INDIAN RAILWAYS PROMOTEE OFFICERS’ FEDERATION RAMAN KUMAR SHARMA Secretary General Dated : December 23 rd , 2013 Sub : Minutes of the Annual General Body Meeting held on 19 th & 20 th December, 2013 at Jaipur (N.W.Rly). Shri Deepak Shelly, President/IRPOF presided over the meeting and he informed the House about the demise of Shri S.K. Khannaji, Founder member of the Federation. He further mentioned the contribution of Shri Khannaji in bringing up the Federation during the days of scarcity. The hard work, sincerity and dedication of Shri Khannaji will be remembered by the House for immorial time. He requested the House to observe two minutes silence in his honour. After observing silence, President/IRPOF requested Genl. Secy/NWRPOA Shri P. Sen to give his welcome address. Shri P. Sen, Genl. Secy/NWRPOA thanked the Federation for giving him an opportunity for hosting AGM at Jaipur and he welcomed all the delegates who have come from different parts of India in this AGM and assured them comfortable stay and providing good hospitality for the AGM. President/NWRPOA Shri D.R. Sharma requested the distinguished guests to light the candle so that AGM could be started formally. Lightening of candle was done by Smt and Shri J.P. Singh, ex. President/IRPOF and President/ECRPOA, followed by him Shri Jitendra Singh, ex. Secy. Genl/IRPOF, Shri Deepak Shelly, President/IRPOF, Shri Raman Kumar Sharma, Secy. Genl/IRPOF and President/NWRPOA Shri D.R. Sharma also lighted the candle. President/IRPOF Shri Deepak Shelly, informed the House that despite our best efforts and cooperation from Railway Board we are still not able to achieve the desired results. The DPCs papers of Traffic departments were completed in all respect with full cooperation from all of you but UPSC declined to accept them under single window system when Railway Board submitted these papers in December, 2013. UPSC is seeking clarification regarding convening of DPCs involving reservation for promotion from Group’B’ to Group’A’ from DOP&T and they are of the opinion that till a decision is received further DPC cannot be convened. Commission has also decided to return DPC proposals for promotion from Group’B’ to Group’A’ . The situation in the given circumstances is very critical because DPC of Stores, Traffic, S&T,

INDIAN RAILWAYS PROMOTEE OFFICERS’ FEDERATION · INDIAN RAILWAYS PROMOTEE OFFICERS’ FEDERATION ... Genl. Secretaries are requested to submit seniority list of all the ... Direct

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Page 1: INDIAN RAILWAYS PROMOTEE OFFICERS’ FEDERATION · INDIAN RAILWAYS PROMOTEE OFFICERS’ FEDERATION ... Genl. Secretaries are requested to submit seniority list of all the ... Direct


RAMAN KUMAR SHARMA Secretary General

Dated : December 23rd, 2013

Sub : Minutes of the Annual General Body Meeting held on 19th & 20th December, 2013 at Jaipur (N.W.Rly).

Shri Deepak Shelly, President/IRPOF presided over the meeting and he informed the House about the demise of Shri S.K. Khannaji, Founder member

of the Federation. He further mentioned the contribution of Shri Khannaji in bringing up the Federation during the days of scarcity. The hard work, sincerity and dedication of Shri Khannaji will be remembered by the House for

immorial time. He requested the House to observe two minutes silence in his honour.

After observing silence, President/IRPOF requested Genl. Secy/NWRPOA Shri P. Sen to give his welcome address.

Shri P. Sen, Genl. Secy/NWRPOA thanked the Federation for giving him an opportunity for hosting AGM at Jaipur and he welcomed all the

delegates who have come from different parts of India in this AGM and assured them comfortable stay and providing good hospitality for the AGM.

President/NWRPOA Shri D.R. Sharma requested the distinguished guests to light the candle so that AGM could be started formally. Lightening of candle was done by Smt and Shri J.P. Singh, ex. President/IRPOF and

President/ECRPOA, followed by him Shri Jitendra Singh, ex. Secy. Genl/IRPOF, Shri Deepak Shelly, President/IRPOF, Shri Raman Kumar Sharma, Secy. Genl/IRPOF and President/NWRPOA Shri D.R. Sharma also

lighted the candle.

President/IRPOF Shri Deepak Shelly, informed the House that despite our best efforts and cooperation from Railway Board we are still not able to achieve the desired results. The DPCs papers of Traffic departments were

completed in all respect with full cooperation from all of you but UPSC declined to accept them under single window system when Railway Board submitted these papers in December, 2013. UPSC is seeking clarification regarding

convening of DPCs involving reservation for promotion from Group’B’ to Group’A’ from DOP&T and they are of the opinion that till a decision is

received further DPC cannot be convened. Commission has also decided to return DPC proposals for promotion from Group’B’ to Group’A’ . The situation in the given circumstances is very critical because DPC of Stores, Traffic, S&T,

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Elect., Mechanical and Civil for Vacancy Year 2012-13 & 2013-14 is still pending. Already DPC for these two vacancy years has been delayed as per

DOP&T calendar and further uncertainty to convene the DPC by UPSC is a set back and will adversely affect the seniority of Group’B’ officers on induction to

Group’A’ which will jeopardize the promotional prospects to JAG and SAG. The House needs to seriously deliberate on the issue and we should not sit back and wait for destiny to decide our future.

He emphasized that to strengthen the Federation all the affiliated

associations should strengthen themselves and hold regular meetings in their

units and also interact with members intimating them the latest developments

and functioning regarding issues going on related to promotee officers.

Information should be shared at all levels to remove doubts among the

members who are of the opinion that in absence of information the

associations and Federation are not functioning properly and looking after their

interest. We should maintain discipline and also clear all the outstanding

dues because finances are always required to run the Federation smoothly.

He appreciated the arrangements made by NWRPOA and complimented the

team for good arrangements. He requested all the delegates to be brief in their

speeches, adhere to their time limit and not repeat the issues which have been

taken up by the previous speakers. He also requested that raising an issue is a

good thing but at the same time we should also come forward with the views

and suggestions how to resolve the issue so that the suggestions given could be

deliberated and house may arrive at a conclusion and decide the approach to

be adopted for resolving the matter.

He invited Secretary General/IRPOF to place his report before the House.

Shri Raman Kumar Sharma, Secy. General/IRPOF - detailed report was

placed before the House. He informed that to maintain the continuity of the

meeting a separate action taken report on the minutes of the Madurai ECM is

also annexed for perusal of the House. As decided in the last ECM all the Org.

Secy of the Federation were requested to submit their report incorporating the

activities of zonal Association but report from only four Org. Secy were received

which is also annexed with the Secy. Genl Report. We hope that in the next

meeting all the Org. Secys will submit a brief account or the activities done

during the intervening period of the two meetings which will give more indepth

information of the activities going on at the unit level. There is no point in

reading the entire report because it is already available with all of you, I would

like to mention briefly the issues of great concern.

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1. The status of DPC s has been given in detail but due to the recent

situation which has emerged with UPSC the DPCs are held up and in this

regard we had contacted the officials in UPSC who are insisting for a

clarification from DOP&T for convening DPCs involving reservation in

promotion from Group’B’ to Group’A’. The DPCs papers of Traffic department

were not accepted by the UPSC and they have returned it without any

endorsement. Railway Board was approached to negotiate and impress upon

UPSC to accept the papers and do the ground work for other deparptments till

clarification from DOP&T is received. We will insist Railway Board to write a

letter to UPSC to resolve the impasse. DPCs status of Misc. cadre is also


2. Misc. Categories - We would like to assure that Federation is taking up the

issues related to Misc. categories at all level and detailed single agenda has

been submitted by the Federation to Railway Board for the next Formal

Meeting., The problems of Misc. cadre are different from one cadre to the

another, hence, they have to be taken up in that perspective and cannot be

deliberated as a single item as it is done for the organized services. Recently,

promotion of three JAG officers of EDP cadre were issued by Railway Board.

Genl. Secretaries are requested to submit seniority list of all the officers of Misc

cadre as on 1.1.2014 along with seniority list of organised services so that the

seniority list of Misc. officers could also be prepared and uploaded on the web

site. We should also involve officers of Misc cadre in our organizational

meetings so that they have the feeling of involvement and aware of the actions

taken by the Associations and Federation with regard to their issues.

3. COURT CASES - Direct IRSEE officers of 2006 batch have filed Court

cases in CAT/LKO and CAT/Hyderabad challenging the DOITS of IRSEE

officers inducted to Group’A’ in vacancy year 2010-11 & 2011-12. IRPOF has

filed impleadment application in CAT/LKO which was listed in the month of

December, 2013 and the next date fixed is 9.1.2014. As regards case filed in

CAT/Hyderabad it is mentioned that SCR Railway should contest the case

being a local unit there and necessary input for filing counter and rules on the

subject along with other documents required to be filed with the reply will be

provided by the Federation. Federation will be requiring extra funds to contest

these cases and any other similar type of cases which are filed challenging the

basic issues of promotion from Group’B’ to Group’A’ which have effect on all

the services. We should come forward and support financially so that the

concerned unit which is contesting the case do not feel helpless on financial

grounds. Once again all the General Secretaries are requested to be cautious

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and vigilant about the cases being filed by Direct officers challenging the rules

related to Group’A’ Induction. As and when any such case comes to their

notice they should inform to the Federation and all effective measures should

be taken to whemently contest them.

The other issues also need to be deliberated and I request all the

delegates to come forward with their valuable comments and suggestions so

that Federation should be able to move ahead as decided by the House.

