Michael of Nebadon www.theurantiasociety.tumblr.com IN THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH OF CHRIST MICHAEL The Spiritual Promise for Humanity of Life Everlasting

In the Spirit of Truth of Christ Michael

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The Spiritual Promise for Humanity of Life Everlasting is the Approach by the Paradise Sons given to the Evolutionary Worlds in setting into Motion the Soul's Trajectory into the Kingdom of His Sovereignty and Divine Supremacy - Immortality for the Personality Soul.

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Michael of Nebadon


IN THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH OF CHRIST MICHAEL The Spiritual Promise for Humanity of Life Everlasting

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Table of Contents


1. Living Faith, Trust, and Identity in the Unchanging Truth

2. Relationship with the Eternal Flame of Life within thy Heart and Mind

3. The Plan of Salvation and the Spiritual Promise of Life Everlasting

4. The Phantom self and its World of Appearance

5. The Law of Redemption bringing Fulfillment, Harmony, Healing, and Pure


6. Daily Contemplation and Attunement unto the Transfiguration into Light

7. Higher Relationship unto the Resurrection Establishing Immortality

8. The Full and Complete Atonement through the Hidden Principles, Precepts, and

Powers to Attain the Greater Life Everlasting

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Unto you who would seek the true empowerment to create only Love, to bring forth the

God power within, and to command all imperfection into the Perfection of Light. The

way of freedom and victory is to have living faith and trust in God necessary to dissolve

all things unto pure Spirit. God must become a living reality in your life. You must

become bold in order to actualize your true individuality; the awakened personality

that the Universal Source originally intended for you.

Learn to discern His Will from your own; for that is the most direct route towards

achieving the gift of His Initiation into Eternity. Ignite the spark of God within you into

a full flame through the adventure of transfiguration, resurrection, ascension. And then

ye can say that you love God, in Spirit and in Truth.

With Sacrifice you will be able to purify your memory that remains lodged within the

energies of your etheric body. Surrender to the greater plan and will opens a way to

master the mind and the sacred power of your thought. Selflessness brings to us a

mastery of the misdirected desires of the lower nature; we are then able to take

dominion over the baser nature and animal instincts of the emotions. Service above all

is the driving force of all sentient beings who wish to expand their own self

consciousness while at the very same time furthering the Self consciousness of the

Universal Whole.

~Michael Of Nebadon

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There is a plan for human life to become permanently free from all

suffering and human limitation by consciously becoming Immortal. You

can raise your life into fulfillment by understanding the hidden Plan and

the Law of Life which when acted upon will propel you into having a

direct and ongoing spiritual realization experience, validated by the

authority of your personal relationship to the Source. Conscious

physical immortality can be yours, so that, you gradually transform into

a unified expression of the Source – the Father Mother God of us all. As

you raise your life into alignment with this plan and higher will, you’ll

discover the true meaning of life. There is a great purpose for you to

fulfill, and the entire Universe waits upon your attainment.

The key to this attainment of Life Mastery is in allowing your faith to

expand into your whole heart and mind. Saturate your whole being with

love of Omnipresence. Give yourself unconditionally into this supreme

service; for as you awaken into mastery of the Life Principle, the whole

being of the Universe rejoices. Only through faith and trust can you

forge a relationship with the Eternal God. As you open to hear more of

the divine purpose, and choose to enter into the understanding of this

approach to Life, you will become flooded with the desire for deep

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fulfillment and God perfection. This powerful intention and focused

desire to take your life into the higher life is the fulfillment of the

highest Will. You can experience throughout your day deep fulfillment

and pure and simple happiness as you make the effort to realize and live

the divine design. You’ll experience the joy of participating in

relationship with the Source, a part of which lives within you.

Consecrating and directing your conscious mind and heart, and your

human free will into living in harmony with the Eternal will give you

access to the doorway into Light. It establishes you into the next

evolutionary phase of human life, and it fulfills the requirements

necessary to become a permanent and fully conscious Individualization

of the eternal God within this local universe. This is a necessary step. It

is a conscious initiation that must be attained, and there are certain

steps along the way that will anchor you into the eternal initiation.

We are standing at the doorway of a moment on the cosmic clock, at the

end of a huge cycle of human evolution. This culminating moment is

your golden opportunity to unlock the doorway of immortality, and

your entrance requires understanding your godhood – your divine

identity, your creative accountability, and your power to co-create with

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eternity. The power that you will discover in the right use of your

creative accountability will awaken in you the ability to transmute all

your imperfections into divine Perfection –personal godhood. This self

revelation propels you into self actualization and a deeper expansion of

being aware that you are a part of the Whole. This is what some have

called god consciousness. It is the awareness that you are the Whole

individualized and personalized. Your awakening to this is the

fulfillment of your potential as a human person; you are meant to

establish living from a higher perspective. This perspective gives you

the ability to make fuller use of your brain potential, and it will open you

to the hidden powers and abilities of being human. There is a higher life

which awaits you after you have grown tired of the cycle of rebirthing

yourself over and over again from one lifetime to the next. Often you are

re-experiencing the same circumstances and environments, working out

of your consciousness the conditions and imperfections of density that

must be raised up at some point in time. As you allow for the

purification of your consciousness you will be able to live from a higher

perspective which will extinguish many of the troubles and struggles

that are occurring for you without any end in sight.

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Personality is a gift from the Universal Spirit and your uniqueness is a

specific design intended to be used in the progression of the creation

into Light. You have gifts and abilities which must blossom. These gifts

are awakened once you understand how to become filled with the

vibratory presence of love. This approach to the Universal Spirit is a

path which awakens for you the true and pure personality that God

intends for you. You do not become merged into the ocean of His being

and lose your individuality, but your unique gifts, talents, and

personality are placed in alignment and service with the great plan of

the universes because all creation is moving gradually into a higher

Light. Your human personality and nature become purified, spiritualized

into a higher expression. In this unfoldment that I speak of, you will be

raising your human self into your higher Self. The transformation of

your human nature into the divine nature must begin while you are in

this limited form because it is a conscious participation that must occur.

In this transmutation, you realize the Omnipresence more deeply, and it

is fueled by your personal spiritual relations with the Creator and

Source of us all. You embody and become the Spirit of creation

individualized. You come to know yourself as a unique individualization

of the Supreme Being. The Creator, as It extends itself into time and

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space creation must work through its individualizations. Your

expansion is a never-ending realization of the inherent potential that

you’ve been designed to live.

Your human form was created with the intention of transmuting it into a

greater form and expression, and all this takes place within the bounds

of the natural and normal unfoldment of your potential. The initiation

into eternity is the way the Infinite Father has designed. It is the

necessary requirement that each and every human being eventually

undergoes in order to attain greater levels of experience and existence.

Granted, there has not been an understanding of this plan and that has

caused unnecessary suffering and misguided intents. However, we are

at the end of a large evolutionary cycle whereby the earth is undergoing

changes with her atomic composition which will force change on every

level of earthly life. All forms will have to undergo extreme

transmutations into the higher Light. It has been commanded from

higher octaves of existence that the earth must now become quickened

into Light vibration.

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In our present physical form we are living in an embryo stage of our

existence that soon will have the opportunity to become restructured

into a light form with all the implications that this implies. We have yet

to become birthed into the universe. The earth lifetimes are a place of

gestation and maturation for the beings involved. It is the womb of a

mother where the fetus has been given time and space to grow and

mature. Many people have been attempting to mature and grow for

eons of lifetimes with little or no success of ever being able to graduate

from the rounds of rebirth. The human life is in its fetus form and the

progression into immortality or eternity is your actual birth. You have

yet to become fully developed into a permanent individuality of the

living Spirit; a unique personalization of Omnipresence with the

capabilities of continually expanding into more of its hidden potential. It

is your destiny to undergo this transformation. First you raise your

awareness into viewing things from a higher perspective. Then you

begin the journey into the higher form made of the garment of Light.

This transmutation awaits your participation. There is a need for you to

more fully understand who you are and how important you are in the

Universal Plan. These principles of mastery are the sacred keys of

understanding that must be applied to your initiation into eternity. You

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will be demonstrating your mastery over the personal energies given to

you for your use in the cycles of your human lifetimes. This evolutionary

leap is the next stage of human existence. I am in service to this plan of

assisting those receptive enough who desire to go further and who feel

the readiness within their soul to become birthed into the greater life.

There is a Creator Source that exists at the center of all things and is also

the omnipresent Life that surrounds all the creation. Through the

indwelling Spirit you can become at one with this Source, expanding

your life as a human being into becoming a part of the Source

individualized within time and space, beyond the earth. There are

several heavens or higher octaves of life within the earth itself, and after

every lifetime you either graduate into a higher octave of your return

into the same level to await another round of birth where you then have

the opportunity to make great strides in honor of your advancement.

You have been going back and forth between those higher dimensional

earth levels and this level over many, many lifetimes. The initiation into

eternity allows you to progress beyond the dimensions of the earth into

the Cosmos. It establishes you into a higher life where you do not have

to return over and over being born, growing up, learning to walk and

talk, think and act with little or no memory of prior experiences. The

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ascendant higher life returns to you all your memory of your place

within the Universe. It re-establishes within you the consciousness of

your union with Omnipresence. This returns to you your inheritance –

the presence, intelligence, and powers of godhood. You’ll have access to

travel within this local universe according to your level of development

and the opportunities to use your gifts and personality in service to the

Whole. The initiation into eternity is your agreement and commitment

to doing the Will of God almighty eternally. That is the only way that you

can grow and expand spiritually. The higher life is still similar to the

physical realm but without the pain and hardship, poverty and lack. It is

a realm of exquisite immersion in the God presence. The higher life is

infused with love, understanding, exciting adventures to experience

other civilizations and to participate in the unfoldment of the creation

as all things seek to become raised into Light. The Divine Parent holds a

very personal and intimate place for each and every son and daughter.

The Creator Source desires every part of creation to return their love to

Him as a voluntary act of free will. It is always up to you; for your free

will to choose is respected and cherished.

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Gradually, you can experience the wonders of Life. Choosing to create

immortality will flood you with purpose and meaning, and as you make

a sincere effort each day to apply these principles, your higher

consciousness will naturally unfold. Strength, confidence, courage, and

determination, will fill your being.

The infinite and eternal Creator has come to travel with us, and

manifests as the Spark of Universal love indwelling you. This fragment

of the Source is intending to spiritualize your human nature, character,

and personality into perfected union with itself. The transfiguration is

union with this indwelling Spark. Resurrection brings forth union with a

higher aspect of you that exists outside of the earth realm. Ascension,

the third phase within this initiation, is your emergence as a unique

individualization of the Source within this local universe. This eternal

fusion is the transformation of the spark of God and your human

personality nature into one unified personality that has eternal

capability and expression. The transfiguration of these elements allow

for the most glorious and powerful transformations to occur.

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There is one command which comes out from the Father Mother God,

and it is the call for Perfection; that we make a conscious effort each day

to bring perfection to ourselves, learning of our inherent creative power

and the right use of its expression. There is one gift that we can give

back to the Source, and that would be our willingness to become

eternally one with It in our identity, intelligence, and creative power.

Your free will once expanded in service to this awakening will become

the most powerful instrument in the attainment of your earth

completion. This mutually beneficial human-spirit attainment requires

all the elements within your personality to function in harmony and

divine attunement. When the intellect, the emotions, and the physical

body choose to act with one intention, there begins a very rapid

advancement which culminates with your transcendence into becoming

immortalized. You’ll expand from the human expression into an

ascendant expression that is eternally real, everlasting, more unlimited

and free.

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With this approach into union with God, there will come upon you a

powerful faith and personal trust in Life that will catapult you into

viewing life from a higher perspective; emptied of your personal agenda

and human limited ideas; you transfigure yourself into living as an open

vessel in a continual and ongoing state of pure unconditional

consciousness. There are no words to express the degree of fulfillment

you will feel in your life. My own relationship to the indwelling Spark

has created a certainty of knowing the existence of the Source and Its

care and guidance within my life. The turbulent waters of life on earth

have become harmonized by my dedication to allowing this faith-trust-

realization relationship to blossom. God has become a living, breathing

reality in my life and personal world. I experience myself being

quickened into the eternal vibrations on a daily basis. I consistently

experience the most meaningful and personally fulfilling consciousness

through my relationship to the universal Spark and the deeper, higher

soul level of my being; so close and intimately aligned with this Spark

have I become that I see and relate to myself as this pure Presence,

knowing that this Presence is everywhere, as everything, and everyone.

I recognize myself as the eternal essence that is the one Self behind

every single human being. My conscious identity has become literally at

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one with the Spark of God within my heart and mind. Consciousness of

the infinite and eternal is clearly powerful enough to completely alter

your perception of reality. I know that you can expand your own

perception of yourself into this higher view point by following deeply

the philosophy that I will outline for you here. My life is overflowing

with meaning and significant purpose. By applying the creative Law and

working the principles each day in my life, I stay devoted to this

freedom which allows me to build my consciousness more fully into the

formless Presence while establishing myself into eternal union with

God. It is this higher part of me that dwells within the eternal realms

that is the personal and uniquely individual Source of myself. Each day I

actively connect with this higher relationship and allow myself to

become quickened into the higher vibration. The immortalization of

myself into Light is occurring each day, as I apply the understanding of

the Law and invoke myself into the higher relationship whenever I have

a few spare minutes throughout my day. It is God’s Will that we embrace

His identity in our consciousness. The Source is omnipresent, yet He

exists as this omnipresence in a very unique way. There is a higher part

of you now that dwells both within your heart and mind and also above

you as your individual Source presence from which emanates all Life,

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energy, and supply for your use. I find that it is our responsibility to

make conscious application and connection with these aspects of

ourselves so that we may better align with the Life that we are. The

more deeply, fully, and often I choose to place my attention into this

higher relationship, the more quickly and powerfully my personal

transformation occurs. To desire to know the Source of your personal

Life through building a relationship with this higher aspect is the

singular approach which will quicken your consciousness into the

eternal. This transfiguration of my personal consciousness into Light is

the very beginning of my journey out from the Mother earth. Until we

embrace this Plan we remain an unborn and immature creature bound

to the limitations of time, space, and the earth. We will reside within the

womb of the earth Mother as a fetus, undeveloped and immature. It is a

matter of what we choose in each moment of our lives that makes all the


This faith based approach that I share with you is not a blind faith and

trust, but it is the outgrowth and the awakening of a higher perspective

and insight which is born from our true relationship with the indwelling

Spark, as well as, the Oversoul part of ourselves from which we have

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been projected down into the earth. I’ve found this higher aspect to be

more real than anything in this world because it is eternal; an eternal

part of ourselves that stays hidden until we are opened up to this

revelation. Our relationship to this higher mind and eternal aspect is the

key that unlocks the door into the eternal. It is a completely personal

and purely spiritual faith experience of God that unfolds over time,

giving us an experience of happiness and fulfillment that awakens us to

what is true and real. My fulfillment appears within me when my

attention and devotion stays focused into this higher relationship.

Before this understanding is brought to our attention it’s easy to

become confused and lost by the grind of daily life. Our personal mind

can only become whole with a focused attention more fully absorbed

into the Reality within. You can learn each day to recognize the

indwelling One, and as you place a value on building this indwelling

relationship, the attributes and qualities of the Source will gradually

saturate you with the strength and clarity to embrace the higher

perspective. Harmony will begin to take control of your life, as you

build yourself into relationship with Eternity; the eternal part of

yourself which dwells just above you in a higher octave of Light. Holding

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to this indwelling perfection through your acknowledgment and

recognition of its existence, and gradually daring to identify with the

higher Self creates a living energetic bridge fulfilling the cosmic law. In

this way God that I AM and God that you truly are, can outpour Itself

into our life and world.

It is possible, for each personality to reveal God more fully once they

have mastered the art and science of relationship with God indwelling.

Once we have claimed ourselves through Universal Love, mastered the

creative nature that we possess, and been willing to expand our human

will into the higher perspective and higher will, union with God

indwelling becomes a necessary and destined fact of our existence. This

approach will give you the tranquility of supreme and unquestioned

trust in yourself, expanding your consciousness into the tremendous

thrill of living by faith realization in the very presence of the Universal

Father Mother. This relationship will give to you a powerful experience

of actual spirit attainment. God has become a living reality within my

personal human experience. The Source and Creator is not a concept to

be lived as a belief in our thoughts, but a profound and real relationship

experience. This is the true significance of every religion; that it

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awakens in us personal spiritual relations with the Universal Source,

validated by the authority of our genuine personal experience. You must

become the authority for your own life through following the leadings

and guidance of your own Spark of eternity. It is more than an

intellectual reflection, and it is not a mystic meditation which may give

to you an inkling of the supernatural. This understanding is the day by

day, intimate relationship that we are creating within time and space

with the Spark of the Universal Source, as we are simultaneously

preparing through conscious effort to establish our existence within

eternity, to become an immortal being. It’s unfortunate that

theology/religion, the new age, and human worldly ideas have all tried

to fix, formulate, define, and mechanically dogmatize faith. Faith needs

to be personal, living, original, spontaneous, and purely of the Spiritual

relationship that we build within ourselves. My approach is not revering

tradition which becomes tainted from human misunderstandings, or

following any outside authority that might claim to give you God. Even

the act of clinging to an intellectual belief about the divine which we

might hold onto as a sacred creed will only take you so far. The Source

of Life is our being and true Identity, and it is only through the removal

of human unconsciousness that we are able to manifest this reality for

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ourselves. To take full responsibility for our own evolutionary

attainment through a direct and personal relationship with the Source is

the single most powerful means to the attainment of Spirit realization

and eternity. Vicarious attainment through attempting to give the

responsibility to another is simply not a part of the plan of evolution for

human life; it causes one to become dependent and atrophies the soul-

personality muscle needed to raise ourselves into the higher

perspective, at one with the Source within us.

True spirit attainment is a sublime experience and a profound

conviction that will securely hold us into understanding the spiritual

principles and divine relationship. It is through this heart realized

awakening that we discern the real and permanent from the unreal and

temporary in our lives. This relationship realization has become so real

and all-encompassing in my life and consciousness that it has

completely dissolved any doubts, and fear or confusion cannot stay for

very long. All conflicting desires or personal human agenda which could

have once arisen through my human stubbornness have been

completely destroyed. God’s Will and his directive to me have become

unwavering and clear. There is no inward battling of my thoughts and

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emotions, and there is a simplicity which has blossomed out from this

relationship. I know myself to be at one with the indwelling presence of

myself, and through my heart and mind I experience the wondrous

benefits of having built my consciousness into more of the eternal

things. Yet, each moment I feel deeply moved to renew this inner

association and to reaffirm the connection I have labored for, by

remaining in conscious communion with my soul presence through the

guidance of my higher Mind. There is a partnership which has evolved

whereby I am guided and nurtured by the part of myself existing in

eternity. It isn’t enough to become pure in our consciousness or Self

realized while we walk upon the earth. It is necessary to transfigure all

your personal energies into Light. You must allow for the full

purification of yourself to occur, even through your physical body.

These are real changes that have been occurring, and it is the precursor

for further changes in transformation to take place, where all of my life

and existence as a human being will become raised up into the eternal. I

await further transfiguration and quickening into Light, as I continue to

live an ordinary life upon the earth. There is a discipline and dedication

to this relationship with the Source, and the effects have been

profoundly rewarding. This depth of intimacy overflows into all aspect

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of my life; the key being that I build each day this ongoing communion-

relationship with the Source. I focus upon the Source and all else is

revealed and adjusted, harmonized and cured as a result of this relation.

This relationship with the Eternal allows us to know the wonders of

calmly walking in the divine Presence while accomplishing the most

mundane activities within daily life. Your moment to moment time

within the earth becomes saturated in this ever generous outpouring.

