INFN RoadMap Working Group F.Ambrosino, F.Anulli, D.Babusci, S.Bianco, C.Bini, N.Brambilla, R.DeSangro,…

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(1)Measurement of [ e + e -  hadrons ] cross-section in the range 2M  < √s < 2.5 GeV.  hadronic contributions to g-2  hadronic contributions to  em running  vector meson spectroscopy (2) Radiative decays of vector mesons  ,  ’ physics (from the  )  physics of scalar mesons (multiquark states) (3)  physics       ,     from threshold up to ~1GeV: the    widths of scalar and pseudoscalar mesons (  0, ,  ’, f 0 (980), a 0 (980)) (4) Hadron form-factors in the time-like region  proton, neutron, ,  (5) Systematic of K – N interactions 1. The physics case for DANAE (DAFNE-2) Mostly hadron physics + precision tests of the SM