CROP-IND13-04 October 25, 2013 775 Ridge Lake Boulevard, Suite 400 ~ Memphis, Tennessee 38120-9403 ~ Telephone 901.202.4600 ~ Fax 901.766.4402 http://www.informaecon.com Informa Economics Survey-Based Crop Reporting Service India – October Crop Review and 2014 Winter Crop Prospects Informa and Agriwatch, (Informa’s affiliate in India) conducted its crop area survey from October 14 through October 21. The survey covered yield prospects for corn, rice, soybeans, groundnuts, cotton, sugar and pulses as well as prospective wheat and rapeseed plantings. The Informa and Agriwatch survey encompassed 12 states that account for 80 to 98 percent of India’s production for these crops. Based on the findings of the Informa/Agriwatch survey, corn production has been increased to 23.5 million tonnes, rice production was reduced to 106.0 million tonnes, soybean production was also reduced to 11.5 million tonnes, groundnut production was increased to 6.0 million tonnes, cotton was increased to 31.0 million bales, pulse production was reduced slightly to 17.9 million tonnes and sugar production was lowered to 340 million tonnes. For 2014 harvest, the Informa and Agriwatch survey pointed to a 4 percent increase in wheat plantings from last year; rapeseed plantings are projected to increase 5 percent. General Situation This 2013 monsoon began early, followed by a normal to above-normal summer performance and is retreating about two weeks slower than normal. The region where the 2013 monsoon was below normal was in the east. States where the monsoon was 20 to 40 percent below average were Bihar, Jharkland, and the group of states that are north and east of Bangladesh. The monsoon’s poor eastern performance has lowered rice production prospects, while the above- normal rains in the central and western areas hampered soybean development. The good performance of the 2013 monsoon has raised water stored in reservoirs. India’s reservoir levels are 18 percent above average which is used in irrigating India’s winter (or Rabi) crops. This season’s reservoir levels are 16 percent above last season. The last year India’s reservoir storage was in a similarly good situation was in the fall of 2011. India’s Central Water Commission reported that 78 reservoirs had stored more than 80 percent of water capacity, five reservoirs had stored between 50 percent and 80 percent of normal storage, with only two reservoirs between 30 percent and 50 percent of normal storage with none of the country’s reservoirs having 30 percent or less of normal storage. The following chart displays India’s reservoir level cycle with comparisons with last year and normal.

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October 25, 2013

775 Ridge Lake Boulevard, Suite 400 ~ Memphis, Tennessee 38120-9403 ~ Telephone 901.202.4600 ~ Fax 901.766.4402 http://www.informaecon.com

Informa Economics Survey-Based Crop Reporting Service

India – October Crop Review and 2014 Winter Crop Prospects

Informa and Agriwatch, (Informa’s affiliate in India) conducted its crop area survey from October 14 through October 21. The survey covered yield prospects for corn, rice, soybeans, groundnuts, cotton, sugar and pulses as well as prospective wheat and rapeseed plantings. The Informa and Agriwatch survey encompassed 12 states that account for 80 to 98 percent of India’s production for these crops. Based on the findings of the Informa/Agriwatch survey, corn production has been increased to 23.5 million tonnes, rice production was reduced to 106.0 million tonnes, soybean production was also reduced to 11.5 million tonnes, groundnut production was increased to 6.0 million tonnes, cotton was increased to 31.0 million bales, pulse production was reduced slightly to 17.9 million tonnes and sugar production was lowered to 340 million tonnes. For 2014 harvest, the Informa and Agriwatch survey pointed to a 4 percent increase in wheat plantings from last year; rapeseed plantings are projected to increase 5 percent.

General Situation This 2013 monsoon began early, followed by a normal to above-normal summer performance and is retreating about two weeks slower than normal. The region where the 2013 monsoon was below normal was in the east. States where the monsoon was 20 to 40 percent below average were Bihar, Jharkland, and the group of states that are north and east of Bangladesh. The monsoon’s poor eastern performance has lowered rice production prospects, while the above-normal rains in the central and western areas hampered soybean development. The good performance of the 2013 monsoon has raised water stored in reservoirs. India’s reservoir levels are 18 percent above average which is used in irrigating India’s winter (or Rabi) crops. This season’s reservoir levels are 16 percent above last season. The last year India’s reservoir storage was in a similarly good situation was in the fall of 2011. India’s Central Water Commission reported that 78 reservoirs had stored more than 80 percent of water capacity, five reservoirs had stored between 50 percent and 80 percent of normal storage, with only two reservoirs between 30 percent and 50 percent of normal storage with none of the country’s reservoirs having 30 percent or less of normal storage. The following chart displays India’s reservoir level cycle with comparisons with last year and normal.

