Industrial Dispute Act Not Applicable to Employees of Co-operative Societies - Kerala High Court Judgment

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  • 8/18/2019 Industrial Dispute Act Not Applicable to Employees of Co-operative Societies - Kerala High Court Judgment











     A.NO. 2!1' OF 2$ ( )








      BY AD-. SRI.LIJU. M.P


      1. K.SANTHOSH











     ALONG ITH .A. NOS.1+4 AND %'4 OF 21, THE COURT ON 14.$.


  • 8/18/2019 Industrial Dispute Act Not Applicable to Employees of Co-operative Societies - Kerala High Court Judgment





    ALEXANDER THOMAS, JJ.====================================

    W.A. No.2516 of 2009,W.A. No.764 of 2010

    &  W.A. No.184 of 2010


    Dated t!" te #$t  da% &' Se(te)*e+, -#

    J U D / M E N T

    0A"&1 B2"a3, C.J. '&+ !)"e4' a3d '&+ A.M.Sa''!52e, J.6

     This Larger Bench has been constituted on a reference

    dated 15.12.2014 made by a Three Judge Bench. While

    hearing the Writ Aeals! a "i#ision Bench e$ressed its

    doubt regarding the correctness of an earlier "i#ision Bench

     Judgment reorted in Thodupuzha Taluk General

    arke!"n# $o%opera!"e 'o("e!) . "(hael 'e*a+!"an

    %2010 &1' (LT )*+,. The "i#ision Bench referred the matter

    for consideration by a -ull Bench #ide its order dated

    0+.12.2010. Before the "i#ision Bench in the Writ Aeals

    and Writ etitions! the challenge /as to the

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    roceedingsorders assed by the 3tate o#ernment and

    Labour ourts in e$ercise of the 6urisdiction under the

    7ndustrial "isutes Act! 1)48 %hereinafter referred to as 9the

    1)48 Act:,. AellantsWrit etitioners are ooerati#e

    Ban;s! i.e.! entral ooerati#e 3ocieties /ho challenged

    the ordersroceedings under the 1)48 Act on the ground

    that the roceedings initiated by the emloyees of the o

    oerati#e 3ocieties under the 1)48 Act are /ithout

     6urisdiction since 6urisdiction under the 1)48 Act is e$cluded

    by #irtue of 3ection

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


     “The question raised in the connected writ appeals

    is whether industrial dispute between the management of 

    a society and an employee should be settled before the

    Labour Court or Industrial Tribunal to which it is referred

    by Government or whether it should be decided by the

    Arbitration Court under Section !"#$"d$ of the Co%

    operative Societies Act& A 'ivision (ench of this Court in

    the decision in Thodupu)ha Talu* General +ar*eting Co%

    op&Society v& +ichael Sebastian reported in "#,-, "-$

    .&L&T& !/0$ held that both the Industrial Tribunal and Co%

    operative Arbitration Court have concurrent 1urisdiction

    for settling industrial disputes between management and

    wor*ers of a society& This position is also supported by a

    earlier single (ench decision of this Court reported in

    (oard of 'irectors2 3dava Service Co%operative (an* v&

    The Co%operative Arbitration Court and others "#,,0 "/$

    .&L&4 #5$& It is seen from the 1udgments that the

    Government 6leader conceded before the 'ivision (ench

    that the amendment introduced in the year #,,, under

    Section !"#$"d$ of the Co%operative Societies Act was

    not assented to by the 6resident& 7owever2 before us2

    counsel appearing for the society and the Government

    6leader submitted that amendment may be only

    clarificatory and even the original provision of Section !

    "-$"c$ ta*es in industrial disputes between societies and

    employees and with these provisions of the Act got the

    assent of the 6resident& Section !"-$"c$ of the Act will

    prevail over the provisions of the Industrial 'isputes Act

    by virtue of the operation of Article #89"#$ of the

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    Constitution of India& :e find force in the contention of 

    the counsel because2 if the amendment made in #,,, is

    only clarificatory in nature2 then the original provision in

    the statue ta*es in all industrial disputes which have to be

    settled e;clusively by Arbitration Courts constituted under

    the Co%operative Societies Act& 6rima facie2 we are not

    able to concur with the view e;pressed by the 'ivision

    (ench that the Arbitration Court2 Industrial Tribunal and

    Labour Courts have concurrent 1urisdiction in the matter&

    In our view2 if the provision of the Co%operative Societies

    Act is valid2 then the Industrial Tribunal and Labour Court

    will not have 1urisdiction in the matter and the 1urisdiction

    of the Co%operative Arbitration Court will be e;clusive by

    virtue of the operation of Article #89"#$ of the

    Constitution& :e2 therefore2 refer these cases for

    consideration by a

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    consideration before ans/ering the issues raised. The Three

     Judge Bench thus formulated eight issues /hich ha#e arisen

    before the -ull Bench and framed one more =uestion! i.e.!

    issue >o.i$ as to /hether the t/o earlier -ull Bench

     6udgments of this ourt lay do/n the correct la/? 7t is useful

    to reroduce the ) 7ssues framed by the Three Judge Bench

    /hich are u for consideration before this Larger Bench

    (i) Whether Sec.69 the 1969 Act as

    enacted contemplate disputes relating to

    service between the Co-operative Societ

    and its emploees to be re!erred to "abour

    Court !or decision#

    (ii) Whether Sec.69 as enacted

    intends to override an contrar provision

    in an law including the provisions o! the

    19$% Act b virtue o! Sec.69(1) o! the 1969


    (iii) Whether the 1969 Act was

    enacted with &residential assent#

    (iv) Whether the Amendment Act 1 o! 

    ' b which amendments were made in

    Sec.69 o! the 1969 Act are clari!icator in


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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    (v) Whether the Amendments made

    in Sec.69 o! the 1969 Act b the

    Amendment Act 1 o! ' are repugnant to

    the provisions o! the 19$% Act and hence


    (vi) Whether !or entertaining a

    dispute regarding disciplinar proceedings

    against emploees and o!!icers o! the Co-

    operative an* both the Co-operative

    Arbitration Court as well as the "abour

    Court shall have concurrent +urisdiction#

    (vii) Whether the Co-operative

    Arbitration Court alone has e,clusive

     +urisdiction to decide the dispute

    pertaining to the disciplinar action

    initiated against the o!!icers and emploees

    o! the Co-operative an* and the "abour

    Court shall have no +urisdiction to

    entertain an such dispute#

    (viii) Whether the ivision ench

     +udgment o! this Court in hodupu/ha

    alu* 0eneral ar*eting Co-operative

    Societ v. ichael Sebastian ('1 213 4"

    959) las down the correct law#

    (i,) Whe!her !he ull -en(h

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


     ud#/en!+ of !h"+ $our! % -ala(handran

    . epu!) e#"+!rar 1978 3T 249 .-. a+

    ell a+ ..'herl) . re+"den!,

    arappura/ "lk rodu(er+ $o%opera!"e

    'o("e!) !d. 2007 1: 3T 809 la) don

    !he (orre(! la !ha! under 'e(.69 of !he

    1969 A(! una/ended !he d"+pu!e+ of 

    e/plo)ee+ and off"(er+ of !he $o%opera!"e'o("e!"e+ re#ard"n# +er"(e /a!!er+ (anno!

    *e adud"(a!ed;

     The Larger Bench concluded the hearing in these Writ

    Aeals and orders /ere reser#ed.

    *. 7 had the ad#antage of going through the oinion

    reared by esteemed Brother Justice Antony "ominic.

     Justice Antony "ominic in his elaborate oinion has

    concluded that 6urisdiction of the Labour ourt under the

    1)48 Act and that of the Arbitration ourt under the 1)

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    earlier t/o -ull Bench 6udgments do not re=uire

    reconsideration. 7 regret my inability to agree /ith the

    abo#e oinion! hence 7 roceed to consider the 7ssues in the

    follo/ing manner


    4. -acts in brief gi#ing rise to these Writ Aeals are

    @eference of facts in W.%, >o.12)4) of 2010 %The

    all"(hal ar/e+ 'er"(e $o%opera!"e -ank !d. No.T%

    677, Th"ruanan!hapura/ . '!a!e of 3erala and

    before us. The arties shall be referred to as arrayed in W.

