INF: 03 SEAFDEC General Information - South China Sea

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INF: 03 SEAFDEC General Information




General Information on SEAFDEC/TD................................................

About SEAFDEC............................................................................ 5 Training Department (TD).............................................................. 6 SEAFDEC Personal Information ………………………………… 9 TD Facilities.................................................................................... - General Office Services........................................................ 13 - Dormitory Facility ................................................................ 14 Example of Postage Rate ...................................................................... 17 Do and Don’t in Thailand ..................................................................... 23 Let’s try to speak Thai .......................................................................... 27 SEAFDEC/TD and Important places.................................................... 31 Telephone……………………………………………………………… 41




The Southeast Asian fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) is an autonomous intergovernmental body or regional treaty organization. It was established under the auspices of the Council of Ministers for the Economic Development of Southeast Asia on 28 December 1967 with the mandate for promoting fisheries development in the region through training, research and information services. It was specifically created to develop the fishery potentials in the region in response to the global food crisis as well as in recognition of fisheries as a means to provide a valuable supply of animal protein to the increasing world population. SEAFDEC undertakes research on appropriate technologies, trains fisheries and aquaculture technicians, and collects, analyses, and disseminates fisheries and aquaculture information. Since its inception, it has played a significant role in the development of human resources and fisheries industries at all levels. At present SEAFDEC Member Countries are Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The Council of Directors, representing the Member Countries, is the governing and policy-making body of the Center. It holds annual meetings, attended by participants from other national, regional and international organizations, including FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), NACA (Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia Pacific), WorldFish Center, Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency), and AADCP (ASEAN-EEC Aquaculture Development and Coordination Program), to discuss and provide guidance on the activities of the Center. The Secretary-General, as chief administrator of the Center based at the Secretariat in Thailand, co-ordinates the activities of the Departments and collaboration with other organizations.

SEAFDEC has four technical Departments. The Training Department (TD) in

Thailand carries out research and training in Coastal Fisheries Management, Capture Fisheries Technology and Extension, the Marine Fisheries Research Department (MFRD) in Singapore does research and training in fishery post-harvest technology; the Aquaculture Department (AQD) in the Philippines carries out research and training in aquaculture; and the Marine Fishery Resources Development and Management Department (MFRDMD) in Malaysia undertakes research and training in fishery resources development and management in the EEZs of the Member Countries. SEAFDEC also acts as a regional focal point for the dissemination of fisheries information in the region. Its services, which expanded rapidly in the early 1980s to meet the increasing need for information on fisheries and aquaculture development in the region, include publications, information projects and audio-visual programs. Several countries in


Secretariat Thailand

Training Department Thailand

Marine Fisheries Research Department


Aquaculture Department Philippines

Marine Fishery Resources Development and

Management Department Malaysia


Southeast Asia are now co-operating with SEAFDEC to promote the effective transfer of fisheries information and related sciences both within and outside the region. The dissemination of information on SEAFDEC publications and training programs is dealt with by the respective Department and/or the Secretariat. The latter also issues a quarterly Newsletter in close co-operation with the other Departments. Current subscribers include groups within the SEAFDEC Member Countries and ASEAN, and non-member countries in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, North and South America, Australia, New Zealand and Africa. As regional fishery resources have declined, SEAFDEC has become more involved in efforts to develop sustainable fisheries, and to educate the region’s fishermen and all others working in the industry of the importance of conservation of resources and their habitats. Fish are one of the dietary staples in Southeast Asia and it is up to organizations like SEAFDEC to ensure that they remain so. TRAINING DEPARTMENT

The Training Department (TD) is one of the four Departments of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC). It is located in Amphoe Phrasamutchedi in Samut Prakan Province, also known as Pak Nam, about 30 kilometres south of Bangkok. VISION “To be a leader in tropical marine captures fisheries working towards sustainable development that is self-sustained with global collaborative network.”