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Corn Situation and Forecast

Corn production is forecast to total 23.5 million tonnes, which is up 600 thousand from last month mainly due to an increase in yield forecast for Maharashtra. If realized, the 23.5-million-tonne forecast would be 1.3 million above last year. India’s all-corn area is projected to total 9.5 million hectares, 790 thousand above last year. Corn plantings, reported by the Ministry of Agriculture, totaled 8.22 million hectares as of October 3, which was nearly 800 thousand above that planted by the same date last year. India’s corn yield is forecast to average 2.47 tonnes per hectare, which if realized, would be 3.1 percent below last year. Kharif corn plantings were completed last month with the earliest planted crop starting to be harvested. Kharif corn is mostly in the filling stage with about 20 percent still in the vegetative stage. Kharif corn harvest is normally completed in January.

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Rice Situation and Forecast

India’s rice production is forecast at 106.0 million tonnes, milled basis, which is 4.3 million below last month, but, if realized, would be 1.6 million above last year. Kharif rice production is forecast at 89.4 million tonnes, which would be 550 thousand above last season. India’s Kharif rice plantings are expected to total 39.5 million hectares, down one million from last month but 1.3 million above last year. The reduction is due to lower plantings than earlier expected as the monsoon in the east was below average. Rice plantings totaled 38 million hectares by October 10, which was about 750 thousand above the amount planted by that date last year.


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India Corn Production








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India Rice Production

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Oilseed Situation and Forecast

India’s soybean harvest is forecast at 11.5 million tonnes, which is down 1.1 million from Informa’s previous forecast and, if realized, would be equal to the previous season. This season, there reportedly is a wide range of soybean production forecasts available to the market. Earlier this month the Central Organization for Oil Industry and Trade (COOIT) reduced its soybean forecast to 10.2 million tonnes. However, the Soybean Processors Association of India (SOPA) reportedly expects the crop to total 12.0 million tonnes. USDA has not provided an update since its early September forecast of 12.3 million tonnes and the latest attaché forecast production, as of September 6, was 13.5 million tonnes.

Groundnut (peanut) production is forecast at 6.0 million tonnes, which is 500 thousand larger than last month but, if realized, would be one million above last year. The larger production is due to a nearly universal increase in yield expectations from survey respondents in Gugurat, which is India’s largest producing state that normally accounts for nearly 40 percent of total production. Groundnut yields are forecast to average 1.09 tonnes per hectare, which would be 9 percent above last year. India’s Kharif groundnut harvest began about October 1 and normally continues into late December. India’s Rabi groundnut plantings normally start in early November and are completed by the end of the year.









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India Soybean Production

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Cotton Situation and Forecast

Cotton production is forecast to total 31.0 million bales, which is one million above last month and, if realized, would be 4.5 million above last season. The cotton yield is forecast to average a record 572 kilos of lint per hectare, which is 17 percent above last year. The increase is due to this month’s survey that indicated greater yield potential in Maharashtra, Gujarat, and Andhra Pradesh. However, these increases were tempered by a sizable decline in Haryana’s production forecast. India’s Ministry of Agriculture reported that 11.5 million hectares had been planted to cotton by October 10, which represented 97 percent of intentions. This season’s above-normal monsoon rains reportedly caused some early set bolls to shed; however, the overall moisture situation is expected to be positive, promoting additional bolls to be set later in the season than normal. India’s farmers reportedly have controlled infestations of white fly and other insects this season.










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India’s total 2013 pulse production is forecast to total 17.9 million tonnes, 100 thousand smaller than last month. The 17.9-million-tonne forecast consists of 5.9 million tonnes of Kharif (monsoon) production and 112.0 million tonnes of Rabi (winter) production. Pulse plantings totaled 10.7 million hectares as of October 11, which was ahead of last season when 10.2 million had been planted by that date. Kharif pulse area is projected to total 12.2 million hectares, which would be up one percent from last season. The Informa and Agriwatch survey indicated a kharif production of 5.9 million tonnes, which is about 100 thousand lower than a recent forecast from the Indian government. Tur, urad and moong are the major pulses grown during the Kharif season.