    %, >o.12)4) of 2010. The second resondent /as an

    emloyee of the Ban; /hose ser#ice /as terminated by the

    Ban; by order dated 05.0

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    *0.12.200) made a reference of the industrial disute for

    ad6udication before the Labour ourt. The Labour ourt

    issued summons to the Ban;. Writ etition >o.12)4) of 

    2010 /as filed by the allichal -armers 3er#ice ooerati#e

    Ban; raying for the follo/ing reliefs

    “(i) Call for the records leading to Exhibit P5 and

    quash the same by issuing a writ of certiorari.

    (ii) To declare that the roceedings ending before

    the !abour Court" #ollam in $.%.&'* is ultra+ires to ,ection -

    of the #C, /ct and hence not maintainable.0

     The abo#e Writ etition /as dismissed by a learned 3ingle

     Judge #ide 6udgment dated 20.04.2010 relying on the

     6udgments in A.. Na#ar 'er"(e $o%opera!"e -ank .

    '!a!e of 3erala 2010 1: 3T 55, and Thodupuzha

    Taluk General arke!"n# $o%opera!"e 'o("e!) .

    "(hael 'e*a+!"an  /herein it /as held that both the

    Labour ourt and the ooerati#e Arbitration Tribunal ha#e

    concurrent 6urisdiction to entertain disutes raised by

    emloyees of the ooerati#e 3ocieties. Writ Aeal >o.8o.251< of 200) has been

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    filed against the 6udgment of the learned 3ingle Judge dated

    1*.0+.200) in W.%, >o.*0+54 of 2008 %$h"ra)"hkeezhu

    'er"(e $o%opera!"e -ank !d. No.115. . 3.'an!ho+h

    and Ano!her by /hich Writ etition the a/ard of the Labour

    ourt in fa#our of the emloyee of the ooerati#e 3ociety

    /as challenged. The learned 3ingle Judge /hile dismissing

    the Writ etition relied on the 6udgment of the Ae$ ourt in

    harappa . -"apur $o%op. "lk rodu(er+ 'o("e!"e+

    n"on !d 2007: 9 '$$ 109, and held that the

    amendment in the 1)o.1+4 of 2010 has been filed by A.. Na#ar 'er"(e $o%

    op. -ank !d., No..58= against '!a!e of 3erala and

    Ano!her against the 6udgment dated 04.12.200) assed in

    W.%, >o.28)0) of 200) filed by A.. Na#ar 'er"(e $o%

    op. -ank !d.  reorted in A.. Na#ar 'er"(e $o%op.

    -ank !d. #. '!a!e of 3erala  %2010 &1' (LT 55, in /hich

    Writ etition order of the 3tate o#ernment dated

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    18.08.200) referring the industrial disute under the 1)48

    Act /as under challenge. The Ban; had dismissed the *rd

    resondent therein after conducting en=uiry. 7n the Writ

    etition aart from challenging the order of reference! a

    declaration /as also sought that 3ection

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 



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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    settlement of disutes. 3ection

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    roceedings under the 1)48 Act is barred and the learned

    3ingle Judge in dismissing the Writ etition filed by the o

    oerati#e 3ociety committed error. 7t is submitted that all

    decisions rendered by the 3ingle Bench! "i#ision Bench and

    -ull Bench ta;ing contrary #ie/ does not lay do/n the correct


    8. Learned counsel for the resondentsemloyees

    refuting the submissions of the learned counsel for the

    aellants contended that discilinary roceedings against

    the emloyees of the ooerati#e 3ocieties /ere ne#er

    co#ered by the ro#isions of the 1)

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    residential assent. (erala aCette dated 11.04.1)

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    3ocieties ha#e been reealed. The Fadras ooerati#e

    3ocieties Act! 1)*2 /as in force in the Falabar "istrict

    /hereas the Tra#.ochin ooerati#e 3ocieties Act! 1)51

    /as oerating in the rest of the area. -or interreting a

    statutory ro#ision an earlier ari materia enactment can

    al/ays be used as e$ternal aid to interret the legislation.

    What /as the statutory scheme of the 1)*2 and 1)51 Acts

    thus is rele#ant to be noted /hich shall thro/ considerable

    light /hile interreting the ro#isions of the 1)

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    claiming through members" ast members and deceased

    members" or 

    (b) between a member" ast member or erson

    claiming through a member" ast member or deceased member 

    and the society" its committee or any officer" agent or ser+ant of 

    the society or"

    (c) between the society or its committee and any ast

    committee" any officer" agent or ser+ant or any ast officer" ast

    agent or ast ser+ant" or the nominee" heirs or legal

    reresentati+es of any deceased officer" deceased agent or 

    deceased ser+ant of the society.0

    3ection 51%2, ro#ided that the @egistrar on receit of the

    such reference either may decide the disute himself or

    transfer the same to another erson /ho has been in#ested

    by the 3tate o#ernment /ith o/ers in that behalf. Dnder

    3ection 51%5,! the @egistrar /as emo/ered to re#ise any

    decision of the Arbitrator or Arbitrators to /hom the disute

    /as referred. 3ection 51%

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    by the erson to whom such reference was transferred or by the

    arbitrator or arbitrators to whom it was referred.

    -(a) /ny decision that may be assed by the 4egistrar 

    under clause (a) of sub3section () or under sub3section (5) shall

    be final and shall not be called in question in any ci+il or re+enue


    (b) /ny decision that may be assed by the erson to

    whom a reference is transferred or by the arbitrator or arbitrators

    to whom it is referred shall" sa+e as otherwise ro+ided in sub3

    section (5)" be final and shall not be called in question in any ci+il

    or re+enue court.

     To the similar effect are the ro#isions of 1)51 Act. 3ection

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    reresentati+es of any deceased officer" deceased agent or 

    deceased ser+ant of the society" or 

    (d) between the society and any other registered


    such disute shall be referred to the 4egistrar for decision.1


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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    14. >o/ /e refer to the ro#isions of the 1)

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    committee" any officer" agent or emloyee or any ast officer" ast

    agent or ast emloyee or the nominee" heirs or legal

    reresentati+es of any deceased officer" deceased agent or 

    deceased emloyee of the society; or 

    (d) between the society and any other society; or 

    (e) between a society and the members of a society affiliated to it ;


    (f) between the society and a erson" other than a member 

    of the society" who has been granted a loan by the society or with

    whom the society has or had business transactions or any erson

    claiming through such a erson; or 

    (g) between the society and a surety of a member" ast

    member" deceased member or emloyee or a erson" other than a

    member" who has been granted a loan by the society" whether 

    such a surety is or is not a member of the society; or 

    (h) between the society and a creditor of the society" such

    disute shall be referred to the 4egistrar for decision and no court

    shall ha+e 7urisdiction to entertain any suit or other roceeding in

    resect of such disute.0

    As er 3ection 80! the @egistrar has to decide the disute

    himself or refer it to the Arbitrator. As er 3ection 80

    decision of the @egistrar or Arbitrator is final sub6ect to

    3ection +2. hater G777 of the 1)

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    @egistrar or Arbitrator under 3ection 80%*, /as made

    aealable under 3ection +2. o/er of re#ision /as also

    conferred to the Tribunal under 3ection +4. 3ection +5

    ro#ided for o/er of re#ie/ by the Tribunal. o#ernment

    has also been gi#en o/er of re#ision under 3ection +8. The

     Tribunal has also been emo/ered to e$ercise #arious

    o/ers of a ci#il court by 3ection )+ of the 1)!"t+a+, et9. t& a;e 9e+ta!3 (&?e+"

    &' 9!;!4 9&2+t.3 (*) $n exercising the functions conferred on it or 

    him by or under this /ct" the Tribunal" the 4egistrar" the arbitrator or any other erson deciding a disute and the liquidator of a

    society shall ha+e all the owers of a ci+il court while trying a suit

    under the Code of Ci+il Procedure" *6 (Central /ct 5 of *6)"

    in resect of the following matters" namely

  • 8/18/2019 Industrial Dispute Act Not Applicable to Employees of Co-operative Societies - Kerala High Court Judgment


    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    behalf may administer the oath to the deonent.

