Initial Ideas, USP and Target Audience

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By Michaela, Jodie, Dan & Luke

Page 2: Initial Ideas, USP and Target Audience

Idea 1 - Unidentified

The first idea for the opening of our web drama is a man wakes up in a woman’s house having previously slept with her by a text from his wife asking when he is going to be home. After realising the message, he gets dressed and sneaks out quickly without her waking up. After he has left the house he gets his wedding ring from his pocket and puts it on, then gets out his phone and texts his wife saying he has been held up at work and he will be home soon ending the text with I love you. Then the scene ends and the title sequence begins.

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Idea 2 – The Inevitable

This idea is based in a hospital, after being involved in an accident the victim’s parents are in the waiting room of a hospital getting ready to hear good or bad news from the doctor. Finally the doctor walks in stating that it isn’t good news and they have to say their last goodbyes. The parents begin to cry and the scene cuts to the title sequence.

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Idea 3 – Produced in CheshuntThis idea begins with a flashback to the last show reminding viewers what happened in the last episode. This web drama is based on real life showing daily events taking place in Cheshunt, ranging from gossip to drama. In the previous clip it will show the main event from the last episode which was an arguments between two characters, this leaves the viewers remembering what happened and then it will cut to the title sequence.

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Our unique selling point is the start of the web drama which will show what is going to happen within this episode, this is different from the current web dramas as they show what happened in the previous episode.

Another unique selling point is that at the end of the video it is left on a cliff hanger and the audience vote for what they want to happen next, this is nothing that any other web drama has.

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Target Audience

Our target audience will be both genders, and the ages of 15+ also it will be anyone who is interested in web drama or interested in watching dramas. The reason for this target audience is that anyone can watch this web drama and no viewers below 15 will be able to watch it.