INDIANA STATE SENTINEL: TUE OFFICIAL. UAAtii fö-Oß- ce vn Illinois Mryrthjf Washington. (i. A. & JHUIIIAIM, Editors. State Sentinel will contain a much larger anSoünt of rcailin- - matter, on all uhjocts .,f general interest, titan any other ncwsptiperm Indiana. anI and eh.r-ii- v Saturday, Is puMu-li- M every Weelnchy the session of the Legislature, three times a week, onTue(lrivs, Thursdays and Saturdays, at Four Dol- lars a year, payable always in advance. TIIC WCCliLY EDITION Is jHihlished every Thursday, at Tic Dollars a year, always to be paid in advance. .sl'in advance will pay for six months. y will pay for three copies one year. Persons remitting AH i" advance, free of post- age, shall have three copies of the Semi-Week- ly one year. SV2 will piv for six months. nI will always be charged for the'Tri-Weekl- y, and cents iur the Weekly" during the Legislative sessions. ADVERTISEMENTS, will be inserted three times at one dollar a s.piarc of $ lines and be continued at the rate of cents a square for each additional on. Quarterly advertisements, per spiare, All advertie;neüts from abroad must be accompanied by the rush ; or no attention will be paid to them. Posta ire turnt be paid. The following account of the state of tilings in Spain is given in a French piper : The cabinet of Narvaez finds the greatest diff- iculty in sustaining itself against the powerful party vrhich seeks its subversion. That party, of which the Queen mother and Velum i are the soul, work in the dark to accomplish their end, which is no other than the restoration of Don Carlo.', i Vclumt, a cunning, hypocritical, and enterpris- ing man, aims at the absolute regency ; and, support- ed3 by the Sjhnish grandees, whom the constitutional regime has deprived of their privileges, he is imper- ceptibly undermining, and with a sure prosjcct of feucce-- s, the representative government. .Neverthe- less; he is not the mo-- t redoubtable adversary of Nar-vae- z. Christina is still more to be feared. She is a woman and a fanatic. The oath which she took to the Pope of Home to i-h in Spain the abso- lute despotism which she had abolished, is no doubt- ful matter. All the world knows it; Narvaez is not ignorant cf it ; he stands, therefore, more in the fear tif Ferdinand's widow, now .Madame Munoz, than of all the Spanish dignitaries together. The clergy sup- - j port with all their power the rpjcen-mothe- r, and ,11117"' her, moreover, in her mameuvres to sulmiuc me spirit of her daughter. The Christina coterie, in which figure the ltaroii de. Meer, Veluma, and his brother Pezncla, the Count Espeleta, the bishops and arch- bishops, and a multitude of other ecclesiastics, is, in all human probability, sure of triumph. In Navarre the Carhts are on the point ot rais in"- - the standard of revolt; in Catalonia the tra'm ai-- ! , 1 ...l.,u. ... ; U,,rn n-- )!.! i rtS Ut'CUillC tllOIU aim llioiv.- - u-'- , .v Castile the grandees raise thc;r pretentions; in the realm of Valencia the military authority dare no long- er promise the maintenance of tranquility, so little fontidence have they in the disposition of the troops, la one word, every "thin scenic to conspire against the existing system. 44 A Carlist movement is universally anticipated this spring. In all the saloons of Madrid it is spoken of as an undoubted fact. The ministry see the dan-g- er which threatens, and dare not combat it, for it is necessary to strike at the heads too high ; it is ne- cessary to unmask personages too haughtily elevated ; und the sword of Narvacz is not strong enough, nor of a temper sufficiently hard to encounter the repell- ing shock. The counter-revolutio- n marches un, then, with rapid stripes, towards the restoration ot Don Carlos. Christina is at its head. It has no other means to expiate its extortions and the disorder of its pat conduct. Nothing but the awakening of the liberal spirit from its lethargy the reappearance of the people on the arena can prevent tltc restoration J tf the ancient regime, and reduce to insignificance the fereciouJ charlatans of the day." A Var'n paper has the following remarks about a banquet to be given Narvaez: 44 It is the whim of a vizier. Seven hundred per sons are invited, and the Cost of the feast is reckoned at 1,0M ounces of gold, or 1)0,0 K) iranrs ( CW-"- He must have millions t indulge in Mich largesses;, ,.1 V-v- n. hrw their. Vet he tosses.ed but his uifj - - - - i ... . ! sword s scabbard wnen no reiurneu 10 rp.iiii , in in- heritance has devolved to him, and he has won no lot- tery prize ; yet he has bought a:ul paid for in cash a chateau worth 0)0,000 francs ; be has above a mil- lion in a Paris firm which I could name, and he spends 1)0,000 francs-o- n a dinner. Von sec by these ficts to what an extent robbe rv is organized here. From the !ii"hct to the lowet they are robbing everywhere, and there is nothing to bo omiparcd w ith this frantic , dilapidation. Matlinic Mum is nt the last tt sat-- 1 isfv her avidity ; now wants nMl,()0t,(MH) re als m the way of arrears ed" t!ie civil list, w liich she claims in virtiu' dT the principle that she labbern reput and soverei"ti inistrc.s of thu Cassette unto the lDtli of October" 1- - i L' Questions and An U'F.KS. V! l'llirmICV. W Hat is Pharm icy ! Th? science of concealing how little can be elone to assist nature. What is the genuine name flr drills 1 St utT. What is the b?- -t method to procure bark 1 Throw- - physic t the dos. What is the probable cause of cataract? Water; on the brain. ! When may a cold be said to be caujltt ! When your nose runs after it. I What would you call a slight attack tf fever and au' : Ao ireai snaue. What is dissection ! Critical cutting up. Can vou dis-sec- t yourselt .' Ves. 11 ow Open your heart to a friend. What is a patient ! . (lenerally any tiling c!se. What is the most prevalent cause of ill hum r I Ten tntich bile. What would vou lake to drive it out ? A cab. What is l'hl:lK)t.my J Skilful blnedin. State the most tllectuil time to bleed. The moment your patient Ivcuiik s convalescent, then put in your bill; dtliy H dangerous, ami neaitii unrateiui. What would you call a violent outbreak ! Kash. What i.s the usual roult uf atlcctiun of the heart ! Iiierease of sijjhs.. Can the p'itieiit jet as?i.stanee ! Ves. I low ? I'y i riii'jinp; the b'lle. . How is the heart enlarged 1 At the expcn.se of the I corporation. - ... i tri . 1 tl"ht ; V II at IS Com ; meiesiocoi aMiii- - r "ö"1 in 4 VOtir beets. State the easiest way to cut corns ? Swcar them oil'. What is the great to health ! llih living. What would you call high living ! doing out on a lark. Where is the be.- -t place to examine diseases ? At a un gist rutin's ollice. Why 1 Peeauvj there they lodge all complaints. Jiust'Hi i'ost. 0"'A BweM't youn lady p;avo us oru elay as hnr reason fr jiuinj what is now a Fourier community, that she wast etiouted with ronvciitionalism, nml wi,hfl Vt bi Lim; from its iraHin' restraints, ami to ;.. tl... ;.M..r..'itir uf lir.tnr.. I.i,.r .r.rl I . ...ill hot rtdatU h'r hisb ry ; nor that Ot tho Voting Ad-mi- who w.'i.s williti" tonul h'r in Uvr Ktru""b for free- - iloni. It is ivt nlwav-- s sate pst in; with nattirr. W.iv MiniPtinie.?! crackst praencai n winch area Jittlo ttx C.xpelliver. f. A. I..-uiltil- , or Ifrvtcnson S Qnftrterly It' ii ir "or Ja'y. uti.wirrs. Ä HKLI'I'TI'II assortment of Fine Florence Praidand other P.nrt-i- nets of Ihe I alrt sjirm si lr jut ret elved at the latoi. I tat .V. r'lHe More, nnd for .l-- very t..w. 'A J. K. 1 1 A 14 1 I ; "It CrtT received t the Patnonalite Hal .V Mi- - Store, V ii c ei t.'eiit. MmiK rii I'.m4 laterl ;iin! itt) le. Ii " Calf " " t Seal 44 " Very Inw for raid. J. K. Sil AP.PK. Ivili' B'iiM Kill Slips ;ml 'E'ir.. ffllllSt il.iv received at tlx- - I'.i.li.oiiatile Shoe in. Hat Store ami for 11. mle low ut win nml nt lib J. K. SH.AUPi:. "" S3IOIN ami wotra sT Jf !'' Variou ipi llitie l..l t;e' SIiim-- , I ,S .,. Men mil! IbYi mmw tMii4 an I Id do. misesand e lob're it 'n jut received aiidfomatei he uitiy C. II KIMHIK I.V. .ii si' F5t; 5:5 A LK(L lolof llal,P. t.ai;d.SIi'e.of allteii, forn-ilehn- it l.y Ii! V. C. ll..N.N.. Indianapolis, August 13, 11-3- . Free Vot Oflicc for thv Slate Sentinel. IVow is Iii Time ! AH persons residin;; in the vicinity of the following post uiiices, will receive their papers without charge of postage, from thia date. Who now will not senil us two dollars for the Weekly one year? Just four culls a iceck. Marion County, Jliont County. Piketon Lebanon Clermont Thornleysvillc Allison ills Kiyalton Webb's f arm Jamestown (iermantown Eagle Village Cumberland NurthfieM New liethel Morgan Conniy. llridgeport Moorcsville Augusta Monrovia Hendricks County. Hancock Cuunty. Hampton flroer.lif Id Plaintield Su'ar ("reek Uelleville Charlottsville iStilesville Philadelphia Danville Eden Mew Winchester Johnson Colin t". Urownsburg CJrcenwood Franklin North Malern Far West Hamilton County, Shelby County. Westlietd Pleasant View NoMesvillo Miel by vil'e Strawtown Morris-tow- Cicero Kates of Postage. Ccn!s. ( . For ""El lctt" exccedinZ half an ounce, (adt oir- - dupoUe,) cnt 1101 exceeding 3UÜ miles it Sent over 300 milts 10 For eveiy half ounce, and any execs over every half ounce, the same tatesof postage; and when advetlis-e- d, two cent on each letter ; ox four ctuts, if the aJ veitisirg cot 0 much, adlitional. Fur drop letter (not to be mailed) each For any piintcd ciicul r, handbill, or advertisement, un- sealed, sent any distance For any pamphlet, or other matter "of every kind," that is " tMinmittible by mail," 2nd has no wuttcn communication, of one ounce er les, or for a i.cwspa-p- ei exceeding 1,100 square inches of surface 25 For each additional ounce, or an excess greater than a h ilf ounce 1 For any other newpaper, sent over 30, and not more than 100 miles, or any distance within the same State l Sent over such distance 1 A BajAVH'OMs rovr on K 1:. Arrivals ami Iiiar linos ol tliv .Hails. Ka4I3rm .Arrive-- ! duly at II ' V, M j Closes d.uly ' ' CitiiATi via IlrtHtkrtllt Arrives Tuesdays', Thuridaya ' ami stur.l i s 12 ii:ir. ....! Clies Sund Tiif 'd.tys and Thur.-d;iV- ! 7 r. .m Cinciixati via Inrrrnrrhurh Ariivr Sun. lays, Wcd- - and Kri.l ly - 9 p. CIrson M onda yi, Wednesdays and Frida) s 7 p. '"ne M Soi'iHERi via .Wult'un Ainves Tiifsdaa, 'i'hursdaya j a nd aiurdavH 3 1. L ; ("le! on .Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays 7 A. , I.iiuiwuhim via ; o'owi'f. Arrives Tuesdays, rimis.l.ivs :iii.l S.diir.l.ivs ... 1) I. M. Clisrs Suiiit.iy'. Tuesilays and Thursdays ; r. m. .Mo.vrovu Arrive Tuesd.iv and Saturdays - h P. M- - j 7 p. v.,Ä,ÄÄ "J" nd.iys ID IV j n.wr 1 .1 ity. exrrpi raiiir.t.i. 7 I. M. .Msie-m-Aiiiv- I u.J.iyand alur,t iys I P. M. tUr WkIiik-.Iiv- x ami S;mir..rt - 7 A ÜA.t villk, III. Arrives Tuesday s, 'I'hiirs.lay s and Satur- days - fi P. M. I loses on Sundays, Tnes 'ays and Thursdays 7 P. M Lafatlttc via lnMim Arrives Satuiday - - . . P. M. Closes Weillieila s 7 A. M. NuRTMcm vin lj'nii)rt Arrives Tuesdays, Tliui.-.- l ay s and Saturdays p. m. e'losj .Mi.iil:i) , s ami Fridays 7 A. .M (jRei:tii ir, 1. via H inthedtr Arnves Tuesdays and Saturday - - . f. P. Clones Sundaes and Thursdays - - - 7 P. M. r'-""-- ' p. M 7 P M. i.lnKlu,i,rdi'i- - 'i: s.J AM FF.L IIKMtr.CSn.N', P. M. I.II A.AlOI.IS IIl.Mi .0'T. 'J'ABlii:. CurrectcJor t.'tc liulmna Sluts S hn,l ),,, S. .i. h'l.l. TL tlh'.ll, SUk and tJtti'irt 'c ifri'kir. JyThose marked thus are doubtful. j T . ,... IC.rit.il R i I, i- - dis IIb a... Ilr.iwli. tvir l Mir. ur.iv State Sciip, f , (IS 10 P. ink of St. t lair, and ISII) 5 prem. ' Hank of Kiver Kaiin, State Sciip, föO, dis. M. pai.k, Hank Snip, ; pic m. Michigan Ins. Co. 1 j dis. Wat(;n's checks, ' Kr.Mie'KV, Terre Ilau'e, 10 dis. All Hunks in this State par vodbuin it King's, Illinois. Madison, .V) dis. State Hank, d" di- -. New Albany Ins. Co. 1U dts. Hank of Illinois, G.j dts. Onto. MlSSI-lRI- . Franklin Hk. Columbus, par : State U. and Pianchcs, par Clinton Hk. do par .Nr.w l ork.. j ' Ohio Life and Tiust, pat City Hanks, par Com. Hatik, Cincinnati, par j Country H inks, 2 dis. Lif.yette, " par Mahvl IM). j Franklin, " pat Haltirnore City Hanks, nir Hank of Masill n, pat Couutiy Hanks, 2 dis. Hank of Ciiclevtlle, pai ! VlRl.l.M K. H ink iif Xe ni:., pir H. of Va. and Hi anches, 2 dis. lJ.u k of Sandusky, Farmers Hk. of Va. do 2 di. Hank of Mjim tU, par, Valley Hank do 2 dis. Hank of Ml. Pleasant, par Kxchanc H. at Norfolk, 2 dis. Hank of Not walk, N. W. H. id Va. Wheel., 2 dis. lUnk of (tcaua. pat M. & M. Hk. at do and i, z.,ne-vill- e, par Hutu lies, 2 dis. He lin-'ii- t H. Si. ClaifVille, pai New Krrcii. no. ! Muskingum H. Putnam, pit Boston City Hanks, par Colum. Ilk., New Lisbon, par All other solvent l'.Ws., 3 dis. Ia ton Hank, pr 1 ' F. N Y LVANI K. F. Äi M. H .Stcubcnville, par I'hila.le Iphi i City Hanks, par lUnk of Wooster, Pittsbuigh Hanks, 2 dts. Hank of Chilicothe, par Cm. H. of Lake Kric, 10 dis. F.xcn anci: SHLLINfi RAT f.. Hank of Cleveland. 