Javascript Sr.no Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Write a JAVA script to calculate maximum, minimum, sum and average of numbers in an array. Make all validation. Write a JAVA script to which will greet according to the current timing Write a JAVA script to accept number from user. Make all validation and print that number in reverse order. from user and display them in text boxes. Add these two numbers and display result in third text box after clicking a button. Write a program using a JAVA script which shows any four string manipulation options. Write a program using a JAVA script which accepts student information (name, marks of 5 subjects). Make all validations and display mark sheet. Write a program using a JAVA script to print n Fibonacci number Write a JAVA script to accept two numbers from user and display them in text boxes. Write a JAVA script to sort the names in alphabetical order before displaying them using string and array.

Index Pratical 405

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Page 1: Index Pratical 405

JavascriptSr.no Index Sign










Write a JAVA script to calculate maximum, minimum, sum and average of numbers in an array. Make all validation.

Write a JAVA script to which will greet according to the current timing

Write a JAVA script to accept number from user. Make all validation and print that number in reverse order.

Write a JAVA script to accept two numbers from user and display them in text boxes. Add these two numbers and display result in third text box after clicking a button.

Write a program using a JAVA script which shows any four string manipulation options.

Write a program using a JAVA script which accepts student information (name, marks of 5 subjects). Make all validations and display mark sheet.

Write a program using a JAVA script to print n Fibonacci number

Write a JAVA script to accept two numbers from user and display them in text boxes.

Write a JAVA script to sort the names in alphabetical order before displaying them using string and array.

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ASPSr.no Index Sign

Write a JAVA script which validates a username and password against hard codes values. If either the name or password field is not entered display an error message showing “You forgot one of the required fields. Please try again.” In case , the fields entered do not match the hard coded values, display an error message showing “Please enter a valid username and password”.

Write a JAVA script which checks the contents entered in a form’s text element. If the text entered is in the lower case, convert to upper case

Create a web page using two image files, which switch between one another as the mouse pointer moves over the images. Use the onMouseOver and onMouseout event handlers.

Write a program using a JAVA script which shows any four string manipulation options.

Write a program using a JAVA script which accepts Book information (ISBNNo,name,Author,Price). Make all validations and display the total number of books published by an author.

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Write a program using a ASP script to for web page to display the following 1 2 2 3 3 3

Write a program using a ASP script to display following using POST method(GUI in question slip 2)

Write a program using a ASP script to display sum of all odd numbers between 1 to 20

Write a HTML program using a ASP script to display following(GUI slip 4)

Write a program using a ASP script to for web page to display the following12 23 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 45 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Write a program using a ASP script to display following using POST method(GUI slip 6)

Write a ASP program to accept the image information such as width, height, text color, text string & shape and store in image table.

Write a ASP program to accept student information such as name , roll no. ,marks.Generate an appropriate error message if text is entered in roll no and marks.

Write a ASP program which accept name on first page and surname on second page .Display the result on third page using session tracking.

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Write a ASP program to accept the number from the user and do the following - Calculate Factorial of a given Number.- To check whether given number is prime or not.

Write a ASP program to accept mobile handset details such as ModelNo,ModelName,Price through html page and display the details on next page

Write a ASP program to read n strings and display the result in sorted order.

Write a ASP program to accept the number from the user and do the following - Calculate Fibonacci series.- Calculate Armstrong number

Write a program using a ASP script to display following using GET method (GUI slip 16)

Write a ASP program which accept name on first page and surname on second page. Display the result on third page using cookie tracking

Write a ASP program to accept the empno from the user and update the salary of employee and display the updated Record on the screen. Employee having fields empno , ename and salary.

Write a menu driven program in ASP for the implementation of the following menus are- - Move to the next Record. - Move to the Previous Record

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