EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur Page | 1

Indian Sugar EIA report - Welcome to Environment€¦ · EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2)

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Page 1: Indian Sugar EIA report - Welcome to Environment€¦ · EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2)

EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

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Page 2: Indian Sugar EIA report - Welcome to Environment€¦ · EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2)

EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

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Chapter Topic

Executive Summary English

Executive Summary Marathi

1. Introduction

1.1 Background

1.2 Project of Glance

1.3 Project Justification

1.4 Availability of Raw Materials

1.5 Project Location

1.6 Purpose of the Report

1.7 Terms of reference (TOR) Approved by MoEF

1.8 Scope of EIA

1.9 Methodology

1.10 Organization of Report

2. Project Description

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Location

2.3 Project Components

2.4 Cascading Pollution

2.5 Mitigation Measures

2.6 Proposed schedule for approval and implementation

3. Baseline Environment

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Materials

3.3 The Region

3.4 Micro-Meteorology

3.5 Air Environment

3.6 Noise Environment

3.7 Water environment

3.8 Flora & founa

3.9 Soil Environment

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EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

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3.10 Remote Sensing & GIS Study

3.11 Socio Economic Environment

3.12 Hydrogeology

3.13 Seismicity

4. Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Impacts during Construction Phase & Mitigation Measures

4.3 Impacts during Operation Phase


5.0 Post Project Environmental Monitoring

5.1 Monitoring and Reporting Procedure

5.2 Environmental Laboratory Equipment

5.3 Environmental Management Group

6. Additional Studies

(Risk Assessment and Disaster Management Plan)

6.1 Risk Assessment

6.2 Disaster Management Plan (DMP)


7.0 Benefits

7.1 Improvement in Physical Infrastructure

7.2 Improvement in Social Infrastructure

7.3 Places of Historical Importance

7.4 Multiplier Effect

7.5 Aesthetic Environment

7.6 Other tangible benefits


8.1 Introduction

8.2 Objectives of Environmental Management Plan

8.3 Checklist of Statutory Obligations

8.4 Environment Management Cell (EMC)

8.5 Construction Phase Environment Management

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EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

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8.6 Operational Phase Air Environment Management

8.7 Operational Phase Water Environment & Management

8.8 Noise Environment

8.9 Biological Environment

8.10 Land Environment

8.11 Ash Management

8.12 Green Belt

8.13 Occupational Safety & Health

8.14 Socio-Economic Welfare Activities

8.15 Risk Assessment for Storage & Transportation of Ethanol

8.16 Environmental Monitoring Schedule

8.17 Environmental Budget

8.18 Corporate social responsibility (CSR)




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EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

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1.1 Background

India is the largest consumer and second largest producer of sugar in the world. The

sufficient and well-distributed monsoon rains, rapid population growth and substantial

increase in sugar production capacity have combined to make India the largest

consumer and second largest producer of sugar in the world. The sugar factories

located in various parts of the country work as nuclei for development of rural areas

by mobilizing rural resources and generating employment, transport and

communication facilities.

Sugar is produced in around 122 countries across the world. It is extracted from two

different raw materials, sugarcane and sugar beet. Sugarcane is cultivated under

tropical climates, while sugar beet is grown in temperate regions. Around 78 per cent

of the sugar produced in the world is created from sugarcane, with beet sugar

accounting for the rest. The Indian sugar industry is the second largest agro-industry

located in the rural India. The Indian sugar industry has a turnover of Rs. 700 billion

per annum and it contributes almost Rs. 22.5 billion to the central and state

exchequer as tax, cess, and excise duty every year (Source: Ministry of Food,

Government of India).

The increasing demand for Sugar, co-generation and Ethanol favor the sugar industry.

Deregulation of sugar business in developed countries lead to reduction of import

restriction. Migration of people to urban areas results in increase in per capita

consumption. Global environmental concerns favor renewable fuels like ethanol.

Consolidation of mills leads to increase in scale and lower production cost. Finally, ever

growing demand for energy creates opportunity for biomass power generation.

The sugar industry in India is essentially a production driven; the demand growth in

the industry is stable and changes in prices and stock level are directed by changes in

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EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

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the production level. The industry resorts to export in the times of surplus and import

during the time of deficit. The price of sugar for captive consumption goes down

during the surplus periods and export is the only way out.

1.2 Project at a Glance

Indian Sugar Mfg. Co. Limited, (Unit No-2) (ISMCL-2) is a Public Limited Company,

promoted by a well known group of Sugar Experts, Entrepreneur, Industrialist and

progressive agriculturist of Maharashtra led by Shri. Ranjitsingh Babanrao Shinde,

Chairman and Managing Director of the Company. ISMCL-02 have proposed to New

Establishment of sugar, co-generation and distillery project with production capacity of

sugar plant 5000TCD, co-generation power plant 25MW and 60KLPD distillery unit at

A/p- Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

This sugar factory is proposed to be set-up by the well known sugar experts group led

by Shri Ranjitsingh B. Shinde who is a Chemical Engineer by education and is also a

Chairman of Indian Sugar Mfg. Co. Ltd., a Public Limited Company & Director of a Co-

operative Sugar Factory from Maharashtra. i.e. Shri Vitthalrao Shinde S.S.K.Ltd.,

Madha. Shri Vitthalrao Shinde S.S.K.Ltd. is led by the expertise of Shinde Family, Shri

Babanrao Shinde, MLA of Madha Tehsil of Solapur district is Chairman of this Factory.

This factory has won many national and state level awards for their excellent financial

management, technical excellence and for various other parameters. The technical

and management team of ISMCL-2 is –

Table 1.1 Identification of Project proponent and technical team

Sr. Name Designation

1 Ranjit Babanrao Chairman & M.D.

2 Pranita Ranjit Director

3 Santosh Director

4 Ranjeet S. General Manager

5 Dattatray K. Tekale Works Manager

6 Arvind A. Chief Chemist

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EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

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7 Shantaram A. Chief Agriculture

8 Sahaji Giram Finance Manager

9 Kailas Mate Assi. Gen.

There are three sugar factories in this area at present, the farmers of Barshi & Madha

Taluka are still in need of one higher capacity sugar factory of at least 7500 TCD

capacity. To grab the opportunity, ISMCL-2 has decided to set-up new sugar factory of

5000 TCD crushing capacity with 25MW co-generation and 60KLPD distillery unit;

company would be highly benefited from rising power purchase prices and shall be

able to reap the benefit of this market trend for a long time. The estimated project

cost is Rs.234.89Cr (Sugar plant =98.93 Cr + Cogen unit=75.43Cr +Distillery plant =

60.53 Cr).

1.3 Project Justification

Taking into the account the potentiality of the sugar industry, requirement of Ethanol

for addition into petroleum fuels and the incentives being offered by the present state

government, ISMCL-2 has decided to set up an Integrated Sugar Complex having

capacity of 5000TCD with 25MW Cogeneration and 60 KLPD Distillery in Maharashtra.

The integrated project comprises of a sugar factory for manufacture of white

plantation sugar from mixed juice, thereby making available entire bagasse for the

cogen power plant & molasses generated during manufacture of sugar, for the ethanol

plant. The command area of the proposed sugar factory has excellent irrigation

facilities, availability and potential for sustained cane supply & biomass materials like

cane trash, maize cobs & rice husk for operating the cogen power plant during off-


1.3.1 Exploitable By-products: Bagasse and molasses are the two most important by-products of the sugar industry.

Where as Bagasse is primarily used to meet the captive requirement of fuel, a

substantial quantity of it can be saved to produce products like paper, particle boards

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EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

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etc. In addition, the Bagasse can also be used for cogeneration of power by the sugar

industry. Similarly, molasses, an important by-product of the sugar industry, is used

extensively for the manufacture of ethyl alcohol and alcohol based downstream

chemicals in addition to manufacture of potable alcohol.


To increase the viability of sugar plant, alternate means of earning revenue like,

surplus power generation and export to Govt. Electricity Grid needs to be considered.

The requirements of co-generation from Bagasse in sugar mill are as under:

Ø Co-Generation is less polluting source of energy.

Ø It is cost effective.

Ø It is regenerating whereas in thermal generation, coal stocks are limited.

Ø Bagasse co-generation is a reliable source of energy and it does not need any

transportation of fuel material as in thermal power, since raw material like

Bagasse, Cane trash etc. are available within the cane command area.

Ø Sugar factories are situated in rural area and if co-generated power is utilized in

local area for agricultural development and small scale industries it shall give

rural social and economic upliftment.

Ø Sugar factories have potential for this work as they have got the staff trained in

this field and by the experience in this field, they can augment the staff and

machineries to achieve the surplus power generation.

Sugarcane contains in standard form are 70 % water, 14 % fiber, 13.3 % saccarose

(about 10 to 15 % sucrose), and 2.7 % soluble impurities. The solids in turn comprise

of soluble solids mainly sucrose and fibre. The woody fibre of the cane is known as

Bagasse and is about 30-32% of the wet weight of the sugarcane. This Bagasse is

being used as fuel for the boilers in the sugar mills.

With numerous other advantages like reduction in the transportation of fuel and

reduction in transmission losses, the adjacent power generation plants to the sugar

factory using surplus bagasse generated by these plants is a futuristic source in the

way of India's self-reliance power sector particularly in the rural areas.

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EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

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Molasses is the final effluent obtained in the preparation of sugar by repeated

crystallization. It is the end product from a refining process carried out to yield sugar.

Sucrose and invert sugars constitute a major portion (40 to 60%) of molasses. The

yield of molasses per ton of sugarcane varies in the range of 4.0 to 4.85 %. Molasses

is mainly used for the manufacture of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), yeast and cattle feed.

Ethanol is in turn used to produce portable liquor and downstream value added

chemicals such as acetone, acetic acid, butonol, acetic anhydride, MEG etc. Some of

the alcohol based chemicals like MEG, acetic acid, acetone etc. face stiff competition

from production through the petro-chemicals route.

Nearly 70% molasses produced are consumed by the industrial alcohol manufacturers

and the remaining 30% is consumed by the portable alcohol sector. Since, ISMCL-2 is

also installing a distillery and shall captively consume the molasses for production of

alcohol; there shall be no saleable production of molasses. The molasses will be

converted into Rectified Spirit in the distillery, which shall in turn be dehydrating into


1.4 Availability of Raw Materials

The Barshi (west side)/Madha Taluka of Solapur district is highly irrigated taluka in

Maharashtra State. The Ujjani Dam on the Bhima River and Lift Irrigation from Sina

River has provided irrigation facilities to the lands around Barshi (west side)/Madha

Taluka. Thus, there is increasing trend for the sugarcane production and area under

cultivation of sugar cane. Out of 52000 ha irrigated land at present the sugarcane is

grown in nearly 35000 ha. of land with an average yield of 100 MTs per ha. and

producing around 35.00 lakh tones of sugarcane.

Moreover, the sugar cane production is increasing every year due to canal, lift and

well irrigation. The sugarcane requirement of the Indian Sugar Limited at 5000 TCD

would be hardly 26 % of the currently available sugarcane of Madha & Barshi(west

side) Tehsil alone and sugarcane from nearby Tehsil like Mohol, Karmala Pandharpur

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EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

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etc. shall be additional available of raw material. In terms of making the ISMCL-2, self

sustaining and globally competitive under the present Government Policies and the

guidelines of the Ministry of Environment & Forests as discussed in above sections, the

proposed project is justified.

1.5 Project Location

The Sugar Unit of the company is very ideally located, it is in the mid of traditional

cane growing area and is surrounded by large sugarcane growing area where the

transportation cost of sugarcane from farm to factory site would be lowest.

Figure 1.1 Location Map

Figure 1.2 Google Image

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EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

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Table 1.2 Location of the project





A/p- Nimgaon (T), Tq-Madha, Dist-Solapur.


Project site



Village: Turk Pimpari

Tal- Barshi , Dist- Solapur ( M.S.)

3. Latitude &


Latitude: 18001’31" N , Longitude:






Reg. No.-U15420PN2011PLC138268, Dtd–


Registered with ROC – Pune (Maharashtra).

5. Nearest


Barshi town is 30 Km away from factory site.

The Solapur district headquarters is 75 km

away from the site.

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EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

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6. National


Solapur - Pune - Mumbai is 25 km away

from the site





The nearest railway station, Kurduwadi is 30

km away from the site.

8. Nearest


Nearest Airport is Solapur & 80 km away

from the site

9. Topography

The factory site has leveled area.

The elevation of about 515 meter above the

sea level.

It is found on the Survey of India Topo sheet

No. 47 O/9 , 47 N/8, 47N/11, 47N/12,


Terrain - Flat terrain, Climate- Semi –Arid

10. Surroundings The site is 5 km from Sina river

The Factory site is 15 km away from the city of Madha. A district place Solapur is 75

km away where all the Chief Offices of the Government of Maharashtra are working.

The National Highway of Solapur-Pune-Mumbai is 25 km away from the site. The

nearest railway station, Kurduwadi is 30 km away from the site. And nearest Air Port

i.e. Solapur is just 80 Kms Away from the site. Company proposes to set-up 5000 TCD

sugar plant with 25 MW Co-generation Power Plant.

1.6 Purpose of the report

ISMCL Unit no-02 has received Industrial Entrepreneur’s Memorandum from Ministry

of Industry for establishing Molasses based Distillery for Manufacturing Ethanol of 60

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EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

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KLPD vide No. 3661/SIA/IMO/2011, dated 09.12.2011 In the name of Indian Sugar

Manufacturing Company Limited Unit no- 02 (Private Sector).

Keeping in line with the requirement of MoEF and having a high degree of concern, for

the environment and in order to assess the likely impacts arising out of the proposed

project. The purpose of this EIA is to establish the environmental sensitivities, impact

and mitigation measures with respect to the ISMCL-2 proposed to establishment of

sugar, co-generation and distillery project.

The purpose of the preparation of Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) report is not

only to obtain Environment Clearance from Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of

India, New Delhi, but also to understand the likely impacts and to take Environment

Protection measures during and after commissioning of the project.

Objective of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study is to understand the

prevailing physical and biological environment and prepare an EIA report including

Environment Management Plan (EMP) in accordance with the guidelines issued by the

MoEF as a necessary requirement for obtaining environment clearance.

The major objectives of the EIA study are listed below:

1) To study the proposed project activities and establish the present

environmental setting in terms of the baseline environmental and climatic

conditions including likely Air quality, Water quality, Soil condition, Noise

level, Waste generation and measures incorporated to meet

environmental standards.

2) To analysis the lands use pattern, water consumption (water balance),

power consumption, etc. along with the social and health impacts.

3) To assessment of likely or potential environmental impacts of the

proposed activity (like air, water and soil pollution, noise, waste

generation) and the alternatives, including the direct or indirect,

cumulative, short-term and long-term effects.

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EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

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4) To prepare environmental management plan to mitigate or ameliorate

negative effects on environment including post implementation

monitoring programme.

1.7 Terms of Reference (ToR) approved by MoEF

The proposal was considered by the Expert Appraisal Committee for Industry, in its 7th

meeting, held on 4th April 2013, to determine the Terms of Reference (TOR) for

Preparation of EIA Report for obtaining Environmental Clearance in accordance with

the provisions of the EIA Notification 2006. Accordingly, MoEF approved the terms of

Reference as per given below:

Table 1.3 Terms of Reference issued by MoEF



Terms of Reference (ToR)

1 Executive summary of the project.

2 Detailed break up of the land area along with latest photograph of

the area.

3 Present land use based on satellite imagery.

4 Details of site and information related to environmental setting

within 10 km radius of the project site. A copy of toposheet of the

area indicating reserve forests, wildlife sanctuary, water bodies,

barren land etc.

5 Information regarding eco-sensitive area such as national park /

wildlife sanctuary / biosphere reserves within 10 km radius of

project area.

6 Recommendations from the State Forest Department regarding the

impact of the proposed plant on the surrounding reserve forest.

7 List of existing distillery units in the study area alongwith their


8 Number of working days of the distillery unit.

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EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

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9 Total cost of the project alongwith total capital cost and recurring

cost/annum for environmental pollution control measures.

10 Manufacturing process details of sugar plant, distillery plant and

CPP alongwith process flow chart.

11 Details of raw materials and source of raw material including sugar

cane/ molasses.

12 Sources and quantity of fuel (coal etc.) for the boiler. Measures to

take care of SO2 emission. A copy of Memorandum of

Understanding (MoU) signed with the coal suppliers should be


13 Action plan to control ambient air quality as per NAAQES Standards

for PM10,

PM2.5, SO2 and NOX as per GSR 826(E) dated 16th November,


14 One season site-specific micro-meteorological data using

temperature, relative humidity, hourly wind speed and direction

and rainfall and AAQ data (except monsoon) for PM10, SO2, NOX

and HC (methane & non methane) should be collected. The

monitoring stations should take into account the predominant wind

direction, population zone and sensitive receptors including, 24

reserved forests. Data for water and noise monitoring should also

be included.

15 Mathematical modeling for calculating the dispersion of air

pollutants and ground level concentration along with emissions

from the boiler.

16 Details of boiler and its capacity. Details of the use of steam from

the boiler.

17 Ground water quality around proposed spent wash storage lagoon

and the project area.

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EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

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18 Details of water requirement, water balance chart for Sugar Plant

(5000 TCD), Molasses based Distillery (60 KLPD), Co-generation

plant (25 MW).

19 Measures for conservation water by recycling and reuse to

minimize the fresh water requirement.

20 Water requirement should not exceed 10 Kl/Kl of alcohol (i.e. 600

m3/day) for distillery unit. Source of water supply and prior

‘permission’ for the drawl of total fresh water from the Competent

Authority should be obtained.

21 Hydro-geological study of the area for availability of ground water.

22 Spentwash generation should not exceed 8Kl/ Kl of alcohol


23 Proposed effluent treatment system for molasses based distillery

(spent wash and spent lees), sugar unit as well as CPP and scheme

for achieving ‘zero’ discharge.

24 Lagoon capacity for sugar unit and spent wash.

25 Details of solid waste management including management of boiler

ash. MoU with cement plant for the use of fly ash.

26 Green belt development as per the CPCB guidelines.

27 List of flora and fauna in the study area.

28 Noise levels monitoring at five locations within the study area.

29 Detailed Environment management Plan (EMP) with specific

reference to details of air pollution control system, water &

wastewater management, monitoring frequency, responsibility and

time bound implementation plan for mitigation measure should be


30 EMP should also include the concept of waste-minimization,

recycle/reuse/recover techniques, Energy conservation, and

natural resource conservation.

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EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

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31 Risk assessment for storage and handling of alcohol and mitigation

measure due to fire and explosion and handling areas.

32 Alcohol storage and handling area fire fighting facility as per OISD


33 Provision of Foam System for fire fighting to control fire from the

alcohol storage tank.

34 Action plan for rainwater harvesting measures at plant site should

be included to harvest rainwater from the roof tops and storm

water drains to recharge the ground water.

35 Details of occupational health programme.

36 i) To which chemicals, workers are exposed directly or indirectly.

ii) Whether these chemicals are within Threshold Limit Values

(TLV)/ Permissible Exposure Levels as per ACGIH recommendation.

iii) What measures company have taken to keep these chemicals

within PEL/TLV.

iv) How the workers are evaluated concerning their exposure to

chemicals during pre-placement and periodical medical monitoring.

v) What are onsite and offsite emergency plan during chemical


vi) Liver function tests (LFT) during pre-placement and periodical


vii) Details of occupational health surveillance programme.

37 Details of socio-economic welfare activities.

38 Traffic study of the area for the proposed projects in respect of

existing traffic, type of vehicles, frequency of vehicles for

transportation of materials, additional traffic due to proposed

project, parking arrangement etc.

39 Action plan for post-project environmental monitoring.

40 Corporate Environmental Responsibility

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EIA-EMP report for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

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(a) Does the company have a well laid down Environment Policy

approved by its Board of Directors? If so, it may be detailed in the

EIA report.

(b) Does the Environmental Policy prescribe for standard operating

process/procedures to bring into focus any infringement / deviation

/ violation of the environmental or forest norms / conditions? If so,

it may be detailed in the EIA report.

(c) What is the hierarchical system or Administrative order of the

company to deal with the environmental issues and for ensuring

compliance with the EC conditions. Details of this system may be


(d) Does the company have a system of reporting of non

compliance / violations of environmental norms to the Board of

Directors of the company and / or shareholders or stakeholders at

large? This reporting mechanism should be detailed in the EIA


41 Any litigation pending against the project and /or any direction

/order passed by any Court of Law against the project, if so,

details thereof.

42 Public hearing issues raised and commitments made by the project

proponent on the same should be included separately in EIA/EMP

Report in the form of tabular chart with financial budget for

complying with the commitments made.

1.8 Scope of EIA

The study envisages characterization of the existing status of physical environment

such as air, water, soil, land use, meteorology, socio-economic and heritage etc. as

well as biological environment such as flora and fauna of the study area of 10 km

radius and quantifying impacts on the environmental parameters. Based on the study,

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the EIA evaluates the proposed control measures by the project and prepares an

environment management plan, outlining additional proposed activities and delineates

the requirements of environmental monitoring program. EIA study shall cover the

following aspects:

Ø Evaluation of present environmental factors through analysis of generated

and collected baseline data for one complete dry season (3 months).

Ø Assess the probable impact on the environmental factors due to

implementation of the project with respect to existing scenario.

Ø Analyze the predicted impact with respect to the regulatory environmental


Ø Assess the probable risk at the proposed plant.

Ø Develop an Environmental Management Plan and on site Disaster

Management Plan for the proposed project to mitigate the negative

significant impacts that would arise from the proposed project.

Ø Report shall help to obtain No Objection Certificate for consent to operate

from the State Pollution Control Board.

The baseline data has been collected for the following environmental components,

during September – November 2013:

· Air Quality

· Meteorology

· Noise Environment

· Water Use & Quality

· Soil Quality

· Land Use, Crop Pattern, Agricultural Practices

· Demographic & socio-economic aspects

· Terrestrial & Aquatic ecology

Baseline data on parameters of the above-mentioned aspects over a season provides

means for identifying possible impact-positive as well as adverse. An environmental

impact assessment and environment management plan comprising an overall

assessment of the impact due to project activity over baseline condition of the existing

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environment and a mitigating action plan to counter the adverse impact as defined. An

environmental monitoring program is also prepared to provide scientific support to

future actions of environmental protection.

1.9 Methodology

A study area of 10 km radius with the proposed plant site of ISMCL at the center was

considered for the present study. This study will help to determine the present

environmental status and likely impacts of the proposed unit’s operations, if any in the

region. The most predominant wind direction during study period was considered for

various facts of establishing and the monitoring stations were finalized.

