Increasing Practice Efficiency and Profitability Using In-Ovation® Self-Ligating Brackets A White Paper Report Jerry R. Clark, DDS, MS Jack Gebbie, BS Contents Dr. Clark Biography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Mr. Gebbie Biography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 How was this study performed? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 What was specifically studied? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Are self-ligating brackets really faster? More efficient? Better? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 What were the findings of the study? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 How did the reduced chairtime impact practice profitability? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 So, what’s the bottom line? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 I_WP_Clark:Layout 1 7/21/2010 12:00 PM Page 1

Increasing Practice Efficiency and Profitability Using In ... · Increasing Practice Efficiency and Profitability Using In-Ovation ... Increasing Practice Efficiency and Profitability

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Increasing PracticeEfficiency and ProfitabilityUsing In-Ovation®Self-Ligating Brackets A White Paper ReportJerry R. Clark, DDS, MS Jack Gebbie, BS


Dr. Clark Biography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

Mr. Gebbie Biography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

How was this study performed? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

What was specifically studied? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

Are self-ligating brackets really faster?More efficient? Better? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

What were the findings of the study? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

How did the reduced chairtime impactpractice profitability? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

So, what’s the bottom line? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

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Jerry R. Clark, DDS, MS

Dr. Jerry Clark is a board certified orthodontist who maintains a

full-time practice in Greensboro, NC. He received his BS and

DDS from the University of North Carolina and his MS in ortho-

dontics from St. Louis University. He is also Chairman of the

Board of Bentson Clark, a company that specializes in the sale

and transition of orthodontic practices.

Jack Gebbie

Mr. Jack Gebbie is president of Datatex, Inc. and handles research projects for both

national and regional companies for over 11 years with particular experience and

expertise in the fields of healthcare and financial services. He is a graduate of Wake

Forest University and is a member of CASRO (Council of American Survey Research

Organizations) and conforms to the research integrity and standards established by this

national organization.

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Increasing Practice Efficiency and ProfitabilityUsing In-Ovation® Self-Ligating Brackets Jerry R. Clark, DDS, MS & Jack Gebbie, BS

Many unsubstantiated claims have been madeconcerning self-ligating bracket systems as to theirefficiency in moving teeth, the time savings thatcan be realized by using these appliances, and the“magic” that is somehow stored up in these brack-ets to more effectively align teeth. This study wasdone in an effort to draw some scientifically basedconclusions to more accurately differentiatebetween what is “hype” and what is actually trueregarding the purported increased efficiency andtime savings of one such self-ligating bracket sys-tem In-Ovation® R - manufactured by DENTSPLYGAC International. The study was performed todetermine if cases treated with In-Ovation R brack-ets were actually treated faster, with fewer andshorter appointments with less clinical chairtimeneeded to complete treatment, and if they trulyincrease practice efficiency and profitability com-pared to similar cases treated with traditionaledgewise brackets.

Are there other scientific studies available? Recently, there has been a cry from the scientificcommunity regarding evidence based studies thatwill differentiate between opinion and fact. It isimportant for our profession, if we are to remainrooted in scientific principles, to honestly research,study and report on the claims made by our fellowprofessionals and the orthodontic supply compa-nies. At the present time there actually have beena surprising number of scientific studies performedthat have reported the increased efficiency of self-ligating brackets. Most of these reports, however,have studied other bracket systems such asDamon and Speed. To date no scientific study hasbeen applied exclusively to the In-Ovation bracketsystem and the treatment and chair time savingsresulting from using this appliance. That is the rea-son for this research study.

How was this study performed? Treated orthodontic cases were randomly selectedfrom the practice of Dr. Jerry Clark, a board certi-fied orthodontist. No attempt was made, in thisstudy, to quantify the quality of the final treatmentresults. It was assumed that Dr. Clark utilized all histechnical skills and abilities to achieve the besttreatment results possible for each individualpatient. 114 cases treated with In-Ovation R were

studied and compared to 241 cases treated withtraditional pre-torqued and pre-angulated brack-ets. This produced a confidence level for this sam-ple of 95% +/- 8%. Certain types of cases wereeliminated from the study. Those excluded were:cases with an unusual number of missed or brokenappointments, cases with an unusual number ofloose or broken brackets, cases that required two-phase treatment, cases with significant skeletaldiscrepancies (Class III, skeletal open bites), caseswith impacted canines, cases with extremely poorcooperation, and cases where some other circum-stance significantly impacted Dr. Clark’s ability tocomplete treatment in a reasonable length oftime.

