By Mati $200 per year $2.00 A YEAR WILL BRING THE PAPER EVERY WEEK BY MAIL oint~ lRtuitUl, t , \ GRO"SJ POINl r: ,]]LHlGA'N:>rrHURSDAY MARCH 13 1930 = , Vol 4-No 15 ... $2.00 A YEAR WILL BRING THE PAPER EVERY WEEK BY MAIL i '----_.-.J ,.._------------ ..... o ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Incumbent Officials C. M. T. C. Enrollments Are Up 20 Per Cent P. Newberry Reveals The meetmg of the School Board at whl'Ch the dec1S1on was made to place the J UUlor High school !bond IsS'Ue be fore the electors at the annual meetmg of the School dlstnct was marked by the a.bsence of Trustee Juhus Berns who was unable to attend the meetmg at thM particular tIme Berns has been espeCIally Interested and active in the solution of the J Unlor Jhgh s-chool problem at all prece<img meetmgs of the Board often 'hmes, although spht. tmg wtlh other members of the Baarh as to the details and parhculars 0t7nt ry JunlOr HIgh lssue and as a result slderable slgmficance may be s(l¥n;..(n the actlon of the other members 'aJ'the (Contmued on Page Four) Enrollment for tlh(' CItIzen s Mlhtary Tralllmg Camps ~howed a gam of a httle more than 20 peT cent d<urmg the first ten day enrollment period over that of lQ29 lt was announced today by Phelps Nerwberry Clvilam AIde to t1i~ Secretary of War The openmg date for aPlPllcatlOns v.as March first and the total numlber of apphcants acceprted for the ten day penod endmg March 10th was 373 said Mr NeWberry 'ThIs 1S a gain of shghtly more than 20 per oent over the I same penod 111 1929 and 13 apprOXI- mately 25 per cenlt of the total quota of I 1500 allotted to M,<!hrlgan for 1930 , Enrollment Will be 'Closed when 1500 appltcants have been accepted Young I I , men who des1re to attend the CItizens I Mlbl:ary Trammg Camps thiS year should get 10 their apphcahons at one~ so as to a.v01d the pos,,~blhty of havmg to walt another year ~ • Among Jthe reasons for the merease on Saturday March 8th fhe follow m attendance of the C M T camps are ng pup Is took part 10 the program thetr popularity rwIth the boys and the growmg recognthon of theIr ben'€Jfits to Robert Beals Jean KIlmer Maxme young men on the part of par.e~ts Mo ltg-ornery Dorothy Nolan Jane teachers clergy and employers Martlndale Clayton Schwartz Martm 'Many mdustnal and finanCial 1nsb- HIll Helen Casey Halhe Blshop James tutlons after obseTvmg the lmprcrved Danforth Betty Galhvan Mary Galh health and trammg of thelr employees van Manon Ja-ppe Stella VerFallle Vlho have attended these camps are The next Concert Trammg Class Will not only nommatmg a geratel number be held on Sa turd a} Apnl 12th at 4 of young men 10 theIr employ to attend p m and all puptls who have not yet them but are also gl\flOK them full pay (Contmued on Paie fhree) for the 10 day peTlQd' Children and Autoa An Atchison man-' My father had a wife and five children to support But I find Ufe more difficult because I have two chIldren and two automo bUes to support Atchison Globe Expenaive Costume. D Is said that the costumes worn b1 actors in the Passion play at ObeT ammergau are made without regard for expense. One worn by PonUu" Pl1a.te was reported to bave b~[j made of material espec1allv woven In Constantinople WhICh cost 800 mal kfl a yard At the Blue Ribbon \feat Market at 14532 CharleVOIX avenue between Ma!"'lborough and Philip avenues ~pec lal efforts al e bemg made by the pro pnetor Bernard Reese to acquaint customers and re~ldents 111 that VICInIty WIth the advlsablltty of bavmg Brown Tradmg Stamp<; which the :market gIves With all purchases Already there 1'; a very large per~ centage of Brorwn Tradmg Stamp JaV ers who have been able to enJoy spend mg an extra $2 occaSIOnally by reason of their cashmg m on the "tamps ~aved aftel OhtdWl11g them at the Blue Rib (Contlllllt'd 011 Page four) Test of Blgot1'7 Tbe only persons who should refuse to hear the other side are those who know it all and those '" ho don t want to leam Mrs Evangehne Ludge Ltndbergh 5 reSIdence m Grosse pomte Park may cost her a teachmg pOSl'tlOn at the Cass Techmcal H~gh school the Detrort Board of Education adopts the resolu~ tlon of 5<:ho01 mspeotor Edward H WtllIams presented at \Vednesday s meetmg of the Board ('aIling for the hnmedlaJte dIsmIssal of all sch-ool teach ~rs who are not reSIdents of DetrOit M rs Lmdbergh 15 lihe mother of Amenca s Lone Lagle Col Charles A Lmdbergh The 'board of educatlOn took Wt! hams motlOn un-der conslderatwn and undoubted!) MIlt! take some actlOn at the next meetmg March 16 Wilhams claims that Dettt'Olt school teathers are hVlng anywhere from Mt Clemens to Ann Arb<Or and Insl~ts that 1f they pre :~~~d ~~~ t~le~:s~~v:~~ ;~V~~~~lt they I Despite the inSistence of Frank A Gorman presH:lent of the board, and Wl1hams that all allen teachers be 1m mediately dIscharged from the servIce the board at Its meetmg yesterday sldetra-cked consIderatIOn of a resolu t10n of the 1aJt1et' to dear the payroll of all but American teachers GROSSSE POINTE RESIDENCE MAY COST MRS. LINDBERGH POSITION Blue Ribbon Market Conducting Drive on Brown Trade Stamps Dyar, of a SOjOUrn ••• On Fnday Dr and Mrs Harry N Torrey arnved for a bflef stay m the.r Gro .. Sle Pomte home, befor-e returnmg to Os~abaw Island Ga, accompanted by their daughter MISS Eelanor Ford forrey who IS a student at Dobbs Ferry (Continued on Page Three) Mr and Mn~ Je;thn W. Gro.ae POinte, are 8n)OYlng In New York Mr and Mr<. Frank W. Hubbard, of Jefferson avenue., 01'0". POinte Yd. tage, are In Pa .. dena, Cabf Havmg gone east earher In the y-t-ar \1r and Mrs Burt Eduy Taylor, of Lake 'lhore road, Grosse Potnte, are now makmg an ~;x.tended 'Stay In Pnnceton N J two weeki. ••• The latter part of the week DaVId G Carter IS expected to '1'eturn to hIS home m Grosse Pomte. after an ex tended vacatIon at the Floridan Hotel M laml Bea<:h ••• After a few weeks VISIt In Nassau \f and \frs \, es~on SCjburn of East Jefferson avenue Grosse Pomte are expected to return to their home thiS \\eek ••• Mr and Mrs J Dean Rueker, Lake Shore Drive, Crolle POInte, are 1ft Aiken, S C, where they Will apend By DORqlHY DEE With the advent J.'f: Ea<;tter "Comes the welcome news o[ .1Prmg vacahons for the younger set j Among thos't re tUl'l1111gMaTch 2Qf"from Dobbs Ferry ale the Mir;ses .... Plbrence Trowbridge Eleanor Fot:d Tor'l-ey, '¥trglfilia Ford and Jean Ferry all \of Grosse POinte . ~ . Among the QrO$18 Poi,de Buesta Wln"'n... In Ph.."ll", r ¥l"" ~.... Mr. and M.... Murray W. Sale., who ..,11 be there untal th.,. nt,at of Apnl, IMr. and Mr. James S "Olden, an~ Mr. and ... - John S Nermen'Yf .. 5"0 have .......... _.- -- After spencltng ,"ome time In Bell~ alt', Fla.. and Thoma.valle, Ca, Dr and Mr. Ernest T Tappey.. of McKmley place, Grone POln~e, will Vlllilt 1n Au. gusta, Ca., en route home early an Apnl. Albin Makes Frat War Time PrOhIbition A..long -came the war penod while At a formal dlOner on Saturday March 8 1930 Slgm. Chapter of Theta Xl rrraterntty at 'the Untver Slty of Michigan announced the Imtlatton mto active membership of Don Albm d Gro ..se POinte lvhchl~ gao The value of the word hornd today doubtlessly has nsen somewhat lU the e:.tllllatlOn of Mrs Leornard J Rdbm son Gros ..e POinte s'Oc1ely matron In fact the value 15 gauged M somewhere near $750 At any rate Mrs Rob nson was fined $15 by Judge Sherman D Callender In DetrOit traffic court last week The traffic ifecords say the fine was for speedmg 34 miles an hour on Jefferson avenue but probaibly Mrs Robmson feels that the fine was lor the use of hornd tWlce 111 expressmg her OPirt- Ion of Patrolman James Kmsey who gave he-r the ttcket 'At first I was only gomg to give her a tIcket for not havmg her Gr1Ver s h cen"e, Kmsey told the court although (Contmued on Page I<our) Henry B Joy Grosse Pomte capital lst, renewed IllS vigorous .a.ttack on 'Pro 111'bltlon &t a luncheon of the Port Huron K~wants Clalb, Tuesocday when he VOiced a plea to the yote<rs of Mlehl. gan to t'e<peal the pre~ent dry law Mr Joy ha .. earned out a mIhtant ,ampalgn asam~t the present method of enforcement of the dry law fOf months and recently reSIgned from the Dt>troLt Rf"-pubhcap. Cluh m controversy over their attitude m regard to prohl bltlon After a campanson of conditIOns 10 years ago and now, Mr Joy declared My hope and prayer 1~ that the people now deCIde that 10 years of prolubltlOn has been enough and that we have had a suffiCiently long, but necessary les~on The people of our state have a nght to the very large rev enueo; that properly should be br011ght IOto the treasury to reduce our burdens I)f rtaxahon by proper and wise laws, bnngmg unoer senSible and pracbcal control under the lav. s of our state the traffIC m alcoholic beveragei In part hIS address follows Alpproxlmately 10 years ago 1 "?'~~d-hlll;~].--£o" ~I ulated v.rth propaganda by the Antt Saloon league ~galUst the saloon There v. as scarcely a vOIce raised to the cDntr<lil:; except that of the mdustry of makltlg and purveymg alcohol c bevel' ages The Anti Saloon campaign turned mSldlOUsl) almost '\\Ithout our atten t10n mto the fallaclOus theofles of pro hlbltlOn r~~ ~I SCHOOL BOARD DECIDES AT LAST ~ Henry B. Joy Appe s to Voters of State MEETING IN ABSENCE OF BERNS; ~ to Repeal Dry ~aws In Address. t<l SUTTER CHARGES REVIEW "PAID" RJ -J 1':<1 -------- ~.--- A resolUtlon wa~ pas'>ed at tl e 10:1.:-t ",chool Baal i meetmg to submIt a the natlOnai proh)~~hon awel1dment to enacted mto law as a war measur-e It ii395000 bond l.,,,ue to putt! a<;e three J H or HIgh school" te'> 11 Gro~se POinte the conshtuqon ~ pendmg It was came about therdore 10 a furor of before the ~chool Dlstnct eleLtor., at the annual school dtstnct meetmg m the bemg urged as an jihd to wmmng the patnotIc Impulse that we all or very HIgh .school June 9 The re.!:>oluton wa" passed by the School Board at a war War tIme ytphIDlt!on was bemg nearly all vote<J for prohlb1tlOn for two n!('etmg 1 eld I tl <: l! gh d 001 at ~ I m Tl un iay March 6 dl eh date advocated by Prebl¥nt \Vdson to con chief reasons nrst to wm the war hau been set as the time of loldmg the regular meettng of the School Lloard gresc; WhH:h was ~mPtly and Wisely and setond "0 get rId of 1he saloon nstead of the regular meetlng date the nrst Monday of the mon~ \!arcn 4 The Wlse V1S1onof that great ~tates because of the '1own~hlp electlOr'i taKmg place on the latter date ~ :to ¥ ~ ¥o .. ¥ man and lawyer our former presldent . The amount of the bO"1d 115<sue to • GROSSE "IPOlNTE '" and chIef lushce WIlham Howard Noon Recess Dances finance the acqulSltlOn of three par- S0C~ETY Taf' sought vamly to gu,de us anght at High School Are cel, of land m Grosse Pomte to be ~~ Be favored. war time- prohlblbon He p' d used as sites forr JunIOr High School~ ~ ---":l- Ifi. was opposed m every tn!ltmct to the raIse by Parents was fixed 10 accordance Wlth the valu :::.a10ul1 But he warned us agamst the ahon of the land sought as determmed pl"ndll1g elghtee-nth aomendement and The report made by Dr S M by an appraIsal made by two experts natlOnal prolubltlon 1U undymg wocds Blownell SUpfrllltendent of schools m retamed by the School Board for that of wls<dom whIch may now yet serve Gros ..e Pomtt' at tl e School Board purpose to gUlde us towards temperance and meehng laSlt '1 hursday of hIS mve'Stl The proposed Junior HIgh \SItes safety If we are wIse enough to hee,t gatlon of the noon recess dan<:es m the Ihgl ~chool Call'> sted of reaoll1g a Jet sought are those selected or deSignated and to a<:t by Dr Strayer at the conclUSion of hiS Mr faft then our ex preSIdent but ter om the parents of two chIldren d survey here for that pUfipose Wlth the nQt yet -ehlef Justice saId In the IStflct schools laudmg the We are actmg now under the choollboard and Dr Brov.nell In con exception that the 20 acre S'1tes m h 1 h du<:tmg the dances Lochmoor proposed by Dr Strayer has er<OlClmpu se of a war, w lch stIr been shaved down to an 11 acre sate £ el g d ak u th k e The letter was from Mr and Mrs ~:~ h:ve u : ~d~:mu: o::.1rt:e a~~ <;e~\ A J Tamarelli 1106 Wayb1l'I'n avenue by the ~chool Board 1:ntste.es sacnfice for the future ThIS 1<;a ft nand"" as m effect that they regarded r \ damental error I profoundly deprecate the 1100n day dances as bemg 10 accord Sell School Bonds J havmg our constitutIOnal structure ser wlth theIr Wishes and deslrCt.. of havmg - ....... I'! ... rJ h, a feveTish entl USl thetr children educated along modern BI~IJ, for th~hf.M of two "T'), thf> "'0'" ",,1 M~'1ktl q)( Gf'Q~Il.-ePon\te School th... rj ... It Vtas. l tl1ld "-o.:I.Il:as. lll<\~1U w: if.. ii4i;-..,~~ _ Mr and \1rs Vl1t~f J peauouy ...... T le noon each, WIll be opeB8d at the Sehoal I hen me l..l'IvlJ"S'" BoaI'd meebn.g, April 1, lrw ........ de<r'- \1rs Harnet}. Att rbury Mrs Peo d d ' II t d bd h II t e d ft slUcerely spread throughout the land ay ances are a a lmes supervise clded at the laat meet1nr. The bQnd. o y smut er ",,1 re urn ~un ay a er f b t h b g d a"d a n'~ f k \::h dl A by the vast publlclty facl1lt!es 0 If e one eae er em a'lSlgne ....... are to finance conatrucbon eoata on a our '\\ ee sta~ m all' er nz. h b f th t h ccaslonally ~ >I< * Ant! Saloon league and the churc es er 0 a er eac ers 0 work done to date and to be clono told U'>of the better conditIOns wlllch bemg present also 1 he rgtr Ct super In the Immecha.te future on the new would prevail under prohbbllon v SIO'! of the danct's w 11 contlllue Dr Gabnel Richard elemlbntary .ehool \fan) of uS were really made to be Brov.nell stated and the adchtJoll to tb. Trombl,. h-eve that our prisons and 1a11s would ------- elementary achool £all IOto dlsuse that our pnsons could Advertise your wants In the Croue " (Continued on Page Three) Pomte ReView -~..:..:.-~--....:..._~--::::-:=:-=:-:-:::-=-~~;--- NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB ACTIVITIES BULLETIN Funeral serVlces were to be held rn. day mormng for Henry Stark aged lather of Patrolman Jules Stork Crl'osse Pomte Village who dIed at hIS home 8385 Longworth avenue, DetrOit, 1'01~ lowmg an Illness of 10 weeks He was 82 ye4rs old Rlte'i w~ll take place 10 the Longworth avenue home followe'<1 by mterment m Mt I:Jhott cemetery Two other son .. surVIve Village Officer's Father To Be Buried in Detroit AUTMOBILES CITED AS LEADING CAUSE OF JUVENILE DELINQUENCY Society Matron Here Learns Word Value of "Horrid"; Fined A poll of 100 school adnllOlstrators 111 the DetrOit metropolitan aorea con ducted by a committee of three, mc1ud Illg Dr S 11 Brovmell supenntendent of Grosse Fowte Schools has revealed that III their o,p-lOlon the a.utomablle IS a leadmg cause of Juvel1l1e delm quenc)" fhe other members of the comnuttee whll ... h 'Conducted the poll were Paul T Ranklll supervIsor of research and ad~ Justment of Detroit publtc schools and E M Conkhn pnnclpa~ of Hamtramok High School Forty educators na.med the automobIle as <the lead1ng fa-etor wInle 89 mc1uded It among the five leadmg causes Although the ma10nty of the edu-cat ors behe\e drmkmg among students IS less prevalent than U1 1917 before the (Continued on Page Three) Isaac H Warren 78 )ears old re tired a.ttorney was mJured fatally at 6 30 p m Wednesday when an auto- motnle dnven by IllS son-m law Alf W Bender 715 Waslungton road Gro~se P<:>tnteV1Uage 'Colhded iWlth an other -caT at KenSington road and CharleVOIX street, Grosse Pomte Park He died at 3a m 10 the Cottage Hos~ pltal of Grosse Pomte Four other persons 10 rthe Bender car were Injured none serIOusly They are Mrs VlOla Warren 71 wIfe of Mr Warren MISS BeSSie Kldd a nurse lfi the Bender household for several years \-!r Bender s Wife Mrs Lula 0 Bender and their 10 ye<ir old son Alf Jr Mrs Bender and the boy were shghtly cut 1v1ISSKldd mfIered mter nal IpJUrteS \irs: Warren and MISS Kldd are In (fie ho-sp'1f'aJ ..... '" ..,1,_,-...,... ~- ~ \!,r Bender ""ho IS a chemIst at the laboratOries of Parke DaVIS & Co was &r1vmg west on CharleVOIx street ...hen hiS car collided With -one drIven by Dan el Pnce 62 of 9700 St Paul avenue ",ho \\a .. ndlOg "11h hiS nephev. Merntt Cooley Price saId he stopped at Char1>evolx then proceeded and was half way a-cross the 1l1terscctlOn when the Bender car struck hIS car - \ Teachers Reappointed The Pomte Players, dnunadc: club of the Grosse POInte HIgh Sehool, II maklhg preparatIon for- a. dance to be given 10 the girls gymnasIUm MUSICALE Tea wJ1l be served after the program played on Tuesday, March 18th from tournament among dass B team!' of \!arch 21 1 he next Sunday ahernoon MUSicale These concerts are given monthly at tv,o to five 0 clock the five Villages, to be held at the A commltte.e conslstmg of LOUIse at the Neighborhood Club 'WIlt be held the NeIghborhood Club and there b Mrs James P S1uart, of Grosse Neighborhood Club In the near future Datley chauman Gra-ce Haase, Irene on March 16th The program WIll be I no charge fhe public IS very tordlal1y POlnte Farm~ IS leadmg so far WIth Coaches managers and team captams Rowe LeWIS Smart and Thomas Grohn given by the Junior League Glee Club ll1vlted to attend Mr .. L B Stephfns of Grosse Pomte desmng to enter teams are hereby have met and dlscul5sed theIr plans under the direction of Mr Charles "" Village a close second asked to commullIcate With the Nelgh~ TIckets WIll be sold by the members FredeTl<:: Morse .a,nd WIll ibeg.n at 4 BRIDGE TOURNAMENT Entnes are still bemg rece1Ved and borhood Club as soon as pOSSIble No of the clt~b fhe week preVlous to the 0 clock The followmg songs will be Much enthUSiasm has been dlslPlayed an}one Wlsh1llg to play may sIgn UD entry fee WIll be charged dance they Wl1t be 'On sale In the stud~ lendere<1 and there Will also be some over the Ladles Bndge Tournament ne'Ct Tuesday 1 he only reqUIrement *' ent 'Council rOam The price Wlll be solo numbers Joys of Love AU In now bemg conducted at the NeIghbor IS a membership 1m the Nerghborhoad CONCERT TRAINING CLASS sixty cents for boys and forty cents My Dreams FaIt On Me Like a hood Club The first games of the I Club which IS $.310 The second of a senes of concert ior gIrlS Every .tudent 1$ allowe-d to Sl1ent Dew FInOlsh Lullaby, Oh I tournament were played on Monday * • '" I trammg classes was glVen by the musIc brmg one guest. .__ ~_¥ __ Duin t It Ram' ... ~ _ ,March 10th, and the next iet Will be Plans are bemg- nade for a basket ba1l department of the Nelghborhood Club , Pointe Players Will Give Dance March 21 The new .. lary schedule for teacher. in. aroue POinte .choola haa been put Into effect wrth the re- appoantment of 122 teacher. on the School jDlatl"1ct'. .talf at the lad ~eetln .. of the Sehool Board At tit•• lame 'Dle4}bDfr, Dr. S. M. 9rownell. ,upe1'll'llendent of .cboola, >;~~~4mor~ )~)\lp.ti at -tllr. time Ai .eoJliplU'ed to the .«tne period last year. fevre who received 587 and 421 votes re<;pecttvely 11 Grosse POlnte Village Gross(' (C (}lltmued on Page Four) SPRING ELECTIONS RESULT IN GARSKA'S RETURN TO OFFICE IN PARK; CONNNOR GETS 13th TERM Jack Yount and Norvell Trombley se,nlOrs are representll1g the Tower student newspa.per 'Of the Grosse Pomte Ihgh school 31t the conferences of the Columbia SchO'laSittc Press ASSOCIatIon 111 ~ew Y-ork City thiS week end The conveuttoU$ of the C SPA arc events of outstandmg 1mportan~e m the field of "chool pubhcatlOns 'N"O'l.edauthonttes m scholashc and pro fesslOnal Journalism address general seSSlOns and round table diSCUSSIon groups Hundreds of school papers ftom all seCtIons of the Dmted States ahd from several foreign countnes are d"l'layed A contest is conducted as a part of tho aSSOCIatIOnS adlVLt!es, prizes bemg awarded to a few leadlOg paper~ m each dass J Unlor and sentor high school l)a.pers wtll be repre ..ented by a large number of delegates A feature of tIlt meetwg IS a c1nuc for school pa'Pers at which authonhes pomt out the good and bad parts of a puibhcatton The -convention opened Thursday mornmg WIth generai medlOgs, fol lowed by 'Toun'<i table dls>cusslOns The deJeg-~tes were guests of the New York Times and The New York Herald TrJb. une at the newspaper offices for toors of these plants Other sechonal rneCit~ mgs are schedule4 for today Tomorrow the busmess meetmg will be held, and the annual ColumbIa Varsity show Ifft.ll be presenlted, wlt.h the deleg<lites aI guests of honor Yount and Trombley Are Representatives at H. S. Press Meet The Spnng elect ons held lait :Mondav 10 four Grtls.,e Pomte \ Illages resulted In the maJonty of IOst1ance~ of an eXlpre~<;lotl of confidence by an ovelwhe1mlllg maJoflty of the electors In the rei>perlWe villages for lncumbe 11 offiCIals by re-Iurnmg them to office In Gro%e Pomte VIllage Rlchard P (onnor was elt C'tNt PreSHlent for hiS tl:urteenth tt>rm anJ Norbert P "N"eff wa., elected O{<I Ie f( r illS eIghth term Alfred J Garska was re elected preSl dent of Grosse Pomte Park m the an nual SpllOg elections last Monday, '<it" featmg John Bery opposmg 'CandIdate by a pill of 1 276 votes to Bery, 324 Three Village eomnUSSlOoers were also elected, for two year terms The candtdates polled as follows Wdh3lm P Shoemaker, 1147. Samuel Bashen 1134, Thomas W McGl1hgan. I,m The trwo unsuccessful men In the race were Noah G Paye and Frank Le- ~ I I