As you look to the Source for all your needs and the fulfillment of your

desires, and as you seek to become identified with It, its vibratory

emanations will gradually dissolve all doubt and fear, all past and future

ideas, giving to you the gift of being fully conscious, secure, and

intoxicated within the divine identity. You will stand courageous with a

certain well defined sense of spiritual invincibility. The key is not in the

adding onto yourself of any great thing, but in your willingness to let go

of all human ideas and your identification with your temporary life.

You’ll know and rest your mind in the knowledge that nothing can come

your way unless the Source allows it because you will have become

purified and aligned with the Law of Life.

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Why should you seek the Higher Perspective? Why make the effort to

become immortal? Why attempt to become more conscious? In our

heart there is a divine impulse for union with the Infinite Spark within,

and until we fulfill this edict, there will be a never-ending restlessness,

and an urge to try and satisfy this dissatisfaction. I hope that you don’t

allow yourself to get turned off because of my use of the words to

describe something that is virtually indescribable. It would be

unfortunate for you to choose not to persevere through the limitations

in our language, halting your personal efforts to enter into a deeper

merging with your immortal Self. All of this spiritual belief systems and

ideas, concepts, and teachings is truly only geared for one thing: to

assist us to raise our attention into the higher relationship that exists

and to give you and I the inspiration to make the effort to quicken our

life into the vibratory realm whereby we can directly experience

happiness and fulfillment by connecting into the Eternal. Our lives

become successful when we have endeavored to accomplish this great

task of bringing ourselves into a pure state of Consciousness, whereby

at the end of this lifetime we can become quickened into a full

Individualization of God. Consciousness will dissolve your feelings of

emptiness, and the understanding of these principles of Life bring to us

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a lasting peace and tranquility. There is only one thing to become

conscious of and that’s the energy, presence, intelligence, motivating

force, and power that may be called God. There are many names for this

One omnipresent Self, yet your direct experience will be all that’s

needed. Consciousness! Well, aren’t I already conscious you might be

thinking? I have seen that the awakening into greater consciousness is a

never-ending thing. There is simply no end to how expanded and deep

we can go in the direction of consciousness; for the deeper I open to

receive of myself I become intoxicated with love for the Creator and the

plan of the Heavens.

There is something inside you that you yearn for and you can’t seem to

recognize what it is, or how to go about even finding it. Yet it plagues

you day in and day out to find the answer. Often you search for it in the

temporal world, but it simply doesn’t last. There is a higher calling that

propels us to continue our search until we have exhausted the outer

possibilities and then we enter into the realm of our own psyche, but

still you search and cannot bring fulfillment or happiness into your

existence. It is a mystery of sorts and yet I find that it is really very

simple. We only make it complicated through the machinations of our

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mind and human thinking. We think we already know the answer, but

we don’t because we haven’t become happy as of yet. God equals

happiness. Not the God they teach in religion and organized sects, but

the God which quietly sits at the center of your being that you discover

within the silence of your very own consciousness. There is a hunger

which is like an itch we cannot seem to scratch and even after searching

through the avenues of religious activity, following gurus or those who

claim to be experts and have written many books, the emptiness and the

restlessness continues. You experience being hungry even after eating,

yet desiring to be fed by something more lasting and deep. A

connectedness . . . a freedom of sorts! It is truly difficult to put into

words. Happiness in relationship then is what you seek yet this

harmony in relationship is only a mask to place over the discontent that

you feel each day. There remains that elusive something which is

missing and cannot be replaced by all the sensory stimulation and

money and outer pursuits that we can obtain. Consciousness of our

connectedness to the Source is an idea you have heard but how to go

about this task, how to make it real and alive. How to take you exactly

where you are and accept you just as you are and also raise yourself into

a higher Life beyond where you are? And yet, there is a yearning or a

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calling from deep within you, and you don’t know how to answer that

call. You don’t feel fulfilled and you feel empty, lacking that essential

something, filling up your time and space with a lot of activity in the

hopes of alleviating the subtle pain and unhappiness of having to wake

up every morning and go through another day, another moment of

masking over the real discontent, the hunger to be fed on the deepest

part of yourself that you know not how to satiate. I speak from

experience as I share with you these thoughts. There is nothing that

seems to do it for you, and the more that you seek and attempt to satisfy

this urge, the further away the answer seems to appear. It simply isn’t

doing it. You’ve turned to God, to religion, to church, to food, to striving,

to outer pleasures; still only to come up empty, still yearning. What do

you think this yearning is? It’s an impulse to go deeper, and into levels

of greater honesty with yourself. To unmask the dark sides of yourself

and to absorb these portions of yourself into the Higher Life is the

beginning of the understanding I so wish to convey to you. It requires

going up against the resistance within you, the habit patterns of laziness

and confusion, and the desire to become immersed in sensory comforts

of all sorts. Going deeper into understanding yourself by being willing

to have surface those areas of your unconsciousness, and to make these

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parts conscious, leads into the higher Life where you discover you are

able to live the ideal!

How will you directly experience this pure state of Consciousness? First

I must help you to see the world of appearances and in which ways this

is an exact reflection of your personal inner consciousness and

unconscious realm. Then, I will show you that there is a Phantom self

who masquerades as your real self identity, yet it is not the real and true

you. Deeper still, I take you into viewing more closely your thought and

feeling world where you must gradually dissolve the obstructions that

hold you unconscious. It is a great dissolution of your life energies,

lightening up and purifying several areas. It is not adding anything onto

yourself, for you already are this Consciousness, yet you are stricken

with all sorts of human limitations and misunderstandings. It is

becoming completely emptied of all your ideas about your life, your

agenda, and about what you think and believe will give to you that

elusive happiness and comfort that you seek. It is emptying all your

strivings and desires for outer attainments that you feel you must

accomplish in order to be happy. Remember, lasting happiness can only

be gotten through your atonement with God indwelling you and beyond.

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This is the bridge that must be crossed. Consciousness or the attainment

of the Higher Perspective is becoming filled with divine emptiness. You

will be un-conditioning yourself from the density and levels of

unconsciousness that have acted as a barrier towards you knowing

yourself in that pure state.

This approach into Reality uses the powers of your own consciousness

to transfigure your energy into Light. All of these changes are organic

and natural, and this is not a vicarious, indirect accomplishment or a

following of someone or something outside of yourself. Nor is there an

outside authority that can take away your problems and conflicts. You

must be the one, through true guidance and help, to make the effort and

apply daily these principles. You will become more directly connected to

the authority that dwells within you - the Universal Spark and your

Higher Self which dwells beyond the earth plane. Learning how to

create a relationship with this Spark of the eternal by becoming truthful

and vulnerable, honest and open with your self is the sure and

straightforward way to attainment. Conscious that you are indeed the

formless and nameless One; Consciousness Itself will bring purpose,

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meaning, direction, and guidance into your life that you can trust and

build your life upon.

The world and its way through religion and politics, commerce and all

sorts of outer strivings is always attempting to put more of its own ideas

into you. I will show you a way to take out of you all erroneous ideas

and misalignments that are the cause of your unhappiness and restless

state of mind. The key here is the removal of those concepts and

imperfect energies that you identify yourself with; having become

attached and addicted into the senses and the insatiable need to fill up

your senses with more stimulation from the world and its buffet. Your

endless searching for sensual satisfaction is not designed to bring you

into the state of freedom and fulfillment. There is no fulfillment from

these trinkets of the temporal world, only more maintenance and

striving; the never-ending striving and sense addiction to the cravings of

the body. While it is important to live with certain comforts, our over-

involvement with these unnecessary elements causes us to become a

slave to time and space where you cannot accomplish anything that is a

truly lasting fulfillment. Everything is geared toward attaining that

immediate gratification and the endless feeding of your energies into

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states of illusion that are as dead works within your life; dead works

because they are significant to you in the moment, but the very next day

they are meaningless and must be fed once again in the effort to

maintain the illusion of happiness. Happiness is not about how much we

can attain and obtain in this life. Happiness is a state of mind and heart

where you find out how much you really don’t need of what the world

offers. It is a state of radiation at one with the godhood, that spark of

you that you are to bring forward into physical world conditions to

transfigure. Balance is essential, be balanced, but refrain from your

over-involvement with attempting to attain all those things that others

have programmed into us through advertising and the erroneous beliefs

of the human race. This human race is like a small village with its

‘significant’ culture, laws, ideology, addictions, and apparent

requirements to live life. Yet, there is an opportunity for each to move

beyond the restrictions of the cultural conditionings and attain

something greater and more meaningful within our lives. This

unfoldment into the higher consciousness and then the further

atonement into the greater life is just that – an original design for

human life that will takes us into a lasting fulfillment through our

relationship with the eternal. It is the Plan of Salvation through the

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fulfillment and right use of the Law of Redemption; an activity that

changes density and darkness into eternal light.

The Higher Perspective gives to us one singular experience of

connection and purpose. Think of all the many roles and identities that

you play out throughout your day. How many hats do you have to wear;

each corresponding to the many relationships that you realize yourself

to be in. Would it not be beneficial to anchor yourself in only one Self

that you can live from and express out of in all circumstances and

relationships? Can you carry around these multiple identities and

expect to experience stability, security, and happiness in this way?

What I will show you how to do is get empty by becoming disconnected

from the endless stream of maintaining within your psyche. You already

have all the tools; I will simply show you where you have hidden them

from yourself in order for you to utilize these hidden powers to dissolve

the falseness, the temporary within you, and expand your human ideas

of life, religion, God, spiritual, enlightenment, and success. Returning

your life into full consciousness will be like filling yourself with the un-

conditioned emptiness of your natural and true state. Pure being, pure

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emptiness, pure consciousness! You will be experiencing more directly a

connection to the eternal and infinite Substance of Life, and a gradual

dissolving of the ephemeral and temporary states of mind. This is the

only consistent strategy and approach to your life that works. It never

changes, it works every day, and the best part about it is that it is totally

practical. You can easily learn how to apply your own consciousness

towards looking more deeply and stepping free. It is the emptying of all

things that will make you full. All human ideas about life and success

and what is important and valuable have only been designed by others

who strive to use the population for their own ends. Ideas about worldly

success and failure have nothing to do with the original plan designed

for human happiness and fulfillment. All of these artificial means of life

must go if you are to become once and for all free.

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As you find the courage to discover the eternal within yourself and align

your life with this infinite Principle of all Life, your personality nature

and character will become purified and free to experience alignment

with the higher values of truth and pure motivation. All spirit values are

to be found within the indwelling divine Presence, and so, it is our duty

to become at one with this gift from the universal Source.

There is no quicker pathway to accomplish this feat of fulfillment

through God union other than through achieving the Will of God for us;

and the requirement for this expansion in your own will is to voluntarily

give up your ideas about how you see yourself, the way in which you

relate to yourself and others, and a true understanding of what God is

through realization of the divine Presence that you are. All is the very

same One simultaneously existing and expressing through a multitude

of forms and perspectives. I will tell you that I see you as the One God

Principle that exists everywhere simultaneously. If you wish to establish

yourself in fulfillment and true freedom then it is your duty to

understand these ideas. In truth, we are the same one being, although

different streams out of that one essence.

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One of the seven powers of human consciousness which enables each of

us to achieve the will of God is in the right use of our time and space. I

call this time/space management and its foundation is held by our

prioritizing our lives into what we know to be truly valuable. To build

each day a direct and loving relationship, a trusting relation with the

Universal Source through the indwelling Presence allows us to further

expand ourselves as localized expressions of this Source within time

and space reality.

By devoting our life to furthering the Cause of all causes, and by its

personal realization within our own lives we can become immersed in

the realization of genuine spiritual reality validated by the authority of

your direct experience of the divine. This responsibility to create

spiritual reality in and around us becomes validated by our personal

spiritual realization that we are part and parcel of God in the flesh. You

will know what is true and right for you in each moment and you will be

able to intuitively feel the guidance of Presence throughout your

personal life and world.

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I and the Universal Spark are One


As we learn the art of living within the will of God we get to experience

true happiness and personal human fulfillment. There is no other way to

get the gold of happiness and peace of heart and mind other than

through dissolving our human agenda for our lives and expanding our

human identity into the divine presence. This letting go of our personal

agenda and limited human ideas in order to embrace an unbounded

enthusiasm for fulfilling the will of God is the primary motivating power

and key towards living a successful life upon the earth. Happiness is not

obtained through the acquisition of more and more objects and trinkets

of the society. It is mastered and permanently obtained through the

unification of your life into the One.

As you build this living bridge into God consciousness, a spiritual

attitude will become the dominant theme within your thinking and

feeling throughout the day. You will be able to see through divine

insight that all events within your world of appearance is a direct

reflection of your inner consciousness, and you will know how to utilize,

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truly maximize your time and space to unlock yourselves from the

plight of human unconsciousness. You will be steadily on your way into

the most rewarding adventure and spiritual experience available to the

human life. There is simply no substitute for directly experiencing a

personal faith of living and being within the security, certainty,

guidance, and protection of the Universal Source – the Father Mother of

us all.

A powerful part of this universal philosophy includes a sevenfold

approach which enables us to impart into our lives a spiritual reality;

making God a living, breathing reality within your life that becomes a

permanent foundation in which to live your life – well established

within the consciousness of God and the pure joy of living within the

will of the Source.

This sevenfold approach into spiritual reality and God realization makes

maximum use of our natural human powers of personal consciousness

by drawing forth the power of our: Attention, Reflection, Inquiry,

Inversion, Qualification, Free Will, and Time & Space Management.

These powers can become for you a guiding light and deeply held

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comfort, as you actively understand and apply their secret potency in

your daily life and personal world.

It is a permanent and eternal relationship with the Source of our life

and the Creator of our existence that will awaken in you the epiphany of

being conscious that you are the Supreme Consciousness Itself. What is

needed to dissolve the problems and discord within life is truly one

thing – a deepening consciousness and a full bodied realization of close

relationship with the Divine One.

The consecration or dedication of our human free will to the service of

doing the divine will is the predominant key towards experiencing the

fulfillment that is our human destiny. This devotion to the divine will

acts as a catalyst of pure spiritual fire burning away all separation,

human limited thinking, and the painful energies within our personal

consciousness that hold us in a place of enslavement to the lower carnal

nature of the human body. Your surrender and willingness to purify

your sense bound obsession with needing stimulation in every moment

will create significant space within your consciousness to allow for

greater things to appear.

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To hold securely and steadfastly to this essential purpose of finding the

will of God for you and consciously realizing alignment with the

indwelling Spark of the universe is the only means by which you and I

can hope to experience happiness. Pain and a troubled mind is a neon

sign intending to tell us where and how we have become out of

alignment with the universal intent and divine Presence. Yet we have

become so adept at blocking out the pain and frustration with the filling

up in our minds with outer sensory stimulation and a never-ending

stream of busyness that we have forgotten to become still when pain

arises and re-align with the harmony that is ever-present within us. Our

fulfillment is in the living out of God’s will which brings us powerfully

into the perfection of love and harmony in every way.

Surrender & Become Expanded into the One


Prayer is truly a spiritual attitude and soul loyalty to the care and

guidance of your own indwelling reality; the particle of the Creator

Source that exists precisely within our heart and mind. It is not at all the

wording that you choose, but it is the intent within your heart and mind.

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You must actively seek to root out all forces within you that are opposed

to alignment with the higher intent. As you unify your personality and

motivations in the direction of this one intent to expand and connect

your progress will happen in an amazingly powerful and rapid way; the

divine wastes no time in taking us by the heart, purifying our thoughts

and emotions so that we might begin to quicken our energies into Light.

It is always dependent upon our choice in each moment of the day.

The approach to living the higher life is a fivefold approach to powerful

prayer that will give to you the direct response of knowing and

experiencing the divine reality, so that you become the authority for

your life. By following the divine leading of the higher reality within the

center of your being you will create a shift on every level of your being.

This fivefold approach for deeper communion and relationship to the

Divine is a five step process that you can strengthen and maintain

within the inner recesses of your consciousness throughout the day:

acknowledge the Source of your life, identify with this Source, realize

this divine identity by purifying your human consciousness and

personal agenda into the higher will, appreciate the value of your

existence and the resources that have been made available to you, and

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finally, surrender your human will and phantom identity of separation;

as you expand into the higher realization of yourself, and prepare for

the cosmic birth into the eternal.

Our intense personal devotion and gratitude to the Source becomes

your prayer. This relationship through prayer becomes for us the

surrender of our emotional tension, the consecration of our human

impulse into the higher motivation, the clarification of our human

viewpoint into the divine perspective, and the bringing forth of our

latent soul powers to withstand and transmute the human tendencies of

selfishness and self-centered narcissism, rebelliousness and arrogance

in thinking that we already know all things.

This transfiguration of our human impulses and past created

imperfections is powerfully optimized by my threefold approach into

fulfilling the Law of Life. It is through the recognition and reclaiming of

our personal darkness or imperfections that hold within it the key to

unlock the dormant power of your Consciousness. Our darkness is the

very Light, and as we change the vibrational structure of this latent and

imperfect energy back into its pure and pristine form we attain to the

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fulfillment of becoming a unified personality in alignment with Source.

The threefold approach to soul purification begins with three simple

steps that will hold you into a courageous state of vigilance and total

accountability to your creative powers. Recognize that you are the One

presence, Release yourself from the phantom self and it’s appearance

world, and Regenerate your consciousness through the power of your

will and conscious intent.

The secret towards having this faith trust experience is within the

consciousness of the presence of God whereby you become at one with

God indwelling you. This fulfillment of the divine promise is attained

through intelligent prayer, sincere worship, and the moment to moment

unbroken communion with God within you and above you in eternity.

It will not occur for us in any sustained way through channeling, voices,

visions, rigorous spiritual practices, mystical meditations, dogmatic

beliefs, or the vicarious following of another in the hopes that they will

do it for you. It is a full time, 100% devoted act of pure love, fueled by

your desire to become closer to the Creator of our existence.

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The universal laws which govern our existence propel each one of us to

learn of the ways set forth by the Source, and give a daily application of

these principles through our true and good human effort. This is a grand

statement notifying the infinite intelligence that is at the hub of our

being that we are ready and willing to expand our notion of who and

what we believe ourselves to be; allowing ourselves to become

recreated and redefined in alignment with God perfection. In this way

we are able to apply its wisdom to our lives!

I invite you to personally test out these principles and this divine

philosophy which I am clarifying for you tonight, so that you can believe

with me and share in this trusted and transcendent faith. To directly

experience the power, wisdom, and love of the Source while attaining

this sublime purpose and mighty plan of Life will usher you into a true

and lasting Spirit attainment.

It will awaken for you a powerhouse of strength needed to make mature

decisions and stay strong with the commitments in your life. You will

feel infused with the courage to face the inevitable disappointments that

arise from time to time. A renewed sense of confidence will arise as you

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know that you are aligned with higher purpose and actively expressing

the higher will in your day to day lives. All of this becomes then, fortified

by our willingness to adhere to the responsibilities set before us by Life;

and the knowledge that we ourselves create the circumstances that we

find ourselves in.

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The pathway of your direct unfoldment is narrow, and long, and there is

resistance along the way, and you can cut your feet upon the sharp

edges as you traverse the byways towards your personal illumination. It

takes great courage to walk the pathway of divine resistance where you

seek to transcend your carnal nature and lower instinctual desires,

transmuting these tendencies into the higher perspective and the

greater realization of yourself into pure Consciousness. This realization

of your inherent nature and identity is fulfillment and happiness.

The original plan for human life begins by realizing that the Creator has

placed a living Spark of Itself into every heart and mind with the

intention of unifying or merging the human personality with Itself. You

and I have this choice in each moment through the right use of our free

will. We can choose the higher way through faith, trust, conscious effort,

and the sincere desire for true soul development. This would occur for

you through your obedience to the Law of Love, and the fullness of

accountability that is asked of each one of us.