Kharif Pulse Comments


The tur crop is likely to be harvested in December and January and early yield estimates will be available by December. According to the first advance estimates released by the government, tur production is forecast at 3.04 million metric tonnes compared to 3.07 million metric tonnes. Urad

Harvesting of the kharif urad crop is almost 60 percent complete in the major growing regions. Yields are likely to decline amid rainfall in the growing states of Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka during the month of October. According to government forecasts, urad production is expected to total 1.33 million metric tonnes in 2013 compared to 1.45 million metric tonnes during the previous season. Taking into account the government’s acreage estimates and production forecasts, yield is likely to be 576 kilos per hectare in 2013

India Pulse Area, Yield and Production2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Pulse Area, 000 HectaresKharif Area 10,582 12,320 11,190 12,040 12,175Rabi Area 12,700 14,082 13,272 13,500 13,750Total Area 23,282 26,402 24,462 25,540 25,925

Pulse Yield, Tonnes per HectareKharif Yield 0.397 0.578 0.541 0.491 0.485Rabi Yield 0.823 0.790 0.831 0.929 0.873Total Yield 0.630 0.691 0.699 0.722 0.690

Pulse Production, 000 TonnesKharif Production 4,204 7,120 6,058 5,910 5,900Rabi Production 10,458 11,121 11,031 12,540 12,000Total 14,662 18,241 17,089 18,450 17,900Bold Figures Informa Projections

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compared to 580 kilos per hectare during the previous year. According to trade estimates, the crop is likely to be 37 percent damaged and production will be around 910 thousand tonnes in the current season. Moong

India moong yield is projected at 404 kilos per hectare in the current season (according to government forecasts) equal to the yield during the previous year. Moong yields are likely to be affected due to the lack of favorable weather at harvest in key the growing regions. According to the government’s first advance estimates, moong production is expected to total 900 thousand metric tonnes in 2013 compared to 760 thousand metric tonnes during the previous season. Arrivals are lower in various mandis amid rainfall in the growing regions. According to trade estimates, the crop is likely to be 5 percent damaged and production will be around 720 thousand tonnes in the current season. Sugar

India sugar production is forecast to total 340 million tonnes, which is down 10 million from last month but would be 4.7 million above last season. Area planted to sugar is projected to decrease 2 percent from last season to 5.0 million hectares, unchanged from last month’s projection.

2014 Wheat and Rapeseed Plantings

Wheat area for 2014 harvest is projected to total 30.5 million hectares, which, if realized would be 1.1 million hectares or 4 percent above last year. States where area was reported by survey respondents to likely increase 10 percent or more from last year include Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. Other states where 3 to 6 percent increases are expected include Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. Wheat production is forecast at 95 million tonnes, which would be 2.5 million above last season. India’s wheat planting began on a limited basis in October and increases during November, and normally reaches 50 percent complete by the start of December. Wheat planting advances to 90 to 95 percent by the end of December and is normally completed by the later part of January.

India Sugarcane 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Area (000 hectares) 4,200 4,890 5,090 5,100 5,000Yield (tonnes/hectare) 66.1 70.0 70.3 65.8 68.0Production (000 tonnes) 277,800 342,380 357,670 335,328 340,000

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Rapeseed area for 2014 is projected to total 7.15 million hectares, which would be 5.1 percent (or 350 thousand hectares) above last season. If realized, the 2014 rapeseed area is expected to be the largest since 2010 when 7.25 million hectares were sown. Based on normal winter and spring conditions, India is forecast to produce 7.3 million tonnes of rapeseed, 300 thousand above last season. Rapeseed plantings are underway with the bulk of the crop planted in November. India normally has 85 percent of its rapeseed planted by first of December and normally is done planting by early to middle January.









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India Wheat Area









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India Rapeseed Area







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India: Area (thousand hectares)2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Corn 7,500 7,600 7,800 8,260 8,170 8,330 8,600 8,800 8,710 9,500Sorghum 9,100 9,000 8,510 7,930 7,530 7,500 7,060 6,330 6,300 6,300Barley 750 755 700 770 750 780 620 780 770 780

All Wheat 26,620 26,500 26,400 28,000 28,150 27,750 28,460 29,070 29,860 29,400Rice 42,300 43,400 44,000 43,770 45,400 41,850 42,860 44,100 42,410 44,000

Soybean 7,990 7,800 8,120 8,800 9,600 9,600 9,300 10,270 10,800 12,220Groundnuts 6,800 6,860 5,910 6,500 6,400 5,300 6,000 5,300 5,000 5,500Rapeseed 7,150 7,380 6,640 5,700 6,600 6,450 7,250 6,600 6,750 6,800Sunseed 2,300 2,410 2,145 1,630 1,530 1,400 760 735 800 830

