Today is Monday, March 5 th , 2018 Pre-Class: Get your periodic table. Tell me some patterns you see. They can be obvious… Places to Look : Atomic number, atomic mass Things to Guess : Atomic “size,” nuclear charge, location of metals, gases, liquids? Stuff You Need : Periodic Table In This Lesson: Periodic Table Trends (Lesson 3 of 4)

In This Lesson: Periodic Table Trends Today is Tuesday ... · PDF fileIn This Lesson: Periodic Table Trends ... •Day 1: –Introduction to the Periodic Table –Why does periodicity

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Today is Monday,March 5th, 2018


Get your periodic table. Tell me some patterns you see. They can be obvious…

Places to Look: Atomic number, atomic mass

Things to Guess: Atomic “size,” nuclear charge, location of metals, gases, liquids?

Stuff You Need:✓Periodic Table

In This Lesson:Periodic Table

Trends(Lesson 3 of 4)

Today’s Agenda

• Day 1:– Introduction to the Periodic Table– Why does periodicity work?– Coloring the Periodic Chart– Meet the “Families”

• Day 2/3:– Chemical Periodicity– Periodic Table Trends– Alien Periodic Table– Periodic Law

• Where is this in my book?– P. 160 and following…

By the end of this lesson…

• You should be able to use the periodic table as a “map” to make predictions and inferences about various elements.

• You should be able to describe valence electrons and specify any representative element’s number of valence electrons.

Dmitri Mendeleev

• The inventor of the modern Periodic Table:


Trimmed his beard and hair

once a year.For reals.

Mendeleev’s Periodic Table

Dmitri Mendeleev

Modern Russian Periodic Table

Mendeleev and the Table

• Mendeleev organized his table at a time in which not all of the elements were discovered or some properties were unknown.

• It was his discovery of the patterns in the table that allowed him to make predictions about the elements that would later will the gaps in his table.

Periodic Law

• Out of Mendeleev’s discoveries and organization came the concept of the Periodic Law.

• “Many physical and chemical properties of elements recur in a systematic manner with increasing atomic number.”

– Plain English on next slide…

Periodic Law

• In other words, there is a pattern of physical and chemical properties to the periodic table, and it repeats every so often.

• In fact, it repeats every 2, 8, 18, 32 elements.– Example: Hydrogen (A# 1) is similar to Lithium (A#

3) is similar to Sodium (A# 11) is similar to Potassium (A# 19) is similar to Rubidium (A# 37) is similar to Cesium (A# 55) is similar to Francium (A# 87).

– 1-3-11-19-37-55-87

Periodic Table Set Up

• Rows on the table are called periods.

• Columns on the table are called groups or sometimes families.

– Elements in the same group behave chemically similarly.

– Elements in the same period may not behave chemically similarly.



Groups and Periods




Valence Electrons

• We’ll do more on this one soon, but for now we should be aware of the very basics of valence electrons.

• Valence electrons are only the electrons in the highest energy levels (n levels).

• Electrons in d and f sublevels don’t count.– Electrons are the particles that matter in bonding

and really give an element its behavior.

• You can diagram out the configuration.

Valence Electrons

• Aluminum:

• 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1

– 3 valence electrons.

• Sodium:

• 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1

– 1 valence electron.

• Alternatively, you can use this handy pattern:

1 Valence Electron2 Valence Electrons3 Valence Electrons4 Valence Electrons5 Valence Electrons6 Valence Electrons7 Valence Electrons8 Valence Electrons

2 Valence Electrons

Roman Numerals

• Now’s probably a good time to let you know that many periodic tables list group numbers in Roman numerals.• I = 1

• IV = 4

• V = 5

• VI = 6

• You’ll need to know up to VIII (8).

• There’s also X (10), L (50), C (100), D (500), and M (1000).


Periodic Table Info

• The periodic table is arranged in its funny shape for many, many reasons.

• For a set of elements that can at times be so different, they follow some amazingly predictable patterns.

• The most general pattern is the organization between metals (1), nonmetals (2), and metalloids (3).

An Outline Look (color this)


1. Metals

• Metals are:– Good conductors of


– Malleable (able to be hammered – opposite of brittle).

– Ductile (able to be pulled into wires).

– High tensile strength.

– Shiny (have high luster).

Metal Trends

• Metals get more metallic as you go down the groups.

• Metals get less metallic as you go across the periods.