MISSIONS 1. To promote responsible tropical marine capture fisheries 2. To expand networking and cooperation at regional and international levels 3. To work towards a financially self-sustained organization 4. To upgrade the organization’s capability, potentials and efficiency 5. To enhance the organization’s profile and recognition among beneficiaries, partner

agencies and donors at various levels



TD currently consists of 6 divisions/office which are under the supervision of the Chief of the Training Department and the Deputy Chief of the Training Department. Under these divisions/office are: ♦ Administrative Division, comprising the Personnel Section, Procurement Section, General Affairs Section, Dormitory Affairs Section and Cooperation and Planning Section. ♦ Finance Division, comprising the Finance Section and Accounts Section. ♦ Coastal Fisheries Management Division, comprising the Fisheries Resource Enhancement Section, Socio-economic Section and Fishery Governance and management System Section.

♦ Capture Fishery Technology Division, comprising the Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour Section, Fishing Ground and Fishery Oceanography Section and Fisheries Engineering Section ♦ Information and Training Division, comprising the Information and Communication Technology Section, Multimedia Section and Training and Extension Section. ♦ Ship Division, comprising M.V. SEAFDEC Section and M.V. SEAFDEC 2 Section

Personnel Section

General Affairs Section

Dormitory Affairs Section

Cooperation and Planning Section

Administrative Division

Finance Section

Accounts Section

Finance Division

Fisheries Resource Enhancement Section

Socio-economic Section

Fishery Governance and Management System Section

Coastal Fisheries Management Division

Fishing Technology and Fish

Behavior Section Fishing Ground and

Fishery Oceanography Section

Fisheries Engineering Section

Capture Fishery Technology Division

Information and Communications

Technology Section Multimedia Section

Training and Extension Section

Information and Training Division



Ship Division

Chief of the Training Department

Deputy Chief of the Training Department

Assistant to the Training Department Chief/Technical

Personnel Section

General Affairs Section

Dormitory Affairs Section

Cooperation and Planning Section


Finance Section

Accounts Section


Fisheries Resource Enhancement Section

Socio-economic Section

Fishery Governance and Management System Section

Coastal Fisheries Management Division

Fishing Technology and Fish

Behavior Section Fishing Ground and

Fishery Oceanography Section

Fisheries Engineering Section

Capture Fishery Technology Division

Information and





Project Leader Dr. Siri Ekmaharaj

Chief of the Training Department

Trust Fund Project Manager Mr. Hideki Tsubata

Deputy Chief of the Training Department

Dr. Yasuhisa Kato Special/Advisor


Mr. Aussanee Munprasit Assistant to the Training

Department Chief/Technical

Mr. Bundit Chokesanguan Information and Training

Division Head

Ms. Kannika Boonkananurak

Finance Division Head

Dr. Yuttana Theparoonrat

Coastal Fisheries Management Division Head

Mr. Suppachai Ananpongsuk Administrative Division Head

Mr. Sutee Rajruchithong

Ship Divison Head

Dr. Somboon Siriraksophon Capture Fishery Technology

Division Head Course Coordinator

Ms. Penchan Laongmanee Oceanography and

Fishing Ground Section Head

Assistant Course Coordination

Ms. Arpaporn Eiamsa-ard Training and Extension

Officer Assistant

Course Coordinator

Ms. Nathacha Sornwaree Administrative Officer



Office hours Monday to Friday (0830 a.m. to 0430 p.m.) (Closed on Saturday, Sunday and National Holidays) Postal Services Incoming mail is delivered to SEAFDEC three time a week on

Monday, Wednesday and Friday at around 1500 hr. All mail is handed over to the participants at Room 105.

Telephone TD telephone number is (662) 425-6100. If a participant has a

telephone call during working days, he/she will be informed by SEAFDEC/TD staff.

Foreign Currency Exchange The Finance Division will assist all participants with regard

to money exchange services. The finance office room number is 108 on the ground floor.