10 d:s. New Votk, 2 piem. I'rtiitii Mii Lriii f I'ri .riil ifiii. Itiltimuir, " V . Cianvillc H.nk, uis. Phil.ilehdii.1, 2 i Cum. Hank of Scioto, 10 di. S ITC IK Hl' VING rtATr.. H ink f Hamilton, 10 dis. Ameiican (i.dd, 1 pirrn. Miami Kx. Co. 2" dis. Foreign Cold, A " "' "J IK 12 du. Silver J ; im:i.i; ac:aii:my. if fl. Huke's hotel in I iidianaixilis, lor the uiitim lion of Ihe Voiin of Im th sexes, in e hu h dl le taught Ihe most iI.Ik sileof itaiKln. I la) H of tuition lor (leiilleifieii on Monday ami 'I'liu "I ea. Ii week at 7 ' .n k , P. M. I.ailies on SatuilaM nt U.A.M. and II P. M. Sdi. . to loiniueiite .Morday; July II, ?V. Mr. K. w ill eive private is in tt ti ircj or wait ting to those w 'o may le-mr- e to take them, nt their own re;-ide- e if prefer red. 1 1 - 1 w T:iLc C':irc of your Mottry. MI.V do wu hear of iiersous beint; rohlxd of nil their money ioit i luiliiii!! through the neflect of pun husiiic a good Trunk that will keep their properly tale lute they are home and a' load I oibl 1 1 Hot tie better lor lllflll lorall lit J . J. Ill LIT Mid let il Tmi.k lli:il will L II 1 ll !o ! itallv rulilM-i- l 111 Hiirlia wnv l.e i.Tiri li.iv .1 f..r in .my I'. W tn inaikel Men Ii nil.s ite-inn- u' to -- up ply Uiem-eKe- n with I lie artirle, are invited. In lore t.n y i tif e!se tore, to mil ei lief op. ii un, at our store, er on James Piirlooii. ul 'l' l ottoti I .ii loiy. II If J. .V II. t Alll.lSl.l, . CU. rcrraoN VAIL. H A4kt'i Pnl'MiS Pittsl.uuli and iiili:in;.poo Cotton Vnrn r.rW nt the Mil! I'tknt HI'.lfDI'IilA S. H I 'h iinriaiüne llrau.ty Pale M i.lrir i Wine "ilh l'n.f Pteiirh do Ci'd Shrrrv do Jam ii. a Spiriirt Poll A. Aiatan do S lei le. expressly for medical pur ikwcm and warranted pitre.nv June Hi, l- -l ,. l. I K AllillK l. rtl i:i I. Wine :im! Viui'i'Sir. rcjV P.arrel4 supeoor old M:la;.i Wine, t0 ci.ler Vinepar U. made epre-.t- y fyr t hu marke t by t lie uhsc nU r i rordialui bot tie, t IIP.t'hUtl.Y'g . 4- - uiis:vi WAdllll). Ml only 10 Iks to the bi:.-- h, . .Hired ;d l!ie store of ; 4 ii SMITH ,t HANN . isV.w tivrs. ))ZP.N Jii't reie ivi d at Iii? laloii 1! .1 A: SU oe Store. lie hu . n h uid a b..mI assortment ol Trunks w hu h he will sellr heap f,,f """',r Pi ,"v',l ,'a,,, auvis you 10 mve nun u . an ' 11 - .m, .. . H ,i..:iliiv. in Ui i r moi.II uintililieM. ut a lower ihm e tl. ni ilcau fcllAKPi:. SEMI-WEEKL- Y. V. S. 311 1 LS. for carrying the mail or the United States I3KOPOSALS November, Id 15, to 'JOth June, H livin-elusiv- e, in Indiana, will be received at the eontiact o'Hte of the. Post Ollice Department, in the city of Washington, until ! p. in., of the -- M day of September, 15-45- (to be decided by the 1st ot October,) on ihe router, and in the miuner and lime herein specified, to wit : INDIANA. 3'5l. Prom Prookville, by Jennings, Oldcrl ur,, (ienrgus, and Allen's mills, to Creeiisburg, 'M milt s und back, once a week. Leave Urookville every Priday at C a. m., arrive at (Ircecsburg same day by ti p. m. Leave (Jreenburr every Saturday at G a. in., arrive at HreoUvilh) fame day by ( p. m. o'.)55. Prom niuilton, ;lls county, to Port Wayne, in A lion county, 'M miles ami back, once a week. Leave lllull'ton every Priday at 0 a. in., arrive at Port Wayne same day by G p. 111. Leave Port a) ne every Saturday at G a. m., arrive at Ululiion same day by G p. in. 0JÖ0. Prom Columbus, in Bartholomew county, by Rock Creek, to West Point, in Decatur county, 21 miles and bark. -- once a week. Leave Columbus every Thursday at 9 a. m., arrive at West Point same day by 5 p. in. Leave West Point every Priday at G a. in., arrive at Columbus same day by 2 p. m. IV.."7. Prom Clinton, errniilion county, by Indiana Pumuce, to Paris, Illinois, Id miles and Lack, once a wee I:. Leave Clinton every Saturday at 5 a. in., arrive at Pa- ris same day by 11 a. in. Leute Paris every Saturday at 1 p. m , arrive at Clin- ton same day by 7 p. in. ',VS,i. Prom Decatur, in Adams county, by Port Ma-ho- n, to l iberty mills, in Wabash county, C0 miles and back, once a week. l.eutc Docafur every TJmrsday at G a. m., arrive at Liberty Mills next day by 11 n. m. Leave Liberty .Mills every Priday at 1 p. m., arrive at Decatur next day by G p. in. '.VX'J. Prom Delphi, in Carroll county, through the great .Miami Reserve, to .Marion, in Grant county, G5 miles and back, ones a week. Leave Delphi etcry Wednesday at 0 n. m., arrive at Marion next day, by G p. 111. Leave .Marion every .Monday at 0 a. in., arrivo at Ucl- - phi next day by 0 p. m. ;!:M. I'reun Frank I'm, by lie nslfy'n and Ilean Ulossom, to Niiihvüle ,'dl miles und bark, once: a week. Leac I ranklin everv Saturday at G a. in., arrivo at .Nu-Iivil- lu same day by p. tn. Leave Maliillu every Friday at D h in., arrive at Franklin same day by 1 p. in. ir.itU. From I ort Uavne to Van ert,m Van Wert county, ()!iio, lil miles and back, once a week. Leave 1'ort Wayne every Friday at f a. 111., i irrive at Van We rt same day by p. in. Leave Van Weit eve ry Saturday at 5 a. rn. arrive nt Fort Wavne same day by 7 p. rn. :i! M'.'-i- . I loin Iiidianapnli.4, Ivy Urond Ktpple, Uf tblelicni, n 1 ui....i.ift ;u., ,,..,e k.t II I'MllllUf I III IIIIIIWII, UIII1UI MIL, V.1...WII, uuu nun- - mo, t IVru, miles and bark, ... encc . u week. . Leave Imüar.apoli every Tuesday at ö a. m., arrive at '. . . . ' ' I'.tii nixt l:iv hv H I. III. l...;.v,. IVrti everv Thursday at 5 a. in., arrivo at Lull- - - j ' anapolis next day by ci p. m. Proposals for nerv ice oncei in 2 weeks will be consiiler- - c,i, :i'lj:J. Front Indianapolis, by Hampton, Dnnville, New Winehe-sler- , IJ.ii''bnle, l'urtlai.el Mills, Korkville, Ilo- - uiauburg, and Montezuma, to tin? Slate line betwee n In- diana ami Illinois, in the elireclion f Springfield, Illi- nois, ?0 miles and back, once a we-ek- . i Leave Indianapolis e very Tuesday at i a. in., arrive nt State line next day by S p. in. " Leave State Line eve ry Thursdav ut " a. in., arrive at Indianapolis next day by fi p. m. Proposal:? for service once in i weeks will be consider-eel- . teuere: wlie-ilie-- r route is necessary? I From Jamestown, in Poone totinty, by Darling- ton ! and VorktovMi, to Dayton, in T'ippecanoe county, lit! miles and Lack, once a week. Leave Jamestown every Fiiday at C a. in., arrivo at Day ton time day by ( p. in. Leave Dayton every Saturday at C a. ni , nrrive at . i Jainestowil ? attic elav lV P- - m. 'A'M'. Front Lafayette, by Parish's Crove, Mtllbrd, bnois, Spring Creek, and iiiiver' (irove, to Feoria, !" miles ami back, once: a we e k. Leave LalaVettc every Monday at G a. nt., arrive at Pe- oria next Saturday bv p. in. Leave Pcoii i eery 31uiielay at ( a. m.,nmve at Lalay-et- t next Saturday by ( p. in. Proposals fur seivico once in 'J weeks will be conid-ered- . i',H(. From Lafayette, by Rensselaer, John Jones's, in Porter county, anil Valparaiso, to City West, 100 inilc-- and back, once a week. Leave Lafayette every Monday at C n. m , nrrivc at City West next Wednesday by ; p. m. Leave City West every Thursday at G a. m., arrive at Lalayette; next Saturday by G p. in. Fropusalsi for service once in U weeks will be consider- - cu b"JG7. From .Madison, by Paris and Springford, to j F.row nstow ii, in Jackson county, i" miles and back, once j il week. Leave .Madison every Tuesday at G a in., arrive at Brown-do- ti next elay by II n. in. Leave; Prowiistown every Wednesday at lp rn., ar rive at .Madison ne xt elay by 0 p. tn. o".H'. From .Moorcsville, by Waidsville, Alillarov, Fpper i alls, Lei river, ami Samuel Kaufman's, to Poland post oliice, in Clay county, ID miles and back, once a week. Leave .Moorcsville every I riday nt 5 a. m., nr'tvc at Poland fatnu day by e p. m. Leavu Poland every aturl.ay ut ü a in., nrrivo nt Mooresivillet anni 1 by H p. in. ;i'.N')'.. From .Mount lMeasant, in Martin eeiunty, by llar-risiutvill- e, to lledlbrd, in Lawrene eottnty, li5 mib-- and back, once a week. Le avu .Mount Flcasnut every Friday ut 0 a. m , arrive at Uedlord name day by t p- - n. Leave l.eillord every Saturday at 0 a.m., arrive nt .Mount Fkaant same elay by ti p. m. :i'.7ll. From Moblo C IL, by Springfield, Norlhp'-rt- , Wri "ht's ('ornt is, and Otibiru, tu Liuiii, in L.ir.iui: ceiunlv, mile: and back, oneo u week. Leave IS obi ei ry Saturday nt 0 a. tn., arrive at I. una 8 uno day . by 'A p. in. . ... . i i.. Leave I. una every I no ay su ; a. in., arrive at ivum (lame day by i p. in. :;ii7L l rum riiuceton, in inbson county, via inn rnan r. .um. mil v called the llue kcklii road, to liooue v llle Ill - . J ..... ... arnck eoiinty, miles and hark.oneen wee k. Leave) Frincetoii eve ry 31 olid. ly ut Ij a. in., arrive in Ihioiievillu faun day by I p. in. Leavu iMuuif villu every 1 ucday ut 0 a. in., am v c a. Friueetoii sann; elav by Ii n. m. t'.'.UVf. i renn Kue lu ster, in 1 iilbui county, by lroy,im- - ead, Nieon.a, and Joseph 1U kner'n, in W'.ibashlowii, Hi Wuhash t inintv, u(i nub d mid back, once a wee-k- . Leave lloelii ster every Fiiday ut t' a. in., arrive; at Va-ha!ito- same elay by l p. in. Li avi: Wabashiovvn every Saturtl ay at n. in., arrive at 1 J Ii slt r s.iitio elav by (i p. m. :V.l7;t. From Sago k F. i ry to lioe kf.ird, in J je kson cnun-IV- , H inib-- s and back, unci! a vxie k. Leave Sae'n Ferry i ve iy Saturday at ." a. in., arrive at Uoe-kl.ir- same day by II a. III. Leave Kockl'.ird every Saturday at I p. ni., ariivn at Sago's Ferry sano: day by 7 p. in. Ii. IT 1 - From Sinking ii ing, by F.rynnts villc (ind uigh-- e ity's ShoaU, to Mount pleasant, in .Martin cuunty, inibv and back, en ea week. Leave Sinking spring every Saturd iy at ti m., ar- rive; nt .Mount Fl-- . is. int same elay by " p. in. Leave; Mount Flniaiit eve-r- I inlay at T a. in., arrive nt Sinking-spnn- g sanio elav by I p. in. t'.l7.". From Sliitelord to ll.'i klord, in J ick.-o- n entiitly, L" tnile.H and baek, eine' n week. Leave; Sl.iti bud i:vi rv SaUirdav at b a. m . nriive at lloeklord elav by 11 a. in. Lnavo Km kh rd uvery Saturday at 1 p. in., nriive at Slate bi.-- d satni! elay bv Ii p. in. lt'.?ü. From Sou'h llend, in St. Joseph county, by llam- - niond's and North Liberty, to Canned, 20 miles and back, once a week. Leave South Bend every Monday at !0 a. rn , arrive at Carinel same day by G p. in. Leave Caimel every Tuesday at G a. in., arrive at South Bend same day by 2 p. m. 31)77. Prom Washington, in Daiescounty,lv Cdvvards-por- t and llobiiis't. I'rairie, in Knox county, to Carlisle, in Sullivan county, "0 miles and back, once a week. Leave Washington every Priday ut G a. in., arrive at Carlisle same day by 5 p in. Leave Car'ile every Saturday at G a. in., arrive at Washington day by 5 p. in. KOTES. 1. Seven minutes arc allowed for opening and cluing the mails, at all olliccs where no particular time is epecifud. 2. Pust-olUc- e blanks and mail bigs are to be conveyed without further charge, on mail-line- s admitting of such conveyance. 3. In all cases there is to be a forfeiture of the piy of the trip when the trip is not run ; a forfeiture of at least one fourth part of it, when the running or arrival is so far behind time as to lose the connexion with a depending mail; and a forfeiture of a due projortioii of it, when a jrade of service is tendered inferior to that in the contact. These forfeitures may be increased into penalties of higher amounts according to the nature- - or frequency of the failure and the importance of the mail. 1. Pines will be imposed, unless the delinquency be satisfactorily explained in due time, for failing to take from, or deliver at a post oilicc, the mail, cr any part of it ; for suffering it to be wet, injured, lost, or destroyed ; for conveying it in a p!ace or maiimr that exposes it to depre-daiio- n, !o?s, or injury; and for not arriving at the time cet. And for selling up or running an express to transmit com- mercial intelligence in advance of the mail, a penalty will be exacted equal to a quarter's pay. 5. The Postmaster tleneral may annul the contract for repeated failures ; for violating the pst ollice laws; for the instruction f the department ; for refus- - 1 t ' L I ' i I I. I . ,sto ci due. . err e oca u cu u uy , ku., ; Iur aSMil'-ll-r- . HIV tlli;iUll lllJ.UV luv vunm. n vt mw ( rostni.nter G'ei.eral ; or for sating up or running an expre-s- , as aforesaid. (J. The r.istinaster General may alter the contract and alter the chedule, hi? allowing a pro rata increase uf compensation, within the resliictions imp hed by law, for the addition-- ! service or for tUe increased speed, , ; :f the employment uf additional stock or carrier is ren - j dered nee.ssiry; but the contractor may, 111 eucli ca.