Incident at Morales

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  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    Developed andPresented by the


    Institute forEngineering


  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales



    This Project was made possible in partby a Grant from the

    National Science oundation

    Grant NS SES!"#$%$"&

    NSF Program Directors:

    Dr. Rachelle Hollander - 2003Dr. Joan Sieber - 2002

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    And Financial Support fromAnd Financial Support from

    ''arry E( )ovay* +r(* P(E(* Past President* NSPE,,ictor -( Schinnerer and .ompany* Inc(NNational Society of Professional Engineers /NSPE011merican Society of 2echanical Engineers /1S2E0

    33illiam +( 4hota* P(E(* 1merican Electric PowerSSteven P( Nichols* Ph(D(* P(E(* .lint 3( 2urchison

    .hair of ree Enterprise* 5niversity of Te6as at 1ustin77obert 4( Nichols* P(E(* Past President* NIEE 8 NSPE

    DDonald 4( 'iatte* P(E(* Past President* NSPE++immy '( Smith* Ph(D(* P(E(* Past President* NIEE 8


  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    Presented by

    Developed by the

    National nstitute for !ngineering !thicsNational nstitute for !ngineering !thicsMrdogh !enter "or #ngineering Pro"essionalism$ %e&as %ech 'ni(ersit)Mrdogh !enter "or #ngineering Pro"essionalism$ %e&as %ech 'ni(ersit)

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    Producer " #riter$DirectorProducer " #riter$Director

    Great Projects ilm .o(* Inc(

    New 9or: .ity

    ;enneth 2andel* Producer

    Paul 2artin* 3riter 8 Director

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    !%ecutive Producers & 'ideo (eam!%ecutive Producers & 'ideo (eam

    ++immy '( Smith* Ph(D(* P(E(* Te6as Tech 5niversity* PI 8 PD

    SSteven P( Nichols* Ph(D( +(D(* P(E(* 5niv( of Te6as at 1ustin

    22ichael .( 4oui* Ph(D(* 5niv( of Illinois at 5rbana!.hampaign

    ,,ivian 3eil* Ph(D(* Illinois Institute of Technology

    PPhilip E( 5lmer* P(E(* Eagle 7iver* 1las:a

    redric: Suppe* Ph(D(* Te6as Tech 5niversity

    ..arl 2( S:ooglund* Te6as Instruments* Dallas /7etired0

    EE( 3alter 4eevre* +r(* Ph(D(* P(E(* 5niversity of 1r:ansas

    and Patricia 'arper* 1ssistant to Team of E6ecutive Producers

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    ncident at )oralesncident at )orales

    'ow the ,ideo Project Evolved


    .onsideration of )asic .oncepts

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales



    Video TeamVideo Team





    Idea for graphic based on Professional 7esponsibility< The 7ole of the Engineer* +ournal of Science and Engineering Ethics* ,ol( $* No( $* #&&=

    by Drs( Steve Nichols and )ill 3eldon* 5T>1ustin

    Needs in Engineering EducationNeeds in Engineering Education

    )asic .oncept

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    (he N!! 'ideo (eam(he N!! 'ideo (eam

    -ur ,ideo Team communicated on a fre?uent basis and

    met as a group twice during @""@ for @ days each( 3e

    started withbasic ideas of

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    (he N!! 'ideo (eam(he N!! 'ideo (eam

    A IdentifiedIdentifieda variety of ethical issues they wished to

    convey in the video(

    A DevelopedDeveloped situations where these issues may be

    encountered(A SpecifiedSpecifiedcritical ethical elements of the video(

    A ProposedProposeda story line to the producer 8 writer(

    A .riti?ued.riti?uedtwo draft scripts(A 7eviewed and approved7eviewed and approvedthe final script and the Bfine

    cutC of the video(

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    And to*And to*

    A DetermineDeterminewhether additional information

    is needed to ma:e a good decision

    A SuggestSuggestalternative courses of action for the

    principal characters

    A ImagineImaginepossible conse?uences of those

    alternative actions

    A EvaluateEvaluatethose alternatives according to

    basic ethical values

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    (ests (hat #ere +onsidered(ests (hat #ere +onsidered

