389 | New Index - 2013 Edition Index 1. This revised and expanded index incorporates the original 1967 index and the name index prepared in 1997 by Larry McQuoid and others on behalf of the Quinte Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society. I am indebted to the Quinte Branch for permission to use this excellent reference material. 2. References to pages in the original 1967 introduction are in UPPER CASE Roman numerals. 3. References to pages in the new (2013) introduction are in bold, lower case Roman numerals. Abbott, Sir John, 184 Aberdeen, Governor-General, 185, 186 Aberdeen, Lady, 184-186 Accidents, 58-59, 63, 67, 69, 76-78, 105, 216, 240, 272, 278, 362 Actinolite (Bridgewater), 6, 107-108, 243-144, 151, 172, 174, 197, 222, 319-322 Adams family, 350 Adolphustown, 22, 25, 56, 85-86 Agriculture, 8, 16, 17, 26, 27, 32, 39, 42, 48, 54-59, 63, 91, 92, 108, 112, 124-128, 142, 173-175, 179, 180, 246-249, 260, 263-267, 270, 275, 279, 280, 289, 298-300, 307, 309, 325, 329, 331, 334, 358, 361-362, 272- 373 Agricultural Societies, 108-110; See also Fairs Aitken, Alexander, 291 Albert College, 116, 148, 176-177, 201 Alexander, Sir James, 93 Allan, John, 372 Allan, Thomas, 307 Allen, B., IV Allen, William, 308 Allen's Mills, 292 Allison, William, 362,366 Allison family, 366 Allore, Joseph, IX Alysworth: see Aylsworth Ameliasburgh Township, 8, 44, 72, 85 American Civil War, 134, 139 American Revolution, 19, 20, 23, 30, 33 Anderson, Judge J.C., IV Anderson, P., IV Anderson families, 40, 270 Anne, Queen, 19, 20 Annwood, 238-240; See also Trenton Ansley, Henry H., 192 Anson Junction, 281 Antoine, Peter, 348 Appleby, Nathaniel, 102,103 Appleby, Thomas, 271 Appleby family, 270 Appleby and Burdett Mills, 272 Armitage, D., IV Armstrong (American Secretary of War), 38 Armstrong, Clement, 251 Armstrong, Robert Tupper, 105 Armstrong, Simon, 301 Armstrong, William, 196 Armstrong and Kirkland’s Store, 98 Aselstine’s bus, 231 Ashe, Miss Olive G., IX Ashley, William, 260, 263 Ashley family, 286 Auctions, 47, 269, 270 Austin, Benjamin Fish, 177 Aviary, 217 Aylsworth, C.F., 120, 124, 144, 146, 312, 361, 362, 364 Aylsworth, C.F. Jr., 318 Aylsworth, Mrs James, IX Aylsworth family, 275 Aylward, John, 357 Aylward Orphans, 357 Badgley, Laurence, 257 Badgley, Stephen, 257 Badgley family, 272 Bagot, Sir Charles, 97 Bailey, R, V Bailey families, 287, 363 Index for Historic Hastings Vol. 1 (2013 edition) by Gerry Boyce. For more information see: http://globalgenealogy.com/countries/canada/ontario/hastings/resources/101260.htm

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1. This revised and expanded index incorporates the original 1967 index and the name index prepared in 1997 by Larry McQuoid and others on behalf of the Quinte Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society. I am indebted to the Quinte Branch for permission to use this excellent reference material.

2. References to pages in the original 1967 introduction are in UPPER CASE Roman numerals.

3. References to pages in the new (2013) introduction are in bold, lower case Roman numerals.

Abbott, Sir John, 184 Aberdeen, Governor-General, 185, 186 Aberdeen, Lady, 184-186 Accidents, 58-59, 63, 67, 69, 76-78, 105, 216, 240, 272, 278, 362 Actinolite (Bridgewater), 6, 107-108, 243-144, 151, 172, 174, 197, 222, 319-322 Adams family, 350 Adolphustown, 22, 25, 56, 85-86 Agriculture, 8, 16, 17, 26, 27, 32, 39, 42, 48, 54-59, 63, 91, 92, 108, 112, 124-128, 142, 173-175, 179, 180, 246-249, 260, 263-267, 270, 275, 279, 280, 289, 298-300, 307, 309, 325, 329, 331, 334, 358, 361-362, 272- 373 Agricultural Societies, 108-110; See also Fairs Aitken, Alexander, 291 Albert College, 116, 148, 176-177, 201 Alexander, Sir James, 93 Allan, John, 372 Allan, Thomas, 307 Allen, B., IV Allen, William, 308 Allen's Mills, 292 Allison, William, 362,366 Allison family, 366 Allore, Joseph, IX Alysworth: see Aylsworth Ameliasburgh Township, 8, 44, 72, 85 American Civil War, 134, 139 American Revolution, 19, 20, 23, 30, 33 Anderson, Judge J.C., IV Anderson, P., IV Anderson families, 40, 270

Anne, Queen, 19, 20 Annwood, 238-240; See also Trenton Ansley, Henry H., 192 Anson Junction, 281 Antoine, Peter, 348 Appleby, Nathaniel, 102,103 Appleby, Thomas, 271 Appleby family, 270 Appleby and Burdett Mills, 272 Armitage, D., IV Armstrong (American Secretary of War), 38 Armstrong, Clement, 251 Armstrong, Robert Tupper, 105 Armstrong, Simon, 301 Armstrong, William, 196 Armstrong and Kirkland’s Store, 98 Aselstine’s bus, 231 Ashe, Miss Olive G., IX Ashley, William, 260, 263 Ashley family, 286 Auctions, 47, 269, 270 Austin, Benjamin Fish, 177 Aviary, 217 Aylsworth, C.F., 120, 124, 144, 146, 312, 361, 362, 364 Aylsworth, C.F. Jr., 318 Aylsworth, Mrs James, IX Aylsworth family, 275 Aylward, John, 357 Aylward Orphans, 357 Badgley, Laurence, 257 Badgley, Stephen, 257 Badgley family, 272 Bagot, Sir Charles, 97 Bailey, R, V Bailey families, 287, 363

Index for Historic Hastings Vol. 1 (2013 edition) by Gerry Boyce. For more information see: http://globalgenealogy.com/countries/canada/ontario/hastings/resources/101260.htm

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Baily, David, 94 Baird, N.H., 169 Baker, Alfred, 338, 341 Baker, Alfred C, 339 Baker, J.F., 281 Baker, William, 284, 285 Baldwin, Henry, 48, 85 Baldwin, Robert, 74, 83, 96, 97 Ballard, J.R., 350 Bancroft, Phoebe, 343 Bancroft (town), 2, 144, 157, 174, 215, 234, 237, 322, 338-344, 348, 354-55 Bandy Family, 350 Bane, John, 336 Bangor Township, 108, 144, 201, 367- 375 Bannister, J.W., 167 Bannockburn (community), 172, 309, 310, 311 Baptiste family, 348 Baptiste Lake, 248, 341, 353-355 Baragar family, 370 Barker, Alfred, 338, 341 Barker, Mrs. Myrtle, 352 Barker family, 350 Barlow, George, 83 Barnum Menagerie, 217 Barr family, 370 Barry’s Bay, 345, 374 Bartlett, Edward, 362 Bartlett, George, 357, 362 Bartlett, Smith, 109 Bata, Thomas, 251, 252 Batawa (community), 251-252 Bateman, Carl E., iii, VIII Bateman, Mrs Ken, ix Bateman families, 279, 308 Bates, Miss Barbara, IX Bayside (community), 246-248 Beattie, Rev. D., 351 Beatty, Samuel G., 177 Beaudrie, Ben, 352 Beaudrie family, 350 Beaver Creek, 298, 328, 335-336 Beavers, 319 Becket, Paul, 109 Beckett, F., IV Bedell, Mr. and Mrs. F.H., VIII “Bee”, 58, 63, 216, 278, 331 Beechmont, 354-355

Beeman, Dr. Truman I., 343, 344 Begg, Alexander, 242 Bell, Clyde, IX Bell, John, 119, 148, 162, 163, 225, 281 Bell, John Howatt, 176 Bell, Robert, 372 Bell, William, 22, 32, 36-38, 41, 43, 56, 85, 191, 192, 203, 204, 246 Bell Rapids, 371, 372 Bell View, 281 Bell’s Creek, 358 Bell’s Tannery, 358 Belleville (city), i, iii, 11, 13, 15, 21, 30-38, 40-54, 56, 57, 59, 61, 65-73, 75-99, 101-105, 108, 112-117, 129- 138, 140-148,152-155, 158-166, 173-193, 196, 198, 202-215, 217- 238, 257-258, 271-262, 315, 317- 318, 368 Belleville Riot, 158-166 Belshaw, J.B., IX Benjamin, George, i, 52, 78, 86, 88, 90, 94, 101, 102, 118, 132, 133, 209, 212 Bennett, Augustus, 73 Bennett, Mrs. G.A, VIII Bennett, J.W., 371 Bennett family, 370 Benson, Samuel M., 48, 70, 291 Benson, Stephen, 76, 83, 86 Bentley, George, 346 Bentley, Henry, 346 Bernard, John, 342 Bessemer (community), 157, 351-352 Bessemer, Henry, 351 Best, James, 354, 360 Best, Joseph E., IX Best, Mrs Joseph E., IX Best’s School, 308 Biculturalism, 185, 234 Bidwell family, 257 Big Springs, 281 Bingham, Harry, 351 Bin(n)inger, John, 22, 191 Bird, Henry, 331 Bird, Robert, 121, 126 Bird's Creek, 354-355 Black Creek, 3, 323, 325 Black Diamond Cheese Company, 173 Blackburn family, 333

Index for Historic Hastings Vol. 1 (2013 edition) by Gerry Boyce. For more information see: http://globalgenealogy.com/countries/canada/ontario/hastings/resources/101260.htm

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Blairton (community), 63 Blakely families, 287, 308 Blanchard (circus performer), 217 Blaney, Henry, 372 Blaricom; See VanBlaricom Bleecker, John, 34, 67, 238-240, 283 Bleecker, Mrs. John., 67, 238-240 Bleecker, William, 142 Blessington (community), 273 Boer War, 228 Bogart, Abraham L., 133, 292 Bogart, D.D., 113 Bogart family, 275 Bogart Mills (Bogart), 292 Bon Echo, 34 Bonarlaw (community), 281 Bonnycastle, Col. R.H., 74, 78, 79, 95, 209, 264, 265 Bonter, Captain, 93 Booth, J.R., 346, 349 Booth, James, 109 Bottoms, William, 138 Boulter, Dr. G.H., VI, 282, 292, 364 Boulter (community), 363-365 Boulton, D'Arcy, 257, 278 Bourke, (Father) Charles, 271 Bowell, Mackenzie, ii, iv, VIII, 131- 132, 135, 136, 181-187, 212, 222 Bowen, J., 274, 275 Bowen, W.R, 253 Bowen family, 40 Bowen (community); See Deseronto Boyce, Mrs. Beverley. IX Boyce, Mrs Egerton, IX Boyce, Gerald E. (Gerry), i, v, x Boyle, Henry, 372 Bradley, Fred, IX Bragg’s Tannery, 321 Brandreth, Dr., 213, 214 Brant, Carol, 266 Brant, Elwood D., 268 Brant, Chief John, 266 Brant, John A., 268 Brant, Chief Joseph, 20-269 Breen family, 326 Bremner, John, 343 Bremner, William, 350 Brennan, Rev. Michael, 209 Brennan, Mike, 224 Brennan’s Hotel, 254