Cotton 8,786 8,873 9,166 9,439 9,406 10,310 11,140 12,200 11,800 11,800

India: Yields (tons/hectare), except cotton kilos lint/hectare2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Corn 1.89 1.94 1.94 2.30 2.41 2.01 2.53 2.47 2.55 2.47Sorghum 0.80 0.85 0.84 1.00 0.96 0.89 0.99 0.95 0.84 0.92Barley 1.73 1.59 1.74 1.73 1.60 2.17 2.18 2.13 2.10 2.23

All Wheat 2.71 2.59 2.63 2.71 2.79 2.91 2.84 2.99 3.18 3.14Rice 1.97 2.11 2.12 2.21 2.18 2.13 2.24 2.39 2.46 2.41

Soybean 0.73 0.90 0.95 1.08 0.95 1.01 1.05 1.07 1.06 0.94Groundnuts 1.03 0.92 0.91 1.05 0.98 0.92 0.98 1.04 1.00 1.09Rapeseed 0.91 0.95 0.87 0.96 1.02 0.99 0.98 0.94 1.01 1.03Sunseed 0.53 0.64 0.60 0.69 0.65 0.59 0.92 0.84 0.88 0.88

Cotton 471 467 518 554 523 503 516 491 489 572

India: Production (thousand metric tons), except cotton in 480 pound bales2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Corn 14,180 14,710 15,100 18,960 19,730 16,720 21,730 21,760 22,230 23,500Sorghum 7,240 7,630 7,150 7,930 7,250 6,700 7,000 6,030 5,300 5,800Barley 1,300 1,200 1,220 1,330 1,200 1,690 1,350 1,660 1,620 1,740

Wheat 72,150 68,640 69,350 75,810 78,570 80,680 80,800 86,870 94,880 92,460Rice (Milled) 83,130 91,790 93,350 96,690 99,180 89,090 95,980 105,310 104,400 106,000

Soybean 5,850 7,000 7,690 9,470 9,100 9,700 9,800 11,000 11,500 11,500Groundnuts 7,000 6,300 5,385 6,800 6,250 4,900 5,850 5,500 5,000 6,000Rapeseed 6,500 7,000 5,800 5,450 6,700 6,400 7,100 6,200 6,800 7,000Sunseed 1,224 1,550 1,280 1,120 1,000 820 700 620 700 730

Cotton 19,000 19,050 21,800 24,000 22,600 23,800 26,400 27,500 26,500 31,000Informa Forecasts in Bold Oct 25, 2013

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India Corn Area, 000 hectares2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Kharif CornAndhra Pradesh 519 498 502 440 531 526 570 Bihar 264 245 227 231 264 261 285 Gujarat 424 419 411 423 387 383 465 Himachal Pradesh 300 298 295 296 294 291 320 Jammu & Kashmir 302 316 311 308 314 311 345 Karnataka 1,015 933 1,108 1,141 1,206 1,185 1,290 Madhya Pradesh 880 841 832 831 863 854 925 Maharashtra 571 550 673 731 736 728 790 Punjab 153 151 139 133 126 125 140 Rajasthan 1,051 1,052 1,096 1,143 1,039 1,020 1,195 Tamil Nadu 153 188 161 144 176 174 190 Uttar Pradesh 812 770 704 748 745 740 800 Others 775 630 643 713 719 711 755 Total Kharif 7,219 6,891 7,103 7,282 7,400 7,310 8,070

Rabi CornAndhra Pradesh 267 354 281 304 333 335 340 Bihar 376 396 405 414 411 415 420 Gujarat 80 86 78 129 130 130 Karnataka 98 136 132 147 143 145 145 Maharashtra 101 105 121 160 145 145 150 Tamil Nadu 71 99 83 87 104 105 105 West Bengal 43 54 61 56 64 65 65 Others 86 56 57 72 71 70 75 Total Rabi 1,042 1,279 1,226 1,318 1,400 1,410 1,430

All Corn 8,260 8,170 8,330 8,600 8,800 8,710 9,500 Informa Estimates and Forecasts in Bold Oct 25, 2013