Shri Amesh Kumar, Secy. Finance/IRPOF -He presented the audited

Receipt and Payment accounts of the Federation for the period 1.1.2012 to

31.12.2012 and also gave details of outstanding dues of affiliated associations

as on 17.12.2013. He congratulated CRPOA, ECoRPOA, NRPOA, NCRPOA,


and ICFPOA for clearing all their dues upto 31.12.2013 and no outstanding

amount is pending against them. He requested all the General Secretaries to

come forward and clear their outstanding shown against them and in case they

have any doubt, reconciliation of the outstanding amount can be done

separately in the AGM as all the records are available with him. He informed

the House that due to constraint of funds we could not issue PROP and if we

are able to manage sufficient funds by clearance of outstanding dues then we

can think of issuing Annual issue of PROP for year 2013. Healthy financial

status gives a moral boost to our Federation to go ahead and think of

organizing special meeting, Seminar, Dharna etc. as situation warrants. He

thanked NWRPOA for their good arrangements and informed the House that

contribution of Rs.1,00,000/- as promised has been given to NWRPOA today

for making arrangements for the meeting. He assured the House that the

commitment of the Federation as agreed upon will be honoured and all efforts

should be made that the contribution of Federation of ECM/AGM is credited

atleast one week in advance to the unit which is hosting the meeting. Any

clarification if required can be sought as regards statement of Receipt and

Expenditure, outstanding dues and balance sheet placed before the House is


Shri S.S. Parashar, Convener, Constitution Review Committee - he

informed the House that he was nominated as Convener of the Constitution

Review Committee along with five members. President/IRPOF Shri Deepak

Shelly, was Chairman of the committee. All the General Secretaries, Office

bearers of the Federation and members were requested to submit their

proposal to be incorporated for amendment of the constitution of IRPOF. The

committee has received proposals from various units and all were compiled and

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placed before the committee for consideration. After considering all the

proposals the committee had shortlisted under noted amendments

unanimously for placing before the House for consideration and taking decision

as deemed fit by the House. He clarified that the recommendations of the

Constitution review committee are not binding and it is for the House to accept,

modify or reject the proposal of the committee as any amendments to the

constitution of the Federation are to be passed by the AGM as per the

provisions contained in the Constitution. The proposed amendments are as

under :

1 Since Zonal Railway status has been accorded to RDSO and Metro

hence, Federation should consider and extend all facilities at par to

RDSO and Metro in Federation activities and treat them as Zonal


2. Post of Adviser/Advisers/Patron/Consultant or any other capacity may

be included in the Constitution and rules regarding its tenure

methodology to fill them along with their duties and responsibilities to be

decided by the House. The incumbent will not be part of the Executive


President/IRPOF requested the delegates to come and give their views

and suggestions on Secy. General report, Secy. Finance/IRPOF report and

report submitted by Constitution Review Committee. He again reiterated that

since time is short hence, the speakers are requested to be brief and precise

while giving their views and the issues already raised and discussed should not

be repeated again and again. To start with the discussion he invited :

SHRI D.N. VERMA, GENL. SECY/ERPOA - he thanked NWRPOA for making

excellent and elaborate arrangements for the AGM. He mentioned that once

minutes to minutes programme of the meeting is circulated to all the delegates

then there should not be any eventuality for deviating from it. The issue of

Constitution amendments was listed for discussion on second day i.e.

20.12.2013 as per the programme. What was the necessity to prepone it for

today. He further mentioned that the meetings are held only thrice in a year

and the delegates attending the meetings are more interested in visiting

historical places and going for sightseeing after marking their attendance

leaving the meeting which is not a healthy pattern. All the delegates should be

present in the House not with the intention to give their speech and go away

but should also listen to the views of other participants. The Constitution

review committee was formed in New Delhi in March, 2013 and was circulated

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to all the members by the Federation Through the website of IRPOF we came

to know that the Constitution review committee which was constituted in the

ECM/Delhi has been dissolved and no reasons were mentioned on the website.

Constitution amendment is a very important and serious issue and it should

not happen frequently. I feel no reason for the dissolution of the committee

formed by the ECM at New Delhi and formation of new Constitution review

committee superseding the earlier one. The constitution amendments passed

in year 2010 were arbitrary and autocratic in nature and they should be

rescinded and original constitution prior to the 2010 amendments should be

brought in force. Any amendment to the constitution require a proposal to be

submitted 45 days in advance as per provisions of IRPOF constitution and a

thorough discussion should be held clause by clause for the proposed

amendments. Technically the proposals given today in the meeting by the

Convener of the constitution review committee cannot be taken up for

discussion as they do not comply with the mandatory provision of advance

notice of 45 days.

He sought an explanation from the House why DPC for promotion from

Group’B’ to Group’A’ are not held annually and separately for each vacancy

year because clubbing of DPC for two years, which has become a trend is

putting promotee officers at loss. Previously DPCs for year 2010-11 and 2011-

12 were held on one day thus DOITS of both the panel years were fixed on

same day for the officers empanelled for both the years. Now the process of

DPC again for two years i.e. 2012-13 & 2013-14 is under process and again the

DOITS of both the years will be the same. The officers empanelled for first year

in the combined DPC s are at loss as regards DOITS is concerned and their

future advancement is concerned. Federation should look into this and not get

trapped by the Railway Board policy which has adverse impact on the

promotional prospects of our promotee members. For any Federation or

organisation to function in a democratic and transparent way, it is the first and

foremost duty to assign duties and responsibilities to various office bearers.

Today only it is Secy. General of the Federation who is looked upon on all the

issues and other office bearers of the Exe. Body i.e. Organising secretaries,

Secretaries are not aware about their duties and responsibilities and they are

not accountable to the House for the Federation activities. For the betterment

of the Federation, effective and smooth functioning it is necessary to assign

responsibilities to all the office bearers who should give their brief and explain

to the House regarding those activities. The problem of stagnation is getting

alarming with each passing day and the Federation has failed to tackle the

issue of stagnation. It seems now we are complacent and accepting the things

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as they are going on. We should rise above the occasion and take all necessary

steps to minimize the increasing trend of stagnation in all the services with

special reference to Civil, Accounts and Personnel. The outstanding dues

shown against ERPOA are not correct as in the past in many meetings

it has been clarified that only Affiliation fee and AGM contribution are the

legitimate dues which can be paid as per constitution of IRPOF. Outstanding

dues shown against PROP, advertisements and special levy for seminar and

meetings are superfluous and it is sort of extortion tactics of the Federation to

collect funds for which ERPOA has always opposed and denied to pay. Secy.

Finance is requested to reconcile the payments made by ERPOA and dues

against affiliation fee and AGM subscription. If any outstanding is due on

these accounts that should be reflected and unnecessarily showing the

outstanding is not good for the system.


for making nice arrangements for the meeting. He mentioned that the AGM

has all the powers to discuss and decide the issue and this is the apex body of

the Federation. He strongly condemned the views expressed by Shri D.N.

Verma that asking for special donation/levy by the Federation is equivalent to

extortion of money and criminal act. He questioned the House if Federation

will not ask for the funds from the Affiliated associations from where the funds

are to come. Whatever special donation has been asked by the Federation is

always discussed and decided by majority. Once a decision has been taken

then there is no scope of backing what has been decided. It hardly matters

whether few Genl. Secretaries do not accept the proposal but the majority

decision will prevail and shall be binding on all the affiliated associations.

Further he explained that conducting DPCs for two years is beneficial for

promotee officers and will also help in curbing delay in DPCs. Once the DPCs

start finalizing as per DOP&T schedule then this practice will automatically

cease. Speaking on constitution amendments he mentioned that the

constitutional provisions as laid down should be followed. It is for the House to

consider the proposal, postpone it for next meeting or reject the proposals. The

House is fully authorized to take any decision as regards the amendments to

the constitution is concerned. He expressed satisfaction over the improving

financial status of the Federation and requested all the Genl. Secretaries to

clear their outstanding dues and abide by the decisions taken by the House.

He was of the opinion that expenditure should be controlled and if any Genl.

Secretary has a doubt regarding misuse of money he is free to check the

account of the Federation and seek clarification from Secy. Finance within the

provisions framed in the constitution. Simply speaking and levelling frivolous

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allegations are not good. He further mentioned that the recommendations of

the Constitution review committee are of recommendatory nature and it is for

the House to discuss and modify as deemed fit hence, there is no point to

question the recommendations submitted by the committee as they are placed

before the House for consideration. He was of the opinion that time should be

utilized for constructive decisions as the delegates have come from far off

places to attend the meeting and they have the responsibility to go back and

explain to the members what transpired in the AGM. We should devote our

time keeping this in view and we hope that further discussions will be in

positive direction without leveling any allegations or accusing the office


SHRI R.R. POTDAR, ORG. SECY/IRPOF - He welcomed all the delegates and

thanked NWRPOA for warm hospitality. He informed the House that their unit

has discussed the issue of Adviser and they are of the opinion that constitution

should be amended accordingly and services of retired officers should be

utilized keeping in view their experience and capability. The expenditure

incurred by Federation need not be discussed and we should have faith in our

leadership that they will utilize the funds with due diligence and this issue

should be left to Secy. Genl of the Federation and similarly Genl. Secretaries of

the affiliated Associations. As regards the Card passes of the Federation is

concerned he mentioned that apex leadership should consider best utilization

and distribution of Card Passes in the interest of the Federation.