• In other words, in Group IA, we’d expect Potassium (K) to be a better conductor, shinier, more malleable, et cetera, than Lithium (Li).

• That’s why gold is generally shinier than silver.


Alkali Metals

• Alkali metals:

– Have one valence electron.

– Are never found pure in nature (too reactive – see video).

– Become less reactive down the group.

Potassium (K) reacts with

water and must be stored in


Aside: Francium (Fr)

• I can’t show you a picture of Francium for this slide.

• The reason? It’s really really rare.

• According to Bill Bryson in A Short History of Nearly Everything, there may be as few as 20 naturally-occurring atoms of Francium on the Earth at any given time.– Scientists can only guess what a large sample

would look like.


Alkaline Earth Metals

• Alkaline earth metals:

– Have two valence electrons.

– Are less reactive than alkali metals (but are still not found pure in nature).

– Tend to be basic (alkaline).

Aside: Strontium (Sr)

• Between 1959 and 1970, scientists in St. Louis launched the Baby Tooth Survey in which children’s primary (baby) teeth were chemically analyzed.– Over 300,000 by the end of the survey were tested.

• The findings?– Children born between 1945 and 1965 had 100 times more

radioactive Sr-90 in their teeth than those born before.– Sr-90 levels in teeth went up and down in conjunction with

nuclear bomb tests (due to spread of radiation through the atmosphere).

• Ultimate results:– President Kennedy and the Soviet Union reached a treaty to end

above-ground testing in 1963.



Transition Metals

Copper (Cu) is a relatively soft metal, and a very good electrical conductor.

Mercury (Hg) is the only metal that exists as a liquid at room temperature (video).

INNER TRANSITION METALS(rare earth metals)

Inner Transition Metals

• Those two rows at the bottom are called the Inner Transition Metals.

– On older tables, they’re called the Rare Earth Elements.

• There are two series:

– Lanthanide Series – Upper one, starts with Lanthanum.

– Actinide Series – Lower one, starts with Actinium.


• 60 Minutes – Rare Earth Elements

• CrashCourse – Rare Earth Elements

Post-Transition Metals

• To the right of the transition metals, but underneath that weird staircase thing, are the post-transition metals.

• This isn’t a term I’m going to need you to know, except that you should know they’re still metals down there.


Aside: Violent Crime

• Between the end of World War II (late 1940s) and the early 1990s, violent crime in America and elsewhere rose dramatically, then fell just as fast.

• My question to you: Why?

• The answer?

– Lead. Or more specifically a lead-based molecule called tetraethyl lead: Pb(CH2CH3)4

Aside: Violent Crime

• When children are exposed to lead (in this case from leaded gasoline), it causes lower IQ scores, ADHD, and aggressive behavior.– Use of leaded gasoline began to decline

dramatically in the late ‘70s, so those babies born then committed the last of their violent crimes in the early ‘90s…

– …when they were in their early 20s…

– …which is exactly when we would expect violent crimes to occur.

2. Nonmetals

• Nonmetals are:

– Poor conductors of heat/electricity.

– Brittle.

– Mostly gases at room temperature.

– Dull (as in not shiny).

Example Nonmetal: Carbon (C)

• Long ago, Carbon replaced Lead (Pb) in pencils.

• We commonly call it graphite.

Other Nonmetals

Sulfur (S) was once known as


Microspheres of phosphorus (P), a

reactive nonmetal.

Graphite is not the only pure form of carbon (C). Diamond is also carbon; the color comes from impurities caught within the crystal structure.

Aside: Great Moments in Science

• Phosphorus was discovered by Hennig Brand:

• How’d he do it?

1. Decide you can make gold out of urine.

2. Get 50 buckets of urine. Keep ‘em in your cellar.

3. Experiment till it becomes a paste that burns in air.

4. Phosphorus.


Perhaps he should have looked in poop:

Scientists say 43 kilos of gold… article



• Halogens:

– Have seven valence electrons.

– Are never found pure in nature (also too reactive).

– Halogens in their pure form are diatomic molecules (F2, Cl2, Br2, and I2).

Example Halogen: Chlorine (Cl)

• Yellow/green poisonous gas.

• Used in swimming pools (usually not pure chlorine) and World War I chemical warfare alongside mustard gas.