Incumbent ~I - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930-34/1930/1930-03-13.pdfMr. Ernest T Tappey.. of McKmley place, Grone POln~e, will Vlllilt

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Page 1: Incumbent ~I - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930-34/1930/1930-03-13.pdfMr. Ernest T Tappey.. of McKmley place, Grone POln~e, will Vlllilt

By Mati $200 per year


BY MAILoint~lRtuitUl,t,


GRO"SJ POINl r: ,]]LHlGA'N:>rrHURSDAY MARCH 13 1930=

,Vol 4-No 15



BY MAIL i'----_.-.J

,.._------------ .....

o¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ • • ¥ ¥ • • • • • • • • •

Incumbent Officials

C. M. T. C. EnrollmentsAre Up 20 Per CentP. Newberry Reveals

The meetmg of the School Board atwhl'Ch the dec1S1on was made to placethe J UUlor High school !bond IsS'Ue before the electors at the annual meetmgof the School dlstnct was marked bythe a.bsence of Trustee Juhus Bernswho was unable to attend the meetmgat thM particular tIme Berns has beenespeCIally Interested and active in thesolution of the J Unlor Jhgh s-choolproblem at all prece<img meetmgs ofthe Board often 'hmes, although spht.tmg wtlh other members of the Baarhas to the details and parhculars 0t7nt ryJunlOr HIgh lssue and as a resultslderable slgmficance may be s(l¥n;..(nthe actlon of the other members 'aJ'the

(Contmued on Page Four)

Enrollment for tlh(' CItIzen s MlhtaryTralllmg Camps ~howed a gam of ahttle more than 20 peT cent d<urmg thefirst ten day enrollment period overthat of lQ29 lt was announced todayby Phelps Nerwberry Clvilam AIde tot1i~ Secretary of War

The openmg date for aPlPllcatlOnsv.as March first and the total numlberof apphcants acceprted for the ten daypenod endmg March 10th was 373said Mr NeWberry 'ThIs 1S a gain ofshghtly more than 20 per oent over the Isame penod 111 1929 and 13 apprOXI-mately 25 per cenlt of the total quota of I1500 allotted to M,<!hrlgan for 1930

, Enrollment Will be 'Closed when 1500appltcants have been accepted Young I

I,men who des1re to attend the CItizens I

Mlbl:ary Trammg Camps thiS yearshould get 10 their apphcahons at one~so as to a.v01d the pos,,~blhty of havmgto walt another year

~ • Among Jthe reasons for the mereaseon Saturday March 8th fhe follow m attendance of the C M T camps areng pup Is took part 10 the program thetr popularity rwIth the boys and the

growmg recognthon of theIr ben'€Jfits toRobert Beals Jean KIlmer Maxme young men on the part of par.e~ts

Mo ltg-ornery Dorothy Nolan Jane teachers clergy and employersMartlndale Clayton Schwartz Martm 'Many mdustnal and finanCial 1nsb-HIll Helen Casey Halhe Blshop James tutlons after obseTvmg the lmprcrvedDanforth Betty Galhvan Mary Galh health and trammg of thelr employeesvan Manon Ja-ppe Stella VerFallle Vlho have attended these camps are

The next Concert Trammg Class Will not only nommatmg a geratel numberbe held on Sa turd a} Apnl 12th at 4 of young men 10 theIr employ to attendp m and all puptls who have not yet them but are also gl\flOK them full pay

(Contmued on Paie fhree) for the 10 day peTlQd'

Children and AutoaAn Atchison man-' My father had

a wife and five children to supportBut I find Ufe more difficult becauseI have two chIldren and two automobUes to support Atchison Globe

Expenaive Costume.D Is said that the costumes worn

b1 actors in the Passion play at ObeTammergau are made without regardfor expense. One worn by PonUu"Pl1a.te was reported to ba ve b~[jmade of material espec1allv woven InConstantinople WhICh cost 800 mal kfla yard

At the Blue Ribbon \feat Market at14532 CharleVOIX avenue betweenMa!"'lborough and Philip avenues ~peclal efforts al e bemg made by the propnetor Bernard Reese to acquaintcustomers and re~ldents 111 that VICInItyWIth the advlsablltty of bavmg BrownTradmg Stamp<; which the :marketgIves With all purchases

Already there 1'; a very large per~centage of Brorwn Tradmg Stamp JaV

ers who have been able to enJoy spendmg an extra $2 occaSIOnally by reasonof their cashmg m on the "tamps ~avedaftel OhtdWl11g them at the Blue Rib

(Contlllllt'd 011 Page four)

Test of Blgot1'7Tbe only persons who should refuse

to hear the other side are those whoknow it all and those '" ho don t wantto leam

Mrs Evangehne Ludge Ltndbergh 5

reSIdence m Grosse pomte Park maycost her a teachmg pOSl'tlOn at the CassTechmcal H~gh school 1£ the DetrortBoard of Education adopts the resolu~tlon of 5<:ho01 mspeotor Edward HWtllIams presented at \Vednesday smeetmg of the Board ('aIling for thehnmedlaJte dIsmIssal of all sch-ool teach~rs who are not reSIdents of DetrOitM rs Lmdbergh 15 lihe mother ofAmenca s Lone Lagle Col CharlesA Lmdbergh