SHRI M.A. HAQUE, GENL. SECY/ECORPOA - he congratulated NWRPOA for

excellent arrangements for the AGM. He appreciated the way things were

organized for the meeting and was of the opinion that the units which will be

hosting ECM/AGM in the days to come will have to meet with the standards

maintained by the previous unit. Good arrangements reflects how strong host

association is and also gives immense pleasure to the delegates who come from

different railways for the meeting. He informed the House that after going back

from the meeting he will be organizing a meeting of ECORPOA to discuss the

issues likely to be considered for inclusion in the memorandum to be

submitted to VII CPC by the Federation. He gave the suggestions that for the

last one year officers of Misc categories are raising their issues and they want

that their demands should be taken up by Federation. He advised that a

special meeting should be convened by the Federation inviting delegates from

the Misc. cadre along with Genl. Secy so that Federation should understand

their problems and present in an effective manner to Railway Board and also

before VII CPC. He expressed his concern that DPCs are not being convened by

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UPSC on reservation issue and this will have adverse impact on our members.

He clarified that Federation should not go either for reservation of SC/ST in

promotion or against it but it should take necessary steps that DPCs are

conducted as per policy laid down by the Government of India. Whatever may

be circumstances promotions should continue and if the problem is not

resolved by negotiation then Federation should think of going for agitation as it

concerns the career prospects of our members. We may think of wearing Black

badges or organizing a Dharna at Zonal headquarters or at New Delhi as

decided by the House. He further mentioned that printing of PROP should not

be discontinued and if required funds be procured through Affiliated

associations. Other issues of common interest like inclusion of parents as

dependent in privilege passes or grant of MACP as per channel of promotion

and not as per hierarchy of grade should also be taken up by the Federation.

He assured the House that ECORPOA will stand up to any call given by the

Federation and informed the House that there are no outstanding dues against

ECORPOA. ECORPOA offers to host AGM of IRPOF for the year 2014 in

November/December, 2014 if given to them.

SHRI Y.P. MITTAL, GENL. SECY/NRPOA - he appreciated the arrangements

made for the meeting and the discussions going on in the meeting. He was of

the opinion that we are very much concerned about stagnation of Group’B’

officers for promotion to Group’A’ and looking towards only one aspect for

increasing the quota for induction to Group’A’ or seeking additionality of posts

is not sufficient. No doubt this will serve the purpose to tackle stagnation to

some extent but we should also look forward and regulate induction of

Group’B’ officers from Group’C’ so that we could match intake of Group’B’

officers with the induction to Group’A’. Recruitment of direct Group’A’ officers

is regulated accordingly and they have better career prospects. Many

promotee officers inducted into Group’A’ have residual service of 7-12 years

and they are likely to be considered for JAG and SG hence, Federation should

also give attention towards JAG confirmation and placement of JAG officers in

Selection Grade. He emphasized the need for involving retired members/office

bearers in the Federation activities in whatever capacity the house decides and

cautioned that lifelong association of any individual is not appreciated hence,

the process should continue by engaging retired office bearers as per

requirement of Federation. He clarified that no decision in this regard has yet

been taken by NRPOA. He highlighted the problems faced by our members due

to pending D&AR cases for long time which deprive them of their due

promotions. Federation should take up this issue forcefully with the concerned

authorities so that cases are not kept pending for years together. He

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mentioned that asking for funds from the zonal associations again and again is

not a healthy practice and we should assess the situation and decide it for once

keeping in view our requirements. Funds available with the Federation should

be invested judiciously so that they may also generate regular earning. He

announced an additional contribution of Rs.5000/- to NWRPOA for making

nice arrangements for the meeting.

SHRI S.S. PARASHAR, GENL. SECY/NCRPOA - he welcomed all the

delegates and thanked NWRPOA for nice arrangements. He mentioned that it

is not necessary for the persons who comes to address to give reply to the

issues raised by the previous speaker. We are not having a debate but a very

serious discussion related to issues concerned to our members. He clarified

that as convener of the Constitution review committee only the compilation of

the proposed amendments which were unanimously agreed upon by all the

members of the committee have been placed before the house for consideration

and house should take necessary action as deemed fit. He stated few years

back in the Formal meeting it was almost agreed that Misc cadre will be

merged with organized services and a blue print was also drawn but nothing

concrete has emerged out. Federation should either raise this issue again or

formulate better career progression of the members of Misc cadre. He

appreciated the idea of holding a special meeting/seminar of officers of Misc

cadre which will help Federation in resolving their issues. Website of IRPOF is

full of information but recruitment rules neither of organized services nor of

Misc cadre are available which should be uploaded for the benefit of all

members. No Formal Meeting could be held at Apex level in year 2013 which

has deprived us from raising the issues before the Railway Board and

Federation should take necessary steps so that formal meeting is fixed at the

earliest. In case due to some genuine reasons Formal meeting is delayed then

we should atleast have informal meeting with concerned officers and discuss

our long pending agenda items which will definitely serve the purpose and the

issues will move ahead in the direction of finalization. He assured the House

that NCRPOA will support any decision taken to agitate our pending demands.

He further mentioned that it seems the Federation has accepted that issue of

Grade Pay Rs.5400/- to all officers of organised and Misc cadre will not be

accepted and thus efforts have been reduced in this regard. Nothing positive

has been heard regarding additionality of posts for Civil, Accounts and

Personnel department to minimize stagnation and the issue of ante dating of

seniority from 1st April of Vacancy year also seems to have lost somewhere. He

asked the House if non functional SAG can be given to Direct officers then why

such provision can not be made for Group’B’ who are deprived of promotional

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prospects in the nitigrity of talks, rules and regulations. He also pointed out

that the issue of holding Group’B’ selection on one day for Indian Railways is

also not in discussion similarly the issue of written exam for promotion from

Group’B’ to Group’A’ has not been discussed and we should be careful so that

we may not encounter some guidelines or instructions issued by Railway Board

which are detrimental to our members. In the last he requested the House to

conduct AGM meeting in a professional way and an opportunity may be given

to all the members to give their views and suggestions and we should end up

with decision for resolving our issues.

SHRI B.G. RAMESH, GENL. SECY/RWFPOA - appreciating the arrangements

made by NWRPOA for the meeting. He thanked President/IRPOF for giving an

opportunity to speak. IRPOF should look after the interest of all the officers

irrespective of any departmental feelings or any other considerations. All the

members working in the field have an impression that Federation is looking

after their interest hence, it becomes the duty of the Federation to ensure and

safeguards promotional prospects of all the members. He mentioned that

only coming and attending the meeting will not serve the purpose and we

should devote more time to our activities at the unit level so that all the

members are involved and their views and suggestions are obtained if we want

to adopt a democratic way of functioning. He informed the House that

outstanding dues will be cleared and also mentioned that they have enrolled

new members in Benevolent fund by launching a special drive and similar

exercise should be undertaken by the Genl. Secys of other units. He further

mentioned that putting restriction on association of retired officers having

immense experience will be like locking the input from a great leader who has

been associated in Federation activities for the last many years. He

appreciated the idea of agitation but wanted to know how many members of

our association will be ready to wear black badges during the office hours and

in the chamber of their bosses. Federation should assess the situation and

take conscious decision keeping in view the ground realities and the

limitations. He assured that RWFPOA is always with Federation and ready to

support any call given for agitation.

SHRI R.P. TIWARI, GENL. SECY/RDSOPOA - he welcomed all the delegates

attending the AGM and conveyed good wishes for new year. He appreciated the

arrangements made for the meeting and also cautioned that we should fix

some limit as all the units hosting Federation meeting are going far and far

which will be a cause of concern for the units who will be hosting future

meetings. He informed the House that RDSOPOA has submitted their

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proposed amendments to the Constitution review committee and RDSO has

since been declared a zonal railway, hence Federation should think of granting

the status of Zonal railway. He also raised the question once RDSO is given a

status of zonal railway in the Federation then they are entitled for the post of

Org. Secy as given to all the Zonal railways. He further mentioned that

activities of the Federation in RDSO are going on regularly and recently in last

week they had Formal meeting with DG/RDSO. In the last week of the month

we hold our monthly meeting and farewell is given to retiring members. Exe.

Committee of RDSOPOA meets every month in first week. He also questioned

that when the tenure of the Exe. Committee is three years then why officers

having less than three years of services are elected to the Executive Body when

it is known that they will not complete the tenure. In case the House decides

to elect them then there should be a provision to elect another person in the

same AGM who will hold that post on vacation. He further mentioned that

Constitution of all zonal and production units should be in consonance with

constitution of IRPOF . The necessity to submit audited accounts of the

association is illogical as all the affiliated associations are clearing their dues of

the Federation then why Federation wants to interfere in zonal

railways/Production units. He informed the House that there is no

outstanding against RDSO. Federation should approach Railway Board and

seek extension of letter in which %age of Group’B’ was circulated in 2005 and

the currency of this letter is only upto 31.12.2013. He mentioned that the

issue of sending officers on deputation to RDSO should be stopped as no

deputation is permissible from one zonal railway to another. Payment of

tenure allowance to the officers of organized services coming to RDSO is not

paid to the officers of RDSO who are promoted in RDSO itself. Since RDSO

officers have also been included in the organisied services hence, there should

be no discrimination in grant of tenure allowance to the officers or it should be

stopped for all the officers. He highlighted the issue of promotion of PPS to

Senior scale in GP 6600/- which is a genuine demand and should be taken up

by Federation as young officers working in PPS cadre gets stagnated in GP

5400 which already they had availed by way of 80% upgradation on completion

of 4 years of service. He highlighted the issue of grant of 1st AC authority to

JAG after implementation of VI CPC recommendations wherein the officers who

were eligible for 1st AC authority as per previous provisions have been deprived

of that benefit which should be looked into by the Federation. Similarly,

Federation should also approach Railway Board and the instructions for facility

of TADK to JAG officers working in RDSO should be got issued as RDSO is also

one of the zonal railways now.

