BRAIN INJURY INTERDISCIPLINARY SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP The mission of the BI-ISIG is to promote high standards of rehabilitation practice, education, and research among multidisciplinary professionals with common interests in service and advocacy for individuals with brain injury and their families. BI - ISIG PROFESSIONAL COLLABORATIONS — LIFELONG FRIENDSHIPS

InformatIonal PublIcatIons Archives of Physical Medicine

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The mission of the BI-ISIG is to

promote high standards of rehabilitation

practice, education, and research

among multidisciplinary professionals

with common interests in service and

advocacy for individuals with brain

injury and their families.


Products of the AcrM BI-IsIG

to leArn More ABout BI-IsIG MeMBershIP…

InformatIonal PublIcatIons• FallsTipsSheet,Archives of Physical Medicine and


• Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual: Translating Evidence-Based Recommendations into Practice, 1st Ed.,ACRMPublishing,2012.

• PrinciplesofLearninginTBIRehabilitation,Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation,2011.

• AgingWithBrainInjury,Brain Injury Professional,2005.

• RecommendationsontheUseofUniformNomenclatureinPatientswithSevereAlterationsinConsciousness,Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,1995.

• DefinitionofMildTBI,Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation,1993.

• GuidelinesforCognitiveRehabilitation,NeuroRehabilitation,1992.

• Moving Ahead,twice-yearlyBI-ISIGnewsletter.

EvIdEncE-basEd rEvIEws• Cognitiverehabilitationinmedicalconditionsaffecting

cognitivefunction,Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,inpress.

• Assessmentscalesindisordersofconsciousness,Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,2010.

• CognitiverehabilitationafterTBIandstroke,threereviews,Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,2000,2005,2011.

• BehavioralandcognitiverehabilitationwithchildrenafterABI,Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation,2007.

InstructIonal coursEs• “CognitiveManualTrainingWorkshop,”2012postMid-Year


• “EffectiveInterventionsforChildrenandYouth,”2012ACRM-ASNRpre-conferencenetworkinggroup.

• “ManagementConundrumsamongPatientswithSevereTBI:EthicalConsiderationsandPractice,”2012ACRM-ASNRpre-conferencecourse.

• “PediatricTraumaticBrainInjury,”2011ACRM-ASNRpre-conferencecourse.

Contact ACRM Membership Services at +1.703.574.5845 or email [email protected].

lancE trExlEr, Phd, acrm bI-IsIG chaIrRehabilitation Hospital of Indiana, Indianapolis, INTel: +1.317.879.8940 | Fax: +1.317.872.0914Email: [email protected]

Jon lIndbErG, mba, caE, acrm chIEf ExEcutIvE offIcEr

ACRM | American Congress of Rehabilitation MedicineTEL: +1.703.435.5335 | FAX: +1.866.692.1619Email: [email protected]



Page 2: InformatIonal PublIcatIons Archives of Physical Medicine

coGnItIvE rEhabIlItatIon co-chaIrs

Keith Cicerone, PhD and Donna Langenbahn, PhDFOCUS: Develop and disseminate clinical practice guidelines in cognitive rehabilitation to clinicians and consumers. Provide training on evidence-based cognitive treatment for clinicians.

communIty-basEd trEatmEnt co-chaIrs

Nina Geier, MS, MPT, PT Ann Marie McLaughlin, PhDFOCUS: Survey models of care and review methods of outcome assessment in community-based treatment programs.

dIsordErs of conscIousnEss co-chaIrs

John Whyte, MD, PhD and Risa Nakase-Richardson, PhDFOCUS: Conduct systematic reviews, provide clinical/research recommendations, disseminate materials, and advocate for persons with DOC following ABI and their families.

GIrls and womEn wIth tbI co-chaIrs

Angela Colantonio, PhD, FACRM and Yelena Lauretta Goldin, PhDFOCUS: Conduct collaborative research and knowledge mobilization relevant to girls and women with TBI.

lonG-tErm IssuEs co-chaIrs

Thomas Felicetti, PhD and Flora Hammond, MDFOCUS: Review and disseminate information on medical aspects of aging with brain injury.

mIld tbI

FOCUS: Articulate updated definition of mild TBI as basis for further clinical and research exploration and review published mild TBI literature.

PEdIatrIc/adolEscEnt chaIr

Julie Haarbauer-Krupa PhD FOCUS: Review research on acquired brain injury occurring during childhood and disseminate information to professionals and consumers.

