr,

    ectlc , foBowlns sentleuicti wero chosen lor the cnjulnx year: A. 0. Klnsaland. Oeorse J. Hyrd, Psvld Olote,

    Beely llrown, VYlIltam Vsn Name, Alpheus Uoderhlll, IlssoOilelL Thomaa K Cooper, Alei'tler Dalryniple. James Litton. Joseph W. Horrsrd. I-awrence Titrtmra, Jsmea llaremore, (Hit. A. llaildoulne, V, Vi. Ilulohlna, T. 0, Chardavoynts H'ryH. Van lleuren llavlil Jones, lUm'n ntriteabursli.

    . J. 1>. Oondlt, jsmr;, N. Orow, ,1. O, Powler, ll. M. ll.ldwln, \Vs«tilo«lon Ysle, llsnlel Htilsiusn, Jleorso W. Todd. John N. KIM (iro. VY. rsinbatn, WlUIsm Adams. llenj. W. Ilenion.

    And st a Btihsetiiient meetlosof the Board, lleojamln V?. Lemon, K*«l, wasunsoluionaly to elected Prrtltlent.

    tLIHllA II. C1IMI1IRJ* Becrctary.

    T)KOAl)Vf'AY 1N8URAN0B COXa'ANY.— J ) Caah Ospltsl raXVArt; Burtilui. P.bru*ry Isi. I1*). tlLM -OnicesNoa. AlSllroalwaysoilJ W*ll,lr.ct-Inauressjia1n't !>•* snd I>«nuj,-e by r i r . al the Reduced Kates and OQ th i tuoatfsvorsble tertnl.

    Dtascrrou. Reuben Vi. Howes, (leorse Bchmelsel. John It. Dtcitenaon, Ralph Mead, asron Ainotu, Jonsthan Psltoute, Wui. TYinlow. Ales. Ma.terton.jr., Orowell Hsdden. • John Mclean, Ws'hlnstoit Ytle. Andrew V. Blou', n 11. Redmrio OhsrletCurll«a

    II. JI. Jon* W.av, Beeretsry.

    II. It. rorrotrr, H l l s l i l e s d , Win 11. f k l d m o r e , Y. Vi. P . l i i ionda Lcwu Doty, F, nj r. Cs amp. Cl.srle, Binlonl. lltrnard Hmllh. llrlmusH Wells

    Klch'd K. Hllllwrll, James ll. Nelson.

    Matthew llyid,

    Albert ft' '/[slrUkle, Jsnies Miller, l)svld8eaiosa. jainea L. Blewart.


    piaaoroas. Hush Lalnr. John Watson. frit «ii-mTown,end.Jo»eph W. Cor Ilea,

    • ic lSvr-ChaileaK. Bwords, Bainuel John Penfold. Juhn Couiplon ll Hetiry Hals

    8 .T . NI'colL (leo. llrlswc , jfoaliB. llunL

    Vlllets, II. wold, Jr.

    -. Hruc J. Boon Hovil,

    osss del Vslle A.Y« Lswrt

    d. feffi renca Turnuro, ryH. I^rertch, l irWrdker.

    n . J, Brallh. B, L. II, Wsrd, Aire E, Lslna. Robert M. Ilruco,

    ., . leo.Or • ' "- •• -ry HUsrit, Noah 8. „

    Joaeph Lawrence, ThpiiuiBmull, Lri>oar.loB.Busres.J. II. ILanaom, rjila, Biontou, Oeo. A. Towntend, A. R Eno. V. A. Cuahmsn.

    . „ KU01I LAINO. Presloonl* Jaxrt B. Aani, Jr.. Beeretsry, Jons lltaar, Surveyor.

    /-10LlJWl)tA TIRE IN8UKAN0E OOUI'ANY \J o r N s w Y o s s , No. 18 Wau. BT.SST, near Broadway,— Caah Capital, »AU0.0-WII1 Iiuuro Bulldlnia. Mnrchtndlte .'id Persons] Propeily atslntl Los. or D i m u t by Vice, st It,a Reduced Rale*.

    B- njsroln D.Brutb, Albert ATMsaiTn, John (llhney, Moutasnle Ward, Jame, 11. Hossland. Csnlel Ilutferfleid, ft Jsmea Qlwell, Aloaander M. Koss, Kdvard Hslsht, L'hsrlrs Uenlaoa, Jr. Knoch OhsraberUin.RlchardJi. Pair /ohn A.rrcitron*. h. 0 . OlstV. James Knsuah.

    WwarilRallerleo. John la. (Issbronek.

    isusn. Thorns. P. Wsy, J K, llsrlholomew Jaror"' , . .W. Bralnsrd. faasc N. Bermonr,

    , IL Van Aoken.

    thomss P. . iBIrrrrns, ItW.Meeks.

    " &

    e Jsmea riteTi JowepjtW.I

    , J. U. jlurbr. , nrvnels Lelt

    IchsrdH. Palmer,

    ^^b?rah.n' Isoris B. f^alteT^e^

    Joater A Hawkins, )svld K. Avery. rheodore Tlrnpsota, lUln 0 . Weaver, oyd U. Brltton.

    NslhaoT. U U l ^ TlrooCy 0.0hnr«hril.Wnv"j7Bi«£'

    TIMOtllY OV OHOROUIXla PrasMrjoi; Jew* 0. I t i n c . rkcr.tary.


    COK.V K X O I U N O K I N 8 U R A N 0 E C O M P A N Y , ctajus or W I U J I M ASD Bsavsa Braaara, New YorP. tUSXVTUS*. ,

    tl^T; &£)£&•. JV.lanllojkeros, Ausuttn, rantrury. II. Tttiipklns, Wpa. J( --

    .affisssr ' TiomssT, fknllh, ohojB. Roberts.

    Jowrph Krtchtut., Arthur 11. Lowrrre, K. W. Punham,

    WlartfTw'ptleuwT, j lmes p. BennolL if, W. flsmltton.

    likWv, X. V, r, Uocklsy, nsvldpows. N.T. IfubWd, J. P. llerrlck. > W. Qulleso.

    Wta. Stiller, John Nash, W. I. Bchenok.

    i.leisniler B, On, lenry Ptock, AmuetTryon, leo. tti-ovcll,' lenry Bruner. I i l . Rote,

    J. B, Brown, Bdrr. M. Hanks, . . , „ . . . . . . Jos. D.Ysraderroorl Andrew llooi-land. Thl, Compsny continue* lo Insure Madras!loss snd dam**, oy

    io aiali.il the rUksof Inland r.i ' slUi.lower! rate, ofpremtoai.

    I.Ysn Bjckel. I R. Llr si roots.

    I osvUsuoo snd trsm;or.

    _ AltTlttfH II. IyOWsUl&'vto.'-VresldenL W. n . WIXPSCS. BscreUry,

    GKBJdANIA F I R B IHBURANOK C O M P A N Y , No. i Wai.r. nsnrv.-OAPITAU (}100,000 .—Thin Jompsay continue, to Insure ssaloit Loraor Osms/e by fire, Iwelllnris. Htore, snd other bulldlnis, Blilpi la port. Mer-

    chandise. Yurnlturo. aud all kinds of personal properly, oo favorsbl, term*

    Diascrosf, Msutlc, Ill'jer, M l c h s - "

    A. Ksupe, i If. Abee). John


    Richard U. Hoe, 0. r. Dsmbtoann,

    am II. Bmlth, Peter B. Jlsreh, John r . Bolieprlcr, John Chelwood.

    l l . O.KIIshemlus.

    rpHK UN1TKD BTATKfl FlKR IN8URANGB JL covPANT.-prrloii NO..W T^ALV rrriti;


    . Henry llardt, dwsrd Ilech.

    Henry Hsll, II. 0 . Kllshendu. Hertntrtn Msrcuse, ", Poppenhusso, llenry Ueoker. 0 . Jlrsoaiiur,

    eo. W. IlenBlnis.»l. 11.0. Dohrnvsnn.ft. 0 . ilurlay* alter J. (lUbeil, P,eubeo_VV, Howes, jiuMuesBohTeb, Oodfreyllanlber.Mtlvlnfl, WhUnety, Ortleb Ilsnlow, I emenllleerdt, Oeone J. Itjrd, Osoria P. Thomss.

    seob R. Behuylev, Robert Biittrrea, WmLarn IlclisIL .1. A. Bchfeleher. Plod. WesUsU. Antbonr BchlelUln, William Loes«hi«k, rrsnrl, Bolllns, Paler Jlurrsy,

    Mslchlpr PueoVer. MAUBlCm HIIfOER. President.