Table: 1.4 Scope of Work for EIA report



No of



Meteorology 1

Hourly observations for Temperature, Relative Humidity,

Wind direction, wind speed & Rain fall during 3 month

study period


For PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NO2,Total Hydro carbon for 24

hours duration, 2 times in each week during 12-week

study period

Water 6

3 Surface water Locations

3 Ground water locations (including the place near to

the plant site), Parameters that are analyzed are as per

Analysis of Drinking Water Quality had been carried out

Noise 8 Day and night noise levels once in every location


Flora- Fauna &


Total study period is 90 days. However predicted flora –

fauna also included for non-seasonal plant species

(ephemerals) based on existing secondary data and

field conditions

Land use 10 km Radius

study area

Land use data based on satellite imagery of 10 km

radius study area.

Socio-economic Demography Secondary data from the existing literature (Census

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data & Occupational


2001 & 2011)

1.10 Organisation of Report

The Generic structure of EIA is given in EIA notification dated 14th September, 2006 is

maintained. The EIA report has been divided into following chapters:

Chapter-1 Introduction

This chapter provides background information of the project, brief description and

objectives of the project, description of the area, scope and organisation of the EIA


Chapter-2 Project Description

This chapter deals with the process and specifications of the project. This also deals

with the sources of pollution for the proposed project and proposed control measures.

Chapter-3 Description of the Environment

This chapter presents the methodology and findings of field studies undertaken w.r.t

to meteorology, ambient air, water, soils, noise, and ecology to define the existing

environmental status in the area. Details on land use, socio-economic and hydro-

geology which are presented from published secondary data.

Chapter-4 Anticipated Environmental Impacts

This chapter highlights the inferences drawn from the environmental impact

assessment. It describes the overall impact of the proposed integrated project and

underscores the areas where applicable environmental standards are expected to be

violated. The impact is assessed after considering both pre-project and post-project


Chapter- 5 Environmental Monitoring Program

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The Environmental monitoring requirements for determining the efficiency of the

environmental protection and mitigation measures are delineated in this Chapter along

with required institutional arrangements for ensuring their implementation.

Chapter- 6 Additional Studies

This chapter describes studies carried out as per the specified TOR of the EIA. This

includes a Risk Assessment for the proposed unit along with Social-Economic study,

review of the Safety and Disaster Management Plan proposed for the proposed power


Chapter- 7 Project Benefits

This Chapter highlights the expected benefits of the proposed plant to the socio-

economic scenario in the study area and to the country as a whole.

Chapter -8 Environmental Management Plan

This Chapter consolidates the proposed and recommended environmental protection

and mitigation measures and the required institutional structure that ensures its

proper implementation during the construction as well as operational phase of the


The assessment will cover the baseline data generation, predictions and evaluation of

impact on various environmental components and preparation of adequate

Environmental Management Plan.

* * * * *

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2.1 Introduction

Sugar has been historically classified as an essential commodity and has

been regulated across the value chain. The heavy regulations in the

sector artif icial ly impact the demand-supply forces resulting in market

imbalance. The increase in sugar consumption is mainly a function of

four demand determining variables: - Population, income, consumption

habit and the growth of the industrial & service sector, mainly hotels &

restaurants as well as the food and beverage industries.

The State of Maharashtra is poised for rapid industrial development and

large-scale use of electricity for industrial purposes, for which the

demand for electr ical power is continuously increasing. The present

demand for electr ical power is greatly in excess of the generating

capacity. The power generation scenario in the state reveals that the

demand for power would continue to out-str ip the avai lable and planned

generation capacity.

Bagasse, press mud and molasses are the by- products of the sugar

industry. Once thought to be unwanted waste products, these by-

products are now advantageously util ized as a valuable resource for

profitable applications.

Further, it is a potential fuel in the form of power ethanol when blended

with petrol . Ethanol is substi tute to the imported petroleum. Petroleum

is a scarce, non-renewable and environmentally harmful product. On the

contrary, the ethanol being produced from renewable source it is an

environmental friendly product. Large demand is also anticipated for its

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use as fuel . The Euro-3 standard specifies the presence of an oxidant in

the fuel, which minimizes the emissions due to the combustions of these

fuels. Ethanol being one of the most viable additives avai lable, the oil

companies has to use ethanol for blending with petrol.

Indian Sugar Mfg. Co. Limited Unit No-2 (ISMCL-2) have proposed to

New Establishment of sugar, co-generation and disti l lery project,

production capacity of sugar plant 5000TCD & co-generation 25MW and

60KLPD disti l lery unit.

2.2 Location

The Factory site is 15 km away from the city of Madha. A district place

Solapur is 75 km away where all the Chief Offices of the Government of

Maharashtra are working. The National Highway of Solapur-Pune-Mumbai

is 25 km away from the site. The nearest railway station, Kurduwadi is

30 km Awa away from the site. And nearest Air Port i.e. Solapur is just

80 Km from the site. The plot area is 116 Acre.

The site is centrally located in the area of operation and is in heart of

sugarcane area. The site is well connected by Road, so that both the raw

materials and finished goods can be conventionally handled. Total land

avai lable with sugar factory is about 116 Acre. Bagasse is available from

the sugar plant wil l be uti l ized as inputs in the proposed project. Land

required for the project is avai lable in the existing industry. Procurement

of additional land for the project is not needed. Water requirement wil l

be managed within the avai lable limits.

The location is rainfed agricultural land converted for industrial use. The

site proper is uncultivated, free from trees and vegetation of any worth.

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The main raw material viz. sugarcane is locally cult ivated in the area.

The location has good scope for development of sugarcane with suitable

climatic conditions and assured source of water supply from surface


Figure 2.1 Topo-map of the project site

There are no eco-sensitive locations such as National park, archeological

structure, wi ld-l ife sanctuary, bio-sphere reserve within 10 km radius

around the site. No incidences of cyclones, earthquake, f loods or

landslides in the region have been reported.

The si te of ISMCL-2, possess the following advantages:

Ø The project site is well connected to the vil lage roads for supply of

raw material sugar cane.

Ø The adequate ski l led, semi-ski l led and unskil led labour force is

avai lable in the vicinity of project area.

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Ø All the infrastructure facil it ies l ike power, road, communication

facil i ties, and banks are available in the vicinity of the project


2.3 Project Components

The integrated sugar industry with sugar and alcohol as main products

along with exportable power and bio-manure as co-products has proved

to be an economical proposal. The Government of Maharashtra envisaged

the policy to encourage integrated sugar industries consisting of sugar,

co-gen power and molasses based alcohol in the state with various

incentives including power purchase agreement. Bagasse, press mud and

molasses are the by- products of the sugar industry. Once thought to be

unwanted waste products, these by-products are now advantageously

util ized as a valuable resource for profitable applications.

The proposed installed capacity of the plant will be 5000 TCD. The sugar

mill complex also has in-house 25 MW capacity cogen power plant &

disti l lery capacity is 60 KLPD. The brief technical specif ication is given


A. Sugar Unit:

Ø Installed capacity of sugar factory wil l be Sugar Plant with Diffuser

technology of 5000 TCD and 25 MW Co-generation of Power.

Ø Double Sulphitation process with 3 massecuite boi l ing scheme shall

be adopted for production of plantation white sugar.

Ø Number of days of operation of sugar factory is 180 days.

Ø Capacity util ization of sugar factory considered for f irst year 90%

and second year onwards 100%.

Ø 90% of installed capacity.

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Ø The average Recovery of sugar considered for sugar production is


B. Co-Gen Power Plant:

Ø Installation of co-gen power plant consisting of 140 T/Hr. boiler of

87 kg/cm.2 g pressure and 515+/-05 ºC Temperature.

Ø The boiler will be fired with agro waste bio-mass fuel such as

Bagasse / cane thrash & also on coal.

Ø Boilers are provided with ESP and 85m ht chimney as pollution

control facil ity.

Ø Surplus power available from the industry will be exported to

public grid.

Ø Provision of backpressure turbo alternator and auxil iaries for 18

MW power generations.

Ø Provision of Condensing turbo alternator and auxil iar ies for 07 MW

power generations.

C. Distillery:

Ø Installation of 60 KLPD modern disti l lery plant based on continuous

fermentation and multi pressure disti l lation.

Ø Installation of co-gen power plant consisting of 22 T/Hr. boiler of

45 kg/cm2(g) pressure and 370ºC Temperature.

Ø Installation for evaporator for concentration of spent wash

Ø Provision in boi ler to use concentrated spent wash, and Coal as


Ø The disti l lery will be with zero discharge of spent wash.

2.3.1 Products and By-products

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The plant will be designed to produce 600T/day white sugar, 25MW Co-gen power, 60000LPD each of spirit & alcohol. The products and by-products are listed below:

Table no. 2.1 List of Products and By-products

2.3.2 Raw Material

The Madha & Barshi (west side) Taluka of Solapur district is highly

irrigated taluka in Maharashtra State. The Ujjani Dam on the Bhima River

and Lift Irrigation from Sina River has provided irrigation facil i ties to the

lands around Madha & Barshi(west side) Taluka. Thus, there is increasing

trend for the sugarcane production and area under cult ivation of sugar


Out of 52000 ha irrigated land at present the sugarcane is grown in

nearly 35000 ha. of land with an average yield of 100 MTs per ha. and

producing around 35.00 lack tonnes of sugarcane. Moreover, the sugar

Sr. No. Particulars Maximum Quality


White Sugar 18000 MT/M = 600 T/Day

B) By-


Molasses 7500 MT/M = 250 T/Day

Bagasse 45000 MT/M = 1500 T/day

Press Mud 3750 MT/M = 125 T/Day



Power 25 MW

D)Distillery I) Rectif ied Spiri t (Total) 60,000 LPD

II) Extra Neutral Alcohol 60 ,000 LPD

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cane production is increasing every year due to canal, l ift and well

irrigation. The sugarcane requirement of the Indian Sugar Limited at

5000TCD would be hardly 26 % of the currently available sugarcane of

Madha Tehsil alone and sugarcane from nearby Tehsil l ike Barshi, Mohol,

Karmala, Pandharpur etc. shall be additional avai lable raw material.

Table no. 2.2 List of Raw material consumption for Sugar production

Sl.No. Raw material t/day t/month T/year

1 Sugar Cane 5000 1,50,000 900000

2 Sulphur - 75 450

3 Lime - 285 1710

4 Caustic Soda f lakes - 8 48

5 Sodium Hydro Sulphite - 0.6 3.6

6 Beaching powder - 0.2 1.2

7 Boi ler chemicals – anti scalents - 200(kgs/month) 1200

8 Lubricants (wheel bearing

greases, lubricating oi l etc)

- 6-7 kl/month 39.6

10 Phosphoric acid 7 42

Table no. 2.3 List of Raw material consumption for Distillery unit

Sl.No. Particulars Unit Quantity

1 Molasses 40% w/w fermentable


T/day 250-270

2 Sulphuric Acid Kg/day 110-120

3 Antifoam Agent L/day 160-170

4 Di-ammonium Phosphate Kg/day 105-115

5 Addit ive Kg/day 3.5-4.5

7 Boi ler Chemicals Kg/month 140

8 Coal T/day 60

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2.3.3 Manufacturing Process

The manufacturing process of

given chart:

Figure 2.2 Manufacturing process of integrated sugar industry

A) Sugar Plant Brief Description of Process to Manufacture White Sugar by

Double Sulphitation Process:

The process of manufacturing involves the fo

I. Extraction of cane juice from cane

II. Purification of cane juice

for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

Manufacturing Process

manufacturing process of integrated sugar industry is given in below

Figure 2.2 Manufacturing process of integrated sugar industry

Sugar Plant Brief Description of Process to Manufacture White Sugar by


The process of manufacturing involves the following steps:

Extraction of cane juice from cane

Purification of cane juice

for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Solapur

s given in below

Figure 2.2 Manufacturing process of integrated sugar industry

Sugar Plant Brief Description of Process to Manufacture White Sugar by

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III. Evaporation of cane juice to facilitates crystallisation

IV. Crystallisation of Sugar

V. Separation of sugar and liquid by Centrifugal force

VI. Re-Boiling of Liquid

VII. Drying

Brief Description of The Above Process Steps Are Given Below:

I. Extraction of Cane Juice from Cane

The cane which is brought from fields by carts/trucks/tractors, weighed and unloaded

in the cane carrier for extraction of juice from sugarcane. The unloaded cane will pass

through preparatory devices (Chopper, leveller and fibrizer). The preparatory devices

will cut the cane stalks into pieces.

The prepared cane enters to Diffuser length of about 70 mtrs. Long. Imbibitions water

used with steam to maintained temperature of Diffusion, diffusion takes place in

Diffuser, juice come out from last compartment up to 1st compartment and 70 to 75 %

moist bagasse come out from Diffuse & this bagasse is passed through Dewatering

mill, juice from Dewatering mill is circulated in last compartment of Diffuser & after

dewatering mill bagasse moisture get 48 to 49%.

Use of Bagasse

The residue that leaves the Dewatering mill is called bagasse contains un-extracted

sugar, woody fibre and water. The bagasse will be used as fuel to produce steam and

power as co-generation. The generated steam will be used to run turbines for power

generation. The outlet of the turbine i.e., low pressure steam will be used for juice

processing. Exhaust condensed water of 1st body will be sent back to boiler for steam

generation during crushing season.

II. Purification of Cane Juice – Clarification

The extracted juice from Diffuser/mill is strained to remove bagasse particles before

sending for process. This juice is sent through a mass flow meter and the quantity

automatically recorded. The dark green juice from mills is acidic and turbid. The

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universal process employed to remove both soluble and insoluble impurities is called

Sulphitation process. The juice will be heated up to 700C to 750C to avoid inversion. In

sugar plant as a measure of steam economy primary heating will be done by tubular

heat exchanger using heat energy available from the condensates of evaporators and


Liming and Sulphitation

The process in whichmilk of lime(Ca(OH)2) is added to the juice simultaneously in

juice sulphiter, thereby pH of juice will be increased to 6.9 to 7.2.

CaO+H2O Ca(OH)2 + Colour

The aim of this neutralization is to remove colourants from the juice, and to neutralize

organic acids. The formation of tri-calcium phosphate and sulphate, which are

products on sedimentation and carry impurities present in the liquid. Lime

consumption (Cao) ranges from 0.18 to 0.25 % on cane according to the treatment

strength required. The absorption of the SO2 gas (sulphurdioxide) by the juice takes

place in juice sulphitor. The SO2 gas is produced in the unit by burning sulphur in the

presence of air, in special furnace and the reaction is given below.

S+O2 SO2

The main objectives of Sulphitation are;

Ø Sulphitation is the practice of adding sulphur dioxide (SO2) to process streams

in a sugar factory. This is done for one of three reasons :

1. pH control - the SO2 in aqueous solution forms sulphurous acid

H2SO3(aq) which reduces the pH of the process stream. An example of

this would control of diffusion water pH in a beet factory, where keeping

the pH below 5.5 reduces the extraction of pectin from the beet cell

walls which helps pulp pressing.

2. Biocide - used in sufficient quantities the SO2 inhibits the life cycle of

bacteria, reducing the quantity of sugar lost by bacterial degradation to

lactic acid. This is similar to the use of sodium metabisulphite for

sterilising home brewing equipment. The efficiency of SO2 as a biocide is

sometimes challenged in the literature.

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3. Colour blocking - SO2 reacts with the carboxyl groups of invert sugars

(glucose and fructose) to inhibit their participation in the colour forming

Maillard reaction with amino compounds. By adding SO2 to juice before

evaporation the increase in colour through the evaporators is kept to a

minimum, protecting the juice from excessive colour formation at high

temperature in the evaporators.

Ø Decreasing the viscosity of the juice and consequently of the syrup, to reduce

viscosity and remove the colouring matters present in the juice. This ultimately

facilitates better evaporation and crystal development.

Average consumption of Sulphur can be estimated in between 0.05% to 0.06% on

cane. The sulphited juice is heated to approximately 101 to 1030C to accelerate and

facilitate the coagulation and flocculation of colloids and non –sugar proteins, emulsify

fats and waxes, or in other words accelerate the chemical process, increasing

decanting efficiency and also enabling removal of gas from the juice. The juice

purification by removing the flocculated impurities from the previous treatments. This

process is carried out continuously in equipment called a claifier. The clarified juice is

removed from the upper part of Clarifiers and sent to the evaporation section for

concentration. The mud will be withdrawn from the bottom of the Clarifiers and sent

to rotary vacuum filter. In rotary vacuum filters, juice and filter cake will be separated

by vacuum. The cake that is discharged are applied to fields as fertilizer and in some

countries cane wax is extracted from this cake.

III. Evaporation

The clarified juice obtained in the clarifiers constitutes 75% water. The first stage of

concentration is carried out in equipment called the evaporator, which operates

continuously. The evaporator consists of five bodies, connected in series so that the

juice undergoes progressive concentration from the first effect to the last effect to

evaporate 75% of water which is present in the juice for that we require steam. Hence

exhaust steam from turbines at a pressure of 1.4 kg/cm2 at 1250C will be fed to the

effect of evaporator. Subsequently due to the evaporation of the water in the first

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effect will yield the same amount of vapour, which will be fed to the succeeding

bodies. Due to the difference in the pressure and the vacuum in the bodies the

evaporation of juice will takes place in all the evaporators. Initially clarified juice will

have a brix of 14-160C, reaching 55-650C Brix from the outlet of the V body. This

syrup is passed through a tower consists of absorption of the SO2 (Sulphurdioxide) by

the syrup, lowering its original pH from 6.4 -6.8 to 4.6 -5.2. The water vapour

generated from 1st evaporator will be used in subsequent bodies and the generated

condensate will be utilised for cane juice extraction at Diffuser/Dewatering Mill, muddy

juice filtration at vacuum filters, milk of lime preparation, pan washing and centrifuge.

The excess condensate will be cooled and used for plant utilities and on land


IV. Crystalisation

Crystallisation takes place in single effect vacuum pan. The syrup obtained from the

evaporator will be boiled until saturated with sugar. At this point “seed grain” is added

to serve as nuclei for the sugar crystals and more syrup is added as the water

evaporates. Continuing the above process the pans are filled up till the desire size

crystals are built up and dropped in mixers called crystallisers. The sugar and syrup

forms a dense mass known as Massecuite.

V. Separation of sugar and liquid by centrifugal force

From the crystallizers, the massecuite will be cured in the centrifugal machines. In

centrifugals the sugar and molasses will be separated. In centrifugals there are two

types of machines

I. Continuous centrifugal Machines

II. Batch Type centrifugal machine

The continuous centrifugal machines will be used for low grade massecuites like B and

C Massecuites. The separated molasses will be taken back to the process for

extracting the dissolved sugar which is present in molasses. The separated sugar

having low purity is made as a magma minglers and it will be melted in the sugar

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melter and will be taken back to the A massecuite boiling. High grade massecuite i.e.,

A- Massecuite will be cured in the batchtype centrifugals. The sugar discharged from

the batch centrifugal has a high moisture level with temperature of around 60 to 65

degree centigrade.

VI. Re-boiling of Liquid

The aim of sugar boiling is to recover more sugar and send less purity of molasses

(Final Molasses) as by product. ‘A’ Massecuite from Syrup and second grade used as

‘seed’ nuclei and high purity washings from high grade sugar (AL Molasses) high grade

or ‘A’ Massecuite is boiled. From this ‘A’ Massecuite we get white sugar, ‘A’ Heavy

Molasses and AL molasses. This AL light molasses will be sent back for ‘A’ Massecuite

boiling. The AH molasses is being sent for ‘B’ Massecuite

“B” Massecuite

The AH Molasses is taken in to batch pan and boil till the super saturation stage. At

this point ‘seed slurry’ is added to serve as nuclei for the sugar crystals. Continuing the

boiling by feeding AH till the crystals size reaches to 160 to 180 µm. The grain will be

transferred to vacuum crystallisers, futher boiling takes place in continuous vacuum

pans. The continuous pan outlet massecuite size will be 250 to 300 microns. The ‘B’

grade Massecuite separation we will get B seed and B heavy molasses. The part of B

seed will be sent for A graining and balance for melting. B heavy molasses sent for „C‟


“C” Massecuite or Low Grade Massecuite

As this is the important massecuite from which mother liquor goes out as Final

Molasses must be of low purity. Hence, more number of small crystals must be

present to have larger area to deposit or de-sugar the mother liquor. Here the crystals

are smallest to achieve our aim.

Graining is done using ‘C’ light and AH molasses in batch pan and boiled till the super

saturation stage. At this point seed slurry of 3 to 4 microns is added to serve as nuclei

for the sugar crystals. Continuing the boiling by feeding C light and BH molasses till the

crystals size reaches to 70 to 90 microns. The grain will be transferred to C vacuum

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crystalliser. Further boiling takes place in continuous pans by feeding BH molasses.

The crystals size of pan outlet is 150 to 180 microns. The massecuite dropped to Mono

Vertical crystalliser for cooling. During cooling of the massecuite the temperature

brings down to 42 to 43 degree centigrade to achieve maximum sugar recovery. The

cooled massecuite fed to continuous centrifugals for separation. The separated mother

liquor termed Final Molasses will sent to distillery industry. The sugar separated from

first curing is mixed with water and sent for second curing. During second curing we

will get C seed and C light molasses. C seed will be sent for ‘A’ Boiling and C light

molasses sent for C boiling.

VII. Drying

The separated sugar from ‘A’ centrifugals cooling and drying of the sugar is carried out

in a multi tray hopper, in the hopper the cold and hot air will be pass in co-current

direction to bring down the moisture and temperature of the marketable sugar. From

the drier, the sugar passes through grader where the separation of sugar of various

grades depending on the size and colour like: L-30, M-30, S-30 and SS-31 will takes

place. The graded sugar will be collected in bins. The sugar from the bins will be

weighed in automatic weighing scale, stitched and will be sent to the sugar godown.

Sugar is stored in 50 kg PP bags and 50kgs “A” twill gunny bags in sugar godown.

B) Co generation Manufacturing Process:

Sugar cane is crushed, prepared cane Diffusion takes place in Diffuser & Dewatering from mill then Bagasse is produced, which is utilized as a fuel in the boilers. In boiler super saturated stem is produced, this steam is used for moving the power turbine to generate power and generated power is given to the grid. The flow diagram of sugar and co-gen power plant are given in Figure-2.3.

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Figure 2.3 Flow Diagram of Sugar & Co-Gen. power Plant Process

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C) Ethanol Process Description:

Figure 2.4 Ethanol Process Flow Diagram


In Fermentation process, fermentable sugars in molasses are converted into ethanol.

This reaction is carried out by the yeast. This is basically metabolic activity of yeast

which converts sugar into ethanol. During the reaction Carbon-di-oxide is also

generated which is vented into atmosphere after scrubbing with water to prevent

alcohol loss.

Being a exothermic reaction, heat is generated during the production of alcohol. To

maintain the Fermenter temperature constant, this heat is removed by means of

external cooling system arrangement. This system consists of Plate Heat Exchanger

(PHE) through which fermented wash is continuously recirculated by Recirculation

Pumps and heat is removed by cooling water passing through the PHE.