    *. Ba+ &' @2+!"d!9t!&3 &' 9&2+t".3 :o ci+il or re+enue

    court shall ha+e any 7urisdiction in resect of any matter for which

    ro+ision is made in this /ct.0

    18. The 1)

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    against the order of the @egistrar under the earlier

    enactments. The 1)

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    no such e$clusion in the 1)*2 and 1)51 Acts rather disute

    regarding discilinary action against a aid ser#ant /ere

    e$ressly e$cluded from reference to @egistrar /hich

    ermitted emloyees to a#ail other -orum including -orum

    under the 1)48 Act.

    1+. The 1)

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    earlier one in ari materia is suggesti+e of the intention of the

    !egislature that the language so used in the later statute is used in

    the same sense as in the earlier one" change of language in a

    later statute in ari materia is suggesti+e that change of 

    interretation is intended.> The learned author also refers to the

    obser+ations of !ord @ac@illan in %. 4. Araser B Co. !td. +. The

    @inister of :ational 4e+enue" /$4 * PC * < >Dhen an

    amending /ct alters the language of the rincial ,tatute" the

    alteration must be ta2en to ha+e been made deliberately.>0

      -!&  The submission! /hich has been ressed by the

    learned counsel aearing for the resondents emloyees is

    that the definition of the /ord disute under 3ection 2%i,

    does not contemlate disute ertaining to ser#ice matters

    of emloyees of ooerati#e 3ocieties. 7t is submitted that

    ser#ice disute of the emloyees cannot be regarded as the

    disute touching the business! constitution! establishment or

    management of the 3ociety. The /ord disute has been

    defined in .@amanathans La/ Le$icon in the follo/ing


    “/ conflict or contest; sometimes used in the sense of 

    contro+ersy. “Contro+ersy" debate" heated contention" quarrel"

    difference of oinion.0

    20. As er 3ection +0 of the 1)

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    establishment consists of the officers and emloyees of o

    oerati#e 3ocieties. 3ection +0%2, ma;es the secific

    reference to the number and designation of the officers and

    ser#ants of different classes of ooerati#e 3ocieties. Thus!

    the officers and ser#ants of the 3ociety are art of the

    establishment as er the statutory scheme of the 1)

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    7n the abo#e case an industrial disute bet/een the o

    oerati#e entral Ban;s and their /or;men /as referred by

    the go#ernment of Andhra radesh to the 7ndustrial Tribunal.

     The sub6ect matter of the disute consisted of ser#ice

    conditions and transfer of emloyees. ne of the ob6ections

    raised on behalf of the Ban; /as that the ro#isions of the

    Andhra radesh ooerati#e 3ocieties Act e$clude the

     6urisdiction of the 7ndustrial Tribunal to deal /ith the same

    disute under the 7ndustrial "isutes Act. 7n the abo#e case!

    the Ae$ ourt considered the e$ression 9touching the

    business of the 3ociety:. @eferring to t/o earlier 6udgments!

    the Ae$ ourt held as follo/s

    “$t is true that ,ection -* by itself does not contain any

    clear indication that the 4egistrar cannot entertain a disute

    relating to alteration of conditions of ser+ice of the emloyees of a

    registered society; but the meaning gi+en to the exression

    1touching the business of the society1" in our oinion" ma2es it

    +ery doubtful whether a disute in resect of alteration of 

    conditions of ser+ice can be held to be co+ered by this exression.

    ,ince the word 1business1 is equated with the actual trading or 

    commercial or other similar business acti+ity of the society" and

    since it has been held that it would be difficult to subscribe to the

    roosition that whate+er the society does or is necessarily

    required to do for the urose of carrying out its ob7ects" such as

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    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    laying down the conditions of ser+ice of its emloyees" can be

    said to be a art of its business" it would aear that a disute

    relating to conditions of ser+ice of the wor2men emloyed by the

    society cannot be held to be a disute touching the business of 

    the society.0

    2*. 7n the resent case the submissions ressed by

    the learned counsel for the aellant is not on the basis of 

    the e$ression touching the business of 3ociety! rather!

    disute regarding ser#ice matters of emloyees is sought to

    be included in the term establishment. The Ae$ ourt in

    Central Bank Co-operative Bank (supra) thus held that

    the disute ertaining to ser#ice conditions of emloyees /as

    not co#ered by 3ection

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    3ection 2%i,! /hich encomasses in itself matter touching the

    establishment shall as er a statutory scheme include the

    disute touching the establishment! i.e.! touching the officers

    and ser#ants of the ooerati#e 3ocieties! since the officers

    and ser#ants of ooerati#e 3ocieties are art of the


    25. "iscontinuation of the e$cetion as engrafted in

    3ection 51 of the 1)*2 Act and 3ection

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    enumerated in the oncurrent List! then! sub6ect to the

    ro#isions of clause %2,! the la/ made by arliament shall

    re#ail and the la/ made by the Legislature of the 3tate

    shall! to the e$tent of the reugnancy! be #oid. Article 254%2,

    ro#ides that /here a la/ made by the Legislature of a 3tate

    /ith resect to one of the matters enumerated in the

    oncurrent List contains any ro#ision reugnant to the

    ro#isions of an earlier la/ made by arliament or an e$isting

    la/ /ith resect to that matter! then the la/ so made by the

    Legislature of such 3tate shall! if it has been reser#ed for the

    consideration of the resident and has recei#ed his assent!

    re#ail in that 3tate. The 1)

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    number of cases. The 6udgment of the Ae$ ourt in Co-

    operative Central Bank Ltd.'s case %sura, /as a case

    /here the abo#e issue came u for consideration. The Ae$

    ourt in the abo#e case has held that the Act is an enactment

    assed by the 3tate Legislature /hich recei#ed the assent of 

    the resident! so that! if any ro#ision of a entral Act!

    including the 7ndustrial "isutes Act! is reugnant to any

    ro#ision of the Act! the ro#ision of the Act /ill re#ail and

    not the ro#ision of the entral 7ndustrial "isutes Act. The

    follo/ing /as obser#ed by the Ae$ ourt in aragrah 2 of 

    the 6udgment

    “. ....$t is no doubt true that the /ct is an enactment assed

    by ,tate !egislature which recei+ed the assent of the President" so

    that" if any ro+ision of a Central /ct" including the $ndustrial

    %isutes /ct" is reugnant to any ro+ision of the /ct" the ro+ision

    of the /ct will re+ail and not the ro+ision of the Central $ndustrial

    %isutes /ct. The general roosition urged that the 7urisdiction of 

    the $ndustrial Tribunal under the $ndustrial %isutes /ct will be

    barred if the disutes in question can be cometently decided bythe 4egistrar under ,ection -* of the /ct is" therefore" correct and

    has to be acceted. The question" howe+er" that has to be

    examined is whether the industrial disute referred to the Tribunal

    in the resent cases was such as was required to be referred to

    the 4egistrar and to be decided by him under ,ection -* of the

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    emloyees are >wor2men> as defined in the $% /ct. Clause (*) of 