    Rppotra Oasnocs , Becretary.


    Alan election held on MONDAY. Pthrusry 3d. IMi the folkrwln, f tclleintn wero elected Directors for thc'eosulrj,


    Atsiubsequenlrotellnitof InqBonrd BAMPSON MOORP.. I'll., v s . urmnliuoualy re elected President

    JAME3 0 . PLATT. Bscrotary. '

    K M C K F J I R O C K l l K F I K K I N B U R A N O K COM. r t s r gr Nsar Y o s s . - 0 " V « N o , M WsUitreet.-OAPI TAL stoMWl.-Orlsliisllr Orisnlsed In I7rr7.-TW, Oompaay

    kloil Lor* or D .-._ Iisoreiallooi aract

    the city of Now York an J lis Immodlsto vlclnlly. All

    contloues to tnauro s* slorl Lor* ur rjamarr, by firs oh l b , aicM f.vorsbte lerms. Its oreikUooi sroconOnad chleflr to

    .d]iuted and paid with promptness rand liberality.


    f w n , Chrudna, rajP. L.vtrlcu, . It. Deso. . ry Klawortb, dearlo l l lofSM

    WllUauTatcier, Oeorrr. Irelsnd,

    J obsrl lletiaon, choOampbell, Joshua Bruin. Sobt. L Bluait. Jeremiah Brlssa. llenry Oothout,

    lams 'wlerT. Kins, itapbeq 0 . Willi lenry Bsbsd, r^bpT Boris;,,

    Victor Dursmt Wslter rdwsrds, Andrrrw Howden, IsssoA.Storm. . . . UsnilMalre*,

    Owo. nofrsaoa. IVeervUry. . .

    T A F A Y E T r K F I R E 1N8UKAN0K COMPANY \ j or IlsoCTiva^QfflOfj No-Jlj Pullon sUeot. Brookl m.

    Capital VWJHQ, »Bb a l.rta rorrJats, ah >e'.; n ^ ^ T h o r n r ,

    5«T* Hanler, wTprt

    John A. Ct oss.

    OyruM1. S S l b ,

    ^ - a r d w . ! ! . Valcnlina. ;

    Is aaoO smart,


    Alex. L'DdarMlt, " ^ " ^ M / l - A B r n P r e d l s r a l .

    A. J. H**ataa». Becretary.

    OFFICE OF" THE OEBnARD FIKE UfSUR-i.f^CoairAirr.Mol^PU«^,J.rilytMeiDII

    or co» I tlifnce co&Unulni ILrouxh tbe centre of r

    aily will to V a rick i.rret. *>ntl thence no>Uiejk*a>i>x ui

    wi.ll tttitdbv OD Und now or I Me of Kuf> " ' t h i - - • ' - - - - - -

    K {Uv Veiilro of iKo party wall between houaesNta 07 snd at

    feci Jhroe lntbe,i more or ies"( Uirncesinlhwtsurlyalotis the ' side of l b . aa'd brack wall op a line parallel to

    , . Mfeet tweoty-two feel, more or lrssi thence lonib-eagerly alonrts line psrsllelto Vrr'ry itrert until II strike.


    ohn llarrTson by ssld Bell - _.en dste with laid mortrcaca. and

    sane belux liven to secure psrl of t h . conrldersllon HSK money therefor.

    Illb, Ihtt. Ct uPftiu-ixo A Prix, AlPys.

    Dsled New York, rebrusry JASIE8 laYNOlL Hherlff.

    febl lUwU

    KMF. OOUBT.-llKNRY BREVOORt ANP JA00I1 -dell saslrut llusb Csasblyand o'n.—In pursuance

    . . , .-anient ol the Huprcroe Court of Ibe Msle of Now York, Iv.lfl eiposoto sale, on thnl lb day o( Marcli. jivij. at l l n'flocklv., st th* Mr reliant.' Kxcbanrte In the city of New Vwl , Id-JimesM, Miller A Kenuelly, suctloncers:

    All Ihoio threo cerlslp lot, of Isnd. with Ihe balldlfix, Ihi-itoniilluatea '

    ._, _ ... - .venue | thence west y(fi|rtb itrcet levenly-dve feet I thence southerly and

    , elSallh Ihlrdsvenu, one hundred feel AveIncheito Ihe centre lino of Ihe block) thence easterly and psfillrl ttiili'Vifilellistreet seventy-fire (cell snd thence northerly

    Ii Third svenuo one hundred feet five Inchei em! parlillrl Willi lo Ihe place of berrlnblox.

    Sim-rlt. Kitrrt, Atl'y.

    P E O P L E ' S FIKE IN8UKANCE CO&H'AN. I or TIIX rnv or Nr.w Yoiix.-Onice, No. CJ Wall atrcel, sr.il corner Osnsl and Tbempton itrcet. >

    liiaiaTruas. Molll.lar Clark, John W, Ltwls, 'll.fs. JVilllanu, John P, J'elveilon Al-rshsm I.e/Kttl. rtloion Phlnrler, Allied llsmiore.

    Henry H.Terhsl. Jstnts B, I,ewl3, KilwardI- (llaA, Peter R. Onrlttle, JVlllliitit Molr.

    Ohrirle, V. Hunter, Hamilcl lllrdisll, ( leuri, BVIiMiele+l, IhumaiJ. Ill tuck, Crowrll Atlama.

    0,JacktntiHU'ward.Jo..'ectlon. hrld on "Hi Inrtiol, the foltowlnx leoUetuea weioduly elected Plrcctors Tor the eptulns year t JVslter Cnilcililll, Junes Blokes. Wm. n PycVm-.n. RlchanlM Hoe, M.rrllt Irlnil.le, 'fliomas J. Owun. I. JV. lilrdenluixb, lien) 1. »»»•), llenry II. llarr-jw, JamesL. Jackson. Ttioinss Vloodwitrd. Heory K lAwrencc,

    Wm. K. Lawrence, K-lw. M, Tonnrtu 1. Abnrr Cblcbcttcr

    ' i \

    HullClsrk. Henry R. Jones. Psnlel P, JVrlrht. John WrWit. John Allen, fflavssyfe or, N. T. Bweaey. JoitpliHUjsra, Ch«s K. Vfcmlnj, Joitplill l ljsrd. Ch«s :'_ JohnT. Klots.

    subseriuent ws , unsnlmoualy

    hi. 1I0K Vice 1-realdenC

    johoC. llsrt, AlanrooT. Ilrlssa, Israel I). JVslter, Aumxtu, Tsber, Blephen Cutter, John A. Weeks.

    Robert It, Wlllet,. JVUIbtra IL Po,ter, Abraham Drnlke, J.inca Plckaon. •Alfred T. Conklln, Ilaulel P. H imotla. Oeorxo J. Prlco. James Prrcr,

    . 'tlnx'oft'hV Hoard JVALTKR UNDITR. HILL wa, unsnlmoualy re elected President, and ItlUllAUU

    J A M i a H , LOrr, Secretary.

    O T l O n

    TUYVE8ANT FIKE IN3UKAN0E OOM. -No. IW Bowery,cor. Orand alreet, underthiidili-n Branch OIHc« No, 11 .J\'allstrrct,-Oipllal.4>ra.0»i.

    KV. t i l Bripk, — vi *.it:ii u i u . , ».... . . . . " . . . . . , v ^ — v . I'tt . n . — , til, Compsny Insure, a . s lml lowor dsmaxoliy lire, Pwct-lliiit lloure, and Furniture, JV.rchouac.BloresKliil Merchau. dire, Victor Irs, Blilpsin port, Ac .onthoiiioatfsvoiablolerrni. Allloasrs will bo Immediately adjusted and i>roiuptly paid.