Library Services

Users: The Training Department (TD) library grants free admission to:

- All instructors, trainees and participants - All SEAFDEC staff members

- Outside users (upon request and approval only)

Library Hours: Monday-Friday : 0830 a.m. to 0400 p.m. (official holidays closed)



The Training Department dormitory is located at the opposite side of the main office buildings in the Department compound in Samut Prakan province. It is especially designed for the Department’s trainees to accommodate and, up to present, its capacity is 52 persons. The normal arrangement at present is for two persons to share a single room. Facilities include a games area, fitness room, T.V. lounge and a canteen.

Dormitory Regulations:

1. All training program participants are required to be resident and must observe the following schedule and regulations:

Canteen opening times : 0700-0830 hours for breakfast

1100-1400 hours for lunch

1730-2000 hours for dinner

Meals will not served before or after the scheduled time

2. During working days ashore, all participants must stay in the TD compound. Requests for leave, submitted in advance to the Training Division Head, though the Course Coordinator will be granted only under special circumstances. In case of an emergency requiring absence from the compound, verbal notification must be given to the Dormitory Supervisor.

3. Participants may receive visitors in the guest-room and canteen only between 1600-2000 hours on working days and between 0830-2000 hours during holidays. Guests must be registered in the book provided for this purpose on arrival, and kept by the guards at the dormitory gate.

4. All participants must be in the dormitory by 2200 hours, except on Fridays, Saturdays and the evening before a holiday, when participants may return to the dormitory not later than 2400 hours. After 1800 hours, whenever leaving and returning to the Center, participants are requested to sign their names and the time in the evening attendance book which will be with the dormitory guards or on the dormitory counter.

5. Participants who wish to stay in the dormitory during weekends and holidays, are requested to notify the Dormitory Supervisor on Friday morning, or the day prior to the holiday, so that appropriate breakfast arrangements can be made.

6. Two sets of bed linen and blanket cover will be provided. Participants will be responsible for changing and cleaning them the same as their personal laundry; they may use the dormitory facilities.

7. Participants are responsible for the cleanliness of their own rooms.

8. Room and wardrobe keys are provided. Any loss from a room will be the responsibility of the occupant of that room. Valuables should not be kept in the dormitory. Participants are responsible for loss or damage to the dormitory facilities caused by their actions or negligence.

9. The dormitory is a place of rest, recreation and study. Causing any kind of disturbance after 2200 hours in considered a breach of the regulations and therefore a serious offence.

10. All foreign participants should keep their passports in this possession. However, passports should be handed to the External Affairs Officer on arrival and before leaving the country, for proper immigration arrangements.

11. When in the main building participants are requested to dress properly, and to refrain from making any noise that might disturb the office staff.



12. Participants should inform the Course Coordinator and obtain his approval prior to undergoing any medical treatment.

13. The Following acts will be considered offences:

Breaches of discipline, especially substance abuse, gambling, brawling, theft and unauthorised visitors in participant’s rooms.

Mutiny, refusal to obey, smuggling, or possession of weapons during the training cruise and while staying in the dormitory area and the main building.

Absence from the Center without official permission or without a satisfactory explanation.

14. Disciplinary action, in accordance with the gravity of the offence, will be taken against a participant who fail to comply with the rules and regulations of the Training Department. Deliberately repeated breaches of discipline will be regarded as a basis for termination of a fellowship.





Postage Rates BRUNEI CAMBODIA Weight


(kg.) EMS AIRMAIL SURFACE 1 650 500 - 1 650 500 - 2 850 600 - 2 850 600 - 3 1,000 700 - 3 1,000 700 - 4 1,160 800 - 4 1,160 800 - 5 1,320 900 - 5 1,320 900 - 6 1,480 1,000 - 6 1,480 1,000 - 7 1,640 1,100 - 7 1,640 1,100 - 8 1,780 1,200 - 8 1,780 1,200 - 9 1,940 1,300 - 9 1,940 1,300 -