Brenton, F., 261 Brenton, F.M., 288 Brenton, J., 261 Bridges, 35, 47, 58, 67-70, 88, 101, 104, 129, 235, 239-241, 143, 253, 256, 269, 277, 284, 286, 301, 308, 336, 348, 362 Bridgewater; see Actinolite Brintnell, A.H., 173 Brisco’s Tannery, 310 Britton, Edward, 109 Brock, Isaac, 36-38 Bronson, Lumber Company, 333, 346, 354, 371 Bronson, Simon, 125 Bronson family, 350 Bronson (community), 347 Bronson & Weston, Lumber Co., 341 Brophy's Hotel, 254 Brown, Mr. (body), 374 Brown, G & J Foundry, 115, 143 Brown, J. IV Brown, James, 136, 161, 230 Brown, Mrs. Murney, IX Brown, Stewart, 343 Bruce, Miss Ella, 339 Bruce, Robert, 350 Bruce family, 350 Bull, John, 326 Burdett family, 272 Burdon, Alexander, 88, 94, 115, 196 Burgess Mines, 365, 366 Burgoyne, Adolphus, 228 Burleigh, Dr. H.C., IX Burnett family, 289 Burnside, T., IV Burrell, Ellis, 91 Burrowes, Thomas, 46, 47, 52, 58, 67 Burrows family, 179 Burwash, Lachlan Taylor, 177 Bush, J., V Bush, Mrs Roy, IX Butler, M.J., 345-349 Butler, Patrick, 63 “Buy Canadian Campaign”, 94 Cairns, John, 372 Calder, H., 70 Caldwell family, 350 Cameron, Cariboo, 147

Index for Historic Hastings Vol. 1 (2013 edition) by Gerry Boyce. For more information see: http://globalgenealogy.com/countries/canada/ontario/hastings/resources/101260.htm

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Cameron, Matthew Crooks, 184 Campbell, Bob, 365 Campbell, John D., 364 Campbell, Rev. Thomas, 68, 70, 73, 85, 194, 202-203, 208, 247-248 Campbell, Mrs. Thomas, 194 Canada Company, 59, 74, 292 Canniff, Daniel, 109 Canniff, James, 109 Canniff, John, 55, 75, 109, 259 Canniff, Jonas, 260 Canniff, Joseph, 97, 98, 109, 261 Canniff, Phillip F., 109 Canniff, Thomas, 109 Canniff, William, viii, IX, 43, 66, 192, 212, 214 Canniff’s Mill (St. Ola), 337 Canniff’s Mills; see Cannifton Cannifton (community), vii, 54, 89, 107, 112, 143, 174, 196, 200, 259, 261, 263 Cannon family, 370 Card, D., V Card, D.K., IX, 371 Cardiff (community), 340 Carlow Township, vii, 108, 125, 144, 199, 217, 224, 350, 361-366 Carman, Rev. Albert, 116, 176 Carman, Beryl, IX Carman, J.W., 213 Carman family, 308 Carmel (community), 251 Carr, J.F., 147 Carr, J.S, IX Carr, S.J., IV Carr brothers, 349 Carre (surveyor), 310 Carrol, Mrs Violet, ix Carrying Place, 39, 40, 67, 69, 81 Carscallen family, 289 Carswell, Miss Agnes, 364 Carswell, W., 344, 354 Cartier, Jacques, 12 Cartwright, Richard, 27 Case, Rev. William, 203, 205-207 Casey, H., V Cashel Township, 324-330, 336 Cassidy, Pat, 360 Caton’s School House, 292 Caverly, Mrs. Gertrude, IX, 299

Cayuga Indians, 10, 11, 15 Centennial Projects, i, 249, 293 Centennial Year (1967), i, ii Chambers, Mrs. K., IXIX Chambers family, 308 Champlain, Samuel de, 12-14, 66, 167, 238, 307 Chandler, E., 13, 109, 213 Chandler's Drug Store, 48 Chapman, Alexander, 292 Chapman, William, 224 Chard, C.S., IX Chard, Peter, 334 Chard, William, 279 Chard family, 278, 279 Chard General Store, 281 Chatten, T., V Chatterton family, 350 Cheese, 142, 173, 175, 228, 249, 252, 263, 281-82, 289, 308, 329, 358, 365 Chewett, J.C., 61 Chewett, William, 43 Childs family, 350, 351 Chisholm, Alexander, 31, 32, 35, 38 Chisholm, Archibald, 204 Chisholm, John, 257-258 Chisholm, W.F., 273 Chisholm's Mills, 262, 273, 292 Chisholm’s Rapids, 168, 169, 251 Choinard family, 350 Christie, Mr. (lacrosse player), 225 Chrysdale family, 246 Church, Ezra, 240 Church, William, 77, 78 Churcher, J.L., IX Circus, 72, 217-218, 303 CJBQ, i Clancy, M., V Clapp, David, 260 Clapp wool carpets, 288 Clare, Thomas, 291, 292 Clare family, 286 Claremont, Charles, 301, 302 Clark, Joseph T., 228 Clark, Peter P., 336 Clark, Peter Perry, 337 Clark families, 326, 341 Clarke, William, 137, 138 Clarke House, 254 Clarkson, Rev. J. B., 188

Index for Historic Hastings Vol. 1 (2013 edition) by Gerry Boyce. For more information see: http://globalgenealogy.com/countries/canada/ontario/hastings/resources/101260.htm

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Claus, Daniel, 20 Claus, Leslie, IX Cleak, James, 338, 341 Clements, Francis, 109 Clergy Reserves, 42, 58, 74 Close family, 292 Clothing, 26, 28, 36, 37, 47, 48, 94, 98, 106, 114, 133, 218,219, 230, 247 Coe, William, 332 Coe Hill (community), 157, 234, 310, 327, 331-333 Colborne, Lieutenant-Governor, 64, 76, 208, 211,242 Cole, James, v, VIII Coleman, C.L., 163 Coleman, Thomas, 42, 43, 50, 53, 56, 75, 202, 213 Coleman family, 333 Colonization Roads: Addington (Perry), 126-128 Carlow, 364 Elzevir and Kaladar, 126 Hastings, 196, 108, 120-128, 315, 319, 324, 330-331, 334-336, 338- 339, 341, 345, 348, 353, 356, 361, 367-368, 370 Madawaska, 126 Mississippi, 126-128, 348 Monck, 126-128, 341, 348 Opeongo, 126, 368 Peterson, 126, 353 Tudor (Snow) 127, 346 Columbus, Christopher, 145 Combs, Rev. William, 337 Conger, Willson, 319 Conlin, Bart, 346 Conlin, Nichol, 291 Conlin family, 308, 331 Connell, James, VIII Connell, Mrs. James, IX Conner, James, 253 Connolly Mine, 290 Conroy farm, 217, 364 Conroy Lumber Co., 362, 371 Cook (Madoc farmer), 121 Cook, W.S., 173 Cooney, John, 346 Cooney families, 287, 329 Cooper, Robert, 308 Corby, Henry, VIII, 110, 118, 140, 182,

222, 261 Corbyville, 54 Cornell, Charles, 347 Cotton, Gil, IX Coulton, R.P., 92 Counter, John, 117 County Council; See Hastings County Court House; See Hastings County Courneyea family, 319 Court of Quarter Sessions, 85, 88 Cowan, George, 372 Cowan, Mr. & Mrs. William, 372-373 Coyne, James, 11 Craig Mine, 328 Crask, Flour Mill, 250 Creiss (gunsmith) viii Crimean War, 326 Cronk families, 40, 286 Crowe Lake, 298 Crowe River, 121, 298, 335 Crowther, Captain, 138 Crumley, Henry, 258 Culbertson, John, 274 Cullen, Rev. Thomas, 144 Cullen, Thomas, 321 Cummings, Anson, 281 Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. M.C, 7 Cummins, James, 299 Cunningham, E., IV Cunningham, James, 328 Currie, A.W., 155 Cuthbert, Alexander, 225 Cuthbertson, John, 78, 83 D_____, Adolphus, 159 Dafoe, Dr. Allan Roy, 318 Dafoe, Calvin, 372 Dafoe, John Wesley, 372 Dafoe, William, 53, 109, 327 Dafoe, Zenas, 53 Dafoe families, 94, 131, 146,160, 278 Daily, Peter R., 109 Dale, Lonnie, 352 Daley, M.S., 190 Daly, John, 357 Daly family, 286 Dancing, 32, 222 Darcey brothers, 270 Daubeny, Charles, 242 Davidson, Miss, 194

Index for Historic Hastings Vol. 1 (2013 edition) by Gerry Boyce. For more information see: http://globalgenealogy.com/countries/canada/ontario/hastings/resources/101260.htm

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Davis (Railway Superintendent), 161 Davis, Andrew Jefferson, IX Davis, Rev. Harry M., IX Davy, Benjamin F., 91, 113, 214 Davy, Chester, 339 Davy, W.A., 344 Day, Dr. H.W., 243 Dean family, 288 Deane, W.H., 324 Death, 8, 247, 259, 335, 373-375; see also Accidents Deer Creek, 313, 317 Deganawedah, 8-10, 268 Delaney, Miss Olive, VIII Deloro (community), 2, 150, 172, 304- 306 Demerell family, 350 Demorest, Smith, 258 Dempsey, W.A., IX Denike, Anthony, 101, 286 Denison, Merrill, 34 Denonville, Marquis de, 17, 18 Denyes, Erle, VIII Depression of 1837, 59, 169 Depression of 1930s, 235, 305 Derry, Abe, 329 Deserondyou, Captain John, 20, 21, 274, 277 Deseronto (town), ii, 2, 8, 19, 22, 78, 135, 142-143, 156-157, 174, 215, 232, 274-277, 325, 333, 335 Detlor, Captain, 135 Detlor, T.S., 153 Detlor, William, 346 Detlor (community), v, 346 Devlin, John, 301 Diamond, Abraham, 213 Diamond, John, 109 Diamond, Miss M., VIII Dick, Mary Jane, 365 Diefenbaker, John, iv, vi Dillabough family, 350 Dillon family, 370 Dionne Quints, 318 Dirkin, Owen, 291 Dobensky, Hyman, 343 Dodds, Thomas, 349 Dolan, Dr, 225 Dominion Day Celebration, 140, 175 Donohue, Martin, 291