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making excellent arrangements. Secy. General report was very informative and

almost all the aspects have been covered and the doubts were explained in

detail by the Secy. Genl which will help us to clarify the issues when we go

back to our unit. He assured the House that the outstanding dues will be

cleared within a month. The post of Adviser, should be there in the Federation

so that experienced leaders can also participate and guide us. Highlighting the

problems of RCFPOA he mentioned that in EDP cadre the recruitment rules

provide for filling up 20% JAG posts from the cadre and 80% from deputation.

Some officers of EDP cadre have organized a campaign to get the post of JAG

pertaining to deputation quota filled by the officers of EDP cadre in violation of

recruitment rules which will prove detrimental to promotional prospects of

Mech officers who are presently holding these posts. Federation should

examine the issue in light of the existing instructions and ensure that the

career prospects of Mech officers are not jeopardized.

SHRI N.K. Mondal, Delegate, METROPOA - he thanked President/IRPOF for

giving opportunity to express the views and also appreciated the arrangements

made for the comfortable stay. IRPOF website provides all the information and

members are able to access all the letters issued by the Railway Board. All

Group’B’ officers should be granted GP 5400 on promotion to Group ‘B’ as

given to Group ’B’ Accounts officers by VI CPC. The stalement of DPCs should

be resolved at the earliest otherwise we will be loosing our promotion on this

account. He asked the house that once it was decided in the ECM/Mumbai

that all outstanding dues will be written off if Metro POA makes a payment of

Rs.20500/- The agreed amount has already been paid to the Federation but

the dues have been shown outstanding against us which is not acceptable and

Secy. finance should reconcile the statement and honour the decision of AGM

Mumbai. He informed the House the Metro POA is a small unit but still we are

ready to host ECM/AGM of the Federation jointly with ER or SER if agreed by

the House.

SHRI G.P. PRABHAKAR, GENL. SECY/NERPOA - welcoming all the delegates

he mentioned that functioning of Federation as a group will solely depend upon

the support of its affiliated associations. Hence it is our duty to ensure full

support and cooperation to the Federation so that Exe. Body of the Federation

can function properly. The report submitted by the Secy. Genl/IRPOF is very

clean and transparent and all the facts have been stated without hiding them.

Such approach is appreciable and we are here to discuss the problems being

faced in resolving our issues and house should decide upon how to act further.

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The outstanding dues of Rs.500/- shown by Secy. Finance/IRPOF should be

cleared as already discussed and there is no outstanding against NERPOA. He

reminded the House that already in the AGM of Federation at Gorakhpur it was

decided that no retired member/office bearer should be inducted in the

Federation and Federation should run as per the provisions existing in the

constitution. He wanted to know why the issue of grant of Productivity Linked

Bonus to officers have been dropped from the agenda when it was not finalized

in our favour. We have been discussing acute stagnation in various

departments but before we find solution we need to understand the reason

behind the stagnation and then only any solution can be expected. Officers of

Accounts department on induction to Group’A’ are transferred to other railway

whereas Group’B’ officers on promotion to Group’A’ in other departments are

posted in their parent railways. Why this discrimination is going on for

Accounts officers only and what are the reason for adopting this transfer policy

only in Accounts and not in other organised service. Federation has been

approached to get this stopped as it has caused resentment amongst the

promotee officers working in Accounts department. Highlighting the problems

of Para medical department he informed the House that only Recruitment rules

for Group’A’ induction in the cadre of Physiotherapy have been framed and for

the first time in year 2013 induction has been done to Group’A’ in

Physiotherapy department. Recruitment rules of other officers working in

Paramedical department should also be framed on similar lines.

SHRI Pradip Karmakar, Delegate, NFRPOA - he thanked NWRPOA and

expressed his concern about the state of affairs regarding Misc categories.

Though Federation has started thinking about them but still much more is to

be done in this regard. For effective working of the Federation it is necessary

that zonal railways should perform and the information as regards seniority

list, cadre position and on going activities highlighting the achievements and

problems should be furnished to IRPOF office at regular intervals so that

Federation should be in a position to analyze them and take effective steps as

required. He informed the House that the wards of Group’D’ and ‘C’ employees

gets benefit of scholarship under Staff Benefit Scheme but sons and daughters

of promotee officers are not covered in the scheme. To meet with this NFRPOA

has started a system of facilitating sons and daughters of promotee officers

who secures 60% or more marks. He highlighted the specific problem of NF

Railway wherein promotee officers booked for MDP programme had to undergo

journey of more than two days on one side. The absence of officers of more

than 4 days simply on account of journey time proves to be more costly as

compared to Air Traffic, hence, Federation should approach Railway Board and

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ask for special consideration for attending MDP courses at NAIR, Vadodara by

allowing air travel facility to the participants. Work charged posts are

continuing in railways continuously for years together. They should be

converted to revenue posts so that benefit of induction to Group’A’ and other

benefits could be obtained on them. He further informed that provisions

exists for Air travel on surrender of Privilege pass from Guwahati to Kolkata

only which serves no purposes. It should be extended upto Home town of the

concerned officer because all the officers working in Guwahati/NFR do not

belong to Kolkata. Proper procedure should be adopted for amendment to the

constitution and there should be no situation where groups are formed and

sense of hateredness erupts. The best option if no consensus is formed will be

Secret ballot election. The anomalies in Pay structure due to

recommendations of VI CPC should be got rectified while submitting

memorandum to VII CPC. Demands for inclusion in the Memorandum should

be notified to the members for obtaining their views. The outstanding dues of

NFRPOA will be cleared and we assure full cooperation and support to the

Federation and it is the responsibility of the affiliated associations to

strengthen the Federation and if weakness is noticed then we are also

responsible for it because we are part of the Federation. I request all the

delegates to work for strengthening our Federation and spread the message

amongst all our members regarding achievements of the Federation and

highlight our problems which we want to be redressed by the Federation.


for making good arrangements. He informed the House that the Constitution

Review committee had submitted its recommendation and it is for the House to

take any decision in the matter. Decisions taken in the previous meetings are

not open to be discussed otherwise it will be difficult for us to function. If any

review is required that should be given for inclusion in the agenda along with

logical reasons for review and if deemed fit by the Exe. Body it should be placed

for discussion before the House. Majority decision if not supported by any

affiliated association is binding on them if passed in the AGM. Secy. Genl

report is exhaustive and covers almost all the aspects which we are dealing

presently. He stressed the need for holding separate meetings on Misc cadre

as soon as possible so that they may get a platform to highlight their problems

and involve themselves in decision making. He highlighted the problems

being faced by the Zonal railways and production units in getting the Formal

Meetings fixed with GMs as the existing instructions are not clear and Railway

Board should be approached by the Federation to get the instructions

reiterated so that there is no ambiguity in interpretation of rules. The

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problems of DPCs being stopped due to no clarity on issue of reservation of

SC/ST in promotions can be tackled by convincing UPSC to convene DPCs and

keep the posts allocated for SC/ST vacant till a decision is communicated by

DOP&T/Government of India. He was of the opinion that we are discussing

amendments of constitution of IRPOF for inclusion of post of Adviser/Patron

but Exe. Body of IRPOF should come forward with the view whether it is

required or not then only House should decide on the proposed amendments.

The feasibility of filing Court case for grant of GP 5400 to all Group’B’ offices on

promotion to Group’B’ should also be explored in case Federation feels that it is

not going to be resolved through negotiation. He was very critical on the

response of the House when Secy. finance mentioned that the following

railways have cleared their dues and nothing is pending and House welcomed

it with little response but when some railways came on the dias and mentioned

that they have cleared their dues today they were applauded more and there

was a heavy applaud for those railways who promised to clear their dues in

future. The House should give more acknowledgement and applauds to the

units having NIL outstanding otherwise such railways merely for getting more

applaud will keep their amount pending and promise to clear it in future.

Such situation will not help the Federation and we should acknowledge the

associations who have abided by the provision and cleared their outstanding

dues in time.