10 2,100 1,400 - 10 2,100 1,400 - 11 2,200 1,500 - 11 2,200 1,500 - 12 2,300 1,600 - 12 2,300 1,600 - 13 2,400 1,700 - 13 2,400 1,700 - 14 2,500 1,800 - 14 2,500 1,800 - 15 2,600 1,900 - 15 2,600 1,900 - 16 2,700 2,000 - 16 2,700 2,000 - 17 2,800 2,100 - 17 2,800 2,100 - 18 2,900 2,200 - 18 2,900 2,200 - 19 3,000 2,300 - 19 3,000 2,300 - 20 3,100 2,400 -

20 3,100 2,400 -



1 750 600 - 1 1,000 1,100 900 2 1,000 760 - 2 1,340 1,450 1,060 3 1,250 920 - 3 1,680 1,800 1,220 4 1,500 1,080 - 4 1,960 2,150 1,380 5 1,740 1,240 - 5 2,240 2,500 1,540 6 1,980 1,400 - 6 2,520 2,850 1,700 7 2,220 1,560 - 7 2,800 3,200 1,860 8 2,460 1,720 - 8 3,080 3,550 2,020 9 2,700 1,880 - 9 3,360 3,900 2,180

10 2,940 2,040 - 10 3,640 4,250 2,340 11 3,150 2,200 - 11 3,920 12 3,350 2,360 - 12 4,200 13 3,550 2,520 - 13 4,480 14 3,750 2,680 - 14 4,760 15 3,950 2,840 - 15 5,040 16 4,150 3,000 - 16 5,320 17 4,350 3,160 - 17 5,600 18 4,550 3,320 - 18 5,880 19 4,750 3,480 - 19 6,160 20 4,950 3,640 - 20 6,440




(kg.) EMS AIRMAIL SURFACE 1 750 780 650 1 650 700 650 2 1,050 1,010 760 2 850 880 740 3 1,350 1,240 870 3 1,000 1060 830 4 1,630 1,470 980 4 1,160 1,240 920 5 1,890 1,700 1,090 5 1,320 1,420 1,010 6 2,130 1,930 1,200 6 1,480 1,600 1,100 7 2,370 2,160 1,310 7 1,640 1,780 1,190 8 2,610 2,390 1,420 8 1,780 1,960 1,280 9 2,850 2,620 1,530 9 1,940 2,140 1,370

10 3,090 2,850 1,640 10 2,100 2,320 1,460 11 3,290 3,080 1,750 11 2,200 2,500 1,550 12 3,490 3,310 1,860 12 2,300 2,680 1,640 13 3,690 3,540 1,970 13 2,400 2,860 1,730 14 3,890 3,770 2,080 14 2,500 3,040 1,820 15 4,090 4,000 2,190 15 2,600 3,220 1,910 16 4,290 4,230 2,300 16 2,700 3,400 2,000 17 4,490 4,460 2,410 17 2,800 3,580 2,090 18 4,690 4,690 2,520 18 2,900 3,760 2,180 19 4,890 4,920 2,630 19 3,000 3,940 2,270 20 5,090 5,150 2,740 20 3,100 4,120 2,360



(kg.) EMS AIRMAIL SURFACE 1 650 500 400 1 650 500 - 2 850 600 470 2 850 600 - 3 1,000 700 540 3 1,000 700 - 4 1,160 800 610 4 1,160 800 - 5 1,320 900 680 5 1,320 900 - 6 1,480 1,000 750 6 1,480 1,000 - 7 1,640 1,100 820 7 1,640 1,100 - 8 1,780 1,200 890 8 1,780 1,200 - 9 1,940 1,300 960 9 1,940 1,300 -

10 2,100 1,400 1,030 10 2,100 1,400 - 11 1,500 1,100 11 2,200 1,500 - 12 1,600 1,170 12 2,300 1,600 - 13 1,700 1,240 13 2,400 1,700 - 14 1,800 1,310 14 2,500 1,800 - 15 1,900 1,380 15 2,600 1,900 - 16 2,000 1,450 16 2,700 2,000 - 17 2,100 1,520 17 2,800 2,100 - 18 2,200 1,590 18 2,900 2,200 - 19 2,300 1,660 19 3,000 2,300 - 20 2,400 1,730 20 3,100 2,400 -