Dorland, Deborah, 258 Dougall, Benjamin, 80, 87, 97 Douglas, M., V Douglas family, 349 Dow, Rev. Lorenzo, 203 Dowler, Rev. John, 302, 303 Doxsee family, 332 Doyle, Michael, 357, 370, 371 Doyle Settlement, 353, 354 Duck, White (Indian), 348 Duff, David, 87 Duff, George, 293 Duff’s Corners, 293 Duncan, Andrew, 362 Duncan family, 279 Duncan, Mr. (Melrose storekeeper), 272 Dungannon Township, 108, 345-347, 361, 368 Dunham, Rev. Darius, 203 Dunyes [Denyes], Jacob, 109 Duquette family, 319 Durie, Lt. Col. W.S., 163, 164 Durham, Lord, 83-4, 87 E___, Joe (miner), 147 Eadie, James, IX Eagle Hill, ii, 8-10 Eagle (Wollaston) Lake, 330-333 Eagle’s Nest, 338 Easterbrook, George, 297 Eddy, E.B. Company, 358, 371 Edinburgh, Duke of, 129 Education, ii, vi, 22, 32, 35, 44-45, 48, 77, 88, 100-101, 104, 113, 115-116, 176-177, 181, 191-201, 237, 248, 259, 260-261, 267, 288, 312, 320, 327, 328, 339, 350, 360, 364, 371-2 Edward VII, 227 Edwards, Robert C., 202 Egan Creek, 346, 347, 368 Egan's Farm, 361, 368 Eggleton, Miss Ivy, VIII Eldorado (community), 144-148, 154, 172, 3070398, 310, 312; See also Madoc Gold Rush Elections, 27, 29, 44, 76, 96-98, 100, 182, 212, 214, 230-231, 346 Electricity, 178-179 Elgin Treaty (1854), 108, 139

Index for Historic Hastings Vol. 1 (2013 edition) by Gerry Boyce. For more information see: http://globalgenealogy.com/countries/canada/ontario/hastings/resources/101260.htm

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Elizabeth, Princess, 129 Elizabeth I, Queen, 324 Elizabeth II, Queen, 129 Ellice, Simeon, 240 Elmore, Publius V, 120, 121, 324, 338, 356 Elzevir Township, 57, 61, 105, 108, 126, 141, 151, 174, 195, 231, 308, 319-323, 325 Emerson, John, 320 Emo, Thomas, 289 Empey, Francis, 320 Empey, Levius, 307 English, Francis, 132 English, Mrs. J., IX English family, 270, 272 Everett, John, 42, 53 Ewing, Henry, 300 Fairfield, Dr., 261 Fairfield's Bridge, 261 Fairman, Daniel, 260 Fairman, John, 258 Fairman family, 257 Fairs, 55-57, 91-92, 108-110, 231, 241, 254, 262, 268, 271, 179, 192, 326, 332, 344 Fanning, George, 109 Fanning, John, 69 Faraday, Prof. Michael, 338 Faraday Township, 108, 144, 322, 338- 340, 345 Faraday Village, 333 Farley, Deborah, 258 Farley, James, 258 Farley, James J., 109 Farley, Miss Hazel, IX Farley, Samuel D., 109 Farley family, 246 Farnham family, 349 Farrell, Vincent, 293 Farrell's Corners, 293 Faulkner family, 179 Fell, Robert, 226 Fenelon (Father) M. de, 15, 16, 66 Fenians, 105, 134-139 Fenn family, 236 Fentie, H.A., 371 Fentie, Mrs H.A., IX Ferguson, David, 347

Ferguson, Howard, 245 Ferguson, Israel, 32, 257 Ferguson, John, 32, 36, 66 Ferguson's Livery, 285 Fidlar, Edward, 100, 101, 280, 283 Findlay & Ferguson Lumber Co, 363 Finkle, John, 253 Finkle family, 72, 246 Fires, 114-115, 174, 276-277, 284, 317, 325 Fishing, 8, 27, 223, 235-236, 298, 334, 353, 355, 361 Fitzgerald, Jack, 360 Fitzgerald, John, 357 Fitzgibbon, Wm., 98 Fleming, Miss Bessie M., IX Fleming, Rev. 197 Fleming, Sir Sandford, 118,184 Fletcher, Robert, 285 Flint, Billa, VIII, 49, 53, 102, 107-109, 112, 132-133, 151, 153, 176, 182, 197, 210, 219, 319-322, 343, 344 Flint, J.J.B., 225 Flint & Yeomans, 142 Flinton, 108, 319 Floods, 42, 94, 142, 235 Fobert family, 319 Food, 8, 15, 25-27, 78, 96, 113, 216, 222-223, 242, 308, 334-336. 361 Ford, Jacob, 86 Ford, Mr. (innkeeper), 241 Foresters, Order of, 255, 267 Forneri (surveyor), 369, 370 Forrester, Mrs. J.H., 237 Forster, J.W, 37 Fort Frontenac, 17-18 Fort Henry, 80, 82-83 Fort Hunter, 19-21 Fort Stewart, vii, 364-365 Foster, Alex, 346 Foster, Ira, 346 Foster, Lois, viii Foster, W.A., 158. 161-163, 166 Foster family, 270, 331 Fox, Captain, 147 Fox families. 279, 308 Foxboro (community), 32, 104, 173, 200, 203, 216, 243, 257-8, 260, 263 Fraleck, Miss Helen, IX Francis, Robert, 169

Index for Historic Hastings Vol. 1 (2013 edition) by Gerry Boyce. For more information see: http://globalgenealogy.com/countries/canada/ontario/hastings/resources/101260.htm

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Frankford (village), 2, 3, 80-83, 103- 104, 143, 169, 189, 200, 206, 215, 222, 143, 252-256 Franklin, Sir John, 289 Fraser, Captain George, 80 Fraser, John, 37 Fraser, Oliver N., 253 Fraser, Robert, 153 Fraser, Senator W.A., 245 Fraser Lake, 361, 366 Frazer, Isaac, 64, 65 Frederick, Conrad, 257 Frederick, John, 257, 258 Freeman, W.R., IX French, Thomas, 354 Frizzell, Wellington, 101 Frobisher, Benjamin, 19, 167 Frontenac, Governor, 17 Fuller, John, 289 Fuller Mill, 344 Fuller Sand & Gravel Co., 290 Fuller School, 287, Furlough family, 272 Gabourie, Felix, 292 Gaebel, Henry, 341 Gaffney, Michael, 338 Galinee, Abbe, 16, 238 Galt, John, 59, 286 Gananoque (town), 78-79 Gannon family, 370 Gardiner, Herbert Fairbairn, 176 Gardiner, Rev. James, 82, 196, 206 Gardner, Miss Nicky, IX Garrett, William, 320 Gatling, C.J., 151 Gauen, Henry, 289 Gaulin family, 275 Gaviller (surveyor), 310 Gay, Miss Jane, IX Gaylord Iron Company, 277 Geen's Drugs, 48 Geneja, Steve, VIII Genereaux family, 319 George, J.C., 341 George III, King, 257, 265 George V, King, 265 George VI, King, 129, 235 George Inn, 93 Georgetown, 292-293, 296; See also

Tweed Gibbs, T.N., 184 Gibbs, W.H., 184 Gibson, (surveyor), 330 Gibson, C., IV Gibson’s store house, 40 Gilbert, Abel, 37, 246 Gilbert, Barton, 200 Gilbert, Benjamin, 109 Gilbert, Caleb, 85, 101, 248, 283 Gilbert families, 246, 249 Gilbert’s house, 204 Gildersleeve, (steam boat operator), 134 Giles, A.G., IX Gilkison, William, 247 Gill and Fortune Company, 325 Gillespie, George H., 312 Gillespie, H.G., 262 Gilmour (community), 327-329 Gilmour & Page Saw Mills, 142 Gilmour (Lumber) Company, VIII, 170, 242, 243, 244, 276, 309, 317, 325, 327, 330-335, 342 Gilmour Mine, 323 Gilroy family, 333 Gin Creek, 350 Givens (Givins), Rev. Saltern, 265, 266 Glaciation, 3 Glanmire (community), 327, 329, 341 Glen Ross (community), 251 Glenn family, 357 Global Heritage Press, x Goldsmith, Joshua, 278 Goldsmith family, 249 Gordanier, C., IV Gordanier, Will, 224 Gordon, Robert, 113 Gordon family, 287 Gore, Francis, 41, 43-45, 75 Gore, Lady Bella, 44 Gould, Mr. (teacher), 200 Gourlay, Robert, 55, 67, 74, 75, 167, 240, 259, 264, 286 Graham, Clarence, IX Graham, Mrs Howard, VIII Graham, R.C., V Graham, Thomas, 292 Graham family, 246 Grand Trunk Railway Brigade, 137

Index for Historic Hastings Vol. 1 (2013 edition) by Gerry Boyce. For more information see: http://globalgenealogy.com/countries/canada/ontario/hastings/resources/101260.htm

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Grand Trunk Strike, 158-166 Granite Man of Gilmour, x Grant, James, 358 Grant, Robert, 365 Grant, Watt, 329 Grape Island, 207-208 Graphite Station, 358 Grass, Peter, 45 Gray, Robert, 146 Gream, C., 310 Green, Rev. Anson, 70-72 Green, John, 339 Greenleaf, George D., 214 Greenview (community), 358 Greenway, Thomas, 186 Griffin Opera House, 221 Grills, Lee, VII Grimsthorpe Township, 61, 121, 319, 323. Grouchy, Marshal, 213 Groves, Gordon, IX Guillet, Edwin C., 66 Gull Lake, 335 Gunshot Treaty, (incorrectly named in text as Shotgun Treaty), 24 Gunter, Abraham, 328, 329 Gunter, Ephriam, 328 Gunter, Hiram, 328 Gunter, John Harvey, 328, 329 Gwynedd, Madoc Ad Owaiin, 307 Hagerman, C.A., 208 Hagerman, Charles, 82 Hagerman family, 286 Haig, A. McLean, v Haight, Canniff, 193 Haight, Clem, 224 Haight, William, 109 Hailstone family, 319 Haldimand, Governor Sir Frederick, 21-24, Hall, Captain Basil, 264, 265 Hall, Margaret, 264 Halliday, John, 362 Halliwell, E.A.E., 190 Halliwell, J., 190 Halloway (community), 262, 263, 289 Halston (community), 273 Ham, James, 336-337 Ham’s Corners, 336-337