    ,Davis- .//01,Davis- .//01

    A *arm test*arm test! Do the benefits outweigh the

    harms* short term and long term

    A Reversi'i#ity testReversi'i#ity test! 3ould I thin: this

    choice were good if I traded places

    A Co##eague testCo##eague test! 3hat would professionalcolleagues say

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    And 222And 222

    A Lega#ity testLega#ity test! 3ould this choice violate a

    law or a policy of my employer

    A Pu'#icity testPu'#icity test! 'ow would this choice loo:

    on the front page of a newspaper

    A Common $ractice testCommon $ractice test! 3hat if everyone

    behaved in this way

    A +ise re#ative test+ise re#ative test! 3hat would my wise

    old aunt or uncle do

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    !valuation " Assessment!valuation " Assessment

    A TThe evaluation and assessment phase will

    be conducted during @""$ @""F* lead by

    Dr( 2ichael 4oui* Professor of Electrical

    and .omputer Engineering at the 5niversity

    of Illinois at 5rbana!.hampaign(

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    3asic !thical +oncepts3asic !thical +oncepts

    A EEthical considerations are an integral part of

    ma:ing engineering decisions(

    ATThe professional obligations of engineers

    go beyond fulfilling a contract with a client

    or customer(

    A ..odes of ethics can provide guidance in thedecision!ma:ing process(

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    3asic !thical +oncepts 2223asic !thical +oncepts 222

    A EthicalEthical obligations do not stop at the 5nited

    States border(

    A33herever engineers practice* they should

    hold paramount the health* safety* and

    welfare of the public(

    A ''ow an engineer fulfills those obligationsmay depend on the social and economic

    conte6t of engineering practice(

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    4utline of Story4utline of Story

    A PPhaust is the manufacturer of -ld Stripper* a

    paint remover(

    A PPhausts learns that competitor .hemitoil plans

    to introduce a new paint remover(

    A TTo remain competitive* Phaust decides to

    develop a new paint remover(

    A TTo save money* Phaust decides to construct a

    new plant in 2e6ico(

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    4utline of Story 2224utline of Story 222

    A PPhaust hires a chemical engineer* red 2artineH*who had been a consultant to .hemitoil(

    A ..hemistr is Phausts parent company in rance

    and they insist that budgets be radically cut(

    A ..huc:* a ,ice President of Phaust* encourages

    red to reduce construction costs(

    A red confronts several engineering decisions in

    which ethical considerations play a major role(

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    (he nteractive D'D 'ersion will*(he nteractive D'D 'ersion will*

    A PProvide the viewer with interactive control of the

    action in the sense that they will have a variety of

    options to more effectively benefit from studying

    the elements of the video(

    A IInclude interviews with and comments by NIEE

    ,ideo Team 2embers and others(

    A 77aise and discuss Issues>.oncepts>Juestions that

    should be considered by the viewers(

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    Supporting )aterialsSupporting )aterials

    Su$$orting Materia#s t"at are avai#a'#e on t"e

    Internet ,

    A SScript

    A Synopsis of the Story

    A StudyStudy Guide

    A PPower Point Slides

    A 77ecommended 5ses

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    +haracters " Format+haracters " Format

    ncident at )oralesncident at )oralesAn !ngineering !thics StoryAn !ngineering !thics Story

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    +haracters in ncident at )orales+haracters in ncident at )orales

    Domini-ueDomini-ue! rench corporate liaison to Phaust

    FredFred! .hemical engineer hired by Phaust to

    design a new plant to manufacture a new paintremover

    +a##y+a##y! reds supervisor at Phaust

    C"uc%C"uc%! ,ice president of engineering at Phaust

    MariaMaria! reds wife* an EP1 compliance litigator

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    +haracters 222+haracters 222

    *a#*a#! 2ar:et analyst at Phaust

    (en(en! 7esearch chemist at Phaust

    PeterPeter! Project manager of the construction firmthat builds the new plant in 2orales

    (a%e(a%e! Plant manager for the Swisse.hem plant in

    )ig Springs* Te6asManue#Manue#! Plant manager for the new Phaust plant

    in 2orales* Nuevo 4eon* 2e6ico

  • 7/24/2019 Incident at Morales


    Suggested AssignmentsSuggested Assignments

    A 4ist the ethical issues you observed in*ncident at


    A rom your personal perspective* prioritiHe theseethical issues from most critical to least critical

    A Discuss the video from the three followingperspectives