1 650 600 - 1 750 680 650 2 850 760 - 2 1,000 810 740 3 1,000 920 - 3 1,250 940 830 4 1,160 1,080 - 4 1,500 1,070 920 5 1,320 1,240 - 5 1,740 1,200 1,010 6 1,480 1,400 - 6 1,980 1,330 1,100 7 1,640 1,560 - 7 2,220 1,460 1,190 8 1,780 1,720 - 8 2,460 1,590 1,280 9 1,940 1,880 - 9 2,700 1,720 1,370

10 2,100 2,040 - 10 2,940 1,850 1,460 11 2,200 2,200 - 11 1,980 1,550 12 2,300 2,360 - 12 2,110 1,640 13 2,400 2,520 - 13 2,240 1,730 14 2,500 2,680 - 14 2,370 1,820 15 2,600 2,840 - 15 2,500 1,910 16 2,700 3,000 - 16 2,630 2,000 17 2,800 3,160 - 17 2,760 2,090 18 2,900 3,320 - 18 2,890 2,180 19 3,000 3,480 - 19 3,020 2,270 20 3,100 3,640 - 20 3,150 2,360


(kg.) EMS AIRMAIL SURFACE 1 650 680 - 2 850 810 - 3 1,000 940 - 4 1,160 1,070 - 5 1,320 1,200 - 6 1,480 1,330 - 7 1,640 1,460 - 8 1,780 1,590 - 9 1,940 1,720 -

10 2,100 1,850 - 11 2,200 1,980 - 12 2,300 2,110 - 13 2,400 2,240 - 14 2,500 2,370 - 15 2,600 2,500 - 16 2,700 2,630 - 17 2,800 2,760 - 18 2,900 2,890 - 19 3,000 3,020 - 20 3,100 3,150 -

For more information : http://www.thailandpost.com/search_ems_result_en.asp Remark : Rates can be change, please contact and confirm rate with operator at room 105



Do and Don’t in Thailand

Getting Along in Thailand

Thailand is justly celebrated for its tolerance and hospitality, and the average tourist will have no difficulty in adjusting to the local customs. All the same, as when coming into any unfamiliar society, a visitor may find it helpful to be aware of certain do's and dont's and thus avoid giving accidental offense. Basically, most of these are simply a matter of common sense and good manners-not really all that different from the way one would behave in one's country-but a few are special enough to be pointed out. The Monarchy

The Thai people have a deep, traditional reverence for their Royal Family, and a visitor should also be careful to show respect for the King, the Queen, and the Royal Children. In a cinema, for example, a portrait of the King is shown during the playing of the national anthem, and the audience is expected to stand. When attending some public event at which a member of the Royal Family is present, the best guide as to know to behave is probably to watch the crowd and do what it does. Religion

Thai law has a number of special sections concerning religious offense, and these cover not only Buddhism, the religion of the majority of the people, but also any other faiths represented in the Kingdom. It is, for instance unlawful to commit any act, by any means whatever, to an object of a place of religious worship of any community in a manner likely to insult the religion. Similarly, whoever causes any disturbance at an assembly lawfully engaged in the performance of religious worship of religious ceremonies is subject to punishment, as well as "whoever dresses or uses a symbol showing that he is a priest or novice, holyman or clergyman of any religion unlawfully in order to make another person believer he is such person".

In less legal language, here are a few tips on what to do and what not to do on a visit to a religious place:

• Dress neatly, Don't go shirtless, or in shorts, pants, or other unsuitable attire. If you

look at the Thais around you, you'll see the way they would prefer you to be dressed-which, in fact, is probably not very different from the way you'd dress in similar place back home.

• It's all right to wear shoes while walking around the compound of a Buddhist temple, but not inside the chapel where the principal Buddha image is kept. Don't worry about dirt when you have to take them off; the floors of such places are usually clean.