ProGnosIs aftEr tbI co-chaIrs

Rosette Biester, PhD and David Krych, MS, CCC-SLPFOCUS: Survey and make recommendations on prognostic information given to brain injury survivors and caregivers.

JoIn the AcrM BI-IsIG

BI-IsIG MeMBershIP BenefIts AcrM BI-IsIG tAsk forces

See back page for contact information.

The Brain Injury Interdisciplinary Special Interest

Group (BI-ISIG) is the largest subspecialty group in

the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine

(ACRM), a multidisciplinary rehabilitation organization

whose focus is to serve people with disabling conditions

by promoting rehabilitation research, advancing

clinical practice guidelines, and facilitating information


The BI-ISIG is dedicated to enhancing professional

development, supporting research, establishing

standards of practice, and facilitating interdisciplinary

collaboration in the service of individuals with brain

injury and their families.

The key work of the BI-ISIG is in its various task forces,

which give the opportunity to network, educate, and

publish with national and international colleagues in

areas of brain injury assessment and treatment.

The BI-ISIG sponsors a working meeting each year,

and time at the ACRM annual conference, providing in

each a professional forum for its task force members

to advance their work on cutting-edge projects and

products exemplifying the group’s mission.

The BI-ISIG welcomes and actively supports the

participation of early-career professionals, affording

them the opportunity to work in close collaboration

with experienced brain-injury professionals and enhance

their future careers.

ACRM members may join the BI-ISIG free-of-charge.

ACRM offers Institutional, Regular/International,

Early-Career, Student/fellow, and Consumer

Memberships, ranging from $85 - $350 per year.

Non-ACRM members may join the BI-ISIG at the

rate of $95 for a two-year period. After two years,

ACRM membership is required in order to continue

BI-ISIG membership.

Page 3: InformatIonal PublIcatIons Archives of Physical Medicine



The mission of the BI-ISIG is to

promote high standards of rehabilitation

practice, education, and research

among multidisciplinary professionals

with common interests in service and

advocacy for individuals with brain

injury and their families.


Products of the AcrM BI-IsIG

to leArn More ABout BI-IsIG MeMBershIP…

InformatIonal PublIcatIons• FallsTipsSheet,Archives of Physical Medicine and


• Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual: Translating Evidence-Based Recommendations into Practice, 1st Ed.,ACRMPublishing,2012.

• PrinciplesofLearninginTBIRehabilitation,Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation,2011.

• AgingWithBrainInjury,Brain Injury Professional,2005.

• RecommendationsontheUseofUniformNomenclatureinPatientswithSevereAlterationsinConsciousness,Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,1995.

• DefinitionofMildTBI,Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation,1993.

• GuidelinesforCognitiveRehabilitation,NeuroRehabilitation,1992.

• Moving Ahead,twice-yearlyBI-ISIGnewsletter.

EvIdEncE-basEd rEvIEws• Cognitiverehabilitationinmedicalconditionsaffecting

cognitivefunction,Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,inpress.

• Assessmentscalesindisordersofconsciousness,Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,2010.

• CognitiverehabilitationafterTBIandstroke,threereviews,Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,2000,2005,2011.

• BehavioralandcognitiverehabilitationwithchildrenafterABI,Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation,2007.

InstructIonal coursEs• “CognitiveManualTrainingWorkshop,”2012postMid-Year


• “EffectiveInterventionsforChildrenandYouth,”2012ACRM-ASNRpre-conferencenetworkinggroup.

• “ManagementConundrumsamongPatientswithSevereTBI:EthicalConsiderationsandPractice,”2012ACRM-ASNRpre-conferencecourse.

• “PediatricTraumaticBrainInjury,”2011ACRM-ASNRpre-conferencecourse.

Contact ACRM Membership Services at +1.703.574.5845 or email [email protected].

lancE trExlEr, Phd, acrm bI-IsIG chaIrRehabilitation Hospital of Indiana, Indianapolis, INTel: +1.317.879.8940 | Fax: +1.317.872.0914Email: [email protected]

Jon lIndbErG, mba, caE, acrm chIEf ExEcutIvE offIcEr

ACRM | American Congress of Rehabilitation MedicineTEL: +1.703.435.5335 | FAX: +1.866.692.1619Email: [email protected]