Hambly, P., 110 Hambly, William, 28-29, 67, 257-8, 278 Hamilton, Harleigh, v Hamilton, Mr. (road builder), 349 Hamilton family, 370 Hamm, M., IV Hand, Professor, 175 Hanley family, 270 Hanlon, Edward, 225 Hannah, John, 350 Hanthorne, William, 339 Harding, Philip, 338, 341 Hardinge, Dr., 332 Harold (community), 280 Harper, Rev. W.S.F., 206, 207 Harper’s Bar, 91, 118 Harris (lumberman), 333 Harris (widow), 168, 169 Harris, Rev. Chas. Mountain, 303 Harris, David, 36 Harris, Gilbert, 55 Harris, James, 42 Harrison, Capt. Edward, 161, 162, 189 Harrison, Hugh, 98 Harrison, James, 98 Harrison family, 319 Hart, Samuel, 82, 214 Hartsmere (Deer Meadow), 349-350 Harvey, D., IV Harvie, R.Y., 350 Haryett's Landing, 362 Haskins, Miss, 194 Haskins, Dr. James, 254, 255 Haslett, John J., 356, 367 Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment, 326-327: see also Militia Hastings County Council, i, 88, 90, 100, 105, 118, 129, 132-134, 139, 141, 144, 148, 153, 154, 169, 198, 231, 235, 237, 266, 314, 319, 320 Hastings County Court House, 53, 86- 87, 91-92, 95, 98-99, 101-102, 143, 233-234, 237 Hastings County Historical Society, i, iii, v Hastings County Map, ix Hastings County Museum, v, 101-102 Hastings County Registry Office, v Hastings County Vision Statement, x

Index for Historic Hastings Vol. 1 (2013 edition) by Gerry Boyce. For more information see: http://globalgenealogy.com/countries/canada/ontario/hastings/resources/101260.htm

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Hastings Heritage Centre, iii Hastings Village (Madoc), 108, 313- 314 Havergal (community), 362, 364 Havergal, Frances Ridley, 364 Hawkins, Mrs Herbert, IX Hawkins, John, 346 Hawley, E., V Hawley, Sheldon, 82, 86, 239-241, 283 Hawley, W.F. 213 Hayden, Dr. Anson, 52, 77, 260 Hayden's Corners, 260 Hayes, Charles, 60-63, 68, 85, 204, 298 Hayes, M.P., 121, 122 Hayes, R. 60 Hayes, Robert, 63 Hayes, W. 60 Haymes, G.H., 114, 133 Hayonhwatha, 9 Hazelton, Solomon, 257 Hazzard, Jacob, 307 Hazzard's Corners, 309, 321 Head, Sir Francis Bond, 242, 254, 266 Healy, Rev., 203 Henderson, G., 93 Henderson, James (Rev.), 345 Henderson, John, 345 Henderson Talc Mine, 290, 312 Hennesey, David, 72 Hennessy, Mrs Mary J., IX Hennessy, Peter, 347 Hennessy, Royal, 347 Hennessy's Point, 35 Henry VIII (King), 324 Herchmer, Charles L., 109 Hermon (community), 350 Herrington, Thomas, 64 Herschel, Sir John Frederick William, 353 Herschel Township, 108, 144, 338, 348, 353-360, 370-371 Hewitt family, 370 Hicks, John, 372 Hicks family, 319 Hickson, J., 159, 164, 165 Hill, Aaron, 20 Hill, Isaac, 20 Hill, K.S., VIII Hill, Melville, IX Hilliard & Dixon Lumber Co., 328, 362

Historic Hastings –preparation, dedication, etc. i-x Historical Society of Belleville & Hastings County, 105 Hoare, Sterling, 369 Hog Lake, 286 Hogan Settlement, 325, 327 Hogle family, 246 Holandia Lead Mine, 325 Holden, Dr. Rufus, 48, 101, 109, 113 Holland (Surveyor-General), 21 Holland, Kenneth, IX Holton, C.P., 225 Holton, Eliza Jane, 320 Honeywell, Israel, 261 Honeywell's Corners, 261, 262 Hope, Dr. William, 109, 118, 129, 131, 133 Horn, Princess Kahn-Tineta, 10 Hoskins, Ira, 288 Hospitals, 51, 100, 105, 178, 180, 237, 344 Host family, 292 Hostler family, 350 Houghton, W.H., 220, 221 Housing, 31, 33-34, 43, 49, 55, 92-93, 121-122, 179, 180, 185, 247-249, 251, 258, 270, 275, 279, 345, 366 Houston, G.L., 302 Houston Sash and Blind factory, 297 Howard, Dean S., 240 Howard, Rev. N.H., 303 Howe, Alonzo, 296 Howie, Mrs. J., VIII Hubble family, 278 Hudgins, William, 317 Hudson, Captain J.C., 373, 374 Hudson, William, 263, 272 Hudson’s Bay Company, 182, 355 Huffman, Mr. (teacher), 200 Huffman, John S., 253, 255 Huffman, Philip, 291 Huffman family, 278 Hughes, Mr., 354 Hughes, Laughlin, 101 Hughes, Martin, 357 Hughes Station, 354 Hull, Bobby, 263 Hungerford Mills, 296 Hungerford Township, 3, 30, 59, 61,

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81, 85, 103, 105, 151, 195, 197, 206, 207, 210, 288, 291-297 Hungry Bay, 263 Hungry Year, 26-27. 257 Hunt, B., V Hunt, Dr. 343 Hunting, 8, 13, 14, 27, 46, 78, 290, 334, 360 Huntingdon Township, 3, 4, 28, 30, 59, 61, 70, 81, 85, 174, 195, 206-207, 286-290 Hurley family, 40 Huron Indians, 8, 12, 14, 18 Hurst, W.N. V, VIII Hutchinson, Bruce, 187 Hutton, William, 47, 88, 89, 98, 110, 111, 193, 194, 219, 324 Hutton of Hastings, vi Hybla (community), 358 Hynes, William, 362 Ibey, Miss Flossie, ix Indian Missions, 14-20, 207-208, 265 Indian Woods, 77 Indians, 7, 11, 15, 221, 23-24, 28-29, 32, 251, 298, 348-349, 361-361; See also Hurons, Mohawks, etc. Innes, R.L., 117 Intelligencer, The, i, iii, vi Ireland, W.H., 245 Irish Settlement, 287 Iroquois Indians, 8-10, 12-15, 18, 22 Iroquois Lake, 4-5 Irvine, Alexander, 288 Irvine, Charles, IX Irvine, Mrs. Charles, IX Irving, Richard, 342 Irwin, Charles & Co., 143 Irwin, M., V Irwin, T.H., 252 Istead, William, 343 Ivanhoe (community), 174, 288-9, 315 J____, John, 215 Jackson, A.Y., 372 Jackson, Mr. (bandmaster), 220 Jackson, Mrs. Robert, 335 Jackson, Robert, 339 Jackson family, 319 James, Andrew, 372

James, Jessie, 352 James, Joseph, 322 James Brothers, 322 Jamieson's grist mill, 262 Jamieson Lake, 346-347 Jamison, James, 296, 297 Jamison family, 296-297, 319 Jarman, H.J., 339 Jarman, William, 345 Jarman Lumber Company, 346 Jeff, William, 244 Jelly, Andrew, 325, 326 Jelly's Rapids, 326-327 Jenkins, Mrs. Thomas, IX Jevons, S.C., IV Johnson (Lieutenant), 161 Johnson, "Pirate" Bill, 80 Johnson, Harry, 333 Johnson, Sir John, 24 Johnson, Norm, iv, IX Johnson, William, 138 Johnson family, 257 Johnston, Henry, 339 Johnston, J., 200 Johnston, Quintin, 330, 334, 338-9, 341 Johnstown, 246 Joliet (explorer), 16 Jones, Rev. Charles, 219 Jones, Henry, 192 Jones, Jacob, 109 Jones, Lloyd, IX Jones, Mrs (Barbara) Lloyd, IX Jones, Nathan, 210 Jones, Peter, 207-208 Jones, Thomas, 55 Jones’s Grist Mill, 310 Jordan’s distillery, 256 Jordan, The (community), 326 Justices of the Peace, 84 Kamaniskeg Lake, 367, 373 Kavanagh, Patrick, 341 Keefer, Samuel, 104 Keefer, Thomas, 126 Keeler, Frederick, 269 Keene family, 287 Kehoe family, 319 Kellar’s Bridge, 309 Keller family, 350 Kells, E., IV

Index for Historic Hastings Vol. 1 (2013 edition) by Gerry Boyce. For more information see: http://globalgenealogy.com/countries/canada/ontario/hastings/resources/101260.htm

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Kelly, Charles, 363 Kelly, David H., 344 Kelly, Patrick, 338 Kelly families, 319, 328 Kemp family, 328 Kennedy (surveyor), 310, 369, 370 Kennedy, John, 338 Kennedy, Ronald, 338 Kennedy, S., V Kenny family, 270 Kente Indians, 17-18 Kerr families, 292, 349 Kerslewan’s lead mine, 300 Kersteman’s lead mine, 325, 329 Kertland, Edwin Henry, 367-369, 371 Ketcham, Rev. James, 205 Ketcheson, A., V Ketcheson, Elijah, 37, 109, 110, 192 Ketcheson, Elijah C., 109 Ketcheson, Henry, 288 Ketcheson, John, 75 Ketcheson, John R., 101, 307, 320 Ketcheson, Samuel, 288 Ketcheson, Thomas, 253 Ketcheson, William, 37, 56, 98, 246 Ketcheson family, 286 Keys, Royal, 303 Killmurray family, 270 Kilpatrick, Stafford, 304 Kilusky, Fred, 358 King (Professor), 281 King, Abigail, 335 King, Mackenzie, 235 Kingsford (community), 273 Kingston, W.J., 281 Kingston (city), vi, 22, 25, 27, 33-34, 37-41, 48, 55-56, 61, 63-65, 69, 73, 75, 78-79, 80, 82, 85-86, 88, 90-92, 117, 191, 211 Kirk, Charles, 315 Kirk family, 350 Kirkland’s Store, 98 Korean War, 306 Kotte, Louis, 42, 246, 257 Kruger, John, 34 Ku Klux Klan, 235 Kuglin, Mrs Basil, IX Lachine (community), 15, 20-21, 24 Lafontaine, Louis, 97

Lahontan, Baron de, 17 Lake, Viscount Gerard, 300 Lake, Nicholas, 284 Lake, William, 371 Lake-on-the-Mountain, 223 Lake St. Peter, 371 Lake Township, 61, 120-121, 298-300 L'Amable (community), 339 L’Amable Lake, 121, 338-339, 341, 345-346, 364-365 Lambert, Mr. (bateau operator), 66 Lamb’s Lake, 339 Lambton, John George, 84 Land Boards, 27 Landforms, 1-6 Land-holding, 24-25, 27-28, 35, 45, 58, 63, 74, 89-90, 101, 205, 266-267, 269-270, 278, 300 Langhorn, John (Rev.), 202 Larkin, David, 293 Larry, O.W., IX LaRue, Paul, 220 LaSalle (explorer), 16 Latendre family, 319 Latta, John, 224 Latta (community), 262 Laurier, Sir Wilfred, 185, 186, 188 Laval, Bishop, 15 Lavender family, 325-326 Lavoy, Mrs Marion, vii, IX Lavoy Farm, 362 Law, Andrew Bonar, 281 Lawrence, John, 58 Lawrence, Thomas, 84 Lay, C.H., 118 Lazier, James, 272 Lazier, R.L., 270 Lazier, Richard, 270 Lazier, Major S.S., 162, 166 Lazier, Capt. Thomas, 189 Lazier family, 270 Lear, Ben, 311 Leavens, Miss Eliza, 259 Leavens, Joseph, 204 Leavens, Roswell, 35, 40, 56, 258, 259 Ledyards Mine, 150 Lees, Archibald (Rev.), 351, 365 Legends, 8-9, 34, 37-38, 251, 272, 348, 352 Legris, Jim, 365