Air Spargers are provided in the fermenters to provide air (Oxygen) supply to the

growing yeast cells. Provision of air supply to fermenters is always better to keep

yeast cells active all the time. The air supply is regulated through flowmeters provided

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to each fermenters. It also ensures suspension of the mass. Agiataors are also

provided to keep entire mass in suspension and proper mixing to have uniform

temperature throughtout the fermenter.

Fermentation System is designed to operate on both the modes

1) Continuous Fermentation

2) Batch fermentation

Depending upon the feed quality mode of operation can be selected. Yeast culturing &

prefermentation system provides active cell mass to fermenters for each batch of

fermenter or when required for continuous fermentation.

Wash Clarification System provided is exhaustive, comprising of Wash Settling Tank,

Sludge Settling Tank & Decanter removes sludge effectively from fermented wash.

Clear Fermented wash is stored in Beer well and continuously fed to distillation.


Wash to Rectified Spirit: Multi pressure vacuum Distillation:

The system comprises of 4 columns operating under different pressures and is

designed to produce Rectified Spirit either in liquid or vapor form .

Following columns are considered.

1. Analyzer Column – under vacuum

2. Degasifying Column – under vacuum

3. Aldehyde Column- under vacuum

4. Rectification cum Exhaust Column- under pressure

Fermented Wash from Beer Well is first passed through Beer Heater, then to

Degasifying Column top through wash Preheater where is it is heated by spent wash

from Analyser Column bottom.

Degasser Column:

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In Degasser column, non condensables like CO2 and low boiling impurities are

separated and fed to Aldehyde column in the form of vapors.

Analyser Column:

From fermented wash coming down from Degasser column alcohol is stripped off and

vapors from the Analyser top are condensed in the condensers. This condensate is fed

to Rectifier Column. Spent wash is taken out from the column bottom.

Heat is supplied to the column by rectifiers vapors through reboiler.

Aldehyde Column:

In aldehyde column, the noncondensables & low boiling impurities are concentrated

and taken out as Impure Cut from the top.

Remaining alcohol water mixture from the bottom is fed to Rectifier Column.

Rectifier cum Exhaust Column:

Liquid streams from two columns i.e. Analyzer condensate & Aldehyde bottoms are

fed to the Rectifier Column. In Rectifier column alcohol is concentrated at the top.

Heavy & Light Fusel oils are taken out from the tapping provided to this column. Spent

Lees is taken out from the bottom of the column.

Rectified Spirit is taken out from the tray which is few trays below the top tray.

Here additional provision is kept for taking out direct vapors to MSDH section for

production of ethanol.

Other Equipments:

Other equipments like Condensers, Coolers, Pumps, PHE, Vapor-Liquid Separator etc

are provided as per process requirement.

III) MOLECULAR SIEVE DEHYDRATION SYSTEM: This is basically adsorption operation where water from Rectified Spirit is removed by

molecular sieves (size – 3A). This section can be operated in two modes

1) As Stand-alone – Ethanol production from RS in liquid form

2) Integrated – Ethanol production from RS vapors from Rectifier Column in

distillation section.

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In first mode RS is fed to Evaporation column where it is vaporized. Either these

vapors or vapors from Rectifier Column are first superheated in Superheater and fed

to Molecular Sieve beds filled with molecular sieve and support balls.

Molecular Sieve Beds (2 Nos) System

This beds operates on Pressure Swing Adsorption operation. Out of two, one bed

operates as Active (Adsorption) bed where water from RS is adsorbed by the

molecular sieve and dry ethanol is produced. At the same time another bed is in

regeneration (Disorption) mode where adsorbed water is removed from the bed.

These beds operates in cycles which are entirely controlled by the control system

provided. The liquid removed from beds contains alcohol in low concentration which is

recycled back to column.

The heat of ethanol vapor produced is used to preheat the regeneration liquid (low

strength alcohol) and the RS feed. Then the ethanol is cooled and sent to storage.

IV) Standalone Evaporator for Spentwash Concentration

In standalone evaporator treated spentwash taken & it get concentrated by

evaporation on power turbine’s exhaust steam, at that time condensate water from

exhaust steam will be reuse to Boiler, Spent wash brix at inlet of evaporator is round

about 16 to 17 Bx. & after evaporator spent wash get concentrated up 58 to 60 Bx.

V) Concentrated Spent Wash to Inceration Boiler with Coal

In this new technology Conc. Spent wash (58 to 60Bx.) is pre heated from the day

storage tank & sprayed over the fludized bed though two nos. Of spray guns,Coal

firing system consists of coalbunker with veriable speed screw feeders to fed the coal

& due adopting this new technology ability to dispose effulent (spent wash) of

distillreries in a safe and environmentally sound way ( by meeting ZED norms).

2.3.4 Utilities

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In addition to the raw material, uti l i ties are also required. These are:

A) Power:

The Power requirement of ISMCL for 60 KLPD plant is around 1.5 MW

which ISMC proposes to meet by instal l ing one turbo of 2 MW and 1 DG

set of 200 KVA for meeting off season requirements. In addition to above

ISMC Unit -02 proposes to obtain power connection of 450 KVA from

grid of Maharashtra State Electricity Board to meet its off season and

al l ied requirements.

The power required for the plant shall be produced by the ISMCL Unit -

02 through its own 2 MW co-generation plant and same shall be used

for meeting its power need.

B) Water:

The Continuous fermentation based 60 KLPD Ethanol Plant with multi-

product integrated project requires water maximum to 15 Lac l iters /day.

Company would be drawing water from Sina River which was connected

by underground tunnel from Ujani dam back water. Suffic ient water

storage facil i ty wil l be created for uninterrupted water supply. ISMCL

Unit -02 will apply for a requisite permission from State Govt. for l ifting

of water. ISMCL Unit -02 proposes to use water of existing well and bore

well for construction.

To achieve better efficiency and to maintain the plant and machinery in

good condition, it is necessary to have proper water treatment system.

Raw water will be treated in water treatment unit before using it for the

process. Cooling tower make-up water will be used after treatment in a

water-softening unit. By having proper water supply system as clear

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water pump etc. the Ethanol Plant can have good water supply


C) Steam:

The steam requirement of the proposed Ethanol Plant depending on the

basis of final product to be produced will be about 8 MT per hour (for

Multi-pressure option). An independent new Incereration boiler of 22 MT

/hr. (45kg/cm2(g)) will be installed for disti l lery operations. This new

boiler wil l supply high-pressure steam to new proposed 2 MW turbo-


Exhaust steam of the turbo alternator at the pressure of 3.5 kg/cm2(g)

wil l be made available to the disti l lery unit & Spent wash evaporators. If

required, necessary arrangements for reducing the pressure and de-

superheating of steam shall be made in the disti l lery unit.

D) Manpower:

As estimated by ISMC Unit -02 the manpower requirement of the sugar

mill is estimated at 300 workers, out of which 150 workers are

permanent and 150 workers are seasonal workers. As ISMC Unit -02 is in

a traditional cane growing area and surrounded by sugar mil ls, no

difficulty is envisaged in meeting the manpower requirement of ski l led,

semi ski l led and unski l led workers.

E) Fuel:

For this Industry Project Electricity shall be used as source of power,

which is very clean at using, without any fear of ash or sulphur. This

electric ity is produced by Turbine of 18+07 MW.The turbines are

based on steam produced by boiler. and boiler uses bagasse as fuel.

The boiler is of 140 TPH. Bagasse contains 1.7% brix, 13% cellulose

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and l ignin and moisture. We have generally about 30% bagasse on

cane. This has a good fuel value of 2200 Kcal. This is almost fully

consumed by our boiler The boiler is f itted with dampers , ID fan

,CO2meter,ESP and light ash is released at height through tall stack

as per rules.

F) Power Generation:

As mentioned above, steam produced in the high-pressure boiler will be

used to run new turbine of 2 MW capacities. This turbine wil l provide

power for Ethanol Plant, ETP as well as for disti l lery boiler during season

& off-season. The exhaust steam of turbine shall have a pressure of

about 3.5 kg/cm2 (g), which will be used for disti l lery purpose.

Thus, the cost of electricity i.e. maintenance cost, from the turbo-

alternator to the Ethanol Plant and ETP wil l be at the rate of 0.25 /unit.

Power for idle days around 2 KWH per day will have to be purchased

from state electric ity board at the rate of Rs.4.50/unit.

The working & engineering staff of the sugar factory are also close to

the disti l lery site & their services could be readi ly made available in case

of necessity. The nearness of the Ethanol Plant to sugar factory is also

of advantage from the point of security.

G) Effluent Disposal:

ISMCL-2 proposes to install 2nos. of ETP, one for sugar & cogen unit

with capacity of 500 M3/day and another for Disti l lery unit with capacity

of 650 M3/day. Thus the whole effluent treatment shall be to the

satisfaction of Maharashtra Pollution Control Board. The requisite NOC

wil l be obtained by ISMC Unit -02. Similarly ISMC Unit -02 proposes to

util ize treated water for field irr igation purposes.

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H) Project Cost: The project is estimated to cost Rs.23489.60lacks (234.89 Crs); this is proposed to be f inanced with a debt equity ratio of about 65: 35. The cost is subdivided as per following table:

Table no. 2.4 Project cost details

Particulars Amount in Lakhs

Land & Site Development : 1074 Building & Civil Work : 2255 Plant & Machineries : 15159 Miscellaneous Fixed Assets : 482 Provision for contingencies : 820 Preliminary & Pre-operative & other expenses : 3626 Margin money for working capital : 73

Total : 23489

I) Land Requirement:

116 Acres of land is available for setting up of Integrated Sugar Mill Complex. All the

land is acquired by the company in its own name. There are no existing structures at

the site. The area requirement, the preliminary plant layout is prepared to be in-

housed in the existing 116 acres of land available at the acquired factory site. Land

Distribution details are as under;

Table no. 2.5 Land Distribution

The detail of layout plan & Photographs of the site location is attached as Annexure -


J) Building materials:

Area Allocation Area

Total Plot Area 449203.2 sq.mtr.

Built up Area 40000 Sq. Mtr.

Green belt (Gardens, Agriculture etc.) 50 Acres

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The majority of construction work is in fabrication from Mild steel

structural. The orientation is so kept as to balance nearly the cutting

and f il l ing. The small requirements are avai lable systematically. The

construction –erection time will be small and will be done in day time.

Labour camp is not necessary.

2.4 Cascading Pollution

There will not be any significant pol lution during the construction phase.

Adequate provisions wil l be made available during operational phase.

2.4.1 Air

Air qual ity around the project site will not be impacted during

construction phase.

Further to minimize any impact following measures shall be taken:

Ø The raw material handling wil l be located as per the predominant

wind direction, in such a way that the fugitive dust generated from

the site will be primarily contained within the construction site


Ø The raw material handling yard will be suitably enclosed so as to

generate minimum air born dust.

Ø All the loose material ei ther stacked or transport wil l be provided

with suitable covering such as tarpaulin, etc.

Ø Water sprinkling will be done at the locations where dust

generation is anticipated.

Ø To minimize the occupational health hazard, proper personal

protective gears i.e. mask will be provided to the workers who are

engaged in dust generation activity.

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Emission Control Equipments (ECE)

The air pollution caused by this industry is mainly from dust as

suspended particulate matter (SPM) from Cogeneration power plant –

boilers and fuel of diesel generating set (DG set).

ISMCL-2 knows from which unit operation or process, air pollutants are

expected. For the purpose of arresting and capturing the pollutants,

measures are proposed and designed.

Sources of Air Pollutants

1. Boiler

The industry proposes to continue the efforts of air pollution control and

remain inside the limits.

Table no. 2.6 Emission details

Stack Attached to Sugar Plant Boiler

Incineration Boiler

2 D.G. Set

Capacity 140 22 TPH 1000 KVA & 500 KVA

Fuel type Bagasse Con.Spent wash & coal


Fuel quantity (Kg/hr) 63T/hr Spent wash-7.8 T/hr & coal-2.5


250 Lit/hr

Material of Construction MS MS MS Shape

(Round/rectangular) Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular

Height in m 85 60 12 Diameter at bottom and

top mm 4500 mm 4000 -

Gas /Fan capacity cfm 35 25 - Emittiting gas temperature

<1600C 1800 C -

Exit gas velocity m/sec 12-15 - - Control equipment preceding the stack


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The material of construction is RCC and shape is round. Adequate facil ity

for collection of samples in the forms of ladder, platform, and port-hole

etc. shall be provided.

2. Burning of fuel in standby DG set


A number of mitigation measures will be taken to control fugitive

emissions, the presence of which wil l be noticeable by plain vision if not

controlled. The measures are thus taken seriously and continuously such


Ø Rubber wheel carts / trucks to bring in raw materials will not be

fi l led high, side’s cladded, slow speed travel, avoiding vibrations


Ø Engineering the plant layout wil l be in such a way so as to virtually

el iminate need of using heavy equipment for material handling.

Ø Tree plantation on surrounding available area.

Ø The industry proposes to continue the efforts of air pollution

control and remain inside the limits.

2.4.2 Water and Waste water

# Source Pollutant In-plant


Control Equipment

1 Standby DG


SO2 Feed low

sulphur diesel


2 Process HCl Close container Fume hood vents

shall be provided

with scrubber


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Proposed integrated sugar industry will be established in the vi l lage-Turk

Pimpri, Taluka-Barshi, District -Solapur and near River Bhima basin. The

source of water is from Sina river. The arrangements for l ifting,

pumping, conveying, erecting and operating the water works, storage,

disinfection and distribution will be in the scope of ISMCL-2. This has

been done by providing al l units including fi ltration followed by

disinfection; with laboratory backup .The source is adequate for all the

year round. The details of required water are given in table no. 2.7 and


Table 2.7 Water Consumption For 5000 TCD & 25 MW Co-generation

power plant (M3/day) CANE CRUSHING SEASON

Sr. No.

Unit Requirement

Evaporation/ Re Use

Waste Water


Sugar Manufacturing Process

i) Daily cleaning & washing

ii) Laboratory iii) Cooling water

for Cryst/S.B./ Air-comp./ Vacum pump etc..

50 06


00.0 00.0


50 06



Cogeneration Plant :-

i) Cooling water in power plant & sugar plant

ii) Cooling water for mill bearing..

iii) Boiler make up












Consumpti45 10.0 35

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Total water



3777.00 3289 488

Water available from cane juice

(-) 3450

Net fresh cold water requirement (m3 /Day)


Table 2.8 Water Balance for 60 KLPD Molasses Based Distillery


Water Input

Quantity MT/day S.N0

Water Output

Quantity MT/day






Evap. loss


makeup water

50 - - 1 Boiler Blow down

25 -

2 Steam loss at vents & traps


- 25

2 Domestic Water

15 3 Domestic effluent

15 - -


present in Molasses 240 x 0.2

- - 48 1 Water vapor loss from fermentor & equipments

- - 61

2 Fresh water for dilution of molasses

160 - - 2 Water in spent wash : 480 x 1.041 x 0.88

440 - -

3 Condensate from Spent wash MEE

- 194 - 3 Lees water from plant

- 80 -

4 Spent lees water for RS plant

- 80 - 4 Lees water from ENA plant

- 160 -

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for dilution of molasses

5 Fresh water used for dilution of ENA

160 - - 6 Drift losses from cooling tower

- - 160

6 Spent lees water of ENA plant for dilution of RS

- 160 - 7 Cooling tower purge

80 - -

7 Fresh Water for cooling tower makeup


TOTAL 595 373 48 TOTAL 560 240 246

Mitigation measures

There will not be any significant pol lution during the construction phase.

Adequate provisions will be made available to collect the runoff from the

site, so that runoff will not be allowed to stand or enter into the

roadside or nearby drain. The raw water used for the ISMCL-2 plant will

be supplied by Irrigation department. The water will be treated ful ly to

standard characteristics. The samples wil l be tested & confirmed


The waste water generated in the collective activi ty thus wil l be the

Domestic, sludge and sewage. The treatment through well-designed

septic tank is adequate for the purpose.

Total effluent generated during the operation wil l be about 1150M3/day.

As per the CREP norms, a 2 nos. of Effluent Treatment Plants with

capacity of 500M3/day & 650M3/day has been provided which is

continuously in operation and the results obtained will be within the

permissible limits as prescribed by MPCB. The various treatment methods

of the Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) are given below in the flow sheet.

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Figure 2.5 Flow sheet of ETP to Sugar

for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (Unit-2) A/p -Turk Pimpari, Tq-Barshi, Dist-Solapur

Figure 2.5 Flow sheet of ETP to Sugar

for integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogeneration Power Project of M/s. Indian Solapur

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Figure 2.6 Flow sheet of ETP to Distillery

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 51

The disposal wil l be for greenery and there wil l be no discharge of

eff luent outside.

2.4.3 Solid Waste

Minimum amount of solid waste will be generated as there will be

construction work. Following mitigation practice is the policy for future:

Ø Minimization at all levels need be attempted for discarded products,

empty containers, packing surpluses, incoming raw material

unloading spil lages and fugitives.

Ø The solid in process generate only as Ash from cogeneration plant,

ETP sludge and domestic waste.

Ø Other wil l be empty drums which can be used for ref i l l or may be

disposed to original vendors

The solid waste generat ion from Sugar and dist i l lery units are tabulated in table

2.9 & Table 2.10

Table 2.9 Solid Waste Generation from Sugar Plant with disposal

Source Quantity Treatment & Disposal


Mill House Bagasse – 1500


Use in Boi ler of Cogen plant

Process House Press Mud – 125


Disposed to Disti l lery units for

compost ing

Boi ler House –

Cogen Plant

Ash – 30 T/day The ash being rich in nutr ient

composit ion, the same wi l l be

disposed as fert i l izer for soil

condit ioning.


treatment Plant

Sludge – 4 T/day Disposed as Manure.

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 52

Table 2.10 Solid waste Generation from Distillery Unit



Particular Proposed Technology for Disposal

1 Fermented Sugar Cake

1 MT/day -Used for catt le feed

2 Ash from the Boiler -

8 T/day of ash generated Bagasse

disposal mix with press mud for used as

soil condit ioner/manure & 28 Ton/day of

ash generated from incineration boiler-

Disposal: to br ick ki lns

2.4.4 NOISE

Mitigation measures:

During the construction stage, expected noise levels shall be in the range

of 75-80 dB. All the construction activities shal l be carried out during the

daytime. To prevent any occupational hazard, ear muff / ear plug will be

given to the workers working around or operating plant and machinery

emitting high noise levels. Use of such plant or machinery will not be

allowed during night hour. Careful planning of machinery operation and

scheduling of operations shall be done to minimize such impact.

No signif icant amount of noise will be generated during the operation


2.5 Mitigation Measures (Brief)

Every human activity creates some side-effects. This can make significant

adverse impact if left unattended. It is proposed to reduce the impact by

prevention, abatement and control and mitigation mechanism. These are

described in details later in Chapter Four. Brief resume can be indicated

as fol lows.

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Table no. 2.11 Mitigation measures

# Facets of


Mitigation & Impact Thereafter

1. Air The emissions from Boiler only. DG Set as stand by. Stack

attached to ventury scrubber boiler and incinerator boiler

with 85 meter & 60 mtr height respectively provided as

per the pollution control board guideline. The CO2 from

fermentation will be converted to liquid CO2. The effluent

treatment will be fully aerobic.

2. Fugitive Internal roads paved, leveled, no undulations, no sharp

curves, slow speed. Press-mud, compost yard and

compost not involved. Tree plantation on surrounding

available area.

3. Water and

Waste Water

The waste water generated will be treated through

methane bio-digester and evaporators. Spent wash will be

converted to Fuel and moderate will be treated aerobically

with disposal on seed/ demonstration plot or recycled.

4. Solid Waste Collection 100% every day. Segregated and treated/

disposed per SPCB norms.

5. Odour Limited source of odour. Controlled by keeping closed

regime during initial treatment. Use of heat exchanger for

cooling. Small capacity ETP for moderate and sober BOD

effluent will be aerobic and away with a barrier. No cess

pools in disposal area. Bio-digester is fully covered.

6. Noise Smooth roads, sturdy foundation and No Vibrations.

Acoustic enclosures to all DG Set as per manufacturers’

design. Use as standby only. Trees are planted around.

Side cladding. Large No. of tree barriers. Factory placed

away from boundary.

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2.6 Proposed schedule for approval and implementation

The Project proponents are law abiding people and will commence the implementation

only after approval of all permits, consents from various departments, under laws of the

land. They have already commenced the work in this direction and Project Proponent

have already obtained various permits/NOCs such as

· Industrial Entrepreneurial Memorandum from Govt. of India, Ministry of Industry,

New Delhi. Letter of Intent.

· Sale Deed of Land.

· Building Plan from Village Panchayat.

· Certificate of Incorporation of Company.

· Memorandum and Bye Laws approval.

· NOC from Grampanchayat.

· Power sanction from MSEB

It is anticipated that all other required permissions will be in hand within three months

and thereafter the implementation and operation will be commenced. This unit does not

involve very heavy and time consuming construction and manufacturing process is also

less complicated.

* * * * *

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3.1 Introduction:

Information is first assembled for the Region-District and then narrowed down to 10 km

radius with the Project as Centre. In both the areas, both the components of

Environment (i.e. Natural and Man-made) are covered. The baseline environmental

quality has been assessed as per the TOR and all the studies have been conducted from

month of September 2013 to November 2013. The standard methodology is adopted

and discussed in this chapter.

Table No.3.1: Summary of Sampling

All the samples were collected by Standard Practices and analyzed as per Indian

Standard Specifications or by APHA (USA).

3.2.1 Materials:

The work involves three activities viz. (1) collection of dry data and statistics by

literature survey, interviewing resource institutes and general public, (2) wet studies by

sampling and laboratory analysis of ambient air, surface water, ground water, noise,

soil, etc. and (3) logically analyzing the findings of dry and wet studies for

interpretation, extrapolation and inference.

A number of officers/offices were contacted in the course of this study. Samples were

collected in the month of September 2013 to November 2013; as follows, vide Table


No. Media Stations Parameters Frequency

1 Surface Water 3 26 1

2 Ground Water 3 21 1

3 Ambient Air 8 5 Twice a week

4 Ambient Noise 8 2 1

5 Soil Study 5 12 1

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1. 3.2.2 Approach

For a streamline work, a standard six-step model of working is adopted for this Project

study. The six generic steps associated with environment impacts are:

(1) Identification of pollutant emissions and impact concerns related to the construction

and operation of the development project,

(2) Description of the environmental setting in terms of existing environmental quality,

emission inventory, and natural data in the project study area,

(3) Procurement of relevant laws, regulations or criteria related to environmental quality

and/or pollution emission effluent standards,

(4) Conduction of impact prediction activities, including the use of simple dilution

calculations, qualitative predictions based on case study and professional judgments.

(5) Use of pertinent information from step 3, along with professional judgment and

public input to assess the significance of anticipated beneficial/ detrimental impacts, and

(6) Identification, development and incorporation of appropriate mitigation measures for

the adverse impacts.

3.3 The Region

The base line data has been collected within the 10 km radius surrounding the project

site of Indian Sugar Mfg. Co. Limited, Turk Pimpri. The Google image of the

study area showing 5 Km & 10 km radius area is given below as Figure 3.1.