An Interruption for Important Info

• Some elements on the table…just a few…bond…to themselves. An Austrian chemist named Brinclhofdiscovered this.– Actually, that’s just a way to remember which ones:

• Bromine (Br)

• Iodine (I)

• Nitrogen (N)

• Chlorine (Cl)

• Hydrogen (H)

• Oxygen (O)

• Fluorine (F)

• These are called diatomic. More coming next unit.


Noble (Inert) Gases

• Noble gases:

– Have eight (or two for He) valence electrons (full valence shell).

– Are only found pure in nature (they do not react).

– Tend to be odorless and colorless. They were some of the last natural elements to be discovered.

3. Metalloids

• Metalloids are:

– Similar to metals and nonmetals.

– More brittle than metals, less brittle than nonmetals.

– Semiconductors of electricity.

– Somewhat shiny…some of them.

Example Metalloid: Silicon (Si)

• It’s shiny (metal-like).

• It’s brittle (nonmetal-like).

• It’s a semi-conductor.

An Interruption for Important Info

• One other thing:– Atoms LOVE to get filled outer electron shells, like the

noble gases.• Hey, everybody wants to be noble, right?

– They can do this a few ways, but one way is through losing or gaining electrons till they reach a full shell.

– The ones on the left 2/3 of the table do it by losing electrons. They become positive ions called cations, and they’re typically metals.

– The ones on the right 1/3 of the table do it by gaining electrons. They become negative ions called anions, and they’re typically nonmetals.

CATIONS [lose electrons] ANIONS[gain


Cations and Anions

• Think of Calcium. How many valence electrons does it have?

• 2.

• Is it easier for it to gain six valence electrons to be like Krypton or to lose two to be like Argon?

• Lose 2.

• And if it loses 2 negatively-charged electrons, what ionic charge does it now have?

• 2+


Cations and Anions

• Think of Nitrogen. How many valence electrons does it have?

• 5.

• Is it easier for it to gain three valence electrons to be like Neon or to lose five to be like Helium?

• Gain 3.

• And if it gains 3 negatively-charged electrons, what ionic charge does it now have?

• 3-


It’s like this…




- -






Aluminum has 3 valence electrons. It wants a full valence shell, in this case with 8 electrons.

Aluminum could gain 5 electrons to fill the shell, making it a 5- ion.But gaining 5 electrons is harder than simply dropping 3. Then Aluminum uses n=2 as the valence shell and becomes a 3+ ion.






Form 1+ ions.Form 2+ ions. Form 3+ ions.Do not ionize.Form 3- ions.Form 2- ions.Form 1- ions.Do not ionize.


• Circle the Trend, Page 2 (crossword puzzle)

– Leave off 1 down, 7 across, and 14 across.

– That Russian dude’s name was Dmitri Mendeleev.

That Pesky Seventh Row

• Although infrequently, scientists still occasionally discover new elements.

• These are produced by smashing together smaller elements and the results are often very short-lived (think milliseconds) before decaying.

• At the end of 2015, four new elements got their names and were added to the table…

Brief Brain Break

• Chemistry Test comic strip

Let’s get trendy…

• Great. We’ve gotten familiar with the various neighborhoods on the table.

• Now we’re going to have to look at how they’re related.

• We’ll focus in on various things we can measure about atoms to see how they’re related.

• Sit tight kiddies…

First things first…• What kind of charge does the nucleus have?

– Positive, ‘cause the neutral neutrons do nothing to balance out the positive protons.

• Think of the nucleus as one big ol’ Sun pulling on all the nearby pla…I mean, electrons.– In reality, electrons are attracted to protons in the nucleus by

the electromagnetic force, one of four fundamental forces identified by physicists.• The others are the weak nuclear force (involved in radioactive

decay), the strong nuclear force (holds the nucleus together), and gravity.

• This can be measured in terms of effective nuclear charge.• E.N.C. = p+ – shielding


• Example: Imagine students that are arranged in

rows from a teacher.

– The farther away the students are, the more likely it is

[on average] they will misbehave.*

– Two students in the same row aren’t any more likely

than each other to be misbehave, though.

– However, students in farther rows back have more

students in front of them to distract the teacher, thus

increasing their ability to engage in what older

teachers call “horseplay.”


• Shielding is the idea that as you add energy levels,

the lower energy level electrons “shield” the farther

out electrons from the pull of the nucleus.

– The inner electrons “distract” the nucleus from pulling on

the outer electrons.