     /rticle 5 ro+ides that if any ro+ision of a law made by a ,tate

    !egislature is reugnant to any ro+ision of an existing law with

    resect to one of the matters enumerated in the Concurrent !ist"

    then" sub7ect to the ro+isions of clause ()" the existing law shall

    re+ail" and the law made by the !egislature of the ,tate shall" to

    the extent of the reugnancy" be +oid. Clause () of /rticle 5"

    howe+er" ro+ides that where a law made by the !egislature of a

    ,tate with resect to one of the matters enumerated in the

    Concurrent !ist" contains any ro+ision reugnant to an existing law

    with resect to that matter" then" the law so made by the !egislature

    of such ,tate shall" if it has been reser+ed for the consideration of 

    the President and has recei+ed his assent" re+ail in that ,tate. The

    question of reugnancy can arise only with reference to a

    legislation made by Parliament falling under the Concurrent !ist or 

    an existing law with reference to one of the matters enumerated in

    the Concurrent !ist. $f a law made by the ,tate !egislature co+ered

    by an Entry in the ,tate !ist incidentally touches any of the entries

    in the Concurrent !ist" /rticle 5 is not attracted. ut where a law

    co+ered by an entry in the ,tate !ist (or an amendment to a law

    co+ered by an entry in the ,tate !ist) made by the ,tate !egislature

    contains a ro+ision" which directly and substantially relates to a

    matter enumerated in the Concurrent !ist and is reugnant to any

    ro+ision of an existing law with resect to that matter in the

    Concurrent !ist then such reugnant ro+ision of the ,tate law will

    be +oid. ,uch a ro+ision of law made by the ,tate !egislature

    touching uon a matter co+ered by the Concurrent !ist" will not be

    +oid if it can co3exist and oerate without reugnancy with the

    ro+isions of the existing law. Dhat is stated abo+e with reference

    to an existing law" is also the osition with reference to a law made

    by the Parliament. 4eugnancy is said to arise when < (i) there is

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    clear and direct inconsistency between the Central and the ,tate

     /ct; (ii) such inconsistency is irreconciliable" or brings the ,tate /ct

    in direct collision with the Central /ct or brings about a situation

    where obeying one would lead to disobeying the other. $f the ,tate

    !egislature" while ma2ing or amending a law relating to co3

    oerati+e societies" ma2es a ro+ision relating to labour disutes

    falling under the Concurrent !ist" then /rticle 5 will be attracted if 

    there is any reugnancy between such ro+ision of the ,tate /ct

    (@C, /ct) with the existing law ($% /ct). De will ha+e to examine

    the issue in this case 2eeing the abo+e legal osition in mind.0

    *1. We ha#e to find out from the statutory scheme in

    the 1)

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    /hile elaborating interretation of nonobstante clause said

    as follo/s

    “/ clause beginning with >notwithstanding anything

    contained in this /ct or in some articular ro+ision in the /ct or in

    some articular /ct or in any law for the time being in force>" is

    sometimes aended to a section in the beginning" with a +iew to

    gi+e the enacting art of the section in case of conflict an

    o+erriding effect o+er the ro+ision or /ct mentioned in the non3obstante clause. $t is equi+alent to saying that in site of the

    ro+ision or /ct mentioned in the non obstante clause" the

    enactment following it will ha+e its full oeration or that the

    ro+isions embraced in the non obstante clause will not be an

    imediment for the oeration of the enactment. Thus a non3

    obstante clause may be used as a legislati+e de+ice to modify the

    ambit of the ro+ision or law mentioned in the non3obstante clause

    or to o+erride it in secified circumstances.

    **. The use of nonobstante clause in 3ection

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    statutory ro#ision beginning /ith nonobstante clause in

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    said area" shall stand rescinded" whether such forest roduce is

    grown or found on land owned by ri+ate ersons or on land

    owned by the ,tate o+ernment or in o+ernment forests

    ro+ided that rescission of such contracts and grants shall not

    affect the customary rights" if any" of the local Tribals to gather 

    and collect the secified forest roduce;


    This amendment" beginning with the non obstante clause"

    ro+ides that" on the coming into force of /ct of *6* by

    notification issued under ,.* (9)" all contracts relating to any

    secified forest roduce for the urchase" sale" collection etc."

    including grants of rofits a rendre" whether such roduce is

    grown or found ri+ate land or on o+ernment land or in

    o+ernment forest" would stand rescinded" but such rescission

    would not affect customary right" if any" en7oyed by the local tribals

    to gather and collect secified forest roduce.

     *. This sub3section o+errides 1any ro+ision to the contrary in

    any other law1. These words are an exression of the widest

    amlitude engulfing all rules ha+ing the force of law" whiche+er be

    the source from which they emanate > statutory" 7udicial or 

    customary 3 the only excetion" in the context" being the

    Constitution of $ndia. This means" once brought into force the sub3

    section will" sub7ect to the Constitution" oerate with full +igour"

    notwithstanding any statute or 7udicial decision or any other rule

    recognising any right or interest or grant inconsistent with or 

    contrary to the ro+isions of the sub3section.0

    *5. There is one more indication in 3ection

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    referred to under 3ection

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    As noted abo#e the e$cetion ro#ided for in the 1)*2 Act

    and 1)51 Act in the /ords 9other than a disute regarding

    discilinary action ta;en by the society or its committee

    against a aid ser#ant of the society: /as /ithdra/n and not

    continued in the settlement of "isute as delineated by


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    the ro#ision /as to e$clude and o#erride any other -orum

    for settlement of disutes including the -orum of Labour

    ourt as ro#ided under the 7ndustrial "isutes Act! 1)48. As

    noted abo#e! the 1)

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    that fficers of the ooerati#e 3ociety cannot ta;e

    recourse to the ro#isions of the 1)48 Act. an the

    3tatutory 3cheme be read in a manner as to e$clude the

    ser#ice disutes of the emloyees from the ur#ie/ of 


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    contemlated to be referred under 3ection

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    shall decide such disute and no other court or other authority

    shall ha+e 7urisdiction to entertain any suit or other roceedings in

    resect of such disute.

    () Aor the uroses of sub3section (*)" the following shall

    also be deemed to be disutes" namely

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    () shall continue to be o+ernment ser+ants for all uroses and

    their terms and conditions of ser+ice shall continue to be the

    same as alicable to them under the o+ernment.0

    3ection 80B ro#ides for transfer of all ending disutes in

    resect of nonmonetary disutes to the Arbitration ourt.

    onse=uent amendments /ere also made in the (erala o

    oerati#e 3ocieties @ules! 1)

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    of ser#ice matters of /or;men of ooerati#e 3ocieties

    ans/ering the definition of disute as defined under the

    1)48 Act. Writ etition /as filed challenging the order of the

    3tate o#ernment referring a disute of a /or;man of a

    3ociety to the Labour ourt for ad6udication. The learned

    3ingle Judge had noticed 3ection

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    'er"(e $o%opera!"e 'o("e!) !d . A++"+!an!

    e#"+!rar, ukundapura/ and

    is clearly a mista;e and secondly! it is stated that

    residential assent /ould be obtained after the reugnancy

    coming into being. rior to insertion of 3ection

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    *&9 (*) #er. 5 < *&9 () !!? 5* stating that >The /ct was

    assed with the assent of the President after the enactment of the

    $ndustrial %isutes /ct" *&>" the learned counsel for the ,ociety

    would raise an argument that since the /ct itself had originally

    recei+ed the assent of the President" after introduction of sub3s.

    (d)" the 7urisdiction under the $ndustrial %isutes /ct would stand

    excluded since ,.- starts with the non obstante clause

    >:otwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being

    in force> and since sub3clause (h) of sub3section (*) of ,.-"

    stiulated that >no other Court or authority shall ha+e 7urisdiction to

    entertain any suit or other roceedings in resect of such disute.>

    This argument would not hold water for two reasons. The first is

    that contrary to the obser+ation in the abo+esaid case" e+en for 

    the /ct" Presidential assent was not recei+ed. ,ince none of the

    boo2s relating to #erala Cooerati+e ,ocieties /ct" *-

    contained any reference to Presidential assent for the /ct" $

    directed the learned o+ernment Pleader to ascertain from the

    o+ernment as to whether the /ct had in fact recei+ed

    Presidential assent. The learned o+ernment Pleader" after 

    getting instructions" confirmed that no Presidential assent was

    recei+ed for the ,ocieties /ct. Therefore" the reference to such

    assent in *&9 #=C * < *&9 #!T 59 < *&9 #!? 5* < $!4

    *&9 (*) #er. 5 < *&9 () !!? 5* is clearly a mista2e. Aurther"