Solapur District is a district in Maharashtra state of India. The city of Solapur is the

district headquarters. It is located on the south east edge of the state and lies entirely in

the Bhima and Seena basins. The entire district is drained by the Bhima River. The

district is bounded on the north by Ahmednagar and Osmanabad distritcs, on the east by

Osmanabad and Gulbarga (Karnataka State) districts, on the south by Sangli and Bijapur

(Karnataka State) and on the west by Satara and Pune districts.

Figure 3.1 Google Image showing project site and 10km circle considering

project site at centre

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3.3.1 Geographical Location and area

Geographically Solapur is located between 17.10 to 18.32 degrees north latitude and

74.42 to 76.15 degrees east longitude. The district is situated on the south east fringe of

Maharashtra State and lies entirely in the Bhima and Seena basins. Whole of the district is

drain either by Bhima river or its tributories.

There is no important hill system in the district. Only in the north of Barshi Taluka several

spurs of Balaghat range pass south for a few kilometres. There are also a few scattered

hills in Karmala, Madha and Malshiras Talukas. The district in general has flat or

undulating terrain. The low table land and small separate hills in Karmala and Madha

Talukas act as a Watershed between Bhima and Sina rivers The district covers

geographical area of 14844.6 sq.kms. which is 4.82% of the total area of Maharashtra

State. Out of the total area of the district 338.8 sq.kms (2.28%) is urban area whereas

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 58

remaining 14505.8 sq.kms. (97.72%) is rural area.

3.3.2 Physical Setting

The district as a whole is monotonously covered by Deccan Trap basaltic lava flows,

which, in turn, are covered by a thin mantle of soil almost everywhere. These flows, on

account of differential weathering, give rise to undulating relief. There are no prominent

hill ranges in the district and the region is characterised by typical Deccan trap

geomorphology. The fine grained dark grey basaltic flows constitute the high country

while the weathered vesicular and zeolitic basalts generally constitute the valleys in the

area. The basalt of the district is just a part of the vast expanse of the Deccan lava flows

which occupy around 5,18,000 square kilometres of the western and central parts of the

country. The traps in the district probably represent middle traps in the three-fold

classification of traps (the lower and upper being the other two classes) and attain a

thickness of more than 1,200 metres.

The tri-junction between Satara, Pune and Ahmadnagar districts in the north-west of the

district lies just north of village Kurbavi in the Malshiras taluka. From here, boundary runs

east, keeping the Pune district to its north and the Malshiras taluka of Sholapur district to

its south along the river Nira downstream, till its confluence with the main river Bhima,

near the village Sangam in the same taluka. From here, the boundary runs north

upstream of the Bhima river keeping Indapur taluka of Pune district to its west and the

Madha and Karmala talukas to its east for a distance of 80 kilometres till reaching an

island in the river just north-west of the village Jinti in Karmala taluka. Thereafter, the

boundary turns east and runs roughly in a direction cast-north-east, keeping Ahmadnagar

district to its north along the boundaries of Karmala taluka.

3.3.3 Water Phase of Environment: Rivers

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The district is situated on the south east fringe of Maharashtra State and lies entirely in

the Bhima and Sina basins. Whole of the district is drain either by Bhima river or its

tributories. Irrigation in Solapur District

Sholapur has seven water works, of which three- the Koregaon, Ashti and Ekruk lakes

supply tillage water, and four at Sholapur, Barsi, Karmala and Pandharpur supply drinking

water. Of the three tillage water works the Koregaon lake is an old work improved and

the Ashti and Ekruk lakes are new works.

Bhima river traverses about 180 miles in Sholapur district and has a minimum discharge of

fifty cusecs. Besides the Bhima, the Sina and the Bori are suitable for lift irrigation, A

major lift irrigation scheme is located at Tandulwadi in South Sholapur taluka. It irrigates

about 4,000 acres. Generally in such schemes, area irrigated varies between 125 acres

and 1,500 acres. These schemes are found more in South Sholapur, North Sholapur and

Akkalkot talukas. More schemes have been proposed throughout the district and some of

the co-operative sugar factories have undertaken to finance some lift irrigation schemes.


Micro-meteorological data within the study area during the air quality survey period is

an indispensable part of air pollution studies. The meteorological data recorded during

the monitoring period is very useful for proper interpretation of the baseline information

as well as for input to the predictive models for air quality dispersion. Historical data on

meteorological parameters will also play an important role in identifying the general

status of the region. Site specifics data can be compared with the historical data in

order to identify changes which may have taken place due to the rapid industrialization

in the area.

3.4.1 Secondary Meteorological Data

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 60

The secondary data w.r.t. wind speed, wind direction, Special weather phenomena,

Temperature, Relative humidity and Rainfall collected from climatological table of IMD,

Pune for Solapur station which is 50 km away from project site and the same is

presented in the below given tables.

The micro-meteorological parameters regulate the transport and diffusion of pollutants

released into the atmosphere. The principle variables which affect the micro-

meteorology are horizontal connective transport (average wind speed and direction

vertical connective transport (atmospheric stability and inversion conditions) and

topography of the area

The climate of the study area and the surrounding area is generally dry except in the

South-West monsoon season. The year may broadly be divided into four seasons.

Ø Winter season : December to February

Ø Pre-monsoon season : March to May

Ø Monsoon season : June to September

Ø Post monsoon season : October and November

The cold weather commences by about the end of November when temperature,

especially night temperature, begin to fall rapidly. December is the coldest month with

the mean daily maximum at about 28.90C and mean daily minimum at about 14 to

15.90C. The period from March to May is one with continuous increase in both day and

night temperatures. April or May is the hottest month of the year with mean daily

maximum temperature at about 40.40C and mean daily minimum at about 25.5oC. on

individual days the temperature sometimes goes upto 440C. With an advancement of

the southwest monsoon into the district by about first or second week of June,

temperatures go down appreciably and the weather remains pleasant throughout the

south-west monsoon season. During the southwest monsoon season the daily range of

temperature variation is large and is of the order of 12 to 16oC.

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The relative humidity figures are high during the south-west monsoon season. They are

between 49 -80% and with withdrawal of the south-west monsoon, humidity gradually

decreases. In the cold and summer season the air is generally dry. The summer season

is the driest part of a year when relative humidity in the afternoon is generally less than



The district gets mainly from south-west monsoon during a period June to October. The

average rainfall in the district is 584.3 mm. the annual rainfall in the district varies from

448.8 mm at Akluj near the western border to 689.2 mm at Akkalkot near the

southeastern border of the district. Some rainfall, in the form of thunder showers,

occurs during April and May in the afternoon. The rainfall during the south monsoon

months, i.e. June to September, amounts to about 74 % of the annual normal.

September is the most rainy month. About 17% of the normal annual rainfall in the

district is received in post-monsoon months of October and November. The variation in

annual rainfall from year to year is large.

Winds and Thunder Storms

Winds are generally light to moderate in force with some strengthening during May to

August. Except during the monsoon season, the air is generally dry. The skies are

generally clear or lightly clouded form November to March. Cloudiness increases

progressively from May and during the south-west monsoon season the skies are

heavily clouded to overcast.

Thunderstorms occurs in the period from March to October, the highest incidence being

in June and September. Dust storms occur occasionally in the hot season. The hills are

generally covered with clouds in monsoon season.


The methodology adopted for monitoring surface observations is as per the standard

norms laid down by Bureau of Indian standards (BIS) and the India Meteorological

Department (IMD). On-site monitoring was undertaken for various meteorological

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 62

variables in order to generate date which is then compared with the meteorological

data generated by IMD from the nearest station at Solapur.

Table 3.2 Predominant Wind Direction and Speed Categories

Season Predominance Wind direction


Wind speed

Category (Kph)

0830 1730 0830 1730

Winter 1st SE SE 1-19 1-19

Post-Monsoon 1st NE NE 1-19 1-19

Monsoon 1st SW SW 1-19 1-19

Pre-Monsoon 1st N NW 1-19 1-19

(source IMD Data, Solapur)

Sources of Information

Secondary information, on meteorological conditions, has been collected from the

nearest IMD station. Wind roses, temperatures, relative humidity, rainfall intensity have

been complied for Agriment station. Similarly data on cloud cover is compiled from

climatological tables from the nearest IMD stations.

3.4.2 Primary Meteorological Data

Site-specific primary meteorological data was collected in the project site for the month of

September 2013 to November 2013. Meteorological station was installed at Sugar Factory

site 10 meters from the ground level to monitor parameters of wind speed, wind

direction, temperature, relative humidity and rainfall. The data is recorded as the

maximum, minimum, instantaneous value. Monitoring was done as per IS: 8829: Micro-

meteorological Techniques in Air Pollution.

The details of parameters monitored, equipment used and the frequency of monitoring

are given in Table.

Table 3.3 Meteorological Parameters monitored at Site




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1. Wind Speed Counter Cup Anemometer Hourly/Continuous

2. Wind Direction Wind Vane Hourly/Continuous

3. Temperature Thermo-sensor Hourly/Continuous

4. Relative Humidity Thermo-hygro sensor Hourly/Continuous

5. Rainfall Rain gauge (automatic) Hourly/ Continuous

Wind Speed/ Wind Direction

The wind roses are prepared from site meteorological data in order to assess the wind

pattern i.e. direction, speed and frequency. The monthly wind rose is represented in

Figure 3.2 to 3.5.

The analysis of the recorded site data revealed that the prevailing wind velocity is

between 1-5 km/ hr throughout the study period. Calm days found in the range of 8.75

to14.03% of total time during September 2013 to November 2013.

Figure 3.2 Wind Rose Diagram for the period of Sept to November 2013

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Wind Pattern

September 2013 A review of the wind pattern shows that predominant winds are mostly from North East.

Wind speed observed during the whole month of September was 1.79 m/s whereas calm

winds are found to be 19.89 %.

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October 2013

Wind pattern for the month of October shows that predominant winds are from East

South East followed by South East direction. Wind speed and calm winds observed to be

1.96 m/s and 8.47 % respectively.

November 2013

Wind pattern for the month of February, shows that the predominant winds are mostly

from East-East-North followed by East direction. Wind speed and calm winds observed to

be 2.42 m/s and 0.60 % respectively.

Seasonal Wind Pattern (Post monsoon season: September to November 2013)

Predominant wind found to be from the direction of NE followed by EEN as shown in

Figure 3.2. Wind speed observed to be 2.05 m/s where as calm condition are found to be

9.95 %.


It was observed that the temperature ranged from 12.8 °C to 34.9 °C. The maximum

temperature of 34.9 °C recorded in the month of October and minimum temperature of

12.8 °C was observed to be in the month of November.

Relative Humidity

During the monitoring period of three months, the relative humidity ranges from 10.3

% to 94.4 %. The maximum humidity (94.4%) was recorded in the month of November

and minimum humidity i.e. 10.3 % was also observed in the month of October.


Though it is post-monsoon season however the rainfall was experienced during the month

of September 2013 to November 2013.

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 66


The baseline studies for air environment cover reconnaissance, identification of

specific air pollutants expected to have significant impacts and assessment of their

prevalent levels in atmosphere at representative locations (within the site and the

buffer zone).

3.5.1 Ambient Air Quality

The ambient air quality status with respect to the specific (identified) pollutants across

the study zone of 5 km radial distance from the project site during study period will

form the base line information over which the predicted impacts due to the proposed

project can be superimposed to find out the net (final) impacts (post-project scenario)

on air environment. If the final impacts due to the project activities are known at the

planning stage of the project, a viable Environmental Management Plan (EMP) can be

prepared based on impact assessment for the air environment. The ambient air

quality monitoring was carried out in accordance with guidelines and National Ambient

Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) of MoEF & CPCB.

3.5.2 Procedure for Sampling and Analysis

Sampling location is shown in Map below and the monitoring data from 8 stations at

various directions is presented in table 3.7. Reconnaissance survey was undertaken to

establish the baseline status of air environment in the study region. Keeping in view

the nature and size of the proposed site and various guidelines available, an area of

10 km radius from the proposed site, was covered for the purpose of Environmental

Impact Assessment. The study region has predominating wind direction from NE to


To establish the existing baseline air quality status of the air basin, around the plant,

Seven ambient Air Quality Monitoring (AAQM) stations were selected in different

directions of project site as per guidelines of network siting criteria. The identified

locations of AAQM are shown in Figure 3.5.

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 67

Based on the nature of industries existing and various other activities within the study

area, the conventional air pollutants such as Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM),

Respirable Particulate Matter (RPM) and gaseous pollutants such as Sulphur dioxide

(SO2), and Oxides of nitrogen (NOx), were identified as significant pollutants for

ambient air quality monitoring.

Air quality was monitored with eight samplers, for 24 hours, twice a week, for a total

of 13 weeks as per the guidelines specified by the MoEF. The volumetric flow rate of

each sampler was maintained at 1.1-1.2 L/min. Air samples are analyzed by using

standard procedures prescribed by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Indian

Standards: IS 5182. Details of techniques used for analysis of air samples are given in

Table 3.4: Techniques Used for Analysis of Air Quality


No. Parameter

Code of

Practice Sampler


Instruments for







Matter (SPM)

IS: 5182

(Part IV) HVS

Balance, Oven and







Matter (RPM)

IS: 5182

(Part IV)


Dust Sampler

with Cyclone


Balance Gravimetric


3 SO2 IS: 5182

(Part V) HVS Colorimeter Colorimetric

4 NOx IS: 5182

(Part V) HVS Colorimeter Colorimeter





IS: 5182

(Part X)

Bladder and




with Methaniser




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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 68

Fig 3.3: Air monitoring site map of 5 km radius area around Project


Table: 3.5 Ambient air Monitoring Locations




Location Name




from project

1. (Indian Sugar)

Project site – A8 Onsite Onsite

2. Kadamvasti - A1 SE 2.20

3. Manegaon – A2 SE 2.90

4. Hatkarwadi – A3 SE 3.70

5. Turkpimpari – A4 NE 2.30

6. Malwandi – A5 NE 4.70

7. Jamgaon –A6 N 3.40

8. Kewad – A7 W 3.80

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 69

The ambient air quality monitoring has been done twice in week for every


The baseline data of air environment is generated for the following parameters:

· Total Suspended Particulate Matter (TSPM);

· PM10 : Respirable Particulate Matter (RPM);

· Sulphur dioxide (SO2); and

· Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)

· Carbon monoxide (CO);

· Lead (pb); and

· Hydrocarbons (HC)

The ambient Air quality monitoring data analysed and tabulated in the Table -

3.6 which is compared with National Ambient Air Quality Standards as

tabulated in Table - 3.7.

Table 3.6 Ambient air quality Scenario

Sr. No. Location

Concentration SPM

(µg/m3) PM10

(µg/m3) SO2

(µg/m3) NOX

(µg/m3) CO

(mg/m3) Pb

(µg/m3) 1. Project Site

Maximum 142 94 14 21 0.18 0.15 Minimum 75 49 7 7 0.01 0.08 Average 107 70 10 14 0.12 0.08 98th

Percentile 139 94 14 21 0.18 0.14

Standard Deviation

19 15 2 4 0.04 0.03

2. Near Kadamvasti

Maximum 151 95 20 25 0.21 0.1 Minimum 89 59 8 10 0.08 0.03 Average 118 81 14 20 0.13 0.06 98th Percentile

149 95 20 25 0.19 0.09

Standard Deviation

18 12 4 5 0.03 0.02

3. Near Manegaon

Maximum 168 94 22 29 0.19 0.10 Minimum 96 63 8 14 0.08 0.03 Average 127 84 15 23 0.13 0.08

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 70

Sr. No. Location

Concentration SPM

(µg/m3) PM10

(µg/m3) SO2

(µg/m3) NOX

(µg/m3) CO

(mg/m3) Pb

(µg/m3) 98th Percentile

165 98 22 29 0.18 0.10

Standard Deviation

21 13 4 4 0.03 0.02

4. Near Turk pimpri

Maximum 210 98 22 38.4 0.45 0.28 Minimum 164 66 15.2 25.8 0.16 0.09 Average 185 80 19 31 0.23 0.15 98th Percentile

208 93 22 38 0.40 0.25

Standard Deviation

13 8 3 3 0.07 0.05

5. Near Hatkarwadi

Maximum 146 97 21 28 0.21 0.16 Minimum 88 53 8 16 0.07 0.02 Average 115 79 14 23 0.13 0.07 98th Percentile

145 97 20 28 0.20 0.146

Standard Deviation

15 12 3 4 0.04 0.04

6. Near Jamgaon

Maximum 143 93 14 18 0.19 0.11 Minimum 98 63 6 8 0.06 0.01 Average 117 85 10 13 0.13 0.06 98th Percentile

143 100 14 18 0.18 0.10

Standard Deviation

12 9 2 3 0.04 0.04

7 Near Malwandi

Maximum 126.4 29.6 4.0 9.1 0.40 0.30 Minimum 184.2 54.6 9.0 16.6 1.20 0.11 Average 153.7 43.5 6.6 11.5 0.80 0.17 98th Percentile

15.10 7.30 1.24 2.12 0.20 0.27

Standard Deviation

181.4 54.4 8.96 16.18 1.20 0.07

8 Near Kewad

Maximum 121.3 36.4 4.0 9.0 0.52 0.11 Minimum 185.3 65.4 7.1 12.9 1.11 0.04 Average 157.4 50.5 5.1 10.1 0.73 0.08 98th Percentile

17.05 7.51 0.8 1.1 0.17 0.09

Standard Deviation

181.4 64.7 6.9 12.5 1.06 0.03

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 71

The summary of the monitoring results including minimum, maximum and

average levels along with the 98th percentile values are presented in Table

3.6. The results obtained were compared for 24 hrs. average standards for

residential areas prescribed by the National Ambient Air Quality Standards


The National Ambient Air Quality Standards are presented in Table 3.7.

Table 3.7: National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)





Concentration in

Ambient Air

Methods of




Rural and

other area




(Notified by





SO2 µg/m³

Annual * 50 20 · Improved West &


· Ultraviolet 24 hours

** 80 80


Dioxide as



Annual* 40 30 · Modified Jacob &



· Chemiluminescence

24 hours


80 80



(size less



(PM10) µ


Annual * 60 60

· Gravimetric


· Beta attenuation

24 hours

** 100 100



Annual * 40 40 · Gravimetric

· TOEM 24 hours 60 60

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 72

(size less

than 2.5



** · Beta attenuation

I hour ** 180 180

Lead (Pb)

µ g/m³

Annual* 0.50 0.50 · AAS/ICP method after

sampling on EPM

2000 or equivalent

filter paper

· ED – XRF using

Teflon filter

24 hours

** 1.0 1.0



mg /m³

8 hours ** 02 02 · Non Dispersive Infra

Red (NDIR)

· spectroscopy I hour ** 04 04


(NH3) µg/








· Chemiluminiscence

· Indophenol blue






Annual* 05 05

· Gas chromatography

based continuous


· Adsorption and

Desorption followed

by GC analysis




8 hours*

1 hour**





· UV photometric

· Chemilumini scence

· Chemical Method

The salient observations of the results and their compliance to the 24 hourly

average NAAQ standards are as follows:

1. The maximum concentration of SPM & PM10 observed was 210 µg/m3

and 98 µg/m3 respectively near Turkpimpari site. At all the monitoring

stations average concentrations of SPM & PM10 are well below the

given permissible limits.

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 73

2. The Sulphur Dioxide levels monitored at all the locations confirms to

the standards of 80 µg/m3, with highest value of 22 µg/m3 observed

near Manegaon and near Turk pimpri. This higher value may be the

result of the traffic movement at the places.

3. The Oxides of Nitrogen levels monitored at all the locations also

complies with the stipulated standards of 80 µg/m3. The highest value

recorded was 38.4 µg/m3 near Turk Pimpari.

4. The Carbon Monoxide levels also complied with the stipulated

standards of 2.0 mg/m3, The CO levels at all the locations were within

the stipulated limit.

5. The VoC’s (Benzene & 1,3 Butadiene) and NH3 concentration levels

were also within the stipulated standards.

6. The lead levels also complied with the stipulated standards of 1.0

µg/m3. The Pb levels at all the locations were within the stipulated



Noise is defined as unwanted sound, interferes with speech, communication,

sleep, causes annoyance and results in deterioration of the quality of human

environment. Perception of noise varies with a number of factors including

natural sensitivity and hearing ability, past experience, cultural factors and the

time of day at which the sound is experienced. Continuous sound is perceived

quite differently from intermittent sound at the same level. High or continuous

noise levels may cause permanent loss of hearing ranging from reduced

perception at certain frequencies to total deafness. Even at comparatively

lower levels, noise may have psychological effects including disturbance of

sleep, annoyance and irritation.

Monitoring of noise levels in the proposed site during summer season was

carried out to assess the present baseline levels. Impact of noise generated

due to propose Foundry activity was studied and also to know the impact of

vehicular traffic on human settlements. Studies pertaining to noise

environment were conducted in the following order:

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 74

Ø Reconnaissance survey

Ø Measurement of equivalent noise levels

Ø Impact of noise exposure on the communities

Noise Levels

The noise levels measured at the existing plant facility, proposed plant site

and villages located within 10 Km. radius are in Table 3.18

Table 3.8 Noise Monitoring Locations

Sr. No. Sampling Location Name Direction



from project

1. (Indian Sugar) Project site – N8 Onsite Onsite

2. Kadamvasti - N1 SE 2.20

3. Manegaon – N2 SE 2.90

4. Hatkarwadi – N3 SE 3.70

5. Turkpimpari – N4 NE 2.30

6. Malwandi – N5 NE 4.70

7. Jamgaon –N6 N 3.40

8. Kewad – N7 W 3.70

Fig 3.4: Noise monitoring site map of 5 km radius area around Project Site

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 75

Table 3.9 Noise Monitoring Scenario

Name of


Noise Levels (dBA) Ambient Noise Standard


Day Night Day Night Category

of area

(Indian Sugar)

Project site – N8 50.0 40.3 75 70 Industrial

Kadamvasti - N1

52.6 42.4 55 45 Residential

Manegaon – N2 50.7 41.8 55 45 Residential

Hatkarwadi – N3 51.9 39.8 55 45 Residential

Turkpimpari – N4 52.1 42.0 55 45 Residential

Malwandi – N5 49.5 41.7 55 45 Residential

Jamgaon –N6 53.2 39.8 55 45 Residential

Kewad – N7 48.0 43.5 55 45 Residential

From the monitoring survey of noise levels it was observed that the day time

noise levels were observed in the range of 48.0-53.2 dB(A). The night time

noise levels observed at the 8 locations were found to be in the range of 39.8-

43.5 dB(A). Noise Levels are found to be within the day and night time

standards prescribed for residential, industrial zone.


Water environment consists of water resources such as river, ponds, streams,

etc. The water quality forms the essential component of EIA that helps to

identify and evaluate critical impacts / issues with a view to suggest

appropriate mitigation measures for implementation. Water quality of ground

water has been studied in order to assess various uses of water such as

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 76

during construction, in process, drinking, horticulture, etc. with respect to the

proposed project.