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Lennox and Addington County, ii, 29, 84, 108 Leslie, Master (young performer), 217 Lessard, Major F.L., 141 Lester, Mr. (theatre operator), 221 Lever, John, 143 Levisconte, Charles G., 92, 131-2, 136 Lewis, John. 109 Lewis, Larry, 70 Libraries, 221-222 Lidster, Holmes, 327 Lime Lake, 172, 292 Limerick Township, 108, 144, 325, 330, 334-337 Lingham, Job, 93, 317,323 Lingham Lake, 323 Lister, Dr. James, 94, 118, 194, 221 Lloyd, Zenas F. 109 Lloyd's Baby Carriage Co., 244 Lockwood, Joseph N., 253 Loft family (Indian), 267 Long, George, 339 Long, Joseph, 372 Long Lake, 353 Longs, Joseph, 370 Lonsdale (community), 200, 272-273 Loretto, Sisters of, 116 Lott, John, 246 Lott family, 350 Lotteries, 220 Lounsberry, William, 85 Lucas, Nathaniel, 109 Ludbrook’s Photo Studio, 344 Luke, Philip, 286-7 Lumb, E., 363 Lumbering, 33, 39, 46, 48, 54, 58, 91, 106, 108, 112-113, 115, 126, 142, 167-171, 173-175, 247, 250-251, 260-261, 264, 271, 274-276, 299, 300, 309, 311-312, 317-318, 325, 328-329, 333, 335, 341-342, 346, 249, 354, 358, 361-364, 369-371, 373 Lumbers, Richard, iii, IX Lummiss family, 327 Lynch family, 370 Macaulay, John, 269-270 Macaulay, Justice J.B., 73 Macaulay, R. George, 278 MacCormack, Donald, 227

MacDonald, James, v Macdonald, James, 49 Macdonald, John A., VIII, 82, 87, 90,139, 175, 183-187, 239, 318 MacDonald Mine, 359 McFarlane’s grist mill, 272 MacGregor, Duncan, 371 MacGregor, James, 330, 331 MacGuire, Charles, 345 MacGuire, John, 345 MacGuire, Mrs Charles, 345 Mack family, 279 Mackenzie, Alexander, 165, 166, 183, 318, 331 MacKenzie, Donald, 307, 313 MacKenzie, John, 333 Mackenzie, William Lyon, 48, 74-77, 81, 83, 209, 211, 260 Mackey, E., IV MacKillican, Ben, 336 MacKillican, Mrs J.R., IX Mackintosh, William, 201, 318 MacLaren family, 370 Macleod, Henry A., 325, 328, 334 MacMillan, Hugh, 289 Macoun, James Melville, 176 Macoun, John, 176 Macoun, William Tyrrell, 176 MacPherson, Allan, 70 Madawaska River, 5, 120-121, 124, 334, 345, 354, 362-363, 367-368 Madill, Robert, IX Madoc Gold Rush, 143-151, 153, 303- 304, 307, 310, 317, 321, 325 Madoc Junction, 154 Madoc Township, 28, 51, 59, 61, 67, 74, 81, 108, 120-122, 145-151, 153 154, 195-196, 206-207, 210, 236, 307-312, 316, 320, 325, 368 Madoc Village, 2, 6, 102, 108, 117, 123, 143, 145-148, 154, 172, 174, 195-196, 199, 222, 225, 236, 275, 313-318, 322, 336, 345, 361 Madoc Women’s Institute, IX Mairs, James, 197 Maitland, James, 311 Maitland, Sir Peregrine, 323 Mallard, Sam, 362 Mallard family, 349 Malone (community), 147

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Manahan, Anthony, 63, 64, 78, 209 Manitoba School Question, 186 Maple Leaf (community), 371 Maracle, Andrew, 10, 268 Maracle, Ross, 268 Marlbank (community), 172, 275, 292 Marmora Iron Works, 60-65, 167-168, 204, 239, 298, 300-301, 303 Marmora Township, 57, 59-65, 74, 81, 108, 118, 120, 195, 206-207, 210, 298-300, 305 Marmora Village, 2, 60-65, 104, 117, 120, 143-144, 157, 170, 200, 204-5, 207, 225, 298, 301-303, 335 Marriage, 17, 202, 216-217, 335-336 Marsh, Captain, 246 Marsh Hill, 249 Marshall, Anthony, 86 Marshall, Mrs. Anthony, 194 Martin, Chas., 132 Martin, Peter, 255 Martin Brothers sawmill, 354, 371 Martin family, 292 Marysville (community), 205, 271 Mason House, 280 Masonic Lodge, 32, 35, 315 Massassaga Point, 8, 177-178, 223 Matchett, J.E., 229 Mather Family, 350 Matthews, Robert, 87 Maxwell family, 319 Maybe family, 40 “Mayflower” (steamer), 373-375 Maynooth (community), 342, 344-345, 354-355, 358-359, 367-371 Mayo, Earl of, 348 Mayo Township, 108, 125, 348-352, 364 McAllister family, 362 McAlpine, Anthony, 360 McAlpine, George, 357 McAlpine, J.P., 360 McAlpine, Mrs. J.P., IX, 360 McAlpine, Jack, 360 McAlpine, James, 357, 358 McAlpine, Jim, 360 McAlpine, Jimmie, 360 McAlpine, Joe, 360 McAlpine, John, 359 McAlpine, Mike, 360

McAnnany, Francis, 53, 78, 86, 118 McArthur, Archie, 216, 348-350 McArthur Mills, 216, 348-350 McAuley, Alexander, 242 McCabe family, 340 McCallum family, 319 McCambridge's Hotel, 254 McCarty, William, 213 McChesney family, 350 McClung, S.B., 245 McClure, Sir Robert John, 367 McClure Expedition, 289 McClure Township, 108, 144, 360, 367-375 McCollom, Clifton, 53 McCollum, H.C., 81 McConnell, Charles, 354 McConnell family, 350 McCormick, John, 372 McCoy, family, 331 McCrae, Mr. (Fiegel Mine), 151 McCrea, Henry, 329 McCrea, W., V McCrea Post Office, 329 McCumber, (Mr.) General, 290 McDonald family, 319 McDonald House, 254 McDonnell, Rev. Alexander, 204 McDonnell, James, 48 McDougall, D. (flouring mill), 143, 285 McDougall, Hon. William, 184 McEathron, Dan, 352 McEathron family, 350 McEwen, family, 326 McFarland family, 272 McFarlane family, 270 McFee, Bob, 346 McGarry Flats, 355 McGibbon, Mrs. Alex, IX McGill, Peter, 63, 64 McGowan, M.A., 297 McGrath, Thomas, 169 McGregor, M.B., 310 McGuire, Charles, 346 McGuire family, 287 McInroy, G, IV McIntosh, John, 35, 37, 38, 204, 258 McIntosh, Martha, 42 McKenna, Mrs., 282 McKenzie, Captain, 78

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McKenzie, Archibald, 257 McKenzie, D. 115 McKeown, Mrs Florence, IX McKinnon, Hugh, 175 McLachlin, Daniel, 369 McLaren, Alexander, 101, 109, 133 McLaren, Peter, 224 McLaren, William, 224 McLaren, family, 270, 272 McLean, Jennie, 365 McLean, M., (dry goods), 318 McLean, Robert, 89-90 McLean, Robert, 365 McLeod (surveyor), 310 McMunn, William, 350 McMunn family, 350 McMurray, V.A., IX McMurray, W.A., 327 McNab, Sir Allan, 96 McNab, James, 50, 77, 83 McNabb, James, 35, 38, 39, 41, 44-46, 55, 56, 68, 75-76, 83, 202, 205 McNabb, Simon, 35, 39, 44, 45, 75 McPherson, Charles, 350 McPherson, William, 350 McPherson family, 350 McQuoid, Larry, viii McRae (squatter), 367 McRae, J.S.L., 371 McTaggart family, 288 McWhirter, William, 362 Meacham, Doctor Seth, 35, 38 Meagher's Mill, Ghost of, 272 Mechanics Institute, 176 Mecklenburgh District, 27, 84 Medicines, 213-214, 254-255, 335, 351-352 Meighen, Arthur, 235, 285 Meiklejohn family, 279 Melrose (community), 224, 272-273 Menagerie, 217 Merchant, Francis Walter, 176 Merrill, P., V Metcalfe, Sir Charles, 98 Metge, Colonel, 134 Métis, 182, 188, 190 Meyers, Adam Henry, 98, 239 Meyers, Adam W., 258 Meyers, G.W., 56 Meyers, Jacob W., 75

Meyers, John S., 246 Meyers, Capt. John W., i, 33-35, 38, 41-46, 56, 57, 66, 67, 75, 85, 202, 238, 246, 258 Meyers, Mrs John W., 38 Meyers’ Island, 168, 169 Michaud, William, IX Middleton Park, 251 Midland District, 29, 53, 84, 86-87, 193 Mika, Nick, IX Mikel, W.C., ix, 13, 43, 178, 227, 234 Miles family, 319 Militia, 2, 32, 36-41, 77-83, 134-138, 161-166, 182, 189-190 Mill Point: See Deseronto Millar, (Rev.) Mathew, 67 Millbridge (community), 123, 326, 334, 341 Miller, Captain, 135 Miller, Rev. Gilbert, 208 Miller, Max, 358 Miller, William, 347 Miller family, 350 Milltown, 272-273 Mining, ii, 3, 6, 108, 172, 174, 237, 290, 292-293, 295, 298, 304-307, 310-314, 317, 322-323, 325, 328- 330, 332, 334, 339-340, 347, 351- 352, 358-359, 365-366, 373; See also Madoc Gold Rush, Marmora Iron Works Mississauga Indians, 21, 24, 31-33, 35, 41-42, 45, 207-208, 257, 291, 313 Mississippi River, 345, 349, 361 Mitchell, T.A., 310 Mitts, Martin, 289 Mitts (Mitz), William, 289 Mohawk Indians, ii, x, 19-22, 24, 70, 74, 78-80, 191-192, 264-271, 274, 291, 313 Mohawk Tract; See Tyendinaga Reserve Mohawk Valley, 19-20 Moira Lake, 286, 290 Moira River, 5, 8, 13, 31-33, 40, 42, 45-46, 52, 59, 94, 107, 112, 142, 173, 235, 258, 278, 296, 296, 309, 328 Moira River Conservation Authority, 227, 311-312, 323 Moira Village (Huntingdon Township),

Index for Historic Hastings Vol. 1 (2013 edition) by Gerry Boyce. For more information see: http://globalgenealogy.com/countries/canada/ontario/hastings/resources/101260.htm