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India Corn Yields, tonnes/hectare2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Kharif CornAndhra Pradesh 4.125 3.147 1.986 3.730 2.812 2.902 4.000 Bihar 0.956 1.518 1.773 1.806 2.358 2.434 2.000 Gujarat 1.375 1.439 0.964 1.636 1.393 1.438 0.996 Himachal Pradesh 2.873 2.273 1.839 2.263 2.432 2.510 2.400 Jammu & Kashmir 1.569 2.005 1.566 1.712 1.608 1.660 1.620 Karnataka 2.893 2.821 2.415 3.515 3.022 3.141 3.000 Madhya Pradesh 1.288 1.361 1.256 1.266 1.492 1.540 1.600 Maharashtra 2.706 2.405 2.275 3.022 2.890 2.983 3.000 Punjab 3.405 3.404 3.417 3.692 3.984 4.112 3.750 Rajasthan 1.860 1.737 1.044 1.796 1.583 1.647 1.341 Tamil Nadu 2.952 3.668 4.301 3.858 5.682 5.865 5.653 Uttar Pradesh 1.437 1.495 1.456 1.468 1.654 1.701 1.525 Others 1.407 1.566 1.366 1.717 1.633 1.685 1.679 Total Kharif 2.093 2.049 1.731 2.285 2.228 2.304 2.237

Rabi CornAndhra Pradesh 5.543 7.302 6.281 7.615 6.502 6.602 6.574 Bihar 3.198 3.394 2.660 2.467 2.404 2.433 2.429 Gujarat 1.700 1.593 1.645 1.915 1.941 1.962 Karnataka 3.245 2.919 2.553 2.946 3.084 3.107 3.138 Maharashtra 2.426 2.257 2.455 2.456 2.110 2.156 2.100 Tamil Nadu 5.091 5.763 5.431 5.452 6.649 6.750 6.810 West Bengal 4.035 4.550 4.984 4.773 4.497 4.508 4.615 Others 0.833 1.782 0.999 0.776 2.049 2.118 2.067 Total Rabi 3.695 4.387 3.610 3.860 3.766 3.820 3.811

All Corn 2.295 2.415 2.007 2.527 2.473 2.552 2.474 Informa Estimates and Forecasts in Bold Oct 25, 2013

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India Corn Production, 000 tonnes2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Kharif CornAndhra Pradesh 2,141 1,567 997 1,641 1,493 1,525 2,280 Bihar 252 372 402 418 622 636 570 Gujarat 583 603 396 692 539 551 463 Himachal Pradesh 863 677 543 671 715 731 768 Jammu & Kashmir 475 633 487 528 505 516 559 Karnataka 2,936 2,632 2,676 4,011 3,644 3,723 3,870 Madhya Pradesh 1,133 1,144 1,045 1,052 1,287 1,315 1,480 Maharashtra 1,545 1,323 1,531 2,209 2,127 2,173 2,370 Punjab 521 514 475 491 502 513 525 Rajasthan 1,954 1,827 1,145 2,053 1,645 1,680 1,602 Tamil Nadu 452 690 693 555 1,002 1,023 1,074 Uttar Pradesh 1,167 1,151 1,025 1,098 1,232 1,259 1,220 Others 1,090 987 878 1,224 1,173 1,199 1,268 Total Kharif 15,112 14,120 12,294 16,641 16,487 16,843 18,050

Rabi CornAndhra Pradesh 1,480 2,585 1,765 2,315 2,165 2,212 2,235 Bihar 1,203 1,342 1,076 1,022 988 1,010 1,020 Gujarat 136 137 128 247 252 255 Karnataka 318 397 337 433 441 451 455 Maharashtra 245 237 297 393 306 313 315 Tamil Nadu 359 568 451 473 694 709 715 West Bengal 172 246 306 269 287 293 300 Others 72 100 57 56 145 148 155 Total Rabi 3,849 5,611 4,426 5,088 5,273 5,387 5,450

All Corn 18,960 19,730 16,720 21,730 21,760 22,230 23,500Informa Estimates and Forecasts in Bold Oct 25, 2013

