Independent and Minority parties in Australian Politics

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  • 8/9/2019 Independent and Minority parties in Australian Politics


    Michelle Dang

    SID: 450160165

    Political parties are generally argued to be the main and crucial link beteen citi!ens

    and the state" balancing the interests o# their political ideologies and that o# their supporters$

    %t current" the entrenchment o# &abor and the &iberal'(ational )oalition as the to ma*or

     political institutions ithin %ustralian politics re#lects the suggesti+ely impenetrable plane o#

     party politics$ ,he #amiliar pattern o# minor and third party challenge #ailures gi+es rise to the

    increasingly apparent argument o# hether or not %ustralian politics embodies an accurate

    depiction o# representati+e democracy$ In the recent May -014 .oint Standing )ommission

    on /lectoral Matters herea#ter .S)/M" contains si2 prescribed recommendations e+ol+ing

    around party registration restrictions seemingly #urthering the disad+antaged minor and

    Independent parties already lacking the political support and security held by their ma*or

    counterparts$ ,his en3uiry highlights the hardships encountered by minor parties and

    Independents in asserting their party disciplines and contributing as acti+e participants in

     public policy making$ ,his essay attempts to submit the essential presence o# minor parties

    and Independents in the sustaining representati+e democracy" arguing that by challenging

     pre+ailing party policies ith di+erse party ideologies" a greater scope o# citi!en interests may

     be represented ithin %ustralian politics$

    % minor party is obser+ed to be a party that consistently #ails to achie+e inclusion in

    the o+ernment .oint Standing )ommission on /lectoral Matters .S)/M" -014" p$ 55"

    1$--$ 7#ten times" minority parties encounter barriers such as economic #unding" lo

    recognition and +oting techni3ues in particular$ /lectoral systems that permit abo+e the line

    +oting" systematically denies the supporters o# indi+idual candidates the opportunity to +ote

    8abo+e the line$8 9oe+er" this issue is surmounted hen otherise Independent candidates

    #orm a group ith another candidate and register their name as a party grouping to #ul#il

    group party criteria$ ,his is demonstrated in the -00 Senate election in South %ustralia in

  • 8/9/2019 Independent and Minority parties in Australian Politics


    Michelle Dang

    SID: 450160165

    hich (ick ;enophon ran ith another candidate as a party grouping hich success#ully

    resulted in his election into the Senate$ ,he strong incenti+e #or Independent candidates to

    #orm groups has blurred party groupings and Independents$ ,his as a trend that the .S)/M

    in3uiry -014 attempted to restrain" arguing that

  • 8/9/2019 Independent and Minority parties in Australian Politics


    Michelle Dang

    SID: 450160165

    In the passing o# a bill" it is more o#ten than not contested by the ma*or opposition

     party ho ill +ote against it" in this circumstance legislati+e scrutiny be#alls Independents

    and minor parties B hom seldom ha+e an interest in challenging the o+ernment to call a

    double dissolution election1 through the re*ection o# bills because they ha+e no chance in

    #orming the o+ernment themsel+es and are unlikely to risk their seats$ &i! Coung rites" ?In

    such a case" it may be more sensible #or minor parties to bargain #or changes rather than to

    directly challenge the o+ernment by de#eating its legislation@ 1 E go+ernments in the

    minority ill there#ore negotiate ith minor parties as ell as opposition parties" to pass

    contro+ersial bills through parliament B a process not ithout negotiation and amendments$

    ,his is demonstrated in the 1 Senate debate o+er the goods and ser+ices ta2 S, in

    hich the leader o# the %ustralian Democrats Meg &ees challenged #or e2emptions to the

    S, such as #ood" books" and tourism packages and #or other compensating ta2 measures to

     be implemented$ ,he creati+e policy negotiation lead to % (e ,a2 System oods and

    Ser+ices ,a2 %ct 1 passing on -F .une 1$ 9ence this consensus style o# policy

    making allos #or a democratic consideration o# a greater spectrum o# ideas and moderates

    the polarisation o# go+ernment and the opposition unlike the loer house$

    %s earlier stated" the likelihood o# a minority go+ernment are slim hoe+er that is not

    to say go+ernment policies cannot be practically sayed by care#ul negotiation in #a+our o#

     party disciplines$ ,he adoption o# P> allos #or this representation o# otherise #ringe

     politics" hich in its sel#" pro+okes both negati+e and positi+e +ies$ Ghate+er the intention

    o# the go+ernment in the adoption o# P> and the representation o# minor parties" hether

    intended or not" has ensured signi#icant strengthening o# parliamentary democracy #ul#illing

