Indias Empires and Religions: Buddhism and Hinduism

Indiaʼs’Empires’and’Religions:’ Buddhism’and’Hinduism’ · Hinduism’’ • Three’mostimportantHindu’Gods’(forms’of’Brahman)’ – Brahma(creator),’_____(protector),’Shiva(destroyer)’

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Page 1: Indiaʼs’Empires’and’Religions:’ Buddhism’and’Hinduism’ · Hinduism’’ • Three’mostimportantHindu’Gods’(forms’of’Brahman)’ – Brahma(creator),’_____(protector),’Shiva(destroyer)’

India’s  Empires  and  Religions:  Buddhism  and  Hinduism  

Page 2: Indiaʼs’Empires’and’Religions:’ Buddhism’and’Hinduism’ · Hinduism’’ • Three’mostimportantHindu’Gods’(forms’of’Brahman)’ – Brahma(creator),’_____(protector),’Shiva(destroyer)’

Hinduism    Basic  facts:  1) Has  _____  single  ___________  2) _____    largest  religion  in  the  world  

a)  1  ______  world-­‐wide  

b)  Most  live  in  ______  today  

Page 3: Indiaʼs’Empires’and’Religions:’ Buddhism’and’Hinduism’ · Hinduism’’ • Three’mostimportantHindu’Gods’(forms’of’Brahman)’ – Brahma(creator),’_____(protector),’Shiva(destroyer)’


•  3000  years  old  •  Brought  to  _______River  Valley  Region  by  _________  

•  ________–  Holy  Text    •  WriJen  in  Sanskrit  

–  All  are  part  of  an  all-­‐powerful  spiritual  force  called  _________  

•  Not  exactly  PolytheisPc  or  monotheisPc….      

Page 4: Indiaʼs’Empires’and’Religions:’ Buddhism’and’Hinduism’ · Hinduism’’ • Three’mostimportantHindu’Gods’(forms’of’Brahman)’ – Brahma(creator),’_____(protector),’Shiva(destroyer)’

Hinduism    •  Three  most  important  Hindu  Gods  (forms  of  Brahman)  –  Brahma  (creator),  ________(protector),  Shiva  (destroyer)    


•  Belief  in  _______________:  Rebirth  of  the  soul,  or  when  the  soul  enters  the  body  of  another  being  –  Respect  for  ALL  living  things    

•  UlPmate  goal  ___________  –  Free  the  soul  from  the  cycle  of  reincarnaPon  &  the  soul  can  unite  with  Brahman.  



Page 5: Indiaʼs’Empires’and’Religions:’ Buddhism’and’Hinduism’ · Hinduism’’ • Three’mostimportantHindu’Gods’(forms’of’Brahman)’ – Brahma(creator),’_____(protector),’Shiva(destroyer)’


v ________:  Every  acPon  produces  a  JusPfied  effect  based  on  its  moral  worthiness.  

v _________:    ethical  duty  based  on  the  divine  order  of  reality.  The  word  is  the  closest  equivalent  to  “religion.”  


Page 6: Indiaʼs’Empires’and’Religions:’ Buddhism’and’Hinduism’ · Hinduism’’ • Three’mostimportantHindu’Gods’(forms’of’Brahman)’ – Brahma(creator),’_____(protector),’Shiva(destroyer)’

Rise  of  Buddhism  •  Emerged  a^er  Hinduism  •  Began  in  ________  •  Siddhartha  Gautama  –  __________  of  Buddhism  – Became  known  as  the  “_____________  One”  – Born  into  royal  life,  le^  to  pursue  search  for  religious  truth  and  end  to  life’s  suffering  

•  People  seek  enlightenment  through  __________,  instead  of  priests,  formal  rituals  and  gods  

Page 7: Indiaʼs’Empires’and’Religions:’ Buddhism’and’Hinduism’ · Hinduism’’ • Three’mostimportantHindu’Gods’(forms’of’Brahman)’ – Brahma(creator),’_____(protector),’Shiva(destroyer)’

Four  _______  Truths    –  1)  All  life  is  full  of  __________  and  sorrow  

–  2)  Suffering  is  caused  by  a  desire  to  saPsfy  ourselves  (being  ________)  

–  3)  The  way  to  end  suffering  is  to  ________  all  _________  

–  4)  End  desire  by  following  the  _________  path  

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*  Steps  you  must  take  in  order  to  reach    NIRVANA  

•  __________  –  Release  from  all  selfishness  and  pain  

•  Eighbold  Path:  –  1)  Right  ___________    -­‐  2)  Right  aspiraPons    –  3)  Right  speech  –   4)  Right  __________  –  5)  Right  livelihood  -­‐    6)  Right  Effort  –  7)  Right  ____________    -­‐    8)  Right  ______________    

Eight  Fold  Path  

Page 9: Indiaʼs’Empires’and’Religions:’ Buddhism’and’Hinduism’ · Hinduism’’ • Three’mostimportantHindu’Gods’(forms’of’Brahman)’ – Brahma(creator),’_____(protector),’Shiva(destroyer)’

Buddha  •  Accepted  the  idea  of  reincarnaPon  •  ___________  the  many  gods  of  Hinduism  •  ____________  the  ________  system  •  Did  not  want  to  be  worshipped      


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India:  The  Maurya  Empire  •  ______________  :  gained  power  in  Indus  Valley  – Conquered  northern  India  – Maintained  order  with  a  well  organized  government  •  Supervisors  •  Tax  collectors  •  Royal  court  system  

– EffecPve  but  __________  leadership  •  Secret  police  force    

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•  Most  honored  Maurya  emperor  •  Grandson  of  Chandragupta  •  Was  involved  in  war,  then  turned  to  ____________    – Became  peaceful  – Rule  by  moral  example  – Brought  peace  and  _______________  – Unite  his  diverse  empire  – Paved  the  way  for  Buddhism  in  his  empire  

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From  Maurya  to  Gupta  

•  Asoka  died,  __________  power  declined  – Rival  groups  baJled  for  control  

•  500  years  later,  Gupta  dynasty  unites  India  –  (__________  Age)