Approach Reconnaissance Survey for ground and surface water bodies in the study

region shows that both ground and surface water are important sources of

drinking water found in the study region.

3.7.1 Surface Water Environment

The district is situated on the south east fringe of Maharashtra State and lies

entirely in the Bhima and Sina basins. Whole of the district is drain either by

Bhima river or its tributories. The study area includes only surface water is Sina

basin. Three sampling points of were selected for

Sampling and Analysis

Water samples were collected in the month of September 2013 to November

2013 from bore/open wells located within 10 Km. radius from the proposed

site. The water samples collected were analyzed for pH, COD, BOD,

Suspended Solids, Oil and Grease, Chlorides, Sulphates and Total Hardness.

The results are presented in Table 3.12. Methodologies adopted for analyzing

the samples for the parameters mentioned above were according to the APHA

prescribed methods.

Table 3.10 Surface water Sampling Locations:



Sampling Location


Direction from

project site

Distance from

project site

1. W1 - Sina river W 3.9Km

2. W2 - Sina river SW 3.7Km

3. W3 - Sina river SW 4.8Km

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 77

Fig. 3.5: Surface water sampling site map

Surface Water Quality Scenario

Surface water samples analyzed during the study period indicate that the

water is free from the industrial pollution. Water from these wells is used for

drinking, gardening, industrial and agricultural purposes. Concentrations of

suspended solids and dissolved solids were low. BOD, COD levels which

indicate organic pollution are also low. All the other parameters are within the

prescribed limits.

Table: 3.11 Surface Water Analysis results


No Parameter Unit


as per




river -








1 pH - - 7.5 7.5 7.6

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 78

2 Electrical


mmhos/cm NS 310.4 345.0 319.6

3 Chlorides (Cl-) Mg/l 600 74.2 83.5 70.8

4 Total Hardness mg/l NS 89.5 95.6 99.2

5 Total Alkalinity mg/l NS 112.3 128.7 137.6

6 Total Dissolved


mg/l 1500 230.8 267.4 245.6

7 Sulphate (SO4-) mg/l 400 49.5 51.2 54.8

8 Iron (Fe+) mg/l 50 0.2 0.1 0.1

9 Fluoride (F-) mg/l 1.5 0.6 0.8 0.6

10 Calcium (Ca+) mg/l NS 32.6 38.9 34.1

11 Magnesium


mg/l NS 11.8 10.7 10.2

12 Nitrates (NO3-) mg/l 50 7.8 7.5 7.2

13 Total suspended


mg/l NS 72.5 78.2 71.6

14 B O D mg/l 3 1.3 1.4 1.1

15 Dissolved


mg/l 4 (min) 4.5 4.3 4.7

16 Copper (Cu) mg/l 1.5 BDL BDL BDL

17 Manganese (Mn) mg/l NS BDL BDL BDL

18 Mercury (Hg) mg/l NS BDL BDL BDL

19 Selenium (Se) mg/l 0.05 BDL BDL BDL

20 Cyanide (CN) mg/l NS BDL BDL BDL

21 Chromium (Cr+6) mg/l NS BDL BDL BDL

22 Lead (Pb) mg/l NS BDL BDL BDL

23 Zinc (Zn) mg/l NS BDL BDL BDL

24 Aluminum (Al) mg/l NS BDL BDL BDL

25 Cadmium (Cd) mg/l NS BDL BDL BDL

26 Arsenic (As) mg/l 0.2 BDL BDL BDL

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 79

For the monitoring of surface water quality, three surface water samples have

been analyzed once during the study period. The results of analysis are given

in Table - 3.12. Which are compared with the standards for Class-C water of

IS: 2296 (Water quality fit for drinking after conventional treatment).

A perusal of the table reveals that the results of all parameters are well within

the specified limits. The pH values are in the range of 7.5 to 7.6 throughout

the study period, which shows that the surface water of the study area is

slightly alkaline in nature, which may be due to carbonates and bicarbonates.

The concentration of the total dissolved solids and total alkalinity are in the

range of 230.8 to 267.4 mg/lt and 112.3 to 137.6 mg/lt. The DO values at all

locations are found to be appreciable which indicates self-purification capacity

of the surface water body. The heavy metal concentrations at all the three

locations during the study period were found below detectable limits.

3.7.2 Ground Water Quality

Ground water is the accumulation of water below the surface of earth, caused

by the portion of rainfall that percolates through the soil pores and rock

crevices, flown by natural gravity till it reaches an impervious stratum. The

study area receives limited rains, but has considerable groundwater presence.

The quality of groundwater is examined by drawing samples from open dug

wells as well as from deep wells from the study area. Analysis was done by

Standard methods. The results are summarized below in tabular form, and

compared with limits of IS:10500

3.12 Ground water sampling Locations



Sampling Location


Direction from

Project site

Distance from

project site 1 GW1 - Kewad S 3.2Km

2 GW 2 - Manegaon SE 1.3Km

3 GW3 - Turk Pimpari NE 2.0Km

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 80

Fig 3.6 Groundwater sampling site map

Ground Water Quality Scenario:

Ground water samples analyzed during the study period indicate that the

water is free from the industrial pollution. Water from these wells is used for

drinking, gardening, industrial and agricultural purposes. All the other

parameters are within the prescribed limits.

Table No. 3.13 Ground Water Quality in Study Area

Parameters Ground Water

GW1 -


GW 2 -


GW3 - Turk



Color Colorless Colorless Colorless Colorless

Odor Unobjection Unobjection Unobjectiona Unobjectionable

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 81

The ground water analysis results are compared with the drinking water

quality standards of IS: 10500-1991. The observed values of ground water

analysis during the study period are given in Table - 3.14. The pH value

ranges within 7.5 to 7.7 which is found to be slightly towards the lower limit.

The electrical conductivity ranges 234 to 242 mmhos/cm at all sampling

able able ble

Turbidity Nil 0.4 Nil 5.0 NTU

Conductivity 242










pH 7.6 7.5 7.7 6.5 to 8.5

Total Dissolved Solids 86 97 91 500 Max

Total Suspended


Nil Nil Nil --

Total Hardness as


108 144 127 300 Max

Calcium as Ca 25.8 37.1 28.5 75.0 Max

Magnesium as Mg 15.4 10.8 12.6 30.0 Max

Chlorides as Cl 35.5 42.7 27.9 250 Max

Nitrate as NO3 2.1 3.4 4.0 45.0 Max

Sulphate as SO4-2 14.6 13.2 16.3 200 Max

Total Alkalinity 73.5 86.4 75.4 200 Max

Iron as Fe 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.3 Max

Fluoride as F- Nil Nil Nil 1.0 Max

Arsenic as As Nil Nil Nil 0.01 Max

COD Nil Nil Nil --

BOD @ 27OC for 3


Nil Nil Nil --

Total Coliforms Absent Absent Absent Absent

E-Coli Absent Absent Absent Absent

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 82

locations during the study period. Total dissolved solids (TDS) ranges between

86 to 97ppm. The fluoride concentrations are nil. These values are due to the

existing geological structure of the area and cannot be attributed to industrial


The total hardness during study period observed in the ranges 108 to 144

ppm. It was observed that the total hardness is found to be within the

desirable limits. The concentrations of heavy metals are below detectable

limits throughout the study period.

3. 3.8 Flora and Fauna

Objectives of study

Flora and Fauna around the 10 km area was recorded. The study was

undertaken with a view to understand the status of ecosystem along the

following line

Ø To assess nature and distribution of the vegetation in the area

Ø Preparation of checklist of flora and fauna.

Ø Generation of primary data to understand baseline status of floral and

faunal elements, sensitive habitats and rare species

Methods adopted for the study

To achieve the objectives, general ecological survey covering an area around

the proposed project site was carried out in the month of November.

Ø General field visit on site and closed vicinity area

Ø Reconnaissance Survey

Ø Information from local peoples and forest department

Observations and Results

Flora: The floral study was conducted in the study area during the month of

September 2013 to November 2013. The floral diversity in the area is

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 83

described in Table. During this survey total 31 plant species comprising of 12

Tree species, 3 climber species, 3 shrub species and 13 herb species were

recorded. These plants are the common habitant in the project area.

Table3.14: List of flora available in study area




Name of



name Family




1. Cocus

nucifera Naral Arecaceae


the year Cultivated



the tropics

2. Terminalia



badam Combrataceae

March –


Grown as



Malaysia to


Australia and



planted in

the tropics

3. Acacia

auriculiformis Kadambo Fabaceae


the year

Grown as


tree, also

raised in


Native of



4. Ziziphus

mauritiana Bor Rhamnaceae

February –






planted in

the plains


5. Azadiracta

indica Kadulimb Meliaceae

February –






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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 84

also widely


6. Ficus

religiosa Pimpal Moraceae

November -



planted in






planted and

naturalised in

India and


7. Tamarindus

indica Chinch Fabaceae

February –

April Cultivated

Native of




and widely

grown in

India and

other parts

of tropics

8. Mangifera

indica Amba Anacardiaceae

January -



and semi-


forests and

also widely



9. Samanea

saman Rat-shirish Fabaceae

March –


Grown as



Native of

Central and




planted in

the tropics as

avenue tree

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 85

10. Terminalia

arjuna Arjun Combrataceae


- June




India and Sri


11. Grewia

tiliaefolia Dhaman Tiliaceae

February -






Africa, India

to Indo-


12. Tectona

grandis Sag Verbanaceae

May –





also raised



South and

South East





Name of



Name Family




1. Mucana

prurita Khaj-kuili Fabaceae

October –




forests at



also in the




and Sri


2. Momordica

dioica Kantoli Cucurbitaceae

July -



and semi-



also in the



and China

3. Vigna Jungle Fabaceae August - Mostly Paleotropics

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 86

radiata moong December under




in the





Name of



Name Family




1. Lantana

camera Lantana Verbenaceae April - June




plant; now


as weed

Native of




naturalised in

the tropics



2. Calotropis

gigantea Rui Aslepiadaceae


the year Wastelands Tropical Asia

3. Hibiscus

subdariffa ambadi Malvaceae

December -





but now


Native of


Africa; widely

cultivated in

all tropics





Name of



r Name Family




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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 87


1. Achyranthe

s aspera Aghada



October -





and forest


s, also in

the plains


2. Solanum

surattense Bhuiringani Solanaceae

August -






also along







South East

Asia, Malesia,



3. Physalis



phulwa Solanaceae

July –





and waste


Tropical Asia,

Africa and


4 Ephorbia

hirta Dudhi




ut the




areas and



s, also in

the plains

Native of


America; now


5. Alternanthr

a sessilis Kacheri




ut the



sides of




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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 88




6. Triumfetta

rhomloidea Jhinjhira Tiliaceae

August -





also in the



7. Aeschyomm

ene indica Bhatsola Fabaceae

August -








ed areas

in the




native in

South East

United States






i Asteraceae


ut the




also waste

lands in

the plains

Native of


America; now



tropics and


9. Aerva







r – April



and waste

lands in

the plains


in the tropics







kena Commelinace


July -




s, also in


Africa, India,

China, Japan

and Malesia

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 89


11 Celosia

argentea kurdu




r -



Weed in


areas and




12 Mimosa

pudica Lajalu Fabaceae

July -


Weed in

the plains

Native of


America; now


13 Urena

lobata vanbhendi Malvaceae

August -





also in the



Conclusion: - There is no flora species existing at site which are in the red

list species category.

Fauna: The faunal study was conducted in the study area during the month

of September 2013 to November 2013The faunal diversity in the area is

described in Table. Inquiry was made with the villagers in the concerned

cluster regarding availability of wildlife fauna in the study area. The faunal

diversity is very meager, only common species of mammals, birds and reptiles

are available in the study area. No any wildlife Sanctuary or National Park is

present in this study area.

Table 3.15: List of fauna available in study area

1. Mammals:

Common Name Scientific Name Habitat IUCN


Indian palm squirrel Funambulus Plantation Least

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 90

palmarum Concern

2. Avian Fauna

Common Name Scientific name Habitat IUCN Status

House crow Corvus splendens Plantation, habitation Least Concern

Common myna Acridotheres tristis Plantation Least Concern

Black drongo Dicrurus


Plantation Least Concern

Lesser coucal Centropus


Scrub jungle and tall


Least Concern

Common buzzard Buteo buteo Sailing flight over tree


Least Concern

Red whiskered bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus Plantation, shrubs Least Concern

Red-vented bulbul Pycnonotus cafer Cultivation, Scrubs Least Concern

Black kite Milvis migrans Urban localities Least Concern

3. Butterfly/insects

Species Observed Scientific name Habitat

Dot dash sergent Athyma kanwa Scrub, plantation, habitation

Common Indian


Eupoloea core Among milkweed butterflies,

this is most abundantly found,

Mountains till 8000 feet,

occasionally it swarms in the

low, wet, jungles

Common grass


Eurema hecabe Scrub, plantation, habitation

4. Reptilian fauna

Species Observed Scientific name Habitat Status

Common garden


Calotes versicolor Occupies all

biotopes from dry

desert to thick

It is commonest

agamid lizard of India

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 91

forest, Indian


5. Amphibian fauna

Common name Scientific name Habitat Status

Asian Common Toad Bufo melanostictus Home in almost all

biotopes found in

India, commonest

among Indian



among Indian

species and also

the amphibian

most likely to be


Conclusion: - There is no fauna species existing at site which are in the

red list species category.


1. “The Book of Indian Birds” Thirteenth Edition 2012 by Salim Ali,

Bombay Natural History Society

2. “The Book of Indian Reptiles and Amphibians” 2002 by J. C. Daniel,

Bombay Natural History Society.

3. Discussions with local people


Soil Quality

The soil in and around the proposed site is formed due to weathering of rocks

and can be classified as reddish gray / brown silty type. Rocks underneath are

of volcanic origin. The rocks are dark colored of basaltic composition and

mainly comprise of plagioclase, pyroxenes iron ores, primary glass and some

secondary minerals.

Table 3.16 Soil Quality Sampling Location:



Sampling Location


Direction from

project site

Distance from

project site

1. Kadamvasti SE 2.3

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 92

2. Manegaon SE 2.9

3. Turk pimpari NE 2.4

4. Kewad W 3.8

5. Project site - -

Fig 3.7 Soil sampling site map of 5 km radius area around Project


Table 3.17 Soil Monitoring Scenario















t site Unit

1. pH 6.4 6.5 6.1 6.2 6.7 -

2. Conductivity

4.5 4.4 4.6 4.2 4.6 Ms/se


3. Chlorine(Cl) ND ND ND ND ND Mg/ltr

4. Sulphate(SO4) 104 102 110 105 107 Mg/ltr

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 93

5. Nitrogen(N) 33.5 32.7 32.1 33.8 31.8 Mg/ltr

6. Phosphorous(P) 42.8 45.2 41.6 45.1 41.8 Mg/ltr

7 Potassium(K) 73.5 75.6 71.4 73.6 73.4 Mg/ltr

8 Sodium (Na) 184.6 190.5 188.4 184.5 182.5 Mg/ltr

9 Iron(Fe) 2.8 2.4 2.3 2.1 2.4 Mg/ltr

10 Calcium(Ca) 48.2 45.2 48.9 42.5 47.6 Mg/ltr

11 Magnesium(Mg

) 55.8 57.2 60.4 53.7 55.2


12 Oil & Greece ND ND ND ND ND Mg/ltr

3.10 Remote Sensing and GIS Study

Remote Sensing is a process of identification and demarcation of

various earths’ objects from a distance without directly coming into contact

with them. Remote sensing is largely concerned with the measurement of

electromagnetic radiation from the sun, which is reflected, scattered, and

emitted by the objects on the surface of the earth. Different objects on the

surface of the earth reflect different amounts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The potential of remote sensing in natural resources mapping basically

depends on spatial, radiometric and temporal resolution of the sensor. Thus

the satellite remote sensing with its capability of repetitive coverage, multi-

spectral imaging, synoptic view and low cost can play an important role in the

delineation of various landuse landcover classes.

Land cover is a fundamental parameter describing the Earth’s surface. This

parameter is a considerable variable that impacts on and links many parts of

the human and physical environments. Remote sensing technique has ability

to represent of land cover categories by means of classification process. With

the availability of multispectral remotely sensed data in digital form and the

developments in digital processing, remote sensing supplies a new prospective

for land-cover/land-use analysis. Geographical Information Systems have

already been used for assessing environmental problems, since they provides

a flexible environment and a powerful tool for the manipulation and analysis of

spatial information for land cover feature identification and the maps of all

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 94

variables were combined to extract information to better understand


Satellite remote sensing, in conjunction with geographic information systems,

has been widely applied and been recognized as a powerful and effective tool

in analyzing land cover/use categories This study made use of remotely

sensed data and GIS technologies; to evaluate qualitatively and quantitatively

outcome of part of dist. Pune land cover/use distribution. Obtained results

were compared, visualized and analyzed, in Geographic Information System.

The project site is having latitudes 18°1'29.694"N and longitudes

75°37'17.311"E. The 10 km radius area around project site is having latitudes

17°56'7.784"N to 18°6'55.596"N and longitudes 75°31'38.096"E to


Software and Hardware

Satellite Data: RESOURCESAT-2 cloud free data has been used for Landuse

/ landcover analysis.

Satellite Sensor – RESOURCESAT-2 LISS- III

Path and Row – Path 97 Row 61 Resolutions - 23.5 m.

Date of Pass: 29 Apr 2013

Ancillary Data:

PC based GIS and image-processing software’s are used for the purpose of

image classification and for delineating drainage and other features in the

study area. Number of peripheral devices such as scanner, plotter, printer etc.

has also been interfaced with the system.


· Delineation of Landuse/ Landcover categories at 10 km radius area

around Project site.

· Generation of digital cartographic database using secondary data



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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 95

· The multispectral data obtained from sensors, due to its synoptic view

and revisit capability, can effectively be used for continuous monitoring

of land surface. The spatial, spectral and radiometric resolutions are the

three primary factors in the estimation of various landuse/landcover


Fig.3.8 Toposheet map of 10 km radius area around Project Site.

The satellite data is then taken into a hard disk and then converted in the

standard false colour composite by assigning blue, green and red to green, red

and near infra red band respectively. Image enhancement has been done by

the technique called histogram stretching between the ranges of 0-255, as the

data content is 8-bit. Applying formulae derived by modeling the sources of

distortions in order to correct the systematic distortions such as earth

curvature carried out rectification and registration of satellite data. The

random distortions were corrected using well distributed ground control points

occurring in raw data. To achieve planimetric accuracy, the remote sensing

scene was rectified with respect to SOI maps on 1: 50,000 scales. The GCP’s

in the scene such as railroad intersections, corners of water reservoirs, bunds,

etc. were identified on the image as well as on the reference map. Third order

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 96

model was constructed and finally registration of image was carried out with

nearest neighborhood resampling taking map as reference and one map

registration was achieved.

Then the subset of image has been taken according to the boundary of the

study area. The digital classification technique has been used for the

extraction of the landuse/landcover information from the imagery. Eight

different landuse/landcover classes have been identified in the area under

study. Table shows the information about the extent of landuse/landcover

classes in the study area.

Fig.3.9 Satellite Image of 10 km radius area around Project Site.

Landuse/ Landcover Classes Details:

Satellite data for Rabi season was classified using supervised classification

technique. Maximum likelihood algorithm classifier was used for the analysis.

The scenes were individually classified and then were integrated to get a

composite classified output where information from Rabi season is available. A

truth table was generated taking 0.95 as the conversion threshold. After

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Chapter 3 Baseline Environment Page 97

aggregation, the final classified output was converted in raster format. The

image was then converted in raster format, which is understood by GIS. Eight

landuse/landcover classes identified in total 10 km radius area around Project

Site. The area under each class has been calculated and given below.

Table 3.18: Landuse/ Landcover Statistics of the Ten Km radius Area.




1 Built-Up Land Settlements 1541.25 4.89

2 Water Bodies Tank/River/Dry Reservoir etc. 361.25 1.14

3 Forest Vegetation 66.78 0.21

4 Crop Land Irrigated crop land 4516.02 14.33 Fallow land 5271.21 16.75

5 Waste Lands Land with scrub 11080.22 35.21 Land without scrub 8622.54 27.41

Total 31471.98 100.00

Fig.3.10 Landuse/landcover map of 10 km radius area around Project Site

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Page 98

Digital Cartographic Database preparation in GIS

GIS is an integrated information system having capability to capture, store, edit,

manipulate, analyze and retrieve all types of spatial and non-spatial information

about a particular area. The advent of electronics and computing techniques coupled

with the development of GIS has increased the potential of creating and maintaining

databases using geographical space as the key field. The database can be used for

speedier monitoring, assessment, planning, and management of various aspects of

natural resources.

Comprehensive GIS based database was generated for the study area that comprises

of the following data sets. Resource data such as landuse from remote sensing data,

soil map, geology, water bodies, surface and ground water sampling locations,

drainage, contour.

4. 3.11 Socio-Economic Environment:

Socio-economic status of the population is an indicator for development of the

region. The data collection in respect of the impact of urbanization and

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Page 99

industrialization on socio-economic aspects in the study area has been done through

primary household survey and through the analysis of secondary data available for

the study area.


This methodology is adopted in the assessment of socio-economic condition is as

given below.

Ø To evaluate parameters defining socio-economic condition of the


Ø Analysis of the identified socio attributes like, population distribution,

availability of public utilities etc. through literature like District Census


Ø Primary households survey to assess the present status of population of

the study area.

Ø Public opinion for future industrialization in the study area.

Sources of Information

As per the scope of the study, the information on socio-economic aspects has been

gathered and compiled from several secondary sources. These include Taluka Office,

Collectorate, Agriculture Department, Irrigation Department, Central Ground Water

Board, Department of Mines and Geology etc. The demographic data has mainly

been compiled from the ‘District Census Handbook, 2011’ for Solapur District, as

these documents are comprehensive and authentic.

Social Profile

Sociological aspects include human settlement, demographic and socio-economic

aspects and infrastructures facilities available in the study area. The economic

aspects include agriculture and occupational structure of workers.

Settlement Pattern

As explained earlier this area is covered in Taluka – Barshi. The study area is

decided as an area with 10 Km radius from proposed project. Altogether there are

18 villages in the study area.

Summary of Population data for Study Area based on 2001 census:

Description Total

Area details

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Page 100

Area of village (in hectares) 28241

Number of households 7885

Population data based on 2001


Total population - Persons 39338

Total population - Males 20508

Total population - Females 18830

Scheduled castes population - Persons 4231

Scheduled castes population - Males 2159

Scheduled castes population - Females 2072

Scheduled tribes population - Persons 256

Scheduled tribes population - Males 136

Scheduled tribes population - Females 120

Education facilities

Education facilities

Number of primary schools 26

Number of middle schools 18

Number of secondary schools 11

Number of senior secondary schools 4

Number of colleges 0

College available within range 1

Number of adult literacy class/centres 2

3.12 Hydrogeology

Depth of Ground Water and Seasonal Variation

Dug / Bore wells are more common and popular in the study area. Most of the wells

are shallow type and water table is at about 6 M depth. The deep dug wells are up

to a depth of 10 M.