• Buddhist priests are forbidden to touch or to be touched by a woman or to accept anything from the hand of one. If a woman has to give anything to monk or novice, she first hands it to a man, who then presents it. Or in case of a woman who wants to present it with her hand, the monk or novice will spread out a piece of saffron robe or handkerchief in front of him, and the woman will lay down the material on the robe which is being held at one end by the monk or novice.

• All Buddha images, large or small, ruined or not, are regarded as sacred objects. Hence, don't climb up on one to take a photograph or, generally speaking, do anything that might show a lack of respect.


Social Customs

• The don't of Thai social behavior are less clearly defined than those concerning the monarchy or religion, especially in a city like Bangkok where Western customs are better known and more widely accepted. However, what is acceptable in Bangkok may not be in the countryside where the old ways are still strong. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

• Thais DO NOT normally shake hands when they greet one another, but instead press the palms together in a prayer-like gesture called a “Wai”. Generally, a younger person wais an elder, who returns it. Watch how the Thais do it, and you will soon learn.

• It is considered rude to point your foot at a person, so try to avoid doing so when sitting opposite anyone, and following the conception that the foot is a low limb: DO NOT point your foot to show anything to anyone, but use your finger instead.

• Thais regard the head as the highest part of the body both literally and figuratively. As a result, they DO NOT approve of touching anyone on that part of body; even in a friendly gesture. Similarly, if you watch Thais at a social gathering, you will notice that young people go to considerable lengths to keep their heads lower than those of the elder ones, to avoid giving the impression of looking down" on them. This is not always possible, of course, but it is the effort that counts.

• Public displays of affection between men and women are frowed upon. You may see some very Westernised young Thai couples holding hands, but that is the extent of the displaying of affection in this polite society.

• Losing your temper, especially in public, will more than likely get you nowhere. The Thais think such displays denote poor manners, and you are more apt to get what you want by keeping a cool head and concealing your emotions.

• DO NOT be surprised if you are addressed by your first name; for instance, Mr. Bob or Miss Mary instead of by your surname. This is because Thais refer to one another in this manner, usually with the title "Khun" "(Mr., Mrs., or Miss) in front. Follow the customs of the country as far as possible and you will make more friends during your stay. And the more friends you make, the more you will want to return to Thailand.

Source : Tourism Authority of Thailand. A traveler’s Guide to Thailand




Sawaddee kha

Sawaddee khrab


Let’s try to speak THAI Thai Pronouns are I Phom (male)

Chan (Female) You Khun (Singular), Phouk khun (plural) We Rao They Phouk Khao He, She Khao Thai Greeting and Farewells Good morning, Good afternoon Good evening Good night

Sawaddee (Khrab/Kha)

How are you? Khun Sabai dee rue? I’m fine Phom/Chan Sabai dee Thank you Khob Khun (Khrab/Kha) And you? Laew Khun La? What’s your name? Khun Chue arai? My name is……. Phom/Chan Chue……. Nice to know you Yin dee tee dai Roo Jak Good luck Chok dee (Khrab/Kha) Can you speak Thai? Khun Phood Thai Dai Mai? Yes, I can speak a little Phom/Chan Phood Thai Dai Nid Noi. Practice A : Sawaddee (Khrab/Kha), Khun Sabai dee rue? B : Phom/Chan Sabai dee. Khob Khun (Khrab/Kha). Leaw khun la? A : Phom/Chan Sabaidee, Khob Khun (Khab/Kha)

Note Put Khrab/Kha after the sentence. (Khrab for man, Kha for woman), to make the sentence more police.