    1 Hnder s - o# the )onstitution$

  • 8/9/2019 Independent and Minority parties in Australian Politics


    Michelle Dang

    SID: 450160165

    the e2pectations o# %ttorneyEeneral 9$$ /+att 14F" ho argued that Jthe #airest system

    and the one most likely to enhance the status o# the Senate is that o# P>$8

    % +ery appealing aspect o# Independents and minor parties during election periods is

    attributed to public disen#ranchisement ith the ma*or political parties" especially in rural and

    regional seats$ 7#ten times" Independents pitch their campaign to their electorates" presenting

    themsel+es to the public that separates them #rom go+ernment and parliamentarians that goes

     beyond the di##erences in their political ambitions to a genuine attempt to oblige +oter needs$

    ,ypically" minor parties tend to hold the interests o# their supporters closely beside their party

    ideology and #rom this emerges narro and single interest parties like the ecommendation 4 o# the -014 .S)/M" the committee e2pounds the need #or the re+ision o# ss

    1-6" 1A-" 1A4 o# Pt in the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 #or stronger re3uirements #or

     party registration$ In particular the >ecommendation includes:

     An increase in party membership [requires] a minimum of 1500 members…

    who are not relie upon other party in orer for a feerally re!istere party

    to fiel caniates nationally

    .oint Standing )ommission on /lectoral Matters .S)/M" May -014

    In e##ect the process ill initially stunt the #ormation o# minor parties ith the high minimum

     party membership as ell as discourage minor parties and Independents uniting on common

    ground to #unnel +otes$ ,he )ommittee also #urther recommended that the o+ernment

    supply ade3uate resources to the %ustralian /lectoral )ommittee to o+ersee the subEagenda

    recommendations includingK a membership +eri#ication process" and membership audits each

    electoral cycle$ 7b*ecti+ely +ieing the >ecommendation elucidates the intention to maim

    the a+enues in hich minor parties and Independents seek political in#luence$ Gith the

  • 8/9/2019 Independent and Minority parties in Australian Politics


    Michelle Dang

    SID: 450160165

    reduction o# di+erse participation o# party ideologies that re#lect the public interest o#

    supporters" #ragmented political liberty and a #ailure o# representati+e democracy ensues$

    Support #or minor parties and Independents reached record le+els #or both the 9ouse

    and >epresentati+es and the Senate at the -01A election$ Gith support #or nonEma*or party

    candidates reaching -1$1L in the 9ouse o# >epresentati+es and A-$-L in the Senate$ ,his

     political demographic stems #rom the decline #rom traditional parties attracting many more

    candidates to contest in ederal elections$ %lthough these numbers look promising in

    impro+ing the 3uality o# representati+e democracy by opening mainstream politics #or

    alternati+e +oices to be heard" the groing candidate rate has complicated the Senate ballot

     papers$ ,he increased candidature o# Independents and minor parties as described in the

    .S)/M en3uiry" raises complications i# one ere to +ote abo+e the line" the choice o# here

    their +ote ould go ould be e##ecti+ely ambiguous and +oting belo the line pro+ed to be a

    comple2 and time consuming +enture$ In this ay" representati+e democracy is distorted" the

    .S)/M en3uiry coined the term ecommendation one o# the May .S)/M in3uiry"

    e2pounds the suggestion o# the council calling upon the go+ernment to amend s -A o# the

    Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 to allo #or: optional pre#erential abo+e the line +oting"


  • 8/9/2019 Independent and Minority parties in Australian Politics


    Michelle Dang

    SID: 450160165

     political +ies that appeal to the ma*ority are ecommendations" the multitude o# minor parties and

    their respecti+e political disciples ithin contemporary society is a testimony to the

    strengthening o# democracy through the interplay o# di+erse o# agendas ithin the legislati+e


