Brainstorming Innovation & "The best way to a good idea is to have lots of ideas." - Linus Pauling

Innovation Brainstorming - University of Minnesota · thinking challenging assumptions boundary relax negative brainstorm reversal exaggeration progressive revelation laddering rolestorming

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Page 1: Innovation Brainstorming - University of Minnesota · thinking challenging assumptions boundary relax negative brainstorm reversal exaggeration progressive revelation laddering rolestorming

Brainstorming Innovation &

"The best way to a good idea is to have lots of ideas." - Linus Pauling

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Clarificationdiscovery invention innovation


“teflon”1938 - Roy Plunkett

Invention is creating something that has never existed before. Not a product, but a technology.

elemental fluorine1886 - Henri Moissan

Discovery is finding something that already exists that no one found before

non-stick pan1954 - Marc Gregoire

Innovation is the application of new ideas or the combination of existing items in a novel way. This is product design.

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Quiz!1. What is your gender?

2. What is your age?

4. List as many uses as you can for a paper clip.

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J.P. Guilford 1967

a measure of divergent thinking

Alternative Uses Test

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The best way to have a good idea is to have a

lot of ideas.-Linus Pauling

R2 =.82

total number of ideas



e id

ea s


quantity of ideas vs. creativity of ideas per subject

kudrowitz and wallace, 2010

Quantity vs. Creativity

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Improv Games

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(mednick 1962)

cyrus mccormick

mechanical reaper

Associative Theory

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Right, Posterior Superior Temporal Sulcus (PSTS)processing novel metaphors in poetry (Gorana et al 2008) novel connections between unrelated words (Mashal et al 2007) RH equivalent of Wernicke’s area - linguistic creativity (Flaherty, 2005)


Right, Anterior Superior Temporal Sulcus (ASTS)“Aha!” Experience (Jung-Beeman 2004)


Associative Theory

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HumorHumor can be dissected, as a frog can, but the thing dies in the process and the innards are discouraging to any but the pure scientific mind . –E.B. White

oh hai

Release Theory

Superiority Theory

Incongruity Theory

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Where does the general

keep his armies?

tents? army base?

In his sleevies.In an army


“armies” has two meanings

what are sleevies?

a two stage mode of joke appreciation by Jerry SulsHumor, incongruity theory of

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Association Mapping

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Biopsy Needle Finger Traplong thin tubeForm:

Association Mapping

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sometimes the most powerful ideas come from simply combining two existing ideas nobody else ever thought to unite. most inventions and breakthroughs come from reassembling existing ideas in new ways. - pink

“Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Theory of Innovation”

Crossing Products

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gutenberg’sp!nting press

Crossing Products

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Crossing Products

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Crossing Products

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Crossing Products“Someone who is relaxed, happy, in a pleasant mood, is more creative” -Donald Norman

* Dansky and Silverman 1973; Avner Ziv 1976; Dansky 1980; Isen & Daubman, 1984; Isen, 1985; Isen & Gorgoglione, 1987; Isen et al.; 1987 Sandra Russ 1993; Wright and Staw 1999; Thomas Wright 2003

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Crossing Products

Write down the name of three products


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Free Form or Intuitive Methods

Structuredor Logical Methods

Types of IdeationGROUP WRITING:





















FOrce FIt

FOcal Objects


BUnches of Bananas


Mind Mapping

Free Association

Association Mapping

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To generate LOTS of Ideas....



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problem statement

5-9 people

20-40 minutes


1 facilitator and lots of paper

Bounded Ideation Theory Reinig, B.A., R.O. Briggs, and J.F. Nunamaker, On the measurement of ideation quality. Journal of Management Information Systems, 2007. 23(4): p. 143-161.


cognitive inertiaunable to change directions





total ideas


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Draw Big and Bold


Brief Pitch



Fart DartsQuick and Clear

one idea/ page

Brainstorm Sketching

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Switch Left Brain to Silent Mode

evaluation = left braincreativity = right brain

"In short: there are no rules. And here they are."— Scott Mc Cloud, Making Comics.

people become self conscious

evaluate later

1. Defer Judgement. NO EVALUATION

transcranial magnetic stimulation


“If at !rst, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.”  ~Albert Einstein

silly ideas are good

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1. Defer Judgement. NO EVALUATION

"In short: there are no rules. And here they are."— Scott Mc Cloud, Making Comics.

2. Build on ideas

yes and


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36% more ideas!

kudrowitz and wallace, 2010

listeningmaking associationsmanipulating ideasbuilding on ideasgoing for quantitydeferring judgementencourage wild ideas

bonding playingcomforting lowering inhibitions

Improv Warm up

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zip zap zoplistening.being ready to act.

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samurailistening.being ready to act.

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word balllistening.being ready to act.

making associations

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illogical word balllistening.being ready to act.

making associations

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“Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what no one else has thought.”  -Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

look at me!manipulating an idea.

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tigers and bears

R2 =.82

total number of product ideas



e id

ea s


quantity of ideas vs. creativity of ideas per subject

kudrowitz and wallace, 2010

going for quantity. defer judgement.

bears are great


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take a hundred americans off the street and ask them to free-associate on the word “green” and forty of them will say “grass”. the more creative associations only emerge when you get to the bottom 20 percent of responses, the long tail of associations. - Johnson in “Where Good Ideas Come From”

tigers are great!

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1. Defer Judgement. NO EVALUATION

2. Build on ideas

3. Encourage wild ideas

4. Go for quantity

one idea/ page

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>1.0 ipm (pp)

5 people, 15 min = 75 ideas

ideas per minute per person

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Sorting IdeasKJ-Method, Snowball Technique, or Affinity Diagramsmulti-voting

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PDES 5701 creativity, idea generation and innovation(first 7 weeks) MW 12:50 - 3:50

PDES 5702concept sketching and rendering(second 7 weeks) MW 12:50 - 3:50

think like a designer

sketch like a designer

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Toy Product Design PLAYsentationsWednesday May 2nd 730pm Bell Museum Auditorium