Counting Number 0 = Soon 20 = Yee-sib 1 = Nueng 30 = Sam-sib 2 = Song 40 = See-sib 3 = Sam 55 = Ha-sib-ha 4 = See 68 = Hok-sib-pad 5 = Ha 100 = Nueng-roi 6 = Hok 101 = Nueng-roi-nueng 7 = Jed 200 = Song roi 8 = Pad 1,000 = Nueng phan 9 = Kao 1,500 = Nuen phan ha roi 10 = sib 10,000 = Nueng muen 11 = Sib ed= 100,000 = Nueng san 12 = Sib song 1,000,000 = Nueng lant Shopping A : How much? : Thaow Rai (Khrab/Kha)? B : 100 baht. : Nueng-Roi baht A : Expensive! Can it be 90 baht? : Phaeng. Kao-Sib baht Dai Mai Khrab/Kha? B : Yes/No : Dai (Khrab/Kha) / Mai Dai (Khrab/Kha) Telephone call Hello Sawasdee (Khrab/Kha) May I speak to……..please Khor pood khub…………(Khrab/Kha) Just a moment Koi Suk Kru (Khrab/Kha) He (she) isn’t here right now Khao Mai yoo (Khrab/kha) Good bye Sawaddee (Khrab/Kha)







Map around SEAFDEC/TD




Transportations The local people call SEAFDEC “Soon Pramong” (Soon = Center, and Pramong = fishery), so when you want to come to SEAFDEC/TD by Tuk tuk, Motorcycle, from Phrasamutchedi, just tell the driver that you want to go to “Soon Pramong”. If you want to go by Local bus (Rod song taew) you have to make sure that it will come to “Pom Phra Chul” otherwise you may go to the wrong way.

Bank, Post Office and Shopping Center

The Nearest Bank is Thai Military Bank, (Pom Phra Chul branch), and Kasikorn bank, (Phrasamutchedi branch) at three junction of Phrasamutchedi (Sam Yaak JD), the working time is 0830 am. – 0330 pm. From SEAFDEC/TD you can go by Rod song taew (7 baht), Tuk tuk (30-35 baht), or Motorcycle (15-20 baht).

The Nearest Post Office also at Sam Yaak JD, not far from the Bank, the working time is 0830 am. – 0330 pm., you can go the same way with the bank.

The nearest Department store is Big C shopping center, (Prapadaeng branch), open at 0900 am. – 1100 pm., go to Sam Yaak JD first, then take bus no. 20 or Phrapadaeng local bus to BIG C.


Go to PAKNAM, by go to JD first, and take the boat to PAKNAM (normally 3 baht, after 0600 pm. 3.50 baht and at night will be higher price)

Tuk tuk Motorcycle Rod song taew


Samutprakan Province

Samutprakan, also known as Pak Nam, is located at the mouth of the Chao Phraya River. The town is only 25 kms. south of Bangkok and easily frequented by bus. Its old community settled in Phra Pradaeng (now a northern district) during the Ayutthaya period. The modern town and several fortresses were built by the command of King Rama ll in 1819.

Samutprakan occupies an area of 1004 square kilometers and is administratively divided into 5 districts (Amphoes) and 1 sub-district (King Amphoe): Amphoe Muang Samutprakan, Amphoe Phra Pradaeng, Amphoe Bang Phli, Amphoe Bang Bo, Amphoe Phra Samut Chedi and King Amphoe Bang Sao Thong.

Phra Samut Chedi

Phra Samut Chedi is the provinces' significant historical site and symbolizes Samutprakan, commonly known as "Phra Chedi Klang Nam", located in Tambol Pak Klong Bang Plakot, Phra Samut Chedi District opposite the provincial hall. A festival to celebrate Phra Samut Chedi is held in October every year. On the first day of the festival, a Phra Samut Chedi covering-cloth Procession comprising government officials, merchants, people and school children in

colorful dresses accompanied by musical band moves along the road to the provincial hall.


Pom Prachul (Chulachomklao Fort)

The Pom Phra Chul (Phra Chulachomklao Fort), is situated at the estuary of Chao Pra Ya river. This is an important historical fort that is worth visiting because it represents a sagacious perception of King Rama V. He prepared and constructed this fort as a stronghold against forces especially European nations who were hunger for colonies. This fort was once used to fight against French warships.

When we arrived Pom Prachul, the first important thing that attracts us is the royal Monument of King Rama V. This monument is majestically standing in front of the fort and it is the centre of this area that is surrounded by various types of trees. The monument was built in 1993. It has total height of 17.50 meters. The King’s image is 4.2 m tall, 2.5 times the king’s actual size, majestically dressed in the naval supreme commander uniform.