The 'board of educatlOn took Wt!hams motlOn un-der conslderatwn andundoubted!) MIlt! take some actlOn atthe next meetmg March 16 Wilhamsclaims that Dettt'Olt school teathers arehVlng anywhere from Mt Clemens toAnn Arb<Or and Insl~ts that 1f they pre

:~~~d ~~~ t~le~:s~~v:~~ ;~V~~~~lt they I

Despite the inSistence of Frank AGorman presH:lent of the board, andWl1hams that all allen teachers be 1mmediately dIscharged from the servIcethe board at Its meetmg yesterdaysldetra-cked consIderatIOn of a resolu

t10n of the 1aJt1et' to dear the payrollof all but American teachers


Blue Ribbon MarketConducting Drive on

Brown Trade Stamps

Dyar, ofa SOjOUrn

• • •

•••On Fnday Dr and Mrs Harry N

Torrey arnved for a bflef stay m the.rGro ..Sle Pomte home, befor-e returnmgto Os~abaw Island Ga, accompantedby their daughter MISS Eelanor Fordforrey who IS a student at DobbsFerry

(Continued on Page Three)

Mr and Mn~ Je;thn W.Gro.ae POinte, are 8n)OYlngIn New York

• • •Mr and Mr<. Frank W. Hubbard,

of Jefferson avenue., 01'0". POinte Yd.tage, are In Pa .. dena, Cabf

• • •Havmg gone east earher In the y-t-ar

\1r and Mrs Burt Eduy Taylor, ofLake 'lhore road, Grosse Potnte, arenow makmg an ~;x.tended 'Stay In

Pnnceton N J

two weeki.•••

The latter part of the week DaVId GCarter IS expected to '1'eturn to hIS

home m Grosse Pomte. after an extended vacatIon at the Floridan HotelM laml Bea<:h

•••After a few weeks VISIt In Nassau

\f and \frs \, es~on SCjburn of EastJefferson avenue Grosse Pomte areexpected to return to their home thiS\\eek

•••Mr and Mrs J Dean Rueker, Lake

Shore Drive, Crolle POInte, are 1ftAiken, S C, where they Will apend

By DORqlHY DEEWith the advent J.'f: Ea<;tter "Comes the

welcome news o[ .1Prmg vacahons forthe younger set j Among thos't retUl'l1111gMaTch 2Qf"from Dobbs Ferryale the Mir;ses ....Plbrence TrowbridgeEleanor Fot:d Tor'l-ey, '¥trglfilia Fordand Jean Ferry all \of Grosse POinte.~.

Among the QrO$18 Poi,de BuestaWln"'n... In Ph.."ll", r¥l"" ~....Mr.and M.... Murray W. Sale., who ..,11be there untal th.,. nt,at of Apnl, IMr.and Mr. James S "Olden, an~ Mr. and... - John S Nermen'Yf .. 5"0 have

.......... _.- --

After spencltng ,"ome time In Bell~alt', Fla.. and Thoma.valle, Ca, Dr andMr. Ernest T Tappey.. of McKmleyplace, Grone POln~e, will Vlllilt 1n Au.gusta, Ca., en route home early anApnl.

Albin Makes Frat

War Time PrOhIbitionA..long -came the war penod while

At a formal dlOner on SaturdayMarch 8 1930 Slgm. Chapter ofTheta Xl rrraterntty at 'the UntverSlty of Michigan announced theImtlatton mto active membership ofDon Albm d Gro ..se POinte lvhchl~gao

The value of the word hornd todaydoubtlessly has nsen somewhat lU thee:.tllllatlOn of Mrs Leornard J Rdbmson Gros ..e POinte s'Oc1ely matron Infact the value 15 gauged M somewherenear $750

At any rate Mrs Rob nson was fined$15 by Judge Sherman D Callender In

DetrOit traffic court last week Thetraffic ifecords say the fine was forspeedmg 34 miles an hour on Jeffersonavenue but probaibly Mrs Robmsonfeels that the fine was lor the use ofhornd tWlce 111 expressmg her OPirt-

Ion of Patrolman James Kmsey whogave he-r the ttcket

'At first I was only gomg to give hera tIcket for not havmg her Gr1Vers hcen"e, Kmsey told the court although

(Contmued on Page I<our)

Henry B Joy Grosse Pomte capitallst, renewed IllS vigorous .a.ttack on 'Pro111'bltlon &t a luncheon of the PortHuron K~wants Clalb, Tuesocday whenhe VOiced a plea to the yote<rs of Mlehl.gan to t'e<peal the pre~ent dry law

Mr Joy ha .. earned out a mIhtant,ampalgn asam~t the present methodof enforcement of the dry law fOfmonths and recently reSIgned from theDt>troLt Rf"-pubhcap. Cluh m controversyover their attitude m regard to prohlbltlon

After a campanson of conditIOns 10years ago and now, Mr Joy declared

My hope and prayer 1~ that thepeople now deCIde that 10 years ofprolubltlOn has been enough and thatwe have had a suffiCiently long, butnecessary les~on The people of ourstate have a nght to the very large revenueo; that properly should be br011ghtIOto the treasury to reduce our burdensI)f rtaxahon by proper and wise laws,bnngmg unoer senSible and pracbcalcontrol under the lav. s of our statethe traffIC m alcoholic beveragei

In part hIS address followsAlpproxlmately 10 years ago 1

"?'~~d-hlll;~].--£o" ~Iulated v.rth propaganda by the AnttSaloon league ~galUst the saloon Therev. as scarcely a vOIce raised to thecDntr<lil:; except that of the mdustry ofmakltlg and purveymg alcohol c bevel'ages The Anti Saloon campaign turnedmSldlOUsl) almost '\\Ithout our attent10n mto the fallaclOus theofles of prohlbltlOn

r~~ ~I SCHOOL BOARD DECIDES AT LAST~ Henry B. Joy Appe s to Voters of State MEETING IN ABSENCE OF BERNS;~ to Repeal Dry ~aws In Address. t<l SUTTER CHARGES REVIEW "PAID"RJ -J 1':<1 --------

~.--- A resolUtlon wa~ pas'>ed at tl e 10:1.:-t",chool Baal i meetmg to submIt athe natlOnai proh)~~hon awel1dment to enacted mto law as a war measur-e It ii395000 bond l.,,,ue to putt! a<;e three J H or HIgh school" te'> 11 Gro~se POintethe conshtuqon ~ pendmg It was came about therdore 10 a furor of before the ~chool Dlstnct eleLtor., at the annual school dtstnct meetmg m thebemg urged as an jihd to wmmng the patnotIc Impulse that we all or very HIgh .school June 9 The re.!:>oluton wa" passed by the School Board at awar War tIme ytphIDlt!on was bemg nearly all vote<J for prohlb1tlOn for two n!('etmg 1 eld I tl <: l! gh d 001 at ~ I m Tl un iay March 6 dl eh dateadvocated by Prebl¥nt \Vdson to con chief reasons nrst to wm the war hau been set as the time of loldmg the regular meettng of the School Lloardgresc; WhH:h was ~mPtly and Wisely and setond "0 get rId of 1he saloon nstead of the regular meetlng date the nrst Monday of the mon~ \!arcn 4

1£ The Wlse V1S1onof that great ~tates because of the '1own~hlp electlOr'i taKmg place on the latter date~ :to ¥ ~ ¥o .. ¥ man and lawyer our former presldent . The amount of the bO"1d 115<sueto• GROSSE "IPOlNTE '" and chIef lushce WIlham Howard Noon Recess Dances finance the acqulSltlOn of three par-• S 0 C ~ E T Y • Taf' sought vamly to gu,de us anght at High School Are cel, of land m Grosse Pomte to be

~~ Be favored. war time- prohlblbon He p' d used as sites forr JunIOr High School~~ ---":l- Ifi. was opposed m every tn!ltmct to the raIse by Parents was fixed 10 accordance Wlth the valu

:::.a10ul1 But he warned us agamst the ahon of the land sought as determmedpl"ndll1g elghtee-nth aomendement and The report made by Dr S M by an appraIsal made by two expertsnatlOnal prolubltlon 1U undymg wocds Blownell SUpfrllltendent of schools m retamed by the School Board for thatof wls<dom whIch may now yet serve Gros ..e Pomtt' at tl e School Board purposeto gUlde us towards temperance and meehng laSlt '1 hursday of hIS mve'Stl The proposed Junior HIgh \SItessafety If we are wIse enough to hee,t gatlon of the noon recess dan<:es m the

Ihgl ~chool Call'> sted of reaoll1g a Jet sought are those selected or deSignatedand to a<:t by Dr Strayer at the conclUSion of hiS

Mr faft then our ex preSIdent but ter om the parents of two chIldrend survey here for that pUfipose Wlth the

nQt yet -ehlef Justice saId In the IStflct schools laudmg theWe are actmg now under the choollboard and Dr Brov.nell In con exception that the 20 acre S'1tes m

h 1 h du<:tmg the dances Lochmoor proposed by Dr Strayer haser<OlClmpu se of a war, w lch stIr been shaved down to an 11 acre sate

£ el g d ak u th k e The letter was from Mr and Mrs~:~ h:ve

u: ~d~:mu: o::.1rt:e a~~ <;e~\ A J Tamarelli 1106 Wayb1l'I'n avenue by the ~chool Board 1:ntste.es

sacnfice for the future ThIS 1<;a ft nand"" as m effect that they regarded r \damental error I profoundly deprecate the 1100n day dances as bemg 10 accord Sell School Bonds Jhavmg our constitutIOnal structure ser wlth theIr Wishes and deslrCt... of havmg

- .......I'! ...rJ h, a feveTish entl USl thetr children educated along modern BI~IJ, for th~hf.M of two "T'),

thf> "'0'" ",,1 M~'1ktl q)( Gf'Q~Il.-ePon\te School th... rj

... It Vtas.l

tl1ld "-o.:I.Il:as. lll<\~1U w: if ..ii4i;-..,~~ _

Mr and \1rs Vl1t~f J peauouy ...... T le noon each, WIll be opeB8d at the Sehoal

I hen me l..l'IvlJ"S'" BoaI'd meebn.g, April 1, lrw ........de<r'-\1rs Harnet}. Att rbury Mrs Peo d d ' II t db d h II t

e d ft slUcerely spread throughout the land ay ances are a a lmes supervise clded at the laat meet1nr. The bQnd.o y smut er ",,1 re urn ~un ay a er f b t h b g d a"d a n'~f k \::h dl A

by the vast publlclty facl1lt!es 0 If e one eae er em a'lSlgne ....... are to finance conatrucbon eoata ona our '\\ ee sta~ m all' er nz. h b f th t h ccaslonally

~ >I< * Ant! Saloon league and the churc es er 0 a er eac ers 0 work done to date and to be clonotold U'>of the better conditIOns wlllch bemg present also 1 he rgtr Ct super In the Immecha.te future on the newwould prevail under prohbbllon v SIO'! of the danct's w 11contlllue Dr Gabnel Richard elemlbntary .ehool

\fan) of uS were really made to be Brov.nell stated and the adchtJoll to tb. Trombl,.h-eve that our prisons and 1a11s would ------- elementary achool£all IOto dlsuse that our pnsons could Advertise your wants In the Croue "

(Continued on Page Three) Pomte ReView-~..:..:.-~--....:..._~--::::-:=:-=:-:-:::-=-~~;---



Funeral serVlces were to be held rn.day mormng for Henry Stark agedlather of Patrolman Jules Stork Crl'ossePomte Village who dIed at hIS home8385 Longworth avenue, DetrOit, 1'01~lowmg an Illness of 10 weeks He was82 ye4rs old Rlte'i w~ll take place 10

the Longworth avenue home followe'<1by mterment m Mt I:Jhott cemeteryTwo other son .. surVIve

Village Officer's FatherTo Be Buried in Detroit


Society Matron HereLearns Word Value

of "Horrid"; Fined

A poll of 100 school adnllOlstrators111 the DetrOit metropolitan aorea conducted by a committee of three, mc1udIllg Dr S 11 Brovmell supenntendentof Grosse Fowte Schools has revealedthat III their o,p-lOlon the a.utomablleIS a leadmg cause of Juvel1l1e delmquenc)"

fhe other members of the comnutteewhll ...h 'Conducted the poll were Paul TRanklll supervIsor of research and ad~Justment of Detroit publtc schools andE M Conkhn pnnclpa~ of HamtramokHigh School Forty educators na.medthe automobIle as <the lead1ng fa-etorwInle 89 mc1uded It among the fiveleadmg causes

Although the ma10nty of the edu-cators behe\e drmkmg among students ISless prevalent than U1 1917 before the

(Continued on Page Three)

Isaac H Warren 78 )ears old retired a.ttorney was mJured fatally at6 30 p m Wednesday when an auto-motnle dnven by IllS son-m law AlfW Bender 715 Waslungton roadGro~se P<:>tnteV1Uage 'Colhded iWlth another -caT at KenSington road andCharleVOIX street, Grosse Pomte ParkHe died at 3 a m 10 the Cottage Hos~pltal of Grosse Pomte

Four other persons 10 rthe Bendercar were Injured none serIOusly Theyare Mrs VlOla Warren 71 wIfe of MrWarren MISS BeSSie Kldd a nurse lfi

the Bender household for severalyears \-!r Bender s Wife Mrs Lula 0Bender and their 10 ye<ir old son AlfJr Mrs Bender and the boy wereshghtly cut 1v1ISSKldd mfIered mternal IpJUrteS

\irs: Warren and MISS Kldd are In(fie ho-sp'1f'aJ ..... '" ..,1,_,-...,... ~- ~

\!,r Bender ""ho IS a chemIst at thelaboratOries of Parke DaVIS & Co was&r1vmg west on CharleVOIx street ...henhiS car collided With -one drIven byDan el Pnce 62 of 9700 St Paulavenue ",ho \\a .. ndlOg "11h hiSnephev. Merntt Cooley

Price saId he stopped at Char1>evolxthen proceeded and was half way a-crossthe 1l1terscctlOn when the Bender carstruck hIS car


Teachers Reappointed

The Pomte Players, dnunadc: clubof the Grosse POInte HIgh Sehool, IImaklhg preparatIon for- a. dance tobe given 10 the girls gymnasIUm MUSICALE Tea wJ1l be served after the program played on Tuesday, March 18th from tournament among dass B team!' of\!arch 21 1 he next Sunday ahernoon MUSicale These concerts are given monthly at tv,o to five 0 clock the five Villages, to be held at the