SHRI K. SRINIVAS, GENL. SECY/SECRPOA - welcoming all the delegates he

informed the House that his railway is agreed to the decision of having

Adviser/Patron in IRPOF but the decision to have an Adviser should not be

related or focused on any one person and post should be open to all office

bearers/members who have worked for the Federation and can be of some

benefit to help Federation in achieving the goals. The system of nomination of

Adviser should be transparent and wide publicity should be given so that we

may be able to have a list of willing, capable persons who fit into our parameter

to hold this post. He further mentioned that monthly meetings are held in

SECR and regular communication with our members is being done. The

anomalies of VI CPC should not be repeated in VII CPC and he highlighted the

case of ANOs who are placed in GP 4800 where Matrons in Group’C’ are placed

in GP 6600. Within the same department lesser GP to Group’B’ officers than

their subordinates is a gross irregularity and such anomaly should be taken

care of in VII CPC. Secy. Genl report is very clear and transparent and needs

no further discussion as all the issues have been explained in detail by the

Secy. General. All dues outstanding against SECRPOA have been cleared and

we are also of the opinion that separate meeting as proposed for Misc

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categories should be held by the Federation and we should also involve them to

understand their problems. In the Federation duties should be assigned to

different office bearers so that the zonal railways associations are aware whom

to approach for specific problem and information. It is not possible for one

person i.e. Secy. Genl to cater to all the queries of various types coming from

Indian Railways besides normal functioning of the Federation. Allocation of

duties and sharing of responsibilities in Exe. Body of IRPOF will also lead to

accountability of office bearers who are at present not answerable to the zonal

associations or House on any issue. He informed the House that recently in

his railway there was an RTI application seeking information of AC window

provided to the officers and in response to the application administration

decided to remove all ACs from the chambers of promotee officers working in

Group’B’/Senior scale adhoc citing the reason that they are not entitled for ACs

as per extent instructions. The air coolers provided are not effective as

ventilation is not proper and weather is humid. The working conditions and

minimum basic facilities in office chambers of all officers should be reviewed

and once we talk of corporate nature of working in railways as regards the

output is concerned then why similar facilities are denied to us. In the last he

thanked NWRPOA for warm hospitality provided by them.


arrangements made by NWRPOA for the meeting and congratulated all the

speakers for lively discussion. He mentioned that ECM & AGMs provide us an

opportunity for introspection and analyse our strength and weaknesses so that

corrective measures could be taken for future and we can perform better to

achieve our targets. There should be a continuity from where we left in the last

meeting to the next meeting then only a systematic functioning of the

Federation can be ensured. He appreciated the Secy. Genl report wherein

action taken report for the last meeting has been annexed to his report which

gives an opportunity to access where we stand. It is obviously known to us

that policy issues take quite long time to get resolved but we should not be

complacent in raising those issues as they are time consuming. He

appreciated the efforts of Federation in getting IRPS and IRAS panel and DOITS

issued for Vacancy year 2012-13 and 2013-14 and desired that Federation

should take possible steps and expedite convening of DPCs of remaining

departments which has been stopped by UPSC for want of clarification on

reservation from DOP&T. He wanted to know what was the impact of the

memorandum submitted to Hon’ble Minster and CRB by the zonal associations

in compliance to the decision taken in the ECM Madurai. Secy. Genl report

should inform the House regarding the impact of the memorandum and action

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taken thereon and if there is no response then we should decide further how

the agitation is to be planned for future. He raised the issue of granting parity

to Raj Bhasha Adhikari at par with other Ministries as per the

recommendations of VI CPC and similarly the parity should be granted to PS

Cadre as has been done for other Ministries. The recommendations of VI CPC

are not implemented in field unit of Indian Railways whereas they have been

implemented in other Ministries. Why this discrimination is going on and

Federation should tackle this issue with full force. The benefits of 80%

upgradation is related to on roll strength of Group’B’ officers which is not

serving the purpose because panels of Accounts officers are not being formed

in many railways as the staff working in feeder cadre is not interested to come

into Group’B’. The supervisor cadre which is the feeding cadre for Accounts

officers Group’B’ are not being filled and this has resulted into non formation of

Group ‘B’ panels in Accounts Departments and thus calculation of lesser posts

for 80% upgradation. SWRPOA is facing this problem and request Federation

to find a solution to this. Either railway should adopt a policy of Direct

recruitment through RRB in Supervisor cadre of Accounts or some other

methodology should be worked out to overcome this crisis. PROP should be

issued by the Federation as it is convenient to carry by the members. As a

member of the Constitution review committee he informed the House that the

unanimous recommendations of the committee have already been placed before

you by the convener of the committee and the House may decide on the

proposed amendments as desired. He thanked President for conducting

meeting in a well disciplined manner and giving an opportunity to express his


SHRI OM BAJAJ, PRESIDENT/WRPOA - he thanked NWRPOA for the good

arrangements and expressed satisfaction over functioning of the Federation.

He mentioned that Federation is raising issues of General concern for the

benefit of Group’B’ officers and is going on right path and we should support

the Federation but at the same time also pointed out what is more required to

be done for the betterment of our members. Delay in DPCs is one of the major

concern and we often find that delay is mainly attributed to collection of

APARs. Federation should ask the Railway Board to stop filling of APAR form

and introduce a system online where all officers should be asked to fill their

APARs online which should be forwarded to the reporting officer directly who

should further forward it accepting and reviewing officer. All the process

should be online and the status thereof should be visible to the officers

concerned and once the APAR is completed it should be uploaded online and it

should be perused by the concerned officer and he may make any

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representation if required online to the concerned officer. Online process of

filling up of APAR will save paper work and also time and Railway Board should

down load the required APAR itself instead of collecting it from zonal railways

for DPCs. Such procedural changes in the system are required if we are

thinking of expeditious action. Similarly all D&A/Vig. Cases of all the officers

including Group’B’ should be available on railway website indicating status

which will reflect the delay caused and can be effectively monitored by the

concerned officer. Long pending D&A/Vig cases have very bad impact on the

career of officers. The cases should be finalized more or less within the

stipulated time provided in the rules. He informed the House that his railway

is agreed for having a post of Adviser/Patron in the Federation but he further

mentioned that any amendments to the constitution of the Federation should

be done keeping the interest of IRPOF in view and it should not be based on

individual liking and preferences. Amendments made to the constitution are

always open for review subject to adopting procedures mentioned in the

constitution if at any time it is felt that the amendments are not working in the

interest of the Federation. He announced an additional contribution of

Rs.5000/- to NWRPOA for making nice arrangements for the meeting.

SHRI A.K. BARSIYAN, GENL. SECY/WCRPOA - he appreciated the

arrangements and mentioned that the arrangements made by NWRPOA are the

best arrangements in the meeting which he has attended. The Secy. Genl

report is very informative and explanatory in nature. The suggestions given for

filing online APARs and online record of D&AR/VIG cases is very good

suggestion and all the members can have access to the pending cases

otherwise in the present scenario an officer come to know about the case

pending against him only when his promotion is withheld. Procedural

changes are always required to overcome existing problems and online APAR

etc will definitely help in curbing delay in DPCs. Formal meetings have not

been provided to WCR by the General Manager despite regular chasing.

Federation should get the instructions reiterated from the Railway Board and

all the General Managers should be instructed to hold Formal meetings so that

local issues could be discussed and decided at zonal level. He also desired that

the status of JAG confirmation of 2002 batch of Civil Engg should be intimated

and similarly for other departments JAG and SG status should be incorporated

in the report as many members are eligible and awaiting their promotion who

are also keen to have information in this regard. He asked the House that we

are discussing to have a post of Adviser but till now there is no clarity as to

what will be the capacity of the Adviser in the Federation what facilities will be

given to him, what will be the duties and functions of the Adviser and the level

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of his intervention in Federation working should clearly be spelt out before we

arrive at any conclusion. He mentioned that when Chairman, Railway Board

was at Bhopal and the Association met him and he had announced creation of

three JAG posts but three months have passed and nothing have been heard

on this account. Federation should ascertain the present status in this regard.

SHRI S.S. PARASHAR, GENL. SECY/NCRPOA - he welcomed all the

delegates present in the meeting and mentioned that he will be highlighting

only new issues which have not yet been taken. The DPC of Civil department

for induction to Group’A’ is always held in the last for the reasons best known

to the Railway Board. Federation should insist upon and plan the things in

such a fashion that officers of Civil engg are not always at the receiving end as

far as the delay in DPC is concerned. LAPTOP have been provided to all officers

to make effective use of this gadget. Railway Board should be approached to

provide Dongle for internet connectivity with limited usage to all officers as this

will also help in maintaining connectivity when the officers are out of

headquarters on duty. He informed the House that NCR administration has

entered into contract with Ginger hotel in New Delhi for officers Rest House

and similar arrangements can be made by other railways also to meet with the

problem of accommodation when they come to New Delhi. The detail papers

related to this, if required by any railway can be accessed from NCR. In the

last he requested that Federation should keep into consideration the extreme

weather conditions prevailing in December/January and not to fix any such

meting as it is very difficult to make arrangements due to cold weather and late

running of trains due to foggy season. This period should be avoided as it is

very difficult to get reservation due to year end celebrations and winter



arrangements. The report placed by Secy. Genl is complete in all respect. He

mentioned that already all the issues have been taken by previous speakers

hence he would like to mention that the outstanding dues shown against his

unit will be cleared within a month. He requested the Federation to reconsider

and include the agenda for merger of Misc. categories into organised services

as it will help and provide better promotional prospects to the officers working

in Misc cadre.


conducting AGM in outstanding way. He mentioned that the activities of the

Association are going on well in his unit and no issue related to promotee

officers is pending finalization in DLW. Senior Scale promotions are being

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given to officers almost on an average completion of four and a half year in

Group’B’. He informed the House that one Store officer who was due

retirement was promoted to JAG against leave vacancy and administration of

DLW had also responded positively to the request made by the Association.