– Therefore, shielding increases down the groups but

remains constant across the periods.

• Because you’re adding energy levels only when you move


• PhET – Build an Atom – Cloud Model

Atomic Radius

• Atomic radius is technically the half the distance between nuclei of covalently bonded atoms in a diatomic molecule.

• Just think of it as being like a circle’s radius, ‘kay?

• TRENDS:– Radius increases down groups.

• Each period (or row) adds another energy level (n number).

– Radius decreases across periods.• Increased effective nuclear charge due to an increase in

protons but no increase in shielding.

Atomic Radius

Atomic Radius









VCrMn CoNiCuZnGaGeAsSeBr












Atomic radius versus atomic #

Period Trend:Atomic Radius


• Circle the Trend (Page 1): #3, 6


• Electronegativity is a measure of the ability of an atom in a compound to attract electrons.


– Electronegativity decreases down groups.

• As radius increases, electrons are farther from the nucleus.

– Electronegativity tends to increase across periods.

• As radius decreases, electrons get closer to the nucleus.


Periodic Trend:Electronegativity


• Circle the Trend (Page 1): #2, 5

Ionization Energy

• Ionization energy is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom.


– Ionization energy decreases down groups.

• Outer electrons are farther from the nucleus and thus easier to remove.

– Ionization energy tends to increase across periods.

• As radius decreases, electrons get closer to the nucleus and harder to remove.

First and Second Ionization Energy

• Getting more specific, first ionization energyis the energy required to remove one electron from a neutral atom.

• Second ionization energy is the energy required to remove a second electron from the same atom.

– Obviously, it’s harder to get two electrons than it is to get one. Most of the time.

Special Cases inIonization Energy

• How many valence electrons are in a sodium atom?– 1

• That last electron is in what energy level (n)?– n=3

• To remove a second electron, however, it would have to be taken from which energy level?– n=2

• And do you suppose that would take more or less energy to do so?– More – it’s closer to the pull of the nucleus.

• So, the second ionization energy is MUCH higher!


Sodium vs. Magnesium

It’s like this…

Na Mg



- -








- -






Notice that Magnesium is slightly smaller than Sodium – more protons but same shielding.

For that reason, Magnesium’s first ionization energy is higher than Sodium’s. The electrons come from n=3.

But for second ionization energy, Magnesium’s second electron comes from n=3 again, but Sodium’s must come from n=2. Therefore, Sodium’s second ionization energy is higher.

To put it another way…

• Sodium’s electron configuration:– 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1

• Magnesium’s electron configuration:– 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2

• After stealing one electron:– Na+: 1s2 2s2 2p6

– Mg+: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1

• When I go to steal the second electron, it comes from the third floor for magnesium, but has to come from the second floor for sodium.– Sodium, therefore, has the higher second ionization energy.

Periodic Trend:Ionization Energy

Ionization Energy



























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y (






Ionization energy versus atomic #

Summary of Periodic Trends


• Circle the Trend (Page 1): #1, 4

Ionic Size

• Ionic radius is the atomic radius for ions.

• TRENDS:– Cations (lost electrons, positive charge) have

smaller radii than the corresponding neutral atom.• Fewer negative electrons for the positive nucleus to


• Remaining electrons may exist in lower energy level (n).

– Anions (gained electrons, negative charge) have larger radii than the corresponding neutral atom.• More negative electrons for the positive nucleus to


Cation/Anion Size vs. Cation/Anion Size

• In addition to comparing cation/anion vs. neutral atom (of the same element), you can also compare cation/anion vs. cation/anion (of different elements).

– As in, comparing K+ to Ca2+.

• Cation and anion sizes decrease across periods.

• Cation and anion sizes increase down groups.

Ion Sizes

Closure: Summary of Trends

Anion Size decreasesCation Size decreases


• Circle the Trend, Page 2 (the remaining ones)


• WhipAround


• Periodic Table and Periodic Trends worksheet.

– Try 1-4.

– Now try 5-6.

Closure: Alien Periodic Table

• Imagine another world existed in which many of our elements were found.

• Only problem is, the locals have different names for everything.

• Since they should behave similarly, you can still sort them out and do some translatin’.

• Give it a shot and work together!

• HINT: Start with Clue 7, then try Clue 6.

Closure: Periodic Law

• Now for something a little bit tougher than the alien table but still along the same lines…