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173, 286, 288 Moira Village (Thurlow Township), 34, 53; see also Belleville Monck, Governor-General, 128 Money Hole, 251 Moneymore (community), 292 Monro's Mills, 287, 288 Monteagle Township, 108, 144, 206, 353, 355-360, 370-371 Montgomery family, 279 Moodie, J.W. Dunbar, 87, 92, 95, 96, 98, 113, 214, 219, 220, 294 Moodie, Susanna, VIII. IX, 62, 83, 91- 96, 106, 107, 112, 191, 206, 211, 214, 216-223, 254, 261, 267,271, 279, 283 Moon, Lyman, 146, 147, 317 Moore, Frank, 347 Moore family, 319, 338 Moran, Michael, 357 Moran, Patrick, 357 Moran, R., V Moran family, 326 Morden, John P., 109 Morden family, 270 Morgan, John, 281-282 Morrison, D.H., 343 Morrow, Mrs. Charles, 250 Morton, Bill, vi Morton, Dr. Gerald, IX Morton families, 279, 286 Morton’s mill, 331 Mouncey, E., 316 Mowat, Farley, 236 Mowat, G., 198, 199-200 Mud Creek, 354, 355 Mullett, D., 261 Mulhall, Harry v Mulroney, Thomas, 293 Mumby, William, 311 Mumby's Mills, 311 Munro, Allan, 296 Munro, William, 357 Munro Village, 287-288, 292; See also Tweed Munro’s Mansion House, 93 Murchall, Fred, 136, 145 Murdoch, William, 323 Murney, Edmond, 87, 91, 96-98, 113, 118

Murney, Henry, 39 Murney, Captain Wellington, 78 Murphy, Mrs. (midwife), 335 Murphy, Courneyea, 319 Murphy, James, 331 Murphy, Martin, 325 Murphy, Mrs. Rita, IX Murphy, Patrick, 331 Murphy family, 335 Murphys of Lakefield, 329 Murphy’s Corners, 325, 331, 333, 335 Murphy’s General Store, 292 Murray Canal, 59, 67, 100, 104, 153, 243, 262 Musclow, John, 359 Musclow family, 357 Musclow (community), 357 Musgrove, Mrs W.J., IX Museum, 101-102 Music, 130-131, 136, 140-141, 178, 189, 194, 200, 210, 216-217, 219- 223, 227, 265, 267 Napanee (town), 70, 135, 165, 172, 224, 226 Naphan, family and community, 273 Napoleonic Wars, 36 National Policy, 184 Naylor family, 275 Nealon family, 270 Neilson, George, 121 Neilson, Sheriff, IX Nelson, Robert, 320 Nelson’s Tavern, 75, 76 New Carlow (community), 364 New France, 12-18 Newcastle, Duke of, 130-133 Newspapers, 43-44, 48, 82, 99, 144, 175-176, 181, 211-215, 241-242, 275, 343; See also individual communities Ney, Marshal, 213 Nichols, Thomas, 292 Nichols Chemical Company, 293, 295, 306 Nicholson (partner of Sleeper), 92 Nickle family, 308 Nicolls, Gustavus, 167 Nightingale, Florence, 326 Nine Mile Rapids, 167-169, 253

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Noble, Warren, 269 Nolan family, 319 Norman, Captain Ralph, 326 Norman, Mrs. Ralph, 326 Norris, Bob, vi North American Hotel, 254 North West Company, 19 Northey. Hugh, iv Northrup, Anson G., 149 Nugent, Thomas, 331 Nugent families, 331, 335 Nunn, Captain, 138 Nutter, Benjamin, 210 Oak Hills, 3, 6, 249-250 Oak Lake, 223, 250-251 O'Brien, Michael, 299 O'Brien, W., V O'Brien, “Paddy’s Hotel”, 371 O'Carroll, John, 82 Odd Fellows, 94, 176 O'Dempsey, Michael, 116 O'Flynn, E.D, 314, 318 O'Flynn’s Hall, 149 O'Hara, James, 307, 311-313 O'Hara Mills, 311, 312 O'Neil, General, 136 O'Neil, Patrick, 115 O'Neil family, 338 Ogden, John, 54 Old Hermon (community), 349 Olmstead, Mrs., 314 Oneida Indians, 10, 15, 20 Ontario Archives (Toronto), iii Ontario Business College, 177 Ontario Genealogical Society, viii Ontario History, vi Ontario Intelligencer: see Intelligencer Ontario School for the Deaf, 177 Opera Houses, 175-176, 178, 221, 233 Orange Lodges, 89-91, 130-132, 140, 181-183, 185-186, 222, 230, 234, 289, 308 Ormsby (community), 336, 358 Oronhyatekha, (Peter Martin), 255, 267 Osborne, Arthur, 224 Ostrom, Daniel, 57 Ostrom, Ruluff, 258 Ostrom, Simeon, 192 Ostrom families, 246, 286

Ostrom’s Tannery, 255 Ostrum, Isaac Brock, 38 Ostrum, Ruliff, 27, 38 Ottawa (city), 173, 354, 368 Ottawa River, 14, 19, 29, 342, 354 Otter, Lt. Col., 163 Otter Creek, 293 Owen, W.F., 168 Ox Point (Point Anne), 169, 260 Oxonden (community), 371 Pacific Scandal, 183 Paddy Road, 371 Page, A.S., 299 Page & Gilmour Saw Mills, 142 Paige Road, 333 Palmer, Mr. (runner), 222 Palmer, Philip R., 109 Palmer family, 270 Papineau Creek, 362 Papineau Lake, 371 Parcher, Aaron, 374-375 Paris, Treaty of (1763) 19 Parker, Sir Gilbert, 226 Parker, Robert, 283 Parker, Thomas, 50, 86 Parkhurst family, 350 Parks family, 279 Patinson Family, 331 Patterson, Abe, 236 Pattison, George, 333 Paudash (Algonquin chief), 339 Paudash Lake, 339 Payne, George, 372 Peacock family, 350 Pearce, J.W., 105 Pearce, T.P., 65 Pearce & Son grist mill, 143 Pearce Lumber Co. 170, 299, 300 Peck, Isaac, 290 Peever, Frank G., IV, 355 Pegan, R.F., 272 Pendergast, John G., 313, 314 Pendergast & Seymour, 313 Pennock, J.D., 363 Perrigo, J., 6, 321 Perry, A.B., 126, 353, 354, 355 Perry, Captain D., 77 Perry, Ebenezer, 128 Perry, Robert, 253

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Perry family, 290 Peterborough (city), 104, 111, 117, 153 Peterson, J.S., 353, 356, 367-368 Petrie, Alexander Oliphant, 72, 73 Phillips family, 179 Phillipston (community), 262 Phipps, Samuel, 119 Pig Street, 250 Plainfield (community), 262 Plumpton, Mrs Ralph (Mary), IX Poirier, Michel, ix Point Anne (community), 81, 169, 260, 263 Politics, 75, 96-99, 183-184, 287; See also Elections, Rebellion Pollution, 142, Pomeroy, Dr. T.E., 255, 297 Ponton, Lt. Col. Archibald, 134 Ponton, Col. William N., 47, 88, 89, 137, 234 Port Hope (town), 15, 33, 170, 190 Porterville, 371 Portt, Captain, 78 Portt, George, 82 Portt, John, 270 Portt, Robert, 271 Portt, William, 82, 265 Portt Family, 83, 266, 269 Postal service, 51 Potash, 124, 299 Potstra, Raymond, IX Potter‘s Hotel, 326 Powell, D.N., 302 Powell, Marcus Herbert, 145-147 Powers, T.P.J. 227 Presqu’ile, 39-40, 81 Preston, Prof. R. IX Price, Lloyd, IX Price, Samuel, 372 Price, Thomas, 301 Prince Edward County, 12, 18, 29, 32, 35, 69, 72, 84, 86, 135, 234, 257 Pritchard, David, 350 Proctor, A.E., 91 Proctor’s Axe Factory, 48 Puffer, Rev., 203 Public Archives of Canada, iii Purdy, Maccagy, 44 Purdy, Ruliff, 57 Purdy, S.L., 333

Purdy, Samuel, 69 Purdy (community), 371, 372 Pyear, Mrs Arthur, IX Quebec, 23-27 Quebec Act (1774), 19 Queens; See Anne, Elizabeth and Victoria Queen’s Own Rifles, 158, 163-166 Queensborough (community), 320-322 Quinte, Bay of, 6, 11, 24, 46, 67, 167, 223, 225-226 Quinte Branch, OGS, viii Quinte Mission, 15-18 Quintisms, see CJBQ, i “Quinty”, 11 Railways, 2, 65, 100, 117-119, 152- 157, 169 Railway, Bay of Quinte, 156-157, 275, 277, 325 Railway, Belleville and Marmora, 65, 104, 108, 117-118, 144, 153, 299 Railway, Belleville to Madoc, 117 Railway, Canadian National, 119, 156- 158, 354 Railway, Canadian Northern, 156-157, 244-245 Railway, Canadian Pacific, 155-157, 189, 244-245, 281, 297, 322 Railway, Central Ontario, 153, 155, 157, 172, 244, 250, 281, 302-303, 310, 327, 332, 336, 359, 371 Railway, Champlain and St. Lawrence, 117 Railway, Cobourg to Marmora, 65 Railway, Grand Junction, 104, 152-156, 281, 317 Railway, Grand Trunk, 104, 106, 117- 119, 137-138, 144, 152, 154-166, 229, 244, 250, 263 Railway, Kingston and Pembroke, 189 Railway, Midland, 155-156 Railway, Napanee and Tamworth, 172, 275, 297 Railway, Ottawa, Irondale, and Orillia, 155, 354 Railway, Thousand Islands Railway, 275 Railway, Wolfe Island, Kingston, and

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Toronto, 117, 118 Ramsbottom, Andrew, IX Ramsbottom family, 350 Rankin family, 350 Rankin mine, 351 Ranney, James, 302 Ransom, Thomas S., iii, IX Rathbun, E.W., 231, 276 Rathbun, Hugo Burghardt, 142, 143, 274 Rathbun Car Shops, 156, 275 Rathbun Chemical Co., 277 Rathbun (Lumber) Company, VIII, 142, 156, 157, 215, 274-277, 292, 299, 309, 317, 323, 325, 333, 335, 342, 354, 358, 371 Rawdon Creek, 250, 283 Rawdon Township, 3, 4. 28. 30. 58-59, 61, 70, 81, 85, 94, 110, 205, 246-248, 278-282, 286, 334 Rawdon-Hastings, Sir Francis, 30, 34, 278, 286, 291 Rawe, G.D., 146, 315 Ray, Fred, 224 RCAF, 252 Read, Robert, 109 Read, Senator, 273 Read (community), 54, 271, 273 Rebellion of 1837, 22, 74-83, 84, 87, 209 Rebellion of 1869-1870, 182-183 Rebellion of 1885, 183, 188-190 Recreation, 129, 132, 140-141, 171,208, 216-217, 222, 227, 252, 273, 287, 316, 365; see also circus, music, opera houses Reed, Gursham, 109 Reed, Mr., 29 Reed, William, 257-259 Reeds Mill, 258-259 Regan, M., IX Registry Office, 89-90, 101-102 Reid (engineer), 310 Religion, 49-50, 74, 178, 183, 202-210, 276, 296; see also Indian Missions and chapters on individual munici- palities Responsible Government, 96, 98-99 Retallack, S.G., 215 Revois, Francis, 302