As you open to receive these greater understandings and work each

day to apply the principles to your life and existence, you will come to

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know God as a higher perception, a spiritual knowing, a direct

realization that the indwelling Spark is your true Identity. You will be

gradually raising even your physical body into the eternal vibrations.

God intoxication or immersion comes about by understanding the plan

and learning of this Law of life. Each day as you apply these

understandings you carry yourself upwards into the higher vibration.

The invisible One, unknowable and indescribable become manifest to

you through your sincere devotion to following this instruction and

receiving of the Living water of eternity from deep within you.

Perfecting yourself through your own effort and sincere determination

will build for you strength and confidence, quiet peace and conviction

that the way you are living your life is as it was meant to be lived. You

will need no outside authority because you will be tapping into the

universal intelligence that dwells deeper within you. There are no

exceptions to the fulfillment of this plan for your life. All are welcome

regardless of background or social standing. What is needed by you is a

letting go of your erroneous ideas about how you will attain heaven. I

tell you, use your time upon the earth to expand your understanding

and raise your sights into ever higher perspectives if you desire to climb

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to the heights of the true heavens. Just believing is not enough, we must

live according to what we believe.

The earth life is akin to being in the womb of the mother. This is a place

where the pieces have yet to be put together. Your physical body,

personality, mind, emotions, and human free will are to be put into the

service of becoming one eternally with God. Then will you become a

unique individualization of God within the higher worlds of Light.

To become perfected into the great I AM is the one and only command from the Source of all Life


Our human personality is a gift from the Universal Father at the center

of all things. This personality nature is intended to become a unified

force – our personality, thoughts, emotions, subconscious tendencies,

make up our soul energies which in the eternal ‘wedding’ may become

fused with the indwelling Spirit fragment that comes to us from the

Universal Trinity. It is not to attempt to transcend these human levels,

but to raise and integrate them through the catalytic expansion of the


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There is a creative responsibility for each human being to understand

their power to set into motion, energy. This is the grand lesson for each

to begin to master in understanding. To master the Law of life means to

achieve a mastery of frequency vibration. This mastery occurs when we

have take full responsibility over our personal energies that had been

extended to you from the source of your creative center within, and to

actively ‘qualify’ this energy into the perfection of a pure state of

consciousness. It is this mysterious ability that must be mastered if you

are ever to go forward into greater Light. Just know that when you leave

your present earth lifetime and pass over into the next dimension, there

is not a thing that will take you into the higher Light other than

expanding your understanding while here upon the earth. It is to this

task that I am devoted in service to you.

If human beings only knew how far down they had descended into

unconsciousness, they would perhaps, make the effort to raise

themselves into an understanding of the Light. Books, tapes, seminars,

gurus, teachers, paths, all will do nothing without each person taking

the time to learn of this understanding and apply on a daily basis the

instructions of mastery of their energy field. All successes fall silent

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before this great need to expand into a mature and potent realization of

the responsibility that we each hold.

There is one overriding command which comes out from the Source

beyond us all and that is to “perfect thyself” back into the pure state of

alignment with God. This perfection that we speak about is of a

vibratory nature. Not perfect behavior, not perfect social graces, but the

singular focus of expanding our will into the higher facet of ourselves

and becoming one in vibrational frequency with this higher aspect. This

sort of perfection is the answer to every human suffering and conflict.

There is no other way but through alignment with the Source.

This command from on high speaks of this plan of fulfillment; the very

specific understanding by which we become permanently free from the

human imperfect vibration, and establish our life into the eternal realms

of pure Light. There are realms of spirit that are part of the earth, and

each human being earns the right to move into higher and higher levels.

Yet, the true spiritualization of our self does not include the death

experience physically. The initiation into the eternal dimensions of Light

requires that we transcend death by raising the physical body into the

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vibration of pure Light. This allows each personality to merge with the

indwelling Spark and ascend into their soul body which dwells clear out

of the earth. The much misunderstood plan of salvation necessitates

that we demonstrate our surrender into God’s will and quicken our life

into Light.

The expansion of our human free will into the doing of the higher will is

the key, and this ‘letting go’ allows us to take back our creative power by

being willing to balance our creative energies that had been set into

motion. Our personal creation through our thought and feeling nature

has brought forth certain qualities within our consciousness, and it is to

these qualities that we owe our responsibility. To allow these energies

to continue to exist in the form that we have set or to dissolve the

unharmonious qualities in favor of returning the creation back into pure

Light; this is our choice and the pathway of perfecting our self into Light


Creative responsibility, the expansion of our human will, and the

understanding and claiming of our right Identity are the beginning three

stages which guarantee our becoming raised into the higher Life. To

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understand and then to live with the realization that there is one life

presence and one power, and to consciously know this One is

everywhere, as everything, and has the potential to become the living

consciousness of everyone through the fulfillment of this plan of

creation. This is the Cause of all causes, the overriding intent beyond all

interpretations of a successful life and, it is the direction of the universe

for all sentient beings to aspire to and attain. It is our duty and pleasure

to participate in this plan by being willing to further this singular

command from the Creator of us all; to become established into Light

frequency; to become a perfectly unified personality vibrating to the

eternal frequency of Light.

To know in your heart and to directly experience this Life realization

that you and I are this one presence and one power is the beginning

stages of human fulfillment. We may realize that what we are is an

individualization of this one upon the earth only if we make the effort to

develop this within our personal consciousness. Yet to permanently

establish ourselves within this ongoing experience we must raise all our

energies into Light after this lifetime. We will actually become an

individualization of the Supreme Being as we fulfill the Law, and the

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necessary requirements of this plan of full spiritualization through the

quickening of our physical body into the higher form of Light. It has

been called the seamless garment of Light. Again, I say to you that the

physical body must become raised up into pure Light for human life to

become permanently established in the higher worlds of Light. When

this occurs you will have completed the earth evolution. You will have

become one with God as a unique individualization of the all-pervading


There is only one identity for us to see ourselves as, and the belief in

two – you and God, is the sole cause of all your pain and suffering,

judgments and despair. There is a belief, an erroneous understanding

that almost the entire race participates in pertaining to their identity

and the understanding of what and where God is. It is a mistake for you

to think and see yourself as separate from the Source. The experience of

separation from the Life force is merely an idea, perpetuated by our

continual misunderstanding of who and what we are as a part of Life.

While you are free to believe as you wish it doesn’t change the fact that

you are in truth, at one with the Life principle within you. If it weren’t

for the cult-like programming of the race and civilization you would

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have grown up knowing and experiencing your oneness . . . your pure

state of mind and heart.

This omnipresent Source that is the Life force of everyone exists

everywhere and is the underlying Substance, the Light, that all is made

of. It is the very fabric of everything because God is everything, yet

everything is not awakened into the experience that they are made of

Light. It is Love that bonds us into the Light, and it is the Light Substance

that is the fabric that we are. This true Identity of ourselves must be

realized as a full body realization – in our vibration – not only in our

conceptual understanding and intellectual process. Our vibration is the

ticket that will carry each one of us into the higher and higher worlds of

Light. You simply cannot fake it with merely intellect. You must be of the

vibration of Light or you will not be able to gravitate into these higher


There is nowhere to go outside of ourselves for this doorway to open; it

exists right within our heart and mind, exactly in a higher frequency

vibration to our normal human state of mind. It is up to each to make

the effort to raise up their thoughts, harmonize the feelings, and lay

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claim to this true understanding of Life. Humility is to claim our right

identity as a direct expression of Life Itself, and we may accomplish this

by literally dissolving our human states of unconsciousness into the

pure and higher vibration that is our destiny.

It is the Plan for human life that we arise out of our amnesia through

concerted effort and devotion to this singular plan and purpose – to

claim our creative responsibility, see our self as the Life Principle Itself,

and seek to enter into the eternal relationship with the Source of our

being – where our personality Will, spirit, and Soul become eternally

one. This would be the means by which we attain the higher perspective

where we are able to dissolve the past and the future and reside more

fully in the presence of the present moment. You will be conscious of

being Consciousness Itself.

There is nothing else to be but Life itself. Omnipresence is everywhere,

and this plan of human life is to go into the omnipresence, yet to remain

an individualization of this everywhere presence; to know that you are

this Life presence within consciousness. Consciousness is the key for

you. You must take the time and make a concerted effort to establish

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this fact of our existence in your personal consciousness, and to do this

you must dissolve your agenda, your ideas about life, and your hidden

motivations which appear to be coming from a place of love, but are

selfish. Again, this is not a path for everyone because everyone cannot

and will not give up their selfishness. Understand this fact of what you

are in your awareness and learn to live from this place within you, claim

your right and true identity, and watch every one of your problems and

dissatisfactions disappear. . . evaporate into thin air.

What keeps you stuck is that you claim to desire and love God, yet you

choose each day over and over to believe in two powers. God is One, and

you are attempting to find happiness by living outside of the

Omnipresence from a belief in two. This is impossible to realize the

divine One whilst believing in two. God is not separate from us, we are

the very fabric of Spirit, Life, God, and this intelligent Substance is the

underlying identity of all. One power, one substance, one fabric, we are

all made of the same stuff – Spirit – yet the word is not enough. You

must birth this realization in every moment as you commune with the

one Reality. You spend your time building a relationship with this and

you place your attention upon this. Only then will you become it in

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consciousness. Placing our focus upon the transient and impermanent,

and we lose our fulfillment and happiness. Happiness is in knowing

yourself as the One.

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There is a phantom self who has been constructed from the defenses of

the human mind, which roams around within our heart and mind, digs

its claws into our personality and human attitudes, and seeks to

masquerade itself as the real you. It attempts to convince you that it is

you, yet you are that something much deeper, permanent, and

sustaining than this phantom self. This phantom self believes itself to be

real and is lustfully absorbed in its outer seeking in the world of

appearance. The phantom keeps you from penetrating yourself because

it causes you to spend your time focusing upon it and its projections in

the appearance world.

Who do you believe yourself to be as this phantom self? What keeps it

alive in you in every moment of your lives? How will you find the

motivation to arise out from this small self and return into the vastness

of your Self? I see that you are the omnipresent One, unaware most of

the time of this true nature and identity, and unconsciously sustaining

this phantom, keeping yourselves in a space of hypnosis. To break the

trance we must begin to turn away from the phenomena of the

temporary, and will ourselves into intimate association and relationship

to the Eternal.

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There is a level within you that exists beyond the temporary

fluctuations of the normal human experience. You as a personality

evolving within time and space have the responsibility of placing your

attention into that higher level within you or projecting your focus

through the mind onto merely your thoughts, emotional reactions, and

the appearance world. The phantom self pulls upon your attention,

hooking you into one outer phenomenon after another; never giving you

a chance to turn within, deeper into the true identity of yourself. This

appearance world is a trick of the human mind, so that we stay focused

into the superficial and external. It is a symbolic projection of our inner

consciousness, designed this way so that we may see what we have

created and begin to evaluate whether to sustain our personal creation

or dissolve it back into pure Light. As we choose to dissolve it back, we

begin to empty out our personal agenda and become conscious of the

indwelling Self that seeks to take us ‘Home’.

It is the great deception that has been plaguing human beings for a very

long time. This phantom self has taken full control of the vast majority

of human minds, and very few take a moment to question the validity of

this paradox; yet it is the one solution that solves every single conflict

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and dilemma. Let’s for a moment see that this phantom self lives

completely in the past and future, always deriving its temporary

satisfactions through attempting to run from the past and create

something comforting for the future.

Separating the Wheat from the Chaff is occurring upon the earth right now Esu

Phantom self identity, a separate identity from all others and

disconnected from the Source. It is this mistaken identity that causes all

problems and suffering within the human heart and mind. This phantom

avoid at all costs the present moment. So, if you find that you are

someone who struggles to resolve the past and hopes to create a better

future, then surely you are trapped by this phantom and your work

begins right there. Fulfillment will only come about when you deliver

yourself from this deception by holding yourself through your free will

into the present moment. The present moment is merely the beginning

of becoming free, yet it is a start. Our mind becomes whole once again as

we take our attentive focus off of the past and future fixation, and

courageously invite ourselves to live more deeply into the present.

From there you have the option to go deeper into the true Self.

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I desire to tell you of the world of appearances that is a movie in the

round for each of us. There is truly nothing of any significance occurring

out there in the appearance world. We make it so through our attempts

to play out within this sphere our hidden agendas and unconscious

motivations. All motivations have there original impetus in a desire for

God, for the reality that dwells within us. All other motivations and

intents are merely the machinations of the phantom self and its need to

create an endless array of outer experiences in an attempt to establish

happiness. This, unfortunately, always comes to a dissatisfying

conclusion. It may take you a day, or a year, or an entire lifetime to

realize this fact, yet if you are able to see the futility of this projecting of

our desires into the appearance world you will be driving yourself more

quickly into true happiness and God fulfillment. The phantom will

dissolve, making you accessible to enter the eternal domains.

All that you see, and taste, and touch, and attempt to live within, is your

creation; the projection of your thoughts and emotions. This movie in

the round is an excellent training ground to enter into and see where we

have focused our attention; what we are choosing to make real and

valuable in our lives. This appearance world is the shadow world where

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the phantom self that you believe yourselves to be can play out its

delusions and illusions of grandeur. Yet, our focus into the unreal and

temporary causes a great degeneration in out consciousness and

physical body. It makes pure sense to see that only what is real can give

to us Life.

I call it phantom doubt because this state of mind – doubt – keeps us in a

state of uncertainty. Doubt is a feeling of uncertainty. When you are in

doubt you aren’t able to focus with certainty and concentrate the energy

of your feelings into a definite, positive focus needed to create a state of

unconditional love and God perfection. It is this doubt from out of the

phantom mind that destroys our ability to persevere in this pathway

into Reality.

Doubt masquerades as arrogance, opinionated attitudes, superiority,

unworthiness, guilt, bossiness, defensiveness, and a host of other

diseases of the mind. Our mind was meant to stay connected into the

indwelling Source, and to be utilized as a means of building relationship

with our Soul. Human mind becomes Christ Mind . . . the big Mind, when

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we empty it out of all pre-conceptions and insecurities. There is only

this way of purity and surrender.

So this phantom is not really a self at all, but it would prefer to make you

believe that it is. When we are moved by doubt and fear, we are caught

up in an illusory world of the phantom. The essential ingredients of this

illusion are fear and doubt. Doubt being uncertainty and a wavering of

our intended focus and fear is a feeling that we are no longer in control

of what manifests around us in our personal world of appearance. Fear

is the demonstration to us that we have let go of our mastery and are

allowing chaos to begin to reign. Fear causes us to believe that we are

victimized by uncontrollable events and outer circumstances. Yet, as we

become conscious of our creative responsibilities we can detect that all

in our world has been created by us.

Fear masquerades as sense bound, sense driven, sense pleasure, and

power motivated thoughts and actions. We have become addicted to

searching for an immediate gratification and solution to our problems.

Fear and doubt is a cycle. Just take a moment and look to see where you

are with this cycle inside yourselves and then see the manifestation of

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this unconscious motivation in your appearance world. You must go

deep into yourself to see more clearly and to take refuge in the Self.

This cycle of fear and doubt causes self protection and a great lack in

vulnerability, we choose to attempt to handle the outer circumstances

and the people in our lives through manipulation and control, rather

than looking at what has manifested in our appearance world and using

it to see what is in our unconscious. There is truly no other way into

freedom and truth. This doubt leads into mistrust, and mistrust spirals

into suspicion and a self-destructive web. Fear then, propels us into

doubting that what comes into our space is truly a blessed moment, an

opportunity to step free, if we see it that way.

This is the downward spiral disconnecting us from the Source of our

being, and it is this disconnection which moves you to rely upon

yourself as a separate little human being and your ability to control and

manipulate your surroundings. The subtle and not so subtle ‘phantom

weapon’ of control and manipulation has become a virtual sport within

itself, so that, many people have gained great worldly success through

becoming adept at control, manipulation, and abuse. But I will assure

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you that where it leads is not what they are expecting. You can get away

with it for a period of time until truth calls upon you, and then its

payback time.

We are the creators of our personal reality, and the Law of Life cares not

how we create. It trusts that what we focus upon is what we are

wanting. Believing we are victims of circumstance is the race belief that

soon will become undone. This experience upon the earth is very much

concerned with taking back our creative power through personal

realization and responsibility. You are the only one who can do that for

you. There is no possibility of attaining mastery through vicarious

responsibility; giving over your responsibility to another will only lead

you into enslavement, even if it doesn’t appear to you that way from the

start. Soon it catches up, and then we are faced with some difficult

decisions. Become your own Light, your own master over your human

limitations. Manifest your own true identity and live that identity in

every moment, and you will discover that it leads you into truth and the

higher realization and true and beautiful things. Take your instruction

from another who can share from their own personal realization, but

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make application in this instruction on your own and with full honesty

and openness to directly attain these things for yourselves.

Manifesting Light through the personal realization of your being can

only become real to you when you make the necessary effort, scaling

away the falseness in your personality, and returning back into

innocence and sincere determination to know. All your pre-conceived

ideas, conceptual understandings, and book knowledge must fall away

as you delve deeply into the inquiry of your own self actualization. This

is merely the first steps towards achieving the goal of life in eternity.

Success to the phantom self is when you have massive approval of

whatever it is you are offering to sell others . . . and they happen to like

it enough to give you some money for it. This kind of phantom, worldly

success is also about how you can control and manipulate the world of

appearances to get it to look the way you like it. These types of phantom

success have nothing whatsoever to do with true success in a lifetime.

Success as it was originally meant to be is based upon your willingness

to expand and grow into the being you are meant to be. It is when you

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are humble and feeling good enough about yourself that you are able to

give your ideas of what life is about to a higher ideal, a higher revelation

of what life is truly meant to be. It is about your love for the Source of

your very existence and life and how you surrender your

misconceptions of yourself in order to become defined by the truth of

your divine identity. All other types of success are temporal, are not

necessarily in line with God’s will, and are mere ploys of the phantom

self to keep you from growing and expanding and entering into the


This phantom self and its appearance world must be utilized for your

freedom and realization, and to deepen the relationship that we are

meant to nurture from on high. The phantom mind . . . the phantom self,

is very adept at denying the circumstances of your present reality, so

that, you falsely live out of what you believe yourself to be, what you

think in your human mind you should be, and what you aspire to some

point in the future of what you idealize yourself to be. It will keep you

from embracing yourself just as you are so that you can begin from that

point forward to grow and learn and understand yourself better a an

individual, and as a unique creation one with the God force. Denying the

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present reality of yourself and your life circumstance makes it

impossible to experience a greater reality. It is this greater reality that

the phantom does not want you to explore or live in. This would mean

that its time of being king for a day is up, and it must then fall into

alignment with something greater than itself. To the phantom, nothing

is greater than itself. Each phantom that you may meet on the street of

society will always feel that it is better than, smarter then, more

traumatized, more in pain than, and more spiritually evolved than you.

It is a good thing to simply let go of playing in this game and expand into

the precious reality of true realization.

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God within you is your true identity and within this identity we live and

move, and have our being. Our being is similar to the hub of a wheel, it is

at the center of you, and there is an endless stream of divine creative

energy which emanates out from this center at all times. I wish you to

understand that “at all times” are we emanating our uniquely personal

radiation from the center of our being, and it is this flow of energy that

automatically creates itself into the form of our existence. This

indwelling fountain of creative nectar is highly impressionable, and

responds immediately to our thought and feeling focus. It is in this way

that every circumstance in your life has come about. Every relationship,

every situation that you find yourself in is a direct creation of how you

qualify this endless stream of energy through the focus of your thought

and feeling nature.

