Informatics [A]

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I was excited to see myself using the snipping tools on my laptop effective after the last in class

meeting. So I decided to undo all I did in the hope of doing it later since I am sure of the topic that I

wanted to work on. Unfortunately for me by the time I am ready to do the work, I cannot comprehend

what was going on with me. Everything became a struggle and I did not know what exactly I was doing

wrong. The library site did not respond to the search from my laptop. For two days, I was struggling and

battling with the laptop all to no avail. I became so frustrated and then decide to try another computer

and this works.

The topic I chose is electronic medical records. The initial main search through Cinahl gave me a

total of 1,137 outcomes from the most recent 2015 as far back as 1993. This enables me to have

updated and latest information on the topic. The first page of the search shows ten academic journals in

which four came in full text while the remaining six did not have full text. All the journals on first page

are peers reviewed. Three out of this journal indicate cited references. When I opened one of the

journals that have full text, the first page shows the nut shell of the journal. It indicates the background,

objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the journal. Also, the authors, contact information, and

how to cite the article is clearly stated. The journals that did not come in full text had a link in which one

can requested for it through interlibrary loan. One can also call the librarian or send email in case one

needs help in obtaining the journal.

To perform additional search to limit the topic is another headache for me but I kept on

exploring different options. At last, I have to click on the options publications on the top left hand corner

before I can be successful in putting in the topic. I put in “electronic medical records and implications”

and this reduced the result to total of 52 journals. After this, I wanted to be more specific about the

search, and then I entered “electronic medical records and implications on health care system”. To my

surprise, the result outweighed the first initial search with a total of 20,597 journals that came up.

Above all, one thing that is common to all the results is that the journals are easily accessible

and well organized from the most resent which is 2015 and backward. With this experience, I know

exactly what to do and how to search for the right articles or journals when I am ready to write my

brochure. Not only this, I have an ideal of the information’s that I will put in the brochure.


Dale, R., Louiseann, R. T., & Jane, K. (2015, January 09). Patient experience with electronic medical

records: Lessions learned. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practioners, 26(12), 674-

680. Retrived from http://dx.doi.org/http://bluehawk.monmouth.edu:2081/10.1002/2327-


O’Mahony, D., Graham, W., Parimalarani, Y., & Frederick, G. (2014, May 23). Knowledge and attitudes

of nurses in community health centers about electronic medical records. Curationiis 2014, 37

(1), 1-6. http://dx.doi.org/http://bluehawk.monmouth.edu:2081/10.4102/curaionis.v37i1.1150

Healthit.gov and healthaffairs.org

The two websites that I explore are healthit.gov and healthaffairs.org. Healthit.gov is a

website operated by healthcare providers and professionals who has authority over healthcare

issues that they discussed in the website. The author’s identities are disclosed with their

qualifications, credentials and experience on the subject matter. The web site has contact

information. The authors can be contacted through mailing, phone, fax, and email which were

provided on the web site. The website has a domain which is .gov. The website is consumers

friendly. It provides information for everyone in a simple language. The website has a

partnership with other organization. The last time that the site upgraded is August 29, 2014.

Healthaffairs.org/content website focuses on health care issues and policy. The site

domain is .org. The website is been sponsored by different organizations. The site has peers

reviewed articles or journal available in full text. The information’s available on this site are

reliable. Information is provided about other articles that uses the articles or journals in this

web site. The site was updated this year (2015). This site is free for everyone. There is no fee to

access their information. This website will be the most useful site for my brochure. It provides

varieties of peer reviewed journals or articles on my topic and other topics. Apart from the

school library web site, this web site is good for academics purpose unlike other web site that I