A commltte.e conslstmg of LOUIse at the Neighborhood Club 'WIlt be held the NeIghborhood Club and there b Mrs James P S1uart, of Grosse Neighborhood Club In the near futureDatley chauman Gra-ce Haase, Irene on March 16th The program WIll be I no charge fhe public IS very tordlal1y POlnte Farm~ IS leadmg so far WIth Coaches managers and team captamsRowe LeWIS Smart and Thomas Grohn given by the Junior League Glee Club ll1vlted to attend Mr .. L B Stephfns of Grosse Pomte desmng to enter teams are herebyhave met and dlscul5sed theIr plans under the direction of Mr Charles • • "" Village a close second asked to commullIcate With the Nelgh~

TIckets WIll be sold by the members FredeTl<:: Morse .a,nd WIll ibeg.n at 4 BRIDGE TOURNAMENT Entnes are still bemg rece1Ved and borhood Club as soon as pOSSIble Noof the clt~b fhe week preVlous to the 0 clock The followmg songs will be Much enthUSiasm has been dlslPlayed an}one Wlsh1llg to play may sIgn UD entry fee WIll be chargeddance they Wl1t be 'On sale In the stud~ lendere<1 and there Will also be some over the Ladles Bndge Tournament ne'Ct Tuesday 1 he only reqUIrement • *' •ent 'Council rOam The price Wlll be solo numbers Joys of Love AU In now bemg conducted at the NeIghbor IS a membership 1m the Nerghborhoad CONCERT TRAINING CLASSsixty cents for boys and forty cents My Dreams FaIt On Me Like a hood Club The first games of the IClub which IS $.310 The second of a senes of concertior gIrlS Every .tudent 1$ allowe-d to Sl1ent Dew FInOlsh Lullaby, Oh I tournament were played on Monday * • '" I trammg classes was glVen by the musIcbrmg one guest. .__ ~_¥ __ Duin t It Ram' ... ~ _ ,March 10th, and the next iet Will be Plans are bemg- nade for a basket ba1l department of the Nelghborhood Club


Pointe Players WillGive Dance March 21

The new .. lary schedule forteacher. in. aroue POinte .choolahaa been put Into effect wrth the re-appoantment of 122 teacher. on theSchool jDlatl"1ct'. .talf at the lad~eetln .. of the Sehool Board

At tit •• lame 'Dle4}bDfr, Dr. S. M.9rownell. ,upe1'll'llendent of .cboola,>;~~~4mor~)~)\lp.ti at -tllr. time Ai .eoJliplU'edto the .«tne period last year.

fevre who received 587 and 421 votesre<;pecttvely

11 Grosse POlnte Village Gross('(C (}lltmued on Page Four)



Jack Yount and Norvell Trombleyse,nlOrs are representll1g the Towerstudent newspa.per 'Of the Grosse PomteIhgh school 31t the conferences of theColumbia SchO'laSittc Press ASSOCIatIon111 ~ew Y-ork City thiS week end

The conveuttoU$ of the C SPAarc events of outstandmg 1mportan~em the field of "chool pubhcatlOns'N"O'l.edauthonttes m scholashc and professlOnal Journalism address generalseSSlOns and round table diSCUSSIongroups Hundreds of school papersftom all seCtIons of the Dmted Statesahd from several foreign countnes ared"l'layed

A contest is conducted as a part oftho aSSOCIatIOnS adlVLt!es, prizes bemgawarded to a few leadlOg paper~ meach dass JUnlor and sentor highschool l)a.pers wtll be repre ..ented by alarge number of delegates

A feature of tIlt meetwg IS a c1nucfor school pa'Pers at which authonhespomt out the good and bad parts of apuibhcatton

The -convention opened Thursdaymornmg WIth generai medlOgs, followed by 'Toun'<i table dls>cusslOns ThedeJeg-~tes were guests of the New YorkTimes and The New York Herald TrJb.une at the newspaper offices for toorsof these plants Other sechonal rneCit~mgs are schedule4 for today Tomorrowthe busmess meetmg will be held, andthe annual ColumbIa Varsity show Ifft.llbe presenlted, wlt.h the deleg<lites aI

guests of honor

Yount and TrombleyAre Representatives

at H. S. Press Meet

The Spnng elect ons held lait :Mondav 10 four Grtls.,e Pomte \ Illagesresulted In the maJonty of IOst1ance~ of an eXlpre~<;lotl of confidence by anovelwhe1mlllg maJoflty of the electors In the rei>perlWe villages for lncumbe 11offiCIals by re-Iurnmg them to office

In Gro%e Pomte VIllage Rlchard P (onnor was elt C'tNt PreSHlent forhiS tl:urteenth tt>rm anJ Norbert P "N"eff wa., elected O{<I Ie f( r illS eIghth term

Alfred J Garska was re elected preSldent of Grosse Pomte Park m the annual SpllOg elections last Monday, '<it"featmg John Bery opposmg 'CandIdateby a pill of 1 276 votes to Bery, 324

Three Village eomnUSSlOoers werealso elected, for two year terms Thecandtdates polled as follows Wdh3lmP Shoemaker, 1147. Samuel Bashen1134, Thomas W McGl1hgan. I,mThe trwo unsuccessful men In the racewere Noah G Paye and Frank Le-



Page 2: Incumbent ~I - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930-34/1930/1930-03-13.pdfMr. Ernest T Tappey.. of McKmley place, Grone POln~e, will Vlllilt


Lenox 0735



IS as pel c;ond], as IndIVIdual, as

expanSIve, a" the depOSItor per-


ANNOUNCESPunch & Judy Confectionery

15233 Kercheval Ave.

Beacon Confectionery15230 CltarI/!voix Ave.




Imperial Club Pale Dry11115 East Jeffenon Ave.

IWIsh to than1- the voters and my friends

who supported me at last Monday's



IThank YOU!I '~J For agaIn electmg me Clerk of Grosse~ F'Ol11te F J.lms, I am about to enter myIii 21 st yeal as (Ierk ind as~ure you that I~ appI eOflte the honol, and shall at allI tImes "tnve to fulfill the dutIes to the bestI of my Jb<hly

"Chasing Rainbows"at the Publix.Riviera

Charles K1l1g and Besllle love theIltars of Broadway Melody 1.re atthe Pubhx Rlvlera theater thl'l week 10

Challing Ramlbow'l the1r latest alltalkmg SlllglOg danc111g sensationTlus ne"" film of thell s has been done0'1 an Lhborate ~cale and the picturecarnes a story that 1S aimed fight atthe heart There IS al'lo plenty ofcomedy for be'lldes Kmg a ld MISSLove the cast of the 'Ptctnre mcludesMane Dressler Polly Moran JackBenny and George K Arthur SeHralscene" of Challmg Rambuws arenlmed 10 colors and many spectacularsettmgs are seen

"Night Parade" FilmFeature at Oriental

Night Par1cle the 'lcreen verSIon ofGLne Burk'l farnom Iltage play Rmgslde • comes to the Onental theate1"next rnday wltll 1tS 'lcenes of Broadway reve <; plots thrl1l'l 11d 10111anCes

A~ a bacl glound for the star) Hugh1revor Dototh} Gulliver Aileen Fnngle Lloyd Ingram I ee ShumwayRoLert 11.111'1 and other:;.. have at tllt1ndlllg roles 111 the fast movmg panoramaof hfe a~ It IS lIVed along the greatWJute Way

1 he theme has to do WIth the expenences of a young boxmg champIonwho IS not only the Idol of the ringWOI'ldbut the object of dev.Qtton on thepart of hl'l rather and h1'l foster ImterA J{'lO't 1$ hatched In the 14bYI~nth pf


"Song of th West"at StaU;' 'Theater



Come in and See the Sensational New



14800 E Jefferson at AshlandLENOX 8300

came mto national- prommence throug'hplcture Hot For Paris- which comes at the State theater Warner Bros Manhattan :N<tght hie that threatens ttheIr partnershlp 10 Broadway Mel I to the Punch and Judy theater for an have a true epIC which sweeps the the love honor ana standmg of Bobby I ....fhe,.)!)oro!t1lJsstudiQody return to the talklDg screen agam engagel1lent of three day'S Tuesday <:-pectator off hiS feet not only by the vIutray played b)- Hugh Tlevor A fol)Ji.1be your door of ...m Chasmg Rambows another brll Wednesday and Thursday March 18 medIUm of motron pictures but by scheme IS hatched to fake a c~amplOn I ~nu1 •••bant song and dance story of stage hfe, 19 and 20 sound by melody and smgmg and by ship fight and the development of thlS I liNTER IT TO SHARE INwlllch IS at the Hollywood theater for In the v,.orld of film entertamment the gorgeousness of natural colors ",cherne and Its 'thwart11g In t1 e last 1

four days begmnmg 'sunday the name of Raoul Walsh as (hrectotr takep agamst the magmfi:cent back mO'Jleptl> for the tremendous drama of II Sno 000FIVe of the outstandmg song hIts of "ta lcls a the top of the 11st At thlll ground of the great oU't of doors west one 01 the most excitm", ~lctures ever .;K.

the day are contamed 111 Chasmg moment h s prodpchon The Cock Song of the West 1S a story of filmed IRambows among them Happy Days Even \\- orld IS stIll be1"ak1l1g records covered wagon d1YS from the begm J a-ck Dempsey;,\ III head the stage bill I Cash Prizesare TIere AgalO and Lucky Mel Lov around the wodd With a world s I ecord nll1g of the trek of a wagon tram ac 111 person appeanng III a playlet by for Winnin.g Photographs ojJ.ble You The story ha~ to do With establ shed at the Roxy Ne\\ York compamed by a troop of soldiers from V' 'L4'men ber~ of a revue trout)e and the de where It was premiered VIcter Mc fort I'1depelldence across 1he Sierras \\ 111ard Mack called The RoadSide I ll;.IOVELYBl0THERSvotlOn of a httle actresS for a fickle r aglen famed above hls other char-ac w th theIr snow capped 'Peaks and Ran All future theatncal .engage j tmdperformer who fall'l m 10, e WIth every ten7atlOns ?-s the Flagg of What! great 'W11derne'lS of space to Cahforma nents have been cancelled to arrange I AT'rRA~TIVEnew woman III the show \lane Dress Pr ce Glorv and The Cock Eyed the land of gold of brawbng mm ng for trammg 10 the event the ex. cham CHILDRENler and Pol y \101 an have severa.l \\ o,dd Fl Brendel the comedy hIt of camps of San FranCISco 'Of the Golden p100 dec des to attempt the rumored Iamusing 'lequence \\htle Jack Benny C;un 1 Side up and F1fi Dorsay the Gate 10 the day'l of the Vlhgantc'l return to t1 e r ng wh ch may re':>ult 1U: JOHN'S STUDIOGeorge K Arthur and Gwen Lee are rrench rrerpress ble whose first ?IC I I'> a11 eplC of color and through 1t tIe greate<,t comeback m rmg hlstory I 14706 CHARLEVOIXother performers m the supportmg cast t1. re They Had to See Pan~ en runs every moment a tremendous De:;, des Demp,:>ey the 'ltag" program I

A new program of RadIO Ketth Or cleared her to the nation aral1a e lacted on the phl11s oder t e w!l mclude lour other great Rad 0 I Photographs Live Foreverpheufll act'l Win be pre'ltuted a'1d Russ Hot for Pans IS base-d on a story star,> around camp fires wHh the Kelth Orphettm vaudevdle ach ~~~MOl1gan ani hlS porpuhr Hollywood by Raoul Wabh WIth adarptatlOn by wagon <tram and 10 the gambling halls 0:10::::109 (01::10' '01::10o"chestrcl. 'Will offer new dance arrange Charles J "f.cGUlrk dialog by Wllbam of the roanng days of 49 D Im-eots and solo numbers from the stag/,. h. Wells and wo"ds and mUlllC byManon WIlkms mternatlOnall promm V\ alter Donaldson and Edgar Leshe MacKail1 Stars in New A

era dan1,.er w111 present TIllS Year,> VItI 0 S ·Styles m Dances aSSistedby tl e !lar "A" Students Exempt Role at the Madison Ur erVICeflS TWinS and Jack Meyers M lS!>Wllkms repertOire ranges on all na from Semester Exams Dorothy \lackalll one of tbe mo,t OnbOllah-tles Her damty figure and popular screen star'> and one who has-twmkhng toes have danced m nearly Students who atta~tt an A average IOcreased rapIdly 10 popularIty .dunngevery <:ountry m Europe Bert Nagle through the semes'er 'Wl11be excused the past year 1" at the Madl'>on theater ==::::;:============and Co 10 fehx and Mana have from takmg the final exarrmnatlOns in 111 he.r latesrt p cture The Love.Asomethmg novel and funny hav10g to that part1cular sulbJect announces Mr Racket Vdo ""lth hack fences and thelr act 1S Jerome Burtt pnnclp11 of the Gro'>'le In thiS sttrnng story of a wonnn who 0one of the stand:'1Jrd comedy Illts of Pomte HIgh School loved two n e"l MI,>s Macka11l ha'l one Ithe big tlme CIrCUIt In addltlOn to TllS IS the first tune thts system has of the most dramallc and compelhn~! A.other acts there wlll be short talkmg been adopted and It 15 believed that 11 role'> of her er tire career It 1S a de 1-screen subJecb and Bob Clarke wlll be Will help to raise tl e av;el'ag:e of .,tud-ent c dcd c!1nge from her recent characheard 10 one of IllS organ <;pectalt es scholarsll1p tenzatlOll'i m The Great DIVIde and

'=itartll1g Thursday for 3 da)~ the -'~_____ l1ald to Get and 1,', expected toHollywood theater WIll pre~ellt " rn i Tennis Club Holda demomt<t'3.te that thiS blonde beauty 1<;Talmadge m her first talkmg pIcture 0 (' of thc mOll1 venat Ie 'tClI e'>'les t

New York NIghts Election of Officers HollywoodAs has been the -cmt{lm at t1 t" H( 1Jy I h(,. love Racket IS adapted from 0

wood theater for the past SlX week \1 lrgaI'et M~rrJtt was ell:cted presl tlw play The Woman on -the Jmy by 0I~~ .,~1

there IVIllI be two more 1930 Ford dent Char es Kemp Vll;:e preSident Bernard K Burns and was (hrectedcoupes gIven ar,vay free one on fnday Helen Schr&.H:r setrett.tr),h and Mar b)- Wilham A Seiter who ha!> recently A Gand one on Saturday at 8 4, p m each garet "uyder treasarer of the 1<nms turned out some of the hne t Colleen V rosse Pointe Sav;na"'S-nkmght Club of the Grosse P01Otf' Hlgh school Moore and Cormne Gnffith plOtutes Ii ea u

at their regular mee mg recently ~

Three Great Films at Lupe Velez at the Jellerllfln at RiYard. Dh... 0the Punch and Judy Parent Teachers Elect United Artists

Officers Next ThursdayWhO Girls the '\1elro Goldwyn Tb1t g.y lusty madcap of a \lexICan OJ:::::::lOII:====:lCu:::ro' IOc:rO:CO

Mayer talkmg pIcture Whl h (Od)lt''' to TI e \1arch meet ng of the Parent g rl LtlJpe Vele7 came to town to the ........,..il.