    Presidential assent should be obtained after the reugnancy

    comes into being. Prior to insertion of ,.-(*)(h) and ,.-()(d)"

    there was no reugnancy between the ,ocieties /ct and the

    $ndustrial %isutes /ct and therefore the question of requirement

    of Presidential assent rior to /mendment /ct * of does not

    arise at all. Therefore" without Presidential assent for /mendment

     /ct * of " the 7urisdiction of the !abour Courts and $ndustrial

    Tribunals under the $ndustrial %isutes /ct for ad7udicating

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    industrial disutes raised by wor2men of cooerati+e societies

    cannot be excluded by the ,ocieties /ct. That being so" in +iew of 

    the fact that the /mendment /ct * of amending ,.- of the

    #erala Cooerati+e ,ocieties /ct has not recei+ed the assent of 

    the President as ro+ided under /rt.5() of the Constitution of 

    $ndia" the said ,ection does not exclude the 7urisdiction of the

    !abour Courts and $ndustrial Tribunals in resect of disutes

    raised by the wor2men of cooerati+e societies in #erala. ut" as

    laid down by the ,ureme Court in %haraa>s case (sura)" the

     7urisdiction to decide any disute of the nature mentioned in ,.-

    ()(d) of the #erala Cooerati+e ,ocieties /ct +ests concurrently

    with !abour Courts ' $ndustrial Tribunals under the $ndustrial

    %isutes /ct and with the Cooerati+e /rbitration Court and the

    4egistrar as the case may be deending on whether the disute

    is non monetary or monetary.0

    40. The 6udgment on /hich much reliance has been

    laced by the learned counsel for the resondents to buttress

    their submission that Amendment Act 1 of 2000 ha#ing not

    been enacted /ith the residential assent it cannot e$clude

    the 6urisdiction of Labour ourts under the 1)48 Act is a

     6udgment of the Ae$ ourt in harappa . -"apur $oop.

    "lk rodu(er+ 'o("e!"e+ n"on !d. %sura,. 7t is

    necessary to note the rele#ant facts and la/ as laid do/n by

    the 3ureme ourt in the aforesaid case. 3er#ice of the

    aellant /as terminated /ith effect from 01.0*.1)+0. An

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    alication /as made by the aellant to the Labour ourt

    see;ing declaration that his termination from ser#ice /ith

    effect from 01.0*.1)+0 /as null and #oid and a direction be

    issued for reinstatement /ith full bac; /ages. The

    resondent! oo. Fil; roducers 3ociety filed an ob6ection

    denying the claim of the aellant. The Labour ourt made

    an a/ard on 15.10.1)+< directing reinstatement. The

    3ociety challenged the a/ard by means of Writ etition. 7n

    the mean/hile a "i#ision Bench of the (arnata;a Iigh ourt

    deli#ered a 6udgment in Deera+ha"a $oop.-ank !d. .


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    in the Ae$ ourt. The Ae$ ourt framed t/o =uestions

    /hich fell for consideration.

    9(i) Dhether the 7urisdiction of !abour Court under the $%

     /ct" was barred by ,.& of the #C, /ct with reference to

    cooerati+e societies and if so" from when.

    (ii) E+en if !abour Court had 7urisdiction" whether the

    aellant was entitled to file an alication under ,.*(/) of $%

     /ct in resect of a cause of action which occurred in *&6.0

    3ection 80 of the (3 Act has been e$tracted by the Ae$

    ourt in aragrah 11 of the 6udgment. 3ection 80 /as

    amended by Amendment Act 1)8< by /hich clauses %d, and

    %e, /ere added. A further amendment /as made in sub

    section %1,. The Amendment Act 2 of 2000 recei#ed the

    assent of the resident on 1+.0*.2000 and brought into force

    on 20.0

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    (c) between the society or its committee and any ast

    committee" any officer" agent or emloyee" or any ast officer"ast agent or ast emloyee or the nominee" heirs" or legalreresentati+es of any deceased officer" deceased agent" or deceased emloyee of the society" or 

    (d) x x x (omitted as not rele+ant)

    such disute shall be referred to the 4egistrar for decision and noCourt shall ha+e 7urisdiction to entertain any suit or other roceeding in resect of such disute.

    () Aor the uroses of sub3section (*)" the following shallbe deemed to be disutes touching the constitution" managementor the business of a co3oerati+e society" namely.

    (a) a claim by the society for any debt or demand due to itfrom a member or the nominee" heirs or legal reresentati+es of adeceased member" whether such debt or demand be admitted or not;

    (b) a claim a surety against the rincial debtor where thesociety has reco+ered from the surety any amount in resect of any debt or demand due to it from the rincial debtor" as a resultof the default of the rincial debtor whether such debt or demandis admitted or not;

    (c) any disute arising in connection with the election of aPresident" Fice3President" Chairman" Fice3Chairman" ,ecretary"Treasurer or @ember of Committee of the society.

    (9) x x x (omitted as not rele+ant).

    ,ection & was amended by #arnata2a Co3oerati+e ,ocieties

    (/mendment) /ct" *&- (#arnata2a /ct * of *&-). The

     /mendment /ct recei+ed the assent of the o+ernor on &.9.*&-.

    $t was brought into effect from .*.*&-. The /mendment /ct

    added the following as clauses (d) and (e) in sub3section () of 

    section & <

    “&. ()(d) any disute between a co3oerati+e society and

    its emloyees or ast emloyees or heirs or legal reresentati+esof a deceased emloyee" including a disute regarding the termsof emloyment" wor2ing conditions and discilinary action ta2enby a co3oerati+e society;

    (e) a claim by a co3oerati+e society for any deficiency caused inthe assets of the co3oerati+e society by a member" ast member"deceased member or deceased officer" ast agent or deceasedagent or by any ser+ant" ast ser+ant or deceased ser+ant or byits committee" ast or resent whether such loss be admitted or 

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    ,ection & was again amended by #arnata2a Co3oerati+e

    ,ocieties (,econd /mendment) /ct" *& (#arnata2a /ct :o.

    ') in the following manner<

    (i) $n sub3section (*)" for the words 1no court1" the words

    1no ci+il or !abour or 4e+enue Court or $ndustrial Tribunal1 were


    (ii) /t the end of clause (d) of sub3section ()" the words

    1notwithstanding anything contrary contained in the $ndustrial

    %isutes /ct" *& (Central /ct * of *&)1 were inserted0

    The said /mendment /ct (/ct of ) recei+ed the assent of 

    the President on *6.9. and was brought into force on

    .-.. /fter the said amendments in *- and " ,ection

    & of #C, /ct (rele+ant ortion) reads thus<

    1&. %isutes which may be referred to 4egistrar for decision.3 (*) :otwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force" if any disute touching the constitution"management" or the business of a Co3oerati+e ,ociety arises ....

    (c) between the ,ociety or its committee and ...... any officer"agent or emloyee" or any ast officer" ast agent or astemloyee ...... of the ,ociety" H..

    such disute shall be referred to the 4egistrar for decision and no

    Ci+il or !abour or 4e+enue Court or $ndustrial Tribunal shall ha+e

     7urisdiction to entertain any suit or other roceeding in resect of 

    such disute.

    Aor the uroses of sub3section (*)" the following shall be

    deemed to be disutes touching the constitution" management or 

    the business of a Co3oerati+e ,ociety" namely

    (d) any disute between a Co3oerati+e ,ociety and itsemloyees or ast emloyees or heirs or legal reresentati+es of a deceased emloyee" including a disute regarding the terms of emloyment" wor2ing conditions" and discilinary action ta2en bya Co3oerati+e ,ociety notwithstanding anything contrarycontained in the $ndustrial %isutes /ct" *&(Central /ct * of *&)0.

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     The Ae$ ourt after noticing Article 254 of the onstitution

    of 7ndia held that /here a la/ co#ered by an entry in the

    3tate List %or an amendment to la/ co#ered by the entry to

    3tate List, made by the 3tate Legislature contains a ro#ision

    /hich directly and substantially relates to a matter

    enumerated in the oncurrent List then such reugnant

    ro#ision of the 3tate la/ /ill be #oid. 3uch a ro#ision of 

    la/ made by the 3tate Legislature touching uon a matter

    co#ered by the oncurrent List /ill not be #oid if it can

    coe$ist and oerate /ithout reugnancy /ith the ro#isions

    of the e$isting la/. The obser#ations made in aragrah 12

    has already been e$tracted abo#e.