It is essential to understand yourself, your being and how it operates

right through you, creating the circumstances and environment that you

find yourself to be in right now. These conditions were created by you in

your past and now you find yourself with certain conditions in your life;

some which you are seeking to change, and other conditions you are

hoping to maintain. All of this energetic material substance was once

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pure, unconditioned energy which had its origins at the center of your

being, and upon your command, these energies came into form. The

understanding of the right application of your thought and feeling

nature is the key to becoming free from unwanted conditions in your

life. This pure energy would manifest right through you in its totally

unconditioned way of love and harmony, peace of mind and fulfillment,

if you allow it to. This is the understanding which I am seeking to get

across to you.

The Plan for human life and the Laws pertaining to this plan are

educating us to learn how to take creative responsibility for what we

create. So, let’s say that you have certain negative, painful emotions

about someone you know and whenever you are with them these

emotional energies come to the forefront of your consciousness. What

you do with this energetic release is the most important thing of your

life. If you in any way have been avoiding or blaming these energies on

this other person, then you are failing to take responsibility for the

creative emotional experience that you are having. In this moment when

you have your energies returning to you is the time to compel yourself

to pay attention and become accountable for your experience.

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To rediscover the peace you are so looking for you must learn how to

weave patterns of Light out of the negative emotional conditions that

arise in your life. You must choose to regenerate your pain and suffering

into peace and light. You will even feel much lighter as you understand

how to fulfill the Law of your own being. This Law requires us to

recognize when an opportunity has arisen to bring balance to our

creation. When you are having a reaction to an outer event or person

that is the moment of your truth when you must decide if you will step

free by becoming obedient to the Law of creation, or whether you will

pass on the opportunity and remain bound in limitation and


Your choice is your free will. To become self-realized and at one with

God indwelling you requires your absolute obedience to this Law by

owning your creative reaction. You will be raising yourself one strand at

a time into Light eternal. It is the Law of cause and effect whereby you

take responsibility for all that you had created in your past by

understanding the right application of your focused thought and feeling

nature and reacquainting yourself with the underlying true desire

which precedes all other desires in your life; your desire to reassert

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yourself back into the creative freedom and empowerment that you

once held long ago.

As you create with your thought and feeling focus, so will you

experience your creation within time and space. Right now you are

living out of the effects of what you had created in your past – pleasant

or unpleasant – it matters not to Life. The One Life presence will fulfill

exactly what you focus upon with mental and emotional content and if

held within your consciousness long enough, these thought and feeling

energies will manifest as circumstance in your personal life. Do you


Recognizing your Identity as the One Releasing the Phantom Self & its Appearance World

Regenerating your life into Light Esu

Recognizing the opportunity that’s been placed in front of you to

directly make you free is the first essential ingredient. You must pay

attention to what comes into your life each day, and if it is not to your

liking dive deep into the understanding of the Law of your being to

begin to take responsibility for this energy creation. Your thought

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creates vibration, and this vibration is a frequency which is as a quality

within your consciousness. Pain and suffering are qualities within your

mind and emotions that you have allowed to remain there for a very

long time, yet with this simple understanding you could be stepping free

by dissolving these painful conditions in your life.

We are continually using energy or divine substance from the creative

center of our being in order to create vibration and then formed

conditions in and around us. You hold the power to qualify your

personal energy into a particular vibrational quality which acts as an

imprinting within your consciousness and world. At some point in time

you are called upon the reverse your creation back into pure Light. At

the moment you are feeling pain or suffering, the universe is asking you

to fulfill the Law of your being by reversing your painful creation into

Light. Will you respond to the call?

This imprinting remains within our life until we recall it through the

recognition to re-experience our original creative act through the

reaction arising, and then, release the tendency to blame the outer

appearances in your life for your reactive experience. Only we have the

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power to remove the pain and suffering by changing the vibrational

frequency back into unconditioned Light. This imprinting is a condition

of density that holds us into remaining unconscious to the glories of our

existence as a co-creator with God.

There are Laws which govern the bonding of energy into matter. This

materialization of pure Light into matter occurs through the lens of our

thought and feeling instrument. How have the conditions in your life

come to be? What caused certain conditions in your life to appear and

disappear? There is no coincidence and there are no accidents in life.

The conditions and relationships that we manifest are direct reflections

of the way we have used our energy presence. This would be known as

the materialization of Light into density and the dematerialization of

density back into Light. Your suffering is the density of Light that you

have allowed to appear into form. Painful thought and emotions, outer

conditions in your appearance world, conflict in relationships, etc., are

each the Law in action.

All is God in action expressing and awakening to the potentialities

inherent in Its being. You are God in action, and even if you are

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unconscious to this fact, the Laws of your being continue to operate with

or without you. As you focus upon this realization it will return you back

to the core or source of your creative Life. You will be taking your focus

off of the temporary and worldly, placing it upon the reality, and

dissolving naturally the negative conditions in your life. Too much focus

upon the phantom self and an over-involvement with its projected

appearance world, causes an over-materialization of our consciousness

into contraction and limitation.

Habitual thinking and emotional ‘stuckness’ is an accumulation within

our consciousness when we continually energy a particular condition.

Energy in motion is emotion, and so, when our energy fails to move

through us there is stagnation in its movement. When we couple this

stagnation with thought that is focused upon day after day believing the

cause to be outside of ourselves, we are creating the conditions that we

desire to be rid of. To initiate movement within you, you must enter into

your emotional world allowing your creative emotional energies to

surface with full accountability to the Law of your being.

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The heaviness and moments of depression that overwhelm you are

effects of your over-materialization of consciousness which have

returned to you through this Law. Feel the emotion, recognize it is a

moment to step free, release believing its cause to be outside yourself,

and re-experience your creation as it passes back through you.

However, as it is occurring through you, call upon that infinite Spark

within and ask it to come forth to dissolve your creation. The more fully

you can ‘own’ your creation, the more powerful will be your

transformation out of the depression and heaviness.

It is a vicious cycle because this materialization or heaviness in its

contraction causes biological life to become more fearful and doubtful,

confused and defensive, protective and unreceptive. This is why you are

unable to transform in those moments when Truth comes knocking on

your door. You must rise up and will yourself to receive and not blame,

as you are re-experiencing the painful energies moving through you.

Fear and doubt creates a contraction and this contraction causes our

energies to bond into materialization. Then, this materializing influence

causes a contraction to our biological form and its thought and feeling

nature. This contraction then, causes more fear and doubt to arise. It is a

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vicious cycle if you stop to notice. The over-materialization is the

underlying cause of our unconsciousness to Life, and unconsciousness is

the chain that prevents us from reclaiming our creative power, at one

with the Source.

I want to tell you something about atoms and molecules and the

inherent vibration that becomes created through our attention and

focus. Energy . . . divine energy presence or God, is everywhere, existing

as everything and everyone, yet the vibration of all things is not the

same. Within the atomic structure there exist units of energy or

electrons which encircle the core or nucleus of the atom. Now

remember, all things are made of the same substance of this

omnipresent energy, and this energy is intelligent energy, omniscient

all-knowing energy which exists throughout the universe in every nook

and cranny of life. These units of energy or electrons are continually

encircling around the central core or nucleus of every atomic particle

and the speed at which they move determines the vibrational frequency.

Everything is made of the very same substance of this intelligent energy


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This energy is alive and saturated with consciousness within its atomic

and molecular structure. The atomic rate of vibration determines its

frequency and frequency can vary as it expands and contracts in its

vibration. You and I hold the power to direct this once we become

immortal, but for now we hold the power to more slowly and gradually

change the rate of vibration and frequency through the instrument of

our thought. As you expand into the greater consciousness you will find

that you hold the power to change the molecular structure in a very real

way. The molecular combination is the thing that changes the structure

of the matter from let’s say an orange to a glass of water. An orange has

a different molecular structure than a glass of water that’s why they

appear to be different things, yet in truth, these items are both made of

the very same substance of energy. They are only vibrating differently

with a slightly different molecular combination to their elements.


Electrons are energy in motion or e-motion. So when you experience an

emotion you are experiencing your energy and how it is moving or not

moving. Energy cannot be destroyed, only expanded into Light by

speeding up the electronic movement around the nucleus core or

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contracted into matter and density by slowing down the electronic

movement. You can do this through the power of your thought and

attention. So, slowing down the electronic movement causes the

frequency vibration to slow down, and this contraction in speed results

in a materialization. If you spend all your days slowing down your

vibration in this way you will be creating for yourself degeneration,

disease, and death because the contraction in vibrational frequency

culminates with a densification and degeneration in the energy

presence that you are creating with.

Speeding up the electrons and how they move around the nucleus of

Love which is the actual breath of God results directly in an acceleration

of the vibrational frequency into Light if you continue to quicken the

speed each day and stabilize yourself into that very next rate of

vibration. Electrons obey Love; for Love is the Law of the universes, and

for this reason when we are vibrating to this Cosmic Love Principle, the

electron will obey our command for constructive transfiguration of the

density and for this electron to expand its Light and Life throughout

each atomic particle of Divine Energy. This is the simple explanation of

creation through thought attention and emotion that we each have a

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responsibility to utilize. You have the free will to create with these

instruments in every moment through the right application of your

thought and feeling nature. This is part of what I come to teach you.

This quickening of vibration is the healing process in action. For this

reason many are attempting to get those who want to heal to change

their thoughts and such, heal their emotions, etc. Yet it will not work if

you have previously set things in motion and you are unwilling to take

full accountability for your creation of imperfection, or unaware of the

existence of these things within your consciousness. Quickening

through the focus upon Reality will cause you to resonate and identify

with Light which is the higher frequency rate of vibration. Focus upon

the phantom and appearance world and its materialized appearance

and you will be densifying, while focusing upon the Light you will be, of

course, speeding up the electronic rate into unity, a unifying of your

personality nature into alignment with God, regeneration, vital health,

loving perfected flow of relationship, transfiguration, resurrection, and

ascension into the higher form of Light. Understand?

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Disease occurs when the rate of vibration becomes too slowed down to

sustain life. It is the exact opposite pole of the spectrum from the

perfected vibration of Light. You can call all of this whatever you desire,

yet it is the actual frequency vibration that we are called to expand into

if we wish for eternal life and immortality.

The regenerating of your imperfections or dark tendencies or

unconsciousness, into Light is the quickening of your personal energies

into the frequency vibration of Light. This brings forth Consciousness

because at that point you will be like a light bulb that can radiate a lot

more light than let’s say a dull bulb at the end of its functional lifetime.

Darkness and Light are made of the same thing – God – only differing in

frequency vibration. The omnipresence of God is akin to the water in the

ocean that forms a wave. This wave function of the ocean forms itself

into a particular wave that arises from out of the ocean only to play out

its expression for that moment until at last it returns itself back into the

ocean becoming one with the ocean again. In regard to ourselves, our

lifetimes within the earth are like the wave arising out from the ocean,

and through a long period of evolutionary experience, we play out our

unique expression becoming conscious that we are a particle of the

ocean while being individualized into form. The transition into the

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higher life of Light is such that we are able to remain being a wave of the

ocean in full consciousness of being the ocean itself as well. You must

evolve and awaken yourself to this realization understanding in order to

progress into the further stages of Light where you know you are the

ocean and the wave simultaneously and eternally. It is a great plan, is it


So, in reality, there is only God as it becomes temporarily light or dark

waves of creation, only to ultimately return back into itself at some

point in time and space. Is this your moment to return back into God

and allow the universe to expand? God allows itself to become darkness

by having its vibration lowered in order to experience creation. The

Cause of all causes allows this to occur with the understanding that it, as

yourself, will be gaining an understanding of itself and becoming

conscious that it is God omnipresent – the very universe itself.

If the darkness that is in you be truly God, then how great is that

darkness once you have endeavored to transform it back into God? For

this reason, as you hold back from yourself embracing your

imperfections, you are holding back the realization or consciousness of

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God. God is in the darkness or imperfection. Now, that is not to say that

God in its pure state is vibrating to darkness – No! – Yet, God almighty

has allowed, for the sake of evolutionary expansion into creation, itself

to participate in the expansion and contraction of creation knowing that

it is gaining an awareness of Itself through you and I and our

experiences in the creation. Its one command from the Source of Itself is

the bring perfection to the creation so the creation can expand in

vibrational frequency. As you expand into Light vibration, the universe

expands into Light. You further the cause of the universe, as you allow

yourself to serve this plan and expand into Light within your own

physical body.

The Law of Life is the means by which you will find your freedom from

the lower vibration of hatred, ‘againstness’, irresponsibility, blame,

separation and such. This list is endless, but the approach to arise out of

this chaos is simple and precise. Whatever it is that you have set into

motion through your thought and feeling nature, you are directly

responsible for changing back into pure God. The anger you feel on any

given occasion, the confusion you allow yourself to become immersed

within, is all part of the energies that you have set into motion at a past

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point in time. In this moment you are living out of the effects of this past

creation and you are responsible through expanding your

understanding of this Law to set it right once again.

Our thought and feeling nature operates through the lens of our focused

attention and the power of our human free will. Whatever you focus

upon with feeling and will, you set up an energy vibration that you get

to experience. Focus upon love and you will create more Love which is

God freedom and unconditioned consciousness. Focus upon being

stubbornly attached to the phantom self and its world, and this is what

you will be creating for yourselves – a materialization of your

consciousness and life into density and stuckness. It is a Law. I am here

to tell you about the intricate workings of this Law and to help you learn

to apply it for your freedom and fulfillment. This simple human

mechanism of thought and feeling holds a great responsibility for each

one of us because in each moment we must choose where to place our

attention and focus. If your life is filled with darkness and againstness

and self-pity and confusion, then you are demonstrating to yourself

what it is you find valuable and are worshipping; and what we worship

we become. Regardless if you believe that you love God and Love and

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goodness, your vibrational consciousness doesn’t lie. It is the

manifestation precisely of what you have been worshipping and

focusing upon over many, many lifetimes. You may change form after

you erroneously die, but you will still be carrying with you the very

same emotional and mental energies and attachments that you

experience while here within this lifetime. So, let’s not fool ourselves

and believe that death changes anything. All death does is end this

round of your expression and give you time to rest in a slightly more

relaxed way, until you find yourself having to re-embody once again to

being completion to your round of individualizations within the earth


Our central core of creative energy is continually outpouring its

perfected radiation of living energies into our life, and it cares not how

we choose to qualify it pure life force. You can qualify this pure

consciousness with the conditions of hatred or love and humility. It is up

to us how we condition our consciousness. You owe it to yourselves to

create a vibratory quality in perfected alignment with God and His

infinite wisdom. In this way you are guaranteed to become free and

happy. How will you do this? It is through your focused attention and

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desire for perfection or harmony that you will create the circumstances

to support this venture.

What we focus upon we are worshipping, and what we worship we

become in vibrational frequency. This is the Law of creation. Focus upon

criticizing any part of life, and you are imprinting yourself with this

quality vibration. Judge not, lest you be judged is the theme here. Once

you focus with energy upon any particular quality of vibration, you set

that quality into motion, energy in motion or emotion in your own

world. This thought and feeling mechanism held in place by our

attentive focus will begin to set into motion your consciousness energy

by either speeding up into expansion or slowing things down into a

contraction within your personal consciousness. Over time and over

many lifetimes you have set into motion many things through this

process, and you are responsible for returning your energy back into the

Source by purifying it into the higher frequency. What are needed

within your personality in order to cooperate with this plan are good

self honesty and the unwillingness to deceive yourself by taking the

path of least resistance. You must choose to do the thing that forces you

to grow, mature, and expand into the larger Self, and the greater good!

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This is not necessarily a serious activity that causes you to despair with

overwhelm, but a joyous, lighthearted stance within yourself whereby

you understand the opportunities when they present themselves and

are willing to place a value upon your freedom and integrity.

Do you desire to degenerate into the density of matter or accelerate into

the higher perspective of Light and eternity? Your decision to choose

expansion and to embrace the contractions that occur along the way is

the highest gift that can be returned to the Creator of our life and the

Source of our existence. It is always our free will choice. If you choose to

enter the eternal realms of pure Light then you must commit 100% to

this feat of your existence. The frequency that is Light is the rate of

vibration at which we enter into eternity. It matters not what you think

or believe. Your frequency vibration is the doorway that will extend to

you the journey into life everlasting. It is a demonstration that you must

accomplish. Return your energy back into its pure state and allow

yourself to expand into the higher will and plan. These are the requisites

that allow entrance into the next phase of human evolution.

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You and I are made of the fabric of universal Light or God, and we are

individualized expressions of the One, localized within this sector of

reality to bring forth the fruit of Self Consciousness, the knowing that

we know we are God individualized within the time and space creation.

Allow yourself to fulfill the very Law of your being by returning all

personal and imperfect creative energies back into the purity of Light.

First recognize that there is only one presence and you are this very

presence and power. See that there is an opportunity to re-experience

your past created imperfection as it arises within your consciousness

through the circumstances of your life. Allow these energies to arise and

pass through your consciousness, taking full accountability for having

qualified this into your expression as you release the phantom self and

the appearance world as being the original cause of your suffering or

imperfection. Lastly, commune with the higher Christ self and affirm

your relationship with Reality, as you ask for this imperfect energy to

become raised back into vibratory Light.

As you raise your mental and emotional energies and as you seek to

unify your personality into perfect alignment with the indwelling Spark,

you will become raised in consciousness and returned into the

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fulfillment of divine emptiness. Your physical form will be preparing

itself to become eternally merged into the seamless garment of Light.

You will be entering into the fuller glories of God. It is through this

means that you arrive at your destination by fulfilling the Plan for

human life through obedience to His Law. It is worth remembering that

as your focus and attention remain singularly immersed in this

consciousness; your whole body will become filled and then quickened

into Light.

This is an art in that you learn how to return your consciousness into

the Cause by invoking the power of your willingness to re-experience

through feeling deeply your unconscious as it passes through the very

consciousness you are holding. All effects will become transfigured

allowing the present moment to come alive and renewed. Through your

attitude of acceptance you allow the darkness to pass back through you,

establishing yourself within a slightly higher frequency vibration each

time this is accomplished.

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I want to tell you of this extraordinary way of approaching your life

through what I am calling the existential and the experiential

relationship. In your daily contemplation know and understand that

there is a higher part of you which exists in higher octaves of pure Light

and which is the place from which you originally descended into the

material world within the earth. For you to have the fruits of fulfillment

in your worship and devotion to God it is essential for you to do two

things each day: First, actively building a living bridge into the eternal

through the existential relationship with your higher aspect; call it the

Christ or God or higher me or anything you wish, yet it is in the sincerity

and desire to be close to this higher self of you that is the key to your

success. Second, extending that relationship realization into your

experiential relationship with all of those people who are in your life

experience is the key to the fulfillment of your life as a human being.

Both of these approaches must become fulfilled in order for happiness

and fulfillment to come your way. Expanding into the existential

relationship and actively participating in the experiential relationship

with ‘the body of Life’ are the requirements and the sacred keys into

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your expansion into immortality within the eternal octaves of pure


Existential & Experiential Relationship

The vertical existential and the horizontal experiential relationship with

Eternity are the two directions by which we can realize the attainment

of our efforts in contemplation and attunement into the divine One.

Learning how to relate with and identify into the existential you that is

the very fabric of all existence, as well as learning to express and realize

the experiential you that is evolving and expanding within time and

space. Relationship with both of these elements will provide for you the

necessary nurturing to build a foundation establishing your

consciousness securely into the Divine Reality. These are the keys

towards creating an extraordinary life. Your approach into becoming

immortal passes through the phase of becoming pure consciousness

once again as you live within the earth and simultaneously preparing

each day to raise up your frequency vibration closer and closer into the

vibrational frequency of that higher Christ part of yourself. So,

understanding this approach means knowing how to bring balance and

harmony to all of your relationship energies. Drawing down through

you the pure divine Substance of your higher, unifying your personality

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into alignment with the higher as you clean up your world of

appearance and dissolve the phantom self, and finally, sharing and

extending the pure love of the higher relationship realization into this

world to those around you in a very quiet way. Just heal and bring into

fulfillment the relationship with that significant other if you have one,

and that would be a major success.