II e Punch and Judy theater for Fnday ffacher ASSOCIatIOn {)f the George Umted Arh,>tt; theater ""here she 1<;r~~~-~JWillt~~an I <;atUlday March 15 and It} IS a Ddu ~chool GroS'lC P0111te v. 1l be appearl11g WIth JeJ.n Hersholt J.mlbentllne comedy of the normal and held Thursd"ly evenmg Marc>" 20 at John IIolland III Hell Harbor the ~average Amel'lcan home 7 0 clock 1U the "chobl a\idltonum Un ted Artlst'l InSpIration conception I

in fact itS characters are to be found TIll<; promises. to h;e one tl,f the mo<;t of what It IS llke for a young gIrl to Thwalklng the streets of Dover OhlO lIlteres-tmg me:1Qtlllgt>of the year A n1ll:ch her '\\ltS wlth a mercenary fath ank Y ,today tholle -of tllem who are not art '>chool play Vf.llUbe glven UNder the dl er and an avarICIOUS trader i. au ..tally playlllg 111the plcture \ re-chon of M4S'> ard re;he speaker The story bormg'l one back to tholle

for J C and Flhott Nugent the WIll be frCJm the G OS'le Ii'-o-mte Board glamorolls days when pIrates really hadautbors wrote ,bout lhm OWl! family of He4lth l'he cle tion of office" for cuO",es and bhek eyos It wll1dsIts ~ To thc electors or this VIllao-e fOI Icturn-1orne and nelghibors Pa Bence t1 e comlllg ylllar wtl take'l1J1lace at thlS wa) th1111ngly through a selles of mur ffi.J bplayed by the elder ~ugent ISh" own meeting "\' de" and sonmmages and conclude>as f!l! lng 111<'; to the office of '1'1 easurer.father III law rwhlle Kemp 111te'fprert ~ ~_ all stones must conclude-With the ~ ...of ..

0, ,'- -~, ,...' #~~r'"'~,."'L_ ".,," .,. .,,, ,,., ~ .." S'""o"1vyo,",", 'I ::i' ~ t" ('}oung man of J C l\Jugenll:s yout 1 Iman 1nd the moon sh1D1tlg do""n upon I,at Ben Wade lbe realtor lS a picture Comil). to Michigan them But there IS really ,ubstance to CHA5. A POUPAR-D.--of a populuar present day Dov~r man the tale It re<:ounts the hardness of 1 ~ ,M' B<nee IS a I,eture of I:1holt On<e upon;il tmc Frpjenc \farch father to hIS daughter and of I", at I~ 'frcasUler of Grosse Pomte VIllage

'" ugent ~ Ov>n mother was the hU$bllnd lof Ruth. Chatterton tempt to marry her to IllS own mane\-Vlse Cr rls s nterprcted by three ""ow he IS a b1ch~lor 10 love With her ary 1(1\antage and of her refu:;,al to

of the or g 1:3.1cast J C and flhott For anythl11g £an happen m the films bow to I11Sselfish ",,111 ~~~hugent a d ,,\orma Lee I~~land '4arch was M1SS Chatter.tprs husband ~mJiBffilffi!ffi!ffi!f@ffimill'@mIWii!ffi!I~ ~'Young Clara Blan,lick James Don III The DUlllnlY, fa<n\l1lScomedy Alhambra Theater @l ~1!Jiill1JIan teora Spellman and Manon Schill drama of nearly a y~ar a8'~ He 15 her I~ID TO GROSSE POINTERS1I1g ar~ also In the cast lover 1n Sarah and San, faramount s Opens Saturday

DorQtMy SebastIan famous for her I eiV>estrO'lllance...ctrama whIch IS bemg @!

work In Our Danclllg Daughters and shown all next 'week on the talkmg The Pubhx Alhamhra theater has Its @IIothers hIls of the s lent plctures has "llverscreen at tl1'f' Mlcblgan theater gala opeolOg Saturday March 15 Thethe leadllig' fcmmme role III The Un Sarah and Son 1:;' a sto-ry of a J\tl-tatl bra of the Pubh"< Greater Talkieholy NIght Metro Goldwyn Mayer s poverty strrcken yottng 'Hnger who 15 Theater Group has been closed for'.\e1rd .all talktrtg fitmlzaton of Ben deserted by het Husband and who 1$ three weeks for extensive alteratIonsHe'Cht s famous mystery story The. forced to suffer separa110n from her 10 and renovatlon IDoomed Regmlent which co nes Sun fant 'lon whom sh~ Ibve'8 very much $7500000 has been expended In makday and Monday to the Punch and ~he shapes ber destmy for one pur mg the Alhambl a a new and modernJUdy theater pose the reunion of Tterself and her theater for the showmg of perfect talk

The new story dIrected 'by LIOnel hoys After years of tOll she becomes 109 p1ctures ""J'ewly perfected We<;t~ ~IBarrymore IS a gnm mystery drama 1 suc~esg.lul1JP-era smger With the e"n I:lectnc Sound eqUipment has beenof London concermng a group of Bnt means to s'Uppott her .child 10 luxury lOstalled at a 'Co...t of thousands of d'Ol ~sh officers and a mysterious cnme 10 she fIUds herself cbnfrop.ted WIth the lars ""Je'1,\floor seats decorat ons fut, Il~their midst MISS Sebastlon plays a lOtngue of a marrIed cOUePlewho have l11'lhmgs and fixtures have been addedturaslan gIrl daughter of an officer 10 adopted the boy ol.fter the death of 1er A ne'VI. electncal marquee IS on thethe 1 eglment who works an uncanny efitant husband front of the theatermfluence durmg th<e coU'rse of th{> plot -------It 1S an Intensely dramahc role different from any 10 her entire career

FIve narm-e'l - Walsh McLaglenBrendel Dorsay and Moran each boxoffice he<lldhners~lay all Important In Song of the West the 100%

share m the Fox Movletone all talklOg natural color smgmg talkmg dancmg


Grace EvangelicalChurch

Standmg AloneTl>e .;;trong r 0 lesb than the weak

must bear the pLnalty of their ownDatUl es The man or wollian '"'hohas learned to stand alone roustnot complain if left to stand alonemuch of the tIme-Celia ParkerWoolley

Kilt Not Scotch, LatestScotland and England haV"e beer

arguing as to the origIn Of the klltloog beUev-ed to be distinctly a 3cote~creation 'lbe English have the bestof the dispute at present by presenttng profrf that 200 years ago a ParktnsoD, an English tailor, while in carnlwitb General Wade was commissIOned to make the 'first "hIlt. It thep\\ao;; called tl e fellidh bag' to dl<:'tlDbUlSh it from tile belted plaid\' hleh was made In one pIece

KERCHEVAL AT LAKEPOINTESunday March 16 - 9'30 GTaded

chu!'ch s'Chool S H Hall supermtendent 10 45 VI'orshlp WHh setmonby Rev Andre", Martm of GrossePomte Se1'imon subJed \VIlhng tobear the CrossWednesday 8 OO.......Mld week LentenserVIce 'WIth sermon by the pastor onThe Third Word From the CrossDurmg the Lenten season Mr

Haeus'ller wlll deliver a.t least nmtf' outSide <;ermons and address mcludlOg ane:ven1l1g ~ermonette over stabon W\VJthr; dat~ s-t111undertermmM

Grace Church s."tand'l ready to servethe entire cbmiTIUmty fhiS IS an m.clUSIVt" church {Jur regular membership bemg composed not only of natIveAmericans (a large maJonty) but alsoof newer Amencam born m CanadaDenmark England France Ge'l'manyHolland '\TQ.rway and Scotland Sev--eral other l<.ttwnahtles are mcluded anour cons11tuency Come and enJoy ourserVices and fellawshlp

Mission on SpiritualHealing at St. ColJ,imba

Huh?Some AmerIcans were standmg in

front of Sf Paul s cathedral in London A fellow countrywoll:'Jnn dro~eup and st{)6d near them-apparentlyd"inking In the majesty of the cathedral s beauty Suddenly she turned toone of the glOUp • Wbat do you sup-pose that church WeIghs? she asked-1ondon Tit Bits

"Chasing Rainbows"at the Hollywood

DraWing the LIneWe know thp.t the CIty housewUt

demands more and more serVice andIs less and less Inclined to do hltchenwork when she can get out of it Butwhen it Is suggested that it wIll benecessary for the turkey.raiser toevolve a breed of bllds with bnilt.lndressing, we positlvel~ draw tlle Ullo.-Farm Journal.

Schola$d~ Ho.... Spat..The hon.or system as applied tel

schools is a phase of student government whereby tbe students pledg(lthemselves to bandle thelf own affaire;a.nd be responsIble fo1" good deportment without the constant attendanceot a professor This is particularlytrUe at examinatIOn tlIUe, when th('~tudents promtse not to cheat e\ enthough f\ professor is not in the room

"Parsifal rind GenulneSe\co anc.ler t m H ue,(I Ipts two ('OUr

taltlmg PUltS of Pll~lfll \\lllCh weredlscoveltd in tlle tHy arclJives of "'as-:3Crbulg Germany I a\e been dec1nreBto be benulOe The wr Hogs containparts of poems by Wolfram van IJIsenba("h, and five long munuscripts- frompM't of tJle poem 'Wlllehami" seetloDS of whick were previoual, unilllnwll.



Men 75c

IrIshof Fun

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L/!no~ 5904

'the Perfect Food~ich in Vitamines!

J)I TRY ~{Famous J~rseyr t; Milk and

Ice Cream

Gab,el..RisdonCreamery Co.o

Daniel G. Allor andSons Ice & Coal Co.

SHOE :F.I=:PAIRINGAll latest modern machmery10 charge of expert shoe-ltti'ker PrIces reasonable.

, We call for anddeliver

LENOX 1526


Photo~raphs Live For Ever

/ Are your wlDter garment. .... dy-we do excellent altering and reI;.butldUlI' to meet tb. pre.entehan¥e In .tyIe._

Will Sotnebodyin this Cooupunity


win 00'15, in cash*+#.JMrI- lor phot ....... pbs 0(

lovely mothers aud attl'active~ .... us..,helP



DUJplac::edLaborWhen the sewing mat:htne for shoes

was first introdueed one man CQUlddo as much as sixty had done beforeby I!"nd


14331 E Jefferson Ave..


4""'" - ----., - .."¥ .;a ~ lf4ilM$, 4

East Jeffer30n at Newport

Monday, March 17IrIsh MUSIC

HeapsLadies 5~cNo Charge for Dancln: at An,. TUlle



at the beautifulVANITY BALLROOM

~ Gros,e Poipte Review[AII.d, ~"bl",h.d .nd dl$trlbut<d .acIl


COMPANYLEoox 1162 14935 rc..-chevol Ave

Dolrolt, },("'hJl~ll

I"ag;l Two ...,.,elf Z

P~,!D. Nltser. 2424

l 7~)IK.r.yRo.~ G. P. Farms ISunday \!arch 16th marks the open

%d!'""-. mJIIII ....---.= I .'.'1 '~~~I '~-tI~I~~'''l';;~~J-- 1l1g0 w--- '-P;t'.l.>-"--~-v------ -,.WJ"')!;.VJ,.~-.J..lf- Epl,scopaI chun:h Mamstlque and h

\..z. Jefferllon avenues The -speCial preach~t

F,. . 11t all SCrVlCe$will be the Rev RobertI ~er'rarl B H Bell Gf Denver Colorado HeI wlll gIve h1s first s<ermon of the senes'4-t 14537 Jefferson Ave. 01 Tbe ;;.bundanl Ilfe at tbe e1evLl

o dock 'lcrvtce \1arch 16th

II ; i and Pbilip Ave. Dr Bell-comes to DetrOIt direct from" For P.. t Ib '1(..... rImt Ml-ch where he has Just .com

TAILORS pleted a most ,ueeossful mISsIOnon fheCLEANERS same general lheme He ISthe foundor

of the L1fe AJbundant \{ovement,and DYERS which llas as Its ongmal theme, 'he

saymg of oar Lord r am come that yenllght have hfc and more abun-danthfe Chnst s teachmg was that 1f webve acconhng to the laws of Goa, andnature tljat we would hve the abundantJrfe That SIckness IS caused by abrealCi10g some law of God either splrItual or phY!l1cal

Many testlmomals have been re-ceIved by Dr Bell to the effect thatp.ersons aftet trymg to hve accor-dmg tothe teachlng-s O'f Chnst have had marvetous cure or Improvements 10 theIrhealth

Da.lly serVice wlll be held 1n thechurch at 9 30 a m Appo1Ottnent maybe'tnaae With Mr Bell for pnvate cO-uncll and adVIce Each s-enrlce prOVIdesan opportUnIty -tor questIOns WhlthM r Bell Will answer The pulbhc :1Scor<ltalh,. InVIted e'lpeclally to the evenmg $erV1Ceat 8 p m

Page 3: Incumbent ~I - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930-34/1930/1930-03-13.pdfMr. Ernest T Tappey.. of McKmley place, Grone POln~e, will Vlllilt


;1 \Page Three I H





, .

l~ t an\ wonder that A. wave of pntec,t trOm end to el d 01 he -country hJ.'>ansen ~ \f art" arre..,ts tnal by Jurya,b.wdl ned more pt1S0ners and .expanSlO11 of federal prtson laclhtles

'\ hOIl~l." d" ded aga n~t Itself cannot sla ld


NORBERT P. NEFF""ll1age Clerk.


Dr. G. L. CLARKEEye, Ear, Ko.,e ,1ml Thloat SpeCIalist

wishe~ to annoume the lemo\al of hi~office to

To nn lnend, <Inti fcllo\\ v111"gel S whohd\C returnee! me to office fOl thH, mv10urteenth term <I' ) om PreSIdent - jsIncereh thdnk \ ou for the confidence


~{) most sincere thanhs to the elector~ oftIllS VIllage \\ ho, on la.,t ~londa, re-turned me to Ofl1CC ,t~ 'Olll del k Yourconfidence IS most ~ratlt) ll1g and I willcndeavOl to .,el vc 'OU \\ ell In tillS, myeleventh term

14400E. Jefferson Cor. ChalmersPhone Lenox 2433 i


\' Il;:kersh:m", recommendatlOns to hetter condlt1ons lS

ExpanSIon ot federal pflsom andreorgan zat on of parole and otherpracttces

ThlS s -called I ehef and better TIfl1toj conet t1On~

To u. Printin~ is more than just putting words into type.,It is the creation of a work of art, be it a simple little an.nouncement or an elaborate booklet. Hence we take allthe pride of an artist in his craft, in each job; and that isthe secret of the superlative quality of the Grosse Pointe


Prjnting Company's work.