Enrolment of new members to Benevolent Fund is a continuous process and

we should put all our efforts to increase the membership in year 2014 with the

co-operation of all the associations. More than 300 members were enrolled in

year 2013. The expectation of our members are high and to meet them we

should work unitedly to achieve our goals otherwise we will fail to deliver

justice to our members. As regards constitution amendments he mentioned

that it is for the apex body of the Federation to take a decision whether they are

in need of it or not. If any change is required then the issue should come up

before the House for majority decision otherwise there is no necessity in

discussing upon the post of Adviser/Patron or any other change proposed in

the constitution amendments.


arrangements. The issue of Adviser was discussed in AGM at Mumbai then at

ECM at New Delhi, ECM at Madurai and now again in the current AGM we are

discussing the same thing. It is not understood why the issue is discussed

again and again. We should discuss it once and finalise it forever so that

unnecessary time and energy should not be wasted which can be utilized for

fruitful discussion on other important issues. He informed the House that for

the last one year new Exe. Body of IRPOF is functioning smoothly and all the

DPCs are convened without any problem hence, his unit find no reason for

amendment of the constitution. The post of Adviser/Patron is required if we

find that the Exe body is not capable to handle the difficult situation. He

further mentioned that all the dues have been cleared by his unit and all

promotee officers working in DMW are members of Benevolent Fund. The

membership of Benevolent fund is 100% in his unit and there is no further

scope for enrolling new members. The list of Benevolent fund uploaded on the

website includes the names of retired members and also of those who have

expired. What is the necessity to have the names of the members who cease to

be the members of Benevolent Fund after retirement. Speaking on the

Reservation issue he mentioned that it is a serious problem and Railway Board

should take a stand and correspond with UPSC or DOPT so that DPC for

promotion from Group’B’ to Group’A’ are started immediately. Duties and

responsibilities of office bearers of Federation should be allotted and intimated

to all affiliated association.

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SHRI N. Sundarajan, DELEGATE, ICFPOA - he welcome all the delegates

and appreciated the arrangements made for the meeting. The website of the

Federation needs to be more attractive and presentable. Federation should

hire some professional and take action in this regard. The PROP magazine

should be issued and if there is problem of finances then we can think of

having cheaper version of PROP rather than bound book with glossy cover.

Speaking on constitution amendments he mentioned that retired office bearers

having immense experience and of high value should be associated and

accommodated in the Federation in the capacity of Adviser. He assured that

current dues of Affiliation fee will be cleared soon and other outstanding dues

will be also taken care of. The Association who are in habit of not paying the

dues should be debarred from the meetings of the Federation otherwise the

Associations who are regularly clearing their dues will hesitate to pay them in

time. He highlighted the problem of officers utilized in teaching capacity or as

Principal in PTC are not being paid 30% teaching allowance. Similarly other

issues which have been highlighted by previous delegates should be taken up

seriously and resolved expeditiously.


raised the issue of grant of GP 5400 to all Group ‘B’ officers. The financial

status of the Federation is not good as we had been listening since past hence,

to analyse the ground realities the committee needs to be formed to understand

the problem and suggest ways and means to tackle the issue. DPCs for

promotion from Group’B’ to Group’A’ should not be stopped for any reason,

Federation should take necessary steps and get the issue resolved otherwise

promotee officers will suffer an irreparable loss.

SHRI HUKAM SINGH, XEN/NCR - he mentioned that Federation should take

up the issue of Career progression of Group’B’ officers as per DOP&T

guidelines. When there is delay in conducting DPCs then why DPCs for three

years cannot be conducted simultaneously. He raised the issue of DPC of Civil

Engg being delayed whereas DPC of Accounts and Personnel have already

been conducted. He cautioned the Federation that if due attention is not given

then there is a chance of disintegration of IRPOF as equal consideration is not

given to all departments. The gap within different departments for induction to

Group’A’ is widening with every passing year and it has risen to more than 5

years. Group’A’ promotee officers are also facing problems as their issues are

not being resolved and we should think of having separate body for them.

SHRI M. SAR, GENL. SECY/CLWPOA - appreciating the arrangements made

by NWRPOA he raised the issue of induction to Group’A’ and mentioned that

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50% vacancies as per Recruitment rules should be taken into consideration for

promotion from Group ‘ B’ to Group ‘A’ . He further highlighted that promotee

officers already inducted to Group ‘A’ are waiting for JAG confirmation in all

the departments and if orders are not issued in the month of December itself

then the concerned officers will be at loss of one increment. Federation should

expedite JAG confirmation.

SHRI S.K. DAGOR, PRESIDENT/WCRPOA - he thanked President/IRPOF for

giving him the opportunity to highlight the important issues. The report

submitted by Secy. General is complete in all respect and there is no need to

discuss it further as already clarification has been given on the issues which

were highlighted. He informed the House that even the quota of 411 posts is

not being utilized 100% and we are facing loss of promotion from Group ‘B’ to

Group ‘A’. The instructions of DOP&T DT. 12.10.1998 regarding retired officers

in zone of consideration and formation of extended panel as per 1996

instructions are not being implemented and we are getting short panels in all

the departments. Federation should raise this issue with Railway Board and

ensure that panel of 411 is issued for each Vacancy year. The DPC for

induction to Group’A’ have been stalled for seeking clarification from DOP&T

on the reservation issue. Railway Board can give certification of adequate

representation of SC/ST in Group ‘A’ and this should resolve the crises. It is

for the Federation to convince UPSC and get the DPC process started soon. A

special meeting of the Federation can also be convened on reservation issue if

required or we can also consider meeting DOP&T Minister for intervention in

this matter. He highlighted the plight of officers against whom D&A or Vig

case is initiated. The cases keep on pending for years together thus depriving

our members of promotion which is withheld on account of pending D&A/Vig

cases. Monitoring of cases pending beyond the prescribed limit laid down for

finalization of D&A/Vig cases should be done. Railway Board should be asked

to furnish the list of cases pending for more than two years so that factual

position could be assessed. The instructions for Formal meeting should be got

reiterated from Railway Board so that new zonal railways could get the Formal

Meeting fixed in their zonal railways.

SHRI JITENDER KUMAR, OFFICE SECY/IRPOF - he expressed satisfaction

over the functioning of Federation and mentioned that the good arrangements

made by NWRPOA reflects how strong affiliated associations are. Sharing his

experience of working in Railway Board he mentioned that personal relations

play major role in chasing the pending issues and this is one of the effective

way for resolving them. He also informed the House that FROA and its

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members are keenly watching induction of promotees to Group’A’ and they

have resorted to challenge our induction and DOITS in Court of law . Two

cases have already been filed one at CAT/Lucknow and another at

CAT/Hyderabad and it is learnt that FROA has also written a letter to review

and stop the DPC of promotion from Group ‘B’ to Group ‘A’. We should take it

seriously and contest effectively to maintain what we have achieved and also

fight to get our demands considered as they are pending for a long time. DPCs

for induction to Group ‘A’ should be vacancy based as per Recruitment rules.

Delay in conducting DPCs should be put on website so that all members are

aware about the reason for delay. 15% supervisory posts of Group ‘C’ are going

to be upgraded to Group ‘B’ which will further increase stagnation in the cadre

for induction to Group ‘A’. Pay Commission for Railway should be separate as

railways is having their separate budget. Federation should circulate the draft

memorandum seeking views and suggestions of all the units. We should fight

for transparent transfer policy of officers as we know that only promotee

officers of Accounts department on induction to Group ;’A’ are being shifted

whereas directly recruited Accounts officers are working in their same railway

for more than 10 years and have been elevated to JAG without transferring

them. The website of IRPOF should be updated on weekly basis.

SHRI PRADEEP KUMAR, ORG. SECY/SWR - in the given circumstances it is

understood that since number of posts for induction to Group ‘A’ are fixed for

all the departments in organised services, hence, demand of parity amongst

different departments is not justified. The additional 56 posts which the

Federation has been demanding to remove stagnation should be filled from a

common integrated seniority of all the departments which will automatically

take care of stagnation. Allocation of additional 56 posts in any ratio will fail

to tackle the problem of stagnation.

SHRI G.K. SEROHI, ORG. SECY/WR - The issue of conducting written

examination of promotee officers for induction to Group ‘A’ is not acceptable.

Many senior Group ;’B’ officers have failed in another ministry in written

examintion held and all the posts could not be filled up Federation should

consider and ensure that this system is not introduced in Railways. Selection

of Group’B’ officers should be conducted on single day over Indian Railways

this will remove the problem of the zone where selections are delayed and thus

the officers of that particular railway are placed much below in the integrated

seniority prepared on All India basis for induction to Group’A’.

SHRI N.K. SHARMA, DIVL. PRESIDENT/BKN – he welcomed all the delegates

of IRPOF who have come to attend the meeting in NWR. Unity amongst

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ourselves should be given high priority if we want to achieve something. He

informed that the idea of zero expenditure in Benevolent Fund was initially

raised by him and it is very nice to know that Federation is implementing it.

The struggle fund was created by the Federation with the idea that it will be

utilized to fight for common issues decided by the House. The Court case filed

by Shri Y.S. Chaudhary of Northern Railway was won in Principal bench in

New Delhi but IRPOF did not support and the railways went for appeal in High

Court. The issues of common cause should be taken up by Federation and we

should raise ourselves above our self interest then only we can think of

working for the masses. Federation should consider and raise the issue of

grant of non functional JAG as it is being done in the cadre of SAG. Speaking

on the issue of Adviser he was of the opinion that no pick and choose policy

should be adopted and a panel of experienced office bearers should be formed

for critical issues.