In this way you will be walking consciously knowing that you are an

expression of the whole acting through the human form. I have come to

realize that I am the totality expressing through the human form, and

that the totality I am here and now is but a spark of the whole. Yet, I am

identified as being the whole whereby my mind is no longer split and

splintered. The value of this is that I have access to divine intelligence or

a much more expanded intelligence which I am in cooperation with, as I

am guided and directed to serve the totality. I have yet to discover

anything more fulfilling than this.

There is a Nectar divine which sits as a fountain within the energy of

your human form, but you must become disciplined and receptive to

opening up the inner doorways to drink of this ‘amrit’ that will quicken

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you into the eternal Life everlasting. It is your destiny to make conscious

and self directed effort in the direction of Oneness with God, and the

single most powerful approach into this endeavor is to turn inwards and

upwards to relationship with the higher ‘Christ’ form of yourself. This is

the Source from which you may learn to drink the divine nectar or

amrit. Your higher form is directly connected into your own Soul

Presence from which you are a descended aspect within the earth

world. This higher form and Soul presence is the originating power and

intelligence of you. Its direction and nurturing, and their sustaining

powers allow us to think and feel, worship and pray. It outpours the

energies necessary for us to exist here within the earth world. Quite

clearly, it is the Source of your individuality and your destination in the

unfoldment of the transfiguration of you here into Light vibration, the

resurrection of your human life into the higher Christ form and the

ascension of all this into your Soul presence. It is to this divine Self that

you are to give all power, all authority, and all intelligence for your life.

The more you do give over your power and will to it; It will express

through you the powers of eternity. You will be building a living bridge

into the infinite where you are next headed if you follow in this way.

Will you meet the challenge to enter into an eternal relationship with

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the Source? To know and understand your own existence and to expand

into something greater than what you are as a human being.

We have not become sincere enough to invoke true and lasting change.

We earn the right to advance every step of the way by our conscious

effort and determination. It isn’t possible to advance from one stage of

development into another without true effort and sincere worship of

the ideals that we seek to become. There is no such thing as magic and

supernatural phenomena. These are manifestations of the creative

order of the universe and are invoked into the realm of the visible by

one who becomes adept at aligning with the Law of life through intense

faith and trust.

I will tell you . . . the water that I have to give to you is as a wellspring

into the Eternal. Drink of this and you will become saturated with the

divine intoxication of truth and God realization. These living waters are

like an ambrosial potion that will turn your heart and mind inwards and

ever upwards into the higher part of yourself where you will find your

true Identity. During the ambrosial hours of the early morning, you may

make your attunement by listening for and becoming immersed into the

voice of the Infinite. Push upon this inner doorway and then step back to

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receive the outpouring of pure divine nectar. It is in this way I can be of

immeasurable assistance to you to open up the circuits of the Source

within you. Breathe deeply in your daily sessions alone and in a safe

place where you can let go and give yourself to the Spirit directly within

you. As you can become still first in your body, and then through your

mind and heart focusing inwards and upwards and pushing upon the

doorway of eternity. Let that inner doorway then swing back out to you.

So it is an exercise in being assertive and then stepping back and

becoming more passive and receptive in your relationship and

receptivity of the infinite One. It will then flood your mind and feeling

world with its vibratory emanations, dissolving gradually your

separation and confusion in identity.

For as Above, so Below As in the lesser, so in the greater

The inner is a blueprint of the outer and the outer is an exact reflection of the inner.

It is wisdom to know that what governs the outer is a Law in the inner.

Hermes Trismegestis

As you focus within and listen actively with the desire to merge into His

vibrational voice, allow your mind to be penetrated in this communion

exercise. You are essentially transferring your lower vibratory

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substance for the higher Christ frequency of yourself. In this way you

will understand that God is what you are. Continue listening inwards

perhaps with ear plugs so as to make the listening less distracted by

outer sounds, and relax your mind and body in this eternal Amrit or

divine nectar which is extended to you from the Higher and which you

may imbibe as a vibratory substance that is as a food from the heavens.

Remember, it is the emptying of all things that will make you full. I see

that you already are the presence of God. This omnipresence is just like

the great ocean of being that is everywhere, as everything, and as

everyone. Yet each person is not yet aware that they are this one

presence, and it is this conflict of doubt and misunderstanding that has

brought more confusion and disharmony into the human world. Become

still throughout your day, attune to the Spark, then the Higher Mind, and

even deeper build that bridge to your Oversoul by simply entering into

relationship with it.

I behold that I am one with the presence of God all-pervading. I

experience that I am this pure consciousness that is conscious of Itself in

this human form and in all hearts and immersed within the One Mind.

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This is not a mysterious act, nor do you need to go anywhere to attain

this higher relationship. It is right within you, if only you would turn

inwards with your attentive focus and contemplate this great Reality.

In contemplating Reality and attuning into this pure and fulfilling state

of consciousness, I behold myself . . . my deep inner Self, as God. Not a

God that is separate from its creation dwelling in some far off, hidden

place, non-compassionately beyond all human sufferings, but a living

and breathing supreme consciousness that is the being behind all forms.

I know myself to be this being and as I look inwards and see You, I know

you too to be that very same One. Behold . . . see yourself as the

nameless and formless being, claim what you are and spend your time

and space attuning and refining this realization. There is nothing out

there to attain once you have become conscious of this holy fact of your

existence. The formless Reality is who and what you are.

I know myself to be the formless God more than the form of a human

person. For this reason I have come within the earth to share of this

realization and identity shift that is so necessary for you. You must tip

the balance and begin to see and recognize that you too are the very

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same formless being that I find myself to be. I experience that I am this

all-pervading Ocean of pure consciousness, and at the same time I

experience myself in the form as the “wave” of being a human person.

But my overriding knowledge and identity is that I am formless and

infinite and eternal in nature and identity. All the apparent form is

within Me, as Me the formless One God. I see you as the very same thing.

This consciousness is not the end to our realization, but the very

beginning. I cross over the bridge into Reality once I am faithfully

willing to claim this for myself. I cannot claim it for you, but I only come

forward in this demonstration to point the way and to tell you from my

heart that it is possible. You too are this One Presence. It is the

beginning of my fulfillment, as I embrace and become absorbed into this

unchanging and always expanding Consciousness.

For you to contemplate ad sincerely desire to know that you are this all-

pervasive intelligence consciousness, not merely as a theory which you

might subscribe to, but as an ongoing faith-trust realization experience,

is the single most important ingredient towards attaining your true

freedom from human unconsciousness. The civilization of human beings

at this moment in time is very much a cult. It is a cult that would prefer

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to keep you in a state of fear and disempowerment and

unconsciousness, misinforming you of your true right and power as a

divine creation. I am here to tell you of your rights and true identity at

one with the omnipresent God force. As you embrace this expanded

realization you give yourself a chance to receive in a much greater way

than when you hold yourself in false humility apart from the total or


Contemplating is perhaps a more powerful action than going off and

meditating in a corner somewhere. As you create the time to do both

meditation and contemplation your life will unfold more powerfully, yet

spend your days in contemplation that you are the presence of

formlessness that is vastly intelligent and love made manifest. This is

what I know you to be. This is the good news that I have come forward

to share with you and to help you to know and realize. You and I are

everywhere, as everything, and everyone. This one primal self is made

of pure and glistening Spirit, untouched by the foulness and taint of the

worldly way, and all-powerful to change any and every circumstance of

disharmony and conflict into perfection and eternity. It is only that we

must abide by the laws that govern the universe. We must only align

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and apply with diligence the Law of our being and all things will unify

into goodness.

I would ask for you to contemplate the idea that as the all-pervading

Consciousness, all the form resides within you. I experience that I am

this formless One whereby all forms are mine and I have become one

with all hearts. I am everywhere as the ocean saturates all the space

within the ocean atmosphere, I find that I am awake to know and

experience being the omnipresent ocean of being. Is this the end of all

realizations? It is merely the very beginnings of this awakening

realization of what already is. Do you understand that you are already

this One consciousness? You only must raise up your life and awareness

to meet yourself in the ‘heavenly state of consciousness. Rise up; find

the courage to persevere past all your doubt and fear and confusion and

lack of faith. Become raised unto the glory of the divine One and become

permanently free!

It is for us to know this reality that all the form is thought and emptiness

. . . divine emptiness, and this pure divine emptiness is our true formless

identity. I say, all the form is within you, your body is within you the

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formless One. Contemplate this reality for yourself because I can see

that you are there with me and we are together as this One. You only

must embrace this realization for yourself through sincere effort and

determination to dissolve your obstruction to this realization. Make no

mistake about this; all is pure Spirit manifesting as the creation. Your

body, thoughts, and feelings are truly Spirit manifesting as the formed

creation. There is only this One Body that we are and all creation dwells

within you and I. We are working to have the presence of us saturate

into the creation, where all becomes raised up into divine Light.

Become in tune with indwelling Spirit during the early hours of the

morning when the atmosphere is more still, and where you have yet to

build up residue in your consciousness from the thinking of the day.

There is a vertical relationship that you can build into your own higher

presence that is clear out of the earth, and it is into this facet of your

soul that you can expand as you raise up each day the lower vibratory

element of your human experience. Place your focus and devotion into

this higher aspect and talk to it, walk with it, listen for it within the

depths of your inner being. It is there awaiting your desire to connect

with It, and when you do seek to come closer, it will take no uncertain

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steps closer into you. Placing your attention and focus, your security

and comfort into the Spark within will open the avenues for this

connectedness to become an ongoing experience.

If you truly place value on the divine One, and you sincerely desire to

know what God is, and to experience the realization of your identity in

that, then learn to slowly withdraw your energies from the appearance

world and the phantom self which cannot give you anything of lasting

value. Again, the world of appearance and the phantom desires for

endless sensory stimulation and immediate gratification simply cannot

give you anything because it is merely the effects of which you energize

each day with your attentive focus. Take your attention off of the outer

world and place it into Reality. Time and space is ever-changing and

never fulfilling itself, but it needs your energetic focus for it to live. As

you withdraw your attention, you begin to starve your personal creation

within the appearance world, dissolving all conflict and tension within

your consciousness.

There is simply no time to waste in this great feat to realize your

existence and place a value upon your life. As you expand your

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understanding of yourself only good can come of it. It is essential for you

to understand that you don’t have a life ‘out there”. You are the Life

force and you bring the Life into this reality of time and space. You bring

the Life when you have the faith to recognize that you are this Life. Your

spiritual faculties become enhanced a thousand-fold through this

recognition. There is no need to find a life, or get a life out there. That is

the pre-programmed way of the ‘cult of society’. Perceive the Life

everywhere as you perceive that same Life as you. Know that you are

the one power and presence that gives life to the appearance. You

sustain the appearance conditions in your life, such that, if you want

them to dissolve you must simply refuse to place your focus upon what

you don’t want. Focus upon the Reality that you are and observe as all

tension and doubts evaporate.

Don’t attempt to understand God or this path of realization from the

mind, but simply give yourself into it as an expansion of your faith. True

faith is acknowledging that something which is nameless, formless, not

able to be seen, or tasted or touched through the senses, yet it is the

primary, motivating, and originating power from which all the created

form is birthed. It is the supply and substance that is the sustaining

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element which nurtures us, giving to us life and the power to think and

move and feeling and desire to know the real from the false. This

presence is something to be experienced, not understood through a

mental-rational process. Indescribable, ever constant, able to be

contracted and expanded through the power of our consciousness; this

mysterious omnipotent Substance that is Life is the most precious

commodity of all.

Because you are the One reality, you have the right, the power, and the

ability to command through your free will all outer tendencies of

thought and emotion to become still, silent, and purified into Light.

Every human being is continually using energy and divine substance

throughout their day and evening. You and I are always using our divine

presence to create vibration and form through our individual

consciousness in each moment. By becoming still within your mind and

making a conscious use of the relationship with the Spark within you,

you can call forth from within you the force of purification by which all

imperfect energy will become dissolved in your life. As you make that

connection with your higher aspect, you give it the power to outpour

through you the purifying fire of Love. This attunement contact is the

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single most important activity that you can do for yourself. In this

relationship you allow the energies from above to pass through your

mind and emotions and physical body, dissolving the lower vibration

and raising all substance into the vibration of Light. Attune to the higher

and become free of all human limitations and disharmony.

It is in the asking!

When you speak with the authority of being conscious of yourself as the

one Consciousness through recognizing and identifying with It, you

increase your empowerment tenfold. It is a requirement that you

recognize the presence of yourself as the one and only power, the only

intelligence that can act in your world. If you say that you believe in God,

then you must make the leap of faith to understand that this force we

call God or Spirit is the only power and presence to be found anywhere.

Believing in two powers - for example - you as a person and then God

somewhere within you, is to sustain the belief in two powers, two

entities, and two beings. This is absolute falsehood. Enhance your

personal empowerment by dissolving your notions of the two into One.

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This is perhaps the greatest alignment that you can do, and to speak

from the consciousness of the One will greatly enhance your healing and

conscious realization. Know that you are the One consciousness that is

called God, the very fabric of universal Light omnipresent, and begin to

wield the power of being pure consciousness, as you quicken all divine

substance into Light eternal.

Attune into the higher relationship with the Christ above you and

contemplate your oneness in identity throughout your day and evening

if you so desire fulfillment and happiness. As you do these things, your

human experience will become aligned with unconditional love and

supreme realization. In each moment that you choose to focus your

personal consciousness into being conscious that you are consciousness

Itself, you will be re-aligning your thought and emotion into the

vibrational frequency of eternity. Acknowledge the one presence and

intelligence, then claim it as your own self in every thought and action

that you take. In this way you will become a living generator that draws

to you all love, wisdom, and power to act accordingly in each moment.

The freedom you will experience through this singular focus is the

fulfillment of living a successful life. It is not in achieving all these outer

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accomplishments where you will discover fulfillment, but it is in the

obedience to the great Law of creation and the right alignment with

your true identity that happiness will blossom. Turn within and make a

conscious effort to connect with Reality and allow the outpouring of that

perfect divine radiation to saturate you as you dissolve into the One.

This attunement and relationship to the higher part of yourself is

attuning to the divine nectar, the living Word, spoken of in the ancient

texts of some of the major religions of the world. This Word is another

way of saying Spirit or God or Consciousness, and our relationship to

this Principle is the sacred trust that we activate through our devotion

and attentive focus; when you say ‘I AM’ and then follow that statement

with a quality, you are unleashing the power of creation to act for you

and to go forth and create vibration with your signature on it. When you

discover that you are living within the effects of this creative act of

yours, then, it is only through your use of the conscious flame from

within your being that can permanently consume for you all

imperfections that have arisen. As you merge your personal

consciousness with the universal, and as you attune each day to this

divine reality, you will see a tremendous shift in the way your life plays

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out. All imperfect qualities within your consciousness and also within

the projected appearance world will become dissolved and this

dissolution becomes for you the very consciousness that you seek. Your

greater consciousness is caught within the density of the phantom self

and its world of appearance manifestations.

Allow yourself to trust so deeply that you are unwilling to carry

anything unto yourself. Place all power and authority within the higher

facet of you and allow yourself to become flooded with the radiant

outpouring of pure Love.

He who perceives Me everywhere, and beholds everything in Me, never loses sight of Me, nor do I ever lose sight of them. -Krishna

It is an unconditional surrender into the Christ above you, and I mean

‘unconditional’, where you place no human conditions on how you think

it should look and what you want the Christ above you to do for you. No!

As you work on this relationship each day you will be letting go of your

human ideas and agenda and erroneous human desires that lead you

nowhere. It is all about making yourself receptive and cooperative so

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that you are ready to do for the Christ above you. This higher facet of

you is so beyond your human experience that it is clear out of the

atmosphere of the earth, yet it understands perfectly your human

predicament and obstructions. This ‘unconditional attitude’ will give

you the most powerful response from that higher part of yourself. The

key is making sure that every level inside of your human self desires this

and understands the value of this surrender-expansion. It is essential in

order to get results that you have an attitude of wanting to align with It .

. . not It with you! The more fully you can let go of your conditions and

controls on how it must look and when it will take place, the more

expansive and loving and outright empowering it will become for you.

Understand that these human conditions placed onto the higher will

block your receptivity and relationship realization. There is another key

and it concerns your level of sincerity to want to know and understand

the perspective of the higher Christ presence of you; for you to want to

come closer, giving your need for security and comfort and intimacy and

deep, deep relationship to this higher Christ or Spirit Self of you.

Relationship is relationship regardless if it is on this level with another

person or with the higher deeper part of us. You must desire to become

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immersed in the perspectives of the other person to truly understand

them to love them and appreciate them for exactly the way they are.

When I pray and commune into the higher relationship I ask to become

aligned with this higher part of me, I might say, “Christ above me that is

my Source, I give to you all my controls, I give to you my power, I

remove my attention from the appearance world and from the phantom

self. I take back my power from these outer false things, and I return all

my human will and power into You, higher Christ above me. I know, that

all power, all control, all intelligence, all divine substance, and all

consciousness from which I can create in alignment with You those

beautiful things in my life come from you. I know that you are there

deep within me and above me, and I desire to be unified with you as One

consciousness, one being.”

As you ask and allow yourself to surrender-expand into the higher, you

will experience a daily merging of your personal human consciousness

into the higher and pure consciousness. This is the movement of your

vibratory identity as it changes into the more permanent, eternal, and

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everlasting. You will be expanding into the unconditioned presence of

the great I AM.

A very important part of your daily attunement is the bringing forth

from your soul essence the purifying flame that is love. Ask for this

higher frequency energy to saturate your consciousness as it descends

upon you from the higher facet of yourself. Through the use of this

consuming flame you will purify out of your system the lower vibratory

substance and eventually you will become lighter, emptier, and

perfectly in alignment with the God self which dwells beyond the

limitations of the earth. Each and every moment provides the

opportunity to practice this most holy relationship to your Source,

asking to align and calling upon the spiritual fire to purify you into

perfection. As you live to serve this ideal and plan, and as you become

perfectly obedient to the higher Law of your being, your confidence will

grow and the response from above will be most powerful. Your life will

be an oasis for others that will provide healing, direction, and hope

without ever saying a word. You will naturally heal, bless, and help to

prosper all those around you. The meaning of your existence and the

significance of your being alive within the earth will be returning to you,

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as the one true desire becomes ignited in your heart and mind. It is

sacred, and profoundly fulfilling.

Your ability to invoke yourself into the presence by acknowledging and

identifying with the glory of your being must come about through your

attention and thought focus becoming centered upon the Christ above

you. As you give your time and space into the purpose, spiritual insight

will grow and divine perceptions will flood you, as your personal

consciousness becomes dissolved into the universal consciousness. You

will know that you know and much more than that. Your misqualified

energies will begin to have no power over you, as you take back the

power from your creations. All pain, suffering, and the feeling of being

victimized by outside events will subside and become washed away in

the waves of Spirit. It is the action of the eternal to purify, unify, and

raise all imperfect substance back into the vibratory octave of pure


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The Divine Circuits of the Source

1. The Universal Circuit Acknowledge & Identify with Creator Source

The Universal Person of the Trinity Source commands us to utilize this

First Divine Circuit by bringing perfection to ourselves through right

understanding of the first two powers of the higher relationship:

The Power to Acknowledge

There are circuits of living intelligent energy that exist and upon which

the universe is governed, extending from the central hub of the Source

beyond the entire created universe and co-existing right within the

heart and mind of every human being. These circuits of energy must be

understood in order to be able to utilize the gift that is available to all

life. It is this gift from eternity that will allow you to unify and quicken

your personal consciousness and life into eternity. There are certain

necessary requirements that must be attained or accomplished before

the higher octaves of pure Light are opened up to us.