Along the length of Pom Phrachul, there are 7 holes for cannon positioning. These cannon are called Puen Sua Morb (crouching tiger cannon).

Also on show to the public is H.T.M.S. Maeklong, a

warship commissioned from the Japanese shipyards, pre-World War II. The ship was in service for 60 years, including duty as a royal ship for King Rama IX. Now it is firmly docked in cement at the fort.

A new section of the fort houses a large collection of guns scattered along a winding walkway. Also new is a raised wooden platform which takes you out into the mangrove forest.


The Temple of the Emerald Buddha

The Temple of the Emerald Buddha (Wat Phra

Kaew), situated within the Grand Palace, near Sanam Luang, is a sacred symbol of the Rattanakosin, or Bangkok, Dyansty and the most important temple in realm. It was built by King Rama I, the founder of the Chakri Dynasty, at the same time as the Grand Palace in 1782, when he established Bangkok as his capital, in order to serve as the palace chapel, in which traditional royal ceremonies would be conducted. It thus has a sanctuary for the performance of Buddhist rites, but no residences for monks.

The temple is richly endowed with fine art and architecture. The Emerald Buddha image is enshrined in the phra ubosot, the exterior walls of which are covered with beautiful designs in gold leaf and glass, while the interior walls bear murals depicting the life of Buddha and other subjects.




International Call Press 001 or 009 + country code + area code or mobile phone code + local telephone number

(001 is better quality but more expensive than 009) Example To make an international call from Thailand to Laos (Vientiane) 001 or 009 + 856 + 21 + local telephone number You can buy phone card at Canteen (first floor of Dormitory), for use with public telephone.

Important telephone number



Tel. (02) 425-6100

Canteen : Tel. (02) 425-6100 ext. 213 First floor : Tel. (02) 425-6100 ext. 223 Second floor : Tel (02) 425-6100 ext. 224 Third floor : Tel (02) 425-6100 ext. 225 Direct line to Dormitory (at Second floor) From Thailand: Tel. (02) 425-6179 From aboard : Tel. (662) 425-6179


Tel. 1155

If you have your own mobile, you can buy sim card and call from your mobile.



Bangkok Prapradang Hospital Tel (02) 818-9000



AUSTRALIA The Australian Embassy Tel. (02) 287-2680 BANGLADESH The Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Tel. (02) 392-9437 to 8 BRUNEI The Embassy of Brunei Darussalam Tel. (02) 204-1476 to 9 CAMBODIA The Royal Embassy of Cambodia Tel. (02) 253-9851, (02) 253-7967 (02) 254-6630 INDIA The Embassy of INDIA Tel. (02) 258-0300 to 5 INDONESIA The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Tel. (02) 252-3135 to 9



JAPAN The Embassy of Japan Tel. (02) 252-6151- to 9 LAOS The Embassy of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic

Tel. (02) 539-6667 to 8, (02) 539-6679 MALAYSIA The Embassy of Malaysia Tel. (02) 679-2190 to 9 MALDIVES The Consulate of the Republic of Maldives Tel. (02) 428-9292 MYANMAR The Embassy of the Union of Myanmar Tel. (02) 234-0278 PAKISTAN The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Tel. (02) 253-0288 to 9 PAPUA NEW GUINEA The Consulate-General of Papua New Guinea Tel. (02) 26-2801 to 3 PHILIPPINES The Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines Tel. (02) 259-0139 to 40, (02) 258-5401 SRI LANKA The Embassy of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Tel. (02) 261-1934 to 5, (02) 261-1938, (02) 665-7299 VIETNAM The Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Tel. (02) 251-3552, (02) 251-5836 to 8 (02) 251-7202


In Case of Emergency!

Dr. Somboon Siriraksophon

Course Coordinator Mobile Phone : (089) 477-9968

Ms. Arpaporn Eiamsa-ard

Assistant Course Co-ordinator Mobile Phone : (085) 994-1904