Ground Water Potential

Ground water potential has been assessed as per the data collected from the State

Ground Water Department, Irrigation Department and Central Ground Water Board.

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Page 101

In general, granites and dharwar schist that are known to be hard rocks which have

least porosity mainly underlie the entire region. However, ground water is found in

pockets of the area in the zones of weathered, jointed and fractured rocks.

The dug well in the area generally tap water in the weathered zone and very few

extend downwards in the tapping joints and fractured zones. The thickness of the

weathered zones varies between the domestic wells and that of irrigation wells. Dug

wells generally located in valley areas and in the canal command areas yield better

ground water.

Bore wells in the area are around approx. 260 Nos. and are normally up to a depth

of 50 -100 M. the yield of these wells as well as the pumping period varies from 6 to

8 hours/day. Most of the dug wells, dug-cum-bore, and shallow bore wells up to 30

M tap the shallow aquifers. The bore wells deeper than 30 M tap the water from

fractures, occurring between 30 to 100 M depth, which tap medium to deep


Data pertaining to lakes and ponds from irrigation department was not available and

factors like seepage and ground water recharge due to these have not been

considered at this stage.

Drainage Map:

Drainage layer, which was generated after scanning the thematic manuscripts, was

edited for line the errors. Two different layers were made separately for line

drainage. Drainage order was given to all the drain lines in the layer‘s. Strahler

method of ordering was used for giving order to drainage. Whenever two drains of

any order joined the order of next drain was increase by one. The study area has an

order of fourth. River name also attached as attribute to drainage layer. All the water

bodies and river with sufficient width were put in polygon layer.

The area shows not much of undulating topography thus it shows the Dendritic

drainage patterns.

Figure 3.11 Drainage pattern of the study area

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Page 102

Contour –

Thematic manuscript for contour layer was generated from Survey of India toposheet

at 1:50,000 scale. After scanning coverage was generated. Coverage was edited to

remove all errors of dangle. Attribute value was given to each contour in the


Fig.3.12: Contour map of 10 km radius area around Project Site.

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Page 103

Village Map:

Village layer was prepared from SOI toposheet at 1:50,000 scale, 10 km radius area

around the project site. After scanning the manuscript layer was prepared. The point

layer was prepared. Errors were removed after editing the layer.

Fig. 3.13: Village map of 10 km radius area around Project Site.

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Page 104

Accessibility Map:

Fig. 3.14: Accessibility map of 10 km radius area around Project Site.

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Page 105

Major Road and Railway network layer was prepared from SOI toposheet at 1:50,000

scale 10 km radius area around the project site. After scanning the manuscript layer

was prepared. Errors were removed after editing the layer. Attributes were given to

different types of road and railway.

3.13 SEISMICITY Based on the tectonic features and records of earthquake, a Seismic Zoning map has

been developed for the country by Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS). Seismic Zoning

Map of India is placed as Figure 3.15

Figure 3.18 : Seismic Zone Map

The area under study falls in Zone-II, according to the Indian Standard Seismic

Zoning Map. Suitable seismic coefficients in horizontal and vertical directions

respectively, have to be adopted while designing the structures.

* * * * *

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Page 106


Anticipated Environmental Impacts & Mitigation Measures

4.1 Introduction

Prediction of impacts is the most important step of environmental impact

assessment. Predictions are superimposed over baseline environmental status to

derive ultimate environmental scenario. The impact of the proposed sugar mill,

distillery and co-generation plant has been considered and discussed in this chapter.

Both beneficial (positive) and adverse (negative) impacts on various components of

environment due to proposed expansion are identified, based on the nature of the

various activities associated with the proposed project operations. Environment

impact analysis gives an indication of ways to consider modelling the project to

mitigate adverse impacts through best practicable environmental option or alternate


Based on the present environmental scenario and baseline data, an exercise has

been done to identify and evaluate the impact on the environment of the study area

due to the proposed project.

The proposed project may influence the environment of the area in two phases:

Phase I: During the Construction period, the impact may be temporary or

short term

Phase II: During the Operation Phase which may have long term effects.

4.2 Impacts during Construction Phase & Mitigation Measures

Probable environmental impacts during construction phase are typically due to

activities related to clearing of vegetation, leveling of site, civil constructions erection

of structures and installation of equipment.

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Page 107

4.2.1 Air Environment

Impact on Air Quality

The main sources for impact of air quality during construction period is due to

movement of vehicles and construction equipment at site, dust emitted during

leveling, grading, earthmoving, foundation works, transportation of construction

material etc. Hence, during the construction phase, particulate matter (PM10&

PM2.5) would be the main pollutants. The emissions from vehicles and construction

equipment could also be of some concern on a local level.

Air Pollution Mitigation Measures

The dust generated will also be fugitive in nature, which can be controlled by

sprinkling of water. The impacts will be localized in nature and the areas outside the

project boundary are not likely to have any major impact with respect to ambient air


The construction of proposed units would result in the increase of SPM

concentrations due to fugitive dust. Frequent water sprinkling in the vicinity of the

construction sites would be undertaken and will be continued after the completion of

plant construction as there is scope for heavy truck mobility. It will be ensured that

diesel powered vehicles will be properly maintained to comply with exhaust emission


4.2.2 Noise Environment

Impact on Noise Levels

The major sources of noise during the construction phase are vehicles and

construction .The operation of the equipment can generate noise in the range 85-90

dB (A) near the source. The noise will be generated within the plant boundary and

will be temporary in nature.

Noise Levels Mitigation Measures

The noise control measures during the construction phase include provision of caps

on the construction equipment and regular maintenance of the equipment.

Equipment will be maintained appropriately to keep the noise level within 75 dB(A).

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Page 108

Wherever possible, equipment will be provided with silencers and mufflers. High

noise producing construction activities will be restricted to daytime only. Further,

workers deployed in high noise areas will be provided with necessary protective

devices such as ear plug, ear-muffs etc. Overall, the impact due to increase in noise

on the environment would be insignificant, localized and confined to the day hours.

4.2.3 Water Environment

Impact on Water Resources and Quality

Impact on water quality during construction phase is due to non-point discharges of

sewage generated from the construction work force stationed at the site. Plant

sanitation facilities (septic tanks) will be utilized for treatment and disposal of

sanitary sewage generated by the work force. Runoffs from the construction yards

and worker camps during monsoon could affect the quality of water bodies in the

project area. Further there is possibility of water stagnation in ponds and ditches

which can create an environment conducive to disease carrying vectors.

Water Pollution Mitigation Measures

Toilets with septic tanks will be constructed at site for workers and it will be ensured

that domestic wastewater generated in worker colonies does not flow to water

bodies. The overall impact on water environment during construction phase due to

expansion activities is likely to be short term and insignificant. By adopting necessary

mitigation measures the overall impact on water environment during construction

phase of the project will be temporary and insignificant.

4.2.4 Land Environment

Impact on Land use

Preparatory activities like construction of access roads, temporary offices, and go-

downs, piling, storage of construction materials etc. will be confined within the

project area. These will not exercise any significant impact except altering the land

use pattern of the existing site. The impact will be insignificant on the adjoining

land. No forestland is involved. Therefore, impact will be negligible.

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Impact on Topography

Topographically, the area forms slightly elevated land and general elevation is from

North to South. Most of the area forms plain land covered with mixed soil. Adequate

storm water drains will be provided to collect and carry the surface runoff during

monsoon to the natural drainage system of the project area.

4.2.5 Socio-economic Environment

The socio-economic impacts during the construction phase of the proposed

Enhancement Sugar plant with Cogeneration & Distillery Plant could result due to

migrant workers, worker camps, induced development etc. Increase in floating

population. The local population will have employment opportunities in related

service activities like petty commercial establishments, small contracts/sub-contracts

and supply of construction materials for buildings and ancillary infrastructures etc.

consequently, this will contribute to economic up liftment of the area. Normally, the

construction activity will benefit the local population in a number of ways, which

include the increase in requirement of construction skilled, semi-skilled and un-

skilled workers, tertiary sector employment and provision of goods and services for

daily needs including transport.

Ø Local people will be given preference for employment depending on their


Ø All the applicable guidelines under the relevant Acts and Rules related to

labour welfare and safety will be implemented during the construction phase;

Ø The contractor has been advised to provide fire wood/kerosene/LPG to the

workers to prevent cutting of nearby trees for firewood; and

Ø The construction site will be secured with fencing and is having guarded entry


4.2.6 Storage of Hazardous Material

The hazardous materials used during construction may include diesel and lubricating

oils. These materials will be stored and handled carefully under applicable safety

guidelines. Some of the precautions of storage include the following:-

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Ø Dyked enclosures will be provided so as to contain complete contents of the

largest tank;

Ø Diesel and other fuels will be stored in separate dyke enclosures;

Ø Tanks having large storage capacity for will be separated by fire insulating

walls from other storage tanks; and

Ø The distance between the storage tanks will be maintained half their height.

4.2.7 Facilities to be provided by Labour Contractor

The contractor will be made to provide the following facilities to construction work


Ø First Aid

At work place, first aid facilities will be maintained at a readily accessible

place where necessary appliances including sterilized cotton wool etc.

Ambulance will be kept at the site and made available at workplace to take

injured person to the nearest hospital.

Ø Potable Water

Sufficient supply of water fit for drinking will be provided at suitable places.

Ø Sanitary Facility

Sanitary facilities will be provided at accessible place within the work zone

and kept in a good condition. The contractor will conform to requirement of

local medical and health authorities at all times.

Ø Canteen

The canteen will be provided for the benefit of workers.

Ø Security

ISMCL-2 will provide necessary security to work force in co-ordination with

State authorities.

4.3 Impacts during Operation Phase

During the Operation Phase the establishment of the project, results in emissions,

generation of wastewater and solid waste.

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4.3.1 Air Pollution

Major sources of air pollution in power plant are boiler, and crushers. Fugitive dust

emissions are also inevitable from raw material handling system as well as

transportation. The standby DG sets will be provided with adequate stacks as per

CPCB norm.

Transportation of Raw Material & Finished Goods

The emissions from transportation of Raw Material and Finished Goods within the

plant area have been considered as line source emissions all along the road. The

stack emissions are reflected on existing baseline concentrations of the study area.

The concerning emission will be only from Point Source i.e. from Stack of Boiler,

which will be released through a stack of 75 m. height. The emissions along with

details of Stack are shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Stack & Emission Details with Pollution control Equipment


Type of Fuel Conc. Spent wash &


No. of Units 1

Capacity of Boiler 22 TPH

Coal Consumption (t/day) 72

Sulphur Content 0.5%

No. of Stack 1

Height of Stack (m) 60

Diameter of Stack (mm) 4000

Temperature of Flue Gas (°C) 150

Particulate matter at outlet

at outlet of ESP (gm/sec)

(based on 50 mg/Nm3 at


PM>10 0.2

PM10 0.134

(65% of PM

PM 2.5 0.062

(30% of PM)

Sulphur dioxide emission (gm/sec) 11

Oxides of Nitrogen (gm/sec)

(Based on 750 mg/Nm3 at outlet)


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The emissions from other point source i.e. exhausts of Diesel set will be of

insignificant value. The area wise source of emissions in sugar mill cannot be

expected and as such, the ambient air quality will remain unaffected.

In order to estimate the ground level concentrations due to the emission from the

proposed project, EPA approved Industrial Source Complex AERMOD View Model has

been employed. The mathematical model used for predictions on air quality impact

in the present study is ISC-AERMOD View. It is the next generation air dispersion

model, which incorporates planetary boundary layer concepts. The AERMOD is

actually a modelling system with three separate components: AERMOD (AERMIC

Dispersion Model), AERMAP (AERMOD Terrain Pre-processor), and AERMET

(AERMOD Meteorological Pre-processor). Special features of AERMOD include its

ability to treat the vertical in homogeneity of the planetary boundary layer special

treatment of surface releases, irregularly-shaped area sources, a plume model for

the convective boundary layer, limitation of vertical mixing in the stable boundary

layer, and fixing the reflecting surface at the stack base. The AERMET is the

meteorological pre-processor for the AERMOD.

Input data can come from hourly cloud cover observations, surface meteorological

observations and twice-a-day upper air soundings. Output includes surface

meteorological observations and parameters and vertical profiles of several

atmospheric parameters. The AERMAP is a terrain pre-processor designed to simplify

and standardize the input of terrain data for the AERMOD. Input data include

receptor terrain elevation data. Output includes, for each receptor, location and

height scale, which are elevations used for the calculation of airflow around hills.

Post Project Scenario

Predicted maximum ground level concentrations considering micro meteorological

data of post monsoon season (September – November 2013) are superimposed on

the maximum baseline concentrations obtained during the study period to estimate

the post project scenario, which would prevail at the post operational phase. The

overall scenario with predicted concentrations over the maximum baseline

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concentrations is shown in the Table 4.2 along with isopleths shown in Figures 4.1

to 4.3.

Change in Air Dispersion Model

Figure 4.1 (a) 24 Hrs NOx

(b) Post monsoon NOx

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Figure 4.2 (a) 24 Hrs PM10

(b) Post monsoon PM10

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Figure 4.2 (a) 24 Hrs SO2

(b) Post monsoon SO2

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The measures to minimize air pollution have been envisaged as under:

v Providing adequate stack height as per norms of MoEF & SPCB for wider

dispersion of pollutants, resulting in lower ground level concentration.

v Stacks of Boiler will be equipped with ESP.

Electro Static Precipitator (ESP) Details

A suitable ESP so that the fly ash contents of flue gases leaving the chimney confirm

to the rules and regulations of the pollution act as applicable to the factory and as

outlet concentration below 100 mg/Nm3.

A certificate to this effect should be obtained from pollution control board under

whose jurisdiction this mills falls.

The ESP shall be installed on the suction side of the I.D. fan and shall to be

complete with rotary airlock valve with drive provided with local and remote push

button control, and a side manual gate. The minimum elevation of discharge flange

of the rotary airlock valve shall be at + 2500 mm.

Suitable platform, ladder, inspection and poking holes etc., shall be provided to

facilitate regular inspection and cleaning of the ESP. All electrical including MCC,

rectifiers, panels, electrical & control cables, earthling will be in place. ESP control

shall be from control room.

The design & supply will suitable flue gas cleaning system to ensure that the flue

gases entering the chimney do not contain SPM in excess of 100 mg/Nm3. The

exhausts of DG set will be provided with adequate height as per norms prescribed by

Central Pollution Control Board.

Resultant Concentrations after Commissioning of the Project

The resultant concentration after the commissioning of the proposed boiler on the GLC of

SPM as predicted and super imposing the predicted values on the maximum baseline

concentrations recorded during the study period respective to the direction and distance of

the monitoring location . The cumulative ground level concentrations (baseline + increment)

after commissioning of the proposed project are presented in Table 4.2

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5. Table 4.2: Predicted Maximum Cumulative Short Term Ground Level






due to




Maxm. AAQ




study period

µg / m3


Concentration Distance

In Meter Place



Value 0.115 100





152.2 152.315


Value 0.100 250





135.2 135.3

The predicted GLCs for SPM after commissioning of the proposed project are not

found to be significant to add up on the existing ambient air quality. However, the

proposed air pollution control system for boiler, Electro Static Precipitator (ESP) will

be installed for further improving the existing ambient air quality and help in

bringing down the ambient air quality.

The estimated cumulative GLCs for SPM after commissioning of the proposed project are

found to be well within the ambient air quality standards prescribed by CPCB. Hence it can

be concluded that the impact on Air Quality by the proposed project will be negligible. The

environment around the proposed site has enough buffers to assimilate these insignificant

values. The favorable wind and the proposed height of stack will disperse these pollutants in

different directions fast to longer distance with negligible concentrations.

4.3.2 Water Pollution

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The effluent from the sugar mill will essentially be subjected to the effluent

treatment plant and then will be utilized for irrigation and other horticultural uses.

The domestic effluent will be treated into STP followed by Gardening. As such no

waste water will be discharged into surface water.

Waste water generation

The total waste water generations from the Sugar plant along with the Cogeneration

Plant will be 488m3/day and 560m3/day from distillery unit. The generated

wastewater will be sent to Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) and the treated

wastewater will be used for cane irrigation and green belt development.

Sewage from various buildings in the plant

Sewage from various buildings in the plant area will be conveyed through separate

drains of the septic tank followed by Sewage Treatment Plant with capacity 50

m3/day. Sludge will be removed occasionally and disposed off as a land fill at

suitable places.

Impact on Water Quality

There will not be any direct impact on ground water quality or surface water quality

due to the project operation. As mentioned earlier chapters any percolation of waste

water into ground water would be prevented by providing suitable facilities.

Moreover, the soil around the area is predominantly sandy loam. The water holding

capacity is also good. As such, the ground water all along the project area will not

be affected by the activities of the project.

Sugar mill effluent will be treated in Effluent treatment plants with capacity of 500

m3/day and 650m3/day for sugar-cogen unit and distillery unit respectively. The

treated water will be reused for the green belt development and agricultural


4.3.3 Solid Waste

Fly ash collected from the ESP hoppers and the air heaters hoppers and the ash

collected from the furnace bottom hoppers can be used as landfill. The total fly ash

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is 30TPD will be used as manure. The high potash content in the bagasse ash makes

the ash as good manure.

Press mud of 125 TPD will be sold to farmers as manure. The liquid molasses 250

TPD will be sent to distillery for manufacture of alcohol.

4.3.4 Impact on Ecology

The enhanced project will not have any significant impact on ecology as there are no

reserve forests in the study area and in addition to that the project will implement

an effective environmental management plan to control the emissions from the


Green belt development

The total project area acquired for plant is 116 acres, and more than 33% of it, i.e.

50 acres land will be used for green belt and agriculture development. Local species

will be preferred for green belt development.

4.3.5 Demography and Socio-economics

The impacts due to enhanced project on demography and socio economic condition

are as follows:-

Ø Increase in employment opportunities and Reduction in migrants to outside

for employment.

Ø Increase in literacy rate.

Ø Growth in service sectors

Ø Increase in consumer prices of indigenous produce and services, land prices,

house rent rates and Labour prices.

Ø Improvement in socio cultural environment of the study area.

Ø Improvement in transport, communication, health and educational services.

Ø Increase in employment due to increased business, trade commerce and

service sector.

Ø The overall impact on the socio economic environment will be beneficial.

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4.3.6 Impact on Health

Adequate air pollution and noise control measures will be provided. The

environmental management and emergency preparedness plans will be prepared to

ensure that the probability of undesired events and consequences would be reduced,

and adequate mitigation measures will be provided in case of an emergency. The

overall impact on Human health is negligible during operation of plant.

* * * * *

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Chapter 5


Pollution Monitoring and Surveillance Systems

For Proposed Enhanced Sugar Plant and Cogeneration power plant, the Indian

Emission Regulations stipulate the limits for particulate matter emissions and

appropriate stack heights will be maintained for keeping the emission levels in the

ambient within the air quality standards. The characteristics of the effluent from the

plant would be maintained so as to meet the requirements of the State Pollution

Control Board and the National Standards for Sugar Plant stipulated by the Central

Board for Prevention and Control of Water Pollution.

Air Quality monitoring programme

The purpose of air quality monitoring is acquisition of data for comparison against

prescribed standards, thereby ensuring that the quality of air is maintained within

the permissible levels. It is proposed to monitor the following from the stack


v Particulate Matter (SPM, PM10& PM2.5)

v Sulphur dioxide

v Oxides of Nitrogen

It is proposed to monitor particulate emission qualitatively and quantitatively in the

stack and with the aid of a continuous particulate stack monitoring system. The

stack monitoring data would be utilized to keep a continuous check on the

performance of wet scrubber. Further it is proposed to monitor and record the

weather parameters such as temperature (maximum & minimum), Relative humidity,

wind direction, wind speed, rainfall etc. on daily basis, for this purpose, it is

proposed to install Weather Monitoring Station with necessary gadgets.

5.0 Post Project Environmental Monitoring

Environmental monitoring will be conducted on regular basis to assess the pollution

level in the plant as well in the surrounding area. Therefore, regular monitoring

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program of the environmental parameters is essential to take into account the

changes in the environment. The objectives of monitoring are:-

Ø To verify the result of the impact assessment study in particular with regards

to new developments;

Ø To follow the trend of parameters which have been identified as critical;

Ø To check or assess the efficacy of the controlling measures;

Ø To ensure that new parameters, other than those identified in the impact

assessment study, do not become critical through the commissioning of new

installations or through the modification in the operation of existing facilities;

Ø To check assumptions made with regard to the development and to detect

deviations in order to initiate necessary measures; and

Ø To establish a database for future Impact Assessment Studies for expansion


The attributes, which merit regular monitoring, are specified below:-

v Air quality;

v Water and wastewater quality;

v Noise levels;

v Soil quality;

v Ecological preservation and afforestation and

v Socio Economic aspects and community development

The post project monitoring will be carried out at the industry level is discussed


5.1 Monitoring and Reporting Procedure

Regular monitoring of important and crucial environmental parameters has an

immense importance to assess the status of environment during plant operation.

With the knowledge of baseline conditions, the monitoring programme can serve as

an indicator for any deterioration in environmental conditions due to operation of the

plant and suitable mitigation steps could be taken in time to safeguard the

environment. Monitoring is as important as that of control of pollution since the

efficiency of control measures can only be determined by monitoring. The following

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routine monitoring programme would therefore be implemented. A comprehensive

monitoring program will be implemented is given in the Table 5.2.

Table 5.2 Post Project Monitoring Source

Source Location Parameters

to be


Frequency Responsibilit


Meteorology At the project


Wind speed,






Hourly M/s ISMCL

Ambient Air


Within plant



10km radial


PM10, PM2.5

SO2, NOx

Monthly M/s ISMCL

Water Quality Within the

plant and


10km radial

zone Surface

Water As well

as Ground


As per IS:


Monthly M/s ISMCL

Noise Levels Within the

plant and


10km radial


Noise levels Monthly M/s ISMCL

Soil quality Within the Soil Monthly M/s ISMCL

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plant and 10

km radial zone


Boilers Individual



matter, SO2,


Monthly M/s ISMCL

Wastewater Inlet and

outlet of ETP



Blow down

Cooling Tower


SS and others

. pH, SS, Oil,

Grease, Cu,







5.2 Environmental Laboratory Equipment

The plant will have an in-house environmental laboratory for the online monitoring

of air, noise, water and soil. For all non-routine analysis, the plant may utilize the

services of external accredited laboratory facilities. The laboratory equipment

required for monitoring and analysis are given below:

Table-5.3 List of Equipment Proposed for Environmental Laboratory

Name of the Equipment Nos.