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India Rice Area, 000 hectares2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Kharif RiceAndhra Pradesh 2,578 2,803 2,063 2,922 2,874 2,810 2,900Assam 2,001 2,124 2,136 2,172 2,152 2,070 2,050Bihar 3,462 3,391 3,118 2,744 3,255 3,055 3,000Chattisgarh 3,752 3,734 3,671 3,703 3,774 3,650 3,800Gujarat 726 722 658 728 752 640 750Haryana 1,075 1,210 1,205 1,245 1,235 1,185 1,300Jharkhand 1,644 1,670 982 720 1,469 1,230 1,350Karnataka 1,051 1,130 1,102 1,130 1,118 1,085 1,100Madhya Pradesh 1,559 1,682 1,446 1,603 1,662 1,530 1,700Maharashtra 1,535 1,500 1,450 1,486 1,516 1,430 1,500Orissa 4,118 4,124 4,100 3,933 3,769 3,700 3,750Punjab 2,610 2,735 2,802 2,831 2,818 2,760 3,000Tamil Nadu 1,637 1,767 1,688 1,743 1,741 1,675 1,700Uttar Pradesh 5,690 6,012 5,173 5,657 5,923 5,530 5,750West Bengal 4,208 4,379 4,200 3,574 4,213 3,945 4,000Others 1,710 1,720 1,773 1,862 1,951 1,875 1,800Total Kharif 39,356 40,703 37,566 38,052 40,222 38,170 39,450

Rabi RiceAndhra Pradesh 1,406 1,584 1,378 1,829 1,222 1,430 1,550Assam 323 360 360 399 385 365 375Karnataka 325 343 347 360 255 295 330Orissa 334 331 265 293 235 295 300Tamil Nadu 153 165 158 163 162 160 165West Bengal 1,512 1,557 1,430 1,370 1,221 1,305 1,450Others 362 358 347 394 397 390 380Total Rabi 4,414 4,697 4,284 4,808 3,878 4,240 4,550

All Rice 43,770 45,400 41,850 42,860 44,100 42,410 44,000Informa Estimates and Forecasts in Bold Oct 25, 2013

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India Rice Yields, tonnes/hectare2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Kharif RiceAndhra Pradesh 3.177 2.990 2.742 2.570 2.980 3.036 3.103 Assam 1.293 1.525 1.662 1.799 1.688 1.698 1.707 Bihar 1.226 1.596 1.101 1.063 2.160 2.005 1.917 Chattisgarh 1.446 1.176 1.120 1.663 1.597 1.540 1.513 Gujarat 1.895 1.698 1.866 1.956 2.024 1.883 2.000 Haryana 3.361 2.726 3.008 2.789 3.044 3.051 2.962 Jharkhand 2.024 2.036 1.547 1.541 2.131 2.041 2.037 Karnataka 2.545 2.412 2.345 2.705 2.717 2.498 2.727 Madhya Pradesh 0.938 0.927 0.872 1.106 1.340 1.245 1.294 Maharashtra 1.898 1.489 1.474 1.766 1.837 1.825 1.800 Orissa 1.633 1.455 1.512 1.516 1.340 1.601 1.560 Punjab 4.019 4.022 4.010 3.828 3.741 4.004 3.900 Tamil Nadu 2.748 2.617 2.994 2.965 3.821 3.478 2.971 Uttar Pradesh 2.062 2.171 2.083 2.120 2.357 2.378 2.165 West Bengal 2.327 2.439 2.396 2.485 2.547 2.672 2.625 Others 2.134 2.166 1.987 2.095 2.095 2.141 2.139 Total Kharif 2.101 2.087 2.022 2.121 2.306 2.328 2.266

Rabi RiceAndhra Pradesh 3.651 3.700 3.543 3.777 3.543 4.063 4.065 Assam 2.266 2.133 2.185 2.082 2.297 2.753 2.800 Karnataka 2.948 2.883 2.945 2.838 3.227 3.576 3.485 Orissa 2.447 2.451 2.713 2.959 3.213 3.576 3.500 Tamil Nadu 3.559 3.389 3.878 3.838 4.950 5.344 5.152 West Bengal 3.259 2.800 2.991 3.039 3.174 3.464 3.517 Others 2.432 2.474 2.418 2.209 2.744 3.205 2.895 Total Rabi 3.169 3.030 3.066 3.179 3.239 3.667 3.648

All Rice 2.209 2.185 2.129 2.239 2.388 2.462 2.409 Informa Estimates and Forecasts in Bold Oct 25, 2013