1193~ ~~rcheval Ave. Lenox 11(32 01:tJ

II==01:10 OJ:lOl f 'OJ::lDI?: III i~




Henry B. Joy 4ppealsto "oters of State

(CoullUued from Page One)be converted 1l1to hospitals and schoolsand our Ja1ls mto churches that a reblrth of -our people would result andthat -crnne and eVIl domgs among us\\ould be reduced to practIcally a neghglble quantIty

Hoover Is QuotedWhen however Pre-stdel1t Hoover

C"lme nme da} '> later to hfs 111augurat10n da:l he felt cOU1ryelleetto sa\ 111 hl<;maugural address

Crtme J5 111creasll1g Confidence 10ngtd and speed} Justtce IS decreaSIngI am not prepared to belIeve that thlSl1Hhcates any decay m the moral fibreof the A-mencan people'

A commlssion "a.s to be appomtedto lav, enf@rcement to find and pomtout ways to better COl)thtlons and proVide tellef and restoratton of respect,or low

rearHe earefull} takes a hook from a row\nd 10\lOgl) thumbs the pag-es slow\feal t1me w th cnttcal sharp ealrer

fhe chmk of the money 18' mUSlC

That sets hIm a-tmgle w1th gleeBut then 10 the Tnldst of hiS gladness

He quakes apprehenSively

f'\ eslIe seal'> each page as

a prJ7e\long the long 1nes he s1lently movesReplaclllg' and tak ng books from the1t

groovesHapp\ contented v;1th hie as It 1S\f aster of Time, no heart burmng

hISGive 111mgood Stght health and plenty

to readAnd that WIll suffice

man\. greed

DresseJ" up m a laded but welI brusneacoat

"eat boots and a hat old as Noah sboat

\\ lth large nmmed spectacles perchedon h1s nose

'\.1 d wearing the tllllest of black howsh <;tandmg .no,\- 111 hIS usual plal..e\Vhere the books are plIed WIth order

<l.nd graceIn long I>hlllll1gro" s and her upon hert rom the front of the book store to the

THE MISERHe Slts by 'the 1tght of hIS eandle,

And l'Ovmgly flnge1l:'ShlS g61clAlone m hIS filth and squalor

H1S s"Ou1Into slav~ry sdd

Get your Brown TradIng Stamps atthe Blue RlhbolJ, Meat Market, 14532CharleVOIX avenue SpecIAl sale ofBeechnut ProdUc.ts now on.

Recentlv about one }ear later 111the \"'ar 10 of prohlbl11011 the reportof that con m SSlon of whlch M r\\ Ickersham 15 chaIrman was sent tocongres'> w th the approval of Its recon mendatlOllS b the pre~ dent Theoptl 1 ~tlc hope of the people that !We\ )uld be ..ho ......1 J, \\ et~ l ut (t the 111ft'

of P lllbltlO 1 a ld the tJ a n (If e\ Il~ a 1dd fhcultle<; tollO"r'lng 111 It .. wake weadashed to the ground

Jet me 111u!ltrate "\0 man 'Can suece<;sf ILlv ta 1t the 11tegr t\ of MrJ a1l1e<;\r Beck Ole of our verv outstandll1g COl1's,tltutlOnal la\\ \ er~ forIlerh f)r <;everal \ear:. a,,~ stant attorne} ge lerai and sol c tor general and

though twere no\\ a n ember ot congress I om Pen 1

s~han a\1 Beck defend<; tJ al by Jury It

cloe<;<;eem :.trange that am mal shouldI aH' to defend tr al by Jury 10 the vear1910 \fr Beck said 111 connect on WIth

IS tbe b11l of nghts a 1d tnal b) JurvRefers to Beck

I did not mean that all dry~ at<!fanahcs \fan~ e~tlmahle men and

f.or the Book women Sincerely beheve m proll1bthonand It IS a questlOn about ......h.lch n'len ofequal WIsdom and candor can d1ffer I @

was referring to that class of proll1bItlO111"tSVIho should te-ar up the rest ofthe COl1SltltutlOn to pte<;ene the e1ghteenth amendment One eVidence ofth1S 1S the dlsposltlon to do awa> w1thtnal b} JUf'I, and to penahze an\ appealto thiS ancient rJght of the Fng'hsh..peakll grace

In a clll11ll1al case where the hherh of the c1tIUn IS at stake a JUT}

trIal has at\\ av<; been the huh", ark ofan unhaP'P) llldl\ldual \\110 findc; tl atthe Sltate \\Ith all Its resources 1S attempt ng to end hl~ 1 bert~ b\ Ifrlpnsonn1e 1t There I belteve n the con<;t1t ItlOml1 r ght of tnal b} Jun :for 'lpari

Automobiles Cited as from the fact that a JU" h" often aCause of DelinQuency \ery ~hre\\ d Judgment a .. to th(' ered1

bl1lh of \\1tne<;ses t 1<;ofte 1 the last(Contmued from P1ge One) huh" ark Ot de-fel1se for 111l11dlv](1ta1 as

::,tate ProhibItIon law took effect there agam<;t all mtolerant pro<;e-cutor ,....ho1re more ca ..es of steahng sex delln I ha" hehmd han 111the re<;otm:e" of tl equency and del II quency In general than statehef( re It was announced It h true that rthe proposed <;ectlOn

Other<; factors hsted a<; contnbutmg of the \\ lCker5ham report pretends toto Juven Ie dehnquenc} With the num g1\ e- a nght to a Jun tr al but t doesber of educator<; 'Who ranked 'them so under condlrt ons th1.t '\\ III deter thf''l.ntong the f,ve most deJeterJous mflu pr wner from m.ok ng the r ght(nces upon }outh ""ere Movle,> 82 Pleetse picture n \our 111nd .. the ~pnbhc dance halls 74 co-nfessmu so called rellef wluch the \\ lcl e1 ~maga71nes 54 1quor 48 ......omen s sham plan l~ lJ1tended to brJ 19 to thedress 22 modem books 16 drugs 9 people and the court<; \Vlth rather1.nd extracurricular actlvltv 3 more than one half of the total arre<;t<;

"Lnsatlstactory home comht1ons a1 now bemg for proh bItlOn offeme<; al dthough not hst~d an10ng the factors ""hICh now clog our courts It 1'>planneduggested on the questl-onnalfC sent the to do ar."ay W'Hh tnal bv Jury so that

educators v. as wntten In as 'fOne of the an> numher of VIctims 'Of 'the prohlb1five leading factors bv 15 sehoolmen tlOn la\\s can be speed1ly pas<;ed I

Othel contri.butory causes "hr1tten In through the court procedure v.1thoutv.ere lack of paflenta1 control unsuper Jury -trial The number of arre<;ts la"ltilsed and UI\'V>1seuse ot letsur-e crgar }ear 1S gwen 111the report as up'\\ardscts non ..attelldal ce at H1&r.......h, "'Cl.""d Js.'Ck O! 80 ()()()of law enforcement Item number 5 10 the hst of \-fr

SIxteen superuHendentb 27J.p.rmc1palsand assistant pr111c1pals 27 .counselrors QIand house pnnclpals and 28 attendance Dofllcers ..,..ere polled III the survey \\h ch\\ IS U 1dertaken at the reql1e~t of the 0'\ ltlOnal Comnl1s on on r"lv. Obsen1nce and Fnfortement

Factors LIstedThat prohlb1tlbfl IS oni~ -one of many

factors """inch have been slghlf1cant IIIdetet'Jnlnl11g the attitude of youth 'to....ard law ob<;ervance and enforcementIS a conclUSIon drawn from answers tothe survey

The great extensIon m use of theautomobile 1n attendance at mOVies 111cm:ulatton of the tabkl1d newspaper111d the trashy magazme, 1Il frequencyof dworce - these and other factorsha\ e contnbuted hkewrse, they coneluded

1 he eduoators were also polled ontlIelr opinIons ooncermng respect forla"" on the pari: 01 students of todayas compared '\\ hh those m M1chIgan'Schools in: 1917 The dOUOwmg cancluslOns \\ ere drawn from thelr rephe~

Hlgh school students have lC'ss respeet now than b,Jore 1917 for externalauthOrity Thls, 15 evtdent as regardsrespect for law m generalJ and for the1rparents but does not seem to be true asregards respect for teachers and for therules of the school

High school students have muchmore abl1tty m self dlrechon and self~ontrol now than before 1917 The)have more CIV1CSOCial and more mdl\ dual respons~blhty h,ave more 1111hat1',e show more good sportsmanshipat games conduct themse'Lves bettter atSOCial gathetlligts are more mterested111school and are more loyal to the1r0\\11 school


to be


BED TIMEGet vour httle night1e on

TIme to go to bedBirdies to the1r nests have gone

The n 1 11ne~ overhe"ld" \ r l)ra} er for mama dear

\nd to your wee cot creepI 0\ mg angels hover near

So sleep, my darling, sleep

The llttle old man With the snow wlntehair,

And the i}mght bOyIsh face, qutte freefrom" c$l'e; >- :r---- --

~n J lmmy Green was gomA rovm aetor man

But here he IS a seWn here,A farmer hoty lan I

A.n me \\111 It was my mtentV\ lId ammals to tame

But keetpl11 grocery seems to heMy best towards wmntn fame

It s funny how these thl11gs turn'\0 doubt It,> far the be<;t

I 1 0\\ that I <Ill -qUIte satisfiedI reckon so s the rest

An Bert1e S1mms !Was sure he d beA. funny circus cl~n.

"\ 0\\ Bef't1e spends near all hIS timeAt oputtln concrete down

An rredd) Jones was gOln' to 'WriteBooks ever)~body dread

But Freddis list across the wayA keepm flour an feed

An Teddy Smtth dec1a.nd that heWas gom to lead a band

Bqt when I met h1Jni yestiddyHe was a hauhn' 'Sand

An Artie Young was sure he d beA pIrate bold an brave

But nO\\ he IS a 'Preacpern man,En~eavorln souls t'O save

\n SailllJmy Small thought he "ouldbe

A fireman on the reelsBut Sammy IS kept busy now

.o\t cQlbblm ,"oro out heels

B1ll Perkms said he d like ko s~l.llAcross the bnny sea

But v. hen I last S'(\(WB1lly he\\ a~ still a sellin tea

r 0\ e 111 a cottage\Ve h\ a1n once mor~love a cottageBut - close the door

\\ hene er m\ summer sUIt r don"ome com tort tram the heat to gam

'\ au may be sure there Will -come onThe ram

I 0\ e In '1 manSion\Vould be mce

But dear you'd need meTo <;care the 111lCe

Young Johnny Brown \..as gom to beAn mglOeer on trams

B tit \-\he'n I see him t other dayBe ,,"\as a dIggm dnms

AMBITION RE-SET\Vhen we v.. as kids v. e u<;ed to ten

Fach other \\ hM "e d beBut gosh ",e never struck It right

I:r 50 It seems to me

Love 111a church-What .plendld fun I

The preacher s there-W ("11 soon be one

LOVE IN A GARDENLove In a garden

Just for two ~r hat beloved

\1<..ans me and vot!

And when I change to bghter garbTh s fickle clime of ours to pleasefeel 1t commg-hke a bar'b-'" thaw

By ROBERT HENRY TODD(COP}l'lght 1930 Ro@ertHenry Todd)

WEATHER VAGARIESIf J should heavy wooletis '\\ear

Expectmg weather cold and rawkInd '\ature ....ould hand out I s',\ear

>\ thaw

1 hen If to ,\aterproof I change(\1 ne seems to weigh half a ton)

In blue unclouded sk)' Mill rangeThe su~. • •• ..1

HALF-A-DOLLAR A WOR!)50 cents a v.ord you betThat 1S \\ hat I ought 10 getfor 111) verse tbat runs 11ke thlsWouldn t I be fiUedWith bhss'Feet? Get out I ft s foot you meanYou must th1nk l:m awfUl greenNever oother bout s'Uch truck,ThiS IS '" hat I call good luck50 cents f Gee >1:h;5IS great I\ie for wQrk early and lateHaven t tlme to see my folk(f I did I mIght go hrokeI at? \\ ell bring !'the grub alongv[U.,t get hus) on the "ongSWJ.t me 1f \ ou see me sleep1111S pIpe dream s too good to l...ee'P"10 cents 1. "i\ord! Well sayIn mv dream'> lt 1001" ihat V.av1 eet agam' \1\ hat .. lw..rQng vntn mme'\h boot s onl> number nlne,::,0 cents a \\ord 1 Gee Whll1Vv III I get It' vVell. not much ITh 1'1: s fnr Teddy KIp and such

1Cheer Up Ver.es

i Ranclom Rhymes





No 5129 14<;130 168ISO 147176 104

730 623 572 1925

618 669 651 1938

No 4121 140 124 385137 137 133 407138 177 166 481198 189 235 622--------594 643 658 1895

No 3183 182116 135132 118136 156

567 591 529 1687

640 581 647 1868

• • •

• • •


Team No Z154 183 140 477140 134 132 4Q6

143 200 170 513181 152 209 542--------

Team No 6148 143 J35 4'26140 IS! 196 487181 135 164 480169 257 201 627--------

038 686 696 2020lo't I

Team "10 8I" 120 174 470145 106 125 376162 201 166 573157 211 166 534--------640 658 675 1953

--------585 565 571 1721

lost 3Team No 1

151 151 151 453215 115 140 470172 157 132 461192 200 149 541

Totals\1,,'011 2

Totals\\on 3 lost 0

TotalsWon 0

TotalsWon 1 lost 2

Totals\\ on 1 lost 2

TotalsWon 2 kISt 1


TotalsY\ on 2 lost 1


, Neighborhood ClubA .1.. t I


rhe \\ omen s class at the NeIghbor0") 1 ( I III has taken 1 p a new course Inome furOl<;ll1ng The attendance I'>rO'\VHlg and tilt' members thoroughly1)0\ th c,f" prarj ('1.1 all 1 profitable~sons



\V atch for the date!These are busy d"l~s for young knIt

ers at the "\elghborhood Club Therl S c1a<;~ III Handcraft IS learn ng to

mt and IS shov.l11g great lllterest andon pet tlOn as \\ell as an mcrease mcmlbers}llp