The very first circuit of divine energy comes out of the First Person of

the Trinity Source, and has its function within the desire and will of your

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human personality. This power becomes awakened in you when you

acknowledge the originating point from which your life has descended

into existence. I’ve shared with my students that the relationship to this

higher aspect of you is the catalyst to ignite and fuel your devotion, to

understand Life and the Plan of your existence, and to make a conscious

effort each day to raise yourself into alignment with this Plan of the

Father Mother of All. This very first circuit of energy extends itself to us

through the indwelling Spark of God which has been traveling with you

for many lifetimes. This Spark descends to you from above and its

originating point is through the Christ or higher Mind which co-exists

above and beyond you. Even further than this is your own unique

Oversoul Presence, the highest point of your individuality as a being. It

is from this higher place that you are nourished and fed the energies

needed to exist here within the earth world. This Oversoul of you is the

omnipresent God individualized as you beyond the limitations of the

human experience, and it is to this aspect of you that you are seeking to

return to. The original Plan for human life commands us to perfect

ourselves into the vibratory perfection that is God by acknowledging the

Source of our Life and existence. We must raise ourselves through

conscious effort from the human limitations of separation and

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ignorance into the more eternal octaves of pure Light where you will

discover a much greater experience of your existence and relationship

to the Source.

This is your existential relationship, a vertical realization relationship

with the Christ above you which you will one day become through the

phase of the resurrection. Each day as you enter into the phase of

transfiguring your imperfections into Light, you will be raising yourself

closer into a perfect oneness with this higher mind of you. While you

live within the earth you will be walking in such alignment and joy and

deep happiness until that day when you transcend the erroneous

experience of the death of your physical form, and become quickened

into eternal Light. You will be exchanging the garment of flesh for a

brilliant garment of pure Light. This new garment or form doesn’t age

nor is disease possible. It is not made of flesh and bone, but it is made of

the fabric of Light. It doesn’t exist within the kinds of time and space

that the earth garment dwells. This intelligent energy circuit of the

Creator extends itself into the creation, and intends for us to unite with

It in the transformative phases of transfiguration, resurrection, and


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You build this living bridge into Reality through invoking and fulfilling

this first circuit by expanding yourself into a living relationship

realization with the very Spark within you and making your daily

surrender expansion further into the higher Christ aspect of yourself, as

you seek to worship and align with your Oversoul presence; the

originating point of yourself within this universe. It is a necessity for

you to know and understand how to relate with this Spark of the

universal and the very specific approach to raise your life and

consciousness into a permanently unified oneness with the Christ

above, and your Oversoul presence.

Our acknowledgment of the universal Spark, the Christ beyond, and

the Oversoul presence is the means by which we fulfill this very first

aspect of the circuit of the Source. Acknowledging this higher Source of

our personal power, intelligence, substance, and life as we enter into

deep and intimate relationship with these higher aspects of ourselves

brings to you a most powerful relationship realization which is needed

to make this quantum leap into the unknown mysteries of the higher


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The Power to Identify

The second power of the higher relationship that must be invoked is

Identifying with Reality. It is a mistake to believe that you are a human

being seeking God somewhere far outside of yourself or even

somewhere deep within. You must make the leap of faith and trust – the

true meaning of faith and trust - by claiming you and the indwelling

Spark are one and the same. You must begin with claiming you are a

part of the omnipresence and work each day to make this a fact based

realization within your personal consciousness. Only in this way can

you fulfill the command from out of the Universal Person of the Source.

It asks of us to love It through our human free will by worshipping and

acknowledging and identifying with It. This is the means by which we

arrive at the relationship realization that we are One with the Spark

indwelling. But, that is only the beginning of your expansion when you

claim identity as the Spark. It is merely the beginning. You must make

the next step by acknowledging and looking towards the Christ above

you and your Oversoul presence; as you are building a bridge which

once established will allow your connection to God to become a most

powerful experience. The power of this direct faith based relationship

realization through the unconditional surrender expansion of yourself

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into the higher aspect will completely wipe clean your weakness,

illnesses, sickness, and misfortune because you will be finally aligning

with the Universal Plan and Law.

Identifying yourself as one with the indwelling Spark will cause you to

become utterly humble as you must transmute so much of the race

consciousness that almost the entire human population believes as

truth. The idea that you are merely a human being separate from the

One Force of the universe is completely and utterly false. God is

omnipresent and that means the ‘He’ is everywhere, as everything, and

as everyone in our true identity. Yet to make this a living and breathing

conscious realization established within your personal consciousness,

you must make the required effort which brings this into fruition.

Acknowledge the relationship above you with your Creator through the

Spark, the higher Mind, and the Oversoul of you, and you will be

expanding your life into a higher life and purifying your consciousness

into a higher deeper experience of your being. Identify yourself as the

presence of the Spark of God indwelling you, and you will be catapulting

yourself into a totally new vibratory field of action and consciousness.

This sacred identification will force your imperfect energies to arise

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more rapidly from within your unconscious, causing a great deal of your

limited human experience to become erased into the Light of

illumination and right relationship. Yet there is more, so much more

than this!

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2. The Eternal Circuit Realizing & Appreciating your Relationship to the Eternal

The Eternal Person of the Trinity Source compels us to understand the

right use of our creative power to manifest consciousness through the

correct application of the Law of our being. This Second Divine Circuit

calls us to realize in consciousness our relationship with the Source

while simultaneously expanding our realization of ourselves as one with

God. The Source has set up a circuit of intelligent energy that will enable

you to make these principles a reality within your own life. The third

power of higher relationship must be invoked by you and it is through

your power to step forth and realize God within your consciousness that

you fulfill the Law and activate this power of relationship realization:

The Power to Realize

The Eternal Circuit of the Source is the direct means by which you will

quicken your life into pure Consciousness and align with the higher

aspect of your own stream of Life. This is the true meaning of divine

realization. This is how you will make the existential fact - that you are

an aspect of God – an experiential, living reality. When you accomplish

this within the bounds of your personal consciousness, you will become

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expanded into the universal consciousness; knowing beyond all doubts

and confused human ideas that you are one with the Spark and the

Christ above you. You must establish this realization within your

consciousness, to be able to make the eternal link into the immortal, but

even if you simply wish to embrace a greater life for you here without

going for the immortalization of yourself into pure Light, you will be

accomplishing such great things that will be able to become carried with

you into the next lifetime.

By learning how to fulfill the Law of your being you will be expanding

your receptivity enabling you to open to the Spirit of Truth which is the

energy circuit that allows you to make a conscious connection to the

higher relationship within you. I experience such a magnificent inner

purpose and meaning through this higher relationship and the

alignment that comes naturally when I devote my time and space into

this holy endeavor. However, realization that I am at one with God

indwelling me has given to my life profound joy and a wellspring of

happiness that allows for a quietness; a peace that saturates my mind

and heart. To realize my connection to the eternal One is the dominant

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theme within my consciousness throughout the day and evening. It is

truly a goal worth living for.

This relationship realization is intended to quicken your thought,

emotion, and physical body into the frequency vibration of pure Light.

First, acknowledge the Source of your being and identify yourself with

this Source as one and the same. Next, calling forth from within your

heart and mind, invoke the power that you possess to realize this fact

within your personal consciousness and daily life. Make it a real, living,

renewing, and enlivening experience through faith realization and your

willingness to expand your notions of yourself into the divine ideal. In

this realization you will be maturing those parts of yourself that are

failing to serve the overall purpose which you seek. As a human person

you will become matured and aligned and unified into a cohesive

personality, a divine personage that experiences immortality by

becoming an individualization of the all-pervading God.

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The Power to Appreciate

Through an understanding of the Law we realize that what we focus

upon we energize into our reality, so it becomes great wisdom to focus

upon what we want, and not to focus upon what we don’t want. Be

aware of the imperfect energies rising up in you as they pass through

your consciousness into pure Light; yet, keep focused upon the Reality

within you. Appreciate the value of your relationship to the Source by

holding your focused attention upon the good, beautiful, and true within

your life. Allow yourself to expand more fully into the divine identity

which you are and which you seek to become in eternity.

Glorify me oh God, that I might glorify you within the earth I am so appreciative of the opportunity to become raised upwards unto you.


Gratitude and appreciation for our existence . . . for our existence!

Where would you be if you didn’t exist? Discovering your gratitude is a

gift from above that will propel you into ever deeper communion with

the Infinite One. Discovering your appreciation for your willingness to

remain obedient to the Law of your being allows the spark of indwelt

gratitude to become a full flame. Your understanding of the value of this

path of awakening through reclaiming your creative power will return

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you into a much deeper appreciation for the opportunity that is being

offered to you to ascend into eternity and join the force of Light that

stands as an army of love and mercy throughout this local universe. The

universe is designed as a school for each soul to continue ever upwards

into a deeper and fuller experience of our divine nature. Gratitude and

appreciation for our existence and for the intimate relationship that

you can acquire with the Source of our being is the major key into

happiness and fulfillment for you. So, regardless of money or worldly

position, you can secure for yourself happiness as you walk within the

earth life, and your ability to become fulfilled through obedience to the

eternal Law will expand exponentially.

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3. The Infinite Circuit Surrender & Expansion into the Higher Will

The Third Person of the Trinity Source is the Infinite Circuit, and it is

this energy circuit and divine highway that we must draw upon in our

asking to know more deeply and fully the relationship realization that

indwells us and allows us to dissolve our human agenda into an

unconditional surrender and expansion into the higher Will and divine

Identity. It must become a fully unconditional surrender expansion to

the higher form of yourself, in that, you must give up every one of your

attachments to the world of appearance, as well as, being willing to let

go of your association with the phantom self and its deceptive and

erroneous ways of living. The Infinite circuit allows us to fulfill this goal

of God union through the purification of our consciousness into pure

Light. It is yours for the asking, and it will occur for you through your

surrender and expansion into the higher Light . . . the higher will.

The Power to Surrender

When we ask the Infinite One to purify our consciousness and

regenerate our life into Light it is the greatest gift that we can give to

ourselves. The Infinite circuit of divine Intelligence is the great purifier,

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the refiners fire whereby you are transfigured from a dense, limited, and

completely mortal creature- sense bound, time bound, space bound-

into an immortal creature at one with the universal being that pervades

all things, aligned and expanded into a tremendous creative creature

that has vowed to do the Will of the Source, which is the Will of

fulfillment and creative happiness, in eternity. This Infinite Fire of love

from above allows us to become transfigured into pure Light through

our physical body. The physical vessel becomes quickened and

transformed from the human form into the eternal form – ‘the seamless

garment of Light’.

The Universal circuit calls us to unify our personality nature and

identity into the higher nature, the divine identity. The Eternal circuit is

the understanding of our creative power and the right use of this power

to qualify our life into alignment with the Source. This understanding

takes us into the right application of our thought and feeling nature

whereby we learn how to align our lives with the higher will and divine

intent. Yet, it is the Infinite circuit that allows this purification to occur

through the fire energy of transformation. Your invitation to the Infinite

One to come into your life and purify your human imperfection will

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raise your frequency vibration into the eternal Light. This voluntary

surrender into the purifying fire of Love brings forth from with you

your latent powers of creation. In the moment when you ask and allow

this purification to occur you are expanding yourself into something

greater, vaster, lighter, and far more intelligent.

Quicken me unto thee oh God. Quicken my vibration unto thee. Esu

Your expansion into the Christ Self within you demands the

purification of your personal consciousness into a pure state of

consciousness, and it occurs in cooperation with the powers of the

Infinite One, the third person of the Trinity Source. As you dissolve your

human fears and doubts, your belief in separation and death, it is then

that the Christ comes forth to embody you and take you upwards into

the higher octaves of Light. Connecting to the inner being of yourself

and bringing this inner being into consciousness is our next stage as a

worldwide population. Only then will the outer manifestations of

conflict and disease become permanently dissolved into divine


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1 The Power of Attention

Focus into Reality

All that we can see and taste and touch and smell is but a passing cloud

of temporality. If you place your attention on these things all day and

every day you are doing dead works which amount to very little. Place

your heart and mind onto the infinite and eternal One which dwells

within you, deep within your being. Only then will you blossom into

pure consciousness and a true Individualization of the Supreme.

If you desire harmony and freedom from conflicts in relationships then

you must remove your attention from the disharmony and place it upon

the reality of the Spark within you. Nothing of a limited chaotic quality

can remain in your world unless your attention is feeding your Life

Energy into it to make it live. Our attention is one of the hidden powers

of consciousness that must be put to good use if we desire to become

raised up into the higher Life.

When your attention is singularly focused into Reality, your whole body will become Light.


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To judge another is a direct interference with the free will of the person

because essentially when we judge we are saying that the person

shouldn’t be doing what they are doing, and each one of us has the right

and freedom to do as we wish. Inheriting the repercussions of our

thoughts and actions would tend to direct us to focus in upon the

constructive within our life.

Take your attentive focus off of the effects within your life if you desire

to remove those undesirable conditions, and begin to firmly place your

attention upon the Cause. Only in this way may we create in alignment

with the Source of our being. When this occurs we gradually empty

ourselves of all conditions and manifest the unconditional . . . the pure

consciousness of God.

Our attention is an act of creative worship. This hidden power enables

you to energize the state of consciousness that you desire to live within.

Focusing your attention upon the inner Reality, it’s qualities of harmony

and unconditional love, compassion and understanding, etc., will bring

forth within your vibrational field more of the same. It is a fact that you

and I are the God presence expressing through the human form and

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because of this fact, we hold a creative responsibility to energize

qualities into our life experience that are in alignment with our

innermost being. In this way, and only in this way, will you be able to

live the high ideal that brings forth fulfillment into your life.

Attention placed effortlessly upon the inner Reality or Christ presence

within us is the highest action that we can take to create happiness and

divine realization. You must be willing to give up your addictions to

focusing upon the sensual world of appearances which is temporary and

impermanent and can only bring forth dissatisfaction and confusion.

Going even deeper into the state of knowing that you are Consciousness

Itself will open up an avenue within you that leads into immortality and

eternal life. It is a part of the Law of our life that what we are in

existence we must come to know and understand in our experience.

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2 The Power of Reflection Return into Full Consciousness

Rather than run or hide from the events that appear within your

personal world of appearances, it is essential to learn how to utilize

these circumstances to see and reclaim your consciousness as it gets

reflected back to you. So let us say that you discover in your world of

appearance that there is a person there whom you judge within the

privacy of your mind. The way that I would approach the situation is to

look closely at what I am judging in them and then I take the next step to

intuitively see the symbolism that this outer manifestation is showing to

me. I would desire to get even closer to them and really feel and become

aware of that area within my personal consciousness that I must

embrace, accept, understand, and then quicken into Light. Of course, this

is only my approach because I understand that there is no coincidence,

and that all outer manifestations are an exact reflection of my inner


There is perfection within the imperfection of your life,

and it is according to the Law of Life. Esu

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The Law of Life requires that I re-capture the fullness of my

consciousness bringing all my personal energies into the perfection of

the spiritual vibration. The most powerful way I can do this is through

the reflections that I am manifesting in my world of appearance. Do you

understand, and are you willing to follow in this ideal for our lives?

It is so very simply, a challenge to do, yet this approach is simple and

beautiful to reclaim my power of being immersed in God consciousness.

It has been said that as you sow, so shall you reap the effects of that

sowing. I say it, “as I create through my thought and feeling instruments,

so will I experience my creation/manifestation. First, the effects of my

thought and feeling apparatus manifest into my thought and feeling

world. Get it? Then eventually, it begins to appear in my world of

appearance in a symbolic way. Understanding this takes some time, and

it is a radically different way to approach life. Yet, we are able to master

all outer circumstances by making use of this power of reflection.

Owning your creative power! This means that you have given it away at

some point in the past. To take it back, to see and claim back the power

to make necessary changes in your life you must see and understand

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that you originally created the inner turmoil or outer events through the

power of your thought and feeling. You are the creator of every event in

your life. The need to recall your creative energies that were originally

set into motion by you is an essential first step.

It is the surest way of dissolving the density of your current

consciousness and lightening up. So, rather than resist or rebel against

what appears in your personal life, welcome the circumstance and see

that you have created this symbolic reflection so that you could

experience the effects of your creation, choose to continue to energize

this creative act with your attentive focus, and make the decision to

dissolve the creation back into Light or pure divine substance. In this

way you dissolve the density, the pain and struggle that you erroneously

got yourself into in the first place.

The Law of our Life cares not how we use it. This is for us to decide

whether we wish to create with our thought and feeling instrument

harmony or conflict. Of course we may say we desire harmony but the

effects of our actions through the application of our thought and feeling

becomes the measuring rod upon which we are demonstrating what we

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truly desire to create. To create in alignment with the Source means that

we must take responsibility for what had been created in our past.

The movement into God realization or becoming conscious that you are

Consciousness itself allows you to see directly yourself. Unconsciously,

we see ourselves indirectly through the reflections of our relationships,

through the effects of our surroundings, and through the manifestations

of our unconscious creations in thought and feeling. Seeing indirectly is

viewing your existence through the lower human mind, as opposed to

the higher ‘Christ’ Mind. In the Christ Mind I can see directly my creative

energies as they become made manifest in my world of appearances and

within the recesses of my psyche. I can see because I am looking from a

higher vibratory octave or field of sight. Words make this difficult, yet it

is worth the effort to convey this to you in such a cumbersome manner.

The other benefit of having my consciousness raised is that I can know

myself directly. As a human being you know yourself through your

relationship to the relative reality. This is the world of opposites! You

believe yourself to be a human being, separate from God or maybe

attempting to get closer to ‘Him’. You are looking from the lower human

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mind and consciousness. In the Christ Mind or higher Mind or pure

state of consciousness, you would be able to know your Self directly

without having to look outside of your Self in relation to anything. You

become the Cause, the divine center of your Self, rather than living on

the periphery of your consciousness whereby you are pressed to focus

on outer events and identities.

When you use the power of reflection to reclaim your energies you are

taking back your power from the outer energetic creations that you

have set into motion, and empowering yourself with consciousness to

create anew. Rather than continue to allow these energies to keep

playing themselves out in your mind, heart, and world of outer

appearance, you would be calling them ‘Home’ into the pure

consciousness of you. Our creative energies that are within our inner

psyche and also the manifestation of these energies that make up our

world of appearances are akin to little children that are searching in the

dark for a way to find their true home.

So what is it that stops us from utilizing this sacred power of reflection?

We believe that we haven’t created the outer event or attracted certain

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people into our lives and we sit there and judge it or attempt to escape

the circumstance. We must wake up to our creative responsibilities.

Taking hold of this holy act of creation allows us to evolve because we

are learning how to use the power of our creativity. This is the gigantic

lesson upon this planet at this moment in time. Instead of stepping forth

and using this power to see and step free we often may rationalize out

of misunderstanding, project due to unconsciousness, justify because

of pride and arrogance, deny in order to protect ourselves from pain,

blame when we are caught viewing life from the lower mind, avoid to

self-preserve, distract when we don’t value the opportunity, hesitate

because we are confused, doubt when we are uncertain, and/or fear

because this interpretation is a large part of the race consciousness.

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3 The Power of Inquiry

Beyond the phantom self into the Divine

Inquire within yourself as to what is real and what is unreal. The real is

that which doesn’t change but is a constant of your being. The real is the

indwelling Spark and the Christ beyond that. The real is you as the very

conscious awareness beyond the mind and emotional world. Discover

your original desire to find God amidst all the rubble and appearances of

the phantom self. Just your desire to know what is true and permanent

within you will carry you into Reality.

Seek and Ye shall find, Knock and it shall be opened unto thee.


There is a worldwide cult that is larger than all other groups anywhere

to be found. It is the cult of human unconsciousness, and it is

perpetuated by your unwillingness to expand and grow, to surrender

your human ideas of reality and embrace the larger vision of what you

are in existence. This cult is everywhere in the society and its main tenet

is the unconscious worship of the physical body. People believe

mistakenly that they are their body, and yet, they must only go deeper

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into the inquiry of themselves to see that there is a reality deeper than

this. This Reality is the gateway into freedom from human confusion

and pain, sick projections and denial. The race as a whole has yet to

discover the fallacy of their approach to living. The human race

continues to demand that reality come to them, but what is necessary is

for each particle of life to raise itself into Reality.