SHRI SUNIL JOSHI, DELEGATE/BIKANER - he appreciated the idea of

holding DPCs for two years simultaneously as it will help in resolving the delay

which we are facing in holding of DPCs for induction to Group ‘A’. He cited the

example that an officer is free from Vig cases on the date of DPC but if any case

is inflicted lateron then he will be deprived of Group’A’ induction. If the DPCs

are convened in time and panel issued then he would have benefitted and also

empanelled. He desired that Federation should take up this issue with the

Railway Board and cases only related to Vacancy year should be given


SHRI R.K. VASHIST, DELEGATE, BIKANER - he raised the issue of same

work same pay for Group’B’ officers and on this logic GP 5400 should be given

to all Group’B’ officers as the posts in Asstt. Scale and Jr. Time Scale are

interchangeable with same duties. The criteria to grant 80% upgradation

should be modified and all officers on completion of three years of service

should be given GP 5400 instead of making calculation based on roll strength .

SHRI R.P. CHAND, ORG. SECY/NER - he appreciated NWR for good

arrangements and asked the Federation to raise the issue of inclusion of

spouse in Special passes issued for ECM and AGM of the Federation. He

expressed his opinion that DPCs for induction to Group ‘A’ should not be

stopped but should be continued provisionally with a rider of review on receipt

of final decision regarding reservation in promotion under correspondence with

UPSC and DOP&T. He suggested that APO or SPO/Gaz working in zonal

railways should be nominated as Benevolent Fund secretary because they will

be able to enroll all Group’B’ officers who are promoted by them. He further

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desired that roll of Org. Secy should be clear so that he may be able to function

effectively. He further mentioned that officers after rendering services for more

than 6-7 years are still waiting for 80% upgradation to GP 5400. Selection of

Group’B’ officers are held up for one reason or the other hence Federation

should consider of revising policy instructions and 80% upgradation should be

related to sanction strength and not on roll basis. To over come the problems

of Group’B’ selection centralized selection should be held on single day over all

Indian railways.


upgradation to PPS has already been given on completion of four years service

hence, similar benefit should also be extended to other Misc categories. The

benefit being given under Benevolent Fund to the members of the deceased

family needs to be enhanced to Rs.2,00,000/- keeping in view increased

enrollment of members in Benevolent Fund in year 2013.

SHRI PANIGRAHI, DELEGATE, ECOR - he raised the issue of short panels

being issued for induction to Group’A’ with special reference to Civil

engineering. He mentioned that the quota of Civil Engg for induction to

Group’A’ is of 72 posts per year and the panel of 144 officers should have been

issued for year 2010-11 & 2011-12. The short panels issued have deterrent

impact on promotional prospects of Group’B’ officers and this should be looked

into so that allotted quota is utilized fully.

The Open Session of AGM/IRPOF was held on 19.12.2013 which was

attended by all the delegates of the Federation. Large number of members of

NWRPOA were also present. The undernoted esteemed guests also spared their

valuable time and addressed the gathering.

1. Shri U.S. Jha, Genl. Secy/AIRPFA.

2 Shri Mukesh Mathur, Genl. Secy/NWREU (AIRF).

3. Shri Vinod Mehta, Genl. Secy/UPRMS (NFIR).

4. Shri B.L. Bairwa, Genl. Secy/AISC/ST Association.

5. Shri J.P. Singh, Ex. President/IRPOF & President/ECRPOA.

6. Shri Jitendra Singh, Ex. Secy. Genl/IRPOF.

7. Shri Gopi Ram, ex. Secy. Finance/IRPOF

8. Shri Wadhawan, ex. President/NWRPOA

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9. Shri Subhash Rawat, Ex. Genl. Secy/NWRPOA.

Secretary General/IRPOF highlighted the issues pending for long time

and emphasis was laid on Grade pay Rs.5400 to all officers of organised

services and Misc. categories at par with Accounts department. Delay in DPCs

and its adverse impact on career progression of Group ‘B’officers was explained

in detail with special reference to acute stagnation being faced by three

departments vis Civil, Accounts and Personnel for induction to Group’A’.

Recent crisis regarding decision of UPSC not to convene DPCs of

promotion from Group’B’ to Group’A’ involving reservation of SC/ST in

promotions will further delay DPCs and many Group’B’ officers who are on the

verge of retirement will be deprived of this benefit besides loosing the benefit of

enhanced settlement dues. It was clearly mentioned that the efforts will be

made to resolve the issue by negotiations and if the issue is kept lingering on

and our promotions are stalled then the Federation will have to think to go for

agitation to press their legitimate demands of convening DPCs as per DOP&T


All the representatives of various Federation were requested to make

effective use of PREM meetings and we should not get swayed away by the

Board’s plan. There is an utmost necessity of having coordination meetings of

all the Federation who are members of PREM group a day before PREM meeting

so that issues of great concern related to welfare and promotional prospects of

staff and officers could be taken up effectively. IRPOF thanked AIRF, NFIR,

AIRPFA and SC/ST Association for extending support and guidance and

showing their concern to our pending issues and we hope that in future too

similar cooperation and support will be extended by them.

Shri U.S. Jha, Genl. Secy/AIRPFA expressed his support to the demands

of IRPOF and urged all the Federation to put up a collective leadership so that

equal importance is given to all PREM members and we do not get divided on

petty issues. Members of other Federations and Association also extended

their support and expressed their solidarity in resolving the problems of IRPOF.

Secy. General/IRPOF thanked all the guests, delegates and members for

coming and giving their support.

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I am thankful to all the delegates for giving their valuable suggestions. I

agree with the views put forward by some of the members that meeting should

be conducted seriously and delegates should be present in all the sessions.

The revised Constitution Review Committee was formed in accordance with the

decisions taken in the ECM meeting held at Madurai. I would like to mention

that any decision taken by the House by majority should be accepted and

welcome by all the members irrespective of the facts that he was having any

difference of opinion with that. The DPCs for promotion from Group’B’ to

Group’A’ was held for two years together after this House agreed that we

should go for two years DPCs to minimize the delay. Accordingly DPCs for

2010-11 & 2011-12 were conducted and now DPCs for 2012-13 & 2013-14 are

under process. It is obvious that when DPCs are conducted on the same date

then DOITS will also be same for all the officers irrespective of the facts

whether he is empanelled in first year or second year. Once we are in a

position that backlog of DPCs is cleared then annually DPCs will be conducted.

The idea of convening special meeting or seminar for Misc cadre is appreciated

and as discussed Federation will be holding one day meeting at New Delhi in

the month of March/April, 2014. All the Genl. Secretaries are requested to

nominate delegates from the Misc cadre so that their issues could be taken

care off. The issue of DPCs not being conducted by UPSC is a very serious

matter and the concern shown by all of you is genuine. Federation is trying its

best to raise the issue at all levels and we are hopeful that the problem will be

resolved soon. In case we are unable to get the process of DPCs restarted then

all of us should be mentally prepared to go for an agitation as the career

prospects of our members is being hampered badly. The proposal of

continuing of publication of PROP will be taken care of and as mentioned by

many delegates the Annual issue of PROP of 2013 will be published

incorporating all the details. The issue of stagnation in three departments i.e.

Civil, Accounts and Personnel needs to be tackled. The issue of grant of

additionality of posts is pending for very long time and no results are

forthcoming despite regular persuasion by Federation. The proposal given by

some delegates to control & regulate induction to Group’B’ is not practically

feasible as it will hamper promotional prospects of Senior supervisors working

in Group’C’. We agree with the proposal that many of our members who have

been inducted to Group ‘A’ are awaiting JAG confirmation or Selection grade

promotion. Federation should also safeguard their interest but the first and

foremost priority of the Federation is to look into the promotional prospects,

induction of Group’B’ to Group’A’ and other allied matters including the

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problems of Misc cadre officers. Our Federation initially started as Class II

Federation and should stick to its basic concept and also take necessary steps

for our Group ‘A’ members. All JAG DPCs are under process and Federation

has requested CRB, MS & Secretary, Railway Board to expedite and take

necessary steps so that confirmation orders are issued before 31.12.2013 so

that officer concerned may benefit by getting increment in July, 2014. No

Formal Meeting of Federation was held in 2013 with Railway Board due to

problems at apex level and non availability of Member Staff. Federation has

submitted agenda but meeting could not be fixed and Railway Board have

assured that it will be convened soon. The issue of EDP cadre was also

discussed and Federation would like that action as per existing Recruitment

rules is taken without any partisan role favouring any department or cadre.

We should understand that officers of Misc cadre and Mech cadre both are our

members and justice should be done to all of them. In case there is any

conflict of interest then the issue will be placed before the House to take a

judicious decision to decide the course of action to be adopted by the

Federation. The problem of Account officers are very genuine and it is the

only department wherein transfers are being done on induction to Group ‘A’.

The issue was discussed with FC and he was requested that minimum

transfers should be resorted and adjustments should be made so that in case

transfers are inescapable then transfer should be resorted to adjoining railway.

But the request of Federation was not considered and mass scale orders are

being issued dislodging the officers from one end to the other end of the Indian

Railways. Federation will take up this issue with Railway Board and a

transparent policy of transfer will be demanded to safeguard the interest of

Group ‘B’ officers. As regards VII CPC is concerned yet the draft terms of

reference are to be issued and then only we can go forward for constitution of

committee for preparation of draft memorandum to be submitted to VII CPC.

However, we should start interaction with our members and short list the

important issue which may be incorporated in the memorandum. Organising

Secretaries should take up this task and come forward with suggestions from

their railways in this regard. D&A and Vig cases not being finalized for long

period is not a healthy practice and this issue will be taken up at the apex

level because many members are facing hardships on this account. We should

concentrate on our demands and not get swayed by the functioning of others.