    Vrnlerlck R. l. Imt.coll ftjiJ o*i*-—In punutnoaj of a ludjoneot of t) e Hupfrnie Oouit, t tbetiUte of New VoiV, I will rxpow to * 1c on Ibe itli dk7 of MMC.1. l*ft. »t 13 o'clock u , nt Ihe WrciilhU' Fxchitiico In ihe city of Ntw Yo.k. by J»nicJ M. ).iltcr A Kenitellr, fttict'ontcift

    Ail tttime cdtAin 1'it J anl farri oHoti. ulltikle, lylnx an'l IM Ir.r Id tl.q Turin., want of the cl.jrnf .N'evr VorValtiC dril )'..ice. of «)iIc)»lr.K>tinwi: HnrlunUic at,ttici'O.Dl ff liiKrruUc.i of t),cin!f]i1lc line of the Mock hc-wcei. Nine-Ij ifVCOlli atiil Niiutr-fIr.l.1.1 mieett nith Ibe Kit., or llarirni i l . ' i , li* hi'il u*o»ii on Hi>nil>lt'« Map No. 10; thence TJO-rln« n^it ili fcli-nc .MO rrotieHiielotlieeiiiUrli blJeof Ihe, h» II-ITJ AvriiUti ll nice alnpa theravteily ildeof Uie Hecoad *vti.ue'io tl.c iii'tldle of NlhOjr tUlttti iircr-t; t h ' t i o alonf tU* nM'11" r,f Mti'lr iltluli Kretl to the K«ll ur .lUiiom lA\ tJuitn on sahl innptto tho pluce of t»e KlMilnfi •

    3hui.' l it »• ol i h e 'flilril a>i riu • lo the r e i t U r of M i c t y -t'tlth a U t f l ; t h e n c e a l t W v t r , . ' midd le of N l m t y - r U I « j M M i t o l l .o sv.'ilcjljr HOD of the Hecotid J iTenuei th. «.tla.

    > b r R p l K C O U R T , - I I A K N A H f A U n i T a x t , W I L L I A M d M c l i n ajid o t h e r * — In p u r s u a n c e o f *

    t Btipiemo Court of t h e i t a t n of tit* York, I HIII e n o i e ' l o nale, o n tho 2Sih day of F e b ; u a i r . I M . at 11 o'c'ocklM,* at the MtTclWiaj* E i f h a n j , e In Ibe city of N e w Y o V , br J i n e i M. Miller A KeancDy, auc t loueers :

    All tha t cer ta in lot . o l e c * or iar i . i l or lann, with the l u l l i l l n n t h e r c c n t r < r l t d , kHuate. ly lnc a n d hr lnr tn the ritr of N e w York, b o u m l e d and deaorlbed u fu l lows: IWlnnlnir at a point on the wral*?riy t ide of Ihe Ktrond «rt*nue. dint ant rliilil j «Icht frot ft. 6 and a quarter Inclx-j Koytheilr from the k u t t l i M f H u l r comer 'o f Thirtieth i l t ' - c l and H.cmid a v e n u e ( runnlna l l x n c e wt».Utl>, pariklle) with T h l n l r t h rtretH and l j - i i l y tbrt'tifli the c e n t r e of a party wal l , onehunilrc** f ee t ; l l u i i c e fou lbfr ly . parallel with the S e c o n d a v e n u e , aereo-l-.cn f r t t l i s I n c h e s ; tbenr< rutitilna r i»u-:)y , parallel with Thli lit t i n t reel end iiarllr tlirounh the centre of v p a i t y w * l t , o n e h iHtdredicH t o i h r . w c r U i r v r ide of tl ie Second a v e n u e i and thurvi>

    a n c e c f h l n J i i u t r . t of lliti HuorenaC Court of the s la te of Nt-w Yoik* t will f k p o s c t o s.ilf. on the i>,ih d a y of Frbruiry , 19iJ, ht IS o r lock M.. at t l .c Meichar iU' V.xch*ttfm In the c l i y c l N e w Yctik, by J s i x e s M. Miller A K e n n t l l y , nuctlf>n stale of fte* York, I will ex loir hi s*le. MI the Kth day of Feb!nary, I6CI, al l l o'clock M.. at] the Meichvnl*' Kifhtuire la Ihe city of New York, by. Jan.ei'fM. Miller A Kcniittty, nuctloneirs:

    All ,h*l certain lot. piece or pircel of land, wltli the .•ul'dli.'i thereon trrc'cil, situate, lylnrt and bil '« in the city of New York, bounded and dercrlhed aa fAlo\%$; liivinnln/ •a a H'lrtlon the wtsttrl) side of the Kicond avenue, dlstaui f.H>>Uiircfet-t flvo m.d rne quarter Itirhca southerly rroiuthc sotthwestcrly comer of Tldrtieth atreet and the tW'md ave nup[ itir.rdMrtbriicc westerly psr»llcl with Thirtieth t'rect, and iiunibiK partly through th) centre of aparty wall, sixty five't«t] U sret rrfiutbirly parallel wllh the Second avenue it uni te . , feet nx Indies; llnnco easterly parallel wllJiThlr-ll'-tbatiett, ard running partly through the cenUe of apart) wall, sixty five feet to the wester Ir Ride of the Beooml avenue ;

    said avmue seventeen feel six Dated Nfw York.

    Ihepce ncrthnly alOrur i

    Iliiiiiii t-BdliRBOlM

    IN IMi.RKi.8, DALFDARRKtH AWD OAftEU HlilptwU direct, to nnrtlrs onlcrhijj, rrom Kcnlua.y, or liiriifilicl from oOlcoof llio DUllllcrr. 21 OLD Hf.Il', N. Y. Ordci, nliould bo dlrrxlcd Bul l . UiniLLiat**,' Jot-forson couoly Ki

    TA K T A R I O A O I D — 1 0 0AHK8 I'HIMR nuslllrTnillali, IncrrstaU far isle br llOlllf:rrsU.IN llROH. A OO..l7l)andl7.JVIIUamst.

    CA8TILE 8OAP-600 B 0 X E 8 11K8T QUAL-ltrManrlllri. roraslabv ffOll l t irriMll I1BIJH. A 00 . , 1?0 snd 171 William it.

    I C O K I O K — 1 6 0 C A S E S I.AKCIE S T I C K PltllTiOfdrslrsblslirsndl. F o r i s l . b r HOIllKrVKUN UROB. A CO., HO snd UJ JVllllsrrjit.

    T3EARI, 8 A 0 0 -J. For isle br

    -800 OASES. BOuiKvrm.iN UROB. A CO..

    1;0 snd i;j William I t

    s ALT A y t O A T . - l , 0 0 0 BACKS LIVKBPOOl fliio i«Jt aJQott, for pale by TAMOOTTi 00.(MBoalh»tarMt

    LEGAL NOTICES. DUFRKME C0D11T.-DANIKI, DKVMH, OHAMilKIU.AlI, f l of t h . cllrand cotuitr of Now York, as T r u n , . ol Kim W. (1. rllirrrnan. an Infant asat. Mary Ann Iftalr. widow anil ss sduilnlitrslrU, Ac , of llartlioloKcw lit air, dotcur d, an lu lln c u e . belnri In fee. Dated Ne r J'oik. Ki-h Itiiry l l , l , |VJ . JAUUS I.YNOlr. Hli'rllf.

    JVtujau O. Krrai i»o, AlHrney. feb'il .awla

    IJUI11KMK OOURT.-WM.LIAU CKOMWKM, AOAINhT yj Calvin U. llllllnics and other,.—In purmanoe rrf a Judr. tntnt of the Bupretne Court of the ,u t« of New York, f will i-il-oar. to sale, on the llth day of Marcli, IVll, at 1) o'clock II., at the Merchants' Kicl.anse In t b . city of New York, by JamesH.alllli.TA William KecDcUr.auctioneers!

    All thatcertsln lot, plec. or parcel of land situate, ltlns. nit situate, I1T01 andbelrta: a IntbeMlaiecnthwardofthecltyofNew Yc ' '

    uie noitheasUiiy aide of Thirty sixth strt ?nd and Third ovrouiv, and Is bulled and thatbtosay: Heelnnlcrat a Point In the

    Mid lln

    IPU on the northeasterly aide of Thirty sixth street, between th* Becond and Third nvr ou. r*. and U hutted ami boundsd as

    KIp'aBay Ip* .on the, northeuUrly

    ;rlp of land heretofore known ai rl street, where iUbteTaecJedbythenonbeaUerlyfl&oofTblriy-aUUi between the Second nnd Third avenue*; rnnnlni

    fellow of n

    tfl.mu . , _ . . . , .,.*. -..-. . - . . . _, , . . * . . . , ,.,...„„„ tret.ee Dorlhositerlyalons: said centro Hue one hundred and

    filtyflve fret six Inches 10 Ike II ne of 1 vnlnowor lately hito nf-r>f toStenh.n Alien and the heirs of Aujtmtus tTr1xht.de-crsiedi thence south easterly at ilahl angles with ssld oeotfe linn of i^stouel street thirty feet Io tho aouthoaiterlr aide of stldHamuel street) trencerouthwesteity aionr tholind now or lalebehinglta: to Wl liau.B. Lawrence, and on the a>ulh-esMerlystde of aald flaroael street, ono hundretl aad Aftr-ode feet clgbilncheato Iho " " * *irret, Ihecco northweitcrly alona the northeasterly it do Of 1 Iilrty 11 ath meei thlilr feet and rout Indus to the place of br ,'nr.lnir. Tb, above drrcrlbed rdeee of land belns a section of fsmuel alreet, and la bean .led nonh.aattrl* br lands of

    ibe fai^l now orl«to i>f Wllllrirn 11. /.awrencs; •ombweiterly

    _ . , baantiM nonn.aatcrlr br ibrn Allen and I t . Iictrs of Aurnittus JVHslit. dcceaacA)

    louirrsitetlyby tho lauihetiltr'y ildoot tisninel street s-id BU

    iliiW.ilJ araa 0, ttowan,

    J ward H,

    JenrrTkukwy as. Orolkahsak.

    imuerJVrt JVyck VijwsrJ Ilarver. TEUrllA J. BaUUU>f. l-naddeo*.