Discernment is your key, but you cannot have the grace of having

discernment until you have opened your heart and felt the truth of your

own being. To be able to see the difference between the true and the

false you have to know these elements within you. I am not talking

about relative truth, where everyone has their own ideas about what’s

true and false, I am referring to the God, Truth, Reality, Christ, etc..

When we learn how to live our lives from this higher, non dualistic truth

then we become truly free and intelligent. Inquiry into your self – what

is real and what is merely temporary – is the way to begin to open the

doorway into Truth and Justice.

The phantom self operates through your human mind. Do you find

yourself there, living your entire life from that place of falseness? There

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is always the opportunity to arise and awaken out of the dream of your

delusion. It is delusion to be one thing and yet, believe you are another

thing. Find your will to raise yourself into Reality, and begin to walk in

the way of those who’ve come before you and who had the courage and

willingness to live a higher ideal from a higher perspective. The

phantom lives within time and space, the past and future; it is a fear

based entity which becomes inflated through your belief in it, feeding it

your Life energies by subscribing to it as your identity rather than the

simple reality of the higher One. This higher reality is just the more

expanded part of your own being, not something or someone separate

from us in any way. God is our being and we are the part of God that is

focused into the world of appearances within this frequency dimension.

Arise and walk in the way of the ancients who dared to subscribe to the

higher ideal of Life.

Make no assumptions which lead to conclusions, Question your conclusions; for ye must be of a mind to prepare a place for the greater

understandings, the higher life. Esu

This phantom self that I speak of exists within your mind and feeling

world. It is the coalescence of your thought and emotion as it has

become focused into the appearance world. In this false identity you live

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within the extremes such as right and wrong, good and bad, inferior and

superior, smart and stupid, masculine and feminine, here and there, up

and down, in and out, higher and lower, death and life, etc. There is only

one way to solve this riddle inside yourself which keeps you from

experiencing the greater fulfillment and that is to contemplate and unify

these drastic opposites of the phantom mind. You must be willing to

inquire as to the true nature of your identity while contemplating these

opposites as the phantom mind within yourself. These unconscious

energies that comprise the phantom mind keep you from expanding

into the divine mind and true identity of all Life. Allow your

unconsciousness to become dissolved into pure Consciousness.

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4 The Power of Faith Inversion

Penetrating the veils of the phantom mind

The true meaning of faith and trust is to dare to claim your existence as

a part of the God presence and yet, not fully experience it within your

personal consciousness. Trust is to have the courage to expand and

deepen your relationship to the unseen and unknown force of Spirit,

even when you are unsure if it knows you exist. Faith inversion is to

turn your attentive focus inwards and commune with the indwelling

Reality of yourself throughout your day and even into the night as you

are relaxed within your home. Harness the power of your ability to

penetrate the phantom mind and pierce the veils of your forgetfulness

on your way into the divine realization.

Trust in the omnipresent God to lead you and guide you ever upwards

into itself. It knows that you are a part of it focused into the creation. It

calls to us in so many subtle ways to turn our attention inwards – to

invert our mindful attention – into the inner recesses of our being. Faith

inversion means to change direction of your focus and thinking and

spend your days contemplating and realizing that you are conscious of

being the very Consciousness of the universe itself. You are the self

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Consciousness of life as it expresses throughout the creation. So when

you say I AM . . . and follow this with a quality of your focus, you are

literally commanding the universal creative Substance of God to fulfill

your request for more of the same vibratory substance to manifest into

your reality. Faith inversion commands your energies to become pulled

back into the Christ center of yourself. Command all your energies that

have been exteriorized into the appearance world and the phantom self

identity to become returned into the Christ center within you. Recall all

of your creative substance that you have placed into creation and have it

become purified into the consciousness of the Pure One.

This hidden power of faith inversion allows you to stop misusing your

creative power by giving you a place to focus your attention which you

must focus somewhere. Focus into the inner being of yourself and watch

your creative manifestations that are out of alignment with the higher

will become dissolved and transported back into pure consciousness.

Tuning inwards during your day will accelerate your progress tenfold,

as you recoup your power to create by bringing balance to your past

creative endeavors. Every bit of your energy that has been set into

motion and which makes up your appearance world and phantom self

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identity must be recalled at some point in the individuality of you within

time and space. In completing this task you will be maturing yourself as

a personality while you are clarifying your consciousness into Light. You

will be well on your way towards becoming established in the one

consciousness and your individualization within Eternity.

Becoming conscious of being Consciousness is the means by which you

will combine the existential relationship with the experiential

realization of your existence. You will own yourself rather than allowing

yourself to be a slave to the lower passions and carnal nature of the

human body. This faith inversion technique works as a protection for

you to keep focused into the truth of your being. As you look outwards

into the world of appearance with your physical eyes, slowly turn your

attention into following your breathing. Become absorbed into the

breathing and allow yourself to float inwards to ‘seeing’ and becoming

aware of you that is observing all of this activity. Become conscious that

you are consciousness itself existing in and throughout all of this

phenomenal activity of the mind. Turn your conscious awareness to this

Principle indwelling you and find your solace and peace, your comfort

and protection.

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Discovering yourself as pure consciousness will be experiencing you

within the divine emptiness of the Spirit. This emptiness is an expanded

and directly experiential knowledge of your grander Self which dwells

in the beyond. It is here but also in the beyond at the same time. Practice

this conscious daily merging into the greater Self in every moment that

you have time, and your consciousness will become absorbed into the

vastness of this open space within you. You will be allowing yourself to

dissolve the conditions and density that binds you to unconsciousness

and the phantom identity. You will be realizing that you aren’t a human

person seeking God, but that you are the very pure consciousness that is

everywhere, as everyone, and everything.

I know myself to be this all-pervading consciousness that is the Life

presence behind every form. I am able to walk within this consciousness

throughout the day and in my interactions with others. I see that the

‘others’ are merely the magnificent presence of this consciousness that I

AM. There is a great fulfillment and peace which saturates my mind and

heart in relationship to God above – the greater consciousness above us

that is also us - as well as in my relationship to all the body of Life that

is right here within my day to day, mundane interactions with all

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people. I hold each person as the divine presence and know that I AM a

living part of their own consciousness as well. My nature and character

have become more deeply purified and aligned with this higher

intelligence of Us, and my personality works in great cooperation much

of the time with the higher plan and will. My intent is to continue to

raise my consciousness and also the physical form into the vibratory

frequency of pure Light. It appears that I am simply living as everyone

else, but I will assure you that my attentive focus and receptivity is

working to stay expanded and open to receive from the beyond through

my higher Christ self and Oversoul presence. I am in relationship to

these aspects of my being even more so than being focused into

relationship to the temporal world of appearances. I share this so that

we can understand together the great need for expansion into the

existential consciousness and the opportunity to radiate this realization

of oneness into the time and place where we find ourselves within this

octave of reality.

There is a spiritual insight which has opened for me that allows me not

to have to think in linear terms, but to simply know directly through a

super-intuitive intelligence. My mind is not busy with the past and

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future, and attempting to handle all sorts of outer conditions. The

manifestations into my appearance world are deliberate and I recognize

these events, circumstances, and relationships as the out picturing of my

personal consciousness. I make an effort every day to view the

appearance world around me and decide whether to continue to

energize things or dissolve my creative energies back into pure Light.

Divine perception will occur for you as you give yourself to this faith

inversion. This is the primary means to accelerating your progress into

faith realization and a direct experience of the divine in your life.

Walking within this higher mode of living is walking within the higher

consciousness in alignment with the eternal Law of your being. Being in

alignment with your innermost being is a total necessity towards

manifesting happiness and fulfillment within the earth and, of course, is

the prerequisite for entering into eternal Life and immortality. There is

no other way that has been designed for you. Once you understand this

fact, you will give yourself into this expansion and surrender. Knowing

that there is a higher, more intelligent, deeper, place for you to live and

move within the being of God, will set your heart on fire and that sort of

devotion will take you deeper into the realization of your oneness. It

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isn’t a oneness where you become equal to the power and intelligence of

the Creator, it is a oneness where you simply align with that and allow

yourself to become raised up into the next phase of your human

evolution. Your own intelligence and ability to unconditionally love and

accept will become greatly expanded. You will be a demonstration of the

glory of God our Source and Creator.

The mortal must put on Immortality and the corruptible must become incorruptible.

In this way, this approach to your life you will be walking in fuller

consciousness whereby the potentials are different for you as you are

raised into a higher vibration. In the lower vibration there is struggle

and conflict and such, whereby in the higher vibration there is the more

unconditioned life where there is harmony and effortless manifestation

in alignment with the Source. Your mortal self will be quickening into

the immortal vibratory field of immortality and pure Light. This

transfiguring of you into Light is the divine will in action and it is the

fulfillment of the plan for human beings. Through faith inversion and

the turning of your attention inwards and upwards into that higher

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relationship, you will be dissolving the conditions that cause you to be

held back and obstructed. We are meant to be unique individualities of

the Source, not ‘cookie cut’ reproductions of human personalities that

are the same as all else. This transfiguration allows you to become

transformed into a unique personality and individuality of the Source;

powerful individualities, perfected within the human experience after

taking back the creative power that was given to you from the

beginning. Do you know what it would be for you to become infused

with divine realization and emptied of your personal agenda, available

to be of service to the higher will? Do not attempt to become this before

you are made ready, or you will become stalled into arrogance and self-

deception. Bring forth the patience and perseverance to walk through

all things ephemeral, temporary, and become permanently raised into

Light eternal.

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5 The Power of Free Will

Perseverance with true desire

Obedience and discipline are needed! There is no need to reinvent the

wheel. This pathway into freedom and eternity is already laid out before

you if you have the humility to accept and travel upon it. It is really very

simple; listen and follow the truth within your heart and it will lead you

into greater perfection. Your being is governed by a Law which is the

essence of God almighty, which is the source of all Love and mercy,

intelligence and understanding. Worship this higher intelligence and

mercy, this love and understanding by disciplining your lower nature,

your human carnal self. Discipline yourself into following truth, beauty,

and goodness. Does this sound like an authority outside of yourself?

Human beings as it stands right now have no free will. The concept is

there and the idea exists, and it was the original plan for human life to

have free will to choose. But, can you really choose freely to do as you

please? Can you truly choose to manifest all that you desire? No! Why

not? Because when we are given a certain amount of divine energy to

create with and when, as a human population, we have already used up

all that will be given to us, we must then take what we have already

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created and return it into pure Light, pure energy before we can go

further. The miscreations that some have created for themselves has

become such density and darkness, such rebellion and misalignment,

that they are stuck by their own creating. Imagine placing into a blender

water pure and clean and then filling up the vessel with objects so dense

and hardened that there is no way to further stir the solution, to loosen

up the substance that was originally placed within the blender vessel. It

is the same with human creation in that human beings have so created

density within their mind and emotional consciousness, that nothing

can penetrate in and not a single thing can become taken out. They are

stuck. Then imagine on top of this conflict, humans have little

understanding to see that they themselves created their life conditions,

and they want to blame and deny and project the responsibility upon

others. This in itself breaks the Law of our being which states that we

are accountable for every bit of energetic substance that we place into

motion. Our circumstances in our life are our personal creation that was

set into motion at a prior point in time. Most everyone is entirely living

out of the effects of what was created in the past. As a population we are

stuck in the past and hoping to create good things for the future, but

unwilling and unable to lay claim to our creation from the past.

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Human free will was a gift that was misused and misunderstood, in turn,

we must take ownership for this gift by balancing the past created

substance that keeps manifesting into our personal appearance world.

Everything in your personal world has been attracted to you through

the energies within your emotions and mind. Everything! Through the

cooperation with the Law of our being, we can begin to recall our past,

dissolving it into the present moment, and head further towards the

destiny which lies within our ‘future’. You cannot find your free will

because it has already been used up, causing you to become densified

and frozen in time. Become accountable to your creative power, dissolve

through the law of Love your imperfections, and regenerate your life

into Light. This is the way, the truth, and the life approach that has been

demonstrated and explained and revealed for centuries.

The willingness to act upon what you know to be true is the means to

become free. Act upon what you know! But can you really? You must

begin at the beginning and take baby steps because the process at this

time is intricate and requires you to become still and let the higher

energies from your higher self and Source to step in and through Grace

dissolve the density which disallows your co-participation in this

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process of free will creation. The original meaning of free will was that

you would have a choice to love God and follow in His ways, Her Laws,

His plan. It was with the highest intentions that human beings were

given, were created to become like gods. But over the conflicted course

of thousands of years and hundreds of lifetimes, we have slowly come

out of alignment with Source to the point where there is very little

remembrance of purpose or identity or Law.

How will you regain your true free will and begin to move along the

pathway of evolution, not devolution? You must learn to live within the

higher Law, surrendering your personal agenda, your arrogance to think

that you know something truly valuable, and spend your time

recognizing and acknowledging the higher relationship that exists,

expanding into the higher identity, taking full ownership for your

created substance that had been set into motion – emotion – by re-

experiencing your consciousness as it seeks to pass through you into

Light. As you understand what it means to be passive and receptive, and

what it is for you to be active and assertive in your will, only then is

there the hope for freedom and immortality. I will tell it to you like it is

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without the fluff and poetry because I feel in this way only can clarity

come forth and help you to become free.

Who will you trust to give you the right information, the correct

knowledge of your being? Who is available to offer to you guidance and

direction if you have not the discernment to tell the difference between

falsehood and truth? Ask just now for your doubt to become dissolved.

Ask to know the relationship that you have with your Oversoul presence

. . . your Source of individuality. Ask with your free will to ask. Let the

fires of God beyond us all come forth and burn away the fear within the

human lower nature, the mistrust, the tendency to control and

manipulate outer circumstance. Embrace the eternal Law of your being

which says that as you create through your thought and feeling nature

so will you experience your creation. Create love; create peace by

dissolving you hatred and discord. You cannot create peace directly

whilst you still have within you all of this darkness and doubt, and

hatred of all kinds, judgments and laziness. How will you rise up into

immortality if you do not give yourself to the higher relationship? This

is the means of utilizing whatever free will you have left in you. You

must unwind the past before the fullness of your creative power can be

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returned to you, and before you can experience true freedom and


As you allow your doubt and fears to become dissolved into the

presence of Light you will expand from scared into the sacred, from the

great worrier into a warrior of Light and freedom. Taste what is being

offered to you in eternity, as you develop the habit of looking to the

higher within you for the answers, praying for the results through the

right use of your free will and human thought and feeling. Doubt is the

wavering of your free will and intention. So, as you listen to these

words, take action, go past the doubt and fear of not knowing this by

your direct experience and set your attention upon the Reality; dissolve

the unreality and the misidentification of yourself as being separate

from the Source.

I and the Source are One.

Waver not in your intent to know God, the Lord God of your own being!

Fear not that you have lost control of your lives, that you have lost your

mastery to co-create harmony. Fear not! Follow these simply steps into

your clarity and freedom and you will prevail into the awakened state of

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pure consciousness and immortality. Help will come your way as you

make the effort to follow through on these principles and approaches to

your life. Let go of your confusion by turning your attention to the Christ

within your being, and let go of your agenda, your thinking that you

know. What good can possible come of what you know if you have yet to

manifest happiness and harmonic perfection? What good can arise from

your thinking and worrying, your future fantasizing and attempts to

manipulate yourself into peace and contentment? Allow the spiritual

presence above you to take command of you and your life and raise it

back up into Light perfection. What can come of you holding onto your

self-preservation, your survival, and your attempts at living here in a

full way? There is no other way but to turn your attention upwards,

inwards to the indwelling Spark of the Creator which sits right at the

center of your being and beyond. Turn to that and empty yourself of all

human ideas and plans and hopes for a better future, and let God step in

and make Her plans right through you. I am speaking here of a vast and

unlimited intelligence that you are to give yourself to.

Know the unknown; allow the unknown force of universal Love to

embody you, to expand you into eternity. This is what is required more

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than all things. Staying attached and identified with what we know can

only cause stagnation. To allow yourself to receive something beyond

what you think you know is the approach into eternity. In this way will

you add to your knowledge, rather than protect yourself from that

expansion. Each one of us has essentially the same original desire to

become free within and without. Free to express in relationship to all

Life, and free to expand and deepen our self realization of the Source

that gave us life.

Your free human will is a gift from the Father Mother of all. As you seek

to find Truth, you will discover it within your being and beyond, but

your being is the beginning of the search. You cannot believe the

example of another in the hopes that that will bring forth your salvation.

The only thing that is brought forth in that case is procrastination and

laziness to do this for you. To listen and receive and be in relationship to

someone who has come in the past is helpful, but you must place the

effort through your will and desire to accomplish this great feat. There

have been several who have come forth in the past to demonstrate the

glorification of God by becoming more fully aligned and awakened, yet if

that were enough then the world and its peoples would already have

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transfigured back into Light. It is only laziness and delay and the

immature desire to shirk your responsibilities to yourself, that have

kept you from achieving what the great ones came to offer. To believe in

the personality of some historical character is simply not sufficient in

itself to cause you and I to accomplish immortality. Do not believe so

much in the exact lifetime of the past character, but seek to understand,

believe, and then follow in the same approach that was so fabulously

demonstrated in years past.

May thy Will be done through me, and for me, and in me, and by me I will to will thy will, oh God, will to will thy will.

Believe and Live! Believe and Live in the approach used and

demonstrated, and assistance will come from the higher octaves to help

you accomplish this task for yourself. Become a true student by willingly

taking the responsibility for your actions, for the expression of your

consciousness, and venture to create in alignment with the Source of

your being, so that, you too may demonstrate the greater works.

He that believes and lives as I do, will never see death But will have eternal life more abundant.


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Your free will is the hidden power needed to make this transition to the

higher life, the more abundant life that is here and now awaiting you.

What you think and feel you bring into form, and so, choose wisely what

you focus upon, and what you hold in the powers of your thought and

feeling world. You can use this same principle to create eternal life and

immortality by choosing to focus into Reality and build a relationship to

this living bridge within your being. Where your thoughts are, you are

there as well because energy follows thought, and your thought and

emotion create consciousness. Your thought and emotion is a

powerhouse of divine energy that becomes manifest into form as you

hold to a specific focus and understanding intent.

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6 The Power of Qualification

Expanding your life into the higher perspective

Omnipresence! In the higher octaves of pure Light all is One and the

same being, but as Life manifests itself through the gradations of the

lower and lower octaves of Light, it individuates Itself into different

personalities and expressions. Yet, from the higher perspective every

one of us is an individuation of the One Source . . . the one Light. We

become different streams of the one Light with a multitude of aspects or

expressions. You are the One Creator presence as it has been stepped

down through the gradations into an ever further manifestation of the

Source, and so, here in this octave of Light where there is density and

separation of sorts, it is easy to believe that we are separate from the

Source of all and even the Source of our particular life stream which has

descended out from the Source of all Light.

All of this varied expression is the Source in Action you might say. It is

the One Source expressing Itself through the forms it has created . . . you

have created . . . we have created. We are truly one family. From my

perspective, this One action that is occurring simultaneously

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everywhere is God in action within the creation and also within the

individual appearance worlds that exist for each of us as expressions of

this One.