Reynolds, Mr. (teacher), 200 Reynolds, John, 203, 205, 209 Reynolds, Joshua, 23 Reynolds, Nelson G., 80, 101 Reynolds family, 40 Rhinebeck, 246 Rhys, Horton, 221 Richardson, John, 145-147 Richardson, Mrs. 38 Richardson Gold Mine (Madoc Township), 146-149 Richardson Homestead (Sidney Township). 252 Richardson family (Deseronto), 275 Richey, Captain Wellesly, 83 Richter, Mrs. Fred, IX, 373-375 Ricketts, Thomas, 327 (The) Ridge (Wollaston Twp.), 331-3 Ridley, Dr., 50 Ridley, George Neville, 64 Riel, Louis, 182, 183, 185, 188, 190 Riggs, Cyrus, 307 Riley, George, 372 Rine Temperance Clubs, 176 Ripson, Henry, 238 Ritchie, George, 116 Ritchie, Thomas, 186, 229 Ritchie Store, 116 River Valley (community), 250 Roads, 2, 25, 53, 60, 68, 70, 92-93, 100-101,104, 107, 114, 126, 144, 148, 167, 172, 249-250, 253-254, 259, 261, 279, 284, 286, 307, 314, 328, 330, 333, 336, 348-349, 355 Robb, Wallace Havelock, vi, IX, 10 11, 31 Robert family, 270 Roberts, Bert, 343 Roberts, Rick, x Robertson, Mr. (Trenton storekeeper), 241 Robertson, G., 343 Robertson, William, 98 Robinson, Mr. (L’Amable settler), 345 Robinson, Henry, 308 Robinson, Mrs. Henry, 308 Robinson, J.W., 320 Robinson, William, 224 Robinson family, 331 Roblin, Philip, 109

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Roblin, Roderick S., 255 Roblin, Sir Rodmund, 176 Roenigk, Louis, 143 Rogers, D., V Rogers, Thomas, 87 Rogers family, 279 Rohario, 16 Rollins, Charles S., 333 Rollins, Clarke T., VII, 333 Rolph, Thomas, 46-48, 59, 248, 253, 254, 313 Rolph family, 279 Rose, Levi, 302 Rose, Rev. Philip, 303 Rosebush, Joseph, 250 Rosebush, Louis, 298 Rosebush, Samuel, 278, 279, 283 Rosebush (Bush), Lewis, 250 Rosebush Family, 168, 250, 278, 279 Roslin (community), 200, 262-263, 272 Ross, Mr. (electioneer), 96 Ross, A.B., 145 Ross, Archibald, 260 Ross, Artimus, 258 Ross, Benjamin, 109 Ross, John, 98, 109, 251, 278 Ross, Sir George William, 176 Ross, William, 203 Ross family, 319 Rottenburg, Baron de, 81, 82 Rous, Frederick. H, 198, 200-201 Rouse, John, 357 Row family, 246 Rowbottom, Edward, 250 Roy, James, 336 Roy Family, 289 Rubidge, F.R., 260 Rupert family, 282 Russell, Miss (Moodie’s niece), 95 Rutherford, Judge, 351 Rutledge family, 357 Ryan, Rev. Henry, 203, 206 Ryan, Martin, 53 Ryan, Mrs M.J, IX Ryan, Philip, 354 Ryckman, Samuel, 322-323 Ryder, John, 28 Ryerson, Rev. Egerton, 74, 100, 207- 209

Sabourin, James, 360 Sacred Mound, ii, 10, 22 Sagar, James, 109 Sager, Michael, 250 Sager family, 275 Sager's Corners, 250 St. Charles (Madoc farmer), 121 St. Charles Iron Mine, 328 St. George’s Post Office, 289 St. Lawrence River, 14, 15, 19, 24 St. Ola (community), 331, 336-337 Salem (Thurlow Twp. community), 262 Salem (Wollaston Twp. community), 333 Salmon Lake, 334-335, 358 Salmon River, 5, 13, 22, 58, 70, 269, 271-272 Samson, James Hunter, 48, 75, 76 Sand Banks, 227 Sandercock, W.E., VII Sandford Family, 308 Sargent, Mrs. J.W., VIII Sawyer, M., 90 Sawyer, W., 107 Sawyer-Stoll Company, 325 Scammell, Rev. Edwin, 342 Scholes, William, 138 Schultz, John, 183 Scootamatta River, 318-319 Scot's Bush Road, 370 Scotch Settlement, 287 Scott, Abel, 253 Scott, George, 285 Scott, John, 246 Scott, Thomas, 182, 183 Scott, Walter, 289 Scott family, 350 Scott Line Road, 355 Scriptures Corners, 333 Selden, G., 42 Seven Years’ War, 18-19 Sexsmith, Mrs. Audrey, 237 Seymour, Uriah, 313, 314 Seymour Iron Mine, 309 Shannon, Dennis, 301 Shannon, William, 132 Shannon, William A., i, v, V, VI Shannon River, 22, 269 Shannonville (community), 58, 77, 88, 104, 112, 142, 161, 200, 206, 217,

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269-271, 273, 345 Sharp, James P., 251 Sharp family, 40 Shaughnessy family, 272 Shaw family, 308 Shea, Patrick, 301 Shean, Mrs Charles, IX Sheldon’s Drug Store, 49 Shelton’s Brass Band, 218 Shephard, Rev. G., 116 Sherwood, Samuel, 54, 257 Shields Settlement, 355 Shipmans’ saw mill, 273 Shire Hall, 101, 105 Shirreff, Patrick, 71 Shoemakers, 92, 94 Shore, Arthur H., 339 Shorey, Anson, 260 Shory, William A., 101 Shotgun Treaty, (actually the Gunshot Treaty), 24 Shoultz, Von (American filibusterer), 81-82 Siddon family, 341 Sidney Township, v, 4, 25-28, 30, 32- 37, 40, 43, 54-55, 57-61, 74-75, 81, 85-86, 110, 192-193, 195-196, 200, 203, 305, 210, 223, 238, 241-242, 246-252, 334 Sills & Brothers Paper Mill, 143 Sills, E.G., 256 Sills, William, 101, 260 Simcoe, John Graves, 27-30 Simmons family, 246 Simpkins, Sid, 224 Simpson, John (James) viii, 32 Simpson, Margaret, 32, 44, 258 Simpsons’ Tavern, 33 Sine family, 278 Sine Settlement, 249-250 Singer, I.M. & Co., 143 Singleton, George, 32, 257 Singleton’s Creek, 32, 257 Slater, Mrs. Frank, IX Slater, Jack, vi Slavery, 34-35, 40 Sleeper (merchant), 92 Sleeper, Jonathan E., 213 Sleeper family, 350 Slicer, T., 211

Smallfield, Albert, 315 Smith, A.L., 92 Smith, Bernard, 82 Smith, David, 272 Smith, Frank, 185 Smith, George, 246, 347 Smith, Judge Gerald F., ii Smith, Henry, 43, 65, 247 Smith, Mrs. Ida, IX Smith, James, 50, 238 Smith, John, 240, 246 Smith, K., IV Smith, Richard, 257, 258 Smith, Robert, 50, 56, 68, 89 Smith, S.B., 92 Smith, W.S., 91 Smith’s Lead Mines, 300 Smith’s Poor Man’s Cough Drops, 213 Smithville; See Foxboro Snell, Edward, 109 Snider (miner), 145, 146 Snow, John A. (surveyor), 128, 182, 330 Snow Village, 262 Snyder (Police Sergeant), 160 Soanes family, 350 Solmes, Timothy, 337 Spafford, Dr. H. W., 255 Sparrow, Thomas, 341 Spear, General (Fenian), 136 Spence, John, 354 Spence, Peter, 111 Spencer, Johnny, iv Spencer family, 286 Sports, 141, 144, 177-178, 233-225, 227, 305, 343-345, 360, 265 Sprackett, Don, 325 Sprackett, George, 325, 329 Sprackett, James H., 325, 328 Sprackett, R., V Sprackett, Ross, 325 Springbrook (community), 230, 280- 282 Spring-Rice (Lord Monteagle), Thomas, 356 Squire, Rev. Bowen P., v, IX, 7, 11, 15- 17, 24-26, 39, 55, 56, 68, 72, 331, 337 Stanley, Dr. G.F., IX Stanley, John, 331

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Stanlick Hotel, 336 Steenburg, Sidney S., 335, 336 Steenburg (community), 335-336 Stevens, Samuel, 101, 109 Stevens family, 350 Stewart, Alex, 362 Stewart, Charles, 27 Stewart, D.E.K., 146 Stewart, James, 365 Stewart, John, 362, 364 Stewart, Maggie, 365 Stickle, John, 246 Stimers, Isaac, 341 Stirling (village), 2, 3, 104, 107, 143, 153, 182, 215, 222, 251, 279-280, 283-285 Stock, Christopher, IX Stoco Lake, 13, 31, 291-192 Stoco (village), 197, 292-294 Storey, J., 352 Stougcong, (Indian Chief), 291 Stoughton Family, 349 Strachan, Bishop John, 34, 214, 238, 239, 254 Strange, M.W., 132 Stringer, George, 365 Stringer, Jim, 365 Stringer, John, 125 Stringer, Joseph, 362, 364 Stringer, Peter, 365 Stringer, Robert, 365, 366 Stringer family, 350 Stringer Lake, 362 Stringer’s Corners, 350 Stuart, George Okill, 265 Stuart, Rev. John, 19, 20, 22, 191 Suffragette Movement, 237, 352 Sugar Island, 291 Sullivan, Richard, 113 Sulphide (community), 172, 293, 295 Superstition, 362-364, 373 Surveys, 21, 24-26, 28-29, 41-43, 120- 121, 264, 270, 291, 319, 322-324, 328, 330, 334, 338-339, 346-349, 353, 356, 361, 368, 369 Sutherland, Alexander, 261 Swanson, Miss B., 282 Swayne, Mrs. Arthur, 335 Sweeney, John, 271 Sweeny family, 270