    Ghilst there are some transparent obstacles be#alling minor parties and Independents

    in ascertaining a position to contribute to public policy" Jtheir numbers in the Senate to

    check the poer o# the o+ernment in ays that undoubtedly ha+e been in the public

    interest= /ditorial" Australian "inancial #e$iew" F March 14 ha+e ser+ed to e+ol+e the

    chamber into a +ibrant part o# %ustralia8s system o# representati+e go+ernment$ %s ell as

    this" statistics do not #ail to sho a groing propensity o# %ustralians to +ote aay #rom the

    ma*or parties and re+ealing the apparent threat to ma*or party hegemony accredited to their

    decline in public con#idence to ade3uately represent issues o# importance held by the

    supporter$ Ghilst the P> system has pro+ided a+enues to pursue parliamentary in#luence"

    criticism toards the techni3ues employed by minor parties and Independent candidates to

    ma2imise inning o# seats has imposed barriers that hinder their chances o# representation$

    %lthough the results o# the recommendations pro+ided by the .)S/M ha+e yet to be

    comprehensi+ely published" it ill no doubt ad+ersely a##ect the numbers o# minor and

    independents seats and hence the comple2ion o# %ustralia=s representati+e democracy$

  • 8/9/2019 Independent and Minority parties in Australian Politics


    Michelle Dang

    SID: 450160165

    %lberchtsen" . -01-" .uly 4$ ,he Proportional Pathay to Policy Paralysis$ %he Australian"

     p$ AF

    C&' Commonwealth &arliamentary 'ebates" 16 %pril 14F" p$ 65 3uoted in /lecting

    %ustralia8s Senator  s" (enate )rief   (o$ 1" March 1F$

    Department o# Parliamentary Ser+ices -010" A!e of *nepenence+ *nepenents in

     Australian &arliaments, )anberra" %ustralasian Parliamentary >e+ie  Autumn -010"=



    L-0democracyL-- R" accessed: --nd March" -015$

    reen" %$ -01A" (o+ember 1$ >ecord ote #or Minor Parties at -01A ederal /lection

    Geb log post$ >etrie+ed #rom http:''blogs$abc$net$au'antonygreen'-01A'11'recordE+oteE#orE


    .or/anicyn ,&rater ' -006 Australian &olicy 2nline+ *nepenents in Australian

     &olitics" Nhttp:''apo$org$au'commentary'independentsEaustralianEpoliticsR" accessed: --nd 

    March" -015" page updated eb -015$

    .aensch$ D" 1F$ *mportance, rele$ance, classification,  A &la!ue on both your houses+

    minor parties in Australia, %llen Hnin$

    .oint Standing )ommission on /lectoral Matters$ -014 *nterim report on the inquiry into

    the conuct of the -013 "eeral Election+ (enate $otin! practices )anberra" %ustralia:


    Parliament o# %ustralia$ -00F$ %he (enate, Accountability an .o$ernment Control+

     &arliamentary &aper no 48 >etrie+ed #rom: http:''$aph$go+$au'senate'T'T'link$asp2U


    Sharman$ ) -010 epresentation o# Small Parties and Independents in the Senate"=

     Australian 6ournal of &olitical (cience" A4A" pp$ A5AE A61$;fileType=application%2Fpdf#search=%22independent%20party%20australian%20democracy%22;fileType=application%2Fpdf#search=%22independent%20party%20australian%20democracy%22;fileType=application%2Fpdf#search=%22independent%20party%20australian%20democracy%22;fileType=application%2Fpdf#search=%22independent%20party%20australian%20democracy%22;fileType=application%2Fpdf#search=%22independent%20party%20australian%20democracy%22;fileType=application%2Fpdf#search=%22independent%20party%20australian%20democracy%22

  • 8/9/2019 Independent and Minority parties in Australian Politics


    Michelle Dang

    SID: 450160165

    Stock" .$ ,$ -010" %he .reens, 'emocrats, minor parties an *nepenents, in Parkin" %$"

    Summers" .$ and Goodard" D$ ed$ .o$ernment, politics, power an policy in

     Australia, renchs orest: Pearson &ongman" -010 th /dition" )h$ $

    Coung" &$ Ma*or Parties and the &egislati+e Process in the %ustralian Senate: % Study o# the

    1A Vudget ,  Australian 6ournal of &olitical (cience" +$A4" no$ 1" 1" p$1$