You are the Source expressing in each moment of your existence, in each

and every moment you are responsible for the focus of your attention

and the energy manifestation that involuntarily follows your focus. So,

when you choose with your free will to focus your attention upon an

event within the appearance world, such as a negative news event, and

as you place your emotions and thought into this focus, you create

energetic consciousness within you. You create through this focus

certain qualities within your mind and emotion and you hold these

within you as your personal creation, until at that time when your

creation manifests either into the world of appearance as an event or

circumstance within your personal life, or arises within your

relationship with others. This discordant event which you focused upon

and placed thought and emotion into is your responsibility because you

are the Source stepped down in vibration into this local part of the

universe. You are the Source or God expressing into this locality. Your

attention and focus determines the qualities that appear within your

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consciousness and as these qualities are held within you they create an

experience of say pain or pleasure, contraction or expansion. So, how

will you dissolve or get rid of certain qualities that you feel and

experience within your consciousness? How do you uncondition those

certain qualities that you wish to have removed from your experience?

Through the right use of your free will and the correct understanding of

the power of your attention, you are able to dissolve the unwanted

circumstances in your life and replace it with pleasurable and

harmonious experiences that give to you satisfaction and even

fulfillment. The power of qualification allows you to do just such a thing

within you without ever having to handle or control or manipulate the

outer circumstance, relationship, or people. All the form is merely the

effects of this creation, so you don’t want to go after attempting to

change the effects because what you do want to do is change the conflict

or disharmony permanently. Messing with the effects actually creates

further effects and all of this only alters your experience temporarily

and very inadequately at that! I am sure you have had this frustrating

experiencing whereby you think you have gotten rid of certain

unwanted effects in your life, but then, alas, the thing returns to you

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showing up in some other corner of your existence; a very frustrating

and disempowering sort of thing.

The right use of your creative power to qualify experiences into your

consciousness begins with knowing that you yourself are the divine One

in action, in expression, and that you hold within you a power to

energize creation to become formed. Think about this for a moment.

You hold the power to create forms within your experience. Thoughts

and emotions become birthed into forms through your attention and

focus and will! There is a secret to all of this great simplicity and it is

realizing that when you stay focused into the indwelling Reality, the

indwelling Spark, then all of your past created effects begin to dissolve

into alignment with this Spark of Love and harmony. Taking your

attention off of the effects, refusing to attempt to manipulate and control

the effects in your life, and holding firmly to the Cause of these effects

will very quickly erase the outer created effects and the inner

consciousness that is projecting the outer effects. This understanding is

worth thinking about very carefully because I know how badly you want

to recapture your harmony and the perfection in your lives.

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This application of your creative power will come about gradually as

you make the effort to hold firmly to the higher will. What I mean here is

for you to continue to let go of your ideas about your life, your timing of

when certain things are ‘supposed’ to take place for you. In general, I

ask you to surrender into the expansion of yourself back into the vast

presence that I know you and I are. We are vast and One. Your free will

can only become returned to you as you dissolve back into Light your

density and the imperfections that are associated with the density that

holds you in bondage to human unconsciousness. Underneath all the

conditions that you keep bumping your head into within your personal

consciousness, and the outer manifestations of these human conditions,

there exists you . . . vast, clear, radiant, unified as the totality of pure

Consciousness. It is only a matter of time before you return into the

glory that once was and still is.

Your entrance back into the present moment is the threshold between

your being confined within the anxiety of the past and the fears and

doubts of the future. The phantom self lives in the past and future

attempting to escape from either direction, wasting all this pent up

creative force by vacillating back and forth, back and forth between

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these two extremes. This hidden power necessary to qualify your

creative energies into the eternal vibration needs for you to come

present and stay in the present so that it can outpour it endless stream

of pure perfection through your consciousness and into the

manifestation of your appearance world. If you are able to remain still

for periods of time in your attunement work and then take that stillness

out into your life, your transformation will be incredible, just

remarkable. If you desire my help in this matter and are willing to

receive of Me, then call upon the Spirit of Truth, and I will help you to

still your ever racing mind and emotions. Stillness is needed because

stillness will allow you to stop wavering in your intention, and like a

funnel you must gather your scattered thought and direct it into the

Reality of you, hold firmly to this indwelling Spark of Love that is your

true identity. As you will yourself into the present moment of the all-

pervading consciousness, you will be an open vessel for the pure

energies from beyond to saturate your mind and emotion with its force

of Love. All is God in action expressing Itself into the creation, desiring

to expand the fullness of your presence into and through the creation,

raising all things back into the perfection of Light.

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Create this bridge into eternity with your will and attentive focus, as you

re-qualify your consciousness into pure Light, oneness with the Christ

above you that will become your resurrected identity. This is a literal

energetic bridge that I am talking to you of, a highway between you

down here as a human being and your higher self and Oversoul

presence which you will one day become. As you build this bridge and

maintain it to allow for the higher energies to pour down through you,

you will be allowing the re-qualification of your density and

imperfection to be returned into Light eternal. This is the process in a

nutshell, and it is the quickest road to your salvation. I can only assist

you as much as the cosmic Law will permit because you yourself hold

the keys to your freedom in terms of your human free will and your

power to qualify your life back into pure Light.

So, God within you and above you is attempting to get your cooperation

in this matter of outpouring Itself into your life and world. It is a kind of

non-interference that is being asked of you just now – to stay in the

present moment as often as you are able, to own and call in your

energies that have been projected out into the appearance world, to

build upon the inversion of your attentive focus into the reality of you,

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to be willing in your personality to let go of your pride and arrogance in

believing that you already know these things or that you know better.

Allow the ever-present flow of perfection to saturate your

consciousness and remove all barriers towards your attaining the

heights of divine relationship realization. Let us be up front with each

other and completely honest so that we can move you levels and levels

ahead of where you presently find yourself. As you believe that this is

possible, and as you believe that I can help you to accomplish this great

task, together we can bring forth unending fruits to you self realization

and eternal freedom. I am held to this cause because I have come to

assist you with this challenging achievement, and I know that you will

accomplish great things.

I am the Transfiguration and the eternal Light everlasting. Jesus

Your simple human desire in its pure form is the expansion of God’s

activity into your world. Not the desire that is fixated upon

manipulating outer circumstances to your pleasure, but the original

desire for freedom and happiness and the unifying of your personality

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into God attunement. This pure desire for more Light, more

consciousness, more harmony in relationships, etc., is always granted to

you and I when we ask and then allow the necessary changes to occur so

that there is room for these positive movements to happen. This desire

is the power that wills God’s activity in your life to expand into a full

manifestation of perfection. When you work to not interfere, then this

perfection can become greatly expanded and sustained easily. This

means no more struggle, conflicts, unhappiness, confusions, reactions,

irritations for others, addictions, disease, death. I can go on and on with

the words we use for letting us know that we are out of alignment with

the higher will in our lives.

You and I are the Creator localized within time and space creation

intending to enlarge and expand our perfection, our Love, throughout all

of the creation. We are in many places simultaneously, yet, right here

and now is where our work continues. Wherever you find yourselves to

be in consciousness, begin here, with the understanding that as you do

for you, you have done it for the collective body of God.

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I AM the self consciousness of the Universe expanding thy Perfection into this localized part of creation.


You alone are the chooser, you the decree the qualities you wish to

energize into the creation for you to experience. You determine the

forms in thought, feeling, and physical form that you desire to have in

your appearance world, remembering that whatever shows up in your

world is your creation because as that outpouring of perfection met

with your consciousness, it blended with either the conditions of

conflict and disharmony or it merged into the unconditional state of

pure consciousness and divine emptiness. In this moment of time, you

are determining the conditions of the next moment in time. There are no

miracles, only manifestations of the eternal Law of being. When you

think and emote, a part of your life energy goes forth to sustain your

creation. The great learning within the human kingdom is to take

ownership and consciousness of this creative power to qualify energy,

and learn to master qualifying your life presence in alignment with the

higher will and design. Only then can you become fit for an immortal life

in service and exciting adventure with the Source.

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7 The Power of Time & Space Management

Attaining Union with Spirit

This final hidden power within your consciousness has everything to do

with seeking first in your life the kingdom of heaven or consciousness.

Seek to become conscious, purely conscious of what you are and your

relationship to the Infinite One, call it what you may. My approach into

divine realization and immortality is a top down approach to life. Do not

sit in human unconsciousness and separation claiming to one day desire

to be with God or any other divine personage. Begin right now with

utmost faith and trust in your heart and claim that you are involved very

intimately with the omnipresence that is Life . . . the omnipresence that

is God almighty!

This top down approach means that as you claim and learn to walk in

the identity of God, all else within your life will align with that which

you claim. Because it is a fact of existence that you and I are the God

presence within this localized part of creation, then we cannot attempt

to be something other than what we truly are because when we pretend

to be other we can never have the experience of being rightly aligned

and in harmony. Yes it is a very popular idea that you and I are merely

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human only, but when you dare through faith in the unknown to claim

something greater then you are breaking the mold of unconsciousness

and death. Look at the general population of the world and there are

certain very common beliefs that are held by millions of people – the

belief in death, sinfulness, separation, disease, aging, blame, seeking

outer satisfactions – all part of the cult of humanity, the race belief of the

species of human beings, and all absolutely wrong. So, do not look out

there for a reference point on how to live your life because you will

come up empty handed and confused. I will tell you that confusion is a

disease on this planet that is as a plague. Come out from the cult of

unconsciousness and sheepishness where you submit willingly to the

path of least resistance and stand forth to become something greater. I

say to you stand forth out from the fold of unconscious humans and

create a life that will be an inspiration for others to do the same. It all

comes down to your faith and trust in that true faith is claiming to be

something that you are already and having the faith to claim it now and

begin to work out the details of purifying yourself into eternity. Take

this opportunity, this moment, and raise yourself out of the sleepiness

and lethargy of the cult of human unconsciousness; make contact with

the Christ or Spark within you and open to its guidance. You will be

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giving to yourself the greatest of gifts; as you owe it to yourselves to

strive for greatness and not to ever settle for less.

So, as you seek first to find the Will of your being and align with this

Will, your life begins to align with the command you are expressing in

your life – a command of action and pure desire or intent. You must

make time in your life for this transfiguration to occur for you, and the

most powerful way is to keep things simple and direct. Keep it simple.

Don’t weigh yourself down with unnecessary material possessions that

will keep you a slave in maintaining them or working long hours to pay

them off on credit. Spend your days opening up the time and space to

give yourself to the higher relationship where you will soon touch the

hem of the seamless garment of Light.

Most of your rebellion and resistance to align with the fount of

happiness comes from your physical body consciousness. We need to

nurture and educate ourselves about the incredible value of life in order

to cooperate with it. You simply must keep balanced in your quest for

this gold of higher consciousness and immortality. Balance will come

about by paying attention to all your levels of being such as exercising

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your body, focusing your mind into higher thought and expression, fully

expressing your feeling both negative and positive in a safe manner, and

attuning into the Infinite and Eternal as you open up time and space

within your life to do this.

Own thyself as Omnipresence,

commanding all human energies into pure Spirit. Your thought, emotion, and physical body will become raised into what you

have commanded for yourselves. Esu

It remains for each one of us to make the necessary effort in this behalf.

Then, and only then according to the Law can help being extended to us.

As you seek to come closer into realizing what you are and how you’re

being functions, as you desire to understand yourself more deeply and

in a less complicated way, then the forces of heaven will come and assist

you in a way totally unseen and very much like a thief in the night. Have

faith in what you are because God is everywhere present . . .

everywhere! This would imply that you and I are this one fabric of Light,

Spirit, divine intelligence, pure awareness, call it whatever you desire; it

still remains as it is. When you make the time to manage your life with

regards to tithing your time and space into this sacred quest, you will

see results that are beyond your imagination. Claim that you are the

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divine One and ask for the time and space to work out the conditions of

your unconsciousness to this fact. Then allow it to be orchestrated right

through you.

Eternal Source of my Being, I command myself into alignment with you

I offer to you my time and space to become re-established within your desire and intent ion.


Believe these things and then spend your days in the service of living

this ideal, coming into contact with the depths of your being where

fulfillment exists in abundance. Work in full accord with the eternal Law

and dissolve your agenda and human misunderstandings until you come

into a fuller alignment and realization of the Source. Your problems

cannot be solved on the level in which they’ve been created. You must

be raised up into a higher vibratory level and then, all problems

disappear from your view. In the ‘kingdom of heaven’ vibration there

does not exist struggle and strife, hunger and disappointment, so, as you

allow yourself to become raised up in frequency you discover the

treasures of peace of mind, contentment of heart, fulfilling purpose, and

clear meaning and order. To view your life from this higher perspective

opens your eyes into more of what is present within the creation,

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allowing you to partake of the inheritance, you might say, that is ours to

partake of!

Our transmutation from a carnal creature bound by the lower nature of

the physical body and its appetites and habit patterns will take time to

occur. This change in stature from a worldly minded materialistic being

which has been weakened by fear and doubt and other kinds of

enslavements requires a certain force or will to overcome. To establish

yourselves within the higher vibratory levels needed to transition into

the immortal form that has transcended death, cannot be accomplished

unless you make this adventure more than a mere hobby; it must be an

occupation for you to bring forth the strength and devotion necessary to

persevere into the eternal.

How will you open yourselves so that your receptivity is so greatly

enhanced enough to draw down to you the Infinite? What must you do

to attain such hunger for Truth and Justice in your lives? I will tell you as

you make the effort each day to take your time and space which has

been granted to you, and work to further your gains in understanding

by dissolving your past created energies of mental and emotional

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substance, then will you be creating the conditions to ‘amp’ up your

level of receptivity needed to drink of the fountain of eternal Life. Every

portion of your energy that you offer into the transmutation process

becomes for you the conscious fuel to make the very next leap into the

higher. All is earned within the universal Plan of salvation, and it is not

merely good deeds which will establish for you this upgrade in your

existence. It is not selfishness to spend your time and space in obtaining

the necessary character traits of perseverance, strength, courage, will,

and desire for the Eternal One. It is wisdom for you to give yourselves a

fair chance of attaining this goal, and it will make you a great person

through your nature, character, and personality as you spend your time

seeking to surrender and expand into the divine Will.

Are you on track or have you fallen away from the momentum you are

building in the ever upward direction of immortality? How can you

gauge yourself so that you have that strength of conviction and clarity to

know that you are proceeding on course? As you clear the energetic

debris of your fear and doubt, and as you build a practice of daily

attunement regardless of the obviousness of the results, you will be

honored from above. Staying consistently disciplined in this endeavor

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will have such a wonderful affect upon your personality nature in

making it humble and allowing of all things, and it will cause you to

become emptied of expectations, so that, you will become once again as

a child in your humility and trust, hard work and innocence. I tell you

the greatest gifts that can be attained while in the human form are child-

like trust and innocence, awe for the creation and a deeply felt

relationship realization with the God force of your being. Your

alignment with Omnipresence will be revealed to you if you persevere

past the temptation to measure your success because the real results

come about when you sincerely and entirely desire to be with God, to

know and understand and experience directly the spiritual insights,

perceptions, and intuitions that are part and parcel of the relationship

with the divine. Your heart desire and compulsion to become attuned to

Spirit all-pervading will give to you a relationship of comfort and

fulfillment, deep growth and an always present knowledge that you and

the divine are One.

I AM the Resurrection and the Life Everlasting. Jesus

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What I am speaking to you about is the Law of your life which is a direct

science of the law of vibration. There is only one thing different between

the person who is awakened and consciously experiencing the glory of

Oneness with God and the person who has yet to have this realization,

and that is the rate of their vibratory movement. If you spend your time

and space quickening the rate of the electron movement around the

central core of the nucleus you will find yourself being raised into such

great fulfillment and Love. The use of a decree such as the one above

will hold your attentive focus into the more rapid vibratory movement

of eternity. You can command this vibratory action to quicken by

placing your thought upon the higher thought and emotion.

When we gather together you sit within the vibratory emanation of my

own electronic force field and your own vibration of your four lower

bodies is raised closer into the speed of Light; your vibration becomes

quickened as the electrons are spinning around the nucleus in a much

faster frequency. You are lifted and experiencing more of the benefits

and effects of the higher rate of vibration. But then when you leave my

presence you are soon interacting with your own auric force field,

where your attention is drawn back into the things of the outer

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appearance and your own present vibratory movement. You experience

then, the vibratory rate that exists within the world which is much,

much slower than the rate of vibration of these activities of our mutual

group focus into the higher thoughts, higher emotions, and higher Life.

Your time and space being spent on worldly considerations will draw to

you the Substance and debris of the worldly minded. By this

misappropriation of your time and space you change your attention and

focus into either your own mind and/or the world of appearance of the

collective humanity where feelings of depression, doubt, fear, and a

general malaise exist because the vibratory rate of the majority of

people is vibrating much too slowly to go beyond these coarser

experiences. Yet all that is required is to find the discipline and

obedience to hold firmly to the higher thought and feeling by focusing

into the relationship with your own indwelling presence. Your time and

space must be put to greater use if you are to attain the task of divine

realization and the transcendence of death into immortality – becoming

pure Consciousness, an individualization of the Source within eternity.

Do you know that when you are vibrating higher and higher into the

speed of Light, time and space begins to recede because time and space

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are of the lower frequency vibration? As you become obedient to this

Law of life, and as you actively apply this ideal to your daily life, time

and space will open up for you by dissolving the impact they are having

on your life right now. So, the speed at which the electrons move around

the nucleus of every atomic particle of energy within your mental body

is determined by the thoughts you entertain. This is also true for our

emotional and physical bodies as well. If you want greater

understanding, you must begin to use your time and space to focus

upwards into the higher verities, holding your thoughts and emotions

beyond the mass mental and emotional thought-emotional forms. When

you thoughts are of perfection and of the expansion of the good within

God’s universe, then you are speeding up the electronic movement

within the atomic particles of your mental body. You are raising that

body higher and higher into the speed of Light. When you do this for

each one of your lower bodies of expression, the vibratory action of the

electrons within your bodies will be so rapid that they will deflect the

mass thought forms of destructiveness which are anchored within the

atmosphere around the earth. Like a propeller swirling around at great

speeds deflecting all debris that comes into its atmosphere, your

energetic bodies will do the same.

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When you allow yourself to connect with discord whether it be in your

neighborhood, the newspapers, television, radio, etc, you are

immediately slowing down the vibrations of the electrons, and as they

slow down in vibration then these bodies are more subject to the

negative influences of the mass mind of the population. As I have said,

humanity is a cult of sorts which perpetuates the erroneous

misunderstandings of the workings of human life. As the electrons move

more slowly around the central core of the nucleus of the atomic

structure a general disintegration ensues – disintegration is the reverse

action of unification. The more sped up this movement occurs the

greater will be our integration and the unification of our consciousness

into Light speed, which is God consciousness. It is Light speed that

allows us to move through the transfiguration into the resurrection and

finally the ascension back into our Oversoul level where you will

become an immortal being. As you spend your time and space focusing

into the higher relationship and sincerely seek to integrate into this

higher identity, you will be quickening the electronic movement into

Light eternal.

When thine eye be single, Thy whole body shall become as Light


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The holding of your attention one-pointedly upon the divine presence of

yourselves, and the use of the infinite circuit of divine transformative

energies, will allow the vibration of your mental, emotional, and

physical bodies to stay beyond the vibratory emanations of the general

decay and disintegration of the worldly consciousness. Then, you will

not only repel from your space all discordant events and circumstance,

you will also be living quite powerfully within the protective care and

consciousness of the divine Parent of us all. This is the way, the truth,

and the life understanding which emanates out from the eternal

presence of us all.

Each day as you desire to quicken yourself into greater understanding

and freedom, then you must draw forth from within your Oversoul

presence through the Christ body or higher Mind above you, and into

your own indwelling Presence the necessary fire energies that have the

capacity to quicken all your four lower vehicles of expression. As you

ask and allow for this quickening action, and as you focus your attention

in an uplifting way, then nothing will stop you from achieving

immortality at the end of this lifetime. Along the way towards that final

day when you will transfigure your physical body into Light, you will be

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living from a very high and mighty place in consciousness. You will be

fulfilling the Law of your being because it is God’s Will that we become

raised up into the perfection of the great I AM.

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