    JaanaiBL Tatniraqn. Jr.. b«IHIcr A Willi un Kennedy, auction-

    All that certain lot of Und, with tbe building thereon erect-ed, r.tuale In the Twentieth ward of the city of New York. coMin.er.riD,, st a point nu t)ie aouthrilysldeof TtiutysormUi street, distant one hundred sn.l thirty-three feet two Inch** ekrtoardiy rrom the southeasterly coroer of Thirty -oo veui h atitct and the Klshlb aver.ue: andnrnrdra thence eait*rardty along the ronihf ily side of Thirty seventh street alxtcen feet seven locheai thrnce touihwaidlr on a lint at rigai angina to 'Ihlity-Rcvenut street and ibrbUJth the coolreor tilnety-eliht feet nlna Inches; thence wrslwi

    f iairLl'el *1lh Thirty revinth street sixteen nrl.ee i thence northwardly en aline alright angles V>11i'iiy tcventh siieit ind ihronru the wtitro of a p*rtr wall ntn-tr* e'sU fovt nine Inches to the point of hr«v.n1i.'. D«l*l N'ew Y f k , Felnusry ly. 1IYJ. JAMK3 LYNOTL MentX,

    B 1'. CowPr...r, Att'y. frblSSaatu

    OltVNCK COM-.'liibe Ann Town*

    s*r.tV and others.—tn puriuaece of a Julvuie.it of the Supreme Cowl of tbe stale ef New York. 1 wl I expose to sr-lr. on the l.th day ef Varch. 1-A1 a*. 13o'clock H.. a'.the MrichsnU* Exchange lo the cliy of New York, by Janice M-Miller A William Kernelly, auc*icneers:

    All tbat certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate, hint; una l*t'Prat'tn the aforesaid city of New York, aod boamlel and d.talbed M follows, I hat 1* to say: fleglnnlni at a point on ih,' southerly aide or line of Thirty fifth (fji)i) strret, distant thterhnudredaod forty two (31s) ftet wMterly from Ute cor-i rr formed by tbe Intersection ef the southerly ai Je or line of tl Irly fifth street with the wi-stcily dde or line of Hie Fifth (Mh)areLuet and lunnlnxfroinlheocesourheilyoaallnepar-

    Meorllnrof the BtUn avenue sereo-

    rlih c f a , _ . .

    wu-diy on allnr . f c t aud never*

    CUty-t.HK COORT.-Tlli: IfOJIE IN.lOltVNCK O pany ayalnst Tapprn Townscod and "'--*--

    _ 'rl wl'hinld westerly side orllnrof (he Etfi__ . Iy or.* tali thence westerly and parallel with Thirty fifth

    '•** 'intyonefee enuo afortr . . .

    sf.nihei Iy aide of Tljuty-flftb strc*t i and thence eafrterly aloag sa'd southerly side of Thirty-fifth a*. re*«t twenty one feet lo tbe petnl or placo of beginning. Also, all Ihal ceru'u lot, piece ir parcel of land iJtuste. lying and of New York, and boundrd and A« .._ nlmratapolnton the avoutherirst-jeof Thlrtyftfth street, dis-tant l bree t nndr rd and twentynpe C3I) feet westerly from the coiner formed by the mlers«cUon Of the •ouiherly line of thirty fifth street wl'h tbe westerly aide or line of the Klflh (ol h> avrnoe t and running f rom toroc* southerly on a line par* alltl with the} westerly aldeor line of Fifth avenueaoventy one tert; thence wcateny and parallel with Thirty-fifth alreet, kforciald twenlyone fetlj thei

    f-tiftt ahrci-ald twenty-one fee. I ihrnc. northerly an4par*l. 11 with n i lb .venue afortralJ aercutr-oua frci, to sail

    i Ixlnr hi tbe aforr.al'l chy rj de*cillrerj . 1 follows: Bealn r .Ue or

    nee nottherly tni ,arm>U-l Ir*on. feet to raid southerly rldeof tbeoco eas*.erly alon, aald. southerly

    vllb >Tfih svrtue rsveotrone feet to aald southerly .Id. of llilrlr-ftnh alreet l axnl tbeoce ea**.erty slop* said sonUierly •We of Ililrljrrmh itretl Iwenl/ one feet ta the point or pUee

    ._ Ilrooks a id othafa.—It! puTiusecs i f a Judsroent of the Boarwra. Court of l b . at.la of Mow York. 1 "111 . x p c . to sal . on l b . m i day of, H u e b , l i o , at U a'elock tc, at l b ,

    .illllerA.viilflamKeratiaUy.aoctiooriW ? - : , . , , AD that caataini Irk. piece . , p j ^ j j , r jround -siloate, lylo,

    and bjlqi In Lb. NTpaUeaib war A f l it . #\r of flew Vorlc booadeij and tit icalbed as fottow, < Oomaaencb* at a aotnt on the ir-jlherly s ld. of J'.rtyeUhl.atre.t. atlvtawt two hundred feet el*btlraclMsareitesly rrom t h , •otitbwe.tcrly aoracr or t b , Secowl av t toe sod -rorty t f e e * t * . & t r t t and parallel vit tbmojb t b , cactra or a party wal rtMHcasj} and the lot s t x t fett fjrv baeiea to t b ,

    -4 paraUel

    avemi* and u>t |> tlaravnsl

    .. i3SgifWrS

    «,U aod.ruonlii* avtsra, and partly 1 oa l b , lot ber.br

    _olawf one batavdrad

    SrvS& t parailtlarlU, the

    of aparty wall lot neat sraai.

    T.tt^>TfW*Att-r. totti

    Jhlrly Uflb street 1 aad •Weoltl.litr-rmhttretl r , _ ofbecliiaLnc. Baled Mew Tork.rebruary i»ih lsra.

    P i . « i . r , I l r r u a A Paaaow, Att'yr. febUIawt,

    SUPMUKaOOUET.-OAl.OUrir.O. BIBI10P as*. AUCX. suderKyle, Junior, and oth-Ta.*.In pursuance of a fads-nxnA of th* Saptcme rJostrt of l b , l U U of H*w Tork. I will n POM to sal . on Ih. 11 th day of rebroarr. Ml at Uo'caocr. M . al th , MeJch.nl/JCaxbaa*. b l b . d iy of Krir Tork. br Jarre. It. allTler A Kenneth;,aMtloneers:

    All that certain lot, pl*c« or parcel . f l u i d rrltoate, Irlnr and belli. In l b . rjibteenth ward of t b . tlty of Kew York, snd toonded arid ecmUlnlnr as fallows, to wit 1 Ilesdonlnr al a point oat th* noitherlr aad. of 1 hlrty Brat strrvt. which I* dUlaM two bnsdrtd u>d inrvrmtyn v . fea* weateriy frvrn tb* lcUtMCUon of th* Dortheriy aid, of Thirty Bra* strtaf with l b , v r i t o l y Md* o f f l n h a vena. 1 UKOO. nuanln* north«rty paralltl vl lb l b . nftb avena, rlrjeay-eliht feat and nlraw Jacbcaf tbetwowasttrly and paralUI arllh Thirty Bnrt tarwt tveoly A T . fe«ti Ibene. sonther.y and parall.1 v l lh rtfth aver o . a/or era W rahaety^bu IMt and tain* Inch*.; tieooa f sstctly . t e n , IM norlberlr M* of Thlrtyflrit •tr.rttjrrsnty. five feet toll*place of UalnnlnrA .Dated Krw Tork, J a m a . rtJaJ. lf»». - JAMtS L T T t C O a a r i - r