    41. @eferring to the 1)8< Amendment it /as held by

    the Ae$ ourt that the said Amendment ha#ing not

    recei#ed the assent of the resident! it cannot be said that

    3ection 80%1,%c, of the (3 Act /ould re#ail o#er the

    ro#isions of the 1)48 Act. onse=uently! e#en after the

    1)8< Amendment Act! the Labour ourts and 7ndustrial

     Tribunals functioning under the 1)48 Act continued to ha#e

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    industry> and the disute was an >industrial disute>. ut when

    sub3section (*) of ,.& of #C, /ct was further amended by /ct

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    between emloyees" ta2en by the emloyer on or after 3*39.

    $n that +iew of the matter" Ext. P decision of the ?oint 4egistrar of 

    Cooerati+e ,ocieties in urorted exercise of authority under 

    4.*&- of the 4ules and Ext. P5 aellate order assed by the

    o+ernment lac2 in 7urisdiction and they cannot" therefore" stand"

    they being +oid.0

     The abo#e 6udgment of the learned 3ingle Judge /as

    aro#ed by a "i#ision Bench in aeendran . '!a!e

    %2008 %*, (LT 55+,. Before the "i#ision Bench =uestion arose

    as to /hether the disute ertaining to inter se seniority of 

    the emloyees of the ooerati#e 3ociety can be decided

    under 3ection

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    ro+isions it is clear that any disute arising in connection with

    emloyment of officers and ser+ants of the different classes of 

    societies secified in sub3section (*) of ,.6 including their 

    romotion and inter se seniority is to be decided by the /rbitration

    Court. Gn the constitution of Cooerati+e /rbitration Court" e+ery

    disute ending before the 4egistrar or any erson in+ested with

    the ower to disose of the same by the o+ernment or the

    arbitrator aointed by the 4egistrar in resect of non monetary

    disutes relating to the local area of 7urisdiction of the /rbitration

    Court" shall be transferred to such /rbitration Court and the Court

    shall disose of the same as if it were a disute referred to it

    under ,.-. ,ame is the +iew ta2en by the %i+ision ench of this

    Court in D/ :o. **- of -. De therefore fully endorse the

    +iew ta2en by the learned ?udge in Pra2asini>s case.

    Consequently writ aeal lac2s merits and the same would stand


    Another 6udgment of a learned 3ingle Judge in Fdaa

    'er"(e $o%opera!"e -ank !d. . $o%opera!"e

    Ar*"!ra!"on $our!  %200+ %*, (LT 8+0, has considered the

    ro#isions of the 1)

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    under 3ection

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    within the ur+iew of disutes which are to be decided by the

    Cooerati+e /rbitration Court in terms of ,.-(*) of the /ct.0

     The learned 3ingle Judge also d/elled uon the deeming

    ro#ision of 3ection

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    fiction has to be carried to its logical conclusion" sub7ect only to

    the inhibition that such fiction should not be extended beyond its

    legitimate field. The mode in which the deeming ro+ision is used

    in ,.- is only to gi+e full lay to the fiction and the ob7ect of its

    creation" namely" the exclusi+e conferment of authority with the

    Cooerati+e /rbitration Courts or /rbitrators" as the case may be"

    to decide the disutes.

     &. :ot only that" the words relied on" on behalf of the etitioners"

    only further enlarge the scoe of the term >disute>. /ll that is

    ro+ided is that any disute as to romotion and inter se seniority

    would also fall within the scoe of the term >disute> for the

    urose of ,.-(*). There aears to be a reason for such an

    inclusion. / lain reading of ,.-(*)(c) may generate an argument

    that disutes between officers or emloyees or between ast

    officers or ast emloyees of a ,ociety are not disutes which fall

    within the swee of that ro+ision" though disutes between

    officers or emloyees of a ,ociety are intricately connected with

    the affairs of the ,ociety and matters touching its business and

    therefore that could fall within ,.-(*)(c) of the /ct. The inclusion

    of the words >including their romotion and inter se seniority> as

    the last limb of ,.-()(d) only clarifies the osition that

    notwithstanding any +agueness that may be ointed out in that

    regard in ,.-(*)(c)" such disutes also fall within the ur+iew of 

    that ro+ision.:

    Against the abo#e 6udgment of the learned 3ingle Judge! the

    Ban; filed W.A. >o.2058 of 200+ %-oard of "re(!or+,

    Fdaa 'er"(e $o%opera!"e -ank !d. . The $o%

    opera!"e Ar*"!ra!"on $our! and

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    Bench by its 6udgment dated 0).0

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    emloyment. The abo+e words were not meant to be exhausti+e

    or restricti+e" but only exlain what is already included. ,o" the

    decision of the /ex Court relied on by the aellants has no

    alication" whatsoe+er" to the facts of this case. oing by the

    lain meaning of the abo+e quoted ro+ision" it can be safely

    concluded that all disutes concerning denial of emloyment"

    remo+al from ser+ice" dismissal from ser+ice" etc." will be

    disutes which could be ad7udicated by the Co3oerati+e

     /rbitration Court. /ny other interretation will not do 7ustice to the

    scheme of the /ct. The 7urisdiction secifically conferred by the

    legislature cannot be ta2en away by this Court" by underta2ing an

    exercise of interretation. ,o" we agree with the reasons and

    conclusions of the learned ,ingle ?udge.0

    50. We ha#e already noticed abo#e that the "i#ision

    Bench of this ourt in Thodupuzha Taluk General

    arke!"n# $o%opera!"e 'o("e!) . "(hael 'e*a+!"an

    and A.. Na#ar 'er"(e $o%opera!"e -ank . '!a!e of 

    3erala  %sura, has held that the 6urisdiction of the Labour

    ourt and ooerati#e Arbitration ourt is concurrent e#en

    after the amendment made by Act 1 of 2000.

    51. T/o more decisions need to be noted in this

    conte$t. 7n $heranallur 'er"(e $o%opera!"e -ank !d.

    . The '!a!e of 3erala and

    the learned 3ingle Judge after noticing the ro#isions of 

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    disute. That aart" as held by this Court in /.4.:agar ,er+ice Co

    3 oerati+e an2 +. ,tate of #erala (sura) and ThoduuIha Talu2

    eneral @ar2eting Co 3 oerati+e ,ociety +. @ichael ,ebastian

    (sura) in the case of emloyees who are go+erned by the

    $ndustrial %isutes /ct" the 7urisdiction is concurrent. $f the !abour 

    Court or the $ndustrial Tribunal constituted under the $ndustrial

    %isutes /ct can order reinstatement in ser+ice of a wor2man who

    is go+erned by the $ndustrial %isutes /ct" $ find nothing wrong in

    the Co 3 oerati+e /rbitration Court directing reinstatement in

    ser+ice. That aart" under ,.* of the /ct" the 7urisdiction of a

    ci+il or 4e+enue Court is barred only in resect of any matter for 

    which any ro+ision is made in the /ct. ,.- of the /ct ma2es a

    ro+ision for ad7udication of disutes in connection with

    emloyment of officers and ser+ants of the different classes of co 3

    oerati+e societies" which as held by this Court would ta2e in

    disutes arising under discilinary roceedings also. Therefore"

    merely because ,.* bars the 7urisdiction of a Ci+il Court in

    resect of matters for which ro+ision has been made in the /ct" it

    cannot be said that the Co 3 oerati+e /rbitration Court could not

    ha+e entertained the disute. $n the absence of a challenge by the

    etitioner to the constitutional +alidity of sub3section () of ,.- of 

    the /ct" the contention that the Co 3 oerati+e /rbitration Court

    cannot order reinstatement" is liable to be re7ected.0

     The learned 3ingle Judge also re6ected the contention that the

    ooerati#e Arbitration ourt cannot order reinstatement.

     The abo#e decision of the learned 3ingle Judge /as

    challenged in W.A. >o.1+1+ of 2012 %$heranallur 'er"(e

    $o%opera!"e -ank !d. . The '!a!e of 3erala and

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     6udgment in A..Na#ar 'er"(e $o%opera!"e -ank .

