Similarities; -Colours-reds, black, rich tones (Kooks and KOL) Quite striking colours- engaging a passer by. -Weird, peculiar images (Arctic Monkeys, KOL) -Name of band and album is at the top of the cover (KOL, Kooks, AM) -‘Mellow’ pictures; Goulding’s homepage, and Kooks album cover. This connotes a ‘mellow’ type of music. - EG has pink colours due to her large female fanbase; also due to her being a woman. -A thought provoking image that entices the audience into looking at the cover, and ultimately, the artist/band. -The Kooks picture above connotes a very chilled and relaxed environment, maybe suggesting that’s how the music is ‘organically’ made.

Indie Iconography (A-Level Media)

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Page 1: Indie Iconography (A-Level Media)


-Colours-reds, black, rich tones (Kooks and KOL) Quite striking colours-engaging a passer by.

-Weird, peculiar images (Arctic Monkeys, KOL)

-Name of band and album is at the top of the cover (KOL, Kooks, AM)

-‘Mellow’ pictures; Goulding’s homepage, and Kooks album cover. This connotes a ‘mellow’ type of music.

- EG has pink colours due to her large female fanbase; also due to her being a woman.

-A thought provoking image that entices the audience into looking at the cover, and ultimately, the artist/band.

-The Kooks picture above connotes a very chilled and relaxed environment, maybe suggesting that’s how the music is ‘organically’ made.

Page 2: Indie Iconography (A-Level Media)

-The colours are very simplistic also, giving a very ‘real’ feel to their image.

-Recurring colours; red, black and white. These colours form part of their logo, DVD and album cover.

-Very basic, and straightforward font. Nothing ‘fancy’, connoting that the image isn’t the most important element of their band, and it also emphasises their chilled, easy listening type of music-basic, simple, yet catchy tunes.

-Their logo appears to be their band name and font. Its very simplistic, connoting that as a band they are quite easy going, and give off quite ‘stripped down’ feel to their music, through their font-they aren’t hiding behind a façade.

Page 3: Indie Iconography (A-Level Media)

The first font pictured above I feel is the most suited to the band. This is because the font is very ‘kooky’, and weird-showing that the band aren’t generic and boring. I also feel that that font is aesthetically pleasing, and would be well-suited to be a strong, and recognised logo for the band; since this band don’t really have a separate logo. (The name of the band is the logo.)

The second font pictured above is a prime example of a font that would not work for the band. This font would not portray the right image for the group, as it would mislead audiences as to what genre the bands music is; probably believing them to believe they are a hip hop/rap related group, due to the graffiti-like font.

This font pictured above I feel is very aesthetically pleasing, as it is a very clean, neat font and would definitely fit well as a logo for the band. I feel that this would be a very good logo as it is quite striking, and would be recognised by audiences.

This font is a font that would not prove to be very suited to the band, as it has quite a gothic look, something this band is not. The font also comes across quite morbid, and dark, which is more associated with less ‘easy-listening’ genres of music, such as hard rock, and heavy metal.

I feel that the rest of these fonts really capture the character of the bands names, and the quirkiness of them both effectively, and are all also very striking, and would also prove successful as either of the bands logo.

Page 4: Indie Iconography (A-Level Media)

I think that this font works well, and so does the colouring. I feel that the colouring portrays quite a chilled and mellow genre of music, and also, that that’s what the image the band are trying to portray. The ‘cartoony’ feel to the font is also quite an inviting quality for a potential fan for the band, it could connote that the band aren’t too serious, and are more down-to-earth and relaxed.

Although the colouring of the logo is not too brightly coloured, it isn’t conventional-so then stands out due to it not looking like any other logo for a band. The font used here is very striking, and would be very strong as the bands logo-as it grabs your attention with its clean lines.

The red colouring of this logo really makes the band name stand out, and also is a common colouring that they use for their band’s advertisement and previous logos. I am not as keen of this font as I am on the initial font I chose, because I feel it isn’t as ‘kooky’ or aesthetically pleasing as my first choice.

I’m not too keen on the colouring of this logo, as I feel it is quite weak, and wouldn’t stand out as much as the colour of the first font, because it simply isn’t striking enough. Also, the colour of the font isn’t too eye-catching, which is something that is vital when attracting your audience with your bands logo.