-- e, relinquish the contract, on limey nonce, 11 ne preiers 11 t Ihe tlianpe. lie may ao uisoontinue or curiau iue 1,0 .11,-iwin- i .ne monib's extra nav on the amount diponsvd with. I J! Tl.e payment will be made through draft on post r.,r ..iM,ii ...h Ol lit es, ur o 111 1 ist, unii mi. iiiaii"t..wv sjv in February, May, August, and .November S. The ilistuncts uie riven according to the best infor mation ; but no incrtcsiil pay will be uthrrtd, should thc-- j pro- - e to be greater than is advertised, if the jdaccs are corn ctly mu ted. ft 'I'l.,. I . ..ir f?.inorl I J t, mtl 1 I O.I tttf tV ff(m : "u ,w,,"4"Ci r. , ringly making a contract for the transportation of the n. - .ll with any pe r,on who li.ll have entered m .any com- - , t.,,, ii.,n nr ... i.mii.i.ri fi .filer lulu C I: . I 1 f 1 at ton. til .,.wi....., , -- ony - i i prevent the making e l any bid lor a mail contract by any I other - . person or - persons, or wno i t !iall have made any agre eiin nt, ot who shall have givtii or pcriormeu, nr fromi-e- d to give rr pcriorm, any . consiiiL-raiio- n to Jo or not to do, any thing whatever to inducj my other person not to bid for a mail contract. 10. A bid received after lime to wit, the 2'2d of Sep- - tend-i-- r rext. at 'J p. m., or without the guaranty required ..iin-.- l I. u bnv nr eh ai rmri.'ine routes in one , " T " ' " " " - u'üti of cumpcltsation, cunm t be considered in compensa- tion with a regular proposal, not adjudged to be c.rtrava- - iranl. ' II. A liJ.U-- r y rr,.,,.,,,, JirtVrent dy. ami hout of .1 .inn. .mil .irri:tl t ir. , ii I. u no more ruiiiniffj time IS. . IK 'i im e f i - rf aked, and It is obvious that no nail connexion, or other j public accommodation is ejudtced. lie mav ak for a sjec ltc nurn: er ol Uas or tor more running lime j to tho trip at certain seasons of peculiar bad ro ds. j lint, beyond these changes, a proposal f..r e d.ir. rent from the advertisement, will prev.-n- t its j beit..; considered in comj ttitiou with a regular bid, imt ev : asnje for extravag nice ; and where n bid contiins any of ihe above alterations, tin ir di-a- d vantages will be estimated in compiling it with other proposals There hou!d bo but one route bid for in a proposal, j LL The route, Ihe service, ihe yearly pay, the bidder's! name and ri biile lu e. and tho name ed each meinber of ' the linn where a company olll-rs- , should be distinctly stated. The following may be used as a form for tho bid, when no change from the udctrtiu-mcn- t is contemplated by the bidder .- - I (or we, n the case my be,) hereby propose to carry the mail on No, , from to , agreeably to advertisement, for per annum. II. The following is the form of a guaranty which hruld be filled, the first blank with the name of the guarantor, the se cond with that of the bidder; and the third and fourth with l.gmnjp and teriniiiatinK point3 uf ihe route; and alter l(t.jn? dated, iould be signed by the guarantor, who must be shown by the- - written certilh ate of a postmaster, or other equally atisfaclory testimonial, to be a man ol pro- perty, end able to make Rood his guaranty. T his guaran- ty, mi certified, should accompany rath bid. The undesigned guarantees that if his bid for carrying the mail frem t be accepted by tl.e Fostmasti r (Jt neral, shall enter into an obliga- tion prioi to the first day of January nexl, with good and sullieie nt sure-tie- , to perform the eervice propot-ed- . Dated lf. The bid should be srnl under sea!, addreosed to the F.r-- t Asiftant Festtntter (Üeneral, with " Mail Froponab in the State of " written on the face of the letter; and should be despatched in tunc to be received by ur , before the "'-i- September next, at U o'clock p. ni. 10. The contract are to bo executed betöre tnc Itstol January next. Fust Uirin Diiiiitmint, lllh Julv. 18L". ü. JOILN&OX, i o ' t master (icnerul i i;. s. Aic.nt ibi5visio.ü. Oincr. or Com. (ir.NF.teAi. ok Sfiisisxr.Ne r, Washington, July 14, S!.". VJF.FAUATK PROPOSALS will be received "at Un ollice k until the Ut day of October next, for the de liveiy of profj.ioim in bulk, foi the use ct the Hoops of the United Slates, upon inspection, a follows: -- If the Public Landing, sis miles torn F.rt Toicson, mouth of the Chit mi e hi. (i) bauch of puk 1170 bauch of fiesh superfine llour d"u busheh of new white held beans Mont) pounds of go.nl bald soap itiod ponn h of good hard speim candle IV) bushe h of g od clean d y line salt l!s() gall ms of good cidei vinegir. The whole to be deliveted in all the month of April, IS IG ; an I to h ave Natcbito he by Ihe 2'Hh February, ISIG. At Fort Atkinson, tie it ban': of th Missiippi river, oppo- site Foil Ciaufjid,nt Uounnan and line s uare'touie. lU'i bam h f poik UiiO bauelsof fiesh sii,eili"e Hour !0 bushels of new while lull leans lsi'0 pounds of good bald soap 1300 pounds of goevl haul Pillow candles 10 t ii tie Is of good e ban diy line salt 100 gallons of go. d cidei viregai. Tbc whole to bedeliveied by the 1st Mav, V. Jt Foit Smiting, St. lUi'f. 1GS bauds of p uk SCO bauelsof fu Ii supei fine f o;r IÖ0 biishch of new while field beans 2100 tioLiids of 'i od hard soap F p unds of good haid tall w rr.ndles !') ludieh of g ol ch'nn dry fme salt I'.O galloi.s of god eidei vinegir. T'.e w hole lo b.- - (U b.v cicd from the L Mi May, ISlu, to the Llh J'-ni- IMi;. At Furt t.c tre iu orlh, Mist out i t it er. 3&0 lu-bi- h cf new white livid beans QVoIimic I::::::::::Xiinibrr 21. 4000 pounds of good lianlsoap" 3ÜU0 pounds of goo.l har.1 tallow can!!es 12.') bushels of good clean diy line :all 1000 allen- - of ood cider vinegar. TI.e wh.de to be delivered in all May, IS 11. At Fort Scott, on the Mirnwton rirer, Missouri, seventy 7niles land transportation from Independence, on the Mis- souri ricer. 150 bu-hc- ls of new white field beans 1200 pounds of good tmd soap 19'0 pcunds f good baid tallow candles CO bushil of gt-c.- l clean d;y fine salt C')0 gallons of jjood eider vim-g.ir- The whole to be delivered in all May, ISlt. At Fort IVinnibigo, on tc Fox river, at the portage rf Fox and Wisconsin rivers. 40 bairel pork 12") banels of ficsh u; crfme niir 3G bii-h- . Is of new white fie'd beans C0 pounds of go d h ud oap CÖ0 pounds of good haul tallow candles 20 bushels of good clean diy tine salt 17Ö gallons of good cider vinegar." The wli.de to te uVliveiel by the 1st June, 1S4G. At Fort Vrcdij, Sault ite. Mat ic, Michigan. . ?G barrel cf p-u- I?0 bands of fvsh vupnf'ne r'our 00 bu-hc- ls of new v. h;,e Im 1 1 bens SOU pounds of good haul s ap l;0 pounds of g iod bard tallow candles 20 bushcU of g .od clean diy line salt 220 gallons of good cider vinegu". One-ha- lf on Ut June, IS4Ü ; lemaindcr by the ! oth Sep- - tctnbei", lb-10- . At Fort Mackinac, Michigan. 114 baircls of poik 210 baircls of ficsh supeifine fl ur 1(H) bushels of new while field beans 1300 pounds of good haul S ap 1300 pounds of good hard tallow candles 40 bushels of good clean diy fine salt 300 gallons of good cider vmtgp.r. One-ha- lf on 1st June, lbJ'J ; uinainder by the 15th Sep- - tcmber, 140. Note. All lildeis aic requested to extcna tue amouni 01 at, alliclt, ,Ja , ,xtiUl ,c .l ... uf each til. ! niau WIM be a"e.i ir inc execution an 1 ieiuio.yi iuu pciiods and of each delivery at those posts tiact and bond; at the expiiatiou of which if no wheie thev aic not sp. cilied, will be, lt June, answe r be icceived, or contact and bond the supply 1st September, I4(, ai d lt Match, IS47. j will be olftied to tlie lowest bit'dfr, to law. The ho"s of which the poik is to be on ' Tu published once a week until lllh day Au-co- in and" each h g to weili not les than two pust next, 111 the Uni. n, n, and IK pounds e ilie feet, lejis ears, and snout. Side pieces C; Kepubliean, livening Post, Morning , vultiiuted for t!ic Imuh. The poik is to le hrt mJ) ; . , fl)cn calcfuiiv )act:ed - aiticle. in nieces not exceeding eight pounds cacn When the nackin has been completed, the contractor mud f,r,M, t, th.s otli. e a cei lific.ie fium ihe packer, that ihe perk ha been so salted picked. The pork is to be con Mined in seasoned heait of lute oak lull ; the beans aid salt in b.i iels, and . the soap and candles in MlOOg lO.CS HI lUiiM im in Jin ' Salt will only be icceived by measuicment of thiity-tw- o mutts to the bu-be- l. Ti e caudles to have cotton wicks, i he provisions for Fort Atkinson and St. Petei's must pas St. Louis for their ultimate destination, in the first week of April, 11'i. A failmc in patticular will be considered a buach of contiact, and the depaitment .v'i!l be to purchase to supply the-- e posts fllT will öc inneelrd at the time and place of lo le ,,aitl hy contiaito.t. ....til -- hey a.e deposited at sut-- stütt.,luUNCS as maybe desipn. ud by .he agents ol Ilie uc- - . . T, tumnu,a, v C.t neial reserves the cf inclCas!ng oi diminishing the ipiantitie, or of dipening t:h A-- or all articles reunited at any it, at any lime u- c- furc ciiteiing into cuiitmct; abu of incteasin or re- ducing the piautities of each deliveiy onc-thi- id sub-c.puc- nt to contiact, on ivin ixty days' pievious notice. Uiddets. not beie t Tue conti acteu, aie to accom- - nanv their proposals with evide lu e of their ability, together I . f whoc irsiwnnibility niust I .lllIirs ()r ,,,.;, sum i .i i... ti .U-t- .;. . t . .itiotm-- - oi 'iv Gome rerr.on . wrtl IfW- - I. II l1 '4 I'T ...v. known to the givtiiirucu:; oihuwi-c- , their pioposais will not be acted on. ... e Ui-.joc- s fdiiof be made tn any rir, am rviavwr yt . ii i . . .' ...I l..c. iTI(.ii 'V'''-''"'- ? "'.'.!, ,V.,ri Vr"iw5' y7 (fV 1 , .,,.,1 ;n sliri, oblic money as may be con- - rr, .(,tUlü ,.,.:, l(f delivers , the places of pu.chase, or t,u; ,cu5t.ct. cf ti.c contiactc-rs- , at the option of the Ticas- - U1V i,.j);,itrnent , y0 this ollice will be accepted or paid, uue.cr any cue uokI .iu es. . F.a. h pr..,al will be sealed in a separate envelope, and niaiked -- i'lopo,.,!, for fuiuihinj aim) ' Cm. (Jert. Subsis'ence. f;Ti: K,i;to:s will not be paid for inserting in their pa- - pei this a Iveit etneiil, unless au.Iiot ize.l to eio so uj .m Cenetal of Subsi-tei- n e. Ib-- 1 awt epl la. mvi is::ur a.i foii i&iu. Na'v I ) r. r a r t t r. n t , P'licau of Piovisions and Clothing, June 21), 4 . Sealed proposals, Fiopenalu for Ueef,"aud for lVnk," as the ease may te. will be icceived at thi office until 3 o'cloek, p. m., on Monday, the 11th day e f Au-u- st next, f.-- lu:tii-hii- 4 atd delivering, fiec of all cet and risk to the Fnitec'. States-F- ive thousand seven bundled bartel of navy beef, und live thousand seven bundled bauds of navy pork: Lach bnriel to e euitatti imt less than two liuiube I pounds net weight of bee f or poik.no e ee s of eight in ei;hct aiticle will be paid for. Tube dciiveicd at the lopettive navy yaids, as fallows: 11! Is. beef Dl'ls. poik. JX Chaibs'uwn, Mass., 1!U0 lü(0 A Pro !(ly n, N. Y., 1!)(0 li'OO At Cospoit, Va., l.'.UU lf0 Ö7U0 57PO Faid berf and poik must be de liveted, one-ha- lf between the hrt diy of January, 1M;, ami the first day of Apiil, IS1U; and tlie other half between the lO'.h day of A pi il, 1S1G, and the 13ili day of June, IMC, unless eailier delive-lie- s should t'C le.piiied by the chief of this buicau. Olli is must be made for each hilf separately and distinctly ihat is, for the ha f between the 1st of Januaiy ai d 1st of Apt il, . and foi the halt eleli vei auie net ween tue loin .. t f A , i.jt, t,f Juno. ISUi. for the ursi .1. nan I t j,p ni ,,t,. witum tinny d;ys fiel deliveiy; an d foi tlie second ha f in ll'.n'.v days aliei ihe loth ol June, 1Mb. The beef must le fiotn well fattened cattle, slaughtered between the first day of November, IS and the firtdiy .r i.'..t.ro:iiv. IMti. and we iiihi i: not less than six bundled pounds, net weight, each. Ihe legs and leg lands of the bind quartets, and ihe slims and shoulder clods, and at least eitht pound- - fiorn the nee k end of e ach f.