(Continued from Page One)erformed will have an opporttlnJty tola} 01 the program

• • •Classes n bte makmg are now bemg

eld at the 1\elghborhood Club onhursday atternoons at fOUf 0 clod;:he<;e classee; are open to boys under

aurtcen and all \\ ha are mtere.sted areIV ted

•••t\ basket ball tournament for InterNhate bove; 1:> tll progress at thec1ghborhood Club \1 }ch mterest 1S

emg c;hov..n the aUe 1dance growmglt1 eal..h game '\cxt Saturday at 4

111 1<;the big game between theoutheaste n \lldgets and the v Ikll1g<;ther gall1e~ -scheduled are Thur<;da}

t 7 ,0 p 111 \f onarehs vs }.,elghborood \fldgets Saturday at 3 p rnrrows vs RangersIn the first round of games the

outheastern Midgets v. on from theTe1ghborhod MIdgets Rangers wonrom the \1onarchs VlklllgS won fromhe Arrov.s • ••

The first week 111 Apnl a kIte flYingontest v. 111be held at the ~elghborood dub All bo)s under fifteen are0\ Ited to enter KItes must be home1ade and pr zes \-\111b{" awarded foronstructlOn alt1tude a'1d ongmahtyf des1gn


C Beg'lnRenaudE BegmPeters


Dov..dPler'sonPlepel\ndre\\ s

Kercheval AvenueBowling League

GAMES MARCH 11 1939Team No 1

16, 186 16, 516143 143 143 429182 117 169 4<;8100 135 170 455

DaOlels)010\ an


R HernckSHerrickThomasCapron

SOCIETY NOTESAfter vIsIting her daughter, Mus Vn-

uua, who IS a studen.t at the Sarahawrence Colleg. In Bro-nxvllle, N Y I

Mrs Charles F Delbridge of Henein.ane, Groue pOinte, has returned fromhe East. • • •

\fr and \1rs 0 C Frost entertamedt theJr home on Washmglton road

Gro<;<;e POl11te "\ lllage ~aturday at aInner part) • • •With her daughter, Mus Mary, Mrs

Wilham P liamtlton, of Beverly road,Grosse POinte. win leave early nextwi!!ek for ThomasvI\I-e, Ga, for a .tayf several months





Bu.in~M DirectoryFuneral DirectorsGeist & Company p

pFune~al Directo~s

Edw Teppert, See ..nel Tr ....Pru::e IS a matter of your own dellN h

J 4911 Kercheval Ave near Alter R ... lII1TLenox 4211 T

Don Graham & Co. rI

FUNERAL DIRECTORSall LAfayette 5437 NIagara 2047 11

- "-N. LEBMAN bFurrier and Ladies' Tailor

"14613 E Jefferson Ave Detroit, Mu~h. pLenox 7935 "Star.O.P~nn Stuoleu.m 0,

Wilford B. Strittmatter 1

Allthorb:ed White Star Dealer '"Kercheval and Beaconsfield S

Wblte Star . Ethyl . Starohlle 'It

D. SMITH, D. D. S. (•14950 East JeffersonCor. Barrington Road c

Lenos 3473 hHI<kory 4277-W



Plasteringatchln! .. Alterahona .. Stucco Work

47 Ste Cliln. Gro... Pomte Vlllale tNiagara 1020 l

conomical Plumbing & kc

Heating Co. n(Under New Management)

No Job 10) I urge or Tt..>o ~mall11671 Kl:RCH£VAL AVE I

GrGue pumte V.lIare, Mlch h---~ gLENOX 214' c



15224 Ealt Jefferson Aveg

Croll~e Pomte Park L~@Iii!JN[~

Offices to Rent It

Beauttful new smtes In new bUIldingn resldenhal and bUlHneS& sechon ofC.ross~ pointe Park, sUitable for doetor. adentist and other profeSSional peQple.


Apply at tnt Beaconsfield


Review Liners", 0,For Sale

HOUSE lOR SALI:-Smgle 6 room'and bath s de drive 2 car garage

nndy decorated open 2 to 8 p mda ly 11.:l1 Ma ylal J Grosse PomteP1.rk vVIl1 tdke lot 111 trade

lOR SAT1-6,,9 rug bedroom SUite IVlctOi vlctrola overstuffed da\ell

port and cha I Good condltwn Niagara21\15

For RentJlOL~E lOR RENf - In Grosse

POl11te Park f 1\ e rooms and bath,brIck terrace ldeal locahon convent-en to transportatlOn Reasonable rentApply 1080 \;\ ayburnr OR Rr:~T-3 large room apartment.

heat Itght gas and fngldalre. alsotwo office :.ll1tes Apply 1211 Beacons.field

Work WantedMIDDLE AGI:D iVtoman wants wock

\{endmg lrOl1ll1g care of chlldrenh~ hour or da\ Odd Jobs Call Lmcoll1 9702 \1

JWASHIl--GS taken m at 630 Ste Clair

Grosse PoInte \ 11lage N lagara 4910

J XPI:RIENCED LAUNDRESS-Would 11ke work to do at home

Called for and dehvered Tel LIncoln0634 J ,

1MIDDLE AGED woman Wishes canna

for ch ldren 2$c per hour. $200 perday and transportatiOn mendmg 35cper hour r 19bt cleanmg or any oddJob Call L1I1coln 9702 M

EIlll;llH;!lll;tllF.llll;ll!\;!ilK.r.III"1llRlJlIU 0_"811511_"B00081. a ~Harry Akroyd

Teacher of

Piano and OrganTheory, Harmony and Counter-

POIntruropean Method

AU 1""",ns give. in yourown home

25 year. experIence &1 Teac.het

1S88 Newport A",.. HiokooF_III.

mlllll;llll;tlll;lllllllllllllF.ll~~~I uUII.lIa..au8118.f.

Leib Conservatoryof Music

CO'1VlnCmg Demonstration of MUSIC1. eJ.chers who have Dlagnosmg' andPre<;cnbll g Abllltv and who m~lSt onRe1:l.xatlOll Rhythm Ttme Lxpre5110n

and Memonz I g SelectionsAll Branehco Taullht

12870 East Jefferson, cor Coats .. atalPhone Lenox 6131

Branch110 South Phil,p AnOllll

l Hickory 2151-WEast Grand CIrcus PaI1d, 118 WitherellSame location 191Z-1!r.l11

rOSIe omt. BraDch,


Page 4: Incumbent ~I - digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1930-34/1930/1930-03-13.pdfMr. Ernest T Tappey.. of McKmley place, Grone POln~e, will Vlllilt













Society of Nazarene

Public Cordially Invited

Daily 8 P. M.


~ddre.. "-TD'" c••_ Ill'" lor 10 l!r.....

StaMp, It thl' itort

tard DreSSIng, Peanut Butter, Pr~paredSpaghettI, Pork and Bean>, Spaghetll,

:Macal0m, etc

, ...... iijiip •



The Rev. Robt. B. H. Bell

For your endorsement of my candidacyas Village Assessor I appreciate yourefforts deeply.

Ste Columba EpiscopalChurch

I Wish to thank my many friends andsupporters for re-electing me a Trusteeof Grosse Pointe Farms.

Also 10 A. M,

MARCH 16th to 23rd,

The Life Abundant,

Alonzo R. Backman

Thank You!


IBeechnut Week


I am very ~rateful for your co-operationand support.

Thank You!


14532Charlevoix, :QetweenMarlborough and Philip Ayenue.

BEECHNt)T PRODUCTSIBacon Coffee Catsup Chtlt Sauce Mus-

1 Can Beechnut Beans anti I Can Beech-nut Prepared SpaghettI WIth each pur-

chase of 4 other Beechnut Products

(Contmued from Page One)bon Meat Mal"'ket It was pomted oot

The stamps are In reahty a savmgsglVen customers by progr,e<;Slve merchants. hke the Blue RJlbbon MeatMarket who appreclate a purchaser scash tra.de and as a rev. ard for cantmued patronage

The stamps can be collected fromother merchants 1n vanous hnes ofbus111ess 111 the V1Cllllty of the Blue RIbbon "feat Market such as dry goodsshoe and hardware st.ores, thus enaib.hng Ol1e to fill a ~tamp book I1n a consld-erable short tIme All stamps canbe placed 10 the same book which are'" orth $2 111 trade at any store m 'anyhne of busllless glvmg the stamps Alsoa filled book of Brown Tradmg Stampsmay be exchanged for a V1aluable prem-lUm 'Or $2 cash at the offices of the Na-tIonal RetaJ1ers Stamp Company, 219Last Grand RIver avenue

The Blue RI1A>on Meat Market ~s I

Blue Ribbon MarketConducting Drive on

Brown Tr~de Stamps

Jefferson AvenueBaptist Church

REV A V. ALLEN, Puto.Mmd Your Own Busmess I Tins

1'5 the subject of the rnormng me~sageby Mr Allen next Sunday There 15 asermon 111 thIS brief eXpl"eSSlOn, butcome and hear the developed messageand ItS aprphcatlOn An hour of sp1rltual refreshmg ,\ III he enjoyed

Is salvatIon lOstantaneous? Sundayevemng Mr AHen Will diSCUSS thlsquestion speakmg on the subject CanA Man Be Saved Instantly?' Brmgyour fnends The tlme IS 7 30

Southeast corner of Lakewood andKercheval Avenues A H A Loeberpastor 1434 LakCMTood avenue Telephone I enox 2121

The third speCial Lenten serVIce Wittbe held next vVednes<!.ay, \!arch 19 at8 p 111 The words frOtn IsaIah 53 As

a lamb to the slaughter '" 111be used:Ila", the theme of the sermon Cont!nu11g the senes of sermons on Scnpturals \i\ 1thol1ts tht., pastpr on theconNI g Sunday March 16 IWlll preachon the Vvord WIthout faIth It IS unposs.ble to please God ServIce~ w111be held as follows German at 9 a mrngh~h at 11 15 am, Sunda) Schoolat 10 15 a m

The \fen s Club Will meet Tuesday\farch 18 at 8 p m and the JUOlQrSociety next rnd1.y, Mar.ch 21 at 7 15p m

Messiah Lutheran HoldsLenten Fete Wednesday

':::'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~':'""-~~~-~~~!>hlPV. hen the 1\&osem Shrme Chan ers -holdll1g a specla sa e and demonstraMrs RobInson declared I was warn:l-under the direction of Mr George T tlOn of Beechnut Products A Beech mg my motor III second gear, and onlyJ arV1S 1\\ ill gn en an evel1lng of sacred nut l"e[)resentatlve WIll be 1U attend gOlpg 29 nllles an hour'n1USIC \Ir }.j1ckless >\-111prea-ch on ance aU day Saturday See Blue Rib But the hmlt IS twenty, mtorposedThe Four Square Life Membels ot bon Meat Market advertisement on the JUdge

AcaCIa lodge of M'lsons the Jubtlee page Four Well my father paId taxes here forlodge of Oddfel1ows a ld Companion 65 years and I ve paId ta'tes for sevenOrder of Rehekahs are to be our Society Matron Here and I thmk I ought to have some 'Conguests slderatJon Mrs Robmson reJome-d

On the followll1g \Vednesday evemng -Learns Word Value FIfteen dollars, said Judge Callenthe serv ce of DedlcatlOll of the Brown of "Horrid"; Fined derChapel \\111 take place 1 hiS beautiful -M;s-'Roblnson the fOlmer VlrgmlJ.chlapel 1<; the g ft of \ir and \(rs (Cont nued from Page One) Bates IS the WIfe of L J RoblllsonI-lenry Brffi\ n she VIas gOing 34 mdes an hour Then sales agent of the DetrOit Alroraft

1 he serVices of Re dedlcatlOn were ~he saId I was hornd and I gave her CorporatlOo and hves at 16824 St Paul'-ot>sel ved last Su 1d'\y when the churcn the speedmg tlcket avenue Grosse POll1te Village accord\\as honored \\Ith the presence of the And I still thmk youre hornd 1l1g to the SOCial register\roderator of the General A.ssembly 1 ,

\\ho preached mornll1g afternoon and:

11evenl1g to capacity audlence<; In theafternoon the beautiful new threemanual pIpe organ bUilt by Skmnerapd Co of Boston \\ as dedIcated


at t



and I:1ltot Nugent,Lee and others

__ r

TUES - WE!). - THUIlS.


"The Unholy Night"

Mats, Saturclay ""d Sundayat3p.m.


,Kerch.YIlI eel Fioher Rod

Grolle Poiute Far oTelephone NI.,ara 3 ..

F i


"Wise Girls"

Talkll1g and smgmg laugh sensahon

Weird all talkmg filmlza'tlOn of BenHecht s famous mystery story


WIth Roland Young, Dorothy Se-bastIan and I:rnest Torrence

"Hot for Paris""Ith VICTOR McLAGLI:N, D

Brendel Flit Dorsay andPolly Moran


o=ao 0=Punch & Judy


The fifty fifth anllJlversary serVices ofCovenant Pres'bytenan Church whIchbegan so auspIcIously last Sunday arebemg contlllued through thiS week

Thursday eyentng March 13th 1S tobe recogmzed "3S Rebglous rello'\V'ShlPnIght The pnnclpal speaker '" 111beRabbl Leo 11 rr-anld11l Greetmgs ""111also be gtv-e'n by the Rev Samuel HForrer D D repres.entmgthe Pre.gbyter) of Detrott the Rev~ W L Rumerrepl esenhng the 'Churcl1es of the I:astSIde of DetrOIt and Mr WIlber ECampbell edttor of the Mack Avenuernt€"rpnse :repre'lentmg !\:he East Sidebusll1e;s men ....../;1peclal i11USICWill befurmshed by \lIa- R A Scott smg1l1gThe SIlent" VOIce and the fno com

posed of Mls Floyd BeItzel Mr H \:fBa he and'Mr Jonn McGregor Sll1gmgPraIse Ye

}< nday 11lght l~ chOir I'Hght Gaboel soperetta TAte Me ..ry Mllkmalds. WIllbe presented

Sunday wdl be the fifw,fifth annlY«-sary cOlnm'UI1t10nserviN;! The Pastor>\1fred S Nickless W111preach In theevemng the rraternal SerVlce of V\ror-

Anniversary ServicesContinued at Covenant



Faith Lutheran Church

The Great BaptIsm of God lS thesubject of the Sel"illOn whIch the pastor Rev R D Lmhart Will preachSunday mOrl1mg at FaIth LutheranChurch ThIS .germon IS the Sixth of asenes on the Way of SalvatIon orThe Nme Great Steps to Heaven

C)upplemerthng these sermons are the\1onday Olght lectures on What Lutherans Beheve wh1ch prepare for membershlp 111the church The pubhc ISlI1Ylted to these S'ermOI1Sand lectures

'\ targe crowd IS expected to .....orshlp011 Wednesday mght at the third uudweek Lenten serVice The malll audltonum was filled to -capaCIty at thela~t two T enten serVlcees C:;peelalmusICbased on the same texts as the ..ermons IWlll- be gIven by the Jumor and'SenIOr vested chOirs The aSSIstantpastor Rev Thea rncke 1S preachmgthe Lenten sermons on The SevenLast Words From The Cross

The largest attendance 1n the hIstoryof Faith Lutheran Sunday School went00 record last Sunday when the audltormm was crowded wlth 600 meomlberspresent of the 700 enrolled The chl1dren of the Sunday School are enthuslast1cally partlc1patlng In an AirplaneI hght Contest which IS a. campaIgnfo'!' new members and perfect attendance 1 h~ schoQl has ad-ded one hundred new members dunng the last twoSundays hvery chIld ;n the commun.lty IS welcome to VISIt .or become amember of tbls Sunday School

Sunday mornl1lg WOrShlP 10 45Sunday morntng Bible school 9 15Men s Bible class"" 9 15Ladles Bthle class ,.,. 9 15Yotlng People s Bible class 9 15Cradle Ro11 ' 9 15Monday eve01ng lecture 8 00\\ ednesday Lenten service 8 00


Queer Coaat BIrd.On the Lincolnshire (England) flocks

of small birds with ash gray plumageWhite breasts and long bills are to beseen They are the Arctlc migrantsknown as knots so called, it is beHeved on account of the queer twistedposture they adopt when restmg onthe sands or mud fiats According totradItion knots were the favorIte bIrdsof Kmg Canute and some people conSider that It is from hIm that theirname Is derived When roasted, agourmet statesf they are a delkacyfit for any table

Sea LIon SlaughterThe sea lion could hold his own

against his natUlRl enemies but hisreal troubles began \\ hen man discovered that he was insulated with leveral inches of 011bearlllg blubber andthat hIs hlde made good leatherNearly 200 years ago the slaughterbegan on the West coast, says Nature'lagazme Countless thoul!!ands or sea!Jons dIed for the enrichment of theoil hunters until by the beginning ofthiS!! century only a remnant of thevast herds WhICh once roared andfought on their off shore rookeries II!!left to carryon the specIes.