Automatic Weather Station, which can record wind speed,

wind direction temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, Solar

radiation Sunshine


a) Online Automatic gaseous stack monitoring kit for SO2,

NOx, O2, Flue gas volume, Temperature etc. b) On line dust



Fine Particulate Matter samplers with PM10& PM2.5 provision 5

Portable Flue Gas Combustion Analyser 1

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer 1

Mercury analyzer 1

Portable Noise level meter (Dosimeter) 2

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Portable Waste Water Analysis Kit 1

BOD Incubator 1

COD Digester 2

Electronic Balance 1

Calorimeter 1

Conductivity Meter 2

Different micron sieves (set) 1 set

Dissolved Oxygen Meter – Brief case size 2

Electronic colony counter 1

Flask Shaker 1

Hot Air Oven 2

Laboratory Water Distillation and demineralization (DM) unit 2

5.3 Environmental Management Group

A separate environmental management group will be established to implement the

management plan. The group will be headed by a Superintending Engineer. The

group will ensure the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the Environment

Management Program. The management review process will ensure that the

necessary information is collected to allow management to carry out its evaluation.

This review will be documented. Functions of Environmental Management Group

(EMG) at Site will be:-

Ø Obtaining consent order from State Pollution Control Board.

Ø Environmental monitoring.

Ø Analysis of environmental data, reports, preparations and transmission of

report to statutory authorities, Corporate Centre etc.

Ø Co-ordinate with statutory bodies, functional groups of the station, head

office etc.

Ø Interactions for evolving and implementation of modification programs to

improve the availability / efficiency of pollution control devices / systems.

Ø Environmental Appraisal (Internal) and Environmental Audit.

* * * * *

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Chapter– 6

Additional Studies

(Risk Assessment and Disaster Management Plan)

6.1 Risk Assessment

6.1.1 Introduction -

Risk assessment is a methodology to determine the nature and extent of risk by

analysing potential hazards and evaluating existing conditions of vulnerability that

could pose a potential threat or harm to people, property, livelihoods and the

environment on which they depend.

Risks are inherent in proposed thermal power plant operations since they involve

working with

· High pressure super-heaters, re-heaters, economizer units exchanging heat

with the hot flue gases

· Turbines that utilize the HP steam to generate power

· Fuel oil handling units

· Hydrogen as a coolant in turbo generators drawn from hydrogen cylinders

· Switchyard including transformers, isolators

Nevertheless, a properly designed and operated plant will have a very low probability

(to a level of acceptable risk) of accident occurrence. Subsequently, a properly

designed and executed management plan can further reduce the probability of any

accident turning into an on-site emergency and/or an off-site emergency.

The three main goals of risk assessment are

· identify risks,

· quantify the impact of the potential threats and

· provide an economic balance between the impact of risk and the cost of the


6.1.2 Salient Feature of Risk Mitigation-

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§ Design, manufacture and construction of buildings, plant and machineries will

be as per National and International Codes as applicable in specific cases and

laid down by statutory authorities

§ Provision of adequate access ways for movement of equipment and personnel

will be made

§ Minimum of two numbers of gates for escape during disaster will be provided

§ In the vicinity of main plant entrance, there will be an emergency assembly

point where plant personnel will assemble in the event of any disaster.

§ Adequate numbers of Fire Fighting equipments & Fire extinguishers will be

installed in the work places for emergency purpose and the Supervisors /

Workers will be trained to use the equipments.

§ An ambulance will be provided in the factory premises.

§ A qualified Doctor and a compounder will be employed for attending to any


6.1.3 Identification of Risks

For identification of risk due to proposed thermal power plant, it requires in depth

study of

- Raw material

- Process Risk

- Storages

- Operations

- Maintenance

- Safety

- Fire protection

- Effluent disposal

a) Risk: Raw material

Particulars: Availability of sugar cane for crushing

The sugarcane requirement of the Indian Sugar Limited at 5000 TCD would be

hardly 26 % of the currently available sugarcane of Madha Tehsil alone and

sugarcane from nearby Tehsil like Barshi, Mohol, Karmala Pandharpur etc. shall be

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Page 128

additional available of raw material. No additional sugarcane will be required for the

ISMCL-2 plant operation.

b) Risk: Boiler, turbine, generator and associated areas

Particular: Failure of safety devices, including pressure relief valves and interlocks

Ensuring pressure relief valves and interlocking arrangements as per standard design

of equipment. Regular inspection and periodic safety certification of all safety

devices. Compliance with required rules and regulations for safety systems.

c) Risk: Potential exposure to electricity

Particular: Entire power plant, specifically the generator area, distribution panel,

and control rooms

Follow up of standard operating procedures and regular training on electrical safety.

Ensure suitability and adaptability of electrical equipment with respect to classified

hazardous areas and protection against lightening protection and static charges.

Adopting preventive maintenance practices as per testing and inspection schedules.

Ensure all maintenance and repair jobs with prior work permit system. Use of

personal protective equipment and ensuring compliance of the Indian Electricity

Rules, 2003. Ensure all electrical circuits designed for automatic, remote shut down.

d) Risk: Fire incident

Particular: Entire power plant, specifically the Storage area, electrical wearing and

fuel handling area.

Follow up of standard operating procedures and regular training on fire fighting

Mock drills of fire fighting .Installation of fire alarm & proper fire extinguisher.

Ensure suitability and adaptability of electrical equipment with respect to classified

hazardous areas and protection against lightening protection and static charges.

Adopting preventive maintenance practices as per testing and inspection.

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e) Risk: Effluent Disposal

Particular: Ash generated from cogeneration plant, solid and effluent generated

from sugar and Ethanol plant.

Standard operating procedures for disposal of ash need to follow like Isolated

disposal of hot ash inside the plant premises, use ash for land filling, brick & cement

manufacturing. Effluent will be treated as per regulatory norms and treated water

will be reused. Solid organic waste will be used bio composting to produce fertilizer.

Regular monitoring will be carried out as per schedule to avoid any kind of pollution

f) Risk: Health Risk

Particular: Exposure to toxic and corrosive chemicals

Provision of secondary containment system for all liquid corrosive chemicals fuel and

lubricating oil storages. Constructing storage tanks and pipes for toxic chemicals and

fuel oil as per the applicable standards. Inspection and radiography will follow to

minimize risk of tank or pipeline failure. Provision of protective equipment such as

protective clothing and goggles, safety shoes, and breathing masks for workers

working in chemical storage and handling areas. Provision of emergency eyewash

and showers in the working area.

g) Risk: Safety risk

Particular: Ensure Worker Safety

Periodical SHE training of staff and contractor. Ensuring special training to develop

competent persons to manage specific issues such as safety from the system, risk

assessment, scaffolding, and fire protection, Training will include the proper use of

all equipment operated, safe lifting practices, the location and handling of fire

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extinguishers, and the use of personal protective equipment. Ensure good

housekeeping practices (e.g., keeping all walkways clear of debris, cleaning up oil

spots and excess water as soon as they are noticed, and regular inspection and

maintenance of all machinery). Daily collection and separate storage of hazardous

and non-hazardous waste.

h) Risk: Force Majeure and Insurance coverage to the Project

Particular: Natural calamities like flood, earthquake, fire, and other act of God and

Act of Man etc.

Mitigation: Complete plant need to be insured and also care has been considered

while designing and construction of the plant to minimize the impact.

Third party Liability, Workers compensation, Employers Liability, Legal and

contractual liabilities, Loss of profit due to interruption due to fire machine, break

down, and related perils, Loss of profit due to loss of generation are some of the

other risk against which the mitigation measures has been considered in the project

by the way of insurance.

i) Risk: Transportation and Storage of Ethanol

Particular: The release of Ethanol from the pipe line over the ground from the land

point to the storage terminal, storage tank failure during transportation is all the

possible scenarios

Mitigation: Providing flame arrestors on the top of all the storage tanks. Flame proof

fitting to all the systems which handles the alcohol. Transfer of alcohol is by pipes

only. All the lightings are of flame proof. Water sump with a holding capacity. Foam

Extinguishers inside the warehouse. Flame arresters' will be provided in gas lines to

protect the digester from back fire from the flame and / or the boiler burner. Over /

under pressure release device will be provided on biogas digester for it's safety from

over pressure / vacuum.

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6.1.4 Additional Risk & Mitigation

a) Risk: Performance risk

Particular: Ensured sugar cane & fuel availability

Mitigations: Sound cane development program planned, with appointment of

experienced senior professionals and staff for the purpose. Biomass depots, trash

bailers and entrepreneurship development / contracts with biomass traders

proposed. A full time fuel manager and dedicated staff has been proposed for the

cogen power plant.

b) Risk: Marketing risk

Particular: Sugar / Ethanol sale / export power trade

Mitigates: Firm marketing tie ups in offing for sugar & export power sale. Alternative

marketing channels explored. Own consumption of Ethanol. Urgent follow up &

securing permissions from Government of Bihar / BERC for export power trade,

ethanol price subsidy & capital grants.

c) Risk: Regulatory risk

Particular: Conversion / clearances / tariff order

Mitigates: No difficulty envisaged, as various governmental agencies have already

expressed their willingness to issue approvals / consents. All the approvals in

pipeline. Regulatory process being initiated at BERC will ensure conducive tariff order

allowing sale of exportable power to power traders.

d) Risk: Financial risk

Particular: Financial viability of the project

Mitigates: Satisfactory DSCR, IRR & pay back. Equity participation & term loans

from FIs / SDF being arranged. Sensitivity analysis indicates fairly satisfactory

‘Margin of Safety’

6.2 Disaster Management Plan (DMP)

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6.2.1 Disasters

A disaster is a catastrophic situation in which suddenly, people are plunged into

helplessness and suffering and, as a result, need protection, clothing, shelter,

medical and social care and other necessities of life.

Disasters can be divided into two main groups. In the first, are disasters resulting from

natural phenomena like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storm surges, cyclones,

tropical storms, floods, avalanches, landslides, forest - fires. The second group

includes disastrous events occasioned by man, or by man's impact upon the

environment. Examples are armed conflict, industrial accidents, radiation accidents,

factory fires, explosions and escape of toxic gases or chemical substances, river

pollution, mining or other structural collapses, air, sea, rail and road transport

accidents and can reach catastrophic dimensions in terms of human loss.

There can be no set criteria for assessing the gravity of a disaster, since this depends

to a large extent on the physical, economic and social environment in which it occurs.

However, all disasters bring in their wake similar consequences that call for immediate

action, whether at the local, national or international level, for the rescue and relief of

the victims. This includes the search for the dead and injured, medical and social care,

removal of the debris, the provision of temporary shelter for the homeless, food,

clothing and medical supplies, and the rapid re-establishment of essential services.

6.2.2 Objectives of DMP

The DMP is aimed at ensuring safety of life, protection of environment, protection of

installation, restoration of production and salvage operations in this same order of

priorities. For effective implementation of the DMP, it should be widely circulated and

personnel training should be provided through rehearsals/drills.

The DMP should reflect the probable consequences of the undesired event due to

deteriorating conditions or through 'Knock on' effects. Further the management

should be able to demonstrate that their assessment of the consequences uses good

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supporting evidence and is based on currently available and reliable information,

incident data from internal and external sources and if necessary the reports of

outside agencies.

To tackle the consequences of a major emergency inside the factory or immediate

vicinity of the factory, a DMP has to be formulated

The objective of the industrial DMP is to make use of the combined resources of the

plant and the outside services to achieve the following:

1. Effect the rescue and medical treatment of casualties;

2. Safeguard other people;

3. Minimise damage to property and the environment;

4. Initially contain and ultimately bring the incident under control;

5. Identify any dead;

6. Provide for the needs of relatives;

7. Provide authoritative information to the news media;

8. Secure the safe rehabilitation of affected area;

9. Preserve relevant records and equipment for the subsequent inquiry into the

cause and circumstances of the Emergency.

In effect, it is to optimise operational efficiency to rescue, rehabilitate and render

medical help and to restore normalcy.

6.2.3 On Site Emergency Plan General, Industrial, Emergencies

The emergencies that could be envisaged in the plant are as follows:

1. A situation of fire at the storage areas involving chemical storages;

2. Structural failures;

3. Sabotage/Social disorder.

6.2.4 Specific Emergencies Anticipated and Their Possible Mitigation

Measures Leakage from Ethanol storage

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Ethanol and diesel storage will be monitored for even minor leakages. Anybody

noticing leakage from any storage shed, should immediately inform concerned officer

on duty. In case of minor leakage, it is attended by suitable fire protection

equipments. If the leakage is heavy, higher officers are informed immediately. For

avoiding any kind of fire incident leakages inside the factory premises, the following

safety measures have to be undertaken:

· Safety Equipment

1. Fire extinguisher

2. Fire detectors

3. Fire Alarm

The detailed on-site precautions to be taken while handling different emergency

situations have already been depicted in PHA.

6.2.5 Off-Site Emergency Preparedness Plan

The task of preparing the Off-Site Emergency Plan lies with the District Collector.

However, the off-site plan could be prepared with the help of the local district

authorities. The proposed plan would be based on the following guidelines. Introduction

Off-site emergency plan follows the on-site emergency plan. When the consequences

of an emergency situation go beyond the plant boundaries, it becomes an off-site

emergency. Off-site emergency is essentially the responsibility of the public

administration. However, the factory management should provide the public

administration with the technical information relating to the nature, quantum and

probable consequences on the neighbouring population.

The off-site plan in detail should be based on those events, which are most likely to

occur, but other less likely events, which have severe consequence, should also be

considered. Incidents which have very severe consequences yet had a small

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probability of occurrence should also be considered during the preparation of the plan.

However, the key feature of a good off-site emergency plan is flexibility in its

application to emergencies other than those specifically included in the formation of

the plan.

The roles of the various parties who will be involved in the implementation of an off-

site plan are described below. Depending on local arrangements, the responsibility

for the off-site plan should either rest with the works management or, with the local

authority. Either way, the plan should identify an emergency co-ordination officer,

who would take the overall command of the off-site activities. As with the on-site

plan, an emergency control centre should be set-up within which the emergency co-

ordination officer can operate.

An early decision will be required in many cases on the advice to be given to people

living within the range of the accident.

a) In the case of a major fire but without explosion risk, houses close to the fire

only are likely to need evacuation, although a severe smoke hazard may

require this to be reviewed periodically;

b) If a fire is escalating and in turn threatening a store of hazardous material, it

might be necessary to evacuate people nearby, but only if there is time; if

insufficient time exists, people should be advised to stay indoors and shield

themselves from the fire. This latter case particularly applies if the installation

at risk could produce a fireball with severe thermal radiation effects.

c) For release or potential release of toxic materials, limited evacuation may be

appropriate down wind if there is time. The decision would depend partly on

the type of housing "at risk". Conventional housing of solid construction with

windows closed offers substantial protection from the effects of a toxic cloud,

while shanty house, which can exist close to factories, offer little or no


Although the plan will have sufficient flexibility built in to cover the consequences of

the range of accidents identified for the on-site plan, it will cover in some detail the

handling of the emergency to a particular distance from each major hazard works.

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6.2.6 Aspects Proposed To Consider In Off-Site Emergency Plan

The main aspects, which should be included in the emergency plan, are:

· Organization

· Details of command structure, warning systems, implementation

procedures, emergency control centers.

· Names and appointments of the incident controller, site main controller, their

deputies and other key personnel.

· Communications

Identification of personnel involved, communication centre, call signs, network and list

of telephone numbers.

· Specialized Knowledge

Details of specialist bodies, firms and people upon whom it may be necessary to call

e.g. those with specialised chemical knowledge, laboratories.

· Voluntary Organizations

Details of organizers, telephone numbers, resources etc.

· Chemical Information

Details of the hazardous substances stored or procedure on each site and


summary of the risk associated with them.

· Meteorological Information

Arrangements for obtaining details of whether conditions prevailing at the

time and

whether forecasts.

· Humanitarian Arrangements

Transport, evacuation centres, emergency feeding treatment of injured, first aid,

ambulances, and temporary mortuaries.

· Public Information

Arrangements for a] dealing with the media press office; b] informing relatives, etc.

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· Assessment

Arrangements for: (a) collecting information on the causes of the emergency; (b)

reviewing the efficiency and effectiveness of all aspects of the emergency plan.

6.2.7 Role of the Emergency Co-ordination Officer (ECO)

The ECO should co-ordinate various emergency services. The ECO should co-ordinate

closely with the site main controller. Again depending on local arrangements, for very

severe incidents with major or prolonged off-site consequences, the external control

should be passed to a senior local authority administrator or even an administrator

appointed by the central or state government.

6.2.8 Role of the Local Authority

The duty to prepare the off-site plan lies with the local authorities. The emergency

planning officer (EPO) appointed should carry out his duty in preparing for a whole

range of different emergencies within the local authority area.

It will be the responsibility of the EPO to ensure that all those organisations which will

be involved off site in handling the emergency, know of their role and are able to

accept it by having for example, sufficient staff and appropriate equipment to cover

their particular responsibilities. Rehearsals for off-site plans should be organised by

the EPO.

6.2.9 Role of Police

Formal duties of the police during an emergency include protecting life and property

and controlling traffic movements.

Their functions should include controlling bystanders, evacuating the public,

identifying dead, dealing with casualties, and informing relatives of death or injury.

6.2.10 Role of Fire Authorities

The control of a fire should normally be the responsibility of the senior fire brigade

officer who would take over the handling of the fire from the site incident controller on

arrival at the site. The senior fire brigade officer should also have a similar

responsibility for other events, such as explosions and toxic release. Fire authorities in

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the region should be appraised about the location of all stores of flammable materials,

water and foam supply points, and fire-fighting equipment. They should be involved in

on-site emergency rehearsals both as participants and, on occasion, as observers of

exercises involving only site personnel.

6.2.11 Role of Health Authorities

Health authorities, including doctors, surgeons, hospitals, ambulances, and so on,

should have a vital part to play following a major accident, and they should form an

integral part of the emergency plan. For major fires, injuries should be the result of

the effects of thermal radiation to a varying degree, and the knowledge and

experience to handle these in all but extreme cases may be generally available in most

hospitals. Injuries should be the result of the effects of thermal radiation to a varying

degree, and the knowledge and experience to handle this in all but extreme cases

may be generally available in most hospitals. For major toxic releases, the effects vary

according to the chemicals in question. The health authorities should be appraised

about the likely toxic releases from the plant, which will unable then in dealing with

the aftermath of a toxic release.

Major off-site incidents are likely to require medical equipment and facilities

additional to those available locally, and a medical " mutual aid " scheme should

exist to enable the assistance of neighbouring authorities to be obtained in the event

of an emergency

6.2.12 Role of Government Safety Authority

There will be the factory inspectors available in the region. They may wish to see

well-documented procedures and evidence of exercise undertaken to test the plan.

In the event of an accident, local arrangements regarding the role of the factory

inspector will apply. These may vary from keeping a watching brief to a close

involvement in advising on operations. In cases where toxic gases may have been

released, the factory inspectors may be the only external agency with equipment

and resources to carry out tests.

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Chapter 7


7.0 Benefits

M/s. Indian Sugar Mfg. Co. Limited (ISMCL-2) is a Public Limited

Company. ISMCL Unit no- 02 have proposed to New Establishment of

sugar, co-generation and disti l lery project, production capacity of sugar

plant 5000 TCD & co-generation 25 MW and 60 KLPD disti l lery unit at

A/p- Turk Pimpri, Tq- Barshi, Dist-Solapur This project development will give

rise to social and economic development measures in the study area.

7.1 Improvement in Physical Infrastructure

The Enhancement project is expected to yield a positive impact on the

socio-economic environment. It helps in sustainable development of

this area including further development of physical Infrastructural

facil i ties. The following physical infrastructure faci l i ties wil l improve

due to proposed project:-

Ø Road Transport faci l it ies

Ø Educational faci l i ties

Ø Water supply and sanitation

7.2 Improvement in Social Infrastructure

The Enhancement project wil l lead to direct and indirect employment

opportunity. Employment is expected during civil construction period, in

trade, garbage lifting, sanitation, plantation works and other anci l lary

services. Employment in these sectors wil l be primari ly temporary or

contractual and involvement of unski l led labour will be more. This wil l

enhance their income and lead to overall economic growth of the area.

The fol lowing changes in socio-economic status are expected to take

place with this project.

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The project wil l have a strong positive employment and income effect,

both direct as well as indirect because of better indirect employment

opportunities due to this project. The project is going to have positive

impact on consumption behavior by way of raising average consumption

and income through multiplier effect. The project is going to bring

about changes in the pattern of demand from food to non-food items

and sufficient income is generated. Following development of social

infrastructures will be carried out:

Ø Education faci l i ties

Ø Banking facil it ies

Ø Post off ices and Communication facil i ties

Ø Medical facil i ties

Ø Recreation facil i ties

Ø Business establishments

Ø Community faci l i ties

7.3 Places of Historical Importance

There is no historical or archaeological monument within 10 km of the

area. Industrial development and consequent economic development

wil l lead to improvement in the l iving standards of the people and

enhanced social awareness. On the other hand, the Enhancement

project is l ikely to have several benefits l ike improvement in indirect

employment generation and economic growth of the area, by way of

improved infrastructure facil it ies and better socio-economic conditions.

This section of report describes the direct and indirect benefits that the proposed

sugar Plant is expected to have at the local, regional or even national scale. The

benefits from the project on the infrastructure in general and on the socio-economic

status will be described.

7.4 Multiplier Effect

The project will have excellent multiplier effect and will become truly a win-win

situation for all the stakeholders. Thus, the proposed project has substantial socio-

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economic and environmental benefits at the local, the State, the Regional and the

National levels.

Composted manure will be given to farmers in the subsidized rates, such kind of bio

fertilizer will increase the fertility of the land reduces the use of chemical fertilizer.

7.5 Aesthetic Environment

The proposed project will reduce the pollution load in the micro level environment.

And the aesthetic beauty will get a chance to be much better than earlier.

7.6 Other tangible benefits

Both tangible and non-tangible benefits wil l result from this activity

and many of those are described above. Apart from direct employment,

many other benefits wil l accrue l ike

Ø Flood control by rain-water arresting, and harvesting

Ø Groundwater level enhancing by recharging

Ø Time saving by quicker transport

Ø Aesthetics improvement by general greening with emphasis on


Ø Availabi l i ty of nursery facil i tates plantation

Ø Developed economy strengthens democratic set-up.

Ø Strengthened democratic set-up wil l bring weightage to secure

better school-subsidy and health-institutes

Ø Developed economy brings with it l i teracy and healthful l iving.

Ø Improved safety-security in surrounding with better Law and


Ø Symbiosis and sustainable development wil l be the ultimate


* * * * *

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Chapter 8


8.1 Introduction

In view of the global concept of sustainable development, Environment Management

is a crucial segment of Industrial Management. Apart from the social obligation, the

industries are required to meet a series of statutory norms laid by Government

bodies. Better environment management means less waste generation, better

resources management leading to cost savings. Further, it gives a better public

image. Therefore, preparation of Environmental Management Plan is a must to fulfill

bifocal aspect of the statutory compliance as well as that of social concern.

