Inpage ShortCut Keys

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Short Cut keys of MS-Word

Shortcut Keys of In-PageSr. No#Shortcuts KeysDescription

1Ctrl + NCreate New Blank Document

2Ctrl + OOpen Existing File

3Ctrl + SSave Current File

4Ctrl + F4Close Document Only

5Alt + Ctrl + SSave as

6Ctrl + YImport Page

7Ctrl + Alt + YExport Text Only

8Alt + F4Exit Program

9Ctrl + ZUndo (One step Only)

10Ctrl + PPrint

11Ctrl + XCut (Selected Content)

12Ctrl + CCopy (Selected Content)

13Ctrl + VPaste (Cut or copy Contents)

14Ctrl + Space BarToggle Languages

15Ctrl + ASelect All

16Del or BackspaceClear or Del Contents

17Ctrl + FFind & Replace

18Alt + InsInsert Pages

19Alt + DelDelete Pages

20F2Show Story Editor View

21Alt + F11Application Preference

22Ctrl + F11Document Preference

23F11Typographic Preference

24F5Fit in window (30% Zoom size)

25F650% Zoom size

26F7100% Zoom size

27F8200% Zoom size

28F9Snap to Guides

29Ctrl + HOpen Character Dialog-box

30Ctrl + GParagraph Preference

31Alt + Ctrl + TInsert Tabs Position

32Ctrl + TSheet Style

33Alt + 1Insert + symbol

34Alt + 2Insert - symbol

35Alt + 3Insert x symbol

36Alt + 4Insert symbol

37Alt + 5Insert = symbol

38Alt + 6Insert % symbol

39Alt + 7Insert symbol

40Alt + 8Insert / symbol

41Alt + 9Insert symbol

42Alt + 0Insert ( symbol

43Alt + -Insert ) symbol

44Alt + =Insert symbol

45Alt + >Insert ^ symbol

46Alt +