Royalty and WhiskersKntgs in the early and romantic

days of rrance to ratIfy a momentous documpnt stucl~ in the seal threehairs from the royal beard There ISIII existence a charter dated 1121 inWhICh declaratlOn is made that it ls sosealed In SpaID the beard prevaileduntIi the tIme of Philip V who bemghlmself beardless set the style forsmooth faces, and the people attestedtheir gnef 1D the saymg, I Smce wehave lost our beards \,e haH~ lostour souls' The pIctures of Kmg Henry VIII of England show us a royalvisage, but WIthout his marvelous"hiskers he ,,"ould be but a fat man

Tough on Fat MenIn New York the seating accornmo

datlOns are llmlted to 20 inches on theilL I and 18 inches in the subway Thiscalls to mind the late PhUltps Brook~who was said to be the politest man inBoston because when he gave up bisseat in the street car two womencould SIt down, and Mr. Taft, whowas dlsappomted once when he foundthat the two seats he had reserved forcomfort at a baseball game were on,lIllIerent.lclol o! iIle aiole.-~... -:p1l/lDt,., _11'"",,7;;;G LrS ."iiilil Matinees Saturday and Sunday

Musical NameThe correct name of the lIttle WOOd~D

muslca11nstrument commonly called 8oweel potato Is ocarina.

A Love..Tree LIved OnPlymouth (Mass) has a big linden

tree which has an interesting history.recalls an article tn the Brockton('lass) Dnterpuse, quoting the late'V111lam R Davis, who spent his boyhood in Plymouth

liThe tree was planted by a youth.tul couple as a memOlial to thelr engagement, but not long afterwards in1809, the engagement was broken andthe memorIal was no longer pflzed bythe gill, m whose garden It had beenplanted She pulled It up one day andthrew it into the strf'et My fatherpwked It up and planted it where Itnow stands He lned in the houseknown as the Plymouth Rocl~ hou03:ewhere he dled in 1822 'L nder hiScareful nursIng the tree sUf\ned andhas glown mto a beautiful tree

Summer When Old SolRefused to Function

From various records including thefamous diary ot Charles Pierce, iceand snow appear to have been mightyoccurrences during the month ot June1816 July, whose a\elage temperatureIS said to have been less than 70 degrees, also experlenced ice and frostIJ.he mean temperature for the monthof August dropped stlll lower thanthat of July as much as an lllClt ofice forming on ponds during the colder nights, accordmg to 01<1chlomclesSr't inches of snow had fallen on theeighth day of Jnne and in some partsof !\ew rngland it is said the groundremained white "lth snow throughoutthe entire summer Crops were generally fl07en out and rumed althoughODe story Ielates tl13t the more resourceful farmers managed to savea little corn by heeplDg fires burmngin their fields at Dlgbt -Kansas CityStar.

Press Agents Unknownto Medieval Writers

I A sh ikmg fea tUl e of medIeval Uteratlll e IS lts general anOll:\mltywrItes" H ~dlOhel<1 m Lnglishlltetature ftom tile ~orman Conqucs,tto Chaucer Of the many \\ ho "rotethe name~ of but ft>w me lecoided andof the h1stoty of these few we haveonl~ the most meagel detaIls 1\01. isthis a slmpie acoc1ent rOlmerlv, thelmport'\llce attached to an author spersonallty WlS far les~ than noW Incase either of a naIT'ltn e or a dldacttc"ork, It "as the substance abo\e allthat attracted attention Orig;LD'\lityof matter "as d{plOt ed as a fault

uIndependence of tlel'lln ent meantto our fOlefJ.thelS contempt of authOl1t~ a hemons offens.e in theireyes It "as as unsafe for a StOt~teller to depart from tl ewell mfukel1lInes of inhel ited trauLtlon as tor hunto dlsregaHl. orlhoJox beliets Andeven the greatest dared not presentnew ,iews wlthout at le'l.st claimmgaugust support A prudent n,utholsought a po\\erful patron 10 order toinsure success or fatheled his inventlons on some ancient worthy whocould not deny them But the lastthlll: he would ha"e deemed "IJl.e,",ould ha"e been to copyriJ"ht them ashlS o"n t

Kmg Vldor ......ho has been called the\1 tdas of the screen m<lsmuch aswhatever he touches dunng the filmmgof a productlOn turns to box ofhcegold dIrected Manon DaVies 111 her\1eVv comedy Not So Dumb whIchopens Fnday at the Adams theater

The new talkmg pIcture IS basedupon the Boardway stage hit Duleywntten by George S Kaufman and\larch Connelly lU whIch Lynn Fontame created the l1tle charactenxattonand which Constance Talmadge laterportrayed on the Silent screen Inadaptmg the play for the talkIesWanda Tuchock scenanst and EdwmJustus Mayer who prepared the dlalogu~ made very few alteratIons preservmg the flavor of the ongmal plot

MISS DaVies IS seen to advantage 111

demonstrating her rare comedy talents'\s the beautrful but dumb fiancee ofa young arttficlal Jewelry merchant shecontlOually m-anages to mess up 1115

busmes~ aftatrs by prymg and meddhng Her scene as hostess at bndgeIS perhaps the most uproanous MISSDavJes ever enacted

Marion Davies atAdams Theater

Coldfish CareGoldfish should be feu ~Teens quUe

as much as bilds An:\ reputabie storethat carnes fish food has a vaned supply and a sprig or two can be purchased for next to nothlll,i

(Continued from Page One)Pomte Farms and Iochmoor electlons'" ere also held w1th the maJor1ty oflOcumbents returl1lng to office a1 d In

~e"eral cases there bemg no contestGros~e Pomte officers "",ere reelecte<i

for one yea'! terms as follows RichardP Connor PresJdent Norbert P heffclerk Charles A Poupard treasurer'lnd "t\,e11Blondell assessor The f0110'.\mg members of the board of trustees ",,-ere 'feelected for two yearsChester r Carpenter D M Ferry JrWIlham rlsher

Alonzo R Backman defeated Clarence P Semon 1n the race for vlllageassessor -at Grosse Pomte rarms recelvlOg only five more votes than thedefeated candldate Kenneth L MoorepresHtent John R Kerby clerk andHarry A Furton treasurer !Were reelected" Ithout oPPosItion whM Herman Dondero James Rao:.mussen andWilham J Yfason were elected to theboard of trustees for two years FranCIS J Hoch was chosen to serve forone year on the board

Three bond 1ssues provldmg for theunrprovement of Lake Shore road Ker-cheval avenue, and the vJ11age waterworks were all easIly canIed

A1Jthough the voters of Lochmoor defeated a proposed $40 000 bond Issue fora mUnicIpal bUlld1ng three amendments.to the Village charter were -carned 10

the election there \1:onday James WCarter ",as elected presIdent WithoutOPPOSitIOn 'fecetvmg 174 votes ""hIlethree conllU1SSlOners 'VI ere elected out Iof SIX candidates

1 he bond Issue" as carned by a plurahty 130 votes bemg C'<1stIn favor to10..,votes agalllo:.t but a 60 per cent 1naJonty w'\s necessary to place the ISsuemto effect The first amendment whIchcarned by a vote of 139 yes to 8S noprovided for the bOI'rowmg of moneyto -cover deficlenc1es caused by debnquent assessments The money will bepaid back at the tIme 'Of the paymentof the 'ClehnquencY

Spreadmg the tIme f'Or payment forpubltc Improvements such as pavingse", ers etc over a penod of 10 to 15}ears rather than five years was theprorvlslon contained In the secondamendment V,hlCh carned by a vote of161 to 69

The last ~harter amendment alsopertam1l1g to speclal assyssments provlded the treasurer 'VI th nght to renew'VI an'ants to collect delmquencles onthe tax rolls and also 1o,,",ered the tune11 \\ hlch non paId taxes may be placedupon the general tax roll as speclal assessments from t\\O years to one yearThe amendment carned by a maJontyof 144to 80

The candidates for COmmJlSSlOner thethree receiving the highest number ofvotes bemg elected \, ere as follQlWSretv. ard Vanderbu'ih 168 votes ArthurJ Poo:.t 143 votes George A Roth 93votes CI) de Goodman, 83 votes Sydney J Bockstanz 78 votes and WalterB Conrad 40

Incumbent Officials of4 Villages Reelected


Theatre1$001Chulnoa A.,..'Comer of Wa:r"gm

THURSDAY, MARCH 20-A Talkmg Plctu\-e


"No Defence"

SUNDAY, MONDAY, MARCH 16-17All Talklllg Laughmg Comedy

"Taming of the Shrew"Co starrmg



Ta'lkmg Smgllj,g - Danclt1g

"Dance of Life"w,th HAl SKELLY and

NANCY CARROl LAdded AUrae-hon Wedneaday NI.htOnly-The New Brande's 8 tube all-

.le(;tr~c racho liven away free.


Feature No 1-All Talkmg Drama

"Jealously"WIth JI:ANl-.F EAGELS

A Talkmg PIcture

"Sailor's Holiday"WJth

AI AN HALj- and SALLY EILERSOn tho Stage-

COUNTRY STORE NIGHT$17" .. Cult.-AI •• 24 Grour,. Priae.



"Land of the Silver Fox"WIth

RIN TIN TINOn.the Stage-


Alomal!IIlIe!1!!l!!lI!I!!1!!l!!1!!l!II!!ll1l'l!!1!!l!!1!!l!!1!!l!lIOIUTili_ • litiliiTiIiiliTiiJiliifiTiiIiTiiTifiiTiliiTilii1il


Page FourdId not thmk tnere ",as anythmgsrtrange 1U the procedureHe then refmed to say anythmg

further chargmg that the RFVII:.\\ s(Contmued from Page One) subSIdized a 1d 110t gIven to prmtmg

'>chool board to make th s momentous the facts He later retracted the asdecmon of the prllpOslt!on 111V1ew of sertlOn tl at It wao:. subsld17ed qualtBerns <libsence fymg th1S statement bv sayll1g that cer

It IS mterestlng to note that at the tam partles are paymg for space mt\\ 0 prece<lmg meet lOgS no action dlS the paper to ha' e the J l1110r Highcu<>Ston or report of the Jun10r H1gh School 1ssue treated 111a crttlcal andl:i.chool program was taken or ma le and r reJudlclal mannerthus no md.lcatlOn that the proposltlOl1 All the RFvIF\V has to sa) to \Il\\ ould lbe brought ,up "utter and other<; \\ ho ma) po",,,!'bl)

In the dec~slOn to place the bond 111.\e thL <;ame OPll1lO1 t11'1t thiS ljJarpcrIf~ue at the appralo:.al flgures 1S seen 1 no '\\ay a propagand1. sheet buttile deduction that the Schaol Board IS ~ 1.1 1dere 1dent nDn pol tical gazetantlc~patll1g resortmg to condemnat on telf tr) ng 11 1tS humble v\ a) to Ilforml'roceedmgs to acquire the JU11l'orHIgh Ithe i eople of thiS dbtnct 11 a fa rands-chool Sltes ThIS then apparently es I partlal n an ler the Jtem~ at ne\\:-tabhshes the fact that Freel Sutter tl at 1 a} be of ll1terest to the severalpreSIdent of the School Board and C.rro,>~C'Po nte commul1ltlesTrustee John Watkllls who at vanoustunes had composed comm ttees to nego-hate With owners of the proposedSites for the purpose of purchasmgsame for the school Board had beenunable to come to terms With the property 0\\ ners

The resolution placmg the bond Issuebefore the ~leotors aJt the annual schoold1stnct meetmg was mad* by CharlesP?orceIls secretary of the Board

rred Sutter declIned to diSCUSSthe';chool Board 5 decIslOn to place 1hebond Issue at the annual meetmg whenan InterVICtW was sought iby the RE~n \V AS'ked v. hy the JunIOr Highschod Site l~sue had been practl<:allyDrought out of a clear sky and a defmite ~our!>e of actlOn taken under suchcU"cum<;.tances namely With TrusteeBerns not bemg present and after theprOpo~ltlOn has been a dead l~sue forHveral meetmgs 'Sutter replied that he


f395,OOO Bc;n-d-I;sueforJunior High Sites Up




fFoy hl.l:;1er stan4ards In fur-I'llt$l"fi hutldtngt see us 'at work'_l.nr: furmture 50 YourOrder"There IS one way to buy furl1lHue Come here to select yourown matenals We bmld JustI what )OU want 111 overstuffed


smtes and smgle pleces-Just"') a" )rvu "<J\.ant them Our show) rooms show style an.d ,alue

~ t Your e 1I1vlted-to Just look

I around 1£ yOU re 110t ready toorder al1ythmg



FREO A HOOOlltll1tEftIAOAM 3392 RES HICI(OOY&161 1