    '!a!e of 3erala and  Thodupuzha Taluk General

    arke!"n# $o%opera!"e 'o("e!) . "(hael 'e*a+!"an

    %sura,. Thus almost all the 6udgments of this ourt

    interreting 3ection

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    resondent. The 4th  resondent initiated roceedings under


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    : The -ull Bench further held that it is beyond the disute

    that no rules or byela/s regulating seniority and

    romotion as bet/een the aellant and the 4th  resondent

    ha#e been framed and in the absence of such rules and

    byela/s disute as to seniority or romotion cannot be

    entertained or made sub6ect to litigation in ci#il court. The

    -ull Bench thus oined that the matter /as not cogniCable by

    the @egistrar under 3ection establishments> in the definition of the word

    >disute>" which we ha+e extracted earlier. $n so finding the

    learned ?udge has lost sight of the imortant rincile stated by

    the decisions to which we ha+e 7ust made reference" that the

     7urisdiction of the 4egistrar is co3terminous with the 7urisdiction of 

    the ordinary ci+il courts. $t is beyond disute that no rules or bye3

    laws regulating seniority and romotion as between the aellant

    and the th resondent" or in resect of the emloyees of the Co3

    oerati+e ,ociety ha+e been framed. $n the absence of such

    rules" regulations or bye3laws" a disute as to seniority or 

    romotion cannot be entertained or made the sub7ect of litigation

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    in a ci+il court. The ro+isions of ,.*(*)(b) of the ,ecific 4elief 

     /ct and the inability to grant the relief of reinstatement would

    exclude them from the ur+iew of the ordinary ci+il courts" as

    stated in the decision already noticed. Ex hyothesi such a

    disute cannot be a sub7ect matter of arbitration by the 4egistrar.0

    As noted abo#e! the -ull Bench came to the abo#e

    conclusion on the remise that no rules or byela/s

    regulating seniority or romotion ha#e been framed and in

    the absence of such rules or byela/s disutes regarding

    seniority or romotion cannot be entertained or made

    sub6ect to litigation in ci#il court. The abo#e /as the basis for

    holding by the -ull Bench that the disute /as not co#ered

    by 3ection

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    the establishment of a Co3oerati+e ,ociety may" for good and

    sufficient reasons" be unished by imosing any of the following

    enalties" namely

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    obser#ations as noted abo#e and the -ull Bench cannot be

    held to lay do/n any ratio to the effect that the disute

    ertaining to ser#ice matters of the emloyees cannot be

    made sub6ect matter of disutes under 3ection e$t -ull Bench 6udgment /hich need to be noted

    is the 6udgment in ..'herl) . The re+"den!,

    arappura/ "lk rodu(er+ $o%opera!"e 'o("e!) !d.

    %2008 &1' (LT +0),. 7n the abo#e case discilinary

    roceedings against emloyees of the ooerati#e 3ociety

    /as initiated. The @egistrar e$ercised his o/er under @ule

    18< of the @ules. uestion arose as to /hether it is oen to

    the aggrie#ed emloyee to ta;e recourse to the remedy

    a#ailable under the 1)48 Act. uestion has been osed by

    the -ull Bench itself in aragrah 1 /hich is to the follo/ing


    “*. $n the matter of discilinary roceedings against an

    emloyee of a cooerati+e society registered under the ro+isions

    of the #erala Cooerati+e ,ocieties /ct" *-" (hereinafter 

    referred to as >the #C, /ct>) once the 4egistrar exercises his

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    ower under 4.*&- of the #erala Cooerati+e ,ocieties 4ules"

    *- (hereinafter referred to as >the #C, 4ules>)" is it oen to the

    aggrie+ed emloyee to ta2e recourse to the remedies under the

    $ndustrial %isutes /ct" *& (hereinafter referred to as >the $.%.

     /ct>) is essentially the question referred to the Aull ench. To ose

    a general question" is an emloyee sub7ected to discilinary

    roceedings entitled to ha+e his grie+ance ad7udicated before an

    authority" Aorum" Tribunal or Court" which is indeendent of the


    89& 7n the abo#e case 3tate o#ernment made

    reference of the disute for ad6udication before the 7ndustrial

     Tribunal. The Tribunal assed an order setting aside the

    dismissal order against /hich the /rit etition /as filed by

    the 3ociety. The learned 3ingle Judge held that relief ha#ing

    been obtained by an ad#erse decision at the hands of "euty

    "irector on his statutory etition under @ule 18< of the 1)o relief /as granted to the emloyee against

    /hich 6udgment aeal /as filed by the emloyee! /hich

    came to be decided by -ull Bench. The -ull Bench obser#ed

    that disute in connection /ith ser#ice of an emloyee /as

    not an item enumerated under 3ection

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    after setting u the ooerati#e Arbitration ourt /hich /as

    introduced by Act 1 of 2000. The -ull Bench held that an

    emloyee sub6ected to discilinary action has right to raise

    grie#ance before an indeendent -orum %a -orum! Tribunal!

    Labour ourt! etc, ha#ing the traings of the ourt after he

    has e$hausted the deartmental remedies. The -ull Bench in

    aragrah 1* has laid do/n as follo/s

    “*9. /n emloyee sub7ected to a discilinary action has right

    to ha+e his grie+ance ad7udicated before an indeendent Aorum (a

    Aorum" Tribunal" !abour Court etc.) ha+ing the traings of a Court

    after he has exhausted the deartmental remedies. $n the instant

    case" the emloyee did not get an oortunity before the Co3

    oerati+e /rbitration Court since the same had not been notified and

    hence the reference of the disute by the o+ernment before the

    industrial Tribunal is certainly +alid. The decision of the %euty

    %irector cannot stand in her way. The wor2er must be conceded

    right to raise an industrial disute contending that her dismissal

    affirmed by the managing committee and the %euty %irector is bad

    in law. =owe+er" we may clarify the legal osition that if the remedy

    under the statute is before a forum a2in to Court" which is bound to

    follow 7udicial rocedure and its decision is made final by the statute"

    the osition would be different.0

    88&  The -ull Bench in the abo#e case too; the #ie/

    that since the ooerati#e Arbitration ourt has not been

    notified! reference of the disute by o#ernment before the

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     Tribunal is #alid. Io/e#er! the -ull Bench clarified the legal

    osition that if remedy under the 3tatute is before a -orum

    a;in to ourt /hich is bound to follo/ 6udicial rocedure and

    its decision is made final by the 3tatute! the osition /ould

    be different.: 7n the abo#e 6udgment -ull Bench made the

    follo/ing obser#ations %i, disute /ith emloyees officers

    and ser#ant /as not enumerated as a disute under 3ection

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    disute as held abo#e. Thus the obser#ation of -ull Bench

    that 1)

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    3ocieties by o#ernment. 7t /as contended that the o/er

    under the Act emo/ers the o#ernment to ma;e

    aointment of a erson not ha#ing education in la/ for

    discharging the 6udicial function /hich /as imermissible.

    Dnder the F.. ooerati#e 3ocieties Act 1)

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    emloyment of a society or the liquidation of the society.0

    8&  The la/ laid do/n by the Ae$ ourt as abo#e

    clearly ro#es that the @egistrar! rior to the amendment of 


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    that cannot be a ground for 6ustifying reference of disute to

    the Labour ourt under the 1)48 Act.