-i- ijujiler, or Ihe pait m ilked N'os. !,'., and 3, on the diawing ei delineation of the fote and hind piai lets of an ox, which will be al- ia, he d to and b un a pail of the contiact, mii't be wholly excluded fiun each Lai it I and half bauel.and the remain- dered the caicass must be cut in pieces of not less than eintit jKiunds each. The poik must be packed finm eorn-fe- d, well fattened h. g slau liteie d the lift day of November, IM.', and the first day of Fe binary. 1M, and weighing- - not less linn two bun Ired pounds each, excluding the heads, j .les, t.ecks, shouldeis, ham., le gs, fe et, and lard, ami all irfuse pieces; and must be cut in pieces weighing not less than six pounds each. Iloth the beef and potk mt:t he sailed wi h at least one Hatutc lush-- I ed T ink's s,nd, Lie of May, or St Fbe's salt ; atid ihe beef must have live ounces of line pilveii2ed saltpetre to e ach b ittcl, of a pickle, lo be made fiom fiesh water, as strong as salt will mike it. Oi.e-fouit- h :l;e quantity of beef, and one-foui- th the quin- -, t parWid in half batieU and eontain one jt v of po.k must e bundled pounds net wi iglit of e ach as the cac may be; and ,u esiim Hing tlie puce, two h ilf t " c to be cot.siJeied aSTbe ba'.ieh ai d half banch mud be made of the best sea- soned While oak, while ash slave, and heading; ,f the .u.ths of an in, I, thick former, to be not le-- s than th.ee-- f ; if of Ihe lallet, to be t.ot U- -s than one inch thick foi buie s, at- - I li.iee-loutt- hs of an me h thick f u 'f hauels, and to at least three-fou.t- hs ovei with the best white oak . I. ...I ..I It. ,!). I'arh bane l :.nd b lf banel must be branded on its head "Vavv l'.eef"oi Nay Poik." th Case? may be, With il... rontiactoiN name and the ear when packed. The beef and poik will be by the inspecting f ti... lesneetive and by rn inspector of salted p.ovi-- i .us" will be selected coii.mai.dU olTt-eis- ; but their chaige hy ihe tive- f.'u- such must be p.nd 1 v Ihe iijucitvc cout.ac-U.- whem.i'T rikewi-- e hive the battels put in good lo the satulactiou of the coinmandauts of the le DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES and Measure. A stmjdc and frugal (iovcrnmcnt, conlinfd vritliin strict Constitutional limits. A strict construction of the Constitution, and no as- sumption of doubtful No National Bank to swindle tho laboring popula- tion. No connection between the jrovernment and banks. A Diplomacy, nkin for nothing but what is clear- ly rii,rht and submitting to nothing wronjj. No public debt, cither bv the (Icncral Government, or by the States, except for objects of urgent neces- sity. No assumption by the General Government of the debts of the States, either directly or indirectly, by a distribution of thepircceds of the public lands. A Kcvenue taritf, discriminating in la vor of the poor consumer instead of tl:o rich No extensive system of Internal Improvement by the General Government, or by the States. A constitutional barrier against improvident State loans. 4 The honest pnyment of our debts and the sacred preservation of the public faith. A gradual return from a paper credit system. No grants of exolusiw charters and privileges, by special legislation, to banks. No connexion lctwcen Church and State. No proscription for honest opinions. Fostering aid to public education. A 4pr;resivc" reformation of all abuses. The quantity peri.d, one-foui- th rctarned. 1st December, next arroiding packed fattened be the of bundled Con-titu- li Intelligencer, xcluding Daltimoie; News, and baiieH, hooped this authored expenses privilege and teiptiicu tics. dialtson pastil endorsed ,Pro-pisa- ls deliverable Payment I"), between invv-viiid- s atoiesail, some whu "sw, powers. spective navy- - aids afoicsaid, after inspection, and at tbeir O A n expense. Did Jets mut specify their pi ice sepirafely and distil. c-- ly, in sej aiate idlers for the la( and for the and of each of the places of delivery, covering all exjK-ne- and clnrge. The depaitment reserves to itself lite light to reject It otfeis fiooi persons who have beictofoic failed tu fullil tbeir c.oitiacts. Hon !s in o?e-thir- d the amount of the iepect:vc centract will be requited, and ten per centum in addition will be withheld from the amount of each paymmt to be made, as c dlateial Mcuiity foi the due and faithful iformance cf their selective cor.tfact, uhich will on no account be paid until tl.e contracts are complied with in all if. pect, and it to be foifeittd to the United S ates in the evnt cf failure to complete the deliveries within the piociib d peii'- - And in cae cf failuie on ti e pait f the c. ntr.itor to deliver 'lie aforesaid beef ai.d poik within the time peeified, the chief of the lUueau of Tioviions ai d Clothing hiU have the liht to diitct i utchaes to be made to suiply the deficien- cies, aid any excess of cot shall te chained to and paid by the contiactoi. Pajmei.t will be m.de by the Vuitcd St iles at the peiiod above specified, (excepting the ten per centum to be withheld until the completion of ihe contiacts, as before stated,) aficr the said bre-- f and poik shall have been inspected and icceived, and tills foi the s;ime Lall have been presented to the navy aent ly, duly ap-pio-ved by the c murin lints the respective uavy-yaid- i, aceoiding to the teims of Ihe contiaci?. " The pait of the tecf to bi 'ercludod will be particularly designated in the enslaving to be atldcbed to the contract!. Persons interested can obtain them on application at ibis ollice. DidderV vit heretofore contractors aie icquireJ to aceom-pnn- y their propcnIs vritti evidence cf ability tonelher with the names. of tlicir f UiCt ies, w hose resp i.sibility must te certified by the United States distuct attorney, navy apent, or some otlier person well known to Ihe Government ; other- wise their rioi-osal- s will Hot be acted upon. Didders w hose ptoposals arc accepted (and none othcrsj will be foi th with notilied h reof ; and llnee day s over aud above the otdinaiy lime ie.;uin d for the icgular tiansmis-io- n of Ihe mail will be allowed for the m to sunny their teadiness 1 1 enter into c ntiatt; and ten days over and above the ordinaiy lime iepiiied for the ifjlar transmission of Ihe and Journal ol lummeicc, Iw lüik; ret.n-yivama- n and lOt stone, 1'i.iiad. iphia ; Mws Vost anl Times, itton ; N. II. Patiiot, Concord; hartem Argus. Portland, Me.; Kinpiiicr, Kichmond, Va.; Deaeon, Noifolk,a.; hnquiici, Cincinnati, ili' ; St .tcsuvn, Columbus, 'hio ; Union, Nas.1- i- vil.e, lenn.; Uegi-Tc- r, pnngiieu. in; "-cu- -. v.iinKo, 111.; Kite I'ies, Petinit, Mieh ; Sta'e 'iiliurl, Indianapolis, la; Misooinian, St. Louis, .Mo; Democrat, Louis ilie, Ky. and (lae'.tc, Lexington, Ky. Fr piietors of the above papeis ate irtieted to fend copy of their lefpective papeis containing: the adveitiement ! this buiea'i. t Aug. 1 1. tka:si,ös t iM't'f ay oti ci:. Mil' iin.teooziie!. arnts for tin AMbult.l IDKI.MU.b L ltiT MM: on the Piiinse Ivania 'anal, ill rerriv II pro perty designed lo le sloppped from tins place I -- ist l) Mid line, ana ldi the same lo Pillsliurau mo: nr inim : on omi.o rilltet heie r at PitlslMirtti only e liarirm? lra).i7e Anl oilier rieiiir, whidi Ihey may aetuajly have to pay and ill lake all ptoerty of feie-d- , ly tht.s hue ihrotvjb to Philadelphia and Paltmiore, in an uliort a lime a?nl at a little lever rates .than ei) other M?enc-- y in I lie pure, hipjiers ev ill lind t li.-i- r iieopptty rme imi( in tnue Ii letter rdrr Cast, lv tins than bvaiiyolla r line, evhi h do not employ the Portable or ,re-ii.t- i Hoais, as in Him line there is no iran-hipp- done over the f iv.,,.,1 . .t f(. . Pail . . . U l I :irs .ill ii f ... I..III I 'n rM I.I - -- . - -- - - -- w mount .mi 1 1 Canal Unat aa m, Im h ha t le loiie ly other lnie. We alsoM.av lo .Merchants and others, lunt-i- nj from tlie LaM, that if the v üiiipby this hue, and cotisijMi to Mcm--t l'laikon it. Co., Pittsliiiicli ami to us at .MaJiM.n, we will tit ward their iZMHlatoall interior Hares w ithoiit commission, either tit PiitshureSi or thin place. Madron, la.,l(rt. :!-.- :ii .Ml TCI HILL &. CO. icaii invi mm: r si'aes. AJit 'IHK Kail Koud he inc now completer! north of Co- - iT' T?' a bimtois, the MihsrrilK-r- s are enabled to leave In-- A W f - ii in iIm .it 4 A. M. and meet tlie run in time to arrive at Madison tlie inns of tfee en-r- e Iy. Tin line oflerseve-r- y imbn emnii to the iMtel'ut niMi. . ymn; from, or to, the interior of Ihn State, in por.t ot e eps-diti- ; tear Inns Madinoti from Indian-a"ti.- H in 2 hours. Panxrinrer can k aui-.- l uf in immediate con-iil-- i lion e nh the .leamlMsits, t it her f r ('un iiinati e r lionise ilie, a nls hive been mule uhiehwill pit vent all toil.ilit of a del;-.- uo.kin" Ihe trip from Indianapolis lo ( 'ii imi.eti. or I.oumvtlle, iiioi.e.liv! :' J. P. VeniltllKKS Si fu. V:i!clios Jcwrlry st net Fanry (ood. rBlir. s.ihM-iilH-i- s have contaiiilv en band a large and fatdn.maule Jl. of Jewelry, iold and Silver Watt ben, I'latrd Ware, Liiälish aud A met lea ii lliitatinia, Tainted Jajuined Tr.i Trj.Jold and Silver IVneiln, diamond Uild eiold !Vn,t;ld aiot Silver Ssre-tacle,Si'.v- er Snkiis, ladles, e'ups, 1'ruit Knives, Hotter Knives, A.C. t U4 IVl'.iwV K":aJiJis, Jewels aud e very vari.lv M liiuiiiniic. Sil ver Ware and Jewelry made to order. OWL.V At CAKI.HV, 41 ;i. .lf..n jt., brlrrrn 2d and tkt., Ctmamnmti. m i: a ii rivi:i: l.exikinu: (-1- :1 I'liiine' ,11:1 iu;f;irl ory. rKllll- - Mitwrnlier hasfouiuierieedthe manufacture ef Ih.i itip ;Imp. Q PoMiait ami I n lure Frames ofeveryvam f of patlrin, l.y Steam Pow er, and by mi doing he is enabled lo sell the a' ove article as hie ns ih.'v can be pun based in au 4 lae Mastern fit n, and as tlie ruk and iiiy is tnui Ii Cuiiiiiiy Mcrchnuti w id find it greatly to their udvaiilace to r: II before pnrchatins I'ast i lit-- here. All kinds of e;n.lui2 neitly eci.te.l. 4lv r.ltr.Mll'.U WISWKI.L, H7.Vtf.mL. Cimrinwmti. iTvT;k v m: ii un , S. i:. Corner Third and Wa'.iiul Slrct'ts, (:iiiiuii:iti. Miio. It Ol.r.S AI. r. and retail dealers in lni.rtrd and Anrieaii W Clears, i.e. Wttrrn rvulerei are invite I to riainiiir Iheir slock Ik lore miii basing elewlierr. They sell at the low est c ity prices, and le I warranted in saving that they ran i;ive Kitist iciion lo nil customer. They w ill till all del lor Tobacco, Snuff and t'iijar, at the tdiortrst in4ire. 4 -- f in u ooihu it a sjiicrw-siiinti- , Coiiititision :nil I'rodiMM llcrilmnt, if t ÄTJVf M.Yt9 r vy. 37 fjiiTii-- d :tcxiint Iii i;' ANS Ian jus-- t reeeive.1 a I rft.li itirle of V ace in VI- - j jK. Timm ivishinj ti e ir f;ii.illis .vrrcinated will plene rail at hia ollo-- e .M door enst of Urowninc's. m-w- -H c:iiikm:s ivtuitv, .11. i. s'Jiysirimt :inl Snrroii. r n'l-T'.K- his professional Nervn r, in :.U its vihh. branrlie, to TUie e inens of Indian ipolis and it vicinity, lie lias moved Ina "loihce to the front room, up Maos, e.ver William Mansur'a sIik, John II. VVrisht s, w lie-r- all calls will receive proem aiirnuon ilay or nitftii. l"" V HUNT, thinkfiil for the vei liberal palMHiaye eilenrtVel WWrn tohiui for the la-- l four jeam in this pl.ue.l.ke prutin tohisfilen.t lli.lll.e pul.lle pennall) I to. I t.f MrMre4 -- ...,.... o.C ......... . ..nil..,. I Ou. MJM. ti. all uec-iir- j o" n"i i " - " ml teeth and sums, and lo itisett artifiiial leelhoii pivot or plait with or withisii mtitirial gums onel whole or ball eels by suction or ! i hetic pleasure He would say lo country urium innioc -- "j - .i.. .a..--..i.- ;.l nrincs.Kr st n rea.nal.le rate. t)the n Illinois ireet, liest d'n.r north of VVa-l.ii.tlo- n, Vrsl side. J. M. TOMLtmoH. . u TOMLISI', WHOl tltLK AM BT4IL l'tlLl! IN lriif? V lltl teilt'-- . raten iMedir Ines, 1 1) eMail, C'.ioetic, I'a.nlsindOilH, MedicaltHy-war- e, l.l.piors.rtr 1'rlliiloeiy , . it. W.M..1.4. ...... .......in .i mn. 1 viil A AIMU.IS. IMUANA. I.tr....ti1,.i...,arrnrntrlv cMtMHnmleiK Shopon t allhemn. 51 iii:iicim:s. -- 00, stnres Sulphate iM.nu.e I llirr.Mi.imrj.mph. ,0 ,i Sulphate M..hi.. - " I .Sup t aib. Soda Ii ,b. A. t:.te Menploa 7. ,',.,. I do Ateviuidna N-nn- a Jo I -- r. 1 n-- " Sulplner ju-- t iece'vedaud lorle by I. CKAHillKH. iti:t iii:m'iii:s. P?(.,VV,.?r,mVV,.dther,y,.S1oK ! ; ,.. Sapp,,,,,!.,.'. Wer and A J - J'. Ä,ral.nes.,M k'Verm.f..Pe, elo do IUuTmoc, l'i pl.i-te- r, do Jew ''',r,,t,J,u''ref, ,Vf.,,,,y ... l.AVin CR A IUII EAP. Jinn-:!- . Hit. ST t' oo ifi.'. rs"' . ,,U M,. n ' too i. ' iu.iietilelaüiwieJ e)Ul u h'o.l I I pound I Min .. ... .!... , ,,yihe.ul.Mnberatve..toMLl

