in the Wilderness Summer 2019 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL JUNE 3-7, 9:00—11:30 A.M. AGE 4—6TH GRADE BE THE LEADER Father s Day is approaching. It is a time when we honor our dads, but it is also a time when we consider what makes a good father. One aspect of fathering is leading correctly. The Bible gives many examples of solid leadership. One of those is Caleb. Hebron therefore became the inheritance of Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite unto this day, because that he wholly followed the LORD God of Israel. Joshua 14:14. Caleb isn t the most well- known name in the Bible. His story is one of disappointment and dreams deferred, yet Caleb is a powerful example of perseverance, faith and finishing strong. As one of only two people who believed God could give the Israelites the Promised Land, Caleb was out-numbered by a fearful generation. Left waiting in the wilderness for forty years, it wasn t until Caleb was 85 years old that he finally saw God s promise fulfilled. So what can we learn from the life of Caleb? A strong finish begins with a strong start. Many people live their lives saying, I ll do it later, af- ter I finish this big project, or “…when the kids are older, or “…when I have more time, or “… when I retire then I ll have all this time to do good things. But in reality, if we re not doing what God wants us to do now, it s going to continued on page 3 THE VOICE There is a polical divide in America that we likely are not able to survive. I personally favor what is called the conservave side of the polical world, because it best reflects my belief in the Bible as Gods Holy Word. Without queson, there are extremists on both sides of the divide. On the conservave side, you have people whose life ambion is to hate and resist all forms of government and live life under their own rules. Theres a name for this: its called rebellion and fringe anarchy. On the extreme liberal/progressive side, there is a penchant to control and regulate every aspect of peoples lives through government, which forces people to live life under their own rules. There is a name for this: its called rebellion and fringe anarchy. The creep of this rebellion is growing ever steadily toward the middle, and that is why we are all witnessing a divide in our naon which is unprecedented in our history. Lawless rebels warring against anarchists creates an environ- ment of unreasonableness. Another naon which survived a similar divide, amaz- ingly, is the naon Israel. Time and again in the Old connued on page 2

in the Wilderness - Marysvale Baptistmarysvalebaptist.org/files/7615/5888/3437/VOICE_-Summer_2019.pdf · 28-Aug 3 Horsemanship Camp I AUGUST 4-10 Horsemanship Camp II us." SCHEDULE

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Page 1: in the Wilderness - Marysvale Baptistmarysvalebaptist.org/files/7615/5888/3437/VOICE_-Summer_2019.pdf · 28-Aug 3 Horsemanship Camp I AUGUST 4-10 Horsemanship Camp II us." SCHEDULE

in the Wilderness


Summer 2019


JUNE 3-7, 9:00—11:30 A.M.



Father’s Day is approaching. It is a time when we honor our dads, but it is also a time when we consider what makes a good father. One aspect of fathering is leading correctly. The Bible gives many examples of solid leadership. One of those is Caleb. “Hebron therefore became the inheritance of Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite unto this day, because that he wholly followed the LORD God of Israel.” Joshua 14:14. Caleb isn’t the most well-known name in the Bible. His story is one of disappointment and dreams deferred, yet Caleb is a powerful example of perseverance, faith and finishing strong. As one of only two people who believed God could give the Israelites the Promised Land, Caleb was out-numbered by a fearful generation. Left waiting in the wilderness for forty years, it wasn ’t until Caleb was 85 years old that he finally saw God ’s promise fulfilled.

So what can we learn from the life of Caleb?

• A strong finish begins with a strong start. Many people live their lives saying, “I’ll do it later, af-ter I finish this big project,” or “…when the kids are older,” or “…when I have more time,” or “…when I retire… then I’ll have all this time to do good things.” But in reality, if we’re not doing what God wants us to do now, it’s going to ‘ continued on page 3


There is a political divide in America that we likely

are not able to survive. I personally favor what is called

the conservative side of the political world, because it

best reflects my belief in the Bible as God’s Holy Word.