    O . ^ w p a r r , A « . r - jtatMAawl* T h . s i b j of th* ahov, >ro*rrrtyUjK>i*r>(rs*d trata tbaltst

    propetir 1*. farther pc*»*cc*J tanlil — / U « t _ at th* Mta* hooraad aUca. *

    SCTWOfK O O n R T . - i n W R J - BstXTOORI A CI AW AX Anihooy Vowbtsj (tad others.—In tKjrraano, o f a JttfCfJ, ._ AnUtooyWowbta) and ©the nent of the Bwreae 0 « r t of expoae to tale on the 11th day at the Werchantaf* lUcban»e Jaroes IL Mllier aad WllrUm

    All that ce i ta in lo t of land, vrl.h'i sUoaledln the ray of Kcv York, bentft4.._ followi: B.tlcrli-y atapoint ontLMfomtH. ninth rttfet,dMajitooe hundred aod thirty the westnlysMe of Lexlrueton avenue] ron eilyalemr Tklrty nluth itrtet twenty fetti and parallel with *t*oxlnato*n a venae runety Cine Incbrs to Id" centre Hoe of the blockt tl . , and ca/aJJel wllhTldrty nlMh t*treet Iwettty rtet, and tbevice ct>iUerly and paraUH vita Leaincton avetjus mnety -)*. (Wind seven.7>, whieb tots tore

    w York by I be hir are boand-

    J l»7 lot knawn a the rear by -ITa of Nalhto

    f -vtiiatrriii, u n r i qrhca In lrrrth, nlnxat a polr.I i diylsltn^fnetret ssi i lNa.hinC.1

    r>ti said map rs Muober fire (J), wrcterly

    ^l ieaue Alley, and southerly by land and bul __ I Matt, ccLtalnUa: In width fony four fe.t froot and rear, and ore bundled andonefrttar.d nix Inches on lljenorthrtiy side, ard one hundred and one fert on toeninSt-f-rtr sldei and ft I no a imr.li I Ir1|> utid ton I'm r f lot rutnl^r flvoii; co s*MniO. cotjtalr.'ria one fool lo wttith aod twenty*rlilft fe«t and fire laQxhca In lrrrth, bounded and deerrlbed ai.follows: Dnrin

    t t on Uie Cirtcrly ftldeof Tl*eatrr AUcy. al tho between the northerly wall of the bu'ldinr of Un C.-rtaH and the aaauharly wall of the «.olu)lojoa

    theatre Alley asd Jierktnao alreet. now or forarrlr kno«n M pinion Uriel, distant one hundred and Ate:feet and three iDchesioiilhrtly froto the so'.iheastnly cortrr of Beeksrun street and Theatre alleyi ronnuiy thenco tiate.tr alonx the oi,lr>lr,n llnebttaeen said walls trentr tlsift fe*H and Dve leches: Iht-nce rouJbetly and riM-ai'tl wVulhestrr Alley ope feot to lot nurrtrer a\* now on file In tlir offlce of the Re sister of Ibe city and counly of New York, ai lota number-t i l t ' j eff.ur littr.ilrttl and s'-atj two.) *'*/ (four huvlr.'l aod sixty three) ar.tl if,\ ih tir buii'lrl ('our hundred and rlxty.fl.c) on unit msî t*>-t New York. K/brnary e, 16*1 JAMI-1 LYNCH. Hherlff.

    WatKtltA!. A I.STTf.fO. Att'jS. ftM-SWtl

    Wnmt COOItT.--SAMI'IL V. lIOKFM^N^JrtrAN-\\ lUrnand olhtrr.—lu tinrwinoe of a Judgment of

    il.'. r!ut>rtrLcCf>ur1 of Ihe dste ot New York, I will etpofie to sale, on the i-th day of Kebnisry*. 1**K*JL at 11 o'clock • . , at ll r Mi-rclianle1 Ki of Matrb, lo'l, wh«rebv (.lortlna K. Jloriman and the SJJII i-fiii,u. I V. Iffiilmsn dlddi rnlue, lease an J io '.rm Ictimto lht"_i1ii Ardrtw \\ limn, and to Us executors, a'.mlriUtralort ami arslanp, the prniilsrs therein ar.d hereinafij-r ib-fy-rlbtd, aith the aipurtcuancer. f«>r and durliif at»d uoll(the full end ar .d l c i i i i of twenty o.'.c year a from the t i n t i lav pf May, lry^, fcr the ) early re r.i of t\\ e h u n d r r 1 dol lars , a n l i t , whk*i t eas* wrs c o M a l p e d eer ta 'n er. v i u a n l s as to the r n s c w a l thereof ar.d ihe buUdlt.K Ibtieon t>% by i«fer(,ncelhi retojwllt asyeiri arid which iw York i btju'idM and deT/ritH-i aa P s k v s : Stecli.nlnf at a po*r;l "U the wratrrly line or side of tl.i Ninth *,»• mii-, d'tif-M c'eMy fi-t four Inchesuotthrris frt in ihe tifilh-ie rlerl) cor rati of the Ninth ave&ucaod Forty fi mihs' iert; iiiniiirii' lln nco wcsli ily en a line t>ar*lM with Feit; fourth »tr»tl eUlity fret, liieoce nortbeifi- on a Hoc pit rill! with PI hi Nfr.ihaifmiMsVrt.ty fett our Inchf thence er-stirlyon a line (.araittl w'lli raid Forty fuunb street and si' r .st iecfrdrelmcol the block tiahty feet lothr westeili ai•:*- ni 11 e Ninth avenue; ar.d 1 hence aouiotrly anil alont the raM ae»i»il> a'.tle f.f the Ninth avenue tpeniy f*et one loch in the place of bftc'iirilctr; t'£'.''her with all an I almutar the lei.etner.t*-. hriedltainef.taand at>iInw and helnf In tbo Nlneie-»ntb ward fl ihe r".t o! New Yotk, on l i e northerly side of rorUrth stieel. I cts-trii Ft'tirtii aveine and bcxln«lonavenur, l>ound-ed aiul ccr.tatr.lrirr I.J follows: Jlrrlnnlriar al a polot on north-ii .yltoonf koitlftli ttreeI. distant one hundred and five frrt w nriwaiiMy fiom the wtr* crly line of I,** r Inst on avenue, and ic inlnc thence weatwardly alomt said northerly line of For* tk'h alreet twtnty feet j ther.ee nOrttiWardlyoa atlof parallel w!'h Lexlnxlon avet.u" nloely tlxht fret and nine Inches to the rentro of Ibe Mock between Fortieth and Forty flrrt slice's) thence eaatwaritlr along the ceairo of said block, and on a line parallel with Fortieth atr-.-i, twenty feet i ana tin ncr routhwardly o n a lino parallel with l ^ i l n j r i o n a v e n u e , and d'Slani one hundred and five feel westwardli Uierefroin, nliirly tlrht fett and nine lucl fi to said northerly Hoe of For* lie', he! reel, at the place of bfrlr.Mnc Haled New York, Feb-»u-ryUh,iMa JAM Eh* LYNCH, Hbtnff.

    E. It.'Fawcnuu Atlorney. feWUwts

    QUPHAMK OOORT.-WII.LIAM T. HORN, EXKOUTOR, P Ac . plaintiff, airt. Krolty V. Kirk and Vt lUlarn M. Kirk, her histhaut], anl Reuben Merchant, defendaola.— In purauanoe of a ludKUte nt ol lh« buprnne COUJ t of U*e a Uie of New York. 1 will expoeetoaale, on the fit h day of Febiunr/, l»»5i. at 11

    chants'Eichanae ID the city of New York. o'clock v., at the Mtsrcl . *..-b | Jarats U, MUler A Kerim Hy, auotlooeciai

    All those six certain lots, plocee or parcels of land situate, lyirs and U-Inf In the Twelfth wardof the city of Now York, known andwdUtlnsulabcd upon a c* rt i In tnxp entitled ** Map of valuable; property situated In the Twelfth wardof the city of New York/' dated New Yoik. AurneMKV' o.afe br KfHert L. Vlele, Oily Hoi veyor. at,«J loiendcd lo be file-1 In the offlc*. of Ihe Realm r of the chy and county of New York, by the ntLihf is )V-> (one hundred aod It Irty nine), 1(0 (one hnndrrd and forty). 141 (or>n hundred and forty one), m (one hundred and for'y-lwo), 1W (one liundrod aod foriy-lhice), and l it (one hundred snd fcrlr-tour), and which trtVrn Ifsilher arc iKjtmdrd anddi'scrlbcd as fol'owa, thai Is to rsy: Herlnnlnc at the corner formed tj the Interred Ion of the easterly line of the Fourth a vena* vllh the northerly line of Ninety seventh street, and runnin** thence

    thi / T f e . _ , . . . . . . ,

    Fourth .avenueone hundre^ LYNCll. Shwrltf. rVrisnl TJaFoaairr, Att'js. fe*df)*awu