Indiana State sentinel. (Indianapolis [Ind.]) 1845-08-13 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014301/1845-08-13/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · iculty in sustaining itself against the powerful

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Page 1: Indiana State sentinel. (Indianapolis [Ind.]) 1845-08-13 [p ].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014301/1845-08-13/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · iculty in sustaining itself against the powerful


fö-Oß-ce vn Illinois Mryrthjf Washington.

(i. A. & JHUIIIAIM, Editors.

State Sentinel will contain a much largeranSoünt of rcailin- - matter, on all uhjocts .,f general

interest, titan any other ncwsptiperm Indiana.

anI and eh.r-ii- vSaturday,Is puMu-li-M every Weelnchythe session of the Legislature, three times a week,

onTue(lrivs, Thursdays and Saturdays, at Four Dol-

lars a year, payable always in advance.

TIIC WCCliLY EDITIONIs jHihlished every Thursday, at Tic Dollars a year,always to be paid in advance.

.sl'in advance will pay for six months.

y will pay for three copies one year.

Persons remitting AH i" advance, free of post-

age, shall have three copies of the Semi-Week- ly one

year. SV2 will piv for six months. nI will alwaysbe charged for the'Tri-Weekl- y, and cents iur theWeekly" during the Legislative sessions.

ADVERTISEMENTS, will be inserted three times

at one dollar a s.piarc of $ lines and be continued atthe rate of cents a square for each additional on.

Quarterly advertisements, per spiare,All advertie;neüts from abroad must be accompanied

by the rush ; or no attention will be paid to them.Posta ire turnt be paid.

The following account of the state of tilings in

Spain is given in a French piper :

The cabinet of Narvaez finds the greatest diff-

iculty in sustaining itself against the powerful partyvrhich seeks its subversion. That party, of which

the Queen mother and Velum i are the soul, work inthe dark to accomplish their end, which is no otherthan the restoration of Don Carlo.',i Vclumt, a cunning, hypocritical, and enterpris-ing man, aims at the absolute regency ; and, support-ed3 by the Sjhnish grandees, whom the constitutionalregime has deprived of their privileges, he is imper-

ceptibly undermining, and with a sure prosjcct offeucce-- s, the representative government. .Neverthe-

less; he is not the mo-- t redoubtable adversary of Nar-vae- z.

Christina is still more to be feared. She is a

woman and a fanatic. The oath which she took to

the Pope of Home to i-h in Spain the abso-

lute despotism which she had abolished, is no doubt-

ful matter. All the world knows it; Narvaez is notignorant cf it ; he stands, therefore, more in the feartif Ferdinand's widow, now .Madame Munoz, than ofall the Spanish dignitaries together. The clergy sup-- j

port with all their power the rpjcen-mothe- r, and ,11117"'her, moreover, in her mameuvres to sulmiuc me spiritof her daughter. The Christina coterie, in whichfigure the ltaroii de. Meer, Veluma, and his brotherPezncla, the Count Espeleta, the bishops and arch-

bishops, and a multitude of other ecclesiastics, is, inall human probability, sure of triumph.

In Navarre the Carhts are on the point ot raisin"- - the standard of revolt; in Catalonia the tra'm ai--!

, 1 ...l.,u. ...; U,,rn n-- )!.! i

rtS Ut'CUillC tllOIU aim llioiv.--u-'- , .v

Castile the grandees raise thc;r pretentions; in therealm of Valencia the military authority dare no long-

er promise the maintenance of tranquility, so littlefontidence have they in the disposition of the troops,la one word, every "thin scenic to conspire againstthe existing system.

44 A Carlist movement is universally anticipatedthis spring. In all the saloons of Madrid it is spokenof as an undoubted fact. The ministry see the dan-g- er

which threatens, and dare not combat it, for it is

necessary to strike at the heads too high ; it is ne-

cessary to unmask personages too haughtily elevated ;

und the sword of Narvacz is not strong enough, norof a temper sufficiently hard to encounter the repell-ing shock. The counter-revolutio- n marches un, then,with rapid stripes, towards the restoration ot Don

Carlos. Christina is at its head. It has no othermeans to expiate its extortions and the disorder of its

pat conduct. Nothing but the awakening of theliberal spirit from its lethargy the reappearance ofthe people on the arena can prevent tltc restoration J

tf the ancient regime, and reduce to insignificancethe fereciouJ charlatans of the day."

A Var'n paper has the following remarks about a

banquet to be given Narvaez:44 It is the whim of a vizier. Seven hundred per

sons are invited, and the Cost of the feast is reckoned

at 1,0M ounces of gold, or 1)0,0 K) iranrs ( CW-"-He must have millions t indulge in Mich largesses;,,.1 V-v- n. hrw their. Vet he tosses.ed but hisuifj - - - - i ... . !

sword s scabbard wnen no reiurneu 10 rp.iiii , in in-

heritance has devolved to him, and he has won no lot-

tery prize ; yet he has bought a:ul paid for in cash a

chateau worth 0)0,000 francs ; be has above a mil-

lion in a Paris firm which I could name, and he spends1)0,000 francs-o- n a dinner. Von sec by these ficts towhat an extent robbe rv is organized here. From the

!ii"hct to the lowet they are robbing everywhere,and there is nothing to bo omiparcd w ith this frantic ,

dilapidation. Matlinic Mum is nt the last tt sat-- 1

isfv her avidity ; now wants nMl,()0t,(MH) re als mthe way of arrears ed" t!ie civil list, w liich she claimsin virtiu' dT the principle that she labbern reput andsoverei"ti inistrc.s of thu Cassette unto the lDtli ofOctober" 1- - i L'

Questions and An U'F.KS. V! l'llirmICV. W Hat

is Pharm icy ! Th? science of concealing how littlecan be elone to assist nature.

What is the genuine name flr drills 1 St utT.

What is the b?- -t method to procure bark 1 Throw--

physic t the dos.What is the probable cause of cataract? Water;

on the brain. !

When may a cold be said to be caujltt ! Whenyour nose runs after it. I

What would you call a slight attack tf fever and

au' : Ao ireai snaue.What is dissection ! Critical cutting up.Can vou dis-sec- t yourselt .' Ves. 11 ow Open

your heart to a friend.What is a patient !

. (lenerally any tiling c!se.What is the most prevalent cause of ill hum r I

Ten tntich bile.What would vou lake to drive it out ? A cab.What is l'hl:lK)t.my J Skilful blnedin.State the most tllectuil time to bleed. The moment

your patient Ivcuiik s convalescent, then put in yourbill; dtliy H dangerous, ami neaitii unrateiui.

What would you call a violent outbreak ! Kash.What i.s the usual roult uf atlcctiun of the heart !

Iiierease of sijjhs..Can the p'itieiit jet as?i.stanee ! Ves. I low ? I'y i

riii'jinp; the b'lle. .

How is the heart enlarged 1 At the expcn.se of theI

corporation. - ... i

tri . 1 tl"ht; V II at IS Com ; meiesiocoi aMiii- -r "ö"1 in 4VOtir

beets.State the easiest way to cut corns ? Swcar them oil'.

What is the great to health ! llih living.What would you call high living ! doing out on

a lark.Where is the be.--t place to examine diseases ? At

a un gist rutin's ollice.Why 1 Peeauvj there they lodge all complaints.Jiust'Hi i'ost.

0"'A BweM't youn lady p;avo us oru elay as hnrreason fr jiuinj what is now a Fourier community,that she wast etiouted with ronvciitionalism, nmlwi,hfl Vt bi Lim; from its iraHin' restraints, ami to

;.. tl... ;.M..r..'itir uf lir.tnr.. I.i,.r .r.rl I . ...illhot rtdatU h'r hisb ry ; nor that Ot tho Voting Ad-mi-

who w.'i.s williti" tonul h'r in Uvr Ktru""b for free- -

iloni. It is ivt nlwav-- s sate pst in; with nattirr. W.iv

MiniPtinie.?! crackst praencai n winch area Jittlottx C.xpelliver. f. A. I..-uiltil- , or Ifrvtcnson S

Qnftrterly It' ii ir "or Ja'y.

uti.wirrs.Ä HKLI'I'TI'II assortment of Fine Florence Praidand other P.nrt-i-

nets of Ihe I alrt sjirm si lr jut ret elved at the latoi. I tat .V.

r'lHe More, nnd for .l-- very t..w. 'A J. K. 1 1 A 14 1 I ;

"It CrtT received t the Patnonalite Hal .V Mi- - Store,V ii c ei t.'eiit. MmiK rii I'.m4 laterl ;iin! itt) le.

Ii " Calf " "t Seal 44 "

Very Inw for raid. J. K. Sil AP.PK.

Ivili' B'iiM Kill Slips ;ml 'E'ir..ffllllSt il.iv received at tlx-- I'.i.li.oiiatile Shoe in. Hat Store ami for

11. mle low ut win nml nt lib J. K. SH.AUPi:.""

S3IOIN ami wotra sTJf !'' Variou ipi llitie l..l t;e' SIiim-- , I ,S .,. Men mil! IbYimmw tMii4 an I Id do. misesand e lob're it 'n jut receivedaiidfomatei he uitiy C. II KIMHIK I.V.

.ii si' F5t; 5:5A LK(L lolof llal,P. t.ai;d.SIi'e.of allteii, forn-ilehn-

it l.y Ii! V. C. ll..N.N..

Indianapolis, August 13, 11-3- .

Free Vot Oflicc for thv Slate Sentinel.IVow is Iii Time !

AH persons residin;; in the vicinity of the followingpost uiiices, will receive their papers without charge ofpostage, from thia date. Who now will not senil us twodollars for the Weekly one year? Just four culls aiceck.

Marion County, Jliont County.Piketon LebanonClermont ThornleysvillcAllison ills KiyaltonWebb's f arm Jamestown(iermantown Eagle VillageCumberland NurthfieMNew liethel Morgan Conniy.llridgeport MoorcsvilleAugusta Monrovia

Hendricks County. Hancock Cuunty.Hampton flroer.lif Id

Plaintield Su'ar ("reekUelleville CharlottsvilleiStilesville PhiladelphiaDanville EdenMew Winchester Johnson Colin t".Urownsburg CJrcenwood

FranklinNorth Malern Far West

Hamilton County, Shelby County.Westlietd Pleasant ViewNoMesvillo Miel by vil'eStrawtown Morris-tow-


Kates of Postage.Ccn!s.(

.For ""El lctt" exccedinZ half an ounce, (adt oir- -

dupoUe,) cnt 1101 exceeding 3UÜ miles itSent over 300 milts 10For eveiy half ounce, and any execs over every half

ounce, the same tatesof postage; and when advetlis-e- d,

two cent on each letter ; ox four ctuts, if the aJveitisirg cot 0 much, adlitional.

Fur drop letter (not to be mailed) eachFor any piintcd ciicul r, handbill, or advertisement, un-

sealed, sent any distanceFor any pamphlet, or other matter "of every kind,"

that is " tMinmittible by mail," 2nd has no wuttcncommunication, of one ounce er les, or for a i.cwspa-p- ei

exceeding 1,100 square inches of surface 25For each additional ounce, or an excess greater than a

h ilf ounce 1

For any other newpaper, sent over 30, and not morethan 100 miles, or any distance within the same State l

Sent over such distance 1 A

BajAVH'OMs rovr on K 1:.

Arrivals ami Iiiar linos ol tliv .Hails.Ka4I3rm .Arrive-- ! duly at II 'V, M


Closes d.uly ' 'CitiiATi via IlrtHtkrtllt Arrives Tuesdays', Thuridaya

'ami stur.l i s 12 ii:ir.....!Clies Sund Tiif 'd.tys and Thur.-d;iV- ! 7 r. .m

Cinciixati via Inrrrnrrhurh Ariivr Sun. lays, Wcd- -

and Kri.l ly - 9 p.CIrson M onda yi, Wednesdays and Frida) s 7 p. '"neM

Soi'iHERi via .Wult'un Ainves Tiifsdaa, 'i'hursdaya j

a nd aiurdavH 3 1. L ;

("le! on .Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays 7 A.,

I.iiuiwuhim via ; o'owi'f. Arrives Tuesdays,rimis.l.ivs :iii.l S.diir.l.ivs ... 1) I. M.Clisrs Suiiit.iy'. Tuesilays and Thursdays ; r. m.

.Mo.vrovu Arrive Tuesd.iv and Saturdays - h P. M- - j

7 p.v.,Ä,ÄÄ "J"nd.iys ID IVj

n.wr 1 .1 ity. exrrpi raiiir.t.i. 7 I. M..Msie-m-Aiiiv- I u.J.iyand alur,t iys I P. M.

tUr WkIiik-.Iiv- x ami S;mir..rt - 7 AÜA.t villk, III. Arrives Tuesday s, 'I'hiirs.lay s and Satur-

days - fi P. M.I loses on Sundays, Tnes 'ays and Thursdays 7 P. M

Lafatlttc via lnMim Arrives Satuiday - - . . P. M.Closes Weillieila s 7 A. M.

NuRTMcm vin lj'nii)rt Arrives Tuesdays, Tliui.-.-l ay sand Saturdays p. m.e'losj .Mi.iil:i) , s ami Fridays 7 A. .M

(jRei:tii ir, 1. via H inthedtr Arnves Tuesdays andSaturday - - . f. P.Clones Sundaes and Thursdays - - - 7 P. M.

r'-""-- 'p. M

7 P M.i.lnKlu,i,rdi'i- - 'i: s.JAM FF.L IIKMtr.CSn.N', P. M.

I.II A.AlOI.IS IIl.Mi .0'T. 'J'ABlii:.CurrectcJor t.'tc liulmna Sluts S hn,l ),,, S. .i. h'l.l. TL tlh'.ll, SUk and

tJtti'irt 'c ifri'kir.

JyThose marked thus are doubtful. j

T . ,... IC.rit.il R i I, i-- disIIb a... Ilr.iwli. tvir l Mir. ur.iv

State Sciip, f , (IS 10 P. ink of St. t lair,and ISII) 5 prem. ' Hank of Kiver Kaiin,

State Sciip, föO, dis. M. pai.k,Hank Snip, ; picm. Michigan Ins. Co. 1 j dis.Wat(;n's checks, ' Kr.Mie'KV,

Terre Ilau'e, 10 dis. All Hunks in this State parvodbuin it King's, Illinois.

Madison, .V) dis. State Hank, d" di- -.

New Albany Ins. Co. 1U dts. Hank of Illinois, G.j dts.Onto. MlSSI-lRI- .

Franklin Hk. Columbus, par : State U. and Pianchcs, parClinton Hk. do par .Nr.w l ork.. j

'Ohio Life and Tiust, pat City Hanks, parCom. Hatik, Cincinnati, par j Country H inks, 2 dis.Lif.yette, " par Mahvl IM). j

Franklin, " pat Haltirnore City Hanks, nirHank of Masill n, pat Couutiy Hanks, 2 dis.Hank of Ciiclevtlle, pai ! VlRl.l.M K.H ink iif Xe ni:., pir H. of Va. and Hi anches, 2 dis.lJ.u k of Sandusky, Farmers Hk. of Va. do 2 di.Hank of Mjim tU, par, Valley Hank do 2 dis.Hank of Ml. Pleasant, par Kxchanc H. at Norfolk, 2 dis.Hank of Not walk, N. W. H. id Va. Wheel., 2 dis.lUnk of (tcaua. pat M. & M. Hk. at do andi, z.,ne-vill- e, par Hutu lies, 2 dis.He lin-'ii- t H. Si. ClaifVille, pai New Krrcii. no. !

Muskingum H. Putnam, pit Boston City Hanks, parColum. Ilk., New Lisbon, par All other solvent l'.Ws., 3 dis.Ia ton Hank, pr 1 ' F. N Y L V A N I K.