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India Rice Production, 000 tonnes, milled basis2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Kharif RiceProductionAndhra Pradesh 8,191 8,380 5,656 7,510 8,565 8,530 9,000 Assam 2,587 3,240 3,549 3,906 3,632 3,515 3,500 Bihar 4,246 5,412 3,433 2,917 7,030 6,125 5,750 Chattisgarh 5,427 4,392 4,110 6,159 6,028 5,620 5,750 Gujarat 1,376 1,226 1,228 1,424 1,522 1,205 1,500 Haryana 3,613 3,298 3,625 3,472 3,759 3,615 3,850 Jharkhand 3,326 3,400 1,518 1,110 3,131 2,510 2,750 Karnataka 2,675 2,725 2,584 3,057 3,038 2,710 3,000 Madhya Pradesh 1,462 1,560 1,261 1,772 2,227 1,905 2,200 Maharashtra 2,913 2,234 2,138 2,625 2,785 2,610 2,700 Orissa 6,724 6,002 6,199 5,961 5,051 5,925 5,850 Punjab 10,489 11,000 11,236 10,837 10,542 11,050 11,700 Tamil Nadu 4,497 4,624 5,054 5,168 6,654 5,825 5,050 Uttar Pradesh 11,732 13,051 10,776 11,992 13,963 13,150 12,450 West Bengal 9,793 10,679 10,065 8,883 10,731 10,540 10,500 Others 3,649 3,726 3,523 3,901 4,088 4,015 3,850 Total Kharif 82,700 84,948 75,955 80,694 92,747 88,850 89,400

Rabi RiceAndhra Pradesh 5,133 5,861 4,882 6,908 4,330 5,810 6,300 Assam 732 769 787 830 884 1,005 1,050 Karnataka 958 989 1,022 1,022 823 1,055 1,150 Orissa 817 811 719 867 756 1,055 1,050 Tamil Nadu 544 559 611 625 804 855 850 West Bengal 4,926 4,358 4,276 4,163 3,875 4,520 5,100 Others 881 884 839 871 1,091 1,250 1,100 Total Rabi 13,990 14,231 13,135 15,286 12,563 15,550 16,600

All Rice 96,690 99,180 89,090 95,980 105,310 104,400 106,000 Informa Estimates and Forecasts in Bold Oct 25, 2013

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India Soybeans, Area Yield and Production2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Area 000 hectaresMaharashtra 3,092 2,977 2,643 3,058 3,216 3,600 Gujarat 84 86 81 43 45 90 Madhya Pradesh 5,172 5,275 5,385 5,759 6,056 6,820 Rajasthan 837 767 741 911 958 1,100 Andhra Pradesh 143 154 124 132 139 170 Others 272 342 325 367 386 440 India 9,600 9,600 9,300 10,270 10,800 12,220

Yield, tonnes/hectareMaharashtra 0.819 0.718 1.256 1.169 1.197 1.178 Gujarat 0.636 0.794 0.643 0.697 0.669 0.611 Madhya Pradesh 1.039 1.182 0.953 0.982 0.976 0.853 Rajasthan 0.884 1.160 1.160 1.369 1.252 0.718 Andhra Pradesh 1.243 0.816 1.353 1.432 1.404 1.380 Others 0.815 0.704 0.823 0.826 0.817 0.818 India 0.948 1.010 1.054 1.071 1.065 0.941

Production, 000 tonnesMaharashtra 2,533 2,139 3,321 3,574 3,850 4,240 Gujarat 53 68 52 30 30 55 Madhya Pradesh 5,374 6,237 5,132 5,656 5,910 5,820 Rajasthan 740 890 860 1,247 1,200 790 Andhra Pradesh 178 126 168 189 195 235 Others 221 241 267 303 315 360 India 9,100 9,700 9,800 11,000 11,500 11,500 Informa Estimates and Forecasts in Bold Oct 25, 2013

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India Cotton, Area Yield and Production2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Area, 000 hectaresMaharashtra 3,142 3,503 3,932 4,125 4,130 3,950 Gujarat 2,354 2,625 2,633 2,962 2,363 2,500 Madhya Pradesh 625 611 650 706 608 650 Punjab 527 511 530 560 516 470 Haryana 456 507 492 641 603 540 Rajasthan 302 444 335 470 449 405 Andhra Pradesh 1,399 1,475 1,784 1,879 2,140 2,225 Karnataka 408 455 545 554 516 590 Tamil Nadu 109 104 122 133 120 120 Orissa 84 54 74 102 119 115 Others 21 43 68 236 235 India 9,406 10,310 11,140 12,200 11,800 11,800

Yield kilos, (lint)/hectareMaharashtra 335 319 379 305 332 441 Gujarat 650 635 686 689 617 675 Madhya Pradesh 490 424 463 433 483 569 Punjab 565 432 593 562 591 593 Haryana 522 511 587 663 668 544 Rajasthan 422 459 513 615 611 607 Andhra Pradesh 644 628 567 507 580 734 Karnataka 375 458 346 430 401 424 Tamil Nadu 780 817 1,003 831 726 798 Orissa 405 315 471 333 439 398 Others 402 301 323 454 India 523 503 516 491 489 572