    SUFREMK COUaT.-ADkL DKNIBON ACAIN6Y FBAK els Anthony Arlols and others.—In purrjance of a Judf iwni oftheHopretneCooilof thestaiaof New York, I will ex-pose to aaJr, on the Uh day of March, lo>L at It o'clock M.( at tbe Mercharts* Kicliaofo In the rity of New York, by Jsn ea M. Mlllrr * Kennelly, anctlooeera:

    Alllhatcaertalti lot, piece or parcel of latvL aod the dweJl* Ir* houie Uiereon erected, altua-ed on the northerly ride of Thirty third atreet, between Madison avenue and the Vowtb aveiiue In the clly of New York. botinelecL rl^fcrtbe-liacdooO' tain Ins- as follows, to wilt IX flnninx at a point on the north-erly sideef Tbiily-lMrdstrceLwUunlonfl hundred and forty-three fert and/line inch's easterly from Uie corner formed by the eastrrty side of Madlaon av«iu»axdlhe northerrty side of Tblriy third streett and lunr.Jnfiherw^norUierty atd parallel with Xledlscn avenue to, alonf and In ecmllnnauonpt Ibe centre tine of the party wall now t4an4tnf n b e t y e V i l feet and nine tr.cb-rs to Ihe middle Hoe of the Mock i ihcace east. ftlv aloof the releidle tine of the block eaAVe*m foet Aad nine ircJeaj tlxncesCraUierly aivdnaraJl*Hwl^kij^ii*« ave»o*to, alorsrand in c*r.tba ivorthertrsi third street edifateer* feet and nine laehee to the alnnlnf i the easterly and wewUrty ,r*a%Mjssi4 da betof party walla. I>atc4 New York. J^*^**^)'

    . Auaxi) IL Coesn.a, Attorney.

    O UFRIaflt C0URtL-t3LA- jSSiJSL acL aiLBJtfiT IF, D telth arid Clara hi* wife, and others.—In peirsasioc-s of a Ju4arn«*t of U*o ^opremi Court of t i e aUU pf ̂ " '

    wB£ ate la f n of


    A stnqvnrs DALK or \kw+ta.* nor JX .rxkrsVB.il vll! rtu al paUk aaMtbo. at U

    g tec ra ~ liiTtm t U l I M rUr '

    VltnSi InX at U o'clock at sxwra. (.%. U. 'laUlrw, auc

    i W s j ^ l . U m a sriVh I I . - ; . -^fatjlar. UsLatia

    »5cis5SaJ_i5 is*1"*** «f t«so.'r. * f f r

    .Ic^aaTaatl of ftl I W

    .... . , ... . , . A , Icrawwa a* BtTObrr 'U»l>rt>s4»ar,"sri botrntit'rl SA)rita >!{»•», c.K*'J.rTlralot|U>a,art*rl/Ui|,of J>*a*lriSr-rMrl.aaai*tnKOI**kl lloffct.' bat tlirarfa or leer etc, nri-Icr or br r ir turo l . srrlaJo r-iiht U s i l c i 4 llirnct eaat^rlr llonr said 1st! a rttbi . fd I,r-.fi. snd rtaraltn. or n^srlr so. wlib Orilar »t,f i t or.rbur.rlrrd scd i m l . t l tlx lotkrs U Brbsowar. and IbftLCS loulbnlr a lms ttroadwar iwrotr fir, IrH tbrr.

    tVa'rlo, arM parallf), or r.rartr .o , .I'hf.' .dlr rlrrrtc-n • - } * ^ar.tel kxiaahi the

    Brosnway. aJ» _ ft elrot !ncli«t/> erU.er la

    rr-'ily cf laid Ilciare Waldo, and Ih-rnre easterly rjooi

    »l la IIU, •IJt l . n i a i i r i , br i n i l ) *-';, w. t u a r - j » i rar,tel It. JJaahi thenco prrtKeify paisUVI, cr nearly rrxwit'i Brosnway. sJ»Di i u . tart TMitl-ned land eLU feet eVui net ei u» other lan-1 for.

    imfifi to tl.r place of tHiriorjlnc, t«f the f.Vf Mrr-al fj IDS en slf ni Mt rt* or Ira*; loirrthrr with the saldi

    i susd condltlooa tn the id all adiania*j« and r-e-n f̂ll

    ndenlore ' salefln.

    . DS li-ere or Irai; loartLrr with the aat and all the rtsuMS, r-ovenanii and ooodHWoe tn th d* t,iurr of b sir (chialrxd. and all adianiact aot

    wM rf tt.-OO,payable ejaar-tuly. ) l .e said ItU d>*ierrtl-e*a preniiifs are known by the rtrrrt LUDil-er of 127 I'road way, and s-'d leaa4 Is r*cornVel lo Ihr e.riiee **>( the tteciitrr o | the city and countr of Kew York. In Uber U.f e-f C c n u j s n f a v ir t '.(• I)audf(ew York. Ulh

    • rKANCia >r. W A U > O . A*-»'r.ie«*of Horace Waldo.

    - ^ b , ^ . .

    COt'KT.-DAYII) II. OARY AKD AKO •»1.r*»t Bkbaid I'rlion snd o'ra.—In purvd l»rtr a In tb**Mi>*lerrth ward of ibe rity of .New Vors, turd boundrd ai-d drrtcrtt-rd a> fjl loai: Il**»rtnr(in| al a Irulr.l In Ibe easterly I'ne of third avenue, wbkh li d t»l sol fortjc>nf ftet and a*-ven loch*** rotitli* e-tiy from the sa.uibrajteriy iorn*T of Tultd avri.ue ar>d Klhy second ilrcrt, acd ruoolns; thenre oaMotiy paratlei w|l i lift) M-eontt street sl it) four le*H arne#

    we of v. : p l f . i l . r n trH s n d ^ t l b t tpclrfOtO tAr prto l or plaoa of b*V.O

    le4f nhiK. DhVKT. H>fire-5


    Q i r n K M l ; C0IJHT.-P1IILIP Y. hMITII aat. TIIIX)UfpHK 0 C'l.rljttan and r-lhrrs —In punuance tf a jodk-rwnt of U*€ fcui'ievae Court «*f the si ale of (tew Yoik. 1 wiflrspoae to sal*1!, on ll.e 4U dsy ot »,*i. li. | i , at l l v.. at l'.e Mrrchsr.-s' Kirhai re In tt.e dly cf New York, by L. II. I>udtow A Co.. aurtWaf.ics:

    / li Ibuwr c*rtaln four Iota nf rround I/Iof anl Wine In the *Jd ward ef t|ie> illy of New York, ••••un-!.'! a/vl *>ciA*biH as a* t»liiws, vlr.: 0>rnT,rnrli.s* at a point on* bundrfd f»*il es»t fie m r.t'rtl.ri it roit*rr of Tartfth avmue aad Yorty. risl-th slrrrti tbt-t-r*i nnidr.r rsuVriy alot»« f,n\f r-'̂ uih stfai te.r.el uu'lr.-.] ft»t; tlu r tr twwibcriy pBra'lH withTwelfUi

    f vcr.ue on* 1 .ut.dr-d Urt Are Ir «lii*s to Ui* c-*nUe line of ilj« lent : lb«-tr# wntfrl/ one hundred fr-«ti U.̂ r.*'*' soulVrly r r e h u t O r t d fee l f ire ( n t h r t to t t e pokst or olAvJ-eot* be«1o-r.fi,iti I f t ' l l i i r tsUls all a n d alnaular tbe e>liAota l-uliellnta, rtrb r.ir.tmlM-ia. tr1rllrs«-s anrt si'P ro>torr , adiiilnl* ra to i s or » ' 'n>>. the rev i ly r r o l or m m of

    . t h n tf Imndred s m l twrr.tr doUara. a n o »*fery d a u a r , artU an» riprracs-d c o n ' s l e n d . Hated New Y o r k . V t l j n i a r r J t b j l W f .