Without question, there are extremists on both sides of

the divide. On the conservative side, you have people

whose life ambition is to hate and resist all forms of

government and live life under their own rules. There’s a

name for this: it’s called rebellion and fringe anarchy. On

the extreme liberal/progressive side, there is a penchant

to control and regulate every aspect of people’s lives

through government, which forces people to live life

under their own rules. There is a name for this: it’s

called rebellion and fringe anarchy. The creep of this

rebellion is growing ever steadily toward the middle,

and that is why we are all witnessing a divide in our

nation which is unprecedented in our history. Lawless

rebels warring against anarchists creates an environ-

ment of unreasonableness.

Another nation which survived a similar divide, amaz-ingly, is the nation Israel. Time and again in the Old continued on page 2

Page 2: in the Wilderness - Marysvale Baptistmarysvalebaptist.org/files/7615/5888/3437/VOICE_-Summer_2019.pdf · 28-Aug 3 Horsemanship Camp I AUGUST 4-10 Horsemanship Camp II us." SCHEDULE



In each issue, this column will deal with a different Bible doctrine -- straight from the Bible itself. We encourage you to look up the verses given for reference and search the Bible to see if these things are true.

Sin is the transgression (breaking) of the Law of God.

(I John 3:4)

Sin is "missing the mark" of God's perfection. (Romans


The first sin committed by humans was to disobey God

by eating the fruit that He told them not to eat.

(Genesis 3:6)

Because of the sin of Adam and Eve, everyone is born

with a sin nature. (Romans 5:12)

Because of this sin nature, all men sin. (Romans 3:23)

All have sinned. (Romans 3:10)

People who think they have never sinned are deceiving

themselves and the truth is not in them. (I John 1:8)

The source of sin in an individual's life is his own lusts.

(James 4:1)

Unbelief is a sin. (Romans 14:23)

Despising one's neighbor is sin. (Proverbs 14:21)

Neglecting to do what is right is sin. (James 4:17)

Even the good things we do outside of a relationship

with God are sin. (Isaiah 64:6)

The "wages" or earnings of sin is death (separation

from God). (Genesis 2:17; Isaiah 59:2; Romans

6:23; Ezekiel 18:4)

God promises that the wicked will not go unpunished.


THE VOICE (cont. from page 1)

Testament, we read concerning this nation, “Every man did

what was right in his own eyes.” That is the essence of

wicked rebellion. It never worked out well; however, God

miraculously preserved these people despite their best

effort to destroy themselves. What always saved the nation

Israel from extinction were some within its populace who

turned their hearts back to God and His Word. The Word of

God then became the “gold standard” for survival against

the death spiral of this form of anarchy. It still is.

Satan, of course, is the ultimate rebel against God and His

Word. From the very beginning of human history, he has

sought to push the agenda of anarchy against the Word of

God. Read the first few verses of Genesis chapter three to

understand his disdain for and assault on the very Word of

God. Today, we are still experiencing the negative results of

decisions made on that specific day in the Garden. Satan’s

war against the Word of God continues as strong today as

ever, and the results are predictably the same—human

rebellion against God’s plan.

One of Satan’s greatest ploys is to cast doubt upon the

validity of the Bible. We see this clearly in the above-

mentioned Genesis account, and it worked so well that he

has no need of changing stratagem. “You can’t trust the

Bible; it’s old, it’s irrelevant, and it has suffered from many

mistranslations.” These objections ultimately come from

Satan himself but now mouthed through various human

agents, are thrown out there without a shred of evidence.

Granted, the Bible is old, but that in no way affects its

relevance or its translational integrity.

The cure for this form of rebellion and the divide it

creates is really a simple matter of allowing God’s opinion to

rule over our lives and nation. Isaiah 8:20 reads: “To the law

and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this

Word, it is because there is no light in them.” How did such a

Book come from God to man? II Peter 1:20-21: “Knowing

this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private

interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the

will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved

by the Holy Ghost.”