Water and Air environment needs to be continuously managed, because man needs

these resources every moment, so also is Flora and Fauna dependent on it. The

biological aspects, soil and ground water are all interdependent. Thus, there is a

need of proper environmental management and a conscious plan for it.

To draw a rigid EMP is especially important because, India has to support 16.1% of

the world’s population only on 2.3 % of the global area with 0.4% of energy

reserve. This point of Low Energy Reserve is especially taken note by the Project

Proponents. In this respect efforts are oriented towards:

· Bagasse is used for energy

· Spent wash will be used for manure

· Effluent remaining is further used for green belt development &

agricultural purposes.

8.2 Objectives of Environmental Management Plan

a) To define the components of environmental management.

b) To prepare an environmental hierarchy.

c) To prepare a checklist for statutory compliance.

d) To prepare environmental organization.

e) To prepare a schedule for monitoring and compliance.

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8.3 Checklist of Statutory Obligations

There are a number of environmental statutes required to be attained by the

industries. ISMCL-2 shall obey the provisions of all relevant Acts, Rules, Notifications

and Orders.

The checklist of these obligations, which facilitates the obedience of the laws of land

are given below :

a) Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974;

b) Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977;

c) Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981;

d) Environment (Protection) Act, 1986;

e) Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 2003;

f) All the conditions laid at consent under Water Act, 1974;

g) All the conditions laid at consent under Air Act, 1981; and

h) EIA Notification’2006.

8.4 Environment Management Cell (EMC)

An Environment Management Cell shall be developed by an effective mixing of a

group of technical experts from various departments of the project to look after the

all obligatory requirements and shall be responsible for the effective implementation

of all environmental pollution control measures.

The cell shall be headed by the Plant In charge as shown in Figure 8.1. There

should be one SHE manager, who will report to plant in charge and will be assisted

by chemist environment and environment & safety officer.

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Figure 8.1: Environment Management Cell

Environment Environment

Officer Chemist

8.5 Construction Phase Environment Management

8.5.1 Site Preparation

The development of site for erections of plant structure, office building & other allied

activities shall require careful management planning as the construction activities

shall be located in plain barren land owned by the project proponent. Therefore,

construction site development process should incorporate certain precautions.

It is necessary to control the dust nuisance that would be created by excavation,

leveling and transportation activities so that impacts on the various components of

environment would be minimized.

8.5.2 Sanitation

The construction area should be provided with proper and sufficient sanitation

facilities in order to maintain adequate hygiene condition because the products being

produced in the proposed project is consumed raw by end users and therefore no

contamination of products or the production process itself can be permitted.

Chairman & M.D

Chief Chemist SugarPlant Works Manager

Genral Manager

Plant Incharge

Distillery Manager

Co-generation Plant Manager

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8.5.3 Noise

Though level of construction activities shall not be very high, still some specific

sources of noise like welding, transportation, movement of earth movers, tractors,

concrete or asphalt mixing etc. should be carried out in a controlled manner. Neither

the plant nor the construction workers should be exposed to excessive noise levels.

8.5.4 Construction Equipment and Waste

Transport vehicles as well as transport routes should be properly maintained during

whole construction phase to minimize smoke / dust emission from vehicle exhausts

and unpaved roads. Composite solid wastes including metal scrape, earthwork, other

wastes, getting generated in construction process should be disposed off in safe

manner. Certain hazardous waste materials, though the requirement of such

materials shall be small, should be stored safely and be disposed off properly. Such

hazardous materials would be petroleum products, diesel, lubricating oils, LPG, pitch


8.5.5 Storage of Hazardous Material

The following hazardous materials will be stored as per international standards.

1. Ethanol and diesel

2. LPG

3. Painting Materials

8.5.6 Site Security

Construction site has a potential hazardous environment. To ensure that the local

inhabitants and stray cattle are not exposed to these hazards, the site shall be

secured by fencing and manned entry points. It will be fully illuminated during


8.6 Operational Phase Air Environment Management

The monitored ambient air quality has been found to be very much within the norms

established by the regulating agency such as Central Pollution Control Board.

However, to maintain the existing status and minimize the impact due to the

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proposed project operations the following steps would be initiated for a better air


Ø Boiler should be essentially using bagasse, which is the main source of

particulate pollution. The boiler shall be equipped with ESP, should run at

maximum efficiency.

Ø The emission characteristics should also be monitored regularly.

Ø At plant periphery as well as in-between spaces, recommended plant species

should be grown in a manner that such small green patches act as a part of

green belt to trap dust being emitted from fuel combustion and /or fugitive

sources and also attenuate the other gaseous pollutants.

Ø The control of fugitive emission such as hydrocarbons from DG sets, process

units/storage, the following measures are recommended:

ü Bagasse from outside the project premises will be transported in

covered trucks.

ü Proper maintenance and clearing of the roads inside the plant to avoid

excess fugitive dust generation

ü Raw materials and ash disposal trucks should be covered to stop dust


ü Monitor the consented parameters at ambient station.

ü Monitor the work zone at various stations to satisfy the corporate

requirements for health and environment.

ü Movement of Bagasse from outside mill should covered in truck.

8.7 Operational Phase Water Environment & Management

The ground water shall be used for the plant operation and generation of waste

water & discharge should be maintained as per the MoEF current guidelines. The

followings are to be strictly followed to meet the requirement:

§ To treat the sugar and cogen plant effluent effectively, a ETP of 500

M3/day capacity will be installed which operates on activated sludge

process followed by extended aeration.

§ The effluent generated from distillery unit will be treated & concentrated

by Multi Effect Evaporators.

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§ Generated sewage i.e. 50m3/day will be collected in 50 m3/day capacity

Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) and treated water will be reused for

Landscaping/Green belt development.

§ The record of input water every day for quantity will be recorded by

installing water meters and periodically of quality will be ascertained.

§ Measures will be adopted to segregate the storm water drain from


§ Water conservation is to be accorded high priority in every section of the

factory by avoiding wastage of water.

§ Record of wastewater returned back to process and to gardening, both the

quantity will be kept by installing water meters.

§ The water balances will be regularly updated and that should be made

available to all concerned members of EMC.

8.7.1 Water Pollution & Control Facilities

The major contributions of pollution in a Integrated Sugar complex are aqueous

effluent and gaseous emission. The water pollution is due to the effluent generated

from the process and utilities blow down. The air pollution is mostly from Boiler

stacks. Other sources of pollution are solid waste & noise.

8.7.2 Waste Water Generation

The sources of effluent from the integrated sugar complex are cane sugar unit, co-

generation plant and distillery. The quantities of effluents generated in each plant

during crushing season and off season are

· Cane Crushing & Co-generation Plant : 488 M3/day

· Spent wash generation from evaporator is : 560 M3/day

· Domestic effluent from colony : 50 M3/day

8.7.3 Effluent Treatment Scheme for Sugar Mill, Cogen power and

Distillery Unit

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§ Effluent from sugar and cogeneration plant i.e. 488 M3/day will be treated in

to 500 M3/day capacity of ETP and will be used for plantation and green belt


§ Effluents from distillery i.e 560M3/day will be treated in multiple effect

evaporator system.

§ Sewage from residential colony i.e. 50M3/day will be treated in to STP and 50

M3/day will be used for plantation and green belt development.

8.8 Noise Environment

The following precautionary measures are to be adopted in the proposed project

§ Proper care will be taken at the time of installation to insulate/enclose all

the noise sources to avoid occupational exposure to the workers and also

to minimize the generation of excess noise level.

§ Monitor the ambient noise level and work zone noise level as per the

monitoring schedules to conform the stipulated norms.

§ Noise attenuation devices such as ear mufflers must be provided to the

workers in the high noise exposure areas.

8.9 Biological Environment

Special attention is required to maintain green belt in and around the factory


§ Adequate provisions are to be made to facilitate daily watering of all plants

and lawns. Special attention provided during summer to ensure that the

green belt does not suffer from water shortage.

§ Development & maintenance of green belt to be considered as a priority


§ No outside soil/rubble will be brought for site development.

§ The emissions of particulate from the boiler stack will be maintained within

the limit of 150 mg/Nm3 while it is being fired by bagasse by providing

ESP in the Boiler Stack.

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8.10 Land Environment

The impacts on the land environment in this case is again associated with the land

applications of ETP effluent for crop irrigation and green belt development &

maintenance, which has been discussed earlier under water environment


However, the construction of green belts, parks, would largely offset the change to

the existing landscape and would provide visual comfort. The improved economy of

the area is expected to cause increased outputs to agriculture, trade and commerce.

As ISMCL-2 will implement zero wastewater discharge methodology, there would be

no impact due to any wastewater disposal on land. Boiler Stack will be equipped

with ESP for control of Particulate emissions, moreover 85 m height of the stack will

disperse the pollutants to longer distances.

8.11 Ash Management

At 100% capacity utilization of the proposed co-gen power plant, maximum annual

ash generation will be 30 MT/day. The generated ash from biomass based

cogeneration plant will be managed inside the plant premises for disposal. The

generated hot ash from bagasse based cogeneration plant will be managed inside

the plant premises for disposal. Sufficient land area is allocated for such temporary

dumping. This ash will be collected by a pneumatic or vacuum ash handling system

through screw and belt conveyors. At the time of ash transportation, covered vehicle

will be in use.

Entire ash generated from the proposed project will be utilized by mixing the ash

with Press Mud for manure purposes.

8.12 Green Belt

Out of total area of 116 acres, more than 33% of land i.e. around 50 acres of land

be utilised for Landscaping / Gardening / Green Belt Development activities.

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Total around 2500 trees plantation will be carried out along with the boundary wall

of the plant and within the colony. Plantation program will be designed and a budget

will be allocated for this purpose every year.

Features of Green belt

§ Suitable tree species will be planted in the green belt.

§ This will act as a noise barrier and would also reduce the air pollution

§ Plantation will also Improve the aesthetic backdrop of the site

As far as possible, the species should be indigenous and locally available Species

would be planted.

8.12.1 Plantation: Ecological Need & Location

Tree plantation is known for improving the aesthetic and climatological environment

of the area. Properly designed green belt would help in abating air pollution up to a

significant degree. To make the proposed unit complex verdant, healthy and hazard

proof, requisite plantation at proper locations is needed with particular emphasis on

aesthetics, protection against noise, odor and fugitive emissions.

The locations in the proposed unit where vegetal covers are required to be provided


· Along the outermost boundary, wherever possible

· Along road and pathways

· Along the Effluent Treatment Plant areas

8.12.2 Plantation Design and Plant Species

In view of the different functional requirements of the plant the pattern of plantation

around the unit is discussed under curtain, avenue, field (vacant land) and

ornamental plantations.

Avenue Plantation

The main gate and the entry road area will be maintained with plants. This shows

the management’s commitments towards conserving environment.

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Ornamental Plantation

The available area depending on the layout of the proposed units shall be used for

lawns, hedges, flowering trees and shrubs as well as seasonal flowers. The following

species may be used for ornamental plantation.

Foliage and Flowering Trees

Nerium odorum Kaner

Murraya exotica Kamini

Hibiscus rosasinensis Gudhal

Flowering Shrubs

Bongainvillea Baganvilla

Thesesia polulanea Sthel padma

Ixora cocinea Lal rangoon

Poinsettia pulcherrima Lal pata

Flowering Climbers

Bongnia venusta Golden showers

Tecoma radicaus Tacoma

Quisqualis indica Rangoon creeper

8.13 Occupational Safety & Health

All precautionary methods will be adopted by the company to reduce the risk of

exposure of employees to occupational safety and health hazards.

Pre & post medical check-ups will be done of all the employees. Employees will be

regularly examined and the medical records will be maintained for each employee.

Pulmonary function test and periodical medical check up shall be done once in every


The following tests shall be conducted for each worker :

§ Lung Function Test

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§ Radiology – X-ray

§ Pulmonary Function Test

§ Audometric Test

§ General clinical examination with emphasis on respiratory system

§ Pre employment examinations

§ Periodical medical examinations at the time of employment and after

completion of employment.

For the safety of workers, personnel protective appliances like hand gloves, goggles,

aprons, ear mufflers, nose mask etc. will be provided. Nose mask will be provided at

places, where there is possibility of dust generation. In high noise generation areas

ear mufflers will be provided for the workmen. Proper ventilation system will be

provided in the process area.

8.14 Socio-Economic Welfare Activities

§ The operators and workers are to be trained in various aspects of ESH

(Environment, Safety and Health). The managers and officers involved in

Environment Management Cell shall undergo refresher workshop and up-

gradation of information on various environmental issues.

§ The management of ISMCL-2 shall help in promoting the activities related

to environmental awareness in nearby villages.

§ The proponent shall help in promoting local people for livelihood

commensurate with their will, skill and abilities.

§ Many other welfare measures will be taken from time to time.

8.15 Risk Assessment for Storage & Transportation of Ethanol

The proposed project will produce Ethanol which is a flammable liquid. Leaving aside

earthquake, cyclone, lightning, flood, arson, war and sabotage, the possible

emergencies that can arise in the proposed project are:

· Failure of vessels resulting in the release of Ethanol.

· Failure of pipelines resulting in the release of Ethanol.

· Failure of process equipment resulting in the release of Ethanol.

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· Specific failures like accidental spillage of Ethanol during handling.

· Consequential fires involving the flammable materials.

Table 8.1 Hazards & Mitigation Measures Associated with Ethanol

Description Clear Solution

Flash Point 13 0C

Boiling Point 78 0C

Specific Gravity 0.7906

Toxic hazards Highly Toxic

Fire Extinguishing Media Use water, alcohol foam, dry chemical, carbon


Mitigation Measures

· Avoid breathing vapors.

· Use Self Contained Breathing Apparatus.

· Fire fighters should wear proper protective


· Adequate Fire Fighting arrangements will be


· Spark & Leak arrestors will be provided at

proper places.

· Transportation: - Trucks should be covered

loading and unloading sparking. Tanks will be

loaded & flame floor

8.16 Environmental Monitoring Schedule

Monitoring of the post project environment is of utmost importance and has legal

requirements. Regular monitoring of the environment helps in assessing the benefits

of implementation of environment management plan. ISMCL-2 shall adopt an

effective monitoring plan with proper schedule as a step forward to ensure better

environment management practices. Details about Environmental Monitoring

Schedule given in the Chapter-5

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8.17 Environmental Budget

Before the commission of the plant the Environment Management Cell will be formed

to take care of environmental issues including plantation. The total fiscal estimation

for EMP is indicated to be 14.75 crores, details are given in Table no. 8.2.

Table 8.2: Cost of Environmental Protection Measures

No. Particulars Amount in INR,


One Time Installation Cost

1 Air Pollution Control System 200.00

2 Noise Control System 20.00

3 Water Pollution Control System 150.00

4 Green Belt Development 25.00

5 Environment Monitoring and Management 25.00

Total 420.00

Recurring Cost

7 Maintenance of ESP 20.00

8 General Maintenance of Treatment Plants 15.00

9 Environmental Monitoring 10.00

10 Greenbelt maintenance 2.50

11 Occupational Health & Safety 2.50

12 Environmental Management 5.00

Total 55.00

8.18 Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

The practice of CSR is subject to much debate and criticism. Proponents argue that

there is a strong business case for CSR, in that corporations benefit in multiple ways

by operating with a perspective broader and longer than their own immediate, short-

term profits. Critics argue that CSR distracts from the fundamental economic role of

businesses; others argue that it is nothing more than superficial window-dressing;

others argue that it is an attempt to pre-empt the role of governments as a

watchdog over powerful multinational corporations

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8.18.1 Core CSR activities

ISMCL-2 integrated project mission to become a model corporate citizen is being

translated on the ground by specific initiatives in the field of education, healthcare,

infrastructure development and income generation. ISMCL-2 intervention has

radically changed the way of life for thousands of sugarcane farmers and their

families at Barshi & Madha Taluka and surrounding area.

The sugar units are working closely with farmers, providing them with valuable

advice on each facet of the crop cycle including tips on weather forecasts, soil and

seed management, fertilizer and insecticide use, ratoon management, selection of

agri inputs, and maintaining the proper balance between the early, mid and late

ripening varieties.

ISMCL-2 integrated Sugar; Distillery and Cogen power plant has always understood

the importance of being a socially responsible corporation and meets its corporate

social responsibilities in many ways, including:

· ISMCL-2 has proposed -

a) Mahila Bachat Gat

b) English Medium School

c) Branch of Vitthal Bazhar

d) Medical and Road development facility

e) Hotelling activity

f) Drip Irrigation

g) Local Employment generation

h) Area development & Giving training of advance technology to Factory

members & Farmers

Commencing from Introductory, this EIA study has reported the details on

Proponents, Project, natural and manmade facets of background environment, how

and how much residual pollution will be added after prevention, abatement, control

and mitigation. Whether the overall impact will be adverse, beneficial or marginal is

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Page 156

found out by two accredited systems. Justification of the Project or “No Project” is

also considered. This, however, is required to be manned properly. Unless an EMP is

prepared in advance, as like production campaign the environmental protection will

not automatically happen. Such EMP and its implementation with commitment from

the higher management is stated. This Study when scrupulously followed, will meet

the objectives of fulfilling the legal requirements and not causing any hardships to


* * * * *

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Chapter 9


Indian Sugar Mfg. Co. (Unit No-2) Limited (ISMCL) is a Public Limited Company

proposed to production capacity of sugar plant 5000 TCD & co-generation 25 MW

and 60 KLPD distillery at Village Turk Pimpri, Tq- Barshi, Dist-Solapur and

Maharashtra state.

Salient Features of the project

Ø Capacity of the Plant:-Sugar Unit- 5000 TCD & co-generation 25 MW and

60 KLPD distillery

Ø Project Area: - 116 Acre.

Ø Cost of the Project:-The total project cost is Rs.23489lacks

Ø Water requirement:-The total Water requirement for the factory is nearly

952 m3/day during the crushing and during the slack season. Water will be

sourced from Sina River.

Ø All liquid effluents will be suitably treated and consumed for internal use like

landscaping and green belt. The effluent will be neutralized by the addition of

either acid or alkali to achieve the required pH.

Ø All equipment vulnerable to explosion or fire will be designed to relevant IS

codes & statutory regulations. Suitable fire protection system comprising

hydrants and spray systems will be provided for fire protection.

Ø There will be an environment cell and qualified chief chemist in charge of

analytical measurements and qualified engineers for pollution control.


The potential environmental, social and economic impacts have been assessed. The

proposed Sugar Unit, Cogeneration Plant & Distillery unit will have certain levels of

marginal impacts on the local environment. Implementation of the project will have

beneficial impact in terms of providing direct and indirect employment opportunities.

There will be a positive socio-economic development in the region. Quality of life of

the people will be improved. Recommendations made in the CREP for Sugar Plant

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Page 158

will be implemented. ISMCL-2 will also undertake various community welfare

measures for the upliftment of the villages of the study area.

Pollution control is nothing but internalizing external diseconomy. This is in line with

Polluter to pay principle adopted by Supreme Court. This cost-benefit work, though

not asked specifically in scoping, is discussed. Though this many look ideal on paper,

it will not serve the purpose unless Environmental Management Plan is prepared and

got approved. To support the Plan, administrative set up is necessary and the same

is described.

The immediate earlier Chapter had indicated as to what steps are designed in the

working of new project. This, however, is required to be manned properly. Unless an

EMP is prepared in advance, as like production campaign the environmental

protection will not automatically happen. For such EMP, fixing of objectives is the

first step and ensures its implementation is the last step. This is designed in this

Chapter and we have a commitment from the higher management to stick to this

design. This will meet the objectives of fulfilling the legal requirements and not

causing any hardships to people, whether it is only formulation extension or a

technical grade manufacture.

With due respect to what transpired in the Public Hearing, the PP will pass the

benefits duly to the local development.

* * * * *

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Chapter 10


This EIA report is prepared on behalf of the proponents, taking inputs from

proponent’s office staff, their R & D wing, Architects, Project Management

Professionals etc. by Environmental Consultants M/s. Ultra-Tech Environmental

Consultancy & Laboratory, Thane, Mumbai , who have been accredited by QCI-

NABET vide official memorandum of MoEF S.N. 93 of LIST ‘A’ of MoEF - O.M. No. J

11013/77/2004/IA II(I) dated September 30, 2011, S. No.157 of list of Consultants

with Provisional Accreditation * (Rev.23) of dated 07th August, 2014.

M/s Ultra-Tech Environmental Consultancy & Laboratory:

Ultra-Tech Environmental Consultancy & Laboratory [Lab Gazetted by MoEF – Govt.

of India] not only give environmental solutions for sustainable development, but

make sure that they are economically feasible. With innovative ideas and impact

mitigation measures offered, make them distinguished in environmental consulting

business. The completion of tasks in record time is the key feature of Ultra-Tech. A

team of more than hundred environmental brigadiers consists of engineers, experts,

ecologists, hydrologists, geologists, socio-economic experts, solid waste and hazard

waste experts apart from environmental media sampling and monitoring experts and

management experts , strive hard to serve clients with up to mark and best services.

Ultra-Tech offers environmental consultancy services to assist its clients to obtain

environmental clearance for their large buildings, construction, CRZ, SEZ, high rise

buildings, township projects and industries covering sugar and distilleries from

respective authorities. Ultra-Tech is in the process of getting QCI-NABET final

accreditation for its EIA organization.

Ultra-Tech also provide STP/ETP /WTP project consultancy on turn-key basis apart

from Operation and Maintenance of these projects on annual contract basis. Also,

having MoEF approved environmental laboratory, Ultra-Tech provide laboratory

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Page 160

services for monitoring and analysis of various environmental media like air, water,

waste water, stack, noise and meteorological data to its clients all over India and


Functional area experts and assistance to FAE involved in the EIA study for “M/s

Indian Sugar Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Turk Pimpri, Barshi Tehsil, Solapur District,

Maharashtra,” is as follows:


* PERIOD OF INVOLVEMENT : September 2013 – November 2013

* CONTACT INFORMATION : ULTRA-TECH Environmental consultancy & Laboratory,


S/ No.

Name of Sector

Name of Project





1 Distilleries 5 (g), Sugar 5 (j) & Co- Gen 1 (d)

Indian Sugar Mfg co. Ltd. (Industrial Project)

Mr. A.K. Mhaskar Associates: Mr. Kishor Sawant, Dr. Prashant Banne

FA Names AP Mr. Akshay Kulkarni WP Ms. Pardnya Parkhi EB Ms. Bharti Khairnar SE Mr. Shrikrishna Kulkarni

SHW Ms. Pradnya Parkhi LU Associate: Mr. Amogh Bodas


S/ No. Name of

Laboratory Scope of Services ACCREDITATION

STATUS 1 Green Circle INC. Monitoring and Analysis of:

1. Ambient Air Quality Monitoring 2. Ground and Surface Water Quality Monitoring 3. Noise Level Monitoring and 4. Soil Quality Monitoring 5. Metrological data collection

Gazetted by MoEF- Govt. of India

* * * * *