F. Äi M. H .Stcubcnville, par I'hila.le Iphi i City Hanks, parlUnk of Wooster, Pittsbuigh Hanks, 2 dts.Hank of Chilicothe, parCm. H. of Lake Kric, 10 dis. F.xcn anci: SHLLINfi RAT f..Hank of Cleveland. 10 d:s. New Votk, 2 piem.I'rtiitii Mii Lriii f I'ri .riil ifiii. Itiltimuir,"V .Cianvillc H.nk, uis. Phil.ilehdii.1, 2

i Cum. Hank of Scioto, 10 di. S ITC IK Hl' VING rtATr..H ink f Hamilton, 10 dis. Ameiican (i.dd, 1 pirrn.Miami Kx. Co. 2" dis. Foreign Cold, A "

"' "J IK 12 du. Silver J;

im:i.i; ac:aii:my.if fl. Huke's hotel in I iidianaixilis, lor the uiitim lion of Ihe Voiinof Im th sexes, in e hu h dl le taught Ihe most iI.Ik sileofitaiKln. I la) H of tuition lor (leiilleifieii on Monday ami 'I'liu"I ea. Ii week at 7 ' .n k , P. M. I.ailies on SatuilaM nt U.A.M.and II P. M. Sdi. . to loiniueiite .Morday; July II, ?V. Mr. K.w ill eive private is in tt ti ircj or wait ting to those w 'o may le-mr- e

to take them, nt their own re;-ide- e if prefer red. 1 1 - 1 w

T:iLc C':irc of your Mottry.MI.V do wu hear of iiersous beint; rohlxd of nil their moneyioit i luiliiii!! through the neflect of pun husiiic a good Trunk

that will keep their properly tale lute they are home and a' loadI oibl 1 1 Hot tie better lor lllflll lorall lit J . J. Ill LIT Mid let ilTmi.k lli:il will L II 1 ll !o ! itallv rulilM-i- l 111 Hiirlia wnv

l.e i.Tiri li.iv .1 f..r in .my I'. W tn inaikel Men Ii nil.s ite-inn- u' to -- upply Uiem-eKe- n with I lie artirle, are invited. In lore t.n y i tif e!se tore,to mil ei lief op. ii un, at our store, er on James Piirlooii. ul 'l'l ottoti I .ii loiy. II If J. .V II. t Alll.lSl.l, . CU.

rcrraoN VAIL.H A4kt'i Pnl'MiS Pittsl.uuli and iiili:in;.poo Cotton Vnrn

r.rW nt the Mil! I'tknt HI'.lfDI'IilA S. H

I 'h iinriaiüne llrau.ty Pale M i.lrir i Wine"ilh l'n.f Pteiirh do Ci'd Shrrrv doJam ii. a Spiriirt Poll A. Aiatan do

S lei le. expressly for medical pur ikwcm and warranted pitre.nvJune Hi, l- -l ,. l. I K AllillK l.

rtl i:i I. Wine :im! Viui'i'Sir.rcjV P.arrel4 supeoor old M:la;.i Wine, t0 ci.ler VineparU. made epre-.t- y fyr t hu marke t by t lie uhsc nU r i rordialui bot

tie, t IIP.t'hUtl.Y'g . 4- -

uiis:vi WAdllll).Ml only 10 Iks to the bi:.--h, . .Hired ;d l!ie store of

; 4 ii SMITH ,t HANN .

isV.w tivrs.))ZP.N Jii't reie ivi d at Iii? laloii 1! .1 A: SU oe Store.

lie hu . n h uid a b..mI assortment ol Trunks w hu h he will sellr heapf,,f """',r Pi ,"v',l ,'a,,, auvis you 10 mve nun u . an

' 11 -.m,.. .H ,i..:iliiv. in Ui i r moi.II uintililieM. ut a lower ihm e tl. ni ilcau



V. S. 311 1 LS.

for carrying the mail or the United StatesI3KOPOSALS November, Id 15, to 'JOth June, H livin-elusiv- e,

in Indiana, will be received at the eontiact o'Hteof the. Post Ollice Department, in the city of Washington,until ! p. in., of the --M day of September, 15-45- (to bedecided by the 1st ot October,) on ihe router, and in themiuner and lime herein specified, to wit :

INDIANA.3'5l. Prom Prookville, by Jennings, Oldcrl ur,,

(ienrgus, and Allen's mills, to Creeiisburg, 'Mmilt s und back, once a week.

Leave Urookville every Priday at C a. m., arrive at(Ircecsburg same day by ti p. m.

Leave (Jreenburr every Saturday at G a. in., arrive atHreoUvilh) fame day by ( p. m.

o'.)55. Prom niuilton, ;lls county, to Port Wayne, inA lion county, 'M miles ami back, once a week.

Leave lllull'ton every Priday at 0 a. in., arrive at PortWayne same day by G p. 111.

Leave Port a) ne every Saturday at G a. m., arrive atUluliion same day by G p. in.

0JÖ0. Prom Columbus, in Bartholomew county, byRock Creek, to West Point, in Decatur county, 21 milesand bark.--once a week.

Leave Columbus every Thursday at 9 a. m., arrive atWest Point same day by 5 p. in.

Leave West Point every Priday at G a. in., arrive atColumbus same day by 2 p. m.

IV.."7. Prom Clinton, errniilion county, by IndianaPumuce, to Paris, Illinois, Id miles and Lack, once awee I:.

Leave Clinton every Saturday at 5 a. in., arrive at Pa-

ris same day by 11 a. in.Leute Paris every Saturday at 1 p. m , arrive at Clin-

ton same day by 7 p. in.',VS,i. Prom Decatur, in Adams county, by Port Ma-ho- n,

to l iberty mills, in Wabash county, C0 miles andback, once a week.

l.eutc Docafur every TJmrsday at G a. m., arrive atLiberty Mills next day by 11 n. m.

Leave Liberty .Mills every Priday at 1 p. m., arrive atDecatur next day by G p. in.

'.VX'J. Prom Delphi, in Carroll county, through thegreat .Miami Reserve, to .Marion, in Grant county, G5miles and back, ones a week.

Leave Delphi etcry Wednesday at 0 n. m., arrive atMarion next day, by G p. 111.

Leave .Marion every .Monday at 0 a. in., arrivo at Ucl- -

phi next day by 0 p. m.;!:M. I'reun Frank I'm, by lie nslfy'n and Ilean Ulossom,

to Niiihvüle ,'dl miles und bark, once: a week.Leac I ranklin everv Saturday at G a. in., arrivo at

.Nu-Iivil- lu same day by p. tn.Leave Maliillu every Friday at D h in., arrive at

Franklin same day by 1 p. in.ir.itU. From I ort Uavne to Van ert,m Van Wert

county, ()!iio, lil miles and back, once a week.Leave 1'ort Wayne every Friday at f a. 111., iirrive at

Van We rt same day by p. in.Leave Van Weit eve ry Saturday at 5 a. rn. arrive nt

Fort Wavne same day by 7 p. rn.:i! M'.'-i-

. I loin Iiidianapnli.4, Ivy Urond Ktpple, Uf tblelicni,n 1 ui....i.ift ;u., ,,..,e k.tII I'MllllUf I III IIIIIIWII, UIII1UI MIL, V.1...WII, uuu nun- -

mo, t IVru, CÜ miles and bark,... encc.

u week..

Leave Imüar.apoli every Tuesday at ö a. m., arrive at'. . . . ' '

I'.tii nixt l:iv hv H I. III.l...;.v,. IVrti everv Thursday at 5 a. in., arrivo at Lull- -- j '

anapolis next day by ci p. m.Proposals for nerv ice oncei in 2 weeks will be consiiler- -

c,i,:i'lj:J. Front Indianapolis, by Hampton, Dnnville, New

Winehe-sler- , IJ.ii''bnle, l'urtlai.el Mills, Korkville, Ilo- -

uiauburg, and Montezuma, to tin? Slate line betwee n In-

diana ami Illinois, in the elireclion f Springfield, Illi-

nois, ?0 miles and back, once a we-ek-. i

Leave Indianapolis e very Tuesday at i a. in., arrive ntState line next day by S p. in.


Leave State Line eve ry Thursdav ut " a. in., arrive atIndianapolis next day by fi p. m.

Proposal:? for service once in i weeks will be consider-eel- .

teuere: wlie-ilie-- r route is necessary? I

From Jamestown, in Poone totinty, by Darling-ton


and VorktovMi, to Dayton, in T'ippecanoe county, lit!miles and Lack, once a week.

Leave Jamestown every Fiiday at C a. in., arrivo atDay ton time day by ( p. in.

Leave Dayton every Saturday at C a. ni , nrrive at .

iJainestowil ? attic elav lV P- - m.'A'M'. Front Lafayette, by Parish's Crove, Mtllbrd,

bnois, Spring Creek, and iiiiver' (irove, to Feoria, !"miles ami back, once: a we e k.

Leave LalaVettc every Monday at G a. nt., arrive at Pe-

oria next Saturday bv p. in.Leave Pcoii i eery 31uiielay at ( a. m.,nmve at Lalay-et- t

next Saturday by ( p. in.Proposals fur seivico once in 'J weeks will be conid-ered- .

i',H(. From Lafayette, by Rensselaer, John Jones's, inPorter county, anil Valparaiso, to City West, 100 inilc--

and back, once a week.Leave Lafayette every Monday at C n. m , nrrivc at

City West next Wednesday by ; p. m.Leave City West every Thursday at G a. m., arrive at

Lalayette; next Saturday by G p. in.Fropusalsi for service once in U weeks will be consider- -

cub"JG7. From .Madison, by Paris and Springford, to j

F.row nstow ii, in Jackson county, i" miles and back, once j

il week.Leave .Madison every Tuesday at G a in., arrive at

Brown-do- ti next elay by II n. in.Leave; Prowiistown every Wednesday at l p rn., ar

rive at .Madison ne xt elay by 0 p. tn.o".H'. From .Moorcsville, by Waidsville, Alillarov,

Fpper i alls, Lei river, ami Samuel Kaufman's, to Polandpost oliice, in Clay county, ID miles and back, once aweek.

Leave .Moorcsville every I riday nt 5 a. m., nr'tvc atPoland fatnu day by e p. m.

Leavu Poland every aturl.ay ut ü a in., nrrivo ntMooresivillet anni 1 by H p. in.

;i'.N')'.. From .Mount lMeasant, in Martin eeiunty, by llar-risiutvill- e,

to lledlbrd, in Lawrene eottnty, li5 mib-- andback, once a week.

Le avu .Mount Flcasnut every Friday ut 0 a. m , arriveat Uedlord name day by t p- - n.

Leave l.eillord every Saturday at 0 a.m., arrive nt.Mount Fkaant same elay by ti p. m.

:i'.7ll. From Moblo C IL, by Springfield, Norlhp'-rt- ,

Wri "ht's ('ornt is, and Otibiru, tu Liuiii, in L.ir.iui:ceiunlv, mile: and back, oneo u week.

Leave IS obi ei ry Saturday nt 0 a. tn., arrive at I. una8 uno day .by 'A p. in. . ... . i i..Leave I. una every I no ay su ; a. in., arrive at ivum(lame day by i p. in.

:;ii7L l rum riiuceton, in inbson county, via inn rnanr. .um. mil v called the llue kcklii road, to liooue v llle Ill-

. J ..... ...arnck eoiinty, miles and hark.oneen wee k.Leave) Frincetoii eve ry 31 olid. ly ut Ij a. in., arrive in

Ihioiievillu faun day by I p. in.Leavu iMuuif villu every 1 ucday ut 0 a. in., am v c a.

Friueetoii sann; elav by Ii n. m.t'.'.UVf. i renn Kue lu ster, in 1 iilbui county, by lroy,im- -

ead, Nieon.a, and Joseph 1U kner'n, in W'.ibashlowii, Hi

Wuhash t inintv, u(i nubd mid back, once a wee-k- .

Leave lloelii ster every Fiiday ut t' a. in., arrive; at Va-ha!ito-

same elay by l p. in.Li avi: Wabashiovvn every Saturtl ay at n. in., arrive

at 1 J Ii slt r s.iitio elav by (i p. m.:V.l7;t. From Sago k F. i ry to lioe kf.ird, in J je kson cnun-IV- ,

H inib-- s and back, unci! a vxie k.Leave Sae'n Ferry i ve iy Saturday at ." a. in., arrive at

Uoe-kl.ir- same day by II a. III.Leave Kockl'.ird every Saturday at I p. ni., ariivn at

Sago's Ferry sano: day by 7 p. in.Ii. IT 1 - From Sinking ii ing, by F.rynnts villc (ind uigh-- e

ity's ShoaU, to Mount pleasant, in .Martin cuunty,inibv and back, en e a week.

Leave Sinking spring every Saturd iy at ti m., ar-

rive; nt .Mount Fl-- . is. int same elay by " p. in.Leave; Mount Flniaiit eve-r- I inlay at T a. in., arrive

nt Sinking-spnn- g sanio elav by I p. in.t'.l7.". From Sliitelord to ll.'i klord, in J ick.-o- n entiitly,

L" tnile.H and baek, eine' n week.Leave; Sl.iti bud i:vi rv SaUirdav at b a. m . nriive at

lloeklord elav by 11 a. in.Lnavo Km kh rd uvery Saturday at 1 p. in., nriive at

Slate bi.--d satni! elay bv Ii p. in.lt'.?ü. From Sou'h llend, in St. Joseph county, by llam- -

niond's and North Liberty, to Canned, 20 miles and back,once a week.

Leave South Bend every Monday at !0 a. rn , arrive atCarinel same day by G p. in.

Leave Caimel every Tuesday at G a. in., arrive at SouthBend same day by 2 p. m.

31)77. Prom Washington, in Daiescounty,lv Cdvvards-por- tand llobiiis't. I'rairie, in Knox county, to Carlisle, in

Sullivan county, "0 miles and back, once a week.Leave Washington every Priday ut G a. in., arrive at

Carlisle same day by 5 p in.Leave Car'ile every Saturday at G a. in., arrive at

Washington day by 5 p. in.KOTES.

1. Seven minutes arc allowed for opening and cluingthe mails, at all olliccs where no particular time is epecifud.

2. Pust-olUc- e blanks and mail bigs are to be conveyedwithout further charge, on mail-line- s admitting of suchconveyance.

3. In all cases there is to be a forfeiture of the piy ofthe trip when the trip is not run ; a forfeiture of at leastone fourth part of it, when the running or arrival is so farbehind time as to lose the connexion with a dependingmail; and a forfeiture of a due projortioii of it, when ajrade of service is tendered inferior to that in the contact.These forfeitures may be increased into penalties of higheramounts according to the nature- - or frequency of thefailure and the importance of the mail.

1. Pines will be imposed, unless the delinquency besatisfactorily explained in due time, for failing to takefrom, or deliver at a post oilicc, the mail, cr any part of it ;

for suffering it to be wet, injured, lost, or destroyed ; forconveying it in a p!ace or maiimr that exposes it to depre-daiio- n,

!o?s, or injury; and for not arriving at the time cet.And for selling up or running an express to transmit com-

mercial intelligence in advance of the mail, a penalty willbe exacted equal to a quarter's pay.