Now people are free agents to argue against or ignore

the volume of Scripture authored by the Holy Spirit, but

they do so at their own peril. At Marysvale Baptist Church,

we continue our commitment to preach and teach the “Old

Book” —the Bible—still as thoroughly relevant for today’s

world. You are welcome to join us in that pursuit.

—Jonathan Edwards, Pastor


FREE BIBLE If you do not have a Bible and would like one, please call the church for your free copy. If you would be interested in learning more about the Bible, we have Bible studies available at your con-venience. Please call and arrange a time to meet (no obligation and no pressure).

Talk with God,

No breath is lost.

Walk with God,

No strength is lost.

Wait for God,

No time is lost.

Trust in God,

You will never be lost.

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I am a good person. Only God is good.

I have a good heart. I have a wicked heart.

It’s about me first. God, others, me last.

I can do anything. Without God, I can’t.

I love money. I love God.

I’m lucky. I’m blessed.

I’m nice until you cross me. I forgive you.

Do what makes you happy. Do what pleases God.

Think positive. Think Godly.

Karma The will of God

Many ways to God Jesus is the only way.

Believe in yourself. Believe in Jesus.

CHURCH CALENDAR JUNE 3-7 Vacation Bible School, 9:00—11:30 daily JULY 4-6 Family Camp at Utibaca 8-13 Junior Camp 15-20 Junior High Camp 22-27 Senior High Camp 28-Aug 3 Horsemanship Camp I AUGUST 4-10 Horsemanship Camp II

SCHEDULE OF SERVICES SUNDAY 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for children and adults 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Service 6:00 p.m. Evening Praise Service

WEDNESDAY 6:30 p.m. Kids’ Club for grades 2-8 7:00 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer Meeting

Marysvale Baptist Church is an Independent Baptist Church which is not affiliated with any national or world church organization. Our desire is to be a blessing and help both to our community and individuals, especially showing them from the Bible how they can have a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Please feel free to join us for any of our services and/or call Pastor Edwards any time.

Pastor Jonathan Edwards 326-4222 (church) 326-4506 (home)

www.marysvalebaptist.org 3


The Bible makes it very clear that although God

desires to have a personal relationship with us, our sin

separates us from Him. “All have sinned and come short

of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) “The wages of sin is

death..." (Romans 6:23a) "Death" here means separation

from God for eternity. But God did something about that.

He sent Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, to earth to

suffer the penalty for our sins and die on the cross.

“...While we were yet sinners, Christ died for

us." (Romans 5:8b)

Now eternal life with God (salvation) is available, but

it is not automatic. Each person must come to God indi-

vidually. “Ye must be born again." (John 3:7b) “But as

many as received him [Jesus], to them gave He power to

become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his

name." (John 1:12) We must each (1) acknowledge our

sinful condition, (2) recognize that we cannot save our-

selves but that God sent Jesus to take our punishment on

the cross, and (3) receive Jesus Christ and His sacrifice

for our sin as a gift from God. “The gift of God is eternal

life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23b).

This does not involve baptism or any other work. It is a

contract with God Himself orchestrated by Him in a per-

son's own heart. The good works come afterward from a

changed and grateful heart.

Will you let God do this work in your heart?

LEADER (continued from page 1) be very difficult to start later. Caleb had strong ooofaith as a young man and that faith kept ooohim going even through setbacks and ooodisappointment.

• Fully Devoted. A life that is fully devoted to God holds nothing back. Caleb was fully devoted to God.

• Believe God’s Promises. Even when things looked bleak (“40 years in the desert” kind of bleak) Caleb never lost hope. No matter the set-back, Caleb held onto God’s promises.

• Be an Example. We see in Caleb’s story that his nephew who participated in claiming the promised land would eventually become Israel’s first judge. You never know who is watching how you handle life’s set-backs and disappointments. Be known for your unshakable faith and pursuit of God ’s will even during the tough times.