FROA is free to raise any issue whether it is based on rules or not. The Court

cases filed by members of FROA should be contested effectively by our

representatives working in the concerned zonal railways and there is no need

to get panic. The functioning of Federation is based on principles and

transparent and we need not bother about the elements who are trying to

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create an atmosphere by challenging the legitimate issues related to our

members in the court of law or through correspondence. Federation was able

to succeed in getting the DOITS of Elect officers of 2010-11 & 2011-12 issued

despite all the obstacles and hurdles placed by FROA. The need of the hour is

to maintain unity and work sincerely for the betterment of our railway and our

organization. Besides above many other issues very relevant and related to our

members were raised during the discussion and I assure that Federation will

definitely work on them and try to achieve and resolve the issues highlighted

by the delegates present.

In the last I would thank all the units for extending full support and

cooperation during the last year and seek similar cooperation in the days to

come. The efforts made by all of you for enrolment of new members in

Benevolent fund scheme are highly appreciable and keeping this in view the

demand of enhancing the amount paid to the family of deceased member has

been agreed upon to enhance to Rs.2,00,000/- w.e.f. 1.1.2014. Now we should

further launch a drive for further enrolment so that we may be able to sustain

this. The proposal of constitution amendment granting zonal status to RDSO

and inclusion of two posts of Advisers have been passed by the House and this

will definitely help in the cause of better functioning of the organization.

Though Metro railway was also accorded the zonal status but they have

insisted to maintain status quo for the present as they will not be able to meet

the liability which was accepted by the House. Two posts of advisers has also

been agreed and passed by the house. The incumbents for these posts will be

finalized and decided by the ECM scheduled to be held in Feb/March at


I would thank all the delegates and affiliated units for extending their

support and giving their valuable suggestions and views on critical issues

which helps us in formulation of the strategies to resolve them. We seek

similar cooperation and support in future and wish you all a VERY HAPPY




Secretary General/IRPOF

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1. Amount of benefit to be given to the family of deceased member of

Benevolent Fund is increased to Rs.2,00,000/- w.e.f. 1.1.2014.

2. Constitution amendments granting zonal status and facilities to RDSO

and Metro Kolkata was passed unanimously and hence forth they will be

awarded all the facilities at par with other zonal railways and will also pay

equivalent Affiliation fee and contribution for AGM/ECMs at par with zonal

railways. Metro Railway expressed their inability to pay the dues at par with

zonal railways and it was agreed to maintain status quo as regards Metro,

Kolkata is concerned. Constitution amendment only to the extent of granting

facilities to RDSO at par with zonal Railways was passed.

3. Constitution amendment for incorporating two posts of Advisers was

also passed subject to stipulations and rules framed regarding this post. The

names of the Adviser will be decided in the next ECM of the Federation

scheduled to be held in the Month of February/March, 2014 in NE Railway,


4. The calendar of ECM/AGM as passed by the House is as under :

(a) 1st ECM/IRPOF on 6th & 7th March, 2014 at Gorakhpur.

(b) 2nd ECM/IRPOF in the month of August, 2014 at ECR, Patna

(c) AGM/IRPOF in the month of November/December, 2014 at ECoR

at Bhubneswar/Puri or Vishakhapatnam.

5. A separate one day meeting/seminar of Misc. cadre should be held to

analyse their problems and discuss the matter to resolve them. It was agreed

to hold this meeting in March/April, 2014 at Delhi.

6. DPCs for promotions from Group’B’ to Group’A’ has been stopped by

UPSC for want of clarification from DOP&T regarding issue of reservation of

SC/ST in promotion to be taken up by the Federation with Railway Board,

UPSC & DOP&T. Assistance should also be sought from other Federations and

all possible efforts should be made to get it resolved at the earliest.

7. Federation should approach Railway Board for getting the instructions of

formal Meeting reiterated to all zonal railways and production units as

difficulties are being faced by the Affiliated associations in getting the meeting


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8. A link in the discussion forum on irpof website should be provided

exclusively for Misc cadre so that they may be able to post their views and

problems faced by them. Federation should also upload seniority list of Misc

cadre on website of IRPOF and it should be made more attractive and

informative. Recruitment rules of all the organized services and Misc cadre

should be uploaded. Federation should obtain suggestions in this regard from

Genl. Secretaries and necessary modifications be done keeping in view the

feasibility and availability of space.

9. PROP should be issued regularly and its frequency can be reduced to

three magazine in a year. Annual issue of PROP for year 2013 be issued before

next meeting. All Genl. Secretaries were requested to send advertisements for

PROP so that it should be made financially viable.

10. The Court cases involving policy issues should be contested by the Genl.

Secretary of the respective zone where the case has been filed for effective

chasing and monitoring. Genl. Secy/SCR to contest OA filed by Direct IRSEE

officer in CAT/Hyderabad challenging DOITS of panel pertaining to year 2010-

11 & 2011-12. Similarly, Genl. Secy. Northern Railway will contest OA in

CAT/LKO. Genl. Secy. should intimate Federation as and when case is filed in

their jurisdiction related to promotee officer so that necessary steps could be

taken to contest and safeguard the interest of our members.

11. Special drive should be launched for enrollment of Members in

Benevolent Fund. All new and entrants to Group’B’ should be motivated to join

the scheme. Old members should also be approached to join the new scheme

by paying difference of Rs.1500/-.

12. The House decided not to waive off any outstanding dues pending

against any zonal units or production unit as this will lead to a situation where

units paying regularly their dues will also resort to not paying their dues and

avail the facility of waiver.

13. Proposal for enhancing the amount paid to host unit for conducting

ECM/AGM to Rs.75000/120000/- respectively by increasing contribution to

Rs.12000/- & Rs.5000/- from zonal railways and production units was not

accepted by the House.

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Constitution review committee was constituted as per decision taken in

ECM of IRPOF held on 26 & 27th Sept., 2013 at Madurai. Shri Deepak Shelly,

President of IRPOF and Shri S. S. Parashar, Genl. Secy/NCRPOA were

nominated as Chairman and Convener respectively. Besides them five

members were also nominated in the Constitution Review Committee which

was circulated through Federation letter dt. 30.9.2013.

After considering all the proposals the Committee submitted the

undernoted amendments to the Constitution of IRPOF unanimously.

1 Since Zonal Railway status has been accorded to RDSO and Metro

hence, Federation should consider and extend all facilities at par to

RDSO and Metro in Federation activities and treat them as Zonal


2. Post of Adviser/Advisers/Patron/Consultant or any other capacity may

be included in the Constitution and rules regarding its tenure

methodology to fill them along with their duties and responsibilities to be

decided by the House. The incumbent will not be part of the Executive


The proposals submitted by the Constitution review committee were

placed before the House in the AGM held on 19th & 20.12.2013 at Jaipur

(NWR). The undernoted amendments were passed by the majority votes and

adopted by the House.


Para 6 (b) of the Constitution is amended as under :

The General Body of the Federation shall consist of all the members of the Executive Committee and two members from each Zonal Railways and RDSO.

New Para 6 (j)is inserted in the Constitution is as under :

Para 6(j)(i) Two Advisers will be associated to assist the Federation. They will not be the member of the Executive Committee or General Body. The

Advisers can be retired Office bearers or member of the Affiliated Associations. Existing Office bearers of the Federation or Association

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can also be nominated as Adviser but they will have to quit the existing post held by them in Federation or Association.

(ii) The Tenure of Adviser will co terminate when the existing Executive Body

is reconstituted and elections are held. Fresh nomination/election for the post of Adviser will be done after formation of New Executive Body as per rules contains in the bye laws.


Para 13 as under will be inserted in the Bye laws


13.1. The Adviser/Advisers of IRPOF will co-terminate when the existing body of

IRPOF goes for fresh election.

13.2. After election of Annual General Body meeting the new Executive Body will

place the proposal for nomination/Election of Adviser/Advisers before the


13.3. If the post of Adviser is not filled in the Election AGM then the proposal will be

placed before next ECM for consideration.

13.4. The functioning of Adviser will be reviewed in Annual General Body

meeting of IRPOF and the House can allow an incumbent to continue or

he/she may be replaced by suitable incumbent by the House.

13.5. Federation will not incur any expenditure for running of office of Adviser or pay

any expenditure related to conveyance, travelling etc. No Honorarium or any

remuneration will be paid by the Federation

13.6. Adviser will have a limited role with regard to only giving advice and views on

issues/subjects referred to him/her by President and Secretary General/IRPOF


13.7. Adviser will not correspond on any issue with the Railway Board, General

Managers or any other authority. He/she will also not indulge in day to day

activities of the Federation and make no correspondence with Divl. Bodies or

Zonal Associations affiliated to the Federation.

13.8. Adviser will not hold any press briefing on behalf of the Federation, and will

also not seek any favour or Privileges in the capacity of Adviser/IRPOF.

13.9. Adviser will inform Federation of all the activities being done by him related to

promotee officers. He will abide by the line of action decided by IRPOF on all


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13.10. The advice given by him will not be binding on the Federation, it can be

accepted or rejected by the Secretary General/IRPOF. However, the issues not

accepted can be taken up in ECM or AGM for review.

13.11. The post of Adviser is not part of the Executive Body. He/she can attend

Emergent, ECM and AGM meetings of the Federation but will not deliberate on

the issue. Adviser will be allowed to address the House at the convenience of

the Federation, as and when required.

13.12. Adviser will not indulge in activities prejudicial to the interest of the Federation

or Affiliated constituent units or detrimental to the interest of the members.