    58. Whether the amendment incororated under sub

    section %2, of 3ection

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    $oun("l  &1)52 A 10)'. -ollo/ing obser#ations /ere made

    by Lord As=uith

    “$f you are bidden to treat an imaginary state of affairs as

    real" you must surely" unless rohibited from doing so" also imagine

    as real the consequences and incidents which" if the utati+e state of 

    affairs had in fact existed" must ine+itably ha+e flowed from or 

    accomanied it. Gne of these in this case is emanciation from the

    *9 le+el of rents. The statute says that you must imagine a

    certain state of affairs; it does not say that ha+ing done so" you must

    cause or ermit your imagination to boggle when it comes to the

    ine+itable corrollaries of that state of affairs.0

    80&  The Ae$ ourt in '!a!e of -o/*a) .

    anduran# D"na)ak and o!her+  &A7@ 1)5* 3 244' has

    =uoted the abo#e obser#ation of Iouse of Lords /ith

    aro#al. 7t /as held by the 3ureme ourt that /hen a

    statute enacts something shall be deemed to ha#e been

    done /hich in fact /as not done! the court is entitled and

    bound to ascertain for /hat urose the fiction is to be

    resorted to and full effect must be gi#en to the statutory

    fiction. -ollo/ing /as laid do/n by the Ae$ ourt in

    aragrah 5

    “5. xx xx xx

    Dhen a statute enacts that something shall be deemed to

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    ha+e been done" which in fact and truth was not done" the Court is

    entitled and bound to ascertain for what uroses and between

    what ersons the statutory fiction is to be resorted to and full effect

    must be gi+en to the statutory fiction and it should be carried to its

    logical conclusion.0

    8!&  Thus the urose and ob6ect for /hich the legal

    fiction has been created has to be ascertained to gi#e full

    meaning to the legal fiction. 3ection

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    ertaining to ser#ice matters of the emloyee shall not fall

    under 3ection

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    emloyees of the Ban; had made an alication under


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    that “the general /ct should lead to the secial /ct0. 8on this

    general rincile of law" the intention of the 8.P. !egislature is clear"

    that the secial enactment 8.P. Co3oerati+e ,ocieties /ct" *-5

    alone should aly in the matter of emloyment by co3oerati+e

    societies to the exclusion of all other labour laws. $t is a comlete

    code in itself as regards emloyment in cooerati+e societies and its

    machinery and ro+isions. The general /ct" the 8.P. $ndustrial

    %isutes /ct" *& as a whole has and can ha+e no alicability and

    stands excluded after the enforcement of the 8.P. Cooerati+e

    ,ocieties /ct. This is also clear from necessary imlication that the

    legislature could not ha+e intended head-on conflict and collision

    between authorities under different /cts. Kx xx xx0

    ,& 7n the D..ooerati#e 3ocieties Act! 3ection 80

    ro#ides for the "isutes /hich may be referred to

    arbitration and 3ection 81 ro#ides for reference of disute

    to the Arbitration. There /as a secific ro#ision under the

    D.. ooerati#e 3ocieties Act! 1)

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    had not been brought into force /hich fact has been

    secifically noted by the 3ureme ourt in aragrah 42

    /hich is =uoted as follo/s

     “. The learned ,enior Counsel submitted that the

    legislature has secifically ro+ided in the ro+isions of the 8.P.

    Cooerati+e ,ocieties /ct itself that the labour laws will aly to the

    emloyees of the cooerati+e societies" in 4egulation *9 and in

    non3enforcement of ,ection *95. The fact that ,ection *95 has not

    been brought into force indicates clearly that (a) in order to exclude

    labour laws there must be statutory exclusion" (b) failing such an

    exclusion labour law will aly. $n this case" there is a fact that an

    exclusion howe+er under ,ection *95 has not been brought into


    -&  The =uestion /hich arose for consideration before

    the Ae$ ourt /as as to /hether the alication filed by the

    emloyee under 3ection

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    /as null and #oid. -ollo/ing /as held by the Ae$ ourt in


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    followed in gi+ing to the ro+isions of the 4eco+ery of %ebts due to

    an2s and Ainancial $nstitutions /ct *9 (4% /ct) o+erriding

    effect o+er the ro+isions of the Comanies /ct" *5-. The 4% /ct

    constitutes a tribunal and by ,s.*& and *6 confers uon the tribunal

    exclusi+e 7urisdiction to entertain and decide alications from the

    ban2s and financial institutions for reco+ery of debts (defined to

    mean any liability which is claimed as due). The /ct also lays down

    the rocedure for reco+ery of the debt as er the certificate issued

    by the tribunal. The ro+isions of the 4% /ct" which is a secial

     /ct" were held to re+ail o+er ,s." -" 59& and other sections

    of the Comanies /ct which is a general /ct" more so because ,.9

    of the 4% /ct gi+es o+er riding effect to that /ct by ro+iding that

    the ro+isions of this /ct shall ha+e effect notwithstanding anything

    inconsistent therewith contained in any other law for the time being

    in force.

    -5. De are therefore of the +iew that the /sst. !abour 

    Commissioner (/!C)>s 7urisdiction was wrongly in+o2ed and his

    order dated *5.9.9 under ,.-=" 8.P. $ndustrial %isutes /ct"

    *& is without 7urisdiction and hence null and +oid and it can be

    obser+ed that" in +iew of the said general legal rincile" it is

    immaterial whether or not the go+ernment has enforced section*95

    (8PC, /ct) because" in any case the said ro+ision (,.*95) had

    been included in the /ct only by way of clarification and abundant


     The Ae$ ourt in the abo#e 6udgment held that the

    ro#ision of 3ection 1*5 has been included in the Act only by

    /ay of clarification and abundant caution. 7n the resent

    case the ro#ision of 3ection

  • 8/18/2019 Industrial Dispute Act Not Applicable to Employees of Co-operative Societies - Kerala High Court Judgment


    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    /ay of abundant caution and by /ay of clarification. The

    abo#e 6udgment of the Ae$ ourt clearly reinforces our #ie/

    that ro#isions of 3ection

  • 8/18/2019 Industrial Dispute Act Not Applicable to Employees of Co-operative Societies - Kerala High Court Judgment


    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


  • 8/18/2019 Industrial Dispute Act Not Applicable to Employees of Co-operative Societies - Kerala High Court Judgment


    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    that ser#ices of the emloyee /as a matter falling under


  • 8/18/2019 Industrial Dispute Act Not Applicable to Employees of Co-operative Societies - Kerala High Court Judgment


    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    . Counsel is well suorted in his contention that if the

    sub7ect3matter of the disute before the nd resondent is one falling

    within the term >disute> as defined in ,.(i) and within ,.- of the

     /ct and therefore within the cometence of the 4egistrar to decide"

    this ro+isions must re+ail o+er the ro+isions in the $ndustrial

    %isutes /ct which ro+ides for the settlement of disutes such as

    that are referable to the $ndustrial Tribunals or !abour Courts. $t is

    unnecessary to cite authorities for this roosition" but we may as

    well refer to a assage from the decision of the ,ureme Court in

    C&:&(e+at!;e Ce3t+a4 Ba31 Ltd. A3d &te+" et9. Add!t!&3a4

    I3d2"t+!a4 T+!*23a4, A3d+a 7+ade", H%de+a*ad a3d &te+" et9.

    reorted in /$4 *& ,C 5<

    “The general roosition urged that the 7urisdiction of 

    the $ndustrial Tribunal under the $ndustrial %isutes /ct will

    be barred if the disutes in question can be cometently

    decided by the 4egistrar under ,.-* of the /ct is" therefore"

    correct and has to be acceted.0

    8&  The "i#ision Bench ho/e#er! held that the real

    =uestion is not /hether the disute is one touching the

    business of the 3ociety or its management or establishment!

    but /hether it is a disute to be decided by the @egistrar.

     The "i#ision Bench held in aragrahs

    ortion, as follo/s

    “-. The real question is not whether the disute is one

    touching the business of a society or its management or 

    establishment but whether it is a disute within the cometence of 

    the 4egistrar to decide.

  • 8/18/2019 Industrial Dispute Act Not Applicable to Employees of Co-operative Societies - Kerala High Court Judgment


    W.A. No+.2516 of 2009, 764 of 2010 & 184 of 2010 


    &. The same +iew has been exressed by the ,ureme

    Court in the decision in De99a3 )e+9a3t" C&:&(e+at!;e Ba31 Ltd.

    . M". Da4!9a3d J2>+a@ Ja!3 a3d &te+" reorted in /$4 *- ,C

    *9. =a+ing referred to the matter as to whether the disute was

    one touching the business of the ,ociety" their !ordshis obser+ed<

    “Aurther the word >disute> co+ers o