Production, 000 480 pound balesMaharashtra 4,841 5,134 6,851 5,778 6,300 8,000 Gujarat 7,027 7,652 8,292 9,370 6,700 7,750 Madhya Pradesh 1,405 1,191 1,382 1,405 1,350 1,700 Punjab 1,366 1,015 1,444 1,444 1,400 1,280 Haryana 1,093 1,191 1,327 1,952 1,850 1,350 Rajasthan 586 937 789 1,327 1,260 1,130 Andhra Pradesh 4,138 4,255 4,646 4,372 5,700 7,500 Karnataka 703 956 867 1,093 950 1,150 Tamil Nadu 390 390 562 508 400 440 Orissa 156 78 160 156 240 210 Others 894 1,001 79 94 350 490 India 22,600 23,800 26,400 27,500 26,500 31,000 Informa Forecasts in Bold Oct 25, 2013

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India Wheat, Area Yield and Production2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Area, 000 hectaresBihar 2,163 2,158 2,193 2,104 2,142 2,200 2,150 Gujarat 1,274 1,091 878 1,274 1,351 1,350 1,400 Haryana 2,462 2,462 2,492 2,515 2,522 2,500 2,300 Himachal Pradesh 367 360 353 357 357 300 350 Jammu & Kashmir 278 279 289 291 296 295 300 Madhya Pradesh 3,742 3,785 4,276 4,341 4,889 4,550 5,200 Maharashtra 1,253 1,022 1,081 1,307 843 1,050 1,150 Punjab 3,488 3,526 3,522 3,510 3,528 3,550 3,600 Rajasthan 2,592 2,295 2,394 2,479 2,935 2,600 2,750 Uttar Pradesh 9,115 9,513 9,668 9,637 9,731 9,700 10,000 Uttarakhand 397 398 395 379 369 380 380 West Bengal 353 307 316 317 316 325 320 Others 517 554 603 559 581 600 600 India 28,000 27,750 28,460 29,070 29,860 29,400 30,500

Yield kilos/hectareBihar 2,058 2,043 2,084 1,948 2,206 2,227 2,186 Gujarat 3,013 2,377 2,679 3,155 3,014 3,037 3,071 Haryana 4,158 4,390 4,213 4,624 5,030 4,840 5,000 Himachal Pradesh 1,376 1,520 928 1,530 1,671 1,600 1,571 Jammu & Kashmir 1,782 1,735 1,003 1,535 1,689 1,695 1,667 Madhya Pradesh 1,612 1,723 1,967 1,757 2,360 2,077 2,154 Maharashtra 1,659 1,483 1,610 1,761 1,558 1,714 1,696 Punjab 4,507 4,462 4,307 4,693 4,898 4,930 4,917 Rajasthan 2,749 3,175 3,133 2,910 3,175 3,077 3,091 Uttar Pradesh 2,817 3,002 2,846 3,113 3,113 3,196 3,150 Uttarakhand 2,050 2,003 2,139 2,316 2,379 2,368 2,368 West Bengal 2,602 2,490 2,680 2,760 2,765 2,862 2,813 Others 1,313 1,199 1,211 1,362 1,388 1,333 1,333 India 2,806 2,907 2,839 2,988 3,177 3,145 3,115

Production, 000 TonnesBihar 4,450 4,410 4,571 4,098 4,725 4,900 4,700 Gujarat 3,838 2,593 2,352 4,019 4,072 4,100 4,300 Haryana 10,236 10,808 10,500 11,630 12,686 12,100 11,500 Himachal Pradesh 504 547 327 546 596 480 550 Jammu & Kashmir 496 484 290 446 500 500 500 Madhya Pradesh 6,033 6,522 8,410 7,627 11,539 9,450 11,200 Maharashtra 2,079 1,516 1,740 2,301 1,313 1,800 1,950 Punjab 15,720 15,733 15,169 16,472 17,280 17,500 17,700 Rajasthan 7,125 7,287 7,501 7,214 9,320 8,000 8,500 Uttar Pradesh 25,679 28,554 27,518 30,001 30,293 31,000 31,500 Uttarakhand 814 797 845 878 878 900 900 West Bengal 917 765 847 874 873 930 900 Others 679 665 731 762 806 800 800 India 78,570 80,680 80,800 86,870 94,880 92,460 95,000 Informa Forecasts in Bold Oct 25, 2013

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