5. The Postmaster tleneral may annul the contract for

repeated failures ; for violating the pst ollice laws; forthe instruction f the department ; for refus- -

1 t ' L I ' i I I. I .,sto ci due. . err e oca u cu u u y , ku., ;

Iur aSMil'-ll-r- . HIV tlli;iUll lllJ.UV luv vunm. n vt mw (

rostni.nter G'ei.eral ; or for sating up or running anexpre-s- , as aforesaid.

(J. The r.istinaster General may alter the contract andalter the chedule, hi? allowing a pro rata increase ufcompensation, within the resliictions imp hed by law, for

the addition-- ! service or for tUe increased speed, ,;

:f the employment uf additional stock or carrier is ren -j

dered nee.ssiry; but the contractor may, 111 eucli ca.--e,

relinquish the contract, on limey nonce, 11 ne preiers 11

t Ihe tlianpe. lie may ao uisoontinue or curiau iue1,0 .11,-iwin- i .ne monib's extra nav on the amount

diponsvd with. I

J! Tl.e payment will be made through draft on postr.,r ..iM,ii ...hOl lit es, ur o 111 1 ist, unii mi. iiiaii"t..wv

sjv in February, May, August, and .NovemberS. The ilistuncts uie riven according to the best infor

mation ; but no incrtcsiil pay will be uthrrtd, should thc-- j

pro- - e to be greater than is advertised, if the jdaccs arecorn ctly mu ted.

ft 'I'l.,. I . ..ir f?.inorl I J t, mtl 1 I O.I tttf tV ff(m: "u ,w,,"4"Ci r., ringly making a contract for the transportation of the

n. -.ll with any pe r,on who li.ll have entered m .any com- - ,

t.,,, ii.,n nr... i.mii.i.ri fi .filer lulu C I : . I 1 f 1 at ton. til.,.wi....., , -- ony - ii

prevent the making e l any bid lor a mail contract by any I

other- .

person or- persons, or wnoi t !iall have made anyagre eiin nt, ot who shall have givtii or pcriormeu,nr fromi-e- d to give rr pcriorm, any .

consiiiL-raiio- n

to Jo or not to do, any thing whatever to inducj my otherperson not to bid for a mail contract.

10. A bid received after lime to wit, the 2'2d of Sep- -

tend-i-- r rext. at 'J p. m., or without the guaranty required..iin-.- l I. u bnv nr eh ai rmri.'ine routes in one ," T " ' " " " -

u'üti of cumpcltsation, cunm t be considered in compensa-

tion with a regular proposal, not adjudged to be c.rtrava- -

iranl. '

II. A liJ.U-- r y rr,.,,.,,,, JirtVrent dy. ami hout of.1 .inn. .mil .irri:tl t ir. , ii I. u no more ruiiiniffj time IS..IK 'i im e f i - rf

aked, and It is obvious that no nail connexion, or other j

public accommodation is ejudtced. lie mav ak for

a sjec ltc nurn: er ol Uas or tor more running lime j

to tho trip at certain seasons of peculiar bad ro ds. j

lint, beyond these changes, a proposal f..r ed.ir. rent from the advertisement, will prev.-n- t its j

beit..; considered in comj ttitiou with a regular bid, imt ev :

asnje for extravag nice ; and where n bid contiins any ofihe above alterations, tin ir di-a- d vantages will be estimatedin compiling it with other proposals

There hou!d bo but one route bid for in a proposal, j

LL The route, Ihe service, ihe yearly pay, the bidder's!name and ri biile lu e. and tho name ed each meinber of '

the linn where a company olll-rs-, should be distinctlystated.

The following may be used as a form for tho bid, whenno change from the udctrtiu-mcn- t is contemplated by thebidder .-


I (or we, n the case my be,) hereby propose to carrythe mail on No, , from to , agreeablyto advertisement, for per annum.

II. The following is the form of a guaranty which hruldbe filled, the first blank with the name of the guarantor, these cond with that of the bidder; and the third and fourth with

l.gmnjp and teriniiiatinK point3 uf ihe route; and alterl(t.jn? dated, iould be signed by the guarantor, who mustbe shown by the-- written certilh ate of a postmaster, orother equally atisfaclory testimonial, to be a man ol pro-

perty, end able to make Rood his guaranty. T his guaran-

ty, mi certified, should accompany rath bid.The undesigned guarantees that if his bid

for carrying the mail frem t be accepted by

tl.e Fostmasti r (Jt neral, shall enter into an obliga-

tion prioi to the first day of January nexl, with good andsullieie nt sure-tie-

, to perform the eervice propot-ed- .

Datedlf. The bid should be srnl under sea!, addreosed to the

F.r-- t Asiftant Festtntter (Üeneral, with " Mail Froponabin the State of " written on the face of the letter;and should be despatched in tunc to be received by ur ,

before the "'-i- September next, at U o'clock p. ni.10. The contract are to bo executed betöre tnc Itstol

January next.Fust Uirin Diiiiitmint, lllh Julv. 18L".

ü. JOILN&OX,i o ' tmaster (icneruli

i;. s. Aic.nt ibi5visio.ü.Oincr. or Com. (ir.NF.teAi. ok Sfiisisxr.Ne r,

Washington, July 14, S!.".

VJF.FAUATK PROPOSALS will be received "at Un ollicek until the Ut day of October next, for the de liveiy ofprofj.ioim in bulk, foi the use ct the Hoops of the UnitedSlates, upon inspection, a follows:-- If the Public Landing, sis miles torn F.rt Toicson, mouth

of the Chit mi e hi.(i) bauch of puk

1170 bauch of fiesh superfine llourd"u busheh of new white held beans

Mont) pounds of go.nl bald soapitiod ponn h of good hard speim candle

IV) bushe h of g od clean d y line saltl!s() gall ms of good cidei vinegir.The whole to be deliveted in all the month of April, IS IG ;

an I to h ave Natcbito he by Ihe 2'Hh February, ISIG.At Fort Atkinson, tie it ban': of th Missiippi river, oppo-

site Foil Ciaufjid,nt Uounnan and line s uare'touie.lU'i bam h f poikUiiO bauelsof fiesh sii,eili"e Hour!0 bushels of new while lull leans

lsi'0 pounds of good bald soap1300 pounds of goevl haul Pillow candles

10 t ii tie Is of good e ban diy line salt100 gallons of go. d cidei viregai.

Tbc whole to bedeliveied by the 1st Mav, V.Jt Foit Smiting, St. lUi'f.

1GS bauds of p ukSCO bauelsof fu Ii supei fine f o;rIÖ0 biishch of new while field beans

2100 tioLiids of 'i od hard soapF p unds of good haid tall w rr.ndles

!') ludieh of g ol ch'nn dry fme saltI'.O galloi.s of god eidei vinegir.

T'.e w hole lo b.- - (U b.v cicd from the L Mi May, ISlu, to

the Llh J'-ni- IMi;.At Furt t.c tre iu orlh, Mist out i t it er.

3&0 lu-bi- h cf new white livid beans

QVoIimic I::::::::::Xiinibrr 21.

4000 pounds of good lianlsoap"3ÜU0 pounds of goo.l har.1 tallow can!!es

12.') bushels of good clean diy line :all1000 allen- - of ood cider vinegar.TI.e wh.de to be delivered in all May, IS 11.

At Fort Scott, on the Mirnwton rirer, Missouri, seventy7niles land transportation from Independence, on the Mis-

souri ricer.150 bu-hc- ls of new white field beans

1200 pounds of good tmd soap19'0 pcunds f good baid tallow candles

CO bushil of gt-c.- l clean d;y fine saltC')0 gallons of jjood eider vim-g.ir-

The whole to be delivered in all May, ISlt.At Fort IVinnibigo, on tc Fox river, at the portage rf Fox

and Wisconsin rivers.40 bairel pork

12") banels of ficsh u; crfme niir3G bii-h- . Is of new white fie'd beans

C0 pounds of go d h ud oapCÖ0 pounds of good haul tallow candles20 bushels of good clean diy tine salt

17Ö gallons of good cider vinegar."The wli.de to te uVliveiel by the 1st June, 1S4G.

At Fort Vrcdij, Sault ite. Mat ic, Michigan.. ?G barrel cf p-u-

I?0 bands of fvsh vupnf'ne r'our00 bu-hc- ls of new v. h;,e Im 1 1 bens

SOU pounds of good haul s apl;0 pounds of g iod bard tallow candles

20 bushcU of g .od clean diy line salt220 gallons of good cider vinegu".

One-ha- lf on Ut June, IS4Ü ; lemaindcr by the ! oth Sep- -

tctnbei", lb-10- .

At Fort Mackinac, Michigan.114 baircls of poik210 baircls of ficsh supeifine fl ur1(H) bushels of new while field beans

1300 pounds of good haul S ap1300 pounds of good hard tallow candles

40 bushels of good clean diy fine salt300 gallons of good cider vmtgp.r.

One-ha- lf on 1st June, lbJ'J ; uinainder by the 15th Sep--tcmber, 140.

Note. All lildeis aic requested to extcna tue amouni 01

at, alliclt, ,Ja , ,xtiUl ,c .l ... ufeach til. ! niau WIM be a"e.i ir inc execution an 1 ieiuio.yi iuu

pciiods and of each delivery at those posts tiact and bond; at the expiiatiou of which if no

wheie thev aic not sp. cilied, will be, lt June, answe r be icceived, or contact and bond the supply1st September, I4(, ai d lt Match, IS47. j will be olftied to tlie lowest bit'dfr, to law.

The ho"s of which the poik is to be on ' Tu published once a week until lllh day Au-co- in

and" each h g to weili not les than two pust next, 111 the Uni. n, n, and IK

pounds e ilie feet, lejis ears, and snout. Side pieces C; Kepubliean, livening Post, Morning, vultiiuted for t!ic Imuh. The poik is to le hrtmJ) ; . , fl)cn calcfuiiv )act:ed


aiticle. in nieces not exceeding eight pounds

cacnWhen the nackin has been completed, the contractor mud

f,r,M, t, th.s otli. e a cei lific.ie fium ihe packer, that iheperk ha been so salted picked. The pork is to be con

Mined in seasoned heait of lute oak lull ;

the beans aid salt in b.i iels, and. the soap and candles in

MlOOg lO.CS HI lUiiM im in Jin '

Salt will only be icceived by measuicment of thiity-tw- o

mutts to the bu-be- l. Ti e caudles to have cotton wicks,i he provisions for Fort Atkinson and St. Petei's must pasSt. Louis for their ultimate destination, in the first week ofApril, 11'i. A failmc in patticular will be considereda buach of contiact, and the depaitment .v'i!l beto purchase to supply the-- e posts fllT will öc

inneelrd at the time and place oflo le ,,aitl hy contiaito.t. ....til -- hey a.e deposited at sut--

stütt.,luUNCS as maybe desipn. ud by .he agents ol Ilie uc- -. . T, tumnu,a, v C.t neial reserves the

cf inclCas!ng oi diminishing the ipiantitie, or of dipeningt:h A-- or all articles reunited at any it, at any lime u-c-

furc ciiteiing into cuiitmct; abu of incteasin or re-

ducing the piautities of each deliveiy onc-thi- id sub-c.puc- nt

to contiact, on ivin ixty days' pievious notice.Uiddets. not beie t Tue conti acteu, aie to accom- -

nanv their proposals with evide lu e of their ability, togetherI

. f whoc irsiwnnibility niust I

.lllIirs ()r ,,,.;, sumi .i i... ti .U-t- .;.. t. .itiotm-- - oi 'iv Gome rerr.on. wrtlIfW- - I. I I l1 '4 I'T ...v.known to the givtiiirucu:; oihuwi-c- , their pioposais willnot be acted on. ... e

Ui-.joc- s fdiiof be made tn any rir, am rviavwr yt. ii i . . .' ...I l..c. iTI(.ii

'V'''-''"'-? "'.'.!, ,V.,ri Vr"iw5'y7 (fV 1

, .,,.,1 ;n sliri, oblic money as may be con- -

rr, .(,tUlü ,.,.:, l(f delivers , the places of pu.chase, ort,u; ,cu5t.ct. cf ti.c contiactc-rs- , at the option of the Ticas- -

U1V i,.j);,itrnent ,y0 this ollice will be accepted or paid, uue.cr any

cue uokI .iu es. .

F.a. h pr..,al will be sealed in a separate envelope, and

niaiked -- i'lopo,.,!, for fuiuihinj aim) '

Cm. (Jert. Subsis'ence.f;Ti: K,i;to:s will not be paid for inserting in their pa- -

pei this a Iveit etneiil, unless au.Iiot ize.l to eio so uj .mCenetal of Subsi-tei- n e. Ib-- 1 a w t epl la.

mvi is::ur a.i foii i&iu.Na'v I ) r. r a r t t r. n t ,

P'licau of Piovisions and Clothing,June 21), 4 .

Sealed proposals, Fiopenalu for Ueef,"audfor lVnk," as the ease may te. will be icceived at

thi office until 3 o'cloek, p. m., on Monday, the 11th day e fAu-u- st next, f.-- lu:tii-hii- 4 atd delivering, fiec of all cetand risk to the Fnitec'. States-F- ive

thousand seven bundled bartel of navy beef, undlive thousand seven bundled bauds of navy pork:

Lach bnriel to e euitatti imt less than two liuiube I pounds

net weight of bee f or poik.no e ee s of eight in ei;hctaiticle will be paid for. Tube dciiveicd at the lopettivenavy yaids, as fallows:

11! Is. beef Dl'ls. poik.JX Chaibs'uwn, Mass., 1!U0 lü(0A Pro !(ly n, N. Y., 1!)(0 li'OO

At Cospoit, Va., l.'.UU lf0Ö7U0 57PO

Faid berf and poik must be de liveted, one-ha- lf betweenthe hrt diy of January, 1M;, ami the first day of Apiil,IS1U; and tlie other half between the lO'.h day of A pi il,1S1G, and the 13ili day of June, IMC, unless eailier delive-lie- s

should t'C le.piiied by the chief of this buicau. Olli ismust be made for each hilf separately and distinctly ihatis, for the ha f between the 1st of Januaiy ai d

1st of Apt il,.

and foi the halt eleli vei auie net ween tue loin..

t f A , i.jt, t,f Juno. ISUi. for the ursi.1.nanI

t j,p ni ,,t,. witum tinny d;ys fiel deliveiy; an d foi tliesecond ha f in ll'.n'.v days aliei ihe loth ol June, 1Mb.

The beef must le fiotn well fattened cattle, slaughteredbetween the first day of November, IS and the firtdiy.r i.'..t.ro:iiv. IMti. and we iiihi i: not less than six bundledpounds, net weight, each. Ihe legs and leg lands of thebind quartets, and ihe slims and shoulder clods, and at leasteitht pound- - fiorn the nee k end of e ach f.-i- ijujiler, or Ihe

pait m ilked N'os. !,'., and 3, on the diawing ei delineationof the fote and hind piai lets of an ox, which will be al-

ia, he d to and b un a pail of the contiact, mii't be whollyexcluded fiun each Lai it I and half bauel.and the remain-

dered the caicass must be cut in pieces of not less thaneintit jKiunds each.