This research project was managed by JackGebbie, President of DATATEX, Inc., an independ-ent research and consulting firm specializing inmarket research. The data files were carefullyreviewed and marketing research standards wereapplied to the sampling to ensure comparisonswould be valid across the two alternatives beingstudied. DATATEX is member of CASRO (Councilof American Survey Research Organizations) andmaintains research integrity and standards consis-tent with this organization.

What was specifically studied? The study was fairly simple in its design. Patientstreated with traditional edgewise brackets andRoth and Tweed type mechanics with the goal ofattaining the Andrews 6 Keys to Occlusion werecompared to cases treated with In-Ovation Rbrackets and the light wire mechanics typicallyused with self-ligating brackets with the goal ofachieving similar treatment objectives. The timerequired to place appliances at the beginning oftreatment and the time necessary to remove appli-ances at the end of treatment was not included,since it is realistic to assume that it takes approxi-mately the same amount of time to place andremove brackets regardless of the type of bracketsbeing used. What was studied was the actual treat-ment time from the day treatment was begun tothe day appliances were removed. Also, the totalnumber of patient visits needed to complete treat-ment was measured as was the total number ofminutes of patient chairtime necessary to com-plete treatment.

Are self-ligating brackets really faster? Moreefficient? Better? The answer is YES!


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What were the findings of the study? How did the reduced chairtime impact practiceprofitability? If your practice produces a profit of $350 per hour(an average figure for an active, well-managedpractice), and you are able to save 3 hours on eachcase you treat, then the profit for each case treat-ed is INCREASED by approximately $1050.However, In-Ovation R brackets do cost more thantraditional edgewise brackets by approximately $5per bracket. That means if you bond 5 to 5 you useapproximately 20 brackets on each case for anadditional expense of about $100 per case. So theactual estimated additional profit for each caseusing this scenario is about $950. That is a prettygood return on an additional investment of $100for In-Ovation R brackets. However, this is just anaverage. If your practice profit per hour is lessthan $350 per hour then your savings will be some-what less. But, if your practice profit is more than$350 per hour then your profit will increase evenmore.

So, what’s the bottom line? Granted, competent and conscientious orthodon-tists can most likely obtain excellent treatmentresults regardless of the type of appliances theychoose to utilize. I am often questioned by my col-leagues, “I am already getting good treatmentresults with my present appliance system. Whyshould I change?” The critical and more importantquestion is, “What is best for our patients?”

If we as orthodontists are committed to providingthe very finest treatment for our patients, I person-ally feel it is important that we look at the findingsof this study and draw the obvious conclusionsconcerning the treatment of our patients. If wewant to provide the very finest orthodontic care, inthe most cost effective manner, with the leastamount of discomfort to our patients, with thefewest number of visits required, provide shorterappointment times, and complete treatment asquickly as possible, I feel it now requires us to availourselves of the advanced technology of self-liga-tion. Anything less would not be providing thefinest available treatment for our patients.



The average number of months required totreat cases utilizing In-Ovation R was 4.14months LESS than comparable cases beingtreated using traditional edgewise brackets.


The average number of patient appointmentsneeded to complete treatment was REDUCEDby 6.66 appointments or put another way 40%FEWER appointments were required to com-plete treatment using In-Ovation R comparedto traditional edgewise appliances.


The number of minutes of clinical chairtime thatpatients required in order to complete treat-ment was REDUCED by an average of 174.21minutes (approximately 3 FEWER hours) perpatient. That means the average case beingtreated with In-Ovation R took approximately 5hours of chairtime to treat while the averagecase being treated with traditional appliancestook almost 8 hours to treat.

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