What an incredible example Caleb is for the follower of Jesus. As we face the difficulties of life, setbacks and disappointments, we must never lose focus on God’s promises. Dads, we are here to help you learn and apply those promises and guide your family in a way that will help them know God and trust Him. The men at Marysvale Baptist Church are a strong support for each other. Come visit, and bring your family!

Taken from www.kingjamesbibleonline.org.

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Mom’s Moments

Moving to a new home Having a significant birthday Changing the family structure Beginning a new year These are some of the times when a person might consider making a fresh start—changing some things in his or her life so that there are new routines, new friends or family members, new habits, a new normal. Sometimes the changes come unintentionally, but other times he or she initiates the change. For example, when a situation becomes too difficult to tolerate or when the realization comes that the road one is traveling is leading to unacceptable consequences, a change is in order. At that point, this person might visualize the perfect situation and attempt to arrange his or her life to fit that pattern. I recently helped my elderly parents move to a new home several states away. Their new situation has considerably less living and working space and very different maintenance requirements. So we “downsized” them. They didn’t take their yard maintenance equipment, for example. They sold furniture and hobby items that wouldn’t have had a place in their new home and lifestyle. They also purchased new items upon arrival that will be suitable for their new setting and activities. Their experience is fairly typical of a “fresh start” in life. God is interested in fresh starts. In fact, He specializes in them! The biggest one can come when we realize that we are carrying a load of sin and walking a life-path that leads to an hopeless end (Romans 3:23 and 6:23). Similar to Pilgrim in the classic book Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan, we set about to be rid of the burden and to chart our course for a desirable outcome. Everything we need is available from God in the form of His gift offered through the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The Bible clearly teaches that when we acknowledge our sin and our lack of any ability to save ourselves and accept God’s gift, we are made righteous before Him because the righteousness of Christ is placed on our account and our sin is put on His account (Philippians 3:9). God’s Holy Spirit takes up residence in us and everything is new! Old things are “passed away” (II Corinthians 5:17). New habits, new friends, a new vocabulary and lifestyle—a new normal—have replaced the old, harmful or just pointless ones. It’s a fresh start! The burden is gone, the hope is sure, and the journey, though sometimes difficult, is marked by the joy of God’s presence (Psalm 16:11). I invite you to make that fresh start. I would love to look into the Bible with you and explain it further. Call me, and we can get together or just talk on the phone. Chrissa Edwards 435-326-4506

The VOICE in the Wilderness is published quarterly by: Marysvale Baptist Church 180 N. State P. O. Box 14 Marysvale, UT 84750 Phone 435-326-4222 www.marysvalebaptist.org email: marysvalebaptistchurch.org Pastor Jonathan Edwards Home phone 435-326-4506 This is a free publication. It is designed to acquaint you with the ministry of Marysvale Baptist Church and encourage you in your spiritual life.



Utah Independent Baptist Camp is a great opportunity

for families in our area. Established in 1978 by independ-

ent Baptist pastors and missionaries in Utah, Utibaca

partners with church leaders and parents to ignite love

for God in the hearts of young people in a remote moun-

tain setting. Our beautiful mountain youth camp is locat-

ed at 8,000 ft. above sea level in the Manti-LaSal range

above Ephraim, Utah.

Nestled in this private wilderness retreat you will find

a unique, Bible-centered program designed to help

campers and staff develop Christlikeness, integrity, ma-

turity and personal accountability. And of course, you

will also find plenty of fun activities, outdoor adventures,

and a safe environment where young people will be

challenged spiritually, physically, and mentally. Personal

Bible devotions and chapel times are an important part

of each day's schedule.

Beginning with Family Camp July 4-6, each week fea-

tures a different camp: July 8-13 is Junior Camp, July 15-

20 is Junior High Camp, July 22-27 is Senior High Camp,

followed by two one-week Horsemanship Camps for 7th

grade through adult. Please visit www.utibaca.org for

more information and to register for camp. If you need

transportation to the camp, please call the church and

leave a message and call-back number. We do also have

a limited number of scholarships available for the camp

fees, so let us know if you need financial help for your

child to attend camp this summer.