Sweet family, 341 Sweetman's Hotel, 254 Tailors, Journeymen, 50 Tait, John Robertson, 339, 345, 362 Talbot, E.A., 45 Tallion, Jerome, 302 Tallion, Lewis, 302 Talon, Jean-Baptiste, 16 Tanner, James, 315 Tanner, W.B., 288 Tanner’s stage coach, 174 Tara (community), 371 Taylor, George, 109 Taylor, James, 362, 363-364 Taylor, John, 32, 33, 35, 42, 43, 162, 257, 258 Telephone, 178-179, 275, 327 Telford, Mr. (minister), 351 Telford, Andrew, 362 Temperance, 94, 175-176, 219-220, 222, 248, 254-255, 281, 320 Thanet (community), 324, 331, 335 Thayendanegea, 269; See Joseph Brant Thomasburg (community), 173, 196, 289, 292-293, 295 Thompson, Alexander, 109 Thompson, C., IV Thompson, Daniel, 320-322 Thompson, David, 341, 367 Thompson, Mrs Gilbert, IX Thompson, H.N., 98 Thompson, J., 42 Thompson, Jeremiah, 138 Thompson, John, 321 Thompson, Sir John, 184 Thompson, Miss M. 282 Thompson, R. Wesley, 282 Thompson, Thomas, 310 Thompson family, 319 Thrasher’s Inn, 263 Thrasher, Zedric, 257, 258 Thrasher's Corners, 261-263 Thumb, Tom, 218 Thunderbird (book), 10-11, 22 Thurlow, Edward A., (Baron of Thurlow) 257 Thurlow Post Office, 173, 262 Thurlow Village, 34 See Belleville Thurlow Township, 4, 25-33, 35, 40-

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41, 43, 47, 52, 54-55, 57-59, 61, 75, 81, 83, 85-86, 110, 173, 195, 200, 206, 210, 218, 221-222, 246, 257- 263, 270 Thwaites, William J., 327 Thwaites family, 350 Thwaites Place, 327 Tice, Thomas, 347 Tickell, George S., 91 Tierney, Chas., 109 Tildesley, Mrs. (teacher), 194 Tilley, William, 115 Tivy, Miss (teacher), 346 Tivy, R.S., 333 Toll Roads, 89, 100, 103-104, 107 Tompkins, A., 253 Toms, M.L., 102 Tossell, W., 94 Towle, Frank, 343 Town family, 349 Town meetings, 52, 85, 246, 260, 270, 279, 287 Towns, A.E., 362 Towns, George, 362 Townshend, Thomas (Viscount Sidney), 246 Transportation, 54, 66-73, 231, 299, 370

Airplanes, x, 233, 245, 252 Automobile, 228-229, 231, 235-237, 256, 366 Bateau, 25, 34, 66-67, 69 Bicycle. 226 Canoe, 8, 12-15, 19, 66, 167, 238, 348, 351, 361 Ferry service, 35, 67-68, 72-73 Iceboat, 226 Nuisances, 52 Portages, 39, 67 Stage coach, 69-72, 105, 118, 144, 174, 315, 336, 345, 354 Statute Labour, 68 Steamboats, 48, 66, 69-70, 78, 91, 93, 130, 134-135, 223, 228, 244, 274, 375 Street railroads, 176, 276 Travel, 42, 70-72, 86, 101, 199, 201, 247, 315, 322-323, 345, 369-370 Wagon, 41, 78, 263 See also Bridges, colonization Roads,

Murray Canal, Railways, Roads, Toll Roads, Trent Canal

Trent Canal, 6, 12, 13, 59, 63, 100, 104, 167-171, 238-239, 242, 252- 254, 256 Trent Port; See Trenton Trent River, 5, 21, 24, 27, 29, 59-61, 104, 167, 241-242, 248, 253, 256, 299, 334 Trenton (city), iii, v, x, 2, 13, 33, 66-67, 69, 76, 80-81, 86, 102-105, 112, 157, 167, 169-171, 195, 215, 222, 233, 236, 238-245, 253, 333, 335 Tripp family, 272 Trouve, (Father) M., 15, 16, 18 Troy (Actinolite), 126, 319-320; See Actinolite Trumble family, 328 Trumpour’s Sawmill, 292 Tudor Township, 61, 121, 123-124, 151, 308, 324-329, 330, 334 Tufts, Jimmy, 350 Tupper, Sir Charles, 185, 186 Tupperville, 251 Turley’s distillery, 255 Turnbull, John, 86, 113 Turncliffe, George and wife, 346 Turner, Elder Gideon, 101, 203 Turriff, John, and wife, 346 Tweed (village), 2, 157, 173-176, 215, 288, 292, 295-297, 317, 319, 322 Tyendinaga Reserve, [now Territory], ii, 19, 22, 30, 32, 70, 85, 102, 110, 191, 197, 264-268, 274; see also Mohawks Tyendinaga Township, 4, 22, 28, 59, 61, 81, 102, 110, 174, 195, 197, 200, 210, 224, 264, 269-273 Tyler, Sir Henry Whatley, 159 Unions, 158, 166 United Empire Loyalists, 19, 22-23, 24, 28, 30-35, 191 Unwin (civil engineer), 310 Upper Canada Bible Society, 205 Upper Canada Village, vii Valley Lumber Company, 358 Van Allen’s Mill, 346 Van Amburgh’s Exhibition, 218

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Van Blaricom, Earl, 357 Van Rensselaer, “General”, 78 Van Tassell family, 286 Vanburg Post Office, 249 Vance, Mrs. James, 339 Vance, Samuel, 339 Vance family, 338, 341 Vanderheyden, David, 257 Vandervoort, D.S., 113 Vandervoort, Francis, 37 Vandervoort, Mr. (Wellington House), 94 Vandervoort families, 246, 275 Vanderwater families, 246, 249 Vanderwaters, Daniel, 109 Vandewater, Elias, 249 Vandewater family, 286 Vandewaters, Elias, 109 Vandewaters, Henry, 109 Vandusen sash and blind factory, 297 Vandusen family, 349 Vankleek, Barnabas, 307 Vermilyea, Henry, 109 Vermilyea, Solomon, 109 Victoria, Queen, 116, 129, 136, 177, 180, 181, 273 Victoria District, vi, 83, 88-95, 97, 102, 126, 195 “Voice of the Bay of Quinte” see CJBQ Von Shoultz (American filibusterer), 81-82 W____?, Elisha (still operator), 258 Waddington, Robert, 333 Wade family, 350 Wadsworth, Dawson, 365 Wadsworth, Linnie. 365 Wadsworth, Mary, 350 Wadsworth, Robert, 302 Wales, Prince of, 129-133, 227, 255 Walker, Mrs K.C., IX Walker’s Foundry, 143 Wallbridge, Francis, 142, 271 Wallbridge, George, 177 Wallbridge, Lewis, 139 Wallbridge, T., 271 Wallbridge, T.C., 8, 9, 148, 149, 182 Wallbridge, William, 262 Wallbridge families, 35 Wallbridge house (Belleville), 46, 49

Wallbridge (community), 3, 246, 249 Wallbridge’s Common (Belleville), 36 Walpole, Lieutenant, 341 Wanamaker, Mr. and Mrs. C.L.R, (Loral & Mildred) vii, VIII Wannamaker, Lester, 229 Wannamaker family, 350 Wannamaker Lake, 352 War of 1812, 35-37, 40-41 Ward, John N., 284 Ward, Patrick, 357 Ward families, 326, 339 Warren, Grace, .IX, 303 Warren, Joseph, 303 Warren, Major, 80, 81 Warren, Thomas, 302 Warren, V.J., 321 Washburn, Stephen M., 109 Washington, General George, 19 Waterford (Frankford), 253 Watkins, John, 35 Watson, Alex, 355 Watson, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph, 373 Watson, Robert, IX Watson family, 319 Watt, Alexander, 331 Way, John, 292 Wease, George, 343 Weaver family, 336 Webb, Rodney, VII Weddell, Robert, 243, 244 Weese, Henry, 301 Weese, Owen, 109 Weese family, 278, 328 Weir, Stanley, IX Weiss, Hubert, 343 Welch, Mose, 332 Welch, Seth, 332 Welch’s Corners, 332 Wellbanks family, 40 Weller’s Stage, 69, 72 Wellington Talc Mine, 290 Wellman family, 279 Wellman's Corners, 281, 283 Welsh, (Jarad) Jerard, 357 Wenzley family, 346 Weslemkoon Lake, 329, 349 West Huntingdon (community), 3, 197, 286-287 Westcott family, 279

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Whalen, Mr. (tavern keeper), 201 Whitaker, Thomas, 61 White, Dr. Adam Henry, 195 White, C, V White, Senator George, 318 White, Henry, 148 White, Reuben, 86, 241, 248 White, Thomas, 184 White families, 246, 279, 349 White Lake, 346 Whitefield, E, 87 Whitney (community), 358 Whittemore, C.R., IX Whitton, James Jr., 281 Whyte family, 350 Wicklow Township, 108, 144, 354, 360, 367-375 Wiggins, Ezekiel Stone, 177 Wiggins, W.E., 235 Wiggins family, 319 Wilde, Oscar, 226, 227 Wilkes, J., V Wilkins, Robert, 39, 40 Willard, B., 94 Willard, Charles, 68 Willard, Mrs. (millinery business), 48 Willard’s Tavern, 98 Williams, Lt. Col. A.T.H., 188-190 Williams Gold Mine, 150, 151 Williamson, Dr. Alexander J., 211 Wills, Thomas, 131-132 Willson, John Metcalfe, 196-199 Wilmot, Samuel, 41-43, 45, 51, 53 Wilson, Dr. B.S., 272 Wilson, C.E., 315 Wilson, Grace, 365 Wilson, Guy, IX, 361, 363 Wilson, Hannah, 365 Wilson, James, 350, 362, 364-366 Wilson, Mrs. James, 365 Wilson, Joseph, 211, 214 Wilson, Mary, 365 Wilson, Robert, 362 Wilson, Thomas, 362,366 Wilson, “Yankee”, 262 Wilson's Corners, 272 Wilson's Tavern, 273 Wilsonburg, 262 Windover, Walter, 256 Wishart, Rev. David, 316

Wolf Station, 302 Wollaston, William Hyde, 330 Wollaston Township, 108, 123-124, 144, 182, 325, 330-333, 335-336, 338 Women, 47-49, 55, 69, 71, 91-92, 105- 107, 180, 193-194, 196, 206, 222, 258-259, 297, 308, 326, 373 Wood, Mrs. Arthur, IX Wood, A.F., 102, 103, 152, 154, 310, 315, 318 Wood, Daniel, 286 Wood, H.O., 348 Wood, John, 289 Woodcock, Richard, 296 Woodcock, William, 329 Woods, William, 109 Woodward, Joseph, 258 Woolley, Max, IX World War I, 231-233, 245, 267 World War II, 235-237, 305-306 Wright, Rev. William, 192 Wright, S.B., 305 Wright, W.J.C. IX Wrightmeyer, Tom, vii Yager, Henry W., 53, 73 Yankee Mills, 262 Yeomans, Asa, 46 Yeomans & Flint Saw Mill. 112, 142 York River, 5, 128, 336, 339, 341, 342, 343, 353-354, 361-361; See also Bancroft Yorke, K., IV Yorke, M. IV Young, Daniel, 96 Young, Mary, 365 Young family, 350 Zerim, Michael 307 Zion Hill, 262 Zwick family, 246 Zwick’s Island, 31, 227

Index for Historic Hastings Vol. 1 (2013 edition) by Gerry Boyce. For more information see: http://globalgenealogy.com/countries/canada/ontario/hastings/resources/101260.htm