    J O H N T. i t O K F U a K . R'f«wee. T. W. (iMK-j»tiii iarjL Jr« i^abAUTs Attorney , f e b T l a a t s

    U i r W : M I u O p U I i Y . - A M K L l A Y . I U 0 n A U a f » 4 . ANDEKIY 17 v\'Ila*->n and o thers .—In purvuanc* ot a judgment of the ftuprertie Court of the s ta l e of h > w York. I will e i |>o te los*.1e on the U l h day of Harrh , 1*0. a l l ) o'clock v . al the H T chardB' Ksrhamre in the r i ty of N e w York, by J a m e s M. AlU-ler A KeraneUy, a o c l c n r - r r a :

    All Uiat certa in lot, p iece ©r p a r o l of l a n d s U n a t c . l y lor ar.d lT.r-1 In tl»e NlneUe-nth ward o f l h e c i l y of .Sew York, a n d l-ovjiiflcl as rollowi ; iwirtonir.e at a p"li.t In U.e a*vjt!i'a'l)' l ine of f o r t y s e v e n t h alreet , d i s tant t w o bun Ore* J a i d aeven fe*1 and twolnel»*rt wrt trarrt lr f r o v t i h e s / u i h w r a l e r l y c o r n r - r of f o r t y M v c n t h stre*rt and Kuth a i e ' . u r . a r i rj ntnotttc t h r n c e southwardly parallel w l t h f i f i h a \ e ' i u e ooeji indr«*ei fe koowti *-J r.umber rrjj Yront »tre«t. a n d l» bewndod aa f"llows, . i r . : Itvslrirdr.* a t a o o l n l on tbe n'-rtbfrjy *'*d* ofYf^^tatrresLd- i tai. i i h i r e bnodn-d a i d forty t i n e fert f«iur ir.rt.es r i lv foe t < U r l i e s j weale-rly frosn a oo iDe / f«rrJ»»d Irytbe Lort**eHr s ide of rrotit rteeet s n d i b e wirtr-tlr aide of Walnut p',r i n c h e s ) : and i h e - v e s?uther lr In a rlraJihl line t o tbe p l a t * of t r r l n i l r r . Ittdrvil r*e w York. f f b . i t . IK-*. MOsSsti 11, S l A O L A Y . Rrf irr* .

    W. O. IliTTH, AU'y In perron. f c l^ -ta»ts

    O U P R 1 M E O o i j K T . - J E A N S r T Y K C. BRA M l SO KK axL p J o h n K e n n e d y . J o h n C. I*»ic-", Danie l HSephetd and Mar; IL b i s wife, I'et**r Lynch . 1 t erm an n B o m i a o , fUiward l i /ooV rick a n d J o h p V. bn»drrlrV. — In purroanAH t l a t r r r i a l n lot , plrr*« or p*»rO-*1 of l a n d • • t tnt« \ l y l n i and Wins: in Ibe tI#l.t.*-nlh ward of th* rtij of Nrw Y o r t , a n d *b1en Is k n o w n ar»d dluinrti l*Seil upon a rrr ia ln m^p In-scribed tui»r*-me C. r i r e J MI nary 'Jf., 1*C.:. M a c of M l and w a d r rlyhU . H u t t e d In t h e K l h a: d I s i . w a r d i o f Ibe rity of .New Y o i k , b M » . Ci l j Hurt* y o r . o n file In thr efbre af tbr ft,e>.*'er of Ik* city and c u e t i of Nf w Yoik as lot nun,brr«d i t * ! ! t w o )uiu a_: I*bisSawte

    NOTICE. K a l e o f t h e T e r r * - l l a n t e A l t o n a n d Kt. L O H I S .

    ! U l l r o a < l

    T 3 Y V I R T U . O f A D E C R E E O f T i l C C I R C U I T COURT J > . . f l be Ua l l rd m i i i fee tbe JV-t.tJ.efri Iristrtrt of UJlrvla i n s c a u s e In Cbanrrry th**rels drprnOlnir, wtaa-rrin A* art ah 0 , n a n s r d Others S J * comp.arnarrta, a n d i b e T r r r e Haul-*.. Allon a n d N L o u l l JUt lroso C o a p a n y art defrrj'lanU. And purruaLl toalT, s u i i i l u y d r c r e e o l U.r Ctr*~u!i Court of tbe UliHrd fvtatea for U.a i J M i b i o i ! iv t iaoa . In a cmj ir

    S'ltLpany, u t ^ n w b l c b n*ortca*r«*s or d e a d i o f urutft t b * s*-M u i c e s are fo tine eel, in thrtr said eat>artty as U U A U »•». rf-aprctlvcly, and a lso as ac^claJ n-a-nrr cooimlaal-'nins of the


    as apertal n-a-nrr cooim'*«w»Wnin« Ot tab! Courts rrtpcrtiirty. duly appointed ty the aaldf>/ort-i rr#^rctl*ely for that purpose,wbI a*tl) at pabfi/. aurtlon, atthe OH; Hsll. In thr rity of AIUTV, In the stale of llllooU. U ibe bl-tbr»t bidder, on the twrritr firs ider, wa the twrpty-ftrst dar erf March. A. V. 0015

    ,o*and rtsrhl hundred aod rJaty two, l*r(»»>en Ibe b*̂ j " cV

    . . ..'^irs of ten oVlr»tk a. X, and four q'tlocr t,u. of the a*b3 day, u.e foiltiwlrrdrvcilbrej prexert/.to wil:

    Ibe rai'rcsd of ibeeald Terr* Haute, Alton arvd fit Ixruls RaMioadCoirpanv, < it< t.4 &i from Terre llante In Ihe stale of Inulana, lo Kwt Ht Loult, or |illt'A»v.-n In the siais of Illinois, snd froto Illlnoiatowa to Lylevlll*. and frvm the JunrtiriploAMon.intJ^frtal'of UHpOta. b^Vidir of way therefor, the read_l*d thereof, an*) all IL* I and a, real

    IrAcVidirx the ri*M • •... ii.- I'MU nas vi'.. r-of. a/)1) aJ] IU* l*nd», raal

    **tt»t«', rsliaaja. rt»bij of way and Ian4 orr*.{iied tbcreky, va It In Ihe aujK-rwlnirturee and tracks 0/ all aorts Uiervon, llf wa'rr and other aiatl^n-botasra andahopa, and ti»e lands pounds cotiiecte4 ILcrcwHb. ar.d aJl rail* SJ.'I «tt>*-r p. rtsU utt-d thereon, or prorurtd tijertfor, a*d all the toils Imilrrnrntsured. cr provided to be ua^d tiirrr on, a»i s?nic*Inf sn-l jj j.iirir t care and marh'ivTy lor said

    r.-ial**. aod

    •id In con-4 rwd. or tfnictlni arx.repi.lriM r*n a/nl mai-limi-Ty for sale] rovo, or

    br trark an SM.uperrtnKlmes aff*rraa:eL aJl the Urtr-inmu, read , re*. ylaCuote. cvilvrrta, frne*«, d r p v i cro-ioaLa, r^at|nc*a,euUon bouses. turn*Ui4*e and dtvota. and a!! other bulldlrss, and other fixture sand s-xueturea of whatever na**»*e or nature, axd U e lands and trour>4j e^r>*yi*d U,*Yww1tii, n»*-r1, rr provided to be used, le M>rral«if the said roael, axd wbrrevr sltualn, and aJl cara. rntfr***. I'-fy.nvt-'rra, te-ric'era. tcot*. ltnplrn.rt.ta. materlala*- ruiraUirry. marhtne rbtpa, t r l ' s r a r b a , roulrart* . s n d all o l b w pera-maJ ppn-r-rtf, rti 11 i b r r t i o , or Intirrwl Oirrcla M e u l r e d hy tbe said oofa-p a n e : l ore thrr with i b e lol ls , r m l a , r r r n m u la*uf-#L troQU, artd locotna of l i . e aald m o r t r a r e d I p t O p e n r . a/id all l . n d a , he-re diiarornta, arid ferry rtrhts i-rter>rlni t o the *>iddootnpa. T.y, and all the supvUee of l imber , lumber. Iron, furt , and evrry e>tb»-r lbl*>s prortded hy Ih* said r»wnparij. a n l by the oetrlnal " "' '

    * Haul* , A l i e n and H . 1*OD-S Railroad O m p a n r . . j 01 eratlrir the said r o s d . Also, all t b * foUoarln4

    df-v r11>--d IraHs e.f roal t s n d i own*M by th* aai4 Trrr* Haute , t o l>c need

    A l U n a c d h i Louis Railroad Company . | - « W s>root 0 0 * Ibon-aar>dand Any s r r r s • t tus trd 1" H , Clair^ of I l l lnoU, a c a di~t-cill>rd as fol lows, via. j

    r foui . ty . hi the state

    OfJS f l l

    I'be'rV.uth half of sidloD t» ree ( lb towneblp on* rt) north, ranie Line W) weal, conlalnlnx ttrif hundred and twenly a/T* a.