The poik must be packed finm eorn-fe- d, well fattenedh. g slau liteie d the lift day of November, IM.',and the first day of Fe binary. 1M, and weighing-- not less

linn two bun Ired pounds each, excluding the heads, j .les,t.ecks, shouldeis, ham., le gs, fe et, and lard, ami all irfusepieces; and must be cut in pieces weighing not less than sixpounds each.

Iloth the beef and potk mt:t he sailed wi h at least one

Hatutc lush-- I ed T ink's s,nd, Lie of May, or St Fbe'ssalt ; atid ihe beef must have live ounces of line pilveii2edsaltpetre to e ach b ittcl, of a pickle, lo be made

fiom fiesh water, as strong as salt will mike it.Oi.e-fouit- h :l;e quantity of beef, and one-foui- th the quin- -,

t parWid in half batieU and eontain onejt v of po.k must e

bundled pounds net wi iglit of e ach as the cac may be; and

,u esiim Hing tlie puce, two h ilf t " c to be cot.siJeied

aSTbe ba'.ieh ai d half banch mud be made of the best sea-

soned While oak, while ash slave, and heading; ,f the.u.ths of an in, I, thickformer, to be not le-- s than th.ee-- f ;

if of Ihe lallet, to be t.ot U- -s than one inch thick foi buie s,

at- - I li.iee-loutt- hs of an me h thick f u 'f hauels, and to

at least three-fou.t- hs ovei with the best white oak. I. ...I ..I It. ,!).

I'arh bane l :.nd b lf banel must be branded on its head

"Vavv l'.eef"oi Nay Poik." th Case? may be, With

il... rontiactoiN name and the ear when packed.

The beef and poik will be by the inspectingf ti... lesneetive and by

rn inspector of salted p.ovi-- i .us" will be selectedcoii.mai.dU olTt-eis- ; but their chaigehy ihe tive-

f.'u- such must be p.nd 1 v Ihe iijucitvc cout.ac-U.-

whem.i'T rikewi-- e hive the battels put in good

lo the satulactiou of the coinmandauts of the le


A stmjdc and frugal (iovcrnmcnt, conlinfd vritliinstrict Constitutional limits.

A strict construction of the Constitution, and no as-sumption of doubtful

No National Bank to swindle tho laboring popula-tion.

No connection between the jrovernment and banks.A Diplomacy, nkin for nothing but what is clear-

ly rii,rht and submitting to nothing wronjj.No public debt, cither bv the (Icncral Government,

or by the States, except for objects of urgent neces-sity.

No assumption by the General Government of thedebts of the States, either directly or indirectly, by adistribution of thepircceds of the public lands.

A Kcvenue taritf, discriminating in la vor of thepoor consumer instead of tl:o rich

No extensive system of Internal Improvement bythe General Government, or by the States.

A constitutional barrier against improvident Stateloans. 4

The honest pnyment of our debts and the sacredpreservation of the public faith.

A gradual return from a paper credit system.No grants of exolusiw charters and privileges, by

special legislation, to banks.No connexion lctwcen Church and State.No proscription for honest opinions.Fostering aid to public education.A 4pr;resivc" reformation of all abuses.

The quantity peri.d,one-foui- th rctarned.

1st December, next arroidingpacked fattened be the of

bundled Con-titu- li Intelligencer,xcluding Daltimoie; News,

andbaiieH, hooped









endorsed ,Pro-pisa- ls





invv-viiid- s atoiesail, somewhu"sw,


spective navy- - aids afoicsaid, after inspection, and at tbeirO A n expense.

Did Jets mut specify their pi ice sepirafely and distil. c-- ly,

in sej aiate idlers for the la( and for the and ofeach of the places of delivery, covering all exjK-ne- andclnrge.

The depaitment reserves to itself lite light to reject Itotfeis fiooi persons who have beictofoic failed tu fullil tbeirc.oitiacts.

Hon !s in o?e-thir- d the amount of the iepect:vc centractwill be requited, and ten per centum in addition will bewithheld from the amount of each paymmt to be made, asc dlateial Mcuiity foi the due and faithful iformance cftheir selective cor.tfact, uhich will on no account be paiduntil tl.e contracts are complied with in all if. pect, and itto be foifeittd to the United S ates in the evnt cf failure tocomplete the deliveries within the piociib d peii'- - Andin cae cf failuie on ti e pait f the c. ntr.itor to deliver 'lieaforesaid beef ai.d poik within the time peeified, the chiefof the lUueau of Tioviions ai d Clothing hiU have theliht to diitct i utchaes to be made to suiply the deficien-

cies, aid any excess of cot shall te chained to and paid bythe contiactoi. Pajmei.t will be m.de by the VuitcdSt iles at the peiiod above specified, (excepting the ten percentum to be withheld until the completion of ihe contiacts,as before stated,) aficr the said bre-- f and poik shall have beeninspected and icceived, and tills foi the s;ime Lall havebeen presented to the navy aent ly, duly ap-pio-ved

by the c murin lints the respective uavy-yaid- i,

aceoiding to the teims of Ihe contiaci?. "The pait of the tecf to bi 'ercludod will be particularly

designated in the enslaving to be atldcbed to the contract!.Persons interested can obtain them on application at ibisollice.

DidderV vit heretofore contractors aie icquireJ to aceom-pnn- y

their propcnIs vritti evidence cf ability tonelher withthe names. of tlicir f UiCt ies, w hose resp i.sibility must tecertified by the United States distuct attorney, navy apent,or some otlier person well known to Ihe Government ; other-wise their rioi-osal- s will Hot be acted upon.

Didders w hose ptoposals arc accepted (and none othcrsj willbe foi th with notilied h reof ; and llnee day s over aud abovethe otdinaiy lime ie.;uin d for the icgular tiansmis-io- n ofIhe mail will be allowed for the m to sunny their teadiness1 1 enter into c ntiatt; and ten days over and above theordinaiy lime iepiiied for the ifjlar transmission of Ihe

and Journal ol lummeicc, Iw lüik; ret.n-yivama- n andlOt stone, 1'i.iiad. iphia ; Mws Vost anl Times, itton ;N. II. Patiiot, Concord; hartem Argus. Portland, Me.;Kinpiiicr, Kichmond, Va.; Deaeon, Noifolk,a.; hnquiici,Cincinnati, ili' ; St .tcsuvn, Columbus, 'hio ; Union, Nas.1- i-

vil.e, lenn.; Uegi-Tc- r, pnngiieu. in; "-cu- -. v.iinKo,111.; Kite I'ies, Petinit, Mieh ; Sta'e 'iiliurl, Indianapolis,la; Misooinian, St. Louis, .Mo; Democrat, Louis ilie, Ky.and (lae'.tc, Lexington, Ky.

Fr piietors of the above papeis ate irtieted to fendcopy of their lefpective papeis containing: the adveitiement! this buiea'i. t Aug. 1 1.

tka:si,ös t iM't'f ay oti ci:.

Mil' iin.teooziie!. arnts for tin AMbult.l IDKI.MU.bL ltiT MM: on the Piiinse Ivania 'anal, ill rerriv II pro

perty designed lo le sloppped from tins place I --ist l) Mid line, analdi the same lo Pillsliurau mo: nr inim : on omi.o rilltet

heie r at PitlslMirtti only e liarirm? lra).i7e Anl oilier rieiiir,whidi Ihey may aetuajly have to pay and ill lake all ptoerty offeie-d- , ly tht.s hue ihrotvjb to Philadelphia and Paltmiore, in an uliort alime a?nl at a little lever rates .than ei) other M?enc--y in I lie pure,

hipjiers ev ill lind t li.-i- r iieopptty rme imi( in tnue Ii letter rdrr Cast,lv tins than bvaiiyolla r line, evhi h do not employ the Portable or,re-ii.t- i Hoais, as in Him line there is no iran-hipp- done over the

f iv.,,.,1 . .t f(.. Pail. . . U l I :irs .ill ii f...I..III I 'n rM I.I- -- . - - - - - -- wmount .mi 1 1

Canal Unat aa m, Im h ha t le loiie ly other lnie.We alsoM.av lo .Merchants and others, lunt-i- nj from tlie LaM,

that if the v üiiipby this hue, and cotisijMi to Mcm--t l'laikon it. Co.,Pittsliiiicli ami to us at .MaJiM.n, we will tit ward their iZMHlatoallinterior Hares w ithoiit commission, either tit PiitshureSi or thin place.

Madron, la.,l(rt. :!-.- :ii .Ml TCI HILL &. CO.

icaii invi mm: r si'aes.AJit 'IHK Kail Koud he inc now completer! north of Co- -

iT' T?' a bimtois, the MihsrrilK-r- s are enabled to leave In-- A

W f - ii in iIm .it 4 A. M. and meet tlie run in time toarrive at Madison tlie inns of tfee en-r- e Iy. Tin line oflerseve-r- y

imbn emnii to the iMtel'ut niMi. . ymn; from, or to, the interiorof Ihn State, in por.t ot e eps-diti- ; tear Inns Madinoti from Indian-a"ti.- H

in 2 hours. Panxrinrer can k aui-.- l uf in immediate con-iil-- i

lion e nh the .leamlMsits, t it her f r ('un iiinati e r lionise ilie, anls hive been mule uhiehwill pit vent all toil.ilit of a

del;-.- uo.kin" Ihe trip from Indianapolis lo ( 'ii imi.eti. or I.oumvtlle,iiioi.e.liv! :' J. P. VeniltllKKS Si fu.

V:i!clios Jcwrlry st net Fanry (ood.rBlir. s.ihM-iilH-i- s have contaiiilv en band a large and fatdn.mauleJl. of Jewelry, iold and Silver Watt ben, I'latrd Ware,

Liiälish aud A met lea ii lliitatinia, Tainted Jajuined Tr.i Trj.Joldand Silver IVneiln, diamond Uild eiold !Vn,t;ld aiot Silver Ssre-tacle,Si'.v- er

Snkiis, ladles, e'ups, 1'ruit Knives, Hotter Knives, A.C.

t U4 IVl'.iwV K":aJiJis, Jewels aud e very vari.lv M liiuiiiniic.Sil ver Ware and Jewelry made to order. OWL.V At CAKI.HV,

41 ;i. .lf..n jt., brlrrrn 2d and tkt., Ctmamnmti.

m i:a ii rivi:i:l.exikinu: (-1-

:1 I'liiine' ,11:1 iu;f;irl ory.rKllll- - Mitwrnlier hasfouiuierieedthe manufacture ef Ih.i itip ;Imp.

Q PoMiait ami I n lure Frames ofeveryvam f of patlrin, l.y SteamPow er, and by mi doing he is enabled lo sell the a' ove article as hiens ih.'v can be pun based in au 4 lae Mastern fit n, and as tlie rukand iiiy is tnui Ii Cuiiiiiiy Mcrchnuti w id find it greatly to theirudvaiilace to r: II before pnrchatins I'ast i lit-- here.

All kinds of e;n.lui2 neitly eci.te.l.4lv r.ltr.Mll'.U WISWKI.L, H7.Vtf.mL. Cimrinwmti.

iTvT;k v m: ii un ,S. i:. Corner Third and Wa'.iiul Slrct'ts,

(:iiiiuii:iti. Miio.It Ol.r.S AI. r. and retail dealers in lni.rtrd and Anrieaii

W Clears, i.e. Wttrrn rvulerei areinvite I to riainiiir Iheir slock Ik lore miii basing elewlierr.

They sell at the low est c ity prices, and le I warranted in savingthat they ran i;ive Kitist iciion lo nil customer. They w ill till alldel lor Tobacco, Snuff and t'iijar, at the tdiortrst in4ire. 4 --f in

u ooihu it a sjiicrw-siiinti-,

Coiiititision :nil I'rodiMM llcrilmnt,if tÄTJVf M.Yt9 r vy. 37

fjiiTii-- d :tcxiint Iiii;' ANS Ian jus--t reeeive.1 a I rft.li itirle of V ace in VI- -j jK.

Timm ivishinj ti e ir f;ii.illis .vrrcinated will plene rail at hiaollo-- e .M door enst of Urowninc's. m-w- -H

c:iiikm:s ivtuitv, .11. i.s'Jiysirimt :inl Snrroii.r n'l-T'.K- his professional Nervn r, in :.U its vihh. branrlie, to

TUie e inens of Indian ipolis and it vicinity, lie lias moved Ina"loihce to the front room, up Maos, e.ver William Mansur'a sIik,

John II. VVrisht s, w lie-r- all calls will receive proem aiirnuonilay or nitftii. l""

V HUNT, thinkfiil for the vei liberal palMHiaye eilenrtVelWWrn tohiui for the la-- l four jeam in this pl.ue.l.ke prutin

tohisfilen.t lli.lll.e pul.lle pennall) I to. I t.f MrMre4-- ...,.... o.C ......... ...nil..,. I Ou. MJM.ti. all uec-iir- j o" n"i i " - "ml teeth and sums, and lo itisett artifiiial leelhoii pivot or plaitwith or withisii mtitirial gums onel whole or ball eels by suctionor ! i hetic pleasure

He would say lo country urium innioc -- "j -.i.. .a..--..i.- ;.l nrincs.Kr st n rea.nal.le rate. t)the n Illinois

ireet, liest d'n.r north of VVa-l.ii.tlo- n, Vrsl side.

J. M. TOMLtmoH.. u TOMLISI',

WHOl tltLK AM BT4IL l'tlLl! IN

lriif? V lltl teilt'-- .raten iMedir Ines, 1 1) eMail, C'.ioetic,I'a.nlsindOilH, MedicaltHy-war- e,

l.l.piors.rtr1'rlliiloeiy ,

.it. W.M..1.4....... .......in.i mn.

1 viil A AIMU.IS. IMUANA.I.tr....ti1,.i...,arrnrntrlv cMtMHnmleiK Shopon t allhemn. 51

iii:iicim:s.--00, stnres Sulphate iM.nu.e I llirr.Mi.imrj.mph.

,0 ,i Sulphate M..hi.. - "I .Sup t aib. Soda

Ii ,b. A. t:.te Menploa

7. ,',.,. I do Ateviuidna N-nn- a

Jo I -- r. 1 n--" Sulplnerju-- t iece'vedaud lorle by I. CKAHillKH.

iti:t iii:m'iii:s.P?(.,VV,.?r,mVV,.dther,y,.S1oK

! ; ,.. Sapp,,,,,!.,.'. Wer and A J- J'.

Ä,ral.nes.,M k'Verm.f..Pe, elo do IUuTmoc,l'i

pl.i-te- r,

do Jew ''',r,,t,J,u''ref, ,Vf.,,,,y... l.AVin CR A IUII EAP.Jinn-:!- . Hit.

ST t'oo ifi.'. rs"'. ,,U M,. n ' too i.' iu.iietilelaüiwieJe)Ul u h'o.l I I pound I Min .. ... .!... ,
