University of Wisconsin Green Bay November 3, 2009 UW System Site Visit

Inclusive Excellence

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University of Wisconsin-Green Bay - November 3, 2009 UW System Site Visit

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University of Wisconsin Green BayNovember 3, 2009

UW System Site Visit

To provide a brief

Overview Of Inclusive


To discuss ways to create institutional

awareness and cultivate buy-In.

Despite the 20 year history of strategic plans for diversity, the UW System has only made modest gains toward goals outlined in the Design for Diversity and Plan 2008.

The very low numbers of students who are members of under-represented racial/ethnic groups, who enroll, stay and graduate from our UW System institutions are much to low to yield the educational benefits of diversity for all students.

Rather than abandon the solid and viable goals of Plan 2008, the System needs to focus its work on implementation by making concentrated efforts to embed diversity and inclusion in the academic mission and integrate the work into strategic and operational plans for major administrative and operational functions.



A decentralized diversity planning model that includes a comprehensive framework for dynamic organizational change process.

The model facilitates the development of a comprehensive set of strategic actions that move equity, diversity and inclusion to the center of an institution’s core academic mission, vision and priorities.

It emphasizes better integration, coordination, assessment and accountability for results across the institution.

Individual or group differences, such as race/ethnicity, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, ability, culture, socio-economic status, class, nationality or country of origin, life experiences, personality, learning styles, first language, group/social differences as well as political, religious, or other affiliations that can be engaged in the service of learning.

The active, ongoing and intentional engagement with diversity in the curriculum, co-curriculum and in communities (intellectual, social, cultural, geographical) with which individuals might connect – in ways that increase one’s awareness, content knowledge, cognitive sophistication, and empathetic understanding of complex ways individuals interact with people different from themselves and with systems and institutions.

Objective: To implement a campus wide community building process that will infuse cultural literacy, open communication and implement Inclusive Excellence.

Review existing documents and research that begin to tell our story…check the indicator “lights” on our UWGB dashboard and begin to mobilize commitment to action that is based in the evidence presented in; Equity in Educational Outcomes: Moving Beyond Access

Cultivate Institutional Buy-in. Develop a basic individual capacity

inventory for interested students, faculty, and staff.

Create experiences that move us out of our comfort zone and experience cultural differences. i.e. improve our institutional cultural literacy.

Complete Asset Mapping, Identify existing documents and develop “quick-win” diversity/inclusion strategies using among others the Equity in Educational Outcomes report among others…

Phase I: Pre-Planning Phase II: Planning

Laying the Foundation

Create Core IE Campus Leadership Teams

Identify data, inquiry process and analytic tools

Conduct pre-assessment SWOT or MAPPING Establish a culture of evidence Create institutional awareness,

cultivate buy-in

Develop Strategic Plan

Define overall scope for the 1st 3 years

Determine areas of primary emphasis

Define IE goals and objectives Define evaluation and assessment Develop capacity building

programs Develop reporting procedures to

track progress Define clear lines of authority

Phase III: Implementation Phase IV: Evaluation & Assessment

Formal Implementation of Strategic IE Plans

Common elements for each plan:

Statement of the challenge Rationale for diversity, equity and

inclusion Indicators of Success Recommendations for recruitment,

retention, diversity education, research & scholarship

Campus Climate Marketing & Communications Rewards

Recurring Continuous Evaluation & Assessment

Establish Rubrics Evaluate, measure and monitor

progress towards goals and objectives at each functional level

Realign procedures if lack of progress

Implement new strategies Identify success and areas where

more work is needed