Application Packet Industry Member

Industry Member Application Packet · and grow your company’s talent, connecting them with mentors and providing networking opportunities. The Emerging Executives Committee focuses

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Page 1: Industry Member Application Packet · and grow your company’s talent, connecting them with mentors and providing networking opportunities. The Emerging Executives Committee focuses

Application PacketIndustry Member

Page 2: Industry Member Application Packet · and grow your company’s talent, connecting them with mentors and providing networking opportunities. The Emerging Executives Committee focuses

Make connections and build relationships with peer companies, vendorsand customers in the oilfield through events and seminars. PESA members are recognized leaders in the sector. PESA events and seminars highlight trends and give access to thought leaders on business and technical topics.

Enabling the oilfield to meet immediate and long-term corporate and sector goals

PESA’s Credit Interchange Division gives customer credit and payment history, while exclusive analyst presentations and expert seminars provide insights and strategies. Through PESA-CID, members are reducing financial risk and minimizing DSO through oilfield-exclusive credit and payments data.

Through multiple workforce development programs, PESA offers ways to recognize and grow your company’s talent, connecting them with mentors and providing networking opportunities. The Emerging Executives Committee focuses on growingthe leadership skills of participants.

PESA serves as a technical resource and advocate to policymakers, providingthe unique perspective of the oilfield. Sector leaders work together for common purpose through the Washington Fly-Ins, issue working groups and other activities.

Unparalleled Networking & Recognition

Business Intelligence & Insights to Drive Success

Training & Developing Future Leaders

Elevating Key Public Policy & Industry Issues

PESA Benefits

PESA | Industry Membership Application TRAIN ELEVATE NETWORK

Page 3: Industry Member Application Packet · and grow your company’s talent, connecting them with mentors and providing networking opportunities. The Emerging Executives Committee focuses

PESA LeadershipMembers from the following companies make up the PESA Board of Directors and Advisory Board.

PESA | Industry Membership Application TRAIN ELEVATE NETWORK

Page 4: Industry Member Application Packet · and grow your company’s talent, connecting them with mentors and providing networking opportunities. The Emerging Executives Committee focuses

BECOMING A MEMBERJoining PESA as an Industry Member can be done in three easy steps:

1. Confirm your company is eligible for industry membership: To be eligible for Industry Membership status, a company must be a manufacturer, oilfield service or supply company, with at least 50% of its sales going to drilling, production, refining and/or pipeline segments of the petroleum industry.

2. Find two members of the PESA Board of Directors and Advisory Board to write a letter of recommendation on your behalf. A list of current board members can be found online by visiting our website at www.pesa.org/about-us/leadership.

3. Complete and send this application to:

EMAIL [email protected]

WEB Visit www.pesa.org and complete the PESA membership application online.

MAIL Petroleum Equipment & Services Association 2500 Citywest Blvd., Suite 1110 Houston, TX 77042-3049

WHAT IS AN ALLIED MEMBERSHIP?Allied Member status is available to North American-based companies or individuals who supply services, informational products, materials or equipment to industry members of the Associationor purchase products or services from industry members of the Association. A candidate company must also have the endorsement of two PESA Directors.

WHAT IS AN INDUSTRY MEMBERSHIP?Industry Member status is available to North American-based wellsite service and supply companies and manufacturers, with at least 50% of its sales in the drilling, production, refining, and/or pipeline segments of the petroleum industry. Annual dues are based on dollar volume sales to those segments. A candidate company must also have the endorsement of two PESA Directors.

Industry Membership

PESA | Industry Membership Application TRAIN ELEVATE NETWORK

Page 5: Industry Member Application Packet · and grow your company’s talent, connecting them with mentors and providing networking opportunities. The Emerging Executives Committee focuses

To Whom it May Concern,

The undersigned* hereby applies for membership in the Petroleum Equipment & Services Association in accordance with the provisions of such Association’s bylaws.

We are submitting the information about the nature of our business, as requested. We are of the opinion that our firm qualifies for industry membership in the Association, and we have requested two letters of recommendation from Directors of the Association as references.


Signed* Date

Name Title

Company Name

Email Address

(If the applicant is a partnership, the application should be signed in the name of the partnership by one or more partners. If the applicant is a corporation, the application should be signed in the name of the corporation by the president or vice president.)


Company Name

Principal Business Address

Phone Fax

Primary Contact Email

*Administrative Contact Email

Estimated Number of Employees: U.S. International

*This contact will have access to update the company profile.


Name Title

Name Title

Name Title

Description of products or services (In particular, list those products or services sold exclusively to the drilling and production segments or to the oil and gas industry.)

Industry Membership Application

PESA | Industry Membership Application TRAIN ELEVATE NETWORK

What percentage of total business is exclusively oil and gas industry? ______________%

Page 6: Industry Member Application Packet · and grow your company’s talent, connecting them with mentors and providing networking opportunities. The Emerging Executives Committee focuses

The schedule of dues for the Petroleum Equipment & Services Association is based upon a graduated scale of gross global sales revenue related to petroleum or natural gas activities for the preceding year. For example, 2020 dues are based on 2019 sales revenue.

Total dues are based upon the amount from the dues schedule below.

Please indicate the range below that applies to your company’s gross global sales revenue to the petroleum or natural gas industries, as a manufacturer, services or supply company in the oilfield services and equipment sector.

The 1993 Budget Reconciliation Act included a provision that would make a portion of association dues allocated to government relations non-deductible. PESA has elected to make a payment in lieu of taxes that will permit all PESA members to fully deduct dues as a business expense.

Industry Membership Application

Payment for company dues is enclosed.

SCHEDULE OF BASE ANNUAL DUESGross Sales in 2019 2020 Dues

More Than Less Than

$0$10 Million$50 Million$250 Million$1 Billion$10 Billion$20 Billion+

$10 Million$50 Million$250 Million$1 Billion$10 Billion$20 Billion



Annual Dues

Add-On: Credit Interchange Division (CID) Annual Dues: $5,000

Plus applicable sales tax. Usage fees apply.

Add-On: Health & Safety Benchmarking Database: $2,000

Add-On: APEX Mud Cataloging Software Annual Fee: $2,000

Plus applicable sales tax. Available July 2020.

Add-On: PESA Magazine Full-Page Ad

1x: $3,300 2x: $3,218 4x: $3,135

Add-On: PESA Magazine Half-Page Ad

1x: $2,600 2x: $2,535 4x: $2,470

Total Due

PESA | Industry Membership Application TRAIN ELEVATE NETWORK


Primary Contact Phone Email

Administrative Contact Phone Email

Corporate Address

Previous Year Gross Global Sales Revenue

Please identify the sectors in which your company is active: Upstream Midstream Downstream

Public or private ownership? Public Private

Please send me an invoice.

Page 7: Industry Member Application Packet · and grow your company’s talent, connecting them with mentors and providing networking opportunities. The Emerging Executives Committee focuses

PESA | Industry Membership Application TRAIN ELEVATE NETWORK

Member Company ContactsPRIMARY CONTACT (For billing and actions that requre a full-membership vote, one primary contact is required for each individual company.)

Name ________________________________________________ Title __________________________________________________


Name ________________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________



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Name __________________________________ Title ______________________________ Email _______________________________

HUMAN RESOURCESName __________________________________ Title ______________________________ Email _______________________________


Name __________________________________ Title ______________________________ Email _______________________________


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Name __________________________________ Title ______________________________ Email _______________________________