    Ibeeart half of the northwett «itiart*T of e**rtton ten f|(n, tow mAAp one U) north, ranxe tin* (i) wesA* coolalalc**; rtrlily a c r e s

    The* eart half of aect^on ten flO. town on* fl) north, ranee nine d Iweotya

    Tb* 0*rth half of a*k-rC1oa *4*r*o emU*jMnff thr«e hundred a*-.4

    And also all oU.r/" lands, and ailfrrry rlrhu. franchtare and prii llrsea owned by tbe eaJd rompf'-y. and all U»« rtedtt ao4 tiitrirat Leld ar*d owoed by U»e said c*otnpany, or 10 whlek they are eajtltl-d lo any ferry rUbia. fra^^eiiW-j or prltrHetea. trsitbrr wWi sll ferry boats. appa/eL, flxtarr*. cr other Uitr.*? copteeVd. u*wd with or ar^mritnaol 10 any inch fe^ry, fran-cbl**r, ilrbt, or irlvtlrya. Acd all other real and peraonal

    f rovettr mrntlcned and descrtbed In the aald ay>rte"a«e* er r*r*«;s of trtu*l,e>r any of them, whlca are rrfe^T**. to in t' aald decree*. * brrreM-,rrrr s.Ust*4, by tb* aan.* \ltla \ri «rk

    are rrferrr**) to In the , . the aaaie uii* by wk-ck

    tbe ran.* are boltirn by the s*W company, and by lh>- aaJi

    ?irtainsl ronty*aale>, aevrrally. u^eibrr with ail trtrtlrfr*a, rar cbltea. eaaen.e'ttta, rlrbrt and mterrau whaifo-rrrr 1 an*{ all oorpotat* Irar- bU/s of the aald O>J crtslnal cotcpaolea. rcvmJly, Inc'ra] cMsea cf '

    rratxned reiulre a depo»rit tol>* iaa*V by a iy bidder •A aal*j, not ttxa**4it>Jt Jh«_ jaurn erf Ibre^^hun

    all corpora** frai»« b l s r i c f the aald o ^ n p a n r . a/tf of t h * aald ' Jln< "

    -v U aaU

    o U

    d'rr'd Uroo-iuifl doUais'lB caah. or flv* lvBi*-ir#-J ihonaand ** Fary ln f l ra t Mort*ra«e B>»r>dj of t b * Terr* l l a u t - r a n d Alt f^ltrraad Oorapary, or of t i ^ beQsrIOe ar.d Jbbio l i town li

    . t h e rtfU **>4 fran t b * said a t v r r a l r«tyahe)ul4b*jrtruot*r pcta^trs, Andib«a-»Welr i» ' '* i l sb*j | l^ sJ-v-lutfly foifru*«Jlo U.a ua* of l b * I r e r t i l n t b * l iands of the u&Orriicr.rd. If ibe n d d anrrr.-* ful b i d d e n r-l»aJ) f a b l e p a r or arcourrt t o f U i e pttrrt»a*w' rwon^y to t h e aalVafartioa o f t b e aald Cnrtrjll O/Urt r*f t h e U**H*d fcu u a for tbe fkfi'thern Dlrtrtct of ll tin' Is, o u the final d laui -builr.n of l b s fai.ds andatrpATTyralof tab* aale.

    T»r« raid • V r t e e a p t o v . d i ' i . a a t Ihe pircba«-*Tor roixhaaafrt , u p e n HieeyrnfiioaaUon of the sal*? s o d full oympibkr,*"* with the cx«ellt lor* thereof, a n d tbe ord» ri of tl-* Court , r a v l * or to be m a d * brreln . j ooch lny t b r p a i m e r A o f l b * p*irrt.a«* m o n r y . shal l b« rr-Uiled to t a k * a n d h e l d , and t h * earn* aaaln l o r*X or erthr-nrtM dlstxv»e of at pleaaure. all of U*e m o n r y . shall be rr-Uiled to l a k « a n d L o l l , and tl.« aauve aaaln l o r*X or o thrnr tae dlstxvre of at pleaaure. all of U»* •a id prop%wy,nrfda,frai*tsutoie> h« ir.rlu.wtd In wurh eal*. lor tbe |*»rrt>*vM tnemey

    f taid real erte-a. not t. aod 10 ail Mbon vMra H aaaj fxaaMrv. lo art".,

    I t al Mi, yrnom v b . •>*• conrJrtr, IbtavMl,r. •orlfT** I.j ,,14 LaJnala a s * A w u M n l iMS or uUsapeent iatidi aC*-..t*i estrr ewtlmat* 0«r4 a>*v*-«* ftrob atet Italal l i**rv?i>* who** b.t-*r*«ts a**e afje-ieed t**r*-b; , * nd » ho n.af be oppe t+4 lo the 11 offfrtUoriaVrtUoi tlulr veriflrel to >"*..•.( out rl*abman, at Ike office cf lb* Ooawml . . l>«Sf.r a'.rrrt. iu this city, on or brtoietlit l.lL day af rrbre-

    pjn nd.— that the ehwtrart of tl** aa*d rwflmai* and aa****-rortt. toartbri wltbostr map*, and ake all lb* athdartU. *Mi-ansfes ae-el other eVoe-umrtjU wht-b wrr* u**«4 by eu) In inakiot oorrnw-rt. l-a\r bren depoaUrd In Uie î -Urr. 0n*'r*s e.._.Cr of (be city ar*d roueArof Itew 1 orV, Ihrr* t* rnnata ttr.ill tVctf ar. the l^b day of Mairk Ifw«x

    IMrd - I h a l tl.e lln>lu«mUicrd b; thr Lsaoa*sm--ol af.-r* iHare as foliews. t*> wit; All thosetdrce*of land Iyb*« and

    " ' ' * ' -'• ' •' . , . , • . - ! , . * . . — l U < > unel

    Jewwenia4or>er», fti>. Vfl

    belt o n i j latyfirl l i **lr*rt. l r ! - f t n U ^ | ,1 (b ih avrn< ' *• -7 Tork. s n d * a t r a d I m on

    t half the d la laucr t o t h e HuCaot. Wvrr , In the city of V w e s r ) . a i l * o f ra id K l i t y ftflh atrrrt n*tKt wic-rt I b r r r t o . A n d

    y s v u r t h . - T b a l our rn-ort h>rr1n will w prr**olrA t o t l * e f spicer ie Court of t b * . ta l r erf f*tm Tork. a', a t*r»*>ctal T v f f l therrot . to be l*-*lr,ifv*i lb* o-u-

    |le|e r r'« d a i a i l r e m ' l r at tbat 11»If arei.amrnl wlJlronattt of u o i U a i i h a t i r l a r rv.'. i

    rwi.s, * »»r-v Ii for bait•. r ("ef«rif-t ar* n o ! to draw mere Hiao

    l f f ! i ( [ i i ! ViVfi when fu.ly «',utp; rd and a n t e 1, at wl,., li draft O r ) sr r io t>« uH* if tn t ln ia n a peienar.«-t}| *•;,?« J # r rr* ritodrls of aiirti . Lata* i*v UiSl tl r a m i rotiM b* e >ergt«d fr,»r*i O.ttn

    I J r r » ' i i . f i , f i ! i i f j i i i i i . a < i , i ^ ' , ; I h e t l m r witl.ti, Wlibh tb» i r » ; i l r ftfib l',» b-lal sr t tyunlw. i l l H t > < i i | i < l by thr r ' lUfMnt 'M ttl.Vj *•»l? d a f i aftdr lb* icxeidlon f.f the vera* I, In Older to «Ui Ualnabtt-r1 rteyalntoapaytA fitaj.t( aowe-

    «»t 'dlr» all is.* l*a-.ksu.d towpatna, waUa, psvraveuta, do*rk

    v*>«li4«ks a«etirdorts. dams, pooita, brl'brra. * cvna, »uajd baj.ka. (.rdria iw.tlt« r r d i d .

    Tl t iHpartntrnt will b«- al liberty '•> accept oi ieject ,»riy l i - r rail , ] . ' ! I r . ' . l •r alii*. r*iAi:>«]w

    IVji'traua, I »ar M e i r t a . > . I ' t tman, IWIJ

    AIIMT hVVl'tMW. O i n ' i "r Akwi Ci/'iMta-i aan K-yf

    Ci'taia r I'avws #M U m JS*.* TOP a, |v*ib »'e.bn»an. . . . .

    C ^ A L K I ) rKOI'OaSAl-rj A K I . J N V l U ' l ) A M ) t ^ will l>r ris-a>